#his father treated him in canon and *continuing* to do that?
agnesandhilda · 3 months
you really can't lose no matter what you interpret the mystery beverage kaiser is drinking in his supervillain monologue scenes as. if it's not alcohol then he's a child acting out the image of adulthood and adult power and if it is alcohol then he's, uh. becoming his father
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darkacua · 5 months
The Cain instinct
I demand canon moments where Silver and Malleus treat each other like siblings whenever they're alone, especially if Lilia or Sebek aren't around them. Where they show that outside of their typical treatment of respect is the fact that they were raised by the same man whom they both consider their father. They love each other eternally, they would kill, they would die and they are capable of destroying the entire world for each other, one to a greater extent than the other.
Especially since I'm sure they both have ridiculously strong Cain instincts.
One day you are a prince taking care of your caregiver's adopted son and the next a being who lives in an eternal circle of revenge and destruction towards the cruelty of humanity (Silver bit his finger when he was 8 years old and Malleus pecked his eye in Consequently, they continue to blame each other whenever they can)
Imagine a Silver who fell asleep in the forest and Malleus just finds him. If Lilia, Sebek or anyone was near him he would feign complete concern and take him to his bedroom. But he's alone, so he's going to wake up the young man he considers his brother with a loving kick in the ribs (nothing too hard, he wants to bother him, not kill him).
Or a malleus who is simply reading and out of nowhere feels a wet finger in his ear, a finger that belongs to a 17-year-old with a smile too kind for someone who has just drooled in the ear of the next king of the Briar Valley , and someone who is also a coward since he runs away the moment the older man gets up from his seat.
It is better if neither of them knows what is happening, they just know that there are days when they have to be mean to the other or they will go crazy, they have accepted it as a royal decree and will continue it until the end of their days. .
Imagine that no one knows about this kind of treatment, until someone enters Diasomnia only to find the all-powerful Malleus Draconia screaming like a dying child because Silver has him in a wrestling hold (which it is very obvious he can get out of, but… Where's the fun in that?)
Anyway, I need an irrational Malleus and Silver being a shitty little brother. I leave my delusions here.
Español bajo el corte
Exigo momentos canónicos donde Silver y Malleus se tratan como hermanos cada vez que están solos, sobre todo si no están Lilia o Sebek a su alrededor. Donde muestren que por fuera de su típico trato de respeto está el hecho de que fueron criados por el mismo hombre al que ambos consideran su padre. Se aman eternamente, matarían, morirían y son capaces de destruir el mundo entero el uno por el otro, uno en mayor medida que el otro.
Sobre todo porque estoy segura que los dos tienen un instinto de Cain ridículamente fuerte.
Un dia eres un príncipe cuidando al hijo adoptivo de tu cuidador y al siguiente un ser que vive en un círculo eterno de venganza y destrucción hacia la crueldad de la humanidad (Silver le mordió un dedo cuando tenía 8 años y Malleus le pico un ojo en consecuencia, se lo siguen echando en cara cada que pueden entre ellos)
Imaginen a un Silver que se quedó dormido en el bosque y Malleus simplemente lo encuentra. Si Lilia, Sebek o cualquiera estuviera cerca fingiría completa preocupación y lo llevaría a su dormitorio. Pero esta solo, así que va a despertar a él joven que considera su hermano con una amorosa patada en las costillas (nada demasiado fuerte, quiere molestarlo no matarlo)
O a un malleus que simplemente está leyendo y de la nada siente un dedo húmedo en su oreja, un dedo que pertenece a un joven de 17 años con una sonrisa demasiado amable para alguien que acaba de babear el oído del próximo rey del Valle de Briar, y alguien que también es un cobarde ya que sale corriendo en el momento que él mayor se levante de su asiento.
Es mejor si ninguno de los dos sabe que es lo que pasa, solo saben que hay días en los que tienen que ser malos con el otro o se volverán locos, lo han aceptado como un decreto real y lo continuarán hasta el final de sus días.
Imaginen que nadie sabe de este tipo de trato, hasta que alguien entra a Diasomnia sólo para encontrar al todopoderoso Malleus Draconia gritando como un niña moribunda porque Silver lo tiene en una llave de lucha (de la cual es muy obvio que se puede zafar ¿pero dónde está lo divertido en eso?).
En fin, necesito un Malleus irracional y un Silver siendo un hermano menor de mierda. Hasta aquí dejo mis delirios.
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bella-goths-wife · 7 months
So if Alastor made a deal with Vs pet before going missing for 7 years how would she be at the hotel?
What would have happened if alastor made a deal with Vs pet before leaving
Warnings: obsession, bad foreshadowing, violence?
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In all honestly, if alastor had ran into you again before disappearing he would have made a deal with you
You intrigued him in a way that he hadn’t felt in years, the familiarity he felt towards you almost made him nostalgic
But let’s say he did offer you a deal on the day you met
It would be something similar to your deal with vox, your soul in exchange for food, water, shelter and protection
He’d give you a small cottage away from the city and close to the cannibal colonies, somewhere where you could live without the worry of being hurt or killed
Your fridge would always be stocked with food every week and you had all the things you could need in the cottage with you
Now you expected there to be a huge workload after you found out what a prominent demon alastor was, but all you had to really do was be his assistant and help him with his broadcasts
You were his assistant for a few weeks before he disappeared and suddenly you were alone again
You were still taken care of in the essential ways, your always had food and water in your little cottage and Rosie checked up on the cottage once a week to make sure you were still alive and safe
But you were lonely, so you started to help out Rosie in the cannibal colony every now and again
And you continued like that for seven years, until alastor finally returned
Rosie had let you know about his return and warned you that he would call on you soon and not to ask him to many questions
It was whiplash for you, one minute you were making some tea in the kitchen and the next you were standing in the hotel lobby with a look of shock
Alastor introduced you to everyone and informed you that you’d be staying at the hotel with him to help Charlie with her vision
You were mainly there to help alastor and be his entertainment, but you did help nifty with chores and even cooked meals for everyone
Charlie was ecstatic to have a younger soul with them and claimed that you’d be perfect for redemption
Her girlfriend, vaggie, on the other hand was extremely cautious around you since you were associated with alastor
Husk knew of you from whispers from some of the other souls alastor owned
At first he pitied you since he knew what it was like to be leashed by alastor, and then he saw how much alastor favoured you and treated you much nicer than he treated any of his other souls
Husk couldn’t help but feel bitter of the fact that he was in a much worse situation than you, but he eventually grew to like you since he understood you were practically a kid compared to him and he wouldn’t wish his fate on anyone
You and angel wouldn’t be as close as you were if you were the Vs pet, but you’d both still be friends
Alastor wouldn’t be fond of sharing you with the rest of the hotel since you were there to be his entertainment, but when he made comments about it and gave you an unnecessary workload he got a very harsh scolding from Rosie
I believe that alastor would become like a mentor to you, almost fatherly but not too much
It’s canon that alastor would be a terrible father but a great mentor so I could see him teaching you how to use your power to its full extent and he’d like combining your powers together
I like to imagine that when you and alastor combine your abilities then it would start off as a 1920s jazz music sound and would contain techno beats when you join in
Your relationship with alastor would be almost parallel to yours and vox if you were the Vs pet
It would be less cruel and you’d be much happier, but there would still be a hint of obsession in the relationship
Alastor would definitely be somewhat possessive of you in a certain way, the same way a male deer is protective of its children
He’d like getting to know you and finding out what the connection was between you to
The Vs would absolutely despise you since you were associated with alastor and the first time they met you was through one of Vox and alastors fights
So overall I think you’d be much happier and safer with alastor but that doesn’t exclude you from still feeling like a pet
But at least with this path, you’d have a chance at redemption for you
That’s if alastor didn’t drag you back from the pearly gates by a leash
“And this little dear is my darling assistant” is the first thing you hear as your pulled from the shadows, you could recognise that voice anywhere.
One minute you were stood in your lovely kitchen and now your stood trying to take in what seems to be a hotel.
You try and hide your surprise as you turn to find your owners crazed grin staring down at you.
“What am I doing here alastor?” You question with a confused tone. You know you shouldn’t question him, Rosie had warned you against it, but you couldn’t help your curiosity “where have you been?”
Alastors eye twitches in what seems to be irritation as he stares down at you, you could see a cat demon behind alastor wince in what looked like fear before alastor wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“Nevermind that, my little doe” alastor says with an over exaggerated laugh “I’ve brought you here because Charlie here has an idea to redeem demons, truly laughable I know but I’ve taken it upon myself to help her achieve this pipe dream”
Alastor laughed with radio static as a background before turning you to look at him once again.
“And I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it without my dearest little fawn” alastor said with a grin as his claws pinched your cheek in what could be seen as threatening or playful, you gave up guessing a long time ago “so from now on you’ll be staying here and helping me with this hotel, okay dear?”
You simply nodded at his question, knowing you had no grounds to refuse your owner. You had to play the loyal pet once again.
“Perfect” alastor said with pep in his tone as he let go of you and face you in the direction of the bar “now run along and get to know the others while I talk with Charlie about your rooming arrangements, I’ll call you back when I need you”
You nodded as you begin walking to the bar and you take a seat next to an extremely tall spider man who eyes you with curiosity. You’re in front of the cat demon from earlier who also regards you with intrigue.
“Hi” you say almost shyly as your ears remain pinned against your head, you hadn’t talked to someone other than Rosie or alastor since you made your deal and this entire experience was outside your comfort zone.
“Heya toots” the spider demon spoke unsurely as he looked down at you “where’s smiles been keepin’ you then?”
“Hm?” You make a questioning sound as your head tilts in a confused manner
“He means he’s not seen you around, no one has” the cat demon clarifies with a gruff tone “it’s weird for alastor not to cash in on a favour from his souls, angel here wants to know where alastors been keepin’ you”
“Oh” you say with a confused look “I don’t think he’s kept me hidden exactly”
“Well I only heard about you through whispers, but I assumed it was just rumours” husk responds gruffly “no one knew alastor had an assistant until a few days ago when he mentioned bringing you here”
“Didn’t think smiles had it in him” the spider, angel, comments before looking you up and down “your a bit young for him though, don’t ya think husk”
Husk nods cautiously as he takes in your appearance, you couldn’t have been been more than eighteen.
“It’s not like that” you assure with a mildly disturbed face at the thought of the insinuation
“Than what are you to smiles toots?” Angel asked curiously “because he certainly seemed fond of you”
You think for a moment on how to explain your connection with alastor before speaking cautiously
“Well, I’m his-“ you were about to answer but alastors call interrupted you.
“My dear” alastor called for you “don’t you think it’s time you and I set up for a broadcast”
You nod as you abandon the two demons to walk beside alastor on his way to his radio station, like a loyal mutt being called back into the house.
“I think it’s time I show that pesky TV that radio still lives” alastor comments as he puts his hand on your shoulder and guides you “and with my perfect little assistant, I’m sure my broadcast will be as great as ever”
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flowerandblood · 1 month
The Price of Pride (5/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: the angst, sexual tension, targcest stuff, imprisonment, abuse of power, manipulation, mention of murder ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
I will treat you like my little sister.
He had no idea what had crossed his mind to say something so pathetic and absurd – he thought at that moment that he had to find a way to make her choose him, not Daemon, at the time of the trial.
Since her father had abandoned her, he would let her stay by his side, since her father had denied her her inheritance, he would let her be part of it, since her father did not want her to be part of his family, he would let her become it in his eyes.
Until they win the war.
He didn't know what he would do with her afterwards, once they had defeated his sister – she might begin to demand more, putting pressure on him, threatening that she had a dragon she could always take away from them.
He thought, trying to quell the inner feeling of guilt, that he might have to kill her.
Now, however, she had to love what he could give her.
What he could be for her.
He was sure that he had her in his grasp, that she craved him both spiritually and physically, that she would become a docile shadow of herself just to satisfy him.
She, however, once again acted as if nothing had happened.
Neither the way he had shamelessly touched her nor what he had said to her allowed the wall she had built between herself and him to collapse – worse, he had the feeling that for some reason she had closed herself in even deeper.
Walking with him through the valleys, she remained silent, not even bestowing a single glance on him, thoughtful and focused on her task.
She walked a few steps behind him – she did not seek his proximity, she did not try to start a conversation, she did not do what the ladies of the court did, hoping to fall to the fate of the prince's wife.
This made him feel uneasy and uncomfortable – he had the feeling that he had made a fool of himself and she had seen through his plan.
He wondered if this was all a good idea, or if maybe he should pull out his dagger and just kill her, instead finding someone else in her place, someone who would be easier to manipulate.
And then they heard it.
A screech in the skies.
They both fell to the ground as a large, dark dragon flew over their heads, landing in a valley not far away, burning several sheep beforehand that had tried to flee from it in terror.
They started to run in that direction, clambering down the stones, stopping only when the dragon's head turned towards them, concerned.
He looked at her and swallowed hard, watching with some kind of admiration as she moved towards the creature, several times her own size, without any hesitation.
A male dragon the size of Meleys, he thought with satisfaction.
He could fight and make a difference, protecting him and Vhagar.
The dragon roared squeakily, opening his maw, tense, ready to breathe fire, her hand extended forward.
"Daor!" She called out.
The dragon hesitated, the red flame in his maw extinguished, but he continued to hiss, shifting on his paws closer and closer to her, as if considering whether to devour her.
"Lykirī!" She said and, to his surprise, crouched down on the ground, still keeping her hand stretched forward.
The dragon stopped in his half-step, as bewildered as he was.
What the fuck was she doing?
She was supposed to get on its back, not sit down.
However, the dragon seemed intrigued. He closed his maw and leaned forward as if to sniff her – she sat with her legs crossed, placing her hands on her thighs, simply looking at him.
"Lykirī." She repeated, and the dragon croaked, however in a different way than before. He walked sideways around her and circled her figure, making a strange high-pitched sounds, and she watched him the whole time, a wide smile on her lips.
"What are you doing?" He asked loudly, feeling his heart pounding like mad in his chest.
He hadn't burned her yet.
A good sign.
"He can't feel I'm a threat to him. When I sit I'm smaller and I don't move. He needs to get to know me." She said lightly, extending her hand towards the dragon as if she was just trying to tame the dog – the dragon extended its muzzle towards her slightly, but did not touch her, instead gushing warm steam from his nostrils at her.
She laughed.
Gods, they didn't have time for this.
"Try to mount him." He commanded, seeing with excitement that this beautiful beast with spikes on its back seemed to accept her.
He will return to King's Landing with two dragons.
He will win this fucking war.
His cousin gave him a stern look from above her furrowed brows and shook her head as if she thought he was a fool.
"That's what gets people like you killed. Lack of patience." She said with an anger from which he felt himself boil inside. He moved at her suddenly, furious, making the dragon step back and hiss, and she rose from her place.
"– FUCKING MOUNT HIM, I SAID –" He shouted and froze as the dragon's maw aimed at him opened, the pillar of fire in his throat testifying to what he wanted to do.
"– DAOR – DAOR, SHEEPSTEALER –" She called out desperately, standing between them, extending her hand in front of her. "– Rȳbas! –"
The dragon stepped back at once and squealed, howling like a child being rebuked by its mother, writhing from side to side with its eyes fixed on him.
"– he is a dragon – how the fuck could I scare him? –" He asked in a voice trembling with rage thinking that she was talking some sort of tendentious feminine nonsense.
"– he was trying to protect me – he senses your lies, your hypocrisy – he knows you are deceiving me, he knows what you want – what you will do with me when it's all over –" She exclaimed to him with tears in her eyes.
He didn't know why he had lost his voice completely, looking at her with big eyes, feeling that he was quivering all over, his throat and guts clenched as if she had punched him in the stomach with her fist.
She sat down again and he stepped back, doing the same, simply watching as the dragon lay down opposite her and crawled closer, without touching her nonetheless.
For a few hours, he watched with a blank stare as she lay next to this dark beast with her arm outstretched, while the dragon rolled around her and squawked like it was a puppy.
He was trying to protect me.
He knows you are deceiving me.
What you will do with me when it's all over.
He swallowed hard, looking away.
He was doing all of this for his family.
He didn't want to kill her – he only feared she would become a threat.
A problem.
And with those, he didn't know what to do.
The easiest way was for them to just disappear.
He shuddered when he heard her footsteps, the dragon behind her squealed, but stayed where he was.
"What are you doing?" He asked, rising with her, escorting her away with his eye as she walked past him without a word.
"That's enough for today." She said, and he felt his jaw clench in rage and regret.
Now she was going to give him orders?
"You are to mount him."
"I will." She threw over her shoulder.
He clenched his eyes, shaking his head and cursed under his breath, following her to Vhagar's lair.
They didn't have time for this.
He watched with indifferent eyes as she, a woman, did what had been a man's task and vocation for centuries – with a sharply pointed stick she threw into the water she hunted for fish while he ate what he took with him.
When she returned, welted and pink with exertion, he watched as, with the knife he had used to cut bread, she cut off the heads of the fish and began to scrape the scales from them.
She rubbed some herbs into them that she had probably found along the way, and then impaled each one on a stick, which she rested on top of two others over the hearth so as not to burn them.
Curls of her dark hair that were not braided clung to her sweaty red cheeks, her lashes even longer in the flames of the fire, her irises infinitely black but not empty, filled with something he did not understand.
They were silent – all around them only the sizzle each time she added wood to the hearth and turned the stick of fish to roast them properly on all sides.
When she thought they were ready, she took out two wooden bowls and slid them into it.
He swallowed hard as she handed him one of them without a word, herself placing the other between her crossed legs, tearing pieces of meat from the bones with her fingers.
"I didn't poison them." She said softly, putting the bite into her mouth, swallowing it at last without even giving him a single glance.
As much as he wanted to think of it that way, her attitude wasn't aggressive or defiant – on the contrary, he had the feeling that something inside her had faded.
He lowered his gaze, shamefully grabbing a piece of fish and, like her, tore off a piece of meat, putting it in his mouth. It was tasty; the herbs she had rubbed into it added a pleasant, salty flavour, the meat was crispy and melted in his mouth.
For some reason he felt tears under his eyelids.
He was furious with himself for being so pathetic.
Even though he knew she was freezing, she lay alone on the other side, covering herself with one of the blankets as soon as she finished her meal.
Some part of himself kept telling him that he had a right to do this, that he had a right to think of her this way, to use her as his brother-king had used him.
However, another whispered that he was disgusting, that if his mother knew what he planned to do she would look at him with disappointment and pain from which his heart would break.
He couldn't be both the caring, sensitive son and the cold, shrewd prince who would protect them from falling.
Like his mother, brother and sister, he simply wanted to live and hold in his hands what was rightfully his.
He looked at her, her figure curled up from the cold, her small hands clenched into fists, and felt ashamed.
I will treat you like my little sister.
I will care for you, and your place will always be by my side.
He felt embarrassment because some part of him wanted this.
To have his little sister, a copy of his mother, who at the same time would not be his mother, but someone only his, his destiny, his relief, his solace, warm, gentle hands, soft, plump breasts between which he could cuddle his face and hide if only for a moment, the scent and warmth he so longed for but could never ask for.
Not out loud.
His body lay down behind her on its own, embraced her on its own, hugging her to his chest, wrapping the second blanket around them, his fingers tightening on their own around her shoulders, his face sinking on its own into the crook of her fragrant neck.
He closed his eyes and felt her gasp as his manhood pulsed hard, pushing against her buttocks, his hands ran over her wrist up to her fingers, entwining them together.
He felt a squeeze in his throat, felt painful tears under his eyelids, felt his eyebrows arch in the pathetic despair that was his realisation that he was alone because he had so decided, over and over again humiliating himself by chasing a simple tender embrace.
He heard her draw in a loud breath as his erection swelled all over, pulsing and twitching even harder, her fingers tightening on his as if she was afraid of what he wanted to do.
