#oc: lexie thomas
roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
hi there would you do prompt 17 and 19 for the miller brothers in triple frontier like you’re dating them both and it’s date night or you’re casually hanging out? If not then that’s cool!
Hi! Of course, I can do this! I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to get to it. It's been a rough couple of months. But hopefully, this is okay. I am using Lexie Thomas, the OC from my upcoming Triple Frontier fic For Whom It Tolls (also thank you this gave me another angle to go at with it.) Also, this is the first time I really have written either of the Miller Brothers. Also this is going to be a longer one shot. I can't stop writing now that I started.
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“Hey Allie, you busy?” Lexie Thomas questioned into her phone  before she paused by the mirror that was hanging in their shared townhouse. “No, we are just waiting on Rossi and Aaron. What’s up?”  “I am not going to be home for a few days.” “Tell me you aren’t going out with those two men again.”  The blonde laughed as she ran her red lipstick across her bottom lip, “Fine, I won’t tell you that.’ They being Will and Benny Miller, two men that Lexie had meet at a cage fight that she had attended with a couple of agents on her team and met the brothers after the fight.
 “Lex, its a bad idea.” “And I haven’t seen them in four months. You have been laid more then I have.” There was laughter in the background and a smirk pulled at Lexie’s lips, she could just picture the look on her roommates face and that of her boyfriend Spencer Reid’s face. The doorbell rang causing all of Lexie’s body to lurch and a wave of excitement come over her. “I got to go, I will talk to you later. And Spence?” “Yes?” Spencer Reids returned, it was more nervous and shaky then it had been. 
“Take care of her. I would hate to mess up that pretty face of yours.” There was more laughter as she hung up her phone and put it in the small clutch. The doorbell rang again followed by a loud knock.
 “I am coming!” She called as she moved towards the door. Once she was there she took a breath to steady herself before opening it. 
“Hey guys.” Standing on the otherside of the door stood the Miller brothers. Both tall, muscler and handsome. 
 “Hey darlin’.” Benny said as he bent his head swept his lips over hers, “Been awhile.” Lexie nodded her head in returned before looking at Will who smirked but made no move to go any further. The younger two exchanged a look as she stepped around Benny and went over to the older brother. 
“So what’s the plan tonight?’ Her question was innocent as Will put his hands on her hips and pulled into him, pressing kisses first to her cheeks and then to her lips.  “You know the usual.”He returned, his hands lowering down to her ass pulling her in closer to him. 
 “So good thing I have bail money?” She teased. 
“That was one time babe.” He had taken her by the hand and led her towards the car. 
“According to Allie, its going to happen multiple times. Its that freaky BAU stuff that she does.” “Shouldn’t listen to everything that she and her brother says.” Benny mused as he pulled open the car door for her. She laughed and shook her head as she got into the car. Those were always famous last words. **
Hours later they were at a local night club that Lexie had helped open back up after it was shut down several times due to the mafia involvement. They all knew it was risky for them, especially Lexie but it was their favorite place to go too. 
“Come over here baby.” Benny motioned curling his finger at her. 
 She had just come back to the table, her cheeks flushed red, her blonde bangs were sticking to her forehead, and she was wearing that favorite little half smirk, “Why don’t you come over here and make me?” Benny laughed before he pulled himself off of chair and in three quick strides he was standing in front of her, his hands going to her neck.  Deep in her stomach, there was a pull, the pull to have him bed her over and over again to the point where she would go into the work next day sore and unable to walk. Those were always the perks of being with the Miller Brothers.
Will was sitting not to far off at the bar, his dark blue eyes watching the two, keeping an eye out for any upcoming danger or for another man to come closer to Lexie. He and Benny were very protective of her. It had only been a short amount that they had been together and it all just fell into pieces like a puzzle. 
As soon as the bartender put the fresh beer next to him a man approached the two and had grabbed Lexie’s forearm pulling her way from Benny whose demeanor changed ready to fight the man if he didn’t let go of Lexie.  Will was  away from the bar in a heartbeat. He grabbed a hold of the man’s arm and pulled him away from her roughly, his old ways come out in. “You mess with her, you mess with me.”   
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Story Ideas no.4
I swear I’m gonna write full stories for these one day.
The first one of these suddenly decided to show up in my tags so no linking this time <3
Cab Forward Thinking - Lexi is brought over from the mainland steelworks to help out on Edward’s branchline, but Bill and Ben find themselves wary of the strange ‘backwards’ engine. But when the twins get themselves into trouble, it’s up to Lexi to save the day.
A Tale of Two Diesels - After finding out that Diesel genuinely doesn’t remember him, Duck is sent down a winding path to find out what happened to the devious engine.
Don’t Go Braking My Heart - Bruno is tasked to help Percy deliver the extra Valentines mail. But when a letter isn’t delivered, it’s up to Percy and Bruno to track down its destination before the holiday is over.
Nia & Rosie - Nia is asked to help out a Vicarstown for a few days and soon finds herself having a friendly competition with the resident station pilot.
The Mist-erious Mountain - Goddy - A replica of the original Godred - tells the other Vicarstown museum engines the story of her first time at the Culdee Fell Railway and her harrowing experience on Devil’s Back.
Quarry Quarrel - When the work at the quarry begins piling up, Fergus is sent to give Mavis a hand. Unfortunately, the two begin to spend more time arguing over how to ‘do it right’ than they do working.
