#hey guys should i put this in the main tag
lucagray813 · 3 days
Shadow Clones
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 3,132
Main Characters: Rumble, Savage, MK
Minor Characters: Macaque, Wukong, Mei, Sandy, Tang, Pigsy
Relationships: None, hints of Shadowpeach if you really want it tho
Summary: All MK had wanted was an explanation for why his clones had minds of their own, meeting Macaque's clones does not provide him with any answers.
Additional Tags: Hijinks & shenanigans, light-headed, Rumble & Savage are called Xīng & Huì
CW: None
Link to AO3 Version
"Hey, Macaque?"
The grunt of acknowledgement from the branch he was currently dozing on was all the go ahead MK needed, "So, you know how I've got some, er, unique clones?"
In a lazy drawl he responded, "Can't say that I do."
Undeterred MK continued, counting off on his fingers, "Yeah, I've got my food guy, my art guy, my porty guy but when I asked Monkey King why they were like that he said I should come ask you?"
He had been surprised that Monkey King would defer to Macaque on anything but given how gleefully he had, MK suspected it was less to do with any respect for Macaque's knowledge and because there was something embarrassing that was about to come to light.
The tip of Macaque's tail gave an irritated little flick before he sighed heavily. But he didn't even open his eyes as he raised a hand towards the sky and clicked his fingers, two shadows separated from him and travelled down the tree until they stopped in front of MK as two perfect circles. Unbothered, Macaque said to no-one, "Alright, have fun you two. Try not to traumatize anyone too badly."
MK took a cautionary step backwards as two forms rose from the ground and he looked between them with increasing alarm. Fully formed, they were clearly two clones but while the resemblance was undeniable they each had a distinctive sense of style.
The one smiling somewhat devilishly at him looked... Well, actually he looked really good. His hair, his outfit, his vibe - it was all so well put together. MK actually felt a little underdressed looking at him.
He was much preferable to look at than the other shadow monkey that stared at him with no emotion on his face whatsoever. His dress sense was simple, efficient and dark. There wasn't a spec of colour on him.
Wary, he called out to the original, "Macaque...?"
Macaque lazily raised a hand in the air and waved it over the brightly dressed clone first before gesturing to the rest of them in order, "Xīng, Huì - MK. MK - Xīng, Huì. Knock yourselves out."
Xīng grinned and bowed with no small amount of flair, "MK, the Monkie Kid. The pleasure is all ours."
Still unsure what to make of the situation, he did his best to be polite, even if the way Huì continued to stare unblinkingly unnerved him, "Er, yeah. Nice to meet both of you. You're both clones?"
Xīng stood and made his way over, throwing a friendly arm around his shoulders, "Sure are. How about we gather up your buddies and we'll put on a show for you?"
"What do you mean a- Gah!" MK startled at the silent appearance of Huì on his other side. He clutched at his chest as he unsubtly asked Xīng, "Is he, uh, I mean, does he...?"
Xīng patted his shoulder before forcing him to start walking forward, Huì walked silently beside them, "He's the strong, silent type. Don't you worry though, he won't do you any harm. Not as long as you stick with me."
MK edged ever so slightly closer to him before throwing a desperate look over his shoulder at Macaque.
He was not at all reassured by the grin on his face.
During the short walk back to where he'd left his friends on the beach he had learnt that Huì couldn't speak but that didn't seem to be a problem as Xīng could speak enough for two. MK had barely gotten a word in but, in all honesty, he'd been too focused on keeping a wary eye on Huì to really even try and offer any intelligent responses.
When the three of them emerged from the trees, it was not to the delight of everyone waiting for them.
Pigsy pinched the bridge of his nose, "MK..."
Mei was slightly less tactful, "Ugh, why are there two of him? One is more than enough."
Tang nodded decisively beside her, looking more than a little nervous. Sandy was the only one that didn't seem at all put off by the two renditions of Macaque beside him.
He ducked under Xīng's arm and moved closer to his friends, "I know, I know! I went to ask him about the clone thing and this was how he responded! So, I guess we're stuck with them for just now?"
Xīng commented dryly behind him, "You know, I'm beginning to think we're not welcome here. We didn't even get a chance to introduce ourselves."
MK turned around and did a double take, "When did you change your outfit?"
Xīng held up a corner of his coat and asked coyly, "Why? Do you like it?"
Mei walked up beside MK, and eyed the clones suspiciously, "Ok, so what's their deal then?"
"They say their names are Xīng and Huì, and I guess they're Macaque's equivalent of Porty MK?"
Xīng clicked his tongue, "You know, clones or not, it's pretty rude to talk about someone as if they aren't there. Can't you see how much you're upsetting Huì? He's a sensitive soul."
They all looked at Huì, who stared back with dead, emotionless eyes. Deciding it was better to err on the side of caution MK apologised, "Er, sorry, Huì? We didn't mean to upset you...?"
Huì didn't so much as blink but Xīng nodded, "That's better. Now..."
He disappeared into the shadows only to reappear sitting on top of the picnic table they'd set up, oddly in yet another new outfit, "What do you lot do for fun around here?"
Mei whistled, "Damn, that is actually one nice dress. Where'd you get it?"
Xīng just smiled and clicked his fingers. A miasma of shadow tendrils quickly wound their way up and around Mei and when they disappeared she was wearing a similar dress with her hair put up in a matching hairpin.
Mei had looked fairly alarmed at the shadows but it was almost immediately forgotten about as she picked up the skirt of the dress and started to turn this way and that, "Hey, not bad! You got it in green and white?"
A click and a flash of shadows later and she had what she requested. He even summoned a full length mirror that stuck out of the sand so she could check it out properly, "Damn, you even did my hair! Do you know how much of a pain it is to put up like this?" She turned to Xīng, "Hey, can you put it up in, like, a french braid bun?"
It was done in the blink of an eye and Mei was delighted, "You know what, I take it back, this Macaque has already outranked the original in my books."
Xīng laughed, "High praise. Anyone else want a costume change? What about you, big guy?"
Sandy actually looked a little hopeful, "Well, it's sort of hard to find clothes in my size... But I've always really wanted to try on one of those fancy three piece suits...?"
Sandy blinked down at himself before gasping and rushing to the mirror, looking exceptionally pleased with his outfit and posing this way and that before bringing his hands to his face, "I should put braids in my beard more often!"
Admittedly, a little won over, MK also looked towards Xīng hopefully. Xīng just stood up on the table and grinned, "How about that show I promised?"
They all had to dive out of the way as the shadows suddenly converged to raise something massive from the ground but they faded away to reveal an extravagant catwalk. Mei vibrated with excitement beside him, "Oh my god, yes! Hold on! We need music! We need a film crew! We need an audience!"
MK grinned and reached for his hair, "Coming right up!"
The only thing MK didn't have confidence in creating was a camera, well he could make one but he wasn't sure how they would actually get the videos from it, but Mei eagerly volunteered her phone. Entrusting it to the MK clone crew.
Xīng was clearly ecstatic about the additions to the stage and by the time they were backstage he was taking it all very seriously, directing clones and doing up hair and outfits as if he was born to do it.
Mei nudged MK, "Dude, this is totally Theatre Macaque. I bet he came into existence the same way Porty MK did."
He could totally see it, a shadow clone forgotten in a theatre hall that decided he was going to make this his entire personality. Honestly, MK was kind of here for it, so far he was way more fun than the actual Macaque.
Xīng was clearly both the star of the show and the director. No outfit was too outlandish for him and he absolutely went for broke when he struck a pose at the end of the runway. He would shout out directions for everyone else, demanding they be just as bold and brave.
It was a lot of fun but by the end of it they were sweating and exhausted. MK thinks they had all been taken aback by the dangerous look in Xīng's eye when they suggested they called it quits but it was quickly replaced by a cheerful declaration that they needed a finale - last walk down the aisle, no holds barred!
MK had sighed a breath of relief, for a second there he thought he was going to go all "the Porty never ends" on them, but it all ended on a high! Once MK had dismissed his clones, they had all gathered around Mei's phone to watch the highlights.
The review was cut short by Tang's frightened scream but to be fair to him, MK probably would have reacted the same way if Huì had materialised beside him like that.
Mei eyed him up, before addressing Xīng, "Alright, we get your deal, but what's with creepy here?"
Xīng smiled as he walked around and threw an arm over Huì's shoulder, "Creepy? Huì? What are you talking about? He's just a little guy."
Pigsy scoffed, "Oh yeah, he's a real charmer. The unnerving silence, the dead eyes, the total lack of emotion - he's not creepy at all."
Xīng grinned mischievously, "Oh? You hear that, Huì? Your natural charms aren't doing it for them. How about you treat them to a smile?"
The five of them couldn't put enough distance between them and Huì.
"Why does he have so many teeth!?"
"Oh my god, they're like knives!"
"Those eyes...! It's like staring into the abyss, into the unending void!"
Xīng looked entirely amused. He patted Huì's shoulder before approaching them, "Well, that doesn't bode well for the favour I wanted to ask you."
Bravely, MK stuttered, "Wh-What favour?"
