#hey guys? may was a fucked month. now i get to spend the rest of the summer unpacking it.
shoutsindwarvish · 1 year
got back from chicago about 12 hours ago. it is 2:23 AM.
i’m wide awake and have listened to “heroin” by the velvet underground twice in a row under headphones with the volume cranked up
i should try to get into bed
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moonstruckme · 4 months
if your not taking requests feel free to ignore me
could u do camp counselor james! where he and reader reunite next summer at the start of a new camp session?
I am lovely, don't worry! Thank you for requesting :)
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 884 words
It’s early May, and the sun is still pleasant. After last year, you know to relish the first few cool nights in the cabin, before the summer heat sets in and you become dependent on tiny handheld fans and those popsicles from the canteen. For now you’re enjoying it, the wooden boards of the dock warm under your thighs and your head tilted up to the sun as your toes kiss the cool water. 
The air smells like pine and fresh water. In a few days, all you’ll be able to hear are kids screaming exuberantly, splashing around in the water and small feet pounding on the dirt, but now it’s just the sloshing of the waves against the shore, the steady thunk of the canoe someone’s already gotten out hitting the dock. It’s peaceful. Meditative. And maybe it’s because you’re so focussed on that that you don’t hear James’ car pull into the gravel parking lot, or his friends bickering about who has to carry what inside, or really much of anything until there’s a set of footsteps approaching from behind you, and you turn around. 
“James!” You’re every inch the girlfriend in a movie, embarrassingly so, but you’re too excited to second-guess yourself as you get your feet under you and run to meet him. 
“Hey,” James laughs, stopping a second before you do to brace for impact. He grabs you under your legs and hoists them up around his waist, grinning hugely as he pecks you on the lips. “Hey, careful, no bare feet on the grass, remember?” 
You roll your eyes. You’re not supposed to let the kids run around without their shoes in case there’s some broken glass or something, but there never is. “You just wanted to pick me up,” you say. 
James’ smile widens. “Yeah, you got me.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck as he crushes you to his front, both of you gripping the other like you’re expecting to be torn apart. He can’t have been here more than half an hour, but James already smells like camp, sunscreen and something woodsy mingling with the smell of his shampoo. 
“I missed you,” you admit, turning your lips into the side of his head. 
James hugs you impossibly tighter. “I’m so glad you get it, angel. I was telling Sirius about how much I missed you on the way here, and he was being very unsympathetic about it. Deeply coldhearted, really—” 
“Fuck off,” says Sirius, and you look over James’ shoulder to see him and Remus approaching. “You saw each other last weekend!” 
“God, don’t remind me!” James lets you go just enough to smush his lips to yours. “Far too long. Cruel, unusual treatment.” 
Sirius humphs. “And yet you were apart from us for three months last summer, and I didn’t hear nearly so much of bereavement.” 
You smile and pat your boyfriend’s shoulder, a silent request for him to put you down. 
“Trust me,” you say, going over to hug Sirius, “the rest of us did. He was waxing poetic about you all summer. I think the kids were a bit worried.” 
“Yes, well.” Sirius cracks, grinning as he kisses you on the cheek. “As he should.” 
“Hi, lovely.” Remus looks thoroughly worn out from the long drive—or more likely, from his friends’ bickering the whole way—but he scrubs a fond hand up and down your back as you squeeze him around the middle. 
“I can’t believe you guys are here,” you say, beaming as you peel away from him. James immediately pulls you back against his front, his arms twined loosely around your waist. 
“We couldn’t very well leave him to wax poetic all summer again.” Remus smiles, and Sirius nods fervently. 
“You should have seen him, babe,” he says. “He was having a proper crisis over it. Now I’ve got to spend my whole summer doing charity work just to keep him from being torn apart.” 
“They do pay us,” James reminds him. 
Sirius waves him off. “For those wages? It’s charity work.” 
You lean your head back on James’ shoulder, sinking into his hold. You do have some inkling of the crisis Sirius is talking about; when your boss at camp had called him a couple of months ago and he’d been faced with either not seeing you for the three months you’d be here or going with you and not seeing his friends like he did last year, he’d put her off for weeks before deciding. In the end, Remus hadn’t been difficult at all to convince. He’s always wanted to work with kids, but James had to pitch the idea of being an art instructor to Sirius relentlessly before he’d finally agreed. 
You loved getting to know James last summer, and getting to see him in his element when you went to visit him on weekends throughout the year, but you suspect that now, with all his favorite people in one place for the entire summer, you’ll get to witness the happiest version of him you’ve seen yet. 
“The kids don’t get here until Thursday,” you say. “Want to see if we can have a bonfire tonight?” 
James chuckles. He leans over your shoulder to kiss your cheek, his smile unmissable against your skin. “Those are always fun.” 
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dorayakichan · 1 year
may I req dating + how you guys met hcs with minu, owen & vinny? If its possible could you also do noah and kaneshiro? take your time and thank you
Windbreaker: first meeting + confession + dating headcanon (Part 1)
Pairing: Owen, Vinny, Minu x gn!reader
A/N: Hi! I think I got really carried away with this one, especially with the Owen one so I couldn't put everyone in here. I'll be making a part 2 for Kaneshiro, Noah and maybe someone else.
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You happened to meet Owen during a race. It was not a friendly meeting at all though. 
During the race, Owen for the first had had difficulty beating someone else but in the end, he had won 1st place. He had heard a lot of things about you like how you had worked twice as hard as others to achieve the results you had right now. How you never rested and always trained even after a race. How your reputation and name had skyrocketed after that 1 year of break you had taken. 
There was a lot of commotion when people saw you enter the race that day and most comments were about how they were not expecting much from someone who had taken such a long break. 
Yet, you did it, you earned second place just some seconds behind the one and only Owen Knight. It was impressive, and Owen himself was fascinated by that.
So as you were sitting down to rest after having bought water you saw the blonde guy striding towards you with confident steps, the medal of the first place dangling on his neck as his sunglasses gave a vibe of arrogance to it all. 
 It was annoying to look at, for some reason. Well, as you didn’t have to deal with him that was fine. You lowered your head, closing your eyes for a second as you were totally exhausted.
“Hey, wanna race?” you heard a voice say from up above you. You raised your head just to be met with the confident grin on the blondie's face.
Annoying, you thought. “No, thank you.” You lowered your head again, closing your eyes one more time hoping this time you could actually get some rest.
“What are you scared you might lose?” 
Great now I have to deal with this one, you thought looking up once again. “Fuck off.” was your answer making people who were observing the interaction gasp. 
He raised an eyebrow taking off his glasses. His smile having already faltered, shifting into a serious one. “Why?” He asked not giving up.
You got up glaring at him. “I don’t want to, prick,” you said, pushing him away and leaving.
After all that interaction everybody had started talking about how bad your personality was and how it was obvious you were scared to race with Owen and bullshit like that. Yet, that didn’t faze you, you were just too tired. You had been training so hard the last few months without even taking a break, not to mention the fact that you had been arguing with your parents as they wanted you to give up on cycling. You would spend days outside coming home only late at night barely eating anything. 
It was a miracle how you were still holding on, and even ended up second while racing against some of the best racers in the world. So yeah, you were not in the best of moods or states. Now that you had finally finished all you wanted was to rest but you had to deal with the annoying blonde guy who had won first place. It’s not like you wouldn’t have liked taking him up on the challenge but his attitude and your current state made you react like that.
After that one race Owen didn't approach you anymore and his crew mates would always throw daggers at you when you encountered each other in the competition. On the other hand, Owen was furious, he felt like you had gone too far reacting to him asking such a simple thing to you.
He liked the way you raced and he had always held a lot of respect for you, still, you went on and treated him like that. 
After the race, he was standing at the back of an alley waiting for Harry to go and get his phone he had forgotten and left behind. 
That’s when he saw you walking not far from him. You didn’t notice him as you seemed too immersed in the conversation on the phone. “What do you mean you’re taking my money? Yes, you are my parents and legal guardians but that money is the one I earned.” She stopped just some steps away from Owen anywhere in his presence.
“Mom I get it you don’t like it, but I’m still going to do it. This is my dream….” silence “ Oh, so you are going to leave me penniless and starving on the street now? And even rob the money I won by working hard for myself?” silence again. “You know what, I’d rather live in the streets than be on the same rooftop as people like you. I’m done.” You said ending the call.
To say Owen was shocked was an understatement. The guy felt totally horrible after he saw you crouching down on the spot and starting to weep. He wanted to talk but his timing had passed because if he revealed he was there now, you could end up feeling worse. So he kept silent as he stared at your weeping and crouching form.  
“I’m back.” Harry’s voice came from the other side as both your and Owen's heads turned in his direction. That’s when you noticed Owen sitting there, eyes wide open as he looked at you with an expression of pity on his face. He had heard everything.
“Hey! Owen c’mon let’s go!” Harry said coming closer at that moment noticing your presence as your and Owen's eyes were glued to each-other. “Oh, isn’t this…” You couldn’t hear the rest as your eyes blacked out and you lost consciousness.
After that day Owen took you to the hospital, always coming and helping you with everything even asking you to become part of his crew. In the beginning, you felt ashamed you didn’t want him to pity you or anyone for that matter, and got angry at him. But after his continuous persistence you agreed and that’s how you became part of the Light Cavalry.
In the beginning, everyone was wary of you, but with time your kindness crept inside the heart of everyone in the crew, including Owens.
You were not only kind but also very courageous and straightforward. You always said what was on your mind, and when you thought it was alright went head-on into situations that other people would have to think twice about or never even think of going that far.
One of those was when you sprained your leg badly. Owen, although he had started having a soft spot for you, was very harsh when it came to you not respecting your own body and not taking care of yourself. So that day you were not supposed to be part of the team that would enter the competition. Owen was not there that day, so it was only you and the others.
As you were all waiting to start you saw one of the other members of the crew come. He looked pale as if all the color had been drained out of him. “Tommy, what’s wrong?” Harry asked in a worried voice. Tommy was unable to answer before he started vomiting. You all were not sure what it was but the next thing that happened was the ambulance coming and Tommy getting sent to the hospital.
“What do we do now? We have one less member, they won’t allow us to participate this way. I’ll call Owen.” Noah, who took out her phone ready to call, was stopped by you. “You know Owen has an important meeting with our sponsor today. If we were to lose them we’re done for we can’t possibly ask him to come here now. Plus he would still be late even if he rushed here.”
“What do you suggest then? The only available member here is you and…” she stopped as she saw you nodding. “You’re injured and Owen repeatedly told us to keep you away from anything that would hurt your leg until you fully recovered.” 
“There is no other option.” You were determined and all of them including Noah knew how stubborn you were. So they just accepted it, ready to get reprimanded by Owen later, but as you had said it was the only option.
Your team won the race, although at the last moments, you ended up barely feeling your leg anymore. You were unsure how you still carried on but you were able to touch the finish line first, with the others coming not far after you. Seconds later you fell on the pavement unable to get up as you couldn’t feel your leg anymore.
When Owen came to find you at the hospital having found out about everything he didn’t talk to you, he just saw you once and left furious out of there. In the days that came by you were not allowed to leave the hospital until you fully recovered, by Owens order. He had been so angry shouting at everyone for being careless and didn’t even come once to meet you. All of these things were told to you by the rest of the crew who would daily come and stay for some time with you.
After getting discharged the first thing you did was go to Owen. In the beginning, you were unable to find him as you searched everywhere, what you didn’t expect was to find him in the alley where you had fainted that day he found out the truth about you.
As he was sitting right at the same spot as that day you sat next to him. That’s when he finally talked pouring all his feelings and worrying, telling you every detail of how he felt that day when he heard you were sent to the hospital, how his heart would clench every time you did such reckless stuff, and how he had actually fallen for you. 
At first, it took you by surprise out of everything, Owen being in love with you that was the most unexpected thing you had ever heard. But you also knew inside you that you had also been secretly liking him for sometime and as much as you had tried to suppress those feelings, the moment that he poured his heart out at you, you decided to accept them.
That’s how you both started dating and let’s say caused quite the headache to the crew who from now on had to deal with Owen's over the top lovey-dovey attitude towards you.
It was a rainy Friday night when you first met Vinny, not the best time to be out and about, but here you were inside the convenience store eating some snacks while waiting for the rain to stop. 
“If it’s going to continue like this we might even expect flooding really soon.” That lady that was working at the convenience store said as she looked at you buying a second batch of snacks to pass time.
“Let’s hope not,” you said paying and sitting down on one of the stools looking outside the window.
As you continued eating you heard the door open. Coming inside was a drenched red haired boy from head to toe. The lady working there gave him a towel as she felt sorry for him and told him to sit on one of the stools on the window.
The red haired boy came sitting one stool away from yours as he continued drying himself. You noticed how one of his eyes was red. Besides that, he looked absolutely handsome. And the way he dried his wet red hair was so hot. Not to mention the drenched white shirt he was wearing, showing all there was to his well-sculpted body.
Noticing your stare he turned his head glaring at you. “What do you want?” his tone angry, warning you to better stay quiet and not speak.
“You’re hot.” Words which came to the red haired guy as quite the shock. 
He did not reply, turning to look at the flooding street. While you continued snacking. Occasionally you would open your chips or biscuits and push it towards him. In the beginning, he would not as much as stare at it.
“What are you doing?” he asked after the 10th time of you doing the same exact thing again. “Jeez, what’s with the attitude I was just trying to be nice. It’s going to take some time for it to stop and you look bored so I thought a snack could help you pass some time,” you answered. “But anyway suit yourself, I guess.” 
After that, some time passed while your bag of chips was still in the middle Vinny, started taking some. And that’s how you spent a good 4 hours together until the rain stopped that night.
After that you occasionally so Vinny, some of the guys you were in class with. That’s also how you found out he was part of their cycling crew.
You also would occasionally meet him at that same convenience store and as always offer him snacks or sit with him if he seemed to be staying for a while. There was also quite a change in his attitude, beside the very frequent meetings you would have there which seemed more than just mere coincidence he would always take his spot next to you. He didn’t need you to invite him anymore, he would just sit there with two of your favorite snacks or drinks, one for you and one for himself. 
That’s how one day out of the blue you asked him if he liked you. “What? No.” Vinny said getting up and ready to leave the store. “But I do. Do you want to date me?” you decided to take that step as you could see with his personality he would never.
It took more than that for Vinny to finally accept dating you but when he did. Dating him was the sweetest thing that could have happened to you. He didn’t have much so he couldn’t buy stuff for you, but he would emotionally be always there no matter how bad the situation was he was always by your side in good and bad times. 
And that’s what you loved about the relationship with him, you knew he was present, and you knew he undoubtedly loved you and only you going as far as to present you to his crew too. 
Meeting Minu for the first time was during one of both your father's dinner meetings. You would usually meet Yumi accompanying her father, so it was quite strange to meet her brother Minu, who had been a mystery until then.
At the beginning of the dinner, your fathers started talking with each-other about business plans and the recent news of their new investments as the conversation continued you and Minu would just glance at one another and that was it. 
Then the conversation went to the topic of your school life and as always your father started boasting about your accomplishments and how you had been a genius in literally everything since a young child and how he was so proud of you. Then the other parent would start boasting about their kid too and so on a never ending story of whose kid was the best. It had become so normal to hear that, that you would always space out in the middle of their talk since the only thing you had to do was nod and smile. 
But when it came to Minu’s dad, you had to come back from the spacing out. He did not compliment Minu as how it was usually supposed to be. In fact, he talked about how he was quite lacking in many areas and that he was very obsessed with cycling. Not that you cared much about that but when you saw the guy's expression darken as his father was talking about how cycling had no value and such and that he needed to start getting more interested in business.
Something in you felt bad about that so you decided to interfere. “What? Cycling? You must be amazing at it then, I guess I can’t compare to that. I’ve never been that good at it, although I’ve always wanted to.” your words caught both of their attention. Making Minu's father stop in the middle of what he was saying. 
“You’re really interested?” Minu asked, a hue of disbelief flashing in his eyes. He had definitely caught on to your lie, as had your father who on the contrary was just waiting to see what you would pull out with this.
“Yep! It’s amazing it’s rare to find someone who is actually interested in cycling and is good at it.” you continued blabbering on as Minu chipped in some words here and there.
“Dad, I think we are interrupting you both. May I and Minu be excused to go out and talk more about this?” Your dad grinned, finally understanding your intentions as he looked at Minu’s father. “I guess the youngsters wouldn’t be that interested in our old men talk.” He said as Minu’s father agreed.
“I guess you achieved your goal, you don’t have to hide it anymore.” Minu’s voice stopping you from stepping outside the door and into the garden next to the restaurant. 
You flashed him a smile. “Do I have to thank you for this?” He asked. “Nah, I wanted to escape from that too. You just gave me a reason to breathe some fresh air.” You lied although you had to admit it was getting too stuffy in there so maybe it was not a complete lie.
After that, he asked you to exchange phone numbers, so if you ever found yourself in a predicament he would repay you that day. 
In the beginning, you didn’t text each-other. Then one day you asked him which model of bicycle to use as a beginner as you had actually become interested in cycling and that was when it all really started. He would help you decide, and give you recommendations or tips on what to do.
