#higher rankings Institution
iaeeducation · 9 months
Achieving Higher Rankings and Accreditations: A Strategic Roadmap for Institutions
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There are several criteria for colleges and universities to get accreditations. But which are most important for higher rankings? It also takes time to get them at the right time. Without a strategic roadmap, it is an uphill task to master the standards for accreditation for institutions. So what are the fair chances of winning over students of good quality?
The Institute of Academic Excellence (IAE) is in the business of helping colleges to get NAAC Accreditation For Higher Education. With our consultancy services, many colleges have been able to construct a better roadmap to succeed.
The following post has been developed to help you understand how your college can also get higher rankings.
Changing needs of degree courses
A college degree is one of the most vital investments parents and students make in India. Today, the focus is not on gaining knowledge and being educated. Employability is vital as education is expensive. Colleges have to prepare students with knowledge, skills and life-learning processes. After passing, the students have to blend responsibly in society.
Pressure on performance and rankings
As awareness grows for higher-ranking institutions, the correct accreditations make them more reputable. Knowing about the process, each student now prefers to take admission if a college has a NAAC accreditation. It is not just for the process of admission such rankings matter. It is focused on the overall education being provided on the campus.
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Strategic roadmap with professional consultancy
It involves a peer review in the strictest terms and maintenance of quality with resources and tools. To get the prestigious tag, NAAC Accreditation consultancy services are available. They have experienced people to pave a roadmap that can help them achieve the status and tag. Often, the process involves an independent review, which is recognised by the Education authorities.
They will assess the institute for the following parameters:
Does the college have the necessary programs to help graduates and postgraduates prepare themselves in the fields/courses chosen?
Do the teachers, professors and other faculty possess the right credentials to teach? Do they have the qualifications and skills to coach?
Do the teachers, professors and other faculty possess the right credentials to teach? Do they have the qualifications and skills to coach?
Does the college provide a robust infrastructure for students to learn? Are the resources adequate enough and updated?
It is important to know how the faculty members are recruited and the criteria for student admissions are assessed.
Following the best practices to meet all the standards of accreditation.
Is the academic institution stable financially?
Does it create burdens on the students and pay teachers and support staff on time? 
Why are consultancy services required?
The NAAC Accreditation for higher education is serious, and without a strategy, it is difficult for any college to get it. Consultancy services given by IAE provide a strategic roadmap for institutions.
Our benefits:
We bring to the table our experience and knowledge.
Our firm has a proven track record to help get the rankings in an organic manner.
We have a customised approach for each college to meet their needs.
Our reputation and references are available for all before our experts are hired for the services.
We do not work in isolation but in collaboration with other members of the college. The entire journey is traversed with everyone.
A mark of NAAC Accreditation For Higher Education provides value for any college. Any student will expect it before investing in the expenses. Are you keen on attracting the top talent pool and students? We can streamline and provide the roadmap.
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pepprs · 1 year
like at some point i have ti admit it to myself. it’s a 2am delirious ramble after a hard sad day. but i don’t think i like my job very much actually. i mean i do i love it and it was made for me and i made it for me too. but how come something that i love and was made for me and that i made hurts so bad and so primally? how can i like something that brings me so much stress and grief and despair so regularly?
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careermantradotorg · 14 days
Best it engineering colleges in india
Ranking of top private engineering colleges in India plays an important role in choosing a college for admission. Ranking of colleges is done on various aspects. The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is responsible for ranking colleges in India based on various aspects.
MHRD appoints NIRF. The parameters used by NIRF for ranking colleges are teaching learning resources, research and professional practice, graduation results, outreach and inclusivity and perception. Here, we have provided the list of top 50 private engineering colleges in India as per NIRF ranking.
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townpostin · 2 months
XLRI Jamshedpur Maintains 9th Rank in NIRF 2024 Rankings
Top management institutes revealed; IIM Ahmedabad retains first position Jamshedpur’s XLRI secures 9th spot in NIRF 2024 management rankings, maintaining its position among India’s top 10 business schools. JAMSHEDPUR – XLRI – Xavier School of Management in Jamshedpur has retained its 9th position in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2024 for management colleges. Union Education…
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educationpostnews · 2 months
NIRF Ranking 2024 Live Updates
The NIRF Ranking 2024 methodology involves a detailed and rigorous evaluation process, ensuring that the rankings reflect the true capabilities and achievements of the institutions. The framework is designed to encourage universities and colleges to enhance their academic and research capabilities, fostering a healthy sense of competition and ultimately raising the standard of higher education in India.
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reportwire · 2 years
75 Indian institutions feature in World University Rankings 2023; 7 IITs make the cut
75 Indian institutions feature in World University Rankings 2023; 7 IITs make the cut
Around 75 Indian higher education institutions have featured in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023. This is higher compared to 56 Indian institutions in 2020 and only 31 in 2017. Seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have made it this time around. These are IIT Ropar, IIT Indore, IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Patna, IIT Bhubhaneswar, IIT Guwahati and IIT Mandi. IIT Ropar…
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radiantmists · 1 month
i didn't want to add this to the post because it would add a bit too much seriousness to a good meme, but i do think it raised an interesting point. because obviously kaladin didn't forget that racism existed in that moment, he was confronting one of his primary oppressors, the guy who betrayed him multiple times over specifically because he was darkeyed.
what kaladin does forget in that moment is the pervasiveness of racism, and the extent to which it's baked into his society's institutions. and i think it makes a lot of sense for kaladin specifically to forget that (even though he absolutely knows it intellectually)!