"Sleep." He whispered in a trembling voice, feeling a single tear run down the side of his face to the ground, his thumb stroking the soft skin of her hand.
I'm sorry, he thought, but no words left his throat.
I'm sorry, but I can't do it any other way.
The next day they waited by one of the herds, watching the shepherds and their flock from above, hoping, surely to their despair, that Sheepstealer would arrive, encouraged by the vision of a feast.
"DRAGON!!!!!" Shouted one of them, pointing a finger upwards – they both looked to the side and saw a shadow pass over them like an arrow – the men managed to dodge to the side and run away, however, several sheep were burned on the spot.
They both ran downhill, but this time he let her go ahead, surprisingly sure of what she wanted to do.
He decided, albeit reluctantly, that he would try to be patient and give her another day.
To his surprise, the dragon seemed overjoyed by her presence – he cackled high and swished his tail, then moved the carcass of one of the sheep towards her with his head, apparently wanting to share his meal with her.
She laughed, shaking her head, sitting down on the ground again.
"Daor. Daor." She said, but Sheepstealer didn't seem to understand what she meant after all, as he threw the leftover burnt bones and meat into her lap, looking at her expectantly.
She swallowed hard, tore a piece of meat off the bone and put it in her mouth, looking straight into the beast's eyes.
The dragon, as soon as she did so, fell to the ground and stared at her as if it was observing something beautiful. When she reached out her hand to him he put his muzzle out and let her touch him.
He closed his eyes and sighed, feeling relieved.
Feeling pride.
His cousin shifted to the dragon on her knees, and he watched with interest as she came to his side, placing her hand on his back – he felt his heart beat quickly when the dragon made no movement, the sound it made from its throat gentle, as if encouraging her to do it.
As soon as she had managed to get on his back, Sheepstealer rose, spread his wings and soared into the sky.
He gasped in disbelief, hearing her squeal and laugh, seeing her circling around them, wondering if she would burn him now for everything he had done to her.
She could have done that.
He was defenceless.
But after a short ride she commanded him to land in the same place, and as soon as she slid to the ground she fell to her knees.
She was panting heavily, staring at the clouds as if she was thanking the gods in her mind that she had survived this.
"I did it." She said, picking herself up from the ground and walked towards him, her face flooded with tears of happiness and disbelief. "Gods, I did it."
She stood in front of him, looking at him with her big doe eyes, for some reason looking more beautiful than ever, all welted and glistening with sweat, her lips swollen with emotion, her dark lashes with tear drops shining like stars.
"Take me home." She breathed out, and he felt a squeeze in his heart at her words, a pain, as if she had stuck a needle in his chest.
Take me home.
She didn't move away when he approached her, when his hand sank into her soft hair at the back of her head, when his forehead pressed against hers, his gaze fixed on her dark eyes.
She stroked his wrist and closed her eyelids as if she wanted to remember this moment – he did the same, concentrating on her scent, the pleasant cool breeze on his heated cheeks, the closeness that wasn't stolen or taken by force.
He stepped back and nodded, her hand stroking his arm as his thumb ran over the line of her jaw.
His little sister.
Only what he'd experienced when he'd tamed Vhagar could compare to the feeling of pride that filled his chest when he'd returned to King's Landing with not one dragon, but two.
He knew that the sight of them, together, gliding through the skies had spread throughout the keep even before they reached it on horseback from Vhagar's lair.
As soon as they crossed the fortress walls, one of the guards announced to him that the King had called a meeting of the Small Council, at which he and their cousin were to appear to report on how their mission had performed.
He stepped into the chamber confidently, upright, with his chin held high, feeling the weight of what he had done, what he had achieved on his shoulders, knowing that he had perhaps determined the fate of the war while his brother sat idly in the Red Keep.
He sat down in his chair and stretched comfortably in his seat, placing one of his hands on the table top, looking the King straight in the eye.
Aegon smiled and nodded.
"I have heard of your success, brother. Bravo. Our cousin has returned victoriously on the back of a dragon." He said, and he smirked, feeling satisfaction rather than blood flow through his veins.
"Indeed. Sheepstealer is the size of Meleys. He's still untamed and unfamiliar with warfare, but it's a matter of practice." He replied calmly, glancing at his mother out of the corner of his eye, hoping to see pride and warmth in her gaze, just what he needed.
She, however, looked at him with fear, her lips slightly parted, her eyebrows arched in worry.
He felt a tightening in his throat, his hand clenched into a fist.
Why didn't he deserve at least one gentle look from her?
"We will hold a feast in your honour, brother. And, of course, our courage-filled cousin." The King said, and he pressed his lips together, thinking that his brother was a complete imbecile.
"You will organise a feast when our subjects are starving?" He hissed with anger and frustration, not understanding how he could come up with such ideas and spout them with such ease, without thinking, without analysing the situation, whether it was appropriate.
Aegon grunted loudly, clearly displeased with his harsh response.
"It will be a small feast. You will have another reason to celebrate. Your betrothed, Lady Floris Baratheon, concerned that her beloved prince has set out on a solitary expedition with an unmarried woman has written a letter to our mother demanding an explanation. I thought it best if you, in your own person, explained your reasons to her. She is heading for King's Landing."
He stared at him dully feeling that he had suddenly gone deaf, his heart in his throat.
She is heading for King's Landing.
"NO, VHAGAR! NO!" he heard himself shout, the figure of his nephew and his dragon disappearing into Vhagar's maw with Luke's loud, childish cry.
He could only watch as the remains of their bodies fell from the sky.
"Fear not, brother." His brother continued, snapping him out of his reverie. "You have done your part – now the Crown will take care of our cousin and her dragon, and you will devote yourself to softening the heart of your beloved."
"She's not ready yet." He muttered, feeling his heart begin to pound like mad in his chest.
He wanted to take her away from him.
"Did you fuck her?"
He froze, as did the rest of those present at the table, their mother shaking her head, horrified and heartbroken.
"They spent three nights alone in the cold. I need to know if anything happened to my cousin during that time that she might be afraid to speak of of her own accord. We all know what my brother is capable of when he acts in a rage." He said lightly, throwing him a bored, cold look that made him feel like vomiting.
"I didn't touch her." He hissed, leaning over the table.
"There are rumours among Lord Lannister's servants that contradict your words." He said in a raised voice, making his eye open wide in horror.
"What rumours?" He scoffed through clenched teeth.
Fucking fool.
I'll personally cut out his tongue, he thought.
"I will not quote them out of respect for my cousin and you, my brother." He said, and he burst into a low, cold laugh, feeling his whole body quiver.
"So they are mere slanders. Gossip. You judge me by your measure." He hummed in a voice drenched with sweet poison, grinning broadly.
"The Maester can see who is right. Does he not, cousin?" Aegon asked her, and he glanced over his shoulder, seeing her eyes open wide in horror, her hands clasped in front of her, her shoulders raised slightly in a defensive posture.
Gods, what if she had lied to him?
If she was not a maiden?
"No, Aegon. I do not permit you or anyone in this room to humiliate her in such a manner." Queen Alicent protested.
"No." She spoke up suddenly, and all those gathered looked at her. "I have nothing to hide. The Maester can examine me."
He circled the chamber in fury, angry and bitter, glancing again and again towards the bed with the curtains covering each side, feeling both anger and remorse that she had to go through this.
It was her fault.
They were humiliating her because of him.
She had wanted it herself, fucking whore.
He himself had let her understand that he wanted to watch.
He wanted to watch, hoping it would end very differently.
That he would be the one to do this to her.
His brother, his mother and his lords were all looking at him, as if they had already prejudged the fact that he was guilty, that he had done this, that he was even worse than everyone had predicted.
He felt like crouching down, hiding his face in his hands and bursting out crying, mumbling that he hadn't done it.
He wanted to, but he didn't.
He shuddered as the Maester stepped out from behind the curtains, her sad, red face flashing before him for a moment, her gaze lowered in regret.
"She is a maiden, My King. I have no doubt." He said, and he swallowed hard and closed his eyes, feeling a wonderful relief full of satisfaction.
Praise be to the gods.
He left, not looking at the bewildered faces of his mother and brother, not wanting to hear their explanations or apologies, the false words that it meant nothing.
Only when the door of his quarters closed behind him, when he sat down alone in his chair did he lean forward, resting his elbows on his knees, hide his face in his hands and burst into tears.
His brother pretending to greet him like a hero, pretending to appreciate what he had done at the same time humiliated him, taking away his credit, his pride and her.
His little sister.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
I just want good angst about Bruce desperately trying to parent Tim but realizing he fucked it up
or Bruce realizing he kinda sees tim as a father figure in a weird way
or the bats all realizing how Tim’s been forced to mature quickly so he can take care of them, and he won’t stop trying to be the adult in situations even after the bats try to make it so he doesn’t have to
There are a few fics out there that center around Tim and Bruce's relationship after Bruce realizes how bad he treated Tim. "Grudge (I hold none)" by reinersbigtits. "Just How Much I Love You" by sElkieNight60. Honestly, a bunch of sElkieNight60 fics have Bruce trying to be a better parent. Their fic "Redraw Our Expectations" showcases Bruce trying to parent Tim and the teen finds that strange, weird, and restrictive. They chat about it.
I sadly haven't seen any fics where Bruce considers Tim to be his father. I have seen a few that describe Tim as his closest confidant or mental support, but none about the father hc/au :(
If you want some quick angst about Bruce seeing Tim as a father figure, here's an idea:
Bruce is ruminating on his kids. As he's going through his mental list of the kids (perhaps trying to remember where they all are), he realizes that it's an effort to add Tim to that list. At first, Bruce clocks it as the older man being a horrible parent to Tim or needing more time with his son. Bruce wants to fix this and sets out to do so. He tracks down Tim to spend some time with him.
Halfway through the hangout, Bruce starts to relax. They are both having a good time, chatting and laughing. It only changes when he notices Tim's subtle nods, his slight mannerisms that encourage Bruce to keep talking, and the scrunch at the corner of Tim's eyes that indicate he's proud. It's an errant thought of the older man, but one that rapidly changes his worldview.
Tim acts like Alfred.
Tim acts like a father to Bruce.
Tim has always acted like a father to Bruce.
What has Bruce done?
The comment about Tim continuing to be the "adult" or "mature one" in the situation because that's all he's known hurts. If you add that hc to the one where Tim is constantly told to "be the bigger person" when it comes to being insulted by his traumatized family members, that's painful.
Alright, let's build on this hc/au. I'm going to use subtle canon background clues to create a probable psychological assessment on Tim's behaviors. The reasonings are all hc.
Tim was emotionally neglected and abused by his parents (not nearly to the extent of fanon and his parents did love him, but that doesn't change their emotional distance or the harm Jack did after his coma). One could hc that, due to the limited time he spent with them before they left again, Tim tried to keep the peace when they were there. He wanted to spend the time with his parents not fighting, even if that meant choking down his own emotions/needs, placating his parents, and overall keeping a pleasant demeanor around them regardless of passive aggressive insults (looking at Jack here).
If his parents had marital issues, like fighting and insulting each other in front of Tim, the child might have tried to mend their fights and solve their issues in order to spend more time with happy parents. It's a helpful behavior that could've been praised by Jack and Janet, leading to Tim continuously uptaking a mediator role.
This would morph into a people pleasing attitude that heavily clashed with Tim's independence and lack of authority in his life. This is what enables him to be suited for kicking a depressed, angry Bruce into his healing arc (enables, but doesn't excuse Bruce's reliance on a child nor condone it). Tim would probably insert himself into Dick and Bruce's relationship.
Unlike his parents, Dick and Bruce probably weren't happy an unrelated kid was mediating their relationship or getting in the middle of their arguments. Because of their contant rejection to Tim's efforts, the kid's behavior could morph into a more subtle and subterfuge manner. This comes in handy when Jason and Damian come around (because they for sure would not listen to Tim's advice).
Tim, because he's spent his entire life managing other people's emotions for them, would understand where Damian and Jason are coming from as they hurt him. It is painful, and he may hold some resentment towards them (and a frozen anger), but he's used to yanking back his emotions and shoving them into an overfilled box. That's the easy part.
What's burdensome for him is the family. After realizing the lengths Tim goes to in order to ensure their bonds stay strong, they keep pressuring Tim to release some of his responsibilities. They want the relationships to be more equal.
Tim can't, though. If he lets go of his tight grip on holding the family together, he'll have to face that box of emotions he shoved down. He'll have to work through all the pain, anger, betrayal, grief, and desolation all of his family members gave him. If he accepts that he shouldn't be taking on so much emotional labor, he would have to face that he shouldn't have been subjected to so much abuse (from the Drakes or the Waynes).
Tim can't do that without falling apart.
He can't keep his hold on the family's support beams either.
It's not healthy nor productive for Tim to keep his position. Without releasing the pressure from his back, Tim will collapse and take the Waynes with him. He's too scared to let go, though. Will he survive the break? Will he have a place with the Waynes if he's not holding them up?
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sluttysnowangel666 · 1 month
Home Is Where the Heart Is - jace velaryon x reader (request)
summary: in a modern au, jacaerys must return home from studying at uni to help his stepsister care for his younger siblings when their parents and brother die. The step-siblings already complicated relationship grows more and more tense given the circumstances, and they find themselves being each other’s source of comfort in hard times.
cw: stepsiblings, death, angst, grief, emetophobia warning, childhood trauma, modern au, modern!jace, smut, idiots in love, mutual pining, slow burn, talks of abusive/ unhealthy relationships, jealous jace, NO INCEST(except daenyra but like not really bc it’s au) not entirely canon, drinking, use of Y/N
this one was hard to write for me, given i’ve experienced parent loss. i put a lot of emotion and personal experience into this one so pls be gentle with this one if you don’t like it.
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I - The Leave
To say you and your step brother had tragic lives was a bit of an understatement.
Jace’s father, Harwin, had died in a fire when he was a young boy. Your mother had died in her birthing chambers having you. The paths your lives had been on as children shifted, leaving your parents to remarry when you and Jace were both only 15.
You initially did not get along. Jace did not like your father Daemon, and you did not like Jace’s mother Rhaenyra.
Over time though, you both acclimated to each other. You grew closer as the years aged you. By the time you both turned 19, you were thick as thieves. You had comforted each other through heartbreaks, similar childhood trauma, navigated what it meant to grow and change as people, and protected each other from the rest of the world.
Jacaerys was your best friend, and you were his. In another universe maybe, you could’ve been more than that. But it seemed in this world you were only meant to remain as blended family.
So when Jacaerys told you he was leaving to go across the country to Uni, your heart nearly split in two.
“What’s in Manchester?” You ask him.
“A school.” He replies sarcastically. You throw a pillow from his bed at him.
“No shit.” You say as he throws it back. “But why’d you pick one so far?”
He pauses, not wanting to reveal the honest answer. Truth be told, he found it more and more difficult to keep his secret around you. He needed to go simply for the fact he was falling in too deep, deeper than a stepbrother should fall for his sister.
It was hard seeing you every day of his life yet never being able to be with you. He saw you with other men, which ignited a jealousy in him he didn’t even know that he had. He couldn’t stand being around it, couldn’t stand lying to your parents when you snuck out of his bedroom window, couldn’t stand watching you allow yourself to get treated like shit by men who provided nothing. If you had been his… in another life… things would be different.
“I just think I’ve outgrown London.” He says, continuing to pack his clothes.
“I hope you love it.” You tell him. You were so sweet, so kind to everyone. You hadn’t deserved the hand life had dealt you. He only wished you could see the love you deserved, he wished he could show you.
He felt sad leaving you, but he felt better knowing you would be safe with mom and Daemon. He knew you would take good care Aegon and Viserys. He knew you would care for Joffrey and Luke too. Even though they weren’t your blood you loved them like they were.
“When do you go to get your rental car?” You ask him.
“In the morning. Then I’ll drive non stop to Manchester.”
“Hm.” You hum while petting his cat, Vermax. “He will miss you.”
“I trust you’ll take care of him for me.” Jace says.
“I will, besides he’ll have Arrax and Syrax to keep him company.”
“And what about you? Who will keep you company?”
“Don’t you worry about me, Jacaerys. I will get by.” You say. He looks at you, comfortable on his bed with Vermax on your lap. “Perhaps you’ll even meet a girl in Manchester.”
“Perhaps you’ll meet someone who won’t cheat on you.” He says, a random anger appearing out of nowhere.
“Don’t be fuckin’ rude, Jacaerys.” You say. “I’ve done nothing to anger you.”
“No, you’ve just allowed yourself to be treated like shit by men and I know you will continue to when I leave.”
“I don’t see how it’s your business anyway.” You say. “But be like that if you wish. I have a tampon I can throw in your bag if it’s that time of the month.”
He sneers at you, waving you away with his hand. You stand to leave. “Goodnight, Jacaerys.”
“Wait.” He says, grabbing your wrist as you open the door. “I’m sorry… I’m just… scared. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“You have nothing to worry about Jacaerys.” You say, taking his hands in yours. “You’re gonna do great.”
You look into his eyes, but he looks past you at the door. His hand pushes it shut, and you look at it, then back at him. “Jace?”
He presses his lips onto yours and you pull away, shocked. You both stare into each other’s eyes in silence, both of you gasping in shock at what just happened.
Neither of you had any idea what to say to each other, so you pressed your lips back onto his. His hands rested on your waist, pulling you into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he backed you onto his bed. You landed on the pile of clothes on his bed, letting him in between your legs while playing with his pretty brown curls.
“Bubby!” Viserys yells, coming into Jace’s room. You practically kick Jacaerys onto the floor. Viserys doesn’t seem to notice what you two were both up to, too distracted with his mission. “Have you seen Aegon? We’re playing hide and seek, mommy said check in here.”
“No, Viserys! Get out.” Jace says on the floor. Viserys sticks his tongue out at him.
Your heart was racing from the fear of getting caught by your sibling, clarity hitting you in the face.
“I’ll help you find him, Vis.” You say, standing and leaving Jace’s room, avoiding Jace’s eyes that were pleading for you to stay.
The next morning you all woke early to say goodbye to Jacaerys. He’d wanted to text you during the night and ask you to come to his room so you both could talk, but he gave you your space.
Your family all said goodbye to Jace, helping him bring his bags to the car and giving him a tearful goodbye.
You waited by the car door and he walked over to you with a gentle smile. You both stared into each others eyes, pleading.
Tell me to stay. I’ll stay. His eyes begged yours.
Stay. Your eyes begged.
But in the end neither of you said a word. Instead you wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug, and he did the same.
He moved you by your hips away from the car door, getting inside and avoiding your eyes. Your family all waved goodbye to him, saying they loved and were proud of him.
He drove off, staring at you in the rear view mirror.
That was the last time your family was all together.
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II - The Photo
A few months had gone by since Jace left, and neither of you had spoken. You occasionally stalked his Instagram to see how he was doing though. He had been traveling, getting sunburnt, clubbing, DJing apparently. A hobby you hadn’t expected him to pick up, but one he had nonetheless. He had made two friends you noticed often, Cregan and Benjicot.
He was doing good. He was handsome, growing into a man. You missed him, in ways a stepsister shouldn’t miss her stepbrother. You dreamed of him often, even sneaking into his room at night every once in a while just because you missed his smell.
You stole oversized shirts he left behind, sleeping in them. You messed around on his PC, playing games like Roblox knowing he would get home and think it was Luke.
One day you had been mindlessly scrolling on Instagram when you saw Jace was tagged in a post by Cregan.
It was the two of them… and a girl. Jace’s arm was wrapped around her and they were practically connected at the hip. You gasped softly, trying to find who the girl was.
Her name was Sara, and she was obviously Cregan’s sister. They had the same sharp features.
“Slut.” You mumbled to yourself. You liked the post to be petty.
Jace’s heart dropped at the notification. It was the first interaction, if you could even call it that, that you two had shared since he left.