Jazzy James - James is tasked with taking a jazz group to a concert in Tidmouth, only to get too distracted by their music to do his job.
The Mystery of Morgan’s Mine - When Stanley begins hearing strange noises at night from Morgan’s Mine, he, Paxton, Flora, and Bruno set out to investigate.
High Speed Hijinks - The Earl springs for a new electric engine and coaches to complete Kana’s consist. Unfortunately, Kana and her new sister Akira soon find themselves butting heads over who gets to lead their train.
Spencer’s Swan Song - After meeting Kana and Akira and worrying that the Duke and Duchess will replace him, Spencer sets out to prove that he’s still in his prime.
A Tess-t of Patience - Nia is asked to help out at the ever busy Tidmouth Harbor. But when Tess - the harbor’s new gantry crane - decides to have some fun with the utility engine, Nia quickly finds her patience wearing thin.
Kana and the Duchess - After seeing how downtrodden the museum’s new engine is, Kana begins faking illness so Duchess can have a good long run.
Dexter Rides Again - Dexter is finally given a new set of wheels. Unfortunately, his excitement makes him too bouncy for the passengers’ liking.
Red is the New Orange - When the Steamworks runs out of orange paint, Nia finds herself wearing a new red livery. To her surprise, she may just prefer it to her old look.
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sneakyblinders · 10 months
summer beach house pt 1- tommy shelby x oc
A/N: lil blurb for a new au (lol) for tommy x ali, aka the summer beach house au! hope you guys enjoy.
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Tommy's attention turned quickly from his newspaper when he heard the front door of his Manhattan condo slam shut. His brow furrowed as he heard light footsteps scamper past the dining room and trail down the hallway towards his daughters bedrooms. "Hi, Daddy!" Twelve year old Marisol, affectionately known as Mari, chirped as she closed her bedroom door quickly.
"Morning," he grumbled as the front door cracked open again and he heard his wife, Alistair walk through the door, on the phone with someone from her bakery. "Yes, I am aware we are out of the espresso chips and I've told you a thousand times our supplier discontinued them, so we may have to cut the espresso chip cookies from the menu," she explained, an annoyed tone to her voice. Tommy smirked, raising an eyebrow as she walked into the dining room, clad in a matching hot pink Pilates set. Tommy set his paper down, cradling his chin between his thumb and forefinger as he watched her pace back and forth, curves on full display in her activewear. She turned to look at him and blushed, his gaze hungry and wanting. "Celeste, I gotta go, we'll talk later," Ali said, hanging up the phone. She set her phone down on the solid oak buffet and crossed her arms over her chest. "Mr. Shelby," she smirked. "Where in hell did you go looking this fucking good this early in the morning, hm?" he asked, standing up and stalking over towards her, arms caging her in against the wood of the buffet. She giggled as Tommy nuzzled against her neck, biting the flesh gently, earning a squeak from her. "Thomas, the girls will be in here any second," she giggled, making no attempt to swat him away. "Still need to shower though, hm?" he asked her, a naughty twinkle in his eye. "Yes, but, Thomas, you're already dressed," Ali pointed out, noting his dark blue suit she loved him in. "Can always get dressed again," he rasped, pressing a kiss to her lips.
The girls bounded in the dining room, ready for their breakfast of cereal, toast and eggs. "Ew, Daddy, get off Mommy!" Lexi, their younger daughter told them, wrinkling her nose at their affection. At ten, she didn't quite get romance. They both knew she'd be there soon. "But she looks so pretty this morning," Tommy counter-argued, earning an eye roll from both his daughters. "Will you sit with us this morning?" Mari asked them, eyes wide in anticipation. Tommy and Ali eyed each other, and Tommy mentally flushed his desire of a shared shower with his wife down the drain. "Of course," Tommy said. How could he deny them anything?
"Girls, Frances is going to start packing some of your things, we leave for the beach house in two weeks," Tommy said when they were halfway through their breakfast. School had let out last week for the summer, and Tommy had a few things to finish up in the city before he could afford to go down to South Carolina for the rest of the summer. Ali was ready. Ready for a break. Ready for a break from the city, the bakery, their city life. The girls cheered, excited to be back at their beach house, back with their beach house friends. Swimming all summer and eating some of the best food.
Ali smiled at Tommy, who bumped her knee against his with a wide smile on his face. It would be a summer to remember.
