#history repeats itself au
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 9 months ago
Little Jacob Hopkins AU portrait.
Yes, this is "Bad girl coven" shirt, THIS IS AN AU DON'T BEAT ME WITH THE CHANKLA-
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I do not think I am going to write a lot about this AU just under some portrait. Maybe when I'll have some story related sketches, I will be able to tell something worth reading.
But the basic premise is that Jacob gets onto the Boiling Isles a little bit earlier than Luz and shenanigans happen.
The "History repeats itself" AU belongs to me.
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sunny6677 · 8 months ago
So AU idea I had—
An AU simply called 'History Repeats Itself" where the spooky month kids grow up into adults and become exactly like the previous adult characters
Skid grows up, and becomes kinda like Lila
Pump grows up, and becomes exactly like Jaune (well not really, he just goes out to help Skid look for his kid in the episode that parallels to Tender Treats and etc etc) or Mr Wonder
Roy grows up and unfortunately becomes like Carmen
Ross grows up and becomes like Jaune 2.0 I guess considering thats his mom???
Robert grows up and either becomes like John or Radford
Susie grows up and becomes like Patty, or becomes like one of her parents
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dellyduck · 2 years ago
about your history repeats itself au is it out and readable
This AU isn't mine, actually, HRI's idea and Next Gen characters all belong to @sophfandoms53. She's my friend and we work together in some parts of the AU, but the story is still hers.
And at the moments, I'm afraid the story isn't published anywhere.
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intistone · 4 months ago
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….you think he’d be happy to see himself all-powerful….right?
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bloggerspam · 2 months ago
A Christmas Carol AU
Inspired by a prompt found in the @haunting-heroes-creative-games :) (i.e. back on my shit again)
When a 15 year old Jason, pissed at Bruce for taking Robin away from him, finds his birth certificate he realizes Catherine Todd is not his real mother.
Just as he resolves to go out and search for his birth mother, Jason finds himself accosted by three ghosts in his room, talking about A Christmas Carol of all things.
"So, what? We're gonna Christmas Carol him?"
Dan scoffs, crossing his bulky arms with an unimpressed look. "We hated that movie."
"I didn't." Dani chirps, disturbingly cheery, "I didn't see it!"
"We hate Christmas," Danny corrects, "But the movie was alright, and the logic is sound."
"I don't hate Christmas," Dani once again interjects cheerily, "I've never participated!"
"Sound my ass," Dan growls over her, throwing his hands up. "We don't even know this guy!"
"Minor detail." Danny insists, "Tuck can look him up."
"He's a fucking Bat, Danny." Dan scrunches up his face, pinching the bridge of his nose just like Vlad does when he's disgruntled with any of Dad's shenanigans.
"He's a Robin, actually." Dani pipes in, "And he's just a kid. How hard is it gonna be to pretend to be this kid's Ghosts?"
"You're a kid," Dan reminds her, crossing his arms, "And you didn't believe me when I told you sticking a fork in the outlet would shock you."
"I believed you," Dani sniffs haughtily, crossing her arms and pointing her nose up with a snooty voice, "The warning simply did not deter me from doing it anyway."
"We don't have to convince him we're his Ghosts, or even that we knew him before," Danny reasons, needling, "We just have to convince him that we're…"
He hums, pointing at Dani. "Past."
He points at himself, "Present."
He points at Dan, "Future."
Dani does a little cheer, arms up and twirling into the air before landing with her legs over Dan's shoulders, hands and head settling atop Dan's fiery, but harmless, hair. It flickers, before going limp into long white strands that Dani messes up by gently scrunching up the strands and running her fingers through them.
Dan lets her, huffing and looking weirdly like a downtrodden, wet cat. "Why am I future?"
"Because." Danny doesn't continue, because he knows it makes Dan annoyed. True to form, his scowl gets worse, like sucking on a lemon. They all know why anyway.
Dani grins, triumphant and knowing, letting her voice go real deep, "The future," she intones into Dan's hair, "is here."
"The future is now," Danny corrects her, but doesn't lose his smile, floating up to tuck a strand of her hair back behind her ear.
"The future is already here," Dan mumbles his correction, or is it a follow-up? "It's just not evenly distributed."
"How about you distribute some of those muscles, Gibson," Danny sighs, shaking his head "Waiting for puberty is such a drag, and we both know you didn't get the mass from Vlad's side of the family."
