#highschool mabel
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c0ffee1 · 7 months ago
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im sorry mabel OWNS those 2000's emojis
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ayanathedork · 7 months ago
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rainy-matcha · 6 months ago
OKAY I'm midway through Dipper and Mabel v.s the Future on my rewatch and I still think Dipper should take the apprenticeship with Ford with the exception that Mabel also stays in Gravity Falls and just goes to the normal Gravity Falls middle/highschool. Why does she need to go back to California? It doesn't really make sense to separate them. The public schools in Gravity Falls are probably equivalent to the public schools in California.
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coolunspokenforname · 5 months ago
I don't think I can hate any characters in Gravity Falls that aren't explicitly antagonists/evil. We're constantly given complex characters that have their own reasons, hopes, fears, so even the 'bad guys' are difficult to hate. However, those fucking teenagers...
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months ago
Random thought for today:
Dipper and Mabel Pines have the opportunity to throw the BEST birthday parties every year. Like, their birthday is the last day of summer, the combination of birthday and the day before the new school year is some insane energy for a party.
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nico-moist-moses · 1 year ago
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It was not fun . . .
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children-of-moss · 7 months ago
With the mystery twins officially turning 25 this year, what career do yall think they took on?
Personal hc:
Dipper dabbled in a few things including analytics and photography, in the end turning to the study of the paranormal longtime.
Mable has a degree in art and fashion and spends her time after graduation doing random jobs for the experience, even dragged dipper along to some of them. Eventually I think she opens an overall successful art studio which dabbles in a few different genres, might even take on proteges/students
What are ur hcs?? :3
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devilishly-stupid · 3 months ago
Made my dad watch Gravity Falls and was not expecting him to say Grenda is his favorite character, but it's an extremely valid opinion
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thefallenangel2008 · 12 days ago
I have a feeling that Mabel would be that one girl who got into at least one toxic relationship in middle school/highschool and wouldn't leave the guy. Her friends and Dipper would tell her to leave him but Mabel would just try to defend him and be all "but guyssssss, I know he made a few jokes about me infront of his friends, and yeah, they kinda hurt, but he gave me these flowers and this cute teddy bear to apologize!!! :((((" When in reality it's just love bombing. The Grunkles get a wind of this on the boat. Stan is pissed- no, he's furious, because how dare that boy treat his beloved niece that way, and Ford gets alarmed because, in a way, that's eerily similar to what Bill would do to him. At some point Dipper would find the guy's phone number (he went through Mabel's phone) and gave it to them. Naturally, as the loving and caring Grunkles they are, they sent death threats to that boy. He broke up with Mabel soon after. Mabel would be sad at first and potentially cry herself to sleep, but then as she would start to distance herself from that, she would realize that "yikes, did I really not see the red flags?"
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starsoftheeye · 7 months ago
I'm planning out a Drifting Stars fic rn, so here's a snippet of the first chapter because I need to post something about this fic. This is a first draft so it may change but I'm pretty happy with it for now
“Woah, woah, hey what’s going on? Stanford!”
Stanley watched, anger melting to fear as his twin brother began to float backwards, as if being pulled by some invisible hand towards the glowing machine
He watched as his brothers face contorted into an expression of fear he had never seen on his face before. All those years, and Stanley had never seen his bother look so afraid. Not like this. Not even as a kid hiding himself from the other kids their age, as a teenager watching him out the window of a house no longer a home, not even just a few minutes prior, so overcome with paranoia that he would think Stanley would ever want to hurt him. No, Ford had never looked so scared in his life, and Stanley had never known a fear like this himself
“Stanley! Stanley, help me!”
“Help me!!”
His brother, his twin brother, was floating away too fast and too slow all at once. His brother, who had grown up with him, who had abandoned him, who had came to him for help when he didn’t know who else to trust, was floating backwards into an oblivion of light, and Stanley felt powerless to do anything
“Oh no, what do I do?”
“What do we do?”
“Stanley! Stanley!”
