#hey thanks!! literally woke up this morning like oh yeah i reblogged that
hailsatanacab · 1 year
for that 'send a word' ask game:
omg i completely forgot about this, thanks!!! unfortunately (or fortunately, whatever your preference), the only instance of "ran" in any of my WIPs is in the upcoming chapter of cetbwa!!
lbr tho that's not a surprise, considering the amount of running Danny does in that - in fact, it's such a common theme that you get two instances!
He had to end his quip with a pained “Not fucking them, oh shit, ow…” as the Ghost Wolf ran off for the fifth time that night.
i couldn't choose which one to share, so you get both 😇
“But it’s what you meant. Is that not why you ran earlier?"
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yellow-faerie · 1 year
Prompt List 5
I have made another prompt list! As always, feel free to reblog for your own use, and please send in prompts for any of the fandoms I write for!
"Don't try it. Don't you dare."
"Does this shirt look OK?"
"No-one here compares to you."
"If you were performing on the roadside, I would take money away from you."
"If you keep looking at me like that, I might have to kiss you."
"Was that a threat? Were you threatening me?"
"No! It's my wedding day, you're not allowed to die on my wedding day!"
"Isn't it funny? [He/She/They] actually made me feel loved."
"Well, it seems like you misunderstood."
"Did you know? Did you?"
"Take it, I don't need it anymore."
"This world sometimes feels like it's slowly dragging me down, but when I'm with you..."
"You let me cry. I don't think I've ever had that before."
"You're ridiculous; you know that, right?"
"Let's go get ice cream and take a walk through the park - pretend we're a proper sappy couple, like the ones you see in movies."
"You are my home and my heart and there is no-one else I would rather have at my side."
"That is not safe, please tell me you didn't do that."
"First of all, we're not dead, so jot that down."
"I'm pathetically in love with my best friend and I don't know what to do about it."
"That is...a really big spider. Hey, [name], come and deal with this spider!"
"Sometimes I wonder if maybe everyone would be happier if I'd never been born."
"Oh please be alive, please be alive, please - oh thank fuck."
"Oh no. I'm fucked."
"Regretting coming to work yet?"
"Look - and I mean this in the nicest way - but you look like shit. Get back into bed and I'll bring you something warm to drink."
"If that film is still on the TV, I'm going to kill you."
"Come here. Let me do your hair."
"[He/She/They] are literally the most perfect person on this planet. So no, I will not be asking them out."
"You have no idea how much I want to deck you right now."
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, stop worrying so - ow, ow, ow! OK, yeah, maybe I need a little help."
"Stop right there!"
"How do you feel about discussing the divorce over a nice, candlelit dinner?"
"Come on, there's a family barbecue, we can't be late!"
"You know something? There's nothing that beats the feeling of waking up next to you each morning."
"You're the best [brother/sister/sibling] I could have ever asked for."
"Remember when our parents used to do that?"
"I want you to walk me down the aisle. Not anybody else."
"You don't get to tell me what to do. Not anymore."
"Kiss me. Kiss me until I forget my name."
"How many times have I died already?"
"Time travel? Really?"
"Take one look at me and decide for yourself whether I believe you."
"I woke up this morning and forgot you were dead."
"[My parents] are arguing again. Can I stay with you tonight?"
"Autumn's nearly over. You ready?"
"Come on, you need to pack. Quietly. We're running away."
"I missed you. Why did you leave?"
"Of course I didn't forget you. How could I ever forget you?"
"Love me. Please, please, love me."
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
Maybe Eddie and reader with 18?
kiss prompts - a kiss as an encouragement
477 words
just a reminder that reblogs are seriously appreciated as it helps my work get seen by more people! <3
@eddie-darling @bradleybeachbabe @m1vfs @katsukis1wife @pastel-abyss-x @levylovegood @simplymurdock @mayyvh @parasadic-blog @pr3ttycunt join my tag list
“I can do this.”
She had been saying it all morning. When she woke up and saw it written on the post-it-note stuck against her bedroom wall, mumbled around her toothbrush in the mirror as she brushed her teeth, sang into her hairbrush in the shower. All in an attempted to hype herself up, to prove that she really could do it.
But stood there, in front of the building that contained people that would dictate whether she got the job or not, her expression faltered, and she felt nauseous.
Oh fuck, could she do this?
“Hell yeah, you can.” A squeeze of her hand and Eddie was at her side, putting her nerves somewhat at ease.
As soon as she got the call that she had a scheduled job interview, she made Eddie promise that he would be there. He promised her that he’d be cheering her on in the parking lot with massive pom-poms and a banner, but she felt a lot better with her hand in his. Like she could breathe knowing he was there.
But even still…
“No I can’t,” her voice cracked, feet rooted to the floor when he tried to guide her to the door, and she felt like this was the worst idea she’d ever had in her life. What was she thinking, what made her think they’d hire her? Her of all people? What qualities did she have that would get her hired? “This was a dumb idea,” she concluded, and swallowed nervously. “We should just go and I can wallow in my misery and eat ice cream.”
“Hey, come on, I’m not gonna let you do that,” Eddie moved to stand in front of her and gave her a small smile. “You’ve got this, babe. And when you’re outta here we can go and get ice cream anyways.”
She sighed as he rubbed her arm with his palm. “But what if I mess up in there? I’m not great under pressure. Oh god what if I-“
She was cut off by Eddie’s lips against hers, quite literally pushing the words from her mind. His hand cupped her jaw and all she could do was melt into his touch. They were stood in the middle of the path to the entrance — people were walking around them with mumbled complaints. But she didn’t care, and relaxed as she kissed him until her shoulders slumped and she sighed. Only then did Eddie pull away, with a grin that she knew all too well.
“You’ll be great, I promise,” he told her. “You’re amazing. They’re gonna love you and want to hire you right away.”
She smiled slightly, and grasped one of his hands. “Thanks Eds,” she mumbled, and then after a moment, “You promise we can get ice cream?”
He laughed as he playfully tugged her towards the entrance. “I love you, don’t I?”
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mendesblurb · 3 years
Three times shawn says he miss you and send a photo, one time you surprise him by coming home early
Right now I’m missing you
Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: fluff, a lot of emojis used,maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
Note: Hey Anon, thank you for requesting. I had so much fun writing this one. Hope you like my attempt in writing your story idea.
Bzzzt bzzzt
You paused reading your script and, grabbed your phone that was on the side table. You smiled when you saw it was a message from Shawn.
It's really sweet that Shawn always miss you whenever you travel for work. Frankly, you always miss him too. This is just the unspoken thing that happen when two busy celebrities start dating. Both of you have busy schedules, and so every little sweet uninterrupted moments are more precious than ever.
Text message
Shawn: Wish you were here with me, I miss you….
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You: I miss you too 😍
Shawn: I miss you most 😏😏
You: I miss you mostest 😌
Shawn: Me + U = ❤️, so Me - U = 😢
You: Can’t wait to FaceTime you tonight 😏😏
Shawn: Can tonight just come sooner…
You: Patience, my love.
Shawn: Because you’re the one asking, I will try to be patient.
You: Shawn if you can survive me friend zoning you for 5 years, you can survive this 🤨
Shawn: I hate how you’re always right.
You: It’s just in my blood 😉😉😉
Shawn: God, I just love you. Anddddddd I misssssssss youuuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You: I love you tooooo and I missssssss youuuu tooo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s been a long, long day.
Your eyes felt heavy. You were struggling to stay awake to finish your night routine. Just a few more steps, that’s all you needed to stay awake then you could go to sleep. Suddenly, your phone vibrates and dings rather loudly. It snaps you out of your dazed state. You proceed to grab your phone and saw a text from Shawn with an image attached.
You have been away for your new movie and wouldn’t be returning until four more weeks at the earliest. Obviously, the two of you have been continuing to message and FaceTime each other throughout the time you have been away, but you were pretty busy.
It seems the only time he’s able to get you to himself is at Goddamn one in the morning. He knew you would still be awake otherwise he wouldn’t have sent the image.
Text message
Shawn: Right now, I’m missing you a little too much.
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You: You know we just FaceTimed like thirty minutes ago right?
Shawn: Yeah, But I still miss my girl 😢😢😢😢
You: I still miss you too honey..😢😢
Shawn: No amount of FaceTime or texts can stop me from missing you. I just love you so much.
You: I love you too, wish we could cuddle right now🥺🥺🥺🥺.
Shawn: The bed is just too big and I wish I can be your pillow right now, come home soon Y/N 🥺🥺🥺
You: I will baby, as soon as I can 😉😉😉
Shawn: Promise?
You: Promise Shawnie.
Shawn: pinky swear?
You: YES! Shawnieeeeeee, I swearrrr ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shawn: Tarzan says he misses his mommy 🥺
You: Well, Tarzan. Mommy miss you too 🥺🥺
Shawn: Come home soon, we both miss you a little too much and too often 🥺🥺❤️
You: Don’t worry baby, I’ll be home soon. I promise ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shawn: I can’t wait! 🎉😆😆😆
You: Me too!! 🥲🥲🥲🥲
Shawn: Goodnight my love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, have a good sleep! Call me when you’re awake!! 😍😍
You: Goodnight Shawnie ❤️❤️❤️, definitely calling you once I wake up! 😍😍😍
Shawn: I’ll definitely dream about you 😌✌🏻
You: Stop making me blush 🙄
Shawn: then stop being so cute and lovable 😛
You were in the middle of hair and make up on set when the first text comes in, followed quickly by a second and the third.
Text message
Shawn: 🆘🆘🆘‼️‼️
Shawn: 🆘🆘🆘🆘‼️‼️
Shawn: Help!!! I miss you so much 😫😫😫
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You: I wish I could be at New York with you right now 😢😢
Shawn: New york is just not the same 🥺🥺… I like it more last time because you and I were holding hands while exploring the city ❤️❤️
You: Shawnie… 🥺🥺🥺🥺
You pout as you look down at your phone. The two of you haven’t been able to spend much time with each other in over a month. You have been filming in london for a month while he was at New York.
All you want is his kisses and cuddles. All you want is him holding your hand right now, all you want is his clingy behaviour who won’t let you leave the bed. All you want is to sit on his lap while talking about the most random things. All you need is him right here, instead of being millions of miles away.
Shawn: I know, it’s just it’s been a long month 😭😭
You: Don’t worry, I’ll be home soon.
Shawn: How soon? 🤔🤔🤔
You: Soon, soon! 😌😌😌
Shawn: Can I know the date of your arrival?
You: Nope! 😛😛
Shawn: please! Please! 🥺🥺🥺
You: call you tonight baby, gotta do a scene 😘😘
Shawn: you are so annoying… 🙄🙄🙄
Shawn: honey, you can’t just not tell me 🥺🥺🥺
Shawn: please! Let me know when 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Shawn: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
*missed FaceTime from Shawn*
You: Calling me won’t help, love 😌😌
Shawn: ugh 😑 fine, I thought I could convince you with my pretty face 😌😌. But I guess I’ll be a good person who knows the definition of patience.
You: Good Boy 😛
Shawn: Did you just refer me as a boy?
You: maybe….. 😜😜
Shawn: Excuse me!!!!
Shawn: Hello!!!
You: Yes?
Shawn: I’m a man, not a boy 😡😡
You: says the person who literally got a tattoo saying Good Boy.
Shawn: I can’t with you 😑😑
You: Aww, I love you too Shawnie 😙😙
Shawn woke up before his alarm again, he slowly sat up while letting out an unhappy sigh; this whole month he felt like he’s all alone, while you were working. He missed the satisfying feeling where he can just roll over and find you there sleeping peacefully next him instead of being million miles away.
Shawn let out a small sigh again as he stretched his hands and slipped on one of his ring and watch, finishing his look. He scanned over himself in the mirror once again, adjusting the sleeves of his button-up shirt.
He just kept pouting at the sad reminder. He thought about texting you but then his phone began to ring from his bed and the next thing he knew he was rushing to the studio. 
"Hurry up!" Brian simpered as he grabbed his hand and yanked him as soon as he arrived at the studio.
"Is everything okay?” Shawn asked. "Please just tell me what is the emergency.”
"Just step inside," Brian said hastily, motioning towards the doors, a big smile plastered on his face.
"Brian, I swear, if this is some sort of prank..." Shawn trailed off as he turned the doorknob and pushed opened the door slowly. Shawn was half expecting a bucket of water to dump on him or a pie in the face, but none of that happened. Instead, he was greeted with a dark studio. Shawn looked quizzically at Brian, who just shooed him into the room.
"Seriously Brian, what is going on?" Shawn questioned, looking warily into the room. He felt Brian’s hands on his shoulders and pushed him into the room fully, staying behind him.
The lights came on suddenly and you stepped fully to his direction and cleared your throat, loudly announcing yourself, “Hey Shawnie, did you miss me?”
From the the looks of it, and Shawn stood stock still for a moment.
You caught a glimpse of his expression of adoration, love and surprise, before you wrapped around him like a Koala Bear.
“Oh my god, Y/N! Whe-when did you get here?”
“Went straight from the airport, baby.”
“Oh baby, I’m so happy you’re here! I-I can’t believe you’re here.” he laughed and squeezed his arms around you, never wanting to let you go. He picked you up more and spun you around a few times, Shawn was just super giddy that you were finally here with him, finally.
You too squeezed him even harder, if that was even possible, “I’m here, love, I’m here.”
He pulled back slightly, kissing your forehead. “This is the best surprise ever, I love you.”
“I love you too Shawn.”
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist: @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnns @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow
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Cute things they do
Featuring:- Kuroo, Sakusa , Atsumu & Kita
A/n:- I was quite flustered imagining them and how good they would look 🥺💘. I hope you enjoy!
Genre:- Fluff, mentions of pet names!
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Kuroo Tetsurou:-
Kuroo always used to be busy with his work. But he always made sure to spend his weekends with you .
You were asleep on the bed with the fluffy blanket on top of you. Kuroo couldn’t spend his time with you today because he had some paperwork to look after.
Kuroo enters your shared apartment tiptoeing so that he wouldn’t wake you up. But he had some different plans .
He saw your sleeping form and he decided to wake you up.
“Kitten? Baby? Love? Angel?”
“Can you get up?”
“Hmm?why?” You stifle a yawn and rub your eyes .
“I’m sorry kitten I couldn’t spend some time with you , but would you mind if I took you for a late night drive?”
“Late night drive?”
“On one condition though”
“That is?”
“You have to feed me something, I’m hungry right now”
“Okay” Kuroo smiles and you get up from your bed and wear a hoodie and sweatpants.
“Yes! Um what are we eating?”
“How does a burrito sound? The one which you wanted to eat?”
“Yum , let’s go!!”
Kuroo chuckled looking at your excitement after mentioning food.
Kuroo gets the burrito and hands it to you and drinks his favourite shake.
Kuroo starts the car , driving to the ice cream shop which you did not know about.
You look at Kuroo and smile when you tried glancing back Kuroo chuckled and you offered your burrito to him
He took a bite and looked at you with a very soft expression. He looks so cute you thought. You then take his shake in your hand and sip it .
You take the shake and make Kuroo drink the shake since he couldn’t as he was driving .
Kuroo maybe busy and what not but he always made sure to spend time with you and makes you feel happy.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi:-
I swear this guy 🥺😖😣😣😣😣😣.
You were sitting on the couch watching some tv shows.
You placed your head on Sakusa’s broad shoulders and we’re getting cozy.
He kissed your forehead , watching the tv show and placing his hand on your shoulder . (This is what I want is it too much to ask for?!😣)
That’s when your favourite character appeared on the screen , you scream well because you are a fan why wouldn’t you
“Um, are you alright?”
“Yes!!! It’s him I was talking to you about! Remember ?”
“You talk about a lot of them. Which one is he?”
“Oh yeah. This is the one who I saw in the grocery store! I wanted to take his autograph but I got scared 😞”
“Oh , I am sorry love”
“It’s okay I still have a lot of chance 😌”
You started to talk animatedly about your favourite character and what you like about them . Even though Sakusa knew about him, but he always liked it when you talked about something you like.
You were just so expressive that Sakusa had to make sure he doesn’t miss any of your cute expressions he wanted to make a memory of it.
It always made him wonder how did your conversation change from your favourite character to your favourite painting? Like ??
You had stopped talking and were fetching a glass of water from your dining table sitting opposite to where Sakusa was sitting. You saw that he hadn’t looked away from you and his look made you blush . He had one of the most lovestruck expression on his face and he wasn’t even hiding his smile .
It touched you in many ways because Sakusa even though is said to a man of few words , knows how to sweep you off your feet, make you feel loved and make you feel like you are the only thing in this world that he wants to be with.
You get up from your chair and move towards him and kissing him gently on his lips thanking him for being there for you , thanking him for being a great lover and thanking him for being considerate .
“Can’t wait to make you mine forever Omi”
“Me too love , me too”
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Atsumu Miya:-
It was quite rare for Atsumu to have a day off.
He had planned a perfect schedule to spend his day with you. But unfortunately you had to work .
Atsumu was pouty and whiny and was requesting you to not go, but he knew that you wanted to work for yourself and be independent so he understood .
You liked that about Atsumu, even though people thought that he is immature but he was mature enough to understand his s/o and their dislikes/likes and most importantly whether they need some time off or something.