Dan makes a moue of disgust, but it serves him right. The consequences of his own actions, and whatnot. He looks up at Dani, who simply shrugs. "I think you'll do great." She leans down to give him two pats on the arm.
"So how's acting out A Christmas Carol gonna help us stop this Jason guy from blowing up?" Dani fiddles with Dan's hair, tongue poking out as she attempts a braid, "Will he even see us? Ghosts in this dimension taste funny."
"He'll be able to see us, it's magically rich enough for some ghosts to maintain a semblance of themselves," Danny explains for the third time. Dani and Dan hum at different pitches, and even though Danny is the common denominator he kind of hates that Vlad has more of a lasting impression on them. "The ectoplasm here is scarce and mostly corrupted, though, so it's rare."
"So there's lotsa bad ghosts here?" Dani eyes the messy braid she's made, proud, even as Dan's silky hair immediately causes it to fall apart, "Or 'mentally unsound' or whatever Frostbite called it."
"No," Dan grumbles, annoyed and indulging all at once, "Corruption begets ecto-rot, but the scarcity means they're not strong enough to actually retain their sense of self enough to rot."
"Shades," Danny explains when Dani looks even more confused, "There's lots of shades."
"Is this one of the Olympian dimensions?" Dani groans, flopping over Dan's shoulder as he sits down on the sofa, "I love Pandora and all, but if I see Zeus again I'm gonna lose it."
"It's one of the hero dimensions," Danny hums, taking over braiding Dan's hair the way Jazz made him when they were little, "There's a couple of Amazons walking about, but on the whole no Olympians."
"I don't know why he didn't just dump me in a Norse dimension." Dan leans back and closes his eyes to their ministrations. "Especially with my current occupation."
The three of them are sitting in Dan's apartment, a large loft studio located somewhere in the UK of the aforementioned hero-dimension. Alber-something, Danny can't remember. Doesn't need to, it being a different dimension from his anyway.
Dan doesn't have a lot of things: a sofa and TV, a bed in the corner, a decent but small kitchen. They're still trying to figure out decorations, but Dan on the whole is a minimalist so it's been slow going.
He's working as a bartender these nights, whiling away his odd existence now that his form has stabilized.
And wasn't that a trip? Learning that hey, adult lightning halfas shouldn't really be mixed with teenage ice halfas, actually!
Apparently, ectoplasm can become corrupted if you try to combine incompatible sources.
Apparently, side effects include (but are not limited to) unmitigated violence and a devastating need for vengeance.
Sound familiar?
"This dimension has a lot of time continuity errors," Danny reminds him, "Dropping you here gave the least amount of pushback."
"Yeah, yeah," Dan flaps a lazy hand, "Praise be the speedforce and flashpoints and whatnot."
"Plus," Dani adds softly, absent-minded as she watches Danny finish up the braid, "Lotsa heroes to help out if you relapse."
Dan heaves a slow, controlled sigh. Danny and Dani both pretend they don't notice.
"Is it bad?" Dan doesn't open his eyes, his voice is so low Danny can only hear him by virtue of his ghost powers, "Like me levels bad?"
"No." Danny shakes his head, leaning into his older self, his older brother of sorts, "He decapitated eight crime lords, killed a couple of assassins, maybe an innocent or two depending on your definition of things."
"Past tense?" Dan scrunches his nose. They all hate how confusing Time Shenanigans are.
"He's living as Red Hood, right this very moment."
"Red Hood?" Dani questions, "That his hero name?"
"Crime lord alias." Danny corrects her, "But he's more of a vigilante these days. Has a bat on his chest and everything."
"But it's bad enough to warrant a trip to the past." Dan points out, "Bad enough for us to try and persuade him. Does he relapse?"
"Not…exactly." Danny scrunches his face, not wanting to explain Clockwork's ambiguity.
Dani floats to spread over Danny and Dan's laps, sprawling out and purring like a cat. Self-soothing, though it's more for their benefit than hers.
"Like Dani said, there’re lots of heroes here, and he doesn't have powers." Danny continues, petting at Dani's soft hair, "The world doesn't end. He doesn't have the means to, even with the ecto-rot."