Ford was thrashing in the air, desperately trying to push himself forward, but to no avail. He kept drifting backwards, and now he was beginning to submerge into the portal, the light around him rippling like he was being lowered into a pool
“Do something!”
“We gotta do something!”
Stan looked around for something, anything that he could use. A rope, a pole, something for Ford to hold onto, to keep him out of whatever hell was on the other side of the portal, but there was nothing he could use. And his brother continued to drift backwards, slowly being consumed by swirling blue light
“Grunkle Stan!”
Stan looked at his great-niece, his sweet great-niece who wore hand-made sweaters, and knitted him “Our Hero” banners, who named a pig Waddles and was so excited to start highschool, and he saw the same fear in her eyes as his brother all those years ago
He was held back by more than his own uselessness this time, gravity crushing him into the pipe behind him, keeping him in place, keeping him from running forward, from shutting down the damn portal, keeping him from saving another piece of his world pulled into the unknown back by the same cruel hand that had held his brother
“Grunkle Stan, how do we stop it? How do we save her?” Dippers voice was so far away yet so clear, and yet Stan couldn’t say a word
This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen
She was just a kid
It was like 30 years had never passed, and he was still the same piece of shit who couldn’t protect his family
She was looking straight at him, and the look on her face would be burnt into his mind for the rest of this life. Begging him to do something, anything, to help her somehow
“Mabel, grab something! Anything!”
But he couldn’t
“I can’t!”
Goddamn it, he couldn’t do anything
“We gotta shut it down, we gotta shut it down!!”
Curse this stupid gravity, he had to help her!
“I can’t move, dude!”
He couldn’t take losing one more person
“Help me!!”
Not her, please god not her
No, no, no!!
Blinding light. Complete silence.
Then everything came crashing down at once. And Mabel was gone
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c0ffee1 · 7 months ago
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some gravity falls highschool twins headcanons 😮 i kept dipper midwest emo hope thats okay
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cleocatrablossy · 2 months ago
Silly thought: what if Stan had an old leather jacket. Say, Shermie’s their older brother by around a decade or so and joins the military to fight in Vietnam. He’s originally put into the air force before being changed to some other part of the military. But he got the issued bomber jacket, and decided to send it back to Stanley. And Stanley cherished the thing, wearing it whenever weather permitted. Usually to the beach on windy days since it actually kept the gusts out. Usually he dressed for the weather, but if he was going to be caught by a sudden chill or breeze(or even rain though he generally tried to avoid damaging the jacket) it served him well. So at some point he started keeping it in his car when it was warmer.
When he got kicked out, it was the last gift from a family member he still had. So Stanley got even more protective of the jacket, but wear and tear always happens so as time went on he had to patch it up on occasion. Really whoever decided to put sleek loosely bound fabric in the lining was an idiot, because he ended up having to replace most of it. When he could he’d try to make the patches prettier or at least like a fashion statement, though most of them ended up being made of cheap- if not hardy- shirts and pants that reached a point of no return.
At some point though he decided that 1: it was likely becoming more expensive to fix the jacket then to just save up to get a new one and 2: he really didn’t want to lose that gift from the only member of his family that wasn’t there that night- and didn’t just let it happen. So he went back to storing the leather jacket once it hit spring and he ended up saving for the red hoodie. Sure it wasn’t quite as good against the wind or at general insulation, but it could survive getting wet just fine and when he zipped it up all the way didn’t jab into his jaw when slouching. Plus it had a hood and so offered some extra warmth for his head and neck.
After the portal incident, when he eventually moved his stuff from his car to the shack he brought the jacket inside. It went to the back of a chair for a while, but at some point he started using the closet and decided to free up some space by moving it there. He’d wear it down in the basement on colder days, and as the Murder Hut began to turn a mild profit he sat down and made sure it was in as good a condition as he could get it. He even sewed in a few patches in the lining using merchandise he couldn’t sell. Every piece of fabric in there was already tied to one event or another, so it only seemed fitting to have some from the tourist trap he was running now.
As the Mr. Mystery character evolved and he got clothes that were actually good for the weather he wore the jacket less and less. By the late 90s it was rare to see him in it.
