#highe paying jobs in germany
aryann33 · 10 months
High-paying jobs in Germany often require advanced degrees (such as a master's or PhD) in fields like engineering or finance, coupled with strong technical skills and proficiency in German or English.
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hayat93838 · 9 months
Get Started Now Part-Time JOB
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akizambie · 5 months
Great, apparently I'm getting kicked out my parents house because I've been jobless past 2-3 weeks. I've been applying to everything I can, signed up to several job agencies, going to a specifc jobs opening evening thing on Tuesday, lit doing all I fucking can, ik several other people struggling to find shit too, it's not me, it's just hard to get something right now, but according to my parents I'm doing absolutely nothing to find out and driving then crazy.
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High Paying Jobs in Germany
Looking for high-paying jobs in Germany? Check out our list which will help you to decide which industry you should focus on for doing jobs. Read full blog!
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inky-duchess · 8 months
Fantasy Guide to Education
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I'm always asked what sort of education different people recieve throughout different historical eras and since I'm heading back to college soon, I thought it was high time I made this guide.
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Education is viewed as a right by many but for some and thoughout history it was a privilege. For the wealthy and those of high status, education can be easily accessed. They can afford to tailor an education to fit their needs, they can hire tutors, and they can afford tuitions to top schools. For the poor, education was a luxury. However this doesn't mean that it was available. Some communities would fund a school or send their children to a local teacher - usually they had to pay a daily fee or at least bring kindling for the heating. Many poorer children also worked so they could not attend school consistently or were pulled out very early into their education. However, some poorer students could gain access to high level education if they were extremely bright or caught the attention of a wealthy benefactor who could fund their education.
Education as a Weapon
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Education could also be banned for certain groups in society. It could be illegal to fund schools or host gatherings for students of a certain background, race, religion or gender. Education against the law could be punished by imprisonment, exile or execution. This is a measure usually taken by oppressive governments in order to follow a moral code or restrict the betterment of a certain group. An example would be the Irish Catholics under the Penal Laws.
On the otherhand, there is education that is influenced by the state to inject certain values, moralities and Opinions into a population. This is the intense restriction of reading material, removal of books that contest the teachings of the government or the kidnap of children from their culture, in order to forcibly educated them in alignment to their beliefs. An example would be the residental schools of North America and Canada and the AHS schools of Nazi Germany.
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As above, content of what children learn usually falls into a certain category. This is also true for the education offered to the wealthy and the poor. The poor would be offered a basic education, learning literacy and arithmetic, usually with an expectation that the children would not go on to any jobs that needs a broader education. Any higher education would be hard to obtain because of cost and the discriminatory view of the enrollment panels. The wealthy would have access to an array of different subjects including: The arts (drawing, music, painting, poetry, dancing), sports (riding, martial skills, rowing, hunting), arithmetic, geography, languages, geography and history. While progression to higher education will still be difficult, any affluent families are legacies of prestigious colleges or can make a donation to grease a few palms. These schools would be where the wealthy make lifelong connections and get springboarded toward opportunities.
Private Tutoring
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Whilst some affluent, aristocratic and Royal families send their children to schools, private tutoring in the home was a popular choice. Children would be educated at home but tutors who either lived in the home or come to the house. The children would be educated alongside siblings or the children of courtiers or neighbours. Private tutoring sessions would often be the only education for upper class women recieved, taught by governesses and tutors.
Premises and Equipment
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As mentioned above, wealthy and aristocratic families would usually attend established schools or attend school at home. They would be provided any equipment they needed. If they attend school, they would often wear a uniform. Some schools had multiple variations of the uniform for different activities. Many of the schools attended would be boarding schools. Boarding schools offered education to those who boarded and day students, however day students were often looked down upon as lesser than.
Poorer schools would be relient on donations and fees paid by students. As mentioned above, there may be a building reserved for classes - sometimes an designated schoolhouse or a teacher's home or a public building such as a gathering house or sometimes even outside - hedge schools. Equipment would be provided by the school. Uniforms at poorer schools were not a thing but students were expected to show up neat and tidy.
Corporal Punishment
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Corporal punishment at schools was the go to punishment for students. Teachers had free rein to strike children for mistakes and bad behaviour. Punishments include insolation, physical stress positions such as standing on a chair all day, getting objects thrown at them, being slapped on the back of the legs with a cane, being rapped on the palms or knuckles with a crop or ruler. Students may also be humiliated by teachers through the use of dunce hats, encouraging other children to bully them or by the use of verbal abuse. Corporal punishment did extend to all classes except for royal children since that was either taken by proxy by whipping boys or left up to parents.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 25 days
König's Little Quirks (Pt. 1)
I was just chilling in my room when I got to thinking about some weird little things that König probably does, or just little traits about him. I think he is a bit of a cryptid of a human being but I love him dearly, so he's some cute little facts about König.
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A few little fun facts about König
He speaks multiple languages
German, English, French, are pretty expected of him, but he’s also picked up a bit of Hungarian and Korean. Hungarian because of the shared border with Hungary, and Korean because drunk Horangi is determined to train König to be an actually adequately socialized human being and that starts with learning Korean apparently
König does not like being mistaken for being German. Part of this is just generally how Austrians aren’t too fond of Germans, but mostly it’s because König doesn’t like how people just can’t tell the difference and mix up the stereotypes
He also does have a bone to pick with Germany because during the German occupation of Austria, his grandfather had to leave the military and take a low-paying job in his home village
König is surprisingly conscious of his health, despite what he eats. He’ll go out of his way to eat healthy when he can, but when he gets too hungry he’s pretty quick to turn to binging
A part of why König is so concerned is that he was a chubby kid and a lot of people made fun of him for his size, so he’s always tried to focus on keeping himself in shape so he will never have to face those comments again
That said, König has a soft spot for sweets. A part of the reason he lives such an active lifestyle is so he can excuse eating more sweets
König’s favourite exercise is hiking, or if he gets a chance, mountain-climbing. He loves a full body exercise that keeps him fully occupied. He used to climb trees when he was a teenager (he learned fat kids aren’t supposed to climb trees, but a lanky teen isn’t such a problem apparently)
He has a strange habit of being in places he’s not supposed to be. It’s incredibly hard to find him because you just have no clue where he’ll be. He’s been found hanging upside down from tree branches before, or up in the rafters of a ceiling. He’s like a cat in how he crams himself into places he Should Not Fit
Speaking of cats, König loves cats. He’s a huge cat person. He has a slight fear of dogs after dealing with dogs in the military, so he’s a major cat person
What he likes more than cats are lizards. König’s dream pet is a monitor lizard. Either that or a massive tegu. He really likes giant lizards. He likes how friendly and quiet they are, and he likes the idea of walking a lizard down the street.
