#hindi stories for reading
mahi7447 · 2 years
साहस का परिचय Short story in Hindi with moral
Today, in this article, I’m going to write some English Short story in Hindi with moral so that you can learn valuable lessons from them.
All the stories are good. So, read them all.
Well, I have written many articles on moral stories, but it’s about hindi stories for reading So, without wasting your valuable time, let’s get started.
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साहस का परिचय
जंगल में सुंदर-सुंदर हिरण रहा करते थे। उसमें एक सुरीली नाम की हिरनी थी। उसकी बेटी मृगनैनी अभी पांच महीने की थी। मृगनैनी अपनी मां के साथ जंगल में घूमा करती थी।
एक दिन मृगनैनी अपने मां के साथ घूम रही थी, तभी दो गीदड़ आ गए।
वह मृगनैनी को मार कर खाना चाहते थे।
सुरीली दोनों गीदड़ को अपने सिंघ से मार-मार कर रोक रही थी।
मगर गीदड़ मानने को तैयार नहीं थे।
वहां अचानक ढेर सारे हिरनी का झुंड आ गया।
हिरनी गीदड़ के पीछे दौड़ने लगी। गीदड़ अपने प्राण लेकर वहां से रफूचक्कर हो गया।
सुरीली और मृगनैनी की जान आज उसके परिवार ने बचा लिया था।
मोरल — एक साथ मिलकर रहने से बड़ी से बड़ी चुनौती दूर हो जाती है।
It is love story in hindi that could not bloom any more because of that tragic incident. It makes us realize that we do not have enough time and never know when we will breathe our last . short stories in Hindi So, it is best emotional story to let of the ego and the false pretenses and just make sure that you love without regrets and seize the day to live the fullest.
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an-absolute-nightmare · 7 months
mahabharat (2013) was actaully a really beautiful, really well written, directed and acted serial and honestly i'm kinda wishing there was a fandom around it
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
oh it was the illustrious client all along. i knew kitty winter was not an original character but the episode was literally named for the. i may be stupid
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indiasuprenews · 1 year
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी (PM Narendra Modi) की लोकप्रियता दुनियाभर में मानी जाती है. पीएम के मुरीद होने वालों की सूची में दुनिया के कई बड़े नेता शामिल हैं. वहीं, शनिवार अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन (Joe Biden) ने क्वाड बैठक के दौरान पीएम मोदी से उनका ऑटोग्राफ मांग लिया
मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के मुताबिक, क्वाड बैठक में राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन और ऑस्ट्रेलियाई प्रधानमंत्री एंथनी अल्बनीज (Anthony Albanese) ने पीएम मोदी से एक अजीबोगरीब चुनौती का जिक्र किया. बाइडेन ने पीएम मोदी को बताया कि अमेरिका में बड़ी संख्या में लोग उनसे मिलना चाहते हैं जिसके लिए उनके पास कई आवेदन आ रहे हैं. बाइडेन बोले, 'मुझे आपके कार्यक्रमों के लिए लोगों से लगातार अनुरोध मिल रहे हैं जो मेरे लिए चुनौती बन गया है
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आत्मदीप | Kavita Atmdeep | Kavita Harivansh Rai Bachchan #kavitakosh #sh...
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dogboyrevenge · 1 year
i have got to continue reading in hindi its good for my mental health
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prince-panchal · 2 years
Khud mein kho k to dekho zara!
Aur fir dekho kaise magic hote hain is zindagi mein. ✨
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Hindi Story Reading: उसके कानों में मर्दाना आवाज़ में गाए जाने वाले गाने के कुछ शब्द पड़े। वह अभी घर की दहलीज तक ही आ पाई थी। उसके बढ़ते कदम वहीं ठिठककर थम गए। तभी पड़ोस की उसकी हमउम्र एक औरत उसका हाथ पकड़कर उसे बाहर खींच लाई।
कहानी- आशीष दलाल
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chaithetics · 6 months
Late Night Mends
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Pairing: Kid (Monkey Man) x reader
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: 18+ MDNI, mentions of anxiety, injuries, not a lot of spice, some fluff, not proof/beta read lol, does not contain spoilers for Monkey Man.
Note: Absolutely am in love with Dev Patel, he adores the world and fandom love! Also special mention to my friend @mittos who helped with this prompt/story ideas. Go and see Monkey Man if you haven't already! And if you have go and see it again! Also jaan is a Hindi term of endearment. Also can we take a moment for Dev Patel's side profile?! Comments, and reblogs are always appreciated as well! I hope you enjoy!
