#his outfit is canon-adjacent
floofanflurr · 3 months
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st-hedge · 2 years
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Line up of the redesigns of Links and Link adjacents I did this month! U can find the individual posts with notes by searching the ‘redesign month’ tag but the goal of this was as follows: create redesigns that don’t change link physically from his canon design but alter his clothes in a way that I feel is fitting for him and the canon setting, it can either be his main outfit or something else
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lumivee · 4 months
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I decided to give them both a redesign. Hajime didn’t change as much, but I added in some deer elements to give him more of a nature spirit vibe. (I also built his horns around the image on his tie)
Nagito changed a lot more, as I tried to integrate a little bit more of his canon design language, such as the hoodie. Also gave his outfit a bit more Japanese influence with the obi and kimono-adjacent outfit.
Both of them have representations of the other on them. Nagito: sunflower anklet. Hajime: small jar of clouds.
Old designs:
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philtstone · 1 month
Shawn and Gus, "comforting hugs"
you can also read it on ao3! psych: into the mollyverse coming soon to laptops near you. just kidding. i physically dont have time to fall headfirst into another elaborate kidfic series. which is what i always say, isn't it sort of canon divergence for the movies, tho i guess technically they havent fully committed to anything yet outside of the actors getting too old lol. takes place in the same universe as my great labor of love, "so here we are again" and, alas, i love molly already
Navigating the obstetrics ward in the middle of the night is harder than Gus ever expected it to be. It really feels like a critical failure of signage, which someone needs to be held accountable for. He wonders if there’s somewhere he can make a complaint. Three in the morning, arms laden with fragrant takeout and mildly damp from the mean streets of downtown San Francisco is not his ideal time for busting out the Super Sniffer.  
Thank God Axe body spray is strong enough to survive a full work day, twenty-four hours of labor, and an outfit change. 
He breathes a sigh of relief when he finally tiptoes back into the correct room. 
“Jerk chicken, sourdough donuts, and that weird lychee butter Juliet likes,” Gus whispers, setting down his many bags in a corner. “Shawn, we need to lodge a complaint. This establishment does not have good signage. I almost got lost five times coming back up here! Isn’t that a hazard to infants and mothers and best friends of families who’ve just had babies everywhere? What if someone goes into the wrong birthing room? That would leave random people’s babies vulnerable to the potential criminal element! If I was a babynapper, this hard to navigate hospital hallway system would absolutely serve as a good alibi were I suddenly caught in the wrong place.”
His last year of parenthood and decades of friendship with Shawn have honed Gus’s whispering skills to a finely tuned and precise art; he’s not really worried about disturbing Juliet, who is finally getting some much deserved sleep in the bed adjacent. She’s pretty much knocked out cold, anyway. Shawn had guessed it would take a freight train passing right outside the window or blowing an air horn directly into her ear to wake her up. 
It is a little weird that Shawn doesn’t reply, though. Gus spends the two seconds he spends bent over and rummaging through the takeout bags for forks confused about this. Then he straightens up and looks across the room.
They’ve got a little baby crib set up by the side of the bed so Juliet can sleep. There’s a chair right next to the cot, high enough that you can look right in. Shawn’s sitting in it, in the exact same place Gus left him, more or less unchanged except for the fact that he’s sobbing silently into his hands. 
Gus sighs softly, tilts his head, and puts the takeout box on the table that houses their overnight bags before walking over. At Shawn’s side, he pauses, looking down. He’s a little biased – there is probably no baby in the world as perfect as his own, not to mention Selene would kill him if he ever suggested otherwise – but at six hours old, Molly Spencer-O’Hara comes pretty damn close. Squinched shut blue eyes, puckered rosy mouth, and completely bald. Gus loves her desperately.
He pulls up the remaining empty chair beside them and sits down.
“Shawn,” he says gently. 
“It j-j-ust – it all kinda –” Shawn waves one uncoordinated hand in the air immediately beside his head, gesturing vaguely towards himself. His voice is muffled and wet against his hand and he’s barely able to control the way his hands are shaking. “All – at th-the same time –”
“Yeah,” Gus says. “I know.”
“Sh-she’s just so – and I’m – for her – a-and it’s –”
“I get it,” Gus says.
“A-am I supposed to j-just walk around f-feeling like this all the time?” Shawn finally manages. There’s a desperate and hysterical note to his voice, the question nevertheless still drenched in sincerity, and he lifts his head, just enough to maybe breathe properly, and stares at Gus with huge wet eyes full of an emotion that Gus had had no idea what it would feel like to share.
Considering they’ve spent their lives sharing almost everything else, it’s really weird how keenly and suddenly it brings a strong, unexpected lump to his throat that has nothing to do with his usual tendency towards sympathy tears. 
“Pretty much, yeah,” Gus says.
“Fuck,” Shawn says, and cries harder.
His face is splotchy and red and his hair is sticking up stupidly from the last day and a half of chaos. He’s still got the splint on his hand where Juliet sprained his fingers earlier. Without another word, Gus leans over and wraps his arms around his best friend in the world. 
Sighing again, carefully controlling the damp rimming his own eyes, Gus rubs a hand against Shawn’s back and pats his shaking shoulders and waits for the feelings Shawn rarely exhibits so openly to calm down.
“Is he freaking out?” sounds a sleepy, feminine murmur from the other side of the room.    
“In the best possible way,” Gus says, “yes.”
Shawn hiccups in his arms.
“‘Was waiting … f’r it t’happen,” Juliet mumbles. He can hear the fond smile in her barely-awake voice. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“I hate you guys,” says Shawn, wet and pathetic, muffled into Gus’s shoulder.
“We know, Shawn.”
They sit like that for a few more minutes, the comfortable silence only broken sporadically by Shawn’s wobbly breathing and the soft steady beeps of the machines monitoring Juliet’s vitals. Gus’ll have to head home soon – he’s switching shifts with Selene, and then Henry and maybe Karen will help them settle back home in a few days – but right at this minute, there’s no other place in the universe he’d rather be. 
“You guys better leave some of that jerk chicken for me,” Juliet says after a moment, sounding significantly more awake.
“Are you kidding?” Shawn protests, finally – marginally – less water-logged. He still hasn’t detangled himself from the hug. “Half that food is for you.”
“You know that’s right,” Gus agrees.
From below them, a tiny little voice interjects, burbling softly. Grinning hard enough that the few tears lingering in his eyes slip out, Gus decides to think that she’s probably agreeing, too.
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anonzentimes · 3 months
hi zen!! my friends and i are doing a powerpoint night this monday and like any self-respecting person almost 7 months deep in a dangan hyperfixation (i'm never getting out of here) i am using it as a platform for an all-encompassing kmhn infodump. this powerpoint is going to be the komahina bible and i want to hit Every Stop. i will grab everything i can find. no hesitation. however !! the danganronpa franchise is A Lot. so there's always a chance i will miss something. so! as a fellow kmhn understander and enthusiast, is there any particular Komahina Moment or piece of analysis you feel people often miss or overlook? could be big or small, or involve just one of the two of them, but i'd appreciate the input! <3 have a good one :D
OH MY GOD??? I’LL TRY TO ANSWER IN TIME FOR YOUR POWERPOINT LMAO THAT SOUNDS AWESOME?????? You should record it! Well, you probably will, but I’m still saying it anyways just in case you aren’t, because something that fun going unrecorded sounds like a tragedy!