König doesn’t like aquariums. Not because he doesn’t like how they look, he can appreciate a beautiful aquarium, but simply because he finds the sound of a running filter drives him nuts
König is very fussy about noises in his home. He hates anything droning or high-pitched, and you could probably set off his PTSD with a loud sudden noise, so he tries to keep certain sounds to a minimum. He can tolerate the hum of a fridge, but he notably avoids vacuuming and turning on the AC in the house. He will turn on a fan or open a window before he considers using AC.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
i’ve been reading through the space miner au posts and the rancher essay just sent me over the moon (haha). i MUST know more about imp and skizz when you have the time thank you <3
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Unseparable since childhood, they know each other better than anyone. Both went into space mining (which is how they met Tango) very early in their life, probably as teenagers, which would make them basically veterans now, and therefore very experienced in all things mining related. After their last mine and base collapsed, leaving Impulse without an arm, they both left and settled for something different; not entirely sure what they do now, other than harboring a wanted terrorist every now and then, but its something radio and communication related. Quite a jump from their last job, but after the collapse space mining left them with less than positive feelings
(More more or less related things to explain some things below, so that it wont be a giant wall of text on the dash. Fixed because tumblr ruined formatting)
i feel like this is a good moment to mention a bit more about what space mining even is, other than being just... mining in space. there are a few different layers to space mining as a profession, depending on the ore and place (its stability, temperature and everything else needed to be taken into account with human workers); it doesnt really target asteroids (which is why i dont call it asteroid mining), only planets and moons. Despite being assumed to be a more presigious job, it really isnt, at least most of the time; Jimmys experience, for example, is very much comparable to mining on earth, and payed as such. Impulse and Skizz, on the other hand, got to do the cool sci fi idea of space mining, much more dangerous (in places that arent in any way friendly to humans that the miners cant really leave easily before the end of their work season, i guess. not sure how to call it), but also more fun, as it includes the use of mobile suits. This is how sculk is mined, as it tends to exist in places humans shouldve never been in.
(Jimmy also has a mobile suit license, as it just... comes with doing that job, but never had to use one on any of the mining sites. When i talk mobile suits think less Eva and more... chunky and grey. something like the demi series from gwitch. I wanted to include mechs because i like mechs 👍 and i think using giant robots for mining is really cool)
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the idea itself is not based on any real-ish possibilities or whatever of asteroid mining; i would much rather it be read in a way youd read a space sci fi from the space race era. specifically from the side of the eastern bloc... its where the retro part of retrofuturistic comes in this au. If i had to introduce the world more, id say that space colonisation started more than century and a half ago (for the time of the au, that is) and durning space race itself. Even though the cold war has been over way before all characters were even born, there still is a clear space divide influenced by it; not all places are avilable for everyone with a spaceship, but it slowly starts opening up and mixing with itself. It very much goes into alternative history but its not the focus of the au so ill just leave it at that. Bit of a worldbuilding thing. I say all that because i find the idea of what esentially is space juma (travelling to germany from poland specifically to steal and traffic small high value items and also cars durning the 80s and 90s and still today sometimes) and all things similar stupidly fun. Thats why Tango has to hotwire his spaceship. Theres a chance im the only person who likes this kind of story atmosphere and its ok its my au. Sorry for going off topic from the ask it just kind of happened. Bless
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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Chiune Sugihara was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania who put his family and career at risk by issuing thousands of hand-written transit visas to Jewish refugees fleeing Eastern Europe.
Chiune was born to a middle class family in Mino, Japan on the first day of the 20th century – 1/1/00. In elementary and high school he was a top student, and his father wanted him to become a doctor. Chiune’s own dream was to enter the foreign service, and he deliberately failed the medical school entrance exam by writing only his name on the test. Instead Chiune attended Waseda University and majored in English. He also joined a Christian fraternity to practice his English.
In 1919, Chiune passed the Foreign Ministry Scholarship exam, and served in the Japanese Imperial Army as a 2nd Lieutenant stationed in Korea. He resigned his commission in 1922 and trained for the Foreign Ministry, learning Russian and German in addition to English. He aced the qualifying exam and was sent to work in the foreign office in Harbin, China.
Chiune’s strong moral compass led him to resign his post as Deputy Foreign Minister in Manchuria because of rising Japanese violence against the Chinese (just two years later was the horrific Rape of Nanking by the Japanese Imperial Army.) Chiune returned to Japan, where he married Yukiko Kikuchi. They later had four sons.
Next Chiune went to Helsinki, Finland, where he worked as a translator for the Japanese delegation. In 1939, Chiune became vice-consul of the Japanese embassy in Kauna, Lithuania. Part of his job was to find out if Germany planned to attack the Soviet Union, and to relay any information about this to his bosses in Berlin and Tokyo.
In 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania. At that time, approximately 1/3 of Lithuanians were Jewish, many of them Torah scholars. The USSR viciously persecuted Jews, especially religious ones, and the Jews of Lithuania were desperate to escape the country – especially because Nazi Germany was occupying more and more of Eastern Europe and would soon be in Lithuania. Hundreds of them, mostly Orthodox, visited the Japanese consulate to beg for exit visas to Japan. The official Japanese policy was that candidates for visas must go through elaborate bureaucratic procedures and pay significant sums of money. Chiune contacted his superiors at the Japanese Foreign minister to ask if the rules could be relaxed to help Jewish refugees. His request was denied, as were his next two requests.
Chiune could have thrown up his hands and told the Jews there was nothing he could do for them, but instead, as he did in China, he was governed by his strong sense of right and wrong, rather than soulless bureaucrats. He ignored his orders and started issuing ten-day visas for Jews to travel through Japan on their way to safe havens like Shanghai, China, where 20,000 Jews rode out the war safely.
As word got out about the Japanese visas, Jews from all over Lithuania as well as Poland began to swarm Chiune’s office. He simply wouldn’t say no to anybody, and spent 18-20 hours a day (!) painstakingly writing visas by hand. He created a month’s supply of visas every single day from August to early September 1940, providing an escape route for thousands of Jews. On September 4, the Japanese consulate in Kauna was closed and Chiune had to leave the country. He was determined to create as many transit visas as possible, and continued doing so up until the last minute. At Kanuas Railway Station, a crowd of Jews gathered to say goodbye. Right before boarding the train, Chiune bowed deeply and cried out, “Please forgive me! I cannot write anymore. I wish you the best!” Someone in the crowd shouted, “Sugihara! We’ll never forget you! I’ll surely see you again!”
Chiune was reassigned to East Prussia, then Prague, and then Bucharest, Romania. When the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania in 1944, Chiune and his family were imprisoned in a POW camp for a year and a half. Finally they were released in 1946 and returned to Japan, but the foreign office had heard about his unauthorized visas, and he was forced to resign. At about this time, the Sugihara’s youngest son died of leukemia at age seven.
