#kallias fluff
yourlittlebunnyy · 15 days
main masterlist - kallias masterlist
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summary: You loved each other, Suspended on a thread, Of snow.
warnings: death, happy but also not very happy ending
w/c: 4k
a/n: this fic is basically "snow" by maxence fermine
enjoy! 🤍
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Your son decided to return to visit his now elderly father, who had retired to the top of a mountain.
At dawn he left the palace. Saying goodbye to his friends and his mate, he made his way north.
It was a journey to the sun of his heart. The purity of the world and of the light offered themselves to his gaze.
As he walked with slow steps along the road he felt a pure and shimmering joy. He was free and happy. He carried with him as his only baggage the gold of faith and his love for his father.
But what was to come happened. Wanting to love the snow of his Court too much, he forgot to fear it. And it almost devoured him with its love.
While crossing a mountain, he lost himself and his luggage in a terrible snowstorm. He fell prey to the fury of the elements and barely managed to save himself through makeshift shelter.
Your son found shelter under the overhang of a cliff, sheltered from the wind, and there, shivering with cold, at the end of his strength, alone in the thick of darkness, alone in the depths of the snow, alone in the vertigo of his loneliness, alone in his silence, where he could have died a hundred times of cold, hunger, fatigue, disappointment and exhaustion, he survived.
He survived because what he saw that night, that thing, that extraordinary thing that came from afar, that sublime and beautiful thing was the most beautiful and sublime image he had ever been allowed to see in his entire life. And that image he could never forget again.
That thing so beautiful was you. When your son crouched beneath the rocky overhang, you were there before his eyes. You looked as fragile as a dream. Remained forever a young female, clothed only in a light white robe despite the great cold. You were dead. And you were resting under a meter of ice.
You were not really resting. You were dead. But your coffin was as transparent as crystal. Your son immediately felt connected to you, a total stranger.
For him it was not like standing in front of a dead body. Yours was not an ordinary death. You were a wonderful presence.
First of all, you were wearing only a light robe. What were you doing, dressed like that, under three feet of ice? This was the first question that came to his mind. But he could not find an answer.
Where were you from? How long had you been a prisoner of that transparent, perennial trap? And, come to think of it, were you real?
You, the young female trapped under the ice, seemed to him as fragile and tender as a dream. The radiance of your golden hair responded like a flashlight flame. You clearly did not belong to his Court. Your eyelids, though closed, allowed the icy blue of your eyes to shine through, as if the wear and tear of the ice had diaphanoused the tenuous skin that protected your gaze. Your face was as white as snow.
He looked at you in silence, silently wondering why he felt so much affection for you.
He thought you were a dream.
It seemed to him that your image was being softly shaped by the geometry of his dreams. But in fact your vision was not the result of a hallucination at all. You stood there, under the ice, three feet from your son, and he loved you dearly.
He stayed all evening filling his eyes with you. And he did not tire of it for a single moment. There he was, motionless despite the cold, contemplating what he had never hoped to dream of.
For him, that night, time stood still.
Who were you? And why were you in that place?
He did not know.
But he knew one thing, one thing only, sad and beautiful: your face asleep under the ice would never die.
At first light of day, your son planted a cross in the precise place where he had made your gruesome discovery. And he resumed the path in search of his father.
He could never have forgotten you. Your face haunted him all the way.
He went through the whole Court, and one morning he came to the door of father's dwelling. A servant opened it for him.
He stepped aside with a bow, letting him in. He waited for Kallias in a cozy parlor, comforted by the warmth coming from the fireplace.
When the male entered the room he embraced him.
"I have missed you." Said your mate to your son. He responded with equal sentiment.
One evening he asked Kallias, "What was my mother like?" He stopped breathing for a brief moment. He had never asked anything about you.
"I would never have seen the light if it hadn't been for her."
"What was she like?" He insisted.
"Love is the most difficult art. And writing, dancing, composing, painting, even running a Court are the same thing as loving. Funambulisms. The difficult thing is to advance without falling. I, in the end fell because of my love for her. But art saved me from despair and death. It's a long story, I think it would bore you."
"No." He begged him. "Please tell it to me!"
Kallias took a deep breath. "It goes back to when I was still young, a mere heir, just like you."
Your son pleaded him again to continue, and in the face of such insistence, he plunged into memories.
"It all began by magic. One day near the Solstice, as I was returning from a fight, I fell in love with your mother. She was a very different female from any I had ever known. At that time, Amarantha had just set foot in Prythian. I had participated in a very violent battle that had ended in a brilliant, beautiful and unpredictable victory. So I was returning as a winner. Triumphant but wounded. A soldier had disemboweled a male in front of me, I still had the senses of that scene: the taste of mud and blood everywhere in my mouth, the enemy soldiers rushing at him, that hostile face furrowed with hatred. The male had lunged at me, ready to stab me. Then I had felt something push me away, and then nothing but a bloody body from which the guts hung. But at the time it was an honor, the joys of war. One had to die or come back wounded.
I could never forget the sight of that body slumped on the ground. Then I fainted. They took me for dead. I stayed there all night under the lifeless body. The next morning someone heard my groans. They lifted the body and discovered my horrified face, the face of the heir. They treated me, and for several days I continued to deliriate. After a week, there was still horror in my eyes.
My father-your grandfather-came to me to congratulate me, and I was proud, but with a pride nonetheless clouded by the pain of what I had experienced.
Finally, when I had recovered my strength, I took the road back. I did not want to fight anymore, and not so much because of the wounds inflicted on me - since the beginning of Amarantha's tyranny I had been wounded six times - but because of the sheer disgust I felt towards war. I, the very one, the heir to the Winter Court, who had pledged my allegiance to our armies, realized that I no longer had any desire to kill.
I therefore left the army and set out on foot for home. And it was there, on the way back, that the miracle was accomplished.
Crippled by the cold, at the end of my strength, with the horror of war still in my eyes, alone in the thick of the darkness and tragedy I had just experienced alone in the abyss of winter, alone with the vertigo of loneliness, alone in my silence, where I could have died a hundred times of cold, hunger, fatigue, disappointment and exhaustion, I survived.
I survived because what I saw that day, that thing, that extraordinary thing that came from a distant place, sent by Mother to compensate for the horror of the male slumped on the ground, that sublime and beautiful thing was the most sublime and beautiful image I had ever been allowed to see in my entire life. And that image I could never forget again.
The image was that of a young female balancing on a tightrope, a young female as light as a bird, a funambulist who was performing with the grace of a squirrel above a silvery river. She was very high in the sky. More than walking the tightrope she floated through the air as if by magic. I watched her glide suavely into the blue up there, standing in front of her invisible wire, barbell in her hands, one would have called her an angel.
I slowly approached the river, and the beauty of the young female captivated me. It was the first time I had seen a Fae from another Continent. She seemed to be flying. Intrigued, I advanced further. She was now perfectly above me.
A dense crowd had gathered on the shore to witness the strange apparition. I approached an old man and, still looking at her, asked him, "Who is she?"
The old man, without even looking at me, replied with a tremor in his voice, "She is a funambulist. Or a bird lost in the air."
She was a funambulist, and her life followed a single line. Straight.
She was from another continent. Her name was Y/n. They had nicknamed her Snow, because she had delicate features and ice-colored eyes. And also because when she darted through the air she seemed as light as a snowflake.
This is how she had begun. One day, while still a child, her path had crossed that of a traveling circus. Flabbergasted, she had discovered the possibility of daydreaming. Heedless of the dangers, she had decided to make it her own career. She had started with a tightrope stretched a few inches off the ground. Then, little by little, she had gone higher and higher both in height and in the mastery of her art. And so she had become the first female funambulist in the Winter Court. Up on the tightrope, she had never come down again.
My Y/n had become a funambulist for the sake of balance. She, whose life unfolded like a winding thread, littered with twists and turns that intertwined and dissolved the sinuosities of fate and the insipidness of existence, excelled in the subtle and insidious art of making evolutions on a tightrope.
She never felt more at ease than when she walked the wire a thousand feet above the ground. Straight ahead. Without ever deviating a single millimeter from her course.
It was her destiny.
To advance step by step.
From one end of life to the other.
Her prowess had conquered all the squares of my Court.
At nineteen, my Snow had already traveled more than a hundred kilometers on her tightrope, often risking her life. She had stretched her tightrope between the two towers of my palace and had balanced several hours above the rope, like an Esmeralda made of wind, snow, and silence.
Then she had repeated her feats in every building I owned, each time defying the laws of balance.
She was no mere funambulist. She proceeded through the air as if by magic.
Looking at her so far up there, her body standing upright in the sky like a white flame and her hair caressed by the wind, one would have called her the snow goddess. For in reality the hardest thing for her was not keeping her balance, or even mastering fear, much less walking that endless tightrope, on that thread of music interspersed with dazzling vertigo. The hardest thing, when she advanced into the light of the world, was not to turn into a snowflake.
By now they were claiming her from every corner of the Court of Winter. So she went and crossed with her rope into the Summer Court. Then, almost without realizing it, she made it all the way to the Court of Dawn, where I traveled only to be enraptured watching her. Never before had a performer from one Court performed in another, not in such period.
And I looked at her and already loved her. In my eyes, your mother seemed at once poetry, painting, calligraphy, dance and music. She was Snow and represented all the beauty of art.
When the beautiful stranger had finished the number on the tightrope and had returned to earth, I could not restrain my desire to approach her. I stepped forward and, in doing so, discovered the fineness of her features, the design of her mouth, the line of her eyebrows, and knew instantly that never again would I forget that face. I looked into her eyes, and in turn Snow squared me. There was no need for words. She smiled at me, and in that smile I lost my soul.
I knelt down, and said, "You are what I have been looking for. You are my mate."
Snow, on the other hand, was not looking for anyone. But my gesture seemed to her of such beauty that she delighted in it. And she married me.
The first years were happy. A happy event came to strengthen our bond. You.
You possess your mother's diaphanous beauty and my white hair. Our life was one of peace and silence. Gradually Snow settled more and more into my Court. Sometimes she felt homesick for her land, but she never complained about it.
What she missed most of all was her craft as a funambulist.
One night she dreamed of flying.
The next day, waking up, she thought about the dream again. Then she thought no more about it. The Solstice came, then passed. You grew in the ecstasy of light. Snow was happy. In one hand she held my love and in the other her own heart, which she offered to you. And that fragile barbell served to keep her balanced on the thread of happiness.
But one day the balance of that balance wheel became so fragile that it broke. One day the affection lavished on her by her loved ones was no longer enough to make her happy. She cruelly missed the life in the air. She thirsted again for vertigo, for thrills, for conquest. She thought only of becoming a funambulist again.
She asked permission to arrange one last performance. She wanted to stretch a rope from one mountain to another in the heart of our mountains.
Surely I estimated that desire insane, deeming the idea of endangering his life senseless, but, as a true mate, I bowed and agreed.
I had two of the best ropes come from the Autumn Court: one was short and thin, the other much thicker and five hundred yards long. Then I sent two servants to fasten the longer cable between the two highest peaks of the mountains.
Y/n slipped the barbell out of its case, put on her ballerina shoes, and, stretching the smaller cable in the garden, practiced for hours over tiny mountains of snow and a miniature ocean on which chunks of ice floated.
I did not tire of watching her. My mate was an unrivaled funambulist.
On that wire she was so happy, so beautiful, so ethereal, that every day I thanked Mother for giving her to me. Her hair was fluttering. She had a clear gaze. And she was walking on air.
The performance was set for the first days of the New Year. A crowd gathered from all over Prythian to witness your mother's feats.
When Snow placed her feet on the cable, the crowd rumbled. Up there, so high it made one dizzy just looking at her, she looked like a tiny white dot in space, a snowflake in the immensity of the sky. Armed with her barbell, for more than an hour and a half Snow performed high above the ground, slowly approaching the opposite side of the mountain. Below, I held my breath. One false step and it was certain death.
But she, perfectly mastering her art, advanced inexorably. Step by step. Blow after blow. Silence after silence. From vertigo to vertigo. She never stumbled.
It was the thread, which broke. Surely badly secured, the cable broke loose from the rock and plunged my mate and barbell into a fall of almost a thousand feet.
Those who saw her disappear there, in the heart of our mountains, took her for a bird falling from the sky.
Her body, surely fallen into a crevasse, was never found again. Snow had become snow and slept in the bed of her whiteness.
I never recovered from the loss of my wife. My two clumsy servants were dismissed without any other form of revenge on my part. A few days later it turned out that they had killed themselves by throwing themselves off a cliff. I felt neither joy nor sorrow.
I saw only one thing: my pain. I knew only one thing: that never again would I find the woman I had loved. Never again would I see Snow again. Never again would I see beauty again. Back I was in my home, now devoid of any joy, I threw off the robes of the High Lord. I promised myself that I would devote myself to your education and art. To absolute art.
So it was that I became, for love of a woman, a poet, musician, calligrapher, dancer. And painter. Because painting was clearly the most faithful link between the lost face and absolute art, the surest means of finding Snow again. And so in that art I excelled.
I got the equipment from a paint merchant - a wooden easel, silk brushes, a palette, an endless amount of colors -, had a small hut built in the garden and locked myself in it. I spent long years there, painting my mate whom I would never see again except in dreams.
However, I was never satisfied with one's work.
Her paintings, though splendid, seemed to me too colorful, too little resemblance. To reproduce Snow accurately I would have to make a completely white, virgin, purified painting. How to paint whiteness? My Y/n portraits were all beautiful, but there were none that resembled Snow.
I kept perfecting my art, day after day, night after night, never getting tired. Then I began to feel old. You, already united in a bond and grown up, went to live far away.
I found myself alone in front of the canvas. I would wear out my eyesight by dint of contemplating the image of my beautiful disappearance.
And one day, because of that incessant work, I became almost blind. And it was that very day, from the abyss of my grief, I painted the whitest and most beautiful of all her portraits.
There. Here the story ends. I never forgot your mother, just as I never ceased to revere and dipimg her. Even when I sank into myself. Especially when I sunk into myself. From the deepest blackness, I painted whiteness, discovered purity. Then I discovered that true light and true colors are always intrisically linked to the beauty of the soul.
Starting from the face of my beloved, I cultivated absolute art. Starting from the total absence of light I took hold of it and its nuances."
Kallias fell silent. Your son was seized with dizziness. He looked at his father and said, "I know where my mother is. I met her on my way here. She is dead, but it is as if she is still alive. She lives in a glass coffin. She is so beautiful that I stayed a whole night contemplating her." As he spoke he had a look lost in the void, his eyes still veiled by the breath of the dream. The story had been long and throbbing. Returning to the real world was difficult.
Your beloved merely smiled at the young man and nodded his approval. But it was clear he did not believe him. "How do you know? No one knows where she is. You don't even know what your mother's face looks like."
"The mountain digested her and returned her body. She is there, under the ice, a meter from the surface. She is there, in her glass coffin, untouched, as beautiful as when you met her. I swear I know where she is. I saw her by accident, coming here. Her face impressed me so much that I stayed beside her all night. I planted a cross at the site of her ice tomb. If you wish, I can lead you to her."
Kallias realized that he was speaking the truth, and he could not hold back a tear.
"I knew that one day she would send me a messenger. But I did not know that this messenger would come so late in my life. And what's more, my son." Then he turned to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "And to say that since she died every day I have tried to find her again in painting, in music, in poetry, the snow beauty of her face. And to say that now her face is within my sight. And to say that I will not be able to see her."
The next day your son asked your mate, "Have you thought about my proposal? When do you wish me to take you before my mother's grave?"
Kallias sighed, then replied in a sad voice, "My son. This trip would be useless. I know you speak the truth, but what good would it do for an old man like me, now almost blind, to find the grave of a dead woman? Where she is, my bride is at peace. May her isolation be respected for eternity." Then he took his leave and disappeared into his room.
A month passed. Your son dared not speak of you in the presence of your husband. Besides, Kallias himself seemed to avoid the subject.
Every day, his father would simply say hello before breakfast. Then he would remain invisible for the rest of the day, and during dinner he would remain silent.
But then, one morning, standing on the bank of a river, your mate said to him, "Tomorrow we're going to find Snow."
They left at dawn. Your son walked ahead, and Kallias followed him, orienting himself with the sound of his footsteps.
Whenever the young male offered his hand to help him over some steeper or treacherous passage, your beloved refused it and punctually overcame the obstacle without need of help.
At night they slept in villages on mats spread out on the ground. When, upon entering a village, Kallias introduced himself and announced his presence, the doors opened in front of him as if by magic. Your son was amazed ti how deeply everyone seemed to respect and admire his father. And he understood how fortunate he was to still have him beside him.
Not everyone gets to meet divinities while still alive.
The journey was long, unceasingly white. White as the silence that accompanied them. White as the snow that covered the valleys.
Finally, one morning, the first mountain peaks appeared. Their road began to climb toward the sky and its purity.
They were the hardest hours.
His father began to show signs of fatigue. But he pretended not to, since they were no longer far behind. The journey was coming to an end.
When he saw the cross, your son trembled with emotion.
"Father!" He shouted. "I found it!" He rushed under the rock, there where, on a stormy night, he had discovered the grave of you, his mother, and had a cry of surprise.
"What is it?" Kallias asked impaneled. "Has snow disappeared forever in the heart of the mountain? Has there been an avalanche?"
"No." Said your son. "Far from it. It is as if the Mother has understood our appeal and foreseen our coming. Y/n is there. But her body is even closer than last time. She is barely two or three centimeters from the veil of ice. I can almost touch her."
You were there. You, a creature so beautiful, so bare, as fragile as a dream. You were dead, yet you seemed alive. You were resting under the ice. And soon you would emerge from your grave. Your body so delicate and your skin so diaphanous made you look even more fragile.
Your son threw himself on all fours and scratched the ice with his fingernails. Finally your face appeared. He took your husband's hand and placed it on your face.
"Do you feel her face? Her skin?" Your beloved's hand caressed your cheek. He had become completely blind. But he did not need his eyes to recognize the lines of your face. You were so well preserved that the simple pressure of his palm on your eyelids was enough for him: "It's really her. It's my Snow. You did not lie to me." He fell to his knees before you and wept his hot tears on your icy face, having found again his mate.
Kallias never descended from the mountain. He lay down on the ice, next to you, his greatest love, and closed his eyes.
Your son tried to dissuade him by telling him that to stay there was madness, but his father replied in a calm voice, "Leave me alone. I have found my place. For eternity."
Then he fell asleep beside your intact body. He died letting himself be overcome by the whiteness of the world. He was happy. At the height of your heart.
You loved each other
Suspended on a thread
Of snow.
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littlest-w01f · 1 month
Kallias x Reader
Summary: Kallias and his mate have their first Solstice together
CW: Fluff
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You stood in your room, the one you shared with your mate, dressed in a proper ballgown, pulling on the strings of your dress, tightening the corset as Kallias' knocked on the door, "You need any help, my love?"
Kallias was standing at the entrance of your shared bedroom, clad in his finest attire. His snow-white hair had been neatly set, highlighting the sharp angles of his handsome face. He wore a confident smile, but behind those charming dimples, there was a hint of nervousness. The ball tonight would be their first public appearance together since they'd gotten mated.
You smiled at your mate's voice, turning to face him fully, looking dashing in his formal attire. His pale eyes sparkled with affection as he took in the sight of you in the elegant gown.
"My dear, you look stunning," he said, his voice low and husky. He stepped closer, reaching out to gently adjust the delicate straps of your dress before cupping your cheeks in his hand. "Are you ready for tonight's festivities?"
You leaned into his touch, feeling a flutter in your chest at the cold of his skin against yours. "Almost," You replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "Just give me a moment."
You turned back to the mirror, running a brush through your pale white hair with its subtle dark highlights, making sure every strand was in place.
As you brushed your hair, you could see the reflection of Kallias in the mirror. His gaze was fixed on you, admiring how the soft glow of the candlelight played off your curves accentuated by the tight bodice of her dress. He watched your every move, his heart pounding with anticipation and love.
Suddenly, you felt his hands on your shoulders, kneading away the tension that always seemed to build up right before a big event. "Let me do that," he murmured, taking the brush from your hand. His fingers deftly worked through your locks, creating a smooth cascade down your back.
"You're beautiful, my love," he whispered, leaning over to press a gentle kiss onto your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
Kallias brushed your locks, gently setting them up in a braided bun he had been quite efficient in after being with you for years, a few stray strands falling over to frame your face
His gaze wandered over your form, taking in the way the bodice hugged your breasts perfectly, accentuating their fullness while still leaving something to the imagination. He swallowed hard, trying to suppress the desire that stirred within him at the sight of you all dolled up for him.
"I'm quite eager to see you dance tonight," he admitted, his voice laced with desire. "But we should probably not keep our people waiting much longer."
"Just a second..." You hold his hands over your waist slimmed by the corset, "Can we stay for a moment?"
Kallias's breath hitched as his hands rested on your slender waist, feeling the subtle curve of your hips beneath the fabric of your dress. His icy pale eyes locked onto yours, searching for permission to indulge in this private moment with you.