"You see, Huì and I don't get to come out and play very often and you've all done me such a kindness by putting on a show. But Huì hasn't had a chance to have any fun yet."
Tang gripped Pigsy's arm, "What does he do for fun? Steal people's souls?"
Xīng laughed, "Of course not. What Huì loves more than anything else is a good fight! If you brave heroes would be willing to indulge him it would just mean the world to us!"
Mei seemed to regain her courage, "A fight? Against all five of us? A bit overkill, isn't it? I mean, I could totally take Macaque by myself!"
Xīng pandered to her, "Oh, I don't doubt it but who knows when we'll be let out again and Huì loves a challenge."
The five of them exchanged a look before huddling together, Mei kicked them off, "We could totally take him."
Tang shook his head, "No way. We're being baited. That... thing is straight from my nightmares!"
It took a little back and forth but eventually they turned back to Xīng, and MK spoke for them, "Alright, we'll do it! But on the condition we can keep all the clothes from the fashion show."
Xīng's grin was unsettling, "Deal." He clicked his fingers and a rack of all the clothes from today materialized beside them.
He then gestured for them to follow him, "Well, come on then. I know the perfect place for your fight."
Pigsy looked a little unnerved, "Why don't we just fight here?"
"Oh no, no, no. That would have been like having our show without a proper stage. You have to give Huì his chance to shine."
Warily they all followed after Xīng and Huì until they arrived at a large but empty hall hidden not too far from Monkey King's vault. The door creaked open to reveal a room in pitch darkness.
Tang immediately backed away, "Nuh-uh. No way. Not happening. I'm not fighting in the dark!"
Xīng simply clicked his fingers and a number of shadow portals opened on the ceiling, a single lightbulb hanging from a wire emerged from each of them to create cones of light.
They reluctantly followed the clones in as Pigsy gruffly complained, "You couldn't have gotten better lights?"
Xīng hummed, "We're shadow clones, I'm simply evening the playing field."
Despite the overwhelming odds in their favour, all of them were undoubtedly uneasy as they took up their positions under one of the spotlights, while Huì stood across from them just behind another.
Xīng leaned casually against a wall, "Everybody ready?"
They all nodded grimly, their eyes not leaving their opponent.
"Wonderful. One last thing then. Huì? Don't eat them."
MK let out a strangled, "Wait. What!?"
He saw Huì's terrifying grin for just a moment before all put two of the lightbulbs shattered above them, eliciting more than one terrified scream. The two that were left started to swing unnaturally.
The next five minutes could only be described as a real life horror movie. No amount of fighting ability could save them as one by one they were picked off, dragged into the shadows by horrifying flashes of teeth. He couldn't even run, walls suddenly appearing to cut him off and turn him around as he tried to escape.
In sheer terror he held a hand in the air and a ball of pure light erupted to banish every shadow from the room. He breathed heavily as he looked around to see his friends picking themselves up from the floor, shielding their eyes, while trying to figure out what was going on.
He startled as he heard Xīng shout, "We're outside! Lights too bright for us!"
Mei groaned, "It's too bright for us too. Can you turn it down MK?"
Tang quickly added, "Just a little! Do not turn it off!"
"Er, I'm not sure how?"
Pigsy just forged ahead to the door, "Let's just get out of here!"
Everyone scrambled after him and it was to great relief when they saw the blue sky above them. MK dismissed the ball of light and turned to the others, "Are you ok!?"
Sandy nodded, "Shaken up but not hurt."
The sentiment was shared, no-one had a scratch on them, but god knows none of them were going to sleep easy tonight.
He swung around at Xīng's voice, "Ah, what a performance! You five really know how to make a shadow clone feel alive!"
Mei was incensed and she started to match towards him menacingly, "How could you do that to us!? That was so messed up! We agreed to a fight, not a-!"
She stopped short as Huì stood in front of Xīng defensively. Xīng grinned over his shoulder, "Forgive him, he's a little protective. What were you saying?"
She didn't move closer but she was not deterred from letting her displeasure known, "I can't believe you would set us up like that! That wasn't a fight! It was a horror movie!"
Xīng did not look apologetic as he took a step to stand beside Huì so he could lean an elbow on his shoulder, "Ah, I'm sorry for misleading you but no-one ever lets Huì play with them if I tell them the truth."
Mei cursed him out as she stomped away, "MK, get these two out of here! I don't want to see their faces ever again!"
Xīng held up his hands, "No need to show us out. We've had our fun." He took a bow, before offering, "But for the record, we are genuinely grateful to you for accommodating us today. C'mon Huì, let's go."
They sunk into the shadows and disappeared.
Macaque sighed as he felt trouble reform on the ground below him, "Did you have fun?"
Xīng responded, "Oh, we had a great time. Shame we never get called for an encore but to be fair Huì is a hard act to follow."
He opened his eyes and peered down at Huì, "You take a bite out of anyone?"
Xīng answered, "Nah, he was good. The bird and rodent population may have taken a sharp hit today though."
Wukong better not give him shit for that, there's no way he'd sent MK to him and not known what he was getting him in for, and it wasn't Huì's fault that the hunger of the shadows he embodied couldn't be satisfied.
"You both done for the day then?"
Xīng stretched, "Yeah, let us out again soon though. We never even got to see Wukong - you know he's my favourite model."
Macaque raised an eyebrow, "I'm not stopping you."
"Next time. Huì needs a break. All this sunlight takes a toll on him."
He shrugged, "Fair enough."
The two sank back into the shadows and rejoined his magic. He just snuggled back against the tree, planning to finish this day as he started it - doing absolutely nothing.
MK couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You what!? How can you prefer Huì to Xīng?"
Monkey King made a face, "Ugh, Xīng is so annoying. Changing your clothes a hundred times a day, pestering you to put on a show, quoting poetry, randomly bursting into song. I'll take Huì any day, he's basically just a big puppy."
"He's literally a monster!?"
"A monster? Nah. The real monster is Xīng - he's so bossy! A real shame that the two of them are a package deal."
Momentarily distracted from Monkey King's terrible taste in shadow clones, he asked, "What do you mean?"
"Hm? Ah, Macaque can't summon just one of them. It's both of them or neither."
"What? Why?"
Monkey King shrugged, "No idea. But I wouldn't waste too much time thinking about it. Macaque summons them like once a millennium, usually just to annoy me. You won't see them again."
He couldn't say he was upset about that but he still couldn't get over Monkey King's preferences, "But Huì? Really?"
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nocentis · 4 months
Black Arum ┆ Siegrain
Content warning: main character death, cannibalism, gore, toxic/unreliable narrator, highly canon divergent character portrayal. Read at your own risk. You will probably take psychic damage from this.
╳┆A lure was stuck in the soot between his lungs. Many times he'd felt the tug — enough that the wire fray had worn a rut where his ribs met — and many times he'd found her on the other end, reeling for remnants of him that no longer existed. She would aim to break him open, sift around in the cinders for those specks of him she wanted to confiscate, keep for herself, so that she could finally be rid of him. Once those flecks were washed and panned, the remains would reek like plough mud closure. For that reason he would come to her whole, every whit of ash accounted for.
A cherry little game they'd play. Her with flint and steel, eager to reignite that paltry spark of "good" that flickered freely for a lapse before he remembered himself. Him with tinder and kindling, letting it light only to call on the rain again. Her with just enough hope. Him with just enough time.
That resolve was so very compelling. More than her beauty, her candor, and even that glow he so loved to bask in — that luster he wanted to hold between his teeth and bury under his nails — more than that, her tenacity was a toothsome temptation, and he wasn't keen to deny himself anything.
So when he felt the pull, he caved to the beck and spooled the lisle. That day, the line seemed lighter, thinner, than it ever had. It should've been strong. Tensile. Instead it felt gossamer fine and just as frail, poised to tear at an ill touch, and he wasn’t exactly renowned for his gentle hands. Still, he gathered it with both palms and wrapped it proudly around himself like a ceremonial sash, grin scrawled across his face something devilish.
╳┆He found her lying in the shade beneath a long-lived magnolia, still and silent as she never was, with the color of her namesake spread around her head in halo streaks. Battle-torn, as she so often was, and yet uncannily... passive.
Anything he'd planned to say went out the airlock. Instead, he stood there with an anchor in his stomach, reaping the benefit of doubt.
Not a frown nor a sigh when he darkened her sanctum, only heavenward eyes tearless and unblinking and a resigned breath just short of peaceful. That worn tether waned phantom thin, light as helium, and the tension in his chest went slack.
There was no definite snap. No dramatic severing or ear-popping moment of clarity. Only the vague sense of loss so fresh a wound that denial was a numbing salve.
“Get up,” his voice a command, sandgrit against whetstone, thickened by an unnamed antigen.
The silence felt like mockery. A placid scene void of chittering fauna, clouds' drum, or even the most timid breeze. It wanted him to hear the absence of her breath and the stillness of her chest. It wanted him to hear the hollow. The empty. The nothing. Wanted it to resonate; to find the furthest reaches of his mind and clean them out until all that was left was this icy, clarifying silence.
He knew the end when he saw it. This was something much worse. It was robbery.