I’ve had ideas of doing all encompassing komahina rambles for a video or something, but I’m already working on other projects so It’ll be a long time before I even try lmao. Makes me happy someone is trying something similar, and with friends no less! I’d be happy to help in any way I can, I hope you and your friends have fun! :D
ANYWAYS. I’ll say a huge ramble of Komahina things and hope it helps LOL.
This is more of a silly statement, but for a FULL Komahina coverage I think it’s most satisfying to cover the different flavors of komahina, if that makes sense? Like, depending on what approach you’re taking you may not cover kamukoma, since to a degree that’s an entirely different ship, but you’d still cover the canon adjacent other flavors. Basically, try including the canon adjacent variations!!! The Dangan island events are good for analyzing their dynamic with less horrible circumstances bringing them to worst and causing them to hurt each other. The stage plays are also great to mention since there’s some komahina content that is play original, and seeing them physically interact is fun! Can’t forget the Komahina CD too Lol. There’s also smaller things like their anniversary outfits, especially the matching purple ones, their animal outfits, and their Danganronpa S Swimsuits!
Little details that are so special to me are things like the parallel of Nagito waking Hajime up being reserved in Danganronpa 2.5, and there’s also how things like Hajime’s grief for Nagito that’s so compelling, special, and telling about their dynamic.
I think my main thing to actually add on properly is that, a lot of people say Hajime hates Nagito which is absolutely incorrect. I don’t think I’d try so hard or care enough to revive and or wait until a person I hated woke up. Hajime displays he actively cares a lot, they just happen to feel hurt and betrayed by each other due to the circumstances. Komahina is unhealthy but it isn’t toxic, if that phrase makes sense. The beauty of it is that they grow TO be healthier, they learn to love each other, understand each other, and in the process learn to understand and love themselves. Komahina is reciprocal, it gets unhealthy due to circumstances, but it is reciprocal and the beauty of it is them becoming healthier together.
Nagito is not a malicious psychopath, and Hajime is not an overly horny person with no personality, I see them misinterpreted and characterized like that constantly It’s ridiculous. Hajime is awkward, conflicted, introverted, caring, and tries to be positive but ultimately is usually a realist. Hajime gets attached to people easily and deals with discrimination, insecurity, and self esteem. Hajime is relatable enough to where he’s empathetic but unique enough to where he’s special.
Nagito is a mentally ill queer coded man who is an antagonist and an anti-hero. He is morally gray when it comes to his unhealthy coping mechanism and has complicated beliefs, he’s honest, intelligent, struggles with insecurity, struggles with self esteem, has absolute beliefs influenced by hope’s peak, is a parallel and warped version of Makoto while being his own person, and he’s very sweet. Nagito’s love language seems to be mostly playful teasing, he rambles a lot and weirds people out just by saying what he thinks is fact. He has tonal issues and usually isn’t self aware, despite this he also worries about the impression he gives off if he thinks it matters. His beliefs are very hierarchy based and he thinks he’s all the way at the bottom, he doesn’t absolutely hate people like him but he thinks they have no purpose other than to help those more capable and projects onto them. Nagito is a very complex character, he is numb to intense situations due to the immense trauma of it being normal for him. He’s optimistic but also pessimistic, he’s positive but also incredibly anxious, he’s well intentioned but also thinks anything is okay if it’s for hope, there’s a lot to Nagito but in the end once it clicks it really clicks. He is contradictory in a way that perfectly makes sense, creating the perfect character. There’s a lot to him but when you understand him there’s no need for words, you just get it. There’s a feeling to him, an understanding, and I think that’s really special. He really is amazing.
Anyways, the ramble on summarizing both of their characters simply is to more expand on points about their dynamic! Nagito and Hajime are sides of the same coin. Nagito is irrational when it comes to Hajime in the way that he defies his normal behaviors because he usually avoids others and thinks he’s not worth the ultimates time, it means so much to me that Nagito just immediately had a feeling and connection with him. I’ve seen some people not think about it, but genuinely Komaeda feels something upon first sight and it’s irrational given his regular behavior it’s so sweet.
This has been just a lot of me rambling, but hopefully some of it helps! I had fun yapping haha, thanks for you ask!
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Into the Ninjaverse: RC9GN AU
Alright, I finally managed to have some time to myself-
I had two different directions for this verse and I've yet to decide which one I want to use. I'll start with one that's more 'true' to the canon of ITSV/ATSV and the idea that OG! Randy takes the spot of Miles Morales (and poor Randy is definitely going to go through it-). I'm honestly thinking that across multiple universes, there are other Ninjas (none of which are Randy, for ahems reasons-). Unfortunately for our hero, he finds one of the Ninjas in his own dimension and decides he needs to help them.
Randy is startled to realize this is the First Ninja, only... different. He doesn't know what to do, deciding he's just flat out bringing him home. I honestly think the reason he makes the connection is either outfit design OR Finja takes the mask off in front of Randy and that's how he knows, but moving on-
So Randy now is finding out other universes exist- this poor kid is a little overwhelmed because he's been the Ninja for less than a year and is struggling to wrap his mind around it. Unfortunately, things spiral out of control when other Ninjas appear- it's now caught the attention of McFist, Viceroy, and the Sorcerer which is a massive problem. The Ninjas will have to face them head on as the final arc, but of course I could still be a menace if ATSV and the "Ninja Society" is integrated into the storyline. We'll be getting to that later!
Option 2 is honestly based off of having OG Randy meeting the different AU's I've created- the problem is just choosing the right ones, or pick the ones my readers (and myself because this is incredibly self indulgent) would be most interested by. I honestly think this could be done as a season finale type thing where I kind of just chuck Randy into a portal and is now stuck in another reality with no way to get home but ends up in other dimensions, and it's a whole mess because reasons
Although genuinely, I'm leaning more toward the first one so! I'm providing a brief depiction of each of the characters- both in the OG and alternate timelines
Randy Cunningham (canon universe)- 14 at the start of ITNV. He's only been the Ninja for a few months and is still adjusting to his duties but overall, he's doing pretty well. He ends up finding an alternate version of the First Ninja and decides to help him (how could he not when he literally finds him unconscious?)
Howard Weinerman (canon universe): pretty much the same as canon! Nothing really changes yet-
First Ninja / ??? (alternate universe/dimension 616): meant to take the role of Peter B Parker, this version of Finja has long since retired from his responsibilities as the Ninja. Due to things going wrong in his timeline, he hasn't been as active as he could be and his meeting with Randy only happens by pure chance
Howard Weinerman/??? (alternate universe): This version of Howard is still in the works, but I like to think he's not the Ninja per se- genuinely thinking of incorporating a version of Howard who works for McFist and Viceroy, or even something to do with tengu! Howard. Only... he's extremely startled and surprised to see Randy (though why?)
Theresa Fowler/The Purple Ninja (alternate universe): I feel like she'd be a little adjacent to Penny from ITSV! Because I said so- there's not really a lot for her right now, but I don't consider Fowlham endgame for this AU at all (i have other things in mind, that's all i'm going to say)
Nomi/Nomicon/??? (alternate canon): y'all are going to hate me for this- or you might not, but I do consider there's the one singular universe where the Nomicon is human and takes on a role eerily similar to Miguel Rivera for... ahems reasons (i think you can figure it out, but for now- consider all of this to be non-canon to the ITNV world! at least for now)
I like to think canon! Nomicon can have a human form but chooses not to reveal themself- as a personal quota to remain cold and neutral to all Ninjas but at the same time, they can't help seeing something different in Randy. This is self indulgent, I'm going to write what I want hahah
There's also a lesser version of this idea where it's more like the Ninjas are still Ninjas, but also have like- spiderman-esque vibes as well? I keep thinking of a fusion between the two, and now honestly I might just switch between the three versions until I settle on one I like!