"I thought you wanted to attend the ball," he teased softly, even as he leaned in closer, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. "Though I must admit, seeing you like this… it's making me reconsider."
He pulled back slightly to study your expression, his thumbs gently rubbing circles on your lower back. The intimate contact sent sparks of pleasure through your body, and you found yourself yearning for more of his touch.
"Yes, but... I just want a moment with my love before all the people outside," You whisper softly, arms wrapped around his shoulders
"I suppose a few more moments won't hurt," Kallias conceded with a sly grin, his gaze roaming appreciatively over your curves once again.
Kallias understood the unspoken longing in your words. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his broad chest. The heat of your body seeped into his cool skin, creating a delicious contrast.
"We have all the time in the world for moments like these," he assured you, his voice a soothing rumble against your ear. "Right now, let's just savor the quiet intimacy of our own space."
With that, he tilted your chin up, capturing your lips in a tender yet passionate kiss. It was a slow burn, igniting the flames of desire within both of you. His tongue danced with yours, exploring the sweetness of your mouth as his hands roamed over your curves, mapping every inch of your body he loved so dearly.
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You had ended up fashionably late, well, your little moment had turned into a long while with Kallias, staying in his cold embrace, had at least calmed your nerves about the party.
The two of you made your way down to the grand hall, hand in his as his presence commanded the entire room, and every fae in it.
As you entered the grand hall, the buzz of whispers and the clinking of glasses came to an abrupt halt. Every eye was drawn to the regal couple entering the ballroom, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. There was no denying the power that emanated from Kallias – a mix of strength, charm, and undeniable allure.
Despite the sea of faces staring at you, you only had eyes for your mate. His grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly, silently promising support. He led you towards the centre of the floor, where musicians were tuning their instruments, preparing for the first dance of the night.
"You look breathtaking," Kallias murmured, his voice carrying a note of pride. "And you've stolen my heart once again."
He then turned to the crowd, Kallias lifted your hand, placing a chaste kiss upon your knuckles before addressing the gathered faes. "Ladies, gentlemen and others, please welcome our High Lady to our Court for her first Winter Solstice!" he declared, his voice ringing clear across the hall.
As the crowd erupted into applause, you felt a wave of warmth wash over you. This wasn't just about titles or positions of power; it was about the love and respect everyone held for you both. And despite the grandeur of the occasion, you knew in your heart that none of it mattered without Kallias by your side.
As the music started, he offered you his arm, guiding you into the first steps of the dance. Your bodies moved seamlessly together, each step echoing the rhythm of your heart beating as one.
The first notes of the waltz filled the air, and Kallias led you effortlessly through the steps. With every movement, his strength and grace were evident, guiding you with ease. His eyes never left yours, locking onto your soul as if trying to memorize every detail of this moment.
"Remember when we used to practice these dances in the garden?" he asked, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I think we were both terrible at it back then." A playful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, but there was genuine affection shining in his eyes.
"Ah yess, when we were barely 100." You smiled as the song progressed, so did the intensity of the dance. Your bodies moved closer, until there was hardly any space between you. Each touch, each glance, carried the weight of your history and the promise of your future.
Kallias guided you gracefully through the intricate steps of the courtly dance, his movements precise and fluid. Each spin and dip brought you closer, until there was hardly any distance between your bodies. His strong arms encircled your waist, drawing you even tighter against his muscular frame.
Your hearts beat in sync with the music, echoing the joy and contentment that filled the air. The crowd cheered and clapped along, caught up in the magic of the moment. But amidst the flurry of activity, you and Kallias remained lost in your own world, dancing to the melody of your souls.
"I have so many gifts for you for tonight, my High Lady," Kallias whispered, his warm breath fanning across your skin as he leaned in to press your foreheads together. The intimate gesture sent a thrill through your body, and you felt your cheeks flush with delight.
"My love, you never cease to surprise me," you murmured, your voice barely audible over the music. "But I think I have a or two gift for you as well…"
With that, you reached up to cup his face in your hands, tilting his head down to meet your lips in a tender, loving kiss. The crowd around you faded into the background as you lost yourself in the sweet taste of your mate, the world narrowing down to the two of you and the magic of the night.
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{General - @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith}
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thisblogisaboutabook · 9 months
Solstice Tree Farm
(Christmas Tree Farm)
Azriel x Reader
A Taylor Swift inspired ACOTAR fic
This can be read as stand alone but is a follow up taking place on the solstice before the epilogue of this one shot: Part 1: Ivy (Covered in You)
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warnings: sexual content, suggestive language, language, alcohol
Az held my hand tightly, warming the chill of my freezing hands. “Holidays can be hard. Five hundred years later and I still get hit with pangs of sadness when memories of my childhood creep their way to the forefront of my thoughts.”
“Yeah,” I frowned. “That makes sense. Trauma never really disappears, we just learn to cope with it.”
He nodded, giving me a soft smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes. “I’ll always be here to help you through the hard times, Y/N. Whether you need a listening ear, space, or words of understanding.”
My eyes lined with silver as I leaned my head gently against his shoulder “I love you, Az.”
He brushed a kiss to my forehead, his plush lips warming me from the inside out. “And I love you. Always.”
My steps halted as I spotted a new wine bar lit up with the sound of its patrons friendly laughter rolling out the front doors. “Oh, I need to get Mor a bottle of wine and I hear they have a perfectly spiced mulled wine here that is imported from Winter.”
Az put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward the door. I browsed the selections, snagging the wine Mor had raved about. We had started an annual tradition of wrapping gifts together while each downing a bottle of wine. It was no surprise that the more gifts we wrapped, the sloppier our wrapping jobs became. The special tradition between my friend and I both filled Az’s heart with warmth and…. made his eye twitch just a little bit. Ever the perfectionist, my mate. His wrappings were always the neatest of the inner circle.
As we browsed the aisles of the wine bar’s shopping section, something caught my eye. A Chardonnay imported from Vallahan - the same wine that was shared between my former husband and I at our wedding.
Nausea roiled in my stomach, the room suddenly feeling too hot. “Az, I… I need to get out of here.” His brows furrowed with concern but he asked no questions as he quickly stepped with me out of the store.
My heart raced. I loathed my husband, his death at my hands was deserved, and I did not miss my life in Vallahan at all. However, there was still blood coating my hands and I was not a violent person.
Az looked to me and I knew that his shadows, my favorite one in particular, noticed the wine too. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked gently.
“No, I just needed air. I can find mulled wine for Mor elsewhere I’m sure.”
Az offered to go back into the store to get it but I gripped his hand tightly, needing his presence to keep me grounded.
Digging through my mind for any other topic, I asked, “Have you ever seen the bears from the Winter Court?”
Az smiled as we resumed our walking, “I have several times over the centuries. They were also a valuable resource during the war with Hybern.”
I thought for a moment. “I’d like to see them some day.”
We walked for another fifteen or so minutes before I finally asked to return home, fatigue overtaking me. Az swooped me up in his arms and flew me back to the townhouse. We’d occupied it as our personal residence for years now, thanks to Rhysand and Feyre’s generosity.
We could have purchased another house in the city but this one held so many memories to Az, memories of our family, staying there made me feel like I had been a part of their lives for much longer.
The next morning, I slept in longer than normal. Azriel had to leave early for a meeting with Cass and Rhys. He left a note stating he’d be home with pastries from our favorite bakery in a few hours.
He’d been so busy recently with work. I had been busy too. I’d taken to assisting Feyre and Ressina at the studio. The children warmed my heart and while I was not good with painting, I loved working with my hands. Each year at solstice, I’d taken to offering crafting classes for the littles to make gifts. It filled my heart with even more joy than I thought possible.
I stretched, as I awoke from bed. My body aching from whatever odd position I seemed to fall asleep in last night. Az and I had every intention of “heating things up” after we’d shopped but I fell asleep while he rubbed my back. He must have sensed that I needed the rest - the reprieve from the depths of my mind - as he let me be.
While I definitely appreciated his thoughtfulness, part of me wished he would have woken me. Tiredness aside, I was hungry for his touch, every nerve in my body screaming out for him. Just thinking about it made my breasts heavy and aching to feel him on me, my thighs squeezing tightly together to relieve the ache if only slightly
I thought about taking the time to scratch that particular itch myself but I had to get ready for my afternoon class.
The class went well. Feyre had stopped by to see the children and do some painting in her office. She’d squeezed me tightly, placing a kiss on each cheek in greeting. Gratitude filled me for how accepting she’d been of me when I first came to Velaris from Vallahan. The whole family instantly made me feel welcome, we’d grown so close over the past 10 years.
After the class, Feyre and I decided to visit a nearby tea parlor - chatting about everything from art and politics to Nyx and holiday plans. I laughed as she shared a story of Rhys sneaking off with Nyx to “attend court business” with Kallias and Viviane - but instead it was just to have the pair and their children train Rhys and Nyx on the latest snowball fighting techniques. Anything to gain a competitive edge for their own annual fight at the cabin.
After a while, Feyre reached across the table to squeeze my hand. Her blue-gray eyes meeting mine as she asked if I was doing okay. Daemati abilities aside, she was naturally very perceptive of emotions. I finally confessed to her that I hadn’t been in the holiday spirit this year when normally it was my favorite time of the year. She’d offered comfort in return and shared her own stories of times that she had struggled during the season as well, adding that Rhys had especially struggled after returning from under the mountain
It was reassuring to hear that my family understood the underlaying feelings of melancholy that could rise to the surface during such a joyous season.
When I arrived back to the townhouse, I was greeted with a box of pastries and a note from Az apologizing that we’d missed eachother.
I definitely needed the visit with Feyre but felt a bit guilty for missing him. In true Azriel fashion, there was an arrow pointing to the back of the note:
“Don’t you dare feel guilty for not being home. I’m glad that you and Feyre spent time together.”
Momentarily confused by how he knew where I’d been, the glazed look Feyre had gotten at one point during our tea time came back to me. Gods, daemati powers would be convenient.
Azriel didn’t return home until late that night. I’d dozed off while reading on the couch, waking up to him carrying me back to our bed. I gave him a sleepy smile and informed him there was food from our favorite take away spot in the kitchen.
The strong hold of his muscled body pressing into me reignited the fire that had burned inside of me that morning. Clearly scenting my arousal he gave a feline grin. “I’m hungry for something else.”
Our joining that night was hard and fast. I came quickly which only fueled his male pride, by the time he was through with me I was completely and utterly satiated. I all but fell asleep on my mate before he lifted me off of him, curling into me. I awoke briefly in the night to find his wings encompassing us - the warmth and darkness quickly soothing me back to sleep.
Once again I woke to an empty bed. I couldn’t help the frown that formed at his departure. We always had an understanding of the unexpected absences that occurred with his work. Selfishly, I had just hoped to spend the morning in bed with him.
I leaned to my side of the bed to find a note reading,
“Don’t hate me for taking off so early. You just looked too beautiful, I couldn’t bring myself to wake a sleeping angel.
Rhys needed Cassian and I at the Hewn City, I promise I’ll be home soon.
I love you.”
I was loved and I was grateful. To go from a loveless marriage to a mated pairing so full of love that the only hint of sadness came from the absence of his presence. And then, even in his absence, he still made his love known. The thought made my stomach flutter.
The fluttering quickly went away as nausea rolled in. I’d forgotten to eat the take away food I brought home last night, falling asleep full of Az instead. I hadn’t eaten since scarfing down a pastry when I returned home from tea with Feyre.
I ran to the bathroom, dry heaved, and then made my way to the kitchen - instantly feeling better after reheating the leftovers from last night.
I took a bath and got ready for my afternoon class when I heard the door open, shadows greeting me before I even heard Azriel approach. He gave me a mischevious look, eyes gleaming.
He was up to something.
I smirked. “That look means trouble. What did you do?”
He just smiled, taking my hand and nodding his head toward our bedroom. “Come here.”
We entered the room and he snapped his fingers. Shadows taking it as a cue, they began swirling into a funnel of darkness. They cleared and two suitcases appeared in their absence. Mine had a gorgeous knee-length cobalt blue wool coat hanging next to it along with a matching scarf and hat, and lined leather gloves.
I looked to Az, filled with excitement and confusion. “The coat and accessories are absolutely gorgeous, and in your color! I couldn’t love them more. Thank you.” I nodded toward the suitcases, “What about those though?”
“We’re going on a trip.” He smiled. “I talked to Feyre and she’ll cover your classes while we’re gone.”
“You packed my bags?” I asked.
“I’m your mate. I know what you like.” A playful look of arrogance masking his face.
“Alright, Spymaster, I’m at your disposal.”
Before I could follow up with questions the luggage disappeared and Azriel took my hand launching us into a winnow.
My jaw dropped. Before me in a snow covered clearing surrounded by large mountains and spruce trees of all sizes was a barn transitioned into a home. It was absolutely stunning with twinkling fae lights outside, a warm glow shining from within. The house was decked with spruce and evergreen branches, boughs of holly, each window and door donning wreaths.
“Az? Is this where we are staying?” I marveled.
“Welcome to the Winter Court, my love. Kallias and Viviane are letting us use their evergreen farm as a getaway.” His smile shone brighter than any of the twinkling fae lights. He gestured toward the door, “Come, take a look around.”
Once again, my jaw fell as I took in the inside of the barn turned lodge. A fire warmed the room from the massive stone fireplace, illuminating the reclaimed wood accents filling the place. Huge fur rugs blanketed the floor of the open loft. In a corner of the space, situated in front a wall of windows was a spruce tree that had to be twenty feet tall, decked with ornate trimmings.
“This is……. It’s incredible, Az. I don’t know what to say.” I leaned into him, sending waves of adoration and gratitude down our bond, to which he sent back a surge of love.
Taking my hand, he walked me to the plush sectional couch in front of the fire where warm mugs of cocoa, mints, and a tray of various Winter Court delicacies for grazing awaited.
“I’m sorry…” he sat, pulling me down into his lap before continuing, “for leaving this morning. I know the past few weeks have been difficult for you and after our excursion into the city the other day,” he cut off, eyes filling with empathy. “Well, I thought maybe we could use a pre-solstice getaway. I came here to prepare everything for us beforehand. There’s no better place to get into the holiday spirit than the Winter Court.”
My eyes teared up as emotions flooded me. Gods, I am such a sap. But this male, he never failed to amaze me. His love and devotion to me was euphoric. Nothing in the world could match the high of being with him.
“I love you, Az,” I choked up. “Thank you. This is incredible.”
He wiped a lone tear that fell onto my face and replaced it with a kiss.
The single kiss relit that flame smoldering inside me as I straddled his lap, pressing my mouth to his, tongues and teeth crashing into eachother. In between breaths he managed to get out “Do.” kiss. “You.” Deeper kiss. “Want to” a kiss to the column of his neck. “Go out t-.” a nip to the neck and a heated kiss to take away the pain. “Fuck it.” he ground out before ripping my top off and pinning me underneath him. I snapped my fingers and the rest of our clothes disappeared completely.
One hour? Two hours? Three, maybe? blissful hours later, he carried me to the bathroom where a hot bath awaited us. My body ached for it. Az stepped in, setting us both down and situating me between his legs. He rubbed my tense shoulders, a particularly deep knead making my eyes roll back into my head and an involuntary moan escape my lips. “Fuck,” he cursed. “That moan.” He repeated the motion on the opposite shoulder, garnering the same involuntary response. “So. pretty.” He said, voice low, dripping with lust.
Those words alone caused me to rest my head back on his chest, looking up into his eyes. His renewed arousal incredibly evident against my back. He firmly placed a calloused hand on my neck, leaning down to kiss me. Hard. Before I could turn around, he gripped my hips. Strong arms lifted me up before sinking me down onto him, inch by torturous inch bringing the sweetest pleasure back to my body.
After a long bath that may or may not have needed to be reheated not once but twice, and sliding into the most comfortable bathing robe to ever grace my skin, we padded to the bedroom.
This room was the type of room that one could enter and be totally content never leaving. A massive four poster bed situated on top of a fluffy white rug called to me. Its blankets and pillows could swallow myself, my large Illyrian mate, and his massive wings. A fire warmed the space and the floor to ceiling window overlooked a hillside at the edge of the clearing, city lights burned brightly down below as coin sized snowflakes fell lazily from the sky.
Candles were lit around the room and fae lights softly illuminated the space. A knock from the outside door interrupted my moment of awe. Az pointed toward a box on the bed, stating he would be right back.
Not sure who could possibly visiting us, I padded over to the bed and opened the gift wrapped box. Inside lay a silken robe and matching sheer night gown. My heart fluttered as once again, the gown was dyed a gorgeous cobalt blue. I dropped the heavy robe I was wearing to dress myself in the see-through gown barely reaching below my ass, the new robe, and matching thong. I sighed at the luxurious feeling of silk lightly caressing my more intimate areas.
“Gods.” Az spoke lowly from the door behind me. “You’ve always been devastating in my color, but this…. I’m starting to think that this is YOUR color. You’re an absolute goddess.”
I turned as he carried in a tray of steaming food. “I had this delivered from the city’s Solstice Market.”
My stomach rumbled at the sight of the stuffed bread, potato pancakes, and sausages on the platter before me.
“Oooh, Az, this is incredible! You’ve really thought of everything.” I looked at him intently. “Thank you, my love, truly.”
He smiled and placed the tray on a table for two set up in the room. I grinned as the smells of the food wafted toward me, “let me run to the kitchen and see if there’s a wine cabinet!”
“Sorry darling, it seems that is the one thing that I didn’t think of. But we do have hot apple cider.” He motioned to a kettle on the large tray that I’d somehow overlooked.
“That’s perfect!” I reached to the kettle and poured a mug of it. The absolutely divine smell of it filling my nose.
I awoke the next morning in Azriel’s arms. His wings cocooning us protectively. I turned around to face him, peppering kisses to his lips, nose, and cheeks.
His eyes slowly fluttered open and my heart nearly stopped at the sight of his gold-flecked hazel eyes and long, dark eyelashes. Nearly ten years in and the full effect of him never failed to awe me.
After dinner the previous night, we had cuddled on the bed as his fingers lifted up the hem of my nightgown. He traced lazy circles and lines up and down my waist, the dips of my hips, my abdomen, he spent extra time and attention on my breasts: tracing, tweaking, and gently pulling my nipples, as if he’d never touched them before. I, of course, encouraged the behavior by arching back into him and letting out an occasional soft moan.
At one point, he just stopped all motion, staring deeply into my eyes. Wonder and adoration shone as he stared, as if he too had never lost his awe toward me. We had eachother three more times during the night. Something about the intimate getaway felt like accepting the bond all over again.
I snapped from my thoughts as Az playfully nipped at my ear, retracting his wings from around us.
I looked toward the outside, snow capped mountains gleaming under the sunlight. “What’s on your agenda for us today?”
“That is a secret for me to know, and you to find out later.”
Running a single finger down the length of his chest, torso, lower - I cooed. “I hear that I can be quite convincing, Spymaster.”
His only response, a smack to my ass, “Come on, greedy. That would spoil the fun.”
Begrudgingly I got out of the bed, the warm rug beneath feeling like heaven on my feet.
After a delightful breakfast at a cafe in the city, Azriel led me toward a massive building on the outskirts of it, on the opposite side of the palace grounds. Several males posted themselves outside of the structure - one of which recognized Az immediately.
“Azriel, it’s good to see you.” The burly white haired man boomed. “Is this your lovely mate that I’ve heard so much about? I heard that your High Lord and High Lady are quite smitten with her.”
Az greeted the male politely, “Hello Klaus, yes, this would indeed be the exquisite Y/N.”
I smiled as the male shook my hand. “A pleasure to meet you Y/N. Did Azriel tell you what you’re here for today?”
I rolled my eyes tossing a mock glare at Azriel. “No, this Spymaster seems to be quite full of secrets.”
The male laughed, a loud jovial sound. “Let’s not waste time then! Come and see my pride and joy.”
I stepped into the building and my eyes filled with wonder. What was already a massive building outside was truly enormous inside, clearly some kind of glamour hid the true size from onlookers. What really caught my eye, however, were the acres upon acres of training, feeding, and sleeping quarters, along with the armory - none of it on the ground level designed to house or clothe fae, but for animals. Throughout the building were soldiers and animals training side my side, working in unison. White foxes, antlered deer, and there…. Toward the back of the building, my heart skipped a beat, giant white bears! Some wearing armor, some lazily lounging along indoor pools, trainers even brushed the creatures to which they seemed to enjoy the feeling of bristles running through their thick fur.
Klaus spent hours walking us through the grounds of the facility. I teared up when given the opportunity to brush one of the bears. I felt like a child next to such a large creature. I was aware of the danger they posed, but how could anyone resist the opportunity to spend time with a creature with cute little ears like that. They couldn’t be THAT much of a threat to me…. so long as I wasn’t an enemy. The bear seemed to agree as it tilted its head toward me in a pleading manner, as if to say: “Ah yes, right there. Scratch behind my ear just there. That’s the spot.”
It turned out that Klaus was the head of the Winter Court’s animal forces. A highly revered position in their armies, essentially a step below Cassian’s rank in the Night Court. When we were leaving, Klaus told me to come back anytime, kissing my hand in parting. Azriel instinctively sidled himself closer to me, if Klaus noticed, he didn’t show it.