It was late, extremely late. It had been a slow night but it was quickly becoming the latest it had ever been without his tired, bloody presence. It made you uncomfortable how late it was becoming, he never took this long to show up after a big match. You bit your nails as you couldn’t help but think about the possibility of where he was and scarily, what condition he was in. 
It was a risky field that Kid was in, especially when he was the losing dog for the overeager, sweaty crowd not to bet on. He took the punches and rarely complained about it, you’d only ever been to one of his fights before and never again. It was too painful to watch, you’d bitten each of your fingernails right down to the beds, and you swore that it gave you a few grey hairs. If you had any, each of them could be traced back to being his fault, you were sure. You loved him, truly adored him, but he certainly knew how to stress you out. 
You’re sitting down waiting for him to arrive. You don’t even realise that you’ve put your hand up to your face to bite your nails but now you know that you must’ve as you’ve been subconsciously biting them as you look out the window waiting, lost in your thoughts. You could think and use that as a distraction but no, the more you think or gaze off, the more you think about him, worry about him and overanalyse every little thing to be analysed, including what would need a magnifying glass to do so. You sigh and rub your face tiredly and also as another poor attempt at a distraction to take your mind away from him. 
It was a ridiculous thought, nothing could distract you from him, Kid lived rent-free in your mind 24/7, no matter what you did or wanted. And now was his prime time for filling your head. 
You rub your face some more and then look up, you can hear the door quietly open and the sound of gentle footsteps start to make their way to you. You look up as you try to glimpse the start of his lean shadow to confirm that he’s really, really, finally here. The light switch turns on as you see his arm stretch out and then he’s standing there in your doorway. 
You look up at him as he stands, he just looks at you for a moment. His gorgeous doe-eyes are wide, he looks exhausted and defeated but there’s a small smile on his face as his eyes meet yours. Ever since you’d known Kid, he had always been a man of few words, which seemed to balance out just how expressive his handsome face was. You liked that though, that his eyes truly were the window to his soul. You did like his voice though as well, you’d have no problem with him using it more. Sometimes he would talk though, about his sweet mother, the stories of Hanuman that his mother had told him and that had vividly stuck with and inspired him still. 
You quickly take him in, there’s sweat in his hair, a cut in his cheek, and his knuckles are bloody as always. You bite your lip as you look at him, chewing over your words so you don’t come across as either a scolding lover or treating him like a patient. 
“Your hands…” You finally say as he steps closer to you and you can see that he made some attempt to cover them with a bit of cloth but the blood is all over his right hand. 
“It’s fine.” He says in a soft whisper, his voice is melodic as always but a little hoarse and deep. He looks down at his hand he tries not to flinch when you take his hand and it’s further proof that no, it really isn’t fine. You sigh and move his hand to check his fingers, it causes discomfort but based on the movement you know it’s not broken at least. It was genuinely impressive that he was still alive, still functioning and not just with everything he’d been through as a young boy, but with the amount of beatings he’d taken at the club. That he’d somehow avoided major damage to his body, that his handsome looks were still intact, and also his teeth. That was a big surprise you had to admit. 
“Sit down.” You look at him with a look of concern, one that he doesn’t like. “Come on, I’ll clean it up.” You say softly.  He runs his right hand, his good hand through his damp but perfect locks and he sighs, sitting down, waiting for you to fix his wounds and to feel your tender touch. 
You’d had the first aid kit ready to go, sitting on the floor waiting for his entrance. You always used it, he always needed it. Your medical background certainly helped, some nights you’d crack a joke that that was the only reason why he was with you. The first time you made that joke his eyes widened at first, and he immediately stuttered to try and reassure her that that wasn’t the case. He didn’t realise that it was a joke. You’d kissed him to reassure him and he kissed you back so sweetly. Now when you made the joke he’d just look at you and give you a small, precious chuckle. You just want to make him smile, make him laugh, bring him joy, and make him feel safe. He deserved that at the very least, especially with his gigantic hug. 
His hand clearly had taken the worst of it, you hold it gently in yours, and his hand twitches for a moment. He’s spent most of his life being devoid of affection. He craved a gentle touch, to feel seen and safe in the company of another. He’d started to find that with you, in the way you looked at him, how you carefully held his hand in arms when cleaning an injury and wrapping it up. You somehow had never noticed it, he figured it was because of how attentive you were to his injuries, to him, and his lips quirked up into a secret smile you’d miss over the irony of you not noticing this because of how attentive you were being to him. 