“See ya soon Angel face ! Take care baby , I miss you already though 🥺”
“‘Tsumu I am still standing at our doorstep?🙂”
“Yeah yeah , see ya soon”
It was in late evening when you called Atsumu telling him you were tired and wanted to do nothing but cuddle.
Your intern kept on messing up , you thought maybe it was their first day so it maybe difficult and you understood that, but because of this you had to stay there to teach them about some drafts.
“Hey Atsumu have you reached?”
“Yes in your Parking lot, waiting for you.”
“Oh I am in the elevator! I am coming!”
You saw Atsumu’s car and he was honking at you. You smile and enter the car.
“So I know you said that you are tired. And since I have been dating you for so long that I know what you needed so I have brought your favourite milkshake. Here.”
Atsumu handles you the milkshake and starts driving away from your work place.
You were texting your family and friends , since you were busy you couldn’t even ask about their well being. Atsumu saw you texting and he smiled to himself because he was glad to be with you. You his Angel face.
He grabs your hand and places it on top of the gear and then he places his hand on top of yours. Your heart always skipped a beat whenever he placed your hand like that. It maybe something small he did but it always made you feel loved and appreciated.
He smiled looking at you and continues driving. You were thinking about how did you get so lucky 🥺. And Atsumu was a step ahead planning his future with you.
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Kita Shinsuke:-
Literal husband 💍💘.
You woke up to an empty bed. You looked at the alarm clock kept on the nightstand . It read 5:30 am. AM?!?! Where is shin?
You knew that he would always get up early and start with his chores . He was a very hardworking man.
You got up from the bed unwillingly wanting nothing but to get lost in the soft plush bed *sigh*
You were searching for water and saw that the glass of water was on the nightstand with a small note written on it, it read as “Good morning darling, here have some water before you brush your teeth”
Your heart literally went like this “❤️—>💗💘”
You drank some water and entered the bathroom to freshen up and eat some breakfast. As soon as you enter the bathroom you read some small notes on the mirror.
“You look pretty as always” 🥺🥺🥺🥺
You took a quick shower and used the towel which was neatly kept on the countertop by Kita.
You felt fresh and decided to make some breakfast and maybe work on your project.
Your breakfast was set on the kitchen countertop and a glass of your favourite juice right next to it .
Shin you thought. You read a note on the fridge that said “Love take care I will be home soon but promise me to not be hard on yourself”
You complete eating and decide to clean your house.
Finally doing all the chores you took a break and were scrolling on your phone.
Kita enters the house as quietly as possible because he thought that you’d still be asleep.
He saw sitting on the couch with nothing but his old high school jersey. He smiled wholeheartedly and placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Shin here...”
You give him some of your written notes, thanking him for being there for you and the things you love about him the most.
“I love you Shinsuke 🥺”
“I love you too Love”
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Thank you for reading. Take care <3
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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dontworrysunflower · 4 years
Merry Fucking Christmas | h.s.
a/n: i’m baaaaccckk!! lol idk it took me a while to finish this and i was gonna have it finished before christmas but then i was exposed to covid so i was little paranoid but anyway (i’m good tho). merry christmas and happy holidays!! i know this years been hard but hopefully we can make it a little better :)
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warnings: drinking, angst?? idk not proof read word vomit, some language too
word count: 3.1k
also thank you @watchmegetobsessed !!
feedback/reblogs appreciated
You knew the holidays this year were going to be difficult. You procrastinated on getting gifts for your friends. Your work seemed to pile up on your desk since you got your promotion. You weren’t able to fly back home, and you still had some thanksgiving weight you weren’t able to put off.
Oh yeah, another thing. Harry was still with his girlfriend.
You met Katy, Harry’s girlfriend, at his birthday party in February. She was the epitome of ‘his type’. She had bleach blonde extensions and the bluest eyes you've ever seen. She was tall and really, really loud.
Since then, she’s all he ever talked about when they weren’t together, but when they were in the same room, boy did you want to gag.
You thought they would last maybe three to four months, you were so sure, you bet with some of your other friends.
Needless to say, you lost quite a lot of money.
You tried not to let it bother you, really. But it was so hard when Harry is the literal sweetest person you’ve met, had the voice of an angel and wasn’t bad to look at.
You felt you were the closest with Harry when you moved to London. He made you feel welcome in your little friends group. There was a little flirting game between the two of you that you didn’t even notice until one of your friends brought it up.
“Oh c’mon, it’s so obvious you like each other.” Margot slurred, her second glass clinking against the table as she finished every drop.
“What?” You asked, baffled. Your eyes were wide and your face started to heat up. “He doesn’t like me.”
“But you like him?” Ava, a friend from work, smirked at you.
You stumbled on your words, wiping at the condensation on your glass.
But since he was in a relationship now, you felt almost icky around him. You felt so uncomfortable around him that you did whatever you could to not be in the same room as him.
You were ready for the holidays, you thought. It would give you a break from constantly thinking about him being so busy with your family back in your hometown.
You should’ve known London weather wouldn’t be in your favor. It rained constantly everyday and the fog seemed to get closer to the ground every other day. The weather was getting so bad that you started working from home, the roads too wet and icy to drive on. So honestly, you weren’t that surprised when airports closed due to the weather, meaning you had to spend Christmas in London.
With Harry.
The day after flights were cancelled Harry texted on your group chat saying he could host a dinner and party on Christmas eve and everyone was invited. You watched texts from your other friends flood in, some excited vulgar words were thrown in there as well.
You never responded. Not only because you still felt weird around him for having this massive crush on him, but because things haven’t really been the same between you two.
You can’t remember the last time you had a full on conversation with him before you had to excuse yourself because you couldn’t take the ache in your chest when you were around him, and he wasn’t yours. You can’t remember the last joke he ever told you or when you went out for lunch or drinks when it was only the two of you. You were sure he noticed how weird you were around him, but never said anything, so you let it be.
As the day neared, your mind would change on whether you were going or not. You didn’t want to seem bitchy and cold on what was supposed to be the happiest and cheerful day of the year, so you thought you would go. You thought of every reason you shouldn’t go that had nothing to do with Harry, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle seeing him cozy up with his very serious girlfriend.
But there would be alcohol, so you decided to go.
Hey (y/n)! Think you come over early and help me set up for tomorrow? H xx
You stared at the text for what seemed like hours, but it was only a couple seconds. Before you could even register what your fingers were doing, you tied up a quick message and hit send before you could stop yourself.
Of course!! See you tomorrow!
You hated yourself for the rest of the day. Why would you do this to yourself? You could barely be in the same room as him and some other friends. How would you survive being alone before the party started?
The butterflies in your stomach have not been able to settle since you woke up Christmas Eve morning. Just the thought of seeing him made you nervous. You almost didn’t get out of bed that morning. But you pat yourself on the back when your feet finally hit your wooden flooring and moved on with your day.
Your shoulders hung low beside you as the time to meet up grew closer, the sun lowering behind you, Christmas lights and inflatable decorations coming to life as stars dotted the sky.
You sighed heavily as you styled your hair and naturally did your makeup.
You slid on your silky, tight dress and grabbed your coat and quickly made your way to your car to get away from the bitter cold.
You rubbed your hands together, blowing into them to regain some feeling before turning the key into the ignition, quickly turning the heater on, Mariah Carey blasting through your speakers.
You were about to pull out of your driveway, mumbling along to Mariah’s notes when you realized you forgot the gifts.
Your shoulders were hunched up as you knocked on the white door, your foot tapping against the brick stairs of Harry’s house as you waited for him to open it in the freezing cold.
You could hear shuffling from the other side and watched the doorknob wiggle, Harry having trouble with his lock since June and still hasn’t had anyone fix it.
The door swings open to reveal Harry in his glory, brown corduroy pants and an ugly Christmas sweater under an apron that’s tied around his slender waist that you’ve always been jealous of.
“Hey, sorry, come on in.” Harry said to you before moving out of the way, a bowl nestled between his side and his arm.
You mumbled a quiet thank you before stepping in, your cheeks reddening at the warmth enveloping you as you walked through the foyer of his home.
“Mm,” he hummed as he remembered something. He puts down the bowl he had on his white kitchen counter and waddles over to you, a small curve on his lips as he wrapped his arms around you. “Merry Christmas, love.”
You hate that nickname. But you don’t. You hate the butterflies that flutter in your stomach when he says that word. You hate the goosebumps it causes you and the hairs sticking up on your neck when he says the one thing you feel too harshly for him. And you hate how much he doesn’t feel it back.
“Merry Christmas, Harry.” You mumbled into his neck, his cologne flooding your senses bringing you comfort.
He doesn’t let go of you yet, but he backs up just a little to see you. “You look gorgeous, (y/n).”
The air gets stuck in your lungs and you almost forgot how to formulate words. You hoped Harry thought the pigment on your cheeks would be from the cold because it totally was. Before it was obvious how his words affected you, you stuttered out a few words. “Thank you, you look nice too.”
He chuckled at you, the breath passing his lips hitting your neck, a tingle passing through your spine. “You don’t have to lie, darling.” He squeezed you one last time before letting you go, your body instantly becoming colder as he backed away.
There's a low hum of Christmas music playing in his surround sound system, a tall tree tucked in a corner between his burning fireplace and window looking out onto the street.
You turn your attention back to Harry as he speaks up again, his famous dimples puncturing his cheeks. “Thanks fo’ comin’ early to help me out.”
You rolled your coat off your shoulders and hung by the door, walking up to him as he moved around the kitchen. “Oh yeah, it’s no problem. Not like I had anything else to do.”
He gave you a small sympathetic smile before throwing a tray full of greens into the oven. “I’m sorry you couldn’t go see your family.”
You shrug as you run your finger on the edge of his marble counter. “It’s alright, nothing I can do much anyway.” You perk up when you remember what you’re doing here so early in the first place. “Guess that’s why I’m here, no? What can I help you with?” Your heels click as you move around the counter closer to him.
“Nope.” His lips puckered as he pushed you back to where you were standing. “Just stand there and talk to me. Wine?”
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you blindly nod, watching him uncork a bottle of Moscato. Your favorite.
He hands you a glass of the sparkling wine before turning back around to the dishes, prepping food of all kinds for everyone and most importantly; eggnog.
“But, you said you needed my help.”
He chuckled nervously, his cheeks reddening. From your comment or from the wine? You weren’t going to get your hopes up. “I just need some company before the party. Just stand there and look pretty.”
You try your hardest ignore the blush on your cheeks. You twirl the wine glass from the neck, watching the liquid swirl around in the depths of the glass. “What about Katy?”
He sighs deeply, opening the oven to check on the food. “We’ve been kind of fighting lately.”
You did your best to stop the grin from forming on your lips, hoping he did notice your sudden burst at the new information. They are still together, so you can’t act on anything. “I’m sorry. Can I ask what’s going on?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know really. Anything and everything. Every little thing I do annoys her and anything she does annoys me. It just wasn’t the same.”
“Is she coming?” You ask before you can think about it.
He shrugs again, shoulders hanging more than usual. “I don’t think so. She said she was staying home since she can‘t fly back to her family either.”
A silence hangs between the two of you when neither of you said anything, not really sure of what needs to be said next.
“I don’t think I feel the same way for her as I did in the beginning.” Harry mumbled, arms crossed over his chest as his hip leaning against the counter, his usually bright eyes a little darker, a little sadder.
You walk up to him and lay your hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile. “It’s not my business but, if you really feel that way, you shouldn’t lead her on, it’ll only hurt both of you.”
Harry looks down at the floor as he nods. “Thanks, love.”
There’s a wave of silence between you again as he raises his head to look at you. You almost felt small under his gaze. Something about his crystal green eyes always made you nervous. You were scared he could see what you were really thinking.
And you also swear his eyes fell to your lips.
The dinner party was in full swing now, people’s laughter bleeding in with the loud Christmas music playing around the house. Some people were dancing in front of the fireplace, drinks being refilled every once in a while.
You were standing by the counter with your friends, Margot and Ava, chatting and drinking your eggnog instead of the wine you had before the party started. You had completely forgotten about the wonderful man hosting this party, the conversation you had earlier with him slipping your mind as the drink in your hand lowered to the bottom of the glass, intoxicating your thoughts.
Even though you offered to help, Harry didn’t let you help with the rest of dinner before everyone came over, so now the food still wasn’t ready as people flooded in. You heard him say something about potatoes and that was as much as you knew of the food preparation and when you would be able to eat.
The music is lowered a bit and then a clicking sound was heard, everyone turning their heads towards Harry, who clinked a fork against his glass. “Dinner is ready!”
Everyone cheered and started making their way towards the dining room. Most people had already filtered towards the next room when a knock on the front door was heard.
You turned your head as Harry twisted the knob. You were sure Harry's face mimicked yours when you saw who was standing at the doorway.
There stood Katy, hair newly bleached and a little overdressed.
She wasted no time in wrapping her arms around him, her plump lips repeatedly marking his face with the bright lipstick.
“Oh god,” you waltzed over towards Ava, who was pouring herself a new glass of eggnog. “pass me the eggnog, I can’t stand this sober.” You pushed her over slightly and grabbed the handle of the ladle she was using, filling up your cup almost to the brim.
Ava looked at you in curiosity at your sudden change, carefully looking over at the lovely couple still by the door. “Wait, I thought you told me they were fighting.” She whispered beside you, eyes widening as she watched you gulp down some of the eggnog you just served yourself to give yourself some more.
“Guess fucking not.” You were much less sober now, on the brink of tipsy and drunk. Your words slurred, eyelids heavy, vision blurry. “Let’s go fucking eat.” You dragged Ava by the wrist towards the commotion in the dining room, almost, but not quite forgetting about the couple behind you.
You’ve had four glasses of eggnog. Or was it five? But now, you stand in front of the bowl, pouring some into your glass again, making it six.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” You hear his sultry voice behind you, his tone a little sassy and annoyed, but you didn’t care.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You slurred, turning around to face him. His pink lips were turned down in a frown, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, his buff arms that were constricted in his sweater cross in front of his chest. “Gonna go kiss your girlfriend some more?” You stumbled on your feet, your drink almost spilling over the rim.
“What does that have to do with anything?” His face changed from annoyance to confusion. His thumb twisting the ring on his other finger nervously.
You open your mouth to retaliate, but even in this drunk state you knew not to say anything. You chug the creamy drink, keeping eye contact with him, watching his face change again. You didn’t care.
He obviously didn’t care either.
You sighed dramatically as you finished the drink. “Merry fucking Christmas.”
You had sobered up quite a bit after your little encounter with Harry, mainly because there was no eggnog left.
You realized it was for the better though, so you made your way back into the kitchen, doing your best to not stumble or bump against anything as you grabbed an empty cup to fill with water.
“I am really sorry.” You knew his voice anywhere. But it wasn’t his usual chirpy, charming voice he had that always soothed you, it sounded more sad and somber.
“On Christmas? Out of any day you chose today?” Katy sniffled, voice wobbly and hurt.
“I know but, you know we can’t go on any longer, we’ll just hurt each other more.”
“I think I'm going to head out.”
You don’t hear Harry say anything back, but the sound of the door clicking open catches your attention and you almost turn around to watch.
“I just have one question.” Katy said weakly.
You walked away before you could hear anything else.
Even though you were still a little upset at Harry (For what? You weren’t sure anymore), you stayed behind as everyone left to help him clean up before you head home.
You were putting things back in his refrigerator when you heard the front door close, the light chatter and drunken goodbyes silenced by the wooden door.
You kept your back towards the door, suddenly nervous of the words that would be spoken between the two of you.
“(y/n), can we talk?” Harry’s voice was low and sultry, your knees almost gave out.
“I should um-I should get going. It’s late.” You hurry around him to grab your things and for the door, but he holds your wrist.
“Please?” He sounded desperate, and for the first time in what felt like days you looked up into his emerald eyes. There was that desperate look in his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed and lips turned down into a frown.
You sigh and nod slowly.
He lets go of your wrist and stuffed his hands in his back pockets, his pink cheeks either from the cold or from nervousness.
“I’m sorry.” He said suddenly. “I didn’t mean to get mad and I know I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Is that it?
You weren’t going to lie, you thought he would profess his love to you or something.
“I um- I also,” he swallows and takes your hand, his rings cold to the touch. “I broke up with Katy.”
Your mouth opened for words to come out but nothing ever left your lips.
“Do you want to know the real reason why Katy and I were fighting?”
You’re still speechless, scared of the answer, even though you have an idea of what he'll say.
“I’ve always liked you, (y/n).” His shoulders rise in a deep breath. “I guess, I don’t know, I thought if I started seeing someone else it would it easier but, not being with you this past year has been hell and I know I haven’t made it any easier with being with Katy but—”
Your lips crash on his, your arms wrapping his neck, your fingers immediately tangling in his brown locks.
He stumbles back in shock but grabs at your hips, bringing you closer to his chest.
His pink lips press against yours, the corners slowly turning up into a smile, breaking your kiss.
“Merry fucking Christmas to me.”
@samaratheweirdo @sarcasticallywitty15
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Ask Her [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 5000
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: George gets jealous when Cedric takes an interest in Y/n.
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: requested by nonnie, hope you enjoy my love! (also my first full george fic, feedback is appreciated!)
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“Y/n, wake up!”
“Hmm?” You mumbled as your eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the view in front of you, “What’s going on?”