because kaladin has always been an 'exception'. his father was a doctor, much higher nahn than anyone else in the town. kaladin is as close to literate as an alethi man is allowed to be-- more literate than adolin, presumably than elhokar. marrying the child of the citylord and having lighteyed children-- theoretically 'escaping racism', though of course that wouldn't have worked out too well in practice-- was not only thinkable but likely, unlike the false hope of defeating a shardbearer that others cling to.
before roshone, kaladin did suffer from racism-- but less than others, and in a way where he was led to believe that it was escapable and conditional.
and many of the worst things that happened to him went against the rules of alethi society. roshone was corrupt, and should never have been promoted. kaladin was immune to the draft due to his apprenticeship, and tien was young enough that choosing him was taboo if not forbidden.
similarly, tien being sent to the front lines was the sort of tactic that 'honorable' alethi norms like the codes of war would have considered reprehensible.
and of course when he saved amaram and defeated the shardbearer, the rules of society dictated that he be rewarded; i imagine choosing to give the shard to amaram should, from an honorable man, have been rewarded with pay and retirement for his men or something similar.
kaladin's enslavement was not just dishonorable by alethi social norms, but illegal.
and the kholins, up to this point, have signaled commitment both to the law and to those alethi social honor codes. and while they (especially elhokar) have been casually prejudiced, they've also welcomed the idea of kaladin as the captain of the cobalt guard, suggesting that they aren't so racist that they can't sometimes see reason.
kaladin not realizing the boon was only for lighteyes was a little naive of him, but him expecting the legal system to work for him-- when he took the issue directly to someone who knew him, respected him, and owed him the lives of his whole family-- is very understandable in the light of his experiences.
kaladin is the kind of person from a minority who was raised genuinely thinking that if they behave well, they might experience some prejudice, but no door is truly, systemically closed to them. he's had some knocks to that belief (and is kind of a suspicious person), but in the first part of words of radiance the world seems to be trying to reassure him that not all lighteyes are (too) racist, that the system is not (inherently) unjust, that he's simply been the victim of some of the more prejudiced fringes of lighteyed society.
and then the rug gets pulled out from under him.
because no amount of familiarity or respect will make elhokar side with him over one of the good old boys, no accomplishment will allow a darkeyes to challenge a lighteyes, and no amount of good behavior or education will make kaladin white lighteyed.
but a shardblade would.
i think this and the immediate aftermath, with adolin giving kaladin a blade and him giving it to moash, could have been a really interesting examination of that idea, because i don't think that lighteyed society would have smoothly accepted either of them. even by rhythm of war, we get hints that kaladin occupies a weird social place where he technically has a lighteyed rank but he seems to have a complicated relationship with 'other' lighteyes (obviously made particularly weird by him being a radiant and because most of the lighteyes he interacts with heavily are also royalty, but he doesn't quite seem to be equals with most of them).
but i don't think sanderson quite understood the experience he was writing about with kaladin, and he set out to write a series about an apocalypse. and so kaladin's complicated-- but not unrealistic-- perspective on alethi casteism will go unexamined.
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circeyoru · 23 days
The Only Reason
[Yandere!Sung Jinwoo x Worker!Reader]
Note: I have no idea what to call this AU, but I don't think a lot of people will read this so... Haha~ Mental AU? Chaos AU?
Update! This AU is called Mana Chaos AU! Plus there's Part 2 up!!
Part 1 (here) 一 Part 2
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Once, the world’s strongest Hunters were revered as humanity’s saviours and heroes for the weak and ordinary. They were once treated like celebrities and hold the highest power and authority. They were respected, praised, and idolized. They still were, now, with a hint of fear.
It all happened due to the infamous incident now dubbed as <The Outrage Incident>. It happened like any other day, in any other country, in any other city. But to only that one strong Hunter. He was an S-Rank Mage, a successful and loved one at that. The story goes like this. 
One day, this powerful Hunter was out on the street enjoying a day off, but something set him off and he used his powerful ability to set things right. It would have been the end of it since an S-Rank’s threat was enough to make the majority crumble. However, his power got out of control and caused an outrage to his being. He was using his powers in public and there was no dungeon outbreak or monsters nearby for him. No amount of justification could calm the public.
After that one incident, other countries’ S-Rank or higher started to experience a similar issue. The worst case was that even Healers of their level didn’t escape such a phenomenon. Soon, the public feared the strong protectors they once saw as shields and swords against the gates. 
Researchers and scientists were put to work quickly to investigate why and how this issue was happening now. The answer was in the overflowing mana levels within their bodies that couldn’t be contained since the human body was weak and frail for such a change. Addition to that, it correlated to the Hunter’s emotional level and their control. Institutions were built to imprison house the S-Ranks while monitoring their situation. 
Whenever an S-Rank’s mana levels and emotions show signs of <Outrage>, a term they now use to describe the Hunter going haywire with their powers on everything and anything around them, they will be sent to a dungeon alone. In the people’s eyes, it was better for that one Hunter to die in battle than kill innocents. Because at first, it was only the S-Ranks, but then some A-Ranks would fall victim to <Outrage> as well. 
The professionals have named the correlation as Emotional Mana, EM for short, which made way for the Emotional Mana Institution, EMI for strong Hunters. The Hunters were treated like mental patients or worse, forced into a straitjacket and some had a muzzle for certain Hunters. These were specially designed and created items that limit and restricts a Hunter’s use of their powers and abilities. 
It was a miracle that someone managed to create such equipment. That someone was also targetted by the S-Ranks after being announced and killed for such a disrespectful act, still the blueprints and prototypes were created and other talents that took over were able to finalize the perfect form.
“Personnel 002, you were specifically requested by SM-10.” 