There were days he would even come by so he could help you practice and stuff. You are not sure if you started this whole thing due to Minu but with time you could see that it was mostly due to him. His face and words had lingered so much in your mind after that day and every day after leading you to how things were going right now.
Minu in the beginning was there just to help but with time he saw how his visits became more and more frequent and even if that day you didn’t feel like cycling or didn’t have time he would still stay with you, go out with you even eat out with you. So much so that he decided, it was the moment.
One day while you were practicing you fell and hurt your leg, a worried expression on Minu’s face as he helped disinfect it and patch it up. “Thank y…..” you were unable to finish the sentence as Minu hoisted you up in a bridal style refusing to let you walk until you reached your bed.
After that, he would come every day to take care of you and one day as you told him he didn’t have to do it all the time, he stopped in his tracks, sitting down on your bed next to you. 
"I have to tell you something." He paused for a brief moment to gather his ideas in order to communicate them as clearly as possible. "I think I like you." He swallowed hard after averting his gaze in order to avoid looking you in the eyes. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way..." but he was engulfed in a hug by none other than you as you admitted to liking him back.
And that’s how you ended up dating. In the beginning, he was always trying to act cool and show off his biking skills which would make you giggle. It was so cute looking at him trying his best to be a cool boyfriend. 
But with time you explained to him that you fell for the Minu who was himself that didn’t need to act cool because he already was. After that he didn’t try as hard, he never needed to anyway as you had already given your heart to him. 
He would buy you gifts and take you everytime he had a competition never stepping down from his role as your personal cycling trainer, which became more about him acting as if he wanted to correct you just to hold you or touch you, while you teasingly would lean on his touch loving the way how he was the only one who could make your heart beat this way.
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pattypanini · 6 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me Chapter 5- Rules
Josh Kiszka x Reader AND slight Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: Around 4k
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the fifth chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! Thank you so much for all the support, we appreciate it all. Here is the taglist incase anyone wants to be added to it: TAGLIST. This is our last 'smaller' chapter but its filled with lots of good stuff. We hope you enjoy chapter 5, Rules.
Also get ready for smut because it doesn't end from here, only gets worse. LOL. And get more use to Jake, because we’re going to be seeing a lot more of him soon 😘
Next chapter coming this Thursday!
Warnings: 18+, SMUTTTTT, Unprotected sex, Tit fondling, Fingering, Oral (F receiving), Angst, Flirting, Cursing, Hickeys, Alcohol, not good coping mechanisms, jealousy, heavy petting. (lmk if i forgot anything!)
Y/n’s POV:
Walking to class the next morning was an experience. You both ended up sleeping through the alarm and had to get ready at his house. So that meant having to go to class in his sweats and t-shirt from last night. Charlotte wasn’t the happiest that you didn’t walk with her to class, in fact you ended up being half an hour late to your lecture, but telling her about the night distracted her from her anger.
“He may or may not have eaten me out..” You raise your eyebrows, as you tilt your cold brew up to your lips, taking a swig. 
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Charlotte covers her mouth to keep her drink in. 
“Char, quiet down please. I don’t think all of Starbucks wants to know about my night,” you scolded her with a chuckle. It had become routine to go to Starbucks after your first class due to the break you both had before your next one. 
“Well… how was it? Was he good?” Charlotte presses. 
“It was really good. A lot better than I expected, I’ll say that. His talkativeness definitely translates into the bedroom.”  
“Omg, I bet you're looking forward to practicing now. I mean you guys are, like, practically married at this point.” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, in a teasing manner. 
To be honest you weren’t looking forward to practice this afternoon knowing that Lindsey would be expecting a cover of your adventures of last night, and that Josh would be listening to it to hear what you rated his performance. So fucking cocky. 
“Umm yeah, sure I guess I’m excited.” You respond, knowing you were completely lying to her.
You finish your drinks and say your goodbyes, making your way to your hour and a half long class that you would spend most of the time online shopping. 
First week of April 2023- Spring Semester- Junior Year
The rest of the week, practice goes fairly smooth. It was now the beginning of April and you were enjoying your time at practice, feeling very confident in your role. You still had a little over a month before the real deal but everyone was making good progress. But of course something was nagging at you. Josh was still talking and flirting with that bitch, Sophia. Yeah you were a little jealous, but so was she. She wanted Josh so bad and can’t take seeing Josh being flirty with you. 
When everyone was trying out, Sophia explained that she would be soooo perfect for the role of Sophie. Apparently, she's not as perfect as she thinks because you’re the one that got the lead. Guys only want her because she has a fat ass, but she’s just a fucking airhead. All looks, no brains and definitely no personality. She was very rude to everyone she met except for guys. You didn’t understand how Josh couldn’t see that. Or maybe he did, and he just wanted you to get jealous. Asshole.
By the time it hit Friday you were so done with the week. You were kinda excited to hangout with Josh this weekend since you barely talked during the week, but you couldn't seem too desperate. 
You walk over to Josh who is still talking to Sophia way after practice ended to talk to him about the weekend. “Hey Sophia, are you done talking to Josh?”
“I’m actually not sooo.”
“It was a rhetorical question dumbass soooo, bye.” You give a bitchy smile, sending her on her way. Josh turns to you with a confused look on his face. 
“Uhhh what the fuck y/n?”
“Did you really have any interest in what she was saying, because your body language alone shows literally anything but interest.”
He rolls his eyes, waiting for what you have to say.
“Are we hanging out this weekend?”
“Why so desperate for me y/n? Did Monday night really change you.” He says smirking, eyeing you up and down.
“Sorry for wanting to be around you, besides I can’t be hanging out with anyone else, but you don’t seem to be holding up your end of the bargain so I guess it doesn’t matter. So what are you doing tonight?”
“I’m going to the Alpha Delta Phi house tonight for their party, but you're not coming, those guys would be all over you.”
“Is Sophia coming?”
“Yeah but only because she heard I was going, but you're not coming.”
“Okay fine. I’ll just call Mark to have him over. See you on Monday.” You turn, beginning to walk away before you feel a hand grab your shoulder, turning you Josh’s way.
“No you're not!” He says looking deep into your eyes with anger, and jealousy. “If you're coming you're staying with me, got it?”
You nod your head with innocence and leave without another word. Tonight was going to be fun, and Josh would finally realize why no other girl could ever replace you.
The shower was relaxing, especially after a week of long practices and stupid classes. You just wanted to unwind and get a little drunk at tonight's party. You weren’t super thrilled when Sophia said she wanted to come to the party, not that you care about her being around everyone. You just didn't want to hear her yap all night, that was your job. 
You wanted to pick out an outfit that you knew y/n would like, but she really hasn’t expressed what she likes on you, so you opted to stick with your basics, a white t-shirt, khaki shorts, and high top white vans. 
You quickly shoved your pen in your pocket and keys and you and Jake started heading towards the main road. You texted y/n that you would meet her outside the frat house at 11:15 before you went in. You wouldn’t let her walk into that damn house alone, even though she probably has a million times.
The walk to the house was quiet. Jake has obviously been flirting with y/n, but she wasn’t reciprocating it so you didn’t worry. When you finally got there you waited outside and sent y/n a text. 
11:13pm Josh: We’re here, where are you?
11:13 pm y/n: I’m on the street, chill.
You waited a moment and scrolled on your phone until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see her. Holy shit. She was pure beauty. Y/n stands there wearing a plum corset top with black leather pants and black docs. Her long hair was curled loosely and fell over her shoulders perfectly. Her makeup was gorgeous and perfectly accentuated her features. You hadn't realized how long you had been staring for before y/n said something. 
“Josh, hello? Are you good?” She flashed her perfect, white teeth at you.
“Oh yeah, we can head in.” You notice her necklace is off centered and reach forward to fix it, lining the initial in the middle of her collarbone. 
“Thanks Joshy.” She smiles at you and makes her way up the stairs as you turn to look at Jake.
“Pick your jaw off the floor Jake, she's not yours bud.”
“We’ll see about that, brother.” He pats you on the back, a stupid smirk plastered across his face, following y/n’s footsteps.
I’m gonna kill him. 
Something about tonight made you think you were going to need a fair amount of alcohol. You make your way to the kitchen where bottles are scattered across the counter tops. The rooms were dark and overstimulating with all the music and people. You make your way across the room on the creaky floors into the kitchen. You grab a cup for you and y/n and attempt to find her in the ocean of people. When you finally find her dancing with some of her friends you tap her and hand her her drink. 
“Thanks Joshyyy.” She smiles, takes a sip, and continues to dance. She already seems a little tipsy.
“Did you drink already?” You ask, taking a sip of your own drink.
“I meannnn, I had a few shots before I came, but I’m tot-ally in control.” She says slurring her words. She grabs you by your shirt pulling you into her, forcing you to dance with her. In her drunken state, you feel a splash of something soak into your white shirt. “Josh, oh my god, I’m sorryyy.”
“Fuck. Uh, it’s fine,” You were pissed, slightly embarrassed as well. Annoyed, you stomp away from her to find some napkins.
As you enter the kitchen, you locate the napkins and look over to y/n’s direction. You see she’s already found another guy. She leans her head on the mystery man’s shoulder, loudly speaking into his ear. 
“My number is 517, wait, that's not close. Um, haha. Uh, 273- 5. Wait fuck- its actually 274,” she screams into his ear, laughing hysterically. “The last four digits are-”
You’ve had enough, you race towards her leaning into her ear. “What did you not understand about our deal?” You say through gritted teeth, speaking just loud enough so only she could hear. 
“I’m only being nice. Cool it.” She snaps back at you, defensively. 
“Fine. I guess I can be ‘nice’ too, hm?” You walk away from her, beginning to regret letting her come along. You grab your pen from your pocket and take a quick hit, followed by another sip of the mixed drink. You make your way to the dance floor, looking for her. When your eyes spot her, you quickly make your way over.
You reach your hand out to her, inviting her to dance with you. “ Care to dance?” You offer her a syrupy, sweet smile. Your eyes plead with her to say ‘yes’.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Sophia takes your hand and you guide her so her back is pressed against your front. The song Kill The Lights begins to blare through the speakers, undoubtedly rupturing anyone’s eardrums who were in close vicinity. The strobe lights flicker around the, otherwise, dark room. Your hands land on her hips, grinding her ass into your semi-hard dick. She looked lovely tonight dressed in an emerald green bodysuit paired with black skinny jeans. Her tits practically falling out of her top and her jeans perfectly highlighting her curvy hips. 
“You look pretty tonight, Soph,” You lean down and whisper into her ear.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Kiszka,” she retorts, biting her lip and grinding harder into you.
“Oh fuck,” the friction of her grinding was beginning to get to you. You break away from her, turning her around to face you. “Want me to fill up your drink?”
“Please,” she hands you her cup and you scurry off to the kitchen, yet again. It appeared to be your favorite place tonight. You find yourself looking y/n’s way, to see her staring back at you. 
Y/n’s POV
Are you fucking joking. After everything you guys talked about, he still takes it as a fucking joke. Well, maybe you weren't one to talk, but two can play at that game. You make your way through the crowd, in search of a Kiszka twin, and certainly not the slutty, fuckboy twin. You see him standing leaning against the wall, beer in hand. His black button up only buttoned to his navel, enticing you even more. “Can you dance?” You ask him, batting your lashes at Jake. 
“Fuck, yeah!” You grab his hand forcefully pulling him to the dance floor, and right pass Josh so he can see you and his twin walking by, hand and hand. Blame It by Jamie Foxx and T- Pain begins to play and that was enough to get you in a certain mood. You left no time to start grinding up on Jake, pressing your ass into his dick. 
His hands began feeling up and down your body, going from your ass, around your hips, up to your waist. As you look deep into Josh’s eyes you grab Jake's hands and begin to reach down pulling them higher so they are just below your tits. Your hips sway against him, feeling his dick harden into your ass. 
“y/n…” Jake mumbles into your ear, seductively. “Damn..” You move his hands to sit right on top of your tits and he gives them a light squeeze. “... you’re so fucking beautiful.” 
You would hate this type of PDA normally, but tonight you were just in the mood for revenge.
“I know you’ve been wanting to touch me, Jake,” You turn around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Yeah? Who says?” His brow quirks up, challenging you. He pulls you closer, your bodies now flush together. 
“Says me, and all the flirting you’ve been doing lately.” You tilt your face up to his, looking directly into his chocolatey brown eyes. A few moments of silence pass as you both continue to dance.
You feel a hand wrap around your bicep and pull you away from Jake. 
“What the actual, fuck, do you think you’re doing?” It was Josh. His eyes darted between you and his brother. 
“Just having some fun Josh since you wanted to leave me stranded on the dance floor! You expected me to dance all alone? I don’t fucking think so,” You snap at him, ripping your arm out of his hand, turning back to Jake.
“Where were we?” You shoot him a small smile, simply to get under Josh’s skin.
“No, it's time to leave, let's go.” He says pulling you away from his brother, dragging you out of the party.
You rip your hand out of his, yet again, and cross your arms as you walk with a purpose to get back to your dorm, whether he would follow or not.
“You’re no fucking fun Josh! You expect me to just stand there while Sophia is grinding on you. I may have been a little drunk but I’m sober enough to realize that you aren’t following the rules. So, OF COURSE, I wasn’t going to either. I didn’t think you could be so dense Josh!” You practically scream at him, as he follows close behind you. 
After a long quiet walk you finally make it to your dorm, with him still hot on your heels. Charlotte, without a doubt, would be staying at someone else's dorm tonight so you would be alone. You swing the door open trying to shut it infront of him, but he stopped it before it could fully close. As you make it into your bedroom, you slowly peel your pants off feeling over-stimulated, leaving you in only your corset and undies. After struggling to get your pants off you flop onto your bed, facing up to the ceiling. 
You close your eyes for a brief moment, and feel a presence above you. 
“You’re being a fucking brat you know that, and its making me crazy, y/n.” He begins to put his hands on both sides of your head, hovering above you. His lips dangerously close to your ear. “You don’t know what you do to me, mama, do you?” You shake your head, obviously knowing you make him horny. “Well I’m gonna fucking show you, and there won’t be any more confusion.”
God, you don't know how long you’d be able to keep it together before you unleashed everything you had on her, but you had to work up to it. You wanted so badly to put her over your legs and spank her hard to teach her a lesson, but since she drank you didn’t think that would be the best move. Hooking your fingers under her panties you pull them aside, giving you full access to her beautiful wet pussy that you know you didn’t contribute to. But you knew you’d contribute to her not being able to walk tomorrow. 
“Who made you this wet, mama?” You already know the answer but you just want to hear her say it out loud. 
“Y-You Joshy.” She says with innocent eyes. Anticipation written all over her pretty face. 
“No, I said who fucking made you this wet, huh? Was it the guy in the corner or my fucking brother. Don’t you dare lie to me,” You say, grabbing her face slightly, making her look into your eyes. 
“It was Jakey, I’m sorry baby.” Jakey? Not the fucking pet names.
“Don’t be giving him fucking pet names, those are for me and me only, got it?” She nods again, and you let go of her face.
“There seems to be a lot you need to learn mama, and we're gonna make sure you know all of that before the end of the night.”
You kneel again before her, wasting no time to get to her wet heat. You bring your fingers up to the entrance of her mouth, “Open.” She opens her mouth up, sticking her tongue out slightly. What a dirty whore. You shove your fingers deep down her throat, making her gag slightly. As you bring them out she sucks on them, making your already hard dick throb under the fabric of your shorts.
You shove them deep into her pussy, curling them up to hit all the good spots. As if you had hit a button, she begins to arch her back and moan. 
“Let it all out, let me hear you baby. Your moans make me so fucking hard. They turn me on so much, mama.” You quicken the pace of your fingers.
“Josh, oh my god. You’re perfect holy fuck. Your fingers fill me up so good.” You’d be filling her up even more soon.
You notice her tits bouncing in her corset, that needs to come off, immediately. You remove your fingers and flip her onto her stomach. You start unlatching all the clips and turn her back over to back to peel it off the front of her. Her marks had faded from the other week.
You lean forward, making quick work of your mouth to create new purple bruises that would match her corset perfectly. Kissing each one of them before connecting your mouth with hers. 
“Are you ready for my cock mama?” You ask quietly.
She frantically nods her head, you could tell she needed it, but we weren't going to give it to her that easy.
“Beg for it baby, tell me how much you need my hard cock in that pretty pussy of yours.” 
“Fuck Josh I need it so bad. Wanna feel you inside” You begin to unlatch your pants pulling them down to the floor. “You're gonna stretch me out so good with your huge cock.” Bending down to her pussy, spitting straight onto it. “I wanna cum around your cock, please Josh.” You grin feeling like she gave you enough. You slap her pussy before thrusting into her hard, not giving her much time to adjust.
You lean forward, one hand on the bed, one on her tit. You lay a sloppy kiss to her lips and fuck into her hard. You could tell you were hitting the right spots. She was moaning and bracing herself by grabbing your biceps, which very quickly escalated to her nails scratching down your back. Fuck. It fucking hurt, but hurt so good. 