Unemployable in Japan, Chiune made use of his excellent Russian language skills and spent the next 16 years working in the Soviet Union while his wife and sons stayed in Japan. Chiune’s exceptional heroism was unknown for many years, until 1968, when he was contacted by Yehoshua Nishri, an attache working at the Israeli consulate in Tokyo. Nishri spent his youth in Poland, and heard stories of the legendary Japanese hero. Nishri made it his mission to publicize Chiune’s heroic acts, and the next year, 1969, Chiune traveled to Israel as an honored guest of the Israeli government. Jews he’d saved lobbied for him to be recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem, and in 1984 he received the honor. At that time he was too sick to travel, so his wife and son Nobuki accepted the award on his behalf.
Chiune was asked why he risked everything to help thousands of strangers. He answered, “You want to know about my motivation, don’t you? Well. It is the kind of sentiments anyone would have when he actually sees refugees face to face, begging with tears in their eyes. He just cannot help but sympathize with them. Among the refugees were the elderly and women. They were so desperate that they went so far as to kiss my shoes. Yes, I actually witnessed such scenes with my own eyes. Also, I felt at that time, that the Japanese government did not have any uniform opinion in Tokyo. Some Japanese military leaders were just scared because of the pressure from the Nazis; while other officials in the Home Ministry were simply ambivalent. People in Tokyo were not united. I felt it silly to deal with them. So, I made up my mind not to wait for their reply. I knew that somebody would surely complain about me in the future. But, I myself thought this would be the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong in saving many people’s lives… The spirit of humanity, philanthropy… neighborly friendship… with this spirit, I ventured to do what I did, confronting this most difficult situation – and because of this reason, I went ahead with redoubled courage.”
Chiune Sugihara died in Japan on July 31, 1986. Despite being a hero in Israel, and among Jews worldwide, he was completely unknown in his own country. Even his own children didn’t know what he had done. A huge delegation from around the world attended Chiune’s funeral, and only then did he become known in Japan.
Chiune received many awards and accolades, most of them posthumous. Among them are Sugihara Streets in Vilna, Lithuania, and Jaffa and Netanya in Israel. There is a Sugihara House Museum in Kaunas, and a park in Vilna where 200 trees were planted on his 100th birthday. There is a life-sized statue of him in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, featuring a plaque with a quotation from the Talmud, “He who saves one life, saves an entire world.” In 1998, Chiune’s widow Yukiko traveled to Israel and was warmly received by survivors who’d been saved by her husband. There is a Sugihara park in Jerusalem, and he was featured on an Israeli postage stamp in 1998. The Lithuanian government declared 2020 “The Year of Chiune Sugihara.” He has been the subject of multiple works of art, including books, films and a play.
It’s estimated that over 100,000 people are alive today because of the brave actions of Chiune Sugihara.
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swabian-princess · 2 years
5 life lections with me
Hey girlies,
I’ve come across many delusional posts in the last few weeks and I‘ve wanted to put my two cents.
Please, take all of this with a grain of salt because I am only twentythree and not some old oracle.
Lection 1: You probably won’t marry a billionaire, no matter what you do  
I know, many feminity and levelling up influencers tell you that eveything is possible if you do this and that.
Some swear that manifestation works and some tell that Jesus Christ himself blessed them after they joined certain church groups.
Okay, but let’s speak facts: the chances that you’re marrying a billionaire are very low.
The chances that you’re marrying a young, good looking, wants you to be at stay at home girlfriend billionaire are even lower. Those men have their established social circles and tend to marry women within those circles. If you don’t have the right background, social network and education it’s nearly impossible for you to get in those circles.
However, your chances on marrying a handsome looking, appropriate aged man with a good paying job are very high if you put the work into it. I‘m talking surgeons, dentists, lawyers or engineers.
Lection 2: You have to do the work
My dear @memoirsofmimimango recently wrote a post about modern trends (highly recommend checking out her blog, she’s speaking straight facts.) and she touched the subject manifestation.
YES, manifestation can alter your thoughts and put you in a better headspace to stay motivated and reach your goals but that’s it.
You won’t get abs because you wrote it 36 times on a piece of paper, no. You’ll have to eat right and work out.
You won’t magically find your soulmate because you wrote down a character description of them and put it under your pillow, no. You’ll have to go out, meet people and actually talk to them in order to build a relationship, wether it’s platonic or not.
Lection 3: Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself
Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody. Yes, maybe those mistakes hurt like hell and drag you back down to rock bottom but you have to move on.
You have to move on and forgive yourself, even if it hurts a lot and even if you loose people on your way.
Let’s say you fail 9 times but have succes at your 10th try – you would never know if you didn’t try it one more time.
Lection 4: Value friendships
I go out and make an effort to make friends and keep them. It is so important that you have a couple friends you can trust. Yet, like every relationship friendships are not build over night.
We live in a time with unlimited messenger options, please, for the love of god – text your friends. Call them. Ask them how they are. Make them feel important and valued.
Lection 5: Health is wealth
It is so important to be healthy. Physically and psychically.
I live in Germany and I am very privileged to have 40 paid vacation days. I schedule those days so that I can have at least a few days off every few months and time for a bigger vacation every six months so that I don’t burn out.
I also go out of my way to eat healthy, cook and prepare fresh food and try to stay away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
I get bloodwork done regularly and supplement accordingly. I’ll have to work on my workout routine but I try to get my 10k steps in every day.
Don’t take your health for granted, you’re still young and many people only think about how they’ll look and feel when they’re 80+.
Well, but between your twenties and eighties there are also a few years and you still want to look and feel good when you’re 40 or 60, so work on your health.
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fanficfish · 4 months
explaining Hetalia character badly: highschool edition
Honestly this is prob just gonna be "if Hetlaia was MHA" but bigger and mixed with some American archtypes lol....just imagine they're in some weird highschool anime!
this is the same format as my Family Reunion explaining post. i'm just make this a tag.
also not affiliated with W Academy!
Germany: Class Prez. Who you watched struggle with the milk carton from the cafeteria. And the vending machine dispenser.
N. Italy: The class idiot. Every good class has one, you don't know how they're here but OH GOSH WHEN DID HE LEARN TO USE A SCYTHE LIKE THAT-
S. Italy: The one in the back of the class that gets surprisingly decent grades but also has a potty mouth. You know who I'm talking about.
America: Thinks he's the main character.
Canada: Knows he's not the main character.
Estonia: Is the main character and doesn't realize it until he realizes he's in a love triangle, keeps adopting random animals off the street, has an archnemesis that actively tries to murder him, and somehow survives things he definitely shouldn't have survived.
Lithuania: The one with the highest GPA but everyone thought he was a delinquent.
Latvia: The one with the second-highest GPA that everyone knows is a delinquent. Mostly because he was selling test answers out of the janitor's closet.
Russia: The school bully every good school has.