For now, these are my current thoughts! Please comment on this or something- I genuinely want to see who's interested!
Current Tag List:
into the ninjaverse / ITNV - general tag
ask itnv - for asks about the characters!
itnv talks - responses/answers to the asks
I'm not really expecting this AU to garner a lot of attention but just in case- I have these setup because someone's got to be interested!
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jelmet · 1 year
what pets i think fit with the batfam
these are kinda out of order but what evs
tell me what other characters u want (doesnt have to be bat-adjacent)
Dick Grayson
German shepherd maybe a huskey mix too
I know he has Hailey in canon but canon is of my choosing
I feel like his prestict was training dogs and one of them failed the training but hes already bonded with it so he takes it home with him and now he has a dog
he names it after somthing in the cirus
also named nightbite and the dog is considered a vigilante but only comes out to calm down children
Jason Todd
orange tabby
whenever someone meets the cat for the 1st time he spends 15 mins trying to convince them the cat is actually red
named elizabeth, and he forces you to call the cat elizabeth, no lizzie or any other nickname only elizabeth
he found her wandering around crime alley with out a collar and scooped her up and took her home
they become inseparable except when jason is doing vigilante stuff them the cat sleeps in his bed
shes tiny from malnourishment ect. from being on the street
he nourishes her back to health but she never gets to full size
Tim Drake
he wanted a bullfrog before realizing how annoying they are and ended up getting an american toad
he named it either tim jr. or frog
he puts it in a mason jar (no top ofc) with some water and brings it everywhere (non vigilante)
the toad works comms and he tries to get everyone to call it red toad (failure)
he wears gloves when handling it and is very careful not to get salmonella (all reptiles and amphibians are loaded with it)
Duke Thomas
im giving him 2 types of pets
first he has a fish tank with those floresent neon fish
he has the full set up with the black lights and everything
1 fish of each color named color fishie (blue fishie, yellow fishie, ect.)
he also gets a rabbit
specifically a Miniature Cashmere Lop
he names it judy (zootopia reference lol)
he took her on patrol with him one in one of those baby carries that straps to your chest but he bent down and judy hopped out and he spent half an hour chasing her around
she lives on his bedroom floor, he has everything she needs lined along a wall and she just kinda chills all day
Cass Cain
she gets a common brown snake
they are non venomous, typically very docile, and the longest they can get is 13 inches long
she did tons of research on snakes and makes sure it living its best live
names it after her favorite fruit
she keeps trying to feed duke’s fish to it
brown snakes are fairly small so she will curl it around her fingers on one hand and do her homework with the other
Carrie Kelley
Yes shes part of the family
a hedgehog
she keeps it in her pocket
his name is sonic
she made him a blue mask and paints some of the quills blue and takes him on patrol (he mostly stays in her pocket)
one notable occasion she shot him with her sligshot into a thug’s face
sonic was ok the thug however was not
sonic lives in carrie’s pocket
Alfred Pennyworth
mini horse
he named it named fredrick
it stays out in the barn with batcow
he goes out on walks around the manor grounds and the horse will follow him around
helps out around the batcave and works coms with frog
Damian Wayne
i know he already has a ton of pets go away
caribbean reef octopus
i saw a video of one of these guys escaping its tank and immediately thought of damian
either gives it an arab name or names it richard
has an amazing tank setup for it with lots of enrichment
sometimes he takes it out on walks around the manor and damian will carry a little spray bottle to ensure he doesnt dry out
a bearded dragon
he wanted a komodo dragon but they are massive (and venomous) so he compromised on a bearded dragon
he gives her either an arab name or names her timothy
just like the octopus he takes really good care of her
she has a bunch of differnt outfits and leashes and he takes her on walks all the time
Stephanie Brown
Indian star tortoise
she saw a tortoise mukbang video and decided she needed one (go to animal asmr on youtube)
she named her ravioli
tried to get her a job in the bat med bay but alfred refused to let “ground zero for a salmonella outbreak” into the med bay
she has a massive box with multiple sets of lights despite how tiny she is (hes a baby now and about 2.5 in but adults get to 7-12 in)
as a baby she rides around on steph’s shoulder
once she gets bigger steph puts her in a leash
Bruce Wayne
way too many bats to count
each person has a bat named after them and a bat they have named
the rest are named bat bat
the bats are not allowed outside of the batcave
he also has ace (bat hound) who, from my best guess, is a Doberman
he also gets a fox moth
he raises it from a caterpillar and he loves it (he picks it up off the sidewalk and decides to keep it)
he names it bug
only pet not allowed to go into the batcave
it mostly stays on his head or shoulder when not asleep (even as a full grown moth)
sleeps in a net like cage thing hanging in his room
he cried really hard when it pupated only for a moth to come out a few weeks later
why is the starfish here?
anyway in Flash 238-243 in the 70’s hal has a pet alien starfish thing named itty
jarro gets his own itty and yeah
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Hi there I have another Roman :3
This is for a royalty au rp :3 he's so cute :)))
I just stuck him in a canon adjacent outfit because I'm lazy but he usually wears dresses and other more fem clothes. I loveee himmmmm.
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Joker head cannons
He definitely knows how to sew more then that he knows how to make clothing and he's really good with mending and making dresses if he feels like it
He's bisexual with a preference towards men like he has some attraction to woman but I feel like he more so views woman as easier to manipulate and control then men, tho he does have to find the woman attractive otherwise there's no real point for him to be with them, but even when he has a female partner hes still flirting with men any chance he gets and not just Batman but just some rando mobster he meets at one of the many bars in Gotham
He's definitely borrowed one or more of Harley's dresses and has had to make or order her a custom dress because he got blood on the one he borrowed and she's destroying his layer and killing his goons because it was her favorite and if he doesn't remedy it he'll have no competent goons to do his bidding..
Just like he hates Nazis he hates homophobia even more he can't be bothered with other things like abuse or domestic violence or murder but homophobia no he's hunting you down like a dog if he catches you on his turf dating to be homophobic god help you if you make a homophobic comment about him... I just imagine he just smiles and laughs and then kills you the most brutal way possible and then takes your body and starts parading it around Gotham as his date and even goes so far to go into a restaurant with the body orders dinner for both puts it on your credit card and opens a bottle of champagne like would you like more my love and starts cackling while the rest of the staff are horrified, I feel he'd even go so far as to carve words or something into your flesh and then finally dumps the body as a warning..
In that same vain if he's out and about enjoying a day off or day off adjacent for him and he's at a bar hell definitely be the life of the party mans will be flirting hardcore with any man he finds mildly attractive would definitely shoot you for not laughing at his jokes though
He has a whole warehouse full of custom dresses he's designed and had made and suits and other various costumes
He's a really good cook witch no one expects especially with cooking on a budget he can make like a five star meal out of the cheapest ingredients but if he has a choice hes a bit bougie, also I feel like he'd host a cooking class with his goons because they keep fucking up his breakfast and as he's teaching the class one of the goons burns the egg and he goes "oh sweetie that's not it at all", then grabs the goons face and holds it down onto the burner till a circular burn mark is on his face while saying, "I dont want to punish you but if i don't how will you ever learn". He releases him but and tells him to try again the goon surprisingly gets it right..