As you continued to pound hard into her you felt a new angle was needed. You pick yourself off her and begin to grab her ankles, and pull them up to your shoulders. Letting them rest there as you fuck her even deeper now. 
She was melting beneath you, becoming a sloppy mess. Her moans picked up, you could tell she, and yourself, were close to a breaking point. You kiss her ankles softly, which contrasted to the hard pounding you were inflicting onto your pussy.
“Where do you want me to cum baby?” You say through heavy breathing.
“Cum in me Josh, I wanna feel you fill me up.” Holy shit. You weren’t going to question it. As you get closer to your release you begin to feel squeezing around your cock.
“God, y/n, if you keep squeezing me like that I’ll come right, fucking, now.”
“FUCK JOSH, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop, harder!” She begins to buck up against you, meeting your thrusts.
“That's it baby, cum for me. You're such a good girl for me” 
With that she let out one final moan, filling the room with pleasure. You weren't too far behind her. You continued pounding her hard and within a few seconds came right into her pussy, just like she told you to. 
You fell into the spot right beside her in bed.
“You think you learned your lesson?” You tease, looking over at her. 
“Definitely Josh, it’ll be hard not to think about you.”
“Yeah? Why is that y/n”
“Because I’m going to be thinking about you every single time I try to walk.”
You can’t help but laugh at her comment. You wanted to make her feel good, make her want you even more. 
You couldn’t be bothered to get dressed, instead you pull the blanket up from the bottom of the bed, press a kiss into her head, and fall asleep next to the girl of your dreams.
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12 @woyayaofdreams @freyjalw @musicspeaks
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Hi there. I just read yes no maybe both parts, and i loved it! It was so well written. Love everything about it. Since request are open can i ask first sex for Chris and reader? When it's her first time. She has waited for the one.
Pretty Special
A/N: Happy New Year! First one of 2023 and I must say I'm very happy with it if I do say myself but feedback is always welcome. 💕☘️
WARNINGS: SMUT MINORS DNI. 8k filth, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, pain during sex, sex, orgasm, P in V
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You fiddled with your hands nervously in the black car. 
Chris had generously brought you out to LA for the week, you had been talking on FaceTime and over the phone for over 2 months now. 
Making it 2 months since you’d last seen him and 2 months since you’ve had his lips on you. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been on a holiday where you did so little planning, he’d organised everything from the flight to the car, you just had to show up with your bags. 
You had landed a little after sunset and thanks to the comfy first-class seat you were well rested and just excited to meet Dodger for the first time. 
The elephant of the room sat in the back of your head, a looming force reminding you of the make-or-break situation that the future of you and Chris hanged on. You were a virgin. 
It’s not like you were lacking in offers from suitors it’s just that it was never right for you, wrong location, wrong guy, wrong underwear, too drunk, too tired, too bored. 
You had done anything else but that final threshold of having a dick inside of you was yet to be crossed, and why else would Chris spend all this money and fly you out if it wasn’t for the expectation for a little hanky panky? 
It’s not like you didn’t want the gorgeous man on top of you. That was all you could think about the last two months whenever he’d send a photo without a shirt on or if he’d send a bit of a suggestive text. God, it was all you thought about. 
But what if it turned him off? 
Taking someone’s virginity may not be a lot to some guys but what if he thought you were some inexperienced prude? 
What if didn’t want you to get really attached to your first time, but who were you kidding you were already attached.
The sex would probably just make you a sappy begging mess. That’s if he does. Worst case he tells you to get the fuck out and find your own way home. But he wouldn’t do that… 
Would he? 
“We are here ma’am.” The driver pulled you out of your train of anxious thought, parking in the driveway of a luxurious house that was definitely trying to sell itself as modest. Single story. So modest. If it wasn’t in the most expensive suburb of Hollywood and completely gated. You looked out the window to see Chris jogging out of the house towards your door. Your stomach flipped seeing him. He looked so… cool. In sweats and a T-shirt. You suddenly felt extremely overdressed in your casual dress and sandals. He was in sweatpants for God sakes! But he looked absolutely delicious and less tired than he did 2 months ago. He seemed calmer, more relaxed, and absolute overjoyed to see you. 
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He opened your door “Hey pretty lady! You made it.” You got out of the car opting for a hug because at this stage your relationship was still undefined, and you didn’t want to come off too strong by planting a big fat kiss on his plump pink lips. 
“I made it!” Omg you’re an idiot. 
He pulled you in close, sneaking a whiff of your hair. 
“Was the flight, ok?” 
“It was the best flight I’ve ever been on. So much leg room!” 
“Yeah the first class seats a pretty comfortable.” 
“Thank you again it was very generous but you didn’t have to.” 
“I want you comfortable so yes I had to.” He thanked the driver pulling your bags out of the trunk. 
Taking them and wheeling them up the driveway, you inched towards your bags, but he quickly shielded them from you “Hey no I got it.” You followed him to the front door where he stopped with his hand on the doorknob. 
“Just warning you, when I open this door, you will get attacked.” 
“I’m ready” you were grinning like an idiot, excited to see the pup in the flesh 
“if he’s too much I’ll pull him off you.” 
“Please don’t.” 
“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” He shook his head opening the door just a crack, but it wasn’t long between Dodger wiggled his way out, immediately going to sniffing and pawing at your legs, licking every surface he saw. 
“Oh hello! Hi puppy! Hi! Hi! Hey.. how are you?” You crouched down to be met with more puppy kisses. 
“Hey hey Dodge easy I haven’t even gotten a kiss yet.” Chris pulled him lightly by the collar. You looked at him smirking as blush rose to your cheeks. 
You rose, pecking him on the cheek. “More where that came from Evans.” He chuckled, leading you into the foyer with Dodged staunchly between your legs. 
“Did you eat already?” 
“I did, food was better than I get on the ground sometimes” reminiscing on the 5-star meal you had in the air. 
“Well can I get you a drink then? I have wine, beer, spritz...” 
“Beer is fine.” 
“Geez a woman after my own heart.” 
Your bags abandoned in the foyer you followed him into the modern kitchen as he fetched two beers from the fridge, pulling off the cap with his teeth. 
“Omg you’re gonna crack your teeth!” 
“Veneers.” He grinned at you, cap between his front teeth as he spat it onto the counter. 
“No way!” 
“Yep but don’t tell anyone.” He winked at you, handing you the ice-cold drink. 
“It’s a nice night why don’t we sit outside?” You nodded, sipping your drink as you made your way outside and settled on the plush outdoor couch. 
Chris right next to you, falling with a sigh. 
“There’s a guest bedroom if you’d like, has a bathroom and everything I did it up for you. But I was kind of hoping you’d sleep in my bed but if you don’t want to…” You bit your lip at the suggestion. 
“I want to it’s just-“ 
“Yeah no sorry too soon I didn’t want to pressure you or anything.” 
“No it’s not that like I want to sleep with you. Badly” his eyes lit up your statement 
“I promise I don’t bite.” 
“I wouldn’t mind if you did I’ve just… I’ve never… slept with anyone before.” 
“Oh so you have a habit of sneaking out when the deed is done… should I lock the doors then?” He chuckled, holding the bottle to his mouth.
“No Chris, I haven’t had sex… with anyone.” 
“Wow.” A silence fell over you two.
“Yeah I know it’s embarrassing.” 
“No, its not, definitely not embarrassing. I’m just kind of shocked no one has gone there before I mean… god you’re gorgeous.” 
“It’s not that they haven’t tried I’m just… picky.” 
“Would you want me to be your first time? I mean I’d be honoured but I understand if you want to save it for someone special.” 
“I think you’re pretty special.” You smirked at him. 
“Well how about we sit down here for a little and then we can go inside.” He placed his hand delicately on your thigh, rubbing it softly. 
You leaned over towards his ear “I’ve wait this long why are you gonna keep me waiting longer?” You purred. 
His ears went red, immediately jumping up and pulling you up, wrapping his arms around you “we’ll go as slow as you want.” 
“Thank you but I think I’m more than ready.” He planted a soft kiss on your lips, putting his hand on your face, inching your neck back a little to deepen the kiss.
“Come on.” He led you inside towards the bedroom door. 
Dodger behind you two “Nah-uh, Dodger stay.” Chris told him, before he had a chance to sneak in with you two. The pup wined a little, falling on his stomach. “Sorry buddy adults only.” You sulked at him. 
You sat with Chris on the edge of the bed, side by side, his hand sliding to your waist as his softly palmed the fabric of your dress. 
“So how far have you gone?” 
“Everything but.” 
“Ok great so you won’t mind if I slip this thing off.” His hands went to the edge of your dress. “You first.” You stopped his hands, eyeing him. 
He groaned, getting up and ripping off his shirt. 
This was your first time seeing him shirtless in the flesh and you couldn’t help your mouth fall agape as your eyes widened, looking at the intricate tattoos covering his chest. You were desperate to the trace them. Pulling off his sweats, revealing some basic Calvin Kleins, with a large, hard cock straining against them. 
He winked at you “Happy with your choice?” You just nodded shyly as he scooted back onto the bed next to you. 
Hands going to the hem of your dress as he pulled it over your head revealing your matching black lace set. 
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“Matching? You definitely planned this.” 
You slapped his chest as he eased you back onto the pillows. 
Mouth falling to yours as he kissed you deeply, hands falling to your hips, grabbing you softly yet firmly. His mouth fell to your jaw, peppering kisses and nipping at the skin of your neck as he made his way towards your bra. 
“As pretty as this is...” he toyed with the lace edging, “Can I take it off?” He looked up at you, hands grabbing the two breasts. 
You just nodded as he smoothed his hands around your back, sitting up a little to allow him to expertly undo the clasp;
“You’ve definitely done that before.” 
“Practise makes perfect baby.” He purred against your lips going into kiss you. His tongue moved down towards your breasts, lightly sucking at the skin of your now erect nipples. You moaned, body instinctively moving into his. 
“Jesus… so perfect baby.” He left out a muffled groan while your tit sat delicately in his warm mouth. Moving towards your stomach, his movements slowed as he explored your bare skin with his fingertips, leaving a soft, wet trail of kisses towards your panties. He pressed his nose against your covered groin, inhaling your sweet scent. Licking at your inner thigh, your hands falling to his head, pushing him further giving him all the encouragement he needed to slowly pull off your panties. Mouth immediately returning to your folds as his tongue explored the insides of your oasis. Licking and sucking at your sensitive, erect clit, leaving you a moaning mess. It felt like he was between your legs for hours, making sure you were a soaking, moaning mess for him. 
“Good girl, god you taste so good baby.” Cumming onto his tongue, he continued to suck up and spit out your precious juices. 
Your hands aimlessly travelled towards his cock desperate to feel his length in your hand. 
“Nah-uh baby tonight’s about you.” He loomed over your now naked figure on his bed, drinking in the sight of you. 
“You can make up for it later.” He whispered in your ear as he sucked on your lobe. He broke the contact monetarily to finally release his now pulsating member, hard and erect with veins pulsating along the length. He was thick with a round, cut bulbous head. Your eyes widened at the sight of it in all its glory, gulping at what was soon to be your fate. 
“We’ll go slow.” He assured you, trying to ease the hesitation in your eyes. He sat over you, hands reaching towards his bedside table pulling out a bottle of lube and a condom. Slowly and delicately, he squirted the sticky liquid into his hand, rubbing it over his length in a teasing rhythmic fashion. Hands falling to your pussy, he slowly pushed a singular digit in, easing the lube in and out as you withered under his touch. Using his outer fingers to rub it on your folds, slowly adding a second finger to stretch you out;
“fuck you’re tight baby” 
“No shit I’m a virgin” you choked out through moans
 “Shit I almost forgot” he chuckled sheepishly.
Slipping in a third finger seamlessly, his other hand working your clit trying to inch you to a second orgasm. Your hand clawed at his forearm at the sheer feeling of you being stretched by his fingers. 
“Oh god Chris.” 
“Gotta make sure you’re all ready for me.” 
“Are your fingers the same size?” 
“Unfortunately… or fortunately… not.” Your head fell back to the pillow as you took in a deep breathe “I’m ready” 
“Are you sure cause we have the whole week we can-“ 
“Stop talking.” You pulled his head in for another passionately, sloppy kiss. 
“Ok ok… shhh. Now, it’s gonna sting at first, for a little bit it’ll feel better if I move,  but I’m not gonna move unless you say so and if it really fucking hurts say chocolate and I’ll stop.” You nodded at his instruction. As he positioned his now wrapped head at your core, making sure you were both overly lube up. 
He pushed his head against your tight hole, he moved inwards slightly earning a groan from you 
“You ok?” You nodded, gritting your teeth a little at his size. 
“Is it all in?” 
“That was the head baby.” 
“Hey it’s ok I’m not gonna move until you tell me to.” You lay like that for a moment, Chris leaving soft kisses on your décolletage. 
“Move.” You told him.
He pushed in a couple of more inches, 3/4 of the way in at this point. Your body jolted at the sudden sensation of being stretched beyond belief, the sting he warned you about forming in your insides. 
“You wont believe me but look really beautiful right now.” He was staring at you in the eyes now, a small smile on his lips as he watched you bite your bottom lip, sweat forming your forehead. 
“I’m gonna kiss you while I push the rest in it’ll help distract you does that sound ok baby?” You nodded, pawing at his neck, desperate to taste him again. 
You gasped into his mouth at the final push, him now sitting tightly between your fold, stretching against your walls. 
You winced slightly at the feeling of being fully stuffed. His lips fell to the tears that you didn’t realise had fallen, kissing your cheek and tasting the salty liquid, “Hey you’re doing so well baby, you’re ok.” 
You stayed like that for a while, adjusting your insides to his length. 
“You sure?” You confirmed the statement by leaning into kiss him as he started his slow short thrusts, staying firmly inside of you and only moving enough to get you adjusted to the feeling. After a couple of minutes of just that and more passionate kissing, the sting subsided, making way for a new sensation of pleasure and fullness.
“Oh wow, holy shit.” You breathed out 
“Good?” He looked up at you searching for reassurance 
“Really good.” You smiled at him, moaning again at his movements 
“Do you want me to go a little faster?” 
“Please.” You begged out, with that his thrusts turned more natural, as he moved in and out of you, hips pressing against yours as you started to adjust to the rhythm of his drive. Slowly accumulating to the feeling of hot, delicious, pleasurable sex. Chris’s pants grew as he supported himself by his forearms over you. Continuing his assault of his lips over your face and mouth. Deepening the kisses when he hit your cervix, swallowing each other’s moans you grew confident enough to move your hips upwards slightly, allowing a new angle for both of you. 
“Jesus Christ baby that feels fucking amazing.” Proud at your first foray into Sex Goddess status you continued to match his thrusts with a nudge of your hips. Your buttocks squeezing together as the coil in your stomach tightened when his head would hit your G-spot, a previously undiscovered spot of pleasure for you. You fell into a moaning mess begging for a release from what was sure to be an explosive orgasm 
“Chris, I’m gonna cum, omg please don’t stop.” You moaned loudly.
“I’m gonna cum too where you want it?” 
“Just cum in me please.” 
“Oh god Y/N” he let out a guttural moan with his final thrust into you, shooting out his cum as you creamed over his cock. 
Slowly pulling out gently, you whined at the loss of contact. He collapsed in a heap of heavy breaths beside you. Both of you now, spent from the intimate and passionate activity. He got up towards the bathroom, you heard the water running but with your eyes blurry from the orgasm still, you didn’t think you could find the strength to lift your head. Suddenly you felt the cool press of a wet rag against your heat, sopping up the mixture of your cum and lube. You opened your eyes to see him gently cleaning you up with the soft cotton towel. “That was-“ you breathed out. “Amazing.” He smirked at you. 
“Happy with your first time?” 
“As long as it’s not the last.” 
“Oh, it won’t be, but you do need to pee first… here.” Chris held out his hand, easing you up out of your euphoric state, up to your legs. Placing you gently, on the toilet seat, you sat loopy from your orgasm. Chris leaned against the sink, watching you with a smug smirk 
“A little privacy?” You looked up at you, lazily covering your chest. 
“Nope I need to make sure you pee.” 
“You’re a freak.” 
“It’s going to take a lot from you to get rid of me.”   
“Lucky I’m planning on keeping you around.” You blew him a kiss.
Chris brought you breakfast in bed the next morning, softly rubbing the sore spots you had never felt before as you ate. Ravenous after a beautiful passionate night. 
You moved to get out of bed, wanting to inspect yourself in the mirror.
“Y/N I wouldn’t try and wal-“ With the final word, your legs gave out like jelly and you plopped onto the soft carpet with a dramatic ow falling from your mouth.
“Walk.” Chris finished, coming around to help you up. 
“How did you know that was gonna happen?” You asked as he grabbed your hands, pulling you back onto the bed.
“You’re not the first.” He grumbled. 
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dxwnfxll · 2 years
heya! can i request scp staff with a trans masc s/o? ty ! :D
Scp staff with a Trans Masc S/O
(Amar replaces Shaw/Bright)
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••Dr. Amar••
-So Jack is already Genderfluid so she's definitely the most accepting on the list
-He's always hyping you up secretly, like she'll leave lil sticky notes on your desk with 'you're a man, if anyone says otherwise go tell them to fuck themselves'
-If anyones transphobic towards you he'll treat them like they're dumb.