Belarus: The popular girl every school has that can't decide if she likes the "main character" or not.
China: The guy that acts like he's actually 70 and not 17.
Japan: The quiet kid that knows everyone's dark secrets.
France: Of course he's the obligatory French dude in the Japanese anime. Actually what's up with that? Seriously, all the big amines have either a French guy or a super short person (the best ones have both)....
Lichenstein: She's the short one.
Switzerland: Aaaaaand there's the one in the corrner of the cafeteria scheming how to make the most out of the Job Fair.
Austria: That one weird kid that's got a full ride to Juliard and is the reason why your underfunded school has a MUSIC ROOM, HUH-
England: The guy that somehow got himself class monitor, and does a mostly decent job. Unless you ask him about That Clique.
The Clique: aka, the jocks who miiiight also bully the class monitor by flaunting popularity points a little. Just a little. -Denmark: Clique ringleader, acts friendly with everyone so he's popular but you KNOW you're not getting in on the real action unless he invites you to one of his legendary house parties.
-Norway: Clique leader's second in command who's some introvert the clique leader got attached to. Y'know, as extroverts are required to do. Usually has his face in his phone.
-Finland: Popular on his own, the one person in the clique who doesn't understand that in a clique you generally don't socialize outside the clique. Is the reason the main character gets character development through a house party halfway through the series.
-Sweden: That one jock in the group who looks like a jock, talks like a jock, sometimes acts like a jock, but has the highest GPA out of all of the jocks. He's the one that knows Genovia's official fruit but not the name of the fictional kingdom, if you've seen the meme.
-Iceland: Someone's brother who got absorbed into the clique.
Hungary: The girl campaigning that everyone should do the same kind of pushups, that girls can compete with guys and making presentations on the gender gaps in atheltics. Ofc she's the jock that falls in love with the nerd (Austria).
Ukraine: Bakes everyone treats
Netherlands: Bakes everyone treats but makes everyone pay for them
Luxenberg: Your obligatory rich kid., riding to school in Gucci glasses, a Mercedez-Benz, and a jacket with a high-end brand splashed across the pocket. Also has the latest iPhone.
Belgium: Student council rep, joined fifty clubs.
Greece: He shows up, but usually late, with Starbucks, and sleeps through class.
Romania: He shows up every other day, and bribes the class monitor to mark him present. Does show up for Halloween though.
Bulgaria: You show up?
Spain: Complains about the cafeteria food to anyone who will listen.
Australia: Resident jock #1
Cameron: Resident jock #2
Cuba: Resident jock #3
Portugal: Don't mind him he's in a goth phase. The skulls lining his locker will pass. Probably.
Seychelles: The one that secretly brought all the girls flowers from the fundraiser during Valentine's Week despite not knowing what the fundraiser was for.
Poland: The one on the student council who is the reason everyone is wearing couple outfits for School Spirit Week and the theatre club is doing Legally Blonde.
India: The guy who everyone asks to copy his homework because he sure isn't the most popular but damn does he actually know what's going on.
Turkey: The guy that tried to punch a guy, got punched, then turned around and punched the other guy's bullies. Basically he's That Kid That Got Detention For Trying To Be Helpful, though he did start the fight sooooooo
Egypt: Recorded the fight. For historic purposes of course.
idk i ran out of ideas i'm gonna sleep and fix this if i remember who i was gonna put where lol
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dustedmagazine · 12 days
Mope Grooves — Box of Dark Roses (12XU)
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Box of Dark Roses presents the final 27 songs written, arranged and recorded by trans activist and musician stevie (Pohlman), a massive two-LP set that showcases her DIY art, passionate engagement and close links to other trans advocates, poets and revolutionaries.
Mope Grooves emerged in Portland, Oregon in the late teens, with a brash but vulnerable guitar rock sound and a message, from the beginning, about gender identity, inclusion and mental health. Their early albums, Joy and Vanished from 2017 and 2018 respectively, bristled with punk energy, with shouted anthems and loose-slung, infectious melodies. Dusted’s Jason Gioncontere called Desire, the band’s fourth album, “their most cohesive set yet,” late in 2019. And Portland’s Ben Parrish who caught them early and fell hard, wrote of an early show, “And Mope Grooves—Pohlman’s band—broke my brain. Imagine if somebody ran records by The Raincoats, The Clean, Beat Happening, Tyvek, and Marine Girls through a wood chipper and glued the pieces into a new super-record.”
Musically, Box of Dark Roses is more keyboard- and synthesizer-based than Mope Grooves’ earlier album, an uneasy sweetness percolating in its gentle melodies. The soft pretty songs are, in some ways, the most disturbing. “Forever Is a Long Time” pits tootling organ riffs against a sing-song melody, but sharpens the edge with rattling, off-kilter drumming. “Aileen” floats hauntingly graceful vocals over space-video-game pinging and rushing drums. “They’ll tell you you’re a criminal for paying them back in kind, but in the dark, in the wild, in the heart of the night, it is right to fight,” sings band member Lee. It’s a bracing sentiment in a song dedicated to Aileen Wuornos, a sex worker from Florida who killed seven of her clients, purportedly in self-defense. And “I’m Tired All the Time,” with its music box chimes, spiraling fiddle and slapping, just-behind-the-beat percussion, is a lullaby or a suicide note, depending on how you hear it.
Politics turn more explicit in the tracks with extensive spoken word incorporated. Marilyn Buck, the poet and May 19 Communist organization revolutionary best known for freeing Assata Shakur from the Clinton Correctional Facility for Women in New Jersey, speaks on a handful of cuts, including the opener “Controlled Burn” and “Here Comes the Moon.” The song “Continuity and Intensity,” tells the story of the Black Liberation Army’s Kuwasi Balagoon, who, when put on trial, declared, “We have a right to resist, to expropriate money and arms, to kill the enemy of our people, to bomb, and do whatever else aids us in winning, and we will win. The foundation of the revolution must rest on the bones of the oppressors.” The song “Dora” recites a detailed account of gender oppression in Weimar, Germany and the suppression of Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research.  The ratio of polemic to hook is pretty high on these tracks, but these were issues that mattered to stevie, and, as such, they belong here.
Box of Dark Roses was made near the end of stevie’s life (she killed herself in 2024), after a long struggle against gender dysphoria, physical and mental health issues, poverty and sporadic homelessness. In a lengthy, revealing essay included as liner notes, she writes, “I funded the recording process and the deposit on my surgeries by submitting my body to hyper-exploitation. I worked vanilla jobs 40-70 hours a week most of the time before relying increasingly on the informal economy. I was frequently in severe pain and losing work from chronic disabling illnesses that are aggravated by intense labor.”