“You were later than usual.” You say as you clean his bruised and bloodied knuckles. 
“I know.” He whispers as he looks up at you, he’s tired but there’s a small smile on his lips as he knows the scolding is incoming, just what degree is it going to be from you tonight, is the question. 
“I was worried, my fingernails are almost as bloody as your knuckles because of how much I was biting them.” You say as you try to clean his hand gently, noting how his hand occasionally twitches in response.
“Would’ve been quite a match.” He whispers before he looks at your hands, noticing your nervously bitten nails. His cheeks heat up as he can’t help but feel a little bit of guilt about causing you to worry so, he’s spent so much of his life without someone who cares about him like this. You sigh and roll your eyes at his response. 
“You’re going to be the cause of every single grey hair I have in this lifetime.” You say as you treat the knuckle wounds, making sure you’re gentle. “All I do is worry, you spend every night getting beaten, thrown off tables. It’s going to be too much one day. Something will go wrong. Then what?” Kid can’t help but look up at you, it’s a conversation that’s happened more than a few times. “What if it’s your spine or something? I won’t be able to fix that-” “It’s okay. It’s fine. I’m okay, jaan.” He says as he looks up at you, his big brown eyes are widened and he’s looking at you with his sad puppy dog eyes, he feels bad for making you worry so much. 
You sigh, biting your lip as you try to stop yourself from saying anything else. He’s too sweet and so you nod and finish cleaning and bandaging everything. After a moment, you cup his cheek as you look at his warm eyes and you go to get him some water to drink. He watches you and continues to as he drinks the water. You two have become quite good at playing a game of watching each other, almost like it’s a sport to observe the other. 
He looks at you, tilting his head which tousles the gorgeous locks he has a little. You sigh and run a hand through his soft brown curls, damp with sweat but somehow miraculously not blood. His hair has always been absolutely perfect. You feel bad for essentially venting your anxieties at him right as he’s come from a long night of work at the club. 
“I only scold because I care.” You say but you’re not sure if it’s him or yourself that you’re trying to convince more as you say the words, but it’s true technically. “It’s a form of doting really.” You say as you look at him as he adjusts in his seated position, looking up at you with his wide, doe-eyed orbs. Even if it was a form of doting, you could never stay mad at him for long when having to look into those gorgeous eyes. They’d melt away any troubles and you’re sure if awards were given out for best brown eyes, he’d win. You hated that he did this, that this was how he had to get by. That he had to take these awful, unhealthy beatings but you love him anyway.
He was freshly bandaged now, he moved his hand up and Kid started to slowly caress your cheek, he traced some invisible line so gently with the pads of his fingertips as he looked at you. His doe eyes were filled with adoration and peacefulness as he concentrated on your beauty. You let him, it was soothing and sweet and you had no reason to even consider stopping this. You were his and he was yours. 
Your eyes glance down at his fingers, and then you put a hand up to cup his cheek and look into the most beautiful eyes you could ever imagine seeing. After he feels your touch his eyes quickly close and he inhales. He isn’t sure if he’ll ever get used to the feeling of your fingers on his face, of how your hair feels against his skin, or your breath, but he knows for sure, that he’ll at least never tire of it. 
His fingers glide down do your mouth and he traces your lips as he looks at them. He tilts his head and before he can even move, you’ve moved your head to press your lips together. There’s something about how gentle his hands are with you, how they feel even after everything that has happened to him and that he does. How it just takes a glance at you for him to melt into a puddle. 
You put your hand back into his hair and run it through his curls as he kisses you back and the kiss deepens almost immediately. He cups your cheek gently as your lips move together in sync and you can’t help but start to tug his locks a little and his hand moves to your waist to hold you close against him. You continue to play and tug his hair as his lips move down your chin and jaw and he kisses your neck. You gasp out and tug on his hair a bit more as you feel his breath tickle your throat between his passionate kisses. You struggle to not let out a giggle as he does this and you feel your cheeks heating up as you tilt your head back so your neck is as exposed as possible for him while he kisses your throat and makes his way to your collarbone. 
He always gets like this, and so quickly. He just needs a little touch, the reassurance of you being there and he feels an all-consuming need to make up for the years of loneliness, the lack of affection, the lack of physical contact outside of a fight he was guaranteed to lose. He has you in his arms and it’s something right for once, if it was a game this would be a victory, some kind of peace.