-Though I hardly doubt anyone in the foundation would be transphobic or homophobic seeing as a good majority of researchers are fruity
-if you want a binder or top surgery Amar is definitely paying for it.
-calls you romantic nicknames like 'Mcdreamy' (he was being silly with that one) or 'Hubby'
••Dr. Clef••
-Clef is a sleezy, shitty rude bastard...but! He's not trasphobic
-apart from Jack, Clef is the second biggest ally. He respects that you may not want everyone to know you're trans, so he keeps his support for you a lil secret.
-He'll leave you emails, texts and notes supporting you and encouraging you to beat the shit out of anyone who tries to be transphobic.
-if anyone is ever transphobic to you in front of him they're going missing. Simple
-he probably has a lil trans flag on his ukulele for ya lol
-he calls you weird lil names like 'Y/n boo boo bear' or 'cowboy'
-Iceberg is an asshole but he isn't a monster
-he supports and loves you unconditionally, and is definitely a guy to glare anyone down that says shit.
-His way of supporting you is kinda funny, he'll just send you stuff that looks like the trans flag and go 'hey x this reminded me of you' (i thought it was funny)
-or he'll randomly give you stuff that looks like the trans flag, so now your office is probably decorated with as many blue, pink and white stuff that he could find
-if someone's transphobic to you he's decking them in the face. He doesn't care, they're getting decked
-he likes to just call you 'babe' or 'baby' very simple sociopath man
••Dr. Kondraki••
-Konny is very supportive of you but won't really show it.
-again he is very VERY supportive of you, but he's just a shrug it off kinda guy.
-he'll address you as however you want, neos? Cool, xenos? Okay, he/him? Alright
-if anyone's transphobic to you they're on 682 duty for the rest of the month.
-if you want top surgery or a binder he's paying for it, he insists
-he just calls you 'love' or by your name lolol
••Dr. Rights••
-she's a very kind person and very considerate of your feelings
-she searches up all sorts of stuff to know how to properly address you and such.
-She bought you a lil bear with a trans flag on it <3
-if anyone is transphobic towards you she gives them the nastiest glare ever and pretty much goes
-"is this how you spend your life? Being an asshole? How sad."
-she calls you hers and darling
••Dr. Glass••
-Glass is super supportive of you, always tells you to come and talk to him if you need to
-He's got all sorts of flags in his office so it's a safe place for literally everyone
-very caring towards you and considerate of your feelings
-if anyone is being transphobic towards you he gets kinda like Ambrose, he makes them feel dumb with that sweet smile on his face
-if you ever need to vent you have the perfect boyfriend to do so with
-calls you 'sweetheart' and 'his darling'
••Draven Kondraki••
-Draven adores you no matter what you are, when you first come out he's very caring towards you and even asks what he can do to help make your journey easier
-He got you a lil trans pin to wear if you want lol
-if anyone says any sort of transphobic shit to you he just kinda looses his temper
-he'll yell at them probably even go as far as to knock them out if they continue to say awful shit to you
-he will always reassure you and remind you that you are a man and he'll always love you
-he likes to call you his 'dummy' or 'babe'
••Dr. Talloran••
-Talloran is non-binary themselves so they ofc support you, and they help you with your transition
-they have some money saved up to help with your top surgery if you wish to get it
-Whenever someone is being transphobic towards you Talloran will just take your hand and lead you away, and they'll let you vent to them about how that person was
-gives you constant reassurance and love
-calls you 'love' and 'dear'
••Mikell Amar••
-i'll admit it kinda took Mikell a lil to get used to the change, but whenever he fucked up he'd always correct himself
-he may accidentally call you by your dead name but he'll immediately correct himself, if he does so in public he'll correct himself with a "oh shit, hey Y/n my bad thought you were someone else"
-if anyone says shit they're pretty much dead, after all he's an 05 who's known as 'agent cowboy' so he's not to be messed with nor is his partner.
-he pays for your top surgery no discussion
-he likes to call you 'darlin'' usually
Sorry if this seems rushed and stuff i wasn't exactly sure how to go with this so i just put some lil head canons lolol
Hope you enjoyed! (And if you want me to add any specific things pls do tell)
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dilfdemolisher · 1 year
Let The Light in - Part 1
Chapter Summery - You have a discussion about your future patrolling with Tommy and meet your new patrol partner
Content - Mentions of canon typical violence, very brief mentions of suicide, recalling someone’s death, emotionally constipated reader<3, not proofread so probably spelling errors, shitty writing, use of ‘—‘ indicates timeskip, it’s either specified or not but use context clues to figure it idk, reader is not given any physical description and if I accidentally did please let me know I want to make my writing as including as possible, no use of yn but is called “hun” once.
Word Count - 2.6k
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Jackson, the wonderful peaceful town, one that seems too good to be true. Nothing like your life for the past 20 years, filled with blood, havoc and destruction. A town you yourself have a hard time believing isn't a figment of your imagination, that maybe the knife wound you survived months ago really took you out and now your body’s rotting somewhere while your mind conjures a reality to help you find peace.
Or maybe you really did stumble upon Jackson a few months ago and you're lying in bed, covered in a warm feather duvet that the older women on your street had made you as a welcoming gift, only for a few weeks later for her to pass away in her bed. A death that is merciful and natural. Not one by getting ripped apart by infected, or shot through the skull by raiders, or even yourself. It was bizarre to see somebody live their full life, something not many achieve.
Yet that may be your fate, it's bold to assume that you will be able to spend the rest of your life here, whether you don't because you are exiled or it all comes crumbling down from raiders, infected, God knows what. But it's nice to think, not for too long though because your alarm is blaring in your fucking ear.
Yup this is definitely real
You rub your eyes and arch your back to stretch your spine out and groan, trying not to let the comfort of your pillow persuade you into spending the day in bed and leaving your duties unfulfilled. After sitting up and pushing the button on your alarm clock you start your morning tasks; brushing your hair and teeth, getting dressed and drinking a glass of water to remove the sticky feeling in your mouth that developed overnight.
You gather what you need for your patrol with Tommy, a man who welcomed you into this town (not before pointing a gun to your head first though) with a fair amount of kindness. More than you expected considering you were the one wandering their territory after specific warnings not to by the older couple you'd encountered several miles back.
Tying up your boots before slinging your backpack over your shoulder and stepping outside. The cold early morning summer air blankets you as you walk towards the gates to meet Tommy as you do twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays and your third patrol of the week you do with Jake on Saturday, despite your distaste for him which wouldn’t exist if he could pull his weight better instead of leaving you to do all of your heavy lifting; so you much prefer your patrols with Tommy, whom you see small-talking a guard while waiting for your arrival.
“Hey there thought you weren't coming.” He says with an unserious manner and a grin. “God I fuckin’ wish” You say deadpan, Tommy responding with a chuckle.
“Everything all good? I'm ready to head out.” You ask.
“Yup.” he states, handing you your rifle that you once regularly hauled around before being accepted into the community. “Thanks.” You say before being stopped by the sight of Dave, the man who primarily runs the stables bringing two horses to you.
“Hey guys.” The older man says to formally announce his presence, handing the respected leads to you. “Ah thanks bud you didn't have to bring ‘em for us” Says Tommy. “Well I was up, and if I wait around in this weather for too long my joints get stiff.” He says, shaking his head in discomfort.
“Oh? The old man got sore old man joints? Who woulda’ guessed?” Tommy says looking up at him and down playfully with a smile
“Oh fuck off you’re not too far behind me are ya, just wait till your kiddo starts crawlin’, your be looking just like me.” He smirks. “Oh tell me about it, Marias been counting the greys in my hair lately as a ‘calming activity’ she says it is before bed.”
“Oh trust me I know all about getting greys look at me” He laughs before continuing. “Well, I don't wanna keep you much longer, you still coming to the stables later hun?” He looks towards you.
“Uh-huh, sorry I wasn't there last night. I just got a bit caught up in some housework” You apologise.
“Don't worry about it, not tryna hound you were just wondering 'cause Ellie came around after dinner asking for Ya.”
Oh shit, you were supposed to meet her there. Fuck.
“Oh yeah- I- I'll tell her I'm sorry it completely slipped my mind”. You speak a bit mumbled while shuffling your feet in the small patches of weeds that you stand on.
With silence in the air after your sentence Dave walks away with a smile, leaving you and Tommy to mount your horses and head out.
“Bit of a chilly morning today huh?” Tommy declares, breaking the silence that's held you between for the first few minutes since you stepped out of the gates.
“It is, can't say I’m complaining though. This summer's heat has been kicking my ass.” You laugh. “Thank God for the running water y'all got because I sure as hell don't miss being all gross and sweaty from the heat.”
Tommy lets out a light chuckle in response then stays silent, uncharacteristically so. You take a glance towards him, he's looking at his horse's hooves with a solemn look on his face, watching as it takes each step forward and leaves a print in the grass as he walks.
“What?” You say. Tommy brings his head toward you. “Are you planning on bringing me out here and dumping me or something?” You joke attempting to lighten the mood but he still stays silent before he takes a deep breath. “I recognize that you do a lot, I do I-” He communicates before clearly trying to get his words in order. “Marias have been swamped lately, between taking care of the baby and helping manage the community”. He takes another breath before continuing. “What I'm tryna’ say is I'm not gonna be on patrols for the next few weeks to help Maria around.”
Oh, That’s not what you were expecting.
Tommy looks at you while you continue to stare at him in surprise so he takes your lack of verbal response as a cue to continue.
“My brother Joel, y’know the one who stopped in for a bit with Ellie this winter?” He continues to stare back at you in hopes of a response, but you just give him a hum and look forward toward the end of the trail you're reaching. “We’ve been talking about a job for him to do now that he and Ellie are all settled in and we agreed that patrols would be best for… his type of skill set.” He says while ending his sentence with a pause.
“So I’m gonna be patrolling with him, is what you're saying?” You ask, looking towards him.
“Yeah-I uh am. I trust you, you're one of our best and I don't worry ‘bout ya out there. My brother can take care of himself but I like to know he's with someone he doesn't have to supervise.” Tommy admits. “Plus I hope he won't be as much of a dick to yuh, 'cause you're a girl y’know? No offence.” He stutters out, attempting to backtrack.
“Um, none taken. I get what you're saying” You say a bit awkwardly, staying mute for a moment while trying to formulate your next sentence. “So when, this Thursday?” You ask, staying professional. At the end of the day, this is a job and despite Tommy and Maria's insistence on getting comfortable here, you remain stubborn in your ways. It is not easy for you to forget the strenuous life you had been living, at least not yet, you'll still keep your guard high.
Tommy's face morphs into an amalgamation of confusion. “Is that all?” He asks.
“I don't think it's my place to complain about my coworkers, and what am I gonna say Tommy” You huff. “No don't help your wife and child keep, doing patrols with me and tell your brother to go fuck yourself?”
“Well I fucking hope not.” Tommy says with a glare, clearly offended by the sudden spike in your attitude. “You sure seem to have an issue though.”
To be fair, you did come across as a bit harsh. Tommy looks at you a moment longer, probably waiting for a continuation of your apology that wasn't coming. “Alright then.” He grunts and kicks the side of his horse faster, bringing the animal to trot and walking in front of you, keeping physical distance between the two of you.
You’re not sure if you should make a formal apology to Tommy or stay silent, Tommy’s a fairly confrontational man but you know you couldn't give the apology that's warranted even if you tried. So staying as silent as possible for the rest of your patrol it is.
“Ellie?” You yell entering the stable, hay scrambling around your boots as you walk further looking for the girl.
“Back here!” You hear her voice yell from the back of the stable. You already know that she’s with her favourite horse Shimmer, despite her insistence that she doesn’t pick favourites her actions heavily contradict that.
“Shocker you're with your favourite.” You speak as you come into her view. “Shocker you didn't forget about me again.” She bites.
You raise your hands in surrender. “Fair enough I deserve that.” You admit. “I meant to apologise to you yesterday after my shift with Tommy but I felt a bit weird knocking on your now ya’know?”
“Why would you feel weird?” She inquires, to your surprise her demeanour wasn't accusatory, but confused.
“I'm going patrol with Joel tomorrow? I just figured meeting him for the first time whilst apologising to you wouldn't be the best impression when my life's gonna be in his hands tomorrow.” You answer.
“You’re going on patrol with Joel tomorrow?!” She exclaims. You’d been wrong about your assumption that she'd already known.
“Yeah we are.” You confess a bit awkwardly. “I figured he told you already.”
“No he hadn’t.” She says with a smirk. “I hope you two don’t kill each other.” Grinning even more with the added statement. Now you're the one to be confused, unsure of the meaning behind her sentence.
“You guys would just like, totally butt heads is all.” She clarifies with a smile still sitting on her face. “But no he didn't tell me, he doesn't tell me shit ever actually.”
“Oh… well do you think Shimmer needs any brushing?”
Ellie giggles at your obvious deflection from the conversation. “Sure I guess.” She says, not pressing you further on the matter. In all fairness you're not sure what else she could ask, that's about the extent of it all.
Just that you're going on patrol with Joel tomorrow.
“Hi.” You say pulling your hand out, waiting for it to be shaken.
“Hey, I'm Joel.” He says pulling his own hand out of its pocket and shaking yours.
“I’d introduce myself but I'm sure Tommy told you and gave you the rundown.” You say with a bit of a nervous chuckle tailing it.
“Oh-uh yeah, he has.” He says “My Ellie told me a bit ‘bout you too, she says you showed her how to pick out the horse's hooves?” He asks a bit awkwardly, but you can't be upset when you yourself have yet to master the polite small talk that's needed in a community like Jackson.
“Um yeah I did. I help around the stables a bit, I like horses.” You say matter-of-factly. “Sometimes I help around with the dogs too, but that's usually just meal prepping for them.”
“Oh yeah. I've seen dogs that eat as good as those guys but I guess kibble ain't available huh.” He says, referencing their diet of fresh meat and produce.
“Yeah not really.” You quip.
You both look at eachother, standing parallel, both with hands back in your pockets. You rock back and forth on your feet before speaking again. “Well uh- are you ready to hit the road.” You say, clearing your throat near the end.
“Yeah for sure I’ll grab the horses for us.” He raises his hand and points with his thumb toward the stables.
“Okay.” You nod, watching him as he walks away.
The ride to the power plant was silent, it didn't need much communication considering your jobs were fairly simple. The only mind Joel paid to you was the occasional glance he'd steal at you, probably from being uncomfortable and wary in your presence.
You ride side by side about a few thousand yards away from your destination, you embrace the ambiance and ride in comfortable silence while scanning your surroundings for any signs of trouble, while rounding the bended trail, you spot a pair of infected crouched over an object to your right.
“Joel.” You say just quiet enough for him to hear, more quiet than necessary. You’re sure that they wouldn’t be able to hear your call to Joel over their growling and the rustling of their frenzied movements still, you nod your head towards the sight of the infected as he takes a look.
“Stay here.” He grumbles while dismantling off his horse.
“No.” You get off your horse as well tying her next to the tree that Joel’s started a knot around for his horse. You see his glare at your face through your peripheral vision. “What?”
His mouth turns into a frown, his eyebrows collapse down towards the centre of his face. The line on his forehead becomes much more prominent while giving you a look to kill before walking away. You follow him towards the infected and pull your machete from its sheath and see that Joel has pulled his hatchet out of his.
With a brief moment of eye contact and understanding between each other you both bring your horses into a fast trot, drawing your weapons and preparing for the bloodshed. You ride toward the two and can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline, this is what you are good at, what you are equipped for. You were in your element, you felt alive.
As you reach the infected you take charge, movements fluid and precise you take down the infected. Joel stays behind and watches, silently as you execute the infected, him the other.
The moment of intensity quickly dies down as the two of you stay still with heaving chests before the silence is broken by Joel.
“Let’s go”
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theradicalkanji · 3 months
Problem Paladin Update
Some of you guys may be familiar with this dude already, but for those who aren't here's a recap. Friend started to DM his first campaign. He got a few friends to play with him. One of the characters I call Problem Paladin because he joined as an Oath of Conquest paladin.
Other party members are life cleric (me), artillerist artificer, Hexblade warlock.
Problem Paladin refused to join the campaign for the first few months. Like, he would sit in on sessions, but no matter what my friend tried to get him to introduce his character, he would refuse to do so saying he wanted it to be a critical moment. Well, PP finally introduces his character during a boss fight... in which PP spends the entire fight sitting back and watching the rest of the party fight because he won't lend his strength to weaklings.
Once he joins the party, it's not much better. He never joins in combat and during non combat scenes, PP is constantly attacking and trying to kill NPCs. Like, people to progress sideplots and major characters for other players' plotlines, if these characters approach the party PP tries to kill them for being "Weak." So for weeks, no one else could progress their story and everyone had to follow PP's objectives. Everytime he is called out on this he's like. "don't blame me. It's just what my character would do!"