And yet, though her suffering was real, she never lost sight of how much worse off others could be, particularly black and brown trans people. Before her death she stipulated that all profits from Box of Dark Roses should go to “gender marginalized survivors incarcerated as punishment for defending themselves, either directly to their fundraisers/commissary funds or thru the Survived and Punished NY mutual aid fund.”   This is a difficult, important record, a whole different experience from Mope Grooves’ earlier lo-fi garage albums, but well worth making time for.
Jennifer Kelly
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bi-lavelent · 4 months
Lone wolf (Quinn fabray x fem-reader)
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Warning: fluff, bullying, angst
My family was an immigrant family from Italy. My sister and me were the only American citizen in my family. We were also the only two who could speak English fluently. My dad was on a work visa from Germany and my mom was on a work visa from Italy.
I had always made it through school without being noticed. All I wanted to do was make it through the four years of high school. Living in Lima, Ohio is never easy. Especially when I didn’t have any friends. My home life wasn’t easy my family struggled a lot with money. We would live paycheck to paycheck. My mom had issues with what my father said was shopping. But it was really an addiction to drugs and drinking. I tried to never be a burden to anyone. I just tried making it out of high school which was never gonna happen I had several failed classes that I needed to catch up on and pass. I didn’t know if I would be making it out of fucking Lima Ohio. I didn’t even know if I wanted to graduate. There’s several jobs that don’t need me to graduate or my dad’s boss had dropped out of high school and made himself a million dollar business.
On the other hand my sister was a Cheerio. She was popular. She was dating a football player Matt Rutherford. She was friends with the unholy trinity although she was a year younger than them. They accepted her and treated her like a little sister. Her and Matt met last year when he was a freshman and she was an 8th grader. She was at cheerleading camp and performed at one of the games. She seemed to be the perfect kid straight A’s and just all together Straight. Unlike me who was a raging Lesbian loner with tattoos and piercings.
It was the first day of my senior year. As I got dressed in a leather crop top, a leather skirt and a heavy leather jacket. I ran across the hallway to wake up my sister. I sat on her bed and shook her.
“Hope! It’s time to wake up.” I told her
“Ugh… do I have too.” She pleaded
“Yes, come on we both are in the only two years of highschool that are good.” I replied “we have to leave in 30 minutes. I’m gonna run down the street to the convenient store and grab us some breakfast. Well you put your make up on.”
I ran down to the convenient store and picked us both up some donuts and got us some milk (choose whatever milk you like or change it if your lactose intolerant) I got myself a strawberry banana milk and my sister some chocolate. I went up to the counter to pay. I headed back to the car and went back home to grab my sister. She was already outside waiting for me. As I drove her to school we sang along to the radio. We had a twenty minute drive to school so we sang everything from AC/DCs Thunderstruck to Bon Jovi’s You give love a bad name. But as soon as we arrived at school she had me drop her off a block away so that she would not be seen with me. I drove into the senior lot almost hitting a couple of Jocks throwing kids into a dumpster.
I kept my head down all day like usual. Until I got cornered in the library by my Spanish teacher after school well I was studying. Well I was actually waiting for my sister. I was excepting that he wanted to talk to me about Spanish. But instead he showed me a video of me in middle school singing in my choir. He asked me if I would join his stupid glee club. I said no of course. Why would I join a stupid club let alone the glee club. I was walking out the school when I saw some kids in the choir room singing and what apparently they think is dancing. I stopped and stood there for a second before a girl with a really big smile waved at me. God I hated happy people I walked away and got in my car and drove a block away to pick my sister up.
“How was cheer practice?” I asked her
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t talk to losers like you.” She told me
“Okay, Lupa.” I said
“Verliererin”she said
(Translate) Lupa: Bitch (Italian)
Verliererin: Loser (German)
I got home and went to bed. There was no point in staying up the only thing that it would lead to is me getting yelled at but of course I still got yelled out.
Our mother came storming into my room at 1:00am screaming at me. “ (Nessuno ti amerà mai né si prenderà cura di te. Sei una puttana e una stronza, sei fortunato che lascio vivere a casa mia anche un frocio come te. So solo che sei facile da battere.) Nobody will ever love you or care about you. You’re a whore and a cunt you’re lucky I’m even letting a fag like you live in my home. I just know that you’re easy to beat.”
As she left my bedroom I heard her go upstairs and go to her room. I went upstairs and went out to my car I just went for a drive to see how far I could get. I didn’t stop driving til I got tired. At that point I had Passed the border I wasn’t sure what direction I was going in. But I had hit Michigan at some point a couple hours ago. It was way past the start of school but I couldn’t go back. I couldn’t get what my mom said out of my head. It hurt so much I knew that she didn’t like me but I did not think that she would say it to my face. I got a text from Matt saying that he had brought my sister to school.
I had stayed away for a couple days staying at a hotel. Well I was staying there one day I was exploring and I discovered that there was a good lesbian bar that was near by the hotel. I didn’t drink much but I met some people that were like me and it felt good for the first time in along time.
When I came back I drove into the senior lot I didn’t attend much of my classes I attended my history class and spent the rest of the time in the only place that I never get interrupted the auditorium. I don’t why but it was always the place that I felt the safest. I looked up when I heard talking I saw those group of kids from the choir room a football player. I think his name was Fish I have no clue I wasn’t paying attention when Matt introduced them to me and my sister. When they started singing I heard the happiness in their voice. It sounded like the really wanted to be there. I looked up to see Mr. Schue standing next to me also watching them. He said some shit I guess he was gonna leave (which wouldn’t be the worse thing) I don’t even think he knows Spanish.
Why was I so happy in that moment. Maybe it was cause I was seeing a group of kids who the world hadn’t damaged yet. Just having fun maybe I realized …
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
How Highschool Fails The Youth
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It is funny. While the middle and high school systems differ greatly around the world, the content... does not do this so much. Sure, American high schools look very, very different from those in Germany for example - or from the schools in Japan - but in general the schools are actually quite comparable.
I talked a bit yesterday after being asked on why the German school system is failing due to the school segmentation. Which is not that much a problem in other countries. But highschool mostly fails the teenagers visiting it due to several reasons.
Again, I will not go into grading. Grading does not work, it never has, it is not fair, it also says nothing about the abilities of a student. If you want to know more about it, I once more will link to Zoe Bee's great video on the topic.
But the general problem with school at this level is quite related to the problems starting in primary school. Often kids starting with age 11, 12, or 13 start going to school for six to eight hours a day, at times being expected to additionally do homework after that, leaving them with 10 hour school days. Which is more than even an adult is supposed to work. And they are still kids, especially during the middle school phase. They need to go outside, need to move about and actually socialize a lot more than they get to do with the school around them.
Also it needs to be said that the school system as it is right now - with kids being forced into this schematic of a very strict lesson and class plan also does not work well with how young people actually learn.
And there is obviously the problem that all around the world classes especially at this age are much too large, often 30-40 students per class at least in cities. Which does not at all allow for any individuality in the way kids learn and kids are taught.
