#triple frontier imagines
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crazyk-imagine · 5 months ago
Gym and Admin Work
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Pairing: Santiago "Pope" Garcia x Front desk!reader
Characters: Santiago "Pope" Garcia, Front desk!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Santiago being a flirt, reader being sarcastic, the boys for sure tease the man, they lowkey ship the reader and Tago, cute date moment, reader and Tago are hooked
Word Count: 1.2k
“Hey,” he leans against the counter, smiling at you.
You glance over your shoulder and ignore him (again). 'This guy again?' You roll your eyes for what feels like the millionth time this week.
You should have listened to your friend when she said he’s going to keep coming by until you decide to accept going on a date with him or not.
It's been a never-ending cycle with him, but you can also admit that you're not completely upset over the attention he's been giving you… which makes no sense.
But, as you tell her, you like to make it fair by teasing him back.
You know, treat people the way you want to be treated, to which your best friend gives you the oddest look.
The more you think about it, the funnier it gets because he could say the most unheard of lines that come to him naturally, leaving your brain fried because no guy has given you the same attention he does.
But the funny part is when you use one of your lines on him, they leave him to be the quiet mess. It doesn't happen often but you can't lie, you love when it does.
"Same time next week?"
He crosses his arms and leans forward. "You know me so well."
You hum, clicking on the schedule to add him in. "I like to think I'm good at my job but sure."
"You're more than good."
You glance up at him from your lashes. "So, you keep saying."
"And I mean it every time, maybe more than the last." He lets his lips curve upward to smirk, loving the fact that he has your attention right now.
You avoid looking back at him, not wanting him to see the effect he has on you.
You wait for him to leave so you can focus and finish your shift but he’s making it harder for you to concentrate.
“Are my dazzling good looks distracting to you?”
You scoff, turning back to him. “You wish.”
And there it is.
“You know how much you flirt with me, you’d think you would have made more progress by now.”
“Oh, believe me. I’ve made the right amount.”
You roll your eyes and push your chair back. “Well seeing as it’s my lunch break-”
“Let me take you out.”
“I- let me take you out.”
You furrow your brows. “I don’t know.”
“It’ll be to make up for all the flirting you pretend to hate.”
“Sounds tempting.”
“I knew it would. I’ll take you anywhere you want?”
He internally starts panicking, thinking about how he’s barely got ten dollars to his name, finding the extra cash they left behind was worth a little more than he expected.
He’s lucky to be alive right now after all the surgeries.
Goddamn, greedy son of a-
“Here?” You dragged him to a mom and pop shop.
You stare at the sign with a soft smile. “Yeah, right here is perfect.”
“Let’s go inside then?”
He looks around, wondering why you brought him here.
“The usual?” Your favorite waitress, Dottie asks.
You nod with a smile as she leads you to your favorite spot in the joint.
“You've been here before?” Santiago asks, wondering just how long you’ve been coming.
You shrug. “A few times.”
“Seems like more than a few,” he teases.
“What can I say? This place reminds me of home.”
He nods, stirring the sugar into the coffee. “What was that like?”
You pause, wondering if you heard him right. “What?”
“What was your home like? Your childhood, cringey teenage years. I want to hear it all,” he glances down, stirring the little creamer he added to his coffee.
You pause, unsure of how to proceed here. “What- what do you mean?”
He glances up, catching your nervous gaze. “I want to hear about what you were like in your younger years.”
“You want to hear more?” You ask with a confused pout.
He nods, sipping his coffee.
You gulp, “how long do you have?”
“I got as long as you’ll keep me sitting here. Hence, the coffee.”
The corner of your lips twitch. “You planned on opening me up, huh?”
He nods, pinching his thumb and index finger together to say a little bit.
You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at him. “You had this planned since you got in the car, didn’t you?”
You chuckle through your nose at his nonchalant behavior. “You just want to break me down and interrogate me, don’t you?”
He shakes his head, giving you his full attention. “No, I want to get to know you. Believe me, there’s a difference.”
You perk up in your seat. “Well then, Mr. Interrogator, why don’t you ask me a question and I give you an answer but only if you’ll do the same?”
He shrugs, “I don’t see why not?”
You smile, “good. Now…”
You two stay until your Dottie tells you they’re about to lock up, leaving you to drive him back to his friend's place.
“I had a good time.”
You don’t want him to leave.
“So did I.”
You glance away from him, unable to keep eye contact with him anymore. “I- can we do this again sometime?”
He smiles, loving how nervous you are and can’t hold eye contact with him. He leans in, cupping your cheek; his eyes switching between your eyes and your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
You take a deep breath and let out a quiet mumble, “uh huh.”
He leans in, leaving enough space for you to back out.
You cup his cheeks and pull him closer, practically over the gear shift. You part from the other to breathe. “Wow.”
“Told you I’d be worth it.”
You scoff and shove his shoulder, “and there goes all the progress we made this evening.”
He smirks, “I don’t think so. I think this just proved I’m able to keep up with you.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “get out before I kick you out.”
“That’s not nice to say to your new boyfriend.”
You let out a surprised scoff.  “Someone’s optimistic.”
“I have one foot in the door, excuse me for being a little cocky.”
You shake your head, making sure he gets in before you take off.
The smile doesn’t come off your face for the rest of the evening.
Your cheeks hurt more when you look at your phone and see your text notification pop up and your best friend's name pops up before his text.
“I told you you wouldn’t regret giving him a shot” Sent Read 10:34pm
“I’m happy you finally decided to do something about it” Sent Read 10:34pm
Santiago … *delete name* Santi
Santi typing…
“Wanted to tell you gnight” Sent Read 10:36pm
“Go to sleep you dork, get some rest. You need it after today” Sent Read 10:39pm
“I wanted to say gnight first and… Don’t forget to dream of me” Sent Read 10:41pm
You roll your eyes as your cheeks hurt.
There was no way you weren’t already smitten with this man, he wormed his way into your heart and mind without you realizing it… and you don’t care.
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charliehoennam · 1 year ago
A/N: nobody asked for this, but all I've seen is Will smut (which I totally love, don't get me wrong) but I need some vulnerable Will
Pairing: Will Miller x f!reader
Warnings: grief, mourning, sad!will, mentions of death, mentions of Will's military past and Tom's funeral
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One of the things you've always admired about Will is his strength. He was always the one to put on a brave face and push on. The captain in him had the duty of moving forward and completing whatever mission was at hand, whether it was getting his team to the landing zone or grocery shopping day at home.
It was that very same strength he possessed that got him through the darkest times in his life.
Losing his war veteran grandfather, losing his comrades in combat or to the haunting PTSD that they tried to chase away with substance abuse.
Before you came into his life, before he realized that he was lost in the same fog of that purgatory of PTSD, shutting his emotions out is the only thing he knew. After all that time, he came to believe it was easier than having to deal with them.
It just wasn't a priority; a moment of tears he refused to share with anyone anywhere other than sat naked and alone on the shower floor.
Tom wasn't the first friend he'd lost, but it doesn't mean it made losing him any easier.
It was easy for him to plaster a smile and bury his grief deep down until he felt it was time to unbury it and mourn.
Getting to that point of self-awareness was a victory in itself.
It took so much patience and love and pain, not only on his behalf but yours as well, to help him to understand what he was really struggling with.
He hadn't realized it had gotten so uncontrollable until the incident at Publix - the grand revelation of the weapon he could be, once shred of his humanity, provided the cathartic acceptance of the fact that he needed help.
Upon federal investigation, the story they told was that Tom had been shot and killed in a tragic mugging incident on their consultation trip. Just a boys' night out gone bad.
It wasn't too hard to believe, given they were 5 foreigners in a country that wasn't theirs. The heat from the Feds didn't last long. Thanks to Santiago's few but faithful contacts, that investment was quickly brought to an end.
It's barely 6 a.m. and you're stood in the kitchen making coffee, still processing how this all happened.
Your black dress is simple but elegant and modest against your body. Despite the itchy fabric, you can feel the early morning chill soaking through.
The dripping of the coffee maker lures you into a whirlwind of thoughts. You watch the droplets of dew form on the kitchen window against the cloudy sky which threatens to rain.
You start to second guess the toast when it pops up in the toaster. You're not the slightest bit hungry and you're positive Will won't be either, but you have to try.
He hasn't eaten right in the past couple days. You didn't say anything, but you've noticed the few bites he'd given his food and the way he'd pick at it.
He should've been ready and downstairs by now, so you decide to go up and check on him.
Moving forward is hard for most people, but for Will, it's what keep the pain at bay. The problem is when he stops.
Like a tornado, he's left with the screaming silence and the damage it left in it's wake.
Now that he's home, the mission of bringing Tom home is complete, the hard truth that his friend and mentor is gone has begun to sink in.
You gently knock on the door as you reach your shared bedroom.
"Honey, do you want any help?"
"I'm good, sweetheart. I'll be right out."
You can hear him sniffle despite his attempt to sound as normal as possible. Unconvinced, you turn the knob and open the door.
He's sat on the edge of the bed wearing a simple black suit as he looks back over his shoulder at you with a Marine coin in hand, a gift from Tom when Will confessed about his therapy sessions.
You aren't too surprised to see he changed out of the formal military blue suit he had out on earlier.
The ribbons, the medals, the badges... He couldn't put them on without feeling the crushing and staining weight of guilt.
"Lat minute outfit change?"
The corner of your lips curl in an attempt to smile, hoping to cheer him up with a bit of tease.
"I was gonna wear my dress blues, but..." he trails off for a moment to swallow hard. "Just didn't feel right."
Without a word, you quietly walk over and sit beside him. You're not sure what he needs right now, but you don't want him to feel alone.
"Black is more flattering if you ask me," you speak up.
His beard twitches as he attempts to smile. He knows you just want to help him feel better. Yet all he can do is stare down at the gold coin.
"Five times... Five times. Five close calls. And he survived them all. He didn't deserve to go out like that. He just wanted to help his family."
You fight back tears as you listen to him with an arm wrapped his back as you press your cheek to his shoulder.
"I told Santi to get him in. I said I'd go if Tom was in. Tom didn't even want to go in the first place. He didn't-"
There's a crack in his voice which he catches it in his throat to compose himself. He sniffles letting a tear cascade down his cheek only to wipe it away quickly, hoping you hadn't seen it.
"This isn't on you, Will."
He nods although you both know deep inside that he won't stop blaming himself.
"When you told me you were a marine, I knew the risks that came with that, Will. Every knock on the door had my heart racing. But I decided to stay with you because I love you. There wasn't a person on earth or a God in the sky that was gonna tell me otherwise. I knew the risks and I took 'em anyways because not having you would've hurt more... I don't understand how fate works other than we all end up the same. What I do know is that all we can do is love our close ones and cherish the good memories you have of them."
With a tearful and silent nod, he lowers his head and rests it against your chest. His arms lock around your waist as he surrenders to the tears in your embrace.
The tears quietly trickle down your cheeks as you listen to him finally breaking down.
With your lips pressed against his golden hair, you hold him in your arms and stroke the hair on the back of his neck to soothe him for as long as he needs.
All you can do is hold him through it and he couldn't be more thankful to have you in such a vulnerable moment after having faced them on his own for so many years.
Just the feeling of not being alone was overwhelming enough, but to have you holding him and reminding him of the things that are easy to ignore in grief give him hope.
Although he feels he's coming apart, he knows that he'll have the strength he's always had.
It's different now. It's not the strength to bury and forget; it's the strength to heal.
With a sigh of relief after a long, vulnerable moment, he pulls away from you and nods, mentally assuring himself that he's alright.
Upon arriving at the church, you're greeted by Molly so you offer your deepest condolences due to the circumstances. Just as Will, you find that the guys have all opted to wear normal black suits instead of the formal military uniform and you wonder if it's for the same reason.
"Sorry for that," he sniffles wiping his eyes as he tries to regain his composure, swallowing hard with guilt. "We should get going... I don't wanna be late."
You remind him that there is no need to apologize and that he can take the time to splash some water on his face to help him recollect before leaving.
Frankie doesn't say a word other than to Molly and the girls, apologizing for their loss. Throughout the priest's religious ceremony of easing words, Benny's apathetic eyes are glued to Tom's casket set in front of the church between his military portrait and a beautiful arrangement of white flowers. During Will's heartfelt eulogy, Santiago keeps his head lowered as the guilt consumes him.
The grift and sadness during the wake only follow and weigh heavier during the long walk to the gravesite, lingering among the guests of the funeral like a dark cloud. It's only reflected in depths by the light rain pitter-pattering all around.
The military traditions at the funeral leave a bitter tinge of irony in the boys as they watch Tom's casket lowering into the ground.
Tess's happy big doey eyes are now swollen and red as she cries under her mother's arm, hugging the folded flag as if it were her dad, while Molly holds her other and youngest daughter under the other arm.
Looking over at Will, you see that he's trying his hardest to keep his strong facade as well as the boys.
You slide your hand into his and whisper to remind him he's not alone and doesn't have to feel alone.
With a gentle squeeze to your hand, he nods.
"You with me?"
"I'm with you."
You and Will - as well as the guys and Tom's family - are the last to leave, reminding Molly that you're more than willing to help with anything.
Will, however, lingers a moment to speak to her private and tells her about the fund. You can tell from her reaction, she's genuinely surprised and thankful, relieved to know that she'll be able to pay for the funeral.
Having called your boss the previous day to let them know you wouldn't be going to work due to the funeral, you take the rest of the day off to recover from the overwhelming day after the funeral.
The drive home is quiet save for the rain against the car and the windshield, echoing into the vehicle which you insisted on driving to give Will some mental ease. He didn't put up a fight. He was quite relieved you'd offered.
In spite of being eager to understand how he's doing, you refuse to burden him with constant questions and decide to respect his mourning process. So, you keep a hand on his thigh to remind you're in this together.
He doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he is grateful for your respect and your thoughtfulness. His hand rests over yours and doesn't leave until you have to pull your hand back to turn the steering wheel, but it finds it's way back onto his leg, warm fully welcomed by his engulfing hand.
As you're undressing in your room, Will's hand catches yours while you're unzipping your dress.
"Thanks... I don't know about you, but I'd say this weather is perfect cuddling weather," you share letting the dress hang loosely off your shoulders.
Will smiles shyly as if you'd read his mind and locks his arms around your waist.
"I couldn't agree more."
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intoanotherworld23 · 2 years ago
Deep Water II
Characters: Frankie Morales, Will Miller, Ben Miller, Santiago Garcia and female reader
Warnings: Some swear words and mention of killings and murder
Summary: Waking up in a room that isn’t your own you suddenly remember you were kidnapped by a dangerous gang called the Frontiers, and you get to talk to your captors a little more
Part 1 Part 3
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Quickly blinking your eyes open as you stared up at the ceiling wondering where you were. Everything looked and seemed normal but you did not recognize the place. Rubbing your eyes as you sat up trying to remember what happened.
Feeling that sudden prick in the side of your neck  it hitting you that the men of The Frontiers had kidnapped you. Taken your against your will after you had witnessed them murder an innocent man. Although you have absolutely no idea if he was innocent or not.
All you could hear in your head was the sound of a gun going off, and a man's body hitting the floor. Images flashed through your brain as they so casually slumped his bloody figure into the car. Unable to get the sent of metallic out of your nose.
It didn't matter cause they still didn't have a right to take you away. Feeling like you still had liquor in your system. Your hair and your face probably looked like a train wreck right now. Still wearing the same clothes that you had on feeling sticky and hot.
Taking a closer look at your surroundings you noticed the room looked like someone was already living in it. There was a dresser that had all kinds of cologne on top of it, and a shelf that had books stacked on every inch of the shelves.
This was a massive room whoever was living in it, and you hated to admit but you were kind of jealous. You've never seen a bedroom just as big as your entire apartment.
In the corner there was a pile of clothes stacked in a hamper that were clearly a man's. Nothing in here indicated to you who was living in here, but you really didn't care at the moment. You just wanted to get out of this room and get the hell out of here.
Just as you started to get off the bed you looked over to the nightstand to see a white note along with some water. Picking up the piece of paper you realized the note was written for you.
Come downstairs when you're ready
                              Will xx
As you held the note in your hand you debated whether or not you really wanted to go downstairs. It was probably just a rouse or a trick to get you to be around them so they could kill you or rape you. A shiver running up your spine at the thought of what their hands could do.
Right now all you wish you had in this moment was your mother. To have her holding you in her arms as she rocked you back and forth to comfort you. Telling you sweet things in your ear until you smiled. Brushing your hair until you could fall asleep.
Having nobody and feeling so alone was the most dangerous thing you could feel. It was like falling down a deep dark hole that you just couldn't escape. Trying to claw your way up only to fall further down.
Hearing voices below silently reminding you what situation you were in. These men were probably never going to let you go, and that you might as well just accept it. Grabbing the water bottle uncapping it as you chugged half of it contents, but it still didn't quench your thirst.
Placing your feet on the cold floor as you quietly stepped towards the door. Soon as you opened the door you kept smacking yourself in the head for not walking away from the alley when you had the chance. If only you had your mother or father to get you out of this.
Walking down the hall slowly trying to listen in what they were saying, but all you could hear were muffled sounds. Peeking around the corner down to the stairs to see them all sitting in a humongous living room chatting.