This led to us speed running much of the campaign and gunning straight for a major general in the BBEG's army. Even as we were approaching this fight, the DM was like "Yeah. You're not supposed to be here yet. This guy is way over your level. This will pretty much just be a cinematic so we can get back on track."
General does a major show of force. We are expected to back down at this point. PP is like "now THIS is true strength!" and immediately tries to murder the artificer. Artificer and Hexblade immediately retaliate so hard that they melt PP in one turn, and the DM has to step in and do a Deus Ex where the BBEG intervenes to rescue PP.
Well, PP is now (ostensibly?) an NPC in the BBEG army, and the game had to go on hiatus for a month after this. Artificer left the campaign, and PP had to roll a new character. When we reconvene, PP introduces his new character as a mild mannered ranger who is just there to see that the job gets done.
Immediately upon the ranger joining the party, we once again can not proceed with any plot line other than the ranger's. Any attempt to interact with an NPC is met with "THIS IS NOT WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR! I'M NOT GETTING PAID FOR THIS! PAY ME FIRST OR FUCK OFF!"
Hey bro?
Hey guy?
Hey man?
I think you might just be an asshole.
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japhan2024 · 1 year
im not sure what prompts you were after for Anthonys day but what about some hurt/comfort regarding Anthonys anxiety, it could involve the entire crew caring for Anthony as they watch and realise that he may not be protorising his mental health. maybe some kisses from ian idk man
Anthony took only three steps further until he stopped in his tracks. "Is that… Is that Breathless by Asking Alexandria?!"
The Extra Mile
Ever since Anthony was back at Smosh, something had happened to the rest of the cast and crew. They walked just a little friskier, their conversation was just a tad more lighthearted and their laughter just a bit louder. Out of everyone, the change was biggest in Ian, Anthony's co-founder and best friend, then ex-best friend and now best friend again.
Ian had been emerging as the company's new office-clown and mascot for a few months while nobody knew but him and Anthony that the latter would be coming back. The others were shocked and surprised - in a good way - to see Ian so radiant and bright. He didn't use to be this way.
The problem was, nobody (safe one) really knew how to read Anthony yet, not even his best friend. His ever enchanting cackling laughter, his eyes, half moon-shaped and his general coolness… he had these outlandish tattoos that seemed to streak all along his body like paintbrushes, his many rings and piercings, and his ripped jeans, they all gave him the allure of a mysterious rock star from a lost era.
And Anthony really put in an effort to get to know everyone, and them him. He put on a friendly face each day at the Smosh office and laughed at everyone's jokes, which was easy because everyone there was a comedian in their own right.
But he was struggling inside. The reason he wanted to come back wasn't all these people. It was just one. He and Ian had both just been standing there, wide-eyed, smiling at each other, after that day of writing together for the first time in years. It had gone SO well, they couldn't believe they were still such a perfect fit. Their comedy - just the two of them - was wat Anthony realized he craved more than anything in the world.
So, Anthony's efforts to vibe with the other cast were always half-hearted, however hard he tried to care, he just didn't. He just waited out the filming day to spend time again with Ian and come up with sketch ideas together.
There was one person at Smosh who started to notice this about Anthony. Their "got my psychology minor online" comedian, Shayne. It didn't matter to him that people joked about his diploma. He read pretty much everyone like a book. At first, he'd been so glad that Anthony bas back himself, that he hadn't noticed. But whenever he saw Anthony checking his phone more than he had to, he noticed Anthony trying - truly trying, but failing - to be interested in the stories Angela was telling him, Shayne's blonde brows furrowed and he had decided to bring this up privately to Ian.
"He's not happy." Those words crashed into Ian like a bus on a highway.
"This is terrible, I'm such a fool for throwing him into the deep so immediately," he lamented to Shayne.
"Hey, you decided on those things together." It was no use. Ian leaned heavily on his desk.
"I fucked up. Shayne, we need to fix this, fast!"
Ian got all cast and crew together and announced a secret project.
"This is so important, you guys," Ian said so earnestly that nobody dared to laugh. He handed everyone a list. It had all Anthony's likes, dislikes, beliefs, in-jokes and proudest Smosh-moments on it.
"Everyone must memorize these by tomorrow, that's an order!" Ian said. Everyone silently nodded in agreement.
The next day Anthony walked into the Smosh office a little apprehensively. He sighed.
"Come on, get hyped," he told himself. "Try to enjoy this. Ian got Smosh to survive because of this. Let's go!"
Not even one foot inside the building, Shayne says:
"Hi Anthony, wonderful to see you! Here you go, your favorite! Chai latte with a little extra spice!"
"Oh, thank you?" Anthony smiles as a crewmember approaches him.
"Anthony! Here's some vegan, gluten free bagels with vegan salmon and vegan cream cheese!"
"How did you know I love those?"
The crewmember just smiles.
Anthony takes only three steps further until he stops in his tracks. "Is that… Is that Breathless by Asking Alexandria?!"
"It sure is," Angela chimes in while doing a little dance and giggle.
Anthony only just gets to the door of the next room at the office and wants to grab the doorknob, Amanda says "I WOULDN'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU!"
Anthony jumps and asks "why?"
Amanda lowers her head and raises one eyebrow while whispering: "you'll have to put ice on your precious hand if you touch it…"
Chanse and Tommy walk up to Anthony. Tommy is somehow covered in feathers, making a grandiose sigh. Chanse asks him: "Why the hell are you dressed like a chicken?!"
"And by the way," Arasha appears out of nowhere, holding a bag that says "popcorn" on it, "this popcorn is for… ME! Hahahaha, you don't like popcorn! We have sliced cucumber and guac for you inside.
Amanda opens the door with an oven mitten and Anthony looks into the room. Everyone is there: all of the cast and crew, sitting on bean bags and couches and blankets. Ian stands up in a onesie with his face all over it, and says: "Anthony! Are you ready to watch a movie with us? There's more drinks and food when you're done with those, but remember to go easy on the pepsi!"
Anthony smiles widely. All these people took the time to really get to know him. They are not just 'other people', they are an extension of Ian, an extension of Smosh. Anthony just knows Ian put them all up to this. And he hugs Chanse who stands closest to him and says "Thank you, you guys…" His eyes tear up a little.
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
may i request Gintoki with a gn reader who just LOVES to spoil him and make him food but at some point just. stops and doesnt say why and while gintoki doesnt want to sound like "hey wheres my food☹️" he is lowkey wondering if they are mad at him and does a bunch of stuff to try make it up to them. rither like cooking himself or spending more time with them yknow?
but in reality its just that money got tight for a bit and they were embarrassed to say they were spending so much on gin lmao
sorry if thats like all over the place! love you lots professor💚
The way you always come as soon as I open requests, It's like you're in my walls 🥺🚓
Sakata Gintoki Headcanons:
Majority of his life, Gintoki been used to going without comforts, some way or the other. Warm clothes. Fresh underwear. Food. Good food, especially. And it ain't been all so bad since he started the Yorozuya. You can always catch a meal from behind Snack Otose's bar before the old lady catches you by the ear and tosses you out like a dirty mongrel. You can always dip your head in the fountain at the local park to gulp down some cold water. You can always get your 14-year old coworker to stand in a corner and beg for some spare change for your strawberry parfait at your favorite cheap family-style joint.
Point is, you put a street urchin anywhere, and he finds a way to survive.
So what actually does him in is meals, hot meals, three times a day, seven days a week. The dining table these days is actually creaking, heavily set with the weight of those little side dishes. Side dishes. Gintoki now is getting choices with his meals. And after a delicious meal, then comes dessert. Not just any dessert— strawberry parfait. A tall glass dish filled brim with his favorite sweet, pushed under his nose with a sweeter kiss to his temple before you're happily clearing the rest of the dishes to the sink.
Gintoki has gained ten pounds since loving you.
Until he's suddenly back to square one, ten pounds lighter, back to three-way chopstick fights over every rotten grain of rice, back to scavenging in Sadaharu's dog feed bag, back to harassing Otose's rice cooker, back to swishing fountain water through his teeth to line his never-quite-satisfied stomach.
It's not his first rodeo, but this time, hitting the ground is harder than he remembers.
It's not about the food. In the past few days, you haven't even been looking at him in the eyes, while ladling a fourth of the food that you usually serve into his chipped bowl. Have barely peeped a few words, except murmured thank you for the meal's before quietly eating your portion, smaller than everyone else's. You've kissed him less, hugged him less. The Yorozuya doesn't carry your scent anymore, you're hardly there.
You're ignoring him, he's concluded. Gintoki knows, knows he's pissed you off because Sakata Gintoki always pisses everyone off at some point. You're sick of a lazy, no-good guy like him, he knows it. He knows it.
Fuck, he hasn't missed any anniversaries. On your third month together, he pissed your name in the snow in front of the Yorozuya! If that isn't the most ardent declaration of love, he doesn't know what is! On your birthday, he gave you a DIY, a lovely sculpture! And told you to use it when he's gone! And his performance in bed— no, that definitely can't be it. He puts his back into it! His dicking is flawless. S-tier!
Shinpachi suggests gifting you the newest Otsuu-chan CD. An advice expected of a cherry boy, damn him.
Kagura is more helpful— she's seen it all before. Papi always swallowed his pride and kneeled in the dirt and begged.
And so, Gintoki kneels in the dirt and begs.
And he says something not worth repeating. Blah blah blah blah I miss you blah blah blah blah don't leave blah blah blah blah You don't have to do anything blah blah blah blah just stay blah blah blah blah I love you or whatever blah blah blah blah.
And you're wrapping your arms around his prostrated head, maybe in tears, saying something like money was running short, you were out looking for a job that's why you weren't at the Yorozuya more often, and something like you were embarrassed to face him— which is the most ridiculous bullshit he's ever heard because look at him while he's wiping your tears away with a rough hand, you idiot— you're dating the sorriest, the poorest bastard in Edo! Getcher ass home so we can eat dinner.
And dinner that night— even with four pairs of chopsticks and one paw fighting over the last shriveled dog kibble— has never tasted better.
Happily ever afterrrr
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themculibrary · 2 months
Sub!Bucky Masterlist
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky, maria/sam, tony/pepper, clint/natasha, + more E, 305k
Summary: Steve's just moved back to Brooklyn after spending ten years in California trying to make a life for himself as an artist right after high school. Having escaped to the other side of the country following the sudden death of his mother, Steve feels guilty about abruptly leaving all his friends for so long, unfulfilled, scared and nervous about started college at his age, and unbelievably lonely. So when he meets Bucky Barnes, a young sex-worker, at a bar the night before his first day of classes, temptations might be too high to resist. 
One night paying for sex with the most sinfully gorgeous guy is nothing to brag to the papers about, huh?
S'not like he'll ever see him again anyway...
Being In His Possession (ao3) - valiantlybold steve/bucky E, 57k
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes is nineteen years old, and he is about to make what might be the worst decision of his short little life.
But little by little, he comes to like his new place of employment, as well as his employer. Well... Maybe a little more than just like.
Bucky Barnes and his Big Beefy Blonde (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Bucky Barnes loves Big, Beefy, Blondes. What he loves most about Big, Beefy, Blondes is having no string attached sex with them. Until he meets a Big, Beefy, Blonde that just happens to be Steve Rogers -- Captain America who's only been declared alive a few months ago. 
This is one that could go down as Bucky's fuck of a lifetime. 
That's if he can avoid these pesky feelings that start showing up out of nowhere.
Collar Full of Chemistry (ao3) - 2bestfriends steve/bucky E, 188k
Summary: AKA a fantasy BDSM romance featuring heavy mutual pining, feelings denial, and enough kink to blackout a bingo card. We know what we're about, son.
We encourage everyone to read tags and notes. We want everyone to have a safe and happy reading experience! :)
Coming Home For Christmas (ao3) - Chiyume steve/bucky E, 118k
Summary: Steve Rogers is a good man. His friends have told him so on numerous occasions, but this might actually be more bordering on "stupid" rather than "kind". Because what else would you describe the act of inviting a complete stranger - and thief - into your home over the Holidays? Steve isn't quite sure what to call it himself, but fact is that when it comes to the case of Bucky Barnes, Steve's actually pretty okay with being referred to as an idiot, as long as it keep the other man safe. And to Steve's defence, it had all started out with such good intentions...
From You I Cannot Hide (ao3) - SailorChibi steve/tony, bucky/natasha, clint/phil M, 66k
Summary: Being a sub isn’t the worst thing in the world. Being a sub who doesn’t like pain, well. That’s just weird. A sub’s sole responsibility in life is to be anything and everything a dom wants, an open canvas for a dom’s brush, malleable and sweet. Obie taught him that, and that fear ultimately tears him and Pepper apart. So Tony hides his dirty secret and doesn’t sub for anyone now. But that doesn’t stop him from wanting.
give him something to believe in (ao3) - howdoyousleep steve/bucky E, 18k
Summary: “Hey, Bucky nice to see you. Sorry about this. Close the door?” The older man’s voice is professional, to the point. Bucky nods, closes the door behind him and then that professional voice changes, has a more of an authoritative edge when he purrs, “Lock it.” 
His Daddy Voice.
However Sweetly It May Storm (ao3) - KimchiKitty7 bucky/steve/tony E, 30k
Summary: After Civil War, Tony Stark is trying to pull his life together and deal with the betrayal and abandonment of his team. One night he goes upstairs to find Steve Rogers in his penthouse, and is ready to try his hand at throwing him out the window. But things aren’t always what they seem. Can they get it right this time?
if you're lonely wake me (ao3) - oh_la_fraise steve/bucky E, 6k
Summary: Their first date is objectively pretty great. But later, when Bucky comes after Steve slides inside him and slaps him on the ass, Steve knows this is going to be fun.
It's Our Pleasure (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/steve/tony M, 71k
Summary: Steve Rogers is not a typical Dom and Bucky is a Switch choosing to submit for his Captain. Together they have a love that breaks rules and flaunts expectations, and when they see a beautiful sub being mistreated by his Dom, Bucky and Steve break another rule and interfere.
Tony is a sub bound to Old World protocol-- seen but not heard, there for Ty's pleasure alone, regarded as half a person without his Dom--and Tony thinks that life is normal.
Or at least, he thinks its normal until he meets Bucky and Steve. 
Bucky has more freedom than Tony could imagine and Steve's only wish as Dom is to take care of his subs, and when both Dom and Switch fall for Tony, they make it clear there's room for him in their arms and hearts.
First they have to deal with Ty though, first they have to free Tony from an abusive Dom and a history of hurt, and that won't be easy. 
But Tony's ready. He's ready to move on and reclaim his life, ready to take a chance on something new, and ready to learn the beauty of willing submission with Bucky, and the truth of a caring Dom in Steve.
Keys To Your Kingdom (Holding On By A Thread) (ao3) - deathdropdontstop steve/bucky E, 54k
Summary: Steve is a phone dom as a side gig, and Bucky is one of his favorite clients. He does a great job not developing feelings for his clients, until he doesn’t.
Lessons Learned (ao3) - sadsongssaysomuch steve/bucky E, 39k
Summary: Steve Rogers is a retired Army Captain from Brooklyn who now runs a private security firm. He’s a charismatic public speaker and an intensely private man. 
His life runs on routine until he hires James Barnes, a reckless, conflicted man for his PR department. Steve takes an instant liking to him but struggles to help when Barnes’ careless ways begin to interfere with his job.
James Barnes is a man of secrets and he’s gotten good at hiding his traumatic past with his smart-ass attitude. When Steve approaches him about it, one thing leads to another and they end up having a drunken fling. 
However, Steve has his secrets too...
My Albatross Always With Me (ao3) - LolitaBlue steve/bucky E, 94k
Summary: When Bucky Barnes joins the Avengers team as a weapons developer, Steve Rogers doesn't like him very much. Their constant bickering leads to a fiery tension that everyone else wants to sort out. Steve and Bucky are too stubborn to admit why they don't like each other, until they're forced to reach a point where they can't deny the truth any longer. 
(A Modern!Bucky and Cap!Steve AU)
Never Someone Else (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: Seventy years ago, Bucky Barnes was Steve Roger's registered submissive. Now, after becoming Captain America and the Winter Soldier, Steve and Bucky must figure out if they can still be each others Dominant and submissive. Or if they need to find someone else.
Orgasmus (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: It had always felt like his life was nothing but decision-making; what with work, taking out the dames, making ends meet all the time at home - Bucky was always expected to have the answers. That’s how society told him he needed to be. When he was at home, though, things were different. The second his shoes came off and that front door was closed, the only thing Bucky had always wanted was for someone to take care of him.
Not ‘someone’, not really. Steve. Bucky wanted Steve to take care of him.
Soft Target (ao3) - Hyperthetical, Riakomai steve/bucky E, 19k
Summary: Bucky and Steve reconnect after a mission gone wrong.
Sunlight on Still Waters (ao3) - cobaltmoony, sparkly_butthole steve/bucky E, 78k
Summary: Steve Rogers lives in a broken-down building in Brooklyn, shops at Whole Foods, and plays Captain America as necessary, adjusting to the twenty-first century as well as can be expected. He’s not looking for a sub, not actively, but when he stumbles - literally - upon his neighbor Bucky Barnes, that old spark lights up once more. 
