#hippie mafia
babylon-crashing · 2 years
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Ulula/ from flowerchild wallflower/ to feral acid freakout!/ “Damn, that orange sunshine is a killer!/ I need mooooore! (snort, drool)/ Oooorange Suuuunshine!/ What would Owsley Stanley and the Hippie Mafia do?/ Heavy Petting Scandals presents:/ “I was in love with a teenage Acid Freak!”/ The Fleas! The Infamy! The Dirty Linen!
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invoke-parlay · 1 year
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We had such an amazing time at the Olean Holistic Fair this year! We gave out over 400 plants today. We love to see gardening and growing food be accessible to everyone and FREE!!
Check out our website to see more about what we do at Grow-It-Forward
I love the work I do and the purpose I feel helping my community the only way I know how - growing plants! Give this post a share so more people can get involved!
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wizardnuke · 1 year
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kiralou02 · 1 year
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katesimblr · 5 months
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Mafia villa
The multi-storey mafia house was a commission and has a lot to offer. It has four bedrooms, one of which is a children's room. There is plenty of space to relax. A bar, a place to play cards, an office with a secret door and a lift down to the underground rooms. There is an armory, a surveillance room and a torture room. There is also a fitness room, a pool, a TV room, a laundry, a spacious kitchen and a luxurious dining area.
Thanks to all creators who made this house possible with their CC, like @aggressivekitty, @13pumpkin31, @chicklet, @cowbuild, @dk-sims, @k-hippie, @kkbsmm, @lady-moriel, @msteaqueen, @Pocci, @radioactivedotcom, @thetrashisoutcc and many many more.
Download CC
Download Tray Files
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splatoonpolls · 3 days
my splatoon 4 overthinking is very much alive
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aquinnix · 4 months
Can we just acknowledge how absurd Hermitcraft lore/canon is? 
We have a space hippy with a camper van that can travel at the speed of light. A sentient and mildly existential campaign robot whose various iterations are willing to destroy a world in order to make some guy with a mustache mayor (whose mustache has the ability to bring back the dead). Some creeper cyborg goat who wears crocs and breaks the laws of physics like it's any other Tuesday is in an economic dispute with the salmon mafia which is mediated by a hand puppet with a surprising knowledge of contract law. You could play a drinking game with the amount of time people get possessed by one entity or another, including but not limited to: a rock, some corrupt moss, some other corrupt moss, the ocean, a rabbit, capitalism ghosts, and Jeff. None of them are human, except that one guy who still probably isn’t human. One season straight up both is and is not canon depending on who you ask because it might have just been a simulation run by the previously mentioned existential campaign robot. There are multiple eclectically themed superheroes who barely do anything remotely helpful, one of which has a whole persona dedicated to *checks notes* being attractive? Don’t forget about the money laundering space snails. Then you have an eccentric inventor type who is also death incarnate and to whom the laws of reality just don’t apply if he doesn’t want them to. And then you throw not just time travel into the mix, but travel between multiverses. Except they might not be multiverses, just other planets. Half the people just disappear for a while playing a traumatic death game and everyone just acts like nothing happened. Don’t even get me started on helsmits…
This fandom really is just left rocking back and forth in a corner with a ball of red string.
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
headcannon masterlist
tom kaulitz:
hippie gf
daddy issues
tit obsessed
stripper gf
y2k/mcbling gf
italian gf
anxiety gf
greek gf
goth gf
sensitive gf
trauma gf
dumb gf
ballerina gf
energetic reader
cheerleader gf
tom in relationship
biker tom
pirate tom
relationship x2
late night drives
daddy issues x2
bill kaulitz:
tit obsessed
bimbo reader
british gf
bill and reader as a couple in the 80s
tall gf
chubby gf
obsessed w reader
scene gf
mafia bill
mean gf
biker bill
vampire bill
horny bill
teenage dirtybag bill
sick gf
arab gf
nsfw alphabet
bill & tom:
boxer gf
freaky gf
picky eater
gym crush
georg listing:
horny reader
gustav schafer:
horny reader
reaction to being called baby
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johnwickb1tsch · 1 month
thoughts on helen wick and her backstory pre-marriage? 👀 (i have no clue how to interact to other people in english shshsbhdsj)
Evvvren!! I love this question. I'm sorry it's taken me a while to answer, I've been thinking about it.
