#hikari is amazing!
1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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Octopath, it's a bittersweet experience
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gelljc · 2 years
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some recent octopath 2 things from twt!!
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satsuha · 2 months
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tmhk dump .. third pic is based on this video
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mrarconn · 2 days
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Hikari Sena, you can all thank me later
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sexysilverstrider · 1 month
JNHK | Inconsolable Promise
   She was his beloved friend.
   Growing up together, Jun never realized just how close they were. It was mere coincidence that they met at the age of 6. It was mere coincidence that they were next-door neighbours in a quaint little town. It was mere coincidence that their moms clicked that they ended up seeing each other almost every day.
   It wasn’t mere coincidence that they clicked so well too after all those years.
   It was a choice made from mother to children. Jun sought comfort and joy in the dark-haired girl. She was quieter than the ever-boisterous him, yet her patience rivalled even his mother’s. The little girl didn’t mind his presence. In fact, she enjoyed it. She enjoyed every little story they shared with each other. She loved overly energetic behaviour and he loved her utterly magical imagination.
   Even as they grew up, their friendship grew stronger than ever.
   Studying in a nearby local trainer school, Jun and Hikari were inseparable. Gossip started to spread about their close bond, but both denied it so easily, saying that they saw each other as siblings and nothing more.
   She had seen so many shameful things about him, yet she accepted him truly. He had witnessed things even she didn’t want to remember, yet he found her so dearly.
   Even after graduation, their friendship never once strained.
   Jun convinced her to do something so daring. So foolish. And she accepted his plan, though this time with wariness—something one of them needed to have.
   And it was that very plan that led them to their Pokémon journey. It was that very plan that welcomed them to their dreams of striving to be the very best. Jun wanted to be like his father. Hikari once told him that she didn’t mind what her future entailed as long as it had something to do with Pokémon.
   Neither realized that her future had a much, much broaden horizon than his.
   They went with their journeys, bumping to each other every now and then. They had Pokémon battles, with Jun losing each and every one to a suddenly determined Hikari. But he wasn’t upset. How could he? She was his best friend. As shocked as he was about his defeat with her, he took it as his lesson to do better. Besides, Hikari didn’t know what path she wanted to take, so maybe, maybe—this path was the right one in order to make her happy like him.
   Their journeys grew, making them stronger, making them tougher. Neither had expected to face such a terrifying terrorist group, but Jun was quicker to jump back to his feet in order to save the day.
   He lost a gruesome lost once. The shame was unbearable.
   He remembered devastation—something he rarely felt even when he lost to his friend. He remembered such foul words from the Galactic Admin that made him almost fall to his knees. Jun only stood there in the cold, cold snow. He knew he should be chasing after the enemy. He knew he should be saving the world.
   And yet, all he did was stand there.
   It wasn’t until Hikari came along and cheered him up. She was quieter than him, but still a talkative person compared to anyone else. Her words held so much meaning, breathing him hope that he thought he’d forever lost.
   It gave him the strength he needed to push forward.
   And just like that, Jun remembered fighting by her side on Spear Pillar.
   Everything happened a lot in a span of years. He watched as she grew more and more assured of what she wanted. First, it was indulging in Pokémon Contests in hopes of earning herself a famed title like her mother. Next, it was training her team to be indestructible after obtaining the title of Champion in Sinnoh. Once, she even tried her hand at completing the Pokédex, catching and documenting every Pokémon in order to satiate her curiosity.
   Watching her grow had been a treat for Jun. Watching his dear friend achieve her dreams alongside him was truly something he’s thankful for.
   And like a greedy man, he wished for more.
   He didn’t remember when it started. Was it when Hikari cheered him up after his devastating loss in Lake Acuity? Was it when he thought he’d lost her the moment she looked back at him before going into the Distortion World? Or was it when she hugged him and cheered for his victory against his own father in the Battle Frontier?
   Or was it way before? Way when he decided the one fateful day to catch their very own Pokémon? Way when they were in school? Way when he kept coming to her house to play when they were little?
   Jun couldn’t remember. But what he did know that his feelings for Hikari were genuine and true.
   It was a few years after their achieved victories. Jun had rented a nice apartment in Canalave City while Hikari had—miraculously but not surprisingly—bought a villa in the Resort Area of the Battle Zone. The latter had the opportunity to lease such a grandeur place thanks to a mysterious previous owner. It was alarming at first and horrifying at worst, but Cynthia soon assured her that it was due to her newfound champion title that she was managed to obtain such a gift.
   Jun assumed that being a champion of a region truly had its perks.
