#high gladiatrix
nockergeek · 2 years
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Just finished up some Daughters of Khaine: a High Gladiatrix, Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven, and some Blood Sisters and Blood Stalkers.
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stylesispunk · 2 months
Blades of Fate
marcus Acacius x f!reader / lucius x f!reader
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Summary: Lucius and you are celebrated champions of the arena, each with their own unique force. Marcus Acacius returning from a victorious campaign, attends a grand gladiatorial event where he witnesses your bravery firsthand and something about you captivates him.
w.c: 4,4k
warnings: messy writing, angst, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, and mentions of arranged marriage, tension
a/n: okay, I had two days off from work and I still have post london depression, but I finally wrote something and I had no idea what the plot of this was or is, but I was dying for writing something about this two characters and I out them both here. Okay I have no idea what plot gladiator II will follow so this is the only thing that came to my mind. Perhaps some events or details of the story will not fit with the history events of the Roman empire and gladiators, but still this is just for fun. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. I hope you like it and have fun reading 💌.
dividers by: @/saradika-graphics
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The sun hung high in the Roman sky, casting golden rays over the Colosseum's colossal structure. The massive stone amphitheater, a testament to Roman engineering and grandeur, was alive with the roar of the crowd. Citizens from all walks of life, from the lowly plebeians to the esteemed senators, filled the seats, their cheers and shouts blending into a symphony of anticipation.
The blood of past battles stained the sand in the heart of the arena, a silent witness to the countless lives lost for entertainment. Today, the atmosphere was electric with excitement, for the arena was set to witness a spectacle unlike any other. The gates on either end of the battleground creaked open, and out stepped two of Rome's most revered gladiators.
Lucius, tall and muscular, with a presence that commanded respect, raised his sword to the cheering masses. His sharp and focused eyes scanned the crowd before settling on his partner. You, a gladiatrix of unparalleled skill, moved with a grace that belied the brutality of your fate, matching the rage of your lover. Your lithe form was clad in leather armor, and your hair was braided back to reveal a face marked by determination and a fierce will to survive.
Seeing a woman fight wasn’t something common, but you had won your respect and reputation, and besides Lucius, you had become nothing but stronger, a team, as the two champions you were destined to be.
A hush fell over the Colosseum. The only sound was the distant call of a hawk, circling high above, as if it too were a spectator. Then, with a sudden crash, the gates on the opposite end burst open, and their opponents emerged—a team of seasoned warriors, each one a formidable foe.
The only sound was the distant call of a hawk, circling high above, as if it too were a spectator. Then, with a sudden crash, the gates on the opposite end burst open, and their opponents emerged—a team of seasoned warriors, each one a formidable foe, determined to bring down the beloved gladiators.
The battle began with a clash of steel and a flurry of movement. Lucius and you fought with seamless coordination; your movements synchronized as if you were one entity. Lucius's strength and brute force were complemented perfectly by your agility and precision. The two of you moved through your opponents like a tempest, leaving a trail of fallen adversaries in your wake.
High above, in the VIP stands, General Marcus Acacius watched intently. His stern face, weathered by years of warfare and command, betrayed no emotion. Known for his ruthless efficiency and strategic brilliance, Marcus had seen countless battles, but there was something about these two gladiators that intrigued him. Your skill was undeniable, but it was your unspoken bond, your mutual trust and respect, that caught his attention.
As the last of your opponent’s fell, the crowd erupted in deafening applause. Lucius and you stood victorious, your chests heaving from exertion, but your eyes were sharp and alert. You raised your weapons in salute to the crowd and then, as one, turned your gaze towards Marcus.
From his seat, Marcus leaned forward slightly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Arrange for a private meeting," he instructed his aide, his voice carrying the weight of command. "I want to see if their skills match their reputation."
The aide nodded and hurried off, while Marcus's gaze remained fixed on the two of you. There was something about you both—a spark that he couldn't quite place. He intended to find out what it was and how it could serve his own purposes.
As you and Lucius exited the arena, you exchanged a smile. Another victory, another day of survival in a world you didn’t choose but were destined to be part of. You reached out, gently touching his arm. “We are a team,” you said, trying to convince yourself that the love you had for him was bigger than the exhaustion you felt.
Lucius looked down at your hand on his arm, then back at you. “Yes, Dulcissima,” he said softly. He closed his eyes; there was a sort of pain evident on his face. “But I want us to be free from all of this," he admitted.
He opened his eyes, searching for yours once more. The anger had faded, replaced by a deep sorrow. "Dulcissima,” the nickname, slipped from his lips once again. “I want us to get married, and I want to make you happy.”
You stared at him in disbelief, the weight of his words sinking in. “Lucius,” you whispered, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions.
Lucius took your hand in his; his grip was firm yet tender. "I’ve been thinking about this for a long time," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Every time we step into that arena, I fear it might be our last. I don’t want to lose you, not without having truly lived with you."
Your heart ached at his words. You had always known the dangers of your life as a gladiatrix, but hearing Lucius speak so openly about his fears brought a new depth to your own anxieties. "I want that too, Lucius," you replied, your voice trembling with emotion. "But how can we ever be free?"
Lucius's eyes darkened with determination. "We’ll find a way. There has to be more to life than this constant struggle. We’ll fight for our freedom together."
Before you could respond, a group of soldiers approached, their stern faces in stark contrast to the celebration that surrounded you. The leader, a tall centurion with a scar running down his cheek, addressed you both. "General Marcus Acacius has requested your presence for a private meeting. Follow us."
You and Lucius exchanged a quick glance, both sensing the gravity of the situation. With a nod, you followed the soldiers through the winding corridors of the Colosseum, your minds racing with thoughts of what the general might want.
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The soldiers led you to a grand chamber within the Colosseum, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and bronze statues of Rome’s greatest heroes. General Marcus Acacius stood near a large table, studying a map spread out before him. As you entered, he looked up, his eyes locking onto yours with keen intensity.
"Welcome," Marcus said, his voice smooth and commanding. "I wanted to speak with you both personally. Your performance in the arena today was nothing short of extraordinary."
"Thank you, General," Lucius replied, his tone respectful but guarded.
Marcus nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "And honor Rome you have. But I sense that there’s more to your partnership than just skill and survival. There’s a deeper connection, one that could be of great use."
You felt a chill run down your spine at his words. "What do you mean, General?" you asked cautiously.
Marcus leaned forward, his eyes piercing. "I’m offering you an opportunity—a chance to fight for something greater than yourselves. To serve Rome in a way that could ultimately lead to your freedom."
Lucius’s grip on your hand tightened slightly. "We’re listening," he said, his voice steady.
Marcus gestured to the map on the table. "Rome is expanding, but with that expansion comes the need for strong, capable leaders. I believe the two of you could be valuable assets in securing our borders and maintaining order. Prove yourselves in the upcoming challenge, and I’ll ensure that your skills are recognized. There could be a future for you beyond the arena, one where you have a say in your own destiny." He paused. "However," he continued, a glint of challenge in his eyes, "I propose a new test of their mettle. A special event, where our gladiatrix will face my finest soldiers in a mock battle."
A murmur of excitement rippled through the hall. You felt a surge of determination at the general's words. This was more than a mere challenge; it was an opportunity to prove yourself further in the eyes of Rome and its most powerful figures.
You stepped forward, your voice clear and resolute. "I accept your challenge, General. I will show you and all of Rome what a true gladiator is capable of."
Marcus nodded, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Very well. The event will be held in two days' time. May the gods favor the brave."
Lucius, standing beside you, gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "We’ve faced worse," he whispered. "You’ll show them all."
Your heart raced at the prospect. Could this be the chance you and Lucius have been longing for? Is there a way to escape the bloodshed and find a life together, free from the chains of the Colosseum?
"We’ll do it," you said firmly, meeting Marcus’s gaze with unwavering resolve. "We’ll prove ourselves."
Marcus’s smile widened; satisfaction was evident in his eyes. "Good. The challenge will take place in two days. Prepare yourselves, and may the gods be with you."
As the banquet continued, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this challenge was more than just a test of skill. It was a pivotal moment, one that could alter the course of your life and your bond with Lucius. And in the shadows, the ever-watchful eyes of Marcus Acacius followed your every move, already plotting the next step in his intricate game.
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The next two days were a blur of intense preparation. You and Lucius trained tirelessly, refining your techniques and strategizing for the upcoming mock battle. The anticipation in the air was palpable, both among the gladiators and the spectators who eagerly awaited the spectacle.
On the morning of the event, the Colosseum was packed with spectators, their cheers echoing through the grand structure. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the excitement of the unknown. This was no ordinary battle; it was a test that would determine your fate and perhaps even reshape your destiny.
Marcus stood on a platform overlooking the arena, his presence commanding respect. He raised his hand, signaling for silence. "Today, we witness a display of courage, skill, and determination," he announced, his voice carrying across the Colosseum. "Our gladiatrix will face my finest soldiers in a test of strength and strategy. Let the battle begin!"
The gates creaked open, and you stepped into the arena, your heart pounding with a mix of nerves and adrenaline. Across from you stood Marcus’s elite soldiers, their expressions hard and focused. You glanced at Lucius, who stood at the edge of the arena, his eyes locked onto yours with unwavering support.
"Together," you whispered to yourself, drawing strength from the bond you shared with Lucius.
The clash of steel rang out as the battle commenced, a whirlwind of movement and noise. You moved with a grace and ferocity that left your opponents reeling; your every strike was precise and powerful. Despite the odds, you fought with everything you had, driven by the desire for freedom and a future with Lucius.
As the battle raged on, you felt a surge of energy, pushing yourself beyond your limits. You danced around your opponents, using your agility and speed to outmaneuver them. The crowd's cheers grew louder with each successful strike, their excitement fueling your resolve.
Finally, as the last soldier fell, a hush descended over the arena. You stood victorious, your chest heaving, your body bruised and battered but unbroken. The crowd erupted in applause; their cheers were a testament to your triumph.
Marcus descended from the platform, his eyes filled with admiration and something else—something deeper. "You have proven yourself today," he said, his voice carrying a note of respect. "Your skills and determination are unmatched. You are a true warrior."
You nodded, the weight of his words sinking in. "Thank you, General," you replied, your voice steady despite the exhaustion.
Lucius rushed to your side, his eyes filled with pride and relief. "You did it," he whispered, pulling you into a tight embrace. "I knew you would."
As you stood there, basking in the glow of victory, Marcus stepped closer, his gaze intense. "There is more to this than just a test of skill," he said quietly. "I see potential in you—a potential that could change the course of our future."
You looked at him, curiosity and apprehension swirling within you. "What do you mean?"