Her life wasn’t for the world to take. It was for him to hold in his hands. 
Something wet and pathetic slicked his tongue — some whiny, pleading thing — and it was stubborn as oil. The authority slid to the back of his throat and left him choking, “You are the indomitable Titania. You’ve laced fingers with Death time and again only to rise and slay and conquer, so get up.”
Her warmth was set to a slow drip, spilling from her in tired beads and seeping soundlessly into her chosen ground. Little whispers of her lost to greedy loam, sullied, never to be returned.
A waste of precious love. The sod won’t drink of her as he will. It will take of her and give back what? New “life” so fragile and fleeting? A feeble weed will take root, bloom its days few, and curl itself inside out? Pathetic. An insult to her legacy. An insult to the diamond-split sharp of her bladesoul.
His heart boiled over — popping, sticking, simmering sicksweet saccharine. It colored him cloying, flooded his mouth, and forced him to kneel at her altar.
"Please," he keened, hollow and morose, and his own pleading sickened him, “Say something.”
The sun trickled through the leaves like ichor, lighting up her black-blown eyes and the thin ring of honey surrounding them. Dim, distant, and dead as the moon.
His hand carved a path to her face, fingers featherlight against her fading flush. He brushed her bangs from her eyes and forced an unbroken breath through his quavering mouth. He traced each scar too faint to see and the parts of her skin their star kissed. Memorized the map of her face — each curve and crease, each fine hair, and every eyelash. He would carve out a space in his mind in her shape and fill it with the thousand sweet nothings he kept in his pockets.
He gathered her hand and threaded it with his own. When he opened his mouth, a rickety twine escaped from the deepest point of his chest, so he forced his jaws shut to keep the grief corked. He uncurled her fingers and pressed his cheek into her palm, trapping her there against his own scarred skin. His eyes fell shut as he breathed in this borrowed touch — this moment fated, stolen from him by this world's insatiable avarice.
He kissed her palm directly in the center; held it against his mouth and felt his own ruined breath echo back to him from the deepest grooves of her skin. Again, he begged, “Please, Erza.”
Of the armors innumerable now haunting this hallowed ground, this one least befit her. 
He revered Death. If there was a god, surely it was Death, he thought, for Death asks for nothing but life. The dead don’t know that they’re dead. They know a split second of euphoria and then a sharp, definite end. Isn’t that the work of a gracious god? One last stroke of color whether in peace or peril, and then eternal rest. Back to the dust you sprouted from.
But now he couldn’t see any of that beauty he often waxed poetic about. All he could see was change yet to come. All he could see was her, and he wanted her back.
He wanted her back, yet he knew better than anyone that there was no such thing as resurrection. While Death might be gracious, it was not generous, and it was not to be reasoned with.
The thought of her buried deep, bathed by the dark and abandoned to rot — it washed his mouth acid sour. It ate straight through his tongue and lingered in the roots of his teeth, burning, raging redhot in his jaws’ marrow.  A grave didn't suit her anymore than a pyre.
Soon she would be cold. Stiff. A feast for flies and their insatiable young. In the days to come, she would bubble and bloat and sallow. Her skin would loosen and slough off. The sun would bleach her bones. The meat of her would melt into oil and fat and bogspit. She would mix in with the soil, the groundwater, and this thankless magnolia would thrive.
It was tall, thick, with branches spread in all directions. The lowest of its limbs showed off the varied deep greens of its large waxy leaves, their undersides a chalky brown. A few white flowers bloomed, palm-shaped petals open in praise like they'd come to witness and worship. There was no question why she'd chosen to crawl here. It must've reminded her of home.
Despite its beauty, it was hardly worthy of her. Nothing in this ravenous world was. Her grave should be carved within his chest. There, he could keep her warm. He could host her in his veins. One day, they would wade the waters of woe together. Until then she could live under his skin.
He wouldn’t allow her to spoil. Wouldn’t place her gently into time’s whittlesome hands only to lose her peel by peel by rotting peel.
This world has taken much from you. Do not allow it to take her too.
A carnal ache etched itself into bone, a depth of passion he hadn't felt since he wrought for a false Heaven.
She is a fruit, ripe as a plum and twice the taste. Peel her open. There is a seed at her core. Plant it in your soot-field chest and watch her bloom anew.
What are these hands for if not this?
Flesh like sheets of silk. Muscle like rope. Blood like honey. Bone like an ivory trove. The splitting, the squelching, the straining, ripping, snapping; it burrowed marrow-deep and lingered there. Her chest peeled apart like jagged teeth, jaws croaking their rusted tune, and inside that redslick maw was the center of the universe.
The heart upon its throne, still as she, shielded by her precious lungs. It slid into his palm like it was always meant to be there. Raw, rich, and so very scarlet. Its sinews strained against his pull — those hollow vines that fed even the furthest parts of her — so he wrenched them free and draped himself in them like matchless finery.
Eat. Eat ‘til you’re sick. There’s a hole the size of her in the pit of your stomach. Eat until you fill it. 
What are these teeth for if not this?
Tough as leather; smooth as rubber. His teeth slid right off the rind and clicked together with nothing but metallic sheen between them. He gnashed at that ink-dripping muscle until he found a spot weak enough to tear apart. It tasted of rare meat and iron; a heady gore thick enough to drown in. He swallowed, gasped, and that first new breath felt like a blade.
The child inside him saw her split-open ribs as his cradle. He wanted to crawl inside, curl up, and die. He wanted to paint himself her color.
He lost his vision to the hot, angry wash. His own sobs were a distant sound, muffled by meat and blood and his own desperate fingers. He was numb in the mouth and in the shake of his hands, but he forced himself to eat, eat despite the choking, the gagging, the wet, weeping remorse.
Don’t you dare throw her up. Be grateful. Swallow and say thank you and finish what you’ve started.
He bit into his own palm, indistinguishable from her core, and he cried out in sour relief. His hands spread raw grief over his face, through his hair, and down his neck.
You’re no better than this starving world.
He curled into himself, hands clutching his own aching chest, and despite the cloudless sky, he called upon the rain.
#v: ✗ ┆ siegrain ┆ ◜ canon divergent ◞#⚶ ┆ ◜ drabbles ◞#I was in a silly goofy mood#reader beware#this one was an exorcism.#needed to purge this depravity.#hey guys what if I bare my soul and it's a festering wound.#did I provide context? no. am I sorry? also no.#this only works in darkverse.#this is very obviously not inline with canon Jellal's personality but with a mutated version of him I created to balance ->#the healing arc I'm putting him through in mainverse.#not love but a secret other thing (obsession. possession.)(...take my money... I don't need that shit...)#& now she haunts the narrative. in my mind. and his too.#In my defense I've never claimed not to be a degenerate#yeah actually I am kind of embarrassed about this thank you for asking#never thought I’d have to say this but I do not endorse or condone cannibalism.#hey Sieg have you ever thought about chilling. calming down perhaps. I say as if I did not put him in this situation.#I fear this is one of those things I’m going to look back on in a few months & say: that should've stayed in the drafts.#me personally I love posting cringe. it's what I deserve.#if god exists I will have to answer for this. catch me in the river Acheron sipping on straight up anguish.#can you tell I have been confronted by the fleeting nature of mortality more often than usual lately. be honest.#actually I decided to not to go too into depth with the gore this time. I feel like keeping it vague lends more to the fugue state#also because it was giving me REALLY weird dreams. so like. yeah. I could've made this worse. but should I have?#tags bout damn long as the drabble. sorry gang.#cannibalism tw#gore tw#main character death tw#body horror tw#dayne’s depravity#daynedepravity
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
Very interested to see what you do with this w the Amy/Rory/Doctor/River polycule
see this has so much potential now right? the angst alone.
because imagine you fall in love with this woman, this incredible woman who drops in at her own whim to cause chaos and save your life and flirt with your doctor. who has all of his future tucked away in a little blue book, and — you hope — all of yours, too. imagine you fall in love with her when she knows everything about you and you can’t know anything about her — spoilers, after all.
imagine you kiss her for the first time (seems only fair, if the doctor gets to, if you get to kiss the doctor, if the doctor gets to kiss your wife) and she lets you. just lets you. which isn’t like river song at all, to just let anything happen to her. but when you stop, she’s looking at you as sad as you’ve ever seen her. you don’t know what that means, but you do remember one of the few things she’s told you, that all the doctor’s firsts, and it must stand to reason, your firsts, are her lasts. you tell yourself you will kiss her again and kiss her often, as if that can make up for the fact that to her, she’ll never have it again. (and, obviously, your wife agrees, because what she wants, she’ll have, her boys and her river song.)
there was never any way not to fall in love with her, really. that’s simply what you do when someone falls out of the sky, or, better put, out of one spaceship and into the one you call home. how do you nearly die together, save the universe, bond over the doctor’s terrible fashion choices, without loving her? the doctor falls slowest, falls hardest, with a crash that rings through the whole universe, and the next time he sees her, he’s got his own book to match hers. and when the four of you are together, there’s nothing that can hurt you.
except that the doctor dies. and then there’s three months running from monsters you can’t remember. and there’s a body that isn’t yours that melts away (you feel that. don’t tell the doctor, but you feel it, every last second, until there’s nothing left of you and all you can ask is ‘why?’) and then there’s a daughter you get to hold for two minutes. tell her fairy tales come true, about the Last Centurion and the Doctor and your River Song, because they’re going to come for you.
well. two of them do. and river song arrives too late and right on time.
and you fell in love with her. you all fell in love with her. what else could you do?
there’s melted flesh on your dress. will she remember any of that? will your daughter remember that you tried to hold onto her, you fought so hard, you held on so tight, and it doesn’t matter unless she remembers. but if she remembers that, she’ll remember being taken from you as well, and that’s almost too much to bear, the thought of her falling from your arms into nothing and asking you ‘why? why couldn’t you have saved me?’
river song takes your hand, and you kiss her, and she still lets it happen. or lets it happen for the first time.
and then she tells you that she’s your daughter.
hell of a spoiler, right?