   For being the youngest champion in Sinnoh, it was reassuring to know that Cynthia would guide Hikari the ropes of handling her new intimidating duties. It took Hikari a while, but she managed to get the gist of it and soon enough, the young woman had shown enough potential to be a champion worthy of Sinnoh.
   Jun was happy for her. Very much so.
   So, when it came to him wanting to come to her villa to celebrate another great day of work, Jun decided that tonight was the night to take their friendship to a whole new level.
   “Are you sure you’re able to bring the cake tonight?”
   His laughter earned a disapproved pout on the other side of the screen. “I’m sure,” he replied, mouth tickled to a smile. Walking around his quaint little apartment, Jun took the famous green jacket—gifted by his father—and wore it. Pride always swelled whenever it was wrapped around him. “I bet I can be at your house way earlier than you.”
   “Then the neighbours will think you’re a creep and report you to the police again.” A sigh slipped through her lips. Getting ready as well, Hikari applied a simple layer of lipstick before flashing a smile on the mirror. Black eyes then gazed at her childhood friend through the Pokétch screen. “Remember last time? The alarms were blaring when you decided to drop by my villa through the window.”
   His smile cringed to a scowl at the bitter memory. “Good to know that their security system works, huh.” A guiltless laugh bubbled out to see her rolled eyes. “Either way, I’ll contact you when I’m there and,” One hand took his Pokétch to make sure his face was close and clear, “I’ll be sure to bring you cake. Your favourite kind.”
   His smile was accompanied by warm cheeks to see her radiant joy.
   “Promise?” Hikari took her own Pokétch closer too. Now, they were facing each other. She could see him.
   He would always see her. “Promise.”
   Time passed slowly. So slowly.
   One man sat on a bed. Big and empty. Silence echoed too loudly in a building that deemed too big for one person. Curtain covered the windows, blocking any signs of light and life. All the lights were off, leaving only a flicker of a lamplight that grew dimmer and dimmer over the years.
   When he woke up again today, he really wished he didn’t.
   How long has it been? Months? Years? Decades? The man lost count at the times he grieved and feared for the unfathomable. Even after being terrified of her sudden disappearance. Even after looking around the entire region. Even after contacting the authorities and asking those knowledgeable about the Pokémon of Time and Space. All that came into his palms were nothing.
   Orange eyes shrunk into dots as grief settled in once more.
   Her smile. Her laugh. Her presence.
   It was nowhere to be seen except in the pitiful realms of his dreams.
   He waited. He waited and waited and waited. That night, confusion turned to worry when he couldn’t reach her through her Pokétch. Worry turned to fear when no one knew who last saw her.
   Fear turned to despair when he looked and looked.
   And looked.
   And looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked—!
   A gasp croaked through a dry throat. Sunken red eyes shook inside painful sockets. Head hung low; one hand ruffled through messy, long blonde hair. His frail body grew weaker, aching and begging for sustenance. But his mind and his heart remained constricted, enveloped by madness that continued to sap his sanity away.
   Her voice echoed in his mind. Over and over again. Hands pressed to the sides of his head, fingers roughly pressing against a throbbing temple.
   “H-Hi…” Her name was choked inside a dry throat. “H-Hi…ka…r-ri—”
   Drip…drip… A broken name was accompanied by burning tears.
   She was his beloved.
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your-gummi-partner · 4 months
“Oooh! Gummy gatow!” Hikari smiled and poked gummigoo curiously
[ The Gator smiles ]
"Hi little mate, who are you?"
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pipskippy · 11 months
rly wish they brought the endearingly odd parts of the original revue starlight play to the anime/movies…for example like hikari’s unnerving fake smile/demeanor and junna’s hysterical laugh out of nowhere and futaba’s more aggressive attitude. also i miss maya’s white gloves. and unrelated but yeah nana should be taller she should be like 6 foot at least
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datchscursedblog · 5 months
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Silly editing I did because yes
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beantothemax · 1 year
Mugen, whose health is already in the red: weakling. a child could best you.
my hunter Hikari, who him and his team have just dealt at least 50,000+ damage in a single round: big words for someone within Hienka distance
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tarn-ati0n · 7 months
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yay <3
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My top 25 Digimon Adventure Tri moments (in no particular order except the 1st)
I really need to bring these in order, but since I’ve reblogged this beautiful post, I might as well post my favourite Tri moments compilation right now. Will definitely look for more screenshots in the future too.
Jyou punching Dark Gennai. I'm getting excited just thinking about it, it's SO satisfying. 