You looked up from your laptop and paused in your rapid typing for just a few second before you looked back to your screen and continued typing. That code name was to protect you and everyone else that worked in EMI or have some form of connection to it, so that no innocent is sacrificed for the greater good. Still, you can’t get used to it nor do you want to. “I’m busy.”
“Please… SM-10 is way too picky with the people that enters his cell.” This person, Supervisor 843, was one of the newest employee to join the crew. Though, unlike the name of the duty, they were people that were disposable hence the frequent newcomers and high number. “Please help me.”
You sighed and glared up at the person who had a mask over their head and a voice changer to mask their identity. Though, with the way they were speaking, you could deduce this person was a ‘she’. You got up and snatched the file extended to you. Just when you thought you could rest and work in peace, trouble comes knocking on your door. “Get me a drink and some refreshment, I want to see it on my desk by the time I’m back.”
“Yes? Yes!” Supervisor 843 bowed and clapped her hands together, “I’ll do so!”
As swiftly and automatically, you made your way through the hallways and doorways, tapping your access card to unlock needed doors and lifts for your travel. On the way, other Supervisors nodded their heads and bowed in your presence when you walked by. Unlike them who wear a uniform, you only have a lab coat over your usual outfits. You don’t even have a mask or voice changer. 
You stood in front of the door that was labelled in bold ‘SM-10’, meaning the 10th S-Rank in Korea that belonged to the Mage class. The guard dressed in black from head to toe nodded their heads at you before they started unlocking the various security checkpoints and locks for you to enter into a battlefield in its own right.
“Will one hour be enough, Personnel 002?” One of the guards asked.
“Not sure, just be alert in case I need to rush out.” You spoke stoically with indifference.
Step by step, you walked in, announcing loudly of your arrival to the individual inside. The doors closed behind you and locked you inside with what everyone feared. You sighed and put away your glasses since there was no need for it right now. The room was eerily silent and cold, something you were long used to. 
You took a few more steps, walking deeper into the room where it seemed to get darker and darker even though the lights in all housed Hunters would be on 24/7 to monitor their actions and activities within the room. 
Just when your vision failed you to the point where you can’t see what was in front of you, you were enveloped in a pair of strong arms, your entire form effortlessly pulled back till your back was pressed against a firm wall of muscle one would call chest and abs. Hair tickled one side of your cheek and neck, you felt a breath cooed before a deep voice rang in your ear, “I’ve been waiting for my favourite Personnel~”
It wasn’t at all odd that your name was called as well, if it was someone like him, he’d know everything there was to know. In fact, everyone should be worshipping him right now for his controlled and well-mannered behaviour. Especially when he could have destroyed this entire facility and killed everyone in it within seconds if he so wished. 
“Jinwoo. I need to work, don’t bully the newcomers.” You sighed while looking to the side as if making eye contact with him. 
“I like it when you call me by name and not some code, thanks for that.” Jinwoo hummed as he played with your fingers. “I guess I’ll think about it. It’s a bit bored here, you understand.”
“You removed your straitjacket again.” You let him fiddle with your fingers as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. “You’ll get caught one of these days and then it’ll be game over.”
“Igris helped me remove it. You know how they are with seeing me constrained and imprisoned here.” He chuckled and leaned back, but it turned out he was just taking a seat, presumably on his bed since you still couldn’t see anything in the darkness. “Don’t worry, I’ve made sure no one could see me free and they didn’t kill anyone. Yet.”
Every Hunter that was admitted into the EMI was evaluated and thoroughly investigated to create the perfect profile for reference. All their fighting style, powers and abilities, weapons of choice, gear type, and any other detail was accounted down. It was all for people to be prepared in case one would have an <Outrage> and they were needed to be countered by weaker Hunters. 
For Jinwoo, however, his profile was lacking to put it in the best terms. His mana levels were unmeasureable, yes, so he was placed as an S-Rank. Though, his powers and abilities were unknown. Since he was a Reawakened Hunter, most would assume he was the same class as he was as an E-Rank; a Fighter Class. But he exhibit <Telekinese> and <Shadow Manipulation> so he was placed as into Mage class.
That wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. 
You saw through his innocence and lie, uncovering his true powers and abilities. To be honest, even if you told your higher-ups of Jinwoo’s secrets, there was nothing they could do to counter it. Jinwoo was a league of his own and only you knew it. He was no mere S-Rank, he was definitely a National Level Hunter.
Ah, yes. The question as to why you don’t wear a mask or bother having done anything to hide your identity. It was not because you’ve been in one of the people who has been in service of EMI for the longest time or wanted something as shallow as respect from the newcomers or other coworkers. It was completely because you knew it was useless to hide when someone like Sung Jinwoo had his eyes on you.
“I’ll try and arrange a dungeon for you to raid.” You marked down on your phone while Jinwoo continued to treat you like a teddy bear.
“You have to join though. If you don’t…” Jinwoo’s voice went deeper as glowing eyes stared at you from the shadows, “I don’t know what I’ll do to get your attention…”
You nodded, pushing down the urge to flinch or jerk away from him. It was normal, something you expected but still unnerving to hear with your own ear from his lips. You swear this place made the Hunters mad in the head, it was a place that made them sick and mentally ill, it wasn’t actually helping them at all. “Yeah, of course. I’m sure everyone will be relieved to hear it.”
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Jinwoo smirked as his arms tightened around you, his face buried between your neck and shoulder. “You’re the only reason I stay here. Remember that. If you leave here… Leave me… I’ll do what Thomas Andre did to America.”
Note: I can't help it, it was supposed to upload the requested ones first, but then this idea hit me like a truck (without the isekai part), so now here it is. There are like 2 requested stories written and ready to be posted, but I'm double checking and stuff. Hope you like this AU/idea.
