#hollow knight is so pretty
isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 183]
More hk au goes bonkers (still in the process of watching the gameplay im getting there💥)
From these screenshots in game YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH
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mintjeru · 3 months
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i've been streaming a blind playthrough of hollow knight to 2 groups of people for the past month and a half and i really wanted to share some of my favorite experiences ><
open for better quality | no reposts
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carkeyarts · 1 year
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more wings
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breadmecoshy · 6 months
Talking to Lurien in a dream
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I'm sticking with the Godseeker ending, with a number of headcanons of my own
For example, that the Dreamers were aware of themselves and their surroundings the whole time they were in the Dreaming. And they could also keep an eye on the real world through the reveries of the not yet infected bugs
So, Herrah slipped into meditation, a dream within a dream, and didn't follow the real world, as she didn't see the point of it, since she couldn't affect it in any way anyway (Herrah didn't even follow her tribe or Hornet. She was used to controlling her life and always fighting for it, so when control was taken away from her, she simply withdrew into herself, for there was no point in aimless watching)
Monomon was mostly absorbed in Quirrell's dreams, following his wanderings, and her own musings on the nature of the mortal world and the dream world. The dreams of ordinary bugs didn't bother her much (Her biggest problem was her inability to write down her ideas. After a while, she even tried scratching out words on rocks, but that was hardly possible for non-existent objects. Especially if you only had soft tentacles)
Lurien, living up to his title of Watcher, had been watching the world through the bug's dream all this time (and since the King's plan went to hell, he's been subjected to the inevitable self-digging and self-loathing for giving his life away for free for a shitty plan by a shitty ruler) He's just too damn tired and frustrated, forgive him
And, after the ending of Godseeker, the Dreamers wake up from their slumber, and try to do something about the ruins of their kingdom. Working for free again ¦D
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tenyardstowitchyard · 18 days
Monomon the Teacher 
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In her Archive, surrounded by fog and mist
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I contracted a plague again thus am just sending random doodles I've done and just haven't posted yet
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My secret (I enjoy using cat cuddling photos for references)
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roadkill-punk · 3 months
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Did this doodle of my human Herrah design awhile ago <3
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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Heard y'all liked the dresses and the happy childhood AU so
Why not both?
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littlehornedoak · 2 months
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some benches
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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More MDZS and Hollow Knight! The cool bugs I found in my backyard have started to unionize.
Part 1 - Part 3
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goodmode · 1 year
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i lov her
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xuanelle · 1 year
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Hollow Knight Scenery: [1/??]
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alecz-obssesionz · 11 months
Modern AU - ✨ Parents ✨
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Couldn't resist to draw Hollow on that shirt, Grimm's one was only the perfect combo too + they're matching outfits
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notthesaint · 8 months
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Zotey and my favorite anime protagonist of hallownest (real) imposter spooder nosk
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tenyardstowitchyard · 1 month
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I draw bugs as human...
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slimeshade · 3 months
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Back... home?
Realized that I didn't post it before so, here's my piece for the HallowHome zine!
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