"You know he's going to come looking for him." Frankie had spoke as he lifted up his beer to take a sip.
"You think I don't fucking know that?" Will spat back at him as he rubbed his forehead in stress.
They obviously knew the man was of some importance otherwise they wouldn't be worrying about it so much. He had to have been an enemy of theirs, and they didn't want to start a war with them. The last thing they wanted was to piss on someone else’s front yard. They knew how to handle things accordingly before they got out of control.
"I'm just saying man." He put his hands up in defense.
"Anybody could have killed the poor bastard." It almost scared you how cold he was acting after murdering someone in public.
"How are we going to get rid of the body?" Santi asked looking between all of them in genuine curiosity.
"We burn his body and put his ashes and everything else in a trash bag." His suggestion came so quickly since he's obviously murdered people before. "Nobody will ever know."
"I say we just come clean and come to a truce." Benny suggested which made Will laugh menacingly. "In case they do find out."
"That's a stupid fucking idea." Taking a huge gulp of what looked like whiskey hissing as it went down his throat. "We'll get rid of any trace it was us."
"He's not an idiot Will he'll know it was us." Santi responded lounging back on the leather couch.
“Yeah than he’ll be knocking on our front door.” Frankie mumbled loud enough.
“More like shooting our front door.” Benny shot back which only irritate Will even more.
"Enough." Will bellowed as his cheeks started to turn red with frustration. "We're done talking about it." 
"What about the girl?" Benny asked after a few moments of silence and that definitely got your ears perked up now.
"What about her?" Will said raising his eyebrows at him in question.
"I mean what are we gonna do with her?" Leaning forward so his elbows were leaned against his knees in genuine concern for you. "She can't get involved in this."
"We keep her here until she is of no use to us." When those words left his lips you felt yourself gulping but a lump forming in your throat making you panic.
"We're not killing her William." Frankie exclaimed the other two men nodding their heads in agreement. "She's done nothing wrong."
"I won't kill her." Sighing heavily as he crossed his arms over his chest. "It's her name that's keeping her alive."
Scrunching your brows you wondered what he could have possibly meant by that. Pondering if your father was involved in stuff that he maybe shouldn't have been. Maybe this is what they didn't want you to know growing up. The less you knew about what he did the better.
Maybe that's why they kidnapped you thinking they could find some use of you. Although it didn't make sense given the fact that your family was dead, and it was probably by an enemy of his.
Standing there with even more kinds of questions  running through your mind now. If only your parents were alive to help answer these questions cause you already knew that those men down there certainly weren't going to answer them for you.
"Good morning darling." A voice rang out as you started to back away groaning knowing you'd been caught. "Hear something interesting?"
You were like a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Your entire body froze and you couldn’t find it in yourself to move quick enough. Feeling like their was something stuck in your throat. Finding it extremely hard to swallow that saliva that built in your mouth.
"Come down and join us." He waved over to you to come down which you timidly did.
Walking down the steps you kept your eyes downward not wanting to look up. Even though you could feel all there eyes on you. It was like that spotlight was on you again, and you just wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
Hesitating on taking the last step off the stairs to what could be your doom. Looking up to see all of them staring at you with different looks on their faces. Benny and Santi gave you a smile, Frankie gave you a wink while Will had a dangerous twinkle in his eye.
Almost like he was challenging you to cross the line or challenge him. He didn't seem like the type of person you wanted to cross or even piss off. At the same time though you couldn't help but admire each and every one of them.
They were handsome in there own unique way. If they weren't blood soaked killers you probably would be flirting with them right now. Feeling your cheeks heating up under there intense gazes rocking back and forth on your heels.
As you glanced around you could tell that this wasn't just a house but a full on mansion. It was pretty clear that these men were living a lavish lifestyle. They could probably buy anything they wanted with a snap of there fingers.
"How are you feeling?" Benny asked as he stood up to stand in front of you.
"Fine." Voice was so dry it sounded gruff making you let out a cough to clear your throat.
"Are you hungry?" Frankie spoke up making you look over at him with a quizzical look not expecting any of them to be nice. "Could make you some beef stroganoff?"
"Um." That was a complete shock not expecting him to be a cook at most you thought cold pizza out of the fridge. "Sure."
Giving you a wink he took off into the kitchen to starting preparing your meal. Looking out the window seeing the sun shining brightly in the room. It looked like it was morning time although you could be wrong and your brain is tricking you right now. It looked like it was morning, but since he offered you dinner food it clearly wasn't.
Which means that you have slept for more than eighteen hours. Never in your life have you ever slept that long, and it was only cause they drugged you. Thanking your lucky stars they didn't use too much, and accidentally killing you with an overdose. 
Looking back over to the rest of the men you noticed Will was looking your body up and down with a close eye. Quickly looking away when he made eye contact with you. Hearing a light chuckle slip past his lips.
"Relax we're not gonna kill you." Will joked after a few minutes of awkward silence making your eyes widen. It was in bad taste. "Yet."
"Jesus man don't fuck with her like that." Santi gruffed as he took in your terrified look.
"He doesn't mean that sweetheart." Benny smiled as he placed his hand on your lower back guiding you over to the couch. "You're our guest."
"Weird choice of words for a group of men that just kidnapped me." You snapped back unable to keep it from coming out of your mouth. "After they killed a man."
"The babe here can bite." Benny joked as he sat down beside you making Santi laugh and Will crack a smile.
"Harder than you think." You really were pushing it with your attitude considering they literally could snap your neck like a twig.
"I'd watch your tone sweetheart." Will caught on to you as he gave you a firm warning.
Sitting back up against the couch while you stared down Will. Pouting like a little child letting them control you like that. Your mother always taught you to never ever let a man tell you what to do.
Once again there was awkward silence as the four of you sat there and looked at each other. Silently nudging for someone else to speak up first. They figured you probably had questions and wanted to answer as many of them as they could.
"Why did you kidnap me?" Asking as you looked over to Will for a response Santi and Benny could tell this was just going to be between you two.
"Because you're a witness and we can't have you running your pretty little mouth." Will groaned as he answered when nobody else responded.
"So what do you guys do?"
"We're salesmen."
"What do you sell?"
"Stuff little girls like you have no business in buying."
"You don't know what little girls like me are into or know about."
"Judging by the way you acted after we killed that guy I'd say you've been sheltered most of your life."
"You know nothing about my life." The corner of Wills lip twitched when he knew he had struck a nerve with you.
"Just like you know nothing about us sweetheart."
"What do you want with me?"
"I told you I wouldn't go to anyone I would keep quiet and you'd never hear from me."
"Like I told you that's something we can't risk."
"Are you gonna kill me?"
"Not unless you give us a reason to." He answered honestly which made you audibly gulp.
As you sat there thinking about his answers there was one question you did want to ask him, but we're too afraid to ask. It was nagging at the back of your mind to just go ahead and ask to see what he says.
"Did you know my father?" Silence.
All of them including Frankie in the kitchen was silent. They all looked to each other waiting to see if Will was going to respond. As you sat there looking at him you noticed how light his eyes really were. They were almost kind entrancing like something was tugging you to him.
Feeling your heart stating to race as the two of you looked at one another. It was like it was just the two of you in this room, and the rest of the men were disappearing. The room was starting to become smaller, and the air was becoming thicker with tension.
"Yes I did." He finally responded making you lean forward a little more your curiosity even more peaked.
"H-how?" Forgetting about who you were talking to and just cared more about what he had to say. "How did you know my father?"
“If it weren’t for your last name you wouldn’t even be alive.” His words had a cold meaning behind them almost like a warning or threat.
“How did you know him?” Asking him again but he was clearly choosing to not answer that.
"That's enough questions." He growled as he stood up and headed upstairs assuming to his room since you heard a door slam shut.
Staring straight ahead as you felt a slight ringing in your ears. Feeling that familiar lump in your throat as well as your eyes watering up. Shaking your head you looked to the other guys to be met with sympathetic looks.
It really did shock you that Will knew your father, and as soon as you start asking questions he suddenly shuts down. It was almost like he didn't want you to know the answer which was frustrating to you.
Right now your mind was all over the place like it had been scrambled. All you wanted to do right now was take a shower, wash off the smell of alcohol, get into some comfy clothes, and then go to bed. Taking a deep breath before you stood up to go back to your room.
"Dinner is ready." Frankie called from the kitchen placing your plate on the table with a soda.
"Smells delicious." Sniffing the air you almost moaned at how good it smelled.
"It's the best you'll ever have." Complimenting himself making Benny and Santi nod their heads in agreement. "I can promise you that."
"Thanks." Picking up the fork quietly jabbing the pasta and beef before placing it into your waiting mouth. "Jesus Christ this is delicious."
"The best you've ever had kind of delicious?" Frankie asked as he stood there with a hand on his hand and a smile on his face.
"Yes." Quickly jabbing some more into your mouth practically stuffing your face like a weirdo.
The guys laughed at your eagerness to eat not caring anymore, and starting to feel more comfortable around them. They were being incredibly nice and understanding of your situation.
Will on the other hand was cold and hostile towards you for some reason. One minute it felt like he felt bad for you and wanted to help you, and the next it was like he wanted to rip your throat out.
The guys were chatting around you making small talk while you ate your food in peace. For a minute you forgot where you were and what was going on in your life. Just imagining that you were back at your apartment watching tv while playing on your phone.
Speaking of your phone and your stuff, you had no idea where any of your belongings were. Patting down your pockets to feel they were all empty. Looking over at the other men debating on whether you should ask or not.
"Wheres my stuff?" Asking with a mouthful of food turning their attention to you.
"Will said it was best if you didn't have it until we can trust you." Benny answered making you scoff with a roll of your eyes.
"What if someone comes looking for me?" Not being able to come up with one person you knew that would ask where you were but you still asked anyway.
"Nobody's gonna look for you darling." Santi answered honestly with as much sweetness as he could muster. "Not that anybody wouldn't but we have ways to handle it."
"That's such bullshit." Not meaning to say that out loud but they found it funny. "Sorry."
"Sweetheart you don't have anything to apologize for." Benny gave you a huge grin showing off his white teeth.
"We actually tried convincing him to let you go." Looking over at Frankie and then the rest of the men who nodded.
"When you were passed out we told him you wouldn't tell anyone." Santi spoke up. "I mean we have the cops in our back pocket they wouldn't touch us."
"Why didn't he let me go then?" It was the one question nobody really seemed to want to answer.
"That's something he's gonna have to tell you sweetheart." That was the kind of response that you didn't want to hear.
It would be as waste of energy and time if you asked Will more questions. You'd probably irritate him so much he snap your neck, and then dispose of your body like the other man. As much as you wanted him to tell you everything it might just have to wait.
"I guess I'll go back to the room and sleep." Getting up from the chair heading towards the stairs but someone's voice stopped you.
"I wouldn't do that sweetheart." Frankie’s voice turned a little deeper making your nervous turning around to face him.
"Why not?" Quirking an eyebrow at him wondering why he told you not to go upstairs.
"Because that's Wills room."
“Then where am I supposed to sleep?”
“We’ve got a spare room all made for you.” Benny stood up as he walked over to you with a hand on your back escorting you upstairs to the room going past Wills bedroom.
Great you were going to be staying in the room just next to his. You would rather sleep downstairs on the couch then get within twenty feet of him. He seemed like he would smother you with a pillow in the middle of the night.
“Do this a lot do you?” Quirking an eyebrow as you stood in the middle of the room looking around.
“Nah.” Drawing out the word crossing his arms across his chest. “We don’t give them a room we dig them a grave.”
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21
Tag list for Pedro Pascal: @pedrohoe04 @k-k0129
Tag list for Series: @casa-boiardi @luciferiorbxtch @ladyelissarose
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dailydragon08 · 2 years ago
Soft Will who gets all :) when he meets his partner’s eyes across the room.
Soft Will who’s super attentive and always giving them his jacket when they’re cold and even starts bringing a jacket to events that doesn’t need one just in case THEY get chilly.
Soft Will who takes care of them when they’re sick/on their period/having a bad mental health day, fully armed with heating pads, medicine, warm blankets, snacks, movies, and makes sure they’re getting enough iron, vitamins, and protein.
Soft Will who gives and guides and whispers sweet nothings during the most romantic sex they’ve ever had.
Soft Will who lives for the pillow talk after.
Soft Will who squeezes his partner’s hand and hugs them tight after a nightmare or during fireworks or going through the grocery store, letting all the walls of stoicism fall for just a brief moment when he looks at them cuz he knows he doesn’t have to hide in front of this person.
Soft Will who will 100% engage in a squirt gun battle with the seriousness of a soldier.
Soft Will who will proudly put his arm around their shoulders in front of the guys.
Soft Will who immediately pulls you onto his lap during movie nights.
Soft Will who gets a little watery during the first “I love you,” no matter which of them said it, cuz he was so convinced for so long he’d never get to have a first “I love you” again.
Soft Will who may not emote much, but a little spark of excitement enters his eyes and he gives a little lopsided smile whenever his partner walks into the room.
Soft Will who never misses an opportunity to tell people he loves how great, smart, talented, and what a wonderful person they are (he might not shout it from the rooftops, but he doesn’t make a secret of it either).
Soft Will who stands there gaping the first time he sees them all dressed up and/or in a swimsuit.
Soft Will who loves playing with his partner’s hair.
Soft Will who loves running his hands over his partner’s bare skin and tracing little shapes.
Soft Will who lives for cradling their face during forehead touches.
Soft Will who’s just so grateful he found someone after all the shit he’s been through that made him feel broken and unlovable.
Just soft Will.
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secretwriterpp · 2 years ago
Summary: Frankie Morales x Reader x Dave York (mention of the other TF boys)
You and Frankie are caught off guard at the safe house. An old partner is coming back to haunt Frankie.
This is very violent, I don’t know where it came from, but I had to write it. It’s not for everyone , please read the warnings before reading.
Please reblog and comment!!! I’m also open to suggestions for a part 2. The aftermath.
WARNINGS: Major Warnings!!! Please do not interact if any of this is a trigger to you: Graphic depiction of GRAPE. Violence, torture, verbal and psychological abuse, cursing, blood (loads of it) blood kink, knifes, guns and DEATH.
{Masterlist}. {Chapter2}
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The days spent with Frankie and Santi were good. You took care of each other. Frankie was always so sweet with you. You knew he was in love with you, but you wanted him to make the move , but he didn’t. Santi told you it was because he felt like he wasn’t good enough for you. Which was bullshit, you had similar past, both military , both going on questionable top secret missions, both killing more people than you would admit to. If he wasn’t good enough , you weren’t either.
That night , Santi was going out at a local bar with his new conquest. He wasn’t supposed to leave the safe house , but he couldn’t stay at one place for too long. You and Frankie fell asleep watching a movie. All night long you hoped he would get up and sit next to you. It was so absurd that he wouldn’t do it. You two were perfectly comfortable with each other, he only had to take the last step. He was only wearing boxer shorts and you were rocking one of Benny’s oversized t-shirt over your panties. It would be so easy to just straddle him and kiss him, but you wanted to be chased. So here you were, both dreaming of the other on your respective side of the couch. You were dreaming about him, swimming in your childhood pool. You were next to him, in your skimpiest bikini and that’s when you felt something grab your hair and pull you out of the water. But that part wasn’t in your dream.
You opened your eyes , you were face down on the floor with someone’s foot between your shoulder blades. Frankie was knocked out not far away from you. A guy all dressed in black brought one of the chair from the kitchen next to him. The man kicked his ribs.
- Catfish! Time to wake up.
He knows him, you thought.
Frankie opened his eyes and instantly tried to get up.
- Calm down my friend , you have two guns pointing at you, plus your little girlfriend is in a bad position too.
Frankie recognize the voice of the man who was pointing a gun at him.
- York? What the fuck ?
Dave York used to be his partner in some other missions he did before he met you and the guys. He couldn’t believe he was standing in front of him. He thought the guy was dead , he even went to his funerals.
- Yeah, I’m alive. What’s more undercover than a ghost, right? I’m here for you and for your partners. The Millers and Santiago. If you tell me where I can find them, I can let you live. Damn Cat, I can even give you a very profitable job if you agree to die like I did.
Frankie scuffed, disgusted by the offer.
- No way Dave, I’m not telling you where they are.
- Alright then, you know the drill. Sorry it has to go this way.
The man asked Frankie to sit on the chair, when he refused , he shot his left knee. Frankie let a small grunt escape his lips, not letting Dave see any weakness in him.
The other man grabbed you by your arm and lifted you from the ground. He was tall and strong. He locked the cuffs on your wrists in front of you instead of in your back. You then knew he had no idea who you were. He probably thought you were just Frankie’s girlfriend, good, you have an advantage. He told you to sit down on the couch pointing a gun at you.
Dave threaten to put a bullet in your knee too if Frankie did not cooperate. He looked at you before sitting on the chair. You both knew Pope was gonna be back soon enough, you just had to endure and survive Dave’s interrogation.