Marcus smiled a hint of mystery in his eyes. "All in due time. For now, rest and recover. We will speak again soon."
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In the days that followed, you and Lucius were treated with newfound respect and admiration. The other gladiators looked up to you, and the soldiers who had once seen you as mere entertainment now saw you as formidable warriors. Yet, despite the praise and the promise of a brighter future, a sense of unease lingered in the air.
One evening, as you were returning to your quarters after another grueling day of training, a sudden commotion caught your attention. The sound of clashing steel and muffled shouts echoed through the corridors. You hurried towards the source of the disturbance, your heart pounding with a sense of impending danger.
As you rounded a corner, you were met with a chilling sight. Lucius was engaged in a fierce battle with a group of unknown assailants. His movements were swift and deadly, but he was outnumbered. Without a second thought, you drew your weapon and rushed to his aid, your determination burning brighter than ever.
Despite your best efforts, the sheer number of attackers overwhelmed you. You fought valiantly, but the odds were stacked against you. A sharp pain exploded in your side as one of the assailants landed a brutal blow, and you fell to your knees, your vision blurring.
Lucius's voice echoed in your ears, filled with desperation. "No! Leave her alone!" But his cries were in vain. The attackers overpowered him, and as darkness closed in, you felt yourself being dragged away.
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When you awoke, you found yourself in a dimly lit cell, your hands bound with a rough rope. The cold stone walls pressed in around you, and the air was thick with the scent of dampness and decay. You struggled against your restraints, but they held firm.
Footsteps echoed down the corridor, growing louder with each passing second. The door to your cell creaked open, and Marcus stepped inside, his expression unreadable.
"You’re awake," he said quietly, his voice carrying a note of regret.
"Why?" you demanded, your voice hoarse. "Why did you do this?"
Marcus sighed, his eyes dark with emotion. "It wasn’t supposed to be like this," he said, stepping closer. "But there are forces at play here that even I cannot control. I had to act quickly to protect you."
"Protect me?" You spat, your anger flaring. "By taking me hostage?"
He knelt beside you, his gaze earnest. "Yes," he said softly. "There are those who see you as a threat and who would stop at nothing to eliminate you. I couldn’t let that happen. This was the only way to keep you safe."
You stared at him, your mind racing. "And what about Lucius? What have you done to him?"
Marcus’s expression tightened. "He’s unharmed for now. But there are conditions. You must stay here, cooperate with me, and in return, he will be spared."
Your heart ached with the weight of his words. The future you had envisioned with Lucius seemed to slip further away with each passing moment. "What do you want from me?" you asked, your voice trembling.
"I want you to trust me," Marcus said, his tone sincere. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I need you to believe that I’m doing this for the greater good. Together, we can change the course of history."
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit. Instead, you found only a deep, unyielding resolve. Despite your anger and fear, a part of you wanted to believe him and trust that he had your best interests at heart.
"I’ll cooperate," you said finally, your voice steady. "But if anything happens to Lucius, I swear I will make you pay."
Marcus nodded, a flicker of relief crossing his features. "You have my word," he said. "Lucius will be safe.
The next evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the cell, Marcus arrived with a tray of food. He set it down on a small table and took a seat across from you. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice gentle.
You shrugged, picking at the food. "As well as one can feel in captivity," you replied, a hint of bitterness in your tone.
Marcus sighed. "I understand your frustration," he said. "But believe me, this is the only way to ensure your safety."
You looked up at him, your eyes searching for his. "And what about Lucius? How long do you intend to keep us apart?"
"Until it’s safe," he answered, his gaze unwavering. "There are those who would see you both dead. I need to neutralize that threat before I can reunite you."
You frowned, the weight of his words sinking in. "And how do I know I can trust you?"
“Because I wouldn’t hurt you,” he said, leaning forward towards you, his expression earnest. "I have given you my word. I will do everything in my power to protect you.”
“And Lucius,” you said.
“I don’t care about Lucius.” He confessed, “But if you ask me to protect him, I will.”
You recoiled slightly at Marcus's confession, his words echoing in your mind. "You don’t care about Lucius?" You repeated it, disbelief coloring your tone.
Marcus hesitated, his gaze dropping for a moment before meeting yours again. "Not in the same way I care about you," he admitted quietly. "But I understand how important he is to you. If protecting him means protecting you, then I will do it."
You took a deep breath, trying to process the storm of emotions swirling within you. Marcus’s honesty was unexpected, and it stirred something in you, something you could decipher.
"I appreciate your honesty," you said finally, your voice steady despite the turmoil in your heart. "But my loyalty lies with Lucius. He’s... he’s a part of me."
Marcus nodded slowly, his expression somber. "I understand," he said softly.
You looked your gaze with his; an electric feeling passed through the both of you, but you ignored it, not wanting to commit treason towards Lucius.
“I don’t like this life, you know?” Marcus began, his voice carrying the weight of the weariness of years and sincerity. He leaned forward slightly, his gaze searching yours as if seeking understanding.
You nodded slowly, feeling a surge of empathy for the man before you, the man who seemed to be different from his strong exterior. "I can imagine," you replied softly. "The burden of command, the weight of decisions that affect so many lives..."
Marcus sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping slightly. "It’s not just that," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I’ve seen too much bloodshed, too much senseless violence. In these gladiatorial games, they glorify death while the people cheer on."
His words resonated deeply with you, stirring up memories of battles fought and lives lost in the name of entertainment. "I never wanted to be a fighter," you confessed quietly. "I wanted... I wanted a life of peace, of freedom."
Marcus’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing between you. "Yet here we are,” he murmured. “Bound by duty, by the expectations of others.”
You nodded, the weight of shared experience forging a fragile bond between you.
"I’ve spent my life in service to Rome, sacrificing countless lives for its glory. But lately, I find myself questioning the cost."
You nodded slowly, sensing the weight of his words. "I understand," you said quietly. "I’ve felt that way too, at times. I never wanted to be what I am now—to live and die by the sword. But I grew up with Lucius, and we shared the same resentment and anger at the hand life dealt me."
Marcus’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing between you. "We’re more alike than you realize," he murmured. ”
"I never imagined my life would turn out like this," you admitted, a pang of vulnerability in your voice. "But every battle, every victory—it’s shaped who I am."
Marcus reached across the table, his hand resting gently on yours. "You’re stronger than you know," he said earnestly. "And you deserve more than the chains of the Colosseum."
You met his gaze, seeing a depth of compassion and empathy that surprised you. "What about that?" you asked softly. "What do I deserve?"
“To be caressed and protected,” he replied, not taking his eyes from yours.
His words stirred something deep within you—a yearning for tenderness and safety amidst the chaos of your existence. "And you?" you pressed gently, your heart racing with uncertainty and anticipation.
Marcus’s expression softened further, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his features. "To find redemption," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "To make amends for the lives I’ve sacrificed.”
You nodded slowly, the weight of his confession settling between you. "We both seek something more," you said softly, reaching to cover his hand with yours. "Perhaps we can find it."
The touch of your hands and the electricity were enough to make you guilty of sin.
"One of my men has uncovered a plot against you," Marcus confessed while holding your hand. "There are those who believe you and Lucius pose a threat to the stability of Rome. They’re planning an attack."
You drew in a sharp breath, the weight of his words settling heavily in your chest. "Who would want to harm us?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern and disbelief.
Marcus shook his head grimly. "Enemies within the Senate, rivals who see you as a symbol of defiance," he explained. "They fear the influence you hold over the people, over the rebels.”
You glanced at him, a mixture of fear and gratitude swirling within you. "What do I do?" you asked quietly, realizing the gravity of the situation.
Marcus’s gaze hardened, a flicker of determination crossing his features.
"What do you propose?" you asked, a sense of foreboding creeping over you.
Marcus took a deep breath, meeting your gaze with resolve. "An arranged marriage," he said quietly. "Between you and me."
You stared at him, stunned. "What?”
"Think about it," Marcus said, shifting closer. "As my wife, you would have the protection of my name and my position. It would make it much harder for our enemies to harm you. And it would give us the legitimacy and power we need to navigate the political landscape of Rome."
"But what about Lucius?" you demanded, your heart aching at the thought of betraying him.
"I would ensure his safety," Marcus promised. "He would be free, and you could see him. But we must present a united front to the world. This is the only way."
You turned away, struggling with your emotions. The thought of marrying Marcus, despite your growing bond, felt like a betrayal to Lucius. Yet, the logic of Marcus’s proposal was undeniable.
"Please, think about it," Marcus said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.
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You spent the night wrestling with conflicting emotions, torn between loyalty to Lucius and the pragmatism of Marcus's proposal. As dawn broke, you found yourself standing before Marcus once more, a decision forming in your mind.
"I've thought about it," you began slowly, meeting Marcus's intense gaze with determination. "I... I agree."
Marcus's expression softened with relief, yet he remained composed. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice laced with concern for your well-being.
You nodded, steeling yourself against the ache in your heart. "Yes. It's the best way to protect both of us, and Lucius too. We need to do this."
A weight seemed to lift from Marcus's shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you," he murmured, stepping closer to take your hands in his. "You won't regret this. I'll make sure to be the best husband.”
As Marcus took your hands in his, a sense of finality settled over you. The decision was made, driven by a combination of necessity and the undeniable connection you felt with him. Despite the pang of guilt for Lucius, you knew this was a path you had chosen for the safety and future stability it promised.
"I need you to know that my heart belongs to Lucius," you replied softly, meeting Marcus's earnest gaze. "But I’ll believe you’ll prove me right."
A faint smile touched Marcus's lips; relief and determination shone in his eyes. "We'll face this together," he said, his voice steady with conviction. "I'll ensure that you're protected and that we navigate these turbulent times with strength and unity."
Marcus nodded solemnly, his gaze unwavering as he listened to your heartfelt confession. "I understand," he replied softly, his voice tinged with both acceptance and a hint of sadness. "I will do everything in my power to earn your trust and respect."
You felt a surge of gratitude towards Marcus, appreciating his understanding despite the complex emotions involved. "Thank you," you murmured, squeezing his hands gently. "For being so understanding."
A sense of mutual respect and determination filled the space between you, a silent agreement to face the challenges ahead. Marcus's commitment to protect you and navigate the political intricacies of Rome gave you a measure of reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.
"We'll announce our intentions and make preparations," Marcus continued, his voice regaining its usual resolve. "Our marriage will be more than just a shield; it will be a symbol of unity and strength."
As you nodded in agreement, a sense of resolve settled within you. Despite your heart belonging to Lucius, you knew that this alliance with Marcus was necessary.
