#his skin is super glowy
saturniidaess · 2 years
polly uses magical beauty products btw.
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norrizzandpia · 3 months
Based off of the song bags by Clairo. Lando and y/n are more than friends but less than bf/gf. Super flirty and touchy always. Both in love w the other but don’t want to confess in case the other doesn’t feel the same way. Ending however you want!
Can You See Me Using Everything to Hold back? (LN4)
Summary: Lando and Y/n have always been as close as can be, but unresolved and disregarded feelings threaten everything they thought they once knew.
Warnings: language, angsty but HAPPY ENDING, mentions about Lando’s weight
“Happy birthday to my best friend!” Lando cheered as he let his arm rest firmly on Y/n’s face, a quick kiss to her cheek.
The girl smiled through it. It was her birthday after all, right? No crying this time around.
However, Lando was making that promise to herself extremely hard. The soft fingers dancing along her back, the hugs where he would breathe her perfume in, and the glow to his eyes were just a few of the instances where Y/n felt like keeling over and vomiting all over the pristine marble flooring of the hotel Lando had rented out extravagantly for her. Her glossy eyes, some thought, were just a mixture of the alcohol and the exhaustion of partying until dawn.
Truly, she was grateful for what he had done for her. The surprise party with all her closest friends made it known how much Lando really listened to her. The wish to not spend her day with crowds of people who knew only the shell of her being had been accomplished as she looked on at the room in front of her. Adorned in each corner were people who knew almost exactly what it would be like to live in her skin… and then there was Lando.
Lando, her best friend, knew more than just living in her skin. He knew more than anyone in the room, they both knew that. Nobody knew why she had that random scar on her stomach or why hated blueberries, but he did. Random facts about her that only God would be able to answer, he knew.
…Not to say Lando was God.
Nevertheless, the point was made in her brain. She loved the people here, but she adored Lando. Maybe too much for friends, but, again, no crying on her birthday.
“When everyone leaves and you open your presents, open mine first?” Lando whispered in her ear. Chills down her spine and a flush to her cheeks are not from the drop in the AC.
She turned to him, their faces inches apart as her champagne sloshed over the edge of her glass. Her hair landed over her shoulder, which almost brought Lando to his knees. Her gorgeous hair, beautiful dress, and glowy makeup enhanced every bit of pretty Y/n had to offer. He was breathless at the sight of her. Smiling softly, Y/n tilted her head, “Are you not staying?”
He shook his head and her heart sank, “I want you to open your gift alone. Plus, I have an early flight tomorrow.”
She checked her watch, “Lando, it’s almost 4 AM. What time’s your flight?”
His head dipped down to stare at his shoes, “7 AM.”
Her mouth fell open, “Lando!” She smacked his shoulder as she scolded him, “Why the hell are you here and not sleeping?!”
He pulled her into him, his breath fanning over her nose, “Because I want to celebrate my favorite person.”
She softened, “Fine, I’ll let you get away with it this time.”
Can you see me? I’m waiting for the right time. I can’t read you, but if you want, the pleasure’s all mine. Can you see me using everything to hold back? I guess this could be worse; walkin’ out the door with your bags.
The small grouping of gifts sat next to Y/n on her apartment floor, completely alone without the company she craved. As he asked, she fished out the small box from the stack. She shook it around for a moment, a small clanging meeting her ears. Finally deciding the package could be fragile, she unwrapped it.
“Can we please go in here, Y/n?” Lando pleaded with the girl as they stood on the street, his hand in hers as he pulled her one way. She rolled her eyes at him, “Lando, what are you buying at Van Cleef?”
He stuck his hip out while he let his bottom lip do the same, his usual ‘my way or the highway’ stance. She giggled before relenting, “Fine, but when we walk out empty handed and all the employees give us dirty looks, don’t come crying to me.”
He smiled at her before tugging her through the doors. Immediately, a woman approached them as she began welcoming them to the store. “If you need any help, just let us know.” She smiled and Lando nodded.
When they were alone, he turned to Y/n. She saw that mischievous look from miles away, “Look around, Y/n. Pick out your favorite thing.”
Her eyebrows raised, “You’re not buying me anything, Norris. Especially from Van Cleef.”
Lando’s look challenged her, “Uh huh, for sure.”
Deciding not to argue, Y/n let go of his grasp and let herself wander. Almost to the end of the store, nothing stood out to her. Everything was either quite popular and not something rather unique or not her taste and Lando was beginning to tell. Seemingly quite disappointed in her sudden lack of interest in Van Cleef Jewelry, his face lit up when she suddenly stopped at something.
A little gold necklace laid before with the quaintest red heart charm and there was nothing she loved more. Her eyes sparkled and her fingers ran over it on the glass. Lando loved seeing her fall in love with something beautiful. It paralleled something in his life.
“Like that one?” He whispered, his hands coming up to her waist as his thumbs began rubbing softly.
She twisted her head, “If I say ‘yes’, you can’t buy it for me.”
Lando pouted, “Why not?”
She sighed, “Because, Lan, it’s 2,000 euros. That’s way too much to spend on me.”
“2,000 euros is not enough.” He murmured and she chuckled. Suddenly, his hand tapped on the glass and he moved closer to her, “Tell you what, I won’t buy it for you right now, but I do get to buy it for you at some point.”
“What’s the difference from buying it now to buying it later?” She questioned and Lando’s eyes held hers.
“When I buy and give this to you, whether it’s a month from now or ten years from now, it’ll be my sign to you that I will never let you go. When this necklace ends up in your hands because of me know it is my tangible way of telling you that there is not a day I wish to go by without you.” He gazed upon her face in preparation for any kind of reaction. What he was met with was a slow smile that had his heart beating too fast.
She kissed his cheek, “I think I could get on board with that, Norris.”
On top of the Van Cleef box was a small, folded paper. Y/n let it unravel in her hands and staring back at her was Lando’s messy scribbling, however she could tell he had tried to make it nice.
My love letter to you. You’re better at words than I am. I know you’ll remember. Cheers and a happy birthday to everything you are and everything you will become. I know it’ll be great. You’re meant for something out of this world, Y/n. - L
A small tear ran down her face. She already knew what laid beneath all the ribbon. Her favorite heart necklace rested in her hands as she tried to take it all in. Her hands shook and her brain short circuited.
The only thing she could seem to remember were his words, “it is my tangible way of telling you that there is not a day I wish to go by without you.”
Lando cursed quietly to himself when his long awaited slumber had been stolen from him at the hands of his phone. Beside him, the device rang and rang annoyingly until his grogginess finally wore off enough for him to grab it.
Max, on the other side of the table, gave him a death stare. He had fully been asleep and any person knows that waking Max from any type of slumber is catastrophic.
Lando just smiled and shrugged at his best friend before answering the phone.
Crying is all he heard.
Pulling back the phone, he clocked Y/n’s contact. His mind raced. What had happened to her? He had watched her walk through her door the night before and lock it before leaving to get his luggage from his place. There was no time for her to be hurt. She was with him the entire night.
“What’s going on? I’ll kill them, Y/n.” That got Max’s attention.
”No,” She choked out before taking a breath, “It’s you. The necklace. It’s so sweet.”
“Oh,” Lando chuckled and Max continued to eye him weirdly.
“This is so much, Lan. I don’t even- Thank you. I thought you would forget or maybe never end up buying it.” She said, still breathing deeply through her past tears.
At the insinuation, Lando became rather confused, “I was always going to end up feeling this way Y/n. It was only a matter of time. It’s not hard to always want you around. You’re you.”
She was quiet for a moment, “The note, Lan. You say you’re bad at words, but that was perfect.”
He sighed dramatically, “Nothing will ever be as perfect as you. Crazy you don’t understand that yet.”
She smiled, “Still.”
He just shook his head silently and prayed that somewhere something, anything would give him the strength to be just friends with her. “Happy birthday, Y/n. I meant everything I said in that note.”
“Thank you, Lan.” A beat passed, “Well, I’ll let you get back to your flight. Be safe, please.”
He nodded, “Of course. Bye, Y/n. Love you.”
Her heart thumped in her chest. It always did when he said that. She whispered, “Love you too. Bye.”
Max sat with his arms crossed and his eyes trained on Lando. “What was that about?” He asked, although he had a small feeling he knew all too well what had just happened.
Lando coyly grinned, “Her present.”
“Which was what?”
Lando bit his lip, “That Van Cleef heart necklace I told you about like two years ago.”
Max stayed quiet for a moment, keeping his gaze on his best friend, before cocking his head. “Let me get this straight - you bought your best friend, who’s a woman, a Van Cleef necklace so she would know you never wanted to live without her. You got her this for her birthday as well?”
Lando just stared at him.
Max laughed, “Right. So, do you think she knows how in love you are with her now?”
“I hope not.” Lando rolled his eyes and swatted his hand in Max’s direction.
The man huffed, “Lando, sometimes you make me want to claw my eyes out with how stubborn you are.”
“I refuse to put my friendship with someone I cherish in jeopardy for some feelings I have that will surely go away soon.” Lando declared, his tone strong and direct.
But, there was no fooling Max.
“You do realize you just bought her a Van Cleef necklace, right?”
A triple-header was never easy. Especially when Y/n wasn’t with him for any of the races. Lando stared longingly at a picture of the two of them in London with chocolate smeared all over their faces, a cup of strawberries in Lando’s hand. They had been out wandering the city with a group of their friends that day and had shoved their faces with the most delicious food that Lando had gained so much weight, Jon had scolded him when he got back. Nonetheless, he adored the memories that came from that day. Which included this picture. Y/n was laughing and he was holding onto her by the waist, smiling at her widely. Lando never let her know this image existed solely because of how obvious his love for her is in it. His eyes twinkle and random dimples he never knew existed pop out and you can practically hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
It was too much for his liking.
In moments like these, when the yearning for her got too strong, Lando likes to think the days of them being friends are over. That they’re more than friends, soulmates or whatever his romantic mind would like to call it. It helps the pain of only being hers secretly subside.