“You need to get up, it’s nearly time to go!” Hermione announced loudly, before rushing up the stairs - most likely to wake everyone else up. You sat up on the couch you had fallen asleep on, stretching as much as you could before your hand hit someone.
You turned to see a familiar mop of ginger hair belonging to the younger twin and smiled. Your movement caused him to wake up, yawning as he sat up himself, in a half delirious sleepy state and looking more adorable than you’d ever seen him.
“Morning Georgie,” you grinned as you pushed the thin blanket off your legs. “Morning love,” George replied, his voice rough from sleeping.
You heard the sound of pans clanging together and stood up, heading towards the kitchen to help Molly with making breakfast.
“Good morning my darling!” Molly greeted as you entered the kitchen. “Good morning Molly, in need of any assistance?” You asked politely. “Don’t you worry, I’ve got it all under control. You couldn’t do me a favour and make sure Ron is up could you? I sent Hermione but I’m afraid it may not be enough.”
“Of course Molly!”
You made your way upstairs, finding Ron’s room and poking your head inside. Seeing that Harry and Ron were at least awake - although not yet out of bed - you headed over to Ginny’s room instead.
Finding Ginny packing and Hermione sat on her bed, holding a backpack on her knee, you smiled at them from the doorway.
Ginny looked up at you and smirked, “Any particular reason why I had the room to myself last night?”
“I found her curled up with George on the couch,” Hermione teased, grinning over at you as you sat down on what would have been your makeshift bed, rummaging through your belongings to find a brush for your hair.
You looked over at them as Ginny giggled, “We literally just fell asleep there last night. It could just as easily have been anyone else.”
“And he could’ve easily woken you up and got you in here but he chose not to, what does that say?” Ginny countered.
“Plus you woke up with a blanket around you both, who do you think did that?” Hermione added.
“Might’ve been Molly,” you mumbled, turning back to your bag and letting your hair fall into your face, hoping it was hiding the redness of your cheeks.
“It was George, don’t kid yourself!” Ginny shook her head as she went back to packing.
“Are you sure nothing happened hmm? Your cheeks are awfully red.”
“Nothing happened, nothing ever happens, you know that,” you sighed.
“But you want something to happen!” Ginny exclaimed, “You know you do!”
“I... I might,” you said lightly, pulling out your change of clothes and rolling your eyes as you heard the girls squealing and yelling, “I knew it!”
Once you’d all got changed, you headed downstairs for breakfast, shooting glares at them both to make sure they didn’t say anything, however you couldn’t stop them from wiggling their eyebrows when the twins entered the room, George taking a seat beside you.
You’d all left soon after, following Arthur who was leading the group into a field.
“Ron, where are we actually going?” Harry asked from beside you. “Don’t know,” Ron shrugged before yelling out, “Hey dad, where are we going?”
“Haven’t the foggiest, keep up!” was his reply, making you laugh.
The sun was just starting to rise, the crisp early morning air making you shiver a little as you followed Arthur’s lead across the large field, then through a group of trees. As you emerged into a clearing, you noticed a shorter man seemingly waiting under a tree for you.
“Arthur! It’s about time son!” the man called out as he walked over to meet you all.
“Sorry Amos, some of us had a sleepy start,” Arthur replied, shooting a pointed look over at Harry and Ron, making you giggle.
“This is Amos Diggory everyone! Works with me, at the ministry!” Arthur introduced you all. Suddenly, someone jumped down from the trees above you, making you jump and almost stumble back into George’s chest, who evidently was stood just behind you.
His hands automatically rested on your hips to steady you, “You alright there, love?” You turned to face him, wearing a sheepish smile, “Yep, sorry I nearly stood on you.” “If it means you’re this close to me, feel free to nearly step on me more often,” George said with a grin.
“‘Step on me more often’?” Fred laughed from beside him, “Bloody hell Georgie is that the best you could come up with?” George nudged Fred in annoyance and shot him a glare as he nodded to you. However, you were no longer paying attention as your focus laid on the extremely good looking boy who had just jumped down from the trees.
“And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?” Arthur asked the brunette boy.
“Yes sir.”
You shared a look between yourself, Hermione and Ginny, all of you thinking the same thing as you glanced between them and the good looking lad stood in front of you.
George narrowed his eyes as the group began moving on.
“Pretty boy Diggory trying to steal my girl,” he grumbled to Fred, who nudged him with a mocking laugh. “You do realise she’s not your girl because you won’t tell her how you feel, right?” Fred grinned.
“She knows how I feel,” George insisted, staring over at where you were laughing with Cedric, who had fallen in line with you whilst walking.
“You sure about that?”
As you arrived at the top of a hill, the group began to circle around an old boot, sitting in the middle of the grass.
“Why are they standing around that manky old boot?” Harry asked in confusion.
“That isn’t just any manky old boot mate!” Fred replied. “It’s a portkey,” George added.
“What’s a portkey?”
But Harry’s question went unanswered as Amos began counting down, everyone grabbing hold of the shoe. You were overly aware of the feel of George’s hand half covering your own and as you glanced up at him, he gave the back of your hand a squeeze and shot you a lazy smile, just as you started whizzing through the air.
“Let go, kids!” Arthur yelled out. “What??!” You heard Hermione screech out. “Let! Go!”
At his command, you let go of the boot, and found yourself toppling down onto the ground with a thud. You groaned in pain as you rolled onto your back, just in time to see Arthur, Amos and Cedric land gracefully on their feet.
Arthur chuckled at you all laying on the floor before joking, “I bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?”
You were about to try and stand up before a hand was offered out in front of you. You took it gratefully as Cedric easily pulled you to your feet. “Th-Thanks,” you stuttered out, his hand still in yours. He gave you a small smile and a nod, before running to catch up with his father who had already began walking off into the distance.
Unbeknownst to you, George had stopped in place as he watched Cedric help you up, glaring at the brunette boy as he ran a hand through his ginger hair, earning an amused head shake from Fred who patted his twin on the shoulder as he passed him.
You made eye contact with Hermione who grinned at you and nodded in Cedric’s direction. Shrugging, you pulled your backpack further onto your shoulders and began following after the group.
You felt an arm wrapping around your waist and you looked up in shock, before relaxing as you realised it was George pulling you towards him. His mouth was set in a straight line as he stared intensely ahead at Cedric’s back.
A few minutes later you had arrived at a busy campsite, crowds of people laughing and cheering, waving flags and sporting face paint and accessories relating to the Irish Quidditch team, due to play later on in the day.
“Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!” Arthur announced, much to the excitement of everyone around you. You began weaving through the crowd, listening to the music playing and watching people fly on broomsticks above you.
“Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match!” Amos bid his goodbyes as you arrived at a small, worn tent. “See ya later, Cedric!” Harry yelled as Cedric and his father left.
You all entered the tent, finding many rooms inside, decorated and made homely. Looking around in disbelief, you marvelled at how big the interior appeared compared to when you were stood outside.
“Girls, choose a bunk and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry,” Arthur called out as he made his way through the tent.
“Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!” The twins mocked in unison as they sat down at the wooden table at the back of the tent, making you laugh. They put their feet onto the table just as Arthur turned to them, “Feet off the table.”
“Feet off the table,” the twins repeated.
They took their feet off the table but put them back on as soon as Arthur had walked past.
The match was due to start any moment and you’d all taken your seats high up in the stadium. You looked around in awe at the sheer amount of people who had come out to watch Ireland vs Bulgaria.
“Come on!” Fred yelled out as the Irish team flew out into the stadium, the crowd cheering and screaming. A big, glittering leprechaun appeared in the sky and started dancing, and you cheered loudly, waving the Irish flag you had purchased previously in the day.
“Here come the Bulgarians!” George yelled from beside you. The Bulgarian team began flying around the stadium in much the same fashion as the Irish had, and the crowds started chanting the seeker’s name.
“Krum!!” The twins yelled out. George leant down to whisper in your ear, “He’s going to catch the snitch, you just watch.”
“I thought you wanted Ireland to win,” you raised an eyebrow as you looked up at him.
“Oh they will, but he’s going to catch the snitch. Me and Freddie would bet on it,” he shared a knowing look with his twin as you rolled your eyes with a smile.
“I can’t believe you were right!” You laughed as you all were celebrating Ireland’s win of the match.
“You should know by now that I’m always right, love,” George replied with a smug grin, “Ireland is the better team, but Krum is the best seeker in the world. We knew he’d catch the snitch.”
“There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist,” Ron announced dramatically to the tent.
“Think you're in love, Ron,” Ginny joked, grinning as the twins started singing.
“Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on,” Fred laughed as the loud sounds from outside entered the tent, getting louder when suddenly Arthur rushed towards them, “It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here. Now.”
You grabbed your bag from the floor beside you and followed the group out quickly, clutching Hermione’s arm as you stood watching the chaos unfold.
Crowds of people were rushing to get away from something, screaming and trampling tents, belongings and even others in their attempt to escape.
“Get back to the portkey everybody, and stick together. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility,” Arthur announced.
Fred grabbed Ginny’s arm and pulled her with him, as you and George followed. George grabbed your hand ensuring you wouldn’t be carried off with the stampede of witches and wizards, all trying to get away from the fire and danger. You fought your way through the crowds, finally finding a safe clearly to catch your breath.
“Are we all okay?” Fred asked, peering around at you. “‘Course we are Freddie. Right, Y/n?” George looked to you to make sure you weren’t hurt. “Yeah, yes, of course,” You swallowed, staring around at the burnt tents as screams filled your ears. George sensed your apprehension and reached out to take your hand in his again, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Ginny was chewing on her lip. “We need to find everyone else. C’mon,” she said as she began running off.
The twins looked at each other before beginning to run after her, “Wait up!”
The aftermath of what happened at the World Cup was worrying and you’d had a weird feeling about what it all meant. The school year had just started however, and Hogwarts had a great way of feeling like home, comforting your worries, at least for now.
You decided to sit with your friends at the Gryffindor table, laughing with them as Dumbledore walked up to take his place at the stand at the front of the hall.
“Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement,” he called out, “This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been choosen to host a legendary event - the Triwizard tournament!”
There was a surge of hushed but excited whispers throughout the hall, smiles arriving on students’ faced at what this news may mean.
“Now for those of you who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if choosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime!”
The large wooden doors at the back of the hall swung open and a group of pretty girls dressed in blue uniform danced up the aisle. As they ran between the tables, male students couldn’t help but stare - particularly, you noticed in amusement, Ron Weasley.
“And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff.”
A group of older boys walked down the aisle, stabbing bo staffs into the ground to create spark effects.
“Blimey it's him, Viktor Krum!” You heard Ron yell out as the seeker from the World Cup followed his headmaster to the front of the hall.
You could hear the excited chatter of everyone talking about the triwizard tournament as the students from the other schools sat down and you wondered who would enter. Your eyes caught George’s and he gave you a grin, which you returned.
The twins would definitely be entering.
“Your attention please! I would like to say a few words,” Dumbledore continued, “Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the triwizard tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.”
“Wicked,” you heard Fred and George say.
“For this reason, the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation - Mister Bartimus Crouch.”
The man in question - Bartimus Crouch - stood beside Dumbledore and began to speak, “After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the triwizard tournament. This decision is final.”
The hall erupted in yells and students began booing. “That's rubbish!” George yelled. “Come on!” Fred added, “You don't know what you're doing!”
“Silence!” Dumbledore yelled out, “Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame of the goblet of fire before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if choosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the triwizard tournament has begun!”
You were sat with Hermione watching as students placed their names into the goblet, other students applauding as they did so.
“Go on Cedric, put it in!” You heard a student yell. Looking up, you watched as Cedric laughed, before looking over to you and smiling as he dropped his parchment into the goblet.
Hermione nudged you with a grin, “He definitely fancies you.” “I doubt that,” you blushed, “Besides... you know I like someone else.”
“Speaking of...” Hermione muttered as the room suddenly filled with cheering as the twins ran into the room.
“Thank you, thank you! Well lads we've done it!” George announced. “Cooked it up just this morning!” Fred continued.
“It's not going to work,” Hermione said in a sing-song voice, causing the twins to kneel beside you both.
“Oh yeah?” Fred asked. George grinned at you, smiling wider as he noticed the slight blush rising on your cheeks at the proximity between you both. “And why's that Granger?” He spoke, however he kept his eyes on you.
Hermione gestured to the white circle on the floor, “You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself.”
You hid a smile as Hermione sighed, “So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion.”
“That's why it's so brilliant!” Fred grinned.
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted,” George added.
The twins stood up.
“Ready, Fred?” “Ready, George!”
“Bottoms up!” They yelled in unison.
You watched as they jumped inside the age line. They paused a moment before cheering and dropping their names into the flame.
Suddenly, the flame rose up and the twins were flung across the room. You stood up immediately and ran over to make sure they were okay, “Fred! George!”
They rolled around fighting on the floor with beards rivalling Dumbledore’s, as the crowd cheered. You shook your head with a laugh, thankful they weren’t too hurt.
“Sit down! Please! And now the moment you've all been waiting for - the champion’s selection!”
Dumbledore dramatically dimmed the candles around the room and approached the blue flame. It began glowing red and a piece of parchment flew out, “The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!”
The Durmstrang students cheered loudly and you clapped for him as another piece flew out.
“The champion from Beauxbatons... is Fleur Delacour!”
Students cheer again and you laughed as Ron sighed happily as he watched her walk up to the front of the room. The third piece of parchment flew out and Dumbledore caught it, “The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!”
Cedric stood up with a grin, he friends cheering and whooping and clapping him on the back. He walked up to the front of the room, choosing to pause as he passed by you. He lifted your hand carefully and pressed a kiss to the back of it, before continuing on his way.
George grit his teeth, his jaw tense, glaring at the brunette boy who just dared to kiss you. Sure, it was just the back of your hand but even so, the audacity of the Hufflepuff had George’ blood boiling. By now, he assumed everyone knew you and him had a thing. And whilst no, neither of you had put a label on it, you were balancing precariously on the line between being friends and being more, and George did not want anything - or anyone, in this case - making that balance tip more towards ‘friends’.
“Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory... the triwizard cup!”
Just as students began chattering amongst themselves, the goblet glowed red once more and a fourth piece of parchment flew out. Dumbledore caught it much like the others.
“Harry Potter?” He read out in confusion, before repeating himself with more confidence, “Harry Potter!”
“Go on Harry! Harry, for goodness sake!” Hermione pushed the boy who lived to walk up to the front. Harry seemed in shock as he reluctantly made his way towards Dumbledore, just as students began yelling out angrily in protest.
“It’s dragons!” Harry yelled out as he headed over to your group who were sat in the Great Hall.
You looked up, “What?” “The first task,” he said as he took the seat opposite you, “the first task is dragons!”
Hermione immediately grabbed her care for magical creatures textbook and started flicking through for information, anything that may help.
“Bloody hell, mate,” Ron said, “Our Charlie works with dragons and he’s got more scars than he can count. And he’s a professional.”
“Might come out of this task a bit crispy, eh Harry?” Fred joked, nudging him.
“I’m gonna have to tell Cedric, he won’t know! Madame Maxime knows, she’ll tell Fleur and... and Karkaroff knows so that means Krum will. He’ll be the only one who doesn’t know!” Harry said in worry.
You smiled. Trust Harry to worry about Cedric instead of how he himself would beat a dragon. “I can come with you to tell him if you want Harry,” you told him.
“You’re going with Harry?” George’s head snapped up immediately at your comment.
You shrugged, “Yeah why not, he said he had something to ask me anyway.”
“Could be about the Yule Ball, Y/n!” Hermione said excitedly, looking up from the book, “He might ask you to go with him!”
George felt his cheeks flushing with anger, his fists clenching. He wanted to ask you. He did, but he didn’t exactly know how. Or when, for that matter.
“I don’t see why we have to tell that git about the dragons, let him figure it out himself,” he grumbled with a frown.
“George! Dragons are dangerous - you should know that, what with Charlie working with them. We need to warn him,” you scolded.
The first task was about to start. Harry had just entered the champions tent and you were stood in the awaiting crowd, worry racking you as you sat fidgeting in your seat.
“So um, don’t think I ever ended up asking but... did pretty boy Diggory end up asking you anything in particular?” George asked casually, trying to act like he hadn’t been thinking about it constantly for the last few weeks ever since it was first mentioned.
“He actually didn’t ask me anything... he looked like he wanted to, but decided not to,” you shrugged.
George couldn’t help the relief he felt to know Cedric hasn’t asked his girl to the ball, a weight falling off his shoulders.
“I hope he’s okay,” you chewed on your bottom lip as you peered down at the champions tent, waiting for the starting announcement.
“Who, Harry or your pretty boy Diggory?”
“Well I was talking about Harry but yes, I suppose Cedric too. I don’t understand why you’re always so rude about him. He’s really not as bad as you make him out to be,” you rolled your eyes though only half seriously.
“I’m not, I just don’t really like him is all. No one can be that nice and that good looking... there’s something up,” George insisted.
“Aww Georgie, you think he’s good looking, do you?” Fred teased, earning a glare from his twin as you laughed.
“Of course not. I think he’s a git.”
“He’s actually really nice once you get to know him,” you said. George scoffed, only half playfully, “Oh and you know him, do you?”