Also, all around the world, often enough the public schools suffer from bad funding. This is often connected to the large class sizes that are a result from a lack of room and especially a lack of teachers. And mind you: Teachers are one of the jobs that technically we could have a lot more off. Because it is one of the things that a lot of people would enjoy doing. But... not as is stands right now, when teachers are underpaid and overworked. We could have enough teachers, if only we were willing to actually pay them properly.
I personally do very much believe in the concept that over here gets called "Laboratory Schools". This involves the students having a lot more say in what they learn in what order, choosing their classes for themselves and then learning in groups of about 10 to 15 students. While they are still required to learn certain things until they finish school, if a student decided they first wanna do math, they theoretically have the ability to just work through the ENTIRE math curriculum in one year.
Within the anarchist and solarpunk community I saw a lot of arguments that actually schools themselves should be completely abolished and that kids all should be homeschooled, because schools always involve hierarcheis and such.
Buuuut... I do not agree with that. Because not everyone has the ability to homeschool kids. And I also do believe that folks should have some basic knowledge that they are required to have. And that does not work if you completely abolish schools. Also I do think that schools in theory could be very valuable in terms of socializing and learning to cooperate. It is just that the way it is implemented right now... it does not work.
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local-arsonists · 10 months
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OH BOY HERE WE GO- a lineup of the TF2 OC team that's been living in my head for some while. no it's not all of them and it's likely that these designs are going to change, except for maybe the medic, engineer, spy and sniper designs. I'm putting my infodumping about them under the cut because why not. I'm going left to right in explaining them :)
So, starting off with Heavy. His real name is Alejandro, and he's the oldest of the mercenaries as he's 48. Before joining this merc crew, he was a part of the Italian Mafia. It took quite a bit of bribing for him to properly accept being hired by Grey Mann. (Yes I know that Grey already hired the classic mercs in the comics but like shhhh this is before all that)
Next is Medic. His name is Josef and he's 39 years old. He was in his teen years through WWII in Germany. With his family being Jewish, he and his family had to hide out. Eventually, Josef found himself as the sole survivor of his family. Now, he is determined to be able to help people all he can, because as a kid he felt like he could do nothing to help his family's situation.
Then there is Engineer. His name is Leo and he's about 30-32 years old. He's the younger brother of Dell Conagher. He took after his brother in a way, especially in his interest in all things mechanical. However, he didn't pursue that path at first, rather preferring to work on his farm. However, he was drawn away from that life into mercenary work by Grey Mann, who promised high pay for him.
The Scout. His name is Elijah and he's about 23-27. He realized just before being hired by Grey Mann that he was a trans man. Of course, his mother wasn't too happy about not being able to have a daughter (Elijah is an only child) to teach her ways. But, she was still mostly accepting. Elijah was easily hired because of two things: one, the high pay, and two, he just needed to get away from his home town.
There is the Spy. Their name is Aleksei, and they're 43. They have no relation to Scout whatsoever. They reign from Russia. They are quite the mysterious person, never telling anyone of their past. All that is know about them is that they accepted the job offer as quickly as they could have.
Next is the demolition expert, Demolass! Her name is Bonnie and she's about 38 years old. She wasn't fully aware of which Scottish clan she came from, but no worries! She was completely content living up in the Scottish Highlands and blowing stuff up with her dad. Before she had even realized she transfem, Bonnie had already learned how to use a sword. The one that she carries is the one her mother forged her, and she takes good care of it.
Last, but certainly not least, is the Sniper. His name is Mitchell and he's almost 30 years old. He's a reclusive man, preferring to hide out in tall places and forests. It took Grey Mann a long time to be able to find Mitchell. However, when he was found, he was in the Redwood forests of California. Obviously, he wasn't too happy about his peace and quiet being disrupted. However, he was consoled by the promise of money. It did still take him a while to be convinced.
Obviously, this isn't the entire team (still missing Pyro and Soldier) but I'm still working on finalizing them. That's all for my insane ramblings about these blorbos that live rent free in my head thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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joandfriedrich · 5 months
What do you think happened between Minna Bhaer and Franz's and Emil's father? I often think about it.
I have a headcanon that they worked in a newspaper in Berlin. She followed him and they traveled to America, but he left her and then she became ill and Fritz found her and the boys from the poor house.
That is the puzzle of the ages, at least in the Little Women fandom. In order to answer this properly, I had to dig a little deeper into what was historically happening at the time when Minna would have met and went to America with her husband. Going by your timeline, which I trust completely, Franz was born in 1859 and Emil 1861, so his parents would have had to have met during the 1850s.
All that we know of Minna’s husband/Mr. Hoffmann is that he is American, and is not in the picture by the time Friedrich comes over to America. Things that I inferred from the text is that Mr. Hoffmann isn’t a sore spot for Friedrich or the boys (could be possible for the boys to not remember much of their father), but I personally think that the Hoffmann’s were just a simple family that had fallen on hard times and tragedy struck the parents down. I don’t believe that Friedrich, being the family man that he is, would allow his sister to go and marry some man that he hasn’t met or felt he could trust, given their history of their own father abandoning them. But before I go into that, let’s take a look at the history that was surrounding Germany and America at this time.
Germany during the 1850s had political issues, religious turmoil, and economic struggles, and according to the research I did, it was during this time that a huge number of Germans had travelled over to America, as mainly due to there was hardly any place that would welcome German immigrants. Between 1845-1855 alone, more than a million Germans came to America, and in 1854, it was recorded that 215,000 Germans came over. America took advantage of this influx of immigrants and hired them to work in some of the most labor-intensive jobs, like building canals and railroads.
You suggest that perhaps they were journalists in Berlin and possibly in America. For anyone that is wondering, there was indeed a German language magazine in New York City, known as “New Yorker Staats-Zeitung” founded in the 1830s. It was established by German-American business men, and it was incredibly popular and profitable all the way into the 1960s. While I think it is intriguing to think that they became journalists in America, there is something that throws doubt in my mind.
Friedrich was a highly thought of and brilliant professor in Germany, with qualifications that would be ideal for any university, and yet, he was unable to get that kind of job, and was stuck being a tutor in the Kirke boarding house. The sad reality of this time is that, regardless of what skills and education you may have had in your homeland, it was hardly appreciated in America. While Germans had established their own communities and were a respected immigrant group, they too faced prejudice in the work force, especially by the American born citizens who disliked immigrants taking jobs away from them. It took Friedrich years and the luck of his wife inheriting a large house turned school, to become a teacher, and in much later in life a president of a school, so I can’t imagine that finding a high profile and paying job like that would have come easy.
