#high lord of winter
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mika-no-sekai-blog ¡ 27 days ago
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Part IV
Word count: +4300
Warnings: angst (the scene with father made me cry while I was writing it), mentions of blood and frostbites, not properly proofread (sorryyyy)
Part III | Part V
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An hour later, I was still standing in front of the mirror, calling his name and trying to open the passageway to no avail. Clearly, this was the reason why I didn't need to know how to get to Kallias' chambers that Millie mentioned before, but how - for the love of Mother - was I supposed to open it? I tried pressing ornaments on the frame, I even touched the glass like Kallias did and nothing. Did he block it? Or.. did I need magic to open it?
At last, I gave up, sitting on the edge of mattress, thinking. If it could only be opened with magic, then I wouldn't be able to use it - not that I wanted to bother Winter prince in his bedroom. After I had my one and fortunately only outburst of fire magic as a child, I did everything I could to extinguish the flames within me and suppress any powers I had. I had no idea how to summon even the smallest bits of it nor how to wield it.
Eventually, I crawled under the warm blankets, mentally and physically exhausted. Yet sleep kept eluding me and I spent the rest of the night tossing around. It gave me enough time to think about, well, everything. By the time morning came, I had made several important decisions.
I thought a lot about Kallias and his feelings for Viviane, and I realized that I didn't want to stand in his way. For some reason, I already liked him quite a bit and cared for him. If possible, I'd like to be his friend and support him, maybe even help him be with the one to whom his heart belonged.
That also meant that I couldn't fall in love with him in the process, which was probably the hardest part of my plan as he was too attractive and nice. I couldn't imagine a person who wouldn't like someone like him. The fact that he was also my husband, made it even worse. While my head was clear about it, my heart kept whispering. I had no claim on him nor his feelings and I knew it. Demanding such things from him just because we were forced into marriage, wasn't right.
I was in the middle of contemplating how to refrain from falling in love with him when a knock sounded on the door.
"You can come in," I said as I sat up and hissed when a sharp pain shot through my head. Exhaustion wasn't a strong enough word to describe how I felt. After not sleeping at all, I felt weak and nauseous. I definitely wasn't in state to get up, but today was the day my father would return home and I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could.
Millie peeked in. "I saw young master and thought you might be up, milady." She frowned when she noticed the mostly untouched bed, but the dark circles under my eyes were convincing enough.
"How.. how did he look?"
"Like he didn't sleep much, I'd say." She opened the curtains, letting in the rays of morning sun. I squinted, my headache getting instantly worse.
"Is something wrong? Should I get you a healer?" Millie hurried to me with worry.
"It isn't necessary," I pushed through clenched teeth. "I just need- uhm.."
"Headache, right?" Millie was immediately on her feet, running to what I guessed was walk-in closet. "I think I saw it somewhere around here," she mumbled as she searched one of the dressers inside. "Ah, there it is."
After getting my medicine, the pain subsided to a bearable level and soon I was able to stand up and change. Millie was so kind that she brought the breakfast to my room, and I wobbled to the sitting room.
"Milady, your father would like to visit you, but if you're feeling unwell, I'll tell him that you can't-.."
I put my tea down, surprised. "No, please. I'd like to talk with him, too."
With a bow, she left and soon my father appeared at the threshold. I was so relieved to see him. This was our last chance to spend some time together for a while. Both of us knew it and we both wanted to make the most of it. Father was quite worried when he saw my face, asking me a lot of questions. Unfortunately, for many of them I couldn't provide an answer. With every question I couldn't answer, his brows furrowed more.
"So at least tell me - is the young prince good to you?"
"Yesterday, he was really kind and mindful. I think we will get along well once we get to know each other better. Did you speak with him?"
"I had the pleasure. He appeared in the High Lord's office before the ceremony. When I finished speaking with his father, he offered to show me around and asked me all sorts of questions about you. I didn't tell him about your powers - that's something I will leave up to you and your judgment - but I made sure he knows about your health issues. He seemed like a good male to me. And surprisingly, so did his father."
"Yeah.. I have a similar impression," I mumbled weakly.
"He reassured me that we can see each other any time we'd like. So if something happens or you need anything, just send me a message and I'll come. If necessary, I will take you back home, my sweet girl." His eyes were gleaming with tears and I also had a hard time holding back mine.
Then we talked about anything that came to our minds, just as we usually did. It was nice to be able to do so, yet it saddened me even more. Back home, we did this almost every day. Knowing that from now on, he would be too far for maintain our tradition, hurt. After having lunch together, a servant stopped by to announce that the sleigh was ready. As we descended to the ground floor, the feeling of uneasiness I had felt last night reappeared, making it hard for me to draw a full breath.
Kallias and his father were waiting in the foyer, kind smiles on their faces. Again, I couldn't but notice how similar they were in appearance as well as behavior. Their goodbyes were so shockingly warm, as if they were bidding farewell to a dear friend and not to someone they had just met the day before, making sure my father knew that he was always welcome to come again. However, when Morena appeared, their behavior was rather reserved and aloof.
While my new family exchanged farewells with the old one, my attention moved to Kallias, whom I hadn't seen since the incident last night. Just as Millie told me, he looked tired and pale, maybe even a bit uncomfortable. His gaze was focused solely on the leaving guests. I hoped I would have the chance to talk with him later. I wanted to explain events of last night and reassure him that it wasn't his fault.
I followed my father down the stairs to the waiting sleigh. Millie, who trailed after us, stayed near the doors, giving us privacy to say our goodbyes. Morena dryly recited the parting words and got into the sleigh. Father raised a brow, experiencing her coldness toward me for the first time, but I only shook my head.
"Are you sure you can't stay here longer?"
"I'd love to, my little girl, but I need to return to the borders. Solstice is getting closer and I have to ensure every village is prepared and stocked with enough food," he caressed my cheek.
"I will miss you," I sobbed, unable to hold my tears back.
"Me too," he pulled me into a hug, protecting me from cold wind.
"I have a bad feeling about it," I admitted for the first time.
"No need," he rubbed my back. " I will write you a letter as soon as we arrive and then every day after."
"That's not the same."
"I know, believe me, I know. Without you, our home will feel so lonely and empty."
"Please, take good care of yourself."
"You too, Y/N. Be a good girl as usual and don't be afraid to let others know when you need help. Don't suffer alone. If anything, trust at least young Kallias, your husband. He swore to take good care of you and I hope he'll keep his word. Be happy."
With a last squeeze and a kiss on my forehead, father released me and got into the sleigh, taking a seat next to visibly displeased Morena. I instantly felt so cold and lonely without his presence.
The sleigh slightly jerked as it began moving, taking my only family away. Even though I was shivering, cold biting into my body, I stood there watching them until they passed the gate and disappeared into the labyrinth of streets and even long after that, until the sound of jingle bells faded into the distance. I waited a bit longer, hoping that wind would bring their distant sound multiplied by an echo in the gorge as they traveled down the narrow road to the gates, but the only things I could hear, were distant sounds of life in the city.
I tugged my fur cloak closer and slowly turned back to the castle, admiring its tall towers, so different from the castle where I grew up. My new home. My heart sank at that thought. Could I really call this place home?
The icy-cold north wind brought a few snowflakes, swirling and freely dancing in this open space, and I shivered, already losing feeling in my fingers, tears freezing on my face. The headache was growing stronger again, pain coming in waves. I took maybe three steps before I felt something warm and wet coming out of my nose.
Oh my, how embarrassing, I thought, trying to cover it with hand.
Honestly, I thought it was just snot, but when I checked my fingers, they were stained red. After that, everything happened too quickly. It wasn't my first nosebleed nor did it scare me. At that moment, my only concern was to get in quickly and find the closest bathroom. I managed to reach halfway up the stairs leading to the castle's entrance when my body swayed, my legs buckling, and world started to tilt to the side. A sharp pain blinded me and the last thing I remembered was the feeling of falling.