He wondered if you were jealous.
You were. You wondered if they were hooking up, or even dating.
They weren’t, she was a lesbian, but he knew the photo would get your attention.
Jace had told Cregan about your kiss, and Cregan wanting to be a wingman posted the photo in an attempt to get you to message Jace.
It didn’t work, and slowly you both started to move on from each other. You never exchanged any texts or calls or letters, and another year and a half would go by before you would reunite under the most unfortunate circumstances.
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III - The Loss
You’d awoke in the middle of the night to a frightening knock on your door, a knock that only comes when there is bad news.
And bad news had come indeed.
Rhaenyra and your father Daemon, as well as Lucerys died in a car accident.
The news was debilitating for you and your walls had broke down.
You called Jacaerys in the middle of the night, and when he seen that call he knew only the worst had happened.
He answered, his voice shaking. “Y/N?”
“Jacaerys.” You sobbed into the phone hysterically. “Jacaerys, come home please. You have to come home now.”
“Y/N, I’m on my way. Y/N, please please calm down, you’re scaring me. I’ll be there in the morning. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?”
“No, Jacaerys, just please get home as soon as you can.” You sobbed, and he heard your brothers crying in the background too.
“Okay, okay.” He said, beginning to cry. Cregan heard the commotion and awoke from his side of the dorm.
“Are you alright, brother?” He asked, his voice groggy with sleep.
“I don’t know, I don’t know. Y/N called me freaking out, the twins and Joff were crying too. I don’t know what’s going on. I think it’s my parents.” Jace said crying.
“I’ll drive you to London.” Cregan said, immediately dressing.
“You-sob-don’t-sob-have to.” Jace cries.
“Dude, you’re in no condition to drive. Don’t worry about it.”
“B-But it’s a four hour drive and there’s-sob-classes-“
“Dude. It’s fine. Alpha Drac for life, right? I’ve gotchu.”
Cregan drove them to London without stopping once, speeding 15 over the limit the whole time. Jacaerys cried half the car ride, then fell asleep the second half.
Cregan pulled down your street, waking Jacaerys before reaching the driveway.
“Be safe. Call me when you can.” Cregan says, but Jace was already sprinting out of the car door and tripping up the stairs.
He burst into the door, saying your name, mom, luke, anyone.
He ran into the living room, waking you from the couch where you had pulled out the hide-a-bed and were sleeping with the twins and Joffrey.
You immediately started crying when you saw him, trying to stay quiet so you didn’t wake the boys.
“Oh, Jacaerys.” You pulled him into a hug, and you both sobbed into each other.
“Is it mom and Daemon?” He asked, knowing the answer but fearing the worst.
You nodded. “And Lucerys.”
Jace pulled away from you. “You’re lying.” He said in a whisper.
“No, Jacaerys, please listen-“ He turned and walked away from you upstairs. You followed right behind him as he turned into Luke’s empty room.
He fell onto Luke’s bed, screaming into the pillows. You laid behind him, rubbing his arm and sobbing into his back. You kissed his shoulders, quietly saying a prayer for your broken family.
He sat up, “Oh my god, I think I’m gonna be sick.” He said, leaving to the bathroom.
You followed again, holding his hair back as he got sick into the toilet and sobbed. You sat on the edge of the tub, and when he was done he rested his head onto your thighs continuously sobbing while you rubbed his hair and sobbed with him.
You eventually walked downstairs when the sun began to rise, and you both laid down and fell asleep next to your brothers, not letting go of each other once.
You both only slept for a few hours before you woke up, seeing your brothers awake and sitting in silence.
“Jace.” Joffrey said, and he and the twins all moved to lay on Jacaerys. He held them, wanting to cry more but there was nothing left.
“Kids?” The door opened and Rhaenyra’s aunt and uncle Rhaenys and Corlys, her cousin Laena, and your cousins Baela and Rhaena walked in.
Rhaenys and Corlys were also Jace, Joffrey and Luke’s godparents. Joffrey and Jace immediately greeted them, while you and the twins remained seated. They were not your family, and you had only met them a few times.
Your father could be an ass, so he had a lot of enemies you could say, including majority of Rhaenyra’s family.
Thankfully they had been kind and sympathetic of your grief and the twins as well, knowing you all were now also without a father and mother. They were your father’s enemies, but not yours.
Corlys and Rhaenys pleaded with you and Jace to foster Joffrey so they could teach him about the Velaryon family business in overseas trading, as they had done with Lucerys.
You wanted the best life for your siblings, so you let Jacaerys decide for his blood brother. You knew Joffrey would be better off with them and his older cousins, but Jace said no.
“Our family is here. We need to stay together from now on.” He told his aunt.
“Jacaerys, you’ll have to return to Uni at some point. You’re so close to being done. How do you expect Y/N to raise three children on her own so young?”
“I’m not going back.”
“Jacaerys!” You yelled at him. “You have to finish school.”
“No. My decision is final. We’re staying together. Nobody raise the matter again.”
The funeral was a few days after that, and it had brought all of Rhaenyra’s family as well as Daemon’s weird and mysterious friends from all over the world.
People gave you and Jace their condolences, as well as tons of money. You knew Rhaenyra was rich from inheriting her father Viserys’ estate, which Jace would now inherit in turn, but Rhaenyra’s cousins and aunts and uncles and friends wanted to make sure you both were well set on top of that inheritance so that you and Jace could take care of your siblings with no trouble.
It was a generous thing, money, but it didn’t bring your family back. It didn’t matter how many checks they wrote, you couldn’t cash them to heaven.
“Brother.” A deep voice said.
You and Jace turn your heads to see Cregan and his sister approaching you.
“Cregan?” Jace embraced him in a hug, both of them holding each other for a moment.
“Hi, I’m Sara.” Sara said, taking the moment to introduce herself. “I’ve heard nice things about you.”
You turned your nose up at her, thinking she was being sarcastic. She wasn’t but despite your attitude she was polite to you anyway, knowing you were heavy with grief.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m sorry it couldn’t be under better circumstances.” Cregan says to you, hugging you as well. You appreciated them coming, knowing it meant a lot to Jacaerys to have them there.
Jace took your hand in his, both of you in all black, staring at the three caskets. You thought he held your hand for your comfort, but it was for his.
The guilt Jace felt was huge. He hadn’t been there, he had left to Uni for his own selfish reasons. It didn’t matter how many people told him it was okay, he was trying to get an education, it wasn’t the real reason he was there. He left to get away from you.
And that own selfish reason he had for leaving… he thought it could be the reason why your parents and brother were now in the ground. If he had stayed, they might have too.
“Jace?” Your voice was muffled. “Jacaerys?”
“Hm?” He asked, your voice pulling him back to reality.
“They want you to say a few words.” You said. He looked around, noticing his family was looking to him to say the final goodbyes.
“Will you come with me?” He asked. You nodded, standing with him to look over the caskets.
He said a few words of love and praise to his now lost family, holding your hand the whole time. You both couldn’t recall what he said, only having said it for the others around you.
You both grabbed a pile of dirt, throwing it onto the caskets. Jace winced when it landed on Luke’s.
“Are you okay?” You asked, rubbing his arm. He shook his head no. You brought his head to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss on his temple. “Me either. But we’ll be okay… someday.”
He liked to believe that what you were saying was true.
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IIII - The Recovery
Jacaerys moved home, taking a leave of absence from Uni. They were more than generous with him, giving him as much time as he wanted to decide when to return. You begged him to reconsider, but he was set in his decision.
You both stepped into a parental role, playing mommy and daddy 24/7. And by god’s grace for some reason those kids to listened to you.
You did everything Rhaenyra and Daemon had done like bathing, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. You and Jace had become a power duo at the household chores just like they had.
Neither of you worked, taking time off to grieve and you also really didn’t need to work due to Jace’s inheritance.
You both contemplated moving. The house held bad memories for you both, but you dared not touch your parents and Luke’s room. Neither of you had the strength to even go in the rooms anymore, nor uproot your little brother’s lives by making them move from the house they were raised in.
You and Jace never talked about the night before he left, instead focusing on the chaos of two teenagers raising three young, rambunctious boys.
A year went by of this lifestyle, making it three years since your initial kiss and a year of your parent’s and brother’s passing.
In a way, you both had moved on. You were older, forced to mature quicker than you’d have liked, raising three kids, unable to focus on the past of what once could have been.
Cregan and Sara moved down to London following their final year at Uni, requesting you both to come out and celebrate their birthday.
You both hesitantly agreed, given the boys had all just left a day before to be with Rhaenys and Corlys for the summer, and you had not experienced what it was like to still be a young adult in almost a year.
You had nearly forgot life could be fun when you weren’t being a parent.
You all met up at a sports bar since Cregan had wanted to watch a soccer game, and it was packed.
You managed to find a table, but it did hardly anything. Bodies were packed in there like sardines to see the world cup final.
You and Sara both sat, sipping on a cocktail while the boys got more drinks. You weren’t particularly keen on being left there alone with her, given you hadn’t cared for her since you didn’t know what had gone on between her and Jace when they were at Uni.
You made polite small talk, but Sara was a certified yapper. She’d find anything to keep the dying conversation going.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Sara asked.
“Uh, nah. Haven’t really had the time nor the want with the kids and all.” You said, sipping your drink.
“Maybe you ought give girls a try.” She said. “I did once and I’ve never gone back since.”
“Yeah, maybe.” You chuckled. “Wait, what?”
“You’re… a lesbian?”
“Don’t look so surprised.” She said.
“Well, I thought you and Jacaerys-“
She spit her drink out onto you, laughing at even the idea. You wiped your face off with a napkin, trying not to smash your drink upside her head.
“And this whole time I had no idea why you hated me.” She sat back, crossing her arms and smirking. “No wonder… This whole time you thought I was in love with Jacaerys.”
You couldn’t hide the little smile that crept on your face.
“Oh, sweet thing… Jacaerys is all yours.” She looked over at him at the bar. “I think he always has been.”
“So… were there any girls at Uni?” You asked.
“A few.” She mumbled, hesitant on telling you. “I’m sure you had a few back here as well.”
She wasn’t wrong, but it still hurt knowing Jace had moved on too during the time. It hurt knowing girls were getting his love that you desperately craved.
“He told me and Cregan about your kiss.”
“That was a long time ago.” You say. “We both have bigger things to worry about now rather than a moment in time three years ago.”
“I know you love your brothers, Y/N. I know Jace does too.” Sara says. “But don’t forget to take care of yourself. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.”
You looked at Jace, who was making his way back to your table with more drinks. His eyes caught yours, and he smiled at you. He didn’t do that a lot anymore since they died.
“I got you a negroni, my lady.” Jace says, setting your drink in front of you. You roll your eyes with a smirk.
The four of you drank all night while watching the game, you and Jace loosening up the more alcohol you consumed.
The night had spiraled out of control, the four of you separating from each other.
You found yourself at the bar, ordering more drinks, Sara was in the bathroom with a girl, Cregan was busy arguing and growing closer to a fist fight with Germany fans, and Jacaerys was busy searching for you on the wrong side of the bar.
A man sat beside you by the bar while you waited.
“Her next drink’s on me.” He said to the bartender.
“No, that’s fine actually. I’ve got a tab open. My drunk friends will find out in the morning they paid for it.”
He laughed, and a blush creeped across your cheeks. “What if I had been ordering 15 shots? Then what would you have done?”
“I would have paid for 15 shots.” It was your turn to laugh now.
“What’s your name, pretty?”
“Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Jason Lannister.”
“Nice to meet you.” You say. He was kinda cute, and the thought made Sara’s words from earlier echo in your head.
It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.
“Actually, you can pay for my drink.” You say.
He smirks, pulling out his wallet. “What’s your poison?”
“Surprise me.”
He bought you both a few rounds of shots, and you grew more confident and more drunk with each one.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom.” You drunkenly slur.
“Do you want me to come with you?” He asks. You say yes, taking his hand and dragging him along behind you.
You got lost on the way to the bathroom, instead ending up dancing in the middle of the floor.
You were chest to chest with him, his hand on your lower back as you leaned up to kiss him. Your hands held tight onto the collar of his shirt, which was keeping you from falling. He matched your energy with the kiss, his hand tangling in your hair.
His other hand snaked its way to your inner thigh, his fingers tickling the skin under your skirt.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Huh?” You pulled away to ask Jason, drunkenly wondering how he was able to talk while kissing you.
But it wasn’t him yelling, it was Jace.
Time slowed down for a second, and it all happened in slow motion as you watched Jace swing his arm to hit Jason in the jaw.
Jason stumbled, holding his jaw and glancing back and forth between you, Jace, and Cregan who had noticed the commotion and came to back up Jace.
“The fuck, Y/N?!” Jason yelled at you, pushing your shoulder lightly, but you were drunk and uncoordinated so you fell.
Jacaerys practically jumped on Jason after that, punching him over and over in the face.
“Jacaerys, stop, now!” You yelled. “Cregan, stop him!”
Cregan didn’t help the situation, only helping Jacaerys jump Jason.
“Oh my fuckjng God.” You yelled to yourself, trying to pull Cregan and Jacaerys off of Jason.
Bar security came, kicking you all out and banning you forever. You didn’t care about that though, you were just pissed at Jace for embarrassing you like that.
You, Cregan, Jace, and Sara took the taxi home in silence.
Cregan and Sara had immediately went to bed downstairs, while you angrily stormed up to your room.
“Are you seriously angry with me?” Jace asked, following you into your room and closing the door.
“Get out, Jacaerys.” You said, both of you sober by this point from all the adrenaline of the last hour of events.
“I was just protecting you!”
“From what?” You laugh, frustrated.
He had no answer. He knew he had only attacked the guy out of jealously, seeing you kiss a man that should have been him.
“Why would you do that?” He asks, his voice laced with sadness.
“Do what?” You ask, rubbing your eyes as you felt a headache forming.
“Kiss him.” He said. You sighed.
“Because I wanted to. I don’t need you protecting me.” You looked at Jace, his signature pout forming. You glanced down to his hands, which were bloody and bruised.
“Jesus.” You mumbled. “Come on.”
You pulled him to the bathroom, making him sit on the toilet while you cleaned and bandaged his hand. He watched you the whole time, your eyebrows knit together as you focused on his wounds.
It was there it hit him, that he loved you. He was tired of burying that feeling. He loved you. He loved how you took care of your siblings, he loved how you immediately stepped into the role of a mother without ever complaining, he loved his life with you.
His hand caressed your cheek.
“Stop, I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore than you have.” You say. His fingers were gently gliding over your jaw, eventually taking a hold of it to make you look at him.
Your heart was racing, you knew what he was feeling because you felt it too.
“You’re mine.” He said, and without even thinking you smashed your lips onto his. He pulled you onto his lap, his damaged hands loosely resting on your waist.
Three years it had been since your first kiss, three years of longing and aching for him, trying to let the feeling go for the sake of your children.
It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.
You pulled him into his room, kicking the door shut as you fell onto his bed, just like the first time.
He nestled between your legs, kissing you intently. He moved his lips down, pressing kisses on your neck and chest.
You whimpered, your fingers toying in his hair.
“I need you, Jacaerys.” You whisper.
“Fuck, I need you more.” He whispers back.
You sit up on your knees as Jacaerys stands. You pull his shirt gently off him, avoiding his hands, and move to helping him undo his belt and pants until he’s in only his boxers.
You undress your torso, then wiggling to kick off your skirt to reveal your thin little panties.
“You might have thought you had a mission but really you had a death wish going out in those.” Jace said, pressing his lips onto the thin black lace. He kisses your wetness, moving your panties to the side so he can eat. His tongue glides into your cunt, making sure to lick and taste the sweetest parts.
“So possessive, and for what?” You moan, your fingers gripping his curls.
“Because you’re mine.” He says into your heat, and you moan at his voice.
He eats you with a burning desire, a taste he had dreamt about for years. He’s messy, yet coordinated, kissing and sucking just the right spots to make you melt onto his tongue. He was starved for you, and now he eats as if he’ll never eat again.
You chase the release, grinding your hips into his face.
“I’m gonna cum, oh my god.” You whine, your hand trembling in his curls. He moans into your heat, pushing you over the edge. You spill onto his tongue, and he doesn’t miss a drop, licking as long as he can until you’re shaking.
You go to kiss him, but he pulls away. “I’ve still got you on my lips, I wanna savor it as long as I can.”
“You can’t share?” You tease.
He shivers at your words. “Ooh, don’t test me.”
You settle for kissing his neck instead, pulling him by his hips between your legs to make him grind onto you.
You feel his length inside his boxers against your heat, and you shiver at the size.
“Don’t keep me waiting any longer, Jace.”
“How long have you been waiting exactly?” He teases.
“A long time. Longer than three years.” You say. He finally presses his lips back onto yours, his hand weakly kneading your breast. You gently take his hand in yours, guiding his weak fingers.
“I wish my hands weren’t numb.” He moans between kisses.
“Sh, it’s fine, just keep kissing me.” He says, refusing to let you break away. His tongue plays with yours, and your lips are bruised and swollen from the eagerness of his.
“You’re playing a dangerous game.” You moan, trying to push down his boxers to rub his length.
“Just like you were at the bar, walking around in that tight little black skirt, kissing on guys who had no business even breathing the same air as you.
You finally reach your hand in his boxers, eliciting a gasp from him as you rub his length. You push his boxers down, and he pulls your panties off you.
You rub his length against your wet slit, moaning as you guide him inside you.
“Baby.” He moans. You shiver at the pet name, wanting to hear more of his sweet voice. He rests his weight on his fore arms, kissing and sucking on your neck to leave marks. His thrusts are fueled with love, unlike ones you’ve felt before from others.
He fucks you so sweetly, pulling away your neck so he can look in your eyes. He holds your hips into the bed, fucking you. You moan and whine, gripping his wrists for support.
“Say you’re mine.” He moans.
“I’m yours. Fuck, Jace, I’m all yours.”
“Yes, my girl. Fuck, you’re so wet.” He says, his words sultry and low.
“I’m so in love with you.” You moan, lost in lust.
“I wish I could fuck you all night long.”
“Don’t worry.” You moan. “We’ve got a lifetime to do that.”
“Fuck, I love you so much.” Jace moans. “I’m so in love with you it hurts.”
He nestles into your neck, and you hold him close to you, moaning in his ear.
You feel his thrusts grow sloppy, and he shakes as he grows close to his release. He fucks you so deep his pelvic bone rubs your clit, drawing you closer too.
You pull him by his neck into your lips again as you both cum. He fills you up, warm and deep inside your stomach as he moans into your lips.
“Fuck, fuck.” He pulls out, gasping. He looks into your eyes, both of you catching your breath and coming down from what just happened.
“Are you alright? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asks, still shaking him his release.
“No, Jace.” You say, tucking a curl behind his ear. “You were perfect.”
“I’m sorry about tonight.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
He lays beside you, resting his head on your shoulder. “What happens now?”
“We…” You say, not knowing where to start.
Your whole life had been uprooted. Both of you had done nothing for yourselves, until now. You both had a choice to make. You could quit living half a life, one foot in one foot out the door, doing your duty yet nothing for yourself. Or, you could get busy living. Take care of your brothers, love each other endlessly, make the most out of your life and your love like your parents would have wished for you both.
“I think we just start enjoying it.”
“Enjoying what?”
“Our lives.” You look at him, and you take his bruised hand in yours.
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cxlamarisalxmi · 1 year
Being Miguel’s daughter and hosting Venom
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[Platonic One-Shot]
c/w: major spoilers, angst, gender neutral terms and pronouns (they/them), suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, no gendered terms used to describe reader, canon ignorance and inaccuracies, if you read the drabble you’ll know you originally just hosted Venom but this time I’m writing you as Spider-Venom
The sun kissed the Western horizon as it slowly sunk beneath the surface. The gorgeous colors of the settling dusk bathing your New York in the luminous sheen of the golden glow that settles upon the city like a blanket.