When Marcus left your side, you looked up at the sky, promising heaven and God that Lucius would be your only love, just as the weight of your decision settled in your chest—a blend of duty and sacrifice for a greater cause—for your freedom. Despite the practicality of your alliance with Marcus, your heart still yearned for Lucius, a truth you held onto in the quiet moments.
Unbeknownst to you, Marcus observed you from a distance, his gaze fixed on you with a newfound sense of purpose. As he watched you under the vast Roman sky, a resolve hardened within him. He had made a commitment to protect you, but now he harbored a deeper ambition—to win your heart.
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asexxxualerotica · 1 day
OC Muse List
~Dungeons & Dragons Muses~
Asterion Labrynthia: Minotaur prince in banishment from his kingdom. Quiet and gentle despite the great power and strength he wields. On a path of vengeance to avenge his killed parents.
Branwen Black: Ranger from the far north, raised and taught by an elite squad of mercenaries and huntsmen known as the Blackguard. Has a strangely innate connection to ravens and wolves.
Clover Brandyburke: Lagomore knight in service to a powerful archfey. On a quest to avenge his honor after his fiance left him on the altar. Serious and severe, and also naive to the mortal world.
Dariax Dendarrow: Goliath former bandit chief, abandoned after a disgraceful defeat to a young adventurer. Seeking to grow stronger to challenge the young adventurer again and defeat him.
The Devils of Emon: Based out of the Exandrian city of Emon, a band of adventurers named such for the surprisingly high number of tieflings in their crew.
Aquamarine: Tiefling rogue with ambitions to be the best thief in the region. Came to Emon and was immediately arrested for pickpocketing. Has an affinity for gems and trinkets.
Gamora Great-Bear: Orc warrior woman on a mission to find love, but just finding powerful monsters to defeat. Was similarly arrested, this time for exhibitionism, which she will do again.
Jeanne Ironwood: Woman driven by losses in her childhood to dragons. Trained by Percy DeRolo as an expert gunslinger and markswoman, and known for her cold and calculating demeanor.
Kyrie Targana: Tiefling performer who lost her arms to an abusive slaver. Was previously in a circus troupe with Omega and Thorne, and is now in a romantic relationship with Scourge.
Omega: Tiefling magician in a heated relationship with his succubus patron. Younger brother of Thorne. Definitely the most problem-attracting member of the crew.
Captain Scourge Maelstrom: Tiefling pirate captain and champion of the seas. Unofficial leader of the Devils, and the founding member. Captain of The Sea Devil, and tends to stay on his ship.
Thorne: Tiefling brawler known for getting drunk and getting into fights. Older brother of Omega. The most bristly member of the crew, often gets into fights with Jeanne late into the night.
Varris Alwyn: Tiefling warrior in loyal service to the Everlight. Seemingly ageless, and has a constant bet in the background by the rest of the Devils over whether he's really a dragon or an angel.
Verdant Wilde: Tiefling huntsman trained personally by Vex'ahlia DeRolo. Sent to Emon to keep an eye on things in Greystone Keep. Ended up forming a new adventuring crew alongside Jeanne.
Galatea the Golden-Scaled: Gladiatrix known for her gleaming golden battlekini. Left her life in the arena after repelling a raid on the city, seeing she could set out and do good elsewhere.
Jade Higurashi: Tiefling monk who was previously training to become a powerful sage for a local temple. After being thrown out, she turned to drinking and fighting to fill the gap they left.
Jaerik Aldraeyds: Changeling on a mission to find her true father in the Feywild. Unfortunately, her own naturally high libido and trend for falling to her enemy's lusts has delayed her quest incredibly.
Khadamori the Unbroken: Ulitharid warrior who was held in bondage by his own kin for most of his life. Eventually broke free and became a liberation leader, fighting to free slaves throughout the Underdark.
Korrin Vasailiis: Elven sorceress who made a deal with a demon to survive a horrible fate, and became a vampire in the process. Now on a quest to find new purpose, as her life is even longer than expected.
Lorelei Astolas: Tiefling lady of the night based out of Emon, a long-time rival and long-distance friend of the Ruby of the Sea. Known similarly as the Lady of Pearls for her pearlescent skintone.
Peregrine Weis: Tiefling warrior woman who was once a faithful weapon for a zealous church, but left when they murdered her wife. Now trying to make up for her loss, and find who she is without faith.
Terra Verdell: Wood elven druid who has never lived in high society and wants to experience all that she can of it. Left her home in the forests to seek fun. Has found plenty by way of encounters with monsters along the way.
Twilight Obsidia: Tiefling from the Shadowfell who left her abusive family to seek a better life. Currently trying to live her life as a witch in the woods, doing good for the locals and farmers.
Variax Frosthollow: White dragonborn warrior, strongest in his clan, with a destiny to become a true dragon. Was the son of a dragon himself, but was only a dragonborn rather than his true heir.
Velvetina Gingersnaps: Lagomore witch from the Feywild with a desire to see the world. Also with a desire to avoid all of the felonies and fines waiting for her in the Feywild for her past antics.
Wilder Evergreen: Tiefling-orc huntsman with a bone to pick with an archfey. Grew up in woods that neighbored the Feywild, and his sisters were taken when wandering in them. Out for blood.
Willow Wellmeadow: Lagomore druid settled in the mortal plane. Protector of the dense woodlands and warden of a portal to the Feywild. Tends to be kind and welcoming to visitors.
Xakos Duskwalker: Half-orc gunslinger and gunmaker. Studied in ancient artificing and restoration of mythical mechanisms. Had his research stolen and spread out, and is out to take it back.
Yora Vor'ziira: Dark elf rogue who was kept as a slave by her own kind and forced to fight in bloody combats. Was eventually helped free by a human slave, and now wanders the surface world seeking a home.
Zhekhar O'Shevaqt: Efreet lord, master of slaves and of coin in the City of Brass. Known for being incredibly charismatic and devilishly handsome. Also known for spoiling his toys utterly rotten.
Zurrak Hellbellows: Red Dragon, often in a human guise. Considered the King of Dragons, and reigns from a long-dormant volcano he has fashioned into a castle. Intent on conquest, and claiming more wealth.
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trashpoppaea · 1 year
ancient historical romance recs
for @en-theos and @marcvscicero
I have some ancient HR recommendations!
{Enchanted Fire by Roberta Gellis} This is a historical fantasy romance, about Orpheus and Eurydice in an alternate ancient Greece where the Greek gods are actually powerful mages, but I love it to pieces. Literally. My hard copy is falling into bits at this very moment.
{Render Unto Caesar by Gillian Bradshaw} This is more of a historical thriller than true historical romance, but there is an HEA and a smidgen of sex too. It's about an Alexandrian Greek merchant searching for justice in Imperial Rome, and the Celtic gladiatrix who becomes his bodyguard. It's SO GOOD.
{The Ravishers by Jeanne Duval} (archive.org link) This is definitely an old-school bodice-ripping epic, by gothic author Virginia Coffman. Our heroine, the half Greek half Gallic Lysandra, is sold into palace slavery, whereupon she becomes the mistress of Nero, Galba and Domitian, while still pining for General Maximian. There's plots and palace intrigue aplenty. Also Vesuvius blows up!
{Claimed by the Enemy by Shauna Roberts} A farmboy and a princess find love in war-torn Sumeria. There's not much sex that I remember, but lots of action and it's emotionally very gripping. It is also very accurate from what I can tell.
Render unto Caesar and Claimed by the Enemy have a high degree of historical accuracy, while the others are.... fine? At least there's no oranges, like this one historical romance set in ancient Etruria I just read. And nobody converts to Christianity. IMO they're a lot of fun.
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gray-dun · 11 months
Friend I haven't spoken to in years: "I see your painting AoS minis. Here is an hour long essay about how Fanstay is better then AoS in every way and you are wrong for playing it. Welcome to my ted talk" Me painting High Gladiatrix: "Daughters of Khaine go Brrr"
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I already showed this off to anyone who would care IRL so now I'm inflicting it on the internet.
Really happy with how my High Gladiatrix came out and can't wait to get more witches and probably khinerai to go with her.
Also the metal bits are GSW chameleon colours and oh my god they're so good.