Fae mates. So territorial.
After our tour of the training facility, Azriel took us on a reindeer drawn sleigh ride through the remainder of castle grounds. We cozied up together under a blanket, sipping hot cocoa and taking in the beauty of the court.
It turned out that Mor pulled strings with Viviane as such tours were a rare privilege. I teared up yet again, thinking of the effort my mate and best friend put into making this Winter Solstice so special.
I was sure to thank Azriel thoroughly that night. Five times to be exact.
The next morning came too quickly, Azriel and I refusing to leave the bed until our stomachs grumbled in unison.
We headed to the Solstice Market for the remainder of our gift shopping. I found a gorgeous bracelet for Amren, the gems mined from a frozen over cave in the heart of the Winter Court. For Feyre, I purchased paints with unique pigments inspired by the terrain of the court. I continued checking names off of my gift list, until all that was left was Mor.
It may have been strange, but what were boundaries between two best friends - I was able to acquire a similar set of lingerie to the one Azriel had purchased for me in a shade of red that would perfectly compliment her features. Azriel rolled his eyes at me in amusement.
I’d also found a particularly smutty sapphic novel for her thanks to the recommendation of a friendly shopkeeper - I picked up a copy for myself too.
Azriel and I then strolled to the wine vendors - this was where the trip took quite a turn.
I bought several bottles of the mulled wine Mor adored along with boxes of decadent chocolates. The vendor was kind, and rather chatty. We talked for twenty minutes or so and were about to leave when he offered us complimentary glass mugs of the spiced wine to warm us on our walk back toward the lodge. Az quickly declined…. For both of us. I playfully huffed stating that I had no objections to such a kind offer. Azriel’s expression grew concerned as he once again waved off the offer.
The male working at the stand watched as I stood disregarding Az’s strange objection. I kept my hand held out waving Azriel off with the other. The vendor clearly knew better than to deny a lady who was clear about what she wanted and handed over the glass.
Azriel then growled. GROWLED.
I turned around to walk away, Az on my tail. I lifted the glass to take a sip when one of his shadows, not just any shadow, my FAVORITE one - restrained my wrist.
Little traitor.
“What the hell, Az!?” I asked. Quietly enough to not cause a scene but loudly enough to convey my frustration toward him. He paused for a moment - a rare show of conflict troubled his face. “We…. We need to talk.” he said and winnowed us straight back to the lodge.
Upon arrival, I stormed into the lodge. “Do you think I have a drinking problem or something? What is it, Az? It’s so unlike you to act like this. First the territorial bullshit when Klaus kissed my hand, now taking away my choice in what I want to drink?” My traitorous body let tears slip.
Az said nothing. He stared at me for a moment, before walking up to me and grasping me into his arms, his warm embrace enveloping me. I wanted to pull away but couldn’t. His scent and warmth were intoxicating, placating me.
He kissed the top of my head, his arms still embracing behind me and moving upward, brushing his fingers through my hair before pulling back. His arms released as he took my face in his hands, hazel eyes filled with an emotion I’d never seen before.
“Baby.” He got out. Voice cracking.
“Yes? What?”
“Baby.” His eyes rimmed with tears.
“What Az? What is it? Just tell me.”
His face cracked into a smile full of wonder, the tears spilling. “You’re pregnant.”
“Ohhhhhh.” I managed to get out. Everything clicking into place. The emotions, the random bouts of nausea, fatigue, the mild aches in my body…the constant need to have Azriel buried inside of me.
“Gods.” I muttered next. “This explains so much! How did you figure it out? WHEN did you figure it out?”
Azriel maintained his composure, resting a hand on each of my arms while running his thumbs soothingly up and down them. “I think my body knew first. I was waking up with my wings around you protectively - normally that only happens intentionally but this time it was involuntary. And then, you started showing signs similar to those when you’re approaching your cycle but… it’s been less than two months since the last one. I couldn’t sense the shift in your scent yet but something deep within me kept telling me to observe.”
Running a hand through his hair, he continued: “Then we came here and it felt like the mating bond snapped into place all over again. The night that we were laying in bed and I was tracing my fingers along your body… your curves felt just slightly more enticing - I don’t… I don’t know how to explain it, but when I ran my fingers to your breasts they were so full, so heavy. Initially I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in trying to stave off my arousal, to allow you to rest but then it hit me. The softest hint of rose. The same scent Rhys described when Feyre…”
I cut him off. “The look, the one you gave me of wonder and awe - that’s when it hit you, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” Az replied. “Are you upset?”
“Upset? No! Never! Azriel,” I choked out. “This life with you is the most incredible gift. Having you as my mate, our chosen family, and now this life growing inside of me - this beautiful life created of the love you’ve so wholeheartedly given me. It’s so much more than I could have ever dreamed of.”
Words evaded Azriel as he embraced me, sobs wracking his body- pure joy and unconditional love flooded from him through me. As his sobs settled he pulled back to look at me, eyes filled with promise. “I swear to love and protect the two of you until the end of time. My heart was already wholly yours but now, somehow it’s been filled so much more than I knew possible. Our child will know only love from us. A beacon of hope shining from the darkness of our own childhoods.”
I looked up to him, reciprocating the feelings of joy and love through our bond.
“I love you.” I vowed.
“Oh baby” he kissed my lips.
“Oh baby” he knelt down to kiss my still flat abdomen.
“Happy Solstice. I love you.”
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azrielsbabyg · 5 months
Hi! I saw on an Az fic you wrote that you were taking requests. If you still were, I'd love some bondage with Kallias smut. Or if you'd prefer not to write smut, maybe reader is Illyrian and her wings are cold?
Hellooooo thank you so much for sending in this request! 🫶🏻 I'm not yet sure how to write smut or even go about it but I am not opposed to it. Maybe someday in the future I will post something related to smut. I also don't really write for Kallias because I know nothing about the man 😭. For now, here you go! 💖
Warnings: None. (If I need to add something lmk)
Type: Fluff, comfort.
Word Count: 1193
Pairing: Kallias x Reader (Fem)
Drip, drip, drip.
The water slowly trickled off of the icicles lining the cave. Everything went wrong. So wrong. You were a spy from the Night Court. One of Azriel’s specially trained and Rhys’s most trusted. There were rumours of a rebellion starting in the Winter Court and he was concerned it might flare up to be more. However, that was all it was. A rumour. You could gather no intel, in fact, you even managed to piss off a couple of people because you probbed them too long unnecessarily. 
Which now led you here. Far out into some random cave on some random mountain, trying to find refuge against the brutal winds and snow. You were illyrian, yes, you should be able to withstand the cold due to your upbringing in the mountains. But this? This was just numbing, cruel and pricking.
“What happened?” Rhys spoke into your mind. “I can feel you weakened.”
“Mission was unsuccessful and unnecessary. The rumours were not true. I am now stuck in a random ass cave trying to hide from this fucking snow storm. Can you contact someone? Any friend of yours that might be able to help me?” You plead.
“I see. I will ask Kallias to come get you. Unless you don't want him?” You could hear the smirk in his voice. 
You wanted Kallias. Wanted him to be frank. But the last time you were face to face with him, you got drunk and rambled on about all the things you want to do to him and all the things you want him to do to you. Let’s just say the hangover hurt for more reasons than one.
“Just send him.” You groaned. Were you ready to face him? Absolutely the fuck not. But did you wish to see him? Yes. “My wings are cold.”
— — — — — —
After what seemed like hours you finally hear footsteps sloshing against the wetness of the pathway. Although you remind yourself to keep your guard up, threats could come in any form. 
“Y/N?” You hear Kallias’s husky, gravely voice. He approaches the entrance of the cave and sees you huddled up in the far corner, rubbing your arms to give yourself even a hint of warmth.
“H-Hey” Your voice shakes as you respond. The weather has caught up to you now, slowly seeping into your veins, almost making you feel like a statue, still. Lifeless. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Here.” He takes a tentative step towards you, assessing your form. You look sunken and shrivelled up. Your body was shivering uncontrollably no matter how much you tried to stop. He comes closer to you and kneels down in front of you, gently brushing away the wet strands of hair from your face, caressing your cheekbones in the process.
You lean into his touch. Somehow, even in this cold, harsh weather, he was warm. Warm like sunlight right after the storm clouds dissipate. Warm, like he’s exactly what you need. “Took you long enough.” It takes everything in you to muster up a small taunting smirk.
“Of course you would joke in this condition of yours.” He huffs out a laugh. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a material that feels like wool. “Rhys told me of your situation, tried to get here as soon as I could. This,” he says nudging the material in his hands,“is infused wool. We produce this to help migrants and visitors who have wings to shield against the cold. You just wrap it around your wings and button it up. It won’t restrict your flight.” He hands the material to you. 
“I-I don’t th-think I can move right n-now.” My speech comes out stammered. 
“Oh.” Understanding washes over his face. “I mean, I can always put it on for you, but I know how Illyrians are with their wings and what it means or feels like when you touch their wings… You sure you would trust me with that?
I offer him a small smile. Kallias, ever the respectful gentleman. “I called you to come save my life didn’t I? I trust you. Go for it.”
He carefully unwraps the material and folds it over your wings, one at a time. He makes sure not to hit any sensitive nerve or brush across any talons in fear of hurting you. You shudder and lean into him when he accidently brushes a knuckles across a big nerve. 
Your chests are pressed up against each other, your head coming up till his chin. Almost out of reflex, his arms fold around you and his chin rests atop your head. You slowly pull your head back and look up at him through wet eyelashes. Kallias closes his eyes, almost like he was counting down to ten, controlling himself. 
But you didn’t want him to hold himself back. You wanted him to unleash himself, to let himself have what he wants, have you. Hell, he wanted to lose control. He wanted to surge forward and claim you, taste you. But he knew one taste wouldn’t be enough, and one taste was all he could ask for.
“Y/N…” He whispers into the cold, rigid air. Like a plea. Like a prayer.
“Kallias,” You reply, begging as much as he was. 
“You’re playing with fire, sweetheart.” He warns.
“Lucky for me, fire is exactly what I need right now.” You breathe out.
That seemed to do it. Seemed to melt whatever restraint he held up against himself. In the blink of an eye, you were pushed against the stone wall, his lips crashing against yours. He kisses, no, devours you whole. Your entire body is burning up in contrast to the weather outside. The entire moment is a blur, clashing of lips, tongue and teeth. Hands roaming each other’s bodies, searching for satisfaction. He holds your wrists up against your head and pins your body with his hips. He lets out a moan into your mouth, and you swallow the sound taking anything he will give you.
You both pull away gasping for air, staring into each other’s eyes. His lips travel down your jaw to your neck, peppering kisses on his way. He brings his lips near your ear and whispers, “The things you do to me Y/N…”
You push up against him in response, not having the mindset to formulate words. 
“C’mon sweetie, let’s get you back to the palace and arrange a warm bath for you with some good food.” He kisses your cheeks awaiting a response from you.
“That sounds great actually. Really fucking needed right now.” You breathe in his scent. He smells of pine, cloves and sparkling clementine. He smells so comforting. He feels like home. 
He chuckles lightly, “And maybe, if you end up feeling better, we can do the things you wanted to last time we met. You know the ones where you wanted to ride me into-”
“Okay stop for the cauldron’s sake.” You slam your palm over his mouth in embarrassment. “Fine yeah, we can go now.”
He huffs out a laugh and kisses the middle of your palms. “As you wish sweetheart.”
— — — — — —
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moonlightazriel · 2 years
Turning page /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: 1 year after that terrible night, Y/N is back at the night court and ready to face everything she tried so hard to avoid.
Warnings: None, maybe some angst? Idk
Word Count: 3K
Notes: This is the part 2 to “Slow dancing in the dark” and being honest I originally planned to leave it like that but people asked for more and your wish is my command.
Main Masterlist
I woke up feeling the sun in my face, the cold breeze made me shiver, and i just wrapped myself even more in the blankets, fighting the urge to stay in bed, i got up, the cold floor made me hiss as i entered the bathroom, taking a hot bath, i putted my warmest clothes, getting ready for breakfast and for the day ahead.
Viviane was already sitting in the dining room, Frost was by her side, the little boy smiled at me as i kissed his head, Viv greeted me and i winked at her, paying attention to the toddler that showed me the new trick he learned.
“That's awesome buddy, i bet that you will be able to make giant stalactites when you're older.” The boy nodded happily, and looked at his mother, asking her to play outside, she allowed and he ran away.
“1 year today!” She started excited. “We love having you here, how are you feeling?” She was true concerned, but honestly i was feeling better, i would always be grateful and in debt with Viv and Kallias for opening their home for me, when i was nothing but a ghost.
“I'm good, better than i was back then, i have no words to describe how this place and you two helped me.” I said smiling at her and i felt a hand on my shoulder.
“You are more than welcome here, this is nothing compared to everything you have done for us.” Kallias commented and moved to his high lady, kissing her and sitting with us, they talked about court duties and about a dinner for me, i tried to tell them that it wasn't necessary but it didn't work.
“Y/N? Do you want to go ski with me and Frost?” She said pulling me out of my thoughts and i nodded, half an hour later the three of us were heading to the lake, i loved spending time with Frost and help him with his lessons, i was holding him in my lap as we walked, he giggled while he made snowflakes, gifting them to me and his mother.
We played with him until I got tired, sitting on a blanket we brought with us, I started to think about the events that got me here.
1 year earlier
He was my mate and he was with her, i screamed and cried my eyes out when i got home, my chest being torn apart, it was Rhys that calmed me down, he emerged from the shadows and found me laying on the floor having a severe breakdown, , i was hyperventilating and my voice was cracking with how much i screamed that night. He held me on his lap and waited for me to talk, he rocked me like a baby and i just cried in his chest until i hadn't any more tears left to cry.
“What happened my dear sister?” He asked, concern pouring out of him, i lifted my eyes until i met his violet ones, i didn't had the strength to tell him so i just looked at him pulling my shields down, i felt him gently going through my mind, he saw every little detail of the night, i felt his discomfort when he saw the bond snapping for me, if someone would understand the pain of watching your mate with somebody else, it would be Rhys. He just hugged me tighter and rested his chin on top of my head. “I know it hurts, i wished that i could take this pain from you, it breaks my heart to see you like this.” He kissed my forehead and got up. “I'm taking you home with me, Feyre is worried, do you want to go?” I agreed and he winnow us to the river house.
Feyre was waiting for us with a set of clothes and a warm bath for me, i thanked her and got inside the tub, feeling my body instantly relaxing as Feyre sat by my side, her gentle hands pouring water on my hair and cleaning the destroyed makeup off my face. I stayed a whole week with them, Azriel had tried to get in touch but Rhys didn't allowed him, telling him that he would only hurt me even more if he kept trying to talk to me.
I was laying on the couch, a child book on my hands while Nyx slept on my chest, Feyre and Rhys entered the room and they both smiled at the scene, it was Feyre who spoke first.
“You can’t tell the others, but I think you’re his favorite aunt.” I let out a small giggle and the toddler moved, burying his face on my chest. “I hope you are feeling alright, we have a proposal to you.” Rhys looked at me and started talking.
“We talked about the current situation, we're all worried about you, and I know you need time and space to heal, but I’m not so sure if you will be able to do that here.” I was feeling confused but it didn't take long for me to realize what was coming, i knew they cared about me and I felt my eyes getting full of tears as Rhys spoke again. “We love you and we just want what’s best for you, maybe you can use some time away? Obviously you can stay but we think it’s for the best if you just cleared your head on another place.”
“I don’t even know what to say.” I confessed, but I felt deeply glad that they were the ones to say this, I spended the whole week thinking about this, I knew my wounds wouldn’t heal if I kept around Azriel and Elain. “I’m going to be honest, i thought about going away, but I couldn't do this to my family, but now that you brought that up, i think I know where I want to go. And I’m not going to be away for long, I promise.”
The two helped me get in touch with Viviane, she was more than happy to receive me, we were friends for such a long time and I really missed her, I thought that maybe the cold winds of the Winter Court would help numb the pain in my chest. A week later, I was saying goodbye to my friends, the one person that didn’t know that I was leaving was Azriel, I decided that I didn’t owe that to him, I dedicated so much time of my life to him that this was the first thing I was going to do for myself, closing my end of the bond, I left.
I never thought that was true when people would tell me that you only realize what you have lost once it’s gone, but I guess they’re right. I felt miserable every day since she left me on that alley, her words ringing on my head and her pained expression haunted my dreams every night, Elain at first tried to tell me that I should leave her alone, that she was overreacting and she didn’t deserve me, but I just couldn’t listen to her. Rhysand would tell me to go home every time I tried to talk to her, I just wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her everything was going to be okay, but I guess it’s hard to do it when you’re the problem.
I knew that she kept in touch with them, sometimes I would just look for Cassian and Nesta and both would be gone, I knew they were with her, but they wouldn’t tell me where, all I wanted was to just fly to her, and apologize, tell her how much I loved her, because if i’m being honest, I was completely in love with her. The things with Elain started to get a little out of hand when she mistaken my friendship for something else, i knew that I should have tell her off and explain that I didn’t felt the same for her, but I always thought that I didn’t have any chances with Y/N, and the feeling of having someone seeing me in a romantic way led me to this mess.
I didn’t know what to do, how do I tell her that she’s the one consuming my dreams and thoughts every day and night, how do I tell her that she makes my days brighter and her light pulled me out of the dark so many times? That I just wanted to hold her close and tell her she was the prettiest female I've ever seen, would she believe me? How could she? When I allowed her to think that I was in love with someone else?
It was two weeks after she left that I decided to be truthful with my feelings and Elain, she wasn’t happy but I told her that I wasn’t ever going to be fully hers while I was in love with Y/N, it wasn’t fair with neither of them, and she should try to get closer to her mate, I didn’t liked Lucien, but I waited for my mate for so long, it wasn’t fair if I just stealed his. Just like Y/N she left without looking back, Cassian and Nesta reassured me, saying it was for the best and would hurt her even more if I just kept pushing our relationship further.
It was Starfall night, I was in the corner drinking, the party was really great but still felt empty without her beautiful laughter filing the room, Elain had followed my advice and now she and Lucien were getting closer, slowly building their relationship, she even forgave me for everything and we were kinda of friends now, the couples were dancing around and the music was loud, but the beating of my heart was louder when I spotted Kallias and Viviane entering the room, behind them I spotted a familiar figure, she was wearing a deep blue mermaid style dress, her hair was in a low bun with tiny strands of hair framing her face and her makeup was perfect, she looked different and yet so similar, she had a white haired boy in her arms, the smile on her face as she poked the toddler belly made my heart clench. Every worry started to fill my mind, what if she didn't want to talk to me? Rhys and Feyre were the first ones to greet her, she was really beautiful, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, as she felt my gaze on her, she turned her attention to me, her smiled dropping a little as she looked directly in my eyes, drinking the rest of my wine, I got up to greet her.
When Rhys and Feyre showed up on the celebration dinner and invited us to Starfall, I didn’t think I was going to be able to be around him, but as the day got closer, the courage started to grow inside me, I knew I couldn’t avoid him forever. Viv reassured me many times saying if I felt like leaving, they would get me out of there in no time, but even if I loved the Winter court, I missed my home and my family even more, I missed Azriel, the way he would look at me when we were alone on a library, how he would pretend he was mad every time I would beat him on training, I missed every little thing about him, and it was painful to pretend I didn’t.
When we arrived at the river house, the room was filled with music, conversations and laughter, I immediately felt my body relaxing, after all this was my home. Frost was in my lap playing with my hair while I told him that Nyx would love to play with him, Feyre and Rhys were the first ones to come talk to me, Rhys told me how happy he was to see me there and that Starfall would finally be complete again, I smiled at him, but there was this sensation of being observed, when I turned around, I spotted Azriel looking at me, he was even more beautiful than I remembered, but he looked a little different, slightly paler and with visible dark circles under his eyes, but yet he was breathtaking. He got up and started walking in my direction when someone got in the way, she was shorter than me, I looked down and met Elain, she didn't look me in the eyes and her voice was low when she asked if we could talk, excusing myself, I followed her to a more private space.
“It’s good to see you, you look better.” She started, I noticed the shaking in her voice and how she moved her hands nervously.
“Yeah, this time away made me wonders. But don’t worry, I’m here to enjoy my family, I won’t get in your way or Azriel’s.” I said and she looked at me, in the eyes this time.
“We’re not together anymore.” I let a surprise gasp left my lips, my eyes were slightly wide as I looked at her. “I wanted to apologize for everything I ever done to you, I shouldn’t have been so mean when all you did was to be nice and try to be my friend, is just that I saw how Az looked at you, and i thought that I was in love with him, I guess I was just jealous.” This caught me off guard.
“I appreciate your honesty Elain, and it wasn't like you had anything to be jealous off. “ I giggled and so did she. “This doesn’t matter now, not anymore, I just hope you’re happy.”