NOTE: Now this next one it really depends on what iteration of joker but I'm gonna put this around bronze/silver age era where he's less violent and psychotic and in this little thought Harley still exists yes ik she wasn't written till the 90s this is my head canon shut up also this is canon things mixed in with my headcanons so
But I imagine mid fight with one of the bat kids one of them pauses and is like joker can I ask you a question and joker is kind of like thrown off a bit and a thousand percent expects it to be a trick or sucker punched but he goes along with it and is like sure what's your question and the bat kid is like... "Soooooo your not straight right"?! And joker just fucking starts laughing then pauses and is like "kid what about my outfit makes you think ah yes that's a straight man do you think a straight man would flirt with Batman or go out of his way to arrange such lovely dates for batsy if I were straight ". And joker is absolutely laughing because this is the funniest joke he's ever heard to think anyone ever thought he was straight even harley who he was involved with for years knew this about him the moment she laid eyes on him.. the bat kid just kinda staring at him awkwardly ajd joker just is like why do you ask there's gotta be some reason for this question.. the bat kid is like uhh so then your bisexual right so like how did u know you were bisexual what were the indicators you were the first villain I kind of thought of I could ask and also the most available.. joker just pauses and is like alright I'm putting a pin in this plan and calls Harley and tells her to bring a white board and markers witch leads to an hour long lecture on the different genders and sexualities and what they all mean as well as an explanation that not everyone will be an ally
He also goes on to explain that when he was young it wasn't really a good time to be gay or bisexual so a lot of people were repressing part of themselves due to fear of what others would do to them if it got out and how the kid is lucky that the world is more accepting now then it was then he also explains that he and Harley had different experiences in that regard as they grew up in different times seeing as Harley is younger then joker
To put in perspective when Harley was a freshman in college Bruce was already three grades above her and on the cusp of graduating before dropping out
He's secretly a wine drinker
At some point he went to college and graduated with honors
He doesn't like animals views them as filthy and not worth his time
Hes neutral towards children definitely would beef with a child actually does beef with children (the batfam) I feel like he neither likes nor dislikes children like yeah he killed Jason but that was on a whim
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thatuselesshuman · 1 month
Character Introduction: Zero
So uh in the spirit of everyone knowing what the fuck I'm ever talking about, I've decided a character Introduction was in order!
*<- will be used to mark plot details that will be explained at the end of the post
Disclaimer: Bro goes through shit
Name: Zero (originally Kian Whittaker)
Gender: Man
Sexuality: He's fallen in love with one person in his life and then got traumatized out of ever falling for someone again (within the canon time frame)
Age: 634 years old, but he looks like 2 days over 19
Appearance: emo He has chin length pitch black hair, most of it tied up in a bun for a half up half down look. His skin is pale. The top half of his face is mostly covered by a black ornate mask, but you can just see his bright white eyes. He's thin and only 5'10 (but will still kick ass). He has what looks like a black choker at first, but black tendrils spread down from it through his body that look oddly like wires.
Outfit: He wears black pants, a black cropped zip jacket (typically unzipped) with a black shirt under it, and standard issue black combat boots. The jacket and pants have white accents, and the jacket has a white X* across the back. A couple of seemingly normal swords can be seen hanging from his hips. Under his shirt, a small silver chain with two rings on it (one simply engraved and one with floral detailing) hangs.
Personality: He seems very unapproachable (purposely) but if you have a strong enough personality to push past the bullshit he's actually pretty witty and funny.
Affinity: He can control a dark energy, usually used to form 2 twin scythes. His other powers include immortality (the not dying of old age +longer time you can go without necessities kind) and the ability to sense his surroundings. No one lives long enough when confronted to learn his other two powers
Rank: Archreaper**
Public Backstory: Very little is known about Zero, as most people aren't even sure he's fully human. Only one thing is known for sure, he's old enough to rival the country itself. No one knows where he comes from or even what his face actually looks like. Some swear that he was born from shadows and the day he returns to them is the mark of the end.
Real Backstory: (pictures, cause I ain't transferring all that—read the pics from last -> first)
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Other fun tidbits:
The ‘choker’ is a control device. It can cause immense unstoppable pain, prevent Zero from taking his own life, and cause every one of his muscles to seize up. It can also send poison to his brain in different doses, either making him lethargic or straight up killing him
He was born with only the whites of his eyes (no pupil or iris) so he can't see. Brother is blind if not for the sight-adjacent thing his Affinity does
*The X is the only required part of the 'uniform' for Archreapers. Archreapers must display the stars (markers of achievement/rank signifiers) they have on the back of their uniform. An X = 500 or more stars.
**Archreapers are the second highest rank in the military, the first being the general. Because of their high rank, they are allowed to wear whatever they want. There are only 9 Archreapers in service at each time, and you have to be specially selected (and exceptionally strong) to become one. After Archreapers are selected, they replace their name with whatever number they were replacing. Their old name is erased from everything and they are banned to ever go by anything other than their number, unless for a mission.
Well, that seems like that's it. If you have any questions, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK MEEEEE WHETHER ABOUT THE CHARACTER OR THE WORLD OR IDC
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t4tozier · 2 months
boredom cure coming through via me requesting any thoughts you have on starbreaker, specifically what are your takes on their like. wild ass personality quirks they each unlock about the other after a certain period of time. if that makes sense.
(also, unrelated, but I'm watching succession right now, currently halfway through season 2, and fully understanding so many more of the posts I've seen about it. oh boy it sure is a SHOW.)
WOOO another succer enters the villa. you and my mom are watching at the same time you should text each other <3 feel free to pop in my asks or dms at any point w additional thoughts.
okay yes this does make sense. i’ll do more canon adjacent in a sec but first you get a got it bad fact that you didn’t ask for because she’s on my mind <3 semi related because jace doesn’t find this out until he starts sleeping over. porter has night terrors and sleepwalks. jace screams so loud it actually wakes porter up the first time he opens his eyes in the middle of the night to see porter standing over him with a dead-eyed stare. fun fact chap 5 was supposed to have an extra scene with maverick laying on porter’s chest to ground him and keep him from getting up in the middle of the night but i forgot while i was writing it because the park scene ended up being the main focus and by the time i remembered about it i had already posted it. sad.
okay canon-ish quirks. hm thinking thinking. porter’s incredibly anal (ha) about where his shit goes. like he’s got one side of the bathroom counter and jace has one side. jace has his section of the closet (his is bigger since porter just wears gym clothes 95% of the time) but his clothes better not start getting mixed up with porter’s shit. jace can be a little…absentminded about where he puts stuff down. he’s very much an “controlled chaos” kind of guy. it drives porter crazy.
i’ve def said this before so i’ll give you two jace ones but he listens to true crime podcasts to go to sleep. idk if this is a quirk per se but he listens to them out loud because earbuds hurt his ears if he’s laying on them all night. which means porter has to lay in bed next to him at night, wide awake for at least an hour after he falls asleep, listening to solace’s most gruesome crimes covered by a girl with an annoying voice. he starts putting jace’s fantasy spotify on a timer because jace is out like a fucking light within 5 or so minutes of getting into bed.
a quirk of jace’s that porter actually finds oddly endearing is that he has an app where he keeps track of all his clothes. how much they were. how often he wears it. pictures so he can easily create fits. now porter appreciates a simple wardrobe. but part of that is bc he can’t be bothered to come up with outfits every day. it’s just easier to throw on some form of plain t shirt and gym shorts or joggers. but he knows jace prides himself on his appearance and fashion sense, and at the same time gets overwhelmed when he has too many options. so even though jace has a massive closet, so big that he needs an app to even remember everything he owns, porter thinks it’s kind of cute and funny that of course this is the one thing he can always count on jace to have organized.