Circe Y.
Taglist: (none at the moment)
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 months
Yes I'm alive and yes I'm making posts and music again. Ok so moving on HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GRASS???
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This patch of grass is from a Youtube video by Quincyvhs ranking grass in Tears of the Kingdom. He's a cool guy and has a similar video on Breath of the Wild and I highly recommend you watch it cause his editing is very cool.
HOWEVER. He made an egregious error today by ranking this patch of grass, this lovely, magnificent, extraordinary patch of grass upon Death Mountain as a mere B Tier. It clearly is an S Tier.
How do I know this? Well this patch of grass indicates miracles. It indicates determination. It indicates the spirit of adventure, of change, of liberty and mayhaps even the purest form of happiness the world round...
...and as later corroborated by the actual geologist that I am dating, it is an indication of the massive shift in Hyrule's ecosystem and climate.
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Let's Begin.
Using my ace detective skills I have located the site in question in both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom (Botw and Totk). The general consensus is that there is a 5~ year time gap between the two games.
Given that the grass does not exist here in Botw, this means that this patch of grass took at maximum 5 years to grow. However, I'm going to prove that it probably took even less time than even that.
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Below is the site on Botw's Map:
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We are unable to get an accurate temperature reading of the area because the Sheikah Slate decided to give up. So we're going to use science to determine this soon to be important number
Given that wood near instantly ignites at this location in Botw, we can conclude that the temperature in the air is around 370 degrees Celcius or 700 degrees Fahrenheit.
Now typically, rock and soil serve as good insulators of heat, so the air temperature around a volcano itself isnot usually that much higher than the ambient temperature (unless you are actively within a Pyroclastic flow, which would be a more pressing problem than analyzing grass to say the least)
However, when near the presence of lava, that temperature of the air can actually reach up to 1000 degrees Celcius (1800F) so this reading is actually even more reasonable when you note that we are in good distance of the Medingo Lava Pool.
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Conversely, we can actually grab an active temperature reading of the area during the time of Totk thanks to the Purah Pad.
It's 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
Easy. Simple. Fantastic. I love when my job doesn't require four hours of research for every single question!
Anyhow, here are some figures from the Oregon State Volcanology Laboratory on the rate of lava cooling
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Yes this post is still about grass, stay with me.
To truly appreciate the glory of science and the glory of this patch of grass, we are going to calculate the exact amount of time needed for the temperatures to lower on Death Mountain to one sustanable for growth (That being around 100 degrees Farenheit).
SPOILER ALERT: It takes less than 5 years. This is insanely impressive considering grass of this type* typically takes DECADES.
Anyhow, The Figure 2 and 3 have to do with the depth of the lava, and Figure 4 deals with the thickness. (Many thanks again to my partner for providing their geological expertise and resources)
The thickness of the Medingo Lava is very easy to calculate given that Link can literally jump in with a splash and drown in it like the world's worst hot tub--the bitch ain't thick at all. So we use the lowest listed reading for that.
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The depth of the lava is more tricky, but comparing the lava pool in Botw and Totk, and using Link as a marker of around 5 feet, we can say that the pool is around 10 feet deep.
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Therefore, the Medingo Lava Pool took around 2-3 years to cool after Death Mountain stopped erupting.
Now when exactly did Death Mountain stop erupting?
According to the catalog of Volcanoes of the World by the Smithsonian Institution, 93% of volcanos stop erupting within 3 years.
Now I know that Death Mountain only started erupting because of the return of the Divine Beast Vah Rudania, and Link only "stops" the eruption of Death Mountain by defeating it. So one could argue that Death Mountain's "eruption" had to be less than a year or something.
My rebuttal to that would be 1) Within the game's canon, I don't see how we could justify Link taking one day, or even one month to wake up from the Great Plateau, travel immeidately all the way to Death Mountain. and then tame the Divine Beast in less than a month, and 2) Link didn't really stop shit because we can clearly still see active lava flow after taming Rudania. He only stopped the rock falls caused by the Divine Beast, the actual activity of Death Mountain still continues.
Given its insane size, I am going to say it took the full 3 years for its active lava flow to stop on Death Mountain. Volconologists in the notes, feel free to correct me.
SO! The Timeline is:
3 years for Death Mountain to stop actively flowing
2 years minimum for Medingo Lava Pool to cool
= >1 year for temperatures to be right for grass to grow!
This is an insanely quick time period for grass to thrive! The literal instant that the conditions were correct, we are able to see not just grass, but stoloniferous grass as well other types of shrubbery thrive! We would usually need several years for the volcanic rock to erode to rich soil (such as the soil in the Akkala region)
Allow me to elaborate:
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This is Fountain Grass. Fountain grass is usually the fist type of grass that you would see in a volcanic region. They grow from a rhizome root system, which is a very vertical downward root system as you can see. This is good for young volcanic regions where only specific dotted areas are good enough for plants to grip onto and grow.
They grow something like this:
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This patch of grass below I would call some sort of rhizome. (Botanists feel free to correct me in the notes)
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THIS. however. (amazingly) is an example of stoloniferous grass!
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This is thick bladed grass (as opposed to the more thin, fine-bladed grass with rhizomes) that grow in a stolon spreading pattern that is much more horizontal. It's a lot like the grass that might grow in your front lawn, if you're rich enough to have one of those in this economy--
They grow a bit more like this:
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This type of grass need soil! Especially if we want to classify that other red flower behind the rock there as some sort of volcanic flower
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We're basically talking about mass, rapid volcanic erosion in less than a year for this to happen. For context, the soil necessary for the region of Akkala to grow could have taken anywhere between a decade to thousands of years. The weather and erosion necessary for this patch of grass to grow took, at most, 3 years.