I was groping in the darkness, freezing and burning simultaneously. Later, I wasn't sure about it, but I thought I had dreams, flashes of light when I saw Kallias leaning over me, brows knitted together, his lips moving without making a sound. Sometimes he just sat there, watching me, sometimes he reached for something I couldn't see or gently touched my cheek.
In that state I completely lost track of time. The sense of feeling was the first of my senses to awaken. I was surrounded by warmth, comforting yet heavy, pressing on my chest and pushing me into something soft beneath me. After a while, I cracked my eyes open, blinking away the pain. This place was so bright, light pouring in through the open curtains. As my eyes adjusted, I recognized my new bedroom. How did I get here?
I search my memory, but last thing I clearly remembered was rushing up the stairs outside because my nose was bleeding. Groaning, I pushed the heavy blankets aside and sat up. Carefully I checked on myself. The dress had been replaced by soft cotton nightgown and I felt tired, but headache was gone for now as was the nosebleed.
"Thank the Mother, you are awake, milady," Millie's a bit high-pitched voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She had just come in from the bathroom, wiping her wet hands on her white apron, and she rushed to my side. "We were so worried when you suddenly passed out on the stairs. If it hadn't for young master, you could have seriously hurt yourself."
She hopped up, sitting on the edge of mattress and pressed her cool hand to my forehead and my hands. "Thankfully, the fever is now completely gone and you aren't freezing anymore. You really had us worried. Even the best healer in the castle couldn't say what was going on."
"I don't understand," I blinked in confusion. "Didn't I just pass out because of a migraine?"
"Well, you probably did, but I wasn't here the whole time and didn't hear everything the healer said. I had to leave to bring blankets and other things she ordered me to fetch. The young master spoke with her. I returned in time to hear her explaining to him that your body was burning with fever while freezing and that she had never encountered anything like that. To be honest, I don't understand much to that."
"I see.. I'm sorry for worrying you, Millie."
"It's nothing, milady. I'm happy you feel better already."
I fiddled nervously, unsure how to ask about the certain thing that caught my attention, my cheeks heating up "Millie.. umm.. You mentioned that Kallias caught me?"
Her eyes grew bigger, a wide smile adorning her heart-shaped face. Her expression conveyed a pure adoration. She placed hands over her heart, leaning closer. "You should have seen it, milady. I saw something wasn't right with you, but I knew I couldn't get to you in time. I was so scared. I already pictured you hitting the stairs, breaking a bone or even worse when suddenly, the young master appeared, right next to you. He caught you mid-air and scooped you into his arms. It would have been so romantic, if you hadn't been bleeding so much," she retold the events enthusiastically, gesturing about. It certainly wasn't the first time she had told this to someone.
"And then the young master stayed by your side all night, taking care of you completely alone until early morning when finally your fever went down," she concluded her story with a dreamy expression.
I hated to admit it, but my heart was hammering in my chest as her story unfolded. Adding random small details, she vividly described how Kallias carried me to my room, took me to the bathroom to stop the nosebleed, and then carefully placed me on the bed when the healer arrived. It was hard to imagine he would go such lengths for someone like me, but apparently he did.
I sat there, speechless, trying to convince myself that he did such things solely because he was a good person and because of the promise. Who knows, maybe father somehow tricked him into taking an oath. I knew his heart already belonged to someone else, so why didn't mine want to accept it, whispering sweet lies?
"Are you okay, milady? Perhaps you should lie back down," Millie gave me a worried look, again checking my temperature.
"I'm fine," I tried to smile. "Actually, I'd like to change and go down for breakfast."
As expected, Millie protested and I had to convince her to let me get up. An hour later, I walked into family dining room, much smaller than the one where the wedding party took place, yet impressive in its size and decor. Sets of round and long tables were randomly placed around the space, each chair and bench inviting one to take a seat and eat the delicious-looking food arranged on plates and trays in the middle of tables. Several spots were already taken by importantly looking lords, but aside from Lord Isen who delivered High Lord's message, I didn't recognize anyone.
My eyes wandered to the long table in the back of the room, near the window, and there, sitting on the bench, I spotted him.
Dressed in a uniform that seemed to be his usual attire, Kallias looked even more tired than the last time I saw him, but his posture was relaxed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He was immersed in conversation with Viviane, who sat next to him and was currently laughing at something.
I hesitated. Maybe I should let him enjoy those moments and try to thank him later.
Yeah, that would be for the best.
I was about to leave when Viviane looked up, her shock immediately replaced by a bright smile.
"Y/N! Come! Come and sit down, dear!" she called, making space between them for me. Kallias quickly looked me over and then looked down, that sweet smile gone. I bit the inside of my cheek. Now that they saw me, it would be strange to leave.
"Hi, Viviane.. Kallias."
Viviane patted the bench between them, her brows knitting slightly together. "How are you, dear? We all were so worried when we heard what happened. Do you feel better?"
"I'm fine now," I smiled and stepped to Kallias' other side. Surprise flashed across his features, but he moved closer to Viviane to make room for me on the end of bench. "I'm sorry for worrying you."
Viviane pouted her full lips, her gaze darting to Kallias in silent question. He slightly shook his head, his shoulders a bit tense. It took a few minutes, but at last, conversation had picked up again, with Viviane cheerfully leading it. I took it as a good sign when Kallias relaxed and continued with his breakfast, matching our pace and occasionally adding something to my plate. When it happened for the first time, I was more than surprised. He mumbled something about me needing to eat properly to get stronger and returned to his meal.
Viviane's attention focused solely on me, asking me random questions, completely ignoring Kallias. He seemed content watching her expressive face, flashing a grin here and there, though I could say that he often felt awkward and lonely, sitting between us like an invisible wall. That's why I tried to turn the conversation to him at every opportunity.
We were almost done with the breakfast when, out of nowhere, I felt an urgent need to look up. The unpleasant feeling of being watched made me turn to the doors. The person I saw there.. I didn't expect that..
My stepbrother Zima just walked in with arrogant smile, his gaze burning holes into me. All the blood drained from my face, the contents of my stomach threatening to return. This couldn't be... He was supposed to leave, so why?
Dipping his chin in acknowledgment, he headed to the table where Lord Isen was seated, his eyes still on me.
"Y/N.. What's wrong?" Both Viviane and Kallias watched me warily, probably expecting me to faint.
"W-what is he doing here?"
I didn't need to say his name. They exchanged glances. Viviane was the one to answer me.
"I heard he is so worried about you feeling lonely in your new home, that he decided to stay. Aren't you glad he's here?"
I couldn't answer. I had such a bad feeling about this. I'd never felt safe around him, but I had confidence in my father's protection as if it could hold him back from seriously hurting me. But here..? I was stripped of the only security I had in my life. What could keep him on chain here? This place was huge, full of strangers who couldn't care less about me. If he pushed me into some dark corner in a deserted part of the castle, who would bother looking for me?
The more I thought about it, the less I could control the tremor of my hands, so I put down the fork and hid them in my skirt, hoping that my companions hadn't noticed. Thankfully, they seemed to be fully focused on cleaning their plates.
After they were done, Kallias was the first to leave. Not wanting to stay in the same room as Zima alone, I hurried after him, focusing on my previous plans.
I caught up to him in one of many corridors.
"Kallias? Would you have a minute?"
He stopped but didn't look at me.
"I'd like to apologize for what happened t-that night. You have been avoiding me since then, even though it wasn't your fault."
"I hurt you," his voice was distant. Under the thick layer of ice that was protecting him from outside world, I heard hurt and remorse. "It won't happen again. I assure you."
As he said what he needed, he was ready to leave me behind. I wouldn't allow that.
"Kallias! Please, listen to me!" He froze in mid-motion, finally looking at me over his shoulder with a raised brow. Now that I had his full attention.. I lost my courage and with it, the whole speech I had prepared for this occasion vanished.
"I-.. You already know that I'm not like others. Honestly, I'm weak.. What happened that night.. if it had been someone else, they wouldn't even have noticed.. So don't blame yourself for my.. incompetence.."