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Good things come...
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AN: The lovely @mrsmischief209 sent me a gif of Billy Russo looking fine and basically gave me either canon adjacent or Professor AU. I’ve gone with the latter and I hope you enjoy.
Beta’d by @lunarbuck 
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and mood board by me
Master list
Summary: Yesterday was your final exam, and today you were planning to relax and recover. What you didn’t expect, though, is to find your very hot History professor standing at your door.
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Relationship: Professor Billy Russo x College Student Reader
Word Count: 2k
CW: Power imbalance (sort of), Age gap (reader early 20’s, Billy late 30’s, kissing and heavy petting, implied smut, pet names.
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If you told it to yourself enough times, you might start to listen. You needed to get your beating heart and rapid breath under control before he noticed. He being your history professor, or rather, as of yesterday, your ex-history professor, who was currently standing at the door to your small, cluttered studio apartment, flashing you that disarming smile of his.
“Umm, Professor Russo. How can I help you?” You were standing behind your open door, head poked around the side of it, acutely aware that, because you hadn’t been expecting anyone to visit you the day after your final exam, you were severely underdressed. As in sleep t-shirt and panties only. No pants. No bra.
“Hey there! I just popped by to see how you were doing. See if you've recovered from yesterday. Can I…err?” He gesticulated with his hand to the part of your apartment he could see between the door and the door frame.
“Oh, yes. Umm. Just give me a moment.” You shut the door and flew into panic mode.
You ran towards your bed, but not without first detouring past the sofa to pick up your discarded clothes, including one of your bras, that were littered over it. You skidded in your socked feet on the wooden floor as you dumped your armful on the counterpane. You dug through the heap and dragged the yoga pants you found up your legs, hopping from foot to foot. Padding through to your tiny bathroom, you pulled your sleep-tee off, and quickly gave yourself a once over with a damp washcloth, while scrubbing your teeth. Jogging back through your wrestled with the closest bra and threw a clean t-shirt over your head and pulled the privacy curtain around the bed to hide the worst of your housekeeping fail. It wasn’t the most well put together outfit, but at least you were decent.
Heading back to your door, you hooked your fingers through the parade of dirty mugs on the coffee table and dumped them in your sink. You couldn’t do much about the pile of takeout containers stacked by the trash can. 
You opened the door again, a bright smile plastered on your face and were met with Professor Russo’s mischievous, boyish grin.
You’d been struck by him at your very first History of Warfare lecture. The former soldier turned college professor exuded boyish charm with his sparkling eyes and knowing smirk. You’d had the hots for him the last three years, hanging on his every word and feeling your face heat with embarrassment every time he asked you a question or praised you in front of the rest of the class. You thought you’d done a good job of hiding it though, or rather, you hoped you had.
Holding the door wide, you gestured for him to enter. With his hands in his pockets, he made it to your couch in four long-legged strides and settled onto it like he belonged there. Which was stupid, because, firstly, it was a very ratty couch, covered by a slightly less ratty throw rug you’d picked up at the thrift store, and two, he was your professor. Ex-professor. Whatever. At least he was dressed down today, in a crew neck knitted sweater and jeans. If he’d been wearing one of his suits, you might have expired on the spot.
“Can I get you a drink, Professor.”
The smile on his face didn’t waver.
“Just some water would be fine.”
You moved around your small kitchenette inelegantly, trying to find one of your ‘good’ glasses and before realising you’d have to wash one up. You did so briskly, popping the kettle on the stove as the faucet ran so you could make yourself a cup of chamomile. You felt in need of its soothing effects.
You decanted some bottled water from your fridge into the now clean glass, poured boiling water over the teabag in your favourite mug and nervously made your way back over to the sofa. The entire time it had seemed that Professor Russo was observing you with mild amusement. Placing your mug on the coffee table, you passed him his glass and then curled up on the opposite end of your sofa. He was twisted in his seat, so he could see you, right foot resting on his left knee and his left arm running along the back of the couch. He didn’t say anything, just looked at you from over the rim of the glass as he took a sip. 
“So… Professor. You just doing the rounds and checking on everyone?”
“Something like that, yes. I had to check that my best student was doing okay.” You felt the heat crawling up your face at his compliment, and you distracted yourself by leaning forward and snagging your mug of tea from the table.
“Yes. I’m fine. That last question had me stumped for a bit, but hopefully I managed to get the important points down on the paper. We’ll find out in a few weeks, I suppose.”
“I have no doubt that you expressed yourself most eloquently.”
You took a sip of your tea as he finished his water and placed his glass on the coffee table. Then, to your surprise and confusion, he plucked the mug from your fingers, put it down, then shifted closer, taking your hands in his. You froze, eyes wide and gaze locked on where his long fingers caressed your wrists.
“P-Professor?” How you managed to even say anything astounded you.
“Please, sweetheart. I’m not your professor any more, am I? My name’s Billy. Do you think you could call me that?”
Sweetheart? Oh! That pet name did things to you.
“Umm, okay. Billy. Erm, what are you doing?”
As you said his name his eyes closed, his lashes kissing his cheeks, and a tremor ran through him, before he opened his eyes again to look at you.
“I really hope that I’m not misreading this, but I couldn’t go a day more without saying something. I like you, my little Sunbeam. I like the way you turned up on your first day, full of enthusiasm, smiling, interested. I like the way that you always had spare pens for anyone who needed, and that you never, ever turned up without that extra large ‘to go’ cup. I like how you’re kind, and smart, and funny. I like how you duck your head when you’re embarrassed by my praise, just like you’re doing now. My ray of sunshine.”
One of his hands came up, the pointer finger catching under your chin and untucking your head so you had no choice but to look him in the eyes again.
“I like you a lot, and I’m wondering if I could kiss you?”
“If you could… what? Me?”  
This wasn’t making sense. You? He liked you? You had to be dreaming, right? You must have tripped on your rug going to open your door hitting your head on the coffee table, and this was all some figment of your now damaged mind. It had to be. Because otherwise, Professor Russo - Billy - was currently sitting on your sofa asking to kiss you, and that couldn’t be what was actually happening.
A chuckle broke through your internal crisis.
“Earth to Sunbeam? Have I broken you, sweetheart? And there I was thinking that I hadn’t done a good enough job of hiding how I felt.”
“I - I..” You shook your head and couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that made its way up your throat. You pulled your hands from his and fanned your face, uncaring of the embarrassment now, because it couldn’t get any worse. “Okay. Umm, well. I’m sorry. I’d like to say I’m normally more put together than this, and that you caught me off guard, but… umm… surprise, I’m always this much of a disaster.”
He laughed again.
“You’re not a disaster.”
“You caught on to the fact that I have the hots for you, but I had no idea you liked me back.”
His smile was wide and full of amused affection as he shuffled a bit closer.
“I’ve just had more experience hiding it than you. But you’ve not answered my question? Please, can I kiss you?”
The arm that he had along the back of your couch was only inches away from embracing your shoulders, his other hand so close to touching your leg. He was leaning forwards and his face, his lips were so close, so tempting. Why were you so worried? You liked him, he liked you, and as of yesterday, he was no longer your teacher. There was nothing wrong here, so you just had to bite the bullet.
You breathed out the word on a sigh, and although quiet, it was still the consent he obviously required from you.
