#his type is them goalkeepers
metiredlr · 11 hours
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Hear me out. Goalkeepers that ended up being their team's collective gay awakening
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theforesteldritch · 4 months
I have GOT to stop being attracted to girls who are a few years older than me, strong as shit, incredibly out of my league and play on the same sports team as me.
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blasphemecel · 5 months
can u give us some kind of cringy blue lock relationship headcanons short and quick like the post about the clementines i wanna get the ick but not too much and i think u understand what i mean
Ness says 'are you mad at me' when you don't respond to his texts. And he kicks his feet in the air and rolls around in his bed when you do respond
Reo buys you gifts and gets ripped off. Says "let me spoil you" when you tell him he is getting scammed
Kaiser flips his hair over his shoulder, says "this is for you," runs in slow motion on purpose and his shot gets blocked by the goalkeeper. Worse? He invited you to his practice specifically so he could do that, rehearsed beforehand, and still failed anyway
Sae waits for you to open the door for him (WITH HIS ARMS CROSSED.) even though he was like. In front of you and got to it first. Stands in the middle of the street like he's unaware of his surroundings/doesn't care that he might be getting in people's way
Rin paces around his room in a circle blaring emo 'I hate love' type music with a deadpan expression on his face while he thinks about you 💀💀💀 (He is making an AMV in his head)
Aiku comments shit like "damn 😍" on your posts. Tells you stupid shit like "If you need a shoulder to cry on I have 2 😏😏😏" and then the finisher is "You know you like it 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏" when you call him corny
Bachira is a cringelord who says shit like "teehee" and "XD". Sends random pictures that don't even make sense in that context and captions them "us :3"
Isagi scratches his neck and tilts his head to the side before saying "Thank you" with an awkward smile when you give him a compliment 💀
Shidou calls you sickening, convoluted and overly descriptive nicknames ('my sweet endoparasitic fungus who has taken over my brain') in public and sprinkles in weird asterisk roleplay in his messages sometimes just to piss you off On Purpose
Nagi is a manchild
Chigiri is this
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months
no one speaks to you like that
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r deals with a cruel coach at the world cup. misa makes it better. feat. the girls finding out that their friends are together.
The door slammed shut behind him, and you exhaled a deep breath, collapsing back onto the bed. You'd never been more unhappy to have your own room than at that moment.
You'd stepped out of the bathroom post shower, just barely throwing on clothes, when you'd heard a knock at your door. You were hoping it was Misa, but when the door opened to reveal Vilda on the other side, you felt your heart sink. He had his characteristic scowl on his face as he stepped past you.
The following 15 minutes were what could only be categorized as verbal abuse. He went after everything; your skills, how hard you were trying, how fast you were, how you were "clearly not" following the meal plan he arbitrarily changed whenever he felt like it. You stood, completely still, looking just over his shoulder, taking it. You wouldn't argue, that never ended well. You didn't let yourself cry either, because he never appreciated tears. Instead, you let the words wash over you, and dug your nails into your palm.
You thought of Misa the whole time. How if she heard what he was saying she'd probably do something to get herself more than benched this time; maybe sent home. The last time Vilda had gone after you like this, he had made the mistake of doing it in view of Misa, who completely lost it at him. Now, she was unlikely to play the rest of the tournament, and Vilda seemed to enjoy screaming at you more than anyone else.
No one knew about the two of you, even if Vilda suspected. No one else had witnessed her reaction to his cruel words directed at you; everyone just knew she'd argued with him, and she would be riding the bench no matter how far we got. The division within the team was stark, and although Misa was a Real Madrid player, she mostly hung out with the Barcelona girls; with you. You'd gotten together a few months ago, and decided to keep it to yourselves, not wanting to deal with her club teammates finding another reason to dislike her.
When Vilda finished, you just wanted Misa. You wanted to wrap yourself up in her strong arms, bury your whole body in her larger one. You never felt safer than when Misa held you tightly to her. You knew that you should probably find Alexia or Irene and tell them what happened, but you didn't want to make a big deal out of it. You pulled out your phone, intending to see if Misa was alone, so you could go to her. You needed to get out of this room; the scent of Vilda's aftershave hung in the room like a fog, and it felt like it was suffocating you.
-Are you by yourself?
-Yes. Do you need me?
You could practically see the smirk lighting up the goalkeepers face as you read her response; you did need her, just not in the way she was implying.
-Can I come up? Vilda just left.
The little bubble that let you know she was typing appeared and disappeared a few times, before her reply came through.
-Dick. Yes, of course, please come up.
With that, you slipped your phone into your pocket, grabbing your room key, and headed out the door. You yanked your hood up, trying to hide the tears leaking out of your eyes. You walked down the hall, trying to keep yourself from crying until you got to Misa's room.
You heard voices coming from the direction of the elevator you were headed too, unmistakably those of Alexia and Jenni. Fuck. You had nowhere to go, and as soon as they saw you, they wouldn't let you out of their sight until you told them what was wrong. You had no choice but to keep walking towards them, turning the corner, hoping they'd be too wrapped up in conversation to notice you.
"Y/n!! We're gonna watch a movie in Mario and Ale's room, come with," Jenni called the minute she spotted you. You didn't know how to say no, so you said nothing, trying to walk past them.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Alexia asked, putting a hand on your shoulder to stop your movements. Again, you didn't say anything, continuing to stare at the ground. A gentle hand came to tug your hood off your head, before lifting your chin up. Your watery eyes met the older girls.
"What happened?" Jenni questioned, looking overly protective even though she didn't know what happened. She kept her hand under your chin, not allowing you to drop your gaze again.
"Nothing, I'm fine, I'm just going to hangout with Ona," you lied, trying to shake off their hands.
"What happened," Alexia asked, in a firmer voice. It wasn't mean, or harsh, but it still reminded you of the verbal lashing you'd just endured, and more tears were flooding your eyes before you could stop them.
"Vilda," you started, before a sob escaped your lips.
"Fucking hell," Jenni swore, pulling you tightly against her. "What did he say?"
"Come on, bring her to my room," Alexia said quietly, looking furious, realizing you weren't going to respond. Jenni maneuvered you down the hall, never letting go, through the door to Alexia's room, before pushing you to sit down on the edge of her bed. You wanted to pull your phone out and tell Misa that you'd been intercepted, but you couldn't do that without arising suspicion. Also, you couldn't really see clearly through the tears blurring your vision.
Alexia spoke a few words to Mariona, who looked equally as murderous as the other 2 girls, and you knew you needed to pull it together and make sure none of them did something stupid. They were all older than you, and were quite protective. It wouldn't be the first time they clashed with Vilda over him mistreating younger players, but with the semifinals coming up, you knew you couldn't risk anyone else getting benched.
The problem was that you were only getting more worked up, even as Jenni wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and began talking quietly in your ear.
"Whatever he said isn't true, I promise. You're an important member of this team, and you haven't done anything wrong," she told you.
You nodded, but the tears wouldn't stop. The embarrassment you felt was only making you cry harder. Alexia took a seat on the other side of you, placing a hand on your back.
"Jenni's right, you haven't done any-" her words were cut off by a frantic knock at the door. You knew who it was, even as the other girls exchanged confused looks. Mariona went to answer it, as Jenni and Alexia looked curiously after her.
No sooner had Mariona opened the door, than Misa's panicked voice was filling the room.
"Have you seen y/n? She texted me that Vilda..." She trailed off as Mariona stepped to the side, revealing your shaking form sitting in between your captains. The other girls watched as Misa's face melted from one of panic into one of pure adoration; one they'd never seen on her face before.
"Y/n, baby," she said, seemingly forgetting that you weren't alone. Your teammates exchanged looks, Mariona and Jenni mouthing “baby??” at each other, as Misa crossed the room, tugging you out from under the arms of Jenni and Alexia, pulling you into hers. They were just as surprised to see you wrap your arms around Misa, clutching tightly to her sweatshirt. Your tears immediately slowed as Misa held you tight, the feel of her around you calming you down instantly.
"I'll kill him," Misa said through clenched teeth, addressing no one in particular.
"Easy there, why don't you tell us what the hell is going on before you go kill him," Jenni said, glaring at Misa. Your Barca teammates had clearly connected the dots, and did not appreciate that you were clearly keeping a secret from them. Misa made to let go of you, make this more of a conversation had with you, rather than one spoken over your head, but you only tightened your grip on her, shaking your head into her chest. Her attention was, again, solely on you as she pulled you over to the other bed, tucking you under one arm as she sat down.
Misa was still gazing at you, fingers scratching lightly at your scalp as you emerged from her chest, wiping harshly at your face. Her hands pushed yours out of the way, ridding your face of tears much more gently than you had been doing. The simple gesture was so sweet, so intimate, and Alexia cleared her throat, drawing both of yours attention back to her.
"Well? How long has this been going on?" She asked, voice no longer the soft tone she had been using with you, instead replaced by what can only be described as her authoritative voice. Misa retreated to the rather quiet version of herself that most people experienced, and you spoke up. Still, her arm remained protectively wrapped around you and no one missed the way you leaned into her unconsciously.
"Since May,"
"And you didn't think you should maybe tell us that you were in a relationship with someone on the team? A relationship that appears to be pretty important to you?" Jenni asked. Her jaw was clenched, but she didn't look like mad Jenni, she looked like sad Jenni. You realized the three of them were not necessarily angry, but hurt that you'd kept this from them. You paused, unsure how to respond to that. In truth, Misa had asked to keep it to yourselves, but you didn't want to throw her under the bus. She had no such reservations.
"I asked her to not tell you guys. I didn't want anyone to know anything until I figured out how serious y/n was about me. And by the time I figured that out, we were at camp, and I didn't want to give my club teammates another reason to be... the way they are with me."
The other girls stared at the pair of you, somewhat stunned at the vulnerability just shown by Misa in admitting all of that. She was a reserved person, a private person, someone much happier to help her friends than allow them in at all.
"Well... that makes sense," Alexia said decisively. "We won't tell anyone."
Misa nodded once, a small smile gracing her lips, before she turned to look down at you.
"What did Vilda say?" She asked, eyeing you carefully. In response, you just shrugged, refusing to make eye contact. You absolutely did not want to discuss what he'd said in front of the rest of your teammates; you trusted them, but the things he had said were humiliating. Misa seemed to pick up on this, as did Alexia, as they quickly made eye contact, and Misa stood, pulling you with her.
"Let's go back to my room, yeah?" She asked quietly, and you smiled gratefully at her. Mariona and Jenni both voiced their disapproval at that idea.
"I have like 15 more questions for the two of you," Jenni protested.
"Yeah, what are we supposed to do, just let you go back to Misa's room all alone? We have a game tomorrow, girls." Mariona said teasingly.
"Alright, let them go." Alexia said, hiding a smirk at Mariona's comment. It really hadn't been that funny, but the way you and Misa immediately blushed, and looked anywhere but at your friends was amusing.
You and Misa walked out of the room, ignoring the suggestive jokes that Jenni and Mariona were making. You walked in complete silence to the elevator and up to Misa's room. You'd broken apart the minute you'd exited the room, and Misa longed to take your hand. Now that you were away from your friends and their teasing, it seemed the weight of whatever Vilda had said to you was settling back on top of you.