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The Warm-Up 3: Pro Wrestling GRIND “Masters Of Reality”- 4/28/2023
“The Human Monster Truck” Perry Von Vicious (7-7) vs. Bryce Donovan (0-0) Perry Last 3: Derek Neal d. Perry Von Vicious - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Perry Von Vicious d. Ryan Galeone - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Perry Von Vicious d. WARHORSE - All We Are - 12/31/2022 Bryce Last 3: Shook Crew d. Mane Event - Celebration Day - 10/28/2022 Rip & WARHORSE d. Shook Crew - Fear Of The Dark - 9/4/2022 Jay Freddie & The Saito Brothers d. Shook Crew & Dante Drago - Come & Get It - 5/27/2022 Just as Bobby Orlando vs Ryan Mooney will be a clash of speed kings, Bryce Donovan vs Perry Von Vicious is a test of all-rounded might.  Both stand at well over 6 feet and yet are not afraid to take to the skies or grit their teeth and slug it out.  Perry looks to avenge a Rip Byson singles loss to Bryce from Blitzkrieg Pro years back, while Bryce would make a thunderous statement in taking down a Day 1 GRINDer in his singles debut. Will Perry take his first step back towards Grand Championship contention?  Can Bryce topple the Human Monster Truck or will Perry roar to victory?! “Uptown” Andy Brown (2-2) vs. Griffin McCoy (0-0) Andy Last 3: Andy Brown d. Brandon Williams - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Andy Brown d. Danny Miles - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Perry Von Vicious d. Andy Brown - Sinister Urge - 12/2/2022 Rising stars in the tri-state area set for a first-time ever collision as the surging Andy Brown takes on the debuting Griffin McCoy.  Both west coast imports are well-rounded and battle-tested strikers that can shift phases by the second.  Can Big Griff capture the ever-elusive debut GRIND victory or will Andy Brown make it 3 in a row and possibly cement himself as the next GRIND Grand Championship contender? “God Queen” Delmi Exo (6-3) vs. “Courageous” Christina Marie (0-0) Delmi Last 3: B3CCA d. Delmi Exo - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Delmi Exo d. Jac St. Jean - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Emi Sakura d. Delmi Exo - All We Are - 12/31/2022 “The God Queen” Delmi Exo welcomes a new gladiatrix to the Emerald Ring in the form of the powerful “Courageous” Christina Marie.  Christina has competed all across the Northeast and is no stranger to high-pressure debuts, while Delmi looks to bounce back from a loss to International Pop Sensation B3CCA and rise to the top 5 of the GRIND Singles Rankings.  Will Christina succeed where so many other warriors have failed and notch a successful debut against the matriarch of GRIND?  Or will the Rise of the God Queen continue?! “The Goatest Of All Time” Bobby Orlando (0-0) vs. “Rabid” Ryan Mooney (6-4) Bobby Last 3:  Shook Crew d. Mane Event - Celebration Day - 10/28/2022 Rip & WARHORSE d. Shook Crew - Fear Of The Dark - 9/4/2022 Jay Freddie & The Saito Brothers d. Shook Crew & Dante Drago - Come & Get It - 5/27/2022 Mooney Last 3:  Ryan Mooney d. Ichiban - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Anthony Henry d. Ryan Mooney - All We Are - 12/31/2022 Jay Freddie d. Ryan Mooney - Electric Crown - 9/30/2022 Tri-state junior gods collide as one of the longest reigning singles champions in New England wrestling history in Bobby Orlando makes his singles debut against GRIND mainstay “The Rabid Honey Badger” Ryan Mooney!  Mooney came very close to tasting singles gold of his own in the Emerald 12, beating Alec Price and Rip Byson before falling to Jay Freddie in the semifinals, and looks to build on his recent victory over Ichiban.  Will the Shook Crew go 2 for 2 in singles debuts?  Is The GOATest Of All Time on the cusp of starting another legendary singles tear?! Or will Ryan Mooney make it two straight in his neverending quest to mark GRIND as Honey Badger Territory?! A-GAME/SKYROS II “Moonlight Son” Mike Skyros (3-3) vs. “A-Game” Joseph Alexander (3-4) Skyros Last 3: Mike Skyros d. Ryan Clancy - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Mane Event d. Moonlight Hornets - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Mike Skyros d. JD Drake - All We Are - 12/31/2022 A-Game Last 3: Joseph Alexander d. Rip Byson - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Manders d. Joseph Alexander - Sinister Urge - 12/2/2022 Joseph Alexander d. Nolo Kitano - Celebration Day - 10/28/2022 Our first of two rematches on the evening is from July 2022 at “Doctor Doctor,” a night where Joseph Alexander captured his first victory at GRIND at the expense of the at-the-time also-winless Mike Skyros.  This time around, this is a Mike Skyros who has since found victory in 2 of his last 3 contests, and notably 3 of his last 3 singles contests.  A-Game has also been victorious in 2 of his last 3 contests, and now both combatants are on the cusp of Grand Championship contention.  Who walks out the winner in A-Game/Skyros II?! STRAP MATCH “Iron” Rip Byson (8-4-1) vs. “King’s Road Slayer” Derek Neal (1-0-1) Rip Last 3: Joseph Alexander d. Rip Byson - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Rip Byson d. ZPB - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Gary Jay d. Rip Byson - All We Are - 12/31/2022 Derek Last 2:  Derek Neal d. Perry Von Vicious - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Derek Neal nc. Rip Byson - Come & Get It - 5/27/2022 The two most decorated Strap Match participants going today lock horns with an endless amount of bad blood between them.  Just as Perry looks to avenge a Ripper loss to Bryce Donovan from Blitzkrieg Pro years ago, Ripper looks to avenge Perry’s loss to Derek Neal last time around at Stiff Upper Lip.  This only stokes the fire that started at Come & Get It nearly a year ago when the first singles bout between The King’s Road Slayer and Easthampton’s Iron Horse went to a no-contest after the referee attempted to assert some order and received a pair of fists for his trouble.  Who will survive what is certain to be one of the most ferocious battles in GRIND history?! GRIND GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP (V5) Anthony Henry (3-0) vs. “Blue Thunder” Jay Freddie (12-1) (c) Henry Last 3:  Anthony Henry d. Ryan Mooney - All We Are - 12/31/2022 Anthony Henry d. Alec Price - Celebration Day - 10/28/2022 Anthony Henry d. Travis Huckabee - Doctor Doctor - 7/1/2022 Freddie Last 3:  Jay Freddie d. Channing Thomas (V4) - Stiff Upper Lip - 3/24/2023 Jay Freddie d. Bryan Keith (V3) - Overkill 2023 - 2/24/2023 Jay Freddie d. O’Shay Edwards (V2) - All We Are - 12/31/2022 The time has come.  Champion and challenger have been on a collision course since Jay Freddie toppled Anthony Henry’s partner JD Drake at Overkill in January 2022.  And now the stakes are infinitely higher as the Grandest Prize in GRIND hangs in the balance.  The series is split between the two, Henry got the victory in their singles encounter at Limitless “Hysteria” while Freddie & John Silver defeated The Workhorsemen at “Only Fools Are Satisfied.”  But this will be the first time they’ve touched in over 5 years, and each are far better versions now of the wrestlers they were then.  Can Jay Freddie make a successful 5th defense on his 6 month anniversary as champion or will Anthony Henry cap off his 10 month journey to the top contender’s slot as the 2nd GRIND Grand Champion? See you Friday in Easthampton! - JT
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Gladiatrix by Katrina Roman
Escape from the Lion’s Den #1

What would you do to survive? Would you rely on family, friends, faith…or yourself? Would you be one at the top or bottom of societies ladder or perhaps in the middle…or…might you find yourself outside on the fringes?

What I liked:
* Reading a debut author’s work that made me think, care, and wonder…about many things
* The plot, pacing, setting, mythology, character development, and story projection
* Danyka “Dany” Ren: survivor, fighter, strong, resilient, trains hard, has a temper, bright, protective, seems conflicted and a bit broken/damaged at times, doing the best she can with what she has, has dreams for her future, gladiatrix,
* Ailan Ren: survivor, Danyka’s twin sister, lives and works outside the vault where Dany lives,
* Isel: new face in the vault, in training as a gladiatrix, more than she appears to be, has a secret and dreams of her own
* The reason behind this apocalyptic dystopian futuristic world and the impact it has had on those who survived
* Thinking about the “what-ifs” and wondering how some ended up as they did while others walked a different path – also wondered how large population was and wanted to know more about life in this era
* The people called Salina and where they lived
* The crocodile and its power in real and mythological life
* The way death is looked at and dealt with by some of the characters
* Knowing that this is the first in a trilogy with two more books to look forward to

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* The slavery aspect and thinking about what one might be compelled to do to survive
* Thinking about those at the top of the ladder and how they seemed to focus more on their station, money, and power than on those they probably considered chattel

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars

In the year 2150, one hundred years after the end of the world, gladiatrix Danyka Ren deals in humanity’s oldest sex and violence. Danyka spends her days training in weaponry and battle strategies, and her nights fighting for supremacy in the Vault fight arena or seducing high rollers at Club Prey, both establishments owned by the eldest and most charming of the Serrano siblings, Rex Serrano an Bás. Through Rex, Danyka seeks a coveted nomination to the inter-territorial death match tournament at the quadrennial Peace Summit. Winning would guarantee Danyka the coin to buy her freedom from the Vault and any life she and her estranged twin sister, Ailan, could wish for. But when Rex betrays Danyka and a mysterious new gladiatrix-in-training, Isel, arrives, Danyka and Isel escape instead, and take Ailan with them on a run for their lives. The trio seeks asylum in the swamps with Rex’s self-exiled sibling, Callan. At first, Callan refuses to help the woman he knows as his brother’s favorite gladiatrix, but is soon won over by her unrivaled combat skills and the glimpses of her vulnerable underbelly that she hides from the rest of the world. What Callan does not know is that his refugees harbor a secret that could endanger his paradise, topple his sister’s brutal regime over the Básian territory, and revolutionize the course of the human race.

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Katerina Roman is an author, dancer, and animal lover. Her writings are inspired by real-life experience and her life-long love of fantasy romance novels. She competed in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts for ten years, and currently performs, teaches, and competes in the art of pole dancing in St. Petersburg, Florida.
When Katerina is not caught in a trance of music and movement, or hunched over her keyboard, she can be found cuddling her black cats, Vengeance and Mayhem, and her O.G. walk buddy and rescue dog, Samuel L. Jackson.
The Gladiatrix Trilogy is Katerina’s first published work.
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heroineimages · 3 years
Girl-love in Expeditions: Rome
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It’s official! Agrippina and Deineira are a couple! Romance-wise I’m pretty sure Expeditions: Rome goes by a similar formula to Exp: Vikings where there are two male and two female romantic interests, one of each of which is bisexual. The game doesn’t even give flirt options for Calida, but Agrippina has gotten to flirt with Deineira several times and they went on a date while I was playing Monday. (So it was a Valentines Day date!) Details/spoilers below the cut.
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They went on a shopping-date in a quaint little village marketplace. Agrippina talked Deineira into buying a cute necklace, and rather than try to get back to their camp after dark, they talked an older couple’s into letting them stay the night. And then they boinked each other stupid in the couple’s spare bedroom.
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A gladiatrix and a soldier woman: no question that was a pretty high-endurance night.
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noggi1980 · 2 years
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Daughters of Khaine : High Gladiatrix #ageofsigmar #miniaturepainting #warhammerpainting #warhammerfantasy #warhammer #miniature #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #aos #fantasy #miniatures #hobby #diy #paintingwarhammer #citadel #gamesworkshop #tabletopgames #tabletopminiatures #tabletop #daughtersofkhaine https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6P05stycG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Summary: Bucky finds an old ally in his time of need
Warnings: Violence, fluff, angst
Reader: Female Mutant Reader
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,293
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You hum your favorite song while dancing in the kitchen making yourself some lunch. Your dog lays by the floor while your cat sits on the counter hoping for some food. You’re just about to give into your cats pleading eyes when your dog suddenly jumps up. You turn towards him and observe his tense figure.
“What’s up, boy?” You question, walking over to the screen door leaving your sandwich vulnerable to your cat. You don’t see anything but after being around for as long as you have you can sense what’s making your dog on edge.
Reaching to the side, you hand wraps around the hilt of your short, double edged sword. Keeping your eyes trained on the tree line, you slide your arm into the leather straps of your scutum shield.
“Stay,” You order your black Molosser. He huffs obviously annoyed but listens to your order.
You slowly approach the tree line. Your trained eyes see nothing out of the ordinary but your gut tells you otherwise. You take a few steps into the woods when a bullet is fired from a gun and finds a home in the back of your shoulder. You groan stumbling a step or two forward.
Your anger begins to raise as you turn towards the shooter. In less than a minute the bullet pops out of your body and your skin reconnects. The shooter lowers his weapon a smidge taken back by the fact that your not showing more signs of pain.
A sly smirk comes to your lips as you launch your Gladius sword through the air. He drops to the ground, your sword sticking up from his forehead. You sense someone behind you and quickly turn. Your body hides behind the shield as more gunshots are fired. You back up to your sword and rip it from the corpse. 
