#holistic approach to social
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gutenbergpr-blog · 6 months ago
The Significance of Emotional Intelligence in School Education
The impact of emotional intelligence (EI) on academic success in school education is profound, especially at the Canadian International School (CIS) in Bangalore. CIS emphasizes a holistic approach to social and emotional development through various initiatives and support systems. This includes dedicated counselors, well-being coordinators, peer mentorship programs, and student-led clubs, all designed to foster comprehensive student growth. Activities such as advisory groups and community service projects further enable students to apply and deepen their social-emotional skills in meaningful ways, ensuring they are well-equipped for both academic challenges and personal development at CIS, Bangalore.
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battleangel · 2 months ago
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Modern Dentistry = Inhumane & Unnecessary
The medical industrial complex in the US is sociopathic.
Specifically, modern dentistry.
Blind trust & faith, excessive authoritarianism, abusive practices, capitalist exploitation are all the norm.
Modern dentistry.
“I am so in shock.
I asked the receptionist — is it normal for the dentist to ‘lose an instrument’ during root canal and she immediately said, ‘Yes, its a known complication’.”
Soulless, evil, depraved.
“I was referred to a ‘very good endodontist’ to remove the file but I have to come back to the same dentist to have the crown placed.
Its the same dentist who lost his instrument during my root canal!
The dentist was also SUPER rough with the file during the root canal and HE HAD TO KEEP MY JAW IN PLACE WITH HIS HAND AS IT KEPT MOVING.”
Soulless & sociopathic.
Toxic, capitalist pigs, evil energy vampires.
Soulless sociopaths.
Ruined lives. Suicides. Early deaths. Young deaths. Ruined marriages. Ruined careers. Ruined relationships. Depression. Anxiety. Alcohol dependency. Opioid addiction. Illicit drug addiction. Binge eating. Food addiction. Eating disorders. Compulsive behaviors. Neurotic behavior. Disordered behavior.
Numbness. Lethargy. Listlessness. Emptiness. Social media addiction. Gaming addiction. Retail addiction. Shopping addiction. Sex addiction. Obsessive disorders. Panic attacks.
All caused by…
Encouraged by…
Fed by…
Worsened by…
Exacerbated by…
Catastrophized by…
Catalyzed by…
Dismissed by…
Handwaved by…
Monetized by…
Incentivized by…
Rewarded by…
Capitalist pigs.
Soulless demons.
Dentistry Business plan
1.) Cavity/Decay/Broken Teeth
•Dentist: Fillings - poorly done.
•Dentist: Crowns - improperly placed or sized.
2.) Decay/Possible Nerve Damage - Improper Fillings & Crowns
•Dentist: Unnecessary root canal
3.) Unnecessary failed root canal
•Failed root canal caused by dentist error, infection, bacteria or there was no root canal needed in the first place so periodontal ligament etc damage is done due to how invasive the procedure is.
•All root canals will eventually have to have retreatment/extraction.
•No canal is “permanent” although many dentists present root canals as “one & done” — they’re not.
4.) Retreatment or Referral - 2nd Root Canal
•Retreatment: Dentist does a second root canal after fucking up the first one.
•Referral: Dentist refers patient to an Endodontist, a specialist who specializes in root canals. Given theres already been a failed root canal, chances are high the second root canal will fail as well.
5.) Extraction
•Dentist: Tooth extraction - all of that to just remove the tooth anyway - after thousands has been spent, trauma done to jaw, gums, mouth, teeth, bleeding, pain, etc.
6.) Implant
•Dentist: Implants to replace tooth that was extracted after multiple failed root canals.
7.) Wash, rinse, repeat
•Wash rinse repeat with up to a dozen or more teeth — check reddit for patient stories detailing multiple root canals, infections, drill bits being left in patients teeth, retreatments, extractions & implants being done with all molars, entire side of someones mouth, etc.
They want you broke, broken down & in pain.
It makes them money.
The ADA (American Dental Association) forced Netflix & Amazon Prime to remove the “Root Cause” documentary.
God forbid someone tells the truth & fucks up their racket.
I feel sick over how fucking evil this capitalist society is.
How many millions have been harmed, injured, killed, paralyzed, incapacitated, destroyed, ruined.
All for money.
So fucking cold.
Neuralgia Induced Cavitational Osteonecrosis (NICO) & & Fatty Degenerative Osteonecrosis of the Jawbone (FDOJ) are the cavitations at the apex of root canaled teeth and areas of jaw of previously root canaled teeth that were then extracted.
NICO/FDOJ are hollow dead spaces in jawbones where the bone marrow is dying or dead.