I guess we know from the Wiki that she was a photographer? And I recall from the letter scene that there were artsy coffee table books stacked up, I think there was one on Alvaro Siza, he does very modern, boxy buildings (kind of like John Wick's house) -- I have come to headcanon now that it was Helen who was into that modern aesthetic. (I can't shake the feeling that it doesn't really suit John Wick. He likes classic muscle cars and Victorian children's books. Left to his own devices, I think he probably likes a bit more ornamentation, but it's easy to imagine him going along with anything Helen wanted when they were starting their married life together. 😭)
Something that slays me about Helen is that she seems kind of basic? And I don't mean that in a bad way! It's a adorable. The whole daisy fixation is just ridiculously cute, it's such a happy hippy flower child choice. And like, she's obviously SMOKING hot, yet in that dinner scene with John she's wearing that almost dowdy soft pink shirt with the long-short sleeves.
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Look at these idiots in love...
It makes me think that she was so cool and comfortable with herself she didn't care. Zero fucks given. Like that woman must have had Personality. I think she was just a really bright light. Full of love. Strong. And she TEASED John Wick like no one else ever had. You can totally see it in the car scene at the beach, when they're holding hands over the roof of the car. And she's all "What are you doing, John?" in That Tone, LOL, I think she was good at getting John out of his shell and not taking things so seriously. I'm sure she knew he'd Seen Some Shit™ and made it her mission to help him let it go and live a happy life in his retirement.
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I realize you asked about pre-marriage Helen. I'm guessing she was in the art scene in some capacity. I think she was cool, and not overly pretentious like so many artists are (can you tell I went to art school? LOL I can't staaaand that shit). I think she liked what she liked and didn't apologize for it, whether it was hippy dippy daisies, or an ex-mafia hitman named John Wick. 🌼🌼🌼
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
fantasy sometimes doesn't afford itself the ability to fantasize about a better world with many of the same problems of real life. thankfully ive found fantasy thatfantasize about things like gender roles, orientations, social status, etc. being more accepting, and the world kinder more often than not. question is, as hard as it is to find solid urban fantasy, are there anyworks you know of that use itself to imagine a optimal city for us urban nerds? magic public works, free dragon transit?
So there is a real problem in the fantasy and sci-fi genres that they often have a failure of revolutionary imagination, as I’ve termed it. We’re so used to not just the world as it is but also the public historical imagination of how change happens, that even in art that’s supposed to be about radically reimagining our world or new worlds, we often revert back to the familiar. (I find this tic particularly annoying in alternate history, which is supposed to be about imagining how the world could have evolved differently, but often reverts back to a retelling of (often bad) history with the numbers filed off.)
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(A sadly rare counter-example.)
You raise a fascinating question about the potential for urbanist fantasy. This is often quite rare in urban fantasy, because often out of a desire to maintain the verisimilitude of urban life, they default to a masquerade scenario which renders it impossible to explore the impact of magic on transit, housing, and other aspects of urbanism because the central conceit is that people with magic are trying to hide and thus have no impact on the mundane world.
However, it does crop up sometimes in Magitech settings, because their central conceit is all about how magic would function in place of science and lead to new ways of organizing societies, urban and otherwise. For a popular example, look at how Arcane examines the social impacts of Hextech and Shimmer. My personal favorite example of urbanist fantasy is the plane of Ravnica from Magic the Gathering.
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Ravnica is a ecumenopolis, a city-state that covers the whole planet. The city is governed by a guild council, each of whom are responsible for an aspect of the city’s physical and social infrastructure:
The Azorius Senate is responsible for running the courts and the legal system, and sometimes they run the police as well (although they have a jurisdictional dispute with the Boros Legion on that front).
House Dimir are couriers, messengers, journalists, private investigators, spies, assassins, thieves, and librarians, as well as the city’s clandestine intelligence service - if it deals with information in any way, the Dimir have a hand in it…or do they?
The Cult of Rakdos run the city’s entertainment, food service, retail, and labor recruitment (lots of shanghaing and press ganging goes on in Ravnica) - and they’re also a crazed juggalo bdsm blood cult who are responsible for keeping an ancient arch-demon entertained so he doesn’t try to destroy the city, again.
The Gruul Clans are an anarchist collective responsible for the planet’s wilderness areas, which they try to maximize by violent raids that tear down developed areas any chance they get - which also makes them Ravnica’s main demolition industry. The Boros Legion spends a lot of time defending built-up areas from Gruul rampages.