You allowed Misa to pull you into her room, nudging you to sit on the bed, as she took a seat next to you. You were distracted, caught up in your own head, only looking up at her worried brown eyes when she said your name softly.
"Are you okay?" She asked, feeling like she probably knew the answer. You shook your head slightly, leaning to lean more against the brunette. "Tell me what he said," she requested, and you sighed.
"More of the usual. I'm not playing hard enough, I'm not fast enough, not good enough," you paused. You looked up at your girlfriend, not sure if you should continue and tell her the worst part. She smiled encouragingly, a smile you only saw on her face when it was just the two of you. "He told me I need to start following the meal plan better, because 'it's clear' that I'm not," you finished quietly.
Misa's hands clenched into fists once again, knowing exactly how those words would effect you. She, more than anyone, knew that you struggled with keeping your habits around eating and working out healthy, and not letting them become obsessive. The goalkeeper reigned in her anger, though, realizing that it was clearly not what you needed from her.
She lifted your chin with one of her large hands, her touch gentler than you thought possible. "He's wrong, baby. You're having an incredible tournament. We're as far as we are partially because of you," she said earnestly.
"And yes, you aren't following his stupid meal plans, because he isn't a dietician, and you need to be careful with how you keep track of what you're putting in your body. You're doing what you need to do to stay healthy, and that is what's important."
You were still looking at her with so much doubt, as though you desperately wanted to believe her, but weren't sure if you could. Deciding that maybe words had taken her as far as they could, she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours, hard, in what she hoped was a reassuring way. You met her with enthusiasm, relaxing into the kiss as your mouths moved in sync with each other.
After a few moments, she pulled back pressing her forehead to yours. You looked slightly dazed, and Misa bit back a smirk at the effect she had on you.
"You are beautiful" she whispered, "you are strong, and you are fueling your body in the way you need to, in order to do your job. And I am so proud of you."
Misa often shocked you with how gentle, how kind and soft she could be. She put on such a hard exterior, all harsh frowns and flexed muscles on the pitch. Off the pitch, she was only slightly less intimidating, opting often to remain quiet and listen, her hard expression only wavering when she was around people she was comfortable with.
She was so different when you were alone with her though, the severe expression that normally rested on her face melting away to soft lips that pressed gentle kisses to your forehead, and wide eyes that looked at you with so much love.
It hadn't started off that way; it had started as passionate, rough hookups. Slowly though, you wore her down. She couldn't get enough of you, and she eventually stopped trying to.
She was enamored with you, and you with her. Privately, she felt that you made her a better person, a kinder person. You felt like she had a unique ability to make you laugh when nothing seemed funny, and hold you together when you felt like you were minutes from falling apart. Like right now. She knew exactly what to say, what to tell you.
"I'll say something to him," she said quietly, and you pushed her off of you, sitting up.
"No, Misa, you can't," you argued. She looked determined, a familiar smoldering look on her face, one she got when she was getting ready to save a penalty.
"Baby, he can't speak to you in that way," she began.
"No!" you responded, almost shouting. She looked at you in surprise, startled to see an incredibly panicked expression on your face.
"Calm down, y/n-"
"No, you can't say something to him. Promise me you won't. Please," you interrupted, almost begging.
"Why? I'm already benched what else could he do?" she wondered.
"He could send you home, Misa. And if you left, I couldn't... I couldn't do this, not without you," you responded, looking at her desperately. Misa brought you back into her arms before responding, holding you tight.
"Alright, baby. I won't say anything. I'm not going anywhere, and you don't have to do this without me," she promised.
"Thank you," you murmured. The goalkeeper smiled at you softly, rubbing your cheek gently with her thumb. You still looked nervous, still upset, biting the inside of your cheek like you were thinking hard. She waited patiently, content to sit in silence until you were ready to say what was on your mind.
"I'm sorry they found out. I just kind of freaked out when I ran into them, and I wanted to find you but they were in the hall..."
"Don't worry about that. I don't care that they found out. I don't care if everyone knows i'm with you. I just care that you're okay," she told you. "Anyway, now that Jenni has probably told the entire team, I can stay in here tonight with you."
You leaned closer against her, more relieved at her saying she'd stay than you'd like to admit.
"But you have a big game tomorrow, and you need to rest. What can I do to get you to sleep?" she asked, knowing you were likely too anxious to be able to sleep right away. Again, you marveled at how well she knew you.
"Hmm," you said, scooting down the bed and rolling onto your stomach. Misa was looking at you adoringly, and you grabbed one of her hands, placing it on your back. She laughed in response, beginning to run her nails lightly up and down. You sighed happily, and she scooted down too, kissing just above your eyebrow, before resting her head on the pillow, continuing her motions. You were drifting off, but still, the thoughts of Vilda and what he'd said to you still bounced around in your head.
"Do you think he'll yell at me again?" you asked groggily, blinking your eyes open just enough to see the girl opposite you.
"No. I won't let him," she responded, sounding completely sure. You nodded, shutting your eyes again. You believed her, inexplicably. Her tone was so confident, and more than that, you trusted her. More than you'd ever trusted anyone before. You fell asleep easily, feeling completely protected with the strong girl next to you, watching as you drifted off.
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riririnnnn · 5 months
So, boys, girls, gays and theys, I would like to present you one of our first formation:
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It's 3-4-3 formation. Yes, it's an offensive formation.
Doesn't matter what type of balls you are stealing, just attack and steal.
@satosuguhastakenovermylife is our Centre Back (CB). SHOW THE WORLD WHY ARYU IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND‼️ CHANNEL HIS U-20 MATCH PLAY‼️‼️
@bueris is our Defensive Midfielder (DM). SHOW THEM WHAT YOU GOT, TWIN‼️‼️‼️ WORLD DOMINATION 🗣️🔥🚨
@riririnnnn is our Attacking Midfielder (AM). And that's me. I ONCE PLAYED VOLLEYBALL WITH A SOCCER BALL, SO TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I WON'T DISAPPOINT OUR PACK 🐺🐺🐺‼️‼️
@asarajaa is our Left Midfielder (LM). YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S LEFT FOOT IS DOMINANT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️ JAPAN'S TREASURE 💴💴🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
@someprettyname is our Centre Forward (CF). GOD'S CHOSEN EMPEROR‼️‼️🗣️⁉️ MAGNUS EFFECT GOES BRR🌪️🌪️🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 100% GOAL RATE WHO⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
@blue-thief can you play as Left Back (LB)? Your position said any, but as Isagi, the main protagonist, you should've been the striker, but next time, I guess😥
@galaxynajma can you play as Right Back (RB) in this formation?🥹 Next time, I'll bring a formation with two forwards. Or you can fight with @someprettyname 'cause Kaiser fights with his own teammates anyway🤪
@wroophruh sorry😢 I'll bring a formation with a Winger position next time. Sending you loads of love💕💕💕💞💞
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Cruel, but sweet (1)
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Short Pablo Gavi book
For this sweet person: @soso5479
"Could you do a gavi book where the reader plays for Real Madrid and they have a match against each other"
We decided together that this is going to be the main topic:
Y/n being at the real madrid academy and she has a match with Barca (girls' team), and Pablo is watching her.
I really hope you will like this, I tried my best to make it as good as possible, if you don't enjoy something, don't hesitate to text me and we'll talk about it. Also, if you have an idea that you would like to happen here, comment or send me a message or request. Love you all!⚡️
You were already at Camp Nou, the place where you had an important match with your rivals, Fc Barcelona. You were playing for Real Madrid, the team of your dreams since you were just a child.
Your family is a football lover, that being the main reason why they joined you in this academy. You were really good, people saying that you have a unique talent. Everyone loved you since the beginning, and you absolutely adored your teammates.
This game was important. Who wins, wins the ligue. You promised yourself to give your best and to not disappoint anyone.
Your family and friends were there, supporting you as always and you were waving at them, happily.
You were so nervous right now, seeing so many people watching you warm up. Especially since you found out that the players from Barcelona were going to be there.
You weren't the toxic type of fan. You respected both teams. Of course, you would answer if someone asked you that Real Madrid is your favourite, but you never said something bad towards their big rivals.
Yes, they won laliga, but now it's time for Real Madrid too.
"I really have better things to do other than go to this game" said Gavi while standing on his chair, watching the players warming up. He was in no mood for football, all he wanted to do was to relax. He just won laliga and he had to go soon to the national team. Bad luck for him that Xavi made them all go to support the academy girls on this big day.
He wasn't a bad guy, he really wanted the girls to win because they totally deserved it, but right now he was too tired and wanted to do something that wasn't related to football. He wanted to relax this few days until he had to go to Madrid for training.
"It will be over soon, hermano" Pedri tried to console his friend.
"Who do you think will win?" asked Ansu.
"Ah, I really hope that our girls" replied Pedri.
"I hope that too, but the Real players from the academy are really good. It will be for sure an exited match. You won't get bored, Gavi" laughed Balde.
The boy only rolled his eyes and laughed. It will be for sure an interesting match.
"We trained hard and we deserve this win! Let's make our supporters proud of us. Give your best and fight for every ball. I wanna see goals, not excuses. Vamos chicas, vamos!"
You were in the changing room listening to your couch. You were all determined to win this game and make everyone proud of you.
"Vamos!!!!" everyone started to cheer. Today was your day.
"I can't do this anymore! How unlucky can we be!!!!"
Pedri was really grumpy that they had so many occasions of goal, but the goalkeeper managed to save them all. Besides that, Real Madrid was yet winning, being 2-0 for them.
It was now minute 44' and Barcelona scored. People were cheering for the team, but not too much, still being behind their rivals.
"This is for sure not our day, hermanos"
"Ansu, have a little bit of faith!" laughed Balde.
"He might be right. Today, real looks better than us" admitted Gavi sad. He really had hope for the girls to win and he still does, but deep down he knew that they were going to lose.
The boys talked about everything, until it was time for the other half to begin.
"Visca Barca!!" shouted Ansu and they all laughed at his silliness.
"Yes, visca Barca!"
The game began really well. It was already 2- 2 in minuted 48' and the boys were really happy and cheering. Eventually, they scored again, making Ansu dancing.
"What is that, hermano!?" laughed Pedri hard.
"It's called the dance of happiness, Pedrito" made the boy fun of his friend.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he replied in surrender.
"And after a very short period of time, I will do the dance of winning!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure!"
Barcelona was winning, and you were really panicking now. You were running faster and more than ever. You trained too hard, and you couldn't lose today. You had to make your family and team proud of you.
You ran and ran for every ball, and when it was 5 minutes left, you scored. 3-3
You were so happy that you started to jump on all your teammates. People on Camp Nou started to cheer your name.
"Vamosss, hermanitaa"
"Let's go, amigas. We still have a match to win" you said and you went back, fighting for another goal.
"Look, Gavi! That girl is exactly like you."
"What?" he asked confused.
"She is jumping on all her friends after a goal. Don't you know someone that does the same thing??? Hm!?" Pedri teased him.