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transform4u · 22 days
I'm a doctor in Germany and was going to a medical meeting where I would have gotten a degree. Now, suddenly, a message came on my phone that read, "Foreign construction worker, come to work now!" And now I feel a bit dizzy... What is happening to me?
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As you hear a resounding snaaaaaaaaap echoing through your mind, it’s as if a taut wire has snapped, sending a jarring shockwave that fractures your thoughts. Each idea, once so clear and vivid, begins to shatter and disperse, leaving behind a void where once was intellectual vigor. Your mind feels like it's being drained, thoughts popping out of existence one by one, leaving you increasingly confused and slack-jawed.
A warm, golden bronze tan starts to spread over your body, as though sunlight itself is pouring over you and sinking into your skin. It washes over you like a thick, honeyed glaze, settling into every pore and highlighting the emerging contours of your physique. The transformation feels oddly comforting, as if you’re being wrapped in a cocoon of warmth.
Your muscles begin to heat up with a noticeable intensity, a sensation akin to a furnace igniting inside you. You feel the surge of warmth as your abs start to plump and define themselves, each muscle segment becoming more prominent and pronounced. Your pecs swell, bouncing slightly with each breath and movement, filling out your chest with a robust, powerful fullness.
Hair begins to sprout from your chest, thick and wiry, weaving its way up toward your expanding biceps. As your arms grow larger and more muscular, the hair seems to sprout naturally, integrating seamlessly with your new physique. The feeling of your muscles expanding is both exhilarating and primal, a powerful surge of growth that you can almost feel at a cellular level.
Memories of med school slip away like sand through your fingers, replaced by a vivid reality of physical labor and camaraderie on the construction site. The clinical precision of your past life is overshadowed by the raw, visceral satisfaction of hard work and the boisterous environment of your new daily grind.
Your palms begin to sweat, the moisture mixing with the dust and grime of your labor. Callouses form on your hands, rough and tough from gripping tools and performing repetitive tasks. Sweat drips down your face and body, glistening in the sun and marking every effort you put in.
Your clothes adjust to your growing frame, shifting from neat scrubs to a dirty, ratty, and stained from the rigors of work. What was once crisp and clean now tells the story of your relentless effort. Your English skills become more limited, your German knowledge fading into the background, replaced by a working-class Hindi accent with a hint of Cockney.
As your mind dulls and your thoughts become simpler, laughter begins to bubble up from deep within you. It’s a deep, hearty laugh, resonating with your newfound, deeper voice. Each chuckle echoes with a sense of satisfaction and ease, reflecting the transformation you’ve undergone.
You take a swig of beer, feeling the cool liquid slide down your throat as you gaze out at the bustling construction site behind you. The sounds of hammers pounding and men shouting fill the air, a cacophony that's almost music to your ears. You let out a loud burrrrrp, the sound echoing throughout the site and causing a few of your mates to chuckle. You adjust your dick in your jeans, feeling it grow bigger as you do so. You flash a cocky smile, feeling like the king of the world.
As you continue to work, your eyes wander to the street outside the site. That's when you see her - a hot German babe walking down the street, her long blonde hair blowing in the wind. Your eyes are drawn to her boobs and ass, and you can't help but let out a few catcalls as she passes by. "Hey, you're a pretty one!" you shout, your words carrying across the street. "Nice tits, sweetheart!" You laugh as she gives you a dirty look and quickens her pace.
Your mates join in, hollering and whistling as they spot the babe. You laugh and joke with them, feeling like a teenager again. "I bet I can get a piece like that tonight, mate!" you say, your words slurred from the beer. "I mean, I'm a good-looking bloke, innit?" You chuckle.
You let out an obnoxious fart, the smell filling the air as you continue to work. Your mates laugh and tease you, but you just shrug it off. You're a dumbass construction worker, but you're happy with that. You've got your mates, your beer, and your fantasies. What more could a bloke want?
As the day goes on, you continue to work, your mind wandering to the babe and your fantasies. You know it's all just a waste of time, but you can't help yourself. You're a bloke, and blokes love to fantasize. You just hope that one day, you'll get lucky and score with a bird like that. But until then, you'll just have to keep dreaming.
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room-surprise · 3 months
what part of SA does kabru seem like he's from? i thought maybe nepal or India but idk
(To clarify for readers I think by SA they mean "South Asia." Also this post is an excerpt/remix of the information in my essay about the real world linguistic and cultural references that exist in Dungeon Meshi. You can read Kabru's section of that essay here. You can also read a tumblr version of Kabru's section here.) Kabru is the name of a mountain on the border between Nepal and India, so I agree with you, and I think he's from somewhere similar to both of those places! I don't believe any location in Dungeon Meshi is an exact copy of a place in the real world (Except Wa being Japan) so there's probably some other cultural elements mixed in there too.