The Selesnya Conclave are a hippie nature cult commune who manage the city’s parks and other green spaces, as well as providing basic welfare services (food, “shelter,” clothing, etc.) to the city’s poor. They also use magic to do weird hivemind brainwashing in the name of harmony and unity, and they can raise giant Ent-Kaiju to defend the city in times of need.
The Orzhov Syndicate are a vampire banker mafia, and also one of the city’s biggest religions. They believe in debt on a spiritual level, and their religion fully embraces indulgences to their logical conclusion. The Orzhov preach that you can literally buy your way into heaven, and that debts to the (Catholic by way of Prosperity Gospel Evangelical) Church or its many front organizations and legitimate businesses will carry over into the next life; the Orzhov practice debt slavery on both living people and ghosts. And lest you think it’s all a cover for profit-making, they can summon dark angels to conduct rituals, lead services, and make war on their enemies. Something above is answering their prayers…
My personal favorite is the Izzet League, an institute of mad scientists and engineers and elementalist wizards who combine science and magic to research, build, and maintain the city’s infrastructure (as well as funding all tech R&D and theoretical and experimental research in physics, chemistry, and engineering) - the power grid, water and sewer systems, heating and gas lines, as well as the city’s mass transit and transportation/freight system, are all powered by their steam and fire and lightning and Magitech gadgets and robots and cyborgs made out of a magic metal named mizzium. Yes, a lot of their devices explode, and yes their golems and robots and elementals have a tendency to go rogue, but that’s the price of progress!
The Golgari Swarm are a subterranean necromantic cabal who run the city’s waste disposal, burial services, and do the bulk of the agricultural production for Ravnica’s hungry masses. All of Ravnica’s citizens are entitled to a food dole provided by the Golgari’s fungi farms as a form of basic income. Just don’t think too hard about what went into the compost heaps or what your rations might be made of…
The Boros Legion is Ravnica’s main police and military, led by a literal host of warrior angels. Imagine the combination of a police force entirely made up of noir detectives and loose cannon Dirty Harry-esque cops and an army with flying fortresses led by fiery angels who are all deeply dramatic lesbians. True believers one and all, the Boros are here to mete out justice and divine wroth upon evildoers wherever they hide. If they had their way, the Orzhov would all be in prison along with the Gruul and the Rakdos, but the damn bureaucrats in the Azorius Senate keep trying them up in knots with paperwork.
The Simic Combine are responsible for the city’s environmental quality, ensuring biodiversity and sustainability in a global metropolis; they are also the city’s universal health care providers. All Ravnicans have access to free health care, as long as they consent to the Combine’s biomantic research. See, the Simic are the other group of mad scientists/mages in the city, except they went into genetics, environmental science, and (marine) biology and they believe in individual and societal evolution through the use of augmentation, cloning, and splicing. After all, why stop at curing someone’s respiratory illness when you could also give them gills? Or giant crab claws? Or tentacles?
I love the world-building and the attention to urban systems and infrastructure in Ravnica. More than most, they’ve thought about what urban life needs to function and made it magical.
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A not complete ranking of Jimmy characters from most to least bastard
1. Sheriff Jimmy. He’s like if Property Police Jimmy had anger management issues and a bigger sense of entitlement. God he’s so annoying, every man on that server wants him badly. Man is straight up corrupt on multiple levels. His only saving grace is how lame he is
2. Evo Jimmy. The Property Police as a whole were unliked and annoying and no one wanted them to be doing their thing. Martyn got points because he is funny but Jimmy was just trying to arrest and or murder people plus I think he tried to collude with the mafia once. It’s been a while since I saw his Evo
3. Codfather Jimmy. Less sense of authority and entitlement and more antagonizing near everyone he speaks to and making every problem he’s in much worse. Like his whole thing with Sausage started because he literally robbed the man and got so pissed off when Sausage wanted repayment. He causes like 80% of his own problems and then gets mad and fussy over it. He’s horrific <3
4. Double Life Jimmy. He’s encouraging panda murder, he’s chosen-soulmatephobic, he’s creating problems, he loves killing and murder, he’s cheering on whatever madness Tango comes up with. What a legend
5. Last Life Jimmy. He didn’t do much wrong but he gets bastard points for stealing a life from Martyn and then having the audacity to be upset that the Southlanders were mad at him
6. 3rd Life Jimmy. Honestly he was a little bastard but mostly he was just tryna stay alive and was stupidly reckless a lot. Rip king
7. Afterlife SMP Jimmy. I honestly don’t remember what he did on that server Not Gonna Lie. I don’t think it was much. Did kill hippie Joel at one point
8. Rat Jimmy. He’s just a rat
9. 100 Days Jimmy. There’s no one else in there for him to be a bastard to. He does devolve into madness a lot there though
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fungalittleweirdo · 5 months
ROTTMNT 60s AU !!!