But when he was called up for the birth of Dipper and Mabel he wore it. Shermie obviously had questions on why ‘Stanford’ had the jacket that he’d given to Stanley, and about the origins of some of the patches. Stan waved it off as the patches being mostly from highschool and it having been left in their room. Shermie let him off the hook, but they both knew that it was just him.
The jacket officially entered retirement to the closet after that.
Until one summer when the twins were twelve and came up to visit. Mabel was working on some project or other and was struggling with some stitches, and Stan offered to help. Mabel said she didn’t trust him with knowing how to sew things on properly, and he said he could prove it. So out came the jacket, old patches and all. They got to finish Mabel’s project together.
When Waddles got snatched by a pterosaur and Mabel insisted on getting him back, and then sticking next to the pig at all times, Stan decided that Mabel was absolutely going to wind up in danger in some way shape or form.
So he gave her the leather jacket, explaining it was passed down to him at around her age when he was starting to get into all sorts of trouble as well. He doesn’t say it was from his brother because no one knew if they’d see him again. They go through the history of each patch, and he makes some stories up when the actual explanation wouldn’t be good for Mabel to hear. She held onto it all summer, even if she didn’t wear it too much- it got hot and she was already always in a sweater.
But he and Ford managed to visit the twins in Piedmont during their spring break, and Mabel was wearing the jacket. Proudly she went ahead and showed off the new patches she’d sewn in. Of course there was a rough outline of a pig that she’d gone and embroidered some finer details on; then a pine tree, shooting star, fish, and six fingered hand; some general cryptid patches(at least one of which was stolen from Dipper), and cute vibrant patterns wherever there was something that genuinely needed patching.
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cravingpepsimax · 6 months ago
since he’s beginning to spread, here’s a rough timeline of events for the fujo bill au:
bill is defeated and is put in the theraprism
after who knows how long, bill begins coping with his spite and rage towards stan and ford by doing/making stuff that he thinks they’d hate.
he begins “shipping” stancest. bill doesn’t really GET the incest taboo, it seems pretty much entirely arbitrary to him, but he knows it exists and is something humans are REPULSED by. thus, he starts making stuff involving stan and ford dating each other. theraprism staff thinks it’s odd but him writing books about stan and ford kissing is significantly better than him writing books in an attempt to escape.
over time, bill starts getting actually invested. it may have started as pure spite, but he begins to remember things that, oh boy, sure do seem pretty incestuous, now that he thinks about it. at first, it’s funny — “HAHA, WOW, SIXER REALLY IS A FREAK, ISN’T HE?” — but then it becomes real.
since bill’s calming down and is no longer talking about wanting to murder the entire family 24/7, theraprism staff decides to move onto the next step in bill’s karma program: becoming pen pals with one of the people he used to terrorize. mabel’s a lot like bill, but not evil, so the theraprism staff choose her.
meanwhile, a 13 year old mabel gets a Crazy Paranormal Experience, in which she is told what’s going on. mabel agrees to be bill’s pen pal (he won’t be able to do any actual harm, and, worst-case scenario, it’d be funny to mess with him (note that, even though mabel’s 13, well over a year has passed for bill — time is merely a suggestion for beings as powerful as the theraprism staff)
bill HATES being made to do this stupid pen pal stuff. he can’t use it as a way out — the theraprism staff have been keeping a VERY CLOSE EYE ON HIM ever since the book, and it’s gonna be hard to trick mabel into doing ANYTHING for him. so, his first few letters are him insulting and trying to upset mabel, who doesn’t really seem to care at all.
eventually, in one of bill’s pieces of hate mail, he says some shit like “SIXER AND HIS BROTHER ARE REAL FREAKS, KID! WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY’RE DOING ON THE STAN O’ WAR II? I’LL GIVE YOU A HINT: THE ANSWER’S ‘EACH OTHER’!”
mabel promptly ignores the rest of the letter entirely, and makes a GIANT response excitedly going “oh my gosh, you noticed, too??”, and listing everything romantic she’s ever noticed about them.