“Maybe she’d like to,” Fred grinned, enjoying winding up his brother.
“She doesn’t! You don’t... do you?” George quickly turned to you with a frown. You leant on his arm and snuggled into it, “Nothing to worry about here, Georgie.”
“This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates,” Ron grumbled and he stared down at the work he wasn’t doing, “Well, us and Neville!”
Hermione leant over to him, “It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone.”
Ron sighed, “Now I'm really depressed.”
“Now you’re depressed?” You joked. Ron shot you a mocking smile as Fred pushed a note over to Ron. You watched Ron read the note and frown before he looked up at Fred, “Who are you going with then?”
Fred smirked, before throwing a scrunched ball of parchment over at Angelina. He proceeded to ask her to the ball and she shrugged and nodded in agreement.
Fred winked at Ron, earning a few laughs.
“Well Hermione, you're a girl,” you heard Ron say as you continued doing your work.
“Oh well spotted,” came Hermione’s sarcastic reply.
“Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad.”
You threw a piece of parchment at Ron and shot him a glare for his rudeness. He may have been one of your closest friends but you knew that his comment would hurt Hermione’s feelings.
“I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me. And I said yes,” Hermione growled in anger as she collected her work together and stormed out.
“Bloody hell,” Ron said as you picked up your textbooks before rushing after her. He watched as you ran out before sighing again and turning to Harry, “Look. We've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tonight when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed?”
Harry nodded, “Agreed.”
“So that plan failed miserably,” Harry groaned, “‘Grit our teeth and do it’ you said. Well Ron, I think that’s easier said than done.”
Harry collapsed onto the space between Hermione and Fred on a couch in his common room, Ron and George sat opposite.
Ron was quiet in thought for a moment, before responding, “Suppose I could ask Y/n.”
“Like hell you will,” George suddenly jumped in as he sat up.
“Why, are you planning to? She was my friend first, she’ll say yes to me if I ask before you,” Ron faced him, crossing his arms across his chest.
“She won’t,” George insisted.
“Oh yeah? What makes you so sure about that?”
“Because I’m gonna be the first to ask her,” the younger twin said determinedly, nodding in triumph.
“If that’s the case, you better ask her soon,” Hermione spoke up, “Cedric is also looking to ask her - today, from the way he was speaking”
Fred laughed, “You hear that Georgie? Better go ask out your girl... unless you want Diggory to take her instead.”
“She won’t say yes to him,” George said, but he didn’t sound certain. He didn’t feel certain either.
“She might. He’s cute, he’s a Triwizard champion and, most importantly, you haven’t asked her yet, and the ball is getting closer and closer. She won’t wait around forever for you to ask her. So yes, she absolutely might,” Hermione shrugged.
George paused for a moment before jumping up off the couch, causing Ron to nearly fall off it too with a surprised yell. He made his way towards the portrait door quickly, tugging a hand through his hair.
“Hey, where are you going?”
George looked over his shoulder, “Where do you think? I’m going to get my girl!”
If he received a reply, George didn’t hear it as he was already racing through the hallways of Hogwarts, weaving through groups of students, scanning around to see if he could spot your h/c hair.
He rounded a corner and came to an abrupt halt as his eyes fell on your frame, stood in front of Cedric.
“... so I was wondering if you’d maybe accompany me to the Yule Ball?” George heard as he stepped towards you.
“Sorry mate, she’s already going with someone,” he called out, making you turn to him in confusion.
Cedric’s eyes widened as he took in George’s dishevelled appearance from his running from the Gryffindor common room, “I-I’m sorry?”
“She’s going with me. Must be gutting I know, I’d be disheartened too if I were you, considering she’s the most beautiful girl in school but she’s mine and I’m keeping it that way,” George wrapped his arm around your waist and stared intently at Cedric.
Cedric, though thoroughly confused, nodded, “O-Of course, yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’ll um... I’ll see you later Y/n.”
“See you later,” you replied as the Hufflepuff boy retreated down the hallway.
You turned to George, raising an eyebrow, “You wanna explain what that was about?”
George swallowed, now feeling nervous, “Look, I should’ve asked you earlier. Not just to the ball but to be my girlfriend too. Because I’ve fancied you since I can remember and I don’t want anyone else to be with you except me. If you, you know, like me too. If not I’m sure you can chase down Diggory-“
“I fancy you too, Georgie.”
His breath hitched his his throat as he processed what you just said.
“You do? Brilliant,” he breathed out, his heart beating fast as you stood close to him, “That’s just- yeah that’s great I mean I- do you want to go to the ball with me?”
“Yes,” you nodded, not being able to help the smile crossing your face, “Yes of course I do!”
George grinned, his hands finding their place on your waist, your faces inches apart. You could feel his breath fanning across your lips as he whispered, “Would you be my girlfriend?” You laughed, “Nothing would make me happier.”
George started leaning forward to close the gap between your lips as he mumbled his reply,
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norcumii · 3 years
TW: abuse, suicide, depression, fandom wank, purity culture
There’s a post floating around this corner of fandom recently, by someone claiming to be fifteen:
if ur like at or over the age of 30 and u invest time into fandom spaces and shipping please touch a blade of grass. pay ur taxes or something. log off
Now, I’m not reblogging their post with this commentary because I’ve blocked them and that seems unfair and unkind, but also because they’re fifteen, and if that doesn’t entitle one to have ridiculous opinions on the internet, what does?
But I do have some words I need to say.
I was over thirty when I fell into the Clone Wars fandom. I used to have been in Star Wars – I gave it up during the Prequels era (when they were in the theaters and everything), because it didn’t hold my interest. Looking back, it’s because I didn’t have access to the information that Wookieepedia provides, and the insights provided by experience and life – and thus understanding of politics and humanity in general.
And that’s ok. I still have very fond memories of my older-than-thirty parents letting me stay up late to watch the OT, and even fonder memories of my grandmother enjoying sitting down with me and VHS tapes of Return of the Jedi – her favorite of the trilogy.
I fell back into the fandom in 2014 – after the Clone Wars series ended. I was over thirty. I was suicidal. I was stuck in an abusive relationship. I woke up each morning sleep deprived and regretting I had to face yet another day.
I was just killing time because I wasn’t brave enough to kill myself – and the attempts I did make proved I wasn’t very good at that, either.
But in the process of just marking time, I read fic because I had just enough energy to be able to immerse myself in stories that had roots in movies and shows I used to like. I could find some smidge of enjoyment in further, non-canonical adventures, and ANY smidge of enjoyment those days was a gods-damned miracle.
I got on tumblr. I found other fandom people. One of them recommended The Clone Wars if I wanted to watch something, and hey, it was on Netflix.
I cried within five minutes of starting the first episode. The voice acting, the sounds – this was a fragment of my childhood I hadn’t realized I had missed. It reminded me of my dead grandmother, some of the good times with my family that by then, lived far away – and seemed even further away from the daily hell I called a life.
I fell in love with the clones: the potential, the romance and the tragedy of it all. Then slowly, so slowly I didn’t realize it was happening, a thought began to settle into my head.
I loved these characters, these clones who had nothing, who were stuck in a terrible situation with no escape, and I felt both fondness and outrage at their circumstances. I wanted better for them. I wanted them to have good lives, good opportunities, a chance to escape to become whatever they might want to be.
And maybe....
If I could care about that many imaginary people....
If I could look at these folks who didn’t exist and say “this isn’t fair, this isn’t right, you matter”–
Maybe –
Maybe I might matter too. Maybe I might deserve better. Oh, there was no question in my mind that they were far better beings than I ever might be, but there were too many parallels, of being trapped by a supposed benevolent dictator who was actually a manipulator draining everything from them – I wasn’t as, would never be as deserving, but....
I could make these absolutist statements about the clones. The Jedi. Hell, even the corrupt Republic deserved better than what Sidious wrought.
What made me so much worse that I might deserve what my abuser put me through?
Then I cautiously started asking these questions of myself, and asking other questions of those around me – fandom people, since my abuser kept me far too busy to make friends in brick space. These fandom people who were certainly above the twenty year mark, and more than a few who were also above thirty. They reassured me of various points of reality: no, what I was experiencing wasn’t normal; no, folks in relationships don’t argue like that. They could rec fic to me, stories with relationships like mine that were tagged “abuse” so I could recognize it, so I could read it and go “oh, that’s what a more normal person would do.”
I could cry about my circumstances and not feel like a useless, whiny little bitch who just needed to be better, who should be perfect all the time, who needed to be there for her guy because that’s what people do when they care.
I could look at that last sentence, and go “wait. People who care about their partners don’t demand that of them, especially not when it is literally killing them.” If I imagined any person treating the clones the way my abuser treated me, the sheer outrage was off the charts.
Star Wars – Star Wars fandom – quite literally saved my life.
While I was in my thirties.
Those fans, those friends, and the communal appreciation for the clones and all the rest of the mess that is Star Wars were reasons to live when I have tried giving up on everything else.
So yeah, I’m not gonna dogpile on some kid who thinks that after thirty you’re not allowed any good or fun things in life. But I do need to say “thank you” to you – all of you, those reading this who have any participation in fandom.
You’re lifesavers.
Thank you.
Thank you, and please, keep enjoying fandom for as long as you want. We all have different reasons we’re here, but we all have a right to live, to exist, and be happy.
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ickymichi · 3 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝.
a tendou satori x reader series.
✟ there’s always been the one rule every person who’s been in a band knows not to break, never mess around with your band mates. but Satori was sick of the groupies, sick of catching the bra’s and panties that were flung at him every night. he just wanted the one thing he couldn’t have.
✟ warnings: swearing, eventual smut, eventual angst(?), drug use, inappropriate themes, comedy.
✟ things to know: band au!, some timeskip careers mentioned, slow updates.
✟ if you’d like to be added to the taglist just send an ask! <3
✟ word count: 1.8k
✟ note: first actual chapter of this series! it’s nothing big but obviously i wanted to get something written for this series! but i hope you enjoy my dears! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
all contents belongs to k1ttykawa 2021. please do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
𝟎𝟎𝟐:. 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬
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The bright lights and screams from the small crowd in the underground venue was what brings you back down from the high you’re always on whenever you sit on the small bouncing stool behind the drum set on stages every second or third night. You heard Semi thanking everyone for coming and whatever shit he always says. Once you seen him bow and Tendou go to pick up the collection of bra’s and panties thrown on stage, you raised a hand and threw one of the drumsticks into the crowd, your own way of saying goodbye before making your way offstage. Semi and Tendou’s tall frames following behind, the same order as always.
The sweat was pouring out of you, tonight being more of a wilder one than the usual calm sets you’ve been having in bars or party’s recently. they were easy money, but they got boring after just a few hours. so all three of you were in desperate need of a night like tonight.
Turning the corner of the small, dark corridor to your dressing room for tonight you were met with the stench of weed, 3 different girls on the beat up leather couch, a rolled joint in one of the girls hands and white lines on a tray to the others left. Like always, you went straight to the showers to get the scent of sweat and fake smoke of you.
You really don’t know when but the cropped black tank top you had on was ripped down one side but your usual headband you sported every show was missing and it now became you new priority to track it down. “Satori! Where the fuck is my headband?” you stomped back out to see the wanted man desperately trying to pull the tight leather pants down his lanky legs. His head was whipped up to at the sound of your annoyed voice and then quickly darted his eyes over to the blonde that had previously rolled the joints and was now fawning over semi and his revealed tattoos. “oi” was all you muttered out behind her and holding out your empty hand—also noting some of your rings were gone. She turned her head to you with a scowl covering her features, which also revealed your missing accessory that caused your distress. “that’s her bandana and she’s quite obviously looking for it back,” Tendou quipped in making every one bar the girl laugh. After time, she untied it from the back and forcefully placed it back in your hand. Dramatically you held your arm, acting as if she pained you, tendou again laughing with you.
Finally you were able to hop into the shower and quickly get your self freshened and rub the accesses makeup off your eyes that was already smudged from your constant wiping, trying to stop the sweat dripping from your hairline.
“(y/n)!! please help me out of these, semisemi just keeps fucking laughing!” the peace and quiet you had was quickly interrupted by Tendou’s loud whining. “how the fuck am I not supposed to laugh when your walking around with them swinging around your ankles and your dick hanging out?” “what, Its out?!”
The large door separating the bathroom from the connected dressing room swung open and revealed Satori with his leathers pooled at his ankles and— surprising his dick not actually ‘hanging out’. “please help me sugartits, they’re fucking stuck even with my skinny ankles,” he hopped onto the counter and held his legs up for you to guide them off him. “well for starters, take your fucking shoes off!, and also I swear i saw these in the women’s section of some online store?” jokingly you shouted at him and moved to untie the doc martin’s around his feet. “yeah? You probably did, stole them from that chick that wouldn’t stop hanging off me last month,” both of you laughing at his silliness and falling into a comfortable silence.
The only noise was the voices off the others in the separate room and a recognisable Mötley Crüe song shaking the floor from the stage.
“what you think of tonight then?” the silence being broken by Satori like usual. “uhhh, it was definitely something but yeah, it was fun. Its nice to have a night like that every now and then, specially since we’ve just been in bars doing the same covers for the past two weeks. What about you huh?” he hummed, a noise of agreement showing he was listening, a habit you grew to learn. “I guess it was good fun yeah, although I didn’t appreciate nearly getting hit with a dildo within the first two songs. But I agree, it’s nice to do our own shit and not covers in a bar with a bunch of middle age boring shits. I think we’ve another show that’ll probably be like this again on Saturday.”
Saturday, today was Thursday so you’ve a nice day or two to just lie around, the other probably filled with travelling and setting up.
After about 10 minutes you had unlaced both his boots and chucked them onto the floor and not too long later his ‘borrowed’ pants joined them. “thanks chicken, lifesaver as always,” he pulled you into an embrace with one arm before leaving to find his spare clothes in the other room. He did always have the weirdest nicknames.
The night bled into the early hours of the morning, Semi and Tendou both getting their share of the girls there while you kicked your feet up, sparking up a conversation and passing the joints with your friend Taichi who was also your ‘manager’, he wasn’t really he just acted like it when venues would ask important questions and tagged along for the free show and nights at different clubs.
He was also the one who suggested you start moving to the motel down the street for the night before the venue boots you all out. Quickly you agreed, not fancying seeing any more glimpses of your friends and strangers body parts. Obviously the girls whined to the boys, asking if they could come, saying it’s dangerous for girls to walk home alone at night, “sorry ladies, but we’ll be sharing a bed tonight and I don’t fancy getting an unwanted facial on a Thursday night,” you butted into their persuasive conversation by wrapping an arm around the boys from the back of the couch and giving a friendly smile.
By the time you all got your equipment packed away and into the van it was nearing 4:30 in the morning and you, quite literally we’re going to fall into the bed. It wasn’t the nicest of places but you were just spending tonight and the next two there, unless you decided to go out after the shows and find some rando’s condo to spend the night in. All three of you pushed your way into the small room trying to get the edges of the double bed. And it wasn’t easy trying to squeeze through two 6’2 lean men, resulting in you again stuck in the middle of them staring at the blank roof, desperately waiting for the sun to rise so you could find some place to get food and away from the mess of limbs under the covers.
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When you did wake up it felt like you’d only slept for two hours, when in reality it had been about 10. The afternoon sun melting through the old curtains and falling into your pillow. As you moved to see what had finally woke you from the deep sleep you saw Semi at the small table, his guitar resting on his knees and his worn, nimble fingers scribbling words on his notebook he kept for when lyrics would come to him.
“mornin’ early bird,” all you could let out was a groan, your mind still coming to its senses. “there’s food n’ shit there Satori went out to get it, we was the first up, surprisingly,” he breathed out the last remark before moving to pick up the red pencil and get back to writing lyrics before they left his head.
The food that Tendou got was still warm so he must’ve of been up long before you anyway. “where is he?” “beats me, probably wandering round like always,” quickly he responded and took the pic from between his teeth and started strumming a tune while humming, what you were guessing, was the lyrics on the page.
Letting your curiosity get the better of you, you pulled your phone from where it was connected to the wall by the charger and found Satori’s contact and pressed the call icon, moving away from the sound of Eita and his guitar you went to go outside and sit on the bench outside your rooms window.
“hello, hello,” his ever cheerful voice filled the speakers of your phone that was wedged between your shoulder and ear. “hey, I was just calling to see where you are that’s all,” you piped up when he went quiet, tutting when you realised you were out of cigarettes. “oh you know, just out sightseeing ‘tis all,” “cool cool, well i’m going to the store now you need anything?” he hummed into the phone, indicating that he was thinking of something he needed. “just cigs I guess and get me that drink I like while there, i’ll pay you later,” bidding him goodbye as the small shop on the corner came into view you slipped your phone into your sweatpants pocket and walked to the back where they kept the energy drinks.
Exiting the shop with everything you needed you walked to make your way back till you saw a familiar head of red locks across the street and quickly, but quietly made your way to his figure.
Sneaking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his middle, feeling his ribs press into your arms, something you’ve noted recently. He sucked air into his lungs and jumped slightly before laughing with you. “here you go your highness,” was how you greeted him and chucked him his requested items. “thanks muffincake, i’ll pay you back later I swear,” you scoffed and shook his offer off, suggesting you stroll around the city until Semi called either of you to ‘get your sorry asses back to the room’.