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peonyblossom · 29 days
Ships I'll Write For
for reference :)
m!Channing Lowe x m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki)
America's Most Eligible
Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
Blades of Light and Shadow
Nia Ellarious x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Valax x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom)
Adrian Raines x Gaius Augustine
Dirty Little Secrets
m!Carpenter (Emmett King) x m!MC (Brooklyn Peters)
High School Story
Wes Porter x Ezra Mitchell
Payton Saunders x f!MC (Lola Williams)
Michael Harrison x nb!MC (Jamie Baxter)
Mia Warren x Katherine
Hollywood U
Thomas Hunt x f/nb!MC (Jackie Winters)
Hot Couture
Marco Di Vincenzo x f!MC (Analise Moore)
Immortal Desires
m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Reese O'Malley)
It Lives Anthology
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Harry Spear)
Noah Marshall x Connor Green
Connor Green x m!MC (Jesse Harrison)
Ava Cunningham x f!MC (Raven Adams)
Stacy Green x f!MC (Ivy Lovelace)
Imogen Wescott x f!MC (Fiona Vance)
Tom Sato x m!MC (River Vance)
Danni Asturias x f!MC (Merliah Vance)
Abel Flint x nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers)
Lincoln Aquino x nb!MC (Keagan Burke)
Amalia de León x nb!MC (Lottie Hamilton)
Jocelyn Wu x f!MC (Eleanor Wilkins) (slowburn)
Matthias McQuoid x m!OC (Ezra Wilkins)
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine)
Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick
Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh
Queen B
Zoey Wade x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Ian Kingsley x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Untameable Anthology
m!Kit Jackson x m!MC (Jules Rojas)
Mandy Martinez x Ryder Wilson x m!MC (Barrett Kemp)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery x Lexi Grey
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery
Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey x Andy Herrera
Victoria Hughes x Lucas Ripley
Izzie Stevens x Denny Duquette
Ben Warren x Miranda Bailey
Cristina Yang x Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
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2braincellslz · 2 years
⚠️Request are not guaranteed⚠️
Request junk:
So heres what is will and wont write:
Long storys
Will nots:
Smut (for now atlest)
Really just smut
Ace Attorney:
Pheonix wright
Miles edgeworth
Dick Gumshoe
Maya fey
Franziska Von Karma
Michael Myers
Jason Vorhees*
Brahms heelshire
Billy lenz
Bubba *
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie munson
Hopper (as a father figure)
The kids (no shipping tho)
Billy hargove
Captain America
Bucky barns
Iron man
Peter parker
Dr. Strange
Quick sliver (age of Ultron)
Wanda *
Peaky blinders:
Thomas Shelby
Arther Shelby
Finn shelby
Ada shelby
(I can't remember the rest of the names lmao)
The sandman:
The Corinthian (gay only)
Spider man
Harry Osbourne
Otto octavius
Norman Osborne
The breakfast club:
John Bender (the criminal)
Claire (the queen)
Andrew (the jock)
Brian (the brian)
Allison (the basket case)
Game of thrones:
Robb stark
Theon Greyjoy
Jon snow
Little finger
The other guys lmao
Others and such
Characters from Nightmare Before Christmas
Characters from Corpse Bride
Jack sparrow
Also i can write fanfic with your oc.
If there is a character you want (from a completely different fandom or one of the ones listed) then dont be afraid to ask!
When you send in a ask, do be sure to specify if you want male, female, or GN. (And for the dsmp characters tell me if you wan c! Or cc!)
*I dont really know all that much about them
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2000sfm · 4 months
any suggestions for roles or reboots that would fit 30+ muses well? either existing or new ones!
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we  would  love  more  older  muses  around  here.  some  ideas  for  older  muses  in  existing  reboots  are  listed  under  the  cut  since  it's  quite  a  long  list.  however  some  other  reboots  that  could  definitely  fit  30+  muses  are  :  13  going  on  30,  legally  blonde,  american  psycho,  mamma  mia,  how  i  met  your  mother,  the  office  &  desperate  housewives  !!
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the  vampire  diaries:  alaric  saltzman,  jenna  sommers,  john  gilbert,  meredith  fell,  sybil,  liz  forbes,  lillian  salvatore,  josette  laughlin,  isobel  flemming,  carol  lockwood,  abby  bennett,  pearl,  mikael  mikaelson,  zach  salvatore  &  esther  mikaelson.
the  oc:  alex  kelly,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  julie  cooper,  jimmy  cooper
one  tree  hill:  dan  scott,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  karen  roe,  quinn  james.
sons  of  anarchy:  jax  teller,  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  gemma  teller-morrow,  clay  morrow,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  tig  trager,  chibs  telford,  happy,  wendy  case,  half-sack  epps.
gilmore  girls:  sookie  st.  james,  christopher  hayden,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  max  medina,  michel  gerard,  mrs.  kim.
pretty  little  liars:  ezra  fitz,  melissa  hastings,  wren  kingston,  ashley  marin,  meredith  sorenson,  veronica  hastings,  ella  montgomery,  byron  montgomery,  ian  thomas,  tom  marin.
sex  and  the  city:  samantha  jones,  charlotte  york,  miranda  hobbes,  mr.  bing,  aiden  shaw.
supernatural:  dean  winchester,  sam  winchester,  jo  harvelle,  bobby  singer,  john  winchester,  mary  winchester,  ruby,  lilith,  castiel,  ellen  harvelle,  jessica  moore.
friends:  phoebe  buffay,  ross  geller  (ross  gang),  janice  hosenstein,  gunther,  mike  hannigan,  carol  willick,  emily  waltham,  susan  bunch,  kathy,  jill  green,  amy  green.
criminal  minds:  spencer  reid,  derek  morgan,  penelope  garcia,  emily  prentiss,  hotch  hotchner,  jason  gideon,  david  rossi,  elle  greenaway.
grey's  anatomy:  lexie  grey,  mark  sloan,  derek  shepherd,  amelia  shepherd,  izzie  stevens,  george  o'malley,  cristina  yang,  alex  karev,  miranda  bailey,  callie  torres,  arizona  robbins,  april  kepner,  jackson  avery,  owen  hunt,  addison  montgomery.
true  blood:  bill  compton,  eric  northman,  lafayette  reynolds,  sam  merlotte,  tara  thorton,  pam,  alcide  heveraux.
jennifers  body:  nikolai  wolff
resident  evil:  chris  redfield,  albert  walker,  jill  valentine,  ada  wong,  barry  burton,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham.
scream:  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley.