You were just finishing up for the day, swinging from a tall skyscraper to tether a web to the very top of a clock tower. Pulling yourself up all the way to the top to perch on one of the very many gargoyle statues jutting out of the tower’s roof lip.
“That’s what the sandwiches are for bud.”
Venom settled inside when you tore the wrapping off the sandwich and took a big bite out of the end. Plenty of meat packed into the sandwich but also enough vegetables to sustain you too. Nutrients were vital in your symbiotic relationship with the alien and regardless of where they came from you both needed hundreds of them to keep yourselves alive and healthy.
“I hate the vegetables.”
“Well I like them. They taste better than people do.”
“You’ve never had another person before! You don’t let me eat people!”
“I’m not a cannibal.”
You rolled your eyes at the symbiote’s childish behavior, you’ve grown used to it but that didn’t mean you’d grown to like their attitude.
But you had grown to like them, ever since they had attached themself to you on your fourteenth birthday. The same day you very nearly took your own life.
Your life was far from perfect, as a matter of fact you can’t remember a time in your twenty long years of being alive that you’d actually been happy. Really, well and truly happy.
Your mother died when you were five and your father had abandoned you not too long after. About a year and half to be precise, and in his care and his care alone you’d learned that he was the furthest thing from what a proper father should be.
The first five years in which he parented you alongside your beloved mother he seemed guarded. Closed off, angry at the world and everyone surrounding him. And his own personal turmoil seemed to transcend into raising you— as he didn’t put an ounce of love or affection into bringing you up.
At the time, you hadn’t understood. What did you do wrong? Did you make him angry? Why wouldn’t he love you unconditionally? Your mother did.. was it so hard for him to treat you as his own? As if he loved you?
Apparently it was too hard for him, because he didn’t want to do it alone. And when your mother had died of cancer he had attempted to raise you in her honor but failed miserably and gave up within two years.
You were seven when you experienced your first heartbreak, in the years prior under his ‘care’ you had plenty share of devastation and let-downs from him. But none compared to this, no other feeling you had ever experienced before compared to this.
A searing ache in your chest born of self doubt, lack of self worth and value. Because you had believed it was entirely your fault that he was incapable of loving you fully and to the extent of his heart. And it festered in your years spent under different families, the issues regarding how you viewed yourself only darkening as you were let down over and over again.
Given up on— over and over again. And the ache continued to linger, growing in secret places— dark and hateful in your tired heart.
And slowly but surely it had given up on you too, shatter to pieces and cast to the wind to leave you broken and hurt. Vulnerable and fragile to the cold and bitter winds of this cruel and brutal life.
Eventually your mind followed suit, wishing for anything to escape this pain. Anything to leave it behind.
Your luck had a turn for the worst when you were bitten by a spider at twelve and gifted cursed with abilities and skills inhuman and otherworldly.
Enhanced senses, heightened sensitivities and awareness and phenomenal intelligence and strength.
And for two years you lived with it, not utilizing the powers for any kind of purpose. The heightened healing property of your curse made it hard to give up on this life as you had so desperately wished to.
You tried and tried again— and each time you failed.
When you were fourteen is when you met Venom, you had tested buildings before but never the Golden Gate Brigde. And as you clambered over the rail to stand at the very edge of the bridge’s structure— it happened.
You remember the feel of their texture sliding across your skin, then the pressure you felt as they sunk beneath your skin to meld with your body—
“It wasn’t that bad. You’re overexaggerating.”
“I thought we agreed you’d stay out of my head.”
“I never agreed to that.”
“Venom,” you scolded lightly. Not reprimanding in a way that spat disappointment over ownership. But in a way that spoke volumes of the relationship you shared with the alien. Equals.
“I hate it when you think about that bastard.”
“I know, I’m sorry.. my thoughts get away from me.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. He made his choice, you are what he made you. And you’re more than worth it. You deserve love just as everybody else.”
They went silent after that and you didn’t bother trying to get them to keep up the conversation. Just smiled softly at their nature— overprotective and fond.
Venom had saved your life when you were at your lowest, the abilities you gained from your spider bite coupled well with their own. And upon latching themself to you they had promised they would make you see the value in life. And you had.. in them.
They were what kept you alive, and you couldn’t be more grateful for them coming to your aid when you needed it the most.
“You’re sweet, you like to act like you’re big and bad but on the inside you’re just a big softie.”
“I regret everything I said.”
“Oh come on, I was thanking you for what you said.”
“Funny how you didn’t actually say the words ‘thank you’ at all.”
You just laughed as they grumbled in your head, but you were swift to straighten and turn serious when your senses tingled. Like a cold rippled shucking down your back to warn you of incoming danger or threats.
Venom growled lowly alongside the tingle and you jumped up, spinning around to face the danger that caused your senses to ripple. And a glowing orange portal suddenly erupted to life just a few feet in front of you. Sliding your mask back on you separated your feet and steadied yourself, prepared and strong in stance.
Your senses tingled again— sharper this time and you stood there on tense silence and a brief moment of absolute stillness. A moment later something was shooting from the portal, something turned out to be someone and you recognized the green suit and grinning goblin mask as Green Goblin tackled you off the building.
You freed yourself from his grasp and shot a web to the corner of the building to your left before pulling yourself free from his grip and onto the side of the skyscraper.
Your jaw ticked as a flicker of annoyance sparked to life in your chest. The very last thing you wanted to deal with after a long day was an anomaly. You were honestly tempted to just call up Peter B. Parker and have him come here and take care of this himself.
Or maybe he could convince the leader he follows to come do it, not that you know his name or anything f about him but from what Peter says apparently he’s pretty damn good at his job.
“Seriously another one? Our dimension can’t be that exciting can it?”
“Right there with ya buddy, why did he have to come here after we already finished up our day too?”
“Honestly, like— a little fucking class wouldn’t hurt.”
You chuckled at their remark before your senses tingling had you swinging away from the spot you occupied previously just as a gas bomb erupted against the brick.
An irritated sigh left your lips behind the fabric of your mask as you perched yourself on a lamp post, the Goblin’s eerie hysterical laughter echoing loud and prominent in the desolate streets surrounding you. Everyone having long since turned in for the night leaving the area free of any civilians which made your job —and in turn Venom’s— easier at least.
The fight that had begun two minutes after Goblin had tried to surprise you with his fucking chemical bombs wasn’t all you had thought it would be. This Goblin was a whole lot weaker than your Goblin, not only that but the guy kept glitching every few minutes.
And you and Venom capitalized on the very golden opportunities that event opened up to you every time it occurred.
And finally taking him down without any damage to the buildings or street was just the icing on the cake, the fact that the whole fight didn’t endanger any innocent people was a plus too.
Things only went to shit when you went back to that portal with Goblin slung over your shoulder and found two different spider variants walking out of it.
“Well what the fuck took them so damn long? Sure, sure no worries we’ll protect our own universe and keep others out too. No fucking problem on our end.”
Again, you found yourself chuckling humorously at Venom’s attitude. Their clear lack of patience and respect for those in charge of keeping the multiverse under control amusing you. Sure, you both liked Peter enough to admire what it was he and the guy he followed did.. along with the other spider variants he works with. But still.. if you’re going to make this your entire career and you’re going to dedicate yourself to the security of the multiverse— at least be good at it.
“Think this asshole got lost, poor wee lamb.” You quipped as you landed on the rooftop the other were standing on. You carelessly threw Goblin off your shoulder and he grunted as he hit the concrete on his back. The sound of pain coming from him almost humanizing him a bit, and you curled your lip derisively as he broke out into a mad grin seconds later.
Whilst you were distracted staring at Norman, Miguel withheld his sudden and intense urge to upheave all the contents in his stomach. His heard felt like lead as it plummeted to his toes, knots in his stomach winding themselves up tightly at the sound of your voice.
You looked up when the man of the two variants spoke, and there was a flicker of recognition in your stomach at the voice. Recognition that swiftly turned to course and fiery hot rage that flowed through your blood like magma.
“How dare he?!”
The man pulled his mask off his face and there he was, your father, Miguel O’hara.
“How dare he return here?!”
You took an instinctive step back from him when he revealed his face. And you flinched internally when you saw it, he looked miserable.. eyes bloodshot and brows downturned to put a deep and painful scowl on his face.
He looked broken.. hurt.
And the twisted and vengeful feelings inside you felt good at the prospect of him hurting. You liked that look on his face.. because he more than deserved whatever put it there.
Miguel watched as you stepped back, you didn’t remove your mask as he did. Just stood there frozen as you stared at him. Then the eyes of your mask narrowed and he could abruptly feel the heat of your glare searing into his skin. Angry and painful.
“Parker— that fucking bastard, we’ll kill him.”
“We?” The woman spoke and you looked from your father to her. She had darker skin and a styled afro, her mask was more or less goggles on her face and Venom snickered inside your head at the mental insult you made.
You decided to ignore her question, the passive aggressive tone she took not inclining you to be cooperative with her at all.
“As far as we know Osborne was the only one who got into this universe,” you informed choosing to look back to Miguel to address him instead of the woman. “So gather him and go home.”
“[Y/Name] wait!—”
“Don’t. You’re just here for him right?” You queried gesturing to Norman when you referred to him. Then you were facing Miguel again. “Take him and get out. We’re finished here.” You weren’t granted the chance to see his reaction— immediately doing what you thought was best for you and getting out of the uncomfortable spot his return had put you in.
And you swung away as you ignored the calls of your name he roared into the night. You didn’t want anything to do with him, and there was nothing you owed to that bastard. Not a damn thing.
And as you swung away from that rooftop you felt angry at the fact that you could feel your guarded heart hurt in deep and stinging agony once again— because of him.
And you felt a twitch of disgust in yourself twist itself into a knot within your chest, born at the expense you felt you were dishonoring Venom by being hurt you saw your father again.
After all, it was them that had healed you six years ago when they had first bonded with you. And it was them and them alone that had healed that ache in your heart.
“Please Venom, not now.”
They went silent after that, and you stayed quiet too as you swung through the city. You just wanted to be at home, safe and comfortable in the warmth of your own space. Just so you could calm the roaring of your blood and thunderous heart in the security and peace that your home brought you.
You knew that now that he knows you’re still alive he’ll come back, and you’re not sure how the next time will go.. this time you just wanted out. The way your heart had picked up and the way your blood quickened had made you just want to be isolated and safe.
You’re not so sure which feeling will take more presence next time— but you could promise this; the rage you had briefly felt, that died behind the feeling of ache and hurt but still lingered, was strong. If it took province over every other feeling next time you could promise it wouldn’t end well.
Not for Miguel.
Not for you.
And not for the multiverse.. the same multiverse he had been so keen on protecting—
The multiverse he had chosen over you.
a/n: I did this during a tattoo on my ribs— and the wipe down continues to be my least favorite part of adding tattoos to my body, cause how can I sit through a tattoo just fine then get weak on the wipe down? 🥲🤌🏽
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dukeofdelirium · 5 months
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????? creepy…? Aang didn’t view Katara as a mother or mother figure within his life, lol. Like, ever. Show me when and where Aang ever thought of her in this way?
Y’all are invalidating the love Aang had for his father Gyatso who actually raised him from the time he was a baby. Aang viewed Gyatso as his parent. He loved Gyatso as his parent. He proudly states to Katara and Sokka that Gyatso “taught me everything I know.” Stop erasing Aang’s bond with his actual parental figure in canon. Aang’s love for Gyatso and grief over losing him is what everything else in the story revolves around. The disrespect you idiots show to this relationship is ridiculous. We need to start gatekeeping this show I’m so serious
The first thing Aang did when he met Katara was to ask her to go play with him as the children they are. He then reminded her that she was still a child, too. Aang always viewed Katara as his peer and equal, his best friend—NEVER his parent.
If Aang viewed Katara as his parent, that means he would view her as having authority over him. Which he doesn’t. That also means he would expect her to care for him, which he very much doesn’t.
In fact, the exact opposite is depicted. Aang actually canonically struggles with and rejects Katara’s affections toward him, multiple times. It is portrayed as difficult for him to allow her to show him love, something he has to get over as the show continues. Aang never asks Katara for anything, and he doesn’t expect her to do things for him. She does all of these things of her own free will. Katara also hates that Toph views her as motherly. The only time Katara even speaks on this is when she is arguing with Sokka and Toph. Guess who isn’t a part of this in regards to viewing Katara as motherly? Aang. He doesn’t speak on any of this and the episode doesn’t focus on his and Katara’s relationship because they don’t treat one another the way Katara treats Toph and Sokka. The only time Katara ever acts “motherly” toward Aang is in that very episode, and it’s played for laughs… because she isn’t his mom lol
Also, the EIP episode wasn’t “insane” 😂 and it definitely wasn’t proof that Katara didn’t love Aang. If anything, she’s verbally affirming she does love him romantically. She just set a boundary, because she was afraid he might die and she would be unable to revive him like she had in the book 2 finale. It’s really not that difficult to understand…
Also.. if Aang getting broken out of the ice is a metaphor for …. Childbirth…. Then did Katara birth Appa too ? 😭😂 help it’s sending me
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doctorbitchcrxft · 4 months
Everbody Loves a Clown | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Word Count: 5956
Warnings: Canon violence, canon gore, coping with parental death, clowns lol
A/N: Special treat since the first episode was kinda short! Happy reading, everyone!
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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The only light in the middle of the clearing in the woods came from John’s wrapped, burning body. You stood wordlessly between Dean and Sam, watching as the pyre burned to ash. Dean stared silently while his brother fought tears.
It felt so odd to have spent so much time looking for John— a man you'd only met in passing during a hunt a little over a year ago— to now be standing in front of his burning corpse. It almost felt anticlimactic if you detached emotion completely from your situation.
On the very real and guttural side of things, though, you knew that having spent so little time with John after looking for him for almost a year was going to take a horrible toll on his boys, especially your Dean.
Sam spoke for the first time in hours. “Before he.. before... did he say anything to you? About anything?”
Dean refused to look at you or his brother, but said, “No. Nothing.”
An obvious lie.
Over a week after John’s funeral, you were watching Dean work on his car at Bobby’s. Bobby had been nice enough to let the three of you stay with him while Dean got the Impala back in working order.
Selfishly, every time you looked at Dean, you wanted to come right out with your feelings. Although, he was grieving, and you did not want to take advantage of his vulnerability. You wouldn't want your relationship to be born out of such a terrible tragedy.
However, you would continue to be there for him however he needed, even if that meant sitting next to him in the hot sun silently for hours and handing him a wrench every once in a while. You knew better than to ask if he was okay. You’d lost your father, too and knew he wouldn’t be okay for quite some time.
At first, he’d barely tolerated you sitting next to him. He fought you on everything you tried to do for him, but you got him to shut up after a few days. You knew he knew what you were playing at, and you could tell he appreciated it nonetheless.
Sam, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as well-fortified against his emotions. You could hear him crying in the next room almost nightly, and it broke your heart. But you would rather Sam cry than build himself up against negative feelings the way his brother did. He was more into the touchy-feely-hug-it-out therapy style, and you were more than happy to give that to him. These boys needed you to be strong for them, and you would happily do so for as long as they needed. 
“How's the car coming along?” Sam asked, approaching you and Dean, who was under his car. You sat next to where his boots stuck out with a tool box in your lap.
“Slow,” Dean responded.
“Yeah? Need any help?”
“What, you under a hood? I'll pass.”
“Need anything else, then?”
Dean rolled himself out from under the car and stood up above you. You looked between Dean’s face, set in hard lines, and his brother’s puppy-dog stare. “Stop it, Sam.”
“Stop what?” the younger brother asked innocently.
“Stop asking if I need anything, stop asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise,” Dean scoffed.
“Alright, Dean, it's just—” Sam took a deep breath. “We've been at Bobby's for over a week now, and you haven't brought up Dad once.”
“You know what? You're right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, and maybe even slow dance.” You knew the bite in Dean’s voice was all a mask.
“Don't patronize me, Dean,” Sam returned. “Dad is dead. The Colt is gone, and it seems pretty damn likely that the demon is behind all of this, and you're acting like nothing happened.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Say something, all right? Hell, say anything! Aren't you angry? Don't you want revenge? But all you do is sit out here all day long buried underneath this damn car.”
“Sam, let it go—” you tried, but Dean continued to talk over you.
“Revenge, huh?” Dean chuckled humorlessly. “Sounds good. You got any leads on where the demon is? Making heads or tails of any of Dad's research? Because I sure ain't. But you know, if we do finally find it— oh. No, wait, like you said. The Colt's gone. But I'm sure you've figured out another way to kill it. We've got nothing, Sam. Nothing, okay? So you know the only thing I can do? Is I can work on the car.” He got back down under it.  
“Well, we've got something, alright?” Sam crouched down next to you and handed you a cell phone. “It’s what I came out here to tell you. This is one of dad's old phones. Took me a while, but I cracked his voicemail code. Listen to this.”
Dean pushed himself out from under the car again and sat up next to you as you played the voicemail. “John, it's Ellen. Again. Look, don't be stubborn, you know I can help you. Call me.”
“That message is four months old,” Sam explained.
“Dad saved that chick's message for four months?” Dean raised an eyebrow.
Sam nodded.
“Who’s Ellen?” you asked. “Any mention of her in your dad’s journal?”
“No. But I ran a trace on her phone number, and I got an address.”
You and the boys ended up taking one of Bobby’s beat-up minivans to the Roadhouse Saloon; the address Ellen’s voicemail led to. 
“This is humiliating. I feel like a fuckin’ soccer mom!” Dean groaned as he parked the car.
“It’s the only one Bobby had running, dude,” you reminded him. You followed the boys into the purposefully dilapidated-looking building.  
“Hello? Anybody here?” Dean asked loudly. No response ever came. All you could hear was a fly buzzing and a light popping. You caught sight of a man passed out on the pool table facing away from you. 
“Hey, buddy?” Sam said. He turned back to you and Dean. “I'm guessing that isn't Ellen.” He headed into a back room to look around. You walked a little ahead of Dean, only turning around when you heard him say. “Oh god, please let that be a rifle.”
You whipped out your gun and turned to see a pretty petite blonde holding a cocked rifle to Dean’s back. “No, I'm just real happy to see you. Don't move.”
“Hey!” you said. She looked to you, but didn’t move her gun from Dean’s back. “You shoot him, and you’re dead,” you told her.
“Well, he moves, and he’s dead,” she replied.
“Ladies, Ladies, please,” Dean smirked. “You know, you should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back. Because it makes it real easy to do…” He turned around fluidly and grabbed the rifle. “That.”
The blonde punched him square in the nose and took back the rifle. You cocked your pistol, catching her attention. 
“Sam! A little help, please!” Dean said. 
“Sorry, Dean, I can't right now. I'm a... little tied up.” Sam walked out with his hands on his head and a shotgun pointed at the back of him. An older woman walked out holding it. “Sam? Dean? Winchester?” she said.
“Yeah…?” Dean said.
“Son of a bitch,” the woman muttered.
The blonde spoke up next. “Mom, you know these guys?”
“Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's boys,” she answered, lowering the gun and laughing. “Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo.”
Jo lowered her rifle as well. “Hey,” she smiled.
“Oh, we’re just supposed to be cool now?” you remarked, still pointing your gun at the blonde.
“(Y/N), cool it,” Dean warned. You did as told and slowly lowered your gun, still stand-offish. 
“You're not gonna hit me again, are you?” Dean asked Jo. 
Ellen handed him a small towel filled with ice. 
“Thanks. You called our dad, said you could help. Help with what?” he asked as he took it from her.
“Well, the demon, of course,” she stated as if it was obvious. “I heard he was closing in on it.”
“What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed?” Dean snarked. “I mean, who- who are you? How do you know about all this?”