Running towards your opponent, using your shield to cover you, you switch from defense to offence. You move the shield to the side and slide his neck open. Another man comes up behind you. You swing your shield around and knock him off his feet. You sword comes down on his neck.
You quickly hide behind the shield once more as another man shoots at you. The bullets bounce off of your shield. When you’re close enough your sword decapitate’s his head.
Once his body falls to the ground, the woods become silent once again. You scan the area around you, especially the trees. No one seems to be around but you whistle for your dog who is almost instantly by your side.
“Search,” You command. He bounces from one body to another and searches for anybody else. While he searches you inspect the closest dead body. All of them are wearing tactical armor with a familiar sigil.
Your snapped out of your thoughts by the deep barking of your dog. You’re quick to jog over to his side. What you see surprises you.
“Bucky?” You whisper. You kneel in front of his unconscious form. He looks different from the 1940′s but you know it’s him. You quickly assess his injuries and know he needs medical attention. “Carry,” You had the sword to your dog, who takes it carefully in his mouth.
Slinging Bucky’s arm over your shoulder, you haul him up. His feet drag along the ground as you take him into your home. Once he’s inside you’re sure to lock down the house, not wanting any intruders to try something stupid.
You take off his vest and shirt. You instantly notice the metal arm and the wounds on his sides. You address everything he needs fixed before cleaning up.
“What has life done to you?” You whisper to yourself. You keep watch as he sleeps. You don’t sense anybody else coming but you know that Hydra doesn’t just give up.
Bucky doesn’t wake up until late at night. It’s near midnight when he groans waking up. You grab him some water and lift his head up. He tiredly sips before pulling away. 
It takes a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Eventually, his eyes settle on you.
“Where am I?” He whispers.
“Middle of nowhere, West Virginia,” You tell him. 
“What happened?”
“Well, you were bleeding out about half a mile from here. Surrounded by Hydra soldiers,” He instantly tenses. “They’re taken care of,” You assure him.
“More will come,”
“Then we’ll take care of them,” You say, shrugging. “We’ll keep cutting off all their heads till no more wanna grow back,”
Bucky’s quiet for a couple moments.
“Do you know who I am?” You ask, curious if he remembers you.
“Y/n Y/l/n,” He states.
“You know my name... but do you know me?” You question. “We knew each other back in the day, World War Two,” You explain. “I aided you and your Howling Commando’s more than once. More recently I’ve been aiding your pal, Steve,”
“Is he here?”
“No, not entirely sure where he is at the moment,” You answer, curious as to why he seemed to relax at that thought. “Well, you have a couple broken ribs, some nasty bruises on your arm and some deep cuts. I suggest you hang out here until you can get up and moving again,”
“I’ll just put you in danger the longer I stay,” Bucky shakes his head, attempting to sit up. You press a firm hand on his shoulder.
“At this point, danger’s my middle name,” You smirk. Bucky frowns his eyebrows. “You really don’t remember much, do you?” Bucky looks away from you. “I’ve been around for a long time, trouble is going to find me whether you’re here or not,” You explain. “Get some rest. When you’re hungry, I’m in the kitchen,”
You didn’t see Bucky until well into the afternoon the next day. He doesn’t say much but you feed him and give him space.
“You said you knew me in the war... Shouldn’t you be a little older?” Bucky asks after staying with you for about a week.
“I was wondering when you’d ask,” You smirk, sitting across from him in the kitchen. “Do you know what a mutant is?” Bucky nods. “Well, that’s what I am. Immortality, a little bit of extra strength, and a kick ass healing system,”
“How long have you been around?” Bucky asks.
“Ancient Rome,” You tell him. “I was born about 50 years before Christ. I was one of the few Gladiator women. I was a high born that was sick of the politics and the parties and being told how I should live my life the proper way,”
“So, you become a Gladiator?” Bucky arches an eyebrow. You smirk.
“What better way to say ‘screw you’ to your parents than becoming a Gladiator?” Bucky smiles just a bit. “Got good quick, got famous even quicker. Next thing I know I’m not aging. I’m been in just about every war you can think of and in move trouble than you can fathom,”
“What do you do now?”
“Fight,” You shrug. “Don’t have much else. Fighting, war, it’s all I am,” You tell him softly. “It’s the only thing I’m good at, the only thing I’m useful for,” A slightly tense silence falls between the two of you. “What about you? It’s been a while since I last saw you,”
Bucky doesn’t open up right away but he gives you a short summary. Throughout his stay, he opens up more about you as he begins to trust you more. The longer he stays with you, the longer you’re able to jog his memory about the past. It’s obvious he’s experienced horrors since you last saw him.
If there’s one thing you know, it’s how the horrors of the past can haunt you. Even after all these years you’re not an expect in managing them but you try. Being a light sleeper means you wake up every time Bucky does. You’re in his room the instant you hear the screams. 
You either help coax him back to sleep or you help him stay awake. You never pressure him to tell you, you go at his pace. More often than not, he refuses to go back to sleep. So, you help him take his frustrations and fear out during sparing matches.
While you have a little bit more strength than a human, thanks to your mutation, Bucky is stronger through the serum. However, after fighting wars for the last 2,000 years, you’re more experienced and have a few more tricks up his sleeve to make the matches interesting.
After being with you for 6 months, spending the night in Bucky’s room becomes the new normal. Neither of you particularly like being alone, Bucky especially. Since you’ve practically moved into the same room, the both of you sleep better.
However, nothing good last forever, and eventually Hydra finds Bucky. The two of your work together to eliminate the threat but at the cost of your home. Knowing you need to get moving, you pack up whatever you can and move on. (Your dog and cat in tow)
By some miracle you convince Bucky to go to Steve. It only took you three month’s on the run to convince him. He was obviously nervous but you refused to leave his side.
Steve was shocked to see not only Bucky but you as well. You explain everything to Steve as Bruce looks over Bucky. Moving in with the Avenger’s wasn’t easy but you both slowly eased into the transition.
You stay by Bucky’s side the entire time. It takes him almost 6 months to slowly become unglued to your side. Once you notice him becoming more comfortable around the other’s you begin to wonder how much longer you’ll stick around.
Fighting on a team isn’t exactly your forte. You could work with a team but you knew you were better on your own. However, you just couldn’t bring yourself to leave Bucky, not until you were positive he didn’t need you anymore.
About a year after you and Bucky come to the Avenger’s, you decide it’s finally time for you to move on. Bucky’s set a routine with the group and you can’t help but to feel extremely out of place.
“Going somewhere?” You glance up and see Natasha standing in the doorway with your cat in her arms. You smirk at the sight before looking back at your packing.
“Somewhere,” You shrug a bit. “Not sure where,”
“Why leave?” Natasha asks.
“Just have too,” You tell her. “I’m not a spy, I’m not an agent, I’m a warrior with no war,” You say. “So, I’m gonna move on until I find somewhere that can use my expertise,” 
“You know, the Avenger’s do more than just spy,” Natasha says.
“This place... It isn’t more me, Nat,” You tell her. “I’m going crazy here, I gotta keep moving,”
“Have you told, Barnes?” She asks. You face falls a bit. “He’s not gonna want you to leave,”
“He’s going to be fine,” You tell her. “He’s found his place here, he’s found a family here, he’s home,”
“Are we not your family?” Natasha questions, sitting on the bed.
“I haven’t had a family since I was a little girl and even then I was out of place,” You tell her. “I’m starting to think there isn’t a place on this world for me,”
“Then go off world,” Natasha says. You arch an eyebrow. “Talk to Thor. He fights off world more than he does here. He loves listening to your stories and sparing with you. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind having you tag along with him,” You contemplate it. “And on your off time you can come here and see your boyfriend,” Natasha smirks.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” You defend.
“I didn’t say a name,” Natasha winks. “You should talk to Buck and then talk to Thor. We don’t want to lose you, you are family,” You offer a small smile and watch her leave the room, stealing your cat in the process.
“What do you think?” You sigh, glancing at your dog. He simply looks at you and huffs. “That’s what I’m saying,”
You take Natasha’s advice and talk to Thor. You barely finished your question before he was agreeing. He had expressed his want to bring you along knowing you were a fierce warrior.
“So, you’re gonna skip out of here?” Sighing, you slowly turn to Bucky.
“I’m not needed here anymore,” You tell him. “At least with Thor I’ll be of use,” Bucky smiles a bit.
“You still think you’re only good for fighting?” Bucky asks. You shrug a bit. “When are you going to learn your worth more?”
“When are you?” You shoot back. Bucky smiles, stepping closer.
“You are needed, I need you here,” Bucky tells you.
“You’re doing just fine, Buck,” You tell him. “You’re getting better, you’re with Steve, you’re home,”
“I’m home because you’re here,” He tells you. “I’ve only been able to get to this part because of you,”
“And not you’re going to have to continue without me,” 
“I don’t want too,” Bucky shakes his head.
“You’re going to have too,” You snip, walking around him. When you pass him, he grabs your arm and turns you to him. Before you can blink, his lips are pressed against yours.
“I don’t want too,” He whispers, to you. “I need you here, with me. We can make this work, just give it a chance,” He mutters, gently caressing the side of your face.
“I’m not good at this, Buck,” You tell him. “I’m only good at-”
“I know,” He nods. “But an old dog can learn some new tricks,” He shrugs. “Stay with me... Please,”
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sinistercakes · 4 years
Historical Scenario Asks
I was bored and created this little ask game.
You know the rules: reblog if you want your follows to send you asks from the words below. You answer the scenario corresponding to the word in your inbox. Or, answer the scenarios yourself. I’m not a history buff so don’t expect this to be very accurate.
Viking: It’s 865 AD. You’re a famed Norse warrior or shieldmaiden. What is your Norseman weapon of choice: Battle axe; double short axe; sword; spear; bow and arrow. And what is your moniker (in the style of Bjorn Ironside, Halfdan the Black, Eric Bloodaxe)?
Ancient Egypt: You’re a high priestess or high priest. Which goddess or god do you worship?
Roman Republic: It’s 72 BC. Spartacus is warring against Rome. Are you a member of the Rebel Slave Army or a Roman Republic soldier?
Fire: It’s around 1,000,000 years ago. Your neighbour Cronk had discovered fire. Do you revel in this amazing spectacle and experiment what happens when you hold food into this orange light, or do you keep away from this new terror and continue to chomp on raw meat in the cold?
Ghana Empire: It’s 959 AD. You’re an artisan whose goods are part of the trade that upholds the economy. What’s your craft?