The cause of NICO/FDOJ is avascular osteonecrosis.
NICO/FDOJ is largely neglected in mainstream dentistry because it cant be detected by conventional 2D imagery.
Per a study, patients with NICO/FDOJ lesions — caused by root canaled teeth and by extracted teeth after root canals — had the following symptoms:
•Facial pain
•Trigeminal neuralgia
•joint aches
•rheumatoid arthritis
•chronic fatigue syndrome
•breast cancer
•autoimmune diseases
•multiple sclerosis
•Parkinsons disease
The study also concluded that NICO/FDOJ lesion sites contribute to a permanent increase in RANTES/fibroblast growth factor-2 — RANTES is a chemokine that helps coordinate the bodys immune response & defects in RANTES leads to compromised immunity & more severe infections & acute diseases — fibroblast growth factor-2 stimulated the growth & development of new blood vessels that contribute to cancer, arthersclerosis & other potentially fatal diseases.
A permanent increase in RANTES:FGF-2 expression in NICO/FDOJ lesion sites can exert negative impacts on joint inflammation, central nervous system inflammation & breast tissue.
Chemokine overexpression in the jawbone connected to root canaled teeth appears to be a danger for immune system preservation which is critical to maintaining a balanced immune system & preventing multiple systemic and often fatal diseases. Improper wound healing in previous extraction sites & underneath root canaled teeth provoked immune system modulation which prevents the bodys natural immune system from properly responding to serious & often fatal diseases.
I am completely unnerved by how fucking soulless & evil this capitalist society is.
I feel like vomiting.
“I was told the root canal would be painless due to novacaine.
But it wasnt!
The dentist cotinuously had to stop to give me another novacaine shot.
The dentist even had to shoot the anesthetic directly into the nerve.
I was in pain before I even walked out of the dentist office. Significant pain.
I was told, “Take advil”.’
Sociopaths. Hurting people. For fucking money. And lying about it.
Dentistry does what the NFL does with head impacts.
Its “quack dentistry that was discredited 100 years ago” if you point out the truth about NICO lesions.
“I was in significant pain even a month after the root canal so I finally went back into my dentist.
I was given amoxicillin for 10 days.
Pain was still severe so I was told it was most likely caused by a crack and getting a crown would help.
Crown appointment was a nightmare!!!
I felt pain throughout the ENTIRE procedure and kept having to make the dentist stop to give me another shot of novacaine.
It was so much worse than the root canal.
I went home & sobbed myself to sleep.
The pain was absolutely excruciating.
I was again given antibiotics and told to give the pain 10 days.
Once again, the amoxicillin did nothing.
Permanent crown didnt help.
I am in pain every day.
Xrays were normal.
Dentist told me to go to a specialist or he can extract the tooth for me.
I have Medicaid and dont have money for either.
Its been a year of torturous hell.
I cant chew food on my left side which has caused endless issues on my right side.
I am terrified, afraid, scared, anxious, numb, deflated & defeated.
I could chew on the tooth before the root canal — I cant chew anything after.
I am in endless pain.”
All this needless torture being caused JUST for money.
Dentist on reddit:
“Every filling ever will need to be replaced.
Every root canal ever will eventually fail.
Thats just dentistry.”
Theyre so nonchalant in their soulless sociopathy.
Soulless sociopaths:
•Dentistry industrial complex
•Oncological/cancer industrial complex
•OTC medication industrial complex
•Pharmaceutical industrial complex
•Psychiatric industrial complex
•Rheumatological industrial complex
•Hematological industrial complex
•Neurological industrial complex
•Gynecological industrial complex
•Snack industrial complex
•Soda industrial complex
•Fast food industrial complex
•Chain restaurant industrial complex
•Alcohol industrial complex
•Frozen food industrial complex
Soulless evil capitalist sociopathic fucks.
“I am living in terror.
I was told the root canal would be a permanent fix.
Now, I need a retreatment — a second root canal.
The first time was so bad — to need a second one is a thousand times worse.
I am absolutely devastated.”
“I need multiple root canal retreatments.
Im besides myself.
I was told the root canal was a done deal!
I am breaking down every single day in tears.”
Soulless sociopathic fucks.
“I am living in root canal retreatment absolute terror.
I barely made it through my first root canal.
I was weeping afterwards in the sitting room.
I barely lasted the two hour procedure & completely broke down the moment it was over.
I actually had to beg the dentist to stop during the root canal so I could compose myself while I had a panic attack.
My anxiety leading up to the retreatment is absolutely crippling.
I dont know how or if I will make it through a second root canal.”