Your stroll progressed into a very long walk and by the time Satori suggested you head back with an arm around your shoulder it was already dark, the night life staring to come out of hiding. eyeing a club across the street you thought might be a good shout to visit in case you three got bored tonight, making a mental note of its location.
“Didn’t Semisemi say we need to go over the set list again cause, someone, messed up last night,” a sing-song voice dragged you out of your club browsing and brought a scowl to your face. “excuse me, you’re the one who told me we were doing ‘nasty’ after the interlude, prick,” he pulled his chin up and started to ‘think’ about your accusation before loudly dubbing it false; “nope, I don’t recall doing such a thing. I could never, but if it boots your already sky high ego then, of course I did my dearest apologies baby cakes,” “do you ever shut up,” “when i’m face first in pus-” “Don’t even!”
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t a g l i s t: @evan-rose @elianetsantana @weebintheinternet @kuroos-roosterhead
please lmk if i missed you if your not there! <3
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cynic-spirit · 3 years
The Word Series (3) Serendipity – Finding Something Good Without looking for it
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Reblogs and comments welcome
On the other side of town she thinks about the man she has met. She had inherited her uncle’s vast orchid and lily farm after his death. She had just moved in. She was not aware of most of her surroundings and before she knew it she was walking in an odd part of the town, while walking her dog. From a distance it appeared that she was close to someone’s ranch. As there was hardly anyone around, she had a light hand on her dog’s leash. Suddenly she hears the loud sound of a train whistle and before she could get a grip, Cerberus had run away.
She got into a state of worry. Loud noises startled Cerberus mainly because he was still going through training to handle her condition. She started looking all over and calling his name. She walked and walked and reached what looked like a fence of someone’s ranch. She called again and when she did not get anything back, she decided to look in the other direction when she hears a loud voice.
It’s here!! Your Dog is here!!!
She looks towards the direction of the voice. To say that she was nervous would be an understatement. There stood a big burly man with shoulders like Apollo holding the leash of her dog. She is almost scared. She thinks, men who look like that are anything but gentle. She is scared to go to him. She prayed Cerberus has not done any damages to this man’s property otherwise, she doesn’t know how she will handle it. With careful steps she walks towards him and takes the leash from his hand.
“Thank you so much. He …he…ran away..” She said with all the confidence she could muster.
“Yeah, he ran into me”
(Oh God! Please tell me he didn’t bite you, she thought, quick apologize before he says anything)
“I am sorry about that”
“No problem, looks like he is not used to this place”
(Of course he is not used o this place. It is a big town, I just moved in. Its beautiful but like all beautiful things, its scary. Stop talking to me. I must go now, she thought but at least I can tell him that he is correct )
“Yes, we ….we just moved in..”
“Nice name ya gave him”
(yes, I got the name from the myth of Hades and Persephone, he is the guardian dog, he will protect me, God knows I need protection from people around me. Should I tell him all this, no, he does not want to hear stories. Guys who look like that are not nerds, just thank him for the compliment, and don’t look him in his eyes, his deep blue eyes.)
“Thank you”
I am Syverson. Nice to meet ya.
(Oh dear!!! Oh Lord!!! Umm.. okay, act natural, she thought, don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. Just greet him normally and if you don’t want to shake hands don’t. Pretend to hold the leash tightly. She thought.)
Nice to meet you Syverson.
Sy. Call me Sy, everyone else does.
(This is going well. She thought. Its getting late, I have to lock the greenhouse too. Just end this conversation soon)
Nice to meet you Sy. Thank you for grabbing Cerberus. I don’t know what I’d do without him.
Love your dog too much?
(For a second she went blank. She did not have a habit of lying so before she got into a spiral of thinking too much she blurted out)
I…I …kind of am dependent on him.
(Oh no! I have revealed too much, I don’t need his pity for my stupid anxiety. She tells herself that She has to leave now, the town is new for her. She does not want to get lost again and definitely not get stuck with this fearful looking man. Just end the conversation and get it over with she thought)
He is .. my… kind of… therapy dog. Thank you again Sy. I….appreciate your help.
And she leaves hurriedly. (Don’t look back she said to herself. She keeps walking and just then it strikes her, wait, she forgot to give him her name. How rude of her She did let her anxiety get the best of her. This man caught your dog and without him Cerberus would get lost. He was polite too, even if he looked scary. The least she could do was give him her name. She scolded herself, maybe next time, but what are the odds of meeting him again)
Sy reaches the grocery store. He parks his pickup truck and walks towards the entrance. He look inside the store, not many people, but he saw a familiar black Labrador at a distance. He shakes his head, maybe he is just imagining things. He goes inside the store and picks up a cart. He starts with some of his necessities. Ground coffee, vegetables, , fruits, grains. Then he moves to the other things he needs, body wash, some shampoo. He also needs that flea spray for his dog Django who is constantly itching himself. Sy keeps walking and putting things in his cart. He is about to go to the frozen food section for his meat and dairies but he hears a small bark. He wondered if it was a bark. He was a trained soldier, his hearing does not faulter him. So he looks around and when he turns, what he sees three aisles over brings a smile to his lips.
He sees Cerberus sitting quietly with a jacket that says “service dog, full access” . He is looking up at someone who is hidden behind the aisles and Sy knows who that person is. Perhaps he will find the name of his mystery woman and befriend her, and then in due time, he will ask her out, then they will be together and,… Wait what? Sy again reprimands himself again. Where is your head at you doofus, get your act together? Sy takes in a deep breath and pushing his cart slowly, he walks towards the aisle to greet the mystery woman.
She stood in one of the aisles looking at gardening supplies. That solves one mystery, Sy thought. She is either a farmer or a florist. He stands near the end of the aisle. She is still looking at the supplies, unaware of his presence. Sy watches her for sometime before he realizes it is not polite to stare. He clears his throat and it grabs her attention. She looks in the direction of the sound and gets startled, almost drops the can. Immediately she averts her eyes and looks away. Then she starts walking in the opposite direction. Sy is befuddled that she does not remember him, but he wont let her have it this time so he calls her.
Hey, nice to see ya again here.
He puts up his hand as a wave to greet her.
We met yesterday? Don’t you remember me? I got your dog. He points at Cerberus.
Umm…. Yes.. yes. You helped me with my dog. Of.. Of course I remember you. You are the dog guy. … I mean.. dog person..the dog man…  sorry.. I mean You are Sy. Nice to see you again Sy.
Sy smiles at her awkwardness a little. Still got it he thinks happily.
That’s right. I didn’t expect to see you here. I am just here for some coffee and fruits, and some you know other stuff. I also got some toilet paper paper and some spray for my dog. You know my dog has fleas,
Sy continues to ramble
(What is the matter with you ? Who talks about toilet paper with a woman? Dog has fleas??? Maybe you can tell her about your dog shit and horse poop too!! Real Smooth Sy, all you had to do was ask what is your name? You talk about clouds, weather and flowers to pretty girls like that not poop and toilet paper. Shut your damn mouth!!!)
He berates himself in his head as he shuts his lips tightly to stop talking. This woman was so hard to talk to. Why was she so hard to talk to he could not understand.
It is nice to see you again. Good Day Sy
Good day. Nice to meet you too.
She says and leaves hurriedly with Cerberus following her.  
Sy leaves out a breath and bangs his head lightly on the aisle shelf. Was he really talking about toilet paper to this woman. That is not smooth talk, that is not normal talk, that is not talk in any sense. No one wants to hear about dog fleas Sy, especially a quiet, shy, woman named…
Oh Shit!!!
Sy exclaims out loud. He forgot to ask her name again. What is the matter with me????
He exclaims again as he leaves the cart and runs towards the exit to catch her in order to get her name but she is long gone and Sy is left with a disappointment on his face. He looks around but sees her cart on the counter. He swore he almost felt his heart constrict in longing. He had driven the woman away, literally.
Yeah, he definitely had a thing for this woman. If he wasn’t sure then, he is sure now, for never has he run after a woman, literally like this.
After getting her dog back she was very tired and immediately slept. She woke up the next day and tended to the beautiful orchid farm that she had on a few acres of land. She inherited the land from her uncle who had no heirs and had adopted her after her parents died tragically in an accident. She lives with her aunt who manages the workers on the farm. The farming of these plants is tough but she manages it well. She has a degree in botany and agriculture. This knowledge as also helped her to bring some exceptional varieties of plants in her farm. She had managed some contracts with a few people which had started to bring profits. Now when she is here full-fledged, she had plans to add some elusive varieties to the newly constructed greenhouse.
Today was a day when she had to go to for some supplies to get the soil ready for the fresh seeds. She is expecting a small shipment of orchid and lily seeds in a week. She informs her aunt.
“Aunt viola, I am going to get some fertilizers and manure at the market, I’ll return the book at the library on my way back, I will be back in an hour or so”
Sure honey, take care!
As soon as she reaches the store, she is relived that there aren’t many people. One of the reasons she prefers to come early in the morning. She has anxiety and one might say a kind of agoraphobia. Crowds and crowdy places give her panic attacks which is why she keeps her therapy dog close. Slowly she walks to the aisle. She keeps a few of the necessary items in her cart when she sees the hunky man from the day before again.
(Oh god! Not him here. Who comes to the store this early. How small is this town? Aren’t there other stores here?  He is probably thinking who was the rude girl who didn’t tell him her name. I must hide)
With that she hid behind one of the aisles and pulled the leash of Cerberus. But he sat like a stubborn mule. She pulled the leash. Cerberus probably though she is playing with him and barks loudly.
(Dammit you stupid dog!!!)
She thinks in her head praying that the barking did not get the man’s attention. She waits a few seconds and continues browsing through the aisle.
(Thank heavens! Men who look like that don’t look at awkward girls like me)
Just when she is relaxed and browsing the section, she hears someone clear his throat. She looks to her side and almost drops the can on the floor.
(Act natural, leave, he probably doesn’t even remember you)
She starts to leave but then again the man speaks.
Hey, nice to see ya again here.
(Oh no! he remembers me. Okay, get over yourself and talk to him. Don’t be rude to him at least today.)
She thinks
Umm…. Yes.. yes. You helped me with my dog. Of.. Of course I remember you. You are the dog guy. … I mean.. dog person.. the dog man…   (Did you just call that man a dog man? Unlike you, he had told you his name, call him by his name) …. sorry.. I mean, You are Sy. Nice to see you again Sy.
That’s right. I didn’t expect to see you here. I am just here for some coffee and fruits, and some you know other stuff. I also got some toilet paper and some cream for my dog. You know my dog has fleas.
She is slightly confused now as she could not understand what is going on. Its hard enough for her to talk to people normally because of her condition. She does not have a lot of people in her social circle but she knows they definitely don’t talk like that.
Is he making fun of me? She thinks. He probably is. Men like that are often mean. Nevertheless, he did help you so just greet him and bid him good bye and leave the store as soon as possible. She will leave the things and the counter and someone to pick the things she bought.
It is nice to see you again. Good Day Sy
Sy manages to buy the stuff he wanted and somehow comes back home grumbling at his stupidity. He empties all the contents of his grocery bag on the kitchen aisle and starts to arrange them one by one while pouring food in the dog bowls for his dogs. Sy was talking to his dogs at the top of his voice in his house waving his hands all over the place.
…….and then she left. But this is not all guys, I did not ask her name too. Can you imagine. How hard is it? Hello We met yesterday, and I forgot to ask your name.
HOW HARD IS IT? Sy yells making Django and Aika bark as well.
Even a fuckin brainless ass knows not to talk about fleas and toilet paper to a woman. What happened to me? I am not normal. This is not normal.
She probably ran away. I saw her cart on the counter. I ran after her and I saw her cart at the counter. Because who would want to giver her name to a guy who talks about fuckin’ toilet paper and fleas. I cannot believe….
Just then the phone rings and snaps Sy out of his incessant rambling.
Didn’t you have a party just last week?
Yeah Yeah!! I’ll be there. But I aint bringing anything and I aint dressing up.
Sy puts the phone down and continues to speak with his dogs.
That was Alyssha, she has called us to her party this weekend. I hope that will get my head out of shit and poop talks that I have been doing.
Alyssha was Sy’s cousin and even though Sy did not have any siblings of his own he loved her a lot. She had moved in here after marrying one of his soldiers, Jack who is also now honorably discharged.
After the unusual day of being run away from and embarrassing himself, Sy is on his bed about to sleep, thanking gods that the shitty day is over. Never has he acted so senseless around a woman. There you go again you doofus, he thought.
Sy observed a few more things about her today. Unlike yesterday, she was dressed differently today.  She wore a lost large dark brown sweater with a pair of bootcut jeans. The shirt collar was peeking out. Her shoes were simple. She had her hair tied in a ribbon again, differently this time though. Sy finally saw her complete face. He imagined her face again and his breath hitched. Just admit that you have feelings for the girl, yeah I have feelings for the girl that I don’t know the name of. I have feelings for a girl who probably ran away from me.
He puts his large palm on his face.
Sy sighs and tries to recollect more details about her. He knew she was into gardening or farming. She had kept her bag in the small stand in her shopping cart. There were no tools this time. They probably were gardening tools yesterday. She also had a book in the cart. Wait, he knows that book, no, he knows that seal on the stem of the book. It’s the Grand Central Library. The biggest library and the only library that the town has. She is a member there.
Maybe I can meet her there and ask her name and apologize for how I talked.
Oh Stop it Sy, your behavior is bordering on stalking now. Leave it. He again chided himself.
There was something about the woman that drew Sy to her. Something about her made him want to protect her and cherish her. He just wanted to take her into his arms and keep her safe.
And once again, Sy drifted off to sleep thinking about his mystery woman for who he definitely has feelings for.  
@rmtndew @oddsnendsfanfics​ @omgkatinka​ @kmuir1​ @agniavateira​ @readermia​
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
The loneliest time of the year || Part two
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Part 2 of 4
Summary: With a broken heart and the fear of having failed as a father, Frankie returns to his parents house for Christmas. What is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year feels quite lonely. Though when an old friend shows up unexpectedly with her young son in tow, Frankie’s Christmas seems to gain a little more happiness. Can they help each other fight the ghosts of their pasts and overcome their fears ?
A/N: This is part of my 12 days of Christmas / Advent special. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated.
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
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On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Four messed up pies
By the morning of December 9th a heavy blanket of snow rests upon the world like a tick coat of marshmallow fluff. 
A restlessness surges through Frankie as he turns from his left to his right to his back then repeats the process all over again. He kicks away the blankets then pulls them back. Sleep doesn’t come easy these days. In fact sleep hasn’t come easy in a while. It’s a price you have to pay for leading the life he leads, has led. For doing the job he did. You see things, bad things, and they stay with you. Not always but in the quiet moments they creep back into your mind and all you can do is stare and hope they fade again soon. Fill your brain with other things. Occupy your mind.
It’s moments like these that his fingers are twitching and his body is aching for release. For something to numb his mind. Help him forget. 
There aren’t a lot of things that Frankie is proud of. In fact he can count them on one hand. One of them is his ability to fly. He's a damn good pilot … most of the time. (He is when someone doesn’t force him to navigate an overloaded plane across the Andes). He’s proud of Rosie. Despite his flaws and shortcomings he managed to create something so utterly perfect, that’s something to be proud of. And the. There’s the little coin in the pocket of his jacket. The one he fumbles with whenever he’s anxious or stressed. It’s gold and smooth and it proudly displays a big number 10 in the middle of a triangle on the front of the coin.
10 months. That’s a proud achievement. 
It could be more. It should be more! He really tried but after coming home from Colombia, one man less than they went in, after his girlfriend broke up with him and took Rosie with her. After everything. He needed the psi to stop. Just for one goddamn minute. He felt immediate regret wash over him when he woke up the next morning. Called Pope. Entered a 12 step program.
10 months and he feels better. He likes himself more now. But in those 10 months the voices have gotten louder, the images clearer, his heart feels heavier. 
With sleep being so far out of reach, he kicks off the blanket and drags his body out of bed. The smell of coffee hits his nose as soon as he steps out of his room, it drifts from the kitchen all the way up the stairs. 
His parents are sitting by the kitchen counter, mom holding onto a big steaming mug of coffee while his dad is deeply invested in the morning. Paper, glasses perched low on his nose. This is home, it sends him straight back to his childhood. If only, he thinks, if only he could provide this sense of warmth and domesticity for his own child. 
A knock on the front door shakes him from his thoughts. As he swings it open, a sharp sting of cold winter air whips at him, nips at his nose, his ears and his bare feet.
“Frankie hey, oh sorry did I wake you?”
(Y/N) is once again bundled up in layers of cozy clothes, keeping her warm and sheltered from the harsh weather. She looks cute. Absolutely fucking adorable. But in that moment, he doesn’t really notice that. Doesn’t notice Leo standing behind her either. His entire attention rests on the steaming pie she holds in her hands. 
“You made a pie?”
“She made 4.” Leo speaks up, his voice dripping with irritation and annoyance. 
“Thanks for throwing me under the bus, dude!”
Frankie regards the exchange with a fond smile pulling at the corners of his lips. There’s something so distinctly familiar in the way she interacts with her son, so unapologetically her. The way she’s always been. But now grown up entirely. A mother. 
“Why did you make 4 pies?” He asks, eyebrows raised in amusement.