Pyramid: The Great Pyramid of Giza is being built for Pharaoh Khufu. You’re the architect. How is the pyramid built?
America: You’re a Native American and it’s long before Europeans arrive on your land. Which tribe do you belong to?
Pirate: It’s the Golden Age of Piracy. You’re a pirate Captain whose ship has been captured by a rival pirate captain. They’re about to maroon you on a desert island in the middle of the Caribbean but since you’ve been a worthy rival, they’ll let you take three of your personal belongings with you. What do you choose?
Elizabethan: It’s the 1590’s. You’re a seafaring explorer and Queen Elizabeth I has funded your lastest expedition. What amazing gift from the New World do you present to the cantankerous old Queen to impress her and keep her favour?
Colosseum: You’re a renowned gladiator or gladiatrix who regularly fights in the Colosseum. Are you a beast-fighter (bestiarius), double swords fighter (dimachaerus), a fighter with a lasso and dagger (laquearius), a heavily armoured fighter with sword and shield (murmillo), or a fighter with a fishing net and trident (retiarius)?
Revolution: It’s the French Revolution. Are you nobility or revolutionary? Who have you witnessed guillotined?
Japan: It’s Feudal Japan. Are you a samurai, a ninja, or a geisha?
1666: Congratulations! You’re a Londoner who has survived both the Black Plague and The Great Fire of London. Which was worse?
Australia: It’s 1790 and you landed in Australia several days ago. What is the most terrifying animal you’ve seen thus far?
Victorian: It’s the reign of Queen Victoria. You’re an upper class lady who has been invited to a ball. Describe your lavish ball gown. Gentlemen, describe your lady’s ball gown from your perspective.
Inquisition: It’s 1480 and you’re a single, self-sufficient woman who lives on the outskirts of town. You’re probably a witch. One day, the Spanish Inquisition knocks at your door. Were you expecting them?
If you reblog, be sure to @ me and I’ll certainlyput some asks in your inbox.
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doubleattitude · 4 years
24/7 Dance Convention, Seattle, WA: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Ruby Kramer-’Let’s Hear It For The Boy’
2nd: Maylin Munos-’A Million Dreams’
3rd: Mila Dixon-’Lose You’
4th: Ella Gordon-’Bigger Is Better’
5th: Kendall Rafish-’Bigger is Better’
6th: Bria Woodhouse-’Big Noise’
6th: Kaiden Koths-’You’ve Gotta Friend In Me’
7th: Livi Hindmarsh-’Rainbow’
Mini Solo
1st: Finley Ashfield-’My Girl’
2nd: Tiara Sherman-’Cielo’
3rd: Reegan Francis-’Just A Girl’
3rd: Elliana Anbardan-’Runway Walk’
3rd: Keelyn Jones-’Slowly Fading’
4th: Jayden Van-’Champion’
4th: Grace McShane-’Forgive Me’
4th: Peyton Szuberla-’Glacier’
5th: Zaylee Watson-’Primadonna’
6th: Sophia Kim-’Hidden Within’
6th: Daphne Braun-’Solace’
6th: Lucy Cowan-’Viva La Swing’
6th: Cora Woodhouse-’Pulling On a Thread’
7th: Kendall Pearson-’Groove Is In The Heart’
7th: Oliviana Mancini-’The Phoenix’
8th: Piper Perusse-’Shake It Out’
9th: Ava Otto-’Light Sorrounds Me’
10th: Mariel Napenias-’Basic Space’
10th: Eden Utley-’If I Could’
10th: Briella Kapp-’Upside’
Junior Solo
1st: Brynn Kostka-’Answer’
2nd: Lexi Godwin-’Wave’
3rd: Olivia Shelton-’Ahead’
3rd: Kendall Jundt-’Awakening’
3rd: Riley Zeitler-’Breathe’
3rd: Brooke Toro-’From Within’
3rd: Anabel Alexander-’Plans We Made’
4th: Abbi Francis-’Feel It Still’
4th: Maya Loureiro-’Rise’
4th: Ava Rothmund-’Solitude’
4th: Ava Munos-’Still’
4th: Leighton Werner-’The Rose’
5th: London Barron-’Bones’
5th: Aurora Matsudaira-’Brotsjur’
5th: Lucy Cavender-’Formed from Static’
5th: Dakota Frederick-’When You’re Good To Mama’
6th: Malia Williams-’Nature Boy’
6th: Issac Diaz-’This Is A War’
7th: Harlow Pike-’Locomotion’
7th: Tori Chun-’Until The Ice Cracks
8th: Arin Lee-’Amazing Mayzie’
8th: Sophia McKay-’Bang Bang’
9th: Kayla Diaz-’Carry You’
9th: Chloe Alejo-’My Coppelia’
9th: Brooklyn Campbell-’Safe and Sound’
9th: Emme O’Neill-’Through The Eyes of A Child’
10th: Griffin Abrahamse-’Come Around’
10th: Claire Scott-’Found’
10th: Isaac Hsu-Kwan-’Sideways’
10th: Camdon Partney-’Young’
Teen Solo
1st: Hailey Bills-’It’s New York’
2nd: Avery Hall-’If I Think’
2nd: Sami Sonder-’The Practice of Surrender’
3rd: AvaRose Campbell-’All of the Lights’
3rd: Kayla Harrison-’Crumbling’
3rd: Drew Rosen-’Deconstruct Composition’
3rd: Ava Lynn-’Heart Undone’
3rd: Dayanara Vega-’Shrine Tooth’
3rd: Riley Platenberg-’Talking Points’
3rd: Chloe Ohira-’The Rope’
4th: Francesca Ammari-’Escaping Into The Bliss’
4th: Ava Arnold-’Flying and Flocking’
4th: Felix Fulton-’Rome’
5th: Audrey Francis-’Sugar’
5th: Zuzu Duchon-’Twelfth of Never’
6th: Landon Spurbeck-’Enemy’
6th: CJ Hankins-’Save The Last Dance’
6th: Tessa Cosper-’Solo’
7th: Lily Godwin-’Ode to Divorce’
7th: Sydney Tam-’Touch’
7th: Ainsley Ercanbrack-’Unravel’
8th: Auden Gwilliam-’Unwinding’
9th: Tatiyana Cooper-’Beautiful’
9th: Cierra Zoller-’Memoria’
10th: Ava Thorp-’Blue Notebook’
10th: Clara Ricciardi-’Gladiatrix’
10th: Milana Zamora-’Hypnosis’
10th: Sebastian Hsu-Kwan-’My Identity’
Senior Solo
1st: Nathan Allen-’Gole Bi Goldoon’
2nd: Makaila Teagle-’He Needs Me’
3rd: Genevieve Antonetty-’Bird on a Wire’
3rd: Phoebe Campbell-’Me’
3rd: Charlotte Foldes-’You Forget Everything’
4th: Kaili Tam-’Me Museum’
4th: Sophia Sucevich-’Paint It Black’
4th: Brie Laia-’Savage’
4th: Avery Zerr-Them Changes’
4th: Maquinna Wahlberg-’Undan’
5th: Moriah Smith-’Dream’
5th: Abigail Osterink-’Mothership’
5th: Dahlie Levine-’Oh Dear’
6th: Yana Sologub-’A New Day’
6th: Abbie McDaniel-’No Ordinary’
7th: Taylor Lang-’Devastation’
7th: Nicole Lang-’Hypnotic’
7th: Jonah Ledvina-’Luving U’
8th: Margot Johnson-’Black Raven’
8th: Lily Lambert-’Funny’
8th: Amanda Ueltschi-’Il Finale’
8th: McKenna Tester-’I Remember’
9th: Maddie Fleener-’Angel’
9th: Hannah Averbuck-’Got2BReal’
9th: Ava Maciulewski-’More Than You’ll Ever Know’
9th: Raegan Stuller-’Pale Yellow’
9th: Naleah Peerson-’Rain’
9th: Nyah Garcia-’We’ll Be Fine’
10th: Abby Viola-’Cannonball’
10th: Shay Zimmerman-’Madness’
10th: Rennie Jane Dupar-’Medicine’
10th: Emerson Howard-’Ne Me Quitte Pas’
Sidekick Duo/Trio
1st: Freedom Dance Center-’By Night’
2nd: Academy of Dance-’Space Between’
3rd: Freedom Dance Center-’Supermodel’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Danceology-’Cars That Go Boom’
2nd: Premiere Dance Center-’Fabulous Swing Kids’
3rd: Premiere Dance Center-’Sign of The Times’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’This Is Me, Sincerely’
2nd: Accolades Movement Project-’Caught In A Bad Dream’
3rd: Elite Dance Studio-’New Dorp New York’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Accolades Movement Project-’I Remember Her’
2nd: Academy of Dance-’Before You Go’
3rd: Grand Finale Dance Studio-’Jailhouse Rock’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Refuse’
2nd: Northwest Dance and Acro-’Dangerous’
3rd: Westlake Dance Center-’Cola’
Sidekick Group
1st: The Company Space-’Signed, Sealed, Delivered’
Mini Group
1st: The Company Space-’Dumb, Crazy, Stupid Love’
2nd: Premiere Dance Center-’Ballroom Blitz’
3rd: The Company Space-’Addicted’
Junior Group
1st: The Company Space-’Maneater’
2nd: The Company Space-’Cardigan’
3rd: Accolades Movement Project-’His Daughter’
Teen Group
1st: The Company Space-’Extraordinary Life’
2nd: The Company Space-’Hold On’
3rd: Premiere Dance Center-’Believer’
3rd: Accolades Movement Project-’Nothing’
Senior Group
1st: Westlake Dance Center-’Sad Day’
1st: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’The Dance’
2nd: Westlake Dance Center-’Headspace’
3rd: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’Unity’
Sidekick Line
1st: The Company Space-’Besties’
Mini Line
1st: The Company Space-’The Life of the Party’
2nd: The Company Space-’Objection’
Junior Line
1st: The Company Space-’Work Song’
2nd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Almost’
Teen Line
1st: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Lifeboat’
2nd: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Hold On’
3rd: The Company Space-’Hey Big Spender’
Teen Extended Line
1st: The Company Space-’Gimme Some’
2nd: The Company Space-’Dog Days Are Over’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Jazz
1st: The Company Space-’Signed, Sealed, Delivered’
Sidekick Hip-Hop
1st: The Company Space-’Besties’
Mini Jazz
1st: Premiere Dance Center-’Ballroom Blitz’ 2nd: The Company Space-’Hit The Road Jack’ 3rd: The Company Space-’Objection’
Mini Ballet
1st: Premiere Dance Center-’En Depit de Tout’ 2nd: Premiere Dance Center-’En Vue’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Westside Academy-’Pop Star’ 2nd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Rich Girls’
Mini Tap
1st: The Company Space-’Dumb, Crazy, Stupid Love’ 2nd: The Company Space-’Swing Batta, Swing’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Premiere Dance Center-’On The Radio’
Mini Lyrical
1st: The Company Space-’Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ 2nd: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Small World’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: The Company Space-’The Life of the Party’
Mini Specialty
1st: The Company Space-’Addicted’
Junior Jazz
1st: The Company Space-’Maneater’ 2nd: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Hot Note’ 3rd: Accolades Movement Project-’Poor Unfortunate Soul’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Get Like Me’
Junior Tap
1st: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Rock This Joint’ 2nd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Karma Chameleon’
Junior Contemporary
1st: The Company Space-’Cardigan’ 2nd: Accolades Movement Project-’Dark Dreams’ 3rd: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Plans We Made’
Junior Lyrical
1st: The Company Space-’Work Song’ 2nd: Accolades Movement Project-’His Daughter’ 3rd: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Corals Under The Sun’
Junior Specialty
1st: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Starlit Afternoon’ 2nd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Almost’
Teen Jazz
1st: The Company Space-’Gimme Some’ 2nd: ENCORE Performing Arts Center-’Feel Love’ 3rd: Accolades Movement Project-’Maybe We’ll See’
Teen Ballet