Pure evil.
“I couldnt breathe through my nose.
I couldnt swallow with the dental dam on.
I had a panic attack and sobbed.
The dentist wouldnt give me a break.
It was a living actual literal nightmare.
For two hours, I suffered.
I wanted to interrupt the dentist or beg him to stop.
But I was too hesitant to.
So, I sat & suffered in absolute terror & dread for two hours.”
How can you do this to human beings?
Knowing theres another option.
Knowing theres holistic, biologic, biomimetic dentistry that is naturopathic not allopathic.
Knowing there are alternative treatments like oxidization & better imaging like 3D cone rays.
How can dentists be so endlessly cruel?
ADA’s own blog refers to the problem as “creative diagnoses”.
Dentists make no money from cleanings so they FIND problems where they dont exist.
Its also called, Fill bill & drill.
My dentist tried to do this to me yesterday & very casually said I needed a “root canal & crown”.
I am 43 — aside from a few cavities that were filled & impacted wisdom teeth removed at 19 — I have never had any other work done.
My dentist dismissed my concerns, briefly pointed towards my Xray, said that a previous cavity I had filled was approaching the nerve.
Root canal & crown end of story.
No, I dont think so — I have already stopped taking prescription medication for arthritis and instead use CBD cream, heat pads, yoga, walking.
I self regulate my emotions through shadow work, somatic work, subconscious work, breathwork, energy work, reiki, movement, journalling, art, being in nature, etc.
I dont take any OTC medications but sometimes have debilitating pressure headaches that cause sensitivity to light & noise & sinus pain. I turn off all lights, I always have a completely silent environment during the day all week inside my apartment, I get off my phone & Macbook, I go for a walk, spend time in nature, do yoga, make herbal tea, drink water.
If I feel like I have a cold, I take organic cough drops, eat hot broth, rest, walk outside, herbal tea, lots of water. I dont take any OTC medication.
When my period cramps & lower back hurt, I drink tea & water & use heat packs. I dont take OTC medication.
I questioned why my teeth would be any different and was pleasantly surprised to see that holistic dentists exist that shared my disgust over root canals and the state of dentistry and the rest of the western medical industrial complex.
I found an Usui reiki master, holistic dentist with her PhD from Rutgers who is also a tarot card reader that focused on minimizing sugar intake & dietary changes - diet & lifestyle, brushing flossing mouth guards if grinding is an issue pulling oil - maintaining dental health as well as regular check ups - preventative proactiveness.
She also utilizes 3D cone xrays, not limited 2D & does alternative treatments like oxidization and her stated goal on her website is for patients to realize they have the power to heal themselves and she only assists when absolutely medically necessary and takes a minimal approach to any kind of interventions.
The opposite of “modern dentistry” and the modern medical industrial complex that feeds itself off of pain, misery, lies & death.
“The reason I have to go back for a second root canal is there was a broken instrument left inside the tooth during the first root canal.
I am depressed & filled with terror.”
They make money torturing people & lying to them & accusing anyone who exposes them of “fake science” & “quack dentistry”.
Dental drills;
•800k rpm = 13k HZ
•Limit of human hearing is 20k HZ.
Theres NOTHING normal about dental drilling aka TORTURE.
Theres a reason even just the SOUND of a drill sets you on edge & frays your nerves.
Its DESIGNED to do that or it wouldnt be approaching the fucking limits of literal human hearing.
Its supposed to be torturous & unnerving & it absolutely is.
Novacaine does NOTHING to “numb” the sound of the drilling…
You are brainwashed as an American in our capitalist hellhole to accept this torture unquestioningly from childhood because dentists are authoritative figures & questioning them equates to questioning “science” which is never allowed as they get away with hurting people for money by weaponizing empiricism and accusing anyone who exposes them of “quack science”.
Crowns are also fucking awful.
I was told blithely & fucking dismissively yesterday that I “had” to get a root canal & a crown.
Mind you, I was in absolutely zero pain before the appointment.
After an extremely aggressive cleaning with painful scraping, my teeth were sensitive as fuck.
All the receptionists fearmongered the hell out of me.
Its $1700 for the fucking root canal & crown so its like fuck no, you cant “go ahead & make the appointment”.
All four receptionists then told me I may not be in pain now but now that I know I need a root canal, my mind will start to play tricks on me, not to wait until the pain kicks in because it will be unbearable & I will wish I had listened & made the appointment.
No, fuck off. I know what you’re doing. Trying to scare me & rush me into scheduling this.
And no, fuck right off with it. I am going to research this then make a decision.
Despite your best attempts to terrify me into “booking now!”.