“Are you gonna keep drooling at your phone like that or are you gonna call Y/n?” Oscar chuckled. The fact that the man couldn’t even see his phone yet knew he was looking at Y/n made Lando scream internally. He really needed to be better at not giving away too much.
Lando rolled his eyes, but his thumb was already pressing the call button. His phone rang as he put it up to his ear and Oscar tried to keep his smile unknown. Tried.
“Lando!” Y/n yelped. He could hear the grin in her voice.
He could feel the grin on his face, “Hi, Y/n.”
“What’s going on? What do you need?” She blabbered.
Lando’s eyes shot to Oscar, who was eavesdropping so obviously, and shuffled his body around to gain some sort of privacy. His head tucked down, he whispered, “I miss you.”
Y/n stopped her movements, putting down the yogurt she had been trying to put away. She smiled, “I miss you too.”
“Come here.” He begged, “Please.”
She sighed, “You know I can’t. I’m too busy here.”
He didn’t respond.
“I’m sorry, Lan” She whispered, guilt eating at her.
“I’m not mad… or disappointed at you. I just…” I love you.
“I’ll be fine, Y/n. I’ll see you when I come back.”
Tell you how I felt, sugar coated melting in your mouth. Pardon my emotions, I should probably keep it all to myself. Know you’d make fun of me.
Drunk was not what Lando should be after begging Y/n to come, practically declaring how much he wanted her, and getting denied. Yet, here he was with tequila sloshing over his glass as he tried to comprehend the words coming out of this woman’s mouth. She was standing in front of him, but all he could focus on was the fact that her hair wasn’t the same as Y/n’s and she didn’t smell the same.
Frustrated, he apologized, albeit slurred, to the woman and left her in the middle of the club. His vision was blurred slightly as he fell outside, the cold air going to his head.
Another call to the girl he’s always wanted. He counted that as two today and mentally scolded himself for being so obvious. At this point, everything he did was obvious. At this point, he couldn’t be just friends.
Y/n picked up, the grogginess in her voice evident. “Lando? Is everything okay? It’s 4 AM.”
“Y/n,” She could almost smell the alcohol on his breath, “I’m sick and tired of this.”
Her eyebrows furrowed, “Lando, you’re wasted.”
He shushed her before continuing, “Let me finish. I cannot do this with you anymore. It’s killing me.”
“You can’t do what with me anymore?”
“I can’t… I can’t…” Even in his drunken state, he knew it was a bad idea. He knew what was truly at stake. She was at stake. He just couldn’t ever risk that.
“Nevermind. I’m just really…” He tried to finish his sentence. Drunk? Yes. Upset? Yes. Angry? Yes. Annoyed? Yes. It was everything and nothing at the exact same time.
Y/n chuckled, “Drunk, I know. Don’t worry, Lan. You’ll just feel a little sick tomorrow morning.”
She hung up the phone, the last moments of it all being her laughing. His hands pulled at his hair and he couldn’t believe how close he had come to losing it all.
And how she had just laughed.
Can you see me? I’m waiting for the right time. I can’t read you, but if you want, the pleasure’s all mine. Can you see me using everything to hold back? I guess this could be worse; walkin’ out the door with your bags.
After his disastrous call, Lando went completely silent on Y/n. To the point that she dropped everything she was doing, at work and in her personal life, to go see him, to make sure he wasn’t dead.
When she showed up to his hotel, the concierge told her that seeing him wouldn’t be possible, no matter how close she said they were. Back and forth with the employee ended when Oscar walked through the lobby, Y/n calling out to him so loudly it earned her a few stares.
He looked at her for a moment, trying to decipher if what he was seeing was real, until concluding the woman screaming at him was in fact Lando’s best friend and the girl he had been trying to hide from all week.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, completely baffled, when he told the front desk she was with him.
Y/n huffed, “Lando’s not answering me and the last time I heard from him, he was absolutely shit faced. I’m worried, so I came to check on him.”
“So, one phone call and a few days without contact and you’re suddenly showing up halfway across the world to check up on him?” Oscar eyed her, his gaze pleading with her to just end this dance between her and Lando.
She coughed, “Yes.”
“Uh huh,” He smirked, “Well, Lando’s on the second floor in room 28. I think he’s there now if you want to go see him. He’s completely fine by the way. You could’ve just called me to ask. You also could’ve called Max… or Jon… or Andrea… or literally anyone because I know you have all their numbers.”
She blushed, “Stop looking at me like that, Piastri.”
He raised an eyebrow, “I’m not looking at you like anything, Y/l/n. I know nothing.” He shook his head and walked away.
Second floor. Room 28.
“Can I just be honest?” She blurted out when Lando opened the door. He stood motionlessly, looking her up and down as if he was trying to will her into existence.
“Y/n?” She pushed past him and turned around in a fury.
“Why the fuck have you been dodging me? What the fuck, Lando? You call me wasted and then ghost me for days on end. Did you genuinely think through anything?” She scoffed.
Lando shrugged, “I couldn’t talk to you.”
He couldn’t look at her, “Because.”
She groaned, “Jesus Christ, Lando, again with all the vagueness! Can you tell me anything? What’s going on?”
His head snapped to hers and he let his eyes warn her own. Warn her not to push this topic, not to make him say what he’s worked so hard to keep down. But, when it came to him and his lack of vulnerability, Y/n knew no bounds.
She sat down on the bed, knowing the aggressive approach was never the right call. She looked down and then up at him, “Please just tell me what’s going on.”
“I can’t, Y/n.” He sat down next to her, taking her hands in his. Everything in him was screeching. He felt like he was being ripped apart by the two, conflicted sides in him. One wanted him so heavily to end the hell of being just her friend by telling her how he felt and the other willed him to remember the privilege of being in her presence, to not fuck that up.
She could see it as well, the quiet war in his mind. In trying to comfort him, running her hand on his back, she triggered him. He sprung from the bed, gaining as much distance from her and letting his head fall in his hands.
“Stop.” He pleaded, “You need to leave, Y/n.”
Her eyes watered, “Why? I don’t understand why you’re pushing me away.”
The waver in her voice made him grip the side table next to him. If he couldn’t hold on mentally, maybe he could physically.
But, no. One look at her defeated face made him lose all composure. And one small whisper of hers, “Please let me in.” became too much.
“I’ve always been so in love with you.” He breathed out. A relief fell over him, a truth that had been eating at him finally said.
Y/n froze, her eyes on her hands in her lap. When she gathered the courage to look up at him, she found the shell of a man.
In thinking he had let go of a truth, he remembered the risk that had been holding him back all this time. Gone was the relief and all that was left was pure terror at what he had just done.
She breathed, “You know when I got here, Oscar looked at me and almost mocked me for the reasons as to why I had come. He told me I had come here because of one drunk call and a few days of no contact. And, you know, I was looking at this necklace the other day,” She touched it as it laid across her neck, “and it almost felt like some sort of declaration of love. I thought I was insane, thinking you would see me that way, but I think it made me more inclined to do my own declaration of love. The whole grand gesture thing was never for me, but I think I’ve found myself there, no? I think this is my declaration of love.”
Lando gapped at her, “What are you saying?”
She smiled, “If you thought I didn’t love you too, then we were both dumb.”
He breathed out then laughed, falling next to her on the bed. She let her hand rest on his next to her and squeezed tightly.
“It sucks we waited so long, but at least it ended in neither of us walking out.” She murmured.
He sat up, letting his arms wrap around her waist, “I was never gonna walk out.”
“Neither was I.”
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bitchslapblastoids · 10 days
ok these screenshots suck and aren't suuuuper illustrative so sorry in advance, but @ingydar-phan asked for some examples of times i think they're wearing foundation/concealer, so here's what i've got. disclaimer- i think they're both the most beautiful men in all the land. no shade to either of them; this is just how i clock when they're wearing makeup! also i know lighting makes a big diff and isn't remotely standardized across the videos i took screenshots from. maybe i'll add more/better examples another time when i'm less sleepy and lazy!
i find that phil's undereye concealer is often too yellow and doesn't fully blend with his super pale skin tone. he wears concealer under his eyes often in videos, but otherwise i don't think he wears much on his face.
dan seems to have started wearing a matte foundation/bb cream more regularly this past year (seems like he used to only for important events). it evened out his skin tone, but i found the matte actually kind of amplified any texture/wrinkles he has. recently he seems to have switched to something dewier, because he's looking smooth in texture but glowy in tone, rather than washed out.
dan with no foundation:
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dan with matte foundation:
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dan with light, glowy foundation
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dan with more heavy foundation:
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phil without undereye concealer
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phil with undereye concealer
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both of them all glowy and made up:
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eamour · 1 year
hey queen I wanted to share my huge life success story !! and I hope I can motivate others 222
before manifestation
I used to be really insecure abt everything, my mum wasn’t in my life anymore because she lost custody of me n my brothers when we were young, I always hated how I looked, how tall I was, how damaged my hair was, how skinny I was and when my grandma forced me to shave my head life became worse (my hair grew back now tho lol) my dad worked 2 jobs to keep us stable but he did do everything in his power to make us happy like putting me n my older brother in a good private school so we can get good studies even so I had really bad grades & my friend group would always skip classes which encouraged me 2 do the same (ofc it isn’t their fault) I knew abt subliminals n manifestation then but I didn’t really know how to act on it.
after manifestation
after I started believing n myself n one day I said “yk what todays the day where I change and ik I can have a better life and I have the power to do it.” so I started journaling, Pilates, listening 2 subs & manifesting. a month later my life has completely changed !! I grew out my hair 2 my lower back it’s super long and my curls are actually healthy, I grew out my lashes a lot, I used to be 5’9 and now I’m 5’7, my skin is clearer & a lot glowy, my friends always compliment on how good I smell even when I don’t put in perfume 🫠 I don’t sweat as much as I used 2, my teeth are straighter i physically cant grow hair on my body anymore (ik random) & I have my desired body. my dad is currently building a double story house AND I HAVE MY OWN BATHROOM 🤭🤭 it kinda gives tsitp house n it’s in a rich neighbourhood. my dad got a new job he only works 1 now and the job pays him a lot of money, I have so many makeup products, perfumes & clothes my amazing step mom is moving in with us when the house is built, i got a cat, a new car and this new guy who came this term asked me out on a date, i said maybe cus my dad would NEVER let me go on a date but I’ll try forcing it ofc
ty for reading and please please PLEASE never give up because if I did give up i wouldn’t be living the life I’m living right now ily mwah mwah
hey!! ♡
again a fucking incredible success story… your circumstances used to be so challenging, i respect you a lot for still making it through 💗
congratulations love, sending hugs your way rn! 🫶
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icarusredwings · 7 days
This post may not be suitable for littles or people who get uncomfy with mentions of baby making stuff. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK THO I SWEAR!!!!