And all this in the period of time following an actual apocalypse. How quickly the tides have turned for Hyrule's ecosystem!!!!
Also here's some behind the scenes of what my much smarter than me partner had to say about it ["Last pictures referencing the rhizome grass which, indeed, would be the oldest grass among the patch given it needs the least specific conditions to thrive/less soil to get started]
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Growth is cool.
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Since malleus is top 5 the most powerful mages (iirc?) how powerful is top 1? I hope that they someday give us more information of the top 4
Would be funny if top 1 is just a regular mortal who dresses up casually like a normal person lmao
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At first, I thought that one of the other top 5 would have to be Malleus's grandmother, Maleficia, and that she would be above her grandson in ranking due to her long-lived experiences... But seeing how her magic can't brute force override Malleus's UM, then either 1) she cannot be in the top 5, 2) she is in the top 5, but is slotted in a place below Malleus, therefore she is still "weaker" in comparison, or 3) she is ranked higher than Malleus, but his overblot boosts his power to a point where it overtakes hers. I think it is probably the third option, since Malleus has a Chat where he says he “cannot hold a candle” to his grandmother.
(Side note: While we don't know where exactly Malleus falls in the ranking, I believe he is not #1. This is because if he was then everyone would be referring to him as "the" strongest mage in the world, not in the top 5.) He has to be somewhere in the lower half. I think other contenders for the remaining spots (at least of the characters we know of right now) could be Crowley and Ambrose, since they head prestigious magical institutions. Crowley more specifically has implied that he is much more powerful than he often lets on. However, I don't really have a basis for this besides that. Twisted Wonderland is such a big world, so it's totally possible that the other 4 in the top 5 mages are scattered around and we have not met them or even heard about them yet. (And if that's the case, then I'd like to know why the world's strongest mage isn't being informed about what's going on in book 7 and rushing to deck Malleus www) I'd love to learn more about these people and see how they stack against him. asihbfbyoqew8WVPbrw #1 being just an average joe schmoe or an innocuous mob character somewhere... Honestly, that's so real, kinda reminds me of how some irl billionaires are obsessed with the "clean" and minimalist aesthetic with just like some pants, a watch, and a bajillion dollar plain black shirt yes, I'm talking about Steve Jobs.
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Look, I would love to believe that Gerry is having a perfect time in an alternate universe, but I can’t. Something is up. Note: I’m using some info from the arg spreadsheet for this.
Cw for unethical psychology experiments and harm to children.
He claims to have been too young to remember, but according to the spreadsheet he is two years older than Sam. Of course they probably weren’t tested at the same time, but his development level indicates he was school-aged.
He says he just remembers filling out forms and answering questions. The spreadsheet indicates that they put the kids through the Milgram experiment (you know, the giving electric shocks to people one)
He is happy to invite strangers in first thing in the morning and offer them anything- food, a large painting, etc. This goes beyond typical hospitality/generosity.
He even thinks the landlord is lovely. And yes I think this is a hint considering TMA’s politics.
Gerry immediately considers strangers old friends.
I may be reading the spreadsheet wrong because it is ambiguous. But if I am correct, when tested Gerry was ranked very prosocial, but also wasn’t compliant with the Milgram test or a test of social conformity (the one where a bunch of people lie about the length of a line to see if the person being tested will agree with something obviously wrong). The Gerry we met seems very compliant.
Gertrude is eager to get rid of Sam and Celia, which is completely understandable, but I think there is more to it. She knows something and wants this away from Gerry.
The little “I like them” “of course you do” exchange. It isn’t much on it’s own, but altogether…I don’t think Gerry has a choice. Not in liking them or being generous. I think Gerry was so close to being what they wanted, but he wouldn’t comply with some things, so they…somehow made him compliant.
According to the spreadsheet, Gerry had the second highest empathy index. The only individual higher was Sam. And I think we can assume Sam’s results are significant, considering he is a main character. Sam’s results were similar to Gerry’s in almost every way…except that Sam was given opposite results in the social conformity and obedience measures. In general, as empathy, moral development, and prosocial behavior increased in the kids, milgram and asch scores were lower, which is why I believe low=not going along with them.
So, the institute was looking for kids who were highly empathetic but also easy to control. Until they found Sam, Gerry was the closest, so they tried to control him. And ended up damaging him badly and messing with his memory of what happened.
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shelyue99 · 3 months
A timeline re the friendship between Dick Winters and Lewis Nixon, in Dick’s own words.
Officer Candidate School(OCS), Fort Benning, April 1942
During my time at OCS one of the officer candidates caught my attention. Lewis Nixon was the son of privilege and wealth. Born September 30, 1918, Nixon was the grandson of the last man to design a battleship as an individual. Educated at Yale and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Nix" was far more educated than most of the members of the class. —Beyond Band of Brothers
Toccoa, August 1942
Later we served as platoon leaders under Sobel's command. A special bond always exists among the platoon commanders in any military company, particularly when they perceive their own commander as 'the enemy.' I stayed in Easy Company, but Nix was transferred to higher headquarters. He drank too much, but he was also very conscientious. He was conscientious in his own way, on a man-to-man basis, and he always looked at what would best benefit the battalion. —Conversations with Major Dick Winters
Camp Mackall, February 1943
In addition, a number of Easy Company's officers were transferred to battalion staff, including Lewis Nixon, Clarence Hester, and George Lavenson. As I had grown quite fond of Nixon, I was sad to see him leave Easy Company. —Beyond Band of Brothers
Normandy, June 1944
"Nix" and I completely understood each other. We possessed a common understanding about leadership, of how troops should be employed, and how battles should be fought. On reflection, Nixon always seemed to be around. We had known each other from our days in Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning and at Toccoa, but our friendship was not cemented until Normandy.