Dave taped Frankie to the chair. So much fucking duck tape. He knew his old partner was strong , he had to be sure he wouldn’t be able to move. He pushed the chair to the kitchen and the other guy shoved you on another chair , facing Frankie from only a few feet away. For the first part of the interrogation, he mostly threw punches at Frankie. He had a busted lip, a split eyebrow and swollen cheekbones , but Frankie was still laughing at his long lost friend attempt at making him talk. He was sore from all the punch to his stomach and chest, he felt weak from the blood loss, but he would never tell where his friends were, he was willing to die for them if he had to.
Dave was starting to get impatient, he was screaming and had his gun pointed at Frankie’s face, inches from his forehead. It felt like he was on the edge of giving up and just kill him out of frustration. In seconds, you made a decision, deep down you knew he wouldn’t shoot him, he needed him for information, but you couldn’t just sit there and hope that you were right. You got up quickly and charged him with all your might, trying to take the gun away from his hands, but you failed. He dropped the gun on the floor and it slid somewhere in the kitchen.
Dave was pissed , he grabbed you by the waist and threw you on the floor , you landed hard on your hands and knees. Immediately, you tried to find the lost weapon but it was dark and you couldn’t see it.
The second guy who was standing in the corner pointed his gun at you but Dave lifted his hand to signal him to stop.
You’re still frantically looking for the damn weapon when the air is knocked out of your lungs , you heard Frankie warn you, but you were so desperate that you didn’t listen to him. Dave’s foot cracked your ribs , you fell on your side crying in pain.
He pushed you over so you are now lying on your back. He grabbed the cuffs by the metal link and dragged you near the kitchen table. You tried to sit up, but he holds you by the throat and slams you back on the hardwood floor. Your head is spinning from the impact. You feel his weight on you, he is straddling you , your eyes are watering , he takes both your wrists in his hands, brings them to your throat and use the cuff’s chain to choke you. Pressing your own hands on each side of your face to suffocate you.
You buck your hips up in a desperate attempt to push him off but he is too heavy and you are too weak to fight harder.
The metal is digging into your skin , the links of the chain are twisting and biting into the skin of your neck , probably taking little chunk of skin as they move. The position is leaving less and less space for air to pass through your trachea to your lungs , you feel your mind spin and your vision blur. You could hear Frankie beg Dave to stop.
- Stop, stop, I’m gonna tell you where they are . Please don’t hurt her.
Dave takes some pressure off of you. You took many deep and distressed breaths, not really listening to what Dave was saying. Slowly, he is backing away from you, looking at Frankie with a wicked grin on his face .
- You’re gonna talk now Catfish? Your little girlfriend here is very brave , is she willing to suffer for you, to die for you, what do you think?
The second guy was getting closer to Frankie , closer to you, what is he doing? Dave still had your wrists in his hands , but now the space between the two of you was just enough so you could make a move. You used all the strength you had left to sit up and headbutt him on the nose as hard as you could . He wasn’t ready for that, you completely took him by surprise. He left his grip on you to hold his face in his hands. You bent down and grabbed the knife strapped on his right side , quickly stabbed him in his thigh then threw the knife at the other guy, full force. The knife flew straight into his left eye, the guy fell right behind the chair where Frankie was ducktapped.
Dave was still on top of you, cursing and screaming in pain and rage.
-You fucking cunt !
He was enraged. You tried to push him off again, but he was sitting with his full weight on your hips. He punched your jaw and took his belt off in one swift move, you panicked , he could see it in your eyes. He smirked at you and then turned to wink at Frankie. He used his belt to strapped you to the kitchen table leg . He looped it between your hands and then around the cuffs and the table leg. You were relieved when he got off of you. He got up , grunting from the pain you inflicted on him. You couldn’t help but smile.
- Okay Morales , she’s not just your girlfriend, she knows what she’s doing. She’s military too? My mistake, I thought she was just an hopeless little girl who I could use to make you talk.
- Fuck you Dave. We won’t tell you where they are.
Dave smiled then leaned over his partner’s body to retrieve the knife from his bludgeoned face.
- Oh yes you will Frankie.
Dave cleaned the blood from the knife on his pants, while looking at you with dark eyes.
-This hurt baby, why do you hate me so much? He said almost in a playful tone, pointing at the bloody hole in his thigh.
Dave grabbed the hem of his long sleeved shirt and took it off. Leaving him wearing only a white tank. He ripped one of the sleeve off to tie it around his leg to stop the bleeding.
Dave came closer to you , you tried to kick him , but he was in a position of power. He grabbed your right ankle and forced it back to the ground, he took the knife he just placed in his pocket , lifted his armed hand in the air , making sure your eyes were following his every move and stabbed you with all his strength at the same place you stabbed him earlier. You don’t think you ever screamed that loud. The pain was excruciating. On his knees next to you, he held the the knife there , putting as much pressure as he could :
-Talk you fucking bitch, where are they!?
You were on the edge of losing conscience, you couldn’t answer him. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head but Dave slapped your face so you wouldn’t leave and concentrate on him again.
-Fuck you ! you mumbled at him defiantly.
He turned his head to look at Frankie who was spitting every curse words he knew in English and in Spanish.
- You don’t want me to wreck her other leg , don’t you Frankie boy?
Before he could even open his mouth you interrupted him:
- Don’t you fucking talk Francisco!
- Francisco? Ain’t that sweet.
Dave took the knife out of your leg and sat back on his heels. The blood from your wound starting to ooze rapidly around your limb. He took his ripped shirt and tear the remaining sleeve apart.
- You know , Francisco, I love it when there is a tough women in this type of hostage slash interrogation situation.
He held your leg and wrapped the piece of fabric around your thigh, tied it tight to slow the bleeding down.
- Most women would say that they would rather die , you know. They did research about it. I think this one would rather die , look at her.
You were breathing fast, your heart beating even faster. You didn’t know what to do , you couldn’t come up with a plan. You were lightheaded and tired. You looked at Frankie, tears in your eyes. He looked desperate too. He was fighting against this chair this whole time, but he couldn’t get free. Frankie could read your eyes like a book, you were ready to die , it was your time.
Dave stood straight on his knees and reached for the zipper of his pants and slid it down. He pushed your legs open , with his knees. Your eyes widened. The air got caught in your throat. That’s not where you thought it was going. He was supposed to kill you.
- No, no , don’t , please.
You could only whisper the words , the rest of your body was paralyzed. Being a women in your field , you knew it was always a possibility , but you always managed to prevent it to happen.
- So , baby, tell me , would you rather die?
- Hijo de puta, don’t you fucking touch her!
His hands were slowly sliding from your knees down your bare thighs to your hips. His left hand was dragging all the blood from your wound down your leg. Both hands on your hips he pulled you harshly towards him, making your arms stretched completely above your head , still cuffed at the table leg. He took the knife again.
- Pope is coming back soon, he’s in town. The brothers are in Colombia on a mission. Stop York! Please!
He slipped the knife under you panties from the side, you felt the sharp edge of it run through your pubic hair. He turn the blade towards him and cut the fabric easily. You closed your eyes , dissociating. Tears rippling down your cheeks. You couldn’t be present for this , you had to leave.
- It’s too late for that Catfish. Now you’re gonna watch me fuck her and slit her throat when I’m done.
Dave bent down over you, took his cock in his right hand and slid his tip between your folds. You were not ready for him. He wiped some blood from your thigh and used it as a lubricant, running his fingers up and town your pussy. He pushed two fingers inside you , you gasped , you felt like puking, you squeezed your eyes harder, as if you would be further away if you did. You felt his fingers leave you and then he was inside you. In your mind everything was dark, you couldn’t see , you couldn’t hear, you wish you couldn’t feel. Your head was buzzing, only a ringing sound filling your brain like when a bomb detonates too close to you.
With every rough thrust he pushed inside you, your body slid further and further on the bloody slippery floor until your head banged on the leg of the table. The edge of the wood furniture scraping the right side of your face and landing on your shoulder. Each following thrust pushed your shoulder harder against the table. Your hands were now able to move over your head , you ran them everywhere you could in the desperate hope to find something , anything , that could help you.
- Frankie! He said laughing. She’s so (thrust) fucking (thrust) tight(thrust).
The noice Dave was making made you sick, grunting and moaning. He grabbed your face , leaving his bloody handprint on you.
- Look at me baby.
You didn’t, still focused on finding your way out. He slapped your face hard . You opened your eyes for a brief moment , he was smiling. You shut them back , trying to go back to the dark empty space in your mind that made it a little less unbearable. He slapped you again, snapping his hips even harder into you with a loud grunt. He turned again to talk to Frankie:
- She’s stubborn, I like it.
That’s when you touched it. The feeling of cold metal on the back of your hand. You grabbed the weapon , the safety was already removed, you just had to aim. You twisted your body and your arms to have a better angle. Before he could realized what was going on under him, you shot him in the neck. His blood was spurting everywhere , mixing with your own on the kitchen floor. You felt his cock go soft inside you and he fell half unconscious to your right, between you and Frankie. You dragged the table closer to you with your arms and turned on your knees, you got half up and pushed the table up with your back so you could free yourself from it. Dave rolled on his back, holding his throat, it sounded like he was trying to say something but all you could hear was the gurgling sound of his blood coming up in his mouth.
You looked at him and you snapped , you took the knife he left on the ground , you straddle him and you stabbed him in the chest. You stabbed and stabbed and stabbed , screaming , guttural screams from deep down your core. You only stopped when you were too tired to continue, the ringing sound still filling you entirely. Your breathing slowed down and you could hear Frankie talk to you in a soft voice.
- Hey, y/n , look at me.
He was trying not to cry , but he couldn’t control it. What happened was horrific and he couldn’t stop his tears, he was shaking under the tape that was holding him. You looked at him, but not really, you looked through him, without any expression.
- Y/n , please, free me from this chair.
You reached for Dave’s pockets, found the keys to your restraints and freed yourself first. You took the slippery knife and got up, stepping barefoot in the pool of blood around you. You walked behind Frankie , stepping over the first men you killed that night and totally forgot about. You used the knife to cut all the layers of tape that were covering Frankie’s hands and arms. As soon as his hands were free he told you to give him the knife. He then proceeded to cut the tape around both his legs.
You were standing there, fixing the window , looking at the parking lot outside the safe house. Dave’s truck was there. Then Santiago’s truck stopped right behind it.
- I need to shower. That’s all you could think about.
Santi opened the door in panic. He gasped and covered his mouth with his hands in horror.
- What the fuck happened ?
You just turned around and went upstairs to take a shower. Frankie was still trying to get out of the chair. Santiago couldn’t believe the state of the kitchen. He was worried for you , but he didn’t know what to do. He looked at his friend, but he didn’t know either.
{Chapter 2}
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roadtogracelandx45 · 5 months ago
They Need You|1| Will Miller
Summary: After Will Miller gets arrested, Frankie Morales takes matters into his own hands and goes to Georgetown, where Lexie Thomas, the FBI agent who stole both Miller brothers' hearts to get them back together. They needed her as much as they needed her. 
Benny Miller/Lexie Thomas/ Will Miller
Will Miller/ Lexie Thomas/ Frankie Morales
Rated M for adult content
Apart of For Whom It Tolls 
Set before the events of the movie 
Three shot 
Washington DC 
Frankie Morales looked around the darkening neighborhood before climbing the stairs to the brownstone where Lexie Thomas lived with her roommate and best friend Allie Hotchner, to try and talk to Lexie about going back to the brothers. 
One or both of them, he wasn't picky, and really enough was enough. Benny made a stupid comment when she got hurt and Will backed him up and they left her. He had stayed long enough to make sure a furious Allie and Spencer Reid, Allie's boyfriend, were there to take care of her before leaving too. And it killed him too, in almost a year and a half that they had known Lexie and her team, she had become an important part of his life, he had wanted to pick up the phone and call her to let her know about his girl and the fact that he wanted to start a family with her but he froze because of the loyalty he had to the Miller brothers.
Them leaving Lexie was a few weeks ago and things had gotten worse and he didn't think that was possible. Benny threw himself into the MMA fights and Will got angrier. So much so that he ended up coming up to DC to be close to Lexie and got into a bar fight and was arrested instead of calling Lexie who was in town recovering, he called Frankie who was down in Florida. 
Frankie glanced up and smirked seeing the black sedan that pulled away from the curb, he was glad that he had waited until the girl left before going up to the door, he had heard from both Miller brothers at one point in time that Allie hated the fact that her best friend was with two men. 
Step-brothers at that. 
And that was part of the reason for the falling out between the three.  Normally he wouldn't get involved with this knowing that the brothers could normally work things out on their own and all three would come back together but this time was different, they fell to pieces.  And he hated to see his brothers like that. He would do anything he could to help, even talking to Lexie.
"Are you going to stand outside all night Fish or are you going to come inside and tell me why you are here?" Lexie's voice came from the now open door. 
"Jesus, kid," Frankie commented startled, his feet had carried him to the front door of the townhouse and he hadn't expected her to be there right off the bat 
"Aaron and Spencer had us put security cameras in after a string of break-ins and after Allie was almost kidnapped." She motioned to the small camera above the door. He nodded his head and stepped into the warm house.
 "Where did Allie go?" He asked, pushing the bill of his hat up so he could see her fully. 
"Got a case, something about a dual murder and possible serial killer. She couldn't go into it."  The blonde shrugged her shoulders and shut the door and locked the door behind him. 
"And why aren't you with her?" From what he could recall she had been on loan a few times to the BAU. 
"Still out on medical and I got suspended. Got into a couple of fights and one of the perps may or may not have gotten his nuts cut off."
  The older man flinched at how easily and nonchalant she was about mentioning that, he knew that he and the rest of the squad were to blame for that.  
"But I am sure you didn't come here to talk about that. What's going on?" 
"Benny and Will." He started watching as she tensed before opening the fridge to pull out a couple of beers.  
"What about them?" 
 "They need you, Lex." 
"No, they don't Frankie. Benny made that perfectly clear, and Will backed him up."  She popped the lids off of the bottles and sat one in front of him.
 "He was upset that you got hurt Lex, because of us." 
 "I have gotten hurt before, and a lot worse than this.'  Her fidgeting fingers touched the bandage that covered the wound that she had gotten from a man holding her at knifepoint.
 "They know that sweetheart, look at it from our point of view. You lost a lot of blood and almost died." 
He still could hear Benny begging her to keep her eyes open and to focus on them and how Will didn't let her go right away once they were at the local hospital. 
"I remember, I was there." She paused picking at the label on the bottle with her thumbnail, "How are they?" 
 "Not good, Ben is taking more fights and getting his ass handed to him. And Will, well." 
Lexie had turned her back on him and closed her eyes trying to get her emotions in check, she didn't want Fish to see how upset she had gotten, "Well Will what?' 
"He got arrested.' 
She spun around at that, her eyes wide in surprise, "Will, my Will got arrested?" 
He nodded solemnly not missing how she called him, her Will, there was still hope. "Called me to bail him out. I came here first.' 
"Jesus Christ, Frankie, you should have gotten him out. Our relationship isn't important." 
"Yes, it is. I came to get you to go bail him out. You are the only one that can get through to them." 
"What about Pope or Redfly?"  Seeing him shake his head, Lexie sighed and ran her bandage hand through her blonde hair. 
"Give me a minute to change and I will go with you to bail him out. But that's it, Frankie. And I mean it." 
He nodded his head and picked up the beer bottle, this was a start. 
"He is right back there." Thomas, the officer who was on duty at the metro police station, "Make it quick Lex, we were told not to let you back here." Will Miller sat up fully when he heard his girlfriend's familiar nickname.
 "Promise in and out." Lexie's voice returned, "Morales is gonna post his bail."  
As soon as he heard Promise, Will was on his feet, gripping the bars of the cell in his hands. 
"Lex." It sounded like it got caught in his throat and he hated himself for it. The woman who had been occupying his thoughts appeared in front of him, her blonde hair swept into a messy bun on top of her head, and one of his old baggy shirts hung off of her shoulder, the white gauze a stark contrast from her golden skin. She almost looked as good as she did in his dreams. 
"Will, what happened?" She asked, folding her arms so she wasn't tempted to reach out and touch him. That's how things normally started with them and it ended with him bending her over the table and pounding her well into the next morning. And as much as she needed him, she didn't have the energy or strength to do marathon fucking sessions, not with still recovering from her injuries.
"Nothing." He started, his blue eyes boring into hers, his fingers twitching on the bars. 
"It has to be something babe, otherwise Frankie  wouldn't have shown up at my apartment." She started, "Tell me what's wrong."
  "I shouldn't have backed Benny." He finally returned, "It was a mistake. Seeing all of that blood coming from you scared me. I couldn't lose you. I couldn't lose another relationship.'
"So you decided breaking my heart was the best way to go about it? Damn it, Will, I love you and I love Benny." His heart flipped in his chest when she said that she loved him and Benny. That was the first time either one of them had admitted their feelings. "If it wasn't for Allie and Spencer taking care of me after you two left me at the hospital I wouldn't have gotten out of bed. I stuck with you through everything Will. Even when you decided that you wanted to go back to Sarah. I backed off. You are the one that came back to me. You just don't get to decide what is best for me and neither does Benny." 
"I know Lex, and I am sorry. If I could take it back I would." He was thankful that she took steps towards the cell and covered his hands with hers. "I was ready for the long haul with you, and was even talking about taking a desk job with Seavers." The guilt that he had built up in him since they had left her in the hospital bubbled over, she was willing to give up her dream career to sit behind a desk for him and for Benny.