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gemwing1988 · 4 months
Beauty Within the Beast
A Cuphead AU fanfic based on Disney’s Beauty and the Beast a little twist, mixed with elements from the 2017 remake, Broadway version and potentially some from the original fairytale. It’s still going through planning stages but thought I should write down some notes for the heck of it.
Summary: Being chased out of the village by the Devil who wanted her for some unexplained reason, lonely outcast Katie and her sisters, Lexie and Natty take refuge within a mysterious castle that houses a dark but lonely dragon beast named Validor, offering them shelter. Over the past days, beauty and the beast become good friends. And how soon will it bloom into true love before the wicked Devil and his minions, King Dice and Anubis (who each have their eyes on Lexie and Natty) try to interfere?
The Main Cast
The Belle’s:
Katie Gemwing (my OC/persona) — The “main Belle” of the story. The eldest daughter and one of the village “oddballs”. Imaginative, creative and well-read, Katie is bookworm who spends half of her time with her nose stuck in a book and dreams of going on incredible adventures outside of her poor provincial town of close-minded people. She is considered as one of the most beautiful girls in the entire village next to her sisters. Under unexplained circumstances, she had caught the interest of the new guy in town, Thomas Chrystolite, who is more than he seems.
Lexie Luthor (@akluthor1998’s OC/persona) — The second oldest of the three sisters, who is also considered odd among her peers for her love for sketching, dreaming and having jalapeños in omelettes. She has the misfortune of having King Dice, the local self-claimed ladies’ man trying court with her and make her is wife against her will practically on the daily basis. It was no secret among the sisters that she has a crush on Liam, the town’s young sheriff.
Natty Poke (@nataliepthatsme’s OC/persona) — The youngest of the three sisters and outcast in the village. Much like her sisters, she enjoys reading and is interested in other things the village deemed strange. She is also sadly a victim of unwanted attention from Anubis, who desires to have her all to himself. She is also the most sassiest out of the three sisters. It is indicated that she has a crush on Andrew, the baker’s apprentice.
The Beast:
Validor, AKA Vale (my OC) — A prince who had been cursed to become a dragon by the wicked Devil when the prince refused to commit a sin and fall for his trick to give him his soul. Unlike the Prince from the original Disney movie, Vale grew up to be selfless and kind but lonely. When he happens upon Katie and her sisters and friends inside his castle one stormy night during their escape from the Devil, Vale offered them refuge in hopes that he and Katie would fall in love to break the Devil’s spell on him.
The Antagonist(s):
The Devil (Cuphead) — The main antagonist of the story, who will be based off from the evil fairy from the original fairytale with a mixture as the “main Gaston”. A wicked demon who had placed the curse on Validor and all of the residents of the castle. He also has the desire to make Katie his bride.
King Dice (Cuphead) — The “secondary Gaston” as well as the Lefou to the Devil’s Gaston, King Dice is the sleazy and conceited self-claimed ladies’ man who sets his sights on Lexie as his future wife.
Anubis (shared OC) — The Lefou of the story. A hunter and shady character, Anubis desires for Natty and will see to it that nothing would stand in his way — man or beast.
Friends, Family and Allies:
Misterie (my OC) — As Agathe/the Enchantress. A mysterious painted wolf sorceress posing as a beggar woman who resides in a hut in the outskirts of town and likes being closer to nature. She had served as a secret test of character for Vale in the events of the prologue and had countered the Devil’s spell similar to Maryweather’s to Maleficent’s from Sleeping Beauty and provided him the enchanted rose and magic mirror. She watches of the girls for two years and is confident that Katie and Vale are destined to be together not just because of breaking the curse.
Glimmer the Galarian Rapidash (Pokémon) — In the role of Philippe. The family horse, Glimmer provided the girls and their allies’ method of transportation when trying to escape from the Devil.
Pikachu (Pokémon) — The family pet and companion to the girls. Pikachu was first found as a small Pichu injured in the woods and adopted into the family. Loyal and protective, Pikachu often zaps Dice and Anubis with a Thunderbolt as a means to tell them to back off from Lexie and Natty. Like most Pokémon and animals, Pikachu has a sixth sense and is the quickest to detect that Thomas isn’t all he makes himself to be.
Liam Jones (Lexie’s OC) — The young sheriff of the village. Lexie has a crush on him, not knowing the feeling the feeling’s neutral as he likes her a lot as well. He is very accepting of the girls’ open-mindedness and creativities and is very in love with Lexie’s kindness and courage. He and Andy joined the girls in their escape from the Devil and is overly protective.
Andrew/Andy Keller (Natty’s OC) — The young baker’s apprentice and Audrey’s twin brother. He has a crush on Natty, who secretly likes him in return. He joins Liam in helping the girls escape from the Devil.
Josh and Audrey (Natty’s OC’s) — The owners of the local bookshop. Katie, Lexie and Natty are their most valued (and only) customers. They are very welcoming and open minded of the girls’ imaginations and dreams, and the most concern about their sudden absence.
Elder Kettle (Cuphead) — A gender switch role of Mrs. Potts.
Cuphead, Mugman and Ms. Chalice (Cuphead) — All sharing the role of Chip.
Lord Rogers (The Swan Princess) — The Cogsworth of the story.