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Thinking about how much Wade loves babies when he's small.
He's holding Logan's hand down the street as they're running errands, and he's being so good, like SUPER good. Not running away, litsening to instructions, using his words in a way Kitty can understand.
He doesn't even have Fluffy with him either, so he's doing all of this with minimal emotional support, just his chewy star necklace and one of Logans big hoodies. He's in some colorful leggings, though, and in his pocket is nothing but a snack. Not even his cup.
Bro is raw dogging the adult outdoors as his small self with practically nothing. He's still wearing his dog tags, though, just in case he gets lost, they're used as a source of identification.
Ealier, when Wade wanted to pet a stray cat instead of just running off, he gasped and pointed to it. "Kitty!" Which is obviously code for "Look! A cool thing!" So when Logan looked, he saw how polite Wade was behaving.
"Be gentle, okay? Sometimes, they don't like humans." He tells him, carefully walking him over in which Wade just squats down to pet the cat very nicely. You would think 'yeah no duh he wouldn't hurt it,' and you would be correct, though sometimes he pets them too rough or moves too quickly so they get scared and scratch him.
Right now, he's bored, leaning on his shoulder and starting to get fussy because paying bills is boring, and he wants to go home. Chewing on his star, he stops, and his eyes light up, seeing a stoller.
Wade loves strollers. Because where there is a pram- Theres a babe. And babies were great. (Unless they were screaming, and then they were not)
He tugs a bit on Logan, but he's ignored because he's trying to ask the internet service people why they charged them 15 extra this month when nothing changed. "Kitty!" He points, looking at him for consent to go see the baby. Frustrated, confused, and not looking, Logan assumes that he sees another cat and waves a hand. "Yeah, sure. Be gentle."
So, being given the okay, Wade practically skips over to the stroller and crouches down to see a chunky cheeked baby boy. His mum is busy on the phone, so she doesn't even notice a grown man cooing over the child.
Giggling to the baby, he lets him grab his finger and nibble on it. Tickling his cheeks and stuff, you know. Baby stuff. So when he takes off his hood to let the baby play with his necklace, the baby gets upset and starts to cry.
I think we would all cry if we saw a glowy yellow eyed man smiling at us like that with such unfarmiliar skin. You have to remember, babies only know what they're shown, and I doubt it's ever seen anything like this before.
Of course, it cries. And the crying alerts the mom. "Ooh shh, Steven, you're al- Ahh!! Who are you! Get away from my baby, you freak!"
Getting shooed away, he whines, unsure of what he did wrong. Was it bad to play with babies? His head said No.
"What is wrong with you!?"
"I-i... but.." he dosn't know what to say, tries to explain that he didn't do anything bad and that he was sorry but she dosn't seem to care about his words. This is New York afterall. Kids are stolen all the time here.
The yelling, of course, makes Logan think "Great some idiot made the baby cry," only to pause and wonder where Wade went. "OH SHIT that's MY idiot." He thinks and instantly becomes protective, growling as he gives in and throws the extra money at the tiller. Coming outside, he steps in front of Wade. Sure, Wade is a weirdo, but he wouldn't do anything to the baby. Right??
"What's your deal lady!?"
"He tried to take my son!!" She says, assuming the worst.
Logan gives a glance to Wade, who's already crying and shakes his head, unable to get any words out, but "I'm good!" Seeing as various times today, Logan has praised him for behaving. "You're being so good today, kid."
"No he didn't! Now take your ugly pup and get!"
A bit more of arguing, and she finally goes on her way, complaining about New York Weirdos.
After that, he starts asking Wade why he was touching a random baby and honestly just running his mouth that he knows better and shouldn't do that, etc.
Almost instantly, it stops, though, because he's already crying. He lets out this huge sigh. "Fine... Im sorry.. I know you like babies. How about I give you a baby. Would you like that?"
Logan doesn't mean it in the way Wade thinks, obviously, as his eyes widden, sniffling. "You're gonna give me a baby!?"
"Yeah, sure-"
"We're gonna have a baby!!!??"
"WAIT- No! Not like that!"
He squeals and excitedly flaps his hands, continuing to go on about how 'Mommy tried to give him a baby, but it didn't work'
Slapping his hand over his face, he's so embarrassed, blushing all the way down his neck and up his ears. He shakes his head and growls. "SHHH!!! That's not what I meant!! We can't even have a baby moron!" I mean, who wouldn't be embarrassed about their partner OPENLY talking about their past relations in public?
So- He does what every person does when their partner is obsessed with babies by can't have any.
He takes him to the thrift store to pick one out.
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batsyforyou · 10 months
Glorfindel Sleep Headcanons
Pairing: Glorfindel x reader  Warnings: None 
Author’s Note: This is a part of the Blanket Series and I have a lot of Glorfindel coming up so I hope y’all enjoy it! 
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Glorfindel is a deep sleeper.
Aside from you leaving him (or trying to anyway) or someone screaming down the hall he ain’t waking up.
And because he saw the light of the Two Trees and was sent back to Middle Earth by the Valor. He glows the brightest out of the elves from his shiny hair, to his sparkling eyes and his very glowy skin. He is the biggest night light ever. 
I can probably compare it to you accidentally leaving your tv on. The screen light that kinda travels across the room. 
So in a way your kinda cuddling your tv
A sleep mask is advised. Or maybe a blanket? Just don’t suffocate. 
He loves loves to cuddle though. And will pout about it if he doesn’t get any.
Will cuddle anyway you like from being the little spoon, to you laying on him he’s pretty much down for everything. 
The only time he hesitates to cuddle you is when he’s afraid he might hurt you.
Like if you ask him to sleep on top of you he’s willing to do it. He just wants to make sure that A. You're safe and B. You know what you're signing up for.
Though he loves having you snuggled up in his arms so he prefers to cuddle as the big spoon.
He sleeps like a rock. Doesn’t. Move. An inch. Not to mention the grip he has on you.
 My gosh it is inescapable.
 So good luck trying to get up to go to the restroom.
 He runs super warm too. And hates letting you go even if the two of you were struggling to sleep in the worst of summer, sweating enough to be in a literal swamp he still wouldn’t let you go.
As mentioned in Finrod’s Sleep Headcanons elves sleep with their eyes open so the amount of creepy staring is actually pretty minimal.
For one you're usually facing away from him and no matter what sleep position you're in you tend not to see it so creepy staring is probably 23/100.
But in the morning, ah man.
The first time you woke up from sharing a bed with him you had a heart attack.
He looked dead.
You were cuddling into his side as he slept on his back and his face was turned away from you. So you didn’t immediately see it. But when you sat up and looked at his sprawled out figure with his eyes open and sleeping so deeply. He genuinely looked very dead.
He did not appreciate being shaken awake. Thought for sure that you were under attack.
Overall he is an amazing cuddle partner but if you like your space then well- sorry.
And overheating in the summer is kinda a bust but hey your toes never freeze in the winter.
He definitely protects you from all the nightmares. And aside from the occasional snore he’s pretty quiet too.  
Glorfindel is a 7/10 sleeping buddy, if you can get past the tv bit. 
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wasyago · 1 year
YAGO!!!! GAHFRHRHAHARHAHRHRF IM BACK (Design Detail Anon back << i dont know what to call myself LOL) I HAVE MORE WORDS
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON BIOLUMINESCENT TRITONS?!!!?! Obviously Gillion's eyes and coral already glow cause of his funky scrungly squelchy magic BUT what if... he had little glowing freckles... scales? im not fully sure how fish people work.
Your designs for Gillion and Edyn already do an amazing job of separating their underwater biology from humans like Chip and Jay (thinking of the glossy skin, the tails, and the yellow sclera/slitted eyes)- like it's very easy to tell by looking at them that while they are People they are very much FISH People. Which of course sounds pretty obvious but I mention it because a lot of triton art I see usually just looks like a blue person with gills and fins, if that makes sense.
But to expand on my original question- both Gill and Edyn are from the trench, and, in my logic, adjacent at the very least, to other deep sea creatures like anglar fish and some squids. They already have darkvision but the image of them having little hidden patterns when they get super deep in the ocean is... so cute...
im realizing after Ive written all of this that it kinda stopped being a question and started being a ramble so I do apologize :']
(on another note I love your caspian redesign it does a really sweet job of incorporating literal elements of water into his features *smooches him* **respectfully***)
OMG!!!! i love all your thoughts this is so cool thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and thank you!! i tried very hard to make caspian look like a water spirit and not an ocean creature and still make him interesting visually...)
you know, now that you've said that the trench is deep under water im realizing that it's something i didn't actually think about. like, i remember hearing Gill say that he's from the trench, but it never actually registered in my brain that trench = deep and dark. everything makes so much sense now oh my god.... finn saying "why did they keep this from us" about the sun, because the sun simply doesn't reach to where they live...
i dont know why i imagined the capital as this bright white sunny coral reef when it should be dark and mysterious and harsh with no sunlight. bruh. it makes so much seeeense. and all the talk about strict rules for safety and foodchain and danger, because they're literally so deep there's a lot of giant spooky creatures.... hold on im having a worldview change.... oh god....
considering all this... YES bioluminescent tritons!!!!!!!!!!!! i imagine they don't glow too much, since while tritons are pretty smart they don't have a lot of natural protection from predators and attracting attention would be suboptimal. but they do have glowing parts for um... reasons. idk, they're magical creatures in a magical world.