The brunette scoffed. “Hey, I just run a saloon. But hunters have been known to pass through now and again. Including your dad a long time ago. John was like family once.”
“Oh yeah? How come he never mentioned you before?”
She looked down and softened her voice. “You'd have to ask him that.”
“So why exactly do we need your help?” Dean questioned.
Now you wanted Dean to cool it. “Relax, man,” you warned.
“Hey, don't do me any favors. Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out. But John wouldn't have sent you if—” Ellen stopped suddenly. “He didn't send you.” She looked frantically between Dean and Sam. “He's all right, isn't he?”
Dean refused to look at her, but Sam answered instead. “No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it, I guess.”
Ellen looked sad. “I’m so sorry.”
“It's okay. We're all right,” Dean replied.
“Really? I know how close you and your dad were.”
“Really, lady, I'm fine,” he growled.
“Dean, relax,” you urged him quietly.
Sam continued the conversation with Ellen. “So look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get.”
“Well, we can't. But Ash will,” she smirked.
“Who's Ash?” you asked.
“Ash!” she called.
You turned to the man on the pool table as he jerked up and flailed up. “What? It closin' time?”
Sam snorted. “That’s Ash?”
Jo hummed. “Mm-hmm. He's a genius.”
You looked at her, skeptical. 
“Sit, please,” Ellen said, and she and her daughter moved around the bar opposite you while you slapped a folder down in front of Ash. He sat across the bar from you.
“You've gotta be kidding me, this guy's no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie,” Dean remarked.
Ash grinned drunkenly. “I like you.”
“Thanks,” the older brother smiled, seeming slightly confused by the drunk.
“Just give him a chance,” Jo urged.
You opened the folder and pushed it toward Ash. “That’s about a year’s worth of John’s work. See if you can make heads or tails of it.”
Ash shook his head as he looked through the papers. “Come on. This crap ain't real. There ain't nobody can track a demon like this.”
“Our dad could,” said Sam.
“There are non-parametrics, statistical overviews, prospects and correlations, I mean, damn!” Ash’s cadence made you giggle. “They're signs. Omens. Uh, if you can track 'em, you can track this demon. You know, like crop failures, electrical storms— You ever been struck by lightning? It ain't fun.”
“Can you track it or not?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, with this, I think so. But it's gonna take time, uh, give me—” he thought for a moment— “fifty-one hours.” He got up to leave, but Dean stopped him. 
“I, uh, I dig the haircut.”
He waved his hair around dramatically. “All business up front, party in the back.”
Jo walked around Dean, flirting a little. You could’ve killed her. 
He offered Jo a polite smile, but you apparently were not doing a good job of hiding your jealousy.
“Easy, tiger,” Dean chuckled, shooting you a smirk. 
You could practically feel Jo checking Dean out. 
“She’s looking at you like a hunk of meat,” you replied, talking through your teeth. 
“What, you mean, like you do?” he replied, smirking.
“I do not!” You paused at his deadpan look. “I mean, sometimes, maybe, quite possibly, but not right now.”
He nodded. “And you know, I, uh, I appreciate that.”
“Do you really? Sounded like you had a gun to your head when you said that,” you giggled.
He looked back at you sincerely. “You know I do.”
"I do just have... one question, though," you said, unable to stop the words coming out of your mouth due to the sudden, subtle flirting coming from Dean.
He nodded for you to continue.
"I'm assuming you pieced together what I was gonna tell you back at the hospital," you trailed off.
Dean nodded again, the ends of his lips tugging upward.
"You're not... freaked out?"
He shook his head, still smiling. "Opposite of freaked out."
You could feel your cheeks heating, and you looked down at the bar in front of you. Dean's chuckle was music to your ears despite the way it spurred on your embarrassment.
Then, Sam approached you and Dean. “A few murders, not far from here, that Ellen caught wind of. Looks to me like there might be a hunt.”
“Yeah. So?” Dean asked.
“So, I told her we'd check it out.”
Dean continued to grumble about the “stupid minivan” the whole way to your next hunt. Sam did research as you scribbled in your journal. Helping the boys was a task you wouldn't give up for anything, but it was beginning to bring up some negative emotions and memories for you. Journaling was helping to calm the storm inside you.
“You've gotta be kidding me. A killer clown?” Dean scoffed.
“Yeah. He left the daughter unharmed and killed the parents. Ripped them to pieces, actually,” Sam responded.
“And this family was at some carnival that night?”
“Right, right. The, uh, Cooper Carnivals.”
“So, how do we know it’s not some psycho in a clown suit?” you piped up.
“Well, the cops have no viable leads, and all the employees were tearing down shop. Alibis all around. Plus this girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, of course,” Sam explained.
“Well, I know what you're thinking, Sam. Why did it have to be clowns?” Dean mocked.
“Oh, give me a break,” the brunet muttered.
You smiled but refused to make fun of him, because “everyone is afraid of something.” 
“You’re scared of clowns?” you asked.
“Yeah, he still busts out crying whenever he sees Ronald McDonald on the television,” Dean told you.
“Well, at least I'm not afraid of flying,” Sam deadpanned.
“Planes crash!”
“And apparently clowns kill!”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Dean mumbled. “So these types of murders, they ever happen before?”
“Uh, according to the file, 1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus, same M.O. It happened three times, three different locales,” the younger Winchester explained.
“It’s weird, though, spirits are usually bound to specific locales, y’know,” you said. “So how's this one moving from city to city, carnival to carnival?”
“Cursed object, maybe,” Dean suggested. “Spirit attaches itself to something and the, uh, carnival carries it around with them.”
“Great. Paranormal scavenger hunt.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Well, blame Sam. It was his idea. By the way, why is that? You were awfully quick to jump on this job.” Dean threw a look to his brother.
“It's just… not like you, that's all. I thought you were hell-bent for leather on the demon hunt.”
You eyed Sam strangely, too.
The younger Winchester softened. “I don't know, I just think, this job, it's what Dad would have wanted us to do.”
“What Dad would have wanted?” Dean turned his face to Sam.
“Yeah. So?” Sam challenged.
You and the boys decided to join the carnival after the second family had been murdered to get a closer look at the happenings during the carnival. “Friends close, freak-shows closer,” Dean had said.
When you entered yet another tent in search of the show’s organizer. You found a man throwing knives at a target; all landing near but not quite on the bulls-eye. 
“Excuse me, we're looking for a Mr. Cooper; have you seen him around?” the older brother asked.
The man turned around and pulled off his sunglasses. “What is that, some kind of joke?” 
“Oh. God, I'm— I'm sorry,” Dean said.
“You think I wouldn't give my teeth to see Mr. Cooper? Or a sunset, or anything at all?”
Dean whispered to you, “Wanna give me a little help here?”
You shook your head. “Not really.”
“Hey man, is there a problem?” a voice interrogated from behind you. You turned to see a very short man in a red cape.
“Yeah, this guy hates blind people,” the knife-thrower said.
“No, I don't, I—” Dean’s gorgeous smile was doing nothing to help him in this situation.
“Hey, buddy, what's your problem?” the short man scowled.
“Nothing, it's just a little misunderstanding.”
“Little?! You son of a bitch!” The man went to charge Dean.
“No, no, no, no! I'm just— could somebody tell me where Mr. Cooper is?”
You and Sam snickered.
“Please?” you asked. 
The short man looked up at you, and his gaze softened. “Sure, sweetheart, follow me.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, looking back at the boys. 
Dean’s jaw was clenched for a reason you weren’t quite sure of. When you asked, he said, “Just don’t like anybody else callin’ you that.”
You smiled lopsidedly. He could be really sweet when he wanted to be.
Mr. Cooper met you at the door of his office and invited you in. “You three picked a hell of a time to join up. Take a seat.”
You looked at the available seating options, and Dean motioned for you to take the normal of the two chairs. You obliged, and Dean stood behind you, forcing Sam to sit in the obnoxious pink chair with a giant clown face on it. He sat on the chair hesitantly and refused to relax into it. 
“We've got all kinds of local trouble,” Mr. Cooper continued.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Oh, a couple of folks got themselves murdered. Cops always seem to start here first. So, you three ever worked the circuit before?”
“Yes, sir, last year through Texas and Arkansas,” Sam responded.
“Doing what? Ride jockeys? Butcher? ANS men?” 
“Yeah, it's, uh, little bit of everything, I guess.”
Mr. Cooper eyed your group strangely. “You three have never worked a show in your lives before, have you?”
“Nope,” Dean grinned. “But we really need the work. Oh, and uh, Sam here's got a thing for the bearded lady.”
“You see that picture? That's my daddy.” The showrunner pointed to a black and white picture on the wall of a man in a fedora in front of a ferris wheel.
“You guys could be twins,” you pointed out. 
Mr. Cooper smiled thoughtfully. “He was in the business. Ran a freakshow. Till they outlawed them, most places. Apparently displaying the deformed isn't dignified. So most of the performers went from honest work to rotting in hospitals and asylums. That's progress, I guess. You see, this place, it's a refuge for outcasts. Always has been. For folks that don't fit in nowhere else.
"But you three? You should go to school. Find a couple of girls. Marry this one, maybe.” The man gestured to you. “Have two point five kids. Live regular.”
Dean went to say something, but Sam leaned forward, his eyes serious. “Sir? We don't want to go to school. And we don't want regular. We want this.”
You turned to him skeptically, as did Dean. 
Mr. Cooper told the three of you to return in a few hours for training, which you were a little surprised by the suddenness of. 
“I guess they really are desperate,” you said as the three of you left the carnival holding your uniforms to go change into. 
“Were you serious?” Dean asked his brother.
“What?” Sam furrowed his brows at him.
“That whole, uh, I-don't-want-to-go-back-to-school thing. Were you just saying that to Cooper or were you, you know, saying it?” Dean pressed further at his younger brother’s hesitance. “Sam?” 
“I don't know,” he replied.
“You don't know? I thought that once the demon was dead, and the fat lady sings ,that you were gonna take off, head back to Wussy State,” Dean deadpanned.
“I'm having second thoughts,” was all the younger brother answered with.
“Yeah. I think. Dad would have wanted me to stick with the job.”
Dean stopped Sam. “Since when do you give a damn what Dad wanted? You spent half your life doing exactly what he didn't want, Sam.”
“Since he died, okay? Do you have a problem with that?”
Dean’s voice hardened but remained sarcastic. “Naw, I don't have a problem at all.”
Later that day, you returned with the boys wearing a bright red “Cooper Carnival” jacket to begin your “janitorial job.” You were waiting for Sam or Dean to call you to tell you when to meet up with them for further investigation.
Before you had gotten a call from either, you noticed a little girl tugging on her mother’s jacket. “Mommy, look at the clown!” She pointed at something off in the distance. 
You followed her line of sight only to see nothing.
“What clown?” the mother asked. “Come on, sweetie, come on.”
You called Sam immediately. “Hey, dude. I got something.”
The three of you then chose to stake out the family’s home that evening. Dean had just relayed to you how the blind man overheard him calling Sam about the case and had to tell him you three were writing a book about the supernatural.
“Dean, I cannot believe you told Papazian about the homicidal phantom clown,” Sam snorted.
“I told him an urban legend about a homicidal phantom clown. I never said it was real,” Dean argued. He pulled a gun and cocked it. You jumped over the seat and shoved his arm down. “What are you, nuts? You’re gonna get us busted.”
“Oh, and get this,” Dean continued. “I mentioned the Bunker Brother's Circus in '81 and their, uh, evil clown apocalypse? Guess what.”
“What?” you and Sam asked.
“Before Mr. Cooper owned Cooper Carnival, he worked for Bunker Brothers. He was their lot manager.”
“So you think whatever the spirit's attached to, Cooper just brought it with him?” Sam questioned.
“Something like that.” The older brother shook his head and sighed. “I can't believe we keep talking about clowns.”
You and the Winchesters had been stalking these poor people’s home for hours now. Well, you and Sam had, at least. Dean, on the other hand, was dozing in the front seat. You shook him awake when you saw a phantom clown appear at the front door.
“Dee, look,” you said. 
He hummed and sat up, scrubbing a hand over his eyes. He turned and looked at you when he saw the girl leading the clown inside. 
You jumped out of the car and went through the back entrance of the house. You hid around a corner down the hallway from where the little girl and the clown were.
“Wanna see Mommy and Daddy? They're upstairs,” you heard the girl say. At that moment, Sam leapt out and grabbed the young girl who screamed.
Simultaneously, you shot at the clown while Dean cocked his shotgun again. “Sam, watch out!” he yelled. 
The clown leapt out the window, turning invisible as it shattered the glass of the front door.
The parents ran downstairs and began shouting at you and the brothers. You and the brothers dropped the girl and sprinted away, hearing the girl whine, “ Mommy, Daddy, they shot my clown!” as you headed out.
A while later, you and the brothers pulled off the side of the road and ditched the crappy van Dean had been driving you around in. You pulled the license plate off the back of the van and stuffed it in your duffel bag.
“You really think they saw our plates?” Sam asked you.
“I’m not taking any chances,” you said.
“I hate this fuckin’ thing anyway,” Dean grumbled. He began to lead you and his brother off the side of the road. “Well, one thing's for sure.”
“What?” you asked.
“We're not dealing with a spirit. I mean, that rock salt hit something solid,” Dean responded.
“Yeah, a person? Or maybe a creature that can make itself invisible?” Sam suggested.
“I don’t know, man, I’ve never heard of a creature like that. And it’s definitely not a person. I have no idea what the hell it could be,” you huffed.
“Did it say anything in Dad's journal?” Dean asked.
Sam cleared his throat and said, “Nope,” pulling out his cell phone.
“Who are you calling?” you asked him.
“Maybe Ellen or that guy Ash'll know something. Hey, you think, uh, you think Dad and Ellen ever had a thing?” Sam smirked.
“No way,” snorted Dean.
“Then why didn't he tell us about her?” retorted Sam.
“I don't know, maybe they had some sort of falling out,” the older brother shrugged.
“Yeah. You ever notice Dad had a falling out with just about everybody?”
You chuckled, but Dean simply nodded and looked at the floor. 
Sam lowered his phone. “Well, don't get all maudlin on me, man.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean this ‘strong silent’ thing of yours, it's crap,” Sam answered.
Dean rolled his eyes. “Oh, god.”
“I'm over it. This isn't just anyone we're talking about, this is Dad. I know how you felt about the man.”
Dean started walking a little faster. “You know what, back off, alright? Just because I'm not caring and sharing like you want me to.”
Sam caught up with his brother easily. “No, no, no, that's not what this is about, Dean. I don't care how you deal with this. But you have to deal with it, man. Listen, I'm your brother, all right? I just want to make sure you're okay.”
“Dude, I'm okay. I'm okay, okay? I swear, the next person who asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches. These are your issues, quit dumping them on me!” the older Winchester said gruffly.
“What are you talking about?” Sam questioned.
“I just think it's really interesting, this sudden obedience you have to Dad. It's like, oh, what would Dad want me to do? Sam, you spent your entire life slugging it out with that man. I mean, hell, you, you picked a fight with him the last time you ever saw him. And now that he's dead, now you want to make it right? Well, I'm sorry Sam, but you can't, it's too little, too late.”
“Why are you saying this to me?”
“Because I want you to be honest with yourself about this. I'm dealing with Dad's death! Are you?”
You looked between the boys and knew Dean was handing Sam a load of bullshit. However, you decided to stow that conversation until you could get him in private.
Sam swallowed harshly, looking upset. “I'm going to call Ellen.” Sam walked a little ahead of you and Dean on the phone.
While Sam spoke to Ellen, you walked beside Dean wordlessly.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to act like I’m a bomb about to go off,” Dean said.
You looked up at him. “I’m not. I just thought you’d appreciate a little silence instead of me asking you to ‘share and care,’ as you put it.”
He nodded. “Thanks.” He intertwined his fingers with yours, allowing you to support him in that simple way. He rubbed his thumb over yours and continued to walk next to you. 
When Sam got off the phone, he turned back to you and his brother. “Wha—” He looked down at yours and Dean’s entwined hands and shook his head. “Nevermind. Rakshasa.”
“What's that?” Dean asked.
“Ellen's best guess. It's a race of ancient Hindu creatures. They appear in human form, they feed on human flesh, they can make themselves invisible, and they cannot enter a home without first being invited,” Sam explained.
“So they dress up like clowns, and the children invite 'em in. Why don't they just munch on the kids?”
“No idea. Not enough meat on the bones, maybe?”
“Well, that’s grotesque,” you noted.
“What else'd you find out?” Dean questioned.
“Well, apparently, Rakshasas live in squalor. They sleep on a bed of dead insects.” The younger brother grimaced.
“Nice,” you deadpanned.
“Yeah, and they have to feed a few times every twenty or thirty years. Slow metabolism, I guess.”
“Well, that makes sense. I mean, the Carnival today, the Bunker Brothers in '81—”
Sam cut his brother off. “Right. Probably more before that.”
“Who do we know that worked both shows?” You raised a brow.
“Cooper?” Sam replied.
“Yup.” You thought for a moment. “That picture of his father looked just like him. Maybe it was him.”
“Well, who knows how old he is?” Sam added.
“Ellen say how to kill him?” Dean asked.
“Legend goes, a dagger made of pure brass,” the brunet explained.
“I think I know where to get one of those.”
“Whoa, whoa,” you said. “Before we go stabbing Cooper, I wanna make damn sure it’s him.”
“Oh, you're such a stickler for details, sweetheart,” the older Winchester teased you. “Alright, I'll round up the blade, you two go check if Cooper's got bed bugs.”
You and Sam followed instructions and went to Mr. Cooper’s trailer. Dean had left the two of you to go find the blind man. Inside the trailer, you didn’t find any bugs he was nesting on. Just a plain, old twin mattress. 
“What the hell are you doing in here?” a voice called from behind you.
You wheeled around to see Mr. Cooper. “Oh, hi! Just the guy I wanted to—”
“Save it,” Mr. Cooper told you. “Get the hell out of here. Oh, and uh, you’re fired.”
You nodded. “I figured.”
You and Sam dashed out of Mr. Cooper’s trailer and over to where Dean had told you he’d be. When you arrived at the blind man’s tent, Dean stumbled out of the door.
“Holy shit, hey,” you said after he’d scared you.
“So, Cooper thinks we’re Peeping Toms, but it's not him,” Sam explained.
“Yeah, so I gathered. It's the blind guy. He's here somewhere.”
“Well, did you get the—”
“The brass blades? No. No, it's just been one of those days,” Dean sarcastically replied. 
“I got an idea. Come on,” Sam said. You and Dean followed him to the funhouse. As you began to go through, the door slammed behind you between you and the brothers.
“Great!” you groaned. 
“(Y/N)!” Dean yelled, banging on the door. 
“(Y/N)! (Y/N/N), find the maze, okay?” Sam called to you.
“Okay!” you called back. You somehow stumbled your way through the maze and found the brothers. “Oh, thank god,” you sighed.
Sam broke a pipe off the organ a bit ahead of you. 
“Where is it?” you asked.
“I don't know, I mean, shouldn't we see its clothes walking around?” Dean answered. A knife flew right past your head, clipping your ear. “Fuck!”
“(Y/N)!” Sam called. “Where is it?”
“I don’t know, Sam, the thing’s invisible!” You jumped up, reached above your head, and grabbed a lever. When you pulled it down, steam poured out of the vent. 
“Sam, behind you! Behind you!” you heard Dean say. You began to run in the direction of Dean’s voice through the steam. When you arrived at him, there was a bloodied lump of clothes on the ground with a pipe sticking out from its chest. You turned to Dean who was pinned to the wall by two knives on his arm and helped him free himself.
“You okay?” he asked you. 
You nodded as you pulled the last knife out of his jacket.
“I hate funhouses,” he grumbled.