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magic-spirit26 · 1 year
AU Suggestions
Hi everyone Arhi the hedgefox here so this will be new of the blog which are AU suggestions I haven’t said anything about this yet but now I amSo I’ll be taking AU suggestions for my ocs and I’ll list the resent ones below so you can suggest one for me to doMy ocs from the Sonic universe but they are hybridsJake the jaghog (Jaguar and Hedgehog)Danny and Xavier the bunndog twins (Dog and Bunny)Kelly the hedgehogGabe the HedgehogIan the hedgekidna (Hedgehog mix with one I can’t pronounce correctly but it’s a hybrid)Arhi the hedgefox (Fox and hedgehog)Zozo Lucifer (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Lucy (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Isa (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Jack & Nick (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox children)Alex (Mix of 4 characters)Alice (Sil x A)Stacy (Sil x A)Raven (Son x A)Ace (Sha x A)Max (Sha x A)Linda MacyLily CollinMaxwell BlueMaxy  and Macey the hedgebunny (Hedgehog and bunny) Hodarr Zabus Taylor Kai Arhi the Dog Amber the bunny Alex the rabbit Dominic the Rabbit Jessica the Dog  James the Bunny  Max the wolfMikel the catAmanda the hedgehogAce the werehogJack the werehogMaddison the werehogMaddox the werehog Max the werehog Ian the werehog Mike the werehog Micale the werehog Jim the werehog Angel the werehog Zamen the werehog Josh the werehog Nick the werehog John the werehog Kim the werehog Jay the werehog Stacy the rabbit Miranda the dog Jaquinn the hedgehog Kayla the dog Oliver the dog Amilia the cat
Owen the hedgedog
Emma the hedgehog
Olive the rabbit
Angela the hedgedog
Pam the rabbit
Jason the wolf
Jonny the fox
Mason the rabbit
Grayson the cat
Ava the Dog
Conner the hedgehog
Lucas the Hedgehog
Jake the hedgehog
Aaron the hedgehog
Pat the hedgehog
Mat the dog
Jade the hedgehog
Kade the hedgehog
Jema the hedgehog
Kacey the cat
Jeremiah the hedgehog
Kenny the hedgehog
Ken the hedgehog
Melody the cat
Ortensia the hedgehog
Bob the hedgehog
Cole the hedgehog
Opal the hedgehog
Bobby the hedgehog
Chris the hedgehog
Janus the hedgehog
Jackson the hedgehog
Jacob the Hedgehog
McKayla the wolf
Eli the hedgehog
Jin the hedgedog
Layla the dog
June the Dog
Sam the dog
Rosey the rabbit
My exes and others: MS.exe Arhi.exe Danny.exe Xavier.exe Needlefox Isa needle Gorge Spirit Garry Spirit Len Spirit Jake Glitch King Glitch Alice Spirit Gabriela Spirit Ash Spirit Glitch Coby Grown Zosia Way Dallas Grown Maddox Way Marcus grown Mack Grown Ian Way Angela Way Gabe Grown Nick Way Sam way Owne Grown James Grown Jax Way Susan I. Speye and Linda I. Speye (Twins Identical) Karter Spirit Leo error Cristy Curse Cail Curse Ben Magic Kai Chaotic Malissa Chaotic Macey Chaotic Len Magic Nick Needle Nikky Magic Max Grown Sally Spirit Isaac Magic Samuel Spirit Angela Error Alice Needlefox Eil.exe
Backroom oc entities: Anti-gravity jack Ava Isaiah Ghost Sam Demon kitty Spider boi TV man Rainbowy Dreamcore ocs: Austin woodlock Tomas Woodlock (Resent character) tick tock tim/tom blind Emily rabbit Tarry Henry dream Kenny the robot cat Sana the robot rabbit Creepypasta ocs: Lexi Wolf Lost Exe Lost Alex Grey Elizabeth Morningstar
Cuphead OCS:
Cherry Mocha
Green tea
Chocolate mocha
Strawberry Calypso
Orange Jamaica
Black tea
Batim ocs:
MHA ocs:
Danganronpa ocs:
Leo Komaeda
Lucky Komaeda
Roy Komaeda
Lily Komaeda
Roy Hinata
Jim spirit
Jessica Hinata
Cassandra Kamukura
Katy Kamukura
Conner Spirit
Xavier Kamukura
Rosy and Cane
Vanessa Naegi
Sam Spirit
Samara Spirit
Isaac Komaeda
John Spirit
Cortney Naegi
Luna Naegi
Tim Spirit
Madoka Magica ocs:
Lily Jackquin
MVA ocs:
murder drones ocs:
Magic Spirit and Blare Spirit
Tai Kai
Macy Harkquinn
Casella Tarisa
Marcus June Keller John Keller Zen C. Akuma/Damien C. Akuma Zane B. Akuma Mr.Akuma Mrs.Akuma Leon Spirit Amilia Magic Azrail L. Zozo Thomas Quinn A lot more down the line  So here’s a list of all ocs Yes you can ask me to make your ocs into this as well or draw the actual character them selves Please have a good day/Night or afternoon
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
So many new ocs and plot bunnies just throwing it out there any thoughts on new crossovers? (Or not-new crossovers that we just really need to talk about about?)