Fucking used car salesmen.
“I had a crown done two weeks ago from a large old filling.
I had no pain prior to the crown & Xrays showed zero infection.
Two weeks of wearing temp crowns were pure agonizing hell on earth.
I ate pain meds like candy. Couldnt chew on my right side at all.
I just had my crown seated & it was absolutely agonizing.
I had to beg to be numbed just so the dentist could finish the procedure.
I bled a lot with the local anesthesia.”
They keep your jaw wide open for 2 full hours during root canal, no breaks.
Redditors are saying their jaws locked, endlessly spasmed.
Then the dentist acts like youre crazy if you ask for a break.
Thats the gag.
God man this is so fucking dark.
Completely fucking inhumane.
Root canals also cause serious & often irrevocable harm to periodontal ligaments.
I was warned of exactly NONE of this yesterday because they just wanted my fucking money.
Worst story on Reddit:
This woman on reddit had NO pain or discomfort. She was told she needed 4 root canals. Second root canal, she couldnt chew or close her mouth for five days AND HAD TO SLEEP WITH A SOCK IN HER MOUTH so as to not bite down in her sleep or cause pressure.
Weeks later, she was still unable to chew or close her mouth all the way after root canal & crown placement. She wore a splint for two weeks, absolutely zero relief. She is unable to bite down or close her mouth all the way without debilitating agonizing pain.
For two months! She has been unable to chew food on the left side or close her mouth all the way.
Dentist ordered Xrays & there are zero signs of infection — she is STILL being told to do yet ANOTHER root canal!
When do we question authority as brainwashed capitalist lemmings indoctrinated in the K through 12 conditioning centers?
When is enough enough?
They are torturers!
Above Redditor in comment to her own post:
“How do I not offend my dentist? I dont want to seem like I am telling someone how to do their job & suggest I dont need the root canal redone but I dont have another $1200 to pay out of pocket.
I hate to be difficult & I rarely complain but this has sincerely been the most trying ordeal of my life.
The anxious child inside of me feels like I am being s bother and I am literally one of thousands of pateintd my dentist has and I am afraid to speak up.”
A lifetime of subliminal brainwashing, conditioning, indoctrination, unquestioning obedience to authority.
Root canals can also lead to infections that eat the bone away. Necessitating oral surgery and a bone graft for missing bone.
Bone infection from root canal can lead to osteomyelitis which is an infection that can spread to your brain and be fatal.
Yet all my dentist told me yesterday is: Going to drill — yes or no, has decay reached nerve — If so, then have to do a root canal, place crown — Will book it for root canal just in case.
Motherfuck you.
Bone infections are actually quite common after a root canal. Bacteria moves in from the apex (end of the root) left behind after a root canal and that bacteria then grows and eats away at the bone.
This world is insane.
Somehow, all of this is “normal” and people make “jokes” about scheduling root canals on vacation & root canals being a picnic & walk in the park.
Youre being lied to & tortured — what the fuck is “funny”?
After root canals, many people report excruciating sinus pain & infections, migraines, constant headaches, jaw pain, facial swelling & pain after root canals.
Whats an alternative?
Holistic, biologic, biomemetic, naturopathic dentistry.
Get into it babes.
As I already stated — 3D conal Xray vs limited 2D Xray that traditional allodentists use — full picture of tooth, nerve, decay, gums, etc.
Holistic integrative evaluation of you as a person NOT just your teeth — many diseases can mimic or mirror symptoms for periodontal issues so a thorough thinking approach is required.
Diet suggestions to minimize sugar intake in beverages, soda, juice, candy, sweet treats, baked goods, dessert. Lifestyle changes to emphasize exercise, daily movement & overall health — NOT just your teeth.
Maintenance suggestions to ensure daily brushing, flossing, pulling oil, mouthwash, mouthguards for teeth grinding are consistently being done.
Preventative measures scheduling patients for regular checkups to take a proactive approach to monitoring their teeth & overall health.
Bit different then scrape, floss, fluoride, Xrays, bill for something — crowns, fillings, root canals, veneers, deep cleaning, something anything.
Dentists cause all this suffering on purpose just for money…
You think the ADA doesnt have the info that Ive pulled up just from yesterday?
Why did they force Netflix to pull the documentary?
Fucking please.
It would have fucked up their business model.
What does a dentist have to say about the NICO lesions I mentioned earlier?
Something something quack dentistry pseudoscience.
Whatever you have to say to keep torturing people.
What a dystopian hell hole this place — reality — “existence” — modern society is.
Dentistry is Inhuman. Inhumane. Insane. Sickening.