None of his previous girlfriends wanted to do that. They always wanted him to give up his job. But Lexie was going to give it all up, her dream job. For him and for his brother.  "I am so sorry, babe." He started, "What can I do to make this right?" 
"I, I, don't know, Will." Lexie started, "But not getting into bar fights and getting arrested is a good  start." She glanced down the hallway to where she heard the throat clearing and stepped away, "Frankie is posting your bail, I will see you out there." Will nodded his head and stepped away from the bars, he knew that he should be furious with Frankie for dragging Lexie back into his life, but he was glad. 
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mrs-lockley · 1 year ago
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Triple Frontier
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
(WOC!Reader), The Santiago Garcia Comfort Series
(WOC!Reader, Swan Lake AU), Where There is Love, There Will Be Light
Last Updated: 2/19/2024
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staticscreenwriting · 2 years ago
maybe the night would take me home II Frankie Morales
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Part 1 : "Divorce And The American South"  & "The Thunderbird Inn"
a Frankie Morales Story inspired by the album  "We Don't Have Each Other" by  Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties.
A/N : This imagine series will deal with sensitive topics please see my tags for TW. Please proceed with caution. Also there’s mention of smoking and alcohol. English is not my native language, go easy on me please. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated
There's a hole in the wall and a square where the wallpaper is a lighter shade of beige than the rest. There probably used to be a painting or a mirror. The ceiling fan is missing one of its blades and there's a huge rip in the ugly brown curtain that's blocking the street lights from flooding the room.
He can just about make out the glow coming from the street light in front of his window. There used to be more color permeating the thin curtains and throwing kaleidoscope patterns into his motel room but people have started to take down their Christmas lights leaving him with just the ugly yellow of the street lamp.
The motel room is dull and gray and hopeless and broken and ugly and Frankie thinks it's fitting because that's exactly how he feels and really, he doesn’t mind it all that much.
The clerk at the front desk, he wants to say his name is Steve, is nice, and always pours him a cup of coffee whenever he finds Frankie sitting in the tiny lobby area of the Motel where the vending machines are. The coffee isn’t good but it’s warm and that’s enough these days.
“Long night?” he asks and every time Frankie nods and says “Sure has been.” Steve then grants him one of those smiles that lets you know the person is looking straight through your lie but they’re way too nice to call you out on your bullshit. 
“Well, tomorrow’s a new day. Hope that one is better,” he replies, every time.
Frankie nods again knowing full well it won’t be.
He’s given Frankie a break on the rent this week. 
“Look don’t you worry about it. Just make sure you pay me back with next week’s rent. I know you’re good for it.” 
“I probably am.” 
Steve was laughing then. He probably won’t laugh when he hears that Frankie’s coming up short again this week.
Back in his tiny motel room, his clammy hands grab the room's phone tightly. It will probably cost him a fortune to use it — again — though after throwing it against a solid brick wall, his cell phone is but a piece of junk left somewhere by the side of the truck stop. 
He doesn't really need it anyway. Too many pictures and memories and shit he doesn't want to think about because he can’t get it back.  
He takes another sip from the bottle. He thinks it's whiskey but he might be wrong. It all tastes the same these days.
Calling her won’t do any good and he knows but he can't help himself. It's like an itch that he just has to scratch. It's like a desperate need that he has to satisfy. It's like an addiction he has to feed.
It's 2 in the morning and she's most likely asleep and Frankie hates himself for waking her up. She's lost enough sleep as it is. But his mind is so loud and he needs to get all of these things off his chest. All the things he didn't say when he should have, when it counted, when it meant something, when she needed him to.
It's not the first time he's called either. He wonders if she'll ever pick up.
There's a perfectly clear picture burned into his mind of the first time he'd called her after he left. He had been stranded at some run-down truck stop that could've been the perfect location for the first kill in a horror movie. There was a bottle of water in his hand and the phone receiver in the other.
He can't recall how long he'd spent inside the phone booth reading her number out loud and trying to work up the courage to call her but he knows it's been quite a while. And when he did he was met with the dial tone. With every beep his heart sunk a little further, felt a little heavier.
" Hello this is Y/N, I can't pick up the phone right now but feel free to leave a message after the tone and I'll ring you back. Ok, bye. "
Her voice sounded so cheery and he remembers the tears threatening to leave his eyes at the sound of it. She hadn't sounded this cheery in a long long time and his heart broke knowing that was partially his fault.
" Hey Y/N, It's me .... Frankie. If you’re listening can you please pick up the phone? I know you're home. "
He could still recall her daily schedule better than anything, after all, they had been living together for years.
" I know where I went wrong. I really do. I uh— I'm at a truck stop. Not sure where I'm going yet but I'll call you. Please talk to me, baby. I love you. "
He remembers his heart breaking and breaking more and shattering and it hasn't been fixed yet. There's that little cynical corner of his brain that tells him it never will be fixed. All good things come to an end sooner or later and this is THE good thing in his life. She is the best thing. She was the chance he never thought he’d get. A shot at redemption.
That other day he found a bar just outside the township line. He goes most every night now whenever he can feel a bad night coming. All nights are bad nights now. The floors are sticky and the bar is dusty but the drinks are cheap and the barkeeper doesn’t bother to get him tangled up in any kind of conversation. All Frankie gets is a look of pity as he pours him another drink. Fuck, he didn’t know that he looks that pathetic. 
The alcohol doesn’t numb his heart the way it used to. Back when he woke up in a cold sweat with visions of a life he tried so hard to leave behind he could always count on the inside of a bottle to make the demons disappear for a while. Then when that stopped working, the drugs managed to do it. 
And then when he hit rock bottom, for some inexplicable reason, life chose to send him her and she made every other coping mechanism pale in comparison. Her love did not make the demons go away, or the fear, or the guilt. Her love made him realize that he could live a good life regardless. That even the worst parts of him are worthy of love. 
He thinks she might’ve been wrong.
There's a half-empty pack of cigarettes laying on the nightstand. He hasn't touched them for a while. Got them at that same truck stop where he smashed his phone but only smoked half a pack before he remembered that promise he made her a long time ago, back when she had first told him, back when they were happy.
And he failed. Because for a while he’d felt like the reason he stopped smoking in the first place had vanished. If there was no one to promise something to, was there even a promise to begin with? 
The cigarettes bring back memories of the second time he'd called her. It was right after he arrived here, at this very same motel. With the very same peeling wallpaper and the chipped door and the ceiling fan that is missing one blade and the carpet with the burn marks. The same motel he is basically succumbing in right now.
He was less nervous the second time he'd called her, less nervous but more fucked up. Half drunk on cheap whiskey and half drunk on the infinite sadness he's felt ever since their life went to shit.
This time he didn't make himself believe she'd pick up. He knew she wouldn't and maybe that was a good thing. Frankie didn't want her to know he was shitfaced, that he tried to numb the pain with past vices he promised to leave behind.
" Hey Y/N "
As the words rolled off his lips there was no doubt in his mind that she'd still know. He sounded drunk. He hated it.
" Just wanted to tell you that uh — I uh I've been trying to quit. I went from a pack and a half a day to this e-cigarette bullshit. "
It had been a stupid idea, thinking this e-cigarette shit would do anything for him but it was worth a try. Everything was worth a try for her.
" It stops the coughing fits. I know that you always hated my smoking habit. I hope you can be a little proud of me. I know I don't deserve it. I love you, bye."
There was a time, Frankie thinks and scoffs, when he thought love was enough. What a fool he'd been. Now he knows that's all proper bullshit.
It isn't like he doesn't love her, he loves her entirely too much for his own good. 
It's that too much love can destroy you. It eats you up from the inside out.
He can't keep himself from loving her though, and from holding onto that little spark of hope that she might still love him back. After all they've been through, all they had to endure, the thought that she might one day forgive him and love him again was the only thing still keeping him afloat. Without her, he'd sink. And maybe, he thinks, maybe love is enough. It's enough to make him go on.
There's a fly buzzing around the room, sitting down on Frankie’s arm from time to time. He doesn't have the energy to swat her away.
A little voice in his mind wonders what would happen if he just kept laying here. Maybe if he only lays here long enough, maybe the bugs will eat him alive. Maybe the night will swallow him and take him home. Maybe she’ll come looking for him.
His mind wanders off to places he tried hard to forget. To the tears and the pain and the way she didn't yell at him. Not once.
She didn't scream or yell or throw stuff at him. She just stared and let it all wash over her as if she was invincible.
He knew she wasn't. Knows she isn’t now. She wasn't invincible but she was too deeply wounded to care anymore and that was the most terrifying part of it all.
He wanted her to yell so he knew she still cared.
He thinks of the dream and how he saw himself, lifeless, alone. How everyone was looking at him as they lowered his casket into the ground. How his friends were there, his brother, his family, and even the neighbors. Not her though. She wasn't there.
His fingers are dialing the familiar numbers before he can even fully register what's happening.
There's the dial tone that he's grown to know so well lately. Three more and he gets to hear her voice.
" Hello this is Y/N, I can't pick up the phone right now but feel free to leave a message after the tone and I'll ring you back. Ok, bye. "
Lies. She won’t call back. But that's okay, he understands why she doesn’t. Why she can’t.
" Y/N It's me again. Frankie. "
He combs his fingers through his hair nervously.
" Of course, it's me, who else would call you at this time? I'm sorry. "
He's been saying sorry an awful lot lately. Especially considering the fact that he hasn't been very generous with that word when it really mattered.
" I had a dream. About you. Well not exactly about you. Actually, you weren't in it and that's kind of the problem. "
Remembering the dream sends a cold shiver down his back.
" I uh — I was on a plane. I flew back north, no idea where I wanted to go. All I know is that I didn't make it there. Plane went down like it was made of paper. They were all at the funeral. My funeral. Everyone. Not you though. You — You weren't there Y/N. That scares me. I hope you'd come to the funeral. I'd want you there. "
He knows it's time. She's not gonna pick up anytime soon so this might be his only chance of ever getting to admit his faults of ever talking about the actual problem, the root of all the pain and heartbreak. It's not face-to-face but it's the next best thing. It's his only shot.
" Y/N, I know I fucked up. I do know. It's just after it happened. After — "
Saying it out loud will make it real. It will break his heart once again. He's an adult though and has been running from his issues long enough. This stupid urge to flee made this all so much worse.
Take a breath.
And face the reality.
" After it happened. When we lost the baby I just, I shut off. I shut you out and I am so sorry. I just, I needed to be strong for you but I wasn't. All I did was push you away. I never listened. I wasn't there. I should've been there for you to help you get through this but I was too busy keeping myself from bursting at the seams. Fuck, I was so selfish. If I could change the way I treated you, treated the situation, trust me I would. I would. I miss her so much Y/N and I never even got to meet her and I didn't want to put this all-consuming sadness on you so I pulled away. I didn't want to make you hurt even more than you already were but that's exactly what I did and I will never forgive myself for that. I hope you can though. I love you so much. "
There's a hole in his chest the size of a newborn.
It's the size of a little baby girl he never got to meet. A little baby girl he always imagined would have his eyes and her mother's breathtaking smile. A little baby girl he'd raise to be brave and generous and smart and wonderful. 
There is a hole in his chest the size of a little baby girl and he knows it will never fully heal.
He should've been there for her, his wife, the mother of his child. He had tried so hard, so hard to hide his sadness and pain from her instead of embracing it with her by his side. He should've been there with her so they could hold each other above the waters. But he let her drown by herself and he would never fully forgive himself for that.
" I love you Y/N and I'm coming home soon I promise. That's if you still want to see me. I won't let you go through the darkness alone anymore though. I love you. "
He hangs up the phone and without a warning, the tears roll down his cheeks. They're the silent kind, the painful kind. But for once, since it all happened they're not entirely from sadness, a small part of him is feeling a little lighter now that he's faced reality. A small part of him cries tears of relief. A small part of him still believes that maybe things with his wife can work out again if only he can show her how much he cares and loves her. That he can hold her hand even through the darkest of times.
A small part of him knows that it can't get worse than this.
A small part of him, a small part knows she loves him back. Even with that gray cloud hanging over him reminding him of the paperwork that might be waiting for him at home. 
There's a hole in the wall and a square where the wallpaper is a lighter shade of beige than the rest. There probably used to be a painting or a mirror. The ceiling fan is missing one of its blades and there's a huge rip in the ugly brown curtain that's blocking the street lights from flooding the room.
is dull and gray and hopeless and broken and ugly and Frankie thinks that things can only get better from here on out.
It’s 2am when he sneaks out of his room and past the lobby. Steve will forgive him, he’s sure of it. For the two weeks' rent and for not saying goodbye. 
The world is fast asleep as his car takes him down the empty streets towards the bar he found some resemblance of comfort in for the last few weeks.
One last drink, he tells himself. But this one won’t be for the bad days ahead. This one will mark a page turned, a step taken.
“Whiskey?” the barkeeper inquires, already pulling the bottle from the shelf. 
“Gimme a beer instead. Whatever bottles you have in the fridge is fine.” 
No more words are exchanged as the barkeeper hands Frankie the cold bottle.
This one’s for the daughter he’ll never meet, he thinks, and the wife who shouldn’t love him no more but god does he hope and pray she still does. Even when he doesn’t deserve it.
He’s got half a tank of gas left and as soon as the bottle is empty he’ll make his way home.
Not the motel. 
Home. Their apartment.
And he’ll face whatever is waiting there for him. 
That’s the thing about losing everything — things can only get better from here on out.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 1 year ago
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Summary: After going off of birth control, your periods have been a little more intense than you're used to. What starts out as a stressful morning between you and your husband, very quickly turns into a night that bodes very well for the both of you.
Paring: Husband Frankie Morales x Wife f!reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 5.4K on the dot (idk how we got here)
Warnings: SMUT (18+) PERIOD SEX, unprotected p in v sex (do better, but also they want a baby so), vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving, again, you're on your period but our pussy eating king Fransisco Morales is an unstoppable force of nature), creampie, praise kink, big fat nasty breeding kink (it's who I am now, I won't apologize for it), Frankie's got a NASTY mouth, Frankie is the best husband, reader is on her period/has period symptoms, talks about family planning/not being on birth control, use of nicknames (hermosa, quierda, cariño), reader has no physical descriptions besides that she can wear Frankie's clothes
A/N: Well... This was gonna be a drabble... and then it was just gonna be fluff.... and then it was gonna be just some implied smut... and now, we're here??? Idk, don't ask me 🥴 self indulgent bc I just finished my period (and my periods have been whack since stopping bc) and what better way to heal myself than imagining what Frankie would be like taking care of you 🥺 also pls be nice to me this is my first time writing Frankie and I'm v nervous EEK I hope you enjoy!!! sorry Javi bby, I still love u
You wished you had a better word to describe your mood for today, but truth be told, bitchy was by far the most accurate. 
You and Frankie were hoping to start trying for your first baby soon, and had recently gone off your birth control after your doctor had told you it may take a few months for your body to regulate itself before you had a better chance at getting pregnant. Your doctor had also  warned you about many of the symptoms and side effects that stopping the pill could have, one of those being becoming more aware of your emotions and mood swings throughout your cycle. That, you were prepared for. 
What you were not prepared for, was to feel like an absolute psychopath in the days leading up to your period. 
 Your cycle had  been wonky the past few months as your body began to sort itself out- you had a feeling your period was probably about to start soon, but hadn’t thought much about it, considering your terrible and grouchy mood had overshadowed it. You had tried your best to pull yourself together the past few days, chalking up your grumpiness to long hours at work, or just being in a weird funk, but today, you woke up with a fire in your gut, ready to fight, and poor Frankie was about to be your punching bag. 
Sweet Frankie had been nothing short of a saint when it came to just about anything, but dealing with your newly heightened emotions right before your period really should have earned him some sort of Presidential Medal of Bravery, considering that your newly discovered highs and lows while PMS-ing were just as frightening as any time he had spent during his time in the military. 
Unfortunately for your husband, despite his best efforts, he had been on your nerves all morning. Not because he was really doing anything wrong, but because the little things that you were normally so good about letting go, or the patience you frequently had seemed to have flown out the window, and you were convinced that if Frankie even breathed the wrong way, you were going to absolutely lose it. 
So when unsuspecting Frankie decided to ask you a simple request about after work plans, there was very little he could have done to prepare for your response. 
“Morning, Hermosa.” Frankie cooed, emerging into the kitchen, his hand rustling through his untamed, sleepy brown curls as he let out a yawn and a stretch, the slight softness of his stomach peeking out between his t-shirt and pajama pants as he raised his arms above his head before settling behind you. He wrapped himself around your waist, pressing a gentle kiss into your shoulder as you finished putting the last of your lunch in your bag for work, trying to force yourself to focus on his sweet good morning, rather than the empty bowl of cereal in the sink that had greeted you first thing when you woke up, already starting you off on the wrong foot in your already irritable mood. 
“Morning, babe.” You grinned, forcing yourself to forgo the annoyance hidden behind your smile as you pecked a quick kiss on Frankie’s lips before gathering the rest of your things for the day scattered across the kitchen table. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to make you breakfast this morning because I was running late, but there’s extra scrambled eggs on the stove if you want them. I’m really sorry, Frankie, I gotta head out, have a good day, I’ll see you later okay?” You sighed, slinging your work bag over your shoulder, your hands full of your coffee mug, water bottle and keys, your cluttered grip and running behind schedule only adding to your frustration. 