Omg honestly we've both been having so many new ones so, under the cut because this is BIG (I did just romantic because it was even Bigger with platonic or ones that could be both but I still have the platonic saved so, lmk if you want) (I ended up cutting out some Glee ones as well so if you want the ones left out I can have another, but at least I bolded my faves??)
also. there are more fandoms we have but after like two days of going through these lists my brain hurts so. just lmk if there's any fandom you want in particular <3
Honestly we just need to talk about any Gabe crossover that isn't Ace x Gabe and Ro & Gabe but especially Topher and Evander
Ace and Wrenley give me vibes for some reason, idk what but vibes
Anissa Radcliffe x Stephen
Atalia of Atlantica x Jackie
Atalia of Atlantica x Wrenley
Blossom x Stephen
Callista x Stephen
Chessy x Stephen
Chessy x Emmeline
Chiara x Cosette
Cian x Cosette idk why
Cian x Evelyn idk why
I literally wanna say Cian x Gabe but idk
Cian x Kirsti
Cian x Wrenley
Cosette x Evelyn
Cosette x Ginevra
Elise x Emmeline
Elise x Estelle
Elise x Stephen
Finley x Ginevra
Finley x Stephen
Fitz x/& Gabe I can't figure out the vibes
Fitz x/& Stephen (only x if he isn't with Finley)
Fitz x Ginevra
Gloria x Ruby
Gloria x Annalise
Hannah x Stephen
Hannah x Kirsti
Harley x Wrenley
Harley x Jackie
Honey x Stephen
Honey x Emmeline
(I said just doing romantic here but I do love the idea of Honey & Gabe just saying)
Princess Isabelle x Charlotte
Princess Isabelle x Stephen
Lawson x Cadence
Lawson x Cosette
Lawson x Wrenley
Lucette x Evelyn
Lucette x Cadence
Maria x Wrenley
Noelle x Stephen
Roslyn x Stephen
Roslyn x Wrenley
Roslyn x Emmeline
Roslyn x Cadence
Taryn x Jackie
Tristan x Stephen
Tristan x Gabe
Tristan x Kirsti
Violet x Stephen
Violet x Jackie
Gilmore Girls
Allie x Theo
Allie x Dahlia? Idk I'm getting vibes
Amanda x Thomas (Thomas is truly the Gavin of my Gilmore Girls ocs with all the girlfriends he gets)
Annabel x Caspian
Annabel x Serafina
Antoinette x Serafina
Avery x Caspian
Avery x Serafina
Brady x Caspian?
Cameron x Theo
Catie x Thomas
Charles x Theo
Charles x Jasmine (with Blythe and Kaito or not either way)
Chelsea x Theo
Chelsea x Thomas
Chelsea x Lydia
Cosette x Thomas
Dani x Caspian
Eleanor x Thomas
Eleanor x Theo
Eliya x Lydia
Elle x Caspian
Evan x Theo
Freya x Caspian
Gabi x Jasmine
I kinda want Harry and Troy and Vicki idk with who
Holland x Dahlia
Jane x Theo
Kaylee x Caspian
Kaylee x Theo
Lexi x Dorian
Lia x Theo
Lili x Theo
Lili x Thomas
Lili x Jasmine
Marley x Theo
Sage x Theo
Sage x Jasmine
Sage x Dahlia
Sienna x Caspian
Sophie x Serafina
Sophie x Caspian
Willow x Thomas
Willow x Theo
Willow x Jasmine
Glee (I might be already about to update my list with another but I kept it simple with who's already there lmao but I will come to you with ideas when I add)
Abbie x Christina
Abbie x Felix
Abbie x Steve
Abbie x Xavier
Barbie x Carrie
Barbie x Jupiter
Barbie x Steve
Betty x Felix
Betty x Jupiter
Betty x Steve
Betty x/& Zeke (x if he isn't with Claude???)
Sav/Bobby/Val can really be platonic or romantic with so many of my people I feel like they'd be a whole list on their own
I don't wanna break Camilo and Jo up so, also own list of who could be platonic and romantic
Cece x Christina
Cece x Giselle
Cece x Sophia
Christie x Carrie
Christie x Felicity
Christie x Giselle
Christie x Jupiter
Claude x Beatrice
Claude x Leonard
Claude x Zeke
Cole x Carrie
Cole x Jasper
Cole x Reagan
Cole x Steve
Cole x Xavier
Colton x Ashton (They have their friend verse but I'm definitely not opposed to romance)
Colton x Felix
Colton x Jasper
Colton x Steve
Colton x Xavier
Daphne x Carrie
Daphne x Jupiter
Daphne x Reagan
Daphne x Steve
Delilah x Carrie
Delilah x Giselle
Delilah x Xavier
Demi x Carrie
Demi x Reagan
Dolly x Carrie (if not with Barbie)
Dolly x Felix
Dolly x Jupiter (if not with Barbie)
Dolly x Reagan
Gil x Ashton
Gil x Felix
Gil x Jasper
Gil x Jupiter
Gil x Leonard
Hadley x Christina
Hadley x Giselle
Hadley x Steve
Hadley x Xavier
Hillary x Steve
Holden x Ashton
Holden x Felix
Holden x Jasper
Holden x Leonard
Jaci x Beatrice
Jaci x CJ
Jason x Ashton
Jason x Carrie
Jason x Jupiter
Jason x Sophia
Jeremy x Beatrice
Jeremy x Leonard
Jeremy x Zeke
Josie x Carrie
Josie x Felix
Josie x Steve
Joy x Carrie
Joy x Felix
Joy x Jupiter
Joy x Xavier
June x Carrie
June x Felix
June x Reagan
June x Steve
Kendall x Beatrice
Kendall x CJ
Lilibeth x Kaipo
Lilibeth x Zeke
Logan x Ashton
Logan x Carrie
Logan x Karina
Mac x Jupiter
Mac x Steve
Mac x/& Zeke (if he isn't with Claude??)