You sat next to Dean at Ellen’s bar, and she laid a few beers in front of you. “You kids did a hell of a job.” Ellen nodded at the brothers. “Your dad 'd be proud.”
Sam half-smiled. “Thanks.” He got up to walk over to Ash, and Jo took his place.
“So,” she cleared her throat.
‘Damn, this girl is bold,’ you thought.
“So,” you said.
She ignored you and focused on Dean. “Am I gonna see you again?”
Dean turned to her, surprised. “Do you want to?”
“I wouldn't hate it.”
You rolled your eyes and got up from your chair, heading over to Sam and Ash. You could feel Dean’s eyes on you as you walked away. You knew you had no reason to treat Jo poorly; she was just a young girl with a crush. She had no idea that you and Dean were at all involved. You truly didn’t even know if you and Dean were legitimately involved to begin with.
You noted Ash’s bizarre-looking laptop with exposed wiring and his stack of papers. “Whatcha got there, Pinky?”
He snorted at you. “I’d say I’m a little more Brain than anything, but where ya been? Been waitin’ for ya.”
“What, Ellen didn’t tell you about the clowns?” you asked.
“Clowns? What the fuck—”
You snickered as Dean walked up behind you. “You got something for us, Ash?”
“You find the demon?” Sam questioned.
Ash shook his head. “It's nowhere around. At least, nowhere I can find. But if this fugly bastard raises his head, I'll know. I mean, I'm on it like Divine on dog dookie.”
You laughed. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, any of those signs or omens appear, anywhere in the world, my rig'll go off. Like a fire alarm.”
Dean reached for his laptop. “Do you mind…?”
Ash gave him a look, and Dean pulled his hand back from the keyboard. 
You smirked a little at the sight. “Ash, where did you learn to do all this?”
“M.I.T. Before I got bounced for... fighting.”
“No way!” you exclaimed.
He smirked at you and took a sip of his beer. 
“Okay. Give us a call as soon as you know something?” Dean said, suggesting to you and Sam it was time to go.
“Si, si, compadre.” Ash took the beer Dean had placed down and chugged the rest of it. 
You followed the brothers to the door. Ellen stopped you before you could leave. “Hey, listen— if you kids need a place to stay I've got a couple beds out back.”
“Thanks, but no. There's something I gotta finish,” Dean said.
“So, you get Jo’s number?” you asked back at Bobby’s junkyard. You sat cross-legged on the hood of one of the cars next to the Impala Dean was working on drinking a beer.
“What?” he asked incredulously. “Why would you think that?”
“Well, she obviously likes you. Kid was shamelessly flirting with you, so I just assumed—”
“No, (Y/N).” He put down the wrench he was holding. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“Well, okay, I just thought—”
He walked over to you and stood between your knees. He ran his hands up and down your thighs. “I’m telling you, I wouldn’t do that.”
“Dean, stop it. You don’t have to come over here and flirt with me just ‘cause I got jealous” you said. 
“I’m not,” he assured you. “Look, we haven’t had a chance to talk about everything—”
“And I don’t need us to. I know you need time after your dad—”
“Would you let me finish?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you muttered. 
“But I have no interest in Jo. She’s layin’ it on a little too thick for my taste,” he smirked.
"I don't know, Dean, your bar hookups always lay it on pretty thick," you reminded him.
"Yeah, guess you're right. But she's not you. So I'm not interested."
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Okay, well, I’m gonna go get some more beer. You want one?”
He nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
You headed back inside and passed Sam on the way. You found Bobby inside and began to update him on the situation with the brothers.
“I don’t know, Bobby, neither of them are doing well,” you said. “But it’s Dean I’m the most worried about.”
“Why’s that?” the older man asked.
“He’s just… bottling it up. He wouldn’t even let me sit next to him while he worked on his car for the first week we were here. He’s worrying me.”
“Sounds like Dean,” Bobby nodded. “But I think if anybody can get ‘im to open up, it’s gonna be you.”
You eyed him strangely. “What makes you say that?”
“He’s just… different with you. I think he puts up a bit of a front with Sam. But never with you.”
You nodded. “I’ll keep trying.” You grabbed two beers and again passed Sam as he came back into the house with tears in his eyes. As you approached Dean’s car, you heard slamming metal on metal and Dean grunting. You quickened your step to get to him, holding a beer in each hand. When you arrived, you saw him hitting the Impala’s trunk with a crowbar over and over again.
“Dean, what the f—”
He looked up at you and fought back tears. You put the beers on the car behind you and slowly approached him. You opened your arms to him and wrapped them around his torso, and he finally responded by burying his face in your hair. You could feel him still trying to stifle his tears, but it was clear he was unsuccessful. You let him hug you for as long as he needed to.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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thechekhov · 8 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH45
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Slumber party!
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Fair, but consider: She deserves a little murder. As a treat.
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Kabru be like "IS THAT MY BACKSTORY???"
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That sure is....a ship. With no one on it.
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Ah, shit the Americans are here.
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Two things: Toshiro being tended to like a pretty pretty princess is hilarious.
And also, the fact that they think the elves can kill Falin......... hmmm.... Pressing X to doubt.
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............... oh. Laios. 😂
But also like. How was he MEANT to keep it silent? Put a little something in it? I thought since it was a magic bell you could code it to only ring when it's shaken with INTENT?
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Fancy ass house.
Also, Namari...........are you hitting that yet? Both of that?
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Oh, it's backstory time.
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Okay one: that's fucking tragic, it sounds like the Elves are just forcing the dungeons closed with no regard for how the ecosystem compensates and what people suffer by being in close proximity......
And another thing: Kabru. Kabru, isn't that what YOU'RE after? Having all the power?
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Why is this so much like that one meme where the girls at the party are looking at you.
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It's the same picture.
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Kabru that's. That's maybe not the way to go about it. you're going to give them MORE reasons to go in.
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Nevermind the governor not being into this 'good boy, now sign' talk, Toshiro's kinda right. Ya fucked up Kabru.
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No matter how far Laios runs, he cannot escape other people trying to tell him how to live his life. Poor guy. But at the same time...
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Is this real? Or a red herring?
Laios' father and mother seemed to be living relatively pious lives. They clearly had a good house, but it didn't seem like they were extremely rich. Then again, perhaps he's just a cousin of royalty? Is that why his parents wanted him to have children?
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They want to.... halt the growth of the dungeon? Is this another part of the natural ecosystem of things? Dungeons growing seems to point even more towards the idea that it's a gigantic, fleshpit-like creature instead of simply a construct.
Then again, constructs CAN be creatures. Like the golems.
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Elves not understanding how old humans are continues to be hilarious because like.
As humans, we HAVE this same concept of variant aging. Like. Dogs. We understand that dogs live less than us, and mature a lot slower. But this is.... COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Most people do not make it into adulthood without understanding that dogs mature within 1-2 years of their birth.
The fact that elves, a species with FAR more time on their hands, who have lived alongside other races for AGES....... have STILL not got the general concept of aging down....means their education is atrocious. Or they're all not paying attention.
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.......this. THIS is the most fascinating concept in this chapter.
The fallen.... turned into MONSTERS.
We know that dying inside the dungeon doesn't mean permanent death. But dying above-ground does.
We know that dying in the dungeon doesn't mean your body turns into a monster (aside from ghosts and ghouls?) ..... but dying aboveground.... DOES......?
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If Kabru and Laios fused, they could almost make one functioning human being.
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Senshi just beginning to speak in the middle of his own internal monologue is so real.
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...... what's going on there with the expression, buddy?
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Bread.......are they STILL carrying around flour with them?! How are they getting bread?!
Also, it's awesome that the eggs are canonically hard to crack, because it makes sense that they don't break during their many fighting events.
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Izutsumi really said ◉_◉
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Don't tell me Laios, who is sensitive to ghosts has ALSO been seeing things?
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Not gonna lie, that's highkey terrifying.
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Props to that ghost that's been following Laios around, not ever giving up hope that it can bother him into acknowledging it.
And also - hey, it already saved them once! that means it's probably not evil!
That, or it's the king of the bloody dungeon. Wouldn't that be something!
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brackenfur · 6 months
okay so i kind of.......wrote a lot more than i really intended to, but long story short - years ago i had this headcanon/au of sorts that birchpaw/fall saw ashfur and hawkfrost at the lake together, standing over firestar. mostly because when you squint at that whole sequence it kinda doesnt add up in canon, but its not canon that birchfall saw anything - it's just me taking this what if scenario and expanding on a side character
anyways this was kinda a quick project so its not perfect buuuuuut i wrote something so ! enjoy :)
birchpaw is back at camp doing everything he can to avoid the worried looks of his clanmates when his mentor stops him.
"hey, birchpaw," the fur on the back of birchpaw's neck stands up, and he slowly turns to the other tomcat. "are you okay?"
birchpaw does the best he can to keep the nervousness out of his voice as he answers: "i'm fine, ashfur. really. i- uh, i mean, i really just wish i had...been faster, that i had..."
he can't look at ashfur's face. not now, maybe not ever again. he knows that as soon as he meets his eyes, he won't be able to stop asking questions:
what were you doing with a riverclan cat? why didn't you help firestar? did the other cat threaten you? did you-
"you did the best you could, birchpaw," ashfur tells him gently; he pauses, flicking his tail-tip, before murmuring: "come on, let's go over to the apprentice's den to talk. i can tell you're shaken up."
and you're not, birchpaw wants to say, but he's a coward. this is his uncle, his mother's twin, and he doesn't really know what he saw, anyways. maybe ashfur had been standing there, sure. and maybe firestar had been clearly injured, clearly dying - well, ashfur isn't a medicine cat. he couldn't have known that, even if birchpaw had been making a lucky guess. but maybe hawkfrost threatened him, or maybe he lied to him-
you don't believe that at all, he thinks.
but he follows his uncle all the same to the apprentice's den; whitepaw is comforting her father at the medicine cat den while leafpool treats firestar's wound. no one is around - they're all either out searching the territory to make sure hawkfrost didn't have any accomplices, or with firestar's family on the other side of camp.
"you did the best you could to get help as soon as possible, birchpaw," ashfur tells him softly; birchpaw is staring at the grass between his paws, not looking at the other tom. "everyone knows that. i'm sure firestar does, too."
"but i could scent your fear-scent," ashfur continues, "and it does seem like you didn't go straight back to camp after telling firestar about blackstar. why?"
birchpaw's whiskers quiver. he shouldn't be scared - if anything, ashfur should be worried. he's the one who didn't do enough to help.
but the look in ashfur's eyes. the blank, distant stare as he watched firestar gurgle at his paws.
even the badgers didn't look at sootfur like that after they killed him, birchpaw remembers.
"i....," birchpaw's voice wobbles. "i thought i scented another cat, and i was worried," he clears his throat, trying to stop the shakes, "about you. i thought- i thought maybe you were...in trouble, and i...."
ashfur is quiet for a long time; if birchpaw wasn't so scared - why should i be scared? he's my uncle and my mentor, he wouldn't....he'd never.... - he'd look up, joke with him. pretend like it's all a big joke.
but those eyes. that look. the sounds firestar was making.
"so you didn't go straight back to camp," ashfur says with a disappointed sigh, "and firestar lost a life."
birchpaw's heartbeat skips. his paws shake. "wait," he says, his voice becoming shrill. he doesn't want anyone else to hear, but- what ashfur's saying, it's not...that's not right. that's not how it went. "wait, i- i did go back, as fast as i could, and i told squirrelflight-"
"you waited to tell her, you mean," ashfur tells him, frowning. "and he lost a life because he lost too much blood."
"but i didn't....i'd never..."
"it probably wasn't your intention," ashfur murmurs. "but that's how it happened. what if it was his last life? firestar and i trusted you to do one simple task, and you couldn't do that. you can't even look your uncle in the eye when he's talking to you."
birchpaw quivers as he slowly lifts his eyes to look into his uncles. ashfur's dark blue eyes stare back at him, just as emotionless as they did hours before.
"that's better," ashfur tells him, but it doesn't feel better. all of this is wrong.
"i was just trying to help," birchpaw whispers. "i didn't....i saw..."
"what did you see?" ashfur asks him, with a tone that birchpaw's never heard him use before: it's low, angry.
it's terrifying.
"um," birchpaw stutters. "i don't- i don't know. i don't know what i saw."
i saw you. i saw you and hawkfrost.
"if you don't even know what you saw," ashfur says slowly, "then maybe you shouldn't say anything. not to me, or to your mother. not to firestar."
birchpaw slowly lowers his gaze. how did today end up like this?
"you didn't see anything out there, birchpaw," ashfur continues. "you're an apprentice - you don't know your left paw from your right paw."
ashfur stares at him for a long moment, sighing. "i'm not trying to scare you, birchpaw," he murmurs, "but i don't want you to get in trouble for firestar losing his life. sometimes we make mistakes; i don't want this one to be the defining moment of your apprenticehood."
shame burns through birchpaw - shame that he can't stand up to his uncle and tell him that this is all wrong.
but more shame that there's a part of him, deep down, that knows ashfur is right. if birchpaw had been quick enough, firestar wouldn't have lost a life. hawkfrost would've been stopped quicker.
and maybe....maybe ashfur was just trying to help firestar. maybe in some way, he's embarrassed because he couldn't help him, either. is that what this is about? trying to save face, because brambleclaw once again saved the day when ashfur couldn't?
"i want to be a good apprentice."
"and i'll help you do that," ashfur tells him, his voice becoming warmer. "and we'll start by making sure that today stays behind us, forever. okay?"
it doesn't feel okay.
the rest of his apprenticeship goes by largely uneventfully. ashfur isn't exactly the same as before he and squirrelflight drifted apart, but he never speaks to birchpaw the way that he did the day firestar was injured.
he becomes a warrior by the name of birchfall. he makes friends, falls into an easy routine. he even still spends time with his uncle - with each passing day, the events from that afternoon become a faded memory. sometimes it plays out differently in his mind - there's days where he thinks he did see ashfur try and help firestar. where he heard him tell hawkfrost to go away.
(and maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought it was back then if the memory keeps changing. if it really was so awful, wouldn't it be the same? was he just trying to make ashfur out to be a bad cat?)
everything in thunderclan is mostly calm, until ashfur gets lionpaw as an apprentice.
he's heard cats joke about being jealous when their old mentor gets another apprentice - how it's weird, seeing the cat who taught you everything teaching someone else the same things, telling the same jokes.
he's still ashfur's nephew, so he knows that his former mentor still holds a special place in his heart for him - but it's not exactly that jealousy that other cats talk about that he feels towards lionpaw.
he feels...strange, seeing them together; there's this weird fluttering feeling he gets when he catches ashfur's expression as lionpaw walks away from him.
sometimes he can hear a voice in the back of his mind, screaming at him to go and get between the two of them. to protect lionpaw.
but ashfur....well, it's ashfur. outside of that one afternoon moons before, he's a normal warrior. he wouldn't...
so birchfall does what he did over a year prior; he buries the feelings. he can't trust his eyes - that's what ashfur told him before. he doesn't know his left paw from his right paw.
(except that he's a warrior now, and a damn good one, so why-)
that changes one day, when the talk of thunderclan is how lionpaw and ashfur got into this huge fight - claws drawn, teeth bared. ashfur scratched up pretty badly, spiderleg had told him, shaking his head.
i knew that was going to happen, he's not a medicine cat or particularly gifted, but he knew. he knew, he knew, he knew, he knew.
i knew he was going to hurt him, birchfall watches as lionpaw trudges into camp, surprisingly fine physcially - ashfur is the one with the injuries, blood dripping on the camp floor as he trudges to leafpool's den.
lionpaw is standing there after all is said and done, after cats talk to him to ask him if he's okay. standing there in the center of camp, alone.
birchfall is only foxlengths from him, watching, and the thought slips into his mind easily: i should tell him that i know what ashfur is really like. that i saw the same look in his eyes that he probably saw. that he watched firestar die inches from his paws and did nothing to help him.
he almost does it, too. the memories from that day come back, flooding his vision - ashfur's dark expression. the white flash of hawkfrost's teeth. firestar's gurgles.
i'm so sorry, firestar.
"why are you staring at me?"
birchfall snaps out of it quickly; lionpaw is staring at him, amber eyes narrowed.
"what?" birchfall blinks. "i wasn't staring at you."
"yeah, you were," lionpaw tells him, shaking his head. "weirdo." lionpaw hisses under his breath.
and before birchfall can say anything, do anything, hollypaw and cinderpaw bound up to him to talk to him, stealing the moment away.
birchfall watches the apprentices for a couple more seconds before he turns away.
he didn't see anything that day. it's his fault that firestar lost a life, anyways. that's all anyone would be able to see - firestar is one pawstep closer to being gone forever because of him.
birchfall keeps his word for the moons to come; lionblaze becomes a warrior with hollyleaf and cinderheart. whitewing - his longest friend, the molly who withheld her warrior ceremony for him, just so he wouldn't be alone,
(and was there for him on the nights when all he dreamt of was the lakeshore, never asking him what woke him up shaking)
well, they become closer and closer until they're not really just friends anymore, and one morning she bounds up to him to tell him that she's carrying his kits. that leafpool had just told her moments before, and she couldn't wait to find him.
and it finally feels like maybe birchfall is at peace - maybe starclan isn't angry with him after all. maybe that one thing that birchfall didn't do years ago - it'll be okay. firestar is alive and happy, with grandchildren now.
the fire rages through thunderclan not long after, but thankfully there's no casualities - he grew up hearing the stories of the one from years ago, back in the old territory before he was born, and he's glad that everyone was okay this time.
he heard berrynose say that everyone had been looking for squirrelflight, her kits, and ashfur for awhile - that ashfur had turned up, laughing. he wouldn't say what was so funny, though.
he didn't think much of it, until he saw the way ashfur was acting after the fire. the way he leered after squirrelflight and her kits; hollyleaf's eyes glaring back in defiance, lionblaze's hackles raised, jayfeather's avoidance.
i don't want any part in this, he thinks, focusing on whitewing and their future together. i didn't see anything. i don't know anything. ashfur isn't dangerous.
he repeats the mantra more often than he'd like; at night, he dreams of the lakeshore for the first time in years and wakes up shuddering against spiderleg's side. his older brother shakes him off, confused, but birchfall can't meet his gaze, or anyone elses.
i didn't see anything. i didn't see anything. i didn't-
and then just like that, one day ashfur is found dead on their territory.
someone said that a patrol found him in a river, throat torn out.
it doesn't feel real to birchfall until he sees his uncles body laid out in the center of camp, with ferncloud's muzzle pressed into his fur.
that's my uncle, he thinks as he watches spiderleg lead icepaw and foxpaw to their mother, trying to comfort her. he was my mentor.
you don't know what you saw. it's ashfur's voice, clear as day in his mind as he watches his clanmates gather around the tomcat. you don't know your left paw from your right paw. you're just an apprentice; how can anyone trust you after what you did?
firestar walks over to ferncloud and dustpelt, murmuring a few kind words to them. birchfall can hear his leader's voice carrying over the wind, mentioning something about dogs, about bravery.
he watched you lose a life, birchfall wants to scream, but he can't move. he stood there and watched you gargle for breath and did nothing.
birchfall shuts his eyes. no. no, it was because of me, because i decided to take too long to go back to camp, his mind can't decide what's right or wrong. it's my fault, that's what....that's what ashfur says, and...and now he's dead, so....