“All good, Querida, no worries. Hey, actually baby, before you leave,” He paused, setting down the coffee mug he was just about ready to take a sip of, as if a little lightbulb had just gone off in his brain, “do you mind picking up stuff to make that really good buffalo chicken dip for Benny’s tonight? I told ‘em we’d bring like, an appetizer or something, if that’s okay.” 
For Frankie’s sake, you couldn’t have been more thankful that you had your back turned to him, because if looks could kill, Frankie Morales would have been a dead man. 
Every rational part of your brain knew that even though his request perhaps wasn’t the best timing, stopping by the store and making dip to bring to Benny’s for game night really wasn’t that much time or effort out of your day. But today, it seemed like every part of your brain but the rational one seemed to be functioning properly, and the raging, irrational part might as well have heard that Frankie wanted you to prepare and cook a Thanksgiving meal for 74 after you got home from work. 
You took a deep breath, your grip tightening around the items in your hand, praying with every bone in your body that someway or another, you had misheard your husband. 
“Tonight? As in, like, today, after I get home from work?” You questioned, trying to do your best to keep your tone from sounding too condescending. 
“Yeah, we don’t have to be there until 7, I just don’t think I’m gonna have time to since I probably won’t be outta work until 6:30.” He shrugged nonchalantly, taking another swig of his coffee 
Oh yeah, you’d heard him right.  
You let out a deep sigh, even more over dramatic than you had intended it to be, arms crossed over your chest and stark frown spread across your face as you turned towards Frankie. 
“Oh, perfect! That’s a great thing for me to find out about at 7:45 A.M. the day of, Frank!” Your voice oozed with ferocious sarcasm, now slamming your things back down onto the table to run your hands over your face. “No, that’s great, because there’s nothing I wanted to do more than to come home and make buffalo chicken dip instead of all the other shit I needed to do today before we left! Amazing! Thank you!” 
At this point, you were almost positive that if your eyes rolled any further, they’d be in the back of your skull, letting out another angry huff as you shook your head at Frankie, who was looking absolutely petrified as he leaned back against the counter, eyes darting to the floor to avoid yours, running his hand over the wispy curls at the nape of his neck. Frankie began to stammer, trying to defend himself from your wrath. 
“Hermosa, I’m- I’m sorry? I know it’s last minute, but you normally make it every time we go over there, I just- I figured it’d be easy for you to do? You can get something else, or I can try to stop by the store really quick on the way home, I just might-” 
“Nope, you want buffalo chicken dip, apparently I’m making buffalo chicken dip!” You groaned, collecting everything back into your hands, swearing under your breath as you tried to balance everything in your grip. “Jesus, okay, I need to go to work, just- I don’t even know. I gotta go, Frankie.” 
“Querida, I-” Frankie pleaded, beginning to trail behind you as you made your way to the front door. 
“Frankie, whatever, it’s fine! I’ll make the stupid dip! I have to go to work, I’ll see you later.” You could feel the muscles in your jaw beginning to clench as you gritted your teeth, trying with everything in you to keep from exploding as you headed out of the house. Without even a kiss goodbye, you left Frankie in the doorway, watching you throw your things in the car and slam the door behind you as you drove down the driveway. 
But as soon as you were on the road and your house was out of view, you could instantly feel the tears beginning to well in your eyes, slowly streaming down your cheeks as you began to sob, wondering why you had ruined the morning over as stupid as an appetizer, and even worse, that you had been a complete asshole to your husband about it. 
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You couldn’t have been more thankful that work had been quiet today- no meetings on the schedule, and no one coming to bother you, leaving you plenty of peace and quiet to continue sulking and brooding in your unpleasant mood. 
Right around lunch time, you found yourself eating alone in your office, wishing your lunch was about ten times saltier and chocolatier than it was, crying to yourself as you watched a video of a dog meeting its new human sibling for the first time.
Just as you were beginning to pack up the rest of your lunch and start back up with your work, you felt a terrible twinge in your lower stomach that had you just about keeled over in pain, followed by that all too familiar feeling in your underwear. 
Frantically scrambling, you reached into your bag to pull out a tampon, hurriedly shuffling to the nearest bathroom, only to reveal the murder scene equivalent as you pulled down your pants. 
Your period had come.  
In that moment, as much as you were dreading the pain and misery that was the next few days to come, you couldn’t also help but feel a slight sense of relief, realizing that you were in fact, not actually a crazy person for the way you were feeling, you were just PMS-ing out of your mind. You couldn’t also help but feel absolutely awful for your unjustified freak out at your husband this morning, your heart sinking with guilt as you made your way back to your desk, immediately grabbing your phone to text Frankie. 
“Hey… I’m so sorry about this morning. What you were asking me to do wasn’t a big deal at all and I totally freaked out on you. My period just started, I think that’s why I’ve been such a bitch this morning. I’m sorry, Frankie, I love you.💕 ” 
It was almost instantly after you hit send that the reply bubble popped up in your message, your heart pounding anxiously waiting for your husband’s reply. 
“It’s okay, I kind of had a feeling 😉 babe, you weren’t being a bitch- I should have talked to you about it sooner. Shitty timing on my part. I’m sorry. I love you too, Querida.” 
Before you could even respond, another message popped up below his first. 
“Don’t worry about going to the store or making anything tonight. I already texted Benny and told him we couldn’t come. We can spend the night in, just the two of us. I can pick up takeout on the way home if you want and we can pick a movie to watch.” 
You could feel your frustrated facade beginning to melt away as your lips shifted from a pursed frown to a small smirk reading Frankie’s text, your thumbs quickly tapping across the screen of your phone to reply. 
“Thank you. You’re the best.” 
“Of course. Hopefully none of your co-workers ask you to make buffalo chicken dip before you leave 😘” 
“Oh shut up, meanie.” 
“Just kidding. Have a good rest of your day, love you. 💙
“Love you too. 🤍” 
Although the rest of your day was nowhere near enjoyable, given the fact you felt like you were getting punched repeatedly in the uterus and your personality resembled that of Oscar the Grouch, you knew that your night in with Frankie was your light at the end of the tunnel, and only needed to make it a few more hours before there was at least some sweet relief finally headed your way. 
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Despite the constant stabbing pain in your lower stomach and back, your drive home from work had you in much better spirits than your drive there, now not only having an explanation as to why you had felt like such a mess, but also knowing the rest of your night was going to be dedicated to nothing but cuddling up in your comfiest clothes and snuggling up next to Frankie on the couch. 
As you pulled down your street, you were surprised to see Frankie’s truck already parked in the driveway, wondering what he was doing at home almost an hour earlier than he had mentioned he would be this morning. Gathering all of your things out of the back of your car, you quietly entered your home, confusion scrunching in your brow as you called out for your husband. 
“Frankie? Babe, are you home?” 
Before you could even kick off your shoes or hang up your coat, Frankie had already appeared at the front door to greet you, boyish grin spread across his face as he grabbed your things out of your hand, carefully placing them on your entryway table before engulfing you in a bear hug, his broad arms wrapping around your body and pulling you closer into his chest. 
You could feel all the muscles in your body instantly relax as your face rested against the soft cotton of his t-shirt, soaking in the familiar woody and savory scent of him, letting yourself be consumed by every ounce of his embrace. 
“Hi Hermosa.” Frankie cooed, pressing a soft kiss against your temple, running his hands up and down your back as you looked up at his sweet brown eyes shining down at you. 
“What are you doing home so early? I mean, not that I’m mad about it at all, I just thought you said that you had to work until 6:30 and-” 
“Told my boss I had to head out early for a family emergency.” Frankie smirked, laughing at you playfully rolling your eyes from his so-called excuse. 
“Last time I checked, your wife being a grump because she’s bleeding out of her cooch doesn’t classify as a family emergency, Fransisco.” You teased, giving him a little shove, making the two of you giggle in tandem. 
“Eh, close enough. I’m really sorry about this morning, querida. I was a dick for not talking to you about plans beforehand and just assuming you could go do it. It wasn’t fair of me.” 
“It’s okay, Frankie. What you were asking for wasn’t a big deal and I made it one because I’ve been a psycho all day. I’m sorry, too.” 
“Well,” Frankie paused, pressing another kiss onto your cheek, the width of his palm gently cradling your jaw as you stared up at him and his sympathetic smile, “number one, you are not a psycho. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable you must feel right now, so even if you were, I wouldn’t blame you one bit. Number two,” he paused again, shifting his kiss from your cheek to your lips, his thumb delicately swiping across your skin, “you’re my wife and I love you more than anything, and if I can take a little time off to help make you feel better, it’s the least I can do. So, why don’t you go change into something comfortable, and when you get back down here, I will have pizza and ice cream, whatever movie you wanna watch, and a back rub ready for you, okay?”   
“Okay. Thank you, Frankie. God, you’re the best.” You grinned, pressing up on your tiptoes to let your mouth meet Frankie’s, the plush pout of his bottom lip swiping across yours, lingering just long enough to let the butterflies in your stomach begin to swirl, heat creeping through your cheeks in the tenderness of the moment.
“Of course, cariño. Te amo. Now go get changed.” With one last peck on his lips, you wiggled out of Frankie’s grasp to make your way up the stairs, grinning to see that your husband had already set out your favorite of his oversized sweatshirts and sweatpants, neatly folded on the bed for you to grab, quickly shuffling out of your uncomfortable work attire and exchanging it for Frankie’s clothes, your smile growing even wider at the feeling of perpetually being wrapped up in the essence of him. 
As you made your way back downstairs to meet Frankie, you found your heart skipping a beat again to see that the better part of the living room had been turned into a cozy sanctuary- lights dim and candles lit, both parts of your couch squished together, filled with every pillow and blanket you owned, and Frankie sitting in the middle, giant box of pizza, tub of ice cream and your handsome husband waiting for you. 
As if your emotions hadn’t already taken you on a wild roller coaster of a ride today, the adorable sight in front of you had you on the verge of tears again, wiping the wetness pooling in your eyes with the back of Frankie’s sweatshirt sleeve drooping off your arm before crawling into the blanket fort he had constructed for the two of you. 
“Frankie… You didn’t have to do this.” You sniffled, curling up next to Frankie as he draped a blanket over your lap and his arm over your shoulder, passing you a plate with 2 large pieces of pizza. 
“It’s the least I could do. I put on Hercules for us to watch, but if you wanna-” 
Before you could let him finish the rest of his sentence, you were running your hand across the scratchy stubble of his cheek, pulling his face closer to yours as you planted a kiss on his lips, feeling your smiles melt into one another's as your mouths met. “That sounds perfect. God, how’d I get so lucky?” 
“I could say the same thing, mi amor. You ready to start the movie?” 
“Only if you also pass me that tub of Ben and Jerry’s to go with my pizza.” 
“I think I can make that happen.” 
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About half way through the movie, pizza and tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, your and Frankie’s bodies were tangled together in a sea of limbs and blankets, contently snuggled up with one another as Frankie’s fingers traced lazy circles on your back and shoulder as you laid against his chest. 
“You doin’ okay, querida? Need anything?” He cooed, his soft voice dancing in your ear. As if it weren’t enough that you had already been through the extreme highs and lows of almost every feeling under the sun today, the one you hadn’t been until this very moment was insatiably horny. While the mood swings you had mentally prepared yourself for with your new period symptoms, the constant other kind of ache between your legs you had not, and feeling the low rasp of Frankie’s words tickling your neck had been just enough to flip the switch to make you desperately needy. 
Letting your leg slide over Frankie’s lap, you pushed yourself up to straddle his hips, running your hands through the dark curls of his thick, brown hair, and down his broad chest, your fists bunching the worn fabric of his shirt in your hands as your mouths became a mess of tangled tongues and teeth. 
“I need- fuck- I need you, Frankie, please.” You pleaded between muffled moans, his tongue swiping in the parted space where your lips melted together as one, instinctively beginning to grind your hips into his, feeling the bulge in his sweatpants starting to grow beneath you. 
“Fuck- You sure, baby?” Frankie rasped, reactively bucking up into you, making you whine as his hands dug into your hips, guiding you as you swirled over the tented fabric of his bottom half rubbing against your covered core. 
“Please. Please, Frankie.” You were all but whimpering at this point, nodding frantically in approval as Frankie used the grasp on your hips to guide you onto your back, making you cock your head in confusion as Frankie scampered to the other side of the couch, back turned to you as he reached over the ledge, pulling out a thick, black towel with a smug grin on his face. “Did you seriously have a towel ready incase I wanted to have sex?” You snorted, shaking your head at Frankie, now crawling back to you, caging your body under his with an electric kiss as he shimmied the towel underneath you. 
“Maybe.” Frankie smirked, breaking from your kiss to let his lips trail down your body, his hands toying with the edge of his sweatshirt covering your body as he pushed it up your stomach and chest, helping you to shimmy it over your head, leaving your top half exposed. He gently palmed at your breasts, taking each pebbled nipple in his mouth, sucking and flicking at the buds with his tongue before letting his kisses travel down the soft skin of your stomach and waistband of your sweatpants. The clothes on your bottom half soon joined your sweatshirt in a crumpled pile as Frankie nestled himself between your legs, gently nudging your hips to let your thighs part, revealing your pussy, slick and shiny for him with your juices. 
Even though Frankie would eat you out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a late night snack, you couldn’t help but feel guilty that he still found himself between your legs during your time of the month, considering any other man probably would have scoffed at just the thought of going down on you on your period. 
But, then again, Frankie Morales wasn’t just any other man. 
“Frankie, baby, you know you don’t- Oh fuck!” You gasped, cut off in surprise as Frankie’s tongue licked a long, broad strip across your cunt, making you shudder in pleasure as his head perked up, revealing the devilish grin spread between his cheeks watching your chest already heave in heavy, shaky breaths. 
“Oh I know I don’t have to, sweet girl. But I want to. Relax, baby, lemme take care of you.” 
Before you could agree, protest, or anything in between, Frankie was back between your legs, arms wrapped around your thighs as they draped over his broad shoulders, digging his fingertips into the plush softness of your skin, dragging his tongue through your folds with the exact grace and precision that he knew made you fall apart in seconds. 
With flat, firm presses of his mouth latched against your clit, you could already feel your bottom half writhing under him, the perfect pressure of his tongue dancing around your sensitive bundle of nerves making you moan in pleasure. As your head dipped back, falling into the couch pillow behind you, your hand shot down, fingers burying themselves in the wild curls of Frankie’s hair, tugging at the thick ends for any sort of release as he worked relentlessly at your aching cunt. 
“Fuck, Frankie, oh fuck- Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” You whined, your praise only intensifying the way your husband drank every ounce of you up, two thick fingers now gently pressing inside your heat, curled deliciously as they rocked in and out of your entrance, nudging against your g-spot. 
Frankie had spent enough time worshiping the altar that was your pussy to know exactly how to make you crumble beneath him, leaving you chanting his name like a prayer as his lips latched around your clit, ferociously sucking as his fingers prodded at the soft, spongy spot that made your cunt begin to clench and heat in your belly pool. 
“That’s it, Hermosa. I know you’re close, baby girl. Let me feel you, mi amor. I’ve got you.” Frankie groaned, his words humming deep in his chest, placing chaste kisses on the inside of your thighs before drinking you up like a man starved, adding a third finger into your heat, the added fullness and stretch, combined with Frankie’s relentless pace, enough to have the tingle that had been building at the base of your spine now washing through every inch of your body. Your orgasm began to crash through you, your pussy fluttering as pleasure radiated in your veins, making you cry out Frankie’s name over and over. 
Frankie worked persistently through your high, only pulling back after making sure that you had cum again, sitting back on his haunches as he admired the blissed out and ragged mess you had become, your pussy slick and swollen as your chest rose and fell in wrecked inhales and exhales, trying to compose yourself from the Frankie and fucked you senseless with just his tongue. 
Wiping the slick and juices glistening in his mustache with the back of his hand, Frankie tugged the sweatshirt covering his own body over his head, followed by his pants and boxers, freeing his painfully hard cock as it slapped against his stomach, his tip red and leaking with precum as his broad body loomed over yours, sucking and nipping at your pulse point as you whimpered his name. 
“Frankie, holy fuck.” 
“Such a good girl for me, querida. You still want me to fuck you, baby?” He mewled, the metallic and tangy taste of you still lingering on his tongue as he kissed you, laughing to himself at the way you found yourself frantically nodding your head to tell him yes before your words could. 
“Jesus Christ, yes. Fuck, please Frankie, I need to feel you.” 
Reaching down to stroke himself, he lined his cock up with your entrance, easily sliding into your heat and brushing his tip against your cervix, taking a moment to let you adjust to his fullness. The whine you let out as Frankie filled every inch of you was nothing short of ragged, digging your nails into the skin of his broad back as he ever so slowly began to thrust in and out of you, dragging his length against the slick of your cunt. 
“Oh fuck me- Fuck, you hear how wet you are for me, sweet girl? This what you needed, baby? To fill up that pretty little pussy of yours?” Frankie groaned, letting his forehead rest against yours, his sweaty curls now starting to stick to his skin as he pounded into you, rutting his hips at a faster and faster pace. 