So, you know, something like that, I imagine. Plus, if we wanted to get real funky-fucky with it, we’d have an excuse to toss out the stupid ‘get pregnant on a tardis and have a time lord baby’ thing and just make the doctor the one who knocked amy up. (or who knocked her up with rory with weird time lord sex that allows there to be multiple fathers, who knows.) not that he would know until the bombs all drop, because he’d insist it was only rory’s and rory would agree. and then, seeing river’s dna would be the world’s worst paternity test, you know?
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: fluff, angst
content warnings: heat stroke, vomiting
word count: 1.9k
summary: y/n suffers from heat stroke on the day of their performance at lollapalooza
As voted by you!
It's finally here! Sorry it took me a while to post this after the poll ended, but I hope you enjoy!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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They had made it to Paris. Y/N couldn't believe how big the crowd would be for their performance at the festival 'Lollapalooza'. The sun was shining, and all she wanted to do was fully appreciate the nice weather. Although, where there was a Changbin, there was always chaos.
"Hwang Hyunjin!" Changbin called from opposite Y/N in his deck chair.
"Why do you keep calling me? Wae? Wae. Wae?" Hyunjin loomed over Changbin in a hoodie and sunglasses, wondering why the older member wanted his attention.
"Jinnie how are you wearing a hoodie right now? The sun's out, it's boiling," Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.
"It's not that hot," he shook his head at her, probably side eyeing her from behind his shades.
Each to their own, Y/N thought.
Somehow they came onto the topic of noodles but Y/N wasn't really fussed, she had ramen all the time back home.
She was more trying to relax, and she couldn't help but fall asleep from the comforting warmth of the French sunshine.
"Y/Nnie, wake up, you look like a tomato," Jeongin shook her awake, and as she became fully aware she realised her arms and neck was feeling quite hot.
Shit, she forgot her sun cream.
"You good? Your arms are so red," Chan peered at her, concerned.
"Mmm, my neck feels hot too," Y/N sits up in the deck chair, brushing her hair back so the boys could see.
"Aish that sunburn looks bad, you should have put on some suncream," Felix lightly brushes his finger over her red arm, making her wince.
"Gosh, I'm going to look like a tomato when we perform," Y/N laughs as she looks down at her arms.
"At this rate you won't just look like a tomato, you'll look like the whole garden," Lee Know smirks, proud of his joke.
"Ha, ha, very funny Lee Know," Y/N pats his cheek in a jokingly patronising way, smiling back at him.
"You need to take better care of yourself, Y/N," Chan looked over her, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry Channie, I just wanted to enjoy the nice weather," Y/N pouted.
"You do realise you can get skin cancer if you burn too much?" Seungmin pointed out, taking a sip of water from his bottle.
"Yah, Seungmin don't say things like that I'll get paranoid," Y/N whacks his arm lightly.
"Hey I'm just saying, your skin will age faster too," Seungmin shrugged.
"I'll look like an old woman next to you guys and I'm the youngest!" Y/N laughed, Han appearing with aloe vera out of nowhere and gently rubbing it into her skin, letting out quiet apologies when she winced.
"That's why I'm helping you, don't want you to look like a 60 year old next to us whilst we still look the same," Han laughed loudly.
"Haha, that would look kinda funny though," Y/N laughed at the thought. Perhaps she'd look like grandma I.N with the rest of the group alongside her.
"You know what else would be funny?" Changbin wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"What?" Y/N asked curiously, shifting her body to stand and face him.
"To see you dancing on stage like a tomato, everyone going crazy because of how big and red you are," Changbin maniacally giggled.
The boys burst out laughing at the statement and Y/N's face.
"Huh? Big?!" Y/N gasped laughing.
"I was talking about your cheeks, they're really big and red right now," Changbin laughed, waving his hands in defense of how what he said had sounded.
"Haha, I'll introduce myself like, hi! This isn't Y/Nnie, I'm tomato today!" Y/N put on her stage voice, pretending to introduce herself to her fans.
The members all laugh at her, Jeongin walking up to her and tickling her sides.
"Hey! Are you the new mascot for ketchup?" he cheekily grinned, eyes disappearing through his smile.
"Yah! Jeongin!" Y/N guffawed from his remark.
"Ah, our tomato is blushing so much," Lee Know pats her head smirking.
"Stop, stop," Y/N waves them away.
"Haha, seriously though, come inside the tent for a bit, you should stay out of the sun," Chan guided her into their tent where they were setup before their performance.
"Yeah it's not like we're performing until a few hours anyways," Lee Know nodded, as they all sat around inside.
"Aish, I'm tired," Y/N laid her head down in Han's lap, his hand brushing through her hair out of habit.
"You were literally just napping," Hyunjin raised a brow at her.
"Yeah but..." Y/N closed her eyes feeling relaxed at the familiar feeling.
"Drink some water first," Hyunjin put a bottle of water with a straw in it to her face.
Still with her eyes shut she took a sip and then relaxed. It wasn't until a couple of hours later that she was woken up and ushered to the stylists and makeup artists to get ready.
The crowd was insane. And really, they were the only thing keeping her going as she could feel her energy depleting. She didn't notice the glances from the boys throughout the performance, occasionally spotting her swaying yet she still managed to keep her vocals stable as they performed Superbowl for the first time ever, and Item for the second time ever.
The euphoria running through her veins began to leave her once they reached backstage. With a smile she listened to Felix end their set to hype the crowd with Seven Nation Army. But she couldn't help her slumped figure as she sat down after her desperate search for a chair.
"You good, Y/Nnie?" Chan patted her shoulder, trying to get her attention.
"Hot," Y/N panted, tugging at the collar of her leather jacket that she had been fitted with for the stage performance.
"Take it off then," Changbin helped her shake it off, now feeling concerned at her heavily sweating state.
"What's going on with Y/N?" some of the other members asked as they walked over.
"Ugh, my head," she groaned, now leant forward as she gripped onto her knees for some stability.
"Have some water, silly," Seungmin encouraged her to take his own, yet her shaky hand wasn't very reassuring to the others.
"Y/Nnie, you can't even hold onto it, are you dizzy? What's the matter?" Felix poured out questions, worried about the state she was in.
"Mmm," Y/N nods, as Jeongin helps her sip from the water bottle.
"Ah that's not good," Hyunjin shakes his head, frowning.
"Here, come on, let's get you relaxed somewhere else," Changbin helps her stand, yet as her body becomes upright she stumbles, Lee Know helping to support her balance.
Y/N suddenly tears up, feeling scared about how she was feeling. It was all too overwhelming, and everything felt too hot.
"C-can't feel my arms," Y/N whimpered as tears fell down her cheeks, the boys murmuring amongst themselves worriedly.
"You can't feel your arms?" Felix asked, a scared look on his face, and that made Y/N feel worse, she didn't want the boys to be stressed out for her sake.
"I'm sorry, I..." Y/N trailed off, still panting as she was guided back to her chair, the boys deciding it was for the better for her to rest for now where she was, instead of moving her somewhere else.
"You're okay. Everything is going to be ok, sweetheart, we've got you, yeah?" Chan hushed her soothingly, Han rubbing her back in small circles.
"Should we call a medic?" Jeongin asked, eyes wide with uneasiness.
"Yes, good idea, Innie," Lee Know nodded at him, as they both went to look for some help.
"Y/N, you're ok, you're going to be ok," Hyunjin quietly comforted her, a light grip on her hand as he knelt down beside her.
Y/N groaned again from her headache getting worse.
"Where are those medics?" Changbin asked, looking around frustratedly with his hands on his hips, wondering what was taking so long.
"Don't... worry... don't waste... on me..." Y/N could barely get her words out, especially as a wave of nausea overcome her.
"Yah, it's not a waste, you're clearly not well right now Y/N," Han looked sullen, now fanning her face with a piece of paper he had found.
"S-sorry... ugh, feel... sick," she mumbled dizzily, slumped in the chair.
"You feel sick?" Hyunjin worried.
"I'm gonna... ugh," Y/N, with all her willpower, lifted herself out of the chair, yet it wasn't enough to keep her standing as she collapsed to her knees on the ground and threw up whatever was in her system. The boys were unable to catch her and yelled out as she fell.