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i imagine their stripes and eyes and hair and underbellies all emit a glow in low lighting, and in complete darkness only the stripes are visible. and every triton has a unique stripe pattern or color so they're all different like that.
idk how it actually works. like, if they glow in any darkness or only in the darkness under water (although it wouldn't make a difference since they're always wet) or only when they're very deep or if they can choose when to glow or when to not, but its still a very cool detail!!!!!!!!!!! glowy fishy people yayyy
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galactiquest · 1 year
Feral for affection uncanny vash or knives.
🌻have a good day
Hi there Sunflower Anon! I'm going to call you that, especially if you come back again with another sunflower. Thanks for the ask!!
I've seen the uncanny Vash and Knives stuff blow up in popularity. I Was there. Though sometimes I feel it's disingenuous to call them uncanny--that's our human interpretation of their forms. Maybe something more along the lines of primal? Well, syntax aside, I think it's a super fun idea to lean more into the alien ideals of Plants. I have plenty of my own headcanons for how the two look and operate, but, let's not focus on that right now. Let's just get affectionate!
Vash and Knives x Reader: Affections (Uncanny ver.)
Content Warnings: General uncanny or possibly unnerving content ahead. Features like multiple eyes/limbs/etc. are discussed, and there may be an implicit body horror to it. No violence, though! Just cuteness aside from all that!
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I think Vash is pretty hesitant at first to show you any sort of uncanny parts of himself. I mean, we already know how he feels about his scars--he really doesn't want to scare you off, especially once you two have become close.
But if you can slowly and gently coax him out of his shell, if you can convince him that yes, you'll love every part of him, no matter how ugly he may think those parts are, he'll eventually relent.
And at first, it's just a few features that pop out. It might be reflective, glowy eyes in the nighttime, or fingers that have grown out just a little too long for the average man, or even a few spiny scutes along his back.
Once he's comfortable, though? He lets it all hang out. Not like that--he just allows his true form to come through. And there's lots of limbs and even some sharp edges to deal with... But if you're patient, you'll find he's maybe even more affectionate like this!
Cuddles end up the best because now instead of two (sometimes one, if he has the prosthetic off) arms around you, it's six (more like five!) and you are ever-so-tightly squeezed against his body. He also has a very comfortable temperature, so you never have to worry about being too hot or too cold. It's just right!
Purring. Yes, I know it's cliché, I know that it's mentioned in every imagine, but come on. It's so cute. I don't think it's like animal purring, though, maybe more like an engine. Or perhaps more akin to a larger cat purring. Less cutesy, more... well, rumbly. Sometimes it makes his whole body vibrate.
With his extra appendages, he loves to tickle you. Prepare to be bombarded with tickles. He's able to dance across your skin so fast that you can barely catch him in time to try and swat him away.
Kisses! He tries to be so careful with kisses since his jaw can unhinge and all that. And lots of teeth get in the way. But if you don't mind that... Or perhaps, if you're into that... Well, you can definitely start experimenting. But he's still as gentle as possible.
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Now this is someone who's not afraid to show you their true self. Knives is going to quickly reveal his primal form to you. If you can't learn to get comfortable with it, he's obviously not for you. (It begs the question as to why he keeps a more humanoid form too--maybe it's just easier to get around in human-sized spaces with?)
No matter your initial reaction, I think he's going to make some kind of comment. You get scared? Typical human. You like it? Disgusting. You act as utterly neutral as possible? Don't lie to yourself. There's seriously no winning with him.
But with whatever charm (or perhaps sheer persistence) you give, the two of you are a pair now. And if there's one word to describe how he acts with you? It's protective.
If you two are ever out and about, he's got a sharp, bright wing curled over and around you, shielding from peering eyes. On the outside, it's all points and blades (and knives?) but on the inside, only for you to see, there's some softer, more downy feathers. Just so you won't rust up the blades, whatever you say, Knives.
His conscious self isn't keen to showing affection, but his subconscious body sure is. Expect a few tingly vines trying to wrap around and hold your hand, or a tail-like appendage that rests on your waist/shoulders, or a wing tickling your cheek. He swears he isn't doing it intentionally.
Unlike his brother, he's not a super affectionate guy, as stated above, so don't expect much in the way of kisses. Unless the two of you are alone, and he's in a better-than-usual mood. Then his cravings might get the better of him, and he might just tackle on top of you to bite a chunk out of you--I mean, get a few sloppy kisses in.
Overall? In front of others, relatively distant. Behind closed doors? You're becoming his. Tight tendrils keep you close at night, teeth nibble at the nape of your neck, the sharp edges of leaves or feathers tease your skin but never come too close. He's too precise to actually ever hurt you.
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End Notes: I think their "true" forms are something akin to an insectoid/angelic/plant-like mix, where it's sort of indescribable, archaic, tangled and messy. Maybe I ought to draw them and show you all...~
Also, there REALLY need to be more 1998 Knives gifs, or I'm about to pony up and just make a buttload of my own.
Okay, last note. Sorry this took me a while! I just moved back into college and my first week was busy! (^人^)
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villainsimpqueen · 6 months
Echos in Paradise Lost
Adam x Reader x Eve
reader is intersex
(My fics are 18+)
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(Also there was fan comic of adam holding baby cain which i wanted to use for this chapters cover but i couldnt find it. I just know it had Adam saying "Your my paradise now" To baby cain and I- 🥺🥺😭😭💗💗 I cant believe i didmt save it. I know i saw it somewhere...)
Chapter seven
Months continued to draw by and each one Adam had became very devoted to Eve's care and health. 
Each month his loving life blessed him with the image of life growing inside of her as your stomach grew larger and larger.
With each month passed his wife became more demanding of him, requesting him to hunt certain animals no matter how dangerous they could be for him to strike down with his spear. A nasty five line scar on his side healed by her soothing salves was proof of that when she demanded to have a bear for a super and next day's meal. 
Bruises coloring his backside from when he fell from a tree when Eve whined to him for wanting only the highest fruit as they tasted the sweetest. 
She would even wake him from his deepest slumber in the night, wanting him to leave the warmth of their caved home to gather honey from sleeping bees. 
He would grumble in blooming annoyance or her demands but then seeing the image of her placing her hands to rest on her swollen abdomen that carried a growing child with her soft glowy face as she whined for whatever it was she so desperately needed him to gather or hunt would make his eyes soften and mood shift to a serving one. 
He began waking up earlier as well way before morning's light, not because he had too but simply because he wanted to. He liked the peace he had in the morning where he could lay beside his beloved wife and watch the fire's light dance on her glowing features as she laid beside him. 
She had this glow to her skin, and a shine to her hair that had formed shortly after the ball of life in her stomach had started glowing. Her gentle features became even softer as she slept beside him. He loved waking up to simply admire her and her beauty, before he would get up to find her a filling meal for the day. 
This part of her pregnancy had brought a simple joy to Adam as he carefully prodged  over her swollen stomach before laying a hand on there holding his breath for a moment before he felt the ball of life inside of his wife kick back at his hand. A hush chuckle left him as he pressed his fingers into Eve's stomach feeling the little ones kicking against them. 
The little one had started this development months ago, For eve had been the one to so eagerly show him when the first kicks had started. It wasn't long until she had later told him that sometimes the little ones kicking had hurt.
He wondered how long until they could meet Eves and Your little one.
Adam watched as his wifes sleeping face contorted a murmured groan from her lips made him feel guilty as he softly rubbed at her stomach in apology for riling up the little one from its slumber. He moved to his hands and knees softly kissing her stomach before moving up to kiss her cheek before climbing away from their furred bed making sure she was securely covered in the thickest of blankets  before getting up for the day.
Adam had gotten up early gathering his spear strapping it onto his back with a leather strap Eve had made for him and gathering a woven bag from his wife's hands tie8ng it to his person. 
His wifes soft snores hitting his ears as he turned to watch her sleep, furred blankets bundled around her tightly and some even folded under her stomach cushioning it more from the lower blankets that covered the floor. 
He had stopped in his movements to simply watch her breath and exhale in her sleep, sometimes he allowed his mind to play tricks with him.
 To picture you sleeping beside her, arms curled from behind her, your face buried into the back of her shoulder. 
You would have your arm protectively placed on her stomach protecting the ball of life inside your shared beloved wife. How you open your e/c eyes to look at him tiredly seeing if he would request your help in his hunting. 
He would have requested you to tend to Eve.
Adam shook his head allowing himself to smile fondly at his wife before quietly leaving the cave, heading down to where the air changed tasting of salt and became more breezy, where the forest changed to wide open meadows to golden sandy beaches.
Being on earth allowed them both to learn of new things, like new bodies of water that opened up to new food possibilities. 
 The sound of soothing crashing waves would wash up the beat tasting morsels if you awoke right before the sun just as the first light was peaking on the land. 
He enjoyed mornings like this, where the sky was painted of bright colors and the soothing sound of the washing waves calmed any quells in his soul. He moved down to the wetten sand using his spear to move the sand as the waves washed around it and his feet, as his spear hit softly against what he was searching for he tipped it causing the two shelled creatures to fly from its buried state. He bent over gathering the clam and dropping it into his wifes woven basket before continuing on to gather more.
He would also gather bunches of washed up seaweed for his wife to make soothing salves with and store for when they needed to apply it to wounds or to ichy or sun dried skin, more for his sake than hers. 
He also gathered a few pretty shells for Eve,seeing as his wife had liked making new things she calls necklaces and ear prettys. 
He had thought them to be ridiculous at first but as she made some and excitedly showed him her small collection she made for himself, he found himself taking time to find pretty stones, rocks and shells to take to Eve for her necklaces and ear prettys. 