"Oh, let it like that" he laughed.
"Can't lie, she did a pretty goal"
"She really did" answered Gavi to Balde. "She worked really hard today, she kinda deserved to do at least one goal".
They were talking and not even realising that you did another goal, until Pedri started to swear.
"Calm down, Pedri. It's just a game. It's not ever ours"
Jordi tried to make his friend calm down, but he was really grumpy now.
"I can't believe it! We were winning and that girl had to do 2 goals in 5 minutes! Unbelievable!"
"It happens in football, hermano. Next game, we will win"
"She did a good game, don't you think?" whispered Lewandowski on Gavi's ear, seeing him looking constantly at her.
"I really wanted us to win, Lewa, but the way she played.. somehow I'm happy that they won"
Lewandowski smiled, seeing his little teammate blushing a little. Maybe coming to this game was a great decision, after all.
You were in the changing room celebrating after the win. Everyone was shouting your name and you couldn't be more happy. Tears started to form in your eyes. You really made it.
"Thank you, y/n! Thank you, you saved us" said Ade, one of your best friends.
After a lot of photos with the trophy, it was time to go to the after party with the Barca girls. You decided to invite them to celebrate the last game together. All you wanted to do was be friends with everyone. You were rivals, but not enemies after all. You were still humans.
Gavi found out you were the person that invited Barca to the party and he finds that so mature and beautiful. He only knew your name and when he looked at the photos and saw who you actually were, he couldn't believe how pretty you are.
You were all sweaty and tired, with a red face, but still.. so beautiful. He found your Instagram and looked at some photos of you. Most of them were with you playing, but the ones from holidays were his favourite. You, dressing elegantly, with a natural makeup look...
He didn't follow you, but he was still looking at your stories whenever you would post them.
When you saw that Pablo Gabi saw your stories, you thought that he only wanted to see who won today, but when he constantly saw the ones from the party, you started to be really nervous. He was a player from Barcelona and you couldn't be interested in someone from that club. People would say that you would betray your team and you were so loyal to them. You tried to forget about it and to enjoy your night, but it was really hard.
When you got home late and were so tired, you still made time to look at his ig account, too. The boy was really breathtaking. When you went to see some reals and tik toks of him, you found out that he was also a sweetheart. You knew about him, everyone in Spain knew, but not so much details.
The videos of him and kids made you blush and smile like an idiot. And when you saw the one with the fan asking him for a huh after signing her something (gif) made you want to cry of how beautiful his smile is.
The thought that he saw you playing tonight made it hard to fall asleep. You knew that you won't get to meet him. You, leaving in Madrid and him in Barcelona, made it really hard.
You were an optimistic type of person, but this time you knew it was impossible, until you met again. Where? At the spain national team..
Please, tell me your opinion on this!!! Was it good, bad? I can change something if you don't like it!!
Love to all of you, take care people!!
Requests open this days
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moo9395 · 2 months
My Ghosts headcanons
I've had these sitting in a google doc for ages so I might as well hand them over.
I've split them into stuff that 'could take place in canon' and 'modern au' stuff
Fluent in multiple languages (kind of canon but whatever)
He has a PhD in astrophysics 
He gets migraines
He’s a teacher (this is quite popular), Headteacher humphrey is cool as well
Failed his driving test 4 times in a row
Coffee gives Humphrey headaches so he drinks more of it. 
She was a girl guide (me coded) (Credit to @kingofthefrogs swapped au for inspo)
Welsh (me coded)
Can be heard on a spirit box (Credit to kingofthefrogs)
Likes Call the Midwife.
She is a Nurse or Doctor, possibly a paediatrician. Haven’t seen this done yet but I think it could be fun given her fascination with Maddocks’ injury.
She loves iced coffee.
He is scared of dogs (channeling me right now) Dante is a weird exception to this that Fanny often complains about but secretly is proud of.
He can experience temperature as a ghost. (Credit to Ailendolin) He is susceptible to heat stroke and sometimes gets a cold, especially after going in the lake.
He's left handed
He is dyslexic and/or short sighted. Bonus if he refuses to wear glasses. Double bonus if this gives him constant headaches.
Studied abroad in Holland for 2 years and developed a weed addiction, he moved back to the UK to get over it
Coffee gives Thomas headaches so he doesn’t drink it. 
Incredible at Netball (she's such a netball girlie) she plays wing attack or centre
He has reading glasses.
Scared of chickens (Alektorophobia) (Inspired by @upsetslingshot on ao3)
Cap was in army cadets (me coded) and loved it.
He's claustrophobic, he was in life and the fact that he died while struggling to breathe has worsened that.
He’s basically blind without his glasses. (like Velma type blind)
Road rage.
Has hemophobia (fear of blood)
Julian was in army cadets and hated it.
Multi Character (mostly modern au stuff):
Thomas, Fanny, and Mary love watching Downton Abbey. Thomas is a passionate fan of Edith, Mary likes Sybil, and Fanny is a big fan of Violet Crawley (as she should be).
All autistic (Julian and Robin AuDHD).
Cap, Thomas, Mary, and Julian are cat people
Pat, Robin, and Fanny are dog people
Humphrey and Kitty passionately refuse to pick a side.
Thomas, Cap, Pat, Fanny and Julian are tea people.
Humphrey, Kitty, Mary and Robin are coffee people.
Robin and Humphrey as siblings/ twins.
Thomas and Kitty met in school. Thomas was being picked on and Kitty defended him.
Julian and Robin met in Cambridge Uni, Robin was doing an astrophysics PhD, Julian was doing his classmates a masters in politics.
Cap and Fanny play badminton together.
They have a group football team (more on that later)
Mary and Robin hooked up once (I know its canon but I love when it also happens in modern au's)
Hogwarts houses:
Hufflepuff - Humphrey, Pat, Mary
Gryffindor - Robin, Julian
Ravenclaw - Fanny, Thomas, Kitty
Slytherin - Cap
I'm very willing to elaborate and hear other opinions on this.
Mario Kart mains:
Robin - Bowser
Humphrey - Shy Guy
Mary - Yoshi
Kitty - Daisy
Thomas - Peach
Fanny - Toadette
Captain - Luigi
Pat - Koopa Troopa
Julian - Donkey Kong
The football team (my pride and joy):
Robin - goalkeeper, he once scored from a goal kick
Humphrey - defence, very good at headers (lol) but is frequently injured mainly due to being clumsy
Kitty - defence, she gets very invested in the game and will break knees (while apologising) 
Cap - defence, it took him a while to pick up the sport but he’s thriving, works very well with Humphrey and Kitty
Thomas - surprisingly good left winger, other teams generally see him (being himself) before the game  and write him off as a weaker player - he loves proving them wrong
Fanny - right wing, her and thomas make a weirdly good duo, she's absolutely incredible at penalties 
Pat - central midfielder and the team captain (Cap conceded that maybe Pat was a little bit better than him at football and should take the lead ‘just this once’)
Mary - Striker, really strong with both feet, closes her eyes when she takes a shot but somehow is still usually on target 
Julian - Striker, solid player but is frequently sent off for inappropriate celebrations
I had way too much fun re-reading these.
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joanofexys · 3 months
Hi! Sorry for randomly dropping anon into ur inbox, but I’m kind of in love with ur oc’s and I was wondering if you could tell me more abt Ilya? Ik u said they’re just some guy from Penn state and for some reason that really intrigues me lol.
Never apologize I love anons and I'm so flattered you like my little guys. Also sorry this is gonna take a minute and there will be many typos cause I'm typing one handed on my laptop while eating an icecream/my cat tries to steal my icecream bar, not that you needed that info
ANYWAY litte recap on Ilya:
22 years old
he/they, transman
youngest of 4, has all sisters
Played for Penn State
Now plays for Olympic Court
Number 7
I haven't decided on what he majored in yet
Yeah he really is just some guy. He's the only athlete really in his family. One of his older sisters ran track in high school, but otherwise their family is full of musician. Dad is a middle school orchestra teacher, mom is a music professor, his sisters all went into the arts. He can play a, quite frankly, ridiculous amount of instruments and he enjoys them all but he's not particularly passionate about it.
His parents signed him up for little league exy because he saw exy on the tv once and wouldn't shut up about it/was begging them to play. His parents just wanted all of their kids to be happy so they caved very quickly and Ilya developed an intense passion for the sport that obviously never went away.
Ilya's oldest sister (Liliya) is 7 years older than him, the other one 4 years older (Kateryna or just Kat), and the sister after (Tanya) that only a year and a half older. They're all incredibly close despite any age gaps while also very much having a dynamic of lovingly bullying each other
Ilya kind of always knew he was trans and they were always in a safe space to express it. His parents used to joke that they had "3 girls and an Ilya" and they didn't even bat an eye when as a kid he went straight for the "boys clothes" and asked to be called a prince instead of a princess and only responded to being called a boy. At school it was different, in elementary school other kids didn't care but the teachers could be weird about it, and then as a teen other kids started getting mean about it. But his parents and their sisters were always accepting and they filled their house with enough love that Ilya never thought about being closeted or pretending to be someone he wasn't.
He gets recruited to Penn State's team as their starting goalkeeper as an openly trans athlete. His team's respectful for the most part. There are some people who just don't seem to get it, but they're never outright rude or transphobic to him. There are sometimes snide remarks and something Not Cool said on accident and Ilya is always quick to correct it and most of his teammates are decent enough to apologize and try to do better
And he talks A Lot about being a trans and generally queer athlete. He's happy to be one of those people out and proud for everyone who can't be. Ilya has always, unapologetically, taken up space. Not even focused on his queerness, just in the way he exists as a person. If he's in a room you're going to know he's there and you're probably going to know their every thought as well.
They care a lot and they take everything to heart. They're very much a "don't cry cause you'll make me cry" type of person. He's much more willing to take on people's pain and share their burdens than he probably should be.
And he has zero filter. While he's absolutely paving the way as a queer athlete and he has a lot to say to the press about that his press time also has to be limited because he will just say shit. He has insulted other teams, insulted specific players, shared information that he definitely shouldn't have, said "fuck" on camera too often to keep count, and a lot more. He is keeping the Penn State vs Edgar Allan Ravens twitter discourse alive and well with all the shit that comes out of his mouth
He makes his best friend his junior year. She's a sophomore named Alice and she's a defensive dealer. Her sophomore year she comes as trans, MTF, and Ilya is the first person she tells becuase he's one of the only queer people she knows. After that they're pretty much attached at the hip and Ilya would kill and die for her. Her family isn't super accepting so he takes her home with him for the holidays. His family becomes hers and they're more than happy to add one more girl to the family.