"Y/N! Shit!" Changbin held her against him.
"Where are the medics?!" Chan yelled angrily, stress consuming him as their maknae was on the ground.
"Ah, ugh, I'm, ah I'm sorry," Y/N whimpered, tears running down her face from her own panic and the feeling of throwing up.
"You don't have to be sorry, it's ok, just take a deep breath," Han held her hair back, looking around at the boys with his eyes shining with his own tears as he feared she wouldn't be ok.
Y/N threw up again, gasping for breath.
"Is that all of it?" Hyunjin whispered from beside them, Y/N tearily nodding as she slumped back in Changbin's arms, feeling dazed.
Lee Know and Jeongin suddenly rushed over with the medics, both of them seeming angry.
"Finally! Where were they?!" Chan asked them, sighing disappointedly.
"Packing up, they were ready to go even though we only just finished performing," Lee Know gritted his teeth as the medics lifted Y/N onto a stretcher and took her through to a medical room, much cooler with air conditioning blasting through the room.
They held a wet cloth against her forehead and against her burns to try and lower her body temperature. The boys couldn't do anything but wait anxiously as they saw their youngest laying down and getting treated.
"Her temperature is dropping, that's a good sign," the medic said out loud to the boys.
Half an hour had passed and Y/N was now more aware of her surroundings, the medics clearing that she could head back to the hotel with the boys, telling them that if her condition worsens again that they need to call an ambulance immediately.
"I'm sorry," Y/N sleepily muttered as they helped her into the company cars.
"Don't apologise, we were more concerned about you," Seungmin informed her, an arm wrapped around her waist as he and Hyunjin guided her into the back of the car.
"That's why I feel bad," Y/N bit her lip.
"It's ok, you can rest now, don't worry about it ok? I know it's easier said than done but we'll make sure you're ok, and we're doing that because we care about you, yeah?" Chan said from the front seat.
"Ok, ok," she yawned, head leaning against Hyunjin's shoulder.
Once they arrived back at the hotel they didn't let her stay in her own room, as she instead was looked after by Lee Know and Jeongin in another, the two of them making sure she was relaxed and not too hot as they kept the air conditioning on. It may have felt a bit cold for them at one point but they didn't mind, they'd do anything for her. All of the boys would.
tagged: @skz-streamer @oo-li
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writingwithcolor · 8 months
How do I respectfully discuss the topic of diversity with a co-author, as well as assigning a race to an “ambiguous” character?
Anonymous asked:
My co-author and I, for context, are both white and in highschool. For the main cast of our story, each of us ended up creating three characters. All three of her characters were white. Two of mine were white as well, alongside one character who is ambiguously brown-skinned. Do you have any advice on respectfully bringing up the subject of diversity to a co-author, even if it means potentially changing our established characters? Additionally, do you have any advice on retroactively assigning a race/culture to a character? I now understand after reading this blog that “ambiguously brown” characters should be avoided, but I did not when initially creating him. I worry that I could fall into stereotypes— while portrayed positively, he’s somewhat of a “nerd” archetype. But I don’t want to whitewash him either.
“Hey, why’d you think we made a mostly all-white cast?”
In other words: Just be normal about it. As you yourself note, you also didn’t exactly put a great deal of thought into the racial/ ethnic identity for your single brown character either, so it’s not just about your writing partner. This is about how you guys like to create as a team, and what sources of inspiration you both tend to gravitate towards. If a pair of high school students who write together can’t have a chill conversation about the races of the characters they are creating, then I’d worry more for their dynamic as a creative team. Discussions of race are only as weird and awkward as people decide to make them, and that’s often framed by the baggage each person is bringing into the conversation.
Whether or not you change the characters is up to you.
“Diversity is a marathon, not a sprint!”
Write diverse characters when and because you want to. I think the push for diversity is best when it’s self-motivated. Strangers on the internet telling you to do something is definitely not the reason to do it. I’ll note the same applies IRL. Otherwise, you’re changing your behavior for the sake of peer pressure. Writing groups on the internet like our blog do not exist to sit in judgment of your work. These are venues to discuss, critique and receive feedback, but the final choice always rests with you.
There’s not enough info for me to tell if the experience of whiteness is so intrinsic to your characters that changing their race will alter them greatly. I would argue the same for gender and sexual identity. Sometimes, changing dimensions of a character’s identity alters a lot about who they are. Other times, particularly if the character is not thoroughly fleshed out, changing their race only adds to their characterization. Only you can say which scenario applies here.
Other mods have written on how to handle your dilemma of “white as default” in an earlier post available here. Please explore our #POC Profiles for more inspiration. 
Your third paragraph can be answered by re-reading all 3 sections of the FAQ and exploring our archives using the tags. 
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tsukimefuku · 3 months
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masterlist link | mdni!
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❀ mistake of fact.
the concept “mistake of fact” describes a situation in which someone acts unaware of circumstances that could turn their actions into criminal acts. this can affect the assessment of their intent or culpability, reducing their penalty or even excluding the criminal nature of said act.
wc: 7.2K | ❀ pairing for the series: professor!higuruma x student!reader
❀ summary.
classes, law Firm meetings, and a little grit about it all. after taking and not doing so well on your first criminal law class assessment test, you decide to get hammered at the campus party. you just didn’t expect to accidentally bump into the professor of said class there.
❀ tags and c/w.
non-curse au. college au. silly slow-burn rom-com between professor and college student (this is purely a work of fiction, okay guys?). smoking and drinking. corporate trauma. itafushi is also a slow-burn. higuruma hates doing cardio (mood). nanami needed a subplot and kusakabe had to be in it, the voices told me so. exams suck. campus parties are a special kind of hell. the return of the ugly red scarf.
❀ notes etc.
as i said previously, some characters will have their subplots, hope you enjoy reading them too (they all tie into the main plot). yes I’m working through some issues regarding the lawyering world while writing this fic, how did you notice?
also, some love for the betas: @redlikerozez and @dottedsilktie thank you two so much 💛
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You had a habit, a very ugly one. Ironically, the habit you used to unwind was currently driving you insane as you tapped around your pockets, failing to find the lighter for the cigarette you held in your mouth for the past two minutes. You stroked your bangs back in annoyance and grunted, a strand of hair poking up like a spike.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered to yourself the moment the bells went off, letting you know it was time for yet another Criminal Law class. At least this time you managed to wake up somewhat early and were already by the building.
Good job, me.
“Oh, hey!” you heard the light-hearted voice chirp from a distance. Darting your eyes towards it, there came the fluffy ball of pink hair and upbeat mood frolicking in your direction.
“Hey, Itadori! Do you by any chance have a lighter?”
He shrugged, “no, I’m sorry.”
Of course he didn’t. As the best track field runner you had ever met, you wondered if Itadori even knew what a cigarette was.
“You should stop smoking,” a broodier voice said. You noticed the spiky black hair student who was also approaching.
“Ah, get off my case, Fushiguro,” you retorted, putting your cigarette away, “which class are you guys here for?”
“Criminal law! And you?” Itadori replied.
“Oh, me too. I didn’t see you guys in his class last week, though.”
“We saw you!” Yuuji answered, completely oblivious that this was definitely something which would render you uncomfortable. You blushed, and after a few seconds, Fushiguro elbowed him. “Ouch, why did you do that?”
 Fushiguro sighed loudly at his friend’s cluelessness, and you sheepishly giggled.
“Yeah… I guess everybody saw me.”
The three of you were sharing an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before Itadori spoke again.
“So… Why isn’t Kugisaki enrolled?”
 You shrugged, “she wanted to have other classes during this year to fast track her internship opportunities, I guess. I kind of did the same thing.”
“Is that allowed?” Yuuji inquired.
 “Yeah, it is, as long as you take some other 101 classes before doing it,” you answered, while you three began walking into the building.
 “I did that too, I want to pursue an internship in the public defense office as soon as possible,” Megumi interjected.
 “Oh, nice! Me too,” you answered him, “but I’d totally take a position in a private law firm if given the chance.”
Fushiguro made a face you couldn’t quite identify, and didn’t answer anything in return.
The conversation about an internship in criminal defense died down as the three of you entered the elevator together, and while you were walking towards the classroom, Yuuji and Megumi began bantering.
More specifically, Itadori seemed keen on making small-talk about amenities, meanwhile Fushiguro simply did not take the hint and was shooting down every conversation topic his friend tried to bring up. You felt for Yuuji, noticing he was clearly eager to engage Megumi in a conversation, but the guy wouldn’t budge. At that point, you entertained Itadori for the remainder of the quick walk down the corridor.
Perhaps, you thought to yourself, Megumi was the clueless one.
Entering the classroom, you saw Professor Higuruma already seated by his desk fidgeting around with his glasses. This time, there was no suit jacket in sight, and he wore a white buttoned up shirt with a black tie, all under a suit vest.
You weren’t too proud to realize that you noticed the way his vest hugged his torso just right.
To top it off, after he was finished fidgeting with his glasses, Higuruma opened the cuffs of his white shirt, rolled up the sleeves up to his elbows, and slightly loosened his tie with two fingers hooked around it.