He reached a spot on the beach that was covered in large stones, a small area having a rocky fire pit he had built with a giant clay bowl he had Eve make for him a few days ago. He had not explained why despite her confusion, not because he didn't feel the need too, he simply had not wanted to excite his wife to lead to disappointment if he was wrong. 
He wondered what made his and Eves hair so stiff and their clothes as well when they left the Beaches waters. 
Days ago he had found dead fish on the beach,far from the water, stiff and crystallized, but it did not seem like sand had made it so stiff and crunchy, the meat seemed almost safe to eat, had it not been for how unsure he was of it being dead, or what could have possibly ate half of it before he had found it…
so he had Eve make a bowl for him, after he built this fire pit on the beach, he had carried it to the beach and filled it with the salty tasting water and set it over a low flame and left it for days to slowly cook and boil the water.
As he now five days later approached the pit he could see the smoke of a dying fire as he neared it, hoping that his thoughts were correct as he neared the smoldering clay pot, he crouched down beside it moving the branches he set on top to keep it covered and then the large dried withered leaves and peered down inside. 
The brown oranged clay cowl was covered in white crystals all around, not at all like the sand in the beaches. He moved a stone carved blade from his robes folds and scraped it against the white crystals watching how easily they crumbled under his blade, he worked carefully scraping it all around the bowl, crunching them until it was a sandy powder. With a curious look he gathered his blade and brought it up to his face, eyeing it carefully before forking out his tongue to lick at the powder. 
Its sharpening bitter tangy and salty taste melted on his tongue  much too quickly for him to adjust to it, making him sputter and choke as his eyes watered. It was far stronger than the beach's waters and he turned his head far from the clay bowl to spit out the taste from his lips. Despite his clear disgust at the over sensitivity of taste, excitement had filled Adam as his next actions was to cut leather from his robing to place the powdery sand in its middle and bunch the leather around it tying it shut with a thin strap before placing the pouch into the folds of his robes. 
He gathered bowl carrying it back to the waving sea filling of its salty waters and back to the pit, filling it more with wood from the forest he had piled beside it days ago he brought the beach pit to flames once more and left it to gather more large leaves to place on top of the bowl to cover it shut and place wooden logs on top to keep the leaved weighed down and in place. 
Once he had finished he moved on down the rocks that entered the beach's waters, then he gathered more taste morsels to fill Eve's woven basket up with them. 
By the start of noon, Adam was heading back to their caved home. His excitement of the new powdery discovery died as he approached hearing loud piercing shrills of something so tenderly pathetic. 
He pulled open the log door looking inside to find the blankets of their furred bed in disarray, small movement from it as the shrills came from it, but his attention was brought to all the red that stained the blankets, smeared across the cave floor in puddles to a back wall where his scratching eyes finally landed on his wife.
Eve cowardly went to the wall, her hair a mess and clung to her in sweat, her soft sobs wracking her body as she held her knees with bloodied hands, a pool of blood surrounding her.
He approached her first in concern, falling to his knees in front of her, unbothered by the blood that soiled them as he reached his hands to her.
“Eve.” He spoke softly as he tried to reach her only to watch and she coward away from him, her honey eyes opening in panic
“Halt!” She spoke sharply, causing him to father as he stared at her tear stained face.
"Verily, I am tainted, Adam. To lay thy hand upon me would but deepen thy damnation.” She sobbing out in gentle wails as she moved away from him. Though Adam did not understand as he looked upon her, she was covered in blood, so much of it, but she was as she always was, she had no resemblance of a snake. He cupped her cheeks wiping her tears with the pads of his roughen thumbs. 
"I discern no impurity, but rather concern for thy well-being. Art thou injured?” He asked as his eyes moved to the puddle of blood she sat in with worry. 
"To heal this affliction, might salves offer solace to thy wound?” 
His eyes moved to meet Honeyed gold ones that wavered at him, tears falling from their glow but Eve's  did not part to tell him what to do. Another high pitched shrill from behind him echoed amongst the cave walls, making him turn his head to the messy array of blankets, he moved to stand to head towards it when bloodied hands grabbed at his wrist. 
"Prithee, do not, for at the sight thereof, thou shalt deem me unclean, and thus depart. I beseech thee, stay, and forsake me not.” Eve begged, Adam had turned his head to take in her fearful gaze at him, and yet another wail from the blankets gathered his attention as he took his wrist from his and neared the furrs, carefully going on his knees he moved the blankets from the small moving thing and then revolted backwards as he stared into the image of the ball of life he had cherished in his wifes stomach hours before.
It was not of you at all. 
Its skin is unlike the three of you all together. 
Bright red circles burned into its cheeks and eyes open like the snake that had sired it. 
Adam felt disgust move through him as the little fein had an extra limb that moved like a body of a serpent coiling around its one little legs. 
He could hear Eves sobbing behind him, as he turned his head from the little snake in front of him. Its wails echoing over his beloved's wifes sobs and echoing through the cave's walls.
And yet, he did not get up and leave. 
He forced himself to turn back to stare at the little feinds moving towards it and picking it up in a blanket staring down at it, watching how it's yellowed slit eyes morphed to a soft wonderfully familiar e/c. The red cheeks dullen and its inhuman skin changed to a soft light s/c tone. It's the blackened nose of a goat morphing into a soft human like one mimicking your own, The tail wrapped around its leg fading from sight as it looked up at him and cried, wailing for attention and comfort.
Adam turned his head again, closing his stinging eyes, his chest aching with pain and sorrow. 
Not even a few hours alive and it has already lied and played tricks like its  true sire. 
already a true snake. 
And yet Adam did not drop the small thing in disgust. Did not find it in his heart to hate it like he had with its true father, he looked into those little e/c eyes with tears stinging his own as he moved a gentle finger to trace at its small nose it falsified to look like yours, before moving his hand down where little fingers wrapped around it. The little thing stopped all its wailing and stared up at him with gentle soft noises, soft coos of sweetness. 
"Let us bestow upon him a noble name, one befitting his worth.” Adams words hit Eves as she looked up seeing her husband turn to him, the snake wrapped in her husband's arms in the tormenting image it too hard played on her. She looked up at Adam in astoundment, taking in how watery his blazing eyes looked as he looked back down to the snake's sired son. 
"Doth thou desire to bestow upon it a name?” She asked her husband dumbfoundment in her tone with disbelief, he couldn't possibly be so forgiving…
He stared at its little e/c eyes and even though they pained him so, knowing that they were not the little things true eyes, he could not find hatred as he stared into them.
Because he could hear you, as if you were beside him with a hand on his arm, as if your gaze was on the little deceiver as well. 
Yet so adoringly for the child had come from your shared wife and that was all that concerned you, for you would not care if it was not your sired child. For you would see it as your own, like you would for any of his that came from another, simply because you'd see any bastard child of theirs as innocent deserving your love and protection.
“No matter the outcome, love them as if they are mine own, As thine own, and thou shalt always feel my love beside thee.”
And he did. 
His sourching eyes moved to dumbfounded honey ones as a weak smile bit his face and the tears he held back finally fell down his own cheeks, Forgiveness and love so strongly in Adams eyes as he gazed on her lovingly once again looking past her sins and hurt she brought to him. 
"Why, prithee, would I be cruel to withhold a name from our very own son?” 
And she cried, knowing that Earth was no true punishment for her, it was simply the pain she would bring to You and Adam and having to watch you both accept it and her regardless, and the child was simply a forever reminder of it.
That was the Name bestowed on his first son. And learning to be a father and a mother to the small son was an experience Adam and Eve found themselves thrown into, for the little one wailed almost all of the time. Screaming for comfort, for food, for whatever it was that it wailed for almost at all hours of the day and worst in the night. 
Both grew envious of the other when one was able to escape the childs never stopping wails to either gather, or hunt, to wash in the stream, or simply needing to get away for a few minutes. 
Eve had been away, towards the creek to wash herself in desperation, She was too worried to speak to her husband, too worried if he would finally look upon her in disgust seeing that she was truly impure. 
Sharp pains dug into her making her cry out as she washed the never ending blood that seeped from her legs.
The pain was similar to when she had birthed Cain into existence but this time there was no child's head finding its way from her legs. She sat on knees and cried, she did not understand why she was bleeding. 
She only felt shame and a need to make sure Adam never found out that she bleeds for no child. 
She sobbed as she walked into the creek sitting down in its cold waters letting it soothe her burning body.
she weeped as she glared at the abandoning heavens, wondering why they must punish her so harshly.  A bitterness towards heaven growing thicker, she had joined Adam with his prayers to the benevolent heavens, which they still did not speak to them anymore. 
Now she was experiencing a pain of no other in her own womb and it weeped out painful red tears down her legs and into the creek's waters. 
The heavens gates turned their backs onto them and she will not forgive them. 
Eve let out a bitter snarl at a sharp pain that stabbed into her lower back bringing her discomfort. 
She had no need to praise cruel beings of her prayers, and she will not utter them a single one for as long as she suffers from childless bleeding. 
She washed herself clean as best as she could, the pains dulling from the soothness that came from the creek. She washed her clothes of the blood letting them dry in the breeze and sun before going back to relax in the chilled cold waters.  She only left it again when her skin was running and pulled on her mostly dried clothing. She was unsure what to do about her new bleeding problem, how she would hide the blood that wanted to run down her legs. 
She walked towards the cave that was their home holding her stomach in slight pain as she wondered how she would possibly hide this from Adam.
hide her shame. 
Her eyes stung with bitter anger as she rubbed them harshly from tears she did not want to shed as she stomped through the trail back to the cave. Until a soft breeze moved past her and what felt as a gentle hand across her back made her pause as the wind blew softly again and soft feeling fingers turned her head to the side, something white and puffy swayed into the grass catching her attention. Bundles of the puffy flowers swayed in the blowing wind letting her near and crouch down slowly to them. Her hands softly plucking some up feeling how bouncy and soft the white flowers were… 
The wind blew again and that feeling of a softly hand grasping her shoulder made her jump as she turned back, facing back towards the creek. She sat there unsure as she spent so much time away knowing that Adam must be going crazy by little Cain's external crying. But the next gentle breeze coaxed her back to the creek where she stared at its cool waters and the bundle of white flowers in her hands. 