After the fight at Brecourt, I had requested additional ammunition for my men. When none arrived, I went to battalion headquarters myself, where I saw Colonel Strayer and his staff studying the map that I had found on one of the guns. I blew my top, which was totally inappropriate considering my rank. Nixon, however, was instrumental in obtaining that ammunition. Later, when we aboard the LST returning from France, he approached me and asked that I deliver a lecture on leadership to the rest of the officers at battalion. That caught my attention. —Beyond Band of Brothers
Holland, Septembre 1944
By the time we jumped into Holland, I was so lonely that I needed someone in whom I could confide my inner thoughts. That someone was Nix. Whenever the bullets began to fly, I could turn and there stood Nix. He always walked on my left side, one or two steps behind me. This was his token of respect for me as a commander. —Conversations with Major Dick Winters
From a personal standpoint, I would have been devastated had Nixon been killed. As a leader you do not stop and calculate your losses during combat. You cannot stop a fight and ask yourself how many casualties you have sustained. You calculate losses only when the fight is over. Ever since the second week of the invasion, casualties had been my greatest concern. Victory would eventually be ours, but the casualties that had to be paid were the price that hurt. In that regard Nixon seemed a special case.
As different in temperament as Nixon and I were, he was the one man to whom I could talk. He provided an outlet that allowed me to unburden myself as a combat leader. —Beyond Band of Brothers
Mourmelon, March 1945
Nixon's return to battalion staff was the result of his repeated drunkenness. Colonel Sink recognized Nixon's tactical brilliance, but he was fed up with his excessive drinking. One day Sink visited me and asked me point-blank, "Can you get along with Nixon?"
"Yes, sir, I can get along with him."
"Can you get something out of him?"
Again I responded, "Yes, sir, we work together very well."
"Would you like to have him back?"
"Yes, sir, I would."
"You've got him."
And that is how Nixon returned to battalion staff. From a personal perspective, it was nice being reunited with Nix. —Beyond Band of Brothers
Mourmelon, March 23, 1945
The 101st was allowed to send observers, so I dispatched Captain Lewis Nixon. Fortunately, for Nixon, he was assigned to be jumpmaster of his aircraft. As he approached the drop zone, his plane was struck by heavy antiaircraft fire. Nixon and three other men made it out of the plane, but the rest were lost when the plane crashed.
Nix remained with the 17th Airborne Division for one night and was then returned to 2d Battalion at Mourmelon on a special plane. Nix's brush with death left him visibly shaken, particularly when at this stage in the war, no one intentionally put himself in danger now that victory was at hand. Captain Nixon found his usual retreat in alcohol that evening, but I was glad to see him safe. —Beyond Band of Brothers
Joigny, September 16, 1945
Capt. Nixon left this week, which makes everything just dandy. I am about as lonesome as a lovesick swab who married a Wave on an eight hour pass. —Hang Tough
On reflection:
On the surface no two individuals were more diametrically opposed in temperament than Nixon and I. I was a confirmed teetotaler and never swore. I preferred a quiet evening in the barracks to the nightlife of Columbus, Georgia, or neighboring Phenix City, Alabama. Despite the differences in lifestyle, I sensed we shared mutual feelings and ways of looking at life. I could understand him and help him understand me, as well as understand himself. Our friendship evolved naturally, and he soon became my closest friend. Lewis Nixon was the finest combat officer with whom I served under fire. He was utterly dependable and totally fearless. —Beyond Band of Brothers
In hindsight, Nix probably needed me as much as I needed him. He was undoubtedly the coolest man under fire whom I ever encountered in combat. —Conversations with Major Dick Winters
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townpostin · 2 months
NIRF 2024: IISc Bengaluru Tops University Rankings Again
JNU and Jamia Millia Islamia secure second and third positions respectively The Ministry of Education’s NIRF 2024 reveals top educational institutions across various categories, with notable changes in evaluation criteria. JAMSHEDPUR – The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2024 results have been unveiled, showcasing India’s premier educational establishments in diverse…
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trans-jon-rights · 5 months
Let's adress the case numbers in TMAGP !
Spoiler warning up to episode 19
Here are all the cases by categories and ranks :
CAT 1 :
MAGP 1 (Case 1) : 'Some of him' // RBC
MAGP 6 : Needles // RB
MAGP 10 : Bonzo // RB
MAGP 12 : Bonzo // RB
MAGP 14 : Snakes // RB
MAGP 15 : Lady Mowbray // RB
MAGP 16 : Ink5oul // RB
CAT 2 :
MAGP 18 : Corpse talking // RC
MAGP 19* : Newton's science project
MAGP 1 (Case 2)* : Red Canary // RAB
MAGP 3 : Guy who becomes a tree // C
MAGP 5 : Voyeur // RB
MAGP 7 : Charity shop // RC
MAGP 8 : Brutalist Architecture // RBC
MAGP 11* : 'The deep will care for his bones' // RC
CAT 3 :
MAGP 17 : Weirdly successful Double // RC
MAGP 1 (Case 2)* : Red Canary // RAB
MAGP 2 : Tattoo // RB
MAGP 4 : Murder Violin // C
MAGP 9 : Murder Dices // RB
MAGP 11* : 'The deep will care for his bones' // RC
*The Red Canary Case and the 'Deep' Case are labelled as CAT23, so I put them in both CAT 2 and CAT3
MAGP 13 : Murder Crypto // RB
MAGP 19* : Newton's science project
Okay ? Okay.
