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muji-boy · 1 year ago
lil update
hello everyone!
long time no see. almost a year, actually. a lot has changed since then!!
in true kai fashion i got really sick during my senior year and ended up in the hospital. but this was the time!!!! i finally got the medical care that i needed and it has changed my life.
i wrote my thesis and presented it at three conferences. no prize except the immense satisfaction that i beat the odds and did it!!!! and had fun! and my final semester ended with a really high 4.0 gpa which was something i felt i would never be capable of again.
i did not get accepted into any of the masters programs i applied for. i applied while in the hospital, one of my references ghosted me, it was all around a bad time. and of course when i didn't get in, it felt like the world was ending. i have made school my identity my entire life, so how would i function without it?
over the course of my degree i failed two courses. one of them i failed three times. i retook the one i had failed multiple times over the summer even though i obviously no longer needed it to convocate (it got cut from my program requirements). i finished with a 4.0 and that was enough to bring my cgpa up enough to apply to med school, my dream!!
i could not apply to med yet because i could not afford to. med school applications are so cost prohibitive and i did not qualify for assistance for the mcat fees yet. so realistically that puts me at least two years out from medical school. i look at it as an opportunity to work and gain insight into what i may get myself into.
so i started a full time job as a clinical research coordinator at a medical clinic. i'm still new but i'm learning so much and i'm so excited about everything!
in my free time i have also been super busy. i've been advocating for long term mental healthcare for quite a while, but a friend and i actually started our own nonprofit organization that runs peer support groups and stuff. i'm also on an advisory committee for a mental healthcare resource being constructed where i live. and i've been volunteering for other local orgs to give back when they've given me so much. on the flip side, i've been heavily involved in 2slgbtq activism as well!!! i have spoken at events and i created a whole project that has taken off. i am also on the wait list for my top surgery, and should have it within the year!
i'm going to start studying for the mcat pretty soon so i will likely pop back online then. i am currently enrolled in one first year sociology course as a study strategy (it is the only course i didn't take that is on the mcat). but studying for that has not been happening. i am so thankful i didn't get accepted to do a masters because i need this distance from school right now.
there is life outside of school. you will reach your goals.
happy fall everybody. :)
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oliver-hawthorn · 1 year ago
Breaking low like some kind of
Antarctic ice shelf all
Untouched under the water like
You ain't made of the same;
Like your cracks stop at your edges,
They run straight through the both of us;
Some of them, at least,
What do you think you could hide,
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rainacademia · 3 years ago
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the sky a few minutes before it started to drizzle + today's physics notes on projectile
🎧: tin lover, the paper kites
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vanillastudies · 4 years ago
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10.18.2020 || i put together this collage using scraps and bits that i’ve been collecting for, i kid you not, two (2) years. twas super fun to get my creative juices flowing again. god that’s such a weird phrase why do ppl say that 
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curiousay · 5 years ago
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[sept 2nd, 2020]
back with my september spread! this month’s theme is kind of like memphis design / abstract, i guess? anw, i really like this color combination!
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the-studying-european · 4 years ago
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07.06.21 | Book rec time! The Norwegian (as well as English) title is "Ankomst". The story is about a young scientist who moves to the very North of Norway to study the migration of seabirds for her PhD thesis. Of course, the loneliness and the reflections on her own past as well as on the past of her cabin soon blur the lines between what's real and what's not...
It's a very gripping psycho thriller and I read it in one go! Also tagging @fluencylevelfrench because I know she's learning Norwegian 😉
((Cold as Ice - Foreigner))
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lantern-hill · 4 years ago
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9.22.2020 - Notes on the persuasive essay from my first in-person english class
insta // youtube
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hallucinojosten · 4 years ago
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march 04, 2021
noticed that i'm getting better at time management and actually getting stuff done. had a recitation for physics at 7.30 this morning so maybe that helped.
04: For my researching fellows, what are you researching on?
my team and i are working on water turbines for small scale powerplants. we fabricated the turbines a couple weeks back but the request to enter campus was denied due to city restrictions so we'll only be using software. still haven't figured out how to do that yet, but we're getting there!
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nerdyign · 5 years ago
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i finally got my shit together huzzah!
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lifebuoyjournals · 6 years ago
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Uni starts again today and I am not ready...
Blank spread ft churro bowl
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muji-boy · 5 years ago
Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Hi!! I just found your blog and!!!!!! I’m currently a high schooler who is in lOVE with neuroscience and wants to be a doctor of neurology!!! As someone who is so deprived of being able to take neuroscience courses, what is it like?? Is it as enthralling as I imagine? What made you want to go into neuroscience? What are you going to do with that education? Doctor? Researcher? Sorry I’m just so curious
first of all, sorry for taking so long to answer this!! i’m swamped with school and raising a puppy.
early neuroscience courses are very heavily based on neuroanatomy. i’ve taken quite a few that were about other topics (like drugs and behaviour, a course i took) and they still required at least a unit on anatomy. it’s a lot of work to remember but it’s important for later courses, which tend to be more fun! then it’s kind of based on your interests and thoughts. for example, i did a fourth year course doing an independent study on a child with autism.
i’m really interested in med school but i’ve done a lot of thinking about backup plans and i think if i don’t pursue medicine i want to do a masters in social work or maybe pharmacy.
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queenskara · 8 years ago
✨✨ I love to create videos and I would love for you all to check me out ✨✨
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rainacademia · 3 years ago
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september 3rd
made masala chai for myself after weeks
I did not go to the library today, and i regret it only because I missed the chance to get caught in the rain and romanticise my life a little bit more
timed my self solving chemistry problems and turns out im very slow paced, could solve only 25 sums in 45 mins, so my goal for now is to increase it to 35 within 45.
studying and solving questions from biomolecules right now, after which I'll attempt to solve questions from Cell Division to test how much I remember.
🎧: still, the japanese house
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vanillastudies · 4 years ago
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11.12.2020 || some messy math notes
i’ve been high key struggling in this class which is a bit of a first for me but then we started going over real world applications where we applied logic to figure out how to win different games and now loving it! wow. a) so freaking cool and b) now i know why with some games ppl are like ‘don’t play this with math majors’ lmaooo
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curiousay · 5 years ago
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[10/30 days of learning challenge]
today’s vocab ft last week’s spread!
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the-studying-european · 4 years ago
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01.04.21 | Sunrise & sunset.
((The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives))
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