He said nothing, but it was clear he didn't believe me. Well.. I had to prove my point then. Before he could stop me, I yanked the closest window open and grabbed the thick icicle blocking the view. The pain of burning was immediate and I hissed. In the blink of an eye, Kallias was next to me, pulling me away from the window.
"Are you crazy?" He kept his voice low. He checked if we were alone and then carefully opened my hand. The entire skin of my palm and fingers was red with small blisters here and there. He was mad now for sure. "Such recklessness!"
He pushed me into the empty sitting room and warded the door. Placing an armchair closer to the hearth, he bid me to sit down. The Winter prince dropped to one knee in front of me, closely inspecting my palm. He let out a shaky breath.
"I'm sorry. Thinking it's for the best to keep my distance I caused.. this," he sighed. He was having a hard time, looking for the words. "I meant to give this to you sooner, but I didn't know how-" He pulled a small container from his pocket and opened it. The well-known smell of herbs tickled my nose and I hummed, knowing what it was. He dipped a finger into the cream and with feather-light touches, he began spreading it over the irritated skin. The relief was immediate.
"Thank you, and thank you also for yesterday. Millie told me.."
"Millie?" he halted, thinking. "Ah, you mean your maid.."
He again scooped a bit of cream on his finger and continued his careful treatment.
"Would you-.." After a while, he broke the silence, mumbling. "How is it even possible that you are this fragile? I've never heard of this. It's - to be honest - hard to believe that one can get this hurt just by briefly touching a piece of ice. All the halflings I know, inherited at least some resistance to cold."
He said it calmly, without any taunts or prejudices. I wondered whom he was talking about and where he had met them. Halflings, as he referred to someone like me, were rare in seasonal courts and were always looked down upon. We were seen as a mistake of nature, something that shouldn't even exist. Solar courts, on the other hand, were quite welcoming and didn't care for one's origin - or so I read in the books my father had in his library. As a Winter prince, Kallias certainly had many opportunities to travel. He probably met them while visiting other courts.
I bit on my bottom lip, thinking how to explain my handicap without revealing the real reason - thus that it was caused by suppressing my fire magic, my true nature. "Well, it wasn't always like this," I started hesitantly. "I remember playing outside in the snow as a child, touching it even without gloves. I used to spend hours outside and my parents had a really hard time getting me inside to at least eat."
Kallias' lips curled into a small smile. He was focused on my hurt hand, but he was listening intently.
"It happened shortly after my mum died and father-.. They were mates. My father was disappearing before my eyes. I was scared I would lose him, too," shiver ran down my spine and I tugged the fur cloak closer with my good hand. Just remembering that brought tears to my eyes. Kallias sat back on his heels, his gaze narrowed at me.
"I gradually got weaker. At first, I had just less energy than before. After some time, I had to stop going out without proper clothes. Years later.. I got this weak. Fevers, migraines, nosebleeds, this," I waved my slowly healing hand.
"I see," was all he said. I could literally see that he had something on the tip of his tongue. He didn't say it aloud, though. I grew scared that I revealed too much and that he guessed the real cause. A lump rose in my throat, my pulse quickened.
He closed the container he still held, and taking my healthy hand, he placed it on my palm. "Thank you for.. your honesty," he smiled kindly, but it did nothing to settle my fear. "If you run out of this, let me know. I'll get you a new one."
I just nodded. As if sensing my unease, he reached up and cupping my cheek, caressed me. "You can trust me. No need to be hesitant or scared. I'm your husband, after all. No matter what, I'll protect you from now on."
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Taglist: @tenshis-cake
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sizzlingstarlightsky ¡ 5 months ago
Kallias Core
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12 notes ¡ View notes
norwigianbluefairy ¡ 2 years ago
Winter Court.
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bubbleblower ¡ 1 year ago
I will not be taking any questions
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2 notes ¡ View notes
ourhighladysarahjmaas ¡ 4 months ago
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327 notes ¡ View notes
thefatesofspring ¡ 6 months ago
Thought of the day:
It literally makes no sense that The Spring Court isn’t the most wealthy court in Prythian…
Not only does the court have the most to offer in trade in terms of food, it most likely develops the majority of fabrics in Prythian, not to mention herbs for medicines etc, then there’s wood exporting & possibly jewel mining. All of this most likely coming from just The Spring Court alone & then whatever overseas trade they do too…bruh The Spring Court is literally basking in riches!
This is why I’m adamant that Spring Court is the wealthiest court but is frugal with its spending, the high lords of Spring only spend when necessary.
The Spring Court is the very definition of a self sufficient court, it doesn’t really need anything from other courts & every return trade the do is really just an added luxury for them.
It also doesn’t make sense that The Night Court & Winter court are wealthy, by rights they should actually be the poorest of all the courts.
If I had to rank the courts in terms of wealth it would go like this:
1. The Spring Court
2. The Dawn Court
3. The Summer & The Autumn Court
4. The Day Court
5. The Night Court
6. The Winter Court
This is also why Sarah Janet Maas needs to spend so much more time on her world-building skills because we need more information on how the other courts operate their courts & gain their wealth
259 notes ¡ View notes
braxix ¡ 25 days ago
Gil-Galad: I didn't realize winter here would get so... Icy.
Galadriel: I hate this so much.
Elrond: *Walks past without so much as a wobble, wearing practically nothing.* What's up with you two? Isn't this great?
Galadriel: I hate it even more now.
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lefthandarm-man ¡ 10 months ago
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Steve Rogers // Captain America Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
the way he looks at bucky (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(bucky vers.)
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ater-love ¡ 1 month ago
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If I had to choose who I would want the novella to be about… THEM no questions asked
Arts by: ellyness5, artsbyaira (if anyone knows the artist of the fanart in the middle, let me know)
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yourlittlebunnyy ¡ 7 months ago
main masterlist - kallias masterlist
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summary: You loved each other, Suspended on a thread, Of snow.
warnings: death, happy but also not very happy ending
w/c: 4k
a/n: this fic is basically "snow" by maxence fermine
enjoy! 🤍
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Your son decided to return to visit his now elderly father, who had retired to the top of a mountain.
At dawn he left the palace. Saying goodbye to his friends and his mate, he made his way north.
It was a journey to the sun of his heart. The purity of the world and of the light offered themselves to his gaze.
As he walked with slow steps along the road he felt a pure and shimmering joy. He was free and happy. He carried with him as his only baggage the gold of faith and his love for his father.
But what was to come happened. Wanting to love the snow of his Court too much, he forgot to fear it. And it almost devoured him with its love.
While crossing a mountain, he lost himself and his luggage in a terrible snowstorm. He fell prey to the fury of the elements and barely managed to save himself through makeshift shelter.
Your son found shelter under the overhang of a cliff, sheltered from the wind, and there, shivering with cold, at the end of his strength, alone in the thick of darkness, alone in the depths of the snow, alone in the vertigo of his loneliness, alone in his silence, where he could have died a hundred times of cold, hunger, fatigue, disappointment and exhaustion, he survived.
He survived because what he saw that night, that thing, that extraordinary thing that came from afar, that sublime and beautiful thing was the most beautiful and sublime image he had ever been allowed to see in his entire life. And that image he could never forget again.
That thing so beautiful was you. When your son crouched beneath the rocky overhang, you were there before his eyes. You looked as fragile as a dream. Remained forever a young female, clothed only in a light white robe despite the great cold. You were dead. And you were resting under a meter of ice.
You were not really resting. You were dead. But your coffin was as transparent as crystal. Your son immediately felt connected to you, a total stranger.
For him it was not like standing in front of a dead body. Yours was not an ordinary death. You were a wonderful presence.
First of all, you were wearing only a light robe. What were you doing, dressed like that, under three feet of ice? This was the first question that came to his mind. But he could not find an answer.
Where were you from? How long had you been a prisoner of that transparent, perennial trap? And, come to think of it, were you real?