Danny pauses, and chooses his words deliberately and carefully. "And deep down, Jason Todd is a hero through and through. Relapse would be…difficult. His Obsession is similar to yours."
Dan lets that sit for a moment, but nods, Danny moving a little with the motion. The tension slowly bleeds out as they wait like that, enjoying each other's company.
"If the world doesn't end," Dani whispers, "Why is Clockwork sending all of us?"
Danny thinks on that, on his meeting with Clockwork. The Ancient's voice when he explained what would happen.
He thinks about Jason Todd, about Bruce Wayne, and Catherine, and Sheila. He thinks about Batman, and Robin.
He thinks about Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, about Damian Al Ghul, about Cassandra Cain, and all of Jason's Outlaws.
He thinks about a tattered uniform that stays up in a glass case for a long, long time.
Most of all, he thinks about Dan.
He thinks about regrets and one bad day away.
And then he stops thinking about it, because sometimes the past is the past, and other times, it's the future that never happens that haunts you instead.
"You know, Dani." He settles on, "I'm not sure. He probably has his reasons."
Dan leans heavier onto him, and they lean together like that, with Dani in their laps.
Ghosts of decisions made, unmade, and never to be.
Follow the story on AO3 here!
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d011zk1ll · 1 year ago
Art dump (mostly feralnette au but some of my own future au that I'm going to start writing soon!) I *really* hate the last two so when I'm not sleep deprived and can function ill redraw it :3
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quillkiller · 2 months ago
regulus nursing a sick little siriusjr back to health just how he watched walburga take care of a sick sirius sr when he was younger
father-mother regulus black as a mirror version of his mother walburga black & heir sirius jr as a mirror version of his disowned uncle (heir) sirius black, history repeating itself at grimmauld place because of of the arranged marriage between bellatrix & regulus.
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telleroftime · 1 year ago
Something something inner child can finally rest upon the release of the FNAF movie yadayada.
Yeah as if the kid can catch some rest. The My Little Pony fandom is dragging it back out with the re-emergence of its creepypastas. This whole infection AU? I haven't drawn MLP characters in 7 or 8 years now but I just might get back to it.
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candytuft-whimsing · 7 months ago
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I found this reference on pinterest and smth possessed me
Finished version
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player-1 · 3 months ago
I know it's going to be a while for me to jump back to the Nexomon tag when the next chapter for my fic drops (and believe me, that's going to take a while), there's been a semi-crazy theory I've been going over since I was thinking of weaseling it into the fic (especially during the NexoLords Frozen Tundra arc) since it's something that doesn't seem to make sense in hindsight.
Namely with the NexoLords' attempt of reviving Omnicron, and even the earlier run-in with the goons holding a bunch of bomb-experts hostage and possibly planning to use the dynamite for their own plan...What if before the Guild stopped them in their tracks, what if they had a previous attempt to revive Omnicron, failed, and were trying to cover their tracks is the second time went bust? What if the NexoLords accidentally created a Tyrant that was nothing like the great King of Monsters but the heir of Omnicron's heir the first time around?
(Minor spoilers for Micromon, major spoilers for Nexomon 1, post-N1, Nexomon Extinction, and a bunch of rambling/theory crafting below)
TL;DR: Reverse doomsday cult in Frozen Tundra "accidentally" create a monster beyond their comprehension, abandoned it at Palmaya and perpetuate the cycle of neglect Omnicron started with his "weakest child" Metta, the one true heir to the King of Monsters...Then both their plans gets ruined by a blue-haired kid.
Like I made as a joke but already plausible theory, Omnicron's youngest kid Metta (the glass pinata with a titanium ego) would've been considered the king's heir due to his moveset following every bit of his power over all elements at once. But given Metta's (gestures wildly at everything) and not immediately putting the fear of Nexo-God onto humanity, he was ignored and cast aside as the lesser of Omnicron's children...Of course, until everything that happens before and after Nexomon 1. Apart from Metta being murked from Extinction's story due to the dev not wanting to develop his character further (or also from how congested the story is already with all the protags/antagonists); there are plenty of little easter eggs that still show Metta's influence on the world long into the Tyrant War and up until N:E's story. Like him previously making a resurrection machine to revive Omnicron and his siblings and his teacher/unofficial father-figure Malk having a database in a variety of "Nexomon" similar but unknown to the public (Micromon/Pixekai Project); ultimately leading to the NexoLords (and Lobo the ex-Guild Grandmaster) finding the machine's blueprint and Amelie and Logan finding the database and extracting the info to create a anti-Tyrant weapon to topple the war in their favor and end the mindless violence once and for all. And all of this was in the Frozen Tundra, mind you, and most likely in Metta's old home or in Omnicron's Tower/Tomb; though I'm all on the former being the case :).