His lips descended onto yours, as your hands found his sweater, your fingers curling into the soft fabric and using it like an anchor before you were buffeted away on waves of sensation. Yes, Billy’s lips were soft, but his kiss was firm, with no hesitation. It was a claiming, a brand. He was etching himself on your body with only the smallest touch. It was so much more than you’d ever imagined in your private moments and yet it wasn’t enough.
Whether it was your unintentional whimper, or the way you moved closer, your fingers tightening even more on his sweater that let him know, but Billy picked up on your need, leaning over you, pressing your body into the couch as he cupped your face and deepened the kiss. He tasted your mouth and swallowed your noises of pleasure, and your hips pressed up against his.
He ripped his mouth away, looking down at you with a feral expression on his face. You reached up with a hand to brush a lock of his brown hair away from his eyes, smiling at him, like a lamb who has no idea they are being led to slaughter. But you did know, and you couldn’t wait for what was to come.
“My Sunny-girl…”
His head lowered once more, but fell to your neck, licking and sucking over your pulse point. Your fingers tangled in his thick hair, not knowing whether to hold him closer or push him away. His own hands slid down your torso, toying with the hem of your t-shirt, until you arched up again and gave him verbal permission to continue.
“Please. I want you to touch me.” 
Billy groaned into your skin as he pushed up the well-worn cotton, baring your stomach and your bra-covered breasts to his eyes and questing fingers. Both traced over your skin, taking in every swell, every scar, every mark. 
“I knew you’d be beautiful.” His thumb brushed over one cup of your plain, grey bra, watching with interest as your nipple hardened, before doing the same to the other one. You squirmed under the intensity of his gaze, caught between wanting to hide and wanting to bare yourself to him further.
“Shh.Shh. I know, darling. I know. I want it too.”
He leant back, and in one motion pulled his sweater over his head, and you marvelled at his sculpted chest. You reached out a tentative hand, skimming it over his pecs, his dusky nipples and towards his abs and the trail of hair that led down under his jeans. He watched you explore and, emboldened, you sat back up, pulling your t-shirt free and discarding your bra. You stood and he followed suit, arching an eyebrow at you.
You smiled, looping your fingers into the belt loops of his jeans, and backed towards the curtain shrouding your bed, drawing him along.
“Just pretend you don’t see the clutter, okay?”
“Sunny, I’m not gonna see anything except you…”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @sidepartskinnyjeans @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @luxeavenger @yarnforbrains @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @writing-for-marvel
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milgramfessing · 1 month
I've sent two negative confessions and one positive one, I need to balance that out lmao Uh, this is very obvious from my profile picture, but I love Kotoko. She is one of my favorite fictional characters ever. I'm like, kind of surprised a character like her even exists, a character that is so unbelievably fucked up in terms of their morality and beliefs but is not only treated humanely by the narrative, but has people actively sympathizing with her and wishing she would become better. Like that's something that can exist?? Besides that, I love her shamelessly corny-ass 2010s edgy-ass design and all of her funny little outfits, I love how Aimi voice acts her (especially in Yonah, she was crazy for that shit), I love how she is presented in general in terms of how she's drawn because she either looks badass or a wet cat on the street and I love it I love how when you pull back all the curtains, Kotoko Yuzuriha is just a regular ass girl who felt dissatisfied with the state of the world and wanted to fix it, but ended up getting sucked into fascist-adjacent ideologies in the process. I love how relatable she is in her desire to fix a broken world because it makes her actions in the story so much more compelling and leaves you questioning if you too are capable of Doing That (spoiler alert: you are). A question that echoes through every character in Milgram, but especially Kotoko I love her relationships with the other characters, my favorite to think about being her relationship with Fuuta. I could write a whole other confession on how I view their relationship but it would require four different trigger warnings and I'm not quite sure the rules of this place so for now I'll just say I fucking love how they both clearly know that they're the same person in a different font but neither will ever fully admit it. I also love her dynamic with Es and how she projects her dream of a world where wrongdoers are served justice onto them and forces her values onto them, how she clearly loves them, but also has no problem targeting them where it hurts and manipulating them if it means getting what she wants. That also applies to her relationships with the rest of the prisoners by the way, she straight-up admits that she is fond of the other prisoners, yet she will still abuse them in pursuit of her goals, which is fucking TASTY I eat that shit up so bad I love how Kotoko's family-life mimics the standard nuclear family structure, with a breadwinner father, a housewife mother, and two kids, because it not only hints to Kotoko's generally traditional beliefs, but by her grandma also being included in her family structure, which (though depends on the culture) isn't typical for nuclear families, it goes to show how these dynamics can still be present even if the mold is not filled exactly. Also as a younger sibling, I like that Kotoko is canonically the youngest in her family, I think its cute I love her role in the narrative as a parallel to the prison itself and the ideologies it as a facility is built upon, and how all of it contributes into how Milgram critiques punitive justice and its unhelpful-ness when it comes to actually serving justice to criminals which I fucking looove, and I especially love how in that aspect, just like Es is the stand-in protagonist, you could call Kotoko the stand-in antagonist. She represents all of the ideals of the prison, it's black-and-white mentality, it's bigotry (ableism), the dichotomy of a good person versus a bad person, and how all of it is the main obstacle standing in the way of the prisoners achieving actual redemption, understanding, and clarity, or as we call it: The Therapy Option. I love how I have met so many people who think exactly like her, showing that Yamanaka was absolutely successful in his goal of making the characters feel like real people with 2-dimensional physical appearances. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head !! In general, I just love her. Look at her, she is so silly
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literally the silliest woman ever !! look at her !! No matter how her character climaxes in trial 3, whether she gets worse (please let her get worse its entertaining) or she gets better, I will love her all the same Thank you, Yamanaka, for making this incredibly silly woman lmao I am so sorry for when you get this in your inbox
there are no rules about confessions; I'll post anything. && no worries I love reading longer confessions !!
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simonlynch · 9 months
janAUary #1 - record store
ship: dewmav
word count: 1144
summary: maverick pops into dewey's shop to look around. he hopes that he catches their eye instead.
(dew works canonically at a record shop, so why not change up the meetcute -- what if they met at his workplace instead of theirs?)
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He notices them when they walk in, but it's not until they're flicking through the 'New Releases' cart just adjacent to him that he truly notices them.
He can't help it, not when their clothes drape so perfectly over their shoulder, which quickly is exposed by the sweater they're wearing and showcases the mass of freckles that pattern their skin there. Or the way the light hits the top of their head just enough that the bluish hue they've tinted their hair shines deeply in contrast with the brighter tones of their outfit. It didn't help he caught the way their stockings were awfully tight as they scooted down the line of albums.
He's seen them before, many times actually. A frequent visitor, but normally only in the very early parts of the day -- the times where he's only barely half-awake, wandering in fifteen minutes late to his shift anyways, and they're too busy with their head buried in the tracklist of whatever album they'd just bought to pay any semblance of attention as they slink past him holding the door open for them.
He decides that maybe he's looking at them now because he expects a ‘thank you.’ Even if they'd never noticed him before. 
And it's not until their gaze slowly rises, head still bowed towards the bin of vinyls that he realizes he's staring.
“Uh. Hi.”
It's when they stand back up, sightline flicking around the shop only to realize how clientele-barren and open it was, that they respond.
His head is propped on his hand, leaning over the counter lazily, the other brushing through his hair before rejoining its partner on the glass casing that holds the more valuable records in the store.
“Looking for something specific?”
They shake their head, turning away slightly “Ah, no, not really.”
Dewey raises his voice slightly, craning his neck as he leans just a bit more forward, “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll…Be here.”