“Well I didn’t plan on making 4. The first one I mistook salt for sugar so you can imagine how it tasted. The second one I put way too much sugar in, might’ve been trying to compensate for my mistake with the first one but yeah that one did end up in the trash as well. The third … well I got pretty invested in an episode of unsolved mysteries and forgot it was in the oven so it turned out um — “
“Black. It was burned to a crisp.” Leo chimes up again, this time more amused than annoyed by his mother’s baking escapades.
“Yeah. It burned. But number 4 is looking pretty good.”
She looks up at Frankie with a smile so radiant it rivals the sun reflecting on the snowy ground. Pride shines in her eyes as she holds the pie towards him.
“Did you make me a pie?”
“Not exactly. It’s mostly for your folks. They agreed to watch this one while I got shopping for his Christmas presents.” (Y/N) explains, her tumb motioning towards the little boy over her shoulder. “This is a thank you to them for being literal angels. “
“Oh man you wouldn’t be saying that if you had to live with them growing up. I can’t tell you how many times dad unplugged my console while I was in the middle of a game.”
It’s a joke, of course it is. He really lucked out in the parents department and he’s not too proud or too shy to admit it. Maybe, he thinks, the good parent gene might’ve skipped a generation with him. His ex will surely agree with that statement. 
“Hey uh — you mind having some company while shopping ?”
“You wanna go shopping for toys?”
“I need to get some presents for my daughter.”
“Oh that’s right, you have a kid too. “
He doesn’t blame her for not remembering. He doesn’t strike people as the father type. And really, he hasn’t seen his little one in quite some time.doesn’t see her during the entire Christmas time. Is he really much of a father anyway?
“Sure yeah! I’d love some company.”
Maybe, Frankie thinks, this will help him drown out the voice. Those that tell him bad thoughts, whisper mean things. Maybe it will help him filter out the images. The blood. The suffering.
Frankie was never overly fond of the extreme commercialization of what should be a peaceful family holiday. But maybe this year he is,a little bit at least. Because those bright colors, the loud noises, the crowds, the ads assaulting you from every corner, that all will help drown out the dark. At least for a moment. 
“Alright lemme just get changed real quick.”
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On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Five days a week
“What the fuck is this?”
“It’s uh … it’s a … a game?”
“A game where you have to catch a piece of … poop.”
A wave of laughter tumbles from (Y/N)’s lips as Frankie holds up the brightly colored box, proudly displaying a drawing of a smiling turd. 
“It’s so dumb. And that says a lot coming from me, I can appreciate a good fart joke. But this is …. this is just dumb. “
“ It's what the kids these days want. I guess …”
“Would you buy this for Leo?”
“Absolutely not,” (Y/N) replies before taking the box from his hand and placing it back on the shelf between several more games of a similar kind. “But he wouldn’t like it anyway. Leo likes books and animals and fantasy movies. He’s so smart sometimes I wonder where he got it from.”
“You kidding me?” Frankie exclaims, “you’re so smart and if I remember correctly, you always carried around books when you were younger.”
(Y/N) just shrugs at his words though Frankie can’t make out a faint blush of red dusting her cheeks. “Leo is such an easy kid, always has been. Sometimes I wonder if that’s really the way he is or if he just tries to be that way because of me. Because he knows that I have to do all the parenting by myself and he feels he’s responsible for helping me along.”
“Don’t be silly. You’re doing good with him. Least you know what to get him for Christmas, what he cares about, what he’s interested in.”
His heart feels so heavy. His words seem to weigh down on his tongue like a stack of bricks. To admit your own failures to yourself is one thing, to admit them to someone else is quite another story.
“What do you mean ?”
“I — I have no idea what to get for Rosie. I don’t even know when I’ll see her next. She stays with her mom 5 days a week. I only get her on the weekends and even then her mom often finds a reason not to let her stay. Special occasions? I don’t get to spend those with her. Bet she doesn’t even recognize me anymore next time. She’s just a baby …”
This can’t be happening. He’s not going to start crying in the middle of a Toys R Us like a hyperactive toddler on a temper tantrum. Not in front of a beautiful girl who has been nothing but kind to him. This can’t be happening.
(Y/N)’s hand settles on his arm with a gentle touch. Almost as if she’s afraid he’ll break any minute now. And honestly, he might.
“Tell me about Rosie. I know she means the world to you and that’s all that matters Frankie. You’re trying. You’re trying so hard and I’m sure there’s lots about her that you know that no one else does. She’s your baby too. So tell me about her and we’ll figure out what to get her.”
And so they sit down on a swing set, one that’s definitely not meant for adults to sit on and have deep discussions, and Frankie starts talking. Once he starts it’s like a cork has been popped. It pours out of him, all of his pride and admiration and love for Rosie. All that has been brewing for so long now bubbles over. 
“... and she, she loves cuddling onto my chest and just listens to me. She doesn’t understand a word but she looks at me with her big beautiful eyes and it feels like I’m telling her all the biggest secrets of the universe the way she looks at me. Sometimes I sing and she — she falls asleep immediately.”
“That’s adorable.”
“Nah I think it's because my rendition of Eric Clapton is just real bad and boring.”
Their laughter is quiet, almost as if they are afraid of breaking the spell of this moment. Sometimes you find yourself at your most vulnerable during the big moments of your life and sometimes you do in the middle of a Toys R Us, sitting on a swingest that just barely holds your weight while a plastic giraffe looks over your shoulder and Kacey Musgrave’s rendition of “I’ll be home for Christmas” plays over the same overhead speakers that have been installed there in 1983.
“I just don’t want to disappoint her.”
 He’s already disappointing himself and that hurts bad enough.
“Frankie, let me be honest with you. She’s a baby, she’s not gonna care what you get for her. This is more about you than her. Whatever you get she’s gonna like it. Babies are easy to please, gets harder the older they get. We’ll find something cute for her but um … I think you should call her.”
“She’s a baby, she doesn’t have a phone yet.”
“ Really? I had Leo on a newborn data plan the second he popped out.”
Frankie raises his eyebrow in confusion.
“I was joking you dingus. Of course you’re gonna call her mom. There’s this thing, I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, it’s called FaceTime. You can actually see ther person on the other side. “ 
“ Very funny. I know what facetime is … “ 
“ Then call them. You said it yourself, the little one doesn’t understand a word of what you’re saying but that doesn’t matter. You’re there. You’re showing interest and taking initiative. It shows you care. And I think seeing her might be good for you too, even if it’s not in person.” 
“ You know, that sounds like a pretty good plan. “ 
“ Yeah? “ she asks him, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes, in her voice, in her entire being.
“ Yeah. “ 
“ Alright! Now let’s go find some presents for the little princess. May I suggest a cellphone? “ 
This time her laughter isn’t quite. It’s loud and radiant and the way her own joke amuses herself, is so goddamn endearing to Frankie. 
“ Ah shut up. “ he replies though his voice too is dipped in amusement as he throws his arm around her shoulders and they walk down the shiny linoleum floor, past dolls and teddy bears and Star Wars action figures.
And it feels right. Like the fit together perfectly. Like puzzle pieces slotting into place. 
And that feeling is damn scary.
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On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Six-hour flights.
The floor of (Y/N)’s living room is covered in wrapping paper. Reds and greens and silvers and golds hide what once was a nice dark cherry wood floor. There are bows and ribbons and gift tags in all shapes and sizes and colors. 
“ Looks like Santa’s workshop in here, “ Frankie exclaims as he drops down on the floor next to her. All the presents they’ve purchased, neatly lined up in front of them, ready to be wrapped. Though to be fair, Frankie is quite sure he’s not gonna do a lot of wrapping himself. Sometimes you gotta admit defeat. And he ain’t too proud to admit that he is a horrible, horrible wrapper. 
“ Yeah, I know I’m making a big fuss over things like this. Wrapping and the tree and stuff like that. I just — I don’t know it just makes me happy when I see that my actions put a smile on the faces of the people I love. “ 
“ Oh I wasn't judging. It’s sweet. “ 
For a while they stay in comfortable silence. Just them and the radio playing old Christmas songs. (Y/N)’s hands do quick work on the presents, Santa’s elves would be jealous. 
It’s the first time in a long time, that silence doesn’t make him feel uncomfortable. That it doesn’t open up the gates for the voices to grow louder and the bad images to consume his head. No, this silence feels comfortable. It’s soft and warm. It’s tinted in golds and reds. 
Maybe, he thinks, maybe seeking the company of someone who exudes joy and warmth does him good. Someone who knows him but not the bad. Never the bad. The faults, yes, the fears even, but not the blood that stains his hands or the vices he so desperately tries to fight.
“ What was the best Christmas present you ever got? “ (Y/N) speaks up as she glides a pair of scissors along the ribbon turning it into shiny curls. 
“ Millennium Falcon playset.” 
“ You and a million other little boys. “ 
“True. What can I say, I was easily pleased. What was yours ?”
(Y/N) thinks for a moment before a wistful smile settles on her face. 
“My bubblegum pink roller skates.”
“Oh, I remember those!”
And he did. Squeaky pink roller skates with 4 pastel blue wheels and glittery silver laces.
“I remember the following summer all you did was skate up and down the street.  “
“Yeeeah but that wasn’t entirely because of the skates.”
Frankie combs his hair from his face, he really needs to get it cut, and looks at her in confusion. “Huh?”
Another chuckle falls from (Y/N) ‘s lips. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice.”
“ Notice what?”
“That I had the biggest crush on you.”
Frankie is grateful for the fact that he’s not taking a sip of his drink right then, it surely would’ve ended in a spit-take. He was a nerdy kid, a nerdy teenager too. Kinda shy, a little lost. He wasn’t usually the boy that girls fancied.
“Me? You had a crush on me? “
It doesn’t make sense, not really. She was the one that was fascinating and exciting. Though he didn’t think of her that way when they were kids, he knew she was beautiful even back then. He hadn’t been interested in her romantically because she was a few years younger but that didn’t meanie didn’t realize the magic she held.
“Yes, you. You were cool, Frankie. You were older and you knew stuff about cars and planes and you could name every Star Wars spaceship and you had a skateboard. “
“I was a horrible skater.”
“Sure but it wasn’t so much about the skating as it was about the aesthetic. You were cool and you still are cool”
Frankie shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly. She thought he was cool, still does. No one ever thought he was cool. He isn’t a smooth talker like Pope and even he himself can admit that look wise he isn’t even playing in the same league as Will and Benny. But if (Y/N) thinks he’s cool that must mean something. Right ?
“You were the one traveling all over the world with your dad and you thought I was cool?”
She sets down the scissors, let’s her hands rest on her lap. There’s a sense of nervousness exuding from her now. Like the words she wants to speak are resting on the tip of her tongue and yet they are so difficult to speak.
“Maybe that was part of it too. I never had a real home. Nothing stable at least. Except for my grandparents’ house. This was home and you were, you are, forever entwined with my idea of home. Sometimes I missed this place so much that I’d sit in my room and my little brain would think of all the fun adventures we could go on if only I was old enough to hop on a 6 hour flight by myself. I’d ask grandma about you every time I called and she always told me what trouble you got into.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yeah and that only made you more exciting in my eyes. Then she’d offer to let me speak to you but I was too chicken shit to do it. Thought you might look right through my facade and realize how into you I was.”
“I was so oblivious, I can assure you I wouldn’t have noticed.”
“Well … it’s too late now.”
“I guess so. Just — next time you fall in love with me let me know, alright.”
Her laugh rings through the room like bells, like songs, like whispers of a childhood magic long forgotten.
“That only sounds fair. It’s a deal.”
“Good, now …. would you mind wrapping my gifts for Rosie?”
“Nope, but in return would you come see Leo’s play with me next week? My dad can’t come and I think Leo would like to have some more people there that support him. And he seems to think you’re cool so …”
“Huh guess if you both think so it must be true.”
“Don’t let it get to your head.”
“Of course I’ll come. “
She smiles and it sends a weird flicker through him. Like fire, like electricity. 
“ Now let me teach you how to curl the ribbon properly.”
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
The Winter Ghost - Part 13
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn’t and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, some smutty thoughts... 
w/c: 2.2k
A/N: Lucky number 13! I’m honestly so caught off gaurd by all the love Ive been receiving on The Winter Ghost. I see all your late night binge sessions and I am SO immensely greatful for your interest. When I first started writing this I didnt really think anything of it, but youve all lit a fire under my ass and for that, I thank you! So please, enjoy and reblog and like if you feel so inclined. 
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His hot breath fanned across your face, sending you into a frenzy like state you had never known before. Heavy breathing, mostly on your part as he placed excruciatingly slow kisses across your jaw. You needed him. More than you’d ever needed anything in your life. It made you sick. 
“Are you afraid?” He asked in a low seductive voice. Swiftly he wrapped his metal fingers around your throat, applying enough pressure to make you gasp. You clawed at his chest, drunk on his murderous touch. You wanted him to make you hurt as bad as your heart did. You couldn't possibly hate a person more than you hated yourself right now. 
“Answer my question.” He shouted, sending a ripple of ecstasy through your body. 
“No. I could never,” You gasped, choking as the walls of your throat began to collapse. 
“Liar.” He sneered. 
You let out an involuntary moan. 
“You good, Y/n?” Sam asked, sitting next to you on the couch as he, Nat, Wanda and Shuri all ate breakfast around the kitchen island. Your hand was lightly wrapped around your neck where Bucky’s was just a moment ago. 
“Yeah, fine.” You squeeked.
But you weren't. You hadn’t been since that morning in the hallway with Bucky. You could still feel the sting he had left behind from his touch. What was wrong with you? You couldn't even begin to unpack that question. Psychiatric help would be a start, though. 
After your memory had returned, the nightmares seemed to subside, only to be replaced with the image of Bucky, devoid of all emotion, seething in rage at your quips. By the third night, you would have gladly have traded, knowing that this was so much worse. 
You couldn't keep excusing your vile thoughts as his fault. They weren't, not entirely. You were the one waking up a needy mess every morning.
“Hey.” Bucky's husky voice filled your senses causing you to stiffen at the sound. The team around you said their hello’s while you tried to refrain from gawking. You had done your very best to avoid him as much as you could, but there were only so many places to hide. Whenever you bumped into each other he would keep his head down and you would run in either direction.
“Steve’s on his way back today. He left to meet Vision and gather intel on an active Hydra base located somewhere on the border of Germany.” Wanda’s eyes lit up at the mention of the name. This must be the famous Android she's always gushing about.  
“Pack up… We ship out first thing tomorrow morning.” Bucky declared, peaking your interest. It had been way too long since you had been back in the field, this was amazing. You could feel the excitement bubbling out of your chest vanish when Bucky’s eyes glanced at you. 
“Y/n, you can uh, keep Shuri company while we're away.” You blinked at him, unsure if you had heard him correctly. 
“No fucking way.” You scoffed. You were not missing out on this opportunity to give Hydra a taste of their own ‘serum’, so to speak. 
‘Captain's orders.” He deadpanned, averting his gaze to the ceiling. You stared at him, lost for words with needy eyes. He’d never tell you, but it terrified him when you looked like that. Small, fragile, though he knew better. He would kill himself before he tainted you. But that didn't make the idea any less intriguing.
“And since when do you listen to Captain's orders?” Nat spoke up before you even got the chance. You nodded violently, looking back to Bucky who only sighed. 
“You know very well why she can't go.” He muttered, fighting tooth and nail not to look at you again. You could sense his uncomfortability but you couldn't look away. 
“She’s not going, then I’m not going.” Wanda sulked. 
“Me too.” Sam mocked her tone. “Seriously, Buck. She’s a tank, we could use her.” He finished, more serious this time. 
Bucky huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his flesh fingers. “You gotta take that up with Steve. He and I aren't really on the best of terms right now.” He spoke, annoyance dripping from the last sentence. 
“Easy, I’ll take care of it.” Nat said to Bucky, but she sent a wink at you. 
You were so excited you almost leaped from your seat. You couldn't wait to blow some shit up!
The next morning you woke up extra early, just to get a jump on everything. Nat had fought with Steve all last night, but eventually he conceded on the sheer fact that if you were there, it would mean double the Wanda power. This was a big base, one he had known of for quite some time now, but it required extra attention. They had been working on recreating your serum, but so far to no avail. You knew exactly where they were going wrong of course. But Steve explained they had been testing it out of Hydra members. The lucky few who survived may not have your powers, but they were still strong. He’d need all the help he could get.
After you were packed you dragged your duffle to Shuri’s lab. She had been working on a few new weapons she wanted you to pack. Just in case, she said. You got there in no time flat, literally vibrating with excitement. 
“You're sure about this?” She asked. 
“Absolutely.” You beamed. She signed, and handed you a small ring. 
“What's this?” You asked, holding the small band in your fingers. 
“It’s a beacon. It will help you hold onto your borrowed energies for longer. It’s like a mini you, only better.” She paused, “Speaking of, are you going to tell me what's in that serum of yours or am I just going to have to keep guessing?”
“I think it’s better kept unsaid. That thing had already caused enough problems. No one should be burdened with it.”
“Maybe so.” She signed.
“Thank you Shuri. For everything.” You half heartedly smiled but before you could leave her arms were around you, pulling you into a hug. You sucked in a breath and tapped her on the back in reciprocation. Physically affection was never something you were good at showing, try as you may. 