You, the young female trapped under the ice, seemed to him as fragile and tender as a dream. The radiance of your golden hair responded like a flashlight flame. You clearly did not belong to his Court. Your eyelids, though closed, allowed the icy blue of your eyes to shine through, as if the wear and tear of the ice had diaphanoused the tenuous skin that protected your gaze. Your face was as white as snow.
He looked at you in silence, silently wondering why he felt so much affection for you.
He thought you were a dream.
It seemed to him that your image was being softly shaped by the geometry of his dreams. But in fact your vision was not the result of a hallucination at all. You stood there, under the ice, three feet from your son, and he loved you dearly.
He stayed all evening filling his eyes with you. And he did not tire of it for a single moment. There he was, motionless despite the cold, contemplating what he had never hoped to dream of.
For him, that night, time stood still.
Who were you? And why were you in that place?
He did not know.
But he knew one thing, one thing only, sad and beautiful: your face asleep under the ice would never die.
At first light of day, your son planted a cross in the precise place where he had made your gruesome discovery. And he resumed the path in search of his father.
He could never have forgotten you. Your face haunted him all the way.
He went through the whole Court, and one morning he came to the door of father's dwelling. A servant opened it for him.
He stepped aside with a bow, letting him in. He waited for Kallias in a cozy parlor, comforted by the warmth coming from the fireplace.
When the male entered the room he embraced him.
"I have missed you." Said your mate to your son. He responded with equal sentiment.
One evening he asked Kallias, "What was my mother like?" He stopped breathing for a brief moment. He had never asked anything about you.
"I would never have seen the light if it hadn't been for her."
"What was she like?" He insisted.
"Love is the most difficult art. And writing, dancing, composing, painting, even running a Court are the same thing as loving. Funambulisms. The difficult thing is to advance without falling. I, in the end fell because of my love for her. But art saved me from despair and death. It's a long story, I think it would bore you."
"No." He begged him. "Please tell it to me!"
Kallias took a deep breath. "It goes back to when I was still young, a mere heir, just like you."
Your son pleaded him again to continue, and in the face of such insistence, he plunged into memories.
"It all began by magic. One day near the Solstice, as I was returning from a fight, I fell in love with your mother. She was a very different female from any I had ever known. At that time, Amarantha had just set foot in Prythian. I had participated in a very violent battle that had ended in a brilliant, beautiful and unpredictable victory. So I was returning as a winner. Triumphant but wounded. A soldier had disemboweled a male in front of me, I still had the senses of that scene: the taste of mud and blood everywhere in my mouth, the enemy soldiers rushing at him, that hostile face furrowed with hatred. The male had lunged at me, ready to stab me. Then I had felt something push me away, and then nothing but a bloody body from which the guts hung. But at the time it was an honor, the joys of war. One had to die or come back wounded.
I could never forget the sight of that body slumped on the ground. Then I fainted. They took me for dead. I stayed there all night under the lifeless body. The next morning someone heard my groans. They lifted the body and discovered my horrified face, the face of the heir. They treated me, and for several days I continued to deliriate. After a week, there was still horror in my eyes.
My father-your grandfather-came to me to congratulate me, and I was proud, but with a pride nonetheless clouded by the pain of what I had experienced.
Finally, when I had recovered my strength, I took the road back. I did not want to fight anymore, and not so much because of the wounds inflicted on me - since the beginning of Amarantha's tyranny I had been wounded six times - but because of the sheer disgust I felt towards war. I, the very one, the heir to the Winter Court, who had pledged my allegiance to our armies, realized that I no longer had any desire to kill.
I therefore left the army and set out on foot for home. And it was there, on the way back, that the miracle was accomplished.
Crippled by the cold, at the end of my strength, with the horror of war still in my eyes, alone in the thick of the darkness and tragedy I had just experienced alone in the abyss of winter, alone with the vertigo of loneliness, alone in my silence, where I could have died a hundred times of cold, hunger, fatigue, disappointment and exhaustion, I survived.
I survived because what I saw that day, that thing, that extraordinary thing that came from a distant place, sent by Mother to compensate for the horror of the male slumped on the ground, that sublime and beautiful thing was the most sublime and beautiful image I had ever been allowed to see in my entire life. And that image I could never forget again.
The image was that of a young female balancing on a tightrope, a young female as light as a bird, a funambulist who was performing with the grace of a squirrel above a silvery river. She was very high in the sky. More than walking the tightrope she floated through the air as if by magic. I watched her glide suavely into the blue up there, standing in front of her invisible wire, barbell in her hands, one would have called her an angel.
I slowly approached the river, and the beauty of the young female captivated me. It was the first time I had seen a Fae from another Continent. She seemed to be flying. Intrigued, I advanced further. She was now perfectly above me.
A dense crowd had gathered on the shore to witness the strange apparition. I approached an old man and, still looking at her, asked him, "Who is she?"
The old man, without even looking at me, replied with a tremor in his voice, "She is a funambulist. Or a bird lost in the air."
She was a funambulist, and her life followed a single line. Straight.
She was from another continent. Her name was Y/n. They had nicknamed her Snow, because she had delicate features and ice-colored eyes. And also because when she darted through the air she seemed as light as a snowflake.
This is how she had begun. One day, while still a child, her path had crossed that of a traveling circus. Flabbergasted, she had discovered the possibility of daydreaming. Heedless of the dangers, she had decided to make it her own career. She had started with a tightrope stretched a few inches off the ground. Then, little by little, she had gone higher and higher both in height and in the mastery of her art. And so she had become the first female funambulist in the Winter Court. Up on the tightrope, she had never come down again.
My Y/n had become a funambulist for the sake of balance. She, whose life unfolded like a winding thread, littered with twists and turns that intertwined and dissolved the sinuosities of fate and the insipidness of existence, excelled in the subtle and insidious art of making evolutions on a tightrope.
She never felt more at ease than when she walked the wire a thousand feet above the ground. Straight ahead. Without ever deviating a single millimeter from her course.
It was her destiny.
To advance step by step.
From one end of life to the other.
Her prowess had conquered all the squares of my Court.
At nineteen, my Snow had already traveled more than a hundred kilometers on her tightrope, often risking her life. She had stretched her tightrope between the two towers of my palace and had balanced several hours above the rope, like an Esmeralda made of wind, snow, and silence.
Then she had repeated her feats in every building I owned, each time defying the laws of balance.
She was no mere funambulist. She proceeded through the air as if by magic.
Looking at her so far up there, her body standing upright in the sky like a white flame and her hair caressed by the wind, one would have called her the snow goddess. For in reality the hardest thing for her was not keeping her balance, or even mastering fear, much less walking that endless tightrope, on that thread of music interspersed with dazzling vertigo. The hardest thing, when she advanced into the light of the world, was not to turn into a snowflake.
By now they were claiming her from every corner of the Court of Winter. So she went and crossed with her rope into the Summer Court. Then, almost without realizing it, she made it all the way to the Court of Dawn, where I traveled only to be enraptured watching her. Never before had a performer from one Court performed in another, not in such period.
And I looked at her and already loved her. In my eyes, your mother seemed at once poetry, painting, calligraphy, dance and music. She was Snow and represented all the beauty of art.
When the beautiful stranger had finished the number on the tightrope and had returned to earth, I could not restrain my desire to approach her. I stepped forward and, in doing so, discovered the fineness of her features, the design of her mouth, the line of her eyebrows, and knew instantly that never again would I forget that face. I looked into her eyes, and in turn Snow squared me. There was no need for words. She smiled at me, and in that smile I lost my soul.
I knelt down, and said, "You are what I have been looking for. You are my mate."
Snow, on the other hand, was not looking for anyone. But my gesture seemed to her of such beauty that she delighted in it. And she married me.
The first years were happy. A happy event came to strengthen our bond. You.
You possess your mother's diaphanous beauty and my white hair. Our life was one of peace and silence. Gradually Snow settled more and more into my Court. Sometimes she felt homesick for her land, but she never complained about it.