The way his arm muscles popped while he was sliding his fingers side to side around the fabric of the tie had every thought in your head poofing away instantly, and you looked away before your staring became too obvious.
The other students were coming in quickly. You made your way towards three miraculously empty seats in the front and sat on one end, while the boys took their places right beside you.
Higuruma noticed you and nodded softly as you met his eyes. You weren’t sure if he’d remember your face, but given the circumstances, it’d probably be hard not to. You greeted him back, smiling, and gestured around your regular-not-pajamas blouse, to which he replied by discreetly gesturing down his clean, not-coffee stained white buttoned up shirt.
This time you thought that maybe sitting in the front would keep you safe from the Professor’s experiments. You had already tested your luck sitting in the back and it surely backfired — no pun intended.
After the students were settled, Higuruma got himself up and walked towards the white board, writing self-defense on it. He then turned on his heels, shoved his hands in his pockets and asked, “can anybody tell me what self-defense is?”
From your row, only Megumi raised his hand, but Higuruma’s eyes landed on Yuuji.
“You. What’s your name?” the Professor inquired, pointing at Itadori.
You heard him gulping by your side at that very same moment.
“Itadori Yuuji.”
“Then, Itadori, tell me what you think self-defense is.”
“I mean… self-defense is protecting yourself from someone trying to hurt you.”
Higuruma nodded, “you’re on the right track, but that’s not the entire answer. There is still something missing. Criminal Law occupies itself with criminal activities, so why do we need to study acts taken under self-defense? What else can you tell me about self-defense?”
Yuuji didn’t come up with something else to say, so Higuruma lifted the whiteboard marker in front of him.
“Itadori, I’ll throw this at you now.”
You and Megumi were instantly shocked, and Itadori began stuttering.
Higuruma actually threw the marker towards Yuuji’s chest, but Yuuji quickly grabbed it, glancing incredulously at the Professor.
“Now, that wasn’t self-defense in the way that it interests Criminal Law,” Higuruma noted, resuming the class as if nothing had happened.
Truth was, you could try sitting in the back, in the front, or anywhere in between,  but when it came to Higuruma Hiromi’s class, apparently, there was no safe place to hide.
“It wasn’t?!” Itadori exclaimed.
“No. Self-defense, you see, is used to exclude the illegal quality of an action that would otherwise be considered a crime, like assault and battery, for example.”
Higuruma stepped into Yuuji’s direction, and excused himself as he picked the marker back in his hand, leaving the three of you dumbfounded as to how he could nonchalantly do these absurd things and think it was just alright.
The professor began writing on the white board and the classroom was filled with scribbling and typing sounds.
“Self-defense is when someone uses force, against another person, to protect themselves from harm or imminent danger offered by this other person’s criminal actions. In that sense, you didn’t use force against me, you solely protected yourself, hence, that’s not actually self-defense as the concept that matters to us in this classroom.”
Well, the example was crystal clear, indeed. Once again, he illustrated what he wanted to say brilliantly.
But holy shit, did he really have to do those crazy things every damn time?
“Before we proceed, I have some leisure homework for you all. I’d like everybody to watch the first three episodes of this TV series for us to discuss during our next lecture the evolution from legitimate self-defense to extrapolating it and finally committing a crime.”
He wrote the name for the show on the white board.
A shy hand lifted on the other end of the class, and a girl with blue hair and crooked bangs spoke after Higuruma pointed at her.
“Professor, won’t you ask us to watch one of those old movies other teachers usually do in introductory classes?”
“Most definitely not,” he answered — not without scoffing first, “this is Criminal Law, here things are interesting. If you’d like to sleep, go to Professor Nanami’s class, Commercial Law I.”
A tiny chuckle echoed from the back.
“Someone gets it,” he concluded before proceeding with the lecture.
The class went on without a hiccup with Yuuji quickly forgetting the marker debacle a few minutes in. After Higuruma was finished talking about the day’s topic, though, he remembered everyone about next week's assessment test, receiving mumbled complaints in return.
“Yeah, I know. I hate these things too, but unfortunately we have orders from above. Be sure to study everything up until the end of the self-defense module,” Higuruma said as he sank into his desk’s chair and fished his phone out of his pocket, “I wish you all best of luck.”
As the class was done, everyone began leaving.
 “So, where are you going now?” Yuuji asked as you were currently fumbling around in your bag looking for your lighter — perhaps it wasn’t in your pockets after all, right?
 “I… if you two are tight on time just go without me, I’m looking for something in here and it might take some time,” you answered, thinking that some physics law might’ve been broken. Your bag seemed larger from the inside than from outside, and your lighter had surely disintegrated into thin air.
 “It’s fine, we can wait,” Fushiguro answered.
Yuuji suddenly seemed to remember something and came at you sort of hyped, asking “will you be at the campus party by the end of next week?!”
 “Sure, sure,” you answered absentmindedly, still fondling your things around and considering flipping it all on the ground.
 “There will be a party next week on campus?” Higuruma asked with his eyes still glued to his phone’s screen.
Fushiguro elbowed Yuuji again, as it was kind of a secret from faculty members, just so none of them would butt in — there were the clueless ones, like Professor Gojo, for instance, that would always find their way into the free drinks and free food celebrations that were supposedly just for students.
 “Y-Yes… it will be pretty late, though.”
Higuruma hummed, completely unfazed, “when I was a student here, we’d usually have those after 11PM to avoid faculty members, it’s a good idea. My suggestion is that you all just keep the noise down and use the space behind the brown brick building, there’s a blind spot there from the rest of the campus.”
Yuuji and Megumi shared a look before nodding hesitantly. Higuruma noticed they were both somewhat worried and sighed.
 “Don’t worry, I’m not telling the other Professors, and you can all be completely sure I won’t be there.”
The bated breath the two students shared finally subsided.
“God fucking damnit where is this fucking lighter?” you mumbled to yourself.
That caught Higuruma’s attention, and he called your name.
Your hand stammered inside your bag and you looked at him.
 “Do you need a lighter?” he asked you, lifting his eyes from his phone towards your direction.
You had the impression his eye bags were smaller that day.
 “Yes, I lost mine.”
He reached into one of his pockets and pulled a small, yellow, disposable lighter, stretching his arm in your direction, “you can take this one, I have tons of these.”
You got up, threw your bag over your shoulder, and went to pick it up from his hands. As your fingers wrapped around the lighter, you accidentally locked eyes with him, now sure his eye bags were definitely smaller. Higuruma spared you a small smile and you immediately felt your cheeks warm as you took the tiny yellow lighter from his fingers and stepped back.
I’m pathetic.
 “So, we’re good to go?” Fushiguro asked, looking at you.
“We’re good to go,” you answered him, then looking at Higuruma, “thank you, Professor.”
 “It’s no trouble, Sanrio” he answered, redirecting his attention back to his phone, completely unaware he had just called you that out loud.
After a few seconds, realizing what he'd just done, Higuruma sheepishly lifted his eyes, seeing two confused boys and you looking away with your hand over your mouth, coughing softly. You bore the same weirdly twisted face you made days before, when he asked you to leave in the mock expulsion.
Truth was you wanted to laugh, equal parts amused and mortified.
“Sanrio? What?” Yuuji asked.
“My next class is Civil Law II! What about you, Fushiguro? We should go!” you blurted out, ignoring Yuuji’s question while stepping away, “bye, Professor. See you next class!”
 “You three have a good day,” Higuruma muttered, sinking further into his chair as he looked away to conceal his own embarrassment.
The boys, still at a loss, followed you outside, also bidding Higuruma a good day.
This is hell. I’m a smoker and this is my personal, dantesque circle of hell for that sin.
With one leg launching in front of the other at a steady pace, Higuruma was jogging down the street while accompanied solely by the rhythmic thuds of his feet on the pavement. He had already put at least a mile behind him.
His blood felt like battery acid pumping through his veins, and lungs and muscles were burning with the strain of an exercise he was doing for the third time this week thanks to the encouragement of his best friend.
This time, however, there was no distraction from the discomfort while Higuruma dragged himself completely alone on this morning run. His usual jogging partner, Nanami, told him just ten minutes before the scheduled time that he would not be able to make it.
 “Did something happen?” Higuruma asked on the phone, “It’s unlike you to cancel appointments with such short notice.”
Truthfully, Nanami was someone extremely considerate of other people’s time.
 “Nothing too serious. I’ll have to be in a meeting with a Labor Law associate. It involves one of the companies we represent here at the firm,” he replied with an involuntary sigh. Nanami did not enjoy being taken by surprise like this.
 “A meeting for one of those Union settlements?”
 “Yeesh, good luck with that. Don’t be too harsh on the workers, though.”
 “I’ll just be there to oversee the meeting and report the outcome to our client, I have no say in the matter.”
 “Really? Couldn’t the Labor Law associate do that, then?”
 “It’s Kusakabe. He doesn’t do anything he’s not specifically paid to do.”
 “Oh, right.” 
Higuruma paused for a moment. He was already at their usual meeting point, all propped up and ready to go, but didn’t quite feel like subjecting himself to that torture alone.
 “You should just do your run today, I’ll join you back after tomorrow,” Nanami told him, as if reading his mind.