Also, I think it is highly unlikely that Minna would have been a journalist in Berlin, because during the 1850s, it was against the law for women to be a part of political events, or be associated with anything that deals with politics, and newspapers/magazines did such that. She wouldn’t have had the experience to be able to do that and transfer that knowledge to America, and women’s rights would have become common in Germany in the 1870s, long after she had moved to America and had passed away. As much as it is an interesting background, I don’t feel confident that she would have worked for a newspaper company.
There is something interesting to note about the name Hoffmann, something that could give a clue into Mr. Hoffmann’s background. It is of German origin, but it is also a common name for anyone of Jewish origin. During the 1850s, there were many German Jews living at this time, just as much as there were German Christians, and I wonder if there may be a possibility of Mr. Hoffmann being Jewish. We know the Bhaers are Christian, but as we see with Friedrich, are not prejudice towards them. This unlocks a new avenue of possibilities that could be explored and explain more about the mysterious Mr. Hoffmann.
If we do believe him to be of Jewish origin, it can answer a question that I had for the longest time. Why didn’t Minna ask any of Mr. Hoffmann’s family to raise her boys after she died if she was dedicated to having them raised in America? Most likely because they were unhappy at their son, a Jewish man, married to a Christian woman and disowned him. With no American in-laws to help, who else can Minna turned to, other than her only living relative and one she trusts utterly, her own brother.
Here is my personal headcanon of the mysterious Mr. Hoffmann and his relationship with Minna:
Mr. Hoffmann’s parents came to America to avoid the discriminatory and heavy laws that were put against Jews during that time in Germany. Along with some other Jewish families, the Hoffmann’s helped to establish a bank in New York City, allowing them to earn money to raise their family in a middle class setting. He was raised with care, went to good schools, wore fine clothes, and was given opportunities to have interests, one he deeply loved was music, but still faced prejudice due to his Jewish background. While his parents were progressive in thoughts of women’s rights, abolition, and sex education, they are old fashioned when it comes to one thing, religion; people ought to marry within their own religion, and after everything they had gone through, they had a great distrust in Christians.
Because they encouraged him to be interested in social and political matters, Mr. Hoffmann attends meetings and reads newspapers that not only express ideals he was brought up in, but helps to broaden his knowledge of things his parents wouldn’t normally talk about, and has friends from all different kinds of backgrounds. To him, America is the melting pot of cultures and the hope for a more unified world, which is something his parents disagree, thinking each culture ought to stay with their own, especially as an effort to preserve it. He got the best education he was afforded, and was expected to have a place in his father’s bank, but wanting to do something on his own merit, he used his money to buy a little music store and has managed it with great success. His parents see this as a hobby, which saddens him that they don’t seem to understand that he likes managing the store, but he lets it go for the time.
Once he became a young man, he decided to travel back to Germany to see what his parents’ homeland was like, wondering if things had changed then, and that was how he managed to meet Minna. He got lost and was trying to find his old home, when he asked a young lady to help him, and they hit it off wonderfully. Minna Bhaer is a kind and bright young woman, and shows him around the city, answering his questions, and when he commends her for how bright she is, she blushes and says that credit goes to her brother who is a great teacher. Inviting him to dinner, she introduces him to Friedrich, who was very welcoming to the young man, and they listened to the tales of America, just as they shared how Germany has become the country it is now since his parents left. They talk about music, philosophy, religion, and progressive ideas, which Mr. Hoffmann is grateful to meet like minded people as him.
Mr. Hoffmann had planned to stay only for at most a month, but he found that the warmth of the Bhaer home was too wonderful to leave so soon, especially of the company of the young Minna. One month turned to two, two to four, and it was very clear to Friedrich that a romance is blossoming between the two. While he has no objections against his religion or taking her to America, he does grill him in how Mr. Hoffmann will take care of his bride, not only financially, but emotionally. Minna had told Mr. Hoffmann about how their father walked out of the family, and while she was too young to remember him and care that much, she shares that Friedrich still carries that wound, and he understands Friedrich’s concern of a possibility of Minna being abandoned by both a father and husband.
Mr. Hoffmann knew that there was a good chance that they would not accept her, may even disown him, but he loved Minna very much and explained that he had a store of his own that was doing well and would provide for them both, and whatever children they will have. Friedrich, satisfied that Minna would be taken care of, gives his blessings to the pair, and they marry in a civil ceremony in Germany before travelling back to America.
When Mr. Hoffmann tells his parents of his marriage, they are enraged that he would marry a Christian, when it’s his duty to marry a good Jewish woman. Because Jews go by the lineage of their mothers, not their fathers, they are upset that their children will not be “real Jews”, no matter what Minna tries to say or do to make it the whole thing fair to everyone. They cut him off, explain that he is dead to them and he never hears from them again. While he is upset his parents aren’t accepting of his choice, he doesn’t regret loving Minna, and they work hard the next year to make their store a success, and find that they are expecting.
First came Franz in 1859, named after their favorite composer Franz Shubert, then in 1961 Emil, a name shared by both of their grandfathers. Mr. Hoffmann sent letters telling his parents of each son’s birth, but received no reply and expected no visit, which did hurt him though it wasn’t unexpected. Despite his parent’s rejection, and Friedrich being on a different continent (that doesn’t stop him from sending gifts to the boys on their birthdays), the Hoffmann family was happy and proved that their love was stronger than everyone’s prejudice. After discussing how to raise the boys, Mr. Hoffmann insisted that they were raised Christian, as he felt it would make their life easier, but Minna assured that she would not let the boys forget that their father was Jewish, and if that they are free to make the choice as they grow up which they would rather be.
The nation becomes divided until ultimately a civil war breaks out, and because he finds the idea of slavery abhorrent and unable to stand by and watch injustice happen before his eyes, he joins the Union army. While Minna is scared to death he’ll die, she knows she has to be strong and admires him for his conviction. He’ll serve in the war for three years before he is killed in battle, and the news devastates Minna, who is now all alone. If it wasn’t bad enough that she lost husband, she was unable to say goodbye to him as he was buried with the other fallen soldiers in a hurry, and, because of a stipulation in the deed, it means the store and their apartment above now belonged to his parents, which meant they turned Minna and her boys out in the cold without a second thought.
Minna takes her boys to a small and broken down apartment, which was all she could afford, finds a job that pays very little, just enough to take care of her boys, sacrificing her own wellbeing to make sure they stay healthy. This comes back to bit her as she feels greatly ill, making her write to Friedrich, telling him of everything that has happened and expresses her wish that should she die, her boys should be raised by him in America, like their father died. Friedrich hurried over to America, and is with her for a month trying to take care of her before she passes away. Now, with two young boys in his charge and new to America, Friedrich must do what he can to raise them well, and finds luck in the Kirke’s boarding house, where not only does he find lodging that is significantly better than where his sister was living at previously, but they offered him a job as a tutor to help take care of them.
I'll admit, I wasn't expecting this outcome, but the more of the deep dive I did of history, this backstory just came to me naturally. What do you guys think?