Ilya makes court right after he graduates and it's with Jude, Em, Mara, Florian. you know the drill at this point. They're the ones I never shut up about. And I think I'll largely be repeating myself and I don't want to be annoying with that so we'll stop there
Some other fun things about Ilya though:
he never learned how to ride a bike. he will never ride a bike. fuck no (he fell over and scraped his knee once and despite all the balls to the head playing exy that was his breaking point for some reason and he never got on a bike again)
he's a cat person
he teaches Florian ASL and it's the main they talk to each other cause Florian likes to go nonverbal
they were such a huge fan of Jude it took everything in them to not be starstruck when the two first met
the two instruments they stuck with were the violin and the piano
they have an addiction to strawberries
is almost always playing jazz music on a vinyl when they're home/have people over
he has a shitty autograph and Flor has begged him to "get better handwriting" since he signs so much stuff but he's fine with it being an unreadable disaster (Florian's autograph in comparison is gorgeous)
he is an unapologetic foxes stan after they win finals
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soccerpunching · 6 months
A few hours before the beta, i want to share what i WANT to happen for the raimon eleven (go) after a full school year and Endou decided to go back to playing soccer professionally (i think he deserves to enjoy soccer as long as he can still play it considering goalkeepers retire in the pro field earlier than the field players)
Everyone is happy that they can watch him again as a goalkeeper they looked up to but they're sad that their coach is no longer their coach and they have doubts on whoever's going to succeed him. It was a sad goodbye... but Endou told them there was someone even better than him who could succeed him.
Endou is a coach who focuses on pushing you to do your best but not on the little details considering the how and everytime he realizes he needed help in this part, he asks for his friends to help the team.
If we know anything about crafting a skill, is that it will make you crash down and burn if you're unaware how your body works or how to take care of it. There is also something to be said about finding how things work for you and accepting that it will not be how it works for others.
Thanks to Haruna looking after the team, they never experienced any of that tragedy. Before and especially after the team had Kidou as their trainer (or literally just having a formal trainer once), Haruna set even more focused eyes on strengthening the fundamentals and has learned to individualized training for them. She still does her former role in the team, which is research, support, and attending to resources-adjacent responsibilities.
That being said, the team still needs aid in strategizing, coordinating, flexibility, and resilience during a match that a coach would need to fulfill. Someone who can watch the match calmly and meticulously to aid the team in adjusting to the best course of action in the middle of a tensed match.
Enter Endou Natsumi.
It's simple but let's go over some little headcanons first, Raimon Jr. High's chairperson is Natsumi since chrono stone but before inago started I think she was going with Endou in the country and league he was playing for. She uses this opportunity to learn more about soccer and more about how athletes think and work and what they usually need and how they improve. All of this combined with her already high interest in the sport and everything she learned as a manager for the entirety of middle and high school (maybe even college).
The team had doubts because Natsumi has only ever been in the background in the soccer world until this point. To be honest, she doesn't look like the type to be interested in soccer... but coach Endou vouched for her! He makes crazy decisions but they're not all impulsive. And they trust him. So they did trust her as they trusted him. And it only took one match for them to understand why she's the best candidate for the position.
I know this won't happen but a little creature can dream.
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thommi-tomate · 18 days
People about Thomas pt3
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Sepp Maier:
What impresses you about Thomas Müller?
I'm hugely impressed that he has stayed at FC Bayern for his entire career, just as I did. What more could you ask for? He's won everything there is to win with FC Bayern. Thomas is FC Bayern through and through, and that's the right thing to do. He even played in the club's youth ranks.
You celebrated success with another famous Müller in your team, is Thomas as difficult for a goalkeeper to predict as Gerd was?
Them are two completely different types: Thomas moves all over the field, our Gerd was dangerous inside the box like nobody else. Thomas also makes assists, which wasn't Gerd's specialty, to be honest. But they both have something in common: Thomas belongs to the list of the great FC Bayern players, just like Gerd or Franz Beckenbauer, or whatever they were called in our ероса.
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Ron-Robert Zieler:
The first time I played against Bayern München in March 2011, we won with Hannover 96. We left the pitch with a 3-1 victory. I was given Thomas Müller's shirt, whom I'd already known for six or seven years at the time. We had played together under Bernd Stöber in the U-16 national team.
The shirt - Thomas, I hope you'll forgive me - is currently in a storage room that my wife and I have rented. We've moved so many times in the last few years, six in eight years, that we've decided to leave everything we don't need in storage until we have time to unpack everything into a permanent home once our careers are over. Then I will also - I promise - take out the Müller jersey, even though he wasn't exactly my favorite opponent. I conceded 45 goals in games against Bayern Munich. Nine of them came from him. But if there's anyone you can't be angry with for long, it's Thomas Müller.
He was already a dodderer when we met in 2004. Even then he reminded me of a Skydancer, those funny figures that move strangely when a little wind blows on them from below. Thomas is like that too. Unconventional in his movements. He is a horror for goalkeepers. From his movements, it's impossible to know which way his shot will go.
The best goals Thomas scored for me were in Brazil in 2014. In some training sessions he outplayed me; I was there in goal alongside Manuel Neuer and Roman Weidenfeller. But he was good. Maybe I gave him a bit of confidence so that he could score five such unforgettable goals on our way to the World Cup title.
All the best for the future, dear Thomas. And even if you and I never meet again on the pitch (unless the Cup draw dictates otherwise), I invite you to try to score against any other fellow goalkeeper more times than against me. Without complaining, I would let this unglamorous record of goals conceded pass.
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Felix Zwayer:
I can't remember how many times I've had the honor of whistling Thomas Müller throughout his career. But it has (almost) always been a great pleasure. Thomas is a true professional, and you can tell that he is also aware of the referee's point of view. That makes for an honest and open dialogue on the pitch.
Last season I had an experience with him that I found very respectful: After losing the game in Leverkusen at the beginning of February, he came to see me despite the huge disappointment, thanked me for the way I had conducted the game and said goodbye in a very polite manner. Not everyone manages to do that in a situation like that. I was very impressed. Overall, I think I've noticed a clear evolution in the league over the years: Before, people just talked, communicated and sometimes complained. Today, the comments are much more professional and also more selective, and the conversations are held at the same level.
What always impresses me most about Thomas when I see him on the field is that he is a great motivator, he leads the way, sets an example and involves his teammates. That also shows as a referee. He is simply a great leader on and off the field.
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certified-boyliker · 2 years
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Got It
Actor: Barou Shoei
MPAA: PG-13 (GN!Reader, suggestive)
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Barou picked up his water bottle and began drinking when he heard his phone buzz.
"Hm? The hell?"
He picked his phone up, and checked his text messages. He saw that a message and photo came from you.
"I remember reading somewhere that athletes like their partners wearing their jerseys. Something about turning them on, no?"
He opened the photo and saw you had taken a picture in the mirror of yourself wearing Barou's jersey. He gritted his teeth and glared down at his phone.
What. The. Fuck.
When did he say that you could take and wear his jersey whenever you wanted? Never, that's when. He sighed angrily and typed back to you:
"Take that off by the time I get home, got it?"
He dropped his phone into his bag and went back to practice.
When he arrived home, he set his bag down in the place he designated ifor it and made his way to the bathroom, hoping to shower quickly. When he reached the bedroom, he found himself enraged at what he found on the bed.
"I told you to take it off."
You were lying upside down on the bed, scrolling on your phone. Still wearing Barou's jersey.
"My phone died."
"Also, I took a shower."
"Doesn't matter. Take it off. Now."
You rolled over and sat on your knees. "I don't know you wanted me that badly."
Barou scoffed and turned away from you. "Still too wound up from practice, I don't want you-"
He turned to you and his face went slightly pink. You were naked, holding his jersey out to him.
"Why the hell are you naked?!"
"I remember reading somewhere that athletes get turned on by their partners wearing nothing but their jerseys. That's supposed to help with them usually being pent up, due to an overflow of testosterone, especially after a practice or match-"
"I don't give a shit- put on some clothes, goddammit!"
"Was my seduction tactic a bust?"
"Considering you said it in a completely monotone voice, and I am not more turned on than before I walked in, yes."
He watched you slide off the before before rolling his eyes and making his way to the bathroom. He took his shower, and as he scrubbed his back, he thought why you decided to do... that. Maybe you were pent up, or you just thought he was gone for too long.
As he toweled off, he sighed. Relationships were hard. Harder than trying to get past a defender or goalkeeper, and that's where most of his skills lied. He walked to the kitchen, about to address his theory concerning your behavior, when-
"What the actual fuck?"
You stood there, wearing only a shirt and a pair of knee high socks. You turned to him and, and with the straightest face.
"Hello, Master Shoei, how was your day?"
"You know the traditional thing to is wear a maid uniform, and where the hell are your bottoms?!"
"Well you just said to put on some clothes, you didn't specify how many. However your bottom could be right-"
"Pants. Now."
You rolled your eyes before exiting the kitchen. Barou sighed, that's what he got for taking you seriously for even a moment.
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Credits: ©certified-boyliker and Pretty Boy Theaters
@https-true-egoist @bakerysnake
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0alanasworld0 · 2 years
Celebrity Crush (Pablo Gavi x reader) *request
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Request: Hii can u do gavi having a crush on actress reader and he reveals it after being asked abot his celeb crush in an interview :) ♡
A/N - I know that this request has been completed before but I've always wanted to write one of these and I think that my take is sufficiently different from the other writer's -> I feel justified in posting it. I hope that makes sense lol
Warnings: none
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“The love of your life is gonna be there, eh!” Pedri pokes at his best friend’s shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Pablo scoffs, one tiktok post on his screen is all it took for his little crush to become the team’s hot gossip. And it’s been a month!
“Are we really still on this?” gavi groans, throwing a hand over his face in an attempt to cover the blush of embarrassment as his teammates cackle around him. The joys of being the youngest (!)
“Hey, it's completely natural to have feelings lik-” 
“No no no no no I can’t deal with this today!” He grabs his bag and stomps out of the locker room, shaking his head with a huff. He would never dare admit this to his friends but my god if you weren’t the most stunning woman he had ever come across. Everything about you just oozed grace and elegance. Your voice was smooth and honeyed, striking eyes and a dazzling smile. You had an aura that just drew people towards you yet a shyness: there’s a little glimpse into how nervous the attention made you but you were still an infectiously positive influence on those around you. It certainly wouldn’t be surprising knowledge to anyone that Pablo had a little crush on you, many did. BUT the idea of you ever getting an idea of those feelings from the internet just made him cringe. He didn’t want to join a roster with those creeps. He didn’t even know you!
It was all an especially sensitive topic to him since you had mentioned being a football fanatic in a recent interview and you did express admiration for a certain La Liga goalkeeper that had him slightly disgruntled. However, when you also mentioned a certain Catalonian team as a favourite, he was shocked to say the least. You spoke very highly of them and it was becoming more and more apparent that you likely knew of him. Were you a fan? Did you just think of him as some stupid kid like everyone else? Have you ever been to one of his games and if so how did he not see you??
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“So, you’re pretty new and upcoming so there's an air of mystery around you. I mean, we really don’t have anything on you! For a break-out star, it's a bit weird, don’t you think?” the host says, elbow propped up on the table with her head resting on their hand. 
“Yeah, I get that but suppose I’ve been a bit of a recluse my whole life uh… I don’t know! I’m not always on social media and I haven’t really done many interviews so I guess there never really is much of an opportunity? Even with the press stuff I have done, it’s all been very much focused on the show itself so y’know…” you trail off with a bit of uncertainty, wringing your hands under the table.