"birchfall," whitewing's voice is soft; he jolts, eyes wide as he looks at his mate. she leans against him, whiskers drooping. "this is so sad. i mean....ashfur, i just- i just talked to him yesterday. he was asking me about the kits, if i was feeling okay..."
you wouldn't want to be with me if you knew what i did, ashfur had never threatened him after that day, but birchfall knew that was what his uncle was conveying to him every time they talked after that day. that he could tell everyone, and everyone would know it was birchfall's fault that firestar lost a life.
or....or wait, maybe that wasn't right. not anymore.
maybe he should blame himself for not saying anything all these years. he could've told firestar and had ashfur punished, and he didn't.
the realization burns deep in his chest; he can barely register what whitewing is saying.
ashfur knew that if you said something, any cat could probably figure out that something about his story didn't add up, birchfall thinks, his heart thudding. and you were just too stupid to realize you could have said something years ago.
"birchfall?" whitewing says, frowning. "hey, birchfall. are you okay?"
birchfall's fur raises. "i'm okay," he tells her, taking a deep breath. "all things....you know, considering, i..." he shakes his head. "i'm gonna get some air, okay?"
whitewing touches her nose to his. "i'm here, you know that, right? i've been here for you since we were 'paws."
that stings more. i could have told you years ago, birchfall touches his nose back to hers, and turns away. i can't say anything now. she'd never trust me again, i kept this secret from everyone because i was too scared of my uncle. and now he's dead, and now....
birchfall resigns himself not to think about it anymore. he can't.
he can't. he won't.
after his daughters are born, birchfall wants this to be his new purpose in life.
forget about the lakeshore. the foxtrap. hawkfrost. ashfur. firestar is fine now; thunderclan is fine. sure, maybe there's been some earth-shattering secrets that have been revealed, but- all in all, they're mostly fine.
ivypaw and dovepaw mean the world to him; he can't imagine being without them.
he looks at them and wants to do right by them; they'll never know the fear he's carried for all this time, the same.
he'll teach them to say something if they see something; to be outspoken, brave.
but he can barely keep his head above water; it started when he met a cat from the dark forest one night. who promised him that he could make up for the mistake he made years ago; that he could do right by firestar. by thunderclan.
he trains every night but it doesn't make the shame go away. it won't scrub off after he bathes himself. nothing works.
it's not until the wall is lifted over his eyes - after his daughter, ivypool, a warrior grown - tells him what the true intention of the dark forest was.
all the moons he spent there, training, trying to prove that he could make up for what he did - gone.
and after the battle with the dark forest, both his mother and firestar are dead - killed by the cats that birchfall wanted to impress. wanted to show that he could be better, that he could be stronger.
how did everything go so wrong? he thinks as he watches his father crouched over his mother. dustpelt won't even look at him; he doesn't know about firestar, but he knows about the dark forest. and he hates him - despises him for training with the cats who are responsible for ferncloud's death.
he's right.
"birchfall," whitewing's voice jolts him out of his thoughts. "please. i want to talk."
it was inevitable - he knows that it's over between them at this point. he follows her out of camp regardless, deep into the territory. there's birds in the trees, chirping quietly amongst themselves, and everything is in bloom, yet nothing is beautiful to him at this moment.
whitewing turns to face him, her green eyes sad. "can you just tell me why?"
birchfal looks down at his paws, just like he did years before when ashfur told him to keep quiet.
"i'm sorry," he tells her, and she scoffs.
"i'm sorry isn't an explanation," she meows. "just....why, birchfall? why would you train with cats like that? and why- our daughter was there too, why wouldn't you try and convince her not to? what's wrong with you?"
i'm a coward.
"that's still not an answer," he hadn't realized he said it aloud. he finally looks up at his mate - probably soon to be ex-mate. "you need to talk to me. you're not a 'paw anymore."
and for some reason that burns more than anything else.
you're not a 'paw. you should have said something. you should have told everyone what you saw. and you didn't. it's your fault. all your fault. everything-
"i need to tell you something," he finally says; the story is bubbling at the surface. ashfur is long dead. firestar is dead. his family hates him. whitewing is going to leave him anyway; what else does he have to lose? brambleclaw might exile him, might not; he might not care what birchfall does.
whitewing is silent; birchfall opens and shuts his mouth a few times, trying to find the words, until he meows:
"i saw what happened to firestar on the lakeshore, that day when hawkfrost from riverclan died."
whitewing frowns; she looks taken aback, and blinks a few times.
"i....ashfur...he told me that he scented blackstar on our territory," the memory comes back hazy at first, but starts to clear as he goes on: "he said to tell firestar about it. i did, but....a few minutes later when i was heading back, i could scent another cat. and i remembered ashfur was out there, and i was worried for him, so i followed him and the other cat so i could protect him. and..."
the gurgling. the look on ashfur's eyes. the sound of the water lapping at the shore.
"ashfur was standing with hawkfrost over firestar's body. he was caught in the foxtrap and....ashfur, he...." birchfall shuts his eyes. "you should've seen how he looked. he didn't care at all that firestar was dying. i ran away, i didn't....i didn't know what to do. i thought maybe i didn't see anything at all, so i just told squirrelflight what ashfur had said about blackstar when i saw her. i thought....i thought maybe if she caught ashfur and hawkfrost, it'd....she'd know what to do, more than i would....."
birchfall stares at his paws. "when i got back to camp and brambleclaw had killed hawkfrost, ashfur told me....he said i didn't see anything, and it was easier to pretend i didn't see anything. and he was...he was right - i should've just gone back to camp right away. i should've just done the right thing, not been a stupid 'paw. i should've...it's my fault that firestar lost a life. he'd still be here right now if i just had listened back then, 'cus he'd have an extra life, and..."
birchfall trails off, shaking. "so that's...that's why i wanted to train at the dark forest. because i let firestar down. because i didn't say anything all these years, and i should've....i mean, what if ashfur had hurt someone else? and i just sat there and let it happen."
it takes him a moment after everything spills out to realize that whitewing is very quiet; he finally looks up at his mate.
she looks so sad watching him; and there's a bit of anger in there, too.
"he threatened you?" whitewing finally says; birchfall winces.
"i don't....maybe, it doesn't really matter."
"you were his apprentice and his nephew," whitewing tells him firmly. "of course it matters. he knew he was manipulating you, and that you just wanted to please him, so you'd do anything to make sure you wouldn't make trouble."
whitewing's tail lashes, and she shakes his head. "that- i can't believe he did that to you, that he made you think...."
"whitewing, it's-"
"it's not your fault, birchfall," her voice is gentle, yet he can tell she's holding back so much rage, rage for ashfur, pain for firestar's death. "if you really think for one second that you have anything to do with firestar laying in that clearing right now, you're completely wrong. that was tigerstar, first of all, and ashfur's fault years ago."
"you went to help your mentor, and you were intimidated into keeping this a secret," she tells him, stepping closer. "and now you think that because you didn't say anything, that that's worse than what he did."
"i should have said something," birchfall tells her, harsher than he means to. "i mean - for starclan's sake, whitewing, i- i saw, and i didn't do anything. i'm no better than he is-"
"you are twice the cat that ashfur was," whitewing meows firmly. "and if i had even....if i saw him right now, i'd slash his ears for doing that to you."
whitewing shakes her head, looking at him. "all these years," she whispers, frowning, "all these years, and we- when you were in the apprentices den, having nightmares..."
"you couldn't have known," he mumbles. "i didn't tell you."
"and then....birchfall, i..." she presses her noses into his neck; birchfall is stiff from shock.
"i thought you were breaking up with me," he tells her, aghast; whitewing sucks in a breath, pulling away.
"why not? after the dark forest, all of this...."
"i'm disappointed in you for training with the dark forest," she tells him softly. "but your mother is dead, and you....you've been holding this in for years, birchfall. i can put off asking you about the dark forest for awhile; i.....i didn't know. all these years, and i had no idea you were punishing yourself for ashfur's crimes."
when she puts it like that, a small - a tiny one, really, nothing huge - light begins to flick in his mind.
i've been punishing myself, he thinks, and it strangely makes a lot of sense - thinking about the lake all these years has felt like punishment. refusing to get close to firestar out of shame was his way of punishing himself, telling himself what he did was wrong.
"i don't know if i can tell anyone else," birchfall tells her in a whisper; whitewing nods, brushing her muzzle against his.
"that's okay," she meows, "because now i know, and now i can shoulder it with you."
"it's not a very romantic secret." he doesn't say it like a joke, but she still smiles a little.
"it's not," she shrugs. "but no one helped birchpaw back then; i'm here for you now."
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Hey! I love your Acotar and Fourth wing works! I swear they are what get me through the day! Can I request for Xaden, when he, Tarin and Sgayel arrive at the flight field to see reader scared and hurt by her strict family member, who's an instructor, because reader wouldn't let them study her or something. Bonus points for if Tarin and Sgayel turn just as protective of both reader and Andarna. Thank you!
Not an Experiment
Xaden x reader
A/n: thank you anon❤️ I’m so happy you like them
Warnings: canon violence, abuse, angst
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Sgaeyl was screaming in Xaden’s head. “Get up! Get up now!” The Wing Leader jolted up in bed. The black sheets pooling at his waist, chest heaving as Sgaeyl continued to yell.
He throws himself out of bed quickly dressing and bolting out of his room. Xaden knew something was wrong.
As he hustled his way down to the flight field Sgaeyl finally came back with answers. “It’s y/n! Her father has her and Andarna somewhere. Tarin and I are coming, are you ready?”
Xaden felt a rush of anger. Your father shouldn’t be anywhere near you. All your life he had treated you like an experiment. He wasn’t even supposed to be near you! You were supposed to be safe from him in the riders quadrant until.
Your father is a Colonel under General Sorrengail, this is clearly his way of getting into her good graces. A powerful weapon controlled by the Empyrean at her disposal would move your father up a few ranks. He was there when your signet made itself known. When you bonded to Tarin and Andarna Xaden didn’t like the look in his eye. The gears in his brain were churning, a plot forming with every passing second.
Before Sgaeyl can properly land Xaden vaulted himself on to her back. The blue dragon took off faster than she ever had before. As she rose Tarin’s menacing figure appeared before them. He looked angry. Rage swimming in his yellow eyes.
Tarin lead the way to you and Andarna. “He’s trying to open your bond so you can speak to her again.” Xaden couldn’t even think straight never mind speak. They flew for what felt like hours before he spotted you, your father, and Andarna on a hill.
Tarin landed behind your father as Sgaeyl landed behind you. Xaden threw himself from her back rushing over to you. You were sobbing, clinging to Andarna who was clearly drained. The little gold dragons eyes were half closed. Her breathing slow and heavy.
Your father roared in anger at Xaden pulling you into his arms. “This has nothing to do with you!” “It has everything to do with me! Y/n is your daughter! How can you do this?”
“She is my child, I decided what happens to her!” Your head snapped toward your father. Your eyes wild and face splotchy with tears. “No you don’t! You don’t get to treat me like an experiment anymore. And for what? Glory and a new title?”
Your father was getting angrier and angrier. His hand twitching for his sword, fist clenching and knuckles turning white. “Tarin you need to get Andarna out of her.” “I am not leaving you here.”
Pulling his sword your father stomped at the three of you. You and Xaden drew your own, ready to protect the small dragon behind you. Tarin didn’t let him get that far. He grabbed your father by his shirt, throwing him into the closest tree. He bounced off the trunk rolling far from you.
Tarin steps between your father and the four of you. He gets low, practically eye level with your father. Gods that must be terrifying. Tarin let’s out a roar and fire follows. You drop to your knees in shock. You knew this would happen. He was protecting his rider, his mate, and little Andarna.
This had to happen. This was the only way you would be safe again. Xaden could only protect you so much. And no one would question the dragons.
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messiahzzz · 5 months
You’re one of the most annoying people on this site. And that really says A LOT because WOW! Shut the Fuck up about Gale wanting to be a father or not. He never says that he doesn’t want to be one. You projecting things onto him doesn’t make it Canon.
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on a serious note: i’m certainly not the one that continuously brings up this topic unprompted. i personally really don’t understand the entire controversy around the topic or why fandom feels the need to rehash this conversation almost weekly. i truly believe that there’s nothing more of value to learn from it, to address, or add to it… yet fandom won’t let it rest.
to once again clarify: what i mean by “gale wanting to be a father isn’t canon” is that there is no evidence/neither hints anywhere in any of the dialogue that support the contrary. characters like h*lsin, w*ll and la*’zel have entire adoption subplots. all of them mention their children explicitly during the epilogue:
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narrator: *your soul warms thinking of lily aurora ravengard, your adopted daughter. a treasure of a girl, found at the entrance of the open hand temple - one grey eye, one brown.* w*ll: ah, the girl could melt the staunchest heart. she might even have brought a smile to old withers' face! w*ll: but tonight is for us - and lily's only four months of age, besides. i promise, the temple will keep her in good care.
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player: and our little hatchling? is he safe? la*'zel: of course. i have complete trust in our newest allies. xan is in fine hands tonight. la*'zel: what a wonder he is. he will be a fine warrior, if he chooses. or a poet, or an explorer, or a scholar.
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h*lsin: being away from it... i cannot help but worry how they will fare in our absence. player: we'll be back before they know it. h*lsin: i hope so. the children shall miss their bedtime tale tonight - though perhaps i can glean a few new stories from our friends here, to make up for it.
even shad*wh*art has a line where she briefly mentions that children might be a possibility for her in the future.
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shad*wh*art: and i get to see my parents almost every day - i need to make every moment with them count, after so much was stolen from us. but they're doing well, [...] shad*wh*art: who knows? perhaps they'll have grandchildren before long.
gale in comparison? he has none of that. he remains childfree during the entirety of the game + epilogue. in fact, his line in the epilogue that addresses the topic of grandkids is this one:
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tara: this is why mrs. dekarios and i will be waiting an eternity more for grandchildren. nodecontext: self-pitying gale: psst! shoo, tara. nodecontext: shooing away tara like one would a naughty cat.
i already wrote a post about this entire discourse here [x] but to repeat myself once more: all of the dialogue that vaguely addresses the topic of children in any way in regards to gale are these snippets
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player: gale… how would you feel about having another person in our relationship? gale: what, like a child? i’m not quite sure i’d consider myself father material, plus our current lifestyle isn’t exactly what i’d call settled…
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gale, upon spotting oliver during their game of hide and seek: ah, i have you! just a shame i don’t want you.
gale treating the children the group comes across with respect isn’t an indicator either. this is a courtesy gale extends to everyone he meets. he’s a character that approves of a protagonist who systematically commits good deeds. whether it’s sparing animals, helping without compensation in mind, or aiding children. wanting children to be cared for… and you know… for them not to die is common etiquette that every adult should extend to a child in need. those are not “dad goals!!!” it’s quite literally just basic human decency. gale is genuinely kind and caring to everyone he meets, there is no reason why this also wouldn’t apply to children.
i often see fandom mention his encounter with mol at last light and how excited he is to talk to her. which i think greatly misinterprets the context of the scenario since he didn’t have much of a reaction to mol before either — gale is ecstatic about lanceboard. again evident by his reaction to the party finding the life-sized board during the wyrmway trials, and how he immediately offers to give tav pointers. explaining different approaches to them in enthusiastic detail if they allow him to. the man just really likes lanceboard… as well as being the smartest person in the room.
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gale: ah, lanceboard! why, this might just be the highlight of our misadventures to date.
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gale: lanceboard happens to be a game with which i have more than a passing familiarity. might i offer a suggestion? nodecontext: gale's a badass lanceboard player, anticipating showing off
if you want to headcanon your tav and gale raising a big family together that is more than fine and no one is stopping you. whatever you want to happen to these two after the storyline of the game is up to your respective fantasies. no one is policing you on what you should do with your own character. go wild and create whatever fan content you wish, no justification required.
yet once again, as there is no mention in canon anywhere — neither in the main game nor the epilogue — that this is something gale would ever want (whether that may mean immediately or somewhere down the line) gale wanting to be a father remains a headcanon. while gale being childfree is explicitly shown in the game, in strict comparison to other companions that either have children by the end of the game or voice the desire to (eventually) have them.
my personal preferences are of no relevance here whatsoever. i care about accurate and correct characterization and will point out inconsistencies/false information no matter the topic. i, for one, want to appreciate these characters in the way they're written, not how i ideally want them to be.
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Luke Skywalker is a hero for people with anxiety
(Contains spoilers from Episodes 4-6).
A lot of people relate to Luke Skywalker. He's down-to-earth, honest, and always strives for the light. Watching Star Wars again for the first time in a while, however, I realized something. When I looked it up on the internet, I was surprised that I couldn't find a lot of discussions about it. What do I mean? That Luke Skywalker suffers from anxiety.
The deleted scene from Tosche station, which I recently saw for the first time, sheds some light on this aspect of Luke's character. In the scene, we learn from Luke's friends that he panics easily. They're all chiding him for ‘again’ thinking that the Empire is coming. Even though he's just seen Princess Leia's ship fighting with Darth Vader's ship, his friends begin gaslighting him.
Someone online pointed out that this scene causes Luke's statement “there's nothing left for me here, now” to be more forceful. Upon finding out that his Aunt and Uncle are dead, Luke doesn't go to his friends for help. You wonder what his friends thought upon hearing that Luke's family had been killed by stormtroopers, right after he'd tried to warn them.
This aspect of Luke's character, and how he is treated by his friends, conditions him to not ask for help. In the ESB, as he's dying on Hoth, he never calls for anyone. If Obi-Wan hadn't shown up, Luke wouldn't have started calling out to him. If he hadn't started shouting, Han Solo wouldn't have seen him. 
This trend continues. Luke panics about things, but doesn't ask for help. Yoda tries to help him, getting him to relax and clear his mind. But, the vision of his friends worries him too much. He makes light of Obi-Wan’s warning that the Empire is after him for his talents. Luke is still holding onto what he told Biggs in the deleted scene from Tosche station–that the Empire will never draft him. 
During the fight on Cloud City, Vader acknowledges that Luke has learned to control his fear. Remember, Luke canonically gets so scared of the Sand People that he faints in the first movie. There's almost a parallel of that first moment, as Vader knocks Luke down and holds his lightsaber to Luke's throat just like the Sand People knocked him down before.
Luke has always gotten through things on his own. But, at this moment, he loses his hand. Losing his hand is symbolic of Luke losing the ability to do everything on his own. His father, who he always idolized and held onto, is evil. He's alone. He realizes that everyone was trying to protect him from this reality. Even his aunt and uncle let him think that his father was a hero, because it helped Luke to hold on. 
He finally reaches out to Leia. He finally forms a real connection with someone, which requires being vulnerable, and overcoming his fear of not being taken seriously. And, Leia rescues him. 
In the ROTJ, Luke tells Obi-Wan that he can't do this alone. He starts working with Han and Leia, and realizing that he is actually important to them. He trusts Leia enough to tell her that she is his sister, and that he has to save their father. 
But, still, Luke is trying to do everything on his own. He goes to face his father, and tries to be calm. He tries to avoid becoming angry. He tries to control the anxiety that got him ridiculed by his friends. The anxiety that led him to destroy Vader in his vision during his training on Degobah. The anxiety that he sees as his greatest flaw. 
But, he panics. He goes after Vader, and cuts off his hand. And, that's when he realizes it. 
All his life, Luke has wanted to be like his father. He praised himself for the positive qualities that are like his father. Being a good pilot. Being a Jedi (before he knew that his father was Vader). But at this moment, Luke looks at Vader's mechanical hand, and realizes that his father is just like him. His father is anxious. His father was scared, and overwhelmed once, just like him. His father didn't have anyone to turn to. 
Luke stands up to the Emperor, but that isn't what causes this scene to be so powerful. It's the fact that, as Luke is dying, he says the words his father once desperately wanted to say to someone.
“Help me.” 
“Please, help me.”
And Anakin, who wished someone would help him, who told Luke that it was too late for him, realizes that he can be that person for someone else. The pain he's gone through his whole life doesn't have to be passed on. He can save his son from the same fate. And he does. 
That's why Luke Skywalker is a hero for people who suffer from anxiety. Because he shows us the importance of accepting ourselves. Of self-compassion. Of reaching out to others. Of not being afraid to ask for help when we need it. And, if we do, we might just be that little spark of hope that someone else needs. 