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Fuck it, here’s a post about Ted Malawer.
Playwrite, trained opera singer, literary agent, and co-writer for RWRB.
I knew nothing about him prior to about fifteen minutes ago.
He wrote one play called Daddy Issues: a gay romp through history starring Adolf Hitler!
The synopsis: Von Blergh is an aspiring Jewish artist in New Rochelle. Adolf Hitler is an aspiring artist in Germany. As they mature, their lives intertwine in ways neither of them thought possible, leading to the discovery of love, the pursuit of passion, and their own coming-of-age and ultimate destruction. A fast-paced, dark comedy set against a historical re-imagining of the early-to-mid twentieth century.
The reviews say it’s a lot of fun.
Now, when I think Hitler, I don’t think “lots of fun.” Call my opinion unpopular, I guess. And I’m not immune to comedy, The Producers had an entire thing about a Hitler musical (Springtime for Hitler, anyone?), but that was the joke. The Producers made fun of people making Hitler shows because it’s weird, it’ll make money, but it’s weird and harmful. Ted’s play is tagged as being a satire… but that doesn’t matter, it’s still a play about Hitler finding love and then starting the Holocaust over a breakup. Ted said, let’s downplay the entirety of a genocide that killed 6million people, because I can make it gay and funny.
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Anyway so Ted made gay Hitler fanfiction. It starred Robin De Jesús, who I personally really love and have seen basically every film he’s in, but uh, were there no gay Jewish actors in New York who wanted to play Hitler’s love interest? Hmm… wonder why.
Ted wrote a little thing and described the Jewish character as the following: “He is neurotic and hungry — in other words, Jewish.”
Ah, yes, the classic “Jews are neurotic” thing haha. While you’re at it, why don’t you make a joke about women staying in the kitchen and someone taking your wife. Calling Jews neurotic is dead. It’s a dead joke. It’s dumb, it’s untrue, and it’s old. It’s a stupid, stupid stereotype joke that has become literally the biggest way Jews can be presented in media.
He then uses the whole “First they came” poem(?) as the basis of the opening, but changes all the words. First They Came is a WW2 writing about how they come for the groups you’re not and if you don’t speak out, by the time they get to you, there’s no one there to help you. It’s powerful. Anyway, he says “they came for the Jews but I didn’t speak out because I had a nose job, a good one, so I could pass.”
Ah, yes, Jews have big noses, but once you get yours ripped off you can hide your Jewishness and no one ever has to know you were a Jew. Isn’t it so great to pass? What the fuck, Ted. Come on, man.
More, the character refers to himself as Anne Frank on PrEp.
Says that he would rather be buried in a Jewish cemetery than get a tattoo. In some places you can’t be buried if you have a tattoo since it’s technically against religion rules, but that’s pretty relaxed nowadays from what I’ve seen. Like, pretty sure only the really religiously places might reject someone on tattoo basis. It was in the context of saying that the main character made a group of friends, but they dropped him when he wouldn’t get a tattoo, because he’d rather be buried in his family plot. So basically saying that by picking his religion, he loses all his friends. Basically Ted is saying that if you pick being overtly Jewish over fitting in, you lose out.
But then it talks about, of course, the overbearing mom wanting her son to be a doctor and never leave home. Because of course all Jewish moms are overbearing and want a doctor in the family. I’m literally so over these stereotypes.
Mention about temple membership being expensive. That made me laugh, because it is kinda expensive. Butttttt also, you don’t have to pay for weekly services. Those are free. You can join a temple and pay, you get better high holy day tickets that way, your kids can go to Hebrew school, etc, but the majority of temples just let you walk in. Because we’re not, like, a money making organization. But obviously Ted had to make sure the audience knew that Jews have a whole money thing going, so he made sure to talk about how expensive going to temple is. Tell us more how you feel there, Teddy!
Talk about low self-esteem and a bad stomach.
I think Ted has low self-esteem and takes it out on himself by writing some…interesting…stuff.
Ha ha ha another classic Jew™️ moment. A bad tummy. 1. There are genetic things (I’m not a doctor don’t ask me) that make Ashkenazic Jews more prone to gastrointestinal problems, but NOT everyone!!! 2. I repeat not. Every. Jew. Has. Stomach. Trouble!!!!!!!!! Every race/ethnicity/group of people has shared genetic markers, that’s how DNA works, and different races have different issues. But, god, it’s so damn annoying for this to be what Jews are known for. I swear to god I’ve had people ask me if I should be eating something because I’m Jewish, like, what the fuck? Anyway, Ted thinks Jews are only a collection of stereotypes.
Hasidic drag queen named Torah Portion murdered someone. First off, lazy name. You can do better than that. There’s like a bunch online. Regardless. Torah Portion is a terrible drag queen name. And is more telling that Ted is saying that the Torah killed someone. We’re seeing his inner thoughts here for sure. This is a man who does not like his Jewish religion or being seen as visibly Jewish. Plus, Hasidic being specified really shows what he thinks of the other branches of Judaism.
Lastly, the Jewish character says he’s done a lot of mitzvahs, like selling a blind girl to the zoo.
Because Jews love money and are awful people haha, right Ted?
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So what’s the point of this post, I’m sure you’re asking. It’s to show that self-hatred is big in the Jewish community. It’s the whole “I’ll punch myself so you don’t have to” thing. It’s why there’s so many Jewish comedians. We can make fun of ourselves so you don’t. It’s a survival thing. But, there becomes a time when it stops being for survival or for comedy, and it becomes believed by society and by that Jew themself. Ted wrote these things because it’s what’s expected of a Jewish character. To be full of stereotypes. He wrote a gay Hitler play, I don’t even have any idea where to go with that. So, it’s easy to see that Ted is someone who is embarrassed by who he is, and hides that in self-deprecation on stage. It’s literally the self-hating Jew trope that some Jews use to pretend that they’re not different, they’re not like those other Jews, they’re cool Jews. Well, Ted, imho you just seem kinda like you hate that you were born Jewish and, like, kinda gross with your Hitler fanfic
When RWRB erased their only Jewish character for the screen, was it Ted saying to do so? Because I don’t want a man who thinks exploring a Hitler romance is funny or saying that a nose job means a Jew isn’t really a Jew anymore because they can pass, making the calls for which Jews get to exist and which don’t. Like, Jews are so little good representation, and based on Ted’s past stuff and the fact that RWRB literally erased their Jewish character, it really looks like the brain trust there (Matthew, Casey, Ted) don’t think Jews are worthy of anything better. That Nora couldn’t possibly be Jewish onscreen, because she’s not riddled with stereotypes (I mean… not any more than usual and easily changed), instead she was a strong character first and Jewish second. Which, to Matt, CMQ, and Ted, I guess they don’t think a Jew can be that
So, Ted, what the actual fuck?
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