They don't respond to him, and in an awkward motion, he turns around, bending down and pretending to inspect the bulk of crates and boxes stored behind the counter. He tries to be anywhere, look anywhere that isn't at them. He wanders from behind the register, slipping down any aisle they're not.
When they say something from the other side of the shelving, he suddenly reappears rather quickly from his makeshift hiding place, popping his head around the corner.
“Oh, sorry. Just talking to myself.”
“Right. Yeah, okay,” he nods, but continues to peek past the thin barrier between them.
They sigh, “I guess a second opinion isn't the worst thing ever though, if you have one.”
“Dewey Finn, music connoisseur at your service, dear loyal customer.”
“Maverick will do, thanks,” they smile as he approaches. 
He bows, making a show of the whole scene before he takes a look at the two albums they've pulled.
“What's on your mind?”
“Been trying to get into some older stuff lately. But I’m not quite sure where to start.”
Dewey nods towards the gray-stained cover of Who's Next. 
“No question on that one. Their best album, for sure. You into rock at all?”
“Newer stuff, heavy stuff mostly. I, uh -- I’m in a band, they want me to,” they pause, throwing up air quotes, “Broaden my horizons, or something. Like I don't know most of the classics already.”
“No shit, you play?”
“I mean, for fun. We don't really…Perform a lot.”
“That's fuckin’ awesome, though. I play too,” they share a moment of solidarity, and a smile before Maverick cuts it short, tucking the vinyl under their arm and putting the other back.
“We could…Maybe hang out sometime. For a jam sesh, or something.”
“Maybe,” Mav turns away shyly. They scurry towards the counter, Dewey rushing back just behind them, a little discouraged from the hesitant quasi-rejection.
Their gaze passes him as he rings them out, taking his time as he still tries to make pleasant conversation. They quickly cut him off, reaching out and grabbing at his wrist, in effect stopping him. He looks over at them, baffled, but somehow not upset that their hand was still on him. They gasp. 
“Is that the special edition of White Pony?”
He glances back, to the small pile of things lining the hanging shelf behind him, “Uh, yeah.”
Their expression immediately lights up, “You're lying! I -- I've been looking for it for ages!”
“Well,” he scratches at the back of his neck, pulling at the hair there. He doesn't have the heart to tell them it's behind the counter because it's on hold for someone else, “It's um…That's it.”
“How much?”
He shrugs, knowing damn well they won't accept no for an answer, “Dunno if it's up for sale yet --”
Their voice drops low, “I’ll do anything.”
His head snaps back. He swallows the nervous chuckle creeping up his throat and sees the way their expression falls serious.
He looks behind him again. It's definitely his ass if his manager finds out. But…
“Like, maybe even a date?”
Maverick seems confused, at first. Not quite what they'd expected. However, as they look him over again, the lopsided smile he wears, the disheveled outfit, the wild hair, it’s almost endearing. Kind of cute, even.
“Maybe even a date.”
“You're serious?” he tilts his head. He didn't actually expect them to agree -- nor was he going to admit that he probably would have sold the thing to them either way. 
But hey, he shot his shot, and he didn't miss, for once.
They stop, think, then fail to cover the giggle that overtakes them, “Sure. Why not?”
When he turns around to grab the vinyl, he pauses, pretends to be rearranging the rest of the shelf for balance, tries to hide the way he's smiling and can't stop. To be fair, he's also trying desperately to think of what to say now; He didn't expect to get this far. The beep of the register draws him back as he finishes cashing them out. When they take the bag from him, their fingers brush his. They lean just a bit closer to him.
“For the record, I would have said yes even if the vinyl wasn't at stake.”
He laughs nervously, a little louder than he should have if he wanted to seem calm, probably. “For the record. Like, because --” he gestures vaguely to the album, and when he realizes it wasn't an intentional pun, he bites his tongue and forces a smile, “Yeah. Okay, well, I'll pick you up at seven, then. If that's cool.”
They turn just before they reach the door, “I'll see you then, Dewey. Don't be late.”
“I'm never late,” he shrugs. 
“Sure you are. Every day I see you, you're late.”
And with that, they leave. He watches them walk down the block, disappearing shortly into the lunch-hour crowd.
“...So you did notice me.”
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promptthebear · 1 year
🐰 Billy Russo #51 please
Jigsaw (Billy Russo) x Reader
Prompt: Did you eavesdrop?
Summary: You're Billy's defence lawyer. Set at the start of Punisher Season 2. Not canon compliant, but adjacent I guess?
CW: Some swearing, f!reader, body shape, hair colour, eye colour etc are all left ambiguous. 2nd person, reader is referred to as "you"
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Billy Russo had known you for all of five minutes, which was more than enough time for him to decide that you were a stuck up bitch.
At first, he’d been thrilled when he’d heard the click of your high heels coming down the hospital hallway. Even if you proved to be as useless as the last lawyer his bosses had sent, he’d still have something pretty to look at. Then, you’d walked through the door.
You were pretty alright, in a corporate, tight laced kind of way. Your hair was pulled back into a delicate, but slick, French twist and you were wearing a dark grey blouse and black pencil skirt. Billy thought you’d look even better if you let your hair down and undid a couple buttons, but it became pretty evident you weren’t going to humour him the second you sat down.
“Tell me about the mask, Mr. Russo.”
You’d gone and dragged out the elephant in the room without so much as a blink, and yet you hadn’t bothered to even look Billy in the eye. He watched as you pulled file after file out from that briefcase of yours and placed them on the table beside his bed. Those thick, manila folders looked so out of place against your French manicure and slender hands.
“Are all of those mine?”
“The mask, Mr. Russo. You won’t do well on the stand if you can’t stay on topic”
Billy let out a barking laugh, the sound echoing against the concrete walls. Of course they’d sent him a ball buster. As if he hadn’t been through the wringer enough times already.
“Don’t you have my medical files somewhere in that pile of crap? You won’t do well questioning witnesses if you don’t have all the information”
If you were bothered by Billy throwing your words back in your face, you didn’t show it. Instead, you pulled out a legal pad and a ballpoint pen, crossed your pretty little ankles and looked at him as though this whole conversation bored you.
“I do have other clients to see today, Mr. Russo. If you’re going to waste my time, then I suggest you plead out and save the both of us a lot of trouble”
Billy sighed, then rolled his neck and squared his shoulders before speaking.
“The mask is…well, it’s something the docs came up with, to give me a sense of identity or some bullshit. They told me to draw what I wanted the world to see”
You studied him for a moment, your eyes tracing over the jagged black lines, skeletal nose and mismatched teeth Billy had painted. He tried not to shift in his seat, feeling oddly self conscious under your gaze.
“And this-“ you said finally, your tone confused instead of disgusted like Billy had anticipated “is what you want to show the world?”
“It’s better than horrific facial mutilation”
Your mouth quirked slightly up at the corners. It was a ghost of a smile at best, look away for even second and you’d miss it. Luckily for Billy, he’d been watching your lips for most of this conversation. The shade of red you’d chosen for your lipstick fascinated him. It was strangely out of place against the severity of your outfit, and much like your smile, hinted at a human being somewhere beneath your persona
“Well, it’s not going to go over well with the jury” you replied, your smile disappearing as you scribbled something down on your legal pad “On the slim chance this does go to trial, we should be focusing on your image. Unfortunately, at this time the public’s attitude towards you isn’t what we would call…favourable.”