What she missed most of all was her craft as a funambulist.
One night she dreamed of flying.
The next day, waking up, she thought about the dream again. Then she thought no more about it. The Solstice came, then passed. You grew in the ecstasy of light. Snow was happy. In one hand she held my love and in the other her own heart, which she offered to you. And that fragile barbell served to keep her balanced on the thread of happiness.
But one day the balance of that balance wheel became so fragile that it broke. One day the affection lavished on her by her loved ones was no longer enough to make her happy. She cruelly missed the life in the air. She thirsted again for vertigo, for thrills, for conquest. She thought only of becoming a funambulist again.
She asked permission to arrange one last performance. She wanted to stretch a rope from one mountain to another in the heart of our mountains.
Surely I estimated that desire insane, deeming the idea of endangering his life senseless, but, as a true mate, I bowed and agreed.
I had two of the best ropes come from the Autumn Court: one was short and thin, the other much thicker and five hundred yards long. Then I sent two servants to fasten the longer cable between the two highest peaks of the mountains.
Y/n slipped the barbell out of its case, put on her ballerina shoes, and, stretching the smaller cable in the garden, practiced for hours over tiny mountains of snow and a miniature ocean on which chunks of ice floated.
I did not tire of watching her. My mate was an unrivaled funambulist.
On that wire she was so happy, so beautiful, so ethereal, that every day I thanked Mother for giving her to me. Her hair was fluttering. She had a clear gaze. And she was walking on air.
The performance was set for the first days of the New Year. A crowd gathered from all over Prythian to witness your mother's feats.
When Snow placed her feet on the cable, the crowd rumbled. Up there, so high it made one dizzy just looking at her, she looked like a tiny white dot in space, a snowflake in the immensity of the sky. Armed with her barbell, for more than an hour and a half Snow performed high above the ground, slowly approaching the opposite side of the mountain. Below, I held my breath. One false step and it was certain death.
But she, perfectly mastering her art, advanced inexorably. Step by step. Blow after blow. Silence after silence. From vertigo to vertigo. She never stumbled.
It was the thread, which broke. Surely badly secured, the cable broke loose from the rock and plunged my mate and barbell into a fall of almost a thousand feet.
Those who saw her disappear there, in the heart of our mountains, took her for a bird falling from the sky.
Her body, surely fallen into a crevasse, was never found again. Snow had become snow and slept in the bed of her whiteness.
I never recovered from the loss of my wife. My two clumsy servants were dismissed without any other form of revenge on my part. A few days later it turned out that they had killed themselves by throwing themselves off a cliff. I felt neither joy nor sorrow.
I saw only one thing: my pain. I knew only one thing: that never again would I find the woman I had loved. Never again would I see Snow again. Never again would I see beauty again. Back I was in my home, now devoid of any joy, I threw off the robes of the High Lord. I promised myself that I would devote myself to your education and art. To absolute art.
So it was that I became, for love of a woman, a poet, musician, calligrapher, dancer. And painter. Because painting was clearly the most faithful link between the lost face and absolute art, the surest means of finding Snow again. And so in that art I excelled.
I got the equipment from a paint merchant - a wooden easel, silk brushes, a palette, an endless amount of colors -, had a small hut built in the garden and locked myself in it. I spent long years there, painting my mate whom I would never see again except in dreams.
However, I was never satisfied with one's work.
Her paintings, though splendid, seemed to me too colorful, too little resemblance. To reproduce Snow accurately I would have to make a completely white, virgin, purified painting. How to paint whiteness? My Y/n portraits were all beautiful, but there were none that resembled Snow.
I kept perfecting my art, day after day, night after night, never getting tired. Then I began to feel old. You, already united in a bond and grown up, went to live far away.
I found myself alone in front of the canvas. I would wear out my eyesight by dint of contemplating the image of my beautiful disappearance.
And one day, because of that incessant work, I became almost blind. And it was that very day, from the abyss of my grief, I painted the whitest and most beautiful of all her portraits.
There. Here the story ends. I never forgot your mother, just as I never ceased to revere and dipimg her. Even when I sank into myself. Especially when I sunk into myself. From the deepest blackness, I painted whiteness, discovered purity. Then I discovered that true light and true colors are always intrisically linked to the beauty of the soul.
Starting from the face of my beloved, I cultivated absolute art. Starting from the total absence of light I took hold of it and its nuances."
Kallias fell silent. Your son was seized with dizziness. He looked at his father and said, "I know where my mother is. I met her on my way here. She is dead, but it is as if she is still alive. She lives in a glass coffin. She is so beautiful that I stayed a whole night contemplating her." As he spoke he had a look lost in the void, his eyes still veiled by the breath of the dream. The story had been long and throbbing. Returning to the real world was difficult.
Your beloved merely smiled at the young man and nodded his approval. But it was clear he did not believe him. "How do you know? No one knows where she is. You don't even know what your mother's face looks like."
"The mountain digested her and returned her body. She is there, under the ice, a meter from the surface. She is there, in her glass coffin, untouched, as beautiful as when you met her. I swear I know where she is. I saw her by accident, coming here. Her face impressed me so much that I stayed beside her all night. I planted a cross at the site of her ice tomb. If you wish, I can lead you to her."
Kallias realized that he was speaking the truth, and he could not hold back a tear.
"I knew that one day she would send me a messenger. But I did not know that this messenger would come so late in my life. And what's more, my son." Then he turned to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "And to say that since she died every day I have tried to find her again in painting, in music, in poetry, the snow beauty of her face. And to say that now her face is within my sight. And to say that I will not be able to see her."
The next day your son asked your mate, "Have you thought about my proposal? When do you wish me to take you before my mother's grave?"
Kallias sighed, then replied in a sad voice, "My son. This trip would be useless. I know you speak the truth, but what good would it do for an old man like me, now almost blind, to find the grave of a dead woman? Where she is, my bride is at peace. May her isolation be respected for eternity." Then he took his leave and disappeared into his room.
A month passed. Your son dared not speak of you in the presence of your husband. Besides, Kallias himself seemed to avoid the subject.
Every day, his father would simply say hello before breakfast. Then he would remain invisible for the rest of the day, and during dinner he would remain silent.
But then, one morning, standing on the bank of a river, your mate said to him, "Tomorrow we're going to find Snow."
They left at dawn. Your son walked ahead, and Kallias followed him, orienting himself with the sound of his footsteps.
Whenever the young male offered his hand to help him over some steeper or treacherous passage, your beloved refused it and punctually overcame the obstacle without need of help.
At night they slept in villages on mats spread out on the ground. When, upon entering a village, Kallias introduced himself and announced his presence, the doors opened in front of him as if by magic. Your son was amazed ti how deeply everyone seemed to respect and admire his father. And he understood how fortunate he was to still have him beside him.
Not everyone gets to meet divinities while still alive.
The journey was long, unceasingly white. White as the silence that accompanied them. White as the snow that covered the valleys.
Finally, one morning, the first mountain peaks appeared. Their road began to climb toward the sky and its purity.
They were the hardest hours.
His father began to show signs of fatigue. But he pretended not to, since they were no longer far behind. The journey was coming to an end.
When he saw the cross, your son trembled with emotion.
"Father!" He shouted. "I found it!" He rushed under the rock, there where, on a stormy night, he had discovered the grave of you, his mother, and had a cry of surprise.
"What is it?" Kallias asked impaneled. "Has snow disappeared forever in the heart of the mountain? Has there been an avalanche?"
"No." Said your son. "Far from it. It is as if the Mother has understood our appeal and foreseen our coming. Y/n is there. But her body is even closer than last time. She is barely two or three centimeters from the veil of ice. I can almost touch her."
You were there. You, a creature so beautiful, so bare, as fragile as a dream. You were dead, yet you seemed alive. You were resting under the ice. And soon you would emerge from your grave. Your body so delicate and your skin so diaphanous made you look even more fragile.
Your son threw himself on all fours and scratched the ice with his fingernails. Finally your face appeared. He took your husband's hand and placed it on your face.