“Well, I’m gonna try and change that! We’re gonna treat this kinda like a first date, just a basic get-to-know-you type scenario, you cool with that?” she asks tentatively
“Yeah that sounds pretty good!”
“Okay let's start easy uh… favourite colour?”
“I feel like the range between blue and green is pretty solid, what do you like doing outside of work?”
“I’m kind of a soccer fanatic, actually! I used to be a die-hard football fan but something about soccer just makes it feel so much more energetic y’know?” You nod in agreement, smiling at the shared interest, perking up a bit.
“I have to agree with you on that one. I used to play all the time when I was a little kid and I burned out on it as a teenager but seeing it regain that energy over recent years is something so special!”
“Exactly! I really think we’re meshing here!” you both laugh as you jokingly hold hands over the table.
“Okay okay back to the subject matter, what's your favourite league?”
“The EPL.” you say, mouth twitching as the laugh threatens to break out. The interviewer narrows her eyes and takes her hands back, cocking her head to the side. The silence only makes it harder until both of you burst out into laughter, tearing up a little bit.
“Okay no be real…” the interviewer struggles to get the words out through the giggles. You finally manage to settle down and get the words out.
“Honestly I think that La Liga has really been seeing a revival. I still love the Bundesliga and Serie A but it's been super interesting to see the quality of La Liga go up so dramatically.” The interview nods and hums in interest. She raises her eyebrow with her next question.
“Any favourite players?”
“I can’t say any names for fear of it actually reaching them but the goalkeeping last season was stellar and I think that the Zamora trophy was very well earned.” ducking your head down as a small blush appears on your face. The interviewer smirks but continues.
“Okay fine but you have to have a favourite team?”
“Within La Liga, Barcelona has been super inspiring! It was a pretty tough time losing such consistent and reliable talent especially under those circumstances where they didn’t want to leave but I would have never expected a revival like this!”
“Tell me about it, and to come from such young players too?!”
“Exactly, it’s wonderful to see them be so resourceful given their… situation and it’s clearly working so I’d say that those promotions were very wise decisions on their part!”
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The teasing had always been there since the team found out about it but it took an upturn after that interview. Fans were picking up on the idea given the fact that the pair of you were the same age. The edits rolled in much more quickly than what he expected: the sensual  music, the mashups of his and your best moments, the illusion of the pair of you looking at each other. He doesn’t understand how they did it and he’s angry at the fact that he isn’t more offended by people imagining you as a couple. He wasn’t overjoyed by the ones of you and Pedri or a certain Moroccan goalkeeper that you referred to in the interview but nevermind. He couldn’t help but be a little curious about whether you two would be compatible. I mean it wasn’t too outlandish of an idea was it? You’re both young, struggling with fame, passionate, who knows maybe-
“Pablo, I’m begging you: get your head out of the clouds and pull it together!” his agent yells, throwing an empty water bottle in his direction.
“When are you free for a fitting?”
“... Huh?” he breathes out deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes in annoyance. The poor man just needs this one date sorted for the gala, he just wants to go home and yet here they are. All he needs is about a minute of focus.
“Okay if I have to say this one more time, I’m throwing the whole water drum at you.” the boy gulped, eyes widening at the threat, nodding vigorously as he straightened his back. Julian was a lovely guy with the patience of a saint and Pablo was grateful to have him as a publicist but he had his limits.
“Y’know that premiere Robert was going to?”
“Vaguely” Julian raises his eyebrows at that. This show has been on everyone’s lips for a good few months and to add to that, a particular name was frequently attached that would have been very familiar. Nonetheless, he chooses not to press. He just wants to get this all over and done with.
“Right well, some idiot insisted that he needed to do some promotional stuff instead so you’re going… well if you can actually cooperate and help me sort out a fitting date, that is.” he says, eyes narrowed at Gavi. Sighing out when he realises that the message has finally been received.
“Wait wait wait, why can’t pedri go?!” Julian decides that he will, in fact, push.
“Okay, I just told you that you’re going to be able to attend a premiere for the film that the love of your life is leading and you’re asking me why someone else can’t go?” Gavi looks down and plays with his fingers. Julian shakes his head, let's get this over with.
“No, magically no one else is available. Let’s get this fitting done at 10:00pm tomorrow, yeah?” any chances of being flexible are long gone, his patience running very thin. Julian hurries out of the room, holding his hand out to prevent Pablo from saying anything that would prolong the conversation.
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“You do realise that this girl literally has no reason to dislike you, right?” Pedri says, looking up from his phone to see Gavi messing around with his tie and rolling his eyes. 
“Apart from the fact that I’m largely advertised as a player with a giant ego and no anger management skills?” Gavi huffs. Sure, your comments on the team were largely positive but you had to have seen some of the famous outbursts.
“Hermano, I can assure you that the way that you play completely overshadows the angry  chihuahua behaviour. If she can’t see that, then she’s not worth your time.” he shrugs. Oh if only it were as simple as that. Pedri may have been right but the fact of the matter was that he wanted you to like him. You were ethereal and the idea of you not liking him made his chest tighten. 
“See! This is what I mean! I doubt she’d have any interest in an ‘angry chihuahua’” Gavi turns around to face his best friend, aggressively air quoting.
“C’mon man, I was only joking.” Pedri gets up to give him a reassuring hug. He can sense that his friend is still extremely nervous so he releases the hug before continuing.
“Look, she seems nice enough and she likes the team. The most you have to worry about is the great wall of Morocco sweeping her off her feet before you.” patting his cheek with a smile. Gavi looks away and huffs again but is unable to hold back the smile. Okay, that was funny. He’d never admit that, though. Thank goodness, he’s married.
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“Oy, apparently that Gavi kid is gonna be there!” your ears perk up at your friend’s comment. ‘That Gavi kid’ was a phenomenal footballer and very quickly caught your attention the first time you saw him play live. The guys you’re constantly having to deal with are all the same type with very little motivation or ability to do the simplest of things. The fact that there was someone around your age having the talent, motivation and passion to play for (and help resurrect) one of the most iconic teams in the world as well as his national team was so incredibly attractive to you. His doe-eyes and fluffy, chocolate brown hair definitely helped him out in the looks area as well.
“He seems like a sweet guy, I happen to think we’d get along quite well actually!” your cheeks heat up as a shy smile makes its way onto your face.
“Oh there's no doubt about that! Being swept off your feet by Barca’s golden boy is very on-brand for you! And have you SEEN those edits, wow!” She fans herself jokingly as you throw a pillow at her head.
“Okay that's enough of that. Now I beg you just choose between one of these!” you’re holding up the two dresses you spent ages narrowing down to.
“Girl, you’re going to be the star of the show, those edits will be up and out regardless of whether your dress is cerulean blue or midnight blue.” you roll your eyes as you eye the 2 dresses once more.
“What has gotten into you? You usually have this stuff picked out weeks in advance!”
“I don’t know, just having some doubts is all.”
“Look, I promise that your lover boy is going to be blown away with either of these.”
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The taxi ride feels like forever. He’s redone his tie more times than he could count. He’s been keeping a close eye on every rumoured attendee’s social media to try and up his morale but finally, they make it to the venue. It’s all glammed up with lights lining up the red carpet. It leads to the doors which are strictly guarded by 2 burly men in all black. The odd nightclub visit may have felt normal to the poor boy but not this. It's a little too much and just as he thought he had calmed down, the nerves make their unwelcome return and his hands are sweating again.
The second he opens the taxi door, the cameras start flashing and people start yelling his name. Gavi takes the time to thank his driver, passing over a generous tip before slowly exiting. Why do they have to be like this? Why do I have to be like this? He asks himself. The suit that he had made to his form by the finest tailors just days prior suddenly felt too tight. It was some of the most expensive material yet it now felt scratchy and coarse against his skin. It was all suffocating: the noise, the lights, the smell; everything. He rushes down the carpet with his head down, ignoring the requests to smile for the camera. The words were barely intelligible anyway.
The temporarily converted mall is still extremely busy and loud but the lack of paparazzi and yelling was a change he felt very grateful for. The noise is more energetic chatter and less ear-shattering screeches as the walk-in was. He sighs in relief when he sees a familiar face. 
“Ah, Gavira! You made i- what’s wrong?” his teasing smile turns into a look of concern.
“What?! Nothing! Why would you ask that?” he’s rambling, still rattled from the entrance.
“Oh hermano you look like you’re about to cry!” Julian gives him a hug which Pablo gladly accepts. It’s just a lot. He has nothing to ground him or divert his attention like the pitch does. There is probably a reason why Robert is usually the one to go to events like this.
“Look, I know that the entrance was a bit much but I promise you, that was the hard part. Now it's just gonna be a couple interviews, some less chaotic photos, try to talk to some of the actors here… you’ll have fun, okay?” Gavi nods with a semi-enthusiastic smile on his face, it probably looked more like a grimace but nevertheless.
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It’s been a big improvement from the first impression and Gavi is enjoying himself. He didn’t have very many photos taken at all and it’s been a relief to see footballers other than himself dotted around. Talking to them, among some of the actors, has given him some reprieve. It isn’t so bad after all.
The first interview isn’t too much of a hassle for him either. He’s used to much less friendly people than this.
“So, it must be pretty crazy to receive such high praise from such a highly coveted actress, huh?”
“I mean, yeah! She didn’t refer to me directly but it’s awesome anyway. I’m glad our team is still inspiring so many people and that SOMEONE understands the approach Xavi is taking!” he manages to get a little chuckle out of the man which releases some tension. He continues.
“No seriously, she’s an insanely beautiful and talented person so it really is an honour to hear it from someone of her calibre.” gavi says with a wistful smile on his face, cheeks heating up at the mere thought of you being aware of his existence. The interviewer smirks but keeps things rolling, that footage was going to be golden.
“On a more personal note, thank you for what you’re doing for Barca and the national team. Absolutely phenomenal coming from someone so young and I can’t begin to describe how excited I am to see how things work out for you in the future.” Well that's very different from what he’s used to hearing from older fans. It warms his heart.
“Thanks man, that seriously means so much to hear!” They give each other a bear hug before he walks off, relaxed and confident. But the second he turns around, it all dissipates. There you are, in all your glory. You’re not even doing anything intentionally model-esque, simply looking down and readjusting your dress as you wait for the journalists and camera crew in front of you to have everything set up. It's a moment he feels guilty for intruding on but you smooth down your dress, smiling as you twirl around in it. He’s mesmerised within seconds of seeing you in person, the photos don’t do you justice. At all. 
He can’t hear what you’re saying and doesn’t dare get any closer but the second you start speaking you have everyone’s attention. He can tell whenever someone is complimenting you as your hands move to cover your cheeks as they heat up. He wonders how you feel about the small crowd gathering around you. Did you ever get as nervous as he did? Was this stressful for you too? He’s brought out of his thoughts as the crowd laughs quietly at a comment you made. Oh and she’s funny too? Of course she is!