Why didnt our ancestors get tortured endlessly by dentists???????
“Sudanese people 2k years ago prevented cavities by eating purple nutsedge plant.”
High sugar modern diets is what necessitates brushing & flossing — our ancestors did NOT do that.
As always, in capitalism, profits over people
“Fewer than 1% of Sudanese teeth from 2k years ago studied by anthropologists had any signs of tooth decay.
Egyptians developed first toothbrush in 3000 BCE which was a frayed twig.
Early humans are low carb paleo diets and anthropological studies reveal almost no plaque or tooth decay from only utilizing plants and twigs.
What changed?
Our modern diets are overly processed, high in sugar which creates acid in the mouth and erodes teeth, low nutritional value, acidic carbonated drinks like soda which demineralizes teeth & erodes enamel as does candy and other sweets, baked goods and desserts contain sugars and starches that create acids that attack the enamel of your teeth.
Ancient humans ate mostly fibrous, low carb, high nutrient, paleo diets — beneficial for teeth & digestion.
Fiber contains properties that naturally fight bacteria & prevent plaque from forming on teeth.
High nutrients & minerals kept their teeth & gums strong & helped immune system fight off infections.”
Dont get a fucking root canal!
Stop going to traditional dentists!
Go to a holistic, biologic & biomemetic naturopathic dentist!
Save yourself from the above misery, pain & totally & completely unnecessary torture!
Look it up yourself.
And stop blindly believing…anyone.
Much less “medical professionals” financially incentivized to fucking HURT YOU for PROFIT.
Wake the fuck up.
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evamacdesigns · 9 months ago
"We love because God first loved us." 1 John 4:19 🕊️🙏🏾
Being loved by you is a fairytale come true. You go above and beyond to make me feel like a princess. With all my heart, with every breath I take, I will love you forever. 🫶🏾💞

#engaged #soulmates #God #lovequotes #marriage #love #bestfriend #soulties #highschoolsweethearts #inlove #jesuschrist #godisgood #christian #jesuslovesyou #jesus #faith #godislove #evamacdesigns #loveu #loveyou #lovehim #loveher #ourlove #couple #couplegoals #relationships #romantisize #romantic
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drashfaqhealth · 7 months ago
محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ: اہم ہومیوپیتھک ادویات
New Post has been published on https://drashfaq.com/dr-ashfaq-tips/mind-tips/1278/
محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ: اہم ہومیوپیتھک ادویات
محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے لئے اہم ہومیوپیتھک ادویات
محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ ایک ایسی ذہنی حالت ہے جس میں فرد دوسروں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنے یا اجتماعی سرگرمیوں میں حصہ لینے سے کتراتا ہے۔ اس حالت میں مبتلا افراد عموماً تنہائی پسند ہوتے ہیں اور محفلوں یا میل جول کی صورت میں بے چینی یا پریشانی محسوس کرتے ہیں۔ ہومیوپیتھک علاج اس حالت کے پیچھے موجود ذہنی وجوہات کو سمجھنے اور انہیں دور کرنے میں مددگار ثابت ہو سکتا ہے۔ اینکارڈیم اینکارڈیم ایک معروف ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کی حالت میں بے حد مفید ہے۔ یہ دوا انفراد کی ذہنی سکون بحال کرتی ہے اور انہیں دوسروں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنے میں مدد دیتی ہے۔ اینکارڈیم خاص طور پر ان افراد کے لیے مفید ہے جو شدید ذہنی دباؤ یا اضطراب کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ باریٹا کارب باریٹا کارب ایک اور مؤثر ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ یہ دوا انفراد کی ذہنی حالت کو بہتر بناتی ہے اور انہیں دوسروں کے ساتھ میل جول کرنے میں مدد دیتی ہے۔ باریٹا کارب خاص طور پر ان افراد کے لیے مفید ہے جو ذہنی دباؤ اور عدم تحفظ کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ کاربو اینیم کاربو اینیم ایک ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے بے حد مفید ہے۔ یہ دوا انفراد کی ذہنی سکون بحال کرتی ہے اور انہیں دوسروں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنے میں مدد دیتی ہے۔ کاربو اینیم خاص طور پر ان افراد کے لیے مفید ہے جو شدید ذہنی دباؤ اور اضطراب کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ سیکوٹا سیکوٹا ایک معروف ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ یہ دوا انفراد کی ذہنی سکون بحال کرتی ہے اور انہیں دوسروں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنے میں مدد دیتی ہے۔ سیکوٹا خاص طور پر ان افراد کے لیے مفید ہے جو شدید ذہنی دباؤ اور اضطراب کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ جلسیمیم جلسیمیم ایک ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے بے حد مفید ہے۔ یہ دوا انفراد کی ذہنی سکون بحال کرتی ہے اور انہیں دوسروں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنے میں مدد دیتی ہے۔ جلسیمیم خاص طور پر ان افراد کے لیے مفید ہے جو شدید ذہنی دباؤ اور اضطراب کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ نیٹریوم میور نیٹریوم میور ایک معروف ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ یہ دوا انفراد کی ذہنی سکون بحال کرتی ہے اور انہیں دوسروں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنے میں مدد دیتی ہے۔ نیٹریوم میور خاص طور پر ان افراد کے لیے مفید ہے جو شدید ذہنی دباؤ اور اضطراب کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ متعلقہ علاج اینکارڈیم اینکارڈیم ایک معروف ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کی حالت میں بے حد مفید ہے۔ باریٹا کارب باریٹا کارب ایک اور مؤثر ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ کاربو اینیم کاربو اینیم ایک ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے بے حد مفید ہے۔ سیکوٹا سیکوٹا ایک معروف ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ جلسیمیم جلسیمیم ایک ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے بے حد مفید ہے۔ نیٹریوم میور نیٹریوم میور ایک معروف ہومیوپیتھک دوا ہے جو محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ان علاج کا استعمال کیسے کریں ہومیوپیتھک علاج کا استعمال کسی اہل معالج کے رہنمائی میں کرنا چاہیے۔ ہر علاج کی خوراک اور تعدد انفرادی علامات اور مجموعی صحت کی بنیاد پر مختلف ہو سکتی ہے۔ مناسب علاج کا منصوبہ طے کرنے کے لیے ہومیوپیتھ سے مشورہ کرنا ضروری ہے۔ نتیجہ محفل اور صحبت سے اکتاہٹ ایک ذہنی حالت ہے جو انفرادی اور اجتماعی تعلقات میں پریشانی کا باعث بن سکتی ہے۔ ہومیوپیتھک علاج جیسے اینکارڈیم، باریٹا کارب، کاربو اینیم، سیکوٹا، جلسیمیم، اور نیٹریوم میور انفرادی حالتوں کو بہتر بناتے ہیں اور مریضوں کو سکون فراہم کرتے ہیں۔ ان علاج کے استعمالات اور فوائد کو سمجھ کر، مریض راحت پا سکتے ہیں اور اپنی ذہنی حالت کو بہتر بنا سکتے ہیں۔
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harolddigo · 1 month ago
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hypnotistaza · 3 months ago
Not About the Money—Just Here to Help Through Meditation
I was chatting with another holistic practitioner recently, and we got on the topic of our meditations and how fewer and fewer people are showing up these days. He thinks it’s because of some “evil eye” from a rival practitioner in his area, but I see it a bit differently. Around here, it feels like fewer people are attending any events, holistic or otherwise—and honestly, I can’t blame them. It’s tough to justify spending $40, $30, or even $20 on an event when rent, groceries, and basic needs come first. I get that, and it makes it hard for me to expect people to show up.
To be real, I didn’t start doing this for the money. Would I love to make it my full-time gig? Absolutely. But that’s never been my main focus. Sometimes, it’s frustrating when people ask if this is going to lead to me leaving my day job—like not everything has to be about the money, you know? I just want to help people. When I think about my best or most successful sessions, I don’t think about how much I made. I think about the person who connected with her late wife for closure, the guy who realized his biggest obstacle was himself, or the person who got to experience a past life and spend time with his kids from that life.
Lately, though, I’ve felt pretty disconnected from social media, networking, “the hustle,” and just the state of the world in general. I help people connect with the earth, and in doing that, I connect with it, too—and let's be real, the earth is hurting. Wildfires, record heat, intense hurricanes... it’s hard not to feel it, you know?
Anyway, I’m sorry I haven’t been more active lately. I’m reaching out now hoping to connect with some like-minded people. Like I said, I’m not in this for the money—I’m in it to help. I’ve seen firsthand how powerful these hypnotic meditations can be and the incredible impact of the unconscious mind.
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seoemea · 8 months ago
Connected marketing, also sometimes referred to as interconnected or holistic marketing, is a strategy that aims to create a unified customer experience across all touchpoints. In simpler terms, it's about connecting with your audience in a consistent way, no matter how they interact with your brand.
Here are some key aspects of connected marketing:
Data-Driven Approach: It leverages customer data to understand their preferences and behavior across different channels. This allows for targeted messaging and personalized experiences.