"Do you feel her face? Her skin?" Your beloved's hand caressed your cheek. He had become completely blind. But he did not need his eyes to recognize the lines of your face. You were so well preserved that the simple pressure of his palm on your eyelids was enough for him: "It's really her. It's my Snow. You did not lie to me." He fell to his knees before you and wept his hot tears on your icy face, having found again his mate.
Kallias never descended from the mountain. He lay down on the ice, next to you, his greatest love, and closed his eyes.
Your son tried to dissuade him by telling him that to stay there was madness, but his father replied in a calm voice, "Leave me alone. I have found my place. For eternity."
Then he fell asleep beside your intact body. He died letting himself be overcome by the whiteness of the world. He was happy. At the height of your heart.
You loved each other
Suspended on a thread
Of snow.
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stargirlfeyre ¡ 8 months ago
“Nesta is the one who got the HighLords to fight in the war at the HighLords’ meeting. Rhys praised Feyre when she did nothing”
And mind it this is what got people to stand up.
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It was after this that the women chose to fight alongside the NighCourt and as a result their HighLords agreed as well. Feyre is what got these women motivated to fight because she said she would.
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After Nesta gave her little speech Beron said that he’d consider it and then left. That’s it. After that no HighLord said that they’ll fight Hybern with the NightCourt until Feyre spoke. That’s why Rhys gives her credit because canonically, everyone didn’t start agreeing until Feyre spoke up.
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mika-no-sekai-blog ¡ 3 months ago
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Part I
Word count: +4300
Warnings: SA, abuse (kinda Cinderella vibes), almost rape, seriously 18+ please🙏
This was written only because few scenes, that will be in the next part, is occupying my mind for weeks now and I need to get rid of that to make space for anything else. At this point I have no idea what to do with this anyway. I have potential villain/s and that's it. Nothing more - I still didn't get much further, only a hazy outline of story that could work, but it's still more than I had when I started to write Heal me
This most likely isn't up to everyone's taste and it's a bit raw and harsh (like winter), but who knows. You might like it nonetheless
Hopefully it will help me get rid of whatever is eating on me since August, so I can again be productive and write something..different Anyway, enjoy🫰
Edit: as I read it after a long time I surprised even myself.. in many ways =_= Where did this come from - seriously? Sorry if there are still mistakes. I usually do at least five rounds of checking before posting anything, but this.. I can't possibly do another round. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. 18+ really!
Let's start new year with angst 😵‍💫
Part II
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I stood by the window, wrapped in warm fur. My eyes roamed over the crumbled ruins of houses disappearing under layer of heavy snow behind the inner walls, icicles longer and thicker than my forearm, glittered in sun. Silver snowflakes danced above that graveyard of half-fallen stone walls that were sticking up like black fangs surrounded by pure whiteness.
These lands used to be prosperous and lively, dozens of families lived under the governance of my father, the lord whose family was assigned to protect the border with Autumn Court. Because of the good relationship with the lords on the other side of border, father's family used to be one of the strongest and most important in entire Winter Court. But that was story of past.
Everything started to crumble when my father took a lady from Autumn as a bride. Like ice and fire, people of Winter never fully trusted the wielders of fire from Autumn, despising them; looking down through the fingers at my poor mother. Rumours spread faster than plague, infecting every heart on its way. Nobody cared they were true mates, it didn't matter.
The day I was born was the day when everything went to Hell. People started to leave, moving to who-knows-where. When my powers manifested for the first time, they started to run away in big groups until just few were left behind, mostly only vassals and families of staff at our castle. Fire wielder born in Winter.. it was as if my father brought in a demon disguised as one of them. As soon as I started to notice and understand the side glances, the disgust and even the rage on faces of faeries around me, I swore to never again use the magic circling in my veins and buried it deep down. Of course, every act against the nature demands a price to be paid. My price was almost constant migraine and often nose bleeding, yet it was better than using the powers.
I was three when my mother suddenly died. She was weak and unwell ever since I was born and the harsh blizzard that hit whole Winter Court that year, was too much for her; or that's what I was told. She was always cold and it caused her a great suffering - something we had in common.
During the following months my father was rapidly withering and aged a lot during that time, refusing to eat until I burst into tears, scared he would leave me, too. That broke him and finally, he ate. He started trying, living to take care of me.
In his efforts to protect me and save the name and position of our family, when I was ten, he married a widow with son from prestigious family. The boy was eighteen at the time. Ever since they started to live with us, I felt his intensive gaze glued to my back anywhere I went. I tried to ignore it, really tried, but it was getting worse and worse lately.
Faint sounds of jingle bells scared away pictures of the past and all dark thoughts and I straightened up, watching the horizon. At first I saw nothing, only blinding whiteness. I squinted, listening carefully. No, it wasn't a cry of cold wind, that were really jingle bells and they were quickly getting closer. And then I finally saw it.
Pair of reindeer passed through strait between the steep mountains that were protecting this valley, hauling huge sleight seemingly made of the polished ice. When they reached the first ruins, I recognised the emblem of High Lord's family at the sleigh's side. I immediately rushed from my bedchambers and ran to father's study at the ground floor. By the time I reached its doors, the sleigh were already passing the gates.
"Father!" I heaved. "We have guests! Message from the High Lord!"
Father looked up from the stack of documents, slightly startled, putting down the glasses. "It must only seem to you, sweetheart. There's no way-"
"Guests! We have guests from capital!" My stepmother shrieked as soon as she opened the doors. Then she noticed me and wrinkled her nose in disapproval. Despite my father's belief, she never liked me nor considered me her daughter. She managed to suppress her hate in presence of him, but she never omitted the oportunity to hurt me, verbally or physically. "I thought that you are unwell when you didn't join us for the breakfast," her lips curled into cruel grin. "You look well to me."
"I saw royal sleigh from the window," I mumbled, averting my eyes. She hated when I even merely looked at her. Once she claimed that the disgusting fire in my pale eyes burnt her and punished me for it. Whether it was true I didn't know. Except of the fire magic, I looked like a normal High Fae of Winter Court. My long white hair had slightly silver shade, my skin was pale and eyes had color of frozen river.
Father stood up and swiftly headed to doors. "If it is so, we have to welcome them accordingly. Where's Zima? Are maids preparing the refreshments?"
"I instructed them to brew the best tea we have and prepare some warm refreshments on my way. Zima is training, but I sent butler to call him in," Morena replied as she hurried after father. I followed after them, keeping my distance.
The second she mentioned him, her son appeared. He observed the situation and his cold, almost white eyes landed on me. He took his time as usual. It felt as if he was trying to peel off all of the clothes from my body. Cold shiver ran down my spine and I tugged the fur cloak even closer.
"I was told that we have visit from capital. Is it true?" his raspy cold voice caused that I instinctively cringed.
"Yes, dear," Morena looped her hand to his arm, excited. "Royal family's ignored us for years now! This has to be some good news finally!"
My father sighed. "I have bad feeling about it.."
Chirping, Morena led Zima to the foyer. I matched my steps with father. "It certainly will be okay. No need to worry," I smiled gently.
Father only pressed lips into thin line. We arrived just as the sleigh stopped at the stairs and importantly looking male in thick fur cape got out.
"I'm Isen, High Lord's main advisor," he said without paying any respect to us. He was looking down the length of his nose at us with frown, then his eyes slowly wandered all around the mostly empty, dark and cold hall. Compared to the High Lord's castle, ours had to look like a nest of poor villagers to him. That much was clear from the strict lines around his mouth that only deepened. "I brought a message from His Highness. Can I have a word with you, lord Cherith? In private, of course." His gaze stopped on me and one of his brows raised as he surveyed me from feet to head with almost interest.
I held my breath, looking down as ethics dictated. However, he wasn't the only one looking at me. Morena's rage was staging into me like daggers and my stepbrother's sick possessiveness made me feel even more uncomfortable.
Father's brows knitted with worry and he cleared his throat.