 “I don’t know. Having company makes this slightly more bearable.”
 “Is that so?” Nanami barely concealed the hint of amusement in his voice.
 “Tsk, shut up.” Higuruma retorted.
 Nanami huffed, nearly a chuckle, and proceeded, “this routine seems to have affected you positively, you shouldn’t miss a day for such a pedestrian reason.”
It was true. As a consolation prize for this suffering, the Professor had managed to sleep better those past few days and his mood had improved too.
Prior to his breakdown, Higuruma had never given much thought about his overall health. After he came back to normal life — or as normal as it could be —, he tried to eat properly and exercise at the gym most days of the week. 
“I guess,” Higuruma finally conceded, defeated, loathing cardio with every fiber of his being.
 “Then, off you go.”
“Okay. I’ll run and suffer alone today after being ditched,” Higuruma stated, half in jest.
 “Don’t be so dramatic, Hiromi,” Nanami remarked, “you can do it just fine.”
Just fine… I’m not sure if “fine” is the word I’d choose for this self-imposed torture.
Taking one of the final turns, Higuruma passed by a storefront. On it, there was a big illustration of Hello Kitty that covered most of the space. He hadn’t noticed that store before, but seeing the cartoonish cat with its pink bow brought an amused smile to his face as he remembered the student that, for some random reason, decided to attend his class using a kitty’s pajamas — you.
That moment got him to reminisce on the occasions that he, himself, was also too tired or too out of it to properly change before going to class, leading to some similar debacles during his undergrad years.
Ever since that day, the Professor had nicknamed you Sanrio in his head, a silly inside joke with himself. 
As he reached the end of the usual route, Higuruma paused and hunched over, inhaling deeply through his mouth, oxygen failing to properly enter his cells — or at least it felt like it. 
I wonder if I can take a taxi to go back home...
Involuntarily hearing Nanami’s voice in his head chastising him for wanting to take the easy shortcut, Higuruma grunted and took a deep breath before jogging his way back.
Nanami churned on his coffee’s last sip as if that alone would be enough to realign his chakras and soothe his growing headache. 
It wasn’t.
Nanami rarely saw himself pulled into other people’s work, but he detested each and every time it happened. As someone that usually planned his day thoroughly, with every minute properly accounted for, these types of unforeseen events would, most times, end up causing a domino effect over everything he had arranged in his schedule.
This time, however, he wasn’t sure if his distaste for the situation stemmed solely from the fact that his agenda got fondled around.
Something else about it was bothering him, even if he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
The contrast on the meeting table was clear — on the company’s side, he sat with Kusakabe, at least three mid-level associates, two juniors and one random intern. Behind them, the firm’s logo hung high on the wall, casting its brushed steel sheen over the expensive mahogany table. 
On the other side, though, sat an Union representative with one single lawyer beside him. Since the firm had rescheduled this meeting on short notice four times, demanding it took place in one of their offices — which was everything but close to where the union-office was located —, the Union only had enough money to pay for the expenses of sending the minimum amount of people required to legally sign a settlement.
Nanami slowly realized, as the negotiations went on, what was bothering him so much.
This wasn’t a negotiation meeting.
It was a power play consisting of intimidation techniques. Clearly an attempt at wearing the Union down and pushing them into accepting any settlement to end the strike as soon as possible.
It all said we can take you on — if you don’t accept our offer and take this to Court, we have the money, the people and the ways to win this fight.
“These are our terms, as we had already discussed, printed and ready for you to sign,” Kusakabe remarked, as he pushed a pile of papers towards the two.
The Union representative seemed ready to crumble under a put-upon expression, his black hair parted in the middle and thick framed glasses not doing nearly enough to conceal it. He knew exactly what was going on, how this had happened, and also that this strike couldn’t go on for much longer without causing serious issues in the lives of all the workers. 
The company was successful in their attempt of making it look like they tried to settle the dispute, and it had been long enough that people would start falling like dominos in the firing list.
The blond woman beside him seemed ready to toss her attorney’s license in the nearest dumpster and go do something else with her life.
The Union representative took the pen in his hand and sighed.
 “Are you positive you want to do this, Ijichi?” the lawyer asked, looking at him with a tinge of concern in between her brows.
 “We don’t have another choice, Nitta,” he replied, signing those papers away so quickly it felt like his hands were about to get burned in the fiery pits of hell. 
She exhaled sharply while leaning back on her chair.
“I’m glad we got to settle this amicably. We expect you all back on the grounds by Monday,” Kusakabe concluded as he pulled the pile of papers back to him and lifted himself up on the chair.
Everyone got up, but when Kusakabe extended his hand towards Nitta, she and Ijichi just turned around, stepping towards the exit.
Nanami’s slight discomfort had grown into an actual stone weighing in his gut, and he didn’t quite think about what he ended up doing next.
He walked behind Nitta and Ijichi, and called them by their names — something that surprised them both, given they didn’t expect him and most of the people inside that meeting room to be paying any attention at all. 
“So, you did listen to that meeting and weren't there just to add numbers?” Nitta asked begrudgingly.
 “I did,” Nanami answered.
 “What do you want?” Ijichi inquired, itching to get himself out of that building as quickly as possible. He felt dirty, to say the least, and needed a minimum of three full baths to feel like himself again.
 “To give you both my business card.”
Both of them looked incredulous.
 “I don’t mean any harm nor am I trying to get something out of a terrible situation. I just... That was...” 
He really didn’t think this through.
 “What I mean to say is that if there is anything you both need, this is my contact info.”
Nanami pulled the slim piece of cardstock and offered it. Ijichi and Nitta shared a hesitant look right before she took it from his hands. With a bow, both of them left, still feeling a little dumbfounded.
 “Are you trying to get yourself in trouble? You’ve made it to Partner in the firm, leave it alone,” a slightly muffled voice echoed behind Nanami. It was Kusakabe, who had just shoved a lollipop in his mouth and had his hands inside his pockets.
 “That didn’t bother you at all?” Nanami inquired, gesturing towards the now emptying meeting room.
 “I’m not paid to get bothered. I come, I do my job, and I go home.”
 “Still,” Nanami remarked, “it was...”
 “I know,” Kusakabe answered him. He took a few moments before sighing, leaning himself against a wall, and repeated in a lower tone, “I know.”
For the briefest moment, Kusakabe’s expression resembled a slight grimace.
 “You don’t seem completely unbothered, even if you’re not getting paid to care,” Nanami stated.
Kusakabe looked at Nanami and said nothing as they made their way back into their respective offices.
Higuruma also had a bad habit.
Due to his terrible memory regarding people’s names, he gave everyone a nickname in his mind. Beyond calling you Sanrio, his nicknames for the pink haired fluffy guy and the brooding dude always by his side were, respectively, Clueless and Porcupine. 
At that moment, he watched as Sanrio, Clueless and Porcupine sat beside one another while taking their first assessment test for the Criminal Law class.
You were so laser focused on the test, eyes darting from one end to the other of the paper frantically, hand periodically brushing your bangs back in desperation, that he feared you might actually end up accidentally activating a laser beam and burning the thing. Clueless was… well, clueless. He looked like someone who had never been properly alphabetized in his entire life. And finally, Porcupine didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, calmly reading and selecting each answer with the ease and certainty of someone that knew what he was doing.
He was sort of amused to realize Sanrio’s bangs had a small lock of hair poking out.
Higuruma glanced his eyes over the class, and made the sad realization he’d have dozens upon dozens of tests to grade and submit to the Dean the following morning.
What a nightmare, I’ll be here forever grading these after hours.
He had completely forgotten, earlier that day, that he’d have to deal with assessment test shenanigans. The information popped back into his mind five minutes before he arrived at the Uni, and Higuruma got a little desperate, remembering he needed to pick up the pile of tests inside the brown brick building’s print center before darting his way to class.
At least, he was more accustomed to running by then.
After parking near the building, Higuruma ran against the clock, and made it by the skin of his teeth. The Professor was completely relieved, failing to realize that his memory had fucked him over more than once that day.
You, on the other hand, weren’t fending off much better.
What do I do, there is more than one answer to this, it fucking depends, goddammit, you cursed inside your mind while answering most of the questions in that assessment test.
I need a cigarette.
You were particularly bad at taking multiple choice tests, especially in subjective areas — which was definitely the case for Criminal Law.
You had this little curse of wanting to select two different answers in nearly every question and always choosing the wrong one.
At least I can drink this failure away at the party today. 
“Ten more minutes!” Higuruma’s voice echoed through the classroom, and you must’ve looked particularly more hectic than before, because you felt his eyes on you, and when looking up, noticed he seemed a little concerned.
Very charmingly concerned in that disheveled suit and slightly messy hair.
Ah, shut up, brain.
After the ten minutes flew by, a cacophony of pens being put down or clicked around could be heard. People got up, and one by one, the students put their tests over Higuruma’s desk. He dangled over his chair lazily, bidding his students a good morning with a mumble.
You were the last one left, and stared at your test like it was a nuke falling right into your future criminal defense attorney career. Sad wasn’t the best word for it — you felt disheartened.