bill responds, filling in some gaps here and there, telling her about some incestuous stuff from 30+ years ago, pointing out things she missed, pointing out things he missed (“WOW, THEY DID WHAT? TALK ABOUT NEEDING TO GET A ROOM, YEESH.”)
they become stancest gossip buddies from there. mabel fujopills him in other regards (bill never thought he’d watch a show called “ouran highschool host club”, much less at the request of a 13 year old who thinks the pair of twins kissing would be hot/cute, but hey, afterlife’s full of surprises, ain’t it?) but his main love is and always will be stancest
they eventually become close enough and the theraprism staff trusts them enough to get interdimensional phone call privileges. any time anything happens mabel calls him and goes “oh my gosh, you’ll NEVER guess what just happened!” and they gossip for like an hour
stan and ford are completely clueless as to what’s going on at all. i like to imagine they find out eventually but it takes awhile LMAO
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coffee-obsessed-freak · 5 months ago
Guys, hear me out about this au idea
Tags: Stanley angst. Like a ton of angst
Ok, so you know how in every other universe Dipper and Mabel don't make it out alive, or if they do, they're forced into roles they have to play? Okay so diverging from canon rq to make this AU work but what if their universe was the only one where Stanley stayed/survived?
Ford travels the multiverse, encounters various other versions of himself, and sometimes he'll subtly notice that these alters of himself carry little knick-knacks he'd NEVER be caught dead wearing. Worn-down scarves, old ratty jackets with patches all over them to cover the holes, some characters he can recall from his childhood (none of which are his favorite), brass knuckles?? What??
It starts off as confusion, then curiosity, but it quickly escalates to annoyance when they get defensive and protective over these small knick-knacks. He snaps when one of them derails the entire mission trying to save their scarf when it gets snagged by one of the monsters.
"What's so important about these things that you'd throw our whole life's MEANING away?! How important could it possibly be?!?"
And the Ford he's with. His alter. He looks at him, and there's a distant sorrow in his eyes that Ford just can't seem to pinpoint or understand why.
"Very important. It's everything to me."
And there's a certain unspoken statement there- that it's not about the scarf. Not about the brass knuckles. Not about the small tacky keychains. It's about who they belonged to at some point, and it's there where Ford can't understand.
Who could he have lost in his life that's made him this.. lonesome? Miserable?
And the Ford he's with, his eyes are full of understanding- and very distantly, dull jealousy.
"Oh. You must be the lucky one." the other Ford's voice is empty, "Good for you." he tacks on, through gritted teeth. Try as he may to seem unaffected, but Ford knows how his voice sounds when he's upset and hiding it. So he doesn't push it anymore, keeping his distance.
He starts to piece together exactly what's going on when he begins asking other Fords to share about their universes- they would always find the topic shifting back to Stanley.
Dead from hypothermia.
His body was found in a lake. Just 5 miles away from his cabin. Trying to look for Ford.
Stomped to death by a horde of people he'd scammed.
He remembers distantly once, when he was drunk and the other Ford was talking about how his Stanley died young in highschool, days prior to the science fair, Ford would pipe up about how "You must have gotten lucky then, no one was there to ruin your project" and he realizes a second too late what he said, and the guilt fills his lungs like water. It drowns him.
His alter, he speaks up after a tense minute, "I don't feel very lucky. I think I lost more than I gained that day"
Ford stops speaking after that.
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minksstinks1 · 5 months ago
(This is from my Ao3, 2,786 words)
Plot: Oneshot where you showed Bill how much you appreciate his work around the house with a little kiss, and he wants more, but doesn't know how to ask.
It had been a few months now since Bill was sentenced to work at the Mystery Shack for the rest of the house's days, or until the Pines family believed he had finally paid his debt, which you all had known wouldn't be anytime soon. You had been working at the Mystery Shack, and as a babysitter for the twins for a good 2 years now, luckily, not by force. That babysitter relationship soon turned into more of a friendly one, and now the Pines family had seen you as one of their own.