"Yes, sure. Please, follow me to my study."
"How about a cup of warm tea?" Morena offered with sly smile.
"There's no need of tea. I don't plan on staying here long," the adviser declined coldly.
Morena paled and froze on spot. "As you wish, your-"
They were gone before she finished the sentence, the soft click of doors echoed in hallway. She turned to me, baring her teeth.
"What was that? What have you done to catch his interest? You little witch!"
"I did nothing," I tried to defend myself, already knowing what would follow.
She grabbed my elbow harshly. "Come!"
I was resisting, but she pulled me all the way to the closest lounge. Zima followed without word with perverted grin. He loved to watch my punishments. He locked the doors and warded them.
Morena pushed me to the table. "Pull your skirts up!"
"But I did nothing bad, I-"
"You dared to look at me with your dirty eyes today. That alone is enough good reason for punishment! Hurry up, if you don't want it to get worse."
Tears stung my eyes. No matter what I would do, I wouldn't get out of here without punishment. Even if I tried to call for help, all staff at this castle ignored me. I couldn't ran from this, so I did as I was told.
Zima stepped away from the doors for better view and his mother took out thin wand she was hiding in her skirts. As usual, she whisked the back of my thighs until she drew blood.
I bit on my lower lip, suppressing the cries of pain, my fingers fisted the edge of the table. I wouldn't give her such satisfaction. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks - that was the only sign of my protest.
When Morena was done with me, she simply left, immediately losing interest in me. Though, my punishment wasn't over. Zima was still in the room. I suspected that his mother knew very well what he was lately doing to me, yet she never stopped him, never told him anything.
"Don't dare to move," he hissed as he stepped even closer.
His trousers fell down and I could hear strange noises from behind. Thankfully, I didn't see him nor what he was doing there. Nevertheless I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, the worst part was just about to come yet. My fingers balled into fists. I could feel his hand on my legs, his fingers digging into my flesh as he groaned. And then it started. He pressed his hips against my clothed back, rocking back and forth as something thick and hard poked me, sliding down my underwear and between my thighs. Both of his hands landed on my sides, holding me down. I held my breath trying to block his disgusting moans and groans. Once a single sob escaped me, I was unable to stop the following ones.
I didn't know how long it took until he finally groaned for the last time, something wet covered my inner thighs and he pulled his trousers up. He leaned over me, whispering into my ear, slightly breathless. "One day, you will be mine. Truly mine. You can't escape me. I'm looking forward that day."
The doors closed behind him and I shivering pulled my skirts down and fell to my knees. I curled into a ball on the floor and cried. The stinging pain of beating slowly subsided as the shallow wounds healed. However my soul was behind the point of mending for years now. I had enough of this. I couldn't take it anymore, but what could I do? Where could I go to get rid of my stepmother and especially of her disgusting son. Bile rose in my throat and I crawled to the window, pushing it open.
The freezing cold air filled my lungs and few snowflakes landed on my cheeks, mixing with the tears that already started to turn into ice. This kind of pain was welcome. At least for a moment, I could forget. I sighed heavily. What kind of life would I have if my mother didn't die? I wondered. She for sure wouldn't let anyone treat me like this. For her, I wouldn't be nuisance nor the monster.
The sharp pain split my head and my vision went black. I hissed, massaging my temples even though I knew it wouldn't work. A wave of nausea made me empty my stomach. I again closed the window and wrapped myself in the fur cloak. Slowly breathing in and out, I sat down and waited until it got a bit better.
After a while I heard hurried steps at hallway and dared to peek out. It seemed that the lord Isen was done here, leaving. I hurried to the foyer, wiping my mouth and adjusting my appearance.
"I hope that you understood the instructions and you and your family will act according the High Lord's will," I heard his reserved voice as I got closer. My stepmother and her son were already there, waiting. Morena seemed to be confused, but she didn't even look my direction as I joined them. Her son narrowed eyes on me in malice. However, it was my father who worried me. His shoulders were slumped, he was paler than usual, terror and pain marking his face.
"Yes," was the only thing he said. Lord Isen immediately turned away without second glance at my family. His eyes landed on me for a short moment though and he was off. Reindeer shook their heads, ringing the jingle bells and the snow creaked as the sleighs moved.
"What did he come for?" Morena asked the second the entrance doors were firmly shut.
My father only shook his head and his sad eyes searched for me. "My sweet little girl, can you accompany me for a while?"
I was already eighteen yet he still called me like that. My heart filled with love. "Sure, dad." I took his big, warm hand and he led me back to his study.
"What's going on?" Morena demanded, following us, her son at her heels.
"Later. I'll tell you later," father stopped them with a simple gesture.
We walked down the hallway in silence. Father locked the door of his study and pulled me into a tight hug. He let out a shuddering sigh.
"What happened?" I asked softly, holding him just as close.
Father was still silent. When it already seemed that he wouldn't answer, he took a deep breath. "High Lord thinks that it's time for his heir to get married," his voice was strangely raspy. "And he chose you to be the bride."
I froze in disbelief, lump raising in my throat. I felt sick again. "Me?" My voice was weak and shaky, mirroring my terror. "Why me?"
"I thought it's long time forgotten and royal family already crossed out our name from the family tree," he sighed, leading me to the small sofa near to the hearth with flickering flames. "Long, very long time ago, royal family needed someone reliable to protect our Court from the Autumn as the natural barrier of mountains didn't seem to be enough. The High Lord decided to entrust such important task to his cousin who he was very close with. He gave him new name and extensive land at the border. It's a position that is inherited in our family for generations now."
Even though I understood what he was implying, I still didn't see the reason why to choose me. Father had to read it in my eyes because he squeezed both of my hands in his big one and smiled sadly.
"High Lord needs to strengthen the position of the heir and the royal family. Unfortunately, there isn't any suitable lady between their close relatives, so he decided to call upon our ancient bonds and wants you. The noble families in power aren't very reliable these days and keep plotting against the royal family. But we, despite everything, still keep on our oath and serve well, so High Lord counts on our loyalty now."
I swallowed hard. "Do-.. Does he know about..?"
Father nodded. "He knows about Evalyn, your mother, but that's all. He, as the rest of the court, has no idea about your powers. By your appearance, he probably assumes you took after me."
"If he finds out..?"
"I tried to object," father sighed heavily, tears shining in his eyes. "Unfortunately, it isn't a proposal. It's an order. You are the only reminder of my beloved Evalyn I have. I swore to protect you, my little girl, but the moment you get married, I won't be able to fulfil the promise... I can't even imagine what will happen once young Kallias or his father finds out about your magic."
He pressed face to my hands, cool wetness trickling into my palms. "I thought I have enough time to find someone kind who would love you and take good care of you somewhere far from this Court. Somewhere where you could live freely without being looked down. But I failed you.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry, my precious child.."
His words were breaking my heart and I wept with him. He was trying so hard for me all these years. Because of me he lost almost everything, yet he never blamed me for it and always thought so dearly of me. And now, he was even apologising.
"Please, don't, papa." His shoulders trembled and he started to cry even harder. "You protected me whole my life."
Suddenly, he raised his head, pale eyes wild. "You have to go. I'll send you to your family in Autumn Court. They will hide you - royal family won't be able to forcibly take you. Not without risking a war. We can say that you ran away. Yes. That could work." He stood up, pacing.
"Papa, no," I stood up too. "You can't do that! Royal family could take it as a betrayal and punish you for that."
"Who cares what will happen to me? As long as you are safe, everything would be okay."
I hugged him, crying to his shoulder, willing him to understand.
"I care, dad," I sobbed. "I won't allow it. I'll rather go to Mountain Home and endure it. I will live as up to now and-"
"You can't not use your powers for the rest of your life. It's too dangerous. It could kill you. It's already causing you so much pain."
I looked him into the eyes, determined. He was my only living family, the only person I held dear in my life. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. I couldn't. "No! I can do it. I wil go!"