But things have changed since Steve went into the ice. Society’s gone forwards in many ways, but not all, not by a longshot. And soon enough, he’ll have to play a hero of a different kind.
we are the things that we do for fun (ao3) - Nonymos steve/bucky, clint/natasha E, 35k
Summary: Going to a professional Dom may be one of the weirdest things Bucky’s ever done. Especially since this skinny Steve Rogers guy doesn’t really look the part. 
But hey, they might just find a way to make this work.
you're the fireworks flyin' on the fourth of july (ao3) - IamShadow21 steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: Steve's got ninety-five years' worth of Bucky's birthdays to catch up on.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
So I just dropped the OJV Stan Angst, and uhhhh now it’s Kyle’s turn bc I’m thinking about it.
Sorry Kyle (below the cut in case of ed triggers)
So I started the OrangeJuiceVerse timeline at sophomore year of high school bc as I’ve said, ojverse hinges on healing, and freshman year may have been when Stan and Kyle got together, but that was a veeerrrryyy rough year for him. I vague about his eating disorder in some of the fics, but I’ll never go into detail, however, right now, I wanna talk about the moment mentioned here, when Stan references Ky admitting his issues with control manifesting in the form of eating problems.
So during the summer before the boys start hs, Kyle’s super fuckin stressed. Like his dad made one casual stupid comment about how “high school sets the tone for the rest of your life” and Kyle, who definitely reads way too far into the things people say, ran with that. He never wants to fail, at anything, ever. He put soooo much pressure on himself to succeed. Like they aren’t even in 9th grade yet and he’s spending his summer trying to get ahead and the guys are trying to get him to come hang out but Kyle’s so insistent that he needs to be in all the AP classes and already know everything, and he struggles with science but at this point he wants to be a doctor so that’s another stressor, and he feels like he’s running out of time when he isn’t. And he can’t control the feeling of panic, or (this is in his head btw his parents aren’t totally on his ass abt it) the pressure he feels. He’s so scared of disappointing them and not being their Perfect son, and it’s so irrational bc Sheila and Gerald really aren’t trying to control his life, but Kyle feels out of control. So he turns to the only thing he thinks he has control over.
And ojv Kyle is diabetic. He absolutely should NOT be restricting his intake or ignoring what his body needs. Plus, he’s an actively growing teenage boy. But he wants to control something. And Kyle is competitive as fuck. He starts competing with himself to see how little he can eat without anyone noticing. He’s so incredibly smart and absolutely knows what he’s doing is wrong, and the rest of the main 5 know somethings up, because Kyle would usually never hesitate to go join them to throw rocks at boats in the quarry, but he never wants to anymore. He skips Randy’s 4th of July bbq that year not only bc he hates Randy, but because all the food there scares the fuck out of him. Stan may not be the most observant person, but he fucking KNOWS his super best friend. Somethings going on, but Kyle waves him off when he asks.
High school starts. Kyle spends lunch period in the computer lab. Then, a few months later around September or October, after school at off season basketball practice, he is feeling really awful, stumbling over to the bench, but doesn’t make it. He passes the fuck out. Do his teammates call 911? Do they call his mom? No. They call Stan. Stan knows Kyle better than anyone ever could.
Like Stan’s just on the other side of the school with his own extracurricular (recycling club) and he picks up the phone like “hey Tolkien what’s up” “it’s Kyle” and he fucking BOLTS and finds his favorite person being held up by half the basketball team while he blinks at them all barely conscious. That’s when they find out he’s diabetic, and they think it’s just that.
Stan absolutely freaks (but in true Stan Fashion, his mantra is “Kyle first panic later”) and takes him over to the locker room, he still thinks this is a normal low, but he senses it’s more than that. So he swings his backpack to the front to grab the juice he keeps just in case and he’s like “dude you’re always really good about keeping an eye on your levels what’s going on?” And Kyle stares at him for a second, and like everyone’s noticed his clothes getting baggy on him, everyone has seen that he doesn’t eat when the guys order pizza while they’re hanging out. But Stan connects the dots finally. “Oh,dude.”
And Kyle, who is the LAST of the 5 to break down into tears, is crying, and he tells Stan that he’s fucking scared, he didn’t mean for it to get so bad, and he’s ranting about how none of his clothes fit him anymore, he’s begging Stan not to tell Sheila, saying that he doesn’t know how to stop, and Stan is so upset because yeah he knew Ky was stressing himself out but not to THIS point. They leave their after school clubs early with Stan making Kyle promise to eat at dinner and not make an excuse to take a few bites and go work on something, and Stan goes home and Sharon is right there when Stan starts crying as he walks through the door. And he tells his mom everything.
A few days later, Kyle’s knocking at Stan’s door. And he throws his arms around him and just whispers “thank you.” Because turns out Sharon told Sheila and the Broflovskis looked into what their son was dealing with and found him an outpatient program, they took him to the doctor and were horrified that he’s so physically unwell, and he’s gonna be out of in person school for nearly a month, but Kyle DOES want to get better. He’s kicking ass in online classes and the zoom calls with his therapist every day are really helpful to break down the motivation behind the ed, and Stan, because he can’t go a single day without seeing Kyle and not having him in the desk beside him his excruciating, brings him flowers from Sharon’s garden every goddamn day.
One afternoon, Stan goes over and they’re in Kyle’s bed, Kyle is a lot better mentally and physically but Stan’s still hesitant bc he’s still a little fragile, but this is Kyle, the strongest person he knows. And that’s when his simp ass is like “dude, I’m so sorry if this is weird, but I’m fucking in love with you.”
And Kyle’s so shocked, bc these two are both oblivious losers and he didn’t know either, but he’s loved Stan right back, forever. “Holy shit you asshole. It took you this long to say something?” “Wait, you too?” and Kyle pulls him close. “Yeah, me too”
Shdgskaljk they’re just holding each other like that until Sheila comes in bc Kyle has a drs appointment (this is when he gets his dexcom) and she isn’t even phased by those two cuddling smh they’ve done that forever she’s just like “oh stanley you’re still here, anyway. Kyle it’s time to go bubbeh” lmfao and afterwards Kyle’s texting Stan from the doctors office like “dude are you my boyfriend now” and Stan’s giggling kicking his feet smiling texting back like “can I be? Really?” “Yes, dumbass”
I love them so bad
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luminari-mc · 3 years
(Mammon x MC/Reader)
Prompt: "She doesn't compare to you. No one does.”
Genre: Angst, hurt(emotional)/comfort.
Pairing: GN!MC/Reader x Mammon
Summary: You and Mammon finally get to enjoy a well-deserving shopping trip just between the two of you. Just as you are about to hit the next shop, your attention is caught by an image advertised in the street.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I wanted to try my hands at a prompt that is tagged as "fluff", but of course I ended up turning it into something angsty instead. But I like sad stuff, so that still works for me.
It wasn't often that you got to spend time with Mammon without having any of his brothers around to bother you. But you had made it very clear to them that these few hours after school would be spent with Mammon, and only him. And for today's trip, you two had decided to go shopping in one of the busiest streets in the Devildom.
Clothes and jewelry stores, malls- you had done them all. When most of this time had been spent doing window shopping, Mammon had still insisted on getting at least a few bags of purchased goods for each of you by the end of the day. After all, what was the point of going on a shopping trip, if you didn't end up emptying your bank account only to regret it later?
And so, thanks to the demon's wonderful influence, your arms had now several bags hanging off of them. There was a certain guilt still looming over your head as you realized way overboard you might have gotten with your purchases, but Mammon promised he would take care of any financial problems you could encounter in the near future because of that. You still wondered how he was going to manage it, him being Mammon and all...
"Damn, now THAT'S what I call a good haul! Look at ya!" The white-haired demon grinned as he watch you hop out of the store, the glass doors opening automatically at your presence to let you out. He placed his wrists on his hips as his own bags dangled in his hands. "What'cha got for yourself this time?"
"They actually had that jacket I saw in a magazine the other day!" The doors closed behind you as you showed the white bag which contained the jacket. "You were right, that store was amazing. I can't believe you never showed it to me before."
"Ha! Told ya the Great Mammon knew where the best treasures were! Consider it an exclusive info, because I ain't gonna share more if any of my brothers are around next time." Mammon turned around before flipping a few of his bags over his shoulder, as you instantly began to trot to get to his level.
"What? So all this time you knew about it and you didn't tell me? Just because Asmo comes with us sometimes?" You expressed shock, right before your eyebrows joined together. "Really, as if you couldn't have told me over text or something."
"And have you go without me?! Nah, ain't gonna happen- you'd just get lost and end up in the worst store possible." Mammon glanced your way, and you could only smirk at his poor excuse.
"Sure, you're right. I forgot that humans don't have the same flawless sense of orientation as demons do." Despite your obviously sarcastic tone, Mammon didn't seem to register it as he nodded at your words.
"Exactly! Even if I gave you the full address, who knows where you'd end up? I don't want ya to come and complain to me afterwards, so it's gotta be with me or nothin'."
Even as you rolled your eyes, you noticed Mammon's face slightly turning away from yours, probably to hide the extra shade of color that had appeared on his cheeks ever so discreetly. Even when he was in his usual tsundere mood, it was endearing to see how concerned he was for your safety. And just how badly he wanted to be alone with you.
"So, where to next?" You asked without really thinking, surprising yourself that even after your extensive purchasing, you still wanted to do more. Or maybe it was that you didn't want this date to end right away. The past few weeks had been nothing but the brothers interrupting each other when any of them found themselves alone with you, so getting to spend some alone time with one of them, especially with Mammon, deserved to be extended a bit more.
"Glad ya asked!" As if a battery had been plugged into him, the demon brandished his arm into the air, the bags swinging by his face and missing him by a few inches. "I got this whole place where they're sellin' tons of stuff for pretty cheap, but it's actually authentic branded things. See, they're actually sold to that one guy who then has to sell them to another guy, and..."
As you listened to Mammon explain how he was able to find "authentic stuff" (probably not that authentic, you were pretty sure about that) for less than a quarter of its original price, your eyes found themselves drifting to an impressive ad plastered on a building the two of you were walking by. Recognizing the habit of Majolish to put their models on display for everyone to see was pretty easy, but that wasn't what caught your eye in the moment.
What tuned Mammon down completely in your ears, were the models themselves. The second born, sitting on a stool with a ripped shirt and pants, a few accessories hanging off his neck and barely covering anything of his exposed chest. He looked serious, staring straight at the objective- and at you, while the light shined on him to completely capture his frame for the picture.
And sitting down in the middle of the shot, between his legs, was a female demon wearing a red leather dress, her head resting on top of Mammon's leg. The clawed hand dangling off his knee- covered in golden rings, seemed to taunt you, as well as the piercing yellow eyes she had. Saying she wasn't beautiful would be lying. In fact, she was absolutely stunning. A perfect model for a perfect shot. Just looking at her made you feel small, like a prey that was about to be devoured by a hungry beast, the longer you were looking at her.
But that's what demons were supposed to make you feel like, right?
"Hey!" Mammon called out from the distance he had put between the two of you since you had stopped walking beside him. "Yo, MC!"
Watching as you kept staring into nothing, Mammon rolled his shoulders with a furrowed brow before walking back toward you, his head tilting to the side as he noticed your dead expression.
"Huuh hello, Devildom to MC? In which realm did ya get lost this time?"
"They replaced it." The words that left your mouth were weak, almost too silent for him to hear. It's as if all of the energy you had had evaporated from your body in an instant.
"Huh?" Mammon grew a bit concerned at this sudden change. His eyes perked up at the ad you were looking at, as you continued.
"The shoot we did together." Finally, you spared yourself from the sight, your gaze dropping to the ground. "They already replaced it with another one."
As soon as Mammon understood why *this* ad in particular seemed to be upsetting you so much, his jaw was already clenching. He remembered the stars he had seen in your eyes the previous week when you saw yourself on the Majolish ad, posing beside him- a shoot opportunity you had gotten while accompanying him after RAD a few days prior. In the middle of his shoot, he practically didn't leave any choice to his agent and had insisted that you be included in the shots to promote one of the new pieces of jewelry the brand was planning to release in the upcoming months. Asmo, who was there to witness your reaction on that day the three of you went out, had even taken a hundred pictures or so of you posing in front of the ad.
Except that, the jewelry you had posed with, was now present on the new model posing alongside Mammon.
He had made sure to engrave that smile of yours in his head at the time, even going so far as to snap a picture of your face while you were too focused on Asmo to notice him. But now, there was absolutely no trace of that same happiness anymore.
"The fuck?" The snarl that left him shook the walls of his throat. "That wasn't supposed to be advertised before another month! Why'd they have to take ours so soon?!"
"It's okay, Mammon." The demon stopped growling as his eyes lowered on the hand that was clutching his arm. "I mean... I'm not a model. Figures they wouldn't put it up for long... I-I mean, look at me. Seriously, who would want to see my face being exposed for longer than they can bare? It's hard to imagine. I wouldn't probably have sold their product anyway, so... it's okay."
The look on your face was devastating. Despite trying your best to smile, the tears pricking in your eyes were threatening to roll down your cheeks at any second. Mammon felt his heart being stabbed with a thousand invisible daggers, he couldn't bear to watch you feeling insulted in such a way.
His bags were immediately dropped onto the floor, the demon no longer caring for any of the fragile items he may have bought. His hands swung forward to cup your cheeks, forcing your face up to look at him straight in the eyes.
"Hey hey, MC. C'mon, look at me."
You did your best not to let your vision turn blurry because of the upcoming tears, and stared back at Mammon, your bottom lip trembling weakly.
"I don't care what anyone, model agents or not, can say- you'd sell a thousand more times than any fuckin' models out there, okay? In fact, you're worth even more than their stupid jewelry!"
His thumb quickly brushed away a tear from the corner of your eye as his other hand came to rest on your temple.
"They just put that one up there because that model is famous. They don't care about what's really beautiful, they just want to boast their popularity to the rest of the world." The blue of his eyes seemed to radiate the closer he moved towards you. "But I know what's beautiful. And her? She doesn't compare to you. No one does."
You could only look down in shame as his hands never left you, closing your eyes shut to let a couple tears out before Mammon grabbed a tissue from his pocket to dry your face. He patiently waited a few seconds for you to calm down, soothing you with slow caresses of your hair until your shoulders stopped shaking.
"I'm sorry..." you muttered, sniffling as you passed a wrist over your eyes. "I don't know why that upset me so much..."
"Ya got nothing to be sorry about." Mammon retrieved his hands from your head, only to grab the bags that were hanging off of your arms. He somehow manages to hold them alongside his own behind him, before wrapping the other arm around your shoulder.
"Hey, I'd call this a day. How about I prepare ya a bath when we're home? Courtesy of the Great Mammon."
You nodded, your lips arching into a smile as you grabbed the hand hanging off your shoulder. The day was cut too short for your liking, but you didn't feel up for any additional purchases, or to properly enjoy your outing anymore.
"Will you wash my hair?" You entertwined your fingers with his as he gave them a gentle squeeze.
"Pah, of course! Who else but me could do that?" He huffed through his nose, shaking his head at such an obvious question. Your laugh ringing in his ears gave him a brief moment of respite.
But the demon furrowed his brows as he lead you into your walk back home, keeping you snuggled at his side. Holding the bags in his left hand, his white nails sharply digged into his palm the more steps he took alongside you.
Making them cry? Such a big, big mistake. One thing was sure, Mammon wasn't about to let that one pass.
"But before that..." The hiss that escaped his throat went unnoticed by the two of you as your head rested against his shoulder.
"I'll have a few calls to make."
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agape-bakery · 3 years
ah, may i please request the brothers with an MC who was summoned without their glasses, but just? didnt say anything?? and after an absurd amount of time (like a month or two) they're just like "oh, yeah i need glasses i cant rlly see anything lmao"
with a GN or male mc please :)
thank you, have a wonderful day! -🐱
Me in about 3 years- This was pretty difficult to do so it took me so long to finish and it still ended up shorter than I wanted it to be, so sorry about that anon!
Would like to give a small reminder that this is not how the brothers would react canonically, especially for Belphie's scenario!
The Brothers with an MC who needs glasses
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He thought you were making a poor attempt to be intimidating in the beginning by how hard you were squinting whenever you look around
He then thought that you needed glasses but by the way you didn't say anything, he assumed that was not the case
During the month, Lucifer is CONVINCED that you needed glasses
He's the Avatar of Pride but he's not that prideful about glasses....kind of-
After weeks of watching you rub your eyes and squint, he finally decided to ask if you needed glasses
Your eyes light up and you quickly nod and then go, "I actually forgot to told you I need glasses lol-"
Lucifer would stare down at you with the most wide-eyed confused look he has ever given someone in his whole life
"MC, what do you mean you forgot?"
"I just forgot!"
Lucifer would take a long sigh before shaking his head, while he's exasperated, it's better late than never
Even if he acts annoyed, he'd still buy you some glasses as a gift
He now has more reasons to believe his gut, especially when it comes to you
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He most likely wears those sunglasses not because he thought it was cool but because his eyes are blurry from staring at his phone all the time-
As he was a demon, he didn't need to use it all the time
But when he saw you squinting, he was already in front of you with his hand up, smirking like he didn't experience the same thing in the past
"I saw you squinting, MC, how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Haha, real funny."