“It’s all for you, Frankie- Oh shit- only for you.” You moaned, your fingers wrapping around the width of his biceps, flexing deliciously as he hovered over you, sucking you in to a long, deep kiss, fucking into you over and over. 
Even with the years between you and the ring on your finger, the possessive part of Frankie’s brain would never get over how the primal and all consuming feeling of knowing you were his, forever, your words shooting straight to his dick as a low groan rumbled in his chest, silently cursing to himself through gritted teeth, watching you fall apart below him. 
Readjusting himself, Frankie sat back on his heels, hooking his arm under one of your legs to drape it over his shoulder, the new angle stretching you out in a way that had you seeing stars as Frankie rammed into your g-spot and began thumbing at your clit, still swollen and sensitive from your first orgasm. You could already feel the heat beginning to bloom in your belly once again, your leg beginning to tremble hoisted over Frankie’s shoulder as he dug into the meat of your thigh with a bruising intensity. 
Just like he would never get over the fact of knowing you were his, Frankie would never get over watching you begin to crumble under his touch, taking the time to memorize every twitch and twinge your body made as you came closer and closer to your end, always savoring in the moaning mess you’d become as you fell apart around him. 
“Fuck, Frankie, Fuck, oh my god- I’m close, baby.” You were all but rambling at this point, your brain barley stringing together coherent sentences as you felt your cunt beginning to clench around his cock, the lewd noises of your moans, wetness and skin slapping together as your hips met filling the room at a borderline pornagraphic rate. 
“Meirda, I’m not gonna last much longer, hermosa. Fuck, where do you want me, baby?” Frankie growled through gritted teeth, his eyes locking on yours and telling him everything he needed to know without you saying a word. 
“Inside. Fuck, please Frankie, I want you to cum inside me.” 
Your confirmation was all it took to flip the switch in Frankie that sent him absolutely feral, the thought of being able to actually knock you up now that you weren’t on birth control anymore, giving you a baby, proving another way to the world to mark you as his? The thought alone was enough to have him bracing every bone in his body to keep him from cuming right then and there. 
“Fuck me. You want me to fill you up, querida? Fuck me full of you? Fuck a baby into you? That's what you want, huh?” Frankie moaned, grunting with each thrust of his hips, his rhythm becoming more frantic and shaky as he felt your pussy begin to flutter around him, pressing the pads of his fingers against your clit, swirling them in frantic circles to make sure you came before he did. 
“Fuck, yes. I need you too, holy fuck- wanna make you a daddy, Fransisco.” 
You could feel the tightly wound knot in your core starting to snap, your legs trembling and breath shaking as Frankie fucked into you, finding yourself on the verge of collapse- but not before Frankie’s filthy mouth got the last word in. 
“Jesus, fuck- Fuck, hermosa. That’s what you want, pretty girl? I swear, I’m gonna fuck myself so deep into you it’ll fucking take. Get you fucking pregnant tonight.” 
That was all it took to have you orgasm come crashing through you, every inch of your body radiating with pleasure as you came, crying out Frankie’s name as you gushed around him, your eyes practically rolling to the back of your head, your mind going blank and numb, the only thing grounding you were the incoherent ramblings of your husband as he followed suit behind you. 
“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Fuck, I’m gonna cum too, fuck, fuck-ahhhhhh.” With one final thrust, Frankie could feel himself spilling against your walls, coating you with his spend as his cock pulsed, making sure he milked himself of every last drop deep inside your cunt before even thinking about pulling out. Moving your leg, Frankie slumped into you, splaying himself across your body as your chests rose and fell in sync, laying in silence as you let your breathing steady, coming back down to Earth from your high. 
With a shallow grunt, Frankie carefully pulled his softening cock out of your heat, leaning back to admire the mess he had made between your legs, his cum dripping down the inside of your thighs and pussy glistening with the mixture of your arousal. You let out a soft hiss at the loss of Frankie’s fullness inside you, only to quickly be replaced by a gasp as he buried his two fingers back into your cunt.  
“Gotta make sure every last drop stays in there, hermosa. Gonna keep you full of me all night, baby.” He mewled, carefully gathering his spend and pushing it deep inside you, making you whimper as he slowly pulsed his fingers back and forth, pulling away his hand to lean back into your body, engulfing you with an electric kiss. 
“Holy fuck, fuck me. Jesus, Frankie.” You laughed to yourself, your head dipping back on the pillow as you buried your face in your hands, at a loss for words at how euphoric you now felt in your post colital bliss. 
“Wow, again, already? Gotta give me a few after that querida.” He smirked, making you roll your eyes at his joke as you playfully swatted at him, making him lean in to pepper your body with kisses, leaving you squealing and squirming in delight. 
“You are absolutely ridiculous, Fransisco Morales. If you keep fucking me like that, then yeah, absolutley.” 
“If I keep fucking you like this, I have a very hopeful feeling that next month, we’ll have something else to care about besides period cramps.”
“I swear to god, if one of my cravings ends up being buffalo chicken dip once I’m pregnant, I’m gonna be pissed.”
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flightlessangelwings · 6 months ago
To Feel Your Body Against Mine
Frankie Morales x fem!reader
Word count-4.5k
Prompt- secret relationship
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), secret relationship, feelings, praise, sex in a public bathroom, softness, oral (f receiving), creampie, alcohol mention, a shitty ex, attempted assault (not detailed), mild violence (not against reader), happy ending, reader is a bartender/waitress, reader is Santi's sister but not physically described at all other than body parts, no use of y/n
Notes- For @burntheedges Roll a Trope writing challenge! I'm so excited to be able to participate and I got such a fun trope too! And I definitely made myself hot and bothered writing that second spicy scene lol! I hope everyone enjoys this!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog so please also follow that and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post new things!
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“Mmm… Frankie…” you moaned as you leaned your head back against the bathroom mirror.
He hummed your name in your ear as he smirked against your face.
“We’re gonna get caught if we take too much longer,” you huffed as you felt the warm embrace of his body against yours. 
“Yeah,” he groaned as he thrust into you, “But you feel so fucking good, baby,” his tone dropped as he thrusted again, “Can’t fucking stop.”
“Oh fuck,” you cried out as your eyes rolled back into your head.
Frankie had you on the bathroom counter in the employee bathroom at the bar you worked at. The moment the two of you had the chance to slip away, you took it, and quickly you clawed each other’s clothes off, desperate for one another. To have his cock fill you up again filled that need that left you feeling empty. To be connected to him once more was something that your body, and your heart, craved more than anything. To feel his strong arms around you as you wrapped your legs around his waist made everything feel perfect, even if you were currently in a dirty bathroom. 
And Frankie’s feelings reflected yours. From the moment he first met you all those years ago, he instantly fell for you. And to finally have you in his arms, to feel himself inside your pussy, to be able to call you his… it was better than heaven for him. Even from the second he walked into the bar and saw you with the drink mixer in your hand, the way your breasts swung then you shook it, he knew he was going to fuck you in the bathroom the moment he got the chance.
Your relationship was perfect. Even from the first night you spent together, it felt as if the two of you had been together for years. Everything just fell into place perfectly, like you were two puzzle pieces that finally clicked together to form the picture that was your life. Everything felt right. Everything felt perfect, like things were the way they should be.
It was almost perfect that is. There was only one problem: no one knew. No one could know. Because you were Santigo’s sister. 
“He’ll freak out if he finds out about us,” you had once told Frankie, “Let’s just keep it between us for now. We’ll figure out the right time to tell him later.”
But that didn’t matter now. All that mattered to Frankie now was you. You were the entire world to him as he fucked you in the bar bathroom. The way your mouth dropped open to let the beautiful cries flow freely was more intoxicating to him than the drinks you served. The way your breasts swung with his every thrust was captivating. The way your inner muscles clenched around his cock sent jolts of pleasure up his spine.
“Fuck you feel so fucking good,” he groaned. 
Sweat lined your brow as you clung to Frankie. One hand buried itself in his hair, tugging hard, while the other dug into his broad shoulder. All you could do was scream in pleasure as he rocked faster into you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Fuck! Frankie, right there!” you moaned as you arched your back.
With one harsh grunt, Frankie thrust forward and both of you fell apart at the same time. You and Frankie both cried out as your bodies trembled against each other. Clinging to each other for dear life, you moaned loudly. Thankfully, the loud music from the bar drowned out your screams, yet at the time neither of you cared about that. All you cared about was the other as you rode out your climaxes together. 
Frankie huffed as he stilled himself inside you for a moment, hot and sweaty from the passionate lovemaking in the tiny bathroom. He let out a deep breath as he opened his eyes for a moment before closing them again to kiss you deeply. He savored the taste of you on his tongue as he slowly and carefully pulled out of you, swallowing the whimper you let out. His hand cupped the side of your face as his thumb stroked your cheek tenderly.
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he mumbled as he rested his forehead against yours.
“So are you, Frankie,” you smirked back at him before you kissed him again. But, as much as you wanted the moment to last forever, you knew time was against you. “We really do need to get back now,” you sounded disappointed, “Don’t want anyone to get suspicious.” 
Frankie’s face dropped; he didn’t want the moment to end yet either, “Yeah,” he nodded as he helped you dress before slipping his own clothes back on.
Placing his trusty hat back on his head, you gave him one last kiss, “You go first. I’ll be behind you in a second.”
His dark, pleading eyes looked into yours as three words rushed to the tip of his tongue. But, just like every time before, they remained unspoken as he unlocked and left the bathroom.
You let out a deep sigh as you turned to the mirror and adjusted yourself for a moment before you also left your little hideaway and went back to the real world. The real world where as far as anyone was concerned, you and Frankie were just friends. 
You grinned from behind the bar as you watched the guys at their table. Santiago, your brother, and the guys who got each other through tough times that you couldn’t even imagine all laughed together. The four of them best of friends, brothers in arms. You couldn’t hear their conversation, but you could tell they enjoyed their time together, as they always did when the four of them convened. 
“There you are, nena!” Santiago exclaimed as you walked up to the table with a tray of drinks, “Where’ve you been?”
Frankie swallowed nervously, but hid it under the brim of his hat.
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s busy in here,” you gestured over your shoulder to the crowd at the bar, “Some of us work for a living,” you added with a smirk. Glancing over for a brief moment, you caught Frankie’s eye and saw him relax his shoulders.
“Yeah, yeah,” Santiago shrugged, “As long as these assholes keep their hands to themselves and off my sister.” He shit a pointed glare towards another table of guys who made no effort to hide the way they checked you out when you walked by.
Will and Benny burst into laughter before Will spoke up, “Man you really have the overprotective brother thing down pat, don’t you, Pope?”
“Yeah,” Benny added as he sipped his drink.
Santiago rolled his eyes, “Shut up, assholes.”
You mirrored your brother’s eye roll before you turned and walked away, aware of a pair of eyes stealthily on your ass as you did so. A grin lit up your face while your back was to the guys.
Chatter echoed around him as he lost himself in your figure as the guys went back to their conversation. Vaguely, he was aware they were reminiscing about good times in the past before they turned their attention to Benny’s upcoming fight. The Miller brothers seemed to focus more on each other as Will gave his usual encouraging words to his little brother.
“Que pasas, hermano?” Santiago asked, noticing Frankie’s distant expression.
Frankie shook himself out of his thoughts and back to his best friend, “Nada,” he replied a little too quickly, “Nothing,” he repeated in a more leveled tone, “Just thinking is all,” he said as he took a sip of his drink and savored the taste that mixed with your that lingered on his tongue.
“That’s dangerous,” Santiago quipped playfully.
He rolled his eyes as he adjusted his hat. After a breath, Frankie chose his words carefully so as to not arouse suspicion, “Would it really be so bad if your sister found someone? Like found the right someone who treats her well?”
He pointed a stare at him for a moment before he took a swig of his drink and answered, “If it were the right person, yeah. She has a habit of picking real shitty ones though,” Santiago made a face as he pictured a particular ex of yours. But, he decided Frankie’s question was harmless, “But for now, I got my best friends watching over her when I can’t,” he placed a hand on his shoulder, “Thanks man, I know I can count on you.”
Frankie gave him a smile that hid the way he truly felt, “Anytime, man.”
“Oh Frankie… Ay mierda,” you moaned as you writhed on his bed.
The moon was high in the sky, illuminating Frankie’s bedroom. It was just the right amount of light to make for a romantic night in, and Frankie took full advantage of it. In between your legs he found a bliss unlike anything else. There was only one place he loved kissing you more than your lips…
Frankie groaned into you as he dug his hands into your thighs. As much as he wanted to tell you how beautiful you were or how delicious you tasted, he just couldn’t break himself away from your pussy. He slurped loudly, not caring how obscene the sounds he made were, especially when they made you moan and make such lovely sounds.
“Ay dios mio,” you cried out as one hand landed in his hair while the other clutched onto the sheets for dear life. The way his tongue so expertly found all your sensitive spots never ceased to amaze you… and always left you breathless.
Another growl emitted from deep within Frankie’s throat as he devoured you with even more fervor. His tongue swirled around your clit, making you whimper with every pass, and he could tell you were close.
Let me taste your cum, baby, he thought as he ran his tongue up and down your folds. The tip of his nose hit your clit as he dipped his tongue into your entrance, darting it in and out a few times before running back up. The moment his lips wrapped around your clit, you screamed and tugged at his hair.
“Frankie! Fuck!” you cried out as your legs trembled on either side of his head.
He tightened his grip on you as he sucked hard on your clit. And that was all it took to send you over the edge. With a loud scream, you came hard against his face, rocking your hips against his prominent nose as you rode out your climax.
Like a man dying of thirst, Frankie greedily lapped up your release as he kept his rhythm with his tongue. He didn’t want to waste a drop of your sweet juices, and he didn’t want to stop until you were entirely spent. His cock strained with need, but he ignored it in favor of your pleasure.
With one last gasp, you flopped down limp on the bed, and Frankie broke away from your cunt with a loud pop. He wanted your body through glazed over eyes as his chin glistened with your cum. He watched with fiery eyes as your breasts rose and fell with your heavy breaths as you came down from your high.
“Fuck you are so fucking sexy, baby,” he growled as he lunged forward and captured your lips with his own.
You moaned into him as you wrapped your arms and legs around his body as he covered you. A rumble from Frankie’s chest reverberated between your bodies as he rutted against you.
“I need you, baby,” Frankie sounded so desperate, “Fuck I can’t get enough of you.”
“Then fuck me, Francisco,” you mewled as you bucked your hips against his, feeling his rock hard cock against your slick pussy.
All he could do was growl as he angled his hips against you. Frankie slipped a hand between your bodies to guide his cock to your entrance, and the moment the tip hit your wetness, you both gasped.
“Fuck, baby,” he breathed as he easily slid into you, your pussy still soaking wet from how avidly he devoured you.
“Oh my god…” you dropped your head back onto the mattress as you felt his cock stretch you out. You groaned and dug your nails into his back as you surrendered yourself to him completely. 
“Shit I’m not gonna last long with how fucking good you feel,” Frankie muttered as he started to rock in and out of you, feeling your walls around him with every thrust.
Any words escaped your mind the moment he started thrusting in and out of you. All you could do was moan and hold onto him as his cock filled you over and over again. In the moonlight, Frankie fucked you with everything he had. You felt the passion behind every thrust of his hips, and the way he held you while he ravaged you was unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
This was not just fucking. Frankie was making love to you in both the sweetest and roughest way he could. And it was everything you needed and more. Just as he was addicted to you and your pussy, you were addicted to him. You clawed at his back, pulling him closer as if you couldn’t get enough of him. You wanted to feel every inch of his body against you while his thick cock filled you up over and over again. You wanted… need him more than air.
Frankie was mesmerized by you. Before you pulled him closer, he watched as your breasts swung wildly with every thrust of his hips. And as he covered you with his body, he could feel your heart pound in your chest. He couldn’t get enough of the way you wrapped your arms and legs around him, wordlessly telling him you needed more, needed him closer. 
And he was happy to oblige. 
“Fuck,” he groaned as he murmured your name over and over with every thrust, “Baby I’m close.” Sweat lined his brow, making the thick locks of hair stick to his forehead.
“Cum in me, Frankie,” you whispered as you pressed your forehead against his, “Let me feel you.”
Your words alone almost made him lose control. But Frankie wasn’t going over the edge without you, so he snaked his hand in between your bodies to rub at your clit.
“Oh fuck,” you cried out as his touches sent jolts of pleasure up your spine, “Frankie…”
“I know baby,” he moaned, “I’ve got you…”
His thrusts became erratic as the room spun around him. Moans and cries of pleasure echoed between your bodies, and neither of you were sure who made which sounds. It didn’t matter anyway, you were connected at one, fitted together perfectly as if you were meant for each other.
Frankie felt his orgasm quickly approaching; with every thrust he was closer and closer. And from the way your inner muscles squeezed his cock, he could tell you were just as close. Pounding into you with fervor, Frankie growled your name as he came hard enough to see stars.
You screamed against his lips as your second climax hit at the same time. Clutching onto Frankie tightly, you trembled underneath him as you came together. Passions exploded between your bodies as Frankie rode out both your climaxes. Tears fell down your cheeks as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through your body. And a shiver ran up your spine as you felt Frankie’s release fill you to the brim while he moaned against your face.