Marilyn x Carrie
Marilyn x Christina
Marilyn x Felicity
Marilyn x Giselle
Marilyn x Jupiter
Marilyn x Karina
Maureen x Carrie
Maureen x Reagan
Maureen x Steve
May x Giselle
May x Karina
May x Xavier
Any of the Natalie ones from the Natalie list I gave
Perrie x Christina
Perrie x Reagan
Perrie x Steve
Roxie x Carrie
Roxie x Felix
Roxie x Giselle
Roxie x Steve
Roxie x Xavier
Sadie x Beatrice
Sadie x CJ
Sadie x Leonard
Satine x Christina
Satine x Felix
Satine x Jupiter
Satine x Reagan
Tegan x Carrie
Tegan x Christina
Tegan x Giselle
Tegan x Steve
Tommy x Beatrice
Tommy x Leonard
And any from the Zoe list I gave
Harry Potter
Just this whole list
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💙Thomas x Percy💚
🩷Lady x D10💛
💜Diesel x Duck💚
❤️Donald x Gazelle💙
🧡Douglas x Emily (Me)🩷
💚Oliver x Toad🩶
🖤Mavis x Rosie💜
🩶Timothy x Paxton💚
❤️Salty x Porter🩵
🩷Isabel x Jessica💜
🤎Dulcie x Oswald💚
💛Dilly x Skiff🩵
💛Rebecca x Flying Scotsman💚
🩶Spencer x Daisy💚
💚BoCo x Wendy (Oc)💙
💜Splatter x Pip💙
💛Dodge x Emma💛
🩵Edward x James❤️
🤎Toby x Henrietta🧡
💚Emily x Molly💛
💙Gordon x Fiona💙
💚Henry x Hiro🖤
💛Flora x Hank💙
💚Cranky x Carly💛
💜Charlie (Canon) x Charlie (Oc)❤️
💚Tyrone (Oc) x Balvan (Oc)❤️
💚Eric (Oc) x Penelope (Oc)❤️
🖤Clara🖤 x 🧡Dorothy🧡 x 💙Anthony💛
🩵Lexi x Theo🤎
💙Millie x Victor❤️
💛Kevin x Philip💚
💚Madge x Duncan🧡
❤️Rheneas x Skarloey❤️
💚Peter Sam x Sir Handel💙
❤️Mike❤️ x 💙Bert💙 x 💚Rex💚
💜Ryan x Arthur❤️
❤️Caroline x Bertie❤️
❤️Bulgy x Elizabeth❤️
💛Beatrice x Isabella💛
💛Stephen x Glynn❤️
💚Whiff x Scruff💚
���️Flynn x Belle💙
🧡Marion x Timothy (Alive Engine)💙
💛Bill x Bash🧡
💛Ben x Dash🩶
💚Trevor x Terence🧡
🩷Caitlin x Connor🩵
🧡Den x Dart💛
💚Frankie x Hurricane🤎
❤️Harvey x Rocky❤️
🤍Harold x Jeremy🩵
💙Mighty Mac x Freddy🩶
🩶The Spiteful Breakvan x Scruffy🤎
🧡Nia x Kana💜
🩶Cadogan x Darrell💙
🖤Dane x Edalyn ❤️
💙Hawin x Bella🤎
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
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that work stays slow so I can keep writing, i have a bunch of stuff in progress right now and its getting so good.
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darksideofparis · 1 year
Send me a letter from A-Z and if I have an OC whose name begins with that letter, I’ll tell you their: 
A- OC=Alex Locke
Full name: Alexandria Nicole Locke
Nicknames: ‘Alex’ for everyday use; ‘Ally’, by the Doctor only; ‘Lexie’, by Jack Harkness only
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, though not opposed to the idea of dating women
A Song I Associate With Them: ‘Look What God Gave Her’ by Thomas Rhett
3 Important Relationships: The Doctor, Lacey Abernathy, and Marigold Abernathy
2 Fears and 1 Element of their Backstory: Alex is afraid of water and being held against her will/away from the Doctor. For backstory, Alex cannot stand the sight of marshmallows because those were what she used to quit smoking in high school. Nicotine craving? Eat a marshmallow or ten. The sight of them now makes Alex physically ill.
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Send me a letter from A-Z and if I have an OC whose name begins with that letter, l'll tell you their:
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sanguishqs · 2 months
TVD:  Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan, Jeremy Gilbert, Enzo St. John, Vicki Donovan, Katherine Pierce, Rose, Lexi Branson, Luke Parker, Liv Parker, Isobel Flemming, April Young, Anna, Nora Hildegard, Emily Bennett, Jo Laughlin.
TO: Elijah Mikaelson, Freya Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard, Josh Rosza, Jackson Kenner, Camille O'Connell, Aiden, Vincent Griffith, Finn Mikaelson, Aurora De'Martel, Lucien Castle, Antoinette, Declan, Roman Sienna.
LEGACIES: MG, Rafael Waithe, Ethan, Penelope Park, Sebastian, Ryan Clarke, Cleo Sowande, Kaleb Hawkins, Kym Hawkins, Maya Machado, Alyssa Chang, Jed, Prometheus, Finch Tarrayo, Jade.