You completely forgot to tell him that you actually did need glasses and moved on with your day
The longer you did that, the more Mammon grew concerned, is this a habit??? Are you fucking with him just because he asked you how many fingers he was holding up??
When he finally confronted you after psyching himself in front of his mirror:
"MC, do you really need glasses??"
"Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell you that a month ago but I forgot."
Don't worry, if you mention wanting the same glasses as his but with your prescription, Mammon would leave it aside to look for a matching pair-
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This guy NEEDS the high prescription glasses with blue light filter 24/7
He stares at the screen all day, tell me he doesn't need it-
Anyway, he might have noticed that you need one in the beginning but didn't think too much of it and left it alone
He found out while he was playing a game with you and you weren't doing too good unless you lean closer/back
He doesn't mind carrying but while his eyes were focused on the screen, he asked if you were alright
You were his lover, after all, he didn't want you to get a headache or something because of him
You nod your head and tell him that it's because you need the glasses to fully see
As soon as the game was over, he was like, "Legit???" and couldn't believe his ears when you confirmed it
Dealing with glasses was difficult enough but he couldn't imagine playing while not wearing contacts or glasses
The day after that, you now have matching glasses with your boyfriend, now the both of you can act like the smart people in anime :D
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Most likely wears reading glasses but that's it
He instantly knows that you need it because who squints like that?
But he doesn't have your medical files so he couldn't say for sure
It didn't hurt to ask though
"MC? Forgive me if this sounds offensive, but do you always squint like that?"
"Oh! I didn't tell you? I need glasses!"
"Have you not been wearing contacts or glasses this past month??"
"I forgot..."
Satan thinks of a solution, not wearing glasses when you need it, especially with bad vision might further harm the eyes so he tags along with you to get one
Frankly, he doesn't mind if his lover has glasses, he thinks it's endearing!
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Cares a lot about all of his body and makes sure to take care of them all the time so he didn't really need glasses, well, the ones with prescription that is
Honestly could have been one of the brothers to let you remember much earlier
Because he also spends time on his eyes, making sure it gets its needed rest, he might know something about glasses
And he noticed how you seemed to need one whenever you look at something close/far away
He hugs your arm, looking at you with a worried pout, "Hey MC, you've been staring in space and squinting for a long while, are you okay?"
As you reassured him and tell him that you just forgot your glasses, he laughs it off, until he realized that you weren't wearing one for MONTHS
He's a little worried, what if your vision got worse?
As soon as school ends, he's taking you to the doctor! No buts!
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The brother who didn't notice until at least 4 months or longer (while the others took a few weeks or a month)
Another one who cares about his body to keep it healthy, eyes are very important and even if it was an annoying task, he isn't planning on making it worse
Might have seen you squinting and staring off in space with a mean look, but that's what Belphie and Lucifer do sometimes, so he thought it was nothing
Until you say it outright to him or someone tells him, or if your vision's getting worse, he wouldn't notice-
"Ugh...I can't believe I forgot my glasses of all things.."
"You needed glasses??"
He feels bad for not noticing sooner, so he vows to help find you if ever your glasses get lost or ruined
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Would be fast asleep to notice your struggles
And if we're going the original route and the two of you just met, he wouldn't even care-
When he finds out that you forgot them and had to walk around with no glasses, he snickered
"Who forgets their glasses?" He flicks your forehead with a small smile before yawning
Would bully you lightly tease you for having glasses in the first place
"You need glasses to see? Too bad."
But if you really do feel sad about what he's saying, he'll feel a little bad and stops it, apologizing quietly
Even if it's a difficult task for him to stay awake, he wants to at least try one time for you and remind you where your glasses are and that you should wear it
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate!Harry: I’ll Make It Up To You - Part 3
Please like if it’s not too shabby, re-blog for anyone who you think may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Part 1 - Part 2 
Word Count: 3.9K 
Warnings: I think slight swearing, One sentence of smutty language. 
A/N-The bold bits are a flashback! 
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 You were spending your Wednesday afternoon doing housework and cleaning up your apartment. In the last two weeks, you had been helping Harry here and there with writing some songs, but you never wanted to take any credit for his work. You were just happy to help. 
You’d both let the mess pile up a little bit, mainly paper thrown everywhere, scribbled with random lyrics and instrument chords. You had vowed to yourself that you weren’t going to write anymore or get yourself lost in your musical dream world, but Harry always seemed to manage to get you sucked in to help.
You pick up your phone to dial H, letting it ring a few times.
“Y/N? Are you okay? Everything fine?” Harry answers worriedly.
You couldn’t help but chuckle “Everything is fine, I just phoned to see if you needed any of that paper on the piano or if it can be thrown?”
“Erm, maybe just stick it in a pile in my room and I’ll go through and sort it later. What are you doing?”
“I’m cleaning our pigsty of an apartment Haz!” You laugh and smile. 
“Look at you being a wife” He teases and chuckles. 
“Shut up, or you’ll be my next victim! Do you want me to wash your bedding too?”
“Ohhh yes please! You’re an angel!”
“Someone’s got to be” You smile. “And your spare sheets are in the drawer under your bed?” You hold your phone to your ear with your shoulder as you pile the thrown papers together. 
“Yeah I think I- Erm...a-actually I can put the sheets on when I’m home!” He says quickly. You were slightly taken back by the change in his tone. “Are you sure?”
“Y-yeah....yeah I...I forgot I’d bought some new ones a while ago and they’re...they’re still in my car” He fakes a chuckle, although you soon became oblivious to his cover story.
“Did you manage to get those silky black ones?!” You gasp.
“Y-yeah...yeah I did”...fuck. “I gotta go, Jeff’s pestering me to sign some stuff. I’ll see you later”
“Okie dokie, see you later. Text me when you’re leaving the studio and I’ll start dinner.” 
“Thanks babe, laters” He sighs softly and hangs up. “I need to order black silk sheets on Amazon asap...” He groans.
“You still haven’t told her?!” Jeff sighs, his head shaking. “Harry you need to do it sooner or later...”
“I know but she might freak out!” Harry’s brows furrowed as he kicks the floor softly. “Right...let’s keep going” He sighs.
You cleaned the apartment top to toe, and you couldn’t help admit that you did feel much better. It felt cosier than before, and on this particular day, the sun was glowing, warming your skin through the window.
You promised yourself you wouldn’t do this. You promised yourself two weeks ago that you wouldn’t be doing this. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t put your mind back into your past and be sitting writing songs about old feelings and passed experiences. But here you were...
Using the back of the scraps of paper from Harry’s pile, you were spilling out every word that came to mind, like every feeling in your chest was finally released. Your fingers glided across the piano keys flawlessly with the words you had pieced together, falling perfectly from your mouth. The weight being lifted made you wish you had done this months ago.
“Come on babe, everyone’s already waiting for us at the party...your birthday party which me and all your friends have thrown for you and we’re late!” Your boyfriend Adam teased as he smiled, “You look great” He chuckles as he grabs his jacket. 
“Okay, I’m ready! Let’s go. I can’t believe you guys all managed to book out Club 21 for me!” You grin as you followed him into the taxi towards the club.
“You dropped my hand while dancing, so I left you out there standing...crestfallen on the stage with...champagne problems
You had a cheap ring for it...my picture in your wallet...but my heart was glass and you dropped it...now I have champagne problems” 
The music was pounding as you danced around happily with all your friends on the dance floor. You were having the best night of your life so far. Surrounded by all of yours and Adam’s best friends. You pant as you escape the crowded dance floor and head over to the bar, joining your friend Niall, and your best friend and flat mate Harry, who were both best friends too. 
“Hello birthday girl!” Niall grins and hugs you tightly, kissing your cheek. “It’s not my birthday yet!” You laugh and hug him tightly, then hugging Harry. “Not for another...57 minutes” Harry smiles.
“Have you guys seen Adam? He said he’d get me a drink and I haven’t seen him since!” You say over the music. “I think he’s in the toilet...I’ll go find him. H can get you a drink” Niall pats your back and heads to the men’s toilets.
“Did you tell your family the real reason? Or did you keep it in?...Your mum had splashed out on the bottle...now no ones celebrating”
“Dom  Pérignon, you brought it...but our friends never applauded...your hometown skeptics say it’s...champagne problems”
As Niall strolled into the toilets, he checked his hair in the mirror, noticing a pair of white trainers and red heels in the reflection, hidden behind a cubical door. He smirked and chuckled quietly until he heard “Ohhh fuck, Adam keep going” the female moaned softly. Surely not...there must be plenty of Adam’s in the club. “Mmm I haven’t been able to resist you since I arrived...fuck you’re so tight baby” Adam moaned. It was him. Niall felt the fury cause redness to his cheeks and it took all of his will power not the break the door down and beat Adam to a pulp. He knew where he needed to be most importantly.
His fists were clenched as he left and walked over to the bar “Y/N...” Niall couldn’t help the frown on his lips. You smile as you saw him come back “There you are, was he in there?” 
“Y/N I need to tell you something...” Niall gulped. You couldn’t help but feel like his expression said every word you had been so scared to hear. And he never had to say a word, as you saw Adam stumbling out the men’s bathroom, with an unknown female following out 10 seconds later. You had no words, everything you wanted to say...to scream. You wanted to cry. You wanted to punch something.
 “I’m going to fucking kill him” You heard a mutter from Harry. But you couldn’t react.
“Was it all for the money...or all for the show...I found out that you cheated so I had to go...I always thought I’d know the answer, ‘til you were on your knee and asked me”
You went to storm up to Adam but he was long gone. You had no clue where he had gone...was this it? Was that how he leaves us? As you turn back to Harry and Niall, their eyes were no longer on you, their dark, angry  eyes watching up at the stage. Adam appeared with a wide grin on his face.
“Where’s Y/N?” He calls out. If you hadn’t of just seen him fall out the bathroom with another girl, you would never have believed he could do something so breaking. “Adam...what are you doing?” You mumble, feeling tears in your eyes. Harry and Niall stood close behind you.
“Come up here baby” Adam grins, but before you could even attempt to run away, you were being pulled up onto stage by two of your other friends, who clearly didn’t know what had just happened. 
Was this it? Was he about to break up with you 45 minutes before your birthday...in front of all your friends? You couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing. But oh no, this was much worse.
"I was going to do this in 45 minutes...but unfortunately, one of our friends has to leave the celebrations early for work tomorrow...” Adam smiles brightly at you. You felt sick to your stomach. How could he have the audacity act like he hadn’t just cheated and broken your heart.
You were still in shock. Everything was happening so fast, that you didn’t focus until you realised Adam was on his knee. “Y/N Y/L/N...will you marry me?” He pulls out a small ring, that was clearly not going to fit you. It would definitely cut off your circulation!
The lights were bright in your eyes, as they reflected the tears threatening to spill. But they weren’t the happy tears you always dreamed you’d have at this moment. He pushed the ring up into your hand, silently begging you to take it. You don’t know why...but you held the ring in your hands loosely.
“H-how could you cheat on me...” You whisper, only loud enough for him to hear. You could see the guilt in his eyes as everyone was about to cheer, assuming you’d said yes...but the crowd quickly fell silent as you shook your head, you just wanted to run.
You rushed down the steps at the side of the stage and pushed through the crowd, your legs feeling like jelly as you crashed through the doors and ran...you just ran. The tears finally freed themselves as you let out heavy sobs.
You heard people shouting your name down the street but you couldn’t stop. You were scared to face whatever happened next. You ran and ran until you felt two arms grab you from behind “Hey...shhh c’mere it’s me” As soon as you heard Harry’s hushed tones, you stopped resisiting his grip. You turned into his chest and clutched his shirt, sobbing loudly as you wanted to fall into a pile there and then. His arms protectively tightened around you, his head resting ontop of yours.
“I got you...I’ve always got you. Niall’s getting the car and we’re taking you straight home” 
“...I could of made such a lovely wife...what a shame you fucked up my head... they said “you’ll find the real thing instead...and he’ll patch up the pieces you’ve shred.... and he’ll...hold my hand while dancing...I’ll never leave him standing, crestfallen on the stage with Champagne Problems”
The journey home was painfully silent apart from your sobs. Harry held you closely as Niall drove. “I’ll pop round tomorrow ok...text me if you need anything” Niall says to Harry, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you get out the car. “Thanks Ni” You mumble. “Anytime princess” He gives you a sweet smile before driving home. 
Harry gets you inside, you wipe your soaked cheeks with the back of your hand. You headed straight to the fridge intending to get some water, but instead you found two bottles of champagne which had been sat in the fridge since Christmas.
“Better late than never...” You mutter and take them to the sofa. You popped one open and took a large mouthful from the bottle. Harry brought in a hoodie of his for you, wrapping it around your arms as you suddenly burst into heavy sobs. “Why me?!” You scream into his chest.
“No you’re perfect...he doesn’t deserve you” He whispers, holding you close to him. “You don’t need him. You have me...and Niall”
You whimpered as you took swigs from your bottle very quickly. It tasted awful. But nothing tasted worse than heartbreak.
“Hey Y/N…happy birthday m’darling” he whispers “I’ll make sure you have the best day”
“A cheap ring in your pocket...her picture in your wallet...you won't remember all my...champagne problems
Have you forgotten all my champagne problems?
Now, his mum’s ring in his pocket...my picture in his wallet...he’ll never give me any...champagne problems
He helped to cure all of my champagne problems...”
The next morning, you woke with a heavy head. You found yourself quickly remembering the night before. You sat up slowly, feeling an arm tightly wrapped around your waist. You and Harry had fallen asleep on the sofa...you must have cried yourself to sleep after demolishing one and a half bottles of champagne.
“How are you feeling?” Harry whispers, his hand brushing your hair back gently. You stare at the ring on the table. “I...I don’t know. I never thought this would happen to me...I though this was it.” You mumble sadly. “I thought I was enough” You whisper silently. His heart broke and the ide that you felt you weren’t enough. “You will always be enough...” He frowns and holds you. Kissing your head. He’d never wished more than to have the ability to take someone’s pain away. 
“Y-you...you won’t leave me too will you Harry?” You sniffle, your head resting on his chest.
“Never...I’ll never leave you” He mutters into your hair.
“What if I’m alone forever...what if I can’t heal from this?” You whimper
“You’ll find it. I know you thought you did...but you’ll find the real thing instead, and whoever it is will patch your heart up. And you won’t ever need to leave him” He whispers reassuringly.
 You play around with the last two versions of the chorus, completely oblivious to Harry’s presence in the doorway until you heard a small shuffle from that direction
Your head snapped up “Jesus Harry! I didn’t know you would be home yet...You scared the life out of me! What’s wrong?” You frown as you run up to him, throwing your arms up around his shoulders, noticing his furrowed brow and the sad frown on his lips.
“I...that was so beautiful Y/N...and it just reminds me of how much he hurt you...a-and you...y-you’ve grown so much” He whispers softly, his arms tightly wrapping around you. “You never deserve to be treated like that...and I still hear you crying some nights, I just couldn’t face seeing you that way and...and I-I knew you’d kill me if I barged in...” He mutters, his eyes grazing the floor, as you let out a small laugh. “And you wrote a song again...I’m so fucking proud” 
“It’s okay Harry...I’m okay now!” You whisper, holding his cheeks in your hands. “I just needed to do it. One final time, and that’s it now. I’m going to get a proper job and-”
“Y/N I need to talk to you.” Harry cuts you off. “I was planning on having this conversation with you in a much nicer setting...but I don’t think I can wait.”
This was it...you didn’t realise how much you had craved to hear those three words fall from Harry’s mouth after months of trying to convince yourself that you didn’t feel that way.
“I’ve got you a recording contract with me for the new album...I want you on it. It’s been sat under my bed for weeks ready to give to you but I was worried you’d say no-” Harry says nervously.
You almost didn’t realise what he’d said until it was too late and you already started speaking.
“Harry I love you too...I-” You gasp as your hand flies in front of your mouth. No. No. No no no. This was not happening! You had single handedly embarrassed the shit out of your self and ruined the rest of your life. You wanted the ground to swallow you whole and spit you out in Australia.
“W-what?” Harry froze, taken back by the sudden confession. He didn’t know what to say, but to say he was shocked was an understatement.
“What...” You tried to act natural. Wishing to take back the last 5 seconds. “Oh...that’s erm...that would be a good read...you can just slide it under my door and I’ll read it in 3-5 working days.” You mutter quickly. You didn’t  slipping past him, to disappear into your bedroom.
“Y/N...wait!” His hand grabs your wrist “...you love me?” His gaze fell soft into yours. You thought of every excuse to get out of this situation, as scared as you was to admit it...it was out now. 
“Y-yeah...” you whisper, staring into his eyes, praying to make some sense of how he felt towards you. You so badly wanted him to speak, but the silence hanging between the two of you was deafening. You needed to know.
“D-do...do you...Do you love me Harry?” Your voice croaked. 
Of course he did...