please this man has SOUL
he sings in clubs in new york, he has a record coming out in '67 with his band Raphael and The Digg
his brothers didn't feel like joining the band, so it's up to some talented musician girls he met without a trained main vocalist (digg, with prairie dog, honey badger, and groundhog)
they're super popular in harlem and they make it to charts
raph meets other motown records signees and they always find he's the gentlest of giants
he and his band DESERVES a grammy
he's a surfer !!!
he loves competing in surfing tournaments in long island
the boy's a legend, other surfers think he's a fish at first
if he didn't have separation anxiety for his brothers (a post-kraang headcanon) he would have gone to the west coast where the real competitions are (they never feel like leaving new york for very long)
for now he's happy surfing the coast of long island
he loves when todd surfs with him, his favourite part is the lemonade he gets afterwards
donatello is OBSESSED with the space race
he managed to hack nasa for rocket blueprints
he got caught and they asked him if he was a communist but there was no found evidence that proved he was so he was let go and his name was cleared
he managed to improve the blueprints he got his hands on and built more efficient rockets, then he used computing tech to make his very own battleshell
he has a super-powered telescope he nicknamed shelldon
donnie predicted the states would win the space race in 1965 because it had something to do with the war, i myself don't know how he used that data point to draw a conclusion
mikey is such a hippie he has mugshots of his charming smiling face framed to prove it
very anti-war, very pro-civil rights movement, pro-dope and lowkey anti-united states government
he was at the stonewall riots !!!!!
he not only fought for human civil rights, but for mutants too, so that he and his brothers could be acknowledged as citizens
humans turned into mutants are already citizens, but the mistreatment they get is unfair and mikey chose to be a leading pioneer for mutant rights
leo (hesitantly) opened portals for mikey in the south so that he could stand with people of colour in their trying times
misc notes !!
lou jitsu was popular in golden age hollywood, he won many accolades for his films until big mama made it look like he was signed to stay in the battle nexus
jupiter jim films are actually westerns, his name is junebug jim instead
big mama is a big mafia boss woman regardless of the era she's in, though her battle nexus is televised for all ages
instead of becoming criminals, mutants follow mikey's lead protesting for mutant/yokai rights and new york is the first city to acknowledge it
the turtles' beach parties are insane, there's always some people other than the siblings lingering around at midnight
april is the best reporter out there, she reports on the turtles' exploits all the time and she makes mad BANK over it (successful 60s black woman slay)
the foot clan is a cult a lot like the manson family, the turtles hate their guts
baron draxum does the same thing he always did, brood in his lab trying to destroy the humans (that is until mikey gets through to him)
sr. hueso's run of the mill pizza is still the turtles' favourite pizza spot, though the establishment is beachside because he's on good terms with his brother, who mainly does imports
casey jr. is a star hockey player, he also avoids the draft because he's from the future, so the government doesn't have his records
but cass protests against the war with mikey whenever she can, she's also anti-war
donnie also managed to be the first mutant on the moon by his own means, it's been a childhood dream since he saw laika's launch in sputnik 2
aight that's all i have for now, i hope you enjoyed !!
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witch-of-the-creek · 1 year
Fascinating flora, special edition.
White Sage
I am still doing a regular post about sage in general, but as a conservationist and student of ethnobotany, I wanted to address the conservation status and history of salvia apiana in particular.
White sage is endemic to Southern California and parts of Northern Baja, and is a valuable medicinal and cultural resource to indigenous populations who were forcibly relocated to these areas. Today, the majority of white sage is cultivated by indigenous Americans on protected land.
Smudging refers to a variety ceremonies that involve the burning of sacred herbs. The British, Spanish, and French colonizers started to relocate indigenous people, to wash away their culture, take their children, and erase their languages. Smudging is an English word that was used to generalize and belittle a widely held set of spiritual practices, and has now been reclaimed by many indigenous communities.