Then she wondered if they could hold water. 
She moved to the creek plunging them in watching how the white flowers swelled thickly and when she lifted them by their wilting stems she watched how they dripped. 
The flower heads had tripled in size from the water giving Eve a strong idea. 
She could sew leather together like a pouch and stuff the leather with as many fluffy flowers as needed until she stops bleeding.
She stopped as her excitement for the solution of her problem faded. 
She would stop bleeding right? 
A thought that had worried her as she went back to gather as much of those white fluffy flowers as she could. 
Adam sat outside of the cave trying to carve a new blade with Cain snuggled to blankets between his crossed legs. The child kept crying, bringing Adam to quick frustration as the small thing had already been fed, changed to new blankets and was being held safe in his protection and yet that did not seem to please the selfish thing. His temper grew as each small wail chipped away at his patients, he threw the blade he tried working onto his side as he drugged his tired face into his hands letting out a frustrated yell into them of his own.
"Pray, wilt thou ever cease thy incessant prattle?!” He yelled in frustration moving his fingers to glare at the child in his lap only to met with silence, and wide hurt tear stained e/c looking up at him small sniffles leaving the small thing bringing immense guilt to Adams chest, he moved his hands from his face to carefully run fingers across his sons cheeks wiping the tears.
"Forgive me...Forgive me... Thou art fresh and diminutive... 'Tis unjust of me to berate thee for thine innocence and youth…” He whispered to his small son, watching how his little fingers moved to grab at his own and he allowed the small thing too. 
Adam stared at his son silently watching him, before letting out a weak little chuckle as the small thing tried eating his finger. 
"They would have cherished thee beyond measure…” He whispered, watching how those e/c little eyes moved to look up into his own, making him out softly in agreement to his last statement. 
"Aye, thou hast another akin to us, little one... A…” Adam paused as he did not know what you would be to little cain..He did not want to tarnish your image with wrongful words. He did not know of any words that would fit you, for you were both a mother and father to Cain and choosing one or the other seemed wrong to do so, and thus Adam decided he would create a word for you, to honor your image.
“A parent, Your parent Y/n” He softly spoke as little Cain let out a soft coo upwards at him making him smile at his son. 
"They may not be present in flesh, but their spirit resides within.” He whispered as he moved his finger from Cain's mouth to poke at the small things chest causing the child to let out a smaller squill, his little hands moving to take back his fathers larger finger. Adam chuckled pausing stiffly as a warm gentle hand touched his shoulder making him turn hisneyes away from his son and into the warm honeyed ones of his wife Eve. 
She sat beside him leaning onto his shoulder looking at Cain, her fingers moving through the childs mimicking h/c locs.
"They were always filled with boundless affection for thee, my dear Cain. Their utmost desire was thy happiness, to witness joyous smiles upon thy visage.” His wife spoke of you softly warming his soul as he smiled at her fondly before looking at his son. 
They spent the evening talking, telling his son memories they shared of you, until the little one finally fell into a peaceful sleep letting both them fall into one too under the warm sunny day until hours later they woke to the starry night sky and watched it before taking themselves and cain to bed. 
Cain's first steps were a tremendous day, As it had been at the beach with His father and mother playing in the sand with him. The small toddler coos and makes noises of delight each time His mother and Father handed him seashells to add to the sand pile he was patting high. 
Adam and Eve had sat merely a foot away from him, his mother resting her head on his fathers shoulder, her hands resting on a starting to swell belly. 
"Dearest, might I beseech thee for some clams this eve?” Eve softly requested and Adam let out a small noise. 
“"Do they not bring upon thee discomfort come the morrow?” He softly questioned her as he took his gaze away from Cain's play to her. Eve scrunched up her face at him, crossing her arms as she stared at him. 
“They doth not.” She huffs more in trying to convince herself than him making Adams lips twitch upwards softly before letting another sigh pressing his lips to her forehead before moving up. He swore his wife did not care of her well-being sometimes as he moved to the water kicking the sand with his feet to gather the shelled creatures that she craved for tonight's supper. 
That he will later have to pry open for her and cain to happily eat. 
“Adam..” Eve soft voice did not register as he focused well on his given task.
“Husband! Adam seek!” Eve shouted louder but as if not to startle one as she watched as Cain wobbly tried to stand up. Her eyes moved from.her child to Adam who had not turned, finding herself frustrated but in a panic to get her husband to see the wonderpus thing their little cain was doing. Her eyes fell to a shell near Cain's foot and she carefully leaned taking it as to not startle the little cain before pulling away. 
Her eyes glued to the childs chunky littles wobbles as he bent them, starting to wobble and push upwards to stand. Hsr hands shook, hesitating to grab the small child to help or to pull away to not hinder her son's attempts. 
She looked back at Adam before pulling her arm back before thrusting it forward, feeling the shell leave her palm and into the air for a short while before it nailed her husband right in the back. She heard a yelp leave him making her bite her tongue to not dispel into laughter that would startle young Cain and make him fall, who now was fully standing with a slight wobble. Her eyes darted to see Adam turning before he too froze, eyes widening causing her to snap her own gaze back to cain. 
The child cooed as he shuffled slightly trying to turn his small body around with the dragging of his feet before he faced Adams' direction. A delighted shrill leaves the small boy as he stumbles forwards making Eve yelp to push on her knees to grab him only for him to land on his foot and wobbly fall again to his other. 
Eve rose her hands shaking them as she let out noises of excitement of her own watching Cain take his precious first steps cooing with delight as his wobby arms failed into the air with each small step he took towards his father. Her eyes darted to Adam who had a wide grin on his face as he moved closer to his son getting on his knees holding his arms out to Cain who cooed delightedly to take stumbling steps until he fell forward into his fathers arms. 
Over joyment filled Adams face as he bounced to his feet holding Cain in hisnarms pure bright laughter leaving her husband brightly.
“He walks! He walks!” Adam hollered in pride as he spun little cain around in his arms his eyes finding hers as she found to her feet, moving to her to wrap one of his arms around her pressing his lips to her in silent cheer before pulling away cheering with little cains delighted squeals as he lifts his son into the air.
"Hark! My son doth tread upon his own two feet!” He screams to the ignoring  heavens showing them his pride and enjoyment that they ignored. 
Unbeknownst that one hidden away weeped silent tears of joy in an endless slumber.
chp 8
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statuetochka · 6 months
your drawings of ramattra are super cute and hot! what's your fav skin of him?
thank you so much!!! ANDDD IM GLAD YOU ASKED
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this guy over here is my all time favourite ,,,, i will never shut up about how the character design work here is just incredible, look at all those little glowy marks on his body, sharp pieces of armor, how cool those shells look on nemesis arms??? tentacles as hair?? the colour scheme is so pretty too. i absolutely adore the fact that that despite representing a god with human body they still kept robotic features. and the concept of him being specifically poseidon makes so much sense, a lonely master of the dark, deep realm
i also have so many headcanons for him that make me love him even more. that he is mute, for example. obviously normal ramattra is always number one, but poseidon rama will always be dear to me
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otakween · 22 days
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Digimon Data Squad (Savers) - Episode 14
Wow, this episode kinda popped off. I was skeptical at first because there were a lot of wonky/off model shots in the first half, but the fight animation was great! Overall this episode had super snappy pacing and I was on the edge of my seat. Looks like this arc's gonna be good!
I can't tell if it's just my imagination, but sometimes it looks like they're using 3DCG for Agumon and Gaomon (outside of digivolution sequences I mean). I keep getting thrown off by how derpy they look. (Maybe it's just how they're shaded?)
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It was pretty satisfying when Masaru's mom confirmed that she knew about digimon all along and that's why she wasn't that surprised about Agumon. Brings some perspective/context for earlier episodes and gives this season some rewatch value.
Masaru's dad face reveal! He has his son's curtain bangs lol. Their skin tone is the same too.
We finally see Yoshi at home. Her room is pretty generic. I was kinda hoping they made it a mess as a call back to what Lalamon said about Yoshi being a slob earlier
I find it funny that Sayuri's signature dish is just fried eggs. Finally some achievable mom standards!
Loved the chunky, clunky tools DATS came up with for the journey to the digital world. One of which looks like an 90s cell phone
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Love Ikuto. First of all, we haven't really seen this "feral child" concept yet, so he doesn't feel like a rehash of past characters. His design is really strong (kinda reminds me of this obscure manga I used to read called +Anima) and his way of speaking is fun too. I like how he says "humon" in the dub, that's genius. Finally, his fight scene was just really fun to watch.
Can't decide if Peckmon is hilarious or awesome. Either way I got really excited when they revealed him. He's ostrich-sized and kind of like a weird, ninja chocobo. His hair and color scheme is giving me "1980s shounen" vibes. Fascinating.
Sunflowmon continues to be pretty worthless every time 😬
Still hate Jureimon. He's definitely up there in my "top 10 worst digimon designs" list that I store in my brain. At list his Nyokimon were cute.
Was that Gotsumon supposed to be possessed/brainwashed when he was attacking everyone? His eyes got all glowy so I assume that's what they were going for. ~Mysterious~
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whumpshaped · 1 year
poisoned ivy vampire au- either nate or bryce is a secret vampire, your pick :)
tw vampire whumper, school setting, manipulation, gaslighting
Nate felt like he was going insane. How else would anyone explain the fact that he thought most-popular-guy Bryce Donnelley was... a vampire?
It made no sense. Bryce was clearly not very affected by sunlight, as evidenced by the fact that he attended a normal college. Well, they did have a lot of cloudy days... but Bryce was out and about even on the sunny ones, right? Sort of. He did cover up more than his 'frat bros', something that was a topic of constant lamentation among the women. But he wasn't burning. 'I get sunburnt super easily,' he'd overheard him say once.