I talk about this in detail in the Kabru section of my essay, in the chapter on Miscellaneous tall-men. I'll give an abridged version here, with some pictures, since this is tumblr, and I love nothing more than talking about Kabru lmao
Utaya (ウタヤ) is the name of the village that Kabru lived in until his mother’s death. It’s located in the southeastern part of the Western Continent, in an area that seems to be made up of arid mountains and cliffs, based on images in the manga, anime, and world guide.
(Utaya circled in red. As you can see it's around a mountain chain.)
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Obviously the terrain information is anime-only, as Kui's map doesn't include this information... HOWEVER, Kui does give us POPULATION maps.
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This is the combined population map my spouse made in 2023 to help us understand where the different races live. How does this help us?
In the real world, geographic barriers like rivers and mountains are usually what create the boundaries between different cultural groups. The person who made the anime map obviously knows this (or Kui told them) and they placed mountains and rivers based on where there are divisions between the races on Kui's map.
There's an ethnic enclave of gnomes and dwarves in the bottom east corner of the Western continent. There is most likely a serious mountain range between that population and the rest of the continent, since the World Guide says the Western Continent is dominated by elves, not dwarves or gnomes.
So, there probably ARE mountains around Utaya, in the manga, even though Kui hasn't explicitly told us so. So it's probably a region like the Himalayas, like Nepal, since those are some of the tallest mountains on earth.
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These red cliffs Kabru is standing around in the first anime opening are likely meant to represent Utaya, since there is no place on the island or in the dungeon that looks like this. It's where Kabru comes from and what happened there is both vitally important to his character, and the Dungeon Meshi story as a whole, so it makes sense to foreshadow its existance in the OP.
Utaya (pronounced “uthaaya”) could be Hindi (उठाया) or Urdu (اٹھایا), but it’s also the name of a Yakut/Sakha village in Siberia (Утайа). So the village's name is either Hindi or Urdu (both Indian languages which are mutually intelligible) or Turkic. I think it's most likely the former.
The appearance of Utaya, especially the red cliffs that the anime has shown us, looks a lot like a remote part of Nepal called the Mustang District.
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Mustang (मुस्ताङ) District straddles the Himalayas and extends northward onto the Tibetan Plateau. The district is one of the remotest areas in Nepal and is second in terms of the sparsity of population.
Geographically, Mustang is a cold, high-altitude steppe that is a part of the Tibetan highlands.
Upper Mustang (the northern part of the district) was once part of the Kingdom of Lo-Manthang, isolated from the rest of the world by some of the tallest peaks on earth. From the 15th to the 17th century, its strategic location granted the Kingdom of Lo-Manthang control over trade between the Himalayas and India.
We know that dungeons only grow large and dangerous if a lot of humans visit them, and dungeons that don’t have a lot of traffic tend to wither away. If Utaya was a trade hub that saw a lot of people and goods moving through it (lots of desire) like Lo-Manthang, it would make sense for a man-made dungeon to grow out of control there.
Being major trade hubs might even be something that Utaya and Merini have in common, since Merini was once the major port of entry to the Eastern Continent from the West. That may be part of why both of them grew such catastrophically dangerous dungeons.
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Now obviously these houses are drawn REALLY roughly and without a lot of detail... But Kui generally doesn't seem to enjoy drawing houses so I'm not surprised. Nepal has both steepled and flat-roofed houses though, and villages that are built on the side of a steep incline aren't uncommon.
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Additional reasoning:
In the Daydream Hour book, there is a comic about various characters presenting sweets from their home regions. Kabru attempts to share a dessert from Utaya that looks like white oblong balls on a plate.
These are probably an Indian sweet called rasgulla (literally "syrup filled ball"). Rasgulla are a dessert popular in the eastern part of South Asia (an area that includes the Himalayas), made from ball-shaped dumplings of chhena dough, cooked in light sugar syrup. Rasgulla are also popular in Nepal, where they are called rasbari.
The Nepal sky caves have a passing resemblance to parts of the Ancient cities that Kui shows us towards the end of the manga, where there are homes that look like they are built directly into cliff walls. Since Utaya had a man-made dungeon beneath it, there was probably an Ancient city located there... Just like these ancient ruins in Nepal.