Much to his disappointment, Julian is dragging him off to another interview before he could even muster up the courage to go and talk to you, with the crowd beginning to disperse. He stills looks back at you, heart pounding as you make eye contact. He sees you offering a little wave before he loses you among the people. Your smile was breath-taking but smiling directly at him was a whole different story. The rest of the interviews couldn’t last any longer, or at least he felt that way. He just wanted to see you again now, nothing else was on his mind. 
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That idea was a lot harder in practice, he learned. You’re right there, swirling your sprite can at the drinks bar, looking up and around every now and then. He’s been dawdling for about ten minutes now, “figuring out what to say.” He looks up every once in a while, you’re playing with your dress again and you still look just as mesmerising. Julian has had enough of the situation, pushing Pablo towards you and walking off before the boy could try to hide behind him.
“Oh my gosh, hi! It’s Pablo, right?” good lord you’re somehow even more gorgeous up close and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. Have you seen that interview? They posted that one clip very quickly and he’s extremely anxious at the idea of you being spammed with the clip. It’s a shame he hadn’t been paying attention to the posts other than his interview clip. Or listened when he saw you being interviewed.
“That's me!” he says, laughing nervously. 
“I’ve honestly been wanting to meet you for so long!” you say with a bright smile on your face, bouncing up and down on your toes with excitement. You can’t resist giving him a hug and he thinks his heart is going to burst out of his chest any time soon. You smell absolutely divine and he’s trying to commit the whole moment to memory. You take his hand and pull him to an area behind all of the giant posters where things are a little quieter.
“I could say the same about you, I mean you’re just…wow!” He’s properly kicking himself. One chance to look cool in front of you and he’s fucked it up.
You’re so caught up in the excitement of talking with Pablo Gavi that you forget the fact that you elicit the very same feelings in him. 
“No, seriously you’re incredible! I usually find defensive tactics more interesting but you are absolutely explosive in midfield! I haven’t seen anyone play quite like that for ages!” you gush. Pablo couldn’t be more grateful that everyone forced him to come here. You liked him! You liked him!
“It's honestly just what I love doing, I suppose the passion builds into the output…” he trails off as you nod enthusiastically, giving him a reassuring smile and eagerly waiting for him to continue. You don’t like eye contact very much but his hazel eyes are truly gorgeous and you can’t bring yourself to look away.
“Hey, enough about me, this is a big day for you! You’re finally getting the recognition you deserve!” he says, gaining a bit of his confidence back and nudging you lightly. You can feel your cheeks heat up. 
“Eh, the me-fest was fun online but holy shit am I tired of it after this!” you laugh together and simultaneously realise that you’re still holding onto each other's hands. It just feels too right to let go.
“Do you hate the noise as much as I do?” you whisper in his ear. He feels a chill run down his spine from your warm breath and goosebumps form immediately. He nods softly, confused and suspicious of the mischievous look in your eyes.
“What’s on your mind, bonita?” he narrows his eyes, squeezing your hands lightly, waiting for you to elaborate.
“There’s a park literally 2 minutes away from here! if we manage to make an escape, we can get away from all the noise, look up at the stars…” you trail off, waiting for his response. He seems to have a permanent smile etched on his face with you but it widens with your idea. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and you begin to weave in and out of the crowd which has begun to disperse a little already. 
The pair of you make it out unscathed, giggling to each other as you look back to make sure you haven’t been caught. He keeps his arm where it is, again it just feels too right. You reach one of the park benches and decide to take your seats. The dim glow of the street lamp above you illuminates your features and he can’t help but stare. Your eyes are focused on the stars, you’re holding out your hand to map out the stars you were familiar with. Your other hand is gripping the bench and he inches his own closer and closer but he has an idea of his own. He doesn’t know how but he’s thankful that his confidence resurfaces once more as he stands up, holding a hand out to you. Your focus returns to him and you cock your head to the side in confusion.
“Dance with me” the idea makes you all giddy inside but you can’t help but tease
“Without music?” He sighs in faux-annoyance as he opens his phone to play a soft tune, propping it up on the blazer he opts to take off. He’s a sight for sore eyes in the crisp, white button-up. He offers his hand to you again but you oblige this time. You squeal slightly as he unexpectedly pulls you towards his body, instinctively placing a hand on his chest while his free hand finds a place on the small of your back. His hazel eyes are so much prettier up close. He simply can’t believe that this is happening. You both fall into a rhythm together as you move to the soft melody. 
“I’m a genius.”
“Of many things” he says with a wistful sigh, smiling softly. 
The butterflies in your tummy grow more and more restless as your faces grow closer together. You can feel his warm breath on your face and you can see the little scars that adorn his face. The hand that rested on his chest slides up towards his face to cup his cheek and his eyes flutter to a close for a second as he relishes the warmth. You’re both breathing heavier, almost panting, even though nothing has happened yet. Your eyes are frantically flickering over each other's features, desperately trying to commit even the most minute detail to memory. Your gaze lingers on his pretty pink lips for a second too long and like that: you’re the first to give in. you pull him towards you, finally capturing his lips in a soft kiss. He tenses for a moment, mind completely blanking as he attempts to process what is happening. Just as quickly, he relaxes and pulls you even closer to him, if that were even possible. The taste of your watermelon flavoured lip gloss was borderline addictive and the softness of his lips had you feeling dizzy. You part slowly and reluctantly for breath, your hands stay in each other's hair as you stare into each other’s eyes.
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“Promise you’ll call?” you say as the taxi pulls up at your place. You really have no idea just how infatuated he was with you.
“I swear on my life, bonita. I’ll call the second I get home!” he smiles, pulling you in for the final kiss of the night before you open the car door and leave. Before entering your place, you turn around to give him a wave, smiling widely as he waves back. You kick off your heels and flop onto the couch, a wide smile plastered on your face as you recall the events of the night: he, Pablo Gavi, really liked you.
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Pablo tries to close the door quietly behind him, finally returning home after going rogue at the premier with you. The lamp in the corner of the living room flickers on, spooking him as he sees Pedri sitting there, wide awake and waiting. 
“Look, I know I should have called about where I was but I swear I know how to handle myself I just-”
“Yeah yeah whatever, I couldn’t care less about that Gavira. You owe me something.” Pablo is stumped, his tired mind can’t wrap around what his friend is trying to get at.
“An apology? I was trying before I got rudely interru-” Pedri turns the laptop around so the screen is facing his best friend. 
Oh god no, this was all much quicker than anticipated. No words can be heard and the camera quality is rather shaky but the faces are obviously you and him. The camera has captured the moment where you drag him to behind the posters to talk privately, your hands resting in his, and they capture the pair of you walking off back into the crowd together in the middle of the escape. 
Pedri gets up, places the laptop on the table and goes to ruffle Pablo’s hair and then shakes him by the shoulders.
“I told you she was into you! I told you! You’re such an idiot I swear!” Gavi rolls his eyes, mouth twitching as he tries to hold off a smile. He doesn’t want to reveal all the details yet but it was a magical night, to say the least.
“C’mon you have to tell me something!” Gavi looks down as a blush dusts his cheeks.
“She said she wants to see me again,” he says, stretching the back of his neck. Pedri wraps him in a tight hug.
“I’m always right, see?” 
“Whatever!” Gavi retorts with a smile, jogging up to his room. He’s itching to call you. Pedri lets him go in peace, oh he’s going to be relentlessly teasing the poor man in the morning.
Once Pablo reaches his room, he quickly unbuttons the shirt, throwing it to the side before falling onto the bed, sighing in relief as the cool and crisp sheets felt like heaven against his burning hot skin. The effect you had on him clearly hasn’t worn off just yet. He opens his phone and immediately goes to call you. A smile immediately makes its way onto his face as he hears your voice.
“Did you make it home safely?”
“As per instruction, bonita.” he thinks he can hear your smile over the line. Oh this was the start of something beautiful.
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I’m sorry this has taken so long, lovelies. I have a lot on my plate and have been feeling a little demotivated but I've been feeling a lot better recently so hopefully I can start posting more often again! I hope you enjoy this one xxx
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hendolish · 11 months
I'm in desperate need of some more stonesford PLEASE -I was thinking how John was all over Ramsdale for some reason but then he seemed to remember who he belongs to lol
Pickford doesn't strike me as the jealous type however I think that it would drive *John* crazy that he can't make him jealous by being with the other goalkeeper anyway there's a story there somehow I believe it'd be interesting to see where it'd take us (hopefully some spicy loving for John )
john stones/jordan pickford | be with me ♡ (smut)
In the brisk chill of England's training ground, John stands beside Aaron, cracking jokes and leaning in closely to the goalie, their laughter echoing across the pitch.
Yet, despite the whispers and nudge-nudge-wink-winks of their teammates, Jordan appears to remain unfazed.
With his trademark self-assured grin, he’s the epitome of confidence. Never one to get easily jealous, Jordan continues with his training, tossing occasional, indifferent glances in John’s direction.
But John is more perturbed by Jordan’s lack of reaction than by any of the banter from the other lads. The centre-back, used to eliciting at least a hint of possessiveness from Jordan, starts to playfully escalate things with Aaron.
More body contact, standing as close together possible as if to huddle from the wind, gleaming smiles that aren’t too hard to draw from the blond.
However, Jordan’s nonchalance remains unbroken, driving John up the wall. He thrives on the fiery interactions and unspoken challenges the two of them usually share. But this? This cold indifference? It's uncharted territory for John.
After another training session filled with John’s antics, he corners Jordan in the dressing room.
“Why don’t you care?” John blurts out, frustration evident in his voice.
Jordan, lifting an eyebrow, smirks, “Who says I don’t?”
John, caught off-guard, stammers, “Me and Rammers. You haven’t said a word on it.”
Jordan shrugs, leaning in so close that their noses almost touch. “Maybe I trust you too much. Or maybe,” he whispers, a hint of mischief in his eyes, “I like watching you try so hard.”
John’s cheeks burn. Without another word, Jordan turns to leave, but not before grazing John’s arm with his fingers, sending shivers down his spine.
Later that night, as they sit on the balcony of Jordan’s hotel room, the tension is still sitting heavy in the air and the frown lines on John’s forehead.
Jordan finally breaks the silence, “You know you’re mine, right?”
John nods, wrapping an arm around the other’s shoulders. “Always have been. Just... missed this. Us.”
Jordan grins, planting a kiss on John's lips. “You don’t need to make me jealous. Just need you to be with me.”
When John can’t help himself and chuckles into laughter against Jordan’s mouth, the goalkeeper prepares himself with a sigh before asking dryly, “What.”
John protests as he leans back to sit up straight and grin at Jordan, enjoying watching the other’s brows dip reproachfully.
“It’s fucking something. What is it?”
“Just didn’t expect you to come out with the romantic one-liners is all.” John tells him through a grin, earning himself a swat to his thigh that just causes him to laugh again.
Jordan shakes his head, “You’d rather I’d still be a prick to you, is that it?”
The grin that creeps onto John’s cheeks is mischievous as he leans back into the gap between them, tilting his head in apparent consideration, “…maybe sometimes.”
He watches the fire lick behind Jordan’s eyes and suddenly decides that that’s what he’s been missing all camp.
“You gonna do anything about it?”
John asks with a smirk, and Jordan’s lightning quick to respond, manoeuvring the both of them back into his room until the backs of John’s legs hit the bed.