Bryce also didn't have anything going on with his eyes. Vampires were supposed to have glowy red eyes, right? Well, his were a dark brown, as human as it could get. Normally. Sometimes, when the light hit him just right, Nate swore he could see a hint of red in them, but it always passed as quickly as it showed up.
He wasn't very proud of this one, but he had even gotten some garlic bread one time just to offer some to Bryce. He'd smiled and said he was allergic, not to mention his date with Cindy later that day. It would've been a gotcha moment– if only Bryce had kept it up.
"I'm joking, I'm joking. Thought I'd lean into the vampire thing." He grabbed one and took a bite, laughing when Nate's eyes widened. "What, don't tell me you believe that too? Is that why you thought to bring me some?"
It was embarrassing. Mortifying. Bryce made him feel like a stupid teenage girl. But there was something there, he knew it, he just had to dig a little deeper.
When they were put together as a pair for a class project, Nate thought it was the perfect opportunity to see whether Bryce could enter his dorm without an invitation. He purposely danced around the subject, all the way until they got there.
"Nice of you to invite me over. My room is a bit of a mess."
"I never invited you!" he said a bit too quickly, and Bryce feigned confusion. "I, I mean– I never invited you in– I mean..."
"I thought that was the entire reason you brought me here?"
"I... y-yeah, I just meant..."
"If you don't want me to come in, I get that–"
"No, no, come in, I'm sorry– wait–"
Bryce grinned at him, stepping over the threshold with ease. "Thanks."
Nate wanted to pull his hair out. He even dug up his old crucifix, the one he'd received as a gift from his grandmother, and then accidentally dropped it in a way so that it touched Bryce's skin. Bryce hissed in pain and pulled away– then laughed at Nate's reaction and told him it was just a joke. He'd grabbed the crucifix to hand it back to him to prove it.
There was never any conclusive evidence. Nothing to latch onto. But he just couldn't leave it alone.
He devised a plan that some might call obsessive, or even stalkerish. He was going to follow Bryce around for a whole day, make sure he didn't drink anyone's blood (he was normal, he swore, this was a totally normal thing to think about his peers), then slightly nick his finger and see how Bryce reacted. If this didn't bring any results, he would stop for good.
The day passed agonisingly slowly. He tried not to look too creepy, nor too startled whenever Bryce looked at him and they locked eyes. Bryce knew what he was after, probably, and he looked very smug about having Nate so hooked. But he didn't know about the plan. He couldn't.
Bryce ate only solids the whole day. Sandwiches, the cafeteria food, chocolate. No blood.
"Do you want to work on the project tonight?" he asked after Bryce's last class, and he could've exploded when he responded with an easy 'yeah, sure'. He was supposed to be a little agitated by now. Restless. It had been a long day, and now Nate was proposing they spend several more hours together. But Bryce never ever wavered.
It was well past midnight when they finished up. Bryce yawned, hand in front of his mouth either because he was very polite or because he was hiding a set of fangs. Nate didn't even care anymore which one it was, he just wanted to know for sure.
"I'm gonna get back to my room," Bryce said with a smile. "See you tomorrow?"
As soon as Bryce turned to leave, he cut his finger with a blade he had wrestled out of his pencil sharpener. Blood bubbled to the surface instantly, and a split second later he was slammed against the wall of his room, staring up into Bryce's bright red eyes.
"Holy shit," he breathed, just now realising that goading a vampire into attacking him wasn't the best plan of action. Truth be told, he didn't think he'd get this far.
Bryce blinked a couple times, and his eyes went right back to normal. "Oh. I can't play that off as a joke, can I?"
"You're a vampire."
Nate swallowed hard, suddenly very unsure of what to say. "Are you going to hurt me?"
"I should, shouldn't I? You found out about it after all. I can't be sure you won't tell everyone."
"Nobody would believe me!" he said hastily. "I– I just needed to know. I won't tell. I won't tell anyone. Please."
"And then there's the fact that you starved me alllll fucking day. I'm pretty hungry, you know."
"Please don't hurt me," he whimpered.
"Oh, it won't hurt."
Nate yelped when Bryce yanked his head to the side, clearly having made up his mind. His heart was pounding, and he distantly wondered whether that'd make it quicker. Higher pulse, faster bloodflow, less time with fangs in his neck–
His mind went blank when Bryce bit down. It was a strange, fuzzy feeling. He didn't feel anxious about it anymore. In fact, it was almost... pleasant. Natural. Right. He was grateful that Bryce was holding him up, because he was sure his knees would've buckled underneath him otherwise.
"You taste nice," he whispered after he was done, and Nate hummed in acknowledgment. He tasted nice... "And you obviously react very well to the venom, hm?" He pulled back and gently knocked on his head. "Anything left in there?"
Nate couldn't find the words to react. He just stared up at him through half-lidded eyes, noting that the blood on his lips must've been his own.
"I was in need of a permanent meal, and I had no idea who to even target... But I guess you just solved that issue, Detective Fane."
taglist: @whumpsday @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland
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belladoesmakeup · 3 months
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Hi guys,
Today I am VERY excited to write this blog post because we have a brand new product from Charlotte Tilbury! If you don't use the brand Charlotte Tilbury is famous for very glowy, old Hollywood style makeup and her new product promises to bring the glow! Let me introduce you to the new Charlotte Tilbury Unreal Skin Foundation Stick, £35.00.
This is Charlotte's first ever foundation stick and this product is being labelled the perfect no makeup, makeup product! The new range has 20 flexible shades, for obvious reasons I bought Shade 1 which is the same shade in the other foundations too. Charlotte describes the new product as "a hydrating foundation stick that blurs and smooths for a ring light-effect! It's the ultimate no-foundation foundation!". Like the light wonder wonder foundation it has a super-natural, sheer-to-light, buildable coverage, glide on the Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E infused formula to unlock the look of an instantly smoothed, snatched, blurred, soft-focus skin glow!
A lot of people have compared the glowy finish to the Hollywood Flawless Filter but unlike that product, this one is actually called a foundation and blurs the skin which the filter does not. Normally I'm a satin finish girly but I loved how lightweight the stick felt on my face and the flawless finish it gave my skin. I wasn't expecting my skin to look so smooth and the foundation wear so well considering it's a glowy based product. Since I am oily combo I did powder down the foundation at first and then during the day let the glow show through which I would do with any other foundation too.
I've only been using this product for a week or 2 but so far I am so impressed with this new product and it's making me love a glowy face base which like I said isn't my usual go to. If you want to shop the range on Charlotte's site, she has added a shade matching tool to help you find the perfect foundation! As always all products mentioned are linked above.
Lot's of love,
Bella x x
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typhoonvash · 7 months
// Canary Is Not Immune To Plant Bloom Headcanons
while bloom is seasonal, it can happen if around flora that are also in bloom
even if triggered by other flora, it will last a month. sorry canary.
he tries so, so hard to hide it. he.. kinda succeeds... but there are things that he can't hide.
for instance his body temperature rises significantly. enough so that if someone is sleeping next to him or touching him for whatever reason, they'd legitimately think the poor guy's deathly sick. he usually runs so, so cold.
but also usually he can't sleep. too much energy. can't sleep, won't get tired, but this leads to extreme boredom and (likely) shenanigans when he tries to do anything to get his mind off of fking/getting fked
some of this extra energy is given to his partner(s), so they also often dont feel the need for sleep. eventually they gotta though. don't mind the man with bright cyan eyes watching you from the corner of the room, it's normal.
inhuman qualities are enhanced: eyes more glowy, shows teeth more often (smiles, fangies outside lips, etc), faster, stronger, more vines, stronger glowies (harder to control when glowing also)
he um. also tends to get larger and longer when topping.
despite his Extreme Horny it's still only for people close to him. this. made blooms quite often just an inconvenience that he could deal with. having people he is involved with??? well now it's so over for him.
switches between blanketing himself in bed writhing around and pacing and going on MANY walkies. basically just keeps himself moving because it feels like his entire skin's gonna vibrate off his body.
getting what he wants does help, but the general feeling lasts a full month. it just gets weaker after a bit of a marathon. if fked daily, he feels (almost) normal every day! yay!
his taste changes from something akin to peaches (and slick) to a flowery-sweet aromatic flavor. skin, sweat, saliva, the man is practically a sprig of lavender. it may seem great, but the scent is extremely strong. can make it... difficult... to hide. in general.
while his ~*~fluids~*~ (look i'm trying not to trigger any no-no words) normally have an aphrodisiac effect, during bloom it's um. intense. we're talking like, "if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hrs consult a doctor" levels of intense. it's fine. don't worry about it.
on the bright side, his self-healing is super jacked!
...tends to get very clingy/possessive (not in a toxic way) though. can get whiny even when partner gets up to just. go get food or something.
doesn't do the whole nest building thing. he does just like having pressure on him though—so blankievash, partner just flopping on top of him, hell, even restraints, are favorite things during the month.
because it's so dry on gunsmoke, he ends up static shocking people often. hair also stands on end (just a bit, kind of just looks like his usual hair but slightly messier)
once you get a taste, you crave more. so long as you stay near this idiot, you'll have a thirst that can't really be quenched unless... yeah.
tends to? collect things?? he'll just pick stuff up and bring it to his partner(s) as a gift. some kind of mating ritual.
look basically what i'm saying is that this man's body is a mess and keeping contained is near impossible. also, assuming they are sexually active (are also adults and are interested in sex at all), people in close enough proximity to him will just be inexplicably horny. doesn't have to be for him, isn't an impulse to fuck right then and there; it's just a. "huh weird" kind of "why am i horny this time" sensation.
all of this is by discussion only ofc. there's also the uh, whole reason for blooming, but again. that's a touchy subject and it's SUPER BY DISCUSSION ONLY BECAUSE UuuUUuuuHHh yeah. like i don't mind, but also like. idk. it's touchy. anyway if you read this i'm sorry my man is a little freak.