“I am, Lucien is actually really amazing and he understands me more than I excepted.” Her gaze was intense when she looked at me again. “You know he’s in love with you right? He told me when he broke up with me.” I felt my heart twisting in my chest. “But this is something he should be telling you, all i want is to be your friend if you want to.” Her voice was filled with expectations and I smiled at her.
“Of course Elain, what happened in the past stays in the past.” She smiled and pulled me in for a hug. She left the room right after and I followed her, Nesta was waiting for me with a glass of wine, I gladly accepted and started to dance with her, Azriel was nowhere to be seen and I didn’t felt like looking for him, not yet, i just wanted this moment to last a little longer. Mor announced that the Starfall was about to begin and we all should find our places to watch it. I rushed to one of the balconies on the top of the house, it was empty when I got there, the stars started their journey through the skies and I just stood there, silently watching it in awe when a voice sounded behind me.
“Can I join you?” Azriel asked and i nodded, it didn’t matter how many years passed, I would always be mesmerized by this event, the atmosphere felt magical as the stars passed for us, I turned to him, he had a small smile on his face. “You look devastatingly beautiful, the stars don’t stand a chance against your beauty.” I felt my cheeks getting hotter and looked at the skies again.
“Elain told me.” I said still not looking at him. “She said that you broke up with her and you’re in love with me.”
“I…” He stopped, and I looked at him, his eyes were focused on my face. “She’s right, I just wished that I had realized that earlier, before I hurt you so much that you felt like you had to go away.” I was about to protest when he continued. “I looked for you though, even if I did want to respect your space, I was dying to know how you were but you just disappeared.”
“I’m not going anywhere now.” I said and he pulled me closer, his breath was so close that I could smell the wine, I closed my eyes and enjoyed that feeling that I longed for, he placed a kiss in my forehead, then on each of my eyelids, his lips brushed over mine and he kissed the corner of my mouth, one after the other and finally my lips, his kiss was soft and contained, like he was afraid that I would just disappear again, my hands grabbed his hair and our lips moved in perfect synchrony, it was full of love and affection that my heart flipped in my chest. When he broke up the kiss, he rested his forehead on mine, we opened our eyes slowly, enjoying the sensation when his eyes widened and I could fell a pull in my chest.
“My mate.” He whispered, a smile forming on his lips, as fast as it came, it was gone. “You knew. Why you didn't say anything?”
“If you knew that I was happy with somebody else, would have you said something?” He nodded. “It snapped for me that night and I couldn’t do that to you, it felt like the right thing to do.”
“It’s not important, not anymore.” He pulled me in for another kiss while he sent his love through the bond. “I’ve waited a hundred years for you, my mate, and I would wait a million more if that meant that I would end up with you.” I blushed and he turned me around, my back pressed on his chest while we watched the rest of the event, his chin rested on top of my head and i just cling to that feeling of joy that soothed my body and soul and I just allowed myself to sink into that happiness. Finally my soul felted complete and I knew things would be better.
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illyrian-dreamer · 2 years
Frozen Flames (Part 1)
Lucien x Reader
Chapter summary: As you make your way through the Forbidden Forest of  Winter Court, you spot a familiar red-headed High Fae searching for a Solstice tree.
Series summary: After fifty years trapped Under the Mountain, you struggle to adjust to your new found freedom as Kallias’s third-in-charge to the Winter Court. 
In an unlikely circumstance, you meet Lucien Vanserra.
As you and Lucien grow closer, dealing with the loss of your mother and trauma from Amarantha’s reign proves harder than you thought. How will you start to trust and love again?
Ok here we go – Lucien series kicking off with Christmas/Solstice vibes because TISS THE SEASON BABY! 🎄
Shout out to @kennedy-brooke for inspiring this story! 💕
I hope you like this meet-cute for our new main character. More parts are being written – comment to join the tag list :) 🦊🍐❄️🔥
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Warnings: Mentions of death, violence and trauma
Word count: 1,859
Part 1:
The cold air filled your lungs before it hit your cheeks. It didn’t matter that the sun shone above you, it was two days before Solstice in Winter Court – the coldest time of year.
You brushed your hand against the tall pine trees, their scent bringing back memories of your mother. You longed for her presence, to hear her voice call you as your boots dragged through the trail of snow she left behind, just like when you were young. If you closed your eyes, you could almost hear her.
Your eyes shot open. What you heard were footsteps.
Your heart began to pound. It wasn’t a rationale response, but everything had changed since Amarantha’s rule. Instinct had you scaling the tallest tree you could find as you hid on a sturdy branch, drawing your arrow and aiming at the direction of the sound.
A short way down the path, you saw a flash of red. You squinted, trying to focus on the movement. Was it a fox?
A few moments later, you made out the shape of a male. He was High Fae, that you could tell. He wore an emerald coat with black boots and gloves, his bright hair half pulled back from his deep golden skin, the rest of it sprawling against his broad shoulders.
You recognised the male from Under the Mountain. You hadn’t known him during the fifty years you spent trapped there, but remembered his face during Feyre’s trials. You kept your weapon pulled, your eyes stalking him past your arrow as he walked closer towards your hiding spot.
He stopped close by, sizing up a small tree he faced, his back towards where you hid. The male then withdrew a blade from his coat. You pulled at your bow even tighter at the sight of the weapon.
He flexed his arm, pulling the weapon back, readying to swing at the tree. 
Anger flashed in you – how dare he harm the forest. He did not belong here.
“Stop!” you yelled, words escaping you before you could think twice.
The male stopped, spinning around as he searched for you. You could now see a russet eye that sat deep within a long scar whirling as he looked frantically. The eye spotted you before the rest of him, his face now one of shock. Your heart fluttered – you had forgotten how handsome he was.
“Who are you?” you demanded, aiming your arrow at him.
“Who are you?” the male countered, cocking an eyebrow.
You shot an arrow just before his feet. You didn’t want to harm him, but you were not playing games. He had clearly travelled from elsewhere, and you didn't appreciate the threat to your court.
The male didn't flinch, instead he stared at where the arrow stuck to the snow, before looking up at you and smirking. He let his blade drop to the ground, the silver piece sinking into the cold powder. He raised his hands in a calm surrender.
“My name is Lucien. I mean you no harm.”
“What are you doing here?”
Lucien raised an arm to the pine tree behind him. “I’m here to collect a tree for Solstice.”
You blinked in shock.
“So you travelled to the Forbidden Forest of my court to do so?”
“I heard there is the best crop.” 
You could have rolled your eyes. Tourists.
You huffed, letting go of the branch you perched on and making a graceful landing into the snow.
“There is. But it isn't yours for the taking.”
Lucien’s face was one of mild amusement as he took in the site of you. “And that is worth shooting an arrow for?”
“I would have shot earlier, but I thought you were a fox.”
Your comment was meant to upset him, but Lucien tilted his head back and laughed. “I have been described like that many times,” he admitted.
His demeanour was friendly, relaxed, but you were unconvinced he wasn’t a threat. You sized him up – should you need to escape. The male was a fair bit taller than you, and muscular beneath his coat. You wouldn’t have much chance to outrun him, but you did have your bow and arrow.
“And who might you be?” he asked, eyes boring into your own, the russet one finding its place. You shifted, uncomfortable at the intensity of his gaze.
You eyed his weapon, still sitting in the snow. He would only have to reach for it quickly…
Lucien caught your eye movement, letting out a soft sigh.
“I can assure you I mean no harm.”
“Except to that tree,” you countered.
“I wouldn't have taken you for a conservationist,” he grinned, nodding his head to you fur lined coat.
Prick, you thought, willing your face to stay neutral.
He smiled again, knowing he had landed his point. “Fine. To make amends, I will leave your trees unharmed.”
You pressed your lips and gave a small nod, acknowledging his surrender.
“If you won’t tell me your name, can you tell me what a female as beautiful as yourself is doing wondering this forest alone?”
You glared at his words that were clearly meant to disarm you. You breathed in, cold air filling your lungs. “I’m here to harvest pears.”
Picking pears the night before Winter Solstice Eve had been a tradition between you and your mother.
She would dress you in a heavy coat, wrapping you in knits that she had made as she carried you on her back. When you were old enough, you had been eager to shuffle through the ankle deep powder into the depths of the forest, your mother guiding the way.
In the midst of the thicket laid a charming orchard with rows of pear trees, the branches glistened with melting ice. It was a magical sight, and you would delight in playing in the soft snow while she gathered the fruit.
When you returned home, the smell of stewing pears with cinnamon and vanilla filled your home as your mother boiled and baked all kinds of tarts and jams. It was that smell of the holidays.
“Pears,” Lucien nodded, looking at you with curious amusement. “As in the fruit?”
“Yes,” you said tightly.
Lucien looked around, the rows of pine trees spreading tall and far amongst the blanket of snow. He looked back at you with a smirk, as if you were mad to think you’d find pears, and he was pitying you.
You rolled your eyes in frustration. “There’s a hidden orchard,” you explained.
“Ah.” Lucien raised his eyebrows, as if unconvinced. “May I come with you to this orchard?”
“Of course not.”
Lucien let out a soft chuckle while looking down, his bright hair falling in front of his face.
“So be it,” he waved his hand as he stepped around you, picking up his weapon and making back for the path. “It was a pleasure to meet you, beauty in the snow.”
You turned to watch him walk away, stunned by his wit and charm.
“There is a farm for Solstice trees only a few yards from the city centre,” you called to him, unsure of why you offered that information.
Lucien turned, a smile on his face. “I am grateful.” He gave a courteous bow of his head, something of a practiced High Fae. He made for the path again, and you watched him until you couldn't not see him past the thick of the forest.
What an odd encounter, you thought, making your way to your mothers’ orchard.
You had stealthily escaped the long corridors of the Winter Castle that morning to make the journey to the orchard. You didn't want to attract the attention of your cousin Kallias or his mate Vivian. While you loved them dearly, this was something you wanted to do in private.
The crisp air flushed your face you made your way through the thicket, your memory uncovering the path with each step. You took a cold, sharp breath in, savouring the way it cooled your lungs. That was one of many things you had missed Under the Mountain – fresh air. You hadn’t had a single breath of it in over fifty years before that human girl Feyre had set you all free.
You thought about her often. Kallias had told you that she now resided in the Night Court with Rhysand. Good for her. You hoped she was able to find happiness, as you were all trying to do.
You made quick work to gather the pears, your sack filled to the brim with glossy green fruit. You took a bite into one as you made your way back through the forest, savouring the juicy sweetness as another memory of your mother bought your hand up to soothe the ache in your chest.
This was your first time celebrating Solstice without her. She had sacrificed herself while trying to hide you when Amarantha’s army attacked.
You were still lived in the cottage with your mother at the time – but as cousin the High Lord of the Winter Court – Amarantha had sought you out. Fighting to protect you against the soldiers that burst into your home was the last thing your mother did, the sound of her scream before her neck was snapped still lived vividly in your mind.
So you had spent fifty years Under the Mountain with Kallias, keeping your head down and doing what it took to survive. You mourned your mother in silence, unwilling to let Amarantha delight in your heart break. Instead, you did your best to not draw attention to yourself. If she knew how broken you were, she’d toy with your sadness for fun, as you had seen her do to others. And if she knew you were a more than just Kallias’s cousin, and were a heavily trained archer, she’d use your skills for her own gain.
Since Amarantha’s fall, Kallias had taken you under his wing, and you found a new home at the Winter Castle, serving duties in his court. ‘Home’ was an understatement, the blue and silver castle stood tall and proud at the edge of the Winter Court village, it’s icy corridors panelled with large glass windows that looked out to the frosty mountains that bordered your court.
You pulled tighter on the heavy sack of pears you lugged on your back, keeping your head down as to go unnoticed as you walked through the village.  
You often had to remind yourself that you were free now – free to stroll the cozy shopfronts of the village, free to visit the bars and taverns and sip mulled wine, free to skate the frozen lake.
But you didn't want to do any of that. However, this tradition – the pear picking – that you would do in your mothers honour.
You finally made it back to your room in the castle, dropping the sack of fruit on your floor as a few of the fruit rolled out. 
As you peeled off your bow and arrow, you couldn't help but think of the red-headed male you had encountered in the forest, ignoring the part of you that hoped to see Lucien again soon.
Part 2 >>>
Tags: @jazmin2211​ @timecharm​ @itscaitymoore​
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utterlyotterlyx · 5 months
The Fox and The Fawn
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High Lord Eris x Rhys!Sister!Reader x Azriel
Part Five
Summary - After an intense meeting at the boarder, Eris and Lucien return home tight lipped and unwilling to ruin the night, and you discover something you thought was impossible.
Warnings - angst, fluff, Rhys being a grade A prick, our favourite found family back at it again, drinking, mentions of sex, some Eris background, Lucien being a meddler, a little trip down memory lane
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
HAPPY 600! 🥳
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Be careful.
Eris would ensure he was. For you, he would contain his fiery rage, he would conform himself to the mask he had to wear around those from the Night Court. He would do anything to make sure he returned home to you.
Part of him was glad that Lucien had coaxed him away the moment he had secured you inside Fir Manor in the arms of Nesta and Elain, if he saw those rounded eyes of worry, he was sure that he may not have been able to walk away from you.
Sweat coated his brow as his weight crunched at the leaves and fallen branches beneath his feet. Of course Rhys had chosen to meet where Autumn met Winter, Kallias cared little when the High Lord of the Night Court would prowl onto his lands, and Rhys wouldn't dare to stand in Summer or Spring after what he and his Inner Circle had done to both of those courts.
The air had turned cold and the ground frozen a few miles back, the cold shrill of Winter swarmed around Eris and Lucien, and they were glad that they had made the smart decision to shroud themselves in their fur lined coats for what was sure to be a frosty meeting indeed. Though, Eris was glad that he had chosen the Winter boarder to say his piece, it meant that he was as far as possible away from you.
They had winnowed most of the way, hounds in tow bar Willow who had refused him to stay with you, coiling up on the porch and watching her master disappear into the forest. Lucien had groaned when they had landed at the foot of a rather large hill lined with an array of snow-kissed trees, Eris had smirked at the sound but willed his brother onward.
"Promise me that you won't let him get under your skin." There was still an ocean full of unspoken words between the two brothers, ones that voiced Eris’ regret and longing, that voiced all of guilt and desire to make things right.
In a way, it was easier for him to convince Lucien of his true nature now that they had something in common bar their looks, it was the shared need to protect you, to let you grow into your own person and watch on as you drove down your own path.
Eris frowned softly, he couldn't exactly blame Lucien for thinking that such a thing was possible, he hadn't exactly played the role of a loving brother or male in general. "I won't, Lucien. There is nothing he could say or offer to make me even consider it." That being handing you back over to the Night Court.
It wasn't something that he needed to say, neither of them wanted to even think about it as they continued upward.
"I know that you have no reason to trust anything I say after everything I've done to you," Lucien fell to Eris' side and glanced sidelong at him, not knowing what was coming next, "But I hope you can believe me when I say that I won't let any harm come to her. I have abided by every decision she has made, all I wish for is her happiness. I want her to grow and build her own life. All I can do is gently nudge her in the direction she is hesitant to follow, but I would never make her do anything she didn't wish to."
There was a pause, a comfortable silence as Lucien came to a certain realisation and grinned, "You feel something for her, don't you?" Eris felt the heat rise to his cheeks, the cold of the air making the redness more prominent on them, Lucien laughed, "I knew it from the moment you fought me to sit next to her at that dinner," his smile faltered and he stopped walking, he examined his brother, the one whose entire façade faltered the moment he noticed that you were around, "After everything that's happened, y/n deserves a chance to find her own passions away from the influence of anyone."
"I know that-"
"I wasn't finished," Lucien rolled his eyes and continued the ascent, passing Eris who trailed him by a step, "Despite everything, I do believe that she's better off here, with you. It's like you see her like how Nesta, Elain and I do but in a slightly different way, you see her in the way she deserves to be seen, in the most candid and gentle way possible," Lucien looked to Eris with understanding, "She deserves that, to be seen and understood and listened to, to be involved in every conversation, to be able to show everyone who she really is.”
The conversation died at the exact moment when the Vanserra brothers reached the apex of the mound, spotting the three Illyrians through the break in the trees that coiled around their figures, as if in warning to stay far far away.
The mask.
Rolling his shoulders, Eris was ashamed to drown his soul in the brutal essence which he often forced himself into, and he never wanted you to see just how bad it could be. Whisps of his breath floated from his lips, curling upward and freezing in the air.
"Thank you for waiting. Lucien couldn't keep up," the namesake scoffed in response as the pair approached the boarder, thanking the Mother of that intact shimmer which told them that the wards very much still up, and very strong. Eris folded his arms over his chest, finding the nearest tree and leaning on its rough bark before drawling, "You got me here, Rhys. Better start talking."
It was clear that Rhys was on the brink of losing his sanity, his eyes were cold and distant, more onyx than their usual violet hue, his wings were furled around his sides, and Lucien nor Eris could tell if he meant them to be intimidating. He appeared to them dishevelled, messy black hair, a certain paleness to his skin, an unhinged glare in his eye.
"I appreciate you taking the time to meet with us," he motioned to Azriel and Cassian, the latter of which looked more broken than Lucien had ever seen him, no doubt reeling in the loss of his mate, "I hope we don't keep you for long."
"Tell me what you want, Rhys. I don't have time for pleasantries," Eris plucked an invisible thread from the stitching of his coat and looked toward the High Lord.
The fake politeness was doing little to convince Eris of anything other than that Rhys surely was the most manipulative male he had ever come across, he stole that crown right from Beron's decaying corpse.
Resisting a snarl, Rhys exhaled deeply, unclenching his fists as he began a perfectly practiced speech, "My sister is not quite herself at the moment, I fear that she has made the wrong decision in residing in your court, her mental state has always been rather brittle," he took a step toward the boarder, his toes kissing the edge of that shimmering glare, "Give her back to us so that I can ensure that she receives the proper care."
"If y/n desires to return to the Night Court then she can, I'm not stopping her from doing whatever she wishes," Eris replied flatly, completely unphased to the words that were making his blood boil in his veins, did Rhys really have the gall to suggest that you were insane?
Azriel spoke then, realising that there was no realm of possibility where Eris would willingly give you back, "You stole her from the Day Court. Some would call it war-inducing."
There it was, the threat, Eris smiled, "Is that what you want? Another war?"
"I will do whatever is necessary to ensure her safe return to her home court."
Lucien moved to Eris' side, his muscles contracting with anger, "The Night Court is no longer her home," his voice was stoic and unnerving, his gaze daggered between the three Illyrians, "Eris did not steal her, she decided with her own strength to walk away from you, and she is already better for it."
Then, Rhys grinned, his power rattling against the wards around the Autumn Court, "I think you'll find, Lucien, that y/n belongs to me, she is property of the Night Court, her blood is a powerful tool that we can use to solidify our line. Since she is unmated, with no claim to her hand, it does mean that as long as she breathes, she is mine."
The words were a statement, and Rhys' voice did not falter. It was an old tradition, one marred in hatred and sadness. You were the daughter of a High Lord, and when he died, the archaic responsibility of marrying you into a suitable line fell to Rhys.
"I do suggest that you hand her over, I would hate to decimate your court, Eris. Especially when you've been working so hard to rectify the tyranny of your father," Rhys' hand drifted over his heart in mock sympathy.
There was no way in Hel that Eris would ever do such a thing, and he knew that there was no easy way for Rhys to willingly wage war on another court after what Prythian had only begun fully recovering from.
It was risky, but he couldn't let Rhys think he had him pinned to the frozen dirt like a snow fox to a bunny, "Rally your armies then, Rhysand, because there's no reality that exists where I would ever hand her over to you," then a feline smirk consumed his face, he ran his hand through his hair of fire and struck hard, "It seems to me that you only wish for her return so that no one learns what she is capable of. I intend to let her find out, and perhaps when the others realise too, of her story and what you've done, we may have High Queen on our hands."
Darkness exploded from him, his arms elongated into talons, his wings grew and creaked at the stretch like leather, he roared, an inhuman sound that sent shivers prickling down Eris and Lucien's spines; and even Azriel and Cassian had to step back with wide eyes at the sight of it.
With a graceful bow, Eris turned on his heels, beckoning his growling hounds whose hackles had raised to the skies, "I wish you a safe journey home, Rhysand. Send Feyre our collective regards," he called over his shoulder, not even flinching at the roar that flew threw the air.
They had what they wanted, the reason for Rhys' insistence, he knew that you had the power within you to be granted the highest honour of their world, and he had worked his entire existence to stop that from happening.
If Rhys wanted a war, then that's what he would get. Eris would rain hellfire over Prythian, and he knew for a fact that you would stand beside him smiling the entire time.
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Eris and Lucien couldn't have been more relieved to be back at Fir Manor, the warmth of the estate shook their frozen bones back to life and they bristled off the jagged edges left by the words exchanged with Rhys.
Stones clunked together under their feet, but a hand on his arm stopped Eris moving to the house that was glowing with the essence of you. Golden light emitted from the windows and kissed the cobbled path before it, and girlish laughter drifted from the open windows along with the most divine smell.
"Before we go back in, I have to ask you something," Eris tensed and turned to his brother, his hair was unbound down the back of his fur coat, his mechanical eye surveyed him inquisitively, "Did you mean what you said back there? You'd go to war for her?"