“Sit,” Jordan orders, which earns him a raised eyebrow, “What? You wanted me to be a prick, so sit down.”
John sits on the edge of the bed after that, Jordan’s authoritative tone shooting straight to his cock and buzzing at his insides.
He’s used to hearing it on the pitch, but here… just for him, it’s got a very different meaning.
“You gonna suck my cock?”
Jordan asks as he takes John’s chin into one of his hands, directing his gaze upwards. Jordan trails his eyes across John’s face, cupping his cheek a little too gently before he seems to remember what he’s supposed to be doing and digs his fingers into the flesh there instead, “Hmm?”
John doesn’t let their eye contact break as he reaches forwards to pull down Jordan’s trackie bottoms and boxers all in one, allowing his cock to spring upwards, already hard at the sight of John sat before him.
It’s familiar when John takes Jordan’s cock inside his mouth. The head fat and wide as John closes his lips over it to suck before he’s licking downwards and covering what he can’t reach with his hands.
And John knows that Jordan loves seeing him like this, so he always does his best to put on a bit of a show: glancing upwards to lock eyes with Jordan when he can, swallowing as deeply as he dares, before pulling back to grin up at him.
He purposely presses Jordan’s cock against the inside of his cheek where Jordan’s hand rests and feels the effect it has on the other man as his hips jerk and thrust sharply into his mouth, causing John to splutter.
Even in this state, Jordan has the mind to mutter sorry, but then he’s following up that by asking, “Can I fuck your face?” To which John just hums and nods.
Jordan’s hands settle at the back of his head and bury themselves in his hair before he’s pistoning his cock into John’s mouth, grunting softly every time he hits the back of John’s throat and causes him to gag. Calling him a good lad, which has John frowning but not protesting.
“Gonna fucking come.”
Jordan tells him eloquently soon after, releasing the grip his has in John’s hair ever-so-slightly so he can reply when he asks, “On your face?”
John resits the temptation to roll his eyes and just tells him to do whatever he wants.
Three strokes of Jordan’s cock later, John finds his cheeks and lips spluttered with cum. He licks it off what he can with his tongue because he also knows Jordan secretly likes to see.
But before he gets it all, Jordan’s hand comes to rest against his cheek. Soft again.
“Fucking perfect, you,” He says, and John leans against his palm, “Fuckin’ perfect.”
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acrazybayernfan · 10 months
Ok so, I'm here to humbly request some Mullendowski from your amazing writing (I miss them so much) Btw, bless your inability to keep it short <3
(Fun fact: I was nervous to ask and for some reason, I started typing in Spanish (?????? )
Hello my dear Nana <333
first of all thank you so much for your request 😘 and I'm so so so so horribly terribly sorry to be so late to answer it. I had my first session of exams for my theater school last week and the repetitions took all my time, and I was so unsatisfied of I had done for your little fanfic that I had to try to make better but i failed so... I just count on your understanding and your kindness.
As a compensation for being so late, I have decided to write you two little stories (that can be related if you want or not if you don't want). Also, somehow I'm unable to write anything that isn't sad this month (it must be the fall vibes) so...
Oh if you'd like, go for Spanish, i can't talk well but I understand, so if it's easier for you, I won't mind, at all : )
First story is inspired by the song El Perdedor by Enrique Iglesias so the tittle is... Los Perdedores
Qué más quieres de mí Si el pasado está a prueba de tu amor Y no tengo el valor De escapar para siempre del dolor Demasiado pedir Que sigamos en esta hipocresía Cuánto tiempo más podré vivir En la misma mentira
One morning Thomas had read on internet news saying that Robert Lewandowski was considering leaving Bayern and he had laugh at these ridiculous rumors. He had laugh like that every day for months until, even him, couldn’t laugh about it anymore and fear, a terrible, dreadful fear sized his heart, the fear to lose something that perhaps, in the end, he never had.
Why would Lewy want to leave? Weren’t things great the way they were? Yes, that elimination against Villareal was a shame but… but Robert was still the best striker in Europe, and Thomas made sure that it was the case, and wasn’t that enough? What else should he has done to prevent this? What a terrible question was that, a question no one should ever asked themselves. 
All those years, didn’t they carry any weight in Robert’s heart? Thomas had thought… How stupid was that? He had thought that with time the Polish player had got attached to Bayern… to him? But apparently all this didn’t stand a chance against… against what? More money? No, Robert wasn’t like that. Against the hope to finally win this stupid Ballon d’Or? Perhaps… probably… Against Lewy’s dream to still play at forty years old, something easier to do in a less intense league than the Bundesliga? Maybe that dreams weight much more than memories after all. 
No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazón Y no me queda nada más Sí, prefiero ser el perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no me queda nada más No me queda nada más
At Bayern, the last game of the season his supposed to be a time for joy and celebration, the pinnacle of a successful season but today in the stadium the atmosphere is gloomy. No one talks about it but everyone knows. Thomas didn’t leaved Manuel’s side because he needed the strength of the goalkeeper calming presence. Next to them Robert was walking towards the stands. His face was livid but his expression determined. He waved at the fans and his eyes teared up and he stayed there for longs minutes, crying, a hand placed both on his heart and on the Bayern crest.
“If you care about all this, then why are you leaving !!!” Thomas was screaming these words again and again in his head, pinching his lips together to prevent himself from crying and from saying this out loud and then the pain became unbearable and he had to leave. How ironic it was! Robert was the one staying with the team, staying in the stadium, staying with the fans and Thomas was the one running away. 
As soon as he was out of sight the Bavarian player started to run to hide himself in the darkest most recluse place of the stadium. There he let out a terrible, desperate, passionate scream - a scream closed to the one Achille let out when he heard the news of Patroclus death- and after this supreme effort all strength seemed to leave his body and Thomas collapsed on the floor, weeping. All the muscles in his body were tense, from his toes to his face which was deformed by the pain, making it hard for him to breathe. He was clenching his right hand on the air around his chest in a vain attempt to ease the pain of his heart. Memories, reproofs, pleas, imprecations, regrets or prayers… all these thoughts were whirling in his head. In that moment he was willing to offer everything, even his dear world cup trophy, to make Robert stay. 
Ya no puedo seguir Resistiendo esa extraña sensación Que me hiela la piel Como invierno fuera de estación Tú mirada y la mía Ignorándose en una lejanía Todo pierde sentido Y es mejor el vacío que el olvido
But Thomas was strong, and after this beak down he promised himself to have more control over his feelings. The next when Robert saluted the crowd from the balcony of the city hall, he remained stoic, as cool as the statues next to him. The rest of the time he laughed and danced and screamed and told jokes as loudly and expressively as always, even more probably, to hide the fact that his heart was so cold that no amount of May’s sun could warm it up. He even found the courage to trifle a little bit with Robert and, as a joke, he offered to his teammate to take a photo of him with the Bundesliga trophy. The Polish man accepted all smile and Thomas asked himself if all this was just acting, like it was for him, or if Lewy was really leaving with a light heart. The simple fact that this supposition could exist was so hurtful and enraging that Thomas chased this thought quickly in order to keep his composure. 
The Marienplatz ceremony ended both too soon and too late for the Bavarian’s taste, torn that he was between his desire to spend as much time as possible with Robert and the exhausting weight that the striker’s presence was for him. 
After two hours of partying to celebrate the league title during the banquet of the team, Thomas was quite drunk, using alcohol to empty his mind and to hide his pain. It had worked for some time but now that his mental barriers were weakened by the liquor thoughts and memories field his mind again. Lewy was dancing in the middle of the crowd, more handsome than ever. Things always appear the nicest to us when we’re about to lose them, no? After a long moment of contemplation, Thomas got up and with an unsteady walk he moved through the crowd, bumping in a few persons on his way, is eyes fixed on his goal. At that moment Robert looked at him, their eyes met and for an instant they stared at each other. ‘Such incredibly beautiful eyes’ thought Thomas ‘as beautiful as the sky in winter”. But, soon his teammate looked away, the German player tried to reach him but instead he tripped on his own legs and his arms grabbed nothing but air. Robert was walking away and Thomas would have fell on the floor if not for Serge catching him.
Yo prefiero dejarte partir Que ser tu prisionero Y no vayas por ahí Diciendo ser la dueña de mis sentimientos
“Leave! Leave!!! Who wants you to stay anyway?! You’re just a selfish prick! I hate you !!!” Thomas had screamed with all his strength but Robert was already too far and the music was too loud or else he knew that, if his Polish teammate had heard him, this would have been the beginning of a fight between them. Perhaps that he would have preferred that, perhaps that it would have been better that this feeling of being invisible.  
Thomas sized the first bottle of alcohol he could find, he took a large mouthful of it and then - addressing his speech to all the persons around him- he declared with a solemn tone and drunken voice: “You know what? I can play without him. I played without him for years, I won the greatest trophies of my careers without it. I can live without him, I lived the happiest years of my life without him. I don’t need him on the pitch or in my life! Plus, he is not that good, is he? Mario would have scored as much has him if the all team had played for him like we do. There is nothing special about him !!”
No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazón Y no me queda nada más Sí, prefiero ser el perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no me queda nada más
At that moment Thomas had believed in what he was saying but it didn’t last for long and the next morning he had to admit to himself that all this was a lie. 
During one month he lived with the fear that this disastrous night may turn out be the last time he would see Robert as his teammate. The news in the press were more and more pessimistic, the relationship between the Pole and the club more and more tense. 
"I want the one who has been my offensive partner for years to continue."
This was more than what Thomas has ever dared to say in the press when one of his teammates was leaving, even for Bastian, but it was also so far from what he really wanted to say. 
The night after this interview Thomas had written this message on his phone: ‘Would this change something if I tell you that I need you? That I love you. And that I could do everything for you.” The message was never sent.
A few weeks later, the news was official, Robert was leaving Bayern for Barcelona.
One last training session and everything was going to be over. They all behaved extremely well that day. Robert was all smile but not too much either, witty and charming like he knew how to be and everything went really well. Thomas didn’t even cry, he had passed that point, he was just looking at Lewy hugging each player of the Bayern’s squad one by one and, in his head, he was talking to his soon to be ex-teammate saying the things that he could never say out loud: “I gave you all I had to give, I gave you everything I could give to someone. I changed the way I play for you, I changed the way I use my qualities to help you more, to make you shine more. But all this wasn’t entirely altruism, I wanted you to depends on me Iike I depended on you, I wanted to become essential to you, I wanted to create a special bond with you. I gave you everything and I don’t regret it, even now, because this is what it is to love, it’s to give without expecting anything in return.”
 ¿Qué más quieres de mí? Si he pasado esa prueba de tu amor.
Lewy has fallen in love with Thomas the very first day they met and yet it took him years to realize it. Knowing very way that those feelings could never bring anything good to him he fought against them. In desperation, he tried to leave Bayern but the fear of not seeing Thomas every day turned out to be greater than his fear of suffering. Four years later, it was the opposite, his heart was burned, devoured by repressed and unrequired feelings and both his mind and his body were exhausted of this situation. Leaving Bayern was the hardest decision he had ever made and the hardest to execute but it was necessary.