Circling back to the NexoLords, obviously assuming they had a chance to revive Omnicron and "restore the world's order" with their new blueprints, jumped straight into building/testing out the machine in the tower where Omnicron was once slain long long ago. Maybe they used a Nexomon egg as the catalyst, maybe gathered some residual energy in the ancient site no sane person dared to venture to; but the Nexomon they got was nothing any of them had expected. It was something human-like but not, a Tyrant but not, and a Nexomon with stars in their eyes and a bright smile against the harsh and destructive world around them...
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-That's right, this was a Byeol theory rant all along! And there's nothing you can do to stop me now!! >:D To try and make a more long story short, it makes some sense to me if the NexoLords (and by extension Lobo) made Byeol in their first and only known attempt to revive the doggo dad himself (going heavy in the copium since Omnicron's soul was completely destroyed after N1), so they had to work with what they had even if they had no idea what kind of ancient/primordial Tyrant they're channeling to achieve "world peace". Besides, even if Lobo was the ex-Guild leader and had every chance to read up on Omnicron's history, who wants to bet he had no idea that Metta existed if he was never considered a threat in the first place in the past? After all, Omnicron was a Normal-type and had power over all the elements, so why would he have a Normal-type kid as well? All of his children were killed off by Ulzar, so they had to go for the source of all Nexomon, the Normal-type monster, that's the most obvious choice! (/s) If that then applies to Lobo accidentally making Metta's Tyrant, then why is Byeol found in Palmaya and not Omnicron's Tower and/or the Frozen Tundra? Simple, the NexoLords really didn't want their token Tyrant being a baby cherub bird-thing and totally not Omnicron, so they dumped him at the one place that's "Tyrant-free" and getting the little guy as far away from their base of operation as possible.
But that's still a bit ironic, you know? Metta, abandoned by his father and siblings for not putting humanity under his thumb, eventually becomes the strongest Nexomon tamer in the world (aka the Nexolord) and putting together a plan to revive his dad to destroy humanity once and for all (and finally be his dad's special little boy :). Then there's Byeol, abandoned by a man with an Omnicron mask and his Children of Omnicron-styled lackeys for not being the true King of Monsters and ending the Tyrant War without anymore bloodshed; (fic-wise) becoming a beacon of hope in Palmaya and exploring the world helping those in need and avoiding Tyrant conflicts at all cost. Cause in Byeol's strangely starry eyes, his idea of world peace is for everyone to be nice and get along, human and Nexomon, simple as that.
Whether or not it if the NexoLords knew their "Tyrant" was being raised to be a goody-two-shoes is up to debate; but I really wanted to figure out someway to explain Byeol's existence other than "he's just a post-story legendary just because" or following the series' gimmick of using post-story 'mon for the next game, but the thought itself is pretty funny to me.
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sunny6677 · 7 months ago
Part 1 for the History Repeats Itself AU
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So clarification—decided to kinda change it from them just having parallels to their family members to just them having parallels to the older characters in general.
Skid in this au has a daughter named Caroline (Nicknamed Elfie) who likes Spooky Month as much as he does, but is instead REALLYYYYY into Christmas, and calls it 'Jolly Month'. He works down at the local mall, but is trying to get the job of a demolition worker. He's pretty much exactly like Lila, and cut the pointy ends of his hair so he wouldn't look like his dad. He also unfortunately inherited the same love for alcohol she has, and has to be called out by someone in the same style Lila was at some point. He's also incredibly anxious and more reserved than Lila, and has a lot of self doubt about himself and constantly fears he'll do something wrong when it comes to his daughter. And Skids wife is also very much dead, so he's struggling as a single dad.
Pump on the other hand doesn't have a kid, and works at the local coffee shop down town, but is fairly wealthy, so he doesn't need to worry about money. They are constantly bothered by Elfie/Caroline and her equally Christmas obsessed friend 'Vixen'/Lily. But cares for them both anyway, and will protect them or look for them if they're in danger. He also goes out drinking with Skid sometimes. And they kinda have massive anger issues and are very over protective of their loved ones, especially Skid.