Omnichannel Marketing: Connected marketing uses a variety of channels, both online and offline, to reach customers. This could include social media, email marketing, website content, physical stores, and even events.
Customer Journey Focus: It focuses on the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to purchase and beyond. This ensures a consistent brand message and experience at every touchpoint.
Technology Integration: Marketing technology (MarTech) tools play a crucial role in collecting data, managing campaigns, and automating tasks. This allows for a more efficient and effective marketing approach.
Benefits of Connected Marketing:
Improved Customer Experience: Customers appreciate a consistent and personalized experience across all channels. This builds trust and loyalty.
Increased Engagement: By using a variety of channels and tailoring messages to specific audiences, connected marketing can increase customer engagement.
Better ROI: Connecting with the right audience at the right time can lead to a higher return on investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns.
Data-Driven Decision Making: By collecting and analyzing customer data, marketers can make data-driven decisions that improve campaign performance.
Here's an analogy to illustrate connected marketing: Imagine you're planning a road trip. A disconnected approach would be picking random roads without a clear destination. Connected marketing is like having a map and route planned out, considering rest stops, gas stations, and points of interest along the way to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for everyone in the car.
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publicmediasolutionpr · 8 months ago
Targeted Advertising: Reaching the Right Audience at the Right Time, Cost, and Approach
Discover the Excellence of Public Media Solution: Pune's Premier Advertising Agency
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Public Media Solution has a team of highly reliable and skilled professionals. Every one of our employees, across all departments, has significant experience in marketing, sales, and advertising. Our team thrives on brainstorming and generating ideas that are anything but cliché. The methods we use, the content we create, and the concepts we develop are all distinctive and innovative.
We firmly believe that the market you operate in is a crucial factor in how you advertise your business. Our team carries out detailed market research to enhance the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. 
Instead of advertising more, our team believes in advertising smart. We would never encourage you to place your ads on every media platform for more reach. Instead, our experts will help you strategically choose the best platforms and the best time to show your ads to your target audience.
Partner with us to ensure your brand is advertised to the right people, at the right time, at the right cost, and in the right way.
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thetinyconnection · 10 months ago
Tiny Connection LLC
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Website: https://www.thetinyconnection.com
Address: Downtown San Bruno, California 94066, United States
Tiny Connection LLC in Downtown San Bruno offers a holistic educational environment for children to grow in all aspects of their development—physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. With a focus on the Whole Child Approach, our programs include themed parties, private playtime, classes, and more, all designed to foster independence, cooperation, and creative exploration. We emphasize play-based learning and practical skills like language development, mathematics, science exploration, and art expression to prepare children to reach their full potential in a supportive and safe setting.
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lovelydoveltd · 1 year ago
"Transform your life with our immersive workshops! 🌟 Explore mindfulness, project management, and more to elevate your skills. Empower your personal and professional journey with expert-led Virtual Workshops. Ready to level up? Enroll today for a brighter future! 🚀💼 #SkillDevelopment #ProfessionalGrowth #WorkshopTraining #EmpowerYourself"
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year ago
The Crucial Need for Indigenous Health Care: Honouring Cultural Identity and Overcoming Disparities
Shaina Tranquilino
October 5, 2023
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Indigenous communities around the world have rich cultural traditions spanning thousands of years. Yet, these communities often face significant health disparities compared to non-Indigenous populations. Addressing this imbalance requires recognizing the importance of Indigenous health care, not only as a means to improve well-being but also as a way to honour their unique cultural identity. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Indigenous health care and highlight the steps necessary to bridge the gap in healthcare access and outcomes.
Preserving Cultural Identity:
Indigenous people possess distinct knowledge systems regarding wellness, healing practices, and medicinal plants that are deeply rooted in their culture and ancestral wisdom. By incorporating traditional healing methods into mainstream healthcare services, we can foster an environment that respects and preserves their cultural identity. This integration enables Indigenous individuals to feel more comfortable seeking medical assistance while ensuring their treatment aligns with their beliefs and values.
Holistic Approach:
Indigenous health care emphasizes holistic approaches to well-being, considering physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects as interconnected elements of one's overall health. Traditional healers or medicine people play a vital role in delivering culturally appropriate care by addressing not only symptoms but also underlying causes of illnesses. Incorporating these holistic approaches into mainstream healthcare can enhance patient-centred care models for all populations.
Overcoming Health Disparities:
Health disparities faced by Indigenous communities are multifaceted, stemming from historical trauma, social determinants of health, limited access to quality healthcare facilities, discrimination within the healthcare system, and inadequate funding for Indigenous-specific programs. Recognizing these barriers is crucial in designing policies and interventions aimed at reducing such inequities.