1st: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’I Feel Pretty’ 2nd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Tea Time’ 3rd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Midnight Waltz’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Accolades Movement Project-’Gurlz’ 2nd: Grand Finale Dance Studio-’Cash Flow’ 3rd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’
Teen Tap
1st: Premiere Dance Center-’Believer’ 2nd: The Company Space-’Electric’ 3rd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Fever’ 3rd: Grand Finale Dance Studio-’Pirates’
Teen Contemporary
1st: The Company Space-’Extraordinary Life’ 2nd: The Company Space-’Hold On’ 3rd: Accolades Movement Project-’Nothing’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Lifeboat’ 2nd: The Company Space-’1 + 1′ 3rd: Accolades Movement Project-’For Sally’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: The Company Space-’Hey Big Spender’ 2nd: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’Not At All In Love’ 3rd: Performing Arts Academy of Marin -’Juggernaut’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Accolades Movement Project-’Life Is A Dancefloor’
Teen Specialty
1st: The Company Space-’Like That’ 2nd: Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Switch Out’
Senior Jazz
1st: Westlake Dance Center-’Love So Soft’ 2nd: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’Indestructible’
Senior Ballet
1st: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’Unity’
Senior Tap
1st: The Company Space-’Make Me’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’The Dance’ 2nd: Westlake Dance Center-’Headspace’ 3rd: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’Don’t Speak’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’Chasing’ 2nd: Westlake Dance Center-’The Storm, It’s Coming’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Westlake Dance Center-’All That Jazz’ 2nd: The Company Space-’You’ll Be Back’
Senior Specialty
1st: Westlake Dance Center-’Sad Day’ 2nd: Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’New York New York’
11 O’Clock:
The Company Space-’Signed, Sealed, Delivered’
The Company Space-’The Life of the Party’
Premiere Dance Center-’Ballroom Blitz’
Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Rock This Joint’
Accolades Movement Project-’His Daughter’
The Company Space-’Work Song’
Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Hot Note’
The Company Space-’Gimme Some’
Premiere Dance Center-’Believer’
ENCORE Performing Arts Center-’Feel Love’
Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Lifeboat’
Accolades Movement Project-’Nothing’
Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’The Dance’
Westlake Dance Center-’Sad Day’
The Company Space-’Make Me’
Studio Showcase:
The Company Space-’Gimme Some’
Premiere Dance Center-’Believer’
Performing Arts Academy of Marin-’Lifeboat’
Harbor Dance and Performance Center-’Fever’
Allegro Performing Arts Academy-’The Dance’
Accolades Movement Project-’Nothing’
8 notes · View notes
pulpwriterx · 4 years
Part I: Blood and Sand
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Arkanis: One Year After the Death of Kylo Ren
Ben Solo had been his own judge and his own jury.
He found himself guilty, and imposed an appropriate sentence.
He appeared at the highly illegal Galactic Coliseum on Arkanis, home of the highly illegal but extremely profitable Circus Mortis, and sold himself to the Ringmaster, as a gladiator.
The Ringmaster was a Darkstar, Ragnar Darkstar, a nephew of Fenrir Darkstar, who had, until recently been the Chieftain of the Wolf Clan, and High King of all the clans of Arkanis.
The Ringmaster liked to tell the story to his favorite guests; the ones who spent the most credits and bet the heaviest.
“I didn’t have to ask him if he could fight. The man’s covered in battle scars. But I asked him, well, who gets the money. And he said it was to go, anonymously, to Rey Skywalker. And I said that I could do that. Then I asks him if he’s got a name. Ben Skywalker, he tells me. Is he a genuine Skywalker? Who knows. He has the look of one. But he never told me he was. And I asks him one more thing. What have you done, laddie, to deserve a fate like this? And he shrugs and says that if he told me, I’d hand him over to the local Clan Chief, to be tortured to death. Slow.”
Ben had a few conditions, of his sale.
He allowed he would fight a Wookiee, but not to the death, because he had been raised by a Wookiee, and was part of a Wookiee clan.
And if they put him in the ring with former officers of the Old Empire, or any servants of the Dark Side, he wouldn’t just fight these, he’d fight them to the death.
It wasn’t long before the big man who fought with a lightsaber in nothing but traditional Wookiee battle dress, jackboots, and a pair of exercise shorts under his battle kilt became a main attraction.
He was ruthless and unstoppable.
The Circus Mortis held spectacles in the evening on Mondays and Thursdays and in the afternoon and evening on Sundays, and it was only at the biggest spectacle of the week on Sunday night that you could come and see The Wookiee fight opponents to the death.
Otherwise, Skywalker would have killed them faster than Darkstar could buy them.
In the other spectacles, his gladiators, drawn from many humanoid races throughout the Galaxy, fought each other.
But, on Sundays, they fought a motley collection of Old Empire officers, Dark Side cultists and other hated minions of the Old Empire and the First Order that the Ringmaster bought, highly illegally, from overcrowded prisons and POW camps.
Nothing pleased the crowd like seeing those baddies dispatched.
“When it’s a Sunday and a holiday, or close to one? I give Skywalker his own spectacle. He killed twenty of them in one night for me during the last big festival.” Ragnar bragged.
But he didn’t just choose his gladiators and gladiatrix for their ability to fight; Ragnar tried to buy the ones who were the best-looking.
Because many of his spectators wanted a piece of their favorite gladiator or gladiatrix, and for a price, that service too was available.
Not that the Ringmaster was a villain about it.
If one of his gladiators wasn’t willing to sell their bodies for pleasure, or if they found the buyer a bridge too far, then Ragnar didn’t compel them to do it.
That was another arena in which Skywalker made Ragnar Darkstar a lot of money.
“He’s not too picky, is my champion. Surprise me, Fenrir, he tells me. If she’s a humanoid, and female and she wants me enough to pay for me, well, I always have been a sucker for giving a woman what she wants. And I’ve never had a disappointed customer, yet. It’s hell feeding the man, he eats like a Wookiee, but he’s worth every penny I put into him. It's only the best for my Wookiees. Skywalker’s got quite a following, and the ones who aren’t rich and hang around the back gate waiting on the off days to watch the gladiators train in the practice arena? He’ll see to them for free. They know Ben’s always good for it, too. My champion. Fights like a lion. Fucks like a stallion. Makes me a fucking fortune, may great Thor bless him to the end of my days!"
And Fenrir would laugh.
As for Ben, he thought he’d hate being a gladiator, but he found he liked it.
After he had returned from the World Between Worlds, his first instinct was to go to Arkanis, where the Skywalker saga began with the death in battle of the Skywalker who was a Chieftain of the Raven Clan.
Shmi Skywalker was a concubine, and Chieftain Skywalker’s cousin had sold her and Anakin Skywalker into slavery on Tattoine, to hide the fact that his dead kinsman had a rightful heir.
Of sorts.
Ben’s initial thought was to become a Clan Chieftain; he was certain he could defeat the current Chieftain of the Raven Clan, if he had to.
But Ben didn’t want to be a warlord, anymore.
Then he thought about going back to being Hela Darkstar’s concubine.
Hela would never hand him over to the authorities, but she wouldn’t allow him to have such a lowly position; that he was her concubine when he was 20 and she was 28 was sort of a joke, anyway.
That was when Ben remembered the infamous Circus Mortis.
He had expected it to be punishment, and it was, but what Ben hadn’t expected was that being owned, like an animal, gave him a certain feeling of peace.
It was almost like when he had been Master Snoke’s apprentice, but he had always hated that, in his heart.
This was better.
Ben lived in the barracks with the Wookiees, and never had to speak Basic, or wear shoes or any clothes but shorts unless he was in the Arena.
He didn’t have to worry about anything; he was one of Darkstar’s prize animals and was kept as well as any prize bull or stallion.
And his life was simple.
He had his own bunk, and a chest of his things.
He woke early with his bunkmates, and all the Gladiators and Gladiatrix ate breakfast together in the mess hall, then they trained until lunch, ate lunch, trained until dinner, and after dinner, if there was no spectacle they had that time to themselves.
They even had a day off, Saturday, on which they could do what they liked.
On Wednesday and Sunday nights, Ben entertained his female customers, and he entertained his female admirers every chance he got.
It was a simple life of feasting, fighting and fucking, and left him too tired at night for nightmares or insomnia, and too occupied all day for anxiety and melancholy.
A life of immediacy and forgetfulness.
And he felt like he was doing his time for the crimes he had committed.
He sold himself to the Circus Mortis for five years; he thought, when his time was up he might make it five more.
Maybe he would stay, indefinitely.
It wasn’t what he had wanted from life, and it surely wasn’t what the Force, or Force Ghosts, or family Force Ghosts had wanted when they sent him back from the World Between Worlds.
He had heard his mother survived, and of course he knew that Rey and Uncle Chewie were alright, and that they would take care of each other.
He missed them, when he allowed himself to think on them.
But that was another man’s life.
Ben Solo’s.
Maybe even Kylo Ren’s.
But it wasn’t fated to be part of Ben Skywalker’s life, which he was content with.
From a certain point of view.
Poe held his hand to his nose, his eyes scrunched together in pain as he coughed, and Arkanian ale dribbled out of his nose.
Finn pounded him on the back.
“I’m OK. I’m OK. Tell me that again.”
The Twi-Lek trader excitedly repeated himself.