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The Ancient cities even more closely resemble Phuktal Monastery, a Buddhist monastery located in the Lungnak Valley in the Himalayan region of Ladakh, in Northern India. Phuktal is in a region very similar to Upper Mustang, on the border between North India and Tibet.
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And finally, I think there's story significance to Kabru coming from a place like Nepal.
The way Kui describes dungeons and the villages that grow up around them are similar to real world gold-rush or boom towns. The ability for people to make a lot of money in a hurry, with very little initial investment, attracts poor and desperate people who use the dungeon as a way to lift themselves out of poverty. This transforms the local areas from whatever their normal lifestyle was into a service economy that is completely dependent on the unstable dungeon.
In the real world, a huge amount of Nepal’s economy depends on tourism in the Himalayan mountain range. Nepal is a very poor country, and working as a porter at Mt. Everest, a Nepali can make nearly double the nation's average wage.
The Himalayas are an extremely popular tourist destination, and the amount of people who want to visit and attempt to climb the mountains far outpaces the local ability to support it. This makes me think of the dungeon of Utaya, and the dungeon of Merini, and how people have overcrowded it in their desire to conquer and exploit it for economic gain and glory.
Dungeons as an unsustainable way for locals to make a living, that leads to the destruction of their homes when the dungeon inevitably collapses, is a major plot point in Dungeon Meshi, so I think the parallel is likely intentional. Characters often talk about someone “conquering” the dungeon, and “conquer” is also the terminology commonly used for climbing a mountain.
This phrasing obviously has a hostile, imperialist subtext in the real world, since it’s most commonly used by outsiders talking about proving their strength by climbing a mountain in some exotic, foreign place. I think it has the same subtext in Dungeon Meshi. People want to assert themselves by proving they are stronger than the dungeon.
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aashiqeddiediaz · 5 months
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teri meri, meri teri prem kahani mushkil do lafzon mein yeh bayaan na ho paye yours and my love story is a difficult one it can't be told in two verses
(for @bieddiediaz hehehe ily)
[ID: two gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz, in black and white with a gif overlaid in red and black. The text overlying the gifs is lyrics from Teri Meri from the movie Bodyguard. There is the original Hindi lyric in Latin letters, with the English translation written similarly. One word within the lyric is emphasized in a split-design font, separated to allow smaller, white text in the middle.
GIF 1: Eddie and Buck standing, staring at each other after Eddie gets shot in 4.13. Overlaid is a red and black gif of a wide shot of Eddie climbing the ladder to an unconscious Buck, dangling from the ladder in 6.10. The Hindi text reads, "Ek duje se hue juda" and the English subtitle reads, "Why were we torn away from one another."
GIF 3: Eddie pausing at the door of Buck's loft, turning around to look at him in 7.05, blended with Buck looking up when he realizes Eddie's still there. This is overlaid with a red and black of gif of them hugging. The Hindi text reads, "Jab ek duje ke liye bane," and the English subtitle reads, "When we were made for one another."
/end ID]
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indiasuprenews · 11 months
कुरुक्षेत्र में जज के पिता  को जान से मारने की धमकी देने का मामला सामने आया है। धोखाधड़ी के दर्ज मामले में बयान न देने को लेकर यह धमकी दी गई है। आरोपी ने पहले शिकायतकर्ता पर  अदालत में बयान न देने का दबाव बनाया। फिर बाद में जान से मारने की धमकी दी।  आरोपी ने पाकिस्तानी नंबर से व्हाट्सएप कॉल की थी
शिकायत में शहरवासी व्यक्ति  ने बताया कि इस साल मई में उनके साथ 34 लाख रुपये की धोखाधड़ी हुई थी।  इस मामले में बिहार पुलिस ने संजीत कुमार निवासी मोतिहारी जिला पूर्वी चंपारण  बिहार को गिरफ्तार किया था, जबकि इस मामले की जांच एसटीएफ अंबाला कर  रही है। मामले में जमानत को लेकर आरोपी ने 12 अक्तूबर को सेशन कोर्ट में  याचिका दायर की थी |
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fatehbaz · 9 months
what does your username mean?
Cat ghost.