May the Force be with you, always.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Why hello 👋 sorry to trouble with this extremely long request but I would like to make a request where MTMTE lost light crew gets teleported to the prime verse where buddy is megs daughter and guess they we're having some trouble with tfp megs cause he is hogging all the energon and lost light decides to help them with their and during that time MTMTE megs got pretty close with buddy and she was happy to have her dad back even if he was from a different universe
And tfp megs ends up deciding to kidnap his own kid and abused her pretty badly to the point where she was missing some limbs, bleeding a lot too and he like refused to let knockout treat her wounds so when they tried to go rescue her and megatron holds her by her neck showing them the damage he has done and shocking everyone
Something like immediately snapped in MTMTE megs and his old self resurfaced and he nearly beats tfp megs but tfp Optimus and his MTMTE Optimus manages to hold him back from killing tfp megs and they rush buddy to the med bay in attempts to save her and she lives and the tfp decepticons decides to join tfp Optimus they kept there decepticon badges ofc but their working with him only
As for MTMTE crew they had to go home megs decides to ask buddy if she wanted to come with him to his universe (the answer is up to you) I do not know what else to write
P.S: please let breakdown be alive in it and sorry for it being so long
Who needs a roller-coaster when you cane have emotional rollercoasters?
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality gets kidnapped and MTMTE Megatron finds out
SFW, Platonic, ANGST, Mentions of injuries, near death but everything turns out ok, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Megatron’s forces were taking more and more energon mines by the day.
The resources were dwindling to dangerous levels.
The team needs them soon and fast.
Thankfully they found an untapped energon mine ripe for the taking.
Buddy helped get all the carts ready and the drills prepped.
“Everyone ready?”--Arcee
“Wait! I’m coming too!”--Buddy
“Are you sure about that Buddy?”--Bulkhead
Buddy firmly grasped her drill piece.
“We need as many servos in that mine getting the energon as we can. I’m going.”--Buddy
Optimus looks at Buddy for a second.
“Keep close.”--Optimus
Buddy smiles and salutes.
The team landed in one of the darker areas of the mine.
But the light from the energon crystals made up for most of the visibility.
It was time to get to work.
The team spread out through the cave while maintaining some proximity with each other.
Buddy managed to get the deeper crystals that had managed to wedge themselves in between the rocks.
She ventured to more of the outskirts of the cave trying to reach a particular energon vein.
She felt off.
Sudden shivers would run down her spinal struts.
It felt as if someone was watching her.
She started walking towards the others.
The feeling just grew, and she picked up her pace a bit.
She was still a few yards away from the others.
Out of the corner of Optimus’s optic he saw Buddy walking faster than usual back to the group.
Buddy then heard it.
A familiar sound of a blade being pulled out.
She froze in place.
Her spark beating out of control.
There was no way he was here…
Optimus looked at Buddy’s fear-stricken face and went to walk over to Buddy.
Buddy slowly turned around to see who was behind her.
Optimus saw something drag Buddy into the darkness of the cave with her screaming bloody murder.
He started running towards the darkness.
The team followed behind him.
The screaming continued until they reached an opening in the cave.
The glow of the moon and groundbrigde shown upon the two figures.
Buddy beginning held up by her throat thrashing in pure fear.
The one holding her was none other than her father.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Optimus Prime and his lackey’s.”--Megatron
Optimus drawing out his canon with a steely gaze.
“Let her go Megatron.”--Optimus
The rest of the team has their weapons out and ready to fire on command.
“And why would I do that Prime? She is my daughter, not yours.”--Megatron
Megatron squeezes a bit more making Buddy squirm even more.
Buddy looks at her family with tears in her optics.
“I-I’m not worth it—urgh--I’m not worth it!”--Buddy
“Let her go NOW!”--Optimus
Megatron just smirks at the Prime and throws Buddy through the portal and dashes right after her.
Prime sprints to the portal but it closes at the last second.
He looks in horror at the place where Buddy was just there.
She was just there…
Optimus can hear the frustration and calls to Buddy from behind him.
He shakingly reaches his commlink.
“What is going on in there!? I can’t get a good reading on Buddy and half of the team in blowing up—”--Ratchet
“Buddy has been taken.”--Optimus
“…What? What do you mean taken?!”--Ratchet
Ratchet on the other end slightly covering his mouth.
The team returned to base, and they set out to immediately find Buddy.
There was no telling what Megatron would do to her.
They needed to find Buddy.
 A few painful hours passed and there was still no trace of Buddy, Megatron, or the Nemesis. Everyone was on edge waiting for some sort of clue to come.
The Bots were getting desperate.
That’s when the portal opened.
Portal opens.
Miko looked at it wide eyed, grabbing Jack and Raf.
Bulkhead quickly scoops up the kids.
The team holds onto sturdy objects digging their pedes into the ground.
Several figures shoot out of the portal and land sprawled out on top of each other on the ground.
The portal closes.
The team has their weapons out and pointed at the pile.
“GET OFF OF ME!”--Rodimus
Tailgate bounces from the top of the pile and lands roughly on the ground.
Miko squints a bit before smiling widely.
“Bulkhead put me down.”--Miko
“What? Absolutely—”--Bulkhead
“Hey Whirl! Whirl you in there?”--Miko
From somewhere in the middle of the pile Whirl hears Miko and furiously digs himself out of the pile.
Whirl gets out and spots Miko waving widely at him.
Whirl walks up to Bulkhead.
Bulkhead holds the kids closer.
“Don’t worry Bulkhead he’s a friend!”--Miko
“Yes my future Amica!”--Whirl
“AMICA?!”—Bulkhead and Wheeljack
Whirl snatches up Miko from Bulkhead and plops her into his cockpit.
“Hey, we’re in Miko and Buddy’s dimension.”-Tailgate
The rest of the Rod Squad gets up stretching and saying hello to Miko.
The rest of the crew looking at Team Prime, who just looked confused.
“Oh right! Lost Light crew meet Team Prime!”--Miko
MTMTE Optimus makes his way to the front with Rodimus and…
“What is HE doing here?”--Arcee
All guns trained on MTMTE Megatron who was looking around.
“Who Megs? He’s on our side now.”--Rodimus
“Our side?”--Ratchet
“The war is over in our dimension.”—MTMTE Optimus
Both teams look at the differences between TFP Prime and MTMTE Prime.
“Wow, didn’t see you the last time we went to the Lost Light.”--Miko
“I was visiting when the portal sucked most of us in.”—MTMTE Optimus
“Where’s Buddy?”—MTMTE Megatron
“Yeah, where’s Buddy!”--Tailgate
“Calmly Tailgate.”--Cyclonus
“Yep, that’s my name. But where is she? She’s going to be so happy when she see us!”--Tailgate
Team Prime looks down slightly.
“What’s wrong?”--Rung
“Not too long-ago Buddy was kidnapped by this dimension’s Megatron.”—TFP Optimus
All the Lost Light crew freezes.
The Lost Light crew is now out for blood.
Brainstorm and Perceptor helped Wheeljack and TFP Ratchet create a stronger signal booster.
That way they would cover more ground to try and find Buddy’s signal.
Instead they found a strange SOS Signal.
Knockout, Breakdown, and Steve had created the link.
“What do you Con’s want?”--Bulkhead
“Easy Bulkhead, we aren’t looking for a fight.”--Breakdown
Yeah like I believe that.”--Bulkhead
“Listen, we don’t have much time before this signal gets discovered so shut it!”--Knockout
“Go on.”--Optimus
“Steve is inputting the coordinates of the Nemesis.”--Knockout
“Your… giving away your position?”—MTMTE Megatron
“Who’s that? Never mind, if you want to get Buddy follow these coordinates.”--Knockout
“And if it’s a trap?”--Arcee
“It’s not! Buddy is not going to make it if you don’t come NOW!”--Steve
“Breakdown what does he mean by that?”--Wheeljack
“We can’t say anymore Bulk, just get here fast.”--Breakdown
“And don’t hurt any Con that doesn’t try and attack you!”--Steve
End transmission.
MTMTE Megatron, MTMTE Rodimus, MTMTE Optimus, and TFP Optimus are the ones to come up with the formal plan to rescue Buddy.
Everyone else works together with the sole thought of getting Buddy back.
They manage to infiltrate the Nemesis once the coordinates are inputted.
Most of the Lost light crew insist that they come to help, but later agreed fo a small party to join Team Prime.
Some stay behind on base with the medical supplies ready and in case they need back up.
When the rescue team enters the Nemesis, they encounter the first vechicons.
They are parting ways to let them pass through the halls.
They pass by Breakdown and Knockout who point in the right direction, no questions ask about the other bots with them.
They noticed that Soundwave was on the med slab unconscious with his visor cracked like a spiderweb.
As if someone hit him…
That’s when they meet Starscream.
He isn’t a problem after some punches.
That’s when they hear muffled poundings.
They don’t hesitate to knock on the door.
All weapons are up.
This is when the Lost Light crew finally meets this dimensions Megatron.
He has energon coated on his servos and some clear dents and slight cuts to his sides.
But what really gathers their attention is the pool of energon gathering around his pedes.
There is a couple feet away from him was a small frame
MTMTE Megatron clenching his servos into giant fists.
TFP Megatron looking at this slightly familiar mech next to TFP Optimus.
“And who are you to demand such a thing from the Almighty Megatron.”
“We’re the ones who are going to send you to the pits if you don’t answer the question.”--Rodimus
TFP Megatron laughs as he grabs the limp frame in his servos.
The small frame has too many large slashes and dents.
Most noticeably, their entire right leg is gone.
Whirl almost tackles him to the ground but gets held back by the Wreckers who are equally fuming with anger.
TFP Megatron laughs.
“Nothing I can’t do to a traitor of the Decepticon army.”--TFP Megatron
He throws Buddy to the wall.
She falls to the ground unmoving with a slight trail of energon trailing behind.
MTMTE Megatron screams and tackles TFP Megatron to the ground.
The fight wasn’t even close to being fair.
TFP Megatron is out in seconds by the sheer anger this Megatron packs into his punches.
“YOU!”—MTMTE Megatron
“DON’T!”—MTMTE Megatron
“DESERVE!”--MTMTE Megatron
“HER!”--MTMTE Megatron
It takes both Optimus’s, Rodimus and Magnus to tear him off of his counterpart.
Most of the other party had already left to the base with Buddy.
MTMTE Megatron just heaves heavily.
He doesn’t regret anything.
He grabs some chains and bounds TFP Megatron from escaping.
The sound of static alerts the remaining bots.
Soundwave was leaning on the wall with the rest of the Decepticon’s behind him.
He asks if Megatron lived.
TFP Optimus nods.
Soundwave nods back.
Steve walks forward.
“I want to join your side.”--Steve
“Wow… wasn’t expecting that.”--Whirl
“We are done working for Megatron. We follow Buddy now.”--Steve
“So, you’ll become bots?”--Arcee
“Not exactly, we’re still Cons through and through. But we’re taking it back to its original ideal.”--Breakdown
“Breakdown and I can come and give any medical assistance that’s needed.”--Knockout
TFP Optimus nods.
The remaining rescue team plus Knockout and Breakdown enter the groundbrigde leaving the vechicons to the ship and put Megatron in stasis lock.
It was all servos on deck to keep Buddy from flatlining.
After several hours of intense surgery and fixing, the medics came with the news…
Buddy was finally stable.
She was going to pull through.
The Lost Light crew insisted in helping around the base and with New Cybertron as much as they could while Buddy recovered.
MTMTE Megatron rarely left her side alongside several other bots and cons who visited often.
When Buddy did wake up the first thing, she saw was MTMTE Megatron gently holding her servo.
She was internally freaking out still trying to process what was happening, but all the fear left her when she saw the tears coming from his red optics.
She knew exactly who this mech was.
Buddy started bawling clutching MTMTE Megatron with as much mobility she had.
MTMTE Megatron gently soothed her as the others came in.
Everyone told her story of what happened during her rescue.
Soon enough the portal comes back for the rest of the Lost Light.
Buddy being held in TFP Optimus’s arms waving and hugging the crew as they make their way to the portal.
“Buddy… you know you could always come with us.”—MTMTE Megatron
Buddy freezes.
TFP Optimus freezes.
“Yes, the decision is up to you.”—MTMTE Megatron
Buddy looks at MTMTE Megatron’s servo and TFP Optimus.
“…I think I’ll stay here. Someone’s gotta keep the place clean when you guys come back.”--Buddy
MTMTE Megatron smiles and lightly hugs Buddy.
“You take care of her Prime.”--MTMTE Megatron
“With all my spark Megatron.”—TFP Optimus
“Farewell.”—MTMTE Megatron
Megatron and the others enter the portal and vanish.
The portal closes.
Buddy smiles and hugs Optimus.
He hugs back feeling relief.
Everything was going to be okay.
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shirefantasies · 7 months
Can I request a How Many Kids They Want for the characters from The Hobbit? I’m curious to hear what you think!
Heck yeah! I already made a placeholder for it in my drafts cuz I had to let’s GOOOO! Last post pre-surgery, crazy that we’re only 3 days out 🥲
How Many Kids Do They Want? The Hobbit Edition
Certainly not a future he ever expected, but it’s not such a bad one, is it? How big his family is is a question Balin wouldn’t mind deferring to his partner, especially as he would never be the one bearing them! But probably not more than three if he was really pressed for an answer.
Girl dad. I said what I said. Secretly wants to settle down and adores the idea of domestic life, especially with a sweetheart of a partner who he can take care of. This transfers to his children, who Dwalin is the fiercest papa bear to! No one will touch a single hair upon his daughters’ heads. I can see him having two or three little girls, very unusual for a dwarf and a bit unexpected to him, who would have said he wanted sons. The moment he has to pull a knife out of his little girl’s hand, though, the very same one that held a doll on the other side, Dwalin realizes what he wants has nothing to do with boys. Raises the toughest girls this side of the mountains!
Does not mind the idea of a small family, more time and love to give each member as king. Thorin is fiercely loyal and dedicated, so he wants to shower his partner and child(ren) with as much as he possibly can. Thus he would prefer only one or two children. While he hopes for a son to continue on the line of Durin, growing up with a sister gave him a soft spot and respect for femininity, too. A boy and a girl sounds perfect to him, Thorin’s little prince and princess. He would have such a hard time not softening his harsh ways and one hundred percent spoiling them, but the last thing he wants is to raise spoiled royalty with no humility!
Oin is so the type of father to have a big family and brag about them all the time! Five or six children. He’s the default carer when they get sick, being so good at treating any ailment or pain that they run to him upon feeling any sort of ill. Not picky about if he has boys or girls, ending up with two girls and three or four boys. All of them are welcome to become his apprentices and several even grew up playing ‘doctor’ for years beforehand! Literally Oin could be handling someone halfway to bleeding out and he’s still standing there staunching it saying how he has the best kids ever.
The proudest father and family man in general! Cannot wait to have a family of his own and absolutely wants a son to be his mini-me. Has a special bond with his son as we all know. Gloin is happy to even have one child, but could be persuaded to go up to two or three. Would raise the toughest, shrewdest daughter as he shows her the ropes of getting out of uncomfortable situations and having the confidence to stand up for whatever she wants!
A family is a future he never grew up expecting being a manual laborer and warrior. Parts of him weren’t even sure how long he’d live unless he got tough, which of course he did! One son sounds good to him, someone to pass on stories of battle and his ancestors to and shape as a fighter, though he also hopes if he has a family they would not be so forced to see war.
Envies his brother’s family a bit, not that he wants quite so many! Bofur would be happy with two or three or four. He loves the idea of having a little girl, especially if she’s a tiny version of his partner, he would just melt at the sight of her. Total, though, he’s down for three or four, multiple but still small enough to feel cozy! Absolutely the type of father who lets his daughter dance with her feet on his and teases the kids whenever he can! Makes little hats for his sons so they can match.
Going by the fanon/actor canon here as always, a lot. He’s so good with wee ones and just adores them, so he is down for as many as he’ll be allowed, even up to thirteen or fourteen! Because of this, he naturally wants several of both boys and girls, especially because girls are rarer among his people. So playful with them and a master of getting down to their level as a naturally lighthearted and whimsical person. He loves when the little ones help him cook or bake even if it gets messy!
The most caring father ever, forever doting on his children and making them feel loved, even if it’s a little much! His perfect number is two, one of each if he’s lucky but he’d be happy with two of the same, too. Dori grew up caring for both of his brothers for enough years, after all, but he also has the sneaking suspicion that with dwarven culture, his love for the finer things would be more likely passed on to daughters! Likes the idea of teaching skills like sewing or jewelry-making to whoever his offspring are.
Kind of suspects if he had a child, it might not be legitimate, but in the end he takes the plunge of settling down, feeling the urge as he ages to keep his bloodline on. One or two is enough for him, though, sons if he can help it, which being a dwarf he practically can! Realizes carrying a wee bairn around has a charm that lets him get away with even more than usual, and as they age teaches his little boys how to play games and even to cheat a little.
Softer, more caring than his middle brother, someone who fantasized about having a family if someone would have him. His vision is of four children, two of each. So patient with all the buzzing questions and curiosities of their young minds. All of them, boys or girls, will have the most enriching environments full of art and writing, being raised with culture over getting taught to fight. Since self-expression is encouraged, though, you can bet it’s a loud home!
Even beyond the weight of cultural expectations, Fili wants to experience being a father. Doesn’t have as strong a desire for a son as most kings and princes do, honoring his mother and what a great queen she would make. In fact, he loves the idea of raising a future queen more than king in some ways. She would be strong, resilient, free to be herself and not fall to the shadows beneath anyone if Fili has his way. He definitely wants more than one, though, and in fact ends up with twins, too! Identical twin sons he encourages both to train and explore as well as to mess with everyone by lying about which twin they are.
This dwarf loves his mother and is just dying to show his children the love he got and respect his partner especially if she’s the mother of his children! The idea of a family makes him happy like nothing else, for despite all his flirting and seeming like he wants to have fun he really wants to settle down with the love of his life. He wants at least one of each, loving different things about having a son and daughter. The kind of father who would play dress-up with his daughter and spar with her just as much as his son! All in all, he’s pretty open on numbers, but he wants at least two and the ideal range in his mind is around three to five.
Didn’t think he wanted children for a long time, but Bilbo is definitely the sort to change his mind if he meets the right person. Still would prefer a smaller family of one or two children, though, as more would be overwhelming to him and he wants to keep his home in order! Boy or girl, his kids would learn so many skills ranging from folding handkerchiefs to cartography. No strong preference from Bilbo on what he wants, per se, he more just hopes to have things in common with them and be able to bond.
Torn between his desire for an heir and not exactly paternal ways, Thranduil really only wants one child. All his attention can be focused that way, too, because at his heart he does know that duty makes it hard to be as involved as he could be with family and it would not be fair to have a massive family he can’t spend time with. Likes the idea of a son, again considering an heir, but a little girl would have the woodland king absolutely wrapped around her finger and get every pretty little thing she wants.
Pretty obvious on this one, but he would want three! Not so picky on having sons or daughters, especially when his legacy already has pressure upon it. In truth he’s the sort who wants ‘the full experience’ and says he’d want to try for one of each. Teaches all of his little family valuable skills, wishing them the best chance in life. They’ll learn to heal, defend themselves even if it’s not fighting, simply keeping safe.
Intimidated as he is by the prospect of having children in a world that was so cruel to his people, his papa bear instincts run deep through his veins. I can see him having twins or even triplets, like a little litter all his own. I see triplets, two boys and a girl. Beorn cannot help the way his often harsh expression softens at his little ones, the hopeful smile that creeps onto his face at the thought of continuing the Skin Changers’ legacy through his sons and daughters, his name-bearers and the one who will choose her own.
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