Culturally Competent Healthcare Providers:
To deliver effective Indigenous health care, it is essential to train healthcare providers on culturally competent practices. Culturally competent care acknowledges diverse perspectives and ensures patients' cultural beliefs and practices are respected. By fostering empathy, understanding, and inclusivity among healthcare professionals, we can cultivate an environment where Indigenous patients feel comfortable seeking care and have their unique needs met.
Collaboration and Community Engagement:
Engaging Indigenous communities in the decision-making process regarding their own health is paramount. Collaboration between governments, local authorities, healthcare providers, researchers, and Indigenous leaders can help identify community-specific health challenges and develop tailored interventions. Active involvement of Indigenous peoples in designing healthcare policies ensures that solutions are culturally appropriate and sustainable.
Investing in Infrastructure:
Improving infrastructure within Indigenous communities is essential to enhance access to quality healthcare services. This includes increasing the number of clinics, hospitals, and healthcare professionals within these areas while prioritizing culturally sensitive environments that respect traditional healing practices. Additionally, improving transportation systems and telehealth initiatives can bridge geographical barriers faced by remote communities.
Recognizing the importance of Indigenous healthcare goes beyond addressing disparities; it is about honouring diverse cultures, preserving ancestral knowledge, and ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare for all. By valuing holistic approaches to well-being, investing in infrastructure development, promoting cultural competence among healthcare providers, and engaging with Indigenous communities directly, we can take significant strides towards achieving health equity for Indigenous populations worldwide. Only through collective efforts can we forge a path towards a future where every individual's right to good health is upheld without compromising their cultural identity.
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gutenbergpr-blog · 6 months ago
Decoding the Future of Public Relations: How to Adapt and Win in 2024 Explore the top trends and tactics shaping the future of Public Relations in 2024. Understand how to stay agile and relevant in a constantly evolving media environment. From the rise of TikTok to the dominance of voice search, find out how PR professionals can thrive by embracing change and authenticity. Learn more: Decoding the Future of Public Relations
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healingwgabs · 1 year ago
I wish everyone was educated on the biopsychosocial model as well as the diathesis-stress model when discussing the topic of anything mental health-related
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evamacdesigns · 9 months ago
Your life is your story – it's time to write the next chapter. 🫶🏾🦋💅
#evamacdesigns #goddess #god #feminineenergy #growthmindset #christian #psychology #pinkpinkpink #graphicdesigner #womanowned #ceo #virtualassistant #blackgirlaesthetic #womenempowerment #aesthetic #neurodivergent #socialmediamanager #girlpower #womanhood #godlywoman #girlboss #spirituality #selfgrowth #mentalhealth #bossbabe #boss #wellness
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spaceman---29 · 1 month ago
Men's antagonism toward women's self defense strategies reflects their discomfort with female empowerment. When women take measures to protect themselves, such as carrying weapons or walking with dogs, some men attempt to undermine their efforts, which reveals a desire to maintain control over women by keeping them vulnerable. Radical feminist critiques of sex work focus on the broader systemic forces that push women into the industry, rather than simply protecting workers. They argue that by targeting the demand for sex work and providing resources to exit, feminists can dismantle the structures that exploit women. Radical feminists often criticize the liberal feminist approach to sex work for not addressing the root causes of exploitation. While criminalizing sex work without further support systems can harm workers, radical feminists argue for a broader restructuring of society to provide alternatives. By focusing on creating safe exits from the sex industry, they emphasize the importance of long-term solutions that protect women from exploitation while challenging the economic systems that perpetuate it. Many radical feminists express exhaustion with online activism, feeling that it lacks the power to effect real change. While digital spaces have provided a platform for feminist ideas, they can also become echo chambers where meaningful action is sidelined. The call to move from online discourse to real-world organizing reflects a desire for more tangible, collective action that can challenge oppressive systems and create lasting social change. The transactional nature of transgender healthcare raises ethical concerns. The ease with which some can access hormones or surgery, without deep psychological evaluation, reflects a healthcare system that often prioritizes efficiency over thoroughness. While access to healthcare is vital, the lack of comprehensive mental health screenings can leave individuals unprepared for the emotional and psychological challenges of transitioning, ultimately failing to offer truly holistic care. Lets tring through a scary room and see if we find any drippulous vaginas along the way.Nothing good ever comes from slop with drabbley Shadow. Why would you trip over a chicken like that in the middle of rat's squibulous burgers?
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turiyatitta · 2 years ago
The Integral Journey
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