OC’S: Freya Allan, Halle Bailey, Jenna Ortega, Lola Tung, Sofia Wylie, Adeline Rudolph, Aisha Dee, Alex Fitzalan, Alexandra Shipp, Amber Midthunder, Alva Bratt, Alisha Boe, Anya Chalotra, Anya Taylor Joy, Arsema Thomas, Avan Jogia, Aubrey Joseph, Ashley Argota, Bailee Madison, Billie Lourd, Bianca Santos, Brianna Hildebrand, Carlson Young, Camila Mendes, Charles Melton, Chase Stokes, Diego Boneta, Oliver Stark, Ryan Guzman.
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fideliushqs · 9 months
Mw fcs for ocs ?
hello lovely annon! Gosh there's too many, but here are some of our favorites.
taylor russell, thomas weatherall, taylor zakar perez, julia dalavia, rish shah, lee dohyun, megan suri, laura harrier, eddie liu, greta onieogou, prajakta koli, ayo edebiri, michael evans behling, courtney eaton, kit connor, woo do hwan, michael cimino, ella purnell, halston sage, chase sui wonders, mackenyu, savannah lee smith, liv hewson, felix mallard, jonathan daviss, jonah hauer king, daniel ezra, madelyn cline, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, will poulter, alva bratt, yandeh sallah, joshua orpin, zorzo natharuetai, lola tung, melissa barrera, henry zaga, drew starkley, havana rose liu, josh heuston, greg hsu, maxence danet fauvel, mason gooding, evan mock, rachel sennott, rain spencer, ruby cruz, nicholas galitzine, mint ranchrawee, mackenyu, tati gabrielle, nicole maines, lexi underwood, anthony keyvan, grace van dien, jeff satur, alex fitzalan, eva reign, zión moreno, brianne tju, chloé hayden, apo nattawin, samantha aucoin, medalion rahimi, michael cimino, & sohan pague.
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keanuloverrrr · 2 years
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Lily wakes up,it’s their anniversary day.. lily is dreaming up abour covered in roses, as she wakes up to white and yellow roses boquet,lily makes the most adorable smiling face as she runs up the living room to a John in glasses reading newspaper,and she jump on him and say happy anniversary my John, John hugs her back even tighter, how did you know I like yellow and white roses she has the most adorable smile on her face, John says” I read in your notebook love you brought with you,your school notebook, that your favourite flowers are these. Lily with sad face says :” I will give you a present too don’t worry I wanted to be the first to give she makes 🥺face,John grabs her and makes her sit on her lap”are you kidding me, I already have my present it’s you, lily says no I wanna give you something,John says my girl is my best present I could have asked for,and John smirks as he puts his hand inside her skirt and whispers in her ear, and your pussy lily,John gets a hard on,but he controls himself for the night that was about to come,lily blushes, as she pinches him, lily starts to tease John,lily pushes her leg on johns chest,bites her lip,John knows she is tying to tease him,he loves how comfortable she is now,even tho is she still so modest, John trying his best to control himself,as the night arrives,john and lily getting ready for the dinner they planned,John and lily have the most romantic dinner at the rooftop of the most luxury hotel, lily says with shy smile, John it’s 12 don’t you think we should be home now, John says we are staying the night here lily at the hotel room, lily surprised and blushes, John takes lily to bedroom, bedroom with just candles and everything red,lily turns around to John walking towards her as she slips on bed slowly slowly as she lays her head on the red pillow ,John takes his shirt off, as aggressively tears the dress lily was wearing,lily shivers,as John grabs her face and kisses her hard on lips,lily as tries to kiss John back ,John bites her lips she lets out a little scream, John that hurt lily makes 🥺face as John spread her legs, John says lily I’m gonna shove this dick up your butthole, is that right with you,lily startled,John you never done that and I heard it hurts so bad,John says I would make sure to stop when it hurts lil,John positions lily, as lily with tears in her eyes say “go do it,John pushes his full 10 inch length in her,as lily screams her lungs out,John immediately stops and lily cries like a baby,John grabs her places her on her lap as he sits on the edge of bed”no, no omg lily I knew that would hurt really bad, lily says “it’s alright I wanna make you happy, John insists on not doing it as lily insist she wants it,lily with tears in her eyes controls and bears every pain from every thrust,as John moans and growls”yes even your butthole so tight lily,John cums on her butthole,as he immediately pushes his cock in her Pussy,John fucks her pussy hole so hard,Lily’s whole body is making movement,as John grows hornier and hornier seeing her little tits jiggle, john sucks in her nipples as he fucks her harder,lily begins to rub her Pussy,as John let’s out huge growl and shoots his load,lily embarrassingly stops rubbing her pussy as she sees John just came,John opens lily legs even wider flips her around and eats her from behind,lily screams in pleasure,as she pushes her butt more in johns face, lily cums,and falls on bed her whole body weak from climaxing.John licks his lips,and places kisses all over Lily,John kisses lily on stomach and tells her how much he loves her. Lily says with little teary smile says”can I sleep now ?.John kisses her forehead Ofcource my love,John places another kiss on Lily’s forehead,as he lays behind her, spoons her,lily has tears in her eyes,John notices and flips her over ,lily my baby why you crying,John with the most worried look says “fuck,lily I was harsh right ?,lily says no it’s okay,I thought you gonna go slow today and you know make love,John whole face drops as he says my love i want that too,let’s do it
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blue-beerry · 6 years
Hey guys! This is the second kiddo that I draw!
She is a kiddo created by @lexy-lucitor-lynn-thomas *-*
Hope u like it, cause I like 😍❤
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