As child. Would go to library, to look at books about creatures, with a pen and notepad. Or sit before a television watching "nature" documentary stuff, with a pen and notepad. Was fixated on habitats. The context. Did not like to isolate an individual creature from the wider ecological community. This led to interest in geography, distribution range maps. Was aware that, in popular perception, some creatures were strongly associated with a particular place. "Lion is an African animal. Tiger is an Asian animal." Allegedly. And other stereotypes (many of them, I would later come to learn, due to chauvinism, exoticism, Orientalism, colonialism, etc.). Came across a kind of large textbook on wild cats. Saw the historical distribution maps. Only a few centuries ago, tigers were in Anatolia, the Caucasus, near the shores of the Black Sea. Was intrigued. From the middle of the twentieth century onward, the lion and cheetah were so closely associated with Africa, where like over 99% of their range was located. And yet. There remains a small remnant population of nearly-extinct Asiatic lions far away within India''s borders. And there remains a small remnant population of nearly-extinct Asiatic cheetahs within Iran's borders. And all that space, in between, where both cats were now extinct. Only 100 years ago, tiger, lion, leopard, and cheetah all lived generally near each other, still, in eastern Anatolia, near Mesopotamia, etc. And now, only a few dozen wild native cheetah remain on the entire continent of Asia.
"Cheetah". The word for this cat is from South Asia. Through Hindi, from Sanskrit.
"What happened?" I read on. Cheetahs were present within the national borders of what is now India, along with tigers, lions, and leopards. By the 1500s, there was a tradition in South Asia, where some in the Mughal aristocracy enjoyed using cheetahs as companions in sport hunting. The cats would be captured in the wild, and then trained, and then brought along on royal hunts. The cat was the star athlete, goaded into chasing down prey, for the entertainment of the hunting party. There are elaborate paintings, commissioned by Mughal courts and some now displayed in collections of European museums, depicting trained cheetah hunts. It has since been popularly said that Akbar was particularly fond of cheetahs. (Akbar the Great was the "emperor" who is credited often for consolidating Mughal state power across India, solidifying regional power by building administrative systems/structures in India ["forging an empire out of fiefdoms"] that would later eventually be manipulated and overtaken by the British Empire. According to some tellings of the historical narrative.)
Accurate or not, it was said that at any one time, Akbar possessed one thousand cheetahs. A vast royal menagerie. The names of several of the most celebrated cheetahs are still known. In some stories, when he was still young, Akbar was presented with a gift. His very first cheetah: Fatehbaz.
This disturbed me. A child, reading this book, I was upset by the idea of such a vast menagerie of wild animals. Large wild animals, with great need for food, space, enrichment. I was upset by the exploitation of captive wild animals as displays of aristocratic wealth, not just in the Mughal state(s), but also those menageires and exhibitions elsewhere, both earlier and later in time: the royal hunts of Assyrian kings, the Roman arenas, Charlemagne's elephants, European circuses.
So, as a child, I imagined that Fatehbaz resisted the captivity. Like in a daydream, a fantasy. I imagined a royal menagerie breaking free from restraint. I imagined elephants and rhinos and tigers and lions and leopards and jackals and crocodiles. I imagined the beasts attacking an emperor's court. But there are now less than one hundred cheetahs which survive in the wild in Asia. And when Mughal statecraft gave way to European statecraft, when Britain moved into South Asia, the bounty hunting specifically targeted big cats. And, meanwhile, the cats were confronted indirectly with habitat destruction, commodity crop monocultures, industrial-scale resource extraction. So I came to imagine the ghosts of cats. The ghost of a cheetah like Fatehbaz on the Indus plain. The ghost of a jaguar in the Sonoran desert. The ghost of a lion on the Mediterranean coast. The ghost of a tiger on the Amu Darya shore beyond Bukhara, where even the Aral Sea itself has vanished.
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midmaysunray · 7 months
Hello there, it’s me Momo🩷
(Also, this is a shit posting blog, might wanna check out @shunrehihosumedha )
Here’s a little description of things I love and envy
I’m from the Indian subcontinent.
Spent my entire childhood between mountains and valleys. For a change shifted to Delhi which I regret tremendously.
I love farming, gardening, stitching clothes, crocheting, writing poems and maintaining a journal.
I enjoy long walks and bicycle rides.
I prefer going to a bookstore or a restaurant all by myself. I love self-dates.
I want to settle someday at an unknown meadow with mountains and lakes at a cottage core house, with big windows and minimalistic furniture with a wooden chimney, a library with some cats and the man I love.
I’m a student, fortunately academically gifted/blessed.
I did my undergrad from Indraprastha college for women under the university of Delhi in the discipline of geography Hons. Currently pursuing my masters from Jamia Millia Islamia.
I love movies; and my favourite genre is dystopian reality. So far I have watched 750+ movies which include almost every linguistic diversity as I strongly believe in the adherence of, “you can’t find gold unless you dig the dirt.”