When you finally pulled away she sent you a soft smile, and wished you good luck on the mission before you headed out the door. 
“Nice of you to grace us with your presence.” Steve muttered, when you finally got to the jet when the rest of the team was loading up.
“It is, isn't it?” You spoke sweetly, throwing your duffle onto the jet. You still weren't really sure where you stood with Steve. Of course you knew of the famous Captain America, even if you didn't remember a few weeks ago. But never did you imagine he would be such a class act dick. Or maybe he was just that way with you? The idea made you smirk, knowing you were the only one to really piss off the Captain was honestly the highest form of flattery. 
You boarded the jet and noticed the rest if the team already suited up. The tactical gear Shuri had made you was tight, and Natasha was living proof of that. I mean, it wasn't fair she had the body of a trained ballerina and New York supermodel. The woman was easily the most beautiful woman you had ever seen while your gear clung to you in all the least flattering ways. 
You quickly shook off the self doubt. It didn't matter how you looked, you were here to kick some ass. 
Well, not exactly. 
That morning Steve had announced that while the rest of the team ‘kicked ass’ you and the Soviet spy would sneak into their mainframe and collect the data of whatever new evil scheme Hydra was working on. 
Though you weren't thrilled to be stuck on recon duty, it was better than nothing. Besides, you were just a little rusty. Though Nat and Sam kept you busy and Wanda had taught you all her tricks, you weren't sure that if it came down to it you'd be able to pull the trigger. 
Better safe than sorry. 
“Are you nervous?” Bucky spoke under his breath, his voice deep and rough. You shivered at the sound. You hadn't realised until this moment that he was seated directly behind you. 
“Are you?” You asked. You tried to add some bite to your words, but they left your lips softly. The tone seemed to surprise Bucky as much as it did you as he half expected to to tear his head off again.
“Sometimes. But, not now.”
“Oh yeah?” Words betraying you once again. 
Ignore him. 
Stop talking to him. 
Stop. Talking. 
Bucky's tongue slipped from between his lips, tugging on his bottom one slowly and effectively knocking you back from your annoying thought and to the glorious man sitting behind you. 
“Yeah. Got this new girl on our side. She’s a totally badass. I know she’ll watch my six.” He shrugged causing a small smile to pull at the corner of your mouth. 
“How do you know she won't just leave you for dead?” She asked, playing along. Part of you, however, was just a little curious. Part of you wanted to ask yourself the same question. In a second, would you protect the man who murdered Tommy? Honestly you weren't really sure. 
“Just a feeling.” He spoke so casually. So sure, you wanted to believe him. It would be easy enough to feed him to Hydra, but you and him both knew you wouldn't have the stomach for it. 
“Huh. You sound pretty confident in that.” You sneered sarcastically.
He just gave you a small shrug, leaning back into his seat and pulling his bluetooth earbuds out of his back pocket. He offered one to you casually. Before you could protest your arm shot out and took it, placing it in your right ear. 
“I like to listen to music before a mission. It calms me.” He suggested, opening his phone, scrolling through his songs before the intro to Highway to Hell began playing. 
A grin spread across your face “I love this song!” You beamed. 
“I know. I remember you telling me something about spending an entire year listening to AC/DC cause’ your dad loved their music. I downloaded a few of their albums after that. Not exactly what I’m used to, but definitely good ass kicking music.” He nodded. 
That stopped you dead in your tracks. You couldn't help the smile that faded quickly from your lips at his words. You were, to say the least, shocked. You must have mentioned your love for the band at some point, but honestly couldn't for the life of you remember when.  
But he did. And he listened to it because you liked them. 
“Huh.” You repeated, turning back around and trying to suppress the butterflies that began erupting out of your stomach. You could hear Bucky behind you drumming his hands on his thighs along to the song. You couldn't help but giggle at how offbeat he was.
“Take off in five minutes. Everyone ready?” Nat spoke through your coms. Everyone gave a thumb up as the jets engine whirled on, vibrating through the aircraft.
You listened carefully as your song faded away and the next one took its place. 
Do I wanna know? If this feeling flows both ways?
You could physically feel Bucky’s mood shift behind you. The Super Soldier serum granting you access to his quickened heart beat and the lyrics mirrored the every present emotions you had been feeling this week.
Sad to see you go. Was sorta’ hopin’ that you’d stay. 
You let your mind wander as you listened to Bucky hum along quietly to the song, low and soft. The sound sending chills down your spine as the memory of your dreams from the past few nights replayed over in your mind. 
Baby, we both know. That the nights were mainly made For sayin' things that you can't say tomorrow day.
Bucky’s lips trailed along your swollen throat, the feeling of pleasure over bruises he had left behind caused you to moan in ecstasy. The way he kissed you, not like before. This time full of lust and something dark. His hands dipped under your shirt, the feeling of hot and cold sending you over the edge as your eyes rolled back in your head. You wanted nothing more than for him to throw you against a wall, any wall and tear you limb from limb.
“I like this song too.” Bucky’s breath fanned across the back of your ear, rocketing you back to the Jet that was beginning to take off. You looked around the small space, praying that Bucky was the only one to notice your breath hitch in the back of your throat. 
Any reminisce of the idea that you had to stay away from Bucky shattered into a million pieces. The hate, still ever present, but you knew damn well that would be the best part. It only fueled your desire. He was going to be the death of you.
Or even better, you'd be the death of him...
A/N: Gah! Thank you for reading! And thank you to @cutie1365​ for being the best hype woman/ editor around lol. Leave a like or reblog if you wanna show some love. I hope yall’ are having a great week! 
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softboywriting · 4 years
Haven Port | Chapter Five| Shawn Mendes
Summary: Shawn and his pack have moved to your tiny town of Haven Port. You’ve never met werewolves other than your dad before and you’re infinitely curious. You may be only half werewolf but you and Shawn have a connection that will send you on a wild romantic journey in this small town you call home. [hybrid reader] [werewolf shawn]
Word Count: 2k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Things with Shawn and the pack have been going great over the past two weeks. Ava and Jo invited you over for a girls night that included placing bets on who dies first in horror movies and enough popcorn to make you see yellow. You and Shawn went out together for dinner at a place by the docks that has the best seafood in town. You spent the night at Shawn's place a few times, becoming very attached to his bed, and Lindsay and Ryan have quite literally disappeared. 
You haven't asked why, or when they did. You know it's because they didn't like you, and you know it's because Shawn told them off. No one seems to miss them, and if they do they don't say anything. It's a little awkward, knowing you're the reason they left, but it's like Shawn said. If they can't get along with the pack then they can leave, and he would expect it of any one else. 
"Shawn! Shawn!" 
You sit up right, woken out of a dream about running with the pack. You rub your eyes and look around the dark bedroom. It can't be morning yet, the sky is still dark through the open curtains. 
"Shawn? Hey." You shake his shoulder and he rolls over.
"Mmm? What?" 
"I heard someone yelling your name. It sounds like a guy but...I'm not sure...maybe it was just my dream."
Shawn sits up and grabs his phone. "It's four in the morning. Are you sure?" 
"Yes it sounded real. It woke me up. I don't think it was-" 
The voice comes again, it's definitely a male and it sounds like it's coming from the front door. "Shawn!" Followed by loud knocking. 
Shawn pushes back the blankets and goes to the bedroom door. "That's not just some random person." He pulls open the bedroom door and there is no one there. You get up and follow after him as he jogs down the stairs to the front door. 
"Who is it?" You ask, looking around for the source of the voice. 
"Peter." Shawn opens the door and sure enough there are two people on the front porch. "What're you doing here?" 
The man you assume is Peter because he is the spitting image of Shawn save for longer hair and he's got a bit less bulk and height, steps forward and wraps his arms around Shawn. "Thank Gods you're here."
"Of course," Shawn says softly, embracing his brother just as tight a hand in his hair. "What happened?" 
"Hunters." Peter says and the two exchange a look. "It's just me and Tia now."
You look past the guys to a shorter girl standing behind Peter on the steps. She's beautiful with her jaw length red hair and round cheeks.
Shawn steps back and takes your hand, leading you forward. "This is my mate," he introduces you and Peter smiles. "Is Tia your..."
Peter looks back and gestures Tia to come forward. "No, she and I found each other a few months ago. We're not sure why but we know there is something connecting us."
"There is a bond." Tia says. "But not mates. Something in me says not to leave Peter, not until I've found the reason for this bond." 
"Come in," Shawn holds the door open. "We'll get everyone up."
The moment Jo walks into the living room and sees Peter you can see her begin to tremble. She balls her fists in her night shirt and stares. Peter has his back to her, talking to Tia and Ava. You get up and go over to where she is frozen in place at the entryway to the living room. 
"Jo, are you alright?" 
She nods. 
"Do you need to talk to Peter?" 
Another nod. 
"Peter," you say loud enough to get his attention from across the room.
Peter turns around and the moment he sees Jo he grins slowly. "Joanne," he breathes as if it's the only word he knows. He crosses the room in a few quick strides and pulls the girl beside you into a crushing hug.
"Peter, did you know?" Jo cries, hands gripping his back desperately. 
"Not until we parted ways." Peter lifts her up and buries his face in her hair. "I should have found you sooner, I should have went back." 
Shawn takes your hand and pulls you aside. "I didn't know Peter and Jo were mates."
"She did." You run your hand up Shawn's back. "Once she realized it wasn't you that she was meant for, she suspected it was Peter." 
"That makes sense. She has been so down since she joined the pack, but she never wanted to talk. I worried about her." 
"No need to worry now." You lean your head on Shawn's shoulder. "She just missed her mate was all."
Shawn chuckles and puts his hand in your hair. "Come on, let's get seated, Peter has some information for us." 
Shawn takes you home later in the morning. No one went back to bed after Peter broke the news about hunters. To you it's a new concept, people who want werewolves dead. They're literally hunters, humans who don't think werewolves should exist and they murder them in cold blood for doing nothing but living their lives. The thought makes your stomach hurt. At least Shawn and the pack could hide their true nature, they could pass as humans. You have ears...very visible ears. You're a target. 
You get ready for work, and Shawn leaves for work himself. You grab a headwrap from the box in your bathroom cupboard. It has been years since you wore one, and as you hold the soft jersey material in your hands you feel a deep sadness. Hiding from people is the worst, it's why you don't travel, it's why you stay in Haven Port. Your ears draw too much attention from people who don't know you. The headwraps you have are from when you were in high school, when you would hide yourself to spare your sanity every day. It hurts, remembering your past and having to relive it now. 
With your hair and ears tied up in the soft material, you head out to the shop. You've decided to bring Parker with today, knowing he misses you. So off you go down the street with Parker in his pet-o-porter and some ribbon you ordered under your arm. 
The shop is quiet, not busy at all. You're not surprised. It's a Monday and most of the big ships don't start coming into port until Wednesday. That is when you get the big orders for coffee and tea. You don't mind, you've got online orders to focus on for now. 
Just after noon you walk over and join Parker on the window seat that overlooks the hill down to the docks. He's asleep, passed out in the warm sunlight. Maybe you could go see what Shawn is up to down at the repair shop, or maybe you should just close up and head home. You know what you can do. You'll make some tea blends to take to the pack, gifts to ease the tension. 
Just as you finish packing up the last bit of tea the door chimes. You look over and greet the person, leaning over the counter to see who it is. Sure enough it's Tia. 
"Hey!" Tia says, waving as she approaches the counter. "I didn't know this was your place!" 
"Oh, yeah. It's my shop, did you want something to go?" 
"Just plain black coffee and a pack of sweetener." Tia plays with your decorative spoons in the cup on the counter. "How did you and Shawn meet?" 
"Here." You pour her a cup of coffee and put a lid on it. "He walked in one day and it was like magic."
"So you knew right away?" 
"Not right away, but I was definitely attracted to him. He was unlike anyone else." You slide her the cup and punch her total into the register. "Two dollars." 
Tia hands you two ones. "I didn't mean to be nosy."
"No, I don't mind. Shawn and I are still very new, I'm getting used to the idea of being a mate and being around wolves in general. Everything is new."
"Oh! Wow, you handled the hunter news well then." She sips her coffee. "Are you scared?" 
"Terrified. But you and Peter said you aren't sure if the hunters have followed him. I'm nervous though, having ears like mine make me a target." You fix your headband and make sure you're all tucked away. "Until we know for sure, I'll keep my ears hidden."
"Good idea." 
"Yeah, so hopefully nothing comes of these hunters. It's a small town anyway, who would come all the way here to find werewolves?" 
Tia nods and smiles softly. "That was Peter's thought process too. I hope you're right." 
"Me too."
"Come here," Shawn says softly from across the living room. You turn from where you're folding laundry and raise your eyebrows. "Yes, you," he chuckles and motions for you to come to him.
You drop your laundry and walk over. He pulls you down onto his lap and you position yourself so you're straddling his thighs. "Yeah?" 
Shawn runs his hands up your legs and settles them on your waist. "I just want to talk."
"This is very intimate talking." 
"I like being close." He smiles and brings one hand up to your head. He pulls your wrap off and your ears spring up, a bit achy from being pressed down all day. "There we go, there's my mate."
"I know you don't like it." You reach up and massage your left ear a bit. "But I have to."
Shawn bats your hand away and takes over the rubbing. "That's what I wanted to talk about."
"The hunters?" 
"Yes. I want you to know I'm going to keep you safe in the event anything happens."
"I didn't doubt you wouldn't." 
"Good, I just needed you to hear it from me." 
You nod. "I actually wanted to talk to you too. I know things are tense right now but there is a huge party going on in a few days at the town hall. It's the town founding festival. I always go and I thought maybe this year you and the pack could come."
Shawn smiles big and cups your face. "I'd love to bring the wolves." 
"Yes. The pack could use some fun and since we're going to be here a while, it's best we try to be part of the community." 
You wrap your arms around him and hug his head to your chest. "I can't wait." 
Please send feedback in asks, replies or reblogs. Let me know if you’d like to read more of this story. Thank you so much -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Holding Out for a Hero- Steve Rogers x Reader Pt.11 (epilogue)
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a/n-  Hey lovely people! I am so frustrated for taking like 3 weeks to upload this last one, but it was just hard to say goodbye to it I guess. Thank you so much to everyone who read, liked or reblogged - going through this journey with you was amazing! Song lyrics are in bold. Enjoy <3
part 10
"Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need!"
You and Julie sang in sync into the microphones in your hands. Well, maybe screamed would be a better word, but the guys didn't seem to care. Steve and Bucky were sitting on the couch, Bucky with a phone in his hand filming you while Steve simply laughed heartily as you and Jules sang.
You were in the compound's karaoke room, because apparently Tony Stark thinks of literally everything when he plans a building like the Avengers compound. You were thrilled when you found this place, showing it to Julia. Together, you convinced the boys to come with you on a double date to karaoke. Well, it was more like the two of you singing and them laughing and filming you, but you were having a great time.
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight"
You tossed your hair while you sang, gesturing theatrically with your body as Jules did the same next to you.
"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life!"
You looked into Steve's eyes as you sang the cheesy song, smiling widely at him. His eyes twinkled, head tossed back in laughter, and his look reflected how you felt - perfectly happy.
Steve and you were going stronger than ever, and so were Bucky and Jules. After a year of dating, Bucky proposed to Julia. You looked over at her, the ring sparkling on her hand that clutched the microphone. She looked so free. Julie often reminded you of a lioness in the way she carried herself, her proud and cheeky personality shining through in her stunning smile. You were glad she finally found her lion. Bucky was filming with a smile on his lips. Around Julia, his laugh was getting easier and easier as time went on, and you were glad to see them make each other happy like this.
Steve was watching you and laughing so hard he looked like he was going to fall out of his seat. You winked at him as you continued your song and he smiled and shook his head playfully at your antics. You felt your love for him shining in your heart, so bright you could burst. You never wasted a chance to express your love to one another. Whether it was words – when you woke up, when you went to sleep, when you were going or returning from a mission or anything in between – or acts, Steve always made you feel loved. Little notes saying "went to train, be back soon, xo" were a common occurrence with you two, and so were hugs, kisses and cuddles. Even as a year of your relationship was close by, you couldn't get enough of each other, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Knowing Steve was a great privilege – you don’t often come by a person who's so smart, kind, funny, and emotionally supportive, and also is Captain America. But loving Steve was a gift you didn’t know if you deserved, but were thankful for every waking moment. Loving Steve was like eating ice cream in the summer, a cozy blanket when it's raining outside, and petting a cute dog all at once. Steve was your safe place, your hero really. Not a day went by that you didn't cherish him in, and the same was the other way around. You fit like two puzzle pieces finally coming together. If a year ago someone would have told you that you were going to date Captain America, you would've laughed in their face. But you were, and there was nothing that could've made you happier.
You finished the song and collapsed dramatically onto Steve's lap, laughing. "Can you get me some water please?" you pouted playfully. "That was a hell of a performance, so yeah, sure." he chuckled. "My hero," you winked as he went away to grab a glass of water, laughing.