“I-I don’t know...” You couldn’t help but feel your heart shatter some more, the sparkle in your eye slowly fading. And at that moment, you know you had ruined the best friendship of your life. You prepared yourself for Harry to leave the room, pack a bag and go to stay at Niall’s. But he just stood there, analysing your face intensely. You began to pull your hand away from his and run quickly.
“No...wait! Y/N I didn’t mean it like that I just...Well you always had Adam...and you’ve always been my best friend...and then when you guys split up, I...I was so angry because I knew I could never do that to you, and I wanted to change that so badly, but I never wanted to my feelings to get in the way of our friendship. I don’t ever want to loose you Y/N...I always thought I just wanted what I can’t have...until I knew I wanted to protect you for the rest of my life...I love you...I’ve always loved you Y/N, I just didn’t want to ruin anything...” He whispers, his bright eyes sparking as the warm sunset glow flooded your apartment.
“H-have I ruined it all....” You whimper softly, feeling your breath getting stuck in your throat.
“Never...” He whispers, one of his hands cupping your cheek, and the other locking into the side of your neck as you felt soft tears slipping down your cheeks. You had never been so terrified of losing someone. But that worry was soon washed away when you felt Harry’s soft pink lips press against yours. Sparks were flying through your blood as you wasted no time kissing him back with every ounce of passion until you couldn’t breath.
Neither of you wanted to beak the kiss...but Harry also didn’t want the pair of you to collapse. He pulled his lips away from yours, pressing his forehead against yours, the both of you panting heavily. 
“I love you so fucking much” He whispers, tears filling his eyes.
- 3 Months Later -
"Y/N we need to get you downstairs, we don’t have time to get you mic’d up up here, Graham has already started the show, so we’ll mic you up in the wings” A runner knocked on your dressing room.
“Ok I’m ready lets go...” You get up from the chair and check yourself in the mirror quickly. You had a beautiful red dress on, the sleeves hung off the shoulders and there was a slit in the leg of the floor length material. You had sparkly silver heels on, which looked like diamonds when they caught the light. Your hair was curled in a half up, half down style, with your normal glamourous makeup. 
Harry was in the wings waiting, speaking to a few other people as you were getting mic’d up. He was in a red suit, to match the colour of your dress, with a white shirt, his shoes just white this time. He glanced up with a wide grin. “There she is...mmm look at my beauty” He smirks happily and presses a kiss to your lips, holding your hips as a runner was hiding the wire in your dress.
“And you’re on in 3...2...1...” 
“Please welcome Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N!”
Harry took your hand as you followed him onto the set of The Graham Norton Show, the crowd cheering happily as you are greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek from Graham, returning happily, and sitting down beside Harry after he gave the same greeting.
“Hello hello and welcome! It’s an honour to have you both here tonight on my sofa...although you have both sort of blended in” He chuckles
“Yeah...we didn’t really think about that until we got changed...” Harry chuckles, his hand holding yours tightly as you smile, taking a sip of wine from your glass.
“So we have a lot to talk about tonight...but firstly...congratulations on your new album! It sounds incredible and I know I’m not the only one wondering this, but how did you find working together while being in a relationship? Because your relationship only came into public view after the album was released...Now you two have lived together for...4 years is that right?” Graham asks.
“Yeah so...actually we have been best friends and flat mates for years, we’ve always had such a heavy impact on each others lives but we always both sort of thought it was just friendship. Around a year ago now I went through a really difficult break up and Harry was there every step of the way. Since then I always knew I loved Harry but it wasn’t until just after we had written the first version of Fine Line that I found out he felt the same” Your eyes gleam just talking about it.
“So...you two wrote Fine Line together, was that the first song you wrote for the album?” He looks over at Harry
“Actually, I’d already written Watermelon Sugar, Golden and Adore You. Fine Line was next and I was writing it at home. Naturally every song I write, Y/N is one of the first to hear, whether it’s in the living room, or when she’s in the bath and I sit outside the door to play it. It’s always been that way, even before we got together.”
Graham nods and smiles “You can’t let the poor woman have a bath in peace!” He jokes and teases as you both laugh. “So did you decide to name the album Fine Line because it’s the first song you wrote together?”
“I know!” Harry chuckles “sort of...Fine Line actually came about after...well it was after a prank I tried to pull on Y/N which went horribly wrong, then she finally forgave me and I was talking to her in the kitchen about how I was struggling to write emotional songs at the time. And the words she said to me really stuck...that night I sat at the piano and tried to piece together our conversation in a song. Y/N came to help me and she just...she’s really the saving grace. So I think yeah...maybe that was one of the reasons we called in Fine Line.”
“That’s incredible...and Y/N you were actually going to give up music weren’t you? Thank god you didn’t” Graham smiles.
You blush softly “I was...I just as going through a rough time. I helped Harry with the song and then I said I would quit. Then a couple of weeks later, Harry declared his love for me after he’d told me he had a joint record deal contract for us, to include me in the album” you tease with a smirk.
Harry grins widely and laughs quietly “I think the details of that have been slightly twisted...” He teases as you blush.
“Well I can’t wait to hear that story later! Now are there going to be any more joint albums...?” Graham asks curiously.
“...” You both look between each other “Time will tell Graham” Harry winks.
“Well...we are goin to go to an ad break now, but stay tuned because you don’t want to miss the first ever live performance of Fine Line by Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N!”
The crowd cheer loudly as the cameras cut to an ad break.
“I’m not waffling too much right?...it is my first ever proper interview” You mumble slightly as Harry and Graham sat with you in conversation while you were having your makeup touched up.
“You’re doing great baby...everyone loves you. I told you I’d make it all up to you when I stole your clothes and you missed that audition...” He grins cheekily.
“Now that’s a story I definitely need to hear!” Graham laughs along with the audience
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores - @sad-capuccino @beachwood-cafe
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clareguilty · 3 years
A Tainted Rescue Part 2
hello! i cannot escape my own terrible ideas! Have more Heisenberg porn! Karl Heisenberg/Maiden Rating: Explicit | WARNING: dark content, explicit smut, big sexy evil guy doing bad things Word Count: ~2500
Lord Heisenberg lifted the maiden into his carriage and pulled her onto his lap as the mechanical horse took off away from the castle. She shook and cried in his arms, whimpering with every rattle of the wheels on the unpaved path to the Lord's domain.
"You're safe now," he promised her. "I'm going to take good care of you."
She clung to him, face buried in his chest as he ran his hand up and down her back in a slow, steady rhythm. Her breathing began to even out and her sobs turned to sporadic hiccups the farther they traveled from that horrid castle.
Lord Heisenberg was extremely proud of himself. He had managed to pull one over on Alcina all while getting a delightful new toy to play with. She was so precious, so perfect. He would have to make sure to spoil her rotten.
Just outside of the factory grounds, covered in overgrown plants, a small stone staircase led up to Lord Heisenberg’s house. He helped the maiden up the worn steps, holding branches out of the way as they ducked through the overgrowth. 
“I never actually use this place,” he explained. “I spend most of my time in the factory. But that’s no place for you. Now I finally have someone to come home to.” He kissed her knuckles as he led her across the threshold.
The lights were electric, and they turned on at a wave of the Lord’s hand. He chuckled at the maiden's awestruck expression.
The house was a mess, dusty and cluttered. It must have been months since the Lord actually stayed there. Narrow and tucked into the hillside, the two story was smaller than Lady Beneviento’s villa but still larger than almost any of the houses of the village. 
“Heh,” he laughed wryly. “Looks like this place needs a lot of work.”
He led the maiden up the stairs and to the main chamber. The room was sparsely furnished with just a low double bed, a wardrobe, and a writing desk piled high with books and papers and the same scrap metal that seemed to appear throughout the Lord’s domain. It was nothing like the opulent and immaculate rooms of the castle.
The maiden let Lord Heisenberg push her to a seat on the bed. He knelt in front of her, squeezing her jaw in one hand and forcing her to look him in the eyes. 
“I may not be as fucked as my witch of a sister, but let me make one thing clear. I am not above killing you. You will stay out of my factory. Understand?”
The maiden whimpered, tears once again threatening to spill over her cheeks. “Yes, My Lord.”
He released her jaw and patted her cheek lightly. “Good girl.” He shucked off his coat and draped it over the back of the desk chair. His hat and glasses were quick to follow. He sat beside her on the bed and unlaced his boots.
The maiden removed her own shoes -- the only things she wore that were intact. Her stockings were shredded, as were her skirts. She didn’t even have any drawers on anymore. The front of her dress was ripped down to her stomach, and she tugged the fabric over her shoulders and out from under her until it fell in a puddle on the floor. She was naked and bruised and marked. She felt filthy, used, ruined. But that was what the Lord said was needed to save her. If he hadn’t done what he had, she would be dead at the hands of the Mistress.
The Lord must have seen her numbness, her distress, because he pulled her into his chest and smoothed a hand over her hair. “Hey now,” he whispered. “She can’t touch you here. I’d like to see her try.” He sounded as if he would welcome the fight. “Let me make you feel good.”
He laid the maiden on her back and nudged her thighs apart so he could kneel between her legs. The sight of the damage he had done at the castle brought a smile to his face, and he pressed his fingers into the bruises that were blooming across her thighs.
With no preamble, he pressed two fingers inside of her, crooking them and stretching her open. The maiden whined and gripped the linens with white knuckles. The Lord was only spurred on by her reaction and added a third finger. He loved the way she tightened around him, and longed to feel it on his cock again.
Despite her inexperience, it was no time at all before she was dripping just from the motions of his fingers. He made sure to bring her right to the brink of pleasure, holding her just on that precipice as he pulled his cock from his pants and lined himself up.
He pressed into her slowly, lifting her hips to meet his and bracing himself over her on the bed. She was trapped beneath him, nearly bent in half as his cock split her open once more. It felt even deeper than before, and she couldn’t hold back her high, breathy whines as he began to move. He moaned as he drove his cock into her harder and harder on each stroke.
“You feel amazing. So soft. So tight. You’re all mine. Just for me.”
“All yours,” the maiden repeated. “Just for you.”
“Oh, you’re so perfect,” he groaned. “She didn’t deserve you. She could never have made you feel like this. Come for me. Come on my cock.”
He reached between them to rub her clit, determined to watch her eyes flutter shut and the moans that tumbled from her lips as she came undone around him.
And it was spectacular. She was so precious. To think she had never known pleasure like this before. He was going to be everything for her. Her saviour. Her king.
She clung to him as she came, shuddering and gasping as he forced her through the blinding orgasm. He continued to fuck her, determined to find his own end as well, but he noticed she was barely responsive. Poor thing, probably passed out from the pleasure.
The Lord didn’t let that stop him as he buried himself inside of her to the hilt. He loved watching his cock sink into her, splitting her open and twitching inside of her. He came to the sight of it, filling her as deeply as possible and rocking his hips as she tightened around him once more. Even unconscious, he was able to make her feel good.
Finally satisfied with his claim, he pulled out and arranged the maiden to lay beside him. “You need your rest. Tomorrow I’ll figure out what to do with you.”
Life with Lord Heisenberg was nothing like serving at Castle Dimitrescu. The Lord was crass and informal, just as quick tempered as his ‘sister’ but never directed at the maiden.
No. The maiden was given special privileges. She was his prized possession, swiped right out from under Alcina’s claws, and he loved to spoil her and dote on her.
He had never had a pet like her before. All of his own creations and gifts from Mother Miranda were mindless and bloodthirsty and horrific. But the maiden, she was beautiful and sweet. She was so devoted to him, her savior. He had freed her, given her everything, and now she lived to serve him.
Her new life was one of endless pleasure and indulgence. The Lord fucked her and filled her and marked her as his own. He loved to ruin her, to claim her. She was so precious, trapped in that castle and hidden away from the world. He wanted to show her every filthy experience she had missed.
She fit so perfectly around his cock, so warm and tight and responsive. He enjoyed her moans and gasps of pleasure just as much as he enjoyed finishing inside her.
He didn’t know he was capable of such softness. He was rough when he fucked her, sure to bite her and mark her. Bruising handprints blooming over her skin after he took her to bed. But he was also gentle with her at times. Praise and thanks and kisses to her hairline. There was a different kind of satisfaction to seeing her smile.
The maiden bowed her head as she offered Lord Heisenberg a glass of whiskey late one evening. He had been away at the factory for much of the previous days occupied by his work. The drink was a warm welcome. “Thank you, buttercup,” he pulled her into his lap. “I have something for you.”
He took a gulp from the glass before setting it aside and fishing around in his pockets.
“Aha! Here!” He procured two thick shining bands in his palms. They looked small in his grasp but were still a few inches in diameter.
The Lord grabbed the maiden’s hands. The metal rings levitated before closing around her wrists, fastening as though they were soldered together.
“They’re beautiful,” she breathed, twisting her wrists this way and that to admire the jewelry. “Thank you, My Lord.”
“Now everyone will know who you belong to,” he trailed kisses from her temple to her jaw.
The maiden giggled. “I don’t think there was any doubt of that before.” She was constantly covered in his marks, in his come. He loved to claim her as his in every possible way.
He would fill her until his seed was dripping down her thighs, smeared over her chest and her lips. Make her come until the only thing she knew was his name. He had found all her limits and he knew just how to push past them.
And now he had his steel on her.
She nuzzled against his chest, overwhelmed by the gift. No one at that wretched castle had ever shown her such kindness. Her lips peppered the skin where his shirt was unbuttoned, hands wandering over his chest and arms. She was still so uncertain about her desires. Alcina had certainly done a good job of brainwashing her.
But he had his own conditioning to do. So he whispered encouragement as she slipped between his knees and unfastened his belt. She was flushed and uncoordinated as she pulled his cock free from his pants. “Thank you,” she whispered again before wrapping her lips around him.
She was a good cocksucker, an eager learner and quick to respond to him. She had very quickly grown addicted to him, and he lived for it. Every time he would return from the depths of the factory, she was there craving his attention and his touch.
Now she was even more desperate. He had neglected her in favor of his work, and he regretted it when he saw how uncertain she had become. He would have to train her to handle his long absences. He certainly couldn’t trust anyone to watch over her while he was gone. She was too precious, they would corrupt her. Still, he enjoyed how she couldn’t seem to get enough of him, how dependent she was.
Lord Heisenberg relaxed and sipped his whiskey as she stroked and sucked his cock. He felt so powerful with the maiden on her knees before him. It made him crave more.
After several minutes, when his cock was shining from her lips and she was glassy eyed with lust between his knees, he cradled her head in one of his hands and pulled her onto his cock as deep as she could go. She submitted willingly, moaning at the way his fingers dug into her scalp.
He fucked her face, rough and deep, admiring the way tears spilled over her cheeks and spit dripped down her chin. Her obedience only turned him on more, and he came with a groan, pulling out before he could spill everything down her throat.
She was a filthy mess, come and spit smeared over her swollen lips. She cleaned his cock and blinked up at him expectantly.
“That’s a good girl.” He smiled as she melted at his words. One of her own hands had slipped beneath her skirts and she rocked down against it with a breathy moan. “Needy little thing, aren’t you? Can you wait for me? I promise I’ll give you a treat soon.”
The maiden immediately did as she was told, pulling her slick fingertips from beneath her dress.
“What do you say we wash up and call it a night?” He pulled her to her feet, leading her upstairs to the washroom.
The maiden had been delighted to find that the enormous bath upstairs -- though still smaller that Mistress Dimitrescu’s -- had taps that would run the water directly into the tub. A device of the Lord’s own creation heated the water along the way so that it steamed as it splashed into the porcelain basin. The maiden undressed the Lord with enthusiastic reverence, running her hands over his skin as she pulled his shirt from his broad shoulders. He slipped into the steaming water and sighed.
The maiden slipped out of her own clothes and climbed in as well. She lathered soap in her hands and set to work washing them both, massaging the tension from his muscles with her skilled fingers. What more could he possibly ask for?
He could tell how needy she was as she rinsed them clean. Her breaths were quick and short, skin flushed all the way down her chest and up to her ears. If they hadn’t already been in the water he was sure she would be dripping with arousal.
The Lord was tempted to try out his his new trick, but he wanted to wait for the perfect time. So instead he teased the poor girl with his fingers. She slumped against him, begging and pleading as he gave her everything just shy of what she needed.
He pulled her from the tub, drying both of them just enough before dragging her to bed. Laying back and pulling her on top of him, he grabbed her hips and ground her pussy against his length. 
“Please,” she gasped. She looked so cute, begging for his cock. He lined himself up and pulled her all the way down until her hips met his. The shock of being filled so suddenly, stretched around him, made her scream.
He lifted her easily, using her like a doll for his pleasure. She slumped forward over his chest as he moved her hips however he liked. Her broken gasps and moans of pleasure were like music to his ears. He wanted to break her, to see her totally undone by his hand.
She came around his cock twice before he finally pulled her all the way onto him and pumped her full. Even though his body was exhausted from his orgasm, he wasn’t yet sated. Some strange desire still pulled at him. He had already gifted her with the bracelets he had yet to use, but maybe there were other toys to be made in his workshop.
She would be perfect for him.
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