I love reading books, like a lot. I can speak 5 different languages and out of them, 3 languages are engraved within my system. Starting from Greek Literature Iliad by Homer to metaphysics by aristotle; reading short stories of Rabindranath Tagore in Bengali as well as reciting Gazals of Gulzar in Hindi itself, I believe I have defined base in my own culture as well as to others. Again, when it comes to dystopian, I envy reading The Hunger Games and The Maze Runners. Do Androids dream of electric sheep? Comes under my top 5 dystopian reads; as this book was later adopted into a world class movie franchise called The Blade Runner. I lean towards Harry Potter more than The Lord of the Rings. I have read A song of ice and fire which people are so batshit crazy about and famously known as the “Game of thrones.” I didn’t watch a single episode but I know more than any fan I believe.
If you intervene and ask, then yeah you can think of me as a “nerd” hehehe because my preference and taste of things leans towards being more of geek tbh🩷🩷
I also enjoy watching animated series/anime and sit coms. I’m a sucker for The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon and will rewatch them for an eternity if asked. My favourite anime is Gintama but the list is peculiar and long as I have been watching anime/reading manga since I was 9 years old. My first anime was Dragon Ball z and Pokémon. I also watched Doraemon and Shinchan series/movies. The list goes on when it comes to entertainment but mine is more restricted than common which people watch out of peer pressure. Below are some examples for understanding my taste and likings.
My favourite dystopian movies are (Top 20)
1. Shutter Island.
2. Interstellar
3. The Dark knight
4. The Dark knight Rises
5. Captain America: the winter soldier
6. Rouge one: a star war’s story
7. Tron legacy
8. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
9. The Hobbit: the desolation of Smaug
10. Star Trek Enterprise
11. Star Wars: the empire strikes back
12. Blade runner
13. Blade runner 2049
14. Dune
15. V for vendetta
16. Maze runner
17. The Hunger Games
18. Oblivion
19. The Truman show
20. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Top 15 Anime
1. Gintama
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
3. Berserk
4. Mob psycho
5. Steins Gate
6. Violet evergarden
7. Monster
8. Parasyte
9. Heavenly delusion
10. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
11. Full Metal Alchemist
12, That time when I got reincarnated as a slime
13. Campfire cooking in another world with my absurd cooking skills
14. Barakamon
15. Bunny Drop
Top 10 Anime Movies
1. Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli
2. Up from the poppy hill by Studio Ghibli
3. My neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli
4. The End of Evangelion by Hideaki Anno
5. Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli
6. Perfect blue by Satosi Kon
7. Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
8. Ghost in the Shell by Mamoru Oshii
9. Violet evergarden: the movie by Taichi Ishidate
10. Doraemon: Nobita’s new dinosaur by Kazuaki Imai, Toshihisa Yokoshima, in collaboration with Kyoto animation studio Wasabi Mizuta, Megumi Ohara, Shihoko Hagino.
I know it may seem boring and I usually don’t find people with such diversity, but it would be good to be a part of this community. I envy people who respects art and literature of every culture and not demeaning them.
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meichenxi · 2 months
so I'm learning japanese for the bit. and how's it going? update: hilariously. I love it. everything is backwards. I am not bothering to learn any of the readings just recognise the kanji. the only materials I have are a book of short stories at b2 level and I cannot read a single kataKana. most of the hiragana I learnt about three years ago and then forgot to do any actual japanese since but I can read chinese so it's fine. I can read a surprising chunk of the book but don't know what any of the verb forms are outside the basics. did he pick up the sword? when will he pick up the sword? is he doubtign that he picked up the sword? may he have possibly (politely, in the past) once picked up the sword? and why does that servant seem to have such an impressive looking swor- oh he's a samurai. that's the character for samurai. I have installed a writing keyboard on my phone and it perfectly interprets my chinese squiggles and makes them into kanji with bizarre fae-like almost-but-not-quite meanings. I'm doing phonology from middle chinese on the fly. h>k got it got it. -ng > u?? well I still have to gather data on that one. please don't spell 'amerika' and 'kamera' in katakana @the history of the japanese script I Still Can't Read It pls just write it in kanji. pleease. some kanji are weirdly simplified to me and so look like the love-child of traditional and simplified chinese. postpositions my beloved and those are fine because my brain can already work backwards because of hindi but relative CLAUSES backwards??? now that's fun. now that's something to sink my teeth into. I'm not writing down any vocabulary. I'm looking up random grammar points online. basically it's going really well
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