“I believe your exact words were “PR clusterfuck”
Your pen froze in your grasp and you lifted your head to look at Billy. One of your neatly pencilled brows arched as you looked him in the eye.
“I may have said something akin to that when I spoke with your previous employers this morning, but that wasn’t my professional opinion nor was it something you were meant to hear. Did you eavesdrop?”
Even though he knew you wouldn’t see it, Billy couldn’t help but smile. He’d caught you holding your metaphorical dick, and you still had to be a lawyer about it.
“Is it really eavesdropping when you’re taking calls right outside my bedroom door?” he shot back, unable to keep some amusement from his voice. In truth, Billy wouldn’t know the first thing about criminal law if it walked up and punched him in the nose, but he knew more or less how to play the game and even better, how to be a pain in your ass.
You opened your mouth, to argue, to cuss him out, to ask him to screw you up against the wall maybe. He wasn’t ever going to find out, because at that exact moment your phone went off. You fished it out of your briefcase, glancing briefly at the screen before sliding it back into the front pocket and beginning to gather up your files.
“Where the hell are you going?”
Billy hadn’t meant to sound so accusatory, but it was hard not to. Everyone who came to see him was following the same pattern lately. Doctors, shrinks, and now you. They’d show up, poke and prod him a little, maybe shove something up his ass if he was particulary unlucky and then leave without so much as a “fuck you” in his general direction.
“I’m sorry Mr. Russo, as I said, I do have other clients. I’ll be in to see you next Thursday. We can start discussing strategies for a media campaign and perhaps go over what your trial testimony will look like should we need it.”
You stopped, briefcase in hand and already heading towards the door, to glance at Billy over your shoulder. Your expression was as calm and neutral as it had been before, but when your eyes met his, he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Excuse me?”
He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry, and cleared his throat before speaking.
“Could you call me Billy? Everyone calls me Mr. Russo, even the shrinks and I- that’s not- I’m just Billy, you know?”
That strange little half smile was playing about your lips again.
“Alright. I’ll see you next week then, Billy. Rest up, we have a lot of work to do.”
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animation-is-my-jam · 1 month
Hey ! I meant to send this a long time ago when you were taking asks, but I left for vacation so i never got to. I watched Wordgirl again recently and I have been obsessed with Becky and Tobey !! I saw that you have older versions of them and that's my favorite part of the Ship you made(I love domestic AUS)
How would you imagine a Becky and Tobey wedding? Who do you think they would invite? The best man? Maid of honor?
Where would they get married? Who would be crying the most? Lol (sorry if thats a lot of questions)
Ah, thank you, that's sweet!! (I live for post-canon Tobecky dynamics, too) And don't worry. Yeah, I'm incredibly busy now, but I'll still take asks. And this one is a very good one, Thanks!!
How would I imagine their wedding?
Besides some ideas of what they would wear/outfits (that I've drawn before, but I might redesign again, ha). I actually haven't given it much thought beyond some things I think would occur. And I'm mostly talking about my future AU versions of Tobecky and characters since that's literally my staple canon here, but that can generally apply to my perspective Tobecky since future au is literally just a time skip story.
So basic ideas. I think they would have two different areas for their wedding. One is inside for it being private with family and another outside for the public or general invited guest. I mostly say this because I think it was a compromise of Tobey and Becky wanting a more occasional smaller wedding versus their family urging for a bigger event. And also for Wordgirl/Lexiconian related reasons. As I think by this point, all her closest friends and family would know her identity and would probably like some Lexiconian traditions applied to the marriage (at this point, she's been wanting to connect to her original planet, but not by much). But where would they actually get married at?
I know it's a bit of a joke to say the city's library, but I think that would be cute since they have a lot of memories with the location. Where they could ask in a favor for miss Dewey and the city to rent out the space and make room enough for a small venue and get legally married. And the bigger outdoor wedding could be in the park or a rented garden venue.
The main colors would be white, gold, blue, and scarlet. (Becky wanted some green in there, but the planner refused--saying the greenery of the plants and outdoors would be fine enough). I have no idea what the dress code or coloring would be on the guest outfits/groom mates. But I could see the bridesmaids having golden/yellow dresses.
Maid of honor for Becky...like if it isn't Violet, then what are we doing!! So yes, of course it's Violet.
For Tobey's best man...I know some would say its Scoops, or Two-brains, or Rex (depends on who they would see as Tobey's best male-adjacent friend), but what if I totally go in the bold direction of saying TJ. And yes--it's mostly because in Future AU, I'm the only one who plays with the idea of TJ and Tobey's brotherly-in-law dynamic to the point where they do see each other as close friends despite how opposite they are and how often they get into conflict. And I could definitely see Tobey only asking TJ to be the bestman for the sake of Tobey not wanting to give Scoops the satisfaction of admitting he's his best male friend, LJDJSSJ (I really gotta make that dynamic/relationship chart).
On who would they invite? Besides already the close friends and family attending (like the Botsfords, Mrs. McCallister (+other family), Violet, Scoops, Rex, Rose, Victoria, Johnson, Bob, and Ect). I think for the public wedding they would extend it to the villains. Becky would be a bit conflicted on it, but hey--if they're all at her wedding, then she can make sure they don't commit a crime during her special day. And idk maybe besides DTB, it wouldn't be strange to only have them invited under the guise of Tobey doing the inviting because of his former status/relationship with them. Like the villains being at the wedding would mostly be a Becky idea (bc wahh I'm still a sucker for her and them getting along 🥹, even if they don't know she's Wordgirl). Other than the villains...idk like the recurring characters that we see? Maybe the groceries store clerk, exposition guy, Tubing, Reginald (I mean, they are going to use his jewelry for the rings). Aside from Tubing, they weren't personally invited, but eh, Becky is happy enough to let them be there.
Other details: Who would do the catering? Well, not wanting there to be a war. Tobey and Becky probably just let both Butcher and Chuck do it. Mostly to help with Bob's appetite. And the baker and candlestick maker provide the cake.
Who would be the wedding planner? I would most definitely say Violet, but she's more of the designer than the planner. So...idk maybe Becky? Who would try to be organized and cautious to the point of a breakdown from the stress? Yeah, so it's her. Becky definitely will need all the reassurance in the world to get through the wedding. I don't think the whole event will go perfectly, when do they for their family? But stuff will work out in the end, and Becky's going get her dream wedding. (Even if Granny May was trying to steal the wedding gifts/lh)
Who would be crying the most? The easiest answer in my life, of course it would be Tim. I can imagine him also being in charge of the recording, but he's so filled up with tears that he didn't do a good job at it, lol. And, of course, he couldn't stop wailing when they exchanged vows.
Speaking of the vows. You better believe that Tobey probably would say a lot, but he managed to make it as brief as he could, while Becky will pull up a 20-page essay from out of where and start reading out loud. (Many are almost asleep when she's done with it) (Not Tobey though, he's just not trying to kiss her immediately when she's reading through).
And last thing. The person who would officiate? There were many contenders on the list... I would have said someone like Professor Tubing, or Leslie, or Beau Handsome, or the exposition guy. You know people who would just totally randomly have an officiant license. Another idea is Bob, but nobody besides Becky would understand him, and he's out there putting his heart out in a speech.
But I thought about it and just went with the idea of them getting ordained by one of Tobey's robot, probably made specifically for it. I say that because Tobey has to have at least one robot doing something significant in the ceremony, but also, it would be the ultimate call back to his drawing.
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That's all I think for now about their wedding. Maybe one day, I'll go into it deeper on another post. Thank you for the ask!
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