* * *
It was already late at night when I finally returned to my bedchambers. I was exhausted. It took some time to persuade my father, but at last he agreed. It hurt so much to see him in such a state, so sad and broken. However, there was no way around this. I had to do as I was ordered by High Lord and marry his son, Kallias.
At dinner, father broke the news to Morena and her son. Morena made a big scene, but over all she seemed happy to get rid of me. Zima took it seemingly calmly. He didn't say a word and frowning stared at his plate with dinner he hadn't touched. I had a bad feeling about that, his words still ringing in my ears.
One day, you will be mine. You can't escape me.
Maybe this wedding was the getaway from this situation I prayed for, given by the Mother herself. The question was whether it was reward or different form of punishment though. Anyway, I had no saying in it and had to obey.
After the dinner, I spent the rest of the evening at father's study, talking with him about everything and nothing. He wasn't a drinker, yet he opened a bottle of wine and offering me a glass, we gazed to the flames in hearth until we grew too tired and called it a night.
I reached for the door handle of my bedroom, the metal cold in my hand. I twisted it and opened the door, already excited to dive under the thick and warm comforter while soft crackling of fire would lull me to sleep. I halted as the gust of freezing cold air rolled out from inside, biting into my flesh. I suppressed the urge to tug the fur cloak closer and looked around, or at least tried to. Curtains were closed, the room was completely dark except of few last coals in hearth. I heard movement from somewhere near my bed, soft rustling of the sheets. Someone or something was here.
A pale big hand with long fingers shot out from the darkness, grasped my arm and pulled me in. The door closed with loud click, followed by the sound of lock. I was trapped. I was so scared I couldn't make a single cry as I was nudged backward and fell on the bed. The person straddled me, trapping me under their heavy body, hand on each side of my head. The smell of strong alcohol filled my nose.
"You can't escape me."
I cringed at the hoarse deep voice, the voice I knew. Whole my body started to shiver. I clenched my teeth, but even that couldn't stop their chatter. It was Zima, my very drunk step-brother.
"You are mine and you always will be."
His cold fingers wrapped around my throat, slightly squeezing as if testing it. Then they slowly slid down to my chest and under the dress, leaving a burning pain wherever his skin met with mine. He yanked on the collar with such strength that the fabric had torn. The freezing cold clenched its claws into my skin and I cried out in pain and horror.
"I won't let some brat to take what is mine. To touch what belongs to me. This all is mine, only mine."
He sounded like a crazy man. His cold hands cupped my breasts and pushed them together while his face nuzzled between them. His wet tongue licked my skin and sucked on my nipple and I cried and screamed. The pain his cold touch caused me, was agonizing, much worse than the horror of being so helpless. I tried to push him away, punching his ribs and anywhere I could reach, yet it seemed he didn't even notice.
I was dizzy and nauseous. Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to take it anymore and faint, the doors in connected sitting room opened and a maid called out.
"My lady, your father is sending you a tea! I brought also your medicine!"
Zima stilled, listening.
"My lady?"
He cursed and his weight disappeared. The window on the other side of room opened, letting in even more of the coldness and he was gone. I managed to sit up and pull the fur cloak over the torn dress with trembling fingers just before the door opened and maid peeked in.
"My lady..? For Mother's sake!" she wailed. "Why it is so freezing cold here? My lady, are you okay? Why is even the window ajar?"
It was Lucy, a young maid who began to work here just recently. Unlike older maids, she was very kind to me and often came to help me dress or brought me a tea. She immediately ran to the window and shut it close, locking it. She turned on few lights and add logs to the hearth. When the fire came to live again and flames started to dance over the log, she rushed to me.
"My lady, are you all right? You are so cold and shivering. What happened?"
I tried to hold it back, but when she started to rub my arms and back to warm me up, I burst into tears.
"I'm so happy to see you, Lucy."
"Everything is okay now," she comforted me. "What happened?"
I cried even harder. I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell anyone about this. Who would believe me anyway. And the moment my father would find out.. I didn't even want to think how he would react. It would break his weakening heart for sure. I didn't want to lose him. He was my only family.
Lucy just pressed her lips together and brought in the tea.
"Here. Drink this, my lady. It will warm you up."
I reached for the cup. The fur cloak a bit loosened and Lucy gasped.
"My lady! Your neck! You have frostbite all over your throat!"
The breath hitched in my throat, panic rising. I had to come up with something and very fast. If she noticed that it was in shape of a hand, that my dress was torn and the wounds on my chest.. She was clever girl, she would piece together what happened.
"I-it's nothing. It will heal in no time. Could you prepare me a bath, please? I'm really cold."
She nodded, but her gaze lingered on my neck, brows furrowed.
"It's only good that you will leave soon," she mumbled and left.
I swallowed hard. She knew. With such, all servants probably knew, yet they never said anything. They never helped me nor said anything to my father. When it came to the servants who worked here since before I was born, it wasn't so surprising. They couldn't care less for me. However, when even those who came recently, didn't say a word.. well.. It had to be because of Morena. She most likely threatened them all.
Dread washed over me. Maybe after all it was really good that I would leave soon. If only to get rid of Zima and his mother. But what about my father? What would happen to him after that? More I thought about it, more restless I grew. If only father could stay in the capital with me.
That night I couldn't sleep. The bath helped a great deal and warmed me up, yet I couldn't stop shivering, jolting at the slightest sound. The wounds healed really fast, however my heart needed much longer.
Most of the time before the day of the wedding, I spent locked in my chambers or with father in his study. I couldn't relax even when Lucy told me that Zima left the castle and wouldn't be back before I would leave. Last days at my home I spent in constant state of alarm and haste, preparing to leave my old life and to survive the new one in capital with faeries I'd never met.
And at last, the final day of my current struggles came.
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ennawrite ¡ 11 months ago
read ACOSF three times. Somehow missed every single time that Viviane is PREGNANT???
I will never make fun of someone else’s reading skills again😭
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cinnamorollcrybaby ¡ 6 months ago
Flakes of Crystals and Snow | JJK x ACOTAR Crossover
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Satoru Gojo/Original Female Character, ItaFushi, Past SatoSugo, Suguru/Shoko
AU - Fae
Satoru Gojo is the high lord of the Winter Court. He has yet to take on a mate after countless years of being alive. However, the cauldron has finally blessed him, but not in the way he would've wanted.
Nova is a mere mortal who was unaware of faeries existence. She only wanted to go berry picking before she stumbled upon faerie territory, and she slipped between realms.
"Kneel while in the presence of a High Lord." His voice was smooth. It felt like velvet. I could feel it touching me everywhere. His word was law. I couldn't find it in me to refuse. The two guards... my captors also kneels down on the ground alongside me. "State your reasoning for pestering me."”
Read it here:
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azrielsshadows42 ¡ 9 months ago
⚠️ acotar, acomaf, acowar spoilers⚠️ Read at your own risk.
OK, I haven't read acosf yet, so if this sounds stupid, I apologize, but hear me out.
We learn at the end of acomaf that Rhysand makes Feyre high lady of the night court, the first high lady in prythian history.
This happens sometime after under the mountain, but I'm not sure exactly how long, I'm just gonna say a year to make it easier.
In acowar during the high lords meeting, we are introduced to Viviane; Kallias's(winter high lord) mate.
When Feyre is introduced as a high lady Viviane asks why she isn't a high lady too, however-
It is also said that while Kallias was trapped under the mountain, she took over ruling the winter court. She took care of the people, organized their armies, and basically kept the place from falling apart while her mate was gone during an extremely difficult time.
So, for 49 years, she was technically high lady of winter a little over 30 years before Feyre was even born.
While she may not have had the official title, she was a high lady through and through, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
On top of that, not only is she technically the first high lady, but also the first to rule without a high lord by her side.
My point is; Viviane is amazing and if SJM wrote a short novella book on her and Kallias... take my money, just take it.
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islandvelaris ¡ 1 year ago
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Lady Viviane invites you to visit 💙❄️
My Winter Court island is done 💙❄️
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