*MAGP 19 is labelled as CAT13, so I put it in both 1 and 3.
So now I think we can say each category have a thing :
CAT1 is for 'living' manifestations (that used to be human/animal or not)
CAT2 is for specific places (MAGP 3 is a garden and MAGP 5 is the cinema)
CAT3 is for artefacts/non-living manifestations.
About MAGP 1 (Case 2) and MAGP 11, I think they are in both categories because it got to do with both. For Red Canary it was both the Institute and the box he took from there, and for the other it was both the tattoo and the ocean/cliff (unsure if its one or the other).
You could argue that MAGP 5 got more to djo with the movie than the cinema, and I would agree ! However, I think the movie is also part of the cinema, in some way. The whole place was creepy, and if it was only the movie, it could have been done with simply a DVD or something. The fact that it was in a cinema was intentional.
For the ranks, I think it's pretty much self explanatory : RA to RC to categorise the levels of danger.
What is concerning about it however is that :
A) The Institute is ranked AB, which is the highest on this list for now.
B) All 'living' manifestations are ranked B or below, which means that our heroes would be pretty fucked should they encounter a rank A.
C) Some cases (namely, MAGP 3 and 4) are simply labelled 'C' without it being an actual rank. I could pass it off as a typo, but were talking about Jonathan Sims here, folks.
Another theory I have is that the O.I.A.R only handle B-ranked Externals, and eliminate those whose rank is higher. We'll need to verify that once the next External turns up, but until then I'm running with that. Bonzo and the Lady are both indicating that.
The case of MAGP 17 is a bit more tricky. My current theory (see the final comments on this post) is that whatever caused it was the therapy room the subject was in.
MAGP 1.1 and MAGP 18 are a bit similar in the kind of manifestations I think, as both has to do with dead people talking, though the MAGP 1.1 one is seemingly more dangerous.
Here, that was my rambling. Have a good one <3
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fiaistired · 2 months
I want to figure out how old Elias Bouchard really is. When was he born?
In MAG 49 it’s said he joined the institute in 1991 and became head of the institute in 1996 after being body snatched by Jonah Magnus.
In MAG 192 Rosie says that “he seemed far too young for the role he had apparently found himself in” - referring to the head of the institute position.
How young is too young for a head of an institution position? Here’s a first not *exactly* evidence-based assumption - but let’s say it’s probably being below 40 years old. That is based solely on the experience of attending university, I’d say most institute heads at uni are at minimum 40 (also, not exactly related but all university institute heads have PhD’s). (I don’t want to get into too many details here, since I’m not a 100% sure how the higher education system works in the UK, but in my country at least, one must have at least a Habilitation, which is almost like a second PhD, or be a capital “P” Professor, which is the highest university rank, to become an institute head. To achieve these scientific titles, it usually takes a lot of time, so most people are over 40 when they get the position. Or even 50, when it comes to the Professor rank). 
One can assume then, that “Elias” is below 40-ish while he interviews Rosie. Unfortunately, we don’t know when exactly that happens. It could be anytime between 1996 and 2015. 
Some other information we do know about him is that he’s graduated collage with third class honours and has a PPE degree. According to google, students in the UK typically start university at the age of 18. Also, according to google, Oxford has never had a postgraduate degree course in PPE, so Elias has a bachelor’s degree in PPE (which btw stands for Philosophy, Politics and Economics), meaning he was either 21 or 22 when he finished uni. We do not hear anyone mention him finishing any other courses, so we can assume that’s all that he studied.
Another thing we don’t know is at what age he started working for the Magnus Institute. We do know it happened in 1991. The earliest he could have been recruited was at the age of 21 or 22, straight out of university. Making him 26/27 at the time he “got promoted” to the position of institute head, in 1996. As mentioned previously, at Rosie’s interview, where she found that he looked too young for his position, in between 1996 and 2015 (whenever that interview took place) he would’ve been between 26 and 45 years old (at the youngest) depending on the year the interview took place in. Taking my assumption from before, that during the interview he’d be 40 or lower, I’d assume that the interview probably took place anytime between 1996 and 2010 for the comment of him looking too young in his position to make sense. Of course, it could’ve been a few years after graduating uni when he got recruited, which would further push down the date of the Rosie interview. I think the oldest he could possibly be is in his late thirties during it. So, the eldest he could be in 1996, if that is when the interview took place, would be around 40 years old (which I also don’t think it did take place in 1996 since it would make Rosie work as his assistant for 20 years and I’m not certain that she could remain that oblivious to all the weird stuff going on for that long. But what do I know, maybe she’s got a gift for not noticing. I don’t know for sure).
So, in the year of his body being overtaken by Jonah Magnus, 1996, he’s between the ages of 26 and 40. 
We, the listeners, know him mostly from our time spent with him and the archives crew from 2015 onwards. Based on our established age range, in 2015 he would’ve been anywhere between 45 and 59 years old. Which would mean that last time we hear him speak is in 2018 in which he’s anywhere between 48 and 62 years old. 
I don’t know how old his va, Ben Meredith is exactly. I’m pretty sure he’s a millennial? Either way it doesn’t really matter how old his va is, though all we have to picture him by is his voice only, which at least in my opinion doesn’t really sound like the voice of a 62-year-old, but that is straight up just a subjective opinion. Maybe he’s a particularly young sounding 62-year-old?
