#hindi studies
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language-hyperfixation · 1 year ago
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Langblr intro~
Hello! - Hallo! - こんにちは! - 안녕하세요!
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We're new to this community and wanted to see what it's all about. We've been practicing languages on and off for years but still have a long way to go!
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📖 Studying:
📖 Previously studied:
Mandarin Chinese
Sign language
📖 Want to study:
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🩷 Some info about us! 🩷
Pronouns: They/them
We're plural system and prefer the term "headmates" over alters, plz! Due to being a system we'll be using I/me and we/us interchangably
Hope to move abroad someday ✈️
Wanna become a polyglot but ADHD makes studying hard 💔
Dividers by cafekitsune and saradika
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kosdan-learn-languages · 2 months ago
I have a question
In Hindi, अच्छी दोस्त means “good friend” or “best friend”, right?
Why “good” ends with an इ there? Like, it’s normally written like अच्छा, with an आ at the end, like as in “मौसम अच्छा है” (the weather is good), so why change the ending in this situation?
For context, the whole sentence is:
“अगर वह मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त नहीं बन सकती (…)”
“If she can’t become my best friend (…)”
Does the ending change to indicate intensity? Or does it change to indicate that I’m talking about a girl?
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ritul333 · 1 month ago
“i love you”? no.
i need a man who can say this
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tiny-goals-tiny-dreams · 1 month ago
Hi hi! Omg, that was such a hard day. I did grind through the questions for 6:30 hours and only managed to go down to 252. Which is very disappointing but at the same time looking at how much time it took me to research some of the crazy questions it's expected.
What I accomplished today:
worked hard on my Anki flashcards, went through 231 questions, so 252 are left (luckily it's going quicker and quicker to work on them)
during that time I want to read the remaining chapters of the book and make new memory flashcards (which are hard but will allow me to memorise the difficult material) -worked on those as well and will continue to do it tomorrow
I went for a walk and completed my daily steps goal (≧◡≦)
did 10 mins Duo Hindi and Duo Japanese (≧◡≦)
I didn't wash my hair and didn't do a 15-mins cleanup, but that's alright. I worked hard today and I am happy about it!
My main goal for tomorrow (again, sorry) is grinding those Anki flashcards to the bones and get to see 0 there. I will be sure to post a screenshot of it. I also wanted to show how my desk looks like - that's a total battleground (#><) I will also share a soundtrack that motivates me a lot to keep fighting lately.
I hope I bring good news tomorrow! Bie bie!
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fortunaestalta · 1 year ago
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 6 months ago
language acquisition goals in this lifetime~
languages i already know:
odia (my mother tongue - but i can only speak in it)
hindi (no longer study in school but i can speak, write, etc BUT i am not very good)
english (probably my best language though it's my third lol)
languages i want to learn (in order of learning):
french (it's been a few months of learning but i can't put in much time because i'm a full time student)
isl (indian sign language)
asl (american sign language)
bsl (british sign language)
hindi (i want to re-learn to expertise, it'll be easy since i already know the basics and much more)
odia (though i'm excellent at speaking i also want to learn to read & write since it is my family's language)
japanese (not sure if i actually will, if when the time comes i'll see)
old english
ancient greek (it'll be easier since i would've already learnt greek by this time)
latin (yes i'm aware that this and the two before aren't spoken anymore but i still want to learn them very much)
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thoughts-locker · 1 month ago
yaar jab padhne baitho tabhi neend aane lagti 🥱😴😴
waise phone kitna bhi chalao neend nhi aati
kya kare....😒
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studyrilakkuma · 4 months ago
i love studying i'm sorry i just do. i love learning new information, writing little asterisks next to things i don't understand knowing one day i'll come back to it and it'll make perfect sense.
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ear-motif · 1 year ago
what would everyone go absolutely ham in studying if money, time, mental illness, and/or mentall/physical disability weren't issues
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desi-yearning · 1 month ago
I love SkyNani Twitter so much omg
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lingodeer · 7 months ago
This blog is meant to be a place of passion for learning languages. A source of encouragement and positivity as well as a sense of community for those who use LingoDeer!
I created this blog because I am constantly trying to stay motivated and keep up my studies, so I kept searching for a discord dedicated to LingoDeer and found nothing, and the blog by the official LingoDeer creators only has 5 posts from 2019 ( and their tiktok is no longer active either! but I'm not that ambitious even though I want them to have all the love in the world ). I love the leader board feature and the ability to follow people but it feels a bit empty and lacking connection, so I hope through this blog and the discord server we can make up for that!
If you'd like study buddies, casual chats or competitive motivation, join the discord!
Thank you for reading, and for loving learning!
Please keep up your hard work and studies!
LingoDeer and I believe in you!