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rockyjulesxx · 2 years
the correct marauders head cannons
Sirius Black
GAY AND TRANS ASS MOTHER FUCKER!! #endthecisaficationofsiriusblack idc if it’s genderfluid, non-binary or ftm this bitch is trans and loves men.
he’s like 5”6-5”9 in height.
obvi has black hair that is up to his shoulders/ collarbone and is also very layered.
he’s tattooed and pierced. some tattoos are of the moon cycle, his and regs stars, dog foot prints and something prongs and wormtail related. he also has multiple ear piercings with a side nose stud, a navel and a bottom labret piercing.
he loves dressing hyper feminine but also masculine. he doesn’t have a set style, he just dresses to serve cunt and have clothes that match his docs and chunky rings and leather jackets.
he has borderline personality disorder that he is very ashamed about because the characteristics of his mental illness remind him of his mother. he also has ptsd that affects him the most through nightmares. he also gets a lot of gender envy that fouls his dysphoria from his friends, but refuses to tell them about it because he doesn’t want to make any of them feel bad.
he’s pale and has silver eyes that can be kind of intimidating.
he’s half french and east asian ( him and james first bonded at hogwarts over being the only asian kids in their year) .
Remus John Lupin
bicon. no other acceptable answers.
sweaters. knitted sweaters. lots and lots of knitted grandpa sweaters. (many gifted to him by lily).
his style is very cottagecore, but also mixed in with some street style. he loves his beat ass crusty ass converse that are breaking at the seams, but he also wears docs when he wants to feel superior. he is either spotted in heavy knitted sweaters or old band tees. and a book bag. he cannot go anywhere without his fucking book bag.
he has tattoos. idk what tattoos, but definitely tattoos. and maybe a few ear piercings.
he’s 6”- 6”4 in height.
loves david bowie and sometimes wears makeup inspired by him.
wears fishnets under his jeans that are visible on his waist when he wears crop tops. this is slutty remus.
he has honey brown curly hair. it’s soft and bouncy and sometimes falls into his eyes that are obviously hazel.
freckles scattered between scars <3
has a physical disability that requires him to use crutches or a wheelchair from time to time. he also suffers from severe migraines that leaves him unable to leave his room.
he has ptsd and severe anxiety that went years without being medicated because of his “i can handle myself” mentality.
he’s welsh and/or jewish or maybe even latino anyone of those work tbh. he has soft tan skin that very glowy.
long eyelashes. like incredibly long eyelashes that are light brown and always curl towards the sun.
James Fleamont Potter
a pansexual himbo at his finest.
he’s from south asia, more specifically india.
he’s super sporty but not overly buff. he has the body type of a football player (or soccer player, whatever you call it).
his style is very relaxed in a man whore kind of way. he loves his red converse- they’re his staple piece.
he has one ear piercing he got with sirius. he thinks it looks stupid but sometimes puts it in when he wants a different look.
first started wearing skirts with sirius so that he felt more confident, but actually really liked how they looked on himself. he has slutty skirts he wears when he goes to the gay bar.
he has adhd and maybe anxiety that somehow went years without being diagnosed.
he has deep brown hair that’s messy and could possibly curl but always remains more fluffy than curly. it’s short cut but falls into his eyes that are a dark brown but look burgundy in the light.
he’s 5”9-5”11 in height. (sometimes he purposely tells people he’s shorter so that he makes guys who said they’re 6” feel stupid).
obviously wears glasses (he’s technically legally blind and has a lot of anxiety of loosing his vision. he got eye sugary once and had to wear an eye patch for a week. he still wears it sometimes for halloween or just for fun).
has a beauty mark under his left eye (lily likes to kiss it).
Peter Pettigrew
he’s asexual.
has a baby face and is often mistaken for remus’s little cousin.
he gets rosey cheeks very easily.
he doesn’t have tattoos but he has a few piercings.
he has a unibrow (it’s very pretty and has a beauty mark in between closer to his right eye).
short king! 5”4-5”6 in height.
his style is cardigans with jeans that are cuffed (half because of his height and half because of fashion).
he has dirty blonde hair that’s straight and cut short.
he has bright blue eyes.
he has body dysmorphia and social anxiety.
he has a very small gap between his teeth that he hates and tried to get braces for but couldn’t afford. everyone tells him it suits him though because the gap adds to his charm.
he’s a brit through and through, a full englishman
i’ll make a part two of this with all the other marauder icons.
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wifediaries · 2 years
hi Mimi 💕💕 I follow u on twitter & I just wanted to say that as a younger girl (who wants to tap more into her feminine side) ur such an inspiration to me!! ur so angelic & gorgeous, & I adore ur style so much ♡ my question is (if u don’t mind me asking hehe) is: what r some of the daily makeup products that u use or would recommend to somebody else?? :)
Hi love!
This is so so kind, thank you so much! I am so glad you find some kind of inspiration from my style, as I really do enjoy putting outfits together. Ask as many questions as you'd like!
It's like you read my mind! I have been planning to upload a makeup tutorial and this seems like the perfect chance! So, without further adieu...
Mimi makeup tutorial:
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Before applying my makeup, its important that I prep my skin. I rub Glossier Milky Jelly into my skin and wash it off before patting my skin dry. I love how this smells and always makes me feel so clean and fresh.
Once my skin is dry, a skincare item I cannot live without is Glossier Solution as with someone with very dewy skin I feel it helps tighten and smooth everything out so that product can be placed on top of it whilst removing some oiliness.
To moisturize, Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream always leaves me glowing. However, recently in these winter months I have been reaching for a small pot of E45, as it is super thick and I find it super hydrating. Once I have moisturized, I apply a high SPF on my face and neck.
I don't tend to use primer, as I feel they often cause conflict with my other products. If I am doing a full face, I will use Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter in 4 Medium all over my face and pat it down with a velvet powder puff or damp beauty blender.
Once that is blended in, I will use a small amount of Elf Cosmetics Hydrating CAMO concealer in Light Ivory beneath my eye closer to the inner corner, from the end of my eye to the tail of my brow, beside my nose, along the tops of my eyebrows and the center of my forehead. I will let this sit for a minute, and then press it in using a pink velvet powder puff.
Because the Flawless Filter leaves my faces way too dewy for my liking, I will generously powder beneath my eyes, beside my nose, the middle of my forehead and my chin with Glossier Wowder. If I'm going a little more glam, I will press Laura Mercier loose powder in shade Rose beneath my eyes to add a brighter, pinkier tone.
If I'm bronzing, I will either use Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood contour wand in fair medium before I powder (But I often refrain from this as it takes a lot of blending and can come across muddy in my opinion) Or I use Hoola Bronzer on my outer cheeks and temples. I also like to swipe this across the nose tip to accentuate a button shape.
Blush is by far one of my favourite steps to my routine, and depending on my mood there are many I could reach for. If I want a bright pink with a bluey/purple undertone by favourite has to be Fenty Beauty Cheeks Out Freestyle cream blush in Bikini Martini. If I want a warmer, glowy, more bronzed look then I will choose the Charlotte Tilbury beauty light wand in Pinkgasm. However, my favourite powder blush at the minute which as been my cold-girl, winter essential must be the Kylie Jenner pressed blush powder in Winter Kissed. It's an excellent dupe for the Dior backstage blush!
For highlight, I add some glow back into my face by tapping the Charlotte Tilbury light wand in Pillow Talk along my upper cheeks, and down my nose, before dipping into a white shimmer shade from any eyeshadow palette and adding this to my inner corners, the tip of my nose, my brow bone and sometimes even my cupids bow.
If you use a setting spray, go ahead and use it now.
For eyebrows, I simply fill in any sparse areas ensuring they are as even as possible and straight. Sometimes, I brush a clear brow gel through them if they are acting especially unruly that day!
For eyes, I begin by tightlining my top lashline with brown eyeliner, or a brow pencil. I feel using a dark brown eyebrow pencil has a better hold through the day. I feel this gives the illusion of a thicker, fuller lash line. I do not use any special product for this, so feel free to use what you've got! I then curl my lashes, and if I can be bothered I will heat the curler with my hair dryer for a few seconds. If you do this, let it cool for another few seconds as you don't want to burn your eyelid. Another hack I have picked up, especially if I am coming to the end of a mascara-- is to keep the mascara tube either in your bra or between your thighs to warm up the product inside as you do your previous makeup steps. When I do this, I find the product is less stiff and just makes the lashes come out less clumpy. For this, I use Glossier Lash Slick, as I prefer length over thickness. The product adds little fibres which goes a long way for a long fluttery lash.
More times than not, I opt for a strip lash. If I'm going for a doll-like spiky lash look, I use the Amazon Manga lashes. For a more casual look, I will wear these half lashes. But my favourites recently have been Ardell Wispies.
If I really wanna go all out, I'll add a tiny bit of liquid eyeliner in my inner corner, and or draw a half crease just to add something special. To finish of I dust a light shimmer from any eyeshadow pallette over the lid.
Finally, I move onto lips. Lipliner is essential, and it doesn't need to be expensive to be good. I use a browny pink, ever so slightly rounding my cupids bow just a little more whilst remaining its shape. If I want a fancier glossy-satin finish lip, I'll use this Mac lipstick in shade Angel. Very few times I have left it at that, but 99 percent of the time I will be wearing a gloss. I've been loving the TooFaced Lip Injection Power Plumping gloss in Pretty Pony. It's super plumping and glittery, however I do find it to be quite sticky. My go to gloss, for a super juicy and wet finish would be the Kiko Milano gloss in Tutu Rose. However, if I'm doing something super casual or not wearing makeup but still want hydrated and juicy lips, I will always have on the Lush Snow Fairy lip jelly. It keeps my lips super soft, plump, and tastes really great!
So, after any finishing touches that's about it. If you'd like to know some of my common hair styles with attached tutorials let me know! If you try out any of the products linked or even followed my tutorial let me know what you think!
Mimi 💗
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