With one last huff, Frankie thrust as deep as he could into you before he collapsed down on top of you with a grunt. You wheezed as the added weight was sudden, but you both burst into laughter as you both went limp against each other. Frankie planted light kisses on the side of your head as he caught his breath and his cock softened inside you. A chill of his own ran up his spine as your laughter sent shocks to his overstimulated cock.
“That was amazing, baby,” Franie murmured in your ear.
“You’re amazing, Frankie,” you whispered back, kissing him wherever you could while you ran your hands up and down his broad back.
Frankie broke away to gaze into your eyes as he propped himself up on his elbows. Again, three words were on the tip of his tongue. He could have said them. He should have said them. You looked so beautiful underneath him in the moonlight. There was no better time than now…
Yet, he didn’t. Instead he said, “I got you,” as he slowly pulled out of you, causing you both to hiss. Frankie gave you an apologetic look when he was fully out of you, and he couldn’t help but glance down and watch his release spill out of your pussy.
He licked his lips, and for a moment he contemplated devouring you once more. But, his muscles ached, and Frankie felt the overwhelming need just to hold you close, to feel your body against his.
Reaching for a tissue on his bedside, Frankie gently, tenderly cleaned you up as you whimpered from the touch. You were overstimulated as well, but in the best way possible. Not wanting to leave your side even for a moment, he just tossed the tissue aside and laid down next to you, gathering you in his arms. You sighed contently as you pressed a light kiss to his chest before you laid your head down comfortably. 
“Hey baby?” Frankie broke the silence after several moments. 
“You alright, Frankie?” You noticed the change in his tone, which made you worry. You rested your hand on his chest, feeling his heart under your palm. 
“Do you ever think maybe we should tell Santiago about… us?”
You let out a deep sigh as you savored the warmth of his embrace for a moment, “I do hate hiding from him,” you admitted, “But I’m just scared to, you know?” Truthfully, you were sure he wouldn’t be as mad as you feared, yet something nagged at you about it. Perhaps because he reacted so badly to the last person you dated, yet he had good reason to. This time, however, it was Frankie, and who would deny Frankie? And the longer this went on, the more frightened you became. You dug yourself in this hole and the longer you hid in it, the more difficult you knew climbing out of that hole would be.
“I know,” he comforted you with a squeeze, “But we can do it together. He can’t be mad for too long,” he let out a soft laugh.
You chuckled, “You’re right,” you hummed in agreement, “We’ll pick a time to sit down with him and tell him the truth, and Will and Benny too.”
“Sounds good, baby,” he kissed the top of your head, “I’ll be right there with you, I promise,” Frankie paused and took a deep breath, “But for now, let’s get some sleep.”
It was a quieter night at work, which you were thankful for. So many crowded nights were great for your paycheck, but left you completely exhausted. A few regulars and some newcomers sat scattered around the bar, but you still had some time to just lean against the wall and rest for a bit. It was a calm, peaceful night.
Until the one person you never wanted to see again walked through the doors.
Immediately you were on edge from the moment you saw his sly face, “Ernesto,” you spat through gritted teeth, “What are you doing here?”
His grin sent shivers down your spine, “I missed you, sweetheart.”
“I don’t miss you,” your tone was cold as you held yourself strong, “Get out of here.”
“Oh come on, don’t be like that,” he leaned in close, invading your space and placing a hand on your shoulder, “Give me another chance. I’ve changed.”
“No!” you pushed his hand off your shoulder. But, before you could step away from him, he grabbed your wrist, “Let me go, Ernesto!”
Just as he tried to yank you close enough to him to kiss you, he was ripped away in a flash. Before he could even grunt in confusion, Ernesto found himself stumbling away from you and a man stood between you and him.
“Who the fuck are you?” he snapped.
“Frankie,” you breathed in relief.
“She told you no, so get the fuck out of here before I have to hurt you,” Frankie growled, sounding very unlike his usual self. 
“Fuck off, she’s mine,” Ernesto lunged for Frankie, fists winging.
Frankie clenched his jaw and waited for the opportunity to present itself. In between the flurry of hands from Ernesto, there was an opening. It only took one hit, one precise punch from Frankie right in his nose to send him careening back. Ernesto landed on the floor with a grunt, and all the air was forced out of his lungs as he saw stars from hitting his head.
In a rage, Frankie stepped forward and grabbed Ernesto’s collar, peeling him off the floor, “Have anything to say now, pendejo?” he growled.
It took him a moment to re-orientate himself before he stuttered, “N-no,” all the fight had left Ernesto’s body, “I’m going. I’m going,” he pleaded as he scrambled away and bolted for the door. Frankie watched to make sure he left before he quickly rushed over to you.
Santiago hopped out of his truck before he strolled toward the bar you worked at. He had some free time and decided to come see you, especially since he noticed you had been acting differently lately. He cared for you more than anything, and he only ever wanted the best for his sister and only family. He was in a good mood, but as he got closer to the bar, someone burst through the doors and slammed right into him.
“S-sorry,” Ernestro muttered as he looked up from where his gaze was pointed at the ground, “I didn’t mean to… You!” he gasped, recognizing Santiago.
“You!” he snarled as he grabbed Ernesto’s shirt, “What the fuck are you doing here?!” Santiago was ready to hit him, enraged when he thought about how he treated you in the past, but when he noticed the broken nose and blood from his face, he paused.
Ernesto took the opportunity in his hesitation to slip out of his grip and run away. Santiago thought about going after him, but his priority was more on his sister’s safety, so he ran inside to check on you. And when he rushed through the doors, the sight that met him froze him in his tracks.
Frankie was there, holding you tightly and whispering into your ear as you nuzzled into his shoulder. He couldn’t hear what exactly he said, but he could tell Frankie was whispering words of comfort into your ear in between feather light kisses. Santiago wasn’t sure how to feel and he stood in dumbfounded stillness for several moments.
“What the hell is going on here?” his voice was a low grumble as the emotions slipped out before he could stop them.
You gasped as you snapped your head up from where it rested on Frankie’s shoulder, “Santi…” you breathed, tears still fresh in your eyes, “I can explain,” you scrambled out of his arms and up to your feet.
Frankie followed right behind you, “Pope, I…” he started before he was interrupted.
“Wait,” you hissed to both of them, noticing the stares from the few patrons in the bar, “Can we take this outside?” You really did not want an audience.
Santiago remained tense, but looked around and nodded. In silence, the three of you slipped out and towards your brother’s truck for some privacy. The tension was palpable as you made your way out of the bar. Yet, Frankie still slid his hand in yours despite the glare from Santiago.
“Santi, I didn’t mean for this to happen,” you blurted out, “We just…”
“How long?” Santiago cut you off with a simple question, “How long have you kept this from me?”
All the breath felt like it was punched out of your lungs and suddenly you realized why he was so angry. All your life, it had been just you and Santi; brother and sister alone in the world. You trusted each other with everything, and you were all each other had. This was the first time you kept something from him, and you noticed the hurt in his eyes that you felt like you had to hide this from him.
“A few months,” Frankie answered for you in a quiet voice.
Santiago let out a heavy sigh as his shoulders dropped and the tough person melted away. Putting his hands on his hips, he looked between the two of you, “And you couldn’t tell me this whole time?” his tone was softer than before, and the hurt was apparent. 
“Santi,” you started, taking a step forward, “I’m sorry.”
He glanced at you before he stepped past you and met Frankie face to face, “Will you take care of her?” he asked, “You’ll never hurt her?”
Frankie’s eyes softened, “Yeah,” he breathed, “I swear, man,” he continued, “I’d never do anything to hurt her,” he paused, “I’m in love with your sister, man.”
The confession made both you and Santiago’s mouths drop open in surprise. “Frankie…” you gasped in a whisper from behind your brother.
Santiago recovered first, “Fuck, bro,” he smiled through the emotions, “Guess I can’t be too pissed at you… You did kick her ex’s ass pretty damn good.” He turned over his shoulder and smiled genuinely at you before turning back to Frankie, “Just don’t make out or do any of that shit in front me, ok?” he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. 
The relief showed on Frankie’s face as he too broke out into a smile. His hand landed on Santiago’s shoulder as you also sighed in relief behind them. “Deal,” he said before the two friends embraced.
Santiago turned to you and took you up in his arms, hugging you tightly.
“I’m sorry I kept this from you, Santi,” you whispered to him as you hugged him back.
Breaking away from the hug, he kept his hands on your forearms, “I get why you didn’t,” he said softly, “I can be a little much when it comes to my family.” He turned between you and Frankie, “How about we celebrate? Drinks are on me.”
“Do I have to make them?” you teased.
Santiago and Frankie both laughed as you all embraced each other. Your brother patted you both on the shoulder before he ushered you both to his truck. Frankie slipped his hand in yours, happy to finally be able to take your hand in public without the fear of getting caught. A new chapter in your lives was just starting, and finally everything was absolutely perfect. 
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months ago
Gym Love
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Pairing: Frankie "Catfish" Morales x Fem!reader
Characters: Fem!reader, Sister, William "Ironhead" Miller, Benny Miller, Santiago "Pope" Garcia, Frankie "Catfish" Morales
Warnings: Fluff, I wanted my baby frankie to get some love, this was fun, I miss the tf boys, we love single dad frankie, reader loves a man who can take care of a baby, reader hasn't been in a good relationship for a while, people just want to find love alright, will being a girl dad is my fav, will and frankie's girls are besties
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Set two years after Will and your "sister" get together, been married for five months before she got pregnant
You lean your head closer to her, babbling at her as if she understands you.
Your niece, Anamarie, giggles at your nonsensical words nonetheless.
Your sister walks into the living room, where you two are having play time. “You’re gonna have your hands full tonight.”
You hum and turn towards her, “what do you mean?”
“Will’s buddy needed a babysitter while we head to the party for Benny’s surprise engagement.”
You owlishly blink at her, wondering what the hell she’s talking about and then it clicks. “Right, right. No, yes I do remember. It’s in my calendar. I just- it slipped past me for a second.”
She glances at you worriedly. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can tell Will-”
You shake your head, “I got this. These kids will not defeat me.”
“If you’re sure.”
You smile and nod, “I got this.”
Will walks through the door. “Hey baby,” he pecks your sister’s cheek. “I brought your second guest.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “funny. You didn’t tell me your hubby was a comedian.”
Your sister rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. “Where’s her dad?” You ask, as he sets down the car seat.
“Benny needed his help decorating, says he has a better eye for the colors or something. I don’t know. I was barely listening.”
“Such a kind brother you are,” you tease.
He throws a playful glare at you. “Best big brother award going to me this year, right?”
You giggle and adjust your squirmy niece to face her dad. “I don’t think your daddy knows we don’t have those awards… otherwise I would have won them a long time ago.”
Your sister lets out a fake laugh, “har har. Will, we have to go otherwise we’ll be late and Benny will be pi-” She turns to her baby girl. “P-i-s-s-e-d off.”
You lean down, “and that spells-”
Steam nearly shoots out of her ears at your joke. She knows you're joking, she does... but this also her first baby. “Will I can’t-”
He pulls her away from you. “We promised Ben we would. It’s going to be good. We’ll be back before she’s put to bed.”
You turn away from the two, the small ache in your heart returning when you think back to when your last boyfriend looked at you like that, so softly.
They leave after talking and you find yourself alone with the two girls.
“How would you two like an afternoon snack?”
You put your hands on your hips, staring at the two messy, babbling babies. “I regret everything I said earlier. You two little bugs have defeated me and… my outfit.”
A knock on the door panics you, you realize you can’t stress about it too much about how you look, if whoever at the door judges you, you’ll give them a sassy attitude.
You open the door and find a handsome man standing there.
You owlishly blink before realizing you must look like a creep. “Hi- I’m sorry, who are you?”
He struggles to answer you at first and then a baby cry alarms you.
You bolt back into the kitchen where the girls are, finding baby Isabel crying.
You coo and hold your hands out in front of her to let her choose if she wants to be picked up.
She makes grabby hands for you and you hold her close.
You spin back, eyes wide at the sight of him.
“She hasn’t cried to be in someone else’s arms since her mother passed.”
Your jaw drops, “you’re Frankie? Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I should- I didn’t realize you were Will’s friend.”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “No, no I didn’t properly introduce myself at the door. I would have been alarmed too.”
You let out a relieved chuckle. “Well you’re being too kind now.”
A small sniffle breaks you out of your staring contest, finding his little girl ready to fall asleep on you.
“I’m sorry, she gets real emotional before nap time. Isa, baby?” He calls for her, slowly pulling her from your arms.
You softly smile at the sight before you before a small hand smacking your hand pulls you out of your head.
Anamarie tilts her head, making you wonder if she knows the look she’s giving you is the same look your sister gave you whenever you hid your boyfriends from her while you two were growing up.
You pick her up. “Let’s go clean them up before they take their naps. Snack time turned into a battle zone if you couldn’t tell.”
He chuckles through his nose quietly behind you as you two aim to find their extra clothes.
Once you finish button Anamarie’s outfit you lift her into your arms. “So, you two gonna stay for nap time or was this a pick up?”
“I’d hate to pull the girls apart while they’re having fun.”
He knows he’s going to be in for a reap of shit from the guys seeing as he wanted to go home early because of how tired he is… but he can’t help but not want to leave when things have just gotten interesting.
You don’t know when you fell asleep but waking up to a good morning text from an unknown number, a blanket over you, and your sister’s smirking is not what you anticipated.
You two decide to go out on a date after talking for four months and it’s been an interesting time to say the least.
Especially the surprise visits at work. You never thought being a smoothie girl at your nearby gym was something to look forward to doing but you aren't upset in the least.
Benny always loves acting as if he's your brother, pestering you about his buddy and trying to pull you in headlocks, that you're far too old for.
Will, the best brother in law you could ask for, always pulling Benny away when necessary. But he also gives you the best advice you could ask for, the smoothie counter being the best place for your talks.
Having your brother in law know the owner of the gym definitely has it's perks because you get one extra break if you need to escape for a minute or if you need some comforting after a bad break up.
Thankfully the latter hasn't happened since the Miller's entered yours and your sister's life.
Then Santiago, another nuisciance. You don't know how your best friend can be around him long enough to date him but, who are you to judge. You're just happy he stopped hounding you to get to her.
And then your lover boy, Frankie. He's always so polite when waiting for you to finish with other customers but his smile is the one thing you can't help but look forward to, other than Isa's, of course.
Speaking of adorable babies, something you noted since you started dating is that, he never brings her on any of your dates but you always check up on them whenever you get the chance, whether you see him at work or not.
A year into your relationship is when things got interesting to say the least.
Baby Isabel called you mama while you and Frankie were cooking dinner one night.
You stare at her shocked and then to Frankie, who is equally, if not more shocked than you. “I’m so-”
“Frank, Frank, baby.” You shush. “Stop, don’t apologize. I,” the corners of your lips twitch out of nervousness. “I’m not upset but I’m scared.”
He furrows his brows, “why are you scared?”
“I- Frank, I’m not trying to, you know, replace her mother but I- I’m,” you sigh.
“I know, mi vida. I know you’re not and I appreciate it but I don’t want you to feel forced into this when you didn’t ask for it.” 
You smile and peck his lips. "I would love it if she called me mama, as long as you're okay with it, of course."
"Guess she's calling you mama," he responds with a soft smile.
You're so happy you agreed to watch over the girls that night, otherwise who knows how your life would be now.
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navybrat817 · 9 months ago
Puppy Dog Eyes
Pairing: William Miller x Female Reader
Summary: Will feels betrayed by someone he thought was his ally.
Word Count: Over 1k
Warnings: Fluff, humor, established relationship, talk of threats and interrogation, slight feels (it's me, okay?), William Miller (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Inspired by this post @ghotifishreads tagged me in. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Will counted the seconds in his mind as he stared his adversary down. Someone he should've considered an ally. Maybe even a friend. But now? He didn't recognize the beast in front of him.
He was used to people playing dirty behind enemy lines, but this? Betrayal in familiar territory? The sting was like a bullet to the gut.
“Before you test my resolve, I want you to know that I have forty three confirmed kills.”
A huff was the only reply he got.
Crouching down so he was at eye level, he huffed, too. His enemy was much smaller in size, but looks could be deceiving. “Now, I’m not going to hurt you. It wouldn't do either of us any good,” he said, tapping a finger against his thigh. “I just want to know why.”
He didn't get an answer. Only a defiant stare. The silent treatment. That was fine. Nothing he hadn't faced before. He had ways to make enemies talk if it came to that. And the puppy dog eyes wouldn't garner sympathy from him.
Battle had hardened him too much for that.
Shut down. Control. Manipulate. That’s what he did with his human instincts until he completed his mission.
Will continued the staring contest until the smaller one whined. It wasn't an answer, but it was a start. “You made this personal, you know. And I’ll throw you out in the rain if you push your luck,” he threatened, tilting his head to maintain eye contact. “No. You don't get to look away. Not after what you did. After I took you into my home.”
And how did he repay him?
Your voice pulled Will’s attention away from the task at hand. “Yeah, baby?”
You leaned against the doorway, a smile tugging at your kissable lips. “Are you interrogating Bandit?”
