#high rant
sensitivegoblin · 6 days
I dont wanna be a gender i wanna be a trans muppet who can take off his boobs as he pleases
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tomanicska · 8 months
mr ambrose from bobs burgers is now apart of my mental illness. they will be my mew lover in my silly little mind and i shall tuink of him often. he doesnt love me back but thats ok cause i love him.
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seraphicsuicides · 1 year
thanks for 101 followers i love you all mwah mwah mwah
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ladyy--lazarus · 2 years
Halloween kills and Halloween ends were so fuckin disappointing!!! Garbage movies wtf happened
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low-cole-timothy · 7 months
הרבה זמן לא ראיתי עכביש כזה גדול
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emiko-matsui · 4 months
Here's what you missed from the ScreenRant+ interviews with the Fantasy High: Junior Year cast
The reason Gorgug and Zelda broke up was a natural drifting apart. There were no animosity or harsh feelings, but Zac felt it unnatural for them to stay together for such a long time and still be true to the characters
The reason Cassandra's name is found in ancient stones and writings even though Ally was asked to make it up in Sophomore Year is because it wasn't Kristen choosing a name, it was Ally choosing the name that came to Kristen in a holy revelation of remembering a forgotten name
Ayda Aguefort wasn't removed from the season because she was too powerful to have around, but rather that Brennan genuinely felt a natural follow to her arc was to spend time creating a family bond with Arthur
All of the cast are clear with the fact that Senior Year is not being discussed at the current moment and is something that would be far in the future, but all of the cast are also excited to return to Senior Year and Brennan has plans for what he wants to expand on and plot threads in Senior Year. Additionally, Brennan said he left Sandra Lynn and her relationship to Bobby Dawn unresolved because he rather wanted to leave that storyline for a Senior Year.
Ally considers Gertie's action of immediately declaring Kristen as her nemesis after realising Kristen didn't want to be with her forever after kissing her once was Kristen "getting a taste of her own medicine" and finally being on the end of the insane chaos she's been dealing out to NPCs for years.
Emily was the one who came up with Fig taking on Gilear's bad luck/curse and she was inspired to do it by Fabian's delevelling in Sophomore Year.
After being pitched the headcanon that the adventuring party Goldenhoard was talking to in the first freshman year episodes was The Rat Grinders Brennan liked it so much he, on the spot, retconned it into canon
The cast thinks the four dogs joke is even funnier because they know Ally's mom is a dog breeder
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rdleenthusiast · 1 year
why is greys like health care professional propaganda to me
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theladystrikesagain · 7 months
how does a show released in 2024 fail harder in showcasing fully rounded female characters with flaws and strengths and rich personalities than a cartoon from the 2000s. why has television & film legitimately regressed across the years when it comes to showing women as human beings lmao
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ps1demodisk · 7 months
Sorry I'm not low empathy autistic in the "mysterious loner boy who secretly cares about his friends and talks in a monotone voice" way and I'm actually just completely indifferent to the suffering of people I don't know personally and help strangers out of a sense of "this is the right thing to do" and not "I feel so bad for this person" or guilt.
I sit and listen to my friends even though I don't really care about hearing about their problems because I know they'll be upset if I don't, and despite the fact I honestly can't genuinely care about the issue itself, I care about the impact it's having on my friends and that's enough to make me want to help them through it.
Did you know that's actually an expression of empathy all of its own?
It will absolutely happen again I literally am not even sorry
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thinking about gorgug thistlespring, a barbarian half-orc raised by tinkerer gnomes, who tried to teach him that his anger was not a bad thing, that he was not a burden, that he should channel those negative emotions into something good and positive, like singing or making things, and so he did. he made friends, he learned the drums, he fought, he protected, he saved the world and met multiple who liked him for who he is.
thinking about gorgug thistlespring, a teenage boy with his first girlfriend, who was so devoted to protecting his friends that he made a mistake, he didn’t consider her feelings, so he fought so hard to make it right, he felt so guilty and so angry at himself so he built something just to be able to talk to her again. his parents taught him to channel his emotions and he realised he was just as good at creating as he was at raging. and even when the nightmare king’s forest threw his fears and insecurities in his face, he carried on, for his friends, because “its gorgug, keep going.”
thinking about gorgug thistlespring, an artificer-barbarian who figured out who he is, what he wanted, what he’s good at, who knows how to channel his anger into protecting and creating, to save the world and his friends, only to be told that he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t do what he wanted, his anger was for destruction, not for creating, not for putting his life on the line for his friends, that all the things his parents had taught him, all the things that he had learned while saving the world were wrong.
thinking about gorgug thistlespring.
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livelovecucumber · 2 months
BRUTALLY HONEST effects of hitting my UGW of 45 kg / 100 lbs
So as I’ve mentioned on my blog, I hit my ugw of 45kg in 2020 and since been in recovery (recently rel4psed) and wanted to list some effects of being underw3ight that I noticed.
1. Food allergies. I got sensitive to several foods and drinks while being underweight. Some of them I can consume again after years of recovery. These include: Extreme sensitivity to caffeine & coffee (feel like i’m sick, still can’t consume it and it used to be my fave). Sensitivity to raw vegetables. Lactose intolerance.
2. Heart problems. I have unexplained heart problems since being underweight. I will get suddenly get an abnormally high bpm (200+) while resting at completely random times. This is scary and extremely painful. It hurts in my entire body, feel like I can’t breathe and my jaw hurts. Can last for 5-45 min and will leave me unable to do anything in that time period. Will leave me tired for 2-3 days. Has been happening less in the last year of recovery. Not anxiety related.