The use of this plant by non native people, and the misappropriation of the word ‘smudging’ came much later, around the time the first legal protections were established to protect the remaining people and culture. “In the 1960s, the hippie movement co-opted the use of white sage and evolved into the New Age Movement.” (Ramirez, Rose & Small, Deborah)
The popularity of white sage has only gotten higher, and with a boom in demand, illegal harvesting of the plant has become all to common a practice. “With very few commercial growers of white sage (Salvia apiana), the vast majority of products are wild-harvested.” (Ramirez & Small)
“What I learned when I was in California and visited the Etiwanda Preserve was that it is the epicenter of the current commercial harvest.” (Leopold, Susan).
“What is important to stress is that this underground sage mafia is not ethical or sustainable wildcrafting as it is portrayed in hipster IG accounts and stores! The scale of white sage commercial trade on the Internet and demand in China is alarming” (Leopold).
“I was invited by the owner of a white sage company to meet at the Etiwanda Preserve in March of 2019; he wanted to show his sustainable harvesting methods. I quickly pulled out my phone to show him that it was against the law to do so, and that recent arrests had been made. He carried on as if that was not the case” (Leopold).
The current elemental status of white sage is G4, which means ‘apparently secure.’ This rating has not been reviewed since June nineteenth, 2002. The lack of updated information on the plants range and occurrences have kept it off multiple endangered species lists.
The article referencing a book by Ramirez and Small, published in spring of 2020, evaluate that 50% of white sage has been eradicated due to urbanization.
I am not native, I can’t speak for any native people. All of what I have stated here is a summary or quotation of the words of indigenous activists, ethnobotanists, and conservationists. My hope here is to give a factual overview of the situation and provide direction to people more knowledgeable than myself.
Sources below
-News from Native California, Spring 2020 By Rose Ramirez and Deborah Small
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It's like a bizarre lovechild between the Mafia and the Yakuza but with a bit more techno-babble and black market animal trade.
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"Hey! Wanna see the world plunged into a volcanic hellscape by a lava godzilla just so we can lower the sea level by just a 7 inches?"
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"Hey! Wanna see the reactment of the ancient deluge of ages past but by big-ass Whale and not divine punishment?”
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Spacecore nihilists who wish to reset the whole world and create a world with no emotions. Despite the fact their leader has a pokémon that evolves via friendship.
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a glorious and just organization who wish to steal liberate Pokémon and we are ruled by an naive manchild hippie who may or may not be a shapeshifting fox proud ruler!
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Yeah no were just a bunch of zeppelin-riding terrorists who are ruled by a psychopath who wishes to freeze half of New York.
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Aren’t we gonna ignore the fact that these guys might have had the highest body count out of all these teams right?
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Punks rejected by society lead by Y A B O Y.
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The scp foundation but led by an alien jellyfish addicted, horrible MESS of a mother!
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punk rock hooligans who work with that weird Nosferatu looking man to “help her”.
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look if your boss wants to summon an EXTRATERRESTRIAL, RADIOACTIVE SATAN for a energy crisis a thousand years hence, I feel you should really consider quitting man.
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They were bullied by bullies so they formed a group to bully the bullies into not bullying and unfortunately became the bullies themselves. And you come in to bully the bullies into not bullying like some neverending cycle of bullying and bullies.
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funky-gobbo-art · 1 year
Donolinc/Cringe!AU pt. 3
Trans!John headcanon post HERE
Cringe!AU pt. 1 HERE
Cringe!AU pt. 2 HERE
Once again I'll give the same CW as the last post: if you don't wanna see any references to trans male pregnancy please blacklist the terms "mpreg" and "tmpreg", similar content to whats in Mafia 3 normally like violence, bigotry of the 1960's, war, etc.
General disclaimer: I'm still not good at drawing babies/young children and I'm not much of a writer personally so sorry if things are clunky.
John got home sometime around mid-November, laying low and skipping around the states altering his appearance a bit until he felt the heat died down enough he could return to Louisiana with no issues. Once he got home he was greeted by a very intense Lincoln alone at Sammy's while Dani was at Nicki's being watched. Lincoln was feeling a lot of stuff at once, like anger, but also just holding back emotions a bit, hiding at first that he was happy to see John coming through the door.