Bill, though, had been making progress. This progress was slow, but if you spent enough time around him, you would realize he was certainly improving every day.
He even stopped shouting less at the poor costumers who dared to ask him for assistance at work. It was a low bar, but it was still progress.
Soon, Bill started being allowed in the house. "Allowed" as in, he started letting himself in and they couldn't get him to leave. You eventually gave up and just let him sleep on the couch at night. Like a stray cat that came in, was fed once, and now refused to leave.
He even slept like a cat, too. Legs splayed out, on his side or stomach, stuff like that. Sometimes, you'd even watch him aleeping with his face on the pillow and his ass in the air, as if he was a cartoon character beat up and left for dead. It was ridiculous, but you all lived with it. It was very clear he still wasn't very used to this human body.
Though, being less evil didn't always include being less of an minor asshole. When Bill realized he could cause chaos without any magic, he was constantly pulling pranks as if he were some highschool bully. Shaken up sodas, banana peels on the floor, and also just straight up jumping put and scaring people. He would fall to the ground and laugh so hard it'd take atleast 15 minutes before he was able to calm down completely.
Though, at first, Bill found pain hilarious, that soon changed when he realized that humans actually need to HEAL from pain and he can't magically just wish himself better. He seemed to always be covered in bruises and scrapes; he was just completely uncoordinated in general. Though, it was pretty funny the first time he tried to run outside and slammed right into the glass storm door. You remembered being the one to fix up his bloody nose when that happened. He kept swiping you away and scratching at you to let him go while blood ran down his face, soaking into his shirt. Once you had finished cleaning his face off with a damp washcloth, he practically hissed and scattered off. Once again, cat.
Bill sat atop the fridge and watched you carefully and you started putting away the groceries you had just bought. Bill'a human for was relatively short, and since he had no magic to fix it, he was stuck at an unfortunate 5'5, making him shorter than all the adults. He liked getting on top of higher places to seem intimidating and watch his surroundings, but it didn't quite work, it was overall just kinda unusual.
Completely ignoring Bill's presence, you started mumbling under your breath and seperating items.
"Cake mix for Mabel, Raisin Bran for Stan, chips for Dipper, cake mix for Mabel, Pie slice for Ford, cake mix for Mabel- Jesus Christ,"
Though seeming excessive at first glance, that girl went through alot of cake mix.
Bill continued observing, not saying a word. He carefully watched your movements, memorizing them.
"Bill, you're being weird, go somewhere else," you began to shoo him away as you made you way over to the fridge. He simply stayed put and narrowed his eyes. You sighed and put the carton of milk away that you held in your hands.
"Well, did you get it?" He peered down at you.
You sighed and rumaged through the bag, putting out a small bag of flaming hot doritos. He jumped down from the top of the fridge, grabbed then from you and ran off. You sighed. "A 'Thank you' would be nice!"
Silence. Whatever, you weren't even sure he was eating them, just licking the flavor off and then touching everything with his grimy hands afterwards. Sometimes you'd catch him just staring at them like he was lost. "Did we forget how to eat again?" You'd tease, and he would growl and go somewhere else.
After putting away the rest of the groceries, you went to go relax finally, sitting down to watch a ducktective reruns. You began to doze off, and before you realized, you were fast asleep.
A few hours later, you woke up to Bill poking at your face. He was staring right down at you. You sat up, startled.
"Haha! Thought you really kicked the bucket there for a second, fleshie!" Bill spoke, straightening up.
You groaned and sat up. You rubbed your eyes and exhaustedly looked up at the yellow bastard. He always wore this sweater Mabel made him. It was a yellow with a traingle in the middle, which was colored slightly darker. He tended to forget to throw it in the wash, which made him very avoidable due to his gross appearance. His hair was black with a yellow fade to it, and the normally whites of his eyes beared a bright yellow. He was skinnier, almost sickly (atleast more than normal), when he first turned into a human-thing, but he eventually started to gain more weight and was now a bit bigger than average,
You liked him that way,
You couldn't deny Bill was slightly endearing. You liked taking care of him and seeing his progress. You're lucky he couldn't read minds anymore, or else you wouldn't hear the end of it. You liked to tease him because he got all red and angry, it was pretty cute.