And the second story tittle is: Delusion and Disappointment and it's inspired by what happened after the Bayern-Leipzig game in 2020.
I'm sorry at the time I didn't knew how to register screen and to use it to make gifs so I only have those blurry pictures to show you the situation.
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It was a hard match, probably an interesting game for a neutral spectator but for Robert it had been half and an hour of nightmare. He hated matches like this, those matches that would remind him of how useless he could be. They haven’t even lost but this 3-3 draw felt like a defeat to him. He was exhausted, he had fought against Upamecano and Konaté for the all game, without success. He just had one single opportunity and of course he has missed it, but not only was he unable to score or even to create chances for himself, but he was also unable to bring anything to the team, on the long balls he had lost all his aerial duels against the two Leipzig’s defenders and when he had gone to the midfield, in order to finally have a chance to touch the ball, he had been unable to turn around and make a forward pass because of the opponent’s pressing. His all body was hurting because of all the blows he has taken. As a football player that was something normal, they all play with pain here and there, this is something you have to get used to, and at the end of each game new pains appear in your body and you have to deal with them for the rest of the week. But that day it was a bit different, the Leipzig’s players hadn’t been soft with him and the euphoria of the victory wasn’t there to ease the pang. 
Robert with his pride, was determine not to show to the opponent that they had succeed in hurting him (both physically and mentally), so he was walking slowly but firmly and steadily towards the referees to shake their hands, just like usual. Around him the other players were talking together or exchanging a few words with the Leipzig’s players and trainers. 
From the corner of his eyes he caught sight of Thomas encouraging and congratulating Jamal. His German teammate seemed as full of energy as always. For a second, Robert asked himself how it was possible. A traitorous voice in his head answered him: “He has scored a brace, him” but Robert disagreed, Thomas was not like him, he cared about the team first and his statistics secondly, him scoring wouldn’t be enough to make him forget the disappointment of a Bayern bad game. No, his teammate was either stronger than him mentally or he was hiding his feelings, not by pride like him, but because he probably considered that it was his duty to cheer up the rest of the team. 
Sometimes he wondered about who would be there to cheer up Thomas when the young man needs it, and sometimes he would also hope to be that person, which was ridiculous because he was so bad at comforting people. When his father died, several times, he had caught his mother crying alone in her kitchen, he had wanted to go to her and to speak to her but each time he had always been stopped by the same questions: What should I say? What should I do? What if I do something wrong and I make it worse? And instead of moving he had stayed where he was and watched her for long, long minutes.  
Robert extended his arm to shake the sideline referee’s hand, not feeling like saying anything and he was about to move on to the next person when he was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing him from behind and putting his arms around him, there was a strange mix of strength -almost of roughness- and softness in this gesture, just enough to annihilate all ambiguity and he knew immediately who it was: Thomas. 
He would never, for anything in the world, show it or worst admit it but he was glad and grateful. For the briefest instant, for less than a fraction of second, he let his body melt in the embrace and then it was over, he wouldn’t be guilty of any other moment of weakness. Thomas almost let his chin rest on Robert’s shoulder to talk to him, but for some reason he didn’t went all the way. “You’re so stupid, Robert! Your vision is so limited that you’re not even considering that we have scored two of our goals thanks to you, are you? Of course not. Think a little about that pass between Upamecano’s legs, think about the way you have created space for me on the header and stop feeling sorry for yourself!”
If anyone else in the team had talked to him like that, Lewy would have probably told them to leave him alone in a rather brutal way but Thomas had some privileges.
However, Robert was determined to remain impassive – at least externally-, while his teammate was talking, so he offered his hand to the central referee, exactly as if Thomas wasn’t here. But his teammate was the not the kind of person to be deter by so little. He circled Robert, his harm sliding around the Polish man’s torso and then resting on his stomach. Now they were standing face to face. Thomas’ stubbornness was Robert’s greatest delight and greatest torture. 
Lewy immediately looked away, concentrating all his attention on the central referee. Robert then had the impression to hear his teammate sighing briefly but he convinced himself that it was in his imagination. Thomas placed his right hand on the striker’s neck, a familiar gesture between them. From time to time, during all these years they have played together, the German player would do that to him, sometimes to tease him, sometimes to encourage him, sometimes with no reason. There was nothing intimate, nothing tender in this gesture and yet there was something frighteningly pleasing in the sensation of this large, strong, slightly calloused hand on the soft skin of his neck. Frightening because it would be so easy to let himself melt in it, to let himself be hold by someone else like that and lose control. 
It only lasted for a brief moment and then Thomas let go of him and started walking past him, saying: “Take care of yourself it’s not good to stay in pain.”. Robert refrained himself from smiling. “Of course, he knew, thought the polish player, of course… Thomas always knew when something was wrong with him”. Perhaps that he was too easily readable or perhaps that his teammate was too good at that. There was just one thing that Thomas would never see or understand about him because Robert himself had decided not to see or understand it.
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lauriel816 · 1 year
Pairing/Shippy list!
I was tagged by @1337wtfomgbbq :) already hyped up I’m sensing there’s gonna be a lot of fun 🤩
Here's the rules:
List your top seven ships.
Put all of them in order of your love for them; 7 to 1, 1 being your favorite.
Name their fandom.
Supply photos for said people.
7) Peter Pevensie & Edmund Pevensie (Narnia)
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Geez. Is there even a proper tag for this?? Not many people ship these two I get it but I just, well, tend to drive down to an end off the beaten track. I really like their interaction in the first film and come to think of it, this was the first movie I’ve seen in movie theater so it kinda hits different.
6) Rogue/Shadowcat (Xmen: Evolution)
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They clearly had some issues at first but ended up getting along really well. Enemies to roommates to friends in combat and… let it hang in there for a bit bcs there could certainly be a lot of possibilities so who knows :D I really enjoy watching them bickering like an old married couple. Could do this all day
5) Hiccup/Astrid (httyd)
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Best anime couple ever! I love how their romantic relationship unfolds in rtte. A slow-burn, took a whole movie, plus three spin-off for it to blossom. Burns slowly but naturally and beautifully.
4) Logan/Scott (Xmen)
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When you talk about Scogan there's no way you can get around talking about that scene where Logan flipped Scott off and Scott just acted cool and cracked a smile. It's all you need to board this ship. Ugh it's shame the writer decided to kill off Scott in The Last Stand. But fortunately it was rectified in DoFP (Don't mention Logan (2017)) and Logan still got years to beef (and highkey flirt) with his frenemy :D
3) Magfam (Cherik + Speedyson) (Xmen)
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What I wouldn't kill to get more wholesome magfam content? For once can we forget about the angst and pain and just sit down and enjoy something of a rom-com, something light, a cute story of how a remarried family getting together. A remarried couple and their teenage son, who hasn't lived with his father for a single day before, try to work out together as a family. Isn't that what we all deserve?
2) Harry Osborn/Peter Parker (Spiderman(raimiverse))
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Quality angst. Their story has everything you need for a classic tragedy. Geez, I remember crying my heart out watching Harry die in Peter's arms as a kid. It left such a massive impact on me that I'm still not over it to this day. I really hate it that NWH did them dirty, Peter out of character, and implying that Harry, being someone vengeful, died of his tomfoolery, making him a cue for some meaningless joke. That's not how they should be. They deserve so, so much better.
1) Neuller (Men's Football RPF)
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My emotional support. My safehouse I could escape to. They are the reason why I'm here in the first place. Decade partners and soulmates on the pitch, two dorks who are always on the same wavelength and always seen together. For Thomas, Manu is the best goalkeeper in the world and the wall of steel behind him, always out there to defend so he could go full throttle forward without worrying; and for Manu, Thomas is his spokesperson on and off the field, leading the charge and helping him organize the defense. Together they grabbed almost all the titles they could. They complete each other, as quoted from Manu himself, Thomas is more than a teammate and he can't imagine a world without him.
Honorable nominees:
Silvercyclops (Xmen (movieverse)): It's a shame they never thought of exploring their friendship. What a waste of the chemistry between Evan and Tye.
Rogue/Gambit (Xmen (all media types excluding movieverse)
Lincoln/Alternate Lincoln (fringe)
Tagging: @manuelmueller @cincydrawing and whoever interested consider yourself tagged by me :D
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uummyuu · 1 year
the azul headcanons
big strong man that the show really doesn't utilize enough... wish we had more knowledge on the other members' names though :((
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although de los santos is the only one who outright states he's aztec, i'd like to think the entire team is of aztec descent in some way.
anyways fun fact about aztec tattoos, they're usually designed to honor a chosen god so that they may provide blessings of prosperity, strength, health, etc. i don't want to look too deep on what was probably a tattoo designed on whim but it seems pretty close to the aztec calendar? or an iteration of the aztec sun god huitzilopochtli, the interpretation is very vague.
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if we go by the thought that this is a tattoo of the aztec calendar, the tattoo itself could mean eternity and connection. de los santos in the show itself kind of rues the fact that what was once his home is now simply brushed of as the forgotten city or something to be left in the history books. with this tattoo it's his way of keeping his home and his friends by his side forever.
but also a tattoo of huitzilopochtli can symbolize power as well as sacrifice. some tattoos of the sun god are stylized to just be the sun with the god's face on it(although typically depicted with 8 rays instead of the weird 13 on his tattoo). santos' power is never understated in the show and his tattoo could be a testament to that.
the other members probably have their tattoos either on their chest or back to keep them out of sight, probably eagles to symbolize power and bravery, or maybe even a literal quetzlcoatl to symbolize wisdom. aspects that would be useful on the playing field.
anyways please see my vision of de los santos with a whole extensive aztec back tattoo on him
ok back to your regularly scheduled program, santos has bench pressed the entire team on his back once and it was recorded somewhere. the video resurfaces on natter everytime the azul play a game.
i read in a 4-panel comic that klaus actually has santos' jersey? i'll try and find it but anyways if some lucky fan manages to get it congrats you basically have a new blanket, that shirt is huge. (or if he has a tiny s/o who he loves smothering in his clothing i dunno 👀)
overall i'd like to think the team is just one big family, they have shared ancestry and that solidifies the bond they share with each other even if they aren't exactly related.
the other team members worry about santos taking on too much, with his reputation as an extremely difficult goalkeeper to get past when he does lose a point to the opposition it hits him hard. so the team does their best to pull their own weight, they want to have santos' back as much as he watches theirs.
de los santos is very much a protector type, i don't think he'd be the azul's captain, but he's definitely a pillar of support and morale for the team. (kind of a big bo and dancing rasta dynamic?)
the team definitely worries about relying on santos too much, but in reality santos likes being reliable and strong in the eyes of others, he longs to be needed so he doesn't end up as "forgotten" just like his home did.
honestly these guys probably try to keep out of the media too, but when they do get on an interview other than talking about the game they love talking about their culture. as "exotic" and "forgotten" it may seem to interviewers, to the team it's merely the childhood memories that link them all together. even if the city itself no longer stands.
i'm gonna make de los santos dating headcanons one day i swear because i have so much more to say about him—
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