Eris could had scoffed at the question, he removed his arm from his brothers grip and turned to the manor, smiling at the sight of you, Nesta, and Elain all dancing before the window, the neck of a wine bottle in your fingers and a sweet melody falling from your lips. Elain was cradling Willow in her arms who looked thrilled to be involved whilst Nesta had her own arms wound around your waist.
"Would you go to war for Elain?"
"Without question."
The sound of Eris' message being received was enough, but he spoke, "I have a feeling it won't come to that though. Call it a hunch."
Lucien hummed, not quite sure of what Eris meant, but followed after him as he paced down the path and up the porch steps, flinging the door open and grinning at your startled state as you fumbled to hide the wine bottle behind your back, "You're back," you whispered to him, the strap of your form fitting green dress falling over your shoulder which you didn't move to lift as you gazed at him.
His face was prickled with cold, his cheeks flush from walking into the heated manor from the wild winter winds; Eris shrugged off his coat and lay the garment over the arm of one of the armchairs of the seating area, pulling his sleeves up to expose his forearms, "I'm back."
"I'm here too, just in case anyone wanted to know," Lucien all but rolled his eyes at you as he passed, pressing his lips to Elain's forehead who fell into his embrace with Willow still firmly swaddled to her body, "Who's been cooking? I could smell it from outside," he delved deeper into the house despite Elain's scolding telling him that dinner wasn't ready yet.
Nesta followed the pair with a groan, taking the bottle of wine from behind your back and muttering something about saving the meal from Lucien's paws, leaving you and Eris alone.
Fiddling with your fingers, you took a step toward him, noticing a strand of his hair fall over his face and watching as his fingers moved to rake it back, such a thigh-clenching thing to witness. "How was it?"
"It was fine," his eyes still held a cold glare to them, one that was waning the longer it was fixated upon you, "We got what we needed."
"Which was?”
The nerves radiating from you were making even Eris feel nervous, he tiled his head to the side and took a step closer to you, his hands at his sides, "Not worthy enough to talk of now. Let's have tonight as a newly formed found family, and tomorrow, we can talk. I'll tell you everything you want to know."
Another step forward was taken by you, the hem of your dress swaying at the motion. You were so close to him that he could feel your warmth seep into his bones, so close that his cold breath made your own cheeks flush red.
It felt natural, to close the gap and fling your arms around him, to bury your face into his chest and deeply inhale his scent like you needed that to know that he had come back to you. There was a single beat where Eris just stood there frozen to the ground, but he slowly ran his fingers up your sides until one of them rested around your waist and the other cradled the back of your head, his nose rested atop of you, his lips ghosting at your hairline.
"I was worried," you admitted, squeezing him closer, thinking that if you didn't tell him that then he would think you weren't appreciative of the position he was now in.
Eris chuckled, it was low and rough, swirls of fire danced around your figures and his thumb rubbed small circles into the back of your neck, "You can't be rid of me that easily, Fawn."
The scampering of steps made you pull back from him, and he yearned to hold you again without a care about who would see and what they would say. Lucien entered the room once more holding a beautifully decorated cupcake in his hand, a raised brow on his face and fighting a smirk once he noted your closeness, "These cakes are amazing, y/n."
"Thank you, Lucien," you swayed back and forth on the balls of your feet, your eyes drowsy with drunkenness.
"I sent for dinner for your three, why are you cooking?" Eris asked, confused, only a fool would turn down food from the Autumn Court chefs.
Nesta shrugged, plopping herself down on one of the deep rooted chairs, licking her fingers free from icing, "Elain sent them away, says she can do better."
"Which you're now all ruining thanks to her cakes," Elain's hands were on her hips and she pointed to you, her apron was coated in flour, her hair was strewn up and messy, and it was clear that she was busy cooking before you and Nesta had pulled her from the kitchen to dance, "They are rather lovely, y/n. You should be thrilled."
Eris' heart fluttered as you turned to him, a hopeful glint in your eye, "Would you like to try one? I think you'd like them," he couldn't speak, he couldn't find the words really.
The firelight made you look ethereal, the golden flames danced in the glistening pools in your eyes, so pristine that he could see himself in them, "I'm afraid that I don't have much of a sweet tooth," your smile faltered, "I'm sorry."
The gaze he felt on his face was enough to make him warm the blood in warning to its owner, Lucien coughed, red faced and watering eyes and you turned to him with worry before he strained the words, "Sorry, crumb," a lie.
"Okay," you whistled, not at all noticing the silent daggers drifting between the two Vanserra brothers, which was odd considering how observant you usually were, perhaps it was the wine floating to your head.
Maybe you were letting your guard down and didn't feel the need to be watching everyone anymore.
Eris watched you retreat into the kitchen with Elain, waiting until you were out of view before he readied himself for Lucien, "I cannot remember a time when you denied yourself a dessert."
"Things change."
"Not with you they don't," Lucien stared after his mate, his eyes full of love and desire, full of possibility and thoughts of the future.
When the news had spread of Lucien and Elain's mating, Eris was truly happy for them, out of everyone he knew his brother was the one most deserving of that happiness, of that type of love. Eris couldn't say the same for himself, he didn't think he deserved any light after the things he had done, after the atrocities he had inflicted over the course of his existence. Having a mate was something he could never allow himself to dream of, everything he touched turned to ask, his fire and mask too cold to allow anyone close enough.
Eris had depleted his worth, he never let anyone touch him, he would cower from it like a wounded animal. Even when he laid with the courtesans, their time together was restricted to just sex, no kissing, no holding one another, just unsatisfying sex that made him bathe in self-loathing whilst his partner relished in the feeling of being fucked by fire.
There was always a part of him that felt unworthy, his father had gone as far to tell him so, multiple times. Every touch sent him spiralling into memories, ones of mutilation and marring, but when you had touched him, when you had wrapped your arms around him and held him close, he didn't feel the need to shrink away or unwind you from his body. All he wanted to do was keep you there forever, and that, that was something remarkable on its own.
You may have been Prythian's darkest secret, but he found you to be the only thing worth fighting for.
His salvation.
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It wasn't long after dinner that you had disappeared from view.
It didn't take Eris long to embark on his search from you, excusing himself from the table that had long since gone quiet without your teasing stories of your upbringing and playdates with the High Lord beside you.
Eris didn't think that you would remember your visits to Autumn when you were a child, thinking that you were too young to retain the memories that he had held onto tightly. You were such an innocent little thing back then, and he remembered his wonderment when you had seen the orange ring in your eyes, displaying his own fire to compare the two and enjoying the sound of your giggles far too much.
He was sure that there was talk of a union between the two of you, he remembered the hushed whispers and beaming smiles of pride as both sets of parents gazed at the two of you playing in the corner with Lucien and Rhys adjacent. Though, neither of your brothers could steal your attention away from the other.
It was what he had held onto all of those years apart, in the moment when the light began to dim and the abuse began to accelerate, in the times when he wondered where you had gone. There were gaps in his mind, like memories had been stolen and locked elsewhere because he couldn't truly remember the last time he had seen you before the time he had caught a glimpse of your wingless figure wandering the halls Under The Mountain.
Eris wandered down the halls of the manor, following your scent that clung to the walls, absentmindedly pondering where exactly he would place a portrait of you in the vast home.
The sound of gentle whimpers entered his earshot and he stopped in his tracks, turning his head to the side to listen harder. He knew that the whimpers were coming from you, they weren't scared ones, but ones of pain, and his heart raced in his chest at the mere thought of you being in any form of pain under his roof.
Knocking softly on the door to your room, his old room, the grandest chamber in the entire manor, he waited patiently and listened to the shuffle of your feet and the soft padding of your companion before the door opened to reveal your strained features and a certain hound peeking around the wood, "You left."
Turning from him, you winced, leaving the door open enough for him to let himself inside, "I get these knots under my scars, it feels like I'm being stabbed, and I just need a minute when it starts."
Eris had heard of it, of the pain residing in the bones and muscles of clipped Illyrian females, sometimes so severe that they believe a new pair are pushing their way through the marred crescent moon scars, and breaking a little when they realised that it wasn't the case.
"It's been happening more recently, I think it might be stress related," you huffed out a laugh. It wouldn't be surprising, you had gone through enough to have permanent knots twisting at your shoulders, "Mor or Azriel usually tend to them," your voice was full of longing as you perched on the edge of the chaise lounge before the roaring fireplace. Willow had hopped up onto the plush piece of furniture, spinning in three circles before settling her head into your lap. Eris made a note to scold her for that later.
The tattoo on your arm shone in the golden embers, swirls of shadow and fire intertwining and dancing around your bicep, "I can help."
"Eris," you winced softly as you turned your head to him, "I couldn't ask you to do that, you've done so much already."
"You're not asking," he moved behind you, his fingers hovering over the sheer fabric of your dress that was transparent enough for him to see the muscle contorting under your skin, "If all I can give you is some relief, then I will."
A moment passed as you thought about it, but you nodded, giving him permission to unlace the strings holding the back of your dress together and pull the straps over your shoulders.
Eris' fingers were warm against your skin, you sucked in a breath at the contact, you felt fire spread across your surface as his gently wound his fingers into your flesh, "I want to try something." When you said nothing, he took it as a sign of agreement, he allowed his fire to flow into his fingertips, the heat of them unwinding the knot in your muscles instantly, withering the demon under your skin into the abyss, "Better?"
"Much," you glanced over your shoulder, "Thank you," your eyes were dazed and you smiled at him, your own fingers running down the space between Willow's eyes and down her long nose.
A question had been poking at him the moment he had seen it, the tattoo that glowed in the light, the one that when you looked at it for a moment too long seemed to dance, "That tattoo. It was a bargain?"
A solemn nod, "Yes," you confirmed, "Between Azriel and I," you gazed into the fire and sighed, but you didn't move away from Eris when he took the seat beside you, "We promised that we would always look after one another, that we would never feel harm at the other's hand."
You smiled sadly, "Azriel and I weren't so different, we were both raised by people who didn't particularly want us, burdened with a power we didn't understand. I think we understood one another in a way no one else could, we knew what we needed and when, we basically knew each other better than we knew ourselves," your voice trailed off, "At least, I thought we did," tears pooled on your bottom lids and you blinked hard to rid your vision of their blurry infliction.
Eris watched you shudder, the loneliness and betrayal worming its way into your soul like you had realised the gravity of it all.
Shuffling closer, Eris' thigh brushed against your own, his fingers millimetres away from yours and he gave into his desire to touch you as his index finger curled around your little one. A simple action to show that he understood, and more a singular moment, you let your guard down, the walls tumbled and you felt his power wash over you, kissing your own and sewing together the brittle remnants of your essence.
The room shifted, the world tilted, and you felt a sensation you had never felt before. Looking down, you found black flames licking up your fingers, they danced up your arms and across your connected digits to curl around Eris.
Neither of you moved, you both simply gazed at it, his fire and your darkness moulding together to create a wonderous crackle of flame that didn't burn either of you. It was softly calling out, and you raised your entwined fingers to inspect it carefully.
It was meant to be terrifying, but the personification of your darkness felt more childlike than anything, it was excited and new, and it nestled itself onto both of your limbs.
"I've never seen anything like this before," Eris held your palm atop of his own, his fingers smoothing over your pulse as his eyes found you, examining your face, namely your eyes where the fire in them burnt brightly.
Eris should have cowered away from you, but he loved your touch more than anything, and no matter how fleeting it may be, he would bathe in it for as long as he possibly could. "Neither have I," you tilted your head, realisation was littered on you, "But I've read about it. It's called Carranam, I think." The look in your enlightened eyes told him of the rarity of such a thing.
"You really are a clever little thing, aren't you?"
A sidelong glance and smirk later, you drawled, "You don't even know the half of it, High Lord."
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Author's Note
Here she is!!!
Hope you love this and are going just as feral as me right now 🫶🏻
@mybestfriendmademe @jesskidding3 @rosewood-cafe @fandomarchiveilyd @brujitafantomatico @crazylokonugget @mai-adaptive-dreams @magicstrengthandcourage @acourtofmoonlightandstars @ysmttty @lilah-asteria @circe143 @xyzmeh @paleidiot @namelesssav @amberlynn98 @acourtofbatboydreams @azrielsmate3 @ivy-34 @mp-littlebit @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @iamjimintrash @ifonlyiwerefiction @pirana10 @donttellthecats @padbaeamidla
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
Summary: Amelia is grumpy
A/n: just a silly lil drabble heh
anyways, enjoyy!
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Going out with anyone that was not his wife and daughter was not something Eris really looked forward to, because he just despised every creature that was not his mate or the being they created.
But obviously, his wife being the complete opposite of him, was a social butterfly, and probably had more friends than she could count. And because of that, Eris had to suffer too.
He stood off to the side as Y/n greeted Vivianne, bright smiles on both the females faces as they embraced. Kallias too smiled, his son nestled in the crook of his neck as he slept away. The babe looked peaceful, unaware of his surroundings, only knowing hat he was safe in the arms of his father, his protector.
Eris and Amelia, though, they were both in a bad mood. Eris, because he was forced to come along and pretend to be nice in front of his fellow high lord and his lady, and Amelia, because she did not have her favourite puppy, mister fluff, panting around her.
She had a permanent pout on her face as she fumbled with the lapels of Eris's jacket, a furrow in her brow. If Eris was being honest, she looked adorable when she was mad. She could be in one of her worst moods and Eris would be in love with his daughter.
As the two mothers continued to converse, Eris leaned forward to place a kiss on Amelia's forehead, right over her brows, but the moment he pulled back, she frowned up at him.
"Is my little princess mad?"
She turned her head away, her eyes going to Kallias, who waved at her, making her grumble. Eris grinned, kissing her temple as he waited for Y/n to give him some idea on when the group was going to step into the warmth of the palace. Winter court was too freezing for Eris's liking.
Vivianne, seemingly only realising that Eris was present too, turned to him, smiling. "Hello, high lord. Hope you didn't have too many troubles crossing the border?"
Eris smiled back politely. "No, lady. There were no issues."
She nodded, giddily stepping forward as she cooed at Amelia.
"Hello to you too little one."
She reached out to grab Amelia, who recoiled, just a little, her hand curling into Eris's clothes. Vivianne didn't stop, trying to pick up Amelia, who then let out an ear piercing cry, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. The winter court female stepped back, her eyes wide and apologetic as she tried to console the crying babe.
Eris started bouncing his daughter, letting her lay her head on his chest as she cried. "It's okay my love, nothing happened."
She whimpered in response, her hands on his shoulders, trying to hold on. Y/n reassured her friend that she did nothing wrong, that Amelia had just been fussy since morning, and Eris had to reign in a disbelieving scoff.
As if it was Amelia's fault for crying.
He turned away a little, still rocking her back and forth as he continued whispering in her ear. "Its alright, no one will take you from daddy. Shh. Its okay."
Everyone else decided to proceed into the majestic palace, and as Amelia quieted down after a few moments of relentless sobbing, Eris sighed, relieved as he started following the others into the home of the High lord.
Amelia raised her head to look at Eris, her lip jutting out, silver lining her wide, adorable eyes. Eris smiled at her, placing his lips at her forehead and eyes before se nestled against him again, starting to drift off.
"Sleep, my love." Eris hummed, rubbing her back. "I'll try to get us back home as soon as I can."
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686
@cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1
@hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21
@mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria
@girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar @girlswithimagination @sunnyspycat
@artists-ally @milswrites @riddlesb1tch @berryzxx
Eris Vanserra Taglist: @fell-in-luvs @azrielsmate3 @tele86 @caraaaaugh
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
Hello girly, there is so little fics about Tarquin, so can I please request a Tarquin x mate!reader. Where she is a quiet and kind female, it would be cool if she was a "lesser fae" (like she has a tail or horns). She loves him and doesnt really want a role in court, she just wants to be there for him. Maybe the high lords dont know much about her, and there is a High Lords meeting and she randomly appears (maybe pregnant) and just some fluff, and Mor, Feyra and Viv being happy because there is another female to be frainds with
ahh I love this, there's definitely not enough fics for Prythian's Most Eligible Bachelor™. Thank you for the request!
Less is More
Tarquin x Reader
warnings: this does get a little steamy at the end
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Taking practiced, steady breaths, you forced your pounding heart to slow and plastered on a confident smirk as you took long strides through the open doors.
Your hand was slick with sweat against Tarquin’s, your mate giving a reassuring squeeze while he guided you to walk slightly in front of him. Were you a weaker faun, you would have been smothered by the table’s gazes burning into you, but you were not weaker. You were a “lesser faerie” - or so that was your title given from the old High Fae - but you were High Lady of the Summer Court, and remembering that put the strength in your spine you needed as you took your seat.
Tarquin took his place next to you, turquoise eyes swimming with pride as he drank in the attention from the room. He feigned nonchalance, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before resting your hand atop his against the table. “Ah yes,” he laughed softly, raising your joined hands in display for the group of High Lords and Ladies. “Allow me to introduce my mate, the High Lady of the Summer Court.”
You smiled, unable to control the blush that bloomed upon your cheeks as Feyre gave you a polite smile and nod, Rhysand and Kallias both granting quiet congratulations. 
It was Viviane who smirked, reclining back in her seat as she loosed a dramatic sigh. As the second High Lady in Prythian’s history after Feyre along with what you’d heard of her, you liked the female already. “It’s nice to have another High Lady at the table. Perhaps soon enough, each court will recognize their females as equals.”
Her icy blue eyes sparkled with amusement at the sight of flames on Beron’s fingertips, the High Lord of Autumn’s focus having never moved from the horns on your head, perfectly framed by your royal crown.
Conversely, Tarquin’s own stare never faltered, watching Beron with a predator’s gaze. He knew better than to bait the other High Lords - Tarquin found it better to rule as himself, a kind yet firm leader - and you admired him impossibly more for it.
“Welcome, High Lady. Let us begin,” Helion purred, his smooth voice emanating a deep power that seemed to bring Beron out of whatever anger-filled haze he was lost in. Murky brown eyes whipped to Helion, who returned the acknowledgment with a slight arch of his brow.
“Beron, if there is something you wish to lead the meeting with, please do so,” Helion drawled, his demeanor remaining cool despite noticeable efforts not to look past Beron to where the Lady of Autumn was seated. You made a mental note to ask Tarquin about that later, focused on keeping your chin high for the moment.
Beron’s eyes flicked between you and Feyre - the lesser fae and former human at the table - but wisely he remained silent. “Continue, Helion,” Beron ground out, and you had to bite back your smile at Rhys and Feyre’s wicked grins, darkness recoiling from where it had been ready to strike.
You sat through the meeting, listening to male egos battle each other over petty squabbles, only interjecting as you and Tarquin found necessary. It was easy to find where you would fit in with this group. While it was clear Autumn would never accept you and Dawn was ambivalent, you felt a fast kinship towards Night and Winter - unsurprising, given those courts were who your wise mate was most drawn to.
As soon as the meeting ended, Beron quickly cleared, leaving the Lady of Autumn to scurry behind him. Your heart hurt for her, her eyes tired as her eldest son seemed to be the only person who paid her any mind. The other High Lords dispersed, only Night and Winter lingering behind with Tarquin and you. 
“Finally, that’s over!” the Night Court’s emissary, Morrigan, practically squealed as she maneuvered around the table to you, enveloping you in a warm hug. 
A surprised laugh escaped you at her kind and gentle touch, the dichotomous nature of the Night Court’s leaders jarring despite Tarquin’s advance notice.
“So, would you tell us the story of how you and Tarquin met?” Viviane pressed, her arm looping through yours as Feyre fell into step alongside the both of you. You were surprised at how easy it was to talk with them - both High Fae from such different backgrounds - but you felt beyond blessed by the Mother for not only allies, but new friends through your role.
The crescent moon was high in the sky, stars twinkling impossibly bright when you felt the heavy need for sleep weigh upon you. You hadn’t even noticed your eyes struggling to stay open until familiar hands draped a jacket over your shoulders, and you stirred to see Feyre, Morrigan, and Viviane all slowly rising. 
Bidding each of them a good night, you leaned into Tarquin’s warmth, savoring the calming scent of coconut and sea spray while he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your hair. He led your to the shared room in which you were staying, closing the door gently behind before peeling his jacket from your shoulders.
A whine escaped you at the sudden cold, and your mate chuckled, arms wrapping around you fully this time. Enveloped in his warmth, you settled against Tarquin’s chest and swayed to a silent melody, the rhythm of the ocean.
“You were incredible tonight,” he murmured against your neck. “You are always incredible, and yet you always blow me away with your grace and wisdom.” 
He pressed another lingering kiss to your shoulder, working his way up to hover near your ear. Teeth tugged lightly on the skin of your earlobe, your mind growing dizzy with the sensations when he whispered, “I am so thankful, and honored, to have you as my mate and High Lady.”
Feeling the weight of the crown against your horns, you couldn’t help but tease him. “Horns and all?” but Tarquin’s eyes grew darker, turquoise eyes like a brewing sea storm. 