3. Memory loss. I would completely forget my sentence in the middle of it. I would forget the entire day and every small detail. Been experiencing both long term and short term memory loss since being underweight. Still struggling with retaining information.
4. Speech problems. Probably related to memory loss. I spoke extremely slow and struggled with forming sentences, and I still do. I struggle with remembering words and will sometimes take a while to form a coherent sentence.
5. Less picky. Incredibly enough, I have become way less picky since being underweight as starving made me desire ANY food available. This has made me appreciate every small taste. Great for learning to eat less desirable “healthy” foods.
6. Loss of good judgement. When I was underweight I had little to no self reflection in my actions. I had my values and morals but the lines seemed to blur as my ability to think properly depleted and I started acting more unconsciously attention seeking and egocentric, without my knowledge. This was in all aspects of my life. I thought I was in complete control but regained common knowledge as soon as I recovered.
7. Constipation. When at my lowest weight, I was constantly constipated and bloated. Laxatives did not work.
8. People acted differently. People treated me completely differently and started treating me like a child and as if I was stupid. They also gave me more compliments and were nicer to me in general. I noticed other girls felt more awkward around me compared to when I was heavier.
9. Mood swings. No shocker but being underweight made my mood swing a lot. I would cry over nothing and act out incredibly when things didn’t turn out. I also acted more kind and timid towards others in general than I used to. I was more careful with hurting others and more sensitive and empathetic in general.
10. Hair growth. I didn’t really notice my hair growing faster on my body but my hair on my head got a lot longer.
Honorable mentions: Constant unexplained bruising, constant cold feeling, feeling sick almost every day, childish behaviour in general, didn’t feel mature and indulged in very childish hobbies & likes. Dumbed myself down on purpose a lot due to memory loss & speech issues.
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stealingyourbones · 26 days
Every day i read a post where people write that “Bruce Wayne has an adoption problem” or that Danny is adoption bait on the first second of seeing him, not even knowing if he has a want of vengeance and a sad backstory and parallels to Bruce, and every day I want to softly cry in a corner.
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ireonic · 8 months
Me: how do I study as a neurodivergent person?
Google: how to help your autistic child study
Me: how to study as an autistic adult/teen
Google: teachers guide to how to deal with autistic children
Me: how do I study as an autistic teen/adult
Google: study tips for autistic people(-written by this allistic man that will talk about autistic people like they're zoo animals)
Me: how to study as a neurodivergent adult, tips from neurodivergent person to neurodivergent students, on how to study independently as an autistic person, no reliant support needed
Google: high functioning autism and school
Me: fuck just. How do I focus during this test that I'm in rn as an AuDHD person
Google: ok, so, to focus on this thing that you currently are doing and need to get done TODAY; weeks before the test you'll need to eat healthy and exercise, meditate, study, set timers, take breaks, drink water, sleep, find the secrets to a happy life, adopt five children, sacrifice a goat, take short showers, brush your teeth
Executive dysfunction:
My fucking deadline:
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I think I'm too high. I want to change my birthday. I mean, it's not really all that important in day to day life, right? Like yeah, I can't change my birth certificate, but maybe I'll call the day I get top surgery my birthday. I'd like that.
One day, I will be Emery Kit Lane, he/they, flat chested trap wannabe obsessed with anal.
I can't change everything. But I can improve. No more alcohol until I can have a healthy relationship with it. Watch calories and carbs as best I can (not looking to obsess over it, but just be aware more of what I'm eating and how much. I'm a bored eater). Cut soda, juice, Kool-Aid, even sugar free ones except for rare occasions. Cut as much excess sugar as possible while also not wasting or binging on any sweets I currently have.
Follow through with Medicaid, got to the gp/optometrist/dentist, find a therapist in my network and of my values, focus on fixing longer term issues.
Buy shelves and arrange my pop figures, donate or trash anything I don't use or need, clean the house so we can organize, get the floors cleaned well, set routines and chores, help the kids sort through their room to decide what to donate or trash, go through the kids clothes to donate anything that doesn't fit, power wash the house and build a covering for the patio, get a nice set up for BBQ and bar tending there.
Last clause of last step is subject to be before or after this next segment.
Licence my LLC for my food truck, recipe test for best, easiest recipes, begin saving now for down payment and up front costs of the food truck, find a reliable accountant to bookkeep and keep taxes in line, find suppliers, secure necessary licenses and food permits, ensure health code standards are met, experiment for a few days both to test location of the truck and prep bins are in the most ergonomic places, maybe one day host Livestreams on twitch or YouTube of how the flow of my truck works and what it's like to work in a single operated food truck, travel the country with my food truck.
A lot of this has to wait until my partner's kids age out of child support. He wants to stay near them while they're still young enough to really bond with him before going out and travelling a lot. I respect that. I know how hard it can be with a parent always gone.
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frownyalfred · 11 days
“This fic would be better if—” babe this isn’t your high school English class and my fic isn’t assigned reading. it’s something a stranger wrote on the internet without an explicit request for constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement. you are not grading my smut fic on a rubric (I hope).
if you cannot consume writing without needing to criticize it, that’s a you problem. stop leaving me these kinds of comments — and if you DO: for god’s sake, please make sure you’re actually objectively correct about the criticism you’re leaving.
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ryuzumisama · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Pale Elf
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