Some additional information we supposedly get about “Elias” is that he was working as a filing clerk in 1972, which he says to Jonathan Sims in MAG 29, but that contradicts with the information gathered later by Jon and revealed in MAG 49 where he says that Elias joined the institute in 1991. All this might seem like just the lies of Jonah Magnus, but it presents an interesting point of having a conversation take place in 2016 with the reference to his being an institute employee in 1972. In 2016 he’s between the ages of 46 (which would make him 2 years old in 1972) and 60 (which would make him 16 in 1972), neither of which make sense, thought one would think that if he’s older and Jon doesn’t know how old he is exactly, it wouldn’t be that suspicious for him to have worked at the institute in 1972, though that seems like a stretch. Perhaps Jon just didn’t question or notice how it doesn’t really make sense for him to have worked there in that year, or maybe the writing-story-planning team didn’t put that much thought into this particular interaction/the implications of it, or maybe Elias looks older than he is. 
In conclusion, Elias Bouchard was born between the years of 1956 and 1970.
Also, fun fact I did a poll to see what age Tumblr users thought Elias was and they picked between 40 to 50, with 45 to 55 being a close second, so if anyone voted in that and picked anywhere between 45 and 59, I just want to let you know you’re right.
TLDR: Elias Bouchard is (most likely) anywhere between 45 and 59 at the start of the Magnus Archives.
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ansbobcar · 8 months
I'm ready to become a part-time lore builder of a fandom if I can't get any answers.
Seriously. Time to do some mental gymnastics again because, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT LORE (well worldbuilding lore) AND MAKING LORE IF THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
We're back to looking at the Divine Visionaries again because, what the hell are these administration/department/subdivisions man.
Here are my rankings of most straightforward to least straightforward (in terms of what they govern) and my reasoning, questions, headcanons AND MANGA SPOILERS. Feel free to discuss!
It's basically quality control check of any magical tool and also acts like a museum. Very straightforward to guess. It's managing, checking the quality of new, old, or powerful magical items. We also know the most about it I think because Rayne currently manages it (idk why i trust the fandom wiki)
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This is also straightforward. They manage forbidden magical texts from being accessed to the public. But I'd like to think that this department has to ensure that any texts which use magic, such as newspapers and maybe even children's books, abide by their printing laws and don't enter into that forbidden valley. Prevention of more forbidden magical texts is probably one of their main goals. I mean, confiscation of books and materials or clues regarding them will either be stored or burned possibly. Censorship is a possibility.
Every time I hear security I think of that random post from twitter I think about how the US' whole military like thing is called the defense something or something. AND I THINK ABOUT IT. But you know atleast security makes more sense.
Current headcanon is that the magic police is under their jurisdiction but being called a magic security officer is diff from a magic police officer. The main difference is that magic police focus solely on internal and surface level, local scale magic (and lack-magic) crimes.
Magic Security is a more national/international scale, or something that involves the Bureau directly. Like a war between other magical races or those type of conflicts. The bar to being a magic security officer is much higher than a magic police officer too.
The management of deceased magic users/wizards is pretty straight forward BUT what I'm tryna figure out is:
a) How many official cemeteries are under their jurisdiction? If so is it illegal to bury a deceased wizard's body on your own?
b) Do they only manage the cemeteries? If they don't does that mean that it's a law to contact their department while preparing for a funeral and burial? How early do they have to get involved?
c) Whoever was managing this division when Adam Jobs died was not good at their job. Nvm this guy's body was gone to bits. Still bad management on their part to not scavenge for that bit of flesh left over. Burn the area to the ground if you have to. Fucking Innocent Zero got his body.
The only reason I have this much lower than I initially intended is because there are so many fucking magical creatures in this fucking world that it should be one of the biggest ass divisions of the Bureau alongside Magical Items.
a) You need research/encyclopedias on these creatures. What their weakness is and so on, research on magical creatures (probably in conjunction with magical research).
b) Is animal cruelty a thing in this world? It probably is. It better be then there has to be a governing body for that.
c) I feel like for magical magical creatures like Dragons, they have to manage/hand out yearly licenses towards educational institutes to allow those dragons to be used. Otherwise, I think they'll be released to the wild and will be blacklisted from ever owning a dragon. (Animal cruelty act or something)
d) They probably have a national zoo which is used for both research and conservation purposes. Bet there's a bunch of endangered species.
Just like the previous department/administration... this is also pretty broad. (You'll realise a pattern as we go down the list). The way I see it is that every year, they gather statistics and feedback from the people, and come up with 4-6 projects of varying scales to help. These can range from new technology for pre-existing magical tools or making new innovations and tools.
They also do research on animals, plants and probably somewhat manage the welfare of the country slightly.
What I wonder is if it's illegal to do research outside of their department? Or do they allow exceptions, like some company can pitch their idea to the magical research department who then greenlight their thing or not like Dragon's Den.
Orter and Rinka, idk how y'all even do this. Magical Power Admin according to the fandom wiki (which I think took info from the fanbook, but cannot confirm), looks into shit related to power basically (abuse, lack ofs, very magical power creatures).
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My problem is that kind of overlaps with magic security just slightlyyy. I also headcanon that the magic police are governed by magic security and magical power.
So far for my fanfic (big spoilers lol):
a) Their main goal is to reduce/prevent the abuse of magic within the kingdom/country.
b) They can make and enforce laws/policies/the legal rules surrounding the use of magic which include giving penalties/punishments.
What the fuck is Kaldo's job. I get he looks at Divine Visionary candidates before they even get to the final exam but seriously. I would like to think that part of his job is to take note of what kind of personal magic has ever fucking existed other than tryna analyse people. If his department was more like HR, I think it'd make more sense.
His department probably has the least amount of people/staff.
_ _ _
There's probably other departments as well that aren't governed by a Divine Visionary for now. My ted talk is finished. For now.
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