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wovi · 10 months ago
hiii, as a native hindi speaker, this would be a more accurate translation of the song
lagi tumse mann ki lagan// my heart has grown attached to you
gali gali ghume dil tujhe dhunde// I roam around every street searching for you
tere bina tarse nayan// in your absence, even my eyes long for you
hey hey! yes! i’d googled it bec it means attached and i’d wondered how they’d translate it, & it hit me precisely bec it said love. i’ve been thinking a lot about whether love & attachment are truly so different - even tho ofc they are in theory, i’ve increasingly been questioning it in my own life lately; and this phrasing almost seemed to present an answer in its silly lil way. esp bec temporality is such a thing w/ them both. anyw, it’s just me reading into things as usual. so much is lost and found in translation. thank u for sharing <3
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stingraystudiess · 11 months ago
Spring Break Recap - with pictures :)
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the day we got off my friends and I went out to town and went to the beach. (so so grateful for where I live)
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my (not so baby anymore) cousin visited from Switzerland! we did so many things since this is the first time she had come to Scotland, she is such a bookworm so me and my dad bought her some books from Waterstones. Love her sm :)
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Wrote a letter to my school teacher about joining an abroad programme. I really hope I get in as I honestly believe it would be life changing. this was a draft dw! didn't look this scruffy on the final one :P
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Cat shelter volunteering (I didn't get any photos of the shelter as I felt that would be inappropriate) this was on the way back though and I thought It looked magical. forever grateful for the scenery around me.
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Played around with my new keyboard. It's a Casio and I love it sm, it was gutted by my uncle and auntie from Switzerland. I partially learned Chemtrails Over The Country Club by Lana Del Rey.
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My friends birthday party!!! we did pottery painting and I got to paint a highland cow :D got ice cream (yum) and went to the park after.
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Started reading the Bhagavad Gita. For those who are not aware, the Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu epic scripture that is part of a larger collection of works known as the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is a Sanskrit epic consisting of over 100,000 shloka (a form of long prose passage) fully forming in to about 1,800,000 (1.8 mil) words and is approximately ten times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined. The length explains why most only read smaller portions such as the Bhagavad Gita which is in fact a poem! ok I could talk about this forever but I hope that someone learned something new from my spiel :P.
Other stuff I did
-Reorganised my note taking and filing system (I could make a whole post about that)
-looked through all my subject specifications to get a feel of how many topics were are (and sub topics... and sub sub topics :,) )
-painted a mini canvas for my friend (dw that wasn't the only thing I got for her birthday)
-did some sketching (my artistic ability comes in waves)
-played Roblox, idc If its childish SUE ME (I am undefeated in paintball 🥱)
-did my extracurriculars (Sangeet and Bengali)
-Celebrated Poyla Boishakh and Vhaisakhi
Goals for new term
-study at least an hour on weekdays
-ace my sangeet exam
-get >6 on everything
-plan for mocks accordingly
-stay consistent
-do assignments as soon as they are given
-have fun
Ok this was long but I feel as if I did my break justice, a lot went on and it would be wrong to not give details.
thank you so much for reading this long post
Signing off~
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tiny-goals-tiny-dreams · 1 month ago
Hi! It's the morning next day already (ノωヽ) Yesterday I felt really tired and overwhelmed after the whole week, so I decided to just give myself some time to relax. I enjoyed first week of my internship, but it was a little bit too intense. So I just watched some series and had a good restaurant-made dinner ヽ(・∀・)ノ Today morning I also didn't wake up that early, I enjoyed snuggling and resting comfortably in my bed for some time. Much needed relax.
That day I accomplished:
succesfully finishing the first day of my internship and getting all the documents that are needed for completion for university
did 9.7 k steps!
Yesterday I also looked up to the sky and I took some pictures. There were 3 starts looking almost like they were in line witch each other and then later there was a funny looking cloud looking like ナ which was first before the moon and then slowly passing. It looked so interesting, I never saw something like this.
For today (18.01) I am planning to:
go through my whole Anki set (352 'new' questions and 183 for resivion)
during that time I want to read the remaining chapters of the book and make new memory flashcards (which are hard but will allow me to memorise the difficult material)
I want to go for a walk |・ω・) [I hope I go cause I need to move my butt today too!]
wash my hair (it looks so bad already)
do 10 mins Duo Hindi and Duo Japanese
do my 15-mins cleanup routine
See you in the evening for the update (ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
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salvadorbonaparte · 1 year ago
I will continue prioritising Yiddish, Spanish, Romanian and Croatian next year but I'll make exceptions for travel or if I get that beca santander to learn French. I'm still going �� at Korean but I really don't think I should focus on too many new languages but perhaps I will be able to squeeze in a little Korean challenge or something.
I'll renegotiate once I know where I'm moving next autumn because if I return to Ireland I'll want to learn some Irish, if I move to the UK or US I'd want to pick up at least a little bit BSL or ASL respectively.
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fortunaestalta · 1 year ago
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