He pulled your head to his toned chest, tongue flicking out against one of those sensitive horns. You mewled at the motion, the scent of the room changing with the fervor of arousal growing. 
“Especially these,” he breathed, hoisting your legs around his hips before turning to toss you onto the mattress. You bounced against the silken sheets with a giggle, watching your mate lift his shirt over his head while his gaze raked unabashedly over every inch of your figure. 
“Every part of you is perfect,” Tarquin whispered, white hair aglow in the light from the window, eyes shining with mischief as his body slid sinfully against your own. 
“I love you,” you whispered, legs wrapping around his waist as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He once again kissed his way down your body, this time peeling away the fabric of your dress as he did so. Your consciousness drifted away at his touch, carnal feeling and deep emotion invading your senses while the only thought you could manage was that “forever is not long enough with this male.”
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munsons-hellfire · 6 months
Broken | Azriel
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SUMMARY: You thought Eris would be your mate, he felt like home. But that was just an illusion of what your heart wanted. Azriel, he was your home, your mate, your everything. He showed you how to heal after feeling so broken.
PAIRINGS: Azriel x Kallias!Sister Reader (Past Eris Vanserra x Kallias!Sister Reader)
CONTENT WARNINGS: NSFW, 18+ MDNI, smut with a plot, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, mentions of abuse (eris is sort of a villain in this), nightmares, angst, fluff, a happy ending.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This one-shot is based around Broken by Isak Danielson. It's recommended to listen to this song while reading at least the beginning. It's been a while since writing smut, so I don't know how I feel about this. I hope you enjoy it regardless. I love writing for Azriel.
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You loved Eris Vanserra more than words could describe. He was everything you needed in a partner. He helped you at your worst and you did the same for him. You had left your home court in the Winter Court. Your brother Kallias was against it, fearing what might happen to you at the hands of Beron. But Eris assured him (even if Kallis didn’t believe or trust him) that you’d be safe and under his protection.
You also told your brother that you’d be able to protect yourself having also been gifted with ice manipulation like him. He gave you the go ahead so long as you kept in touch and saw him whenever you could get a chance. You agreed. You only wished that you had listened to the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that screamed danger.
During that time you feel more deeply in love with Eris, you truly couldn’t imagine a life without him and prayed to the Cauldron that he was your mate. But everyday there was no lingering feeling that he was anything more than a lover that would eventually leave you in the dust for someone else, someone better. His mate, whomever they might be.
As you progressed further into the ways of the Autumn Court, the dynamics started to change. Beron berated you every chance he got, and that included how you used your power in a place where it wasn’t welcome. When Eris wouldn’t stand up for you to his father you understood that maybe he really didn’t feel the way you felt about him.
Maybe there truly was no love between you two and he was just putting on a show. Then it hit you, he was using you for an alliance with your brother. And while it stung to be used like that you were still stuck by Eris’ side, holding out on hope that maybe just maybe he’d change his ways. Lucien Vanserra was the first real friend you made in a long time.
He was your platonic soulmate and you were his. Neither of you could be separated from each other unless the other was rushed with threats of injury. A few years after you had become friends with the younger Vanserra son, you met Azriel when he had been spying on the Court. He showed up on your land, by a house that Eris had built for the two of you but mostly for you.
Your first reaction upon seeing him was to shoot ice his way. When the first shadow touched your skin, ignoring his master. You were shocked to say the least, no words could be uttered out of your mouth. Then a few more came towards you, swimming around your body like you were made for them. Azriel was struck hard with the gold string tying around his heart and tying to you. A stranger.
But when he heard the giggles leave your lips, he knew that he would never want to leave. He was hooked on the sounds that left your lips. His world was struck upside down when you told him that you lived here with Eris, someone you hoped would be your husband one day. At that moment he realized two things, two things that hurt him deeply. The first being that the bond hadn’t snapped for you. The second being that you were happy and in love with someone else.
Someone that wasn’t him, he vowed from that day forward to only be a friend to you. He didn’t want to step in the way of your happiness with the heir to the Autumn throne. Azriel however didn’t realize just how much that would bite him in the ass later on. As the years went on you started to drift away from Eris as he did the same thing. The arguments had gotten worse.
Books, paper, anything that could be picked up by hands was always thrown around but it never hit you and you never let him get hit by your destruction. But things blurred when your powers as well as his got involved. You both had injured each other badly. You left a frozen trail along his body, while he left scorch marks across yours. Though you were worse for tare. With barely any love left to give to you, he discarded you like a pile of dirt.
Your burnt body was dropped off at the Night Court. Lucien had insisted that you’d be taken care of there though Eris didn’t care much of what happened to you. Cassian had been the one to find you unconscious in the Hewn City, merely by pure luck. Had he not made a stop there to check on everything at hand so he could report back to his High Lord. When he came across your body he had remembered the way Az had talked about you.
But as he looked down at your body he knew you were not the same female that Azriel had been talking about. Picking you up bridal style he had flown you to his home. He had called Rhysand explaining what had happened and who he had in his arms. Though at the time he didn’t know you were in fact the Princess of the Winter Court. Azriel was there when Cassian arrived. You were still unconscious but you could feel something tugging in your chest, something that allowed you to hold on.
Azriel had been by your side through your recovery. He had watched Rhysand name you as his emissary for the Night Court. He was there when the nightmares of Eris killing you in cold blood consumed your mind, consumed your sleep. He was there to help you get over the brute of the male. Azriel was by your side when he had learned that you were the princess of the Winter Court. Once again he was by your side when you told your brother that you had found a new home in the Night Court.
It was a place far better than the Autumn, a place you never wished to go back to. Then everything changed, and just when you thought you were finally starting to move on from Eris, you had begged Rhys to let you go with him to Amarantha’s party. If you’d known the risks, you never would’ve asked him to allow you to travel with him. Over the span of 49 years you were trapped Under the Mountain.
Beron and Eris made your life a living hell, something you couldn’t escape. Amarantha was worse, the female did not like you in the least. She forced you to sleep around with any of the males that needed a release. At first you struggled, you were lucky enough to have Rhysand there as well as access to your brother. But it didn’t help as much as you thought it would.
By the end of Amarantha’s reign of terror you were broken again. Rhys winnowed the two of you back to Velaris, his own truth escaping his lips while you wrapped your hands around your body and refused to let anyone touch you. The only touch you had truly accepted had been Azriel’s shadows. The next few months were spent healing yourself again. Moving on from everything that happened in the Mountain, including the things Eris had managed to slip in.
When Feyre came around she was just as broken as you if not more broken. You were a ghost just like her, and it was clear that Rhysand was not only worried about her but he was worried about you too. Azriel however was the first you allowed to help. A particular nightmare of Eris hurting you had woken you up. Had caused you to run to the bathroom to expel what little food you had eaten the day before. Azriel was there in the bathroom rubbing your back softly.
“It’s ok, sweetheart.” His voice was soft, but his touch terrified you. However you were too lost in your own mind to even say something to him. When you were done you laid down on the floor and cried. For the first time in a very long time you let everything you were feeling out.
“I feel so broken.” You whispered through the cries that left your throat.
Azriel shook his head, then he lied down next to you. His hazel eyes stared straight at your tear stained eyes. “You are a lot stronger than you think, Y/N. You just have to find a way out of what’s broken you and become a better version of yourself.” Azriel said, reaching his pinky finger out to grab a hold of your pinky.
“What if I can’t move past it?”
“You can. I know you can.”
Those words were enough encouragement to get through everything that had happened. To grow with what has happened to you and to not let it weigh you down. You were finally making progress, healing yourself from everything Eris had done, from what had happened Under the Mountain. You were not as broken as you once had been. It crashed down when war rose on the horizon. Hybern was going to destroy everything.
When Azriel had been hurt in the war something changed inside you. It hadn’t quite been the snap of the bond that connected your soul to his but it had been a start. You were by his side when he was injured. But you didn’t get close enough to touch him. His shadows moved around his body, one near you. One shadow was always near you and you didn’t understand why. Everything that had happened between you and Azriel never made sense until it finally did.
After defeating Hybern you had struggled with the things you’d seen on the battlefield, including Cassian’s injuries and watching Feyre cry out for her mate. You don’t know why you did it but your eyes found Azriel. A gasp left your mouth as the High Lords had brought Rhys back. Tears fell from your eyes and you lifted your hand to your chest as the gold thread tied you to the shadowsinger. In the aftermath of everything that happened you stood in your tent. Lucien walked in, glancing at you. He noticed that you were on your bed and hadn’t moved at all since coming back.
“Are you ok?” He asked, kneeling down in front of you.
“Azriel. He’s my mate.” Saying the words out loud made it more real. You needed to talk to Azriel, you needed to understand why he’d spend all this time with you but never told you about the bond.
“Would you like me to find him?” You stared down at Lucien, smiling softly at the male and his kindness. No matter what had happened between you and him it had never come between your friendship.
“Please.” It was a broken whisper that left your mouth as you continued to stare at him.
“Of course, I’ll be right back.” You watched silently as Lucien stood from the mud and walked out of your tent to find your mate. Seconds seemed to pass and suddenly Azriel was standing in your tent with Lucien right behind him. You didn’t look at Azriel, your eyes stayed on Lucien. He gave a nod and walked back out of the tent allowing you your privacy with Azriel.
“Lucien said you needed me? Are you ok?” He asked, there was a seriousness in his voice.
“I’m fine.” However you paused and lowered your head. “Well, no, actually I’m not.”
He was in front of you before you had a chance to react, he was so close. His scarred hands reached out to grab yours hesitantly. You reacted by pulling yours away from him. Not because you didn’t want to feel his touch but right now you needed the truth.
“What’s wrong?” He said harshly, as a cold look fell onto his face. He was quick to hide the hurt that had washed across his face.
“How-” You stopped yourself to catch the tears that were threatening to fall down your face. Finally you took a inhale and exhaled. “How long have you known I was your mate?” Shock crossed his face as he looked at you.
“Y-You know?” That was further proof that he had known for a long time.
“It snapped for me when Rhys was resurrected. I looked at you, and I felt that thread. You knew, you knew that I had been looking for a mate and all this time it was you.” You stood up and he stood up with you. You moved closer to him and poked his chest. “You didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you known? Please, I need to know.”
Azriel released a sigh, he moved to your bed and sat down. Briefly running his hands through his black hair. You loved everything about him, and now that you knew he was your mate you were so excited, but you had to contain yourself until he explained everything. Finally he started speaking.
“Do you remember when I was spying on the Autumn Court and I had accidently found your cabin?” Azriel asked, as his hazel eyes found yours. You nodded, walking around the room and picking up some bread that you hadn’t eaten yet.
“I do. I remember it like it was yesterday.” You smiled, sitting down next to him. Even then, even before you knew he was your mate you always felt a tug towards him. It was different from what you’d felt at the time for Eris. But you chose to ignore it, so afraid of what might come from it.
“I landed on your porch and you opened the door, because you thought it was the princeling. My shadows, they wouldn’t listen to me when I told them not to touch you. But they did, and I was holding my breath because I was afraid that you wouldn’t like them.” He paused, just as one of his shadows moved to wrap around your leg. “But then you laughed, and suddenly I wanted to hear it every day, I wanted to hear the giggles that came from your mouth every day. And the bond snapped. I felt it in my chest, I felt it tie me to a stranger, someone I didn’t know anything about.”
He paused again, “I’m sensing a but.” You commented, causing him to chuckle and nod.
“There were two things I was certain of before I left. One: that you didn’t feel the bond, two: that you were happy and in love with someone else and I couldn’t ruin that. I didn’t want to ruin your happiness. But then Eris left you at our court and I wanted to kill him for what he’d done to you. Rhys, and Cass had to talk me out of it and they did. I couldn’t tell you then because you were healing yourself. So I was there for you as a friend, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to force you on it especially when you were still dealing with what happened between you and Eris.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, that you had to see me be happy with another male. I’m sorry.” Azriel shifted on the makeshift bed, he brought his hands to your face and stared at you.
“No, you don’t need to apologize for this. I would go through this over and over if it was the same outcome. I wouldn’t change any of it.” His words were nothing more than a whisper. You smiled and gave him a nod. You knew what you wanted to do.
“I’ll be right back.” You said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
You stood from the bed and left the Illyrian male confused in your tent. There was some food nearby, under another tent. You felt eyes on you as you walked towards it to grab some bread. When you looked up you saw your friends staring at you. They all had bright smiles plastered to their faces, knowing very well what you were about to go do.
In truth you knew you should probably wait, but the reality of what could happen tomorrow, or the next day, or years from now was more of a reason to give him the bread. You knew the moment that Azriel had stuck around to help you through your darkest moments that you loved him. There was no hesitation in this. Rhys walked up to you, he gave you a nod.
“I’d like to have a mating ceremony when we get back to Velaris.” You whispered.
“Consider it done.”
“Thank you.”
Rhys stepped away allowing you to head back in the direction you’d come from. When you entered the tent Azriel stood in the center of the tent staring at your hand. You couldn’t keep the smile that had graced your lips away.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, stepping towards you.
“I’ve loved you for a long time, Az.” You heard him suck in a breath when you admitted that. “I was afraid to admit it to myself because for a long time I truly felt broken. I felt that I didn’t deserve your love and I tried to hide from that. But knowing what I know now, I can’t do that to myself anymore, nor you. When we get back home, we’ll have a mating ceremony in front of our friends. But for now, I think this privacy will work for me if it works for you.”
You felt the gold bond humming inside you as Azriel stepped towards you. “I don’t care where we are as long as I can make you mine.” He said, possessively.
“Then eat the bread.”
That was all he needed. Azriel snatched the bread from your hand and proceeded to take a bite from it. The bond was shining brighter. When he swallowed the bite of food he dropped the bread to the ground and placed his hands on your hips pulling you against him. His lips found purchase on yours. It was a rough kiss but you didn’t mind it. Azriel slowly started to walk you back towards the makeshift bed.
His fingers grasped your leathers and started to pull them off. You lifted your arms allowing your top half to be fully exposed to him. His hands gripped your breasts, while he left a trail of kisses down your throat. His lips wrapped around one of your nipples and he sucked it into his mouth between those lips. Azriel’s free hand found your other breast and squeezed it, tugging at the nipple. A moan escaped your lips, the shadowsinger smirked at you when he pulled back.
Gently he laid you down on the makeshift bed and proceeded to help you remove the rest of your leathers. He followed behind only removing his leathers from the top half. You groaned at the sight of his toned chest. Azriel hoovered above you, his lips connecting back to your mouth for another kiss. Then he pulled away, moving his lips down your body until he was close to your core. You lifted your head slightly, lust filled eyes staring straight at Azriel.
He stuck his tongue out, leaned closer and licked a strip from your entrance up to your clit before he sucked the bud into his mouth. A soft moan escaped your lips, your hands reached out grabbing a hold of Azriel’s locks. His scarred finger pushed into your entrance, while his tongue glided along your folds. He added another finger inside of you then curled those fingers hitting that sweet spot inside you.
Another moan left your lips, and your fingers tightened on his hair pulling at it. Your arousal coated his fingers when he pulled them out. Azriel quickly shoved them back in bringing you closer to your first orgasm.
“Your cunt is going to feel so good around my cock, sweetheart.” His voice rumbled over your pussy causing you to whimper at the words that left his mouth.
“Az.” You whisper-moaned. He only smirked hearing his name come out of your mouth. “So close.”
“Cum on my fingers, sweetheart.” He only smirked and quickened his pace.
His fingers moved quicker, and he sucked your clit back into his mouth. You were clenching around his fingers as your orgasm hit you, moan after moan leaving your mouth. You threw your head back feeling nothing but utter bliss as your orgasm crashed onto you. Azriel removed his fingers from your cunt and placed them in his mouth liking your juices clean off them.
Azriel leaned over you again and placed a kiss on your lips. You could taste yourself on him and it brought a smile to your face. The way you felt currently, you never felt with Eris. You sent your love and affection down the bond as you flipped Azriel so he was on his back. He stared up at you as you hovered over him.
“My turn.” You whispered breathlessly.
He smiled at you, watching as you wrapped your fingers around the waistband of his leathers and pulled the pants down. You watched with hungry eyes as his cock sprang free from the confines. He was big, but you were on a mission so you’d make him fit. Once his remaining clothes were off you gripped his cock in your hand. Azriel bucked his hips when you started to tug on his cock.
Sticking your tongue out you licked from his base all the way to the red angry tip at the top. Then you took the tip into your mouth, sucking on it gently at first. You heard Azriel moan as you pushed more of his cock into your mouth. You couldn’t fit all of him in so you gripped the rest with your hand. Pulling your mouth back you pulled just until the tip was barely in your mouth. Then you moved back down on his length.
Azriel reached his scarred hands forward, grasping a hold of your hair and holding it up away from your face so he could watch you take his cock into your mouth. You quickened your pace while your free hand moved down to cup his balls. A dark groan came from his lips, he threw his head back feeling closer to his impending orgasm. But he didn’t want to cum in your mouth. Azriel pulled you off his cock, and you looked at him with a sad look.
“As much as I want to cum in your mouth I rather cum in that pretty pussy of yours mate.” He said, pulling you on top of him. You could only smile at him. You grabbed a hold of Azriel’s cock again and rubbed it against your clit, eliciting a moan from the both of you. Finally you pulled his cock to your entrance and slowly you started to push it inside you. “So fucking tight.” He groaned out.
You sat there for a few moments, watching Azriel’s shadows moving around his body and then moving over to yours. A soft moan came from your lips when they touched you. You rested your hands down on his chest while Azriel rested his hands on your hips. He bucked up inside you causing you both to moan again.
Finally you started to move your hips, pulling up till just the tip of his cock was still inside. Then you moved back down the full length of him moving inside of you. Happy, you were so happy. Azriel could see it in your eyes. He took the opportunity and flipped you both back over so he was once again on top of you. His hips started to slam into you, his cock brushing that sweet spot.
Another moan escaped your lips and you reached for Azriel pulling his body closer to yours. Your lips found purchase on his and you kissed him almost like your life depended on it. Like you’d wake up tomorrow and this would be all gone.
“Don’t leave me.” You whispered, trying to move past the tears that wanted to escape in this moment.
“I won’t. I will never ever leave you again.” He said it with another snap of his hips. You clenched around him, feeling another orgasm on its approach. “Cum for me.” He whispered. His shadows continued to swirl around your body.
“Cum with me.” You whispered, staring up at Azriel. He looked back down at you.
Your orgasm hit first blinding pleasure covering your entire body, but Azriel’s followed quickly behind you. You could feel him painting your insides with his release. Azriel rested his forehead against yours, continuing to move inside you until your body calmed down from the orgasm. You sighed and smiled at him.
Azriel removed himself and lied down on the makeshift bed. He pulled you on his chest, your head resting in the crook of his neck while his wings and shadows wrapped around the two of you. This was utter bliss to be here at this moment. Azriel pulled the blanket over the two of you while you trailed the tattooed ink in his biceps.
“So what now?” You asked, though you knew what would happen.
“You're mine now. I’m not ever letting you go.” Azriel whispered back.
“Is that a promise?” You’d asked, knowing very well what you were tricking him into.
“Yes it is.” And just like that a bargain marked your body as well as his. Shadows mixed with ice tangled on your collarbone, when you leaned up you could see it on Azriel’s collarbone as well.
“Y/N, your brother is looking for you.” Feyre said, walking into your tent. She stopped in her tracks when she smelled your scent mixed with Azriel’s. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She whispered quickly, turning around but not leaving.
“Can he wait?” You asked, not really wanting to leave the arms of your mate.
“No, he wants to say goodbye before he and Viviane head back to home.” Feyre answered.
“All right, we’ll be out shortly.” You said.
“So, did Az finally tell you that you were mates?” Feyre asked.
“She knew?” You looked at Azriel who a serious look on his face.
“I didn’t know she knew, I guess Rhys probably told her.” Azriel answered.
“He didn’t need to. I figured it out when I saw the two of you interact with each other.”
“Gods, does everyone else know?” You couldn’t hide the smile that was on your face. You really didn’t care if they’d known before you. In the end you’d made the right decision to leave Eris behind because it led you to your mate, it led you to your forever.
“I think so.” Feyre said leaving before you could ask her any more questions.
You rolled your eyes. “I bet that Kallias and Viviane already knew too.”
“I guess you’ll have to ask them.” Azriel smirked and rolled on top of you staring down into your eyes. “I love you, and I’m going to spend forever making sure you know just how much I love you.”
“I love you too.” You paused, staring at his hazel eyes. “I wouldn’t expect anything less than that. Forever with you sounds nice. It’s a fresh start for me and I couldn’t be more thrilled than to have this fresh start with you by my side, mate.”
“Good.” He kissed you again, but Feyre once again interrupted the moment leaving you to laugh at the angry washing onto Azriel’s face. He had gone from a stranger to the male that helped to make you feel a little less broken in this world, and now he was your mate. That was a promise, a promise that you didn’t want to ever break. You knew it was the happy ending you both deserved.
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redheadspark · 10 months
Hello!! Could I possibly request Rhys from ACOTAR with prompts #6 and #8?
Hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself💜💜
A/N - This is cute for Rhsyand! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Rhsyand would do anything to make you happy, including scaring your ex.
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Warnings - a mix of angst and fluff
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“Let me guess…..the meeting went well?”
You glare at your mate as he leans against the open doorframe into your personal study, watching you nurse a glass of wine and rest your elbows on the desk as you were rubbing your temples in both tiredness and frustration from earlier in the day.  With the moon hanging high in the night sky and the upcoming snow threatening to come from the mountains, River House was ready for winter.  Most of the house was already decorated for Winter Solstice, though you weren’t in the best of spirits thanks to your ex.  You had to have a meeting with him, you being the High Lady in Night Court and your ex being the Head of Security from Winter Court.  High Lord Kallias, though firm as a ruler and yet kind, wished to have his Head of Security accompany your meeting with his mate Viviane.  You and Viviane were on the best of terms, which was surprising to see your ex as the new hire.  Of course, Viviane knew nothing about your old relationship, and you never showed it throughout your meeting and the scheduling of upcoming events.  
It was when Vivian left the room when your ex decided to open his mouth.  That did it.
“No one was informed that Damon was the new hire, my dear,” Rhsyand reassured you as he walked into your office, grabbing a chair to pull behind him to sit next to you while you were looking over some of the documents that were perched on the desk, “it was only after you left that Kallias told me, and he sends his apologies for bringing you discomfort.”
“It wasn’t his fault,” You hummed, your eyes still scanning over the words to mostly distract yourself, “He had no clue that Damon and I used to be a couple, nor did he know that Damon was the one who broke it off with me,”
“His loss then,” Rhysand said with a shrug and a smirk on his lips, you looking over at him as he cocked his own head at you and his signature grin was evident, “I wished to see the look on his face when he saw you, the High Lady of Night Court,”
“I’d rather go through training with Cassian blindfolded than ever encounter him again,” You grumbled, Rhsyand tutted as he scooted a bit closer to where you were at your desk.  Breathing in the musky scent that was along his shirt, feeling his body heat along your own skin, it was already calming to you as he reached over to lace your fingers gently together on top of the desk.  He knew how to ground you when you were stressed out or not in the best headspace, he read you like a book and knew exactly how to take care of you.  Far before you were mates, which happened instantly after meeting each other when you fled Winter Court to Night Court, Rhysand knew your soul was beyond tender from past heartbreak and betrayal.  
“I’ll come with you next time if he’s there,” Rhysand reassured you as you glared at him.
“I can face my ex on my own,” You started to argue with him as he shook his head.
“That is not what I meant,” he hummed, you scanning his violet eyes as he squeezed your hands a bit tighter, “I merely wish to be there to take on some of the load that you carry, merely because you already have a lot on your plate as it is,”
“Rhys, I can handle it,” You reasoned, seeing him sigh and he leaned his shoulder against yours.  A small peck of his lips on your nose made him smile.
“Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own?” He asked you with a hint of coyness, “You know I’m here to help carry the load, both the light and the heavy load.”
“I know, my love,” You replied wholeheartedly, “I’m just….not used to letting someone else care of me,”
Rhysand knew of your past, being raised by your single mother and then living on your own for a good amount of time.  Food barely on the table and working long hours in the farm fields, then working just as hard on relationships that were only half fulfilled by your ex-partners.  Damon included, who was infatuated with a far prettier fae and left you for her because of it.  You always felt as though you had to carry heavy loads on your own, needing to face your own burdens and not have others take them on.
But being married to the High Lord of Night Court meant that your burden and work load instantly evaporated.  Rhysand made sure of that, from the moment you two were mates he made sure you never had to lift a single finger when it came to getting what you wanted or needed.  You were waited on hand and foot, much to your dismay, but that was Rhysand’s way of taking care of you and loving you.
Even after 600 years of marriage, he still loved you fiercely.
“You’ve always been strong for me,” Rhysand reminded you as he tucked a stray hair behind your hair with a simple bush of his finger, “Let me return the favor,”
That alone made you raise your brow at him, knowing fully well that your husband and mate must have had something up his sleeve. If there was one thing you knew about Rhysand, it was his great knack for brewing up a plan that could stir up a bit of drama.  Mostly for fun and for his amusement, but also for a purpose.  And if there was another thing that you knew about the High Lord of Night Court, it was his devotion to you.
If anyone crossed his mate, it was a death sentence.
“What did you have in mind?” You asked him, seeing him shrug simply as he took your wine glass to take a small sip.
“Leave it to your mate,” He replied as he handed you his glass again and gave you a small kiss on the lips.
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“I’m glad we’re meeting again, Kallias.  We have much to discuss,”
“Of course, Rhsyand.”
You were sitting next to your husband as you were both in the meeting room at River House, the first snowfall hitting Velaris while the High Lord and Lady of Winter Court were on the opposite side of the table from you.  It was a few days after your talk to Rhysand.  In fact, he called the meeting with Winter Court the morning after when he made sure you were going to sleep in for the morning, clearing your schedule for the entire day, and then wishing to dote on you after he quick message to Kallias. 
You were wondering why he would wish to meet at your home, though he gave a brief explanation to debriefing the new Court negotiations and safety protocol, not to mention the Community Centers you and Viviane were in charge of in your respected Courts.  
But that also meant Damon would be in attendance.  You were already not looking forward to the meeting because of that, even though you loved the company of the High Lord and Lady of Winter Court and the details you were going to go over. But your mate, always a step ahead, had something up his sleeve. 
You were sporting a more casual dress for the meeting, one of the ones Rhysand gifted you for your birthday a century ago that showed off your curves and the highlights in your hair.  He matched in a dark suit himself, lacing your fingers together on top of the table with the stacked papers that were going to be discussed over while Kallias and Viviane were in their own Winter Court Tavel clothes.  
Damon in his leathers was right behind them, his hands folded behind him as he was perched in the corner and eyeing both yourself and Rhsyand.  You could sense the tensity in the room from his eyes going a bit wide at the appearance of Rhysand, there were whispers of his disbelief and slight discomfort years back when you and Rhysand became mates.  Viviane even said to you at your wedding ceremony that Damon seemed rather mad at the thought of you two being together, but that was merely the past.
You knew at that table that Rhysand had a motive with Damon, mostly because he crossed a line with his wife.
“I think we should go over safety with our borders,” Rhysand explained, you looked over at him as he was gesturing to the top of the stack of papers with his signature smile on his lips, “Although a lot of the Courts are at peace now since the war, there is always a slim chance of our safety being compromised.  With the allegiance that we have, I think we should stay a step ahead,”
“I have no problem with that,” Kallias hummed in reply, gesturing to Damon behind him, “Damon has recruited plenty more soldiers for our patrols,”
Damon gave a small tilt of his head as a friendly gesture to Rhysand, though he briefly looked over at you before he looked ahead again.  You felt Rhysand squeeze your hand gently, no one else noticing but you as your husband spoke up again.
“We are more than willing to have some of the Illyrian soldiers that are ready from our camps to come help with the training,” Rhysand suggested, “In fact, our Spymaster himself has some great ideas that he would love to talk over with Damon,”
As if on cue, you heard the door opening to the left, you all looked over to see Azriel coming into the room swiftly with his shadows attached to his tucked wings.  You felt the sense of tension heighten in the room, mostly from the Winter Court side of the table and from Damon himself. HIs body langue alone was stiffer than a few seconds before, his eyes drilled on the Spymaster as Azriel walked over to stand right behind you in your chair.  
You almost felt a lick of his shadows along your shoulder as his intense hazel eyes were on Damon, giving you a small sense of comfort as he was showing no sign of mercy to your ex.  Even Rhysand smiled widely, then talked to Kallias to start the meeting while Azriel and Damon were staring at each other with the table in the middle. Perhaps Rhysand was using this point now as a distraction for him and Kallias to start their meeting, your eyes drifting back and forth from him to Damon. 
You saw it instantly, Damon was sweating bullets.
Azriel was a friend to you, being your escort on court visits in the past and he had helped train you in some self defense skills. But the one thing you loved about Azriel was his loyalty to Night Court, specifically to Rhysand. They both had history since they were mere children, Azriel willing to go to the ends of the world for him.
Which meant he would do the same for you.
You were half listening to the meeting at hand, yet your mind was occupied elsewhere . Although you couldn’t see him since he was still standing right behind your chair, Azriel must have been giving Damon his infamous stare. The stare of intimidation, of power, of distinct knowledge he could kill him with a snap of the neck if he tried anything with his High Lady
Damon gulped. He got the message loud and clear
You had to smile, knowing fully well this was Rhysand’s doing.  You loved him ten times more.
The End.
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200 notes · View notes
yourlittlebunnyy · 17 days
i LOVE kalliasssss he's so underrated tho😣
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littlest-w01f · 7 months
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All my Kallias works and WIP (not in order of posting)
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Solstice (Kallias x Mate Reader) {fluff}
Summary: Kallias and his mate have their first Solstice together
Faelings (Young Kallias x Young Reader) {fluff}
Summary: Kallias finds friendship in one of the Faelings of his father's sentinels
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20 notes · View notes
pit-and-the-pen · 5 months
🌶️- Smut
Do I Wanna Know 🌶️
Azriel NSFW alphabet 🌶️
Unrequited Love [PT 2. Alt Ending]☔️
Azriel x winged reader❤️🌶️
You Found Me☔️
Hold Onto Me🌶️❤️
Broken Pieces ☔️❤️
But I Have You ❤️
Little Gifts 🌶️❤️
I'll Crawl Home to Her (series)
[prologue] [chapter 1] [chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][CHapter 5][Chapter 6]
When Things Come Back to Haunt You ☔️
Needy Az + Greedy Little thing 🌶️
Panic Attack ❤️☔️
I Can Do With It a Broken Heart (Unrequited Love Pt. 2) ❤️☔️
Her Love is Sunlight (Unrequited Love PT. 3) ❤️☔️
Eris x Sunbeam (OC)- Mating Ceremony ❤️🌶️
The Art of Dancing in the Rain❤️
Three ❤️☔️
(Nothing But) Flowers 🌶️
Spring Meadow❤️
Birthday present 🌶️
Three's a Crowd🌶️
Wilting in My Lonely Tower, Waiting by an Open Door pt: I
Got It Bad- (Nessain x reader)🌶️
Azriel- prompt 69+96🌶️
Kallias x Viviane (hurt/comfort)☔️❤️
133 notes · View notes
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The Warrior & The Healer - Chapter 3
Cassian x Winter Court Healer Reader
Summary: Y/n's healing powers are unparalleled, a gift from the Mother that she wields with precision and care. Sent to Velaris under the guise of a diplomatic mission, Y/n is secretly bound by a darker duty—spying for the Winter Court's ruthless war general, Isarn, to protect her imprisoned mother. But as she works to heal the wounds inflicted by Hybern, a chance encounter with a certain Illyrian warrior changes everything.
Word Count: 5.8K
A/N: sorry this took so long, I had to organize an auction T.T though I loved loved loved diving more into the plot and introducing new characters! hope u like this one, angst and all xx
Warnings: girl can't catch a break, angst, mentions of family abuse, blood, violence, waterboarding, language if you squint, some fluff at the end, sorry if I missed anything!
All ACOTAR rights to the genius of Sarah J Maas✨
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Upon arriving at the Winter Court, I was greeted by a too-familiar frigid air that clung to my bones, making me long for the warmth of Velaris, and by a structure before me that loomed like a minatory giant, challenging me with its sheer presence. 
The Hailstone Citadel stood majestically atop a rocky hill, its towering spires piercing the frosty air. Constructed around a grand meeting hall where the leaders of the Court gathered for official events, and made from spotless white marble with delicate veins of silver, its walls shimmered like freshly fallen snow under the pale winter sun. The battlements, adorned with intricate carvings of long-forgotten runes, were fashioned from pale blue quartzite, their surfaces glistening as if perpetually coated in a thin layer of frost. 
Inside, the grand halls were lined with smooth alabaster, casting an ethereal glow that mimicked the natural luminescence of ice. Blue calcite pillars rose to support the vaulted ceilings, their icy hue deepening the castle's wintry ambiance. Even the floors, polished to perfection, reflected the cold beauty of the surroundings, with inlaid designs of glacial stone that told tales of ancient winters. 
I stared at the mythical beasts that welcomed me, standing as majestic statues at the base of the blue pillars, symbols of the Winter Court’s strength and ferocity. Great white glacial bears, their fur eternally pristine like the marble walls, were carved to perfection. Snow griffins and frostfang wolves, their watchful gazes following my every move, guarded the halls with silent vigilance. They had always made me feel so small, as if they might jump and shred me to pieces at any second.
The entire structure exuded an icy aura, both in temperature and in its hauntingly beautiful design, perfectly encapsulating the essence of my court. I was caught off guard by the subtle shudder that thought caused.
As I made my way to the tactical wing, I felt a shiver run down my spine, and not just from the cold: a large group of soldiers greeted me with their imposing presence. Isarn might be playing the role of a vigilant warlord, but the overabundance of soldiers spoke volumes about his paranoia. Still, they were a formidable sight, their uniforms a mixture of elegance and intimidation. Each soldier wore a long, icy blue tunic of thick wool embroidered with delicate silver snowflakes. Over this they wore white, fur-lined cloaks, fastened at the shoulder with silver clasps in the shape of direwolves—the well-known beast form of our High Lord. 
Trying to shake off the thought of what Kallias would do to me if he discovered what I was doing, I shifted my attention back to the formation of the soldiers, the details of their armor gleaming in the pale light, silver breastplates intricately engraved with frost patterns and beasts, polished to a mirror-like finish that reflected the icy surroundings. 
I slightly nodded at the formation, heading to Isarn’s office. I raggedly filled my lungs and held my pendant before walking into my cursed fate. No fear. One deep breath. No hesitation. Another deep breath. I knocked once announcing myself, and opened the door.
Isarn's office bore none of the elegance of the grand halls of the Citadel. The walls were adorned with detailed maps of Prythian, some marked by battle plans. Shelves lined one wall, filled with tomes on warfare, tactics, and the history of the Winter Court. Weapons of all kinds—swords, daggers, and axes—were meticulously displayed, the room was lit by a single obsidian chandelier, its dark crystals casting sharp light across the space. 
In the corner, a fireplace donned with a shiny grease black tile crackled with blue-tinged flames, the firelight casting eerie, flickering shadows across the room. The hearth was decorated with carvings of snarling beasts, and despite the warmth it provided, the fireplace only seemed to add to the cold, merciless atmosphere. A large desk dominated the center of the room, made of dark, polished ebony that looked almost black in the dim light. Behind it sat a high-backed chair, its design as austere and commanding as the man who occupied it. 
Despite his stature, the General's presence was overwhelming, his authority radiating with sheer force. He was a short, chubby male with skin so pale it almost appeared gray, the black ponds of ink he had for eyes missing nothing—a cold, calculating gaze that seemed to see through any facade. His gray hair, balding at the crown, was meticulously combed straight and sleek in a strict military fashion that only added to his stern demeanor. Dressed in the immaculate regalia of a warlord and topped with a prominently displayed black onyx blade, he projected an aura of intimidation and behest. I loathed this visit, though I was looking forward to hearing news of my mother.
"Sit down", he commanded in his screeching voice. 
"I’d rather stand", I spat back. An evil smile crossed his features. 
"Y/N… You’re in no position to negotiate, and I’m not in the mood for insubordination. Sit. the fuck. down". 
My back tensed as I reluctantly sat in one of the chairs located in front of his desk, hands still in my pewter cloak’s pockets. 
"I hope, for yours and your mother’s sake, you’re not wasting my time."
I nervously looked at his chubby hands, adorned with rings shaped like bears, tapping rhythmically against his desk. Every other plump finger was wrapped in a band of platinum, a showy attempt to command respect, as if a reminder of his authority had to be displayed at all times, I thought. 
"The Night Court is heavily secured since Hybern’s attack," I began, trying to keep my voice steady. "Thanks to the Ancient One’s powers and the Cursebreaker defending the city, Hybern did not stand a chance." 
Isarn’s expression remained inscrutable as he leaned back in his chair, calculating. "Go on," he pressed, his voice a dangerous murmur.
I took a deep breath, the weight of the pendant around my neck grounding me. "Amren’s powers are… unlike anything I’ve ever heard of. She can seamlessly control mind and body, the Cursebreaker herself was impressed by her skills."
"What about that winged bastard? Did the treacherous High Lord reveal anything useful about their plans against Hybern?" he said in a mocking tone, each word a poisonous blade cutting through the tension in the room. 
I hesitated, the memory of Rhysand mentioning a book to Feyre flashing through my mind. I knew, I knew this was wrong, and I hated the thought of putting the Night Court at risk. But the desperate need to gain leverage gnawed at me. No, I couldn’t reveal this information before negotiating my mother’s release. "Where is my mother?" I asked, trying to shift the conversation.
Isarn’s eyes narrowed, and he stood, moving around his desk with the grace of a predator. "Information first," he said, his voice unyielding.
A power struggle unfolded as he circled me, each step calculated. "Your dear mother is expecting you to fulfill your side of the bargain." He hesitated for a second, carefully measuring his next words to avoid giving anything away. "And the Night Court is not your concern," he added with a tone of casual malice, as if the subject was of little importance to him. 
In a blink, he was beside me, and before I could react, I felt the cold touch of his onyx blade at the nape of my neck. Isarn was faster than I had anticipated, his military training evident in his swift, lethal movement.
I summoned a burst of chilling force to my upper body, just in case, trying to remain grounded. 
"Tell me… what you know," Isarn demanded, slowly pressing the blade harder against my neck.
I felt a warm liquid trickle down my back—he had pierced my skin. The pain was sharp, but the realization of my vulnerability was even more cutting. My wound was healing quickly, though the gash hurt like hell. 
He kept pressing with intent and what felt like... pleasure? I fought back tears until they finally broke. 
"I heard Rhysand and Feyre talking about a book the Ancient One is working on. It could be a weapon, I don't... I don't know anything else." 
Isarn’s smile was victorious as he released the blade from my neck. "A book?" His eyes gleamed with greed. "See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?" he taunted, his voice mocking and triumphant. Then the bastard licked my blood from the tip of the blade, never breaking eye contact. Repulsive, dishonorable, evil shred of a male. 
I forced a gag down my throat and kept an impassive expression on my face to avoid giving him a reaction, but I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I was disgusted, enraged, frustrated and tired. How much longer did we have to put up with this prick? From the moment I was recalled from the Boreal Retreat to the Citadel a few weeks ago, Isarn had made it his personal mission to humiliate me every chance he got. The Commander, Gods only knew how, had managed to convince Kallias to assign me to aid the Night Court, so I hadn't even had time to delegate my duties, and I often wondered how my patients at the Retreat were doing. 
Fortunately, a knock on the door interrupted my torment.
"Sir?" A soldier peeked his head in with hesitation and fear. He had been summoned by the Commander but clearly did not want to disturb him. He knew better than that.
"Alfson. Take the lady here to the lower chambers. Make sure she sees how her mother is being well cared for." Isarn snarled with disdain. Then he pinned me down with his resolute obsidian eyes as he reclined on his desk, their fixed stare anchoring me in place. 
"We are done here. You're to remain in the Night Court until I say otherwise, and you better not try any funny business." He tapped the ebony with his fat fingers, emphasizing the last three words. "I've got eyes and ears everywhere."
"I've got eyes and ears everywhere," I scoffed in my head. Honestly, what was his interest in the Night Court? 
What is your endgame, Commander?
A surge of strength coursed through me, a defiant fire igniting in my chest. While my resilience had always been a silent force, manifesting through actions rather than words, this newfound courage startled me. 
Before I could stop myself, the words tumbled out of my mouth.
"You mean Hybern’s?"
His head suddenly snapped up, a shadow crossing his face. Without warning, his hand lashed out, striking me across the face with a force that sent me reeling. The sting of his platinum rings bit into my skin, and before I could even touch my cheek to ease the pain, his gaze shifted to the soldier. With a slight nod and a silent command in his eyes, he conveyed his next order.
A sudden, searing pain exploded at the side of my head, and my world turned black.
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The barren, snow-covered ground crunched beneath our feet as we searched for anything to stave off our gnawing hunger. It had been two weeks since my father had left us to fend for ourselves, his absences a common trial we had learned to endure. The biting wind whipped through my thin clothes, but I barely felt it, my focus solely on survival. 
I ran ahead of her, a small figure stood out a few meters away in the sea of whites and grays around us.
“Mama, look!”
We had stumbled upon a rabbit, its fragile body barely clinging to life. I looked at my mother with young, inexperienced eyes, searching in hers for an answer to the rabbit's pain, though knowing this could be our dinner. 
She knelt beside the animal, examining it with gentle hands despite the harshness of our surroundings. Her eyes, a blend of resolve and sorrow, met mine with a weight that belied her calm exterior. She cupped her hand on my left cheek, a mother's heart breaking at the lesson she was about to teach her little girl. 
"You must choose," she said gently, her voice trembling yet firm as strings of mist came out of her mouth. "Help it get better, or let it go peacefully. The decision is yours, my love."
Her tone carried not just the necessity of our survival, but a plea for understanding. 