Bandit, the puppy Benny got weeks ago. The puppy you offered to watch since his brother was going out of town for a few days and he didn't want to board him. The same little rascal who chewed up a pair of tennis shoes. New tennis shoes.
And hadn't touched a single one of his chew toys.
Will nodded to his ruined shoes. “You saw what he did.”
“I did and I'm sorry,” you said, though you had no reason to apologize. It wasn't like you chewed them up. “He’s a puppy and they’re going to do those kinds of things from time to time. Is it really worthy of an interrogation?”
“Yes, it is.” Bandit swung his head toward you and whimpered. “No, don’t you-”
“Aww. Is the former Captain bothering you?” You walked over and scooped him into your arms. The light golden puppy snuggled close, but looked at Will like he was taunting him. You had a soft spot for dogs and Bandit sensed that. Used it to his advantage.
“Taking his side?”
“I’m always on your side, Will,” you said, softening his resolve. “Now, Bandit, you know you aren't supposed to do that. Play with your toys, not shoes. Okay?”
Bandit barked. He actually barked for you. How did you do that?
“And apologize to Will,” you urged.
He barked again.
“Good boy,” you smiled as Will stood up and crossed his arms. “And don't worry, we won't throw you out in the rain.”
“I still might just to teach him a lesson,” Will half teased. “Or I can just put him in his cage.”
Bandit whined and hid his face. “Don’t you dare. He’s a puppy, not a soldier. And you were happy with watching him until now. Besides, he said he was sorry,” you said, giving Will your own set of puppy dog eyes.
You had a point. Bandit was a pretty well-behaved puppy, all things considered. He didn't bite. Didn't make a mess when he ate. Went to the door when he had to go outside. And he seemed content to sleep in his dog bed and didn't demand to sleep with the two of you.
“Fine. No cage,” he relented.
“Thank you. And I’m sure Benny will buy you a new pair of shoes once he gets back,” you added.
“Maybe,” he said. He wouldn't hold his breath to get new shoes or money for the damage done. He may be Benny’s big brother, but Benny adored his puppy and would likely blame him for leaving them out in the first place. He had a routine though. He put his shoes in the same spot after he exercised.
To be fair, he should've been more careful. He would be in the future. If anything, he could try to see the positive side of things and use this as a learning experience. That's what you tried to do when you ran into unfortunate situations.
“Is it a bad time to suggest we get our own puppy?” You asked, smiling as you lifted Bandit up higher and put his cheek against yours. “Chewed up shoes and a scratched up couch aside, it might be nice.”
Dogs did make for great companions. He’d be lying if he said he hadn't pictured the two of you having a kid and a dog for them to grow up with. Someone who would be a friend to and watch over his child.
“What do you think?” You smiled when he stayed quiet for too long.
He softly smiled. Most people couldn't sway him to do anything, but you had a way about you. Maybe it was because he loved you. “I’ll think about it.”
You put Bandit down before you leaned in and brushed your lips against Will’s. “Thank you.”
He went in for another kiss, but stopped when the words fully registered. “Wait.” He narrowed his eyes. “Did you say scratched up couch?”
“...Did I say that? I don't recall.”
“I remember everything you’ve ever said to me,” he told you.
You put a hand over your heart. “That is so romantic.”
“And you said ‘chewed up shoes and a scratched up couch aside, it might be nice’, so what exactly did he do to our couch?”
Your eyes widened as you took a step back. “Run, Bandit!”
And he did.
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I couldn't help myself. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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emmcfrxst · 2 months ago
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dailydragon08 · 2 years ago
Will thinks a partner/reader who isn’t a morning person is adorable. He’s a huuuuge morning person and will do everything to help them out in the morning—making their coffee and breakfast, scraping any snow or ice off their car, taking the dog out, clearing their place at the table—just cuz that’s who he is. But he loves when they pad into the kitchen all sleepy, rubbing their eyes, especially if they’re still in their PJs (which usually consist of his shirt), and just laughs when they grumble at him.
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secretwriterpp · 2 years ago
Interrogation 3
Summary: Frankie Morales x Reader (mention of the other TF boys)
You and Frankie are caught off guard at the safe house. The aftermath of what happened leads you to a very dark place
Warnings for this specific chapter: PTSD, hyper sexualisation, drug use leading to dub-con (kinda) alcool, swearing. A little smut, I guess 😅
{Masterlist} {Chapter 4}
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“Can’t wait to see you guys!”
Santi hung up and looked at Frankie who was sitting at the kitchen table.
« The Millers, they are coming back soon! » he said smiling at the good news.
Frankie simply replied « good! » and took another bite of his peanut butter toast.
You went down the stairs , straight to the pantry to grab the box of captain crunch.
« Hey, good morning! Will and Ben are coming home in a few days. » Pope said waiting for a positive reaction.
You turned around to look at him, purposely avoiding to look at Frankie and replied « good »
Santiago took a deep breath, he wasn’t a man of patience, he wasn’t the most understanding guy, he didn’t have a well develop empathy. He tried to have compassion for what happened to the two of you, dammit , he did have some, but he was fucking done with this ambience.
“Fuck, you two are insufferable! It’s unbearable to breath the same air as you! Do something about it , fuck, talk to each other , talk to a shrink , go outside, I don’t fucking care , but do something. I can’t tolerate this dreading atmosphere anymore” he grabbed his jacket and stormed outside to take a walk away from the house.
Frankie was looking at you , you couldn’t see him cause he was behind you, but you could feel his gaze linger on you.
“I’m sor.” He started, but you didn’t let him finish.
“Santi is right … and I’m doing something about it. I’m going out tonight. I’m gonna… I’m gonna go to the movies , alone , I need time to think.”
You left your bowl of cereal on the counter and went back to your room. You stayed there for the most part of the day, reading.
It was finally night and you were ready to make your plan come to life. You spotted the perfect place to find a man, you bought a new flirty dress in a local boutique and you came up with a lie so the boys would not worry about you.
“Bye guys , see you after the movies” you left without letting them ask any questions.
Santi looked at Frankie with question marks in his eyes. “What?”
“She told me she was going to the movies , alone. She needs to think.” Frankie shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to add when Santi wasn’t satisfied with his answer. That’s all he knew about your plans . At least you had plans , maybe it meant you felt better.
The moment you entered the bar, you felt a couple of guys looking at you. This was going to be easy, the outfit and the makeup were doing their job. First you needed a drink. You stopped by the bar and ordered a few shots and drank them quickly. The guy next to you watched you gulped down the content of the three glasses with wide eyes.
“Damn girl, someone you need to forget?”
“Yeah… something like that” you replied winking at him.
He was handsome, maybe a little bit older than you. He didn’t look dangerous, you could probably neutralize him easily, that was an important criteria. You smiled at him and asked
“Wanna drink one more with me?”
He did and just like that you had him all wrapped around your finger. ~that was easy~
“Hey pretty girl . You want to dance with me?”
“Yes , come on! ” you grabbed his hand and guided him to the dance floor.
“Oh , I meant to ask , what’s your name sweetheart ?” he asked.
“That’s not important” you replied
“Oh come on babygirl , my name is Dave , what’s yours?” ~Oh fuck no~ you thought.
“Ooohh, I’m sorry, I changed my mind.” You turned around and started walking away from the guy.
“Hey come on! What’s your problem?”He asked following you.
“Nothing , it’s me, not you” you said trying to get rid of him.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you against him:
“don’t be a fucking tease! Come on.”
You quickly released yourself from his grip and pushed him away.
“I’m not interested anymore , so back off” you told him with a cold tone. He flipped you off and walked across the room and left the bar.
Well, that wasn’t going as smoothly as you thought it would. You walked toward the bar and ordered a few more shots. Liquid courage could not hurt.
The second guy you talked with was drunk or high , or both. He was good looking, kind of. You found him on the dance floor. You started dancing with him and he took the bait right away. He tried to grab your ass while dancing, but you pushed his hands away. “No touching , I’m the boss tonight okay , you do as I say” he nodded enthusiastically, obviously excited at the idea of playing this little game with you. It took only a few minutes to lure him outside the bar.
“where’s your car?” You asked him.
He fumbled through the parking lot and opened the door of an old rusted red truck.
“Get in the backseat” you told him bluntly.
He obliged and you followed him into his truck, closing the door behind you.
“Take your pants off” you ordered him. He didn’t lose a second and dropped his pants to his ankles, followed by his boxers. His erection was a disappointment, but you didn’t really care. You took a condom from your purse and gave it to him so he could wrap himself up.
« Woah, someone is eager » he said , you ignored his comment.
“Okay, listen, this is serious” He looked at you and nodded making a small military salute. You rolled your eyes “You can’t touch me , you can’t kiss me, understood?” He nodded again and asked « so you’re just using me? I’m okay with that » he smirked.
You lifted your ass from the seat to take your panties off and secured them inside your purse. You took a deep breath before straddling him. He was looking so fucking ecstatic, it was ridiculous , it almost turned you off. The alcool was going through your veins and made the experience less weird than it really was. You took another deep breath and took his cock in your hand, pumping him a little before guiding him to your entrance. He gasped at the feeling of you on his tip.
« Awww fuck. I wanna see your tits » he moaned into your ear.
« Shut up… » you said while sliding yourself down on his dick. You were holding his wrists above his head on the headrest , riding him with no real conviction. ~it’s not working , I feel nothing~ you thought. Tears were starting to form at the corner of your eyes when you felt him shake under you. He was moaning loudly in your ear, you couldn’t bare to listen to the sound. You lifted yourself off of him and bolted out of his truck without saying anything. ~fuck this was the dumbest thing I ever did~
You went straight back to the bar, directly into the ladies room. You locked yourself up in a stall and started crying. ~ fuck this isn’t working. I still feel empty! That’s all I will ever feel now?~
After a while, when there was no more tears coming out of you and when you managed to control your breathing, you got out of the stall and took a look at yourself in the mirror. You rearranged your hair and corrected your makeup. ~I look like shit~
You needed something, anything to make you feel numb. You went back to the bar and asked the bartender for another round of shots. You took the 3 down in seconds and then you asked him :
« Who should I talk to if I want something stronger? »
The bartender gave you a name and he told you to go behind the bar, in the back alley and talk to the guy in the white car. You followed his instruction and got there as fast as you could. The guy wasn’t in his car , he was standing next to it , having a conversation with another guy who looked just like him. Tall, blond guys, blue eyes, brothers. Not as gorgeous as the Millers , but pretty decent. You walked towards them with determination in your steps.
« Can we help you? » the one with a green shirt asked.
« Yes, I’m looking for something to get this night … more interesting » you were already pretty far gone with all the shots you took , but it wasn’t enough.
« What’s your poison baby? We got everything. » the one in a black tshirt replied. He smirked at the way you weren’t standing straight.
« Surprise me…baby » you replied imitating his tone.
« What about coke? Wanna try it » he assumed you never had coke and he was right.
« Let’s do it » you said , he looked at his brother with a smile.
« Alright , one line of coke for the lady. Do you mind if we join you? » he asked playfully.
« The more the merrier » you replied even if it didn’t really make sense.
He prepped the lines on a small mirror , using the hood of his car as a table. The green shirt brother snorted his line first and then black tshirt did. You felt nervous when it was your turn , not really knowing how to do this. You bent down over the mirror and sniffed the line in one shot . It felt like it hurt your brain at first. It only took a few minutes before you felt the rush in your veins. You felt lighter and happier.
« How are you feeling pretty lady? » green one asked taking your waist between his hands, bringing you closer to his chest.
« Euphoric! » you answered him while touching his forearms.
« You know we can have even more fun if you let us » black tshirt whispered into your right ear.
You didn’t even see where he was coming from. You couldn’t really concentrate on anything. The rush of dopamine streaming down your veins was guiding your next moves. You took Green’s face between your hands and kissed him hard. Black tshirt was behind you kissing and biting at your neck. You felt your dress being pulled over your head and the rest was a blur, a messy mix of moans and hands all over your body. The next time you were able to concentrate for a second , one of the brother was between your legs, pounding into you on top of the hood of the white car. You didn’t stop him ~ that’s why I was here for in the first place~ You lost track of time and events again. Four hands roaming all over your naked body, faces switching in front of you, the brothers fucking you, taking turns, one after the other, again and again. The idea of what was happening was exhilarating, but you really felt nothing.
« That line was free for you pretty lady. You can come back whenever you want. » Green said kissing your neck while black tshirt was putting his pants back on.
When your high was finally coming down and when you gained enough balance to get off the hood of their car, you took your dress from the ground and kissed one of the brothers before leaving to the front of the bar. A few clients were still there, drunk, shouting and laughing, completely unaware of what happened just behind the building. Black tshirt ran behind you, you didn’t see him do it but he slipped something inside your purse.
« You come back anytime you want pretty lady. Free lines for you, always » you laughed at his comment.
It was time to go home but you couldn’t remember the address of the safe house…
« Fuck! »
You had no choice , you couldn’t walk , it was too far and you were too fucked up to do it anyway, so you texted Santi. You waited for what felt like an eternity before resigning yourself to text Frankie , you didn’t really have a choice. His answer came back almost instantly.
Frankie wasn’t sleeping. He was waiting for you. It was pass 2 am and you were not home yet. He was almost having an anxiety attack, thinking maybe the guys who sent Dave a week ago found you when your text came in. PING.
Frankie was relieved , but he was also pissed when he saw your text
- What’s the address to the safe house ?
He replied
-Where the fuck are you?
You didn’t answer right away, it got him even more angry at you.
- The address
He clenched his jaw
-Where are you? I’m coming to get you
Once again, it took you so long to reply. He was nervous that something happened to you.
-No. The ADDRESS Frankie
« Fuck! » he gave up and sent you the address.
He waited for you sitting in the dark. He didn’t unlock the door , he wanted to see if you were going to struggle to open it. A few minutes later, he saw the lights of a car approaching the house and then he saw you walk towards the door. At first glance , in the dark, you looked like you were okay. He shifted forward resting his elbows on his knees. When you reached the door he heard you crash into it hard. He got up fast to listen closer to the door. He could hear you mutter some profanities. You must be drunk, so you lied about the movies , he already knew, but now it was obvious. You didn’t make any noise for a while and then he could hear you sobbing. He unlocked and opened the door and you fell on your back on the entrance carpet.
« Y/n ! Are you okay? »
You were sobbing hard and you couldn’t control your voice. You almost screamed at him.
« I fucked up! I fucked everyone and , and , and , I drank and did all the lines. »
He wasn’t sure what you were trying to say. You didn’t make any sense. He helped you get up and took you to the couch. You were looking bad , hair disheveled, makeup smeared, your dress was plastered with dirt. He could see scratches and bruises on your exposed skin. We’re they from tonight or from last week, he wondered.
« Where the fuck did you go? And don’t you fucking lie about going to the movies »
You were crying even harder , sobbing like a child who lost her favorite toy. You were pretty far gone, he could tell, your body couldn’t stand straight even if you were seated , he had to hold you up against the arm of the couch.
« At the bar »
He paused « you drank a lot , anything else? »
« Coke »
He raised his eyebrows, surprised at your revelation and then he was pissed « What the fuck y/n. That’s the lines you were talking about? »
« Yeah »
« Are you feeling okay? You should drink something » he got up, pushed your body in the corner of the couch so you wouldn’t fall and walked to the sink.
« I’m broke » you cried again « I’m ruined Frankie »
He walked back to you with a tall glass of water. You drank it up fast.
« No you’re not. Don’t say that. What did you mean by you fucked everyone? » that part of your chaotic speech was scaring him the most.
« You don’t love me anymore » you cried out
« That’s not true » he said « I will always love you » he whispered. It was tough for him to see you cry, he wanted to help up, but he didn’t know how.
« He was supposed to kill me…Cat » you blurted, chocking at his nickname. He knew what you meant, but he wasn’t ready to have this conversation, not like this, not in the state you were in.
« Fuck him! I don’t want him to be the last» you took a deep breath, tears still running down your face. «You don’t want to help me, so I fucked 4 random dudes, or 3, can’t remember »
« Oh » he didn’t know what to say to that. He felt jealousy and anger grow inside his chest, but he knew you were already suffering enough so he didn’t say anything. He just took you in his arms and held you there until you fell asleep. His chin was resting on your head, he felt guilty for not « helping you » like you wanted him to. Felt guilty for the choices you made instead of getting real help. Again, it was all his fault, from the moment he let himself get duck taped to that chair to this moment.
Next morning you woke up in your bed , in a fresh pj , a glass of water and tylenol waiting for you on the bedside table. Your headache was bad and your mouth was dry. ~ what the fuck did I do?~
{Chapter 4}
Tag list: @rosaliedepp
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roadtogracelandx45 · 10 months ago
Updates will come on Friday. I have Liebgott/ Olivia one shot based off of a prompt from my prompt list
Part two of Currahee
Unexpected - implied Webgott - Liebgott/ Olivia one shot
Part one of New York State of Mind- Suits x Sons of Anarchy
And maybe if I don't get worse,
Part 7 of The Ways Things Are- Blacksails
They Need You- part one of two- Triple Frontier
Part One of On The Outside- The Outsider
Part One of Star Crossed Lovers- Titanic x Twilight crossover
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