Bill wasn't very used to nice touches. Yeah, he'd wrap his arm around someone or push them over as a triangle, but he couldn't exactly feel them. It was different now that he had a physical form and skin. Sometimes you'd lightly touch his arm to get his attention or pit yoir uand on his shoulder. He wasn't apposed, but it definitely started and confused him. He wouldn't really but sure of what to do so he'd stand their awkwardly. The only time he'd return these gestures was in the form of mild violence. "Mild" as in swatting.
Though Bill used to have all the knowledge in the world, it was different now and stuff he didn't know confused him. As a being of pure energy, the way his brain worked was like a file cabinet. All the information of the world was right at his finger tips, but he'd have to actually look at the "files" to retain the information. As a human, he only remembers what he, one, lived through, and two, already looked into and learned about. He had no interest in human behavior and affection, so he never really looked into it and learned the behaviors. When Bill was hugged for the first time, he held his breath and was practically shaking after. He didn't hate them, but didn't really get it or know what was going on.
Today, Bill was incredibly bored. Nothing good was on and there was nobody home. It was rare to leave Bill at home by himself, but he's been better about not breaking stuff recently.
As he laid upside down in Stan's chair, he huffed and sunk to the floor, messing up his shoulder length hair. He got up and just went to the kitchen to go eat someone else's food. He realized how filthy it had been and squinted, feeling mild disgust. Ironic. He took the nearby broom and started sweeping the floors. When he started being forced to work at the Mystery Shack, he picked up the cleaning thing pretty quickly. Though he always complained he had to do it, he was actually pretty good at it. He often picked up things quickly.
He wiped down the counters, put extra food away, and even did the dishes in the sink. The bleach smells of the cleaning products made him wince, but he powered through. After an hour and a half, the kitchen had looked much better than originally, and he was relatively proud of himself. He stood back with his hands on his hips, and suddenly, the door swung open. He jumped and looked back to see you standing in the doorway.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." You said, making your way into the kitchen. The bleach smell hit your nose immediately and you stopped. "Why does it smell like bleach in here?" Your brain went to the worst case scenario, thinking Bill might've decided to drink it for some reason other than just oure curiosity.
"I was bored and cleaned, haha, pretty good job if I do say so myself! Better than any of you could've done!" He sneered.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't hide the smile on your face. "You DID do a pretty good job here, Bill."
Suddenly, you had an idea and smirked harder. You walked over to Bill, held the side of his face, and planted a kiss right on his forehead, "Thank you for doing all this."
Bill stumbled back, shocked, and stammered, "W-w-w-" his face grew red and he was mildly annoyed at that fact. He had a mildly pissed off look on his face as he avoided eye contact with you. He turned around and placed his hands on the counter, visibly trembling a bit.
"Y-Yeah, it was a simple and mindless task. Even an idiot could do it!" He spoke through labored breaths, "Not sure w-why people are always complaining about cleaning, you can leave now!"
You laughed to yourself and sauntered out of the kitchen.
That night, Bill laid on the couch in the living room, staring up at the ceiling for hours. He couldn't deny he liked that intense form of affection towards him, but he had never felt or experienced something like that before. His stomach felt fluttery and it pissed him off. He buried his face into a pillow. He never wanted to see your stupid face again.
He'd hope you'd kiss him a second time soon.
That morning, after not sleeping for even a minute, Bill got up early and jumped to sweeping the halls, dusting the artifacts, and cleaning the paintings. He worked quickly, and not so quietly. He finished right as you'd gotten up. Walking out of your bedroom, you were greeted by Bill gathering his cleaning supplies.
"What're you doing, Bill?" You spoke, groggily.
"You know, just making this hellhole of a house look a little bit more presentable. I wouldn't be surprised if no one had dusted in here since the 80s, aha!" He laughed in that stupid mocking tone he always uses.