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Taichi's flashback on Koushirou calling him out with them being framed as rain vs sun - that is such a good analogy right there from a cinematic point of view, even if it's just so subtle and there isn't a lot of emphasis on it, but it IS what lets Taichi snap out of his paralysis after all. It basically implied that Koushirou was “the sun” Taichi needed to move on (even though he himself usually is “the sun” for everyone else).
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As painful as it is - Sora's breakdown and Taichi telling her that her selflessness is one of her good traits, making her say the "Don't say things Piyomon would say" in return. Like, it HURTS, it FEELS dysfunctional, but in all actuality, it shows how much they DO understand each other. Literal hedgehog's dilemma. 
The Jyoumi honesty scene. As much of a retcon as it is overall, I love that they're honest with each other without hiding behind masks. 
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That split-second of Kou standing in front of that kimono with Tentomon and Piyomon in his bag - next to the Koura phone scene (where the set-up is nice, but there's just too much second hand embarrassment there), I just love the potential behind it. 
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The "Don't push yourself so much" Taishirou-scene, which will forever live rent-free in my head. 
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The Taikoura donut scene. It's stupidly cute, even if it isn't much.
The Meikeru scene in which she says it's nice to see Takeru and Yamato getting along despite their parents being divorced, it's actually very endearing to have such a gentle moment there out of the blue. 
Kou's mentor moment towards Takeru. "So you just want to forget? It's not about what you couldn't do, it's about what you WILL do." THAT IS MY BOY. 
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Takeru then trying his best to approach Meiko after being inspired by Koushirou (as mentioned above) in the exact same way is also an amazing follow-up.
In addition to the former entry, Koushirou’s "I'M AGAINST THIS, I WILL FIND A SOLUTION!" scene in the last movie, when everyone had already accepted the reboot as only solution, was a pretty nice “main character moment” for him.
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The Meimi hug scene, with Meiko FINALLY coming out of her shell and being the one who reassures Mimi for once. THAT WAS A GREAT SET-UP. 
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A summary of every "SoMi being lovely towards one another" scene. There are just too many to count (special mention goes to the amazing Jyourami rescue scene in the fourth movie!!!).
Kou rescuing Taichi from getting strangled by Yamato in the fifth movie. Classic. 
Sora's "don't close yourself off, being lonely makes a thorn grow in your heart, I was like that too" quote in the fifth movie, WHICH HURTS, BECAUSE IT COULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT SET-UP FOR HER TOO. 
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Taichi's "Shimane's the one without computers" shade comment, with Yamato's stupid "That was a million years ago" response, which is peak Tsundere. 
Tentocat nuzzling into Kou's side. Ugh. (Also probably all the cheesy AguTento moments.)
Taichi saying that they should not judge Jyou, "If we approached him now, he might have to face things he doesn't want to." Mature!Taichi ftw, even if that wasn't the overall best approach, it still showed his progress. He HAD to face the painful things in the end. 
Hikari's comment on Plotmon after the reboot, implying that there are certain things she’d better not remember (alluding to everything she went through during her time under Vamdemon up until watching Wizarmon die). I didn't think they would go there, but they did and that was both heartbreaking, but still amazing. 
Yamato's reaction towards Meiko's Ghost Story, completely losing it there - and the shade he got from Takeru for it. Good boy. 
Mimi actually kissing Meiko on the cheek. Groundbreaking. 
Yamato's peak closet moment (he had at least three) being the "if we don't have to form Omegamon anymore, that'll make it easier for you too, right?", including the blushing. 
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Taichi affirming Meiko that Koushirou is researching the whole infection issue “with all his heart” will also live rent-free in my head forever.
The farewell scene between Taichi and Daigo (probably being the 64728th Evangelion reference in these movies, but I’ll bite, I liked that one).
Also all the housewife!Gomamon scenes (that compliment the housewife!Tentomon scenes).
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stuff i drew on a friend and i's whiteboard activity thingy whatever on discord :3
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g0rechan · 1 year
More art🌸💄👁️🔥
Ft. Midori, Raizou, Niko, and short haired Kanbun
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Colored version here:
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mysticalpoems · 4 months
My name is Asa and I'm gay and transmasc :3
I use he/him and idm they/them
I like horror mangas/animes/games mainly but I like lots of other things :3
I like making characters and It'd be cool if I got asks about them (they contain heavy themes/topics though)
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Main interests are litchi hikari club and shoujo tsubaki but im open for more horror manga/anime/game suggestions :3
Basic DNI criteria (homophobic/transphobic/racist ect.)
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agumonger · 1 year
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my message to the entire staff of digimon card game
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pokemonruby · 1 year
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