Later that evening, you were all sitting in an Italian restaurant, the very same one where you and Steve had your first date. You were all laughing and talking over each other, enjoying the excellent food and even better company. Your dessert arrived, an absolutely delicious looking tiramisu. You were about to dig in before you noticed a sparkle between the cream layers. You prodded it with your spoon, taking in out and discovering a silver diamond ring. You gasped, turning to Steve, who was looking just as puzzled as you felt. You raised your brow at him, and he quickly shook his head. You felt a pang of disappointment. You and Steve never really talked about getting married, but based on Jules and Bucky's engagement, you anticipated a ring coming to you very soon. Apparently, Steve didn't share the sentiment, you noticed as you took in his seemingly mortified face. You swallowed your disappointment and smiled as you called for your waitress.
"There was a ring in the tiramisu that's not ours," you explained to the embarrassed waitress.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! We must have mixed it up with table 4, the poor guy must not understand what's happening. Maybe he thinks his boyfriend swallowed the ring," she chuckled nervously. "Anyway, I'm very sorry and we'll bring you another one shortly, on the house." She smiled at all of you and took away the tiramisu and the ring. Jules, Bucky and Steve were quick to laugh it off, returning to their conversation, but you just couldn't focus. The ring sent you down a very immersive train of thought, about you and Steve and how he might not want to get married, or he doesn’t want to get married to you.
You remained quiet throughout the ride back to the compound, contemplating your insecurities. No one seemed to notice.
You got back to the compound and jumped out of the car. "Good night guys, I think I'm just gonna go to bed, I'm pretty tired." You tried to smile but it came out more like a grimace.
"But we wanted to watch a movie," Jules complained. Bucky's arm was wrapped around her, a united front.
"Well you guys should go ahead, I'm gonna go as well," Steve said, taking your hand in his. He smiled and you returned his smile. Your sadness started to fade into the background, as if telling you that you could deal with it tomorrow. But right now, with Steve's hand holding yours, you felt your heart swell with love. Jules and Bucky were already ahead, but you and Steve took your time, walking slowly into the building and the elevator.
When you got to your floor, you saw a trail of rose petals from the elevator door. You sent Steve a quizzical look, but he shrugged and smiled, squeezing your hand in his. You followed the trail all the way to your room, smiling at Steve before opening the door.
In front of you was a sea of flowers, and you run to smell them, leaving Steve's hand. You noticed Jules and Bucky were also there, smiling widely. You sent them a puzzled smile before you turned around to thank Steve for the flowers, and you found him on one knee, holding a little black box in his hands. Oh.
You gasped, your eyes immediately welling up. "Steve?" you asked, a small smile forming on your lips. For the entire night, you've been thinking about how Steve's eyebrows furrowed when he saw the ring. You thought it was because he'd never thought about getting you a ring, that he hadn’t wanted to. Apparently, it was just because some random mix-up beat him to it.
Steve looked up at you, his eyes shining as well. "Hey sweetheart," he chuckled in response to your question. "You know, before I caught you that day when you jumped from the elevator, I was thinking about how the new recruits are gonna be, how are they gonna find their place around here. And then you landed right into my arms, and you were so pretty I couldn't help but think your place should be there, in my arms, all of the time." He was beaming up at you now.
"Smooth," you couldn't help but comment as you beamed back down at him.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "And then I got to see just pretty wasn't enough to describe you. You are overwhelmingly beautiful, inside and out. You're strong, and smart, and funny. And I thought I could never deserve having you in my arms. You were a shining star and all I could do was watch from the earth as you soared through the sky." Tears started to fall from your eyes as you smiled at him. "But then I jumped; I jumped and you were willing to catch me. Maybe not to be in my arms the entire time, but to hold my hand. And I have never been luckier. I love you," he took a deep breath, "more than words can describe. So, will you make me the luckiest guy in the universe once more and hold my hand forever?" he popped open the box, revealing the most beautiful ring you had ever seen, "Will you marry me?"
You nodded your head so quickly you thought your neck would snap, but fortunately, it didn't. You knelt down next to Steve, wrapping your hands around his neck. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes," you smiled, accentuating each yes with a kiss – to his cheeks, to his nose.
He grinned at you and drew away, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it onto your finger. "I love you, Steve," you touched your forehead to his. "I love you too," he replied, kissing you gently yet passionately, making you feel so loved like only he knew how to. You put your hands on his cheeks, feeling the ring on your finger prominently. You smiled into the kiss, breaking apart but staying close to each other, breathing the same air.
"Congratulations!" you heard a shout from across the room. You turned your head, smiling. You were so focused on Steve's speech you had forgotten Jules and Bucky were still there. Jules' eyes were shining with unshed tears and Bucky was smiling from ear to ear, their phones in their hands. Bucky came forward to clap Steve on the shoulder and embrace him tightly before hugging you, whispering in your ear, "he'd get you the moon if you told him to."
"He's my sun," you whispered back. You pulled apart, smiling at each other, understanding you both love this punk more than anything. Jules hugged Steve, whispering something you couldn't make out into his ear, and then came to you, wrapping her arms around you in a crushing bear hug. "I'm so happy for you," she whispered, her voice wavering with emotion. "Thank you," you whispered back.
"Oh, the pictures!" Jules exclaimed before she reached for her phone. She opened it to reveal a stunning picture of you and Steve; your hands cupping his face, foreheads touching. "Jules," you smiled and but your lip, getting emotional over the beautiful moment she captured perfectly.
Soon Bucky and Jules left you to your own to celebrate, and you did, your night filled with declarations of love and delicate touches.
And years later, the picture was hanging off the wall of Steve's and your house, adorned in a golden frame. You were lucky enough to marry your hero, and love him more and more every day for the rest of your lives.
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Hey there cutie! I’d kill for some soft, domestic tab headcanons 😫😍❤️ thank you!
OOOOH, MA’AM- im so glad you chose this, because domestic tab is too good-
@radiantcade i hope you enjoy these very much! 😩💕💕
Domestic Headcanons with Floyd Talbert
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this man right here- he’s the definition of husband material
oh you just woke up? bam-breakfast in bed! 
this man makes the best pancakes by the way, fluffy, sweet, and soft like him
oh you’re tired? zoom- a pile of blankets and a certain tab waiting for you to cuddle with him!
in the beginning of the relationship you once walked into the kitchen while only wearing his shirt and your underwear
this dude died and went into heaven
he almost burnt the food cause he was too busy staring at you-
when he cooks you wrap you arms around his waist 
he turns around to feed u pieces of whats already cooked
floyd just wants to see your smile
he adores and worships it
god forbid the day that floyd talbert stops seeing your smiles-
does not know the definition of personal space- will constantly follow you around the house
when he gets told off, this cutie will give u puppy eyes like trigger-
you give in and he resumes hanging onto you
sometimes sees u coming out of the shower with a towel 
he doesnt mind the view
will treasure that sight in his mind for eternity believe me-
trigger is literally your child, it’s an unspoken thing in your household, but both of you know it
you once caught him reading a book to trigger and it was adorable-
he doesnt know you know though ;)
lazy days with tab in the house are the source of your happiness and joy
cue him admiring you from the kitchen
cue him playing with his hair while you two lay in bed
cue you two slow dancing in the living room while the record plays
and lastly cue you two prolly ending up sleeping on the couch because why not?
late afternoon naps are a must, with him being the big spoon with his head buried in your hair
when youre taking a bath, tab will 99% burst in and join you
y’all making a mess in the bathroom and splashing everywhere
you scold him for making the mess but he splashes you in response
a bigger mess is made but this man makes it worth it
okok, you and tab have this BEAUTIFUL garden in the backyard
floyd is chillin on the tire swing u both have 
trigger is vibing in the shade next to tab
and you are seen watering the plants
yeah hello, monet? will you be so kind to paint this garden scene so i can hang it up on my wall, thanks
floyd will definitely be seen planting flowers in the afternoon
and he looks gorgeous with dirt on his cheeks, forehead, and shirt-
if youre doing something around the house and you feel him pass by you
he will then stop to pepper you with soft kisses and forgets what he was going to do
when its raining you two will cuddle up near the fireplace
its a miracle he hasnt started a fire yet
but seriously, while the rain is pouring, floyd will literally pull a bag of marshmellows out of thin air 
you spend most of your time roasting them
you also feed marshmellows to each other
you two will also play a SHIT TON of boardgames
you win most of them but u gives him kisses when hes upset
after a long day, floyd has his arms around your waist 
trigger is resting on your lap
the three of u end up sleeping like this
so in the morning the house will be spotless, then floyd and u would wreck it to oblivion
y’all clean up the mess of course, but the cycle repeats-
floyd would also hide around the house so he can pop up and scare u
after scaring u and u almost smack the shit out him
you stop after he picks you up and carries u bridal style around the house
soft ‘i love yous’ are always exchanged all throughout the day, its so wholesome
when floyd’s in his office, you’d bring him food and drinks
you go out to leave after delivering them but he begs you to stay while he works
floyd doesnt get any work done after that
does he care?
nahh of course not-
he’s got you and thats good enough
when he tries to get work done, he wants u seated on his lap
floyd says that by this way, he’ll be more productive
it actually works sometimes???
you sometimes go to bed earlier than floyd and when he sees u sleeping in his clothes again-
it doesnt matter how many times he sees u in his shirt, it just always surprises him
youre still looking gorgeous as ever, and hes in utter awe-
the serotonin levels in his brain are going haywire!
floyd will slide into bed with and will pull u closer to his chest
he sees you smile in your sleep and just beams softly because of it
after that and he falls asleep easily with you in his dreams
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i hope you enjoyed this very much! 😊💕💕💕
thank you for reading, liking, or reblogging this, its so fUCKING NICE of you to do that and that is just straight up wholesome
i love you all, stay tuned for my next fic!
edit: uh i made some mistakes- im so fucking sorry!
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lynnsfics · 4 years
Coffee Stained Confusion Ch. 13
<Last Chapter                           First Chapter                               Next Chapter>
Bucky walked into the living room and sighed. “Sorry that took me so long, they needed more details on HYDRA-” Upon seeing you sound asleep on the couch he smiled softly and went to his room. After grabbing a light blanket off the bed he re-entered the living room and gently covered you with it. He turned off the television, which had still been playing Brooklyn-99 and went to bed.
Not five minutes after he climbed into bed he heard a shrill scream come from the living room. Heart pounding he ran to the room, expecting the worst, only to find you sitting up on the couch, a few tears running down your face. 
“Doll, what is it? What’s wrong?” 
“Oh, Bucky, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you I just-”
“Had a nightmare?” He guessed, 
“Yes, I’m fine, though. It’s not a big deal.”
“Are you sure? After my time with HYDRA I had horrible nightmares, and one of the only things that helped was talking it out.”
“I don’t want to bother you, it’s late and-” “It’s not too late, and I don’t mind at all.” 
“I was her, Elaine Berlioz, the agent that I killed,” your voice shook as you spoke, “and I could feel the fire, the heat, it was as if I was facing some divine punishment for what I did by experiencing it.” “One of the things HYDRA does is make you feel guilty for what happened. And although physically it was you who did that, it wasn’t you. What you did doesn’t define you as a person.” “Thank you, it’s just,” you paused, “I thought I was past this. I thought, I don’t know, I guess I thought I’d be able to move on.” 
“Progress is not linear. I mean, I’ve been away from HYDRA for over a year and there are still nights where I wake up screaming. But I’ve also made a lot of progress. It isn’t as hard as it used to be, and I know you’ll make progress too. Sometimes you might fall back into negative thoughts, and that’s alright, but keep striving for a better outlook.” 
You glanced down and smiled. “I never really thought about it like that.” He sat down on the couch next to you, “When I first came to the tower, Bruce and Natasha helped me deal with my PTSD. Not everyone was exactly welcoming at the time. They were some  of the few who understood.” He paused and looked at the ground before continuing, “But after the truth of Tony’s parents was revealed, even they started to distance themselves.”
“What happened to Tony’s parents? I thought they died in a car crash.” “That was the official story that HYDRA spread, but in reality, I was responsible. Well, the Winter Soldier was, anyways. After that was revealed, Stark wasn’t exactly thrilled with my being here. Eventually, though it was all sorted out. We aren’t the best of friends, obviously, but we don’t hate each other either, which is more than I could’ve hoped for.” “I’m glad you told me about that, it must not be an easy thing to open up about. If it’s not too much trouble, I understand if you don’t want to, but would you be able to stay up with me and watch a movie or something? It probably doesn’t make much sense, but I don’t feel safe enough to go to sleep yet. With my anxiety I have a hard time sleeping in new environments sometimes, unless I have something to make me feel safer.” In a quiet voice you added, “Or if I have someone nearby who makes me feel safe.” Bucky nodded, “Of course I can stay up, I doubt I’d be able to fall asleep just yet anyways.” 
Picking up the remote you turned on the television and began watching a comedic cooking show where none of the chefs actually knew how to cook. As you were watching the show it got chillier in the room and Bucky noticed you scootch a little bit closer to him. It wasn’t long after that when you sleepily laid your head on his shoulder. Noticing you were finally asleep again Bucky tried to reach for the blanket but couldn’t get it without disturbing you. Trying the next best option he gently put his arm around your shoulders, just to keep you warm of course, no romantic feelings involved- that’s what he told himself at least. 
Soon after you snuggled in closer to him and Bucky recalled something that you’d mentioned earlier that evening. You couldn’t fall asleep if you didn’t feel safe around someone. ‘She feels safe around me,’ he thought to himself. ‘Well, that’s a first.’ 
You awoke the next morning to find Bucky in the kitchen making pancakes. You glanced over at him from your spot on the couch. “Well, look who finally decided to wake up. I’m making breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes.” You stood up and walked to the counter, “That sounds great, do you need any help?” “Nah, I should be fine, thanks though.” You smirked, “Really? Because the uh, pancake flour on your face tells a different story.”
He chuckled as he tried to wipe it off, “Okay, maybe I need just a little bit of help.” 
“Yeah, I think you do. Here, I’ve got it,” you stood on your tiptoes and before you quite realized what you were doing, you wiped the powdery mix off his cheek. It was then that you realized just how close you two were standing. Taking a step back you felt a warm blush flood your face and instantly looked down. “Sorry about that, uh-” “It’s fine, really,” Bucky responded with a light laugh. He shook his head and headed back to the stove, trying to hide the slight butterflies he was feeling. Picking up the mixing bowl, he poured some of the mix into the pan and reached into a little basket near the fridge. Pulling out a hair tie, he quickly pulled his hair back into a cross somewhere between a ponytail and a bun. He walked back over to the counter and grabbed the bag of chocolate chips to put away.
“Wait, can I see that for a second?” He handed you the bag and you grabbed a few chocolate chips and sprinkled them onto the pancake cooking on the stove, then proceeded to put a few more in the mixing bowl. “There weren't enough chips in it,” you said with a slight smile. “My mom used to make these for breakfast, and the chocolate to pancake ratio was always perfect. Of course by that point it was basically chocolate chips with only some pancake, instead of pancakes with chocolate chips, but hey, they were good.”  
“Well, that sounds delicious,” Bucky said with a smile. “I won’t tell Steve if you don’t.” 
“Well, looks like we have a deal. And if he does find out, just let him know that at least now you didn’t have to add brown sugar to it.” “Brown sugar?” he asked. “Do you like, cook it in with the pancake or-?”
“I mean, I suppose you could, but whenever I have plain pancakes I sprinkle some brown sugar on top of it with the syrup, and it always tastes delicious. You’ve never had that?” “Well, no, growing up we didn’t really add much ‘flavor’ to food, and I never thought to try it once I got back.” 
“You literally live in the Avenger’s tower and never thought of it? Well, I’ll need to have a talk with Tony about the tower’s food plan if I’m going to stay on the team,” you joked. “Oh, look that one’s ready!” 
Bucky flipped the pancake and sure enough, it was a perfect golden-brown with melted chocolate chips scattered throughout. 
“You can have the first one,” Bucky offered, “after all, it is your recipe.” Smiling, you accepted the plate and took a bite, and just as you thought, it was incredible. “It’s just like I remember,” you said, a soft smile playing on your lips and you thought about the last time you had these pancakes with your family. 
It had been a bright June morning, and you woke up extra early to watch the Saturday morning cartoons. You heard your parents talking in hushed tones in the next room, but you were too engrossed in the episode of Looney Toons playing to pay much attention to their conversation. After the show ended you went to the kitchen and got out the pancake mix, but when you tried to pour it yourself the powder spilled all over you. Your parents came to the rescue, though, and soon enough you had an extra-chocolatey chip pancake in front of you to make up for all the Bisquick mix in your hair.  
“These are delicious,” Bucky said, snapping you out of your thoughts. Then, changing the subject he asked, “Do you remember them? Your parents, I mean.” 
“Uh, bits and pieces. Some memories are crystal clear and others seemes, I don’t know, warped almost. Maybe it’s for the best, it isn’t good to dwell on what could’ve been.” You chuckled, “I mean, that’s what my therapist told me anyways, but for all I know he may have been working for HYDRA, so maybe his advice isn’t the best.” 
“Memories can be a tricky thing,” Bucky admitted with a laugh, “half the time Sam will say I did something as the Winter Soldier and I honestly don’t know if I did. Like last week he said I slashed his car tires, and I don’t think I did, but who am I to say? Oh, I almost forgot!” he exclaimed, “Steve said that Natasha wanted to start your training today. We should head down to the gym, best not to keep her waiting.” 
Just a head’s up, the next update might be a bit short as my birthday is this week so I might not have much time to write! Like always, likes and reblogs are appreciated! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Love you all <3
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