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kraviolis · 2 years ago
god. philip is such a little shit in my little lamb au. "no greater responsibility than being an older brother" caleb is rolling around on the fucking table he's on right now. the table YOU keep him on. you little fucker.
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gwenstacyyy1 · 2 months ago
Y’all should make Carmen’s parents marriage a lavender marriage in my au?like Dexter in my au fell in love with Peter Parker (Julia’s dad) because in my au Julia’s parents was a lavender marriage on both ends but thing is Carmen’s loved Dexter and Dexter didn’t.but Dexter loved his kid.so uhm but there love was a secret
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vodika-vibes · 1 year ago
Oh Ahsoka . . . Blue’s got a point
He does. And she knows it, much to her annoyance. In her mind, she can't be a good warrior and a good parent at the same time. In Blue's mind being a good soldier comes seconds to making sure Ashanii is safe.
"Hey there, ad'ika," Blue says as he smooths his hand over Ashanii's head, "How are you feeling?" "...bad." She replies, sounding miserable, "Make it stop." "Ah, I would if I could." Blue gently adjusts the blanket and smiles at her pout, "You still have a bit of time before you can have anymore medicine." She curls up under the blanket, and looks up at him sadly. "I don't like being sick." "I don't think anyone does, ad." He lightly kisses her forehead, "Your fever came back. I'm going to go get the medic-" He pauses when her hands curl around his forearm, "What's wrong, ad'ika?" She's quiet for a long moment, "...Buir?" "I'm right here, ad'ika." "How long did it take Master Soka to notice that I was missing?" She asks. Blue pauses, "I...I think this is a conversation we should have later. You're sick, Ash'ika." "...she didn't notice at all, did she?" Ashanii asks miserably. "Oh, Ash." He carefully scoops her into his arms, blankets and all, "I noticed within 30 seconds that you were missing." Blue reassures as he sits on the bunk, "And I don't think I've ever heard Commander Cody yell so loudly before in my life." "But-" "Shh. You're sick. We can continue this conversation later, hm?" "Promise?" "Pinky promise."
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musical-chan · 1 year ago
Father of Time Chapter 10: Remember the Future Or You Are Doomed to Repeat It
At the sound of his name, Link glanced towards his bedroom window. He was supposed to be cleaning his room but the Kokiri girl's voice was a welcome distraction. Kicking at a pile of deku nuts, he gave up the attempt and ran outside to his friend. 
“Hey Saria!  This is great timing. I needed to talk to you about something.” 
“Later!  I'm worried about the Deku Tree. He said he needs you right away!”
“Oh!  Well, okay!  DAD! I'm going with Saria for a moment!” 
Late morning sunlight filtered through the dense trees as they wove through the twisted paths that led to the Kokiri Village.  He couldn't push down the sense of coming home and it bothered him; he hadn't actually lived here in years and the Kokiri's rejection of him still hurt deeply.  He had a home now, one that he liked! The forest had denied him but his traitorous heart would not remember that. He followed quietly in Saria's wake, letting her deal with Mido at the entrance to the Deku's clearing and paused only briefly to note how well the tree had been growing. 
No longer a sprout, the Deku tree was tall enough for the Kokiri to gather under him once again. While he was still a long growth from his full size, it was a comforting sight to Link all the same. He had done well after being sent back from the future; the Kokiri didn't have to suffer for seven years before the new sprout had appeared. He wasn't sure what those years had been like but in his experience, nothing good. As he and Saria walked under the outspread branches, he was surprised that his hair brushed the leaves. 
“Link, thank you for coming. I need you to take the spiritual stone back.”
“What?! Why?” 
“Dark things are moving and I am too young to protect it. It is not safe here any longer.” 
A branch tapped Link on the head and he glanced up as the green gem tumbled out into his hands. A painful memory skirted across his face and his hands tightened over the emerald, not noticing the pain as a facet pressed into his skin.
“I…I can't, Deku Tree. I can't! It didn't go well when I got the stones last time!”
(Read the rest on AO3!)
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d011zk1ll · 7 months ago
Hi idk what fic to write this week so if anyone cares can u help
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