#high package
securemycareer · 1 year
Top Skill development courses for Students to get Good Placement
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Now a days, Educated Unemployment is a big concern for a country like India. Considering the largest number of youth population in world, India has huge potential to be a developed nation in the next few years. But, it can be only possible if youth contribute in economy by learning skills which are in global demand. However, course structure in colleges are outdated and do not make students job…
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mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
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(i n / s p)
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vampirehayfever · 4 months
riz having a long paragraph in fabian's year book because he was like one of his first friends ever, im gonna sob
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older i get the more i understand supervillains. if i woke up one day with magic powers my first instinct would absolutely be "do crime and cause problems on purpose"
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maretriarch · 3 months
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Just in time for 4/13 here's the second line of my r63 dolls, this time CREEPover themed with bonus accessories! in an ideal world they would come in adorable recuperacoon shaped packaging. and probably a sopor slime making kit because kids love slime. which one are YOU picking up from your local Goreget today?
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heyitsphoenixx · 3 months
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@caitmayart I’m in love with this box art I opened it so carefully to save it for when I move it’s too gorgeous
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felinefractious · 16 days
Okay so 🤣 I don’t own cats (and can’t—allergies) and I had NEVER noticed any balls but now I’m going back through your blog and I’m like 🤭 troublepuffs
The first time I noticed them when I was younger was on a leopard picture and I immediately started to crack up because what are those? those are just little cheetoh puffs!
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ray935sworld · 17 days
What the hell are you talking about vr46 racing is cooking!
Look at them! They are cooking!
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(yes that's the kitchen team (as far as I'm aware), yes I think it's funny, yes I apologize)
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storm--bound · 4 months
Tbh I don't even like most of these voiced characters I'm just really gay for the listener characters
Like Darlin and Ranger pls I can treat you so good pls give me a chance
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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i mean id let them live with me always theyre just little boys who can do no wrong . boyyss ..
★ original image under cut
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pagesofkenna · 3 months
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Also this quote @caitmayart used on the box art 😭
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"Being mistaken about the nature of something and discovering its true nature is one of my favorite things in the world to do"
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theshoesofatiredman · 9 months
I'm revisiting a part of The High School Survival Guide: Making the Most of the Best Time of Your Life (so far) by Adam Palmer. It's a Christian book despite the fact that the title makes it seem totally areligious, and I read parts of it when I was in high school. It was the first time I ever read about being gay in a book. I found a free version online and while I didn't think the Bible could shock me anymore my mouth dropped open at this:
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Apparently the MSG version of this passage really says the quiet part out loud. Gay people aren't even human / lose the knowledge of how to be human. Not sure how that works. There's such a dissonance between the tone of this verse and the tone of the text in the book too.
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GEE I WONDER WHY??? How strange that Christians, who believe their sacred text claims that homosexual acts strip people of God, love, and their humanity, view homosexuality as 'icky' and 'gross.' In fact, I would think they'd think much worse in that scenario and treat gay people far worse. In fact, it kinda seems like you're downplaying the absolutely brutal treatment and systemic discrimination of gay people that was carried out in the name of Jesus.
And all of this is being aimed at (presumably Christian) teenagers who think they might be gay. There's no real advice here other than to surrender to god and to seek accountability.
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I was keenly aware as a gay Christian that I was at the center of a culture war I did not want to be a part of. People out beyond my religious community were fighting for an acceptance and celebration of homosexuality that I thought was harmful and sinful. People inside my religious community had all kinds of incorrect ideas about gay people and I didn't think there was much space for me to be "out of the closet" even if I stayed single, celibate, and god-fearing. And I had no idea what to do about any of it.
I didn't come out to anyone until after high school. I prayed and I prayed and I prayed, and the weight was still heavy. God did not make it easier, did not lift the burden of homosexuality from me. I had plenty of accountability in my life, constantly watched by helicopter parents with Internet filters, confessing sin regularly in men's groups (both before and after I started to tell people I 'struggled with same-sex attraction). 'Accountability' only served to intensify my shame.
The only time things got easier was when I started to take God out of the equation, when I started to see my sexuality as a part of myself to embrace rather than excise. Christians will drone on and on about how Christ sets people free from their sins. In my experience, to be free of my sin I had to first be free of Christ.
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freaky-flawless · 3 months
My dolls are gonna arrive at my house soon but I'm at work
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galaxymagick · 1 month
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pictures and videos of taek looking so fcking good and dare I say yes I dare, sweaty, the only sweat and I’m here like 😮‍💨😬🫠🥴
let me **** **** **** and **** him please but also…
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sewinintherain · 4 months
Unboxed Skyler's Dream and Design playset today, which became an hours long project because I wanted to save the cute little shelves for display purposes. Getting the plastic off without damaging the cardboard was a nightmare, but I think it was worth it!
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Ridiculously more photos under the cut because I cannot get over all the details on the packaging ❤️
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I love the sketches of the runway looks so much 😍 It was little details like this that made me fall in love with the brand in the first place. Skyler might be my last RH purchase for a while, and I'm so glad I got her. Now I just have to actually sew all the things I said I would when I started collecting 😅
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fang11803 · 8 months
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Found the perfect doll to be Abbey's little sister. She's Wynter, a snow bunny, from the magic mixies pixling line. She's so CUTE!
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