“I was not seeing things! I don’t know Solo as well as you do, I didn’t grow up with him, but I used to do business with him and his father. And the gladiator they call The Wookiee is Ben farkling Solo. Holy Mother Force, how did he end up there? I’ll bet after Kylo Ren killed Han, and that deal to sell those rathtars to the Hutts went sideways? Rotta probably tracked Ben down, and sold him to the Ringmaster.”
“Couldn’t have. Ben Solo was in prison in the detention block on Old Man Snoke’s Star Destroyer. He broke out and killed Snoke to save his girl. Rey Skywalker, the Last Jedi. And she killed the Emperor. And Ben Solo killed Kylo Ren and all the Knights of Ren. Don’t you know anything? Everybody knows that!” The barmaid reminded the trader.
“I meant after the war. Nobody’s seen Ben since. Well? That’s why.”
“Ben’s dead. He died in the war. He killed Kylo Ren, and all the Knights of Ren, but the effort killed him, and he became One with the Force.” Poe explained.
“Well, that’s what you heard. But I saw him. He’s worse than dead. He’s a slave. A Gladiator with an iron collar around his neck. And the Ringmaster’s peddling his ass, too. To women. Rich ones. So I’m not crying for him too much, but, still, to be kept and fought like a mad dog, and bred like a prize stallion? It’s not right. If you don't believe me? You should go to the Galactic Coliseum. On Sunday night. See for yourself.”
Part Two
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3 more for the pile. The first looks better without the blu tack on her face.
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Remember to get new brushes when you need them, I didn't and so these are a little ehhhhhh. BUT it's OK for things to be a bit eh sometimes what matters is they're *finished* (I will inevitably go back and touch these up) and they will look *fine* on a tabletop.
Also, as it stands, these are 1/3 of my Warcry warband. Along with the ironscale and high gladiatrix, that means just 4 more witch elves to finish for a fully painted warband. Though I've not been hugely impressed with the stalker and might switch her out for something else. Maybe a Khinerai if I get some or another witch and a hag or something.
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johnnytorresprowres · 2 years
The Warm-Up 2: Blitzkrieg! Pro “Plastic Cup Politics″ - 2/25/2023
Haley Dylan vs. Big Juicy Haley Dylan Last 1: Haley Dylan d. Hayden Backlund - LimitBlitz 2 Showcase - 10/8/2022 Big Juicy Last 3: Big Juicy d. Logan Black - Roll One Up Rumble Day 1 - 4/15/2022 King Crab & Kirby Wackerman d. Big Juicy & Jay Baker - Shoulder To The Wheel - 12/3/2021 Big Juicy & Kirby Wackerman d. Shannon LeVangie & Stevie G - Retro World Expo - 11/6/2021 Two prospects return to do battle in Blitzkrieg’s return to Westfield as local sensation Big Juicy takes on Buffalo blue chipper Haley Dylan.  Juicy will find herself with both the home field advantage and the Blitzkrieg experience advantage, but one cannot count out the Grapplers Anonymous pedigree of Haley Dylan.  Which gladiatrix will prevail?! Ichiban & 2 Mystery Partners vs. Ryan Mooney & 2 Mystery Partners Ichiban Last 3: Dante Drago d. Ichiban, Perry Von Vicious, and TJ Crawford - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 Ace Romero d. Ichiban - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 Andy Brown d. Ichiban - Ashley Vox Beer Bash - 8/14/2022 Ryan Mooney Last 1: Leary d. Angelo Carter, Ryan Mooney, and King Crab - Look My Way - 5/7/2022 A late stage twist like only B!P can offer.  Ichiban and Ryan Mooney clash at Friday’s GRIND event in singles action, and have an invitation to bring 2 friends apiece to up the ante in trios warfare.  Both Mooney and Ichiban have plenty of allies to choose from across the northeast corridor, and nobody will know the true complexion of this match until all partners are introduced.  Which battler holds the better hand?! CPA vs. King Crab vs. 50 Cal vs. Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man CPA Last 3: Matt Tremont d. CPA - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 VSK d. CPA - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 Team Limitless (Anthony Greene, Jay Lyon, Midas Black, Nolo Kitano & Rip Byson) d. Team Blitzkrieg (Bobby Orlando, Bryce Donovan, CPA, Travis Huckabee & VSK) - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 King Crab Last 3: Leary d. Angelo Carter, Ryan Mooney, and King Crab - Look My Way - 5/7/2022 CPA d. King Crab - PMA - 2/26/2022 VSK d. Bobby Orlando, Aaron Rourke, King Crab, Devantes - Mark It Zero - 12/4/2021 50 Cal Last 3: Miracle Generation d. MSP, The CDC, and Locked & Loaded - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 Kirby Wackerman d. 50 Cal, Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man, and Logan Black - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 BRG, 50 Cal, and Dan Barry d. Aaron Rourke, Angelo Carter & JGeorge - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 DDTGDCM Last 3: Kirby Wackerman d. 50 Cal, Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man, and Logan Black - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man d. ABBS, Diego El Trabajador, and Stephen Azure - LimitBlitz 2 Showcase - 10/8/2022 Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man d. Devantes - Retro World Expo - 8/28/2022 4 combatants on the rebound have a chance to take the next step up in a frenetic four way frenzy.  All 4 are veterans of some form of the Blitzkrieg multiperson match atmosphere, King Crab and 50 Cal in the first and second Ladder Hell, Delightful Dan in multiple B!P scrambles, and CPA the winner of the last Mother Of All Scrambles.  In a match where every movement and moment matters, who leaves the bedlam with head held high and a step closer to #1 contender?! Dante Drago vs. Bobby Orlando Dante Last 3: Dante Drago d. Ichiban, Perry Von Vicious, and TJ Crawford - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 Dante Drago d. Jojo Collins - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 Rip Byson d. BRG, Dante Drago, Delmi Exo, Logan Black, and Perry Von Vicious - LimitBlitz 2 Night 1 - 10/7/2022 Bobby Last 3: Bobby Orlando d. Alan Angels - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 Angelo Carter & JGeorge d. Bobby Orlando & Bryce Donovan - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 Team Limitless (Anthony Greene, Jay Lyon, Midas Black, Nolo Kitano & Rip Byson) d. Team Blitzkrieg (Bobby Orlando, Bryce Donovan, CPA, Travis Huckabee & VSK) - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 Dante Drago captured the #1 contender’s spot at Always The Hard Way, and his final stop before challenging the winner of tonight’s Bedlam championship match is the longest reigning Bedlam champion of all-time in Bobby Orlando.  No shortage of familiarity here as both are products of Create-A-Pro, and both are very aware of what the other is capable of.  Both compete at a very high level and are very gifted with stringing together offense.  Will Dante pick up more steam on his road to the title match, or will Bobby Orlando potentially notch a future Bedlam championship bout of his own by knocking off the #1 contender?! 35mm (JGeorge & Angelo Carter) vs. Team TNT (Terrell & Terrence Hughes) w/ D-Von Dudley 35mm Last 3: Angelo Carter & JGeorge d. Bobby Orlando & Bryce Donovan - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 BRG, 50 Cal, and Dan Barry d. Aaron Rourke, Angelo Carter & JGeorge - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 Logan Black d. Angelo Carter - Retro World Expo - 8/27/2022
Team TNT come to B!P from the tutelage of their legendary father D-Von Dudley, so even at the prospect stage of their wrestling careers, both have been well-schooled in the ways of tag team wrestling by one of the best tag wrestlers ever. Angelo Carter & JGeorge recently notched a tainted upset victory over the Shook Crew, but with a Hall of Famer watching the backs of their opponents, will the corner-cutting playbook of JGeorge & Carter be enough to avoid the spellcasting of the Wizards of the Wicked Wood?! Leary vs. Gangrel Leary Last 3: Leary d. Dr. Redacted - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 Beer Team (Leary, 50 Cal, Dan Barry, and Troy Nelson) d. XTeamX (Perry Von Vicious, Juba, Kennedi Copeland, and Logan Black) - Ashley Vox Beer Bash - 8/14/2022 The Haven d. Leary & Perry Von Vicious - 4th Annual Luau - 6/24/2022 Gangrel Last 1: Jonny Idol, Marshall McNeil, and Gangrel d. Mark Sterling, Sidney Bakabella and Troy Nelson - Them vs. Us - 8/27/2016 Dreams come true in Blitzkrieg! Pro.  The captain of the S.S. B!P emerged from a bloodbath with Dr. Redacted victorious, but now may have a different bloodbath waiting in the wings in the form of the legendary vampire warrior Gangrel.  Of the list of dream singles opponents for Leary, Gangrel sits at the top.  Will Leary be able to score the biggest victory of his career in front of his hometown faithful, or will the wit and grit of Gangrel turn this dream into a nightmare?! Kevin Blackwood vs. TJ Crawford Kevin Last 1: The Batiri d. Harlow O’Hara & Kevin Blackwood - LimitBlitz 1 - 12/1/2018 TJC Last 3: Dante Drago d. Ichiban, Perry Von Vicious, and TJ Crawford - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 Anthony Greene d. TJ Crawford - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 TJ Crawford d. Alec Price - Eat The Meek - 9/18/2021 A striking enthusiast dream battle for certain as two of the best kickboxers in all of pro wrestling will bring the thunder to the Blitzkrieg ring.  Blackwood has been turning heads on both coasts, battle-tested against some of the best in the world, while TJ has not wasted any time since the return from injury, taking AG to his limit in November.  A victory for TJ is a step towards the Bedlam championship, while a victory for Blackwood means more opportunities in B!P and a shot up the ranks.  In a potential fight of the night, which combat artist leaves Westfield in victory?! Allie Katch vs. Andy Brown (B!P Bedlam Champion) Allie Last 3: BUSSY d. Anthony Greene & AVA - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 MSP d. BUSSY - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 Bobby Orlando d. Allie Katch - 4th Annual Luau - 6/24/2022 Andy Last 3: Andy Brown d. VSK - Always The Hard Way - 12/30/2022 (Blitzkrieg Bedlam Championship) Andy Brown d. Travis Huckabee - Mercy Me - 11/19/2022 (#1 Contender) Andy Brown d. Brad Cashew - LimitBlitz 2 Night 2 - 10/8/2022 What a road to get here since Andy Brown’s debut last May at Look My Way against Brad Hollister.  Andy now rides a 3 match win streak going into his first Bedlam defense.  Allie Katch finds herself in the position of first challenger off of her huge victory alongside EFFY at Wrestival and multiple spirited showings throughout her time in B!P.  After stages of reinvention from both champion and contender, will Allie Katch be the one to stop the onslaught and Bedlam reign of Andy Brown?!
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