He stood infront of you, grinning, and placed his hands behind his back.
"Hm, well that's nice. Thank you, Bill." You muttered tiredly before walking to the kitchen.
He frowned and slumped down, defeatedly. He angrily threw the rag down he had used for cleaning onto the ground and stormed off. He'd have to try harder.
Later on, you were sitting on the couch, scrolling mindlessly on your phone when you were suddenly startled by Bill plugging in the vacuum and hastily moving it across the rug. He was acting like a mother who feels like she has to clean the whole house before the housekeeper comes over so she doesn't embarrass herself.
"Bill can you do that later!?" You shouted. He turned off the vacuum and looked over, "Well SOMEONE has to do it!" He proclaimed before going right back to cleaning. You covered your ears from the sound and left to the outside. He growled to himself and threw the vacuum down.
About 20 minutes later, he came back and bitterly finished vacuming.
Bill continued doing more chores around the house that nobody asked him to do across the week, but he simply did just to get your attention. Raking the leaves, though Mabel jumped into the large pile right after, doing the laundry, cleaning out the fridge, wiping the windows, he was pretty burnt out afterwards.
"Can't believe I'm saying this, but you did a good job, Cipher." Stan sat at the tabel and sipped his coffee. Bill didn't care, he didn't care what Stan or anyone else thought, just you. Stand soon left after to go tend to the shop. Bill eagerly waited for you to come back home.
"Did you clean the windows, Bill?" You smiled.
"Of course I did, I seem to be the only one that ever does anything around here!" He nonchalantly leaned against the countertop, holding back a smirk.
"You've been so helpful lately Bill, thank you again." You lightly laughed and qalked past him. He clenched his fists at your reaction- which was barely one at that.
You grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and turned around, just to be greeted by Bill.
"Jesus!- sorry Bill, you scared me." You stepped around him and closed the fridge door.
"Is there something you're missing?" He slyly spoke.
"I don't think so?" You cocked your head to the side, confused. "You've been acting differently lately, is there something up?"
"Haha! Maybe you're going crazy, I'm the same old Bill as always!" He held his own hands together and grinned.
Now you were kinda freaked out. Was he planning something? Did he plant a trap that would dump or cover you in something?
"Alright then..." You hesitatanly walked around him and looked over your shoulder as you retreated to your room.
Bill felt his eye twitch his pure frustration. Why. Wasn't. It. WORKING. Who did you think you were?? Ignoring him like that and acting like he hadn't practically just been a housewife for the past week just for you!
Before you could reach for your doorknob, Bill tugged at your shirt. You jumped a bit and turned back at him. He looked at you like you had just told him the worst thing you could think of.
"Alright, that's it! I've been nothing but nice and THIS is what I get in return!?" He shouted.
"I don't understand... what's got you acting so weird lately?" You gently spoke.
"Ohhhh NOW you care. Hah! Well it doesn't matter anyways, I'll leave all the chores to you bozos from now on!" He crossed his arms and turned away. "Yep! Don't go crying to Bill when you can't get your countertop to shine like I made it!"
You were confused and a bit scared at all his yelling. You didn't know what had got him so heated.
"Bill... I'm sorry if I made you feel unappreciated, I really am happy with all you've done around here..." you looked down at him, sadly.
"Yeah!? Well prove it, meatsack!" He threw his arms up in there, letting them drop at his sides moments later.
Then, it clicked in your head. You knew what he was looking for, what he wanted.
"Ohh, Bill..." you bent down and gently grabbed the sides of his face and gave him a kiss right on his forehead, just like before. But you didn't stop there, you began to firmly plant kisses all over his tan face with exaggerated "mwa!" Sounds.
face flushed a deep color. He didn't know what to do or where to put his hands so he stayed as still as a statue as you kept kissing him all over his face. He was completely embarrassed, but never protested once, he would never even think of it. You planted one last long kiss on his lips and straightened back up.
"You're so adorable, y'know?" You giggled and then opened the door to your room. "Goodnight, Bill" you softly concluded before closing your door behind you, but not before giving him one last pleased look over your shoulder.