I hesitated, the weight of the decision pressing down on my small shoulders. The rabbit's labored breaths filled my ears, and I felt a pang of empathy for the creature. But the growling of my stomach and the desperate look in my mother's eyes forced my hand. With trembling fingers, I reached out, knowing that this choice meant survival.
I closed my eyes for a moment, gathering my strength, then made the call. 
I snapped the flimsy neck, ending the rabbit’s suffering to provide us with a meal. The act felt heavy, its significance settling deep within me.
My mother’s gaze hardened as she stroked my hair and looked into my eyes. 
"You did good. Sometimes we must do not what our hearts desire but what our needs demand, without fear nor hesitation” 
Her words replaced the feeling of guilt and grief, they had etched themselves into my soul, becoming a cornerstone of my resilience and determination.
I bolted upright on the cold stone floor, my mother's voice echoing in my mind. The nightmare, the memory, had faded, but the longing for her warming presence remained.
As my senses returned, I realized I wasn't in my bed but in a dark, dank dungeon. The chains binding me were a deep, otherworldly blue, shimmering faintly in the dim light. Each link felt like liquid metal solidified into an unbreakable structure, wrapped tightly around my wrists and ankles. The subtle chill from their touch seeped into my bones, sapping my strength with powerful magic. 
I groaned as I tried to reach for the back of my head where an intense headache originated, pounding behind my eyes, likely from the blow Alfson had delivered in Isarn’s office. My vision was still blurry, but as I blinked rapidly trying to clear my sight, the full extent of my situation became painfully clear: I wasn't healing.
I struggled against the chains, my movements slow and sluggish. Each effort to free myself only seemed to tighten their grip. Panic began to set in, my breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps. Then, amidst the silence of the dungeon, a familiar whimpering voice reached me over the ringing in my ears.
Across the cell, through the dim light and shadows, I saw her. She was huddled in a corner, her once-vibrant form now frail and broken. 
No. No, no, no–
Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the horror of her imprisonment. Isarn hadn't been keeping her in some quarters as I had hoped; all this time, she had been held captive in a dungeon cell. 
"My child," she murmured. 
It pained me to hear her voice barely audible carrying the weight of all the suffering she had endured.
"Mama," the call came from the bottom of my heart, out to my lips, hoarse and desperate. The sight of her, more than the chains, more than the cold, more than the headache, shattered my core. I fought against the bonds with renewed desperation, my mind racing to find a way to free us both. A thousand questions swirled in my mind, and I could see the same confusion and urgency reflected in my mother's eyes.
I breathed, trying to keep my voice steady, "I've been out assisting the Night Court."
Her eyes widened, a spark of shock briefly flickering through her weariness. I wanted to tell her everything, about the beautiful city of Starlight, the people I had met, the mission I had undertaken, about my mate, but there was no time. The sound of boots echoed faintly in the background, so I continued.
"Mama, I’ve been well, but I can't talk for long," I said, my words hurried. "They're coming."
She nodded, understanding the urgency. Despite her frail state, she reached out to me as if she could hold my hand from a distance. "Bjorn," she said, her voice dry and raspy, "he's been aiding me."
Bjorn. The mention of his name brought a flood of emotions. My uncle, my mentor, the one who had always been there for us. While my father abandoned us, Bjorn had stepped in, teaching me everything I needed to know to survive in this frozen hell. As the Captain of the border forces with the Autumn Court, he had been a figure of fortitude and tenacity, walking alongside me every step of the way, from treating soldiers in makeshift tents to becoming indispensable to the court. He was more of a father to me than my own ever was. 
"He sneaks in when he can... Isarn still doesn’t know," my mother continued in a whisper, forcing a gulp. "He doesn’t know you’re related. It’s our only advantage."
I nodded, tears welling in my eyes. The thought of seeing Bjorn again gave me a glimmer of hope. I had kept it together up to this point but gods knew I needed a lifeline. 
"Do what Isarn says for now, my love. Find Bjorn. He’s been looking for you, too."
My mother fought a cough, struggling to talk. As her eyes met mine, I silently pleaded with her to stop, to save her strength, but she pressed on, defying my unspoken request. 
"He mentioned tensions at the border are growing, and that he’s been looking for a way to undermine Isarn's influence, to exploit his vulnerabilities."
The sound of boots grew louder, the guards getting closer. Panic surged through me, but I held on to my mother’s words. "We’ll get through this," I promised. "I'll find Bjorn." As soon as Isarn grows bored of this hissy fit and sends me back to Velaris.
The Mother must’ve heard my prayers, as two soldiers finally approached the cell’s gate, each carrying a large bucket filled with what looked like water, and two thick linen cloths. This couldn’t be good.
"Rise and shine, ladies," one of them sneered.
Fuck, how long had it been?
The soldiers walked into the cell with a menacing air. "This is a mercy from the General, a little reminder." one of them said, his words dripping with that characteristic malice of Isarn’s personal guard.
Before I could react, they grabbed us and forced us to the cold stone floor. The first splash of icy water hit my face like a thousand needles, the shock making me gasp for air. The cloth was pressed over my face, and the torture began.
I struggled to breathe as they poured more water on me, each inhalation bringing it into my lungs. Panic and pain overwhelmed me as I heard my mother's muffled cries close by. I fought against the restraints, desperately trying to break free, but the chains held me fast.
Just when I thought I would drown, they stopped. I laid there, coughing and gasping for breath, my body trembling. The soldiers laughed, their eyes savoring their making.
"If you don’t comply with the General’s orders," one of them said, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "or if you dare to question him again, he will personally stab you both with faebane, bathe you in cold water, and leave you out to freeze to death."
The other soldier removed the dark indigo bonds and spat on my face.
But I ignored it all as I crawled towards my mother, every movement a struggle. "Mama, please," I begged, "stay with me."
Darkness was closing in, my strength fading. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was my mother’s frail form, her eyes filled with love and desperation. 
I drifted in and out of awareness as rough hands grabbed me, dragging me out of the dungeons. My body felt heavy, my limbs barely responding. Through blurred vision, I saw the dimly lit corridors of the lower levels of the Hailstone Citadel pass by, the cold seeping into my bones.
"Keep moving," one of the soldiers muttered, his grip tightening on my arm.
They hauled me through a hidden exit at the back of the citadel, into the freezing night. The biting wind stung my face, jolting me closer to full consciousness. They dragged me into the bailey, the snow crunching under their boots, until they finally dropped me unceremoniously onto the ground.
I laid there, shivering, hardly breathing. I had to move. Summoning the last of my strength to heal the tightness in my muscles, I pushed myself up, staggering towards the stables I knew were nearby. Each step was a battle as I reached a horse conveniently saddled, its breath visible in the cold air. I had always prided myself on being self-reliant, I’d been taught to never depend on a male for strength or comfort. But now, as my body temperature kept dangerously dropping, I found myself wishing for Cassian’s warmth, his strong arms wrapping around me. I held onto that feeling for solace, while focusing on mounting the animal. 
I urged the horse south, towards the Autumn Court border where I knew Bjorn was positioned. The ride was a blur of icy wind and snow-covered trees. I fought hard to stay awake and to listen to the rhythm of the horse’s gallop—it was the only thing keeping me from slipping back into unconsciousness.
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When I finally reached the border at dawn, the outpost where Bjorn was stationed came into view. It was a watchpoint where the soldiers of the Winter Court kept an eye on the shifting lines between territories. Tents erected around a tall brick structure dotted the landscape as far as I could see, blending into the snow-covered ground.
A soldier approached as I dismounted, recognizing me from past encounters at the recovery camps. "Y/N," he greeted, his voice filled with concern as he saw my condition. He helped me unmount, his hands steadying me as I stumbled. 
"I have urgent business with the Captain," I muttered as I could.
The soldier nodded, understanding the urgency. "This way."
He tied the horse to a post and guided me through the site as I made my way to Bjorn's tent. The sounds and faces of the outpost, once familiar and comforting, now felt distant and blurred as if they were fading away. At last, we arrived at Bjorn's tent. The soldier stepped inside first, clearing his throat before speaking, "Captain, someone’s here to see you." I followed, my legs barely holding me up.
Bjorn turned around, shock registering on his face when he saw me. "Y/N," his voice broke, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and worry. 
I couldn't contain my tears any longer. I ran to him, collapsing into his embrace. He wrapped me around tightly in a fatherly comfort I had longed for since I left for the Night Court.
As we stood there, memories of our time together surged through my mind. I recalled the countless hours we spent in the training grounds, his voice calm and steady as he instructed me on how to hold a blade, how to keep my balance even on treacherous ice. He drilled me in the military structure of the Winter Court, ensuring I understood the hierarchy and strategies that could one day save my life. 
His patience never wavered as he guided me in harnessing my healing powers, teaching me to channel my energy and focus it precisely where it was needed. Every lesson, every word of encouragement had shaped me into who I was today. He had been there for me in my darkest moments, offering his support and wisdom when I needed it most. Our familial tie was forged in those early days of hardship, and it had only grown stronger over the years.
"I thought I'd lost you," Bjorn whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
I pulled back, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. "My mother…" I pleaded, "she needs help."
Bjorn’s face set with resolve. "We’ll take care of her."
He turned and called for the soldier who had brought me to the tent. As the soldier approached, Bjorn drifted to his work table, quickly scribbling something on a piece of paper. He handed it to the soldier. "Take this to Eirik," he instructed. "He’ll know what to do."
The soldier nodded and swiftly left the tent, leaving me sighing with a sense of relief. Bjorn finally faced me, studying me with worry. 
"I look like hell, don't I?" I managed a weak smile.
Bjorn chuckled, a soft, affectionate sound. "You always did have a flair for understatement," he teased, his teal blue eyes scanning me for injuries. He quickly urged me to sit, gently helping me as I sank onto a nearby stool. As he helped me remove my wet cloak, no longer pewter but a light charcoal due to all the dirt, and my boots, he gazed at my wrists where they were still hurt. My powers were almost depleted.
When he took off my boots, he noticed the bargain tattoo. His lips pursed. "Your mother told me about..." He pointed at the tattoo with his chin. "When you left... I couldn't, I haven't forgiven myself. I should've been there for you. I'm sorry." 
I reached out for his arms, like I always did many, many times when I was younger and none of this mattered. 
"You had no way of knowing, and I won't let you carry the guilt of Isarn's doing," I whispered in our embrace.
I took a deep breath and slowly let go, still holding his hands. "I was in the Night Court, sent to work as a healer, but I was spying for Isarn. He..." I looked down at my wrists, cuts from the chains still open, "did not hold back when I returned. The moment I mentioned the King of Hybern, he snapped. I don't get it, why is he so interested in the Night Court?"
Bjorn's face hardened. "Because he’s an ambitious prick. I have spies within Isarn’s close circle. He's working with Hybern. He’s promised him the Winter Court in exchange for his help." 
He saw the blood leaving my face as my heart sank, waves of blame and dread suffocated me. 
Dear Mother. What have I done?
"Is that even possible?"
"The fool is a loyalist. He’d gladly sell his own pathetic life to bring back the days of human enslavement."
Weariness was creeping in. I hadn’t slept all night, though the gravity of the conversation was enough to keep my mind alert. 
"It gets worse," Bjorn continued. "Isarn plans to help Hybern destabilize the Night Court by kidnapping the Cursebreaker. Apparently Hybern wants to use her powers against all humans down the Wall, though we still don’t know how."
"Feyre... But why would Isarn do this?" 
Despite his cruelty, Isarn was a military commander through and through, his loyalty to the Winter Court woven into the very fabric of his being. Betrayal felt out of character.
Bjorn's eyes locked into mine, his demeanor to the brink of desperation. "Isarn has long harbored resentment towards Lady Viviane for commanding the Winter Court armies during Under the Mountain. He felt..." 
The soldier that brought me to the tent interrupted, bringing two steaming bowls of stew, the savory aroma filling the tent. 
"This might not be a feast, but it'll keep you going," he remarked while he offered me a shy smile, approaching me with a bowl.
Ever the overprotective parent, Bjorn grabbed both from his hands, dismissing the soldier with a nod, and continued. 
"He felt small and undermined—no surprises there." He winked at me conspiratorially. I would have laughed at the joke if the guilt within me wasn't drowning me.
"Especially after discovering Lady Viviane's leadership role. His supposed captivity by Hybern was a ruse; he was collaborating with them all along."
I felt a sickening twist in my gut. I lowered my head into my hands, resting them on my legs, overwhelmed by exhaustion and frustration, and unable to process any more information. Telling Isarn about the book had been a mistake. A grave mistake. But I couldn't burden Bjorn with the weight of my call, I'd rather keep him focused on my mother's well-being. Then there's the safety of my mate… I had to fix this. I knew what I had to do. 
"I have to go back to the Night Court." I uttered with a stammer. 
Bjorn's eyes blanked with a resolve that startled me, he’d seen right through me and instantly knew my intentions. He stood up and started pacing around the tent. 
"If you plan to share any information about Isarn and his plans with the Night Court, you need to be prepared, Y/N.”
He was right. If I approached Rhysand and Feyre, laying out everything I knew about Isarn while also proposing a solution, they could not only be warned but might also offer resources and intelligence to our advantage, in a joint effort. A pang of gratitude hit my core when I realized that, in the rush of the moment, Isarn wasn’t too specific with the terms of the bargain. 
A fool, indeed. This might just work. 
I felt a hint of pride in my chest.
"Not bad for an old captain," I winked at him, and replied with a smirk when I shared my conclusion. 
"I'll need to devise a plan that ensures Isarn can't retaliate. If I can present them with a strategy to counter his, they may be able to support us."
Bjorn agreed, his expression serious. 
"Exactly. They have as much at stake as we do."
He slowly leaned towards me, placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, his gaze full of emotion. I knew this moment would come once more, the moment we part without knowing when we’ll see each other again, but I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. It seemed like all we had now were these fleeting moments, and there was still so much I wanted to share with him.
"You can do this, Y/N. But remember, you must keep up the facade with Isarn until the very end. Any slip, and he will come down on you hard. On both of you.”
"I understand," I said firmly, taking his calloused hands in mine. 
Then he searched my eyes for the tenacity he'd taught me to maintain in these situations, and found another emotion seeping in instead.
A longing for the male I'd been relentlessly pushing away, leaving him behind at the Night Court.
"Alright, spill it, child. What’s going on?" Bjorn pressed, his gaze unwavering.
I hesitated, my thoughts a whirlwind. I wanted to tell him about Cassian, but how could I explain this to Bjorn when Cassian himself didn't know about the mating bond? Not that I was planning to tell him either. 
The risk of exposing such a deeply personal truth made me feel incredibly vulnerable. Still, I wanted him to know. I needed his guidance and support, now more than ever.
"I..." I started, struggling to find the right words. "There’s someone at the Night Court. Someone... important to me."
Bjorn's thick eyebrows burrowed, but he waited patiently for me to continue.
"I think... I think I've found my mate. He's very well known and a person of trust in the Night Court. He doesn't know though, about the bond."
Bjorn's lips drew a line. 
Oh, Gods. 
I hadn't been this nervous since the first time I met Kallias. I forced a swallow down my throat and continued, the words coming out of my mouth in a hurried tirade like a child who had been caught being naughty.
"I cannot, will not risk this mission for a male I barely know, though," I continued, determination hardening my voice despite the pounding in my heart. "There's too much at stake, and I need to focus on what matters now."
Bjorn’s lips twitched, and for a moment, I saw the familiar glint of mischief in his eyes. 
"So, you’re just telling me now that you found your mate?" he said, a teasing lilt in his voice. "And here I thought you were keeping all your secrets from me."
Despite the tension, a small smile crept across my face as I lowered my chin and looked at my bare foot. "It's not like that."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, I know, child. I’m just teasing. But seriously, a mate? And an important one in the Night Court, no less,” his hands reaching his hips. “You sure know how to pick them."
I mentally sighed as all the light-hearted taunting eased some of the anxiety gnawing at my insides. 
"I didn’t exactly choose this, you know." 
Bjorn’s expression turned more serious, though the warmth didn’t leave his eyes. "I admire your determination, Y/N. And I’m happy for you, really. But you need to be cautious. Especially if he’s a significant figure in the Night Court."
He elbowed me with complicit eyes, "Can I know who this significant other, I mean, figure is?"
I rolled my eyes, tempted to fall into more of his tease but instead I hesitated, thinking about the answer. 
"You’ll know, Bjorn. In time. If everything goes well after Isarn is dealt with. For now, we move forward with the plan."
Bjorn nodded, understanding the boundary. "Fair enough. Just promise me you’ll be careful. And be smart. Remember your training."
"I promise," I said, knowing that I would cling to those words when the moment demanded it. I stood there for a moment, trying to hold on to this precious instant with him. His concern for me was evident, and it mirrored the worry I felt for him. 
"Good," he replied with a reassuring smile. Bjorn’s blue eyes softened as he pulled me into a tight embrace. The familiar scent of mist and pine enveloped me, grounding me in the moment. 
“Please be strong, petal,” he murmured, his tone carried a hue of anguish. I nodded against his shoulder, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall upon hearing the affectionate nickname he’d given me since I was a child. “I will.”
We pulled back slightly, our hands still clasped together. His rough palms were a comforting anchor in the storm of emotions swirling inside me. I looked into his eyes again and recognized the unspoken devoted love that had always been there. 
"This isn't goodbye," I said softly, squeezing his hands. "Please keep her safe. Who knows, the next time we meet I may bring some allies, Mother willing."
"I'll hold you to that. Now go," he held my chin up gently, with a caress. "Go back to the Night Court and show them what you're made of," his eyes shone with affection. 
With a final nod, I gathered my now somewhat-dry cloak, and some clean clothes and supplies for the journey he'd packed for me. 
Before I walked out of the tent, he called after me.
"He better be good with a sword."
I hid a grin, knowing the answer. "Something like that."
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@bravo-delta-eccho @yamisuke @randomperson1234sblog @anxious-cactus @lilah-asteria  @darkbloodsly @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden
dividers by @estrelinha-s
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readychilledwine · 11 months
Ready Chilled Wines Maternity Celebration MasterList
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As you all have figured out, or are figuring out, my baby girl is here if these are posting instead of being little previews 💜
I will be away for a little bit, but I'm checking in when I can, so please do not be offended if I cannot get back to you right away.
(An update on Lizzy and baby will be posted here by baby daddy once she is actually here. He says this is the only time he will do this, and we love him for that)
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One shot fics:
Little One - Azriel x Rhysand's Sister Oc - after arriving home for the first time in 50 years, Rhysand is shocked to find someone so small in his sister's arms. (Fluff)
Happily Ever After - Lucien finds himself in familiar arms After Elain rejects the bond (Lucien x Spring Court Oc) -angst w happy ending
Thrive - After being sent to the Spring court by her new High Lord, y/n Vanserra is in for a bigger surprise and welcome home than she could have ever imagined. (Smut)
All That Glitters - Helion x Night Court Oc - Helion has read books on the fae for years, studying their anatomy, their lives, and their habits. When Rhysand sends him a pretty illyrian emissary for trade negotiations, though, Helion jumps on the opportunity to learn about the female wing structure - Helion x illyrian!oc - (wing play, NSFW, porn with little plot)
Pen Name - A romantic evening between lovers is interrupted when Cassian and Rhys want to bitch about Sellyn Drake's newest novel. - Azriel x reader - (teasing, fluff)
Thread and Finery - the three Vanserra siblings are about to attend Lyria's first Night Court Solstice party, so the three of them do what they do best. Coordinate outfits. Lyria, Lucien, and Eris - (a farewell message, sibling love, fluff)
Runaway Love - Amren and Rhysand's sister have begun to grow closer since Feyre took her duties from her. Amren, seeing she's hurting and needing time away, invites her friend to Summer, she just didn't plan on happened next or having to explain it to Rhysand - Tarquin x Rhysand's Sister Oc - told from Amren's pov - (love at first sight, fated mates, elopement, against brother's wishes)
Fire and Ice - y/n Vanserra has always had a sound head on her shoulders. Unless it comes to the High Lord of Winter. Then she is nothing more a puddle of mush under his touch - reader x Kallias (NSFW, Smut, temperature play, friends to lovers, mutual pinning)
Light in the Hallway - Everything is finally peaceful in Autumn. Eris is High Lord, y/n is his High Lady, and peace has settled across the Court just in time for the arrival of Eris's firstborn. -Daddy!Eris x reader - told from the perspective of y/n spying on Eris and the babe - (fluff)
Solstice Specials:
From This Day Until Our Last - Azriel and Lyria - fluff and smut - what do you buy the male who says he has everything he could ever want?
For Rich or For Poor - Rhys and Rhiannon - Rhiannon and Rhys struggle with finding each other the perfect solstice gift NSFW
Pack Mentality- Eris and Amelia - fluff - it's an Autumn Court tradition for males to present their mates with a kit, and Amelia just wants to gift Eris something he struggled to walk away from.
The First Noel - Rhys and Aelia - angst to fluff- Rhysand knew he could never live up to the standards the Winter Court had for Solstice. But it's the thought that counts, right?
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