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Obviously things got pretty intense emotionally a bit after John got into the house, but things cooled down (or heated up lol) and Lincoln immediately started teasing him for his more "messy" appearance, said he looked like a hippie.
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Adjusting back home was pretty comforting for a bit, John's happy he can just stay inside, catch up with Dani and be lazy. Already he was naturally anti-social so staying in wasn't that much of an issue, just watching T.V and most he does is if Lincoln needs his help on something work related.
Wasn't too long until John started feeling sick again, waking up early to run to the bathroom, or accidentally throwing up at the worst times. He immediately had a "oh this better not be what I think it is again" and after a visit to Lincoln's personal doctor, yep, it was exactly what he thought it was.
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Despite appearing angry, he was more annoyed and just wanted to give Lincoln a hard time. They were both fine with this because John's going to be more a homebody now and Lincoln can support them all. Dani, despite being 2, seemed pretty happy with the news, she kept saying "baby!" after being told.
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John definitely wants to get serious about finally getting a hysterectomy after this kid though. Still kicking himself for not getting one earlier but oh well. Like the last pregnancy he was moody and wasn't allowed to smoke or drink, fell back into annoying Lincoln by popping gum around him constantly.
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Rhys Clay was born August 10th 1972, Lincoln Clay and John Donovan his parents and Danielle Clay his older sister. Not named after anyone again but both parents were looking over names and just got attached to that one. Once again the baby was delivered at home with the same doctor as last time, only difference is that Dani could meet her new little brother as soon as they were able to.
Lincoln was very happy being a father of 2 now, though it was dawning on him that he needs an actual house for them now, but he has some time before both kids are big enough to get their own rooms. John feels a little weird knowing he's technically had 3 kids already but gets serious about getting a hysterectomy a bit after going back to normal after Rhys is born. Both John and Lincoln have to settle with a story now to tell people especially if John is seen walking around with both kids. Lincoln finally comes out about it all to the other 2 underbosses (since Nicki already knows), he's a father of 2 and the other parent is a trans man who happens to be the gangs advisor that's been working from the shadows ever since the beginning.
Vito and Cassandra don't take too kindly knowing that their bosses advisor is a now ex-C.I.A agent, and it does break out into a big argument between the underbosses, Lincoln and Donovan. Lincoln being so used to this now, he was able to get the argument under control by telling John to keep his mouth shut and telling the other 2 if he wasn't trustworthy, then why on earth would he willingly raise 2 children with him? It seems to work.
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Some time passes: Dani starts school, shows a bit of an artistic streak while also showing signs of being very stubborn when she feels like it. Rhys shows signs of being autistic and is nonverbal until he's nearly 4 years old. The Clay Crime Family starts doing some good for the local area, renovating and building places, but also expanding their operations. Lincoln is basically untouchable now, which means his family is safe and sound as long as their around him.
John still goes around the city with both kids and visiting Robert, but can't seem to stop Robert from making snarky comments about both him and his kids, meanwhile Father James notices a lot of similarities between Rhys and Lincoln from back when he first came into the orphanage. Both very quiet boys but different circumstances.
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Donovan takes a good break from his "side project", he's letting the heat die down since the whole senate hearing incident and he wants those folks he sent that message out for to get a false sense of security and think nothing more is going to happen, but John is planning on striking when they least expect it. He's not going to act for awhile though, doesn't wanna miss any birthdays and still be present during the kid's childhoods, also Rhys still needs a lot of attention.
Dani and Rhys are very close, and Dani always tries to get him involved with games she plays, Rhys is pretty quiet still and shy around new people but does start talking more to his family and other adults that come around, mostly Father James or Nicki Burke.
Rhys is the last kid and John tells Lincoln if he wants more, he can just figure that all out himself.
Both kids are still in development, character wise. I have some thoughts about Dani in her teen years, like going on with her friends a lot, as for Rhys, I'm still wondering what personality he has, though I see him getting into puzzles a lot. I'm open to any thoughts honestly, writing kids isn't really a strength for me and these are my first fan kid oc's for a piece of media I like.
But yeah, that's my cringe au! Been cooking it for awhile and finally got the guts to release it to the wild, like I said previously.
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sanpape · 2 years
Sometimes a family is an unlicensed doctor who was orphaned after his parents joined a hippie sex cult, a war journalist who hates him, a boxer trying to cut ties with the Italian mafia, and a teenage occultist
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