He stood there completely baffled, lip gloss marks peppering his entire face. He relaxed his muscle and slightly slouched, still staring wide-eyed at your bedroom door. He brought his hands up to his face, they were a cold contrast to his heated skin.
Still shocked, he walked off into the living room and laid down onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He held his fluttering-feeling stomach. He might have to find something else to clean tomorrow.
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dontmixpaintinyourcoffee · 6 months ago
Things I Can't Stop Thinking About Since the Gravity Falls Renaissance; An Overly Long Compilation
• It's mostly a joke-y cartoon thing but holy shit Dipper wakes up screaming kind of a lot??? How long has he been doing that for?? How long will he *be* doing it for??
• Stan had to basically teach himself advanced physics and complex multidimensional theories. He had the advantage of the portal mostly being built and having a bunch of the notes post-Bill, but still!! He had to learn how to operate the damn thing! I highly doubt Ford wrote about the portal in the same accessible manner he wrote about cryptids, especially as he spiraled into paranoia. The machinations of the portal weren't meant to be shared with the layperson, it just wouldn't be practical information for most people to have.
(also notable that he went through the whole process of learning how to operate the portal not only through pages and pages of dense code, but with the background of a 1970s highschool education and literally nothing else that would be relevant. Ford works really hard, but this is also stuff that comes to him very naturally. Designing a functioning portal wasn't the hard part. The hard part was getting the idea for the portal in the first place and knowing what to do with it. This shit is so ridiculously advanced and Stan is not an academic mind by any means. No wonder it took 30 years, he had to keep up a fake life and fund his project while grinding away at advanced quantum physics interdimensional whatever science wizard nonsense. I think about those 30 years a lot.)
• It doesn't really get addressed, but I think about Wendy being "super stressed out, like, all the time!" A lot. God, can you imagine living in the same house as Manly Dan? Let alone being the only girl there? Especially depending on when their mom left/died, she probably felt incredibly alone for a lot of her teen years. And given the Apocalypse Training it doesn't seem like Manly Dan is the most stable parent either.
• Stan, Ford, and Wendy could probably bond over having shitty holidays (and subsequently being forced into having awesome holidays when Mabel found out.) Filbrick took Stan and Ford to get free cinder block samples for Hanukkah, and the Corduroys did apocalypse training every year instead of Christmas.
• Pacifica still hears the voice of the Lumberjack ghost in her nightmares, but it's implied on the website that the Lumberfolk spirits have actually declared her under their protection since the events of Northwest Mansion Mystery. That means one of two things: that the ghost in her dreams is just her own guilt-ridden brain, or that the ghost has been appearing in her dreams to try and help her. I think about both options frequently.
• Stan struggles a lot of the time with physical activity, but that's mostly to do with age. He's actually really goddamn strong (beating down the zombies, punching a pterodactyl in the face, grabbing Ford and hoisting him up off the ground no problem, scaling scaffolding and holding the twins up by a rope one-handed). This makes the fact that Wendy beat him in an arm wrestling contest three times in a row way funnier.
• The way the Stans were almost definitely completely willing to beat a random guys ass so that Waddles could get on that bus. Stanford "Your math is no match for my gun you idiot!" Pines implicitly threatened to shoot a stranger with a Weird Sci-Fi Firearm for his great-niece. Stanley is even more direct. There is no confusing what brass knuckles will to to you. I also absolutely believe that they were not bluffing. One of them would've stolen the bus if the guy had mysteriously fallen unconscious due to unforseen circumstances.
• According to Soos, Tad Strange is crushing hard on Woodpecker Guy. Is this general town knowledge? Does everybody know that the Woodpecker marriage is on the rocks? How does one divorce a woodpecker? Alternatively, how does one get divorced *by* a woodpecker? Does Tad have a chance? Is this a small town scandal? Mr. Hirsch inquiring minds want to know. Has Toby Determined written a gossip column on this drama yet. Get your head in the game, Toby
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