Sighing defeatedly, you lifted yourself from your chair like your clothing was made of lead and walked towards Higuruma’s desk, handing him the paper. His eyes lifted towards you while he took the test from your hands. 
“What did you think of the test?” Higuruma inquired, organizing all the papers into a neat pile.
You huffed.
“Sanrio is worried about this test,” you replied, smiling while poking a little fun at him.
His eyes widened a little, and for a second, Higuruma looked embarrassed. 
“About that, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...” he began.
“Oh! It’s...”
Completely okay. Kinda sweet. Something I might’ve actually liked. 
“Fine. I didn’t mind. It’s not always, but sometimes I nickname people in my head too.”
He offered you a discreet awkward nod, “okay, then.” 
Noticing you might’ve made him unnecessarily uncomfortable, you decided to lighten up the air.
“So... No random experiment for torturing your minions today? I mean, the students.” 
Higuruma chuckled softly.
“Ah, no. I figured this test was enough torture for one day,” he answered, spirited, “I’m not that ruthless.”
Remembering the Yuuji marker debacle, you thought about something for a moment before you resumed speaking.
“You know,” you began, “perhaps you should ask for students to volunteer before doing your… things.”
“I used to, actually,” he promptly answered.
“You did?” your voice sounded surprised.
Higuruma nodded, “Yes, but students rarely volunteered.”
That sounded a little off.
“Quick question, Professor. Did this scarcity of volunteers happen before or after the first volunteer demonstration?” you inquired.
“After. Why do you ask?” He asked while putting the tests into his briefcase.
Oh my God, he’s so clueless.
“No reason. Just curious.”
“Hey, people! I brought us beers!” Yuuji exclaimed, light spirited, as he walked towards you, Megumi, Nobara and Maki all seated on the grass behind the brick building. He quickly descended to sit beside the group.
“You are the best, but I’m not mixing today,” you thanked, greeting him with a cup full of pure vodka, “this should do the trick for tonight. Also, it’s pretty fucking cold for beer.” 
“Is that why you’re wearing that thing?” Nobara inquired while pointing at your ugly red scarf around your neck. 
“Get off my case, Nobara,” you retorted, gulping on your drink with some unidentifiable desperation.
“Shit, was the test that bad?” Maki asked you as she took a single can from Yuuji’s arms, while mindlessly pulling Nobara closer and kissing her head.
“It was weird, I was so confused, it felt like every question had at least two answers,” you complained, stretching your body over the grass. 
“You probably did fine, you tend to be overly dramatic about these things,” Nobara stated while pulling another can from Yuuji, smacking on his shoulder with a fist. He whined in complaint, and she chuckled like a tiny ginger demon. 
“I agree with Kugisaki, you’re smart!” Yuuji chirped in, while scrambling his way to sit beside Megumi, “I had no idea what I was doing. If you thought about at least two answers to each question, you’re already better than me.”
This poor, poor kid, you thought.
“There’s more to exams than just being smart, you need to know how to do them, and I do not, unfortunately…” you answered, a tinge of disappointment to your expression.
“This is solely an assessment test, anyway. It doesn’t compute in our final grades, there is no need to be so upset about it,” Megumi interjected, shushing himself when you glared at him. 
He was terrible at comforting people. 
“So, Fushiguro, I didn’t quite know what you’d like to drink, so I brought three types of beer,” Itadori mumbled, extending three different cans of beer towards Megumi like a raven with trinket offerings for his favorite human.
Not exactly smooth, but definitely cute.
Nobara and Maki shared a look, both of them with cheeky smiles on their faces. You covered your mouth to conceal your own smile — you were far from being as saucy as the power couple by your side — and waited with a bated breath for Megumi to pick up on the hint from Yuuji.
It was about time, considering it had been months of Yuuji trying to make a move. 
“No, thank you, I won’t drink today,” Fushiguro cluelessly replied, and Itadori visibly deflated from that. 
“T-then… I can grab a soda for you, or…” Itadori clumsily interjected, while scratching the back of his neck. 
“There’s no need, I will go-” 
Perhaps it was the vodka, the dreadful day or how much Megumi had just cock-blocked your shipping dreams, but you blurted out your next few words. 
“For fucks sake, Fushiguro, if you don’t take a beer can from Itadori right now, I will body slam you into oblivion.” 
“… We’re on the ground. How would that even-” 
“Bitch, don’t test me.”
Fushiguro was somewhat taken aback by your interjection, but hesitantly extended his hand and picked one of the three beers Itadori had selected for him, prying it open with a wheezing click. Megumi looked at you, then the beer can, then at Itadori, suspiciously taking a tiny sip. 
“It is… good,” he muttered, as a smile slowly returned to Yuuji’s Kirby persona. 
“Now, thank him,” you complemented, pointing at Yuuji, “he did find three types of beer in this God-forsaken campus party only for you, after all. I’d never have bothered to do so, and I bet Maki and Nobara feel the same.”
The power couple raised their drinks in agreement towards you, and Fushiguro sighed. 
“Thank you, Itadori.” 
Yuuji happily nodded, “you’re welcome! Do you want something to eat? I could-”
“Baby steps, buddy… baby steps,” you interrupted, putting your hand over Yuuji’s shoulder. He nodded sheepishly while Megumi was at a loss.
“O-okay,” Itadori acquiesced.
Suddenly, you all heard a voice calling Megumi’s name from a distance, sounding like some kind of haunting, and began looking around as he buried his face in his hands.
“Who is that?” you asked.
“Megumi! Where’s the food!?” the voice inquired in a light hearted tone. In the distance, you saw a fluffy, white ball of hair approaching under sunglasses. At night.
Megumi groaned from the depths of his soul.
“Argh, for fucks sake,” he complained, well aware as to who was coming.
Trying to dodge the faculty members didn’t do much to keep his adoptive father away, apparently.
Not so far from there, Higuruma sat in a poorly lit office grading the tests the entire class had taken that morning. After finishing grading yours — and you didn’t do very well, just as you had anticipated — he muttered to himself, out loud, “what happened there, Sanrio?”
The Professor failed to notice he did remember your name perfectly, even if he kept calling you Sanrio. 
“Will you sleep in here today?” a familiar voice scowled from the door, and Higuruma turned his face to meet the dusty blonde head of hair peeping through. 
“I’ll just finish grading these and then I’ll go home, Kento,” Higuruma answered with a tired smile on his face. 
“And couldn’t you have done that from home?” his friend asked, looking at the menacing pile of paper over the man’s desk, “or maybe tomorrow morning.” 
“Oh, I’d never get to it if I had left it for later. I’m already here, might as well just ditch this Pavlovian nightmare as soon as possible,” the other stated, flailing a test on his hand before proceeding, “what are these even meant to assess? Someone’s capabilities of answering formulaic questions like trained dogs? Ugh.”
Higuruma was ranting.
Nanami huffed a slightly amused chuckle, but underneath it, he seemed a little beaten down. 
“Is everything okay, Kento?” Higuruma asked, interrupting his ranting when noticing his deflated friend. 
“I’m… fine.”
Nanami had forgotten for a second that Higuruma, underneath all his antics, was a very perceptive person. 
“Are you sure?” Higuruma insisted, “you don’t look so well.” 
“It’s nothing. I’m just thinking about work, that’s all.”
And that he was. That meeting had stuck with him for those past few days. 
“Oh, how was the meeting with the Union?”
Nanami’s breath got caught for a second before he mustered up something to answer. 
“It wasn’t what I expected it to be. I might be switching things up soon,” Nanami said with some understated grave finality. 
“Truly?” Higuruma sounded surprised. 
“Yes. Perhaps exploring new fronts beyond Corporate Law.” 
“Well, then, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help apart from practicing law.”
Higuruma’s voice cracked softly right at the end of his sentence. ​Nanami didn’t fail to notice it, and kept silent as his friend seemed to mull over bitter memories. 
“Hiromi,” Nanami began. 
“I can’t, I… can’t.”
Higuruma had visibly tensed up, his fists unconsciously clenching as his forearms laid flat on the desk.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Nanami concluded, careful not to dig too deep on the matter.
Both of them shared an uncomfortable silence before Higuruma hesitantly steered his gaze to meet Nanami’s. Unsure, Higuruma gave his friend a tiny nod, and moved his attention back to the task in front of him. 
Understanding that the talk about it was over, at least for now, Nanami asked, “I’m leaving, do you want me to help you carry those to your car?” 
“Oh, there’s no need. I parked far, behind the…”
Oh, shit. 
“Nanami, what day is it today?”
“I’m not drunk,” you mumbled, while filling your third cup of vodka. 
“I’m not so sure about that,” Nobara said, giving you a light push to your shoulder, having you nearly tip over. Meanwhile, Megumi, Yuuji and Maki were entertained with Yuuji trying to score Gojo’s open mouth with peanuts like it was a basketball hoop.
Megumi was the least entertained of the trio.
“Knock it off!” you complained, slapping her hand away.
You fished your pack of cigarettes from your pocket, and she instantly grunted. 
“Those things stink and itch my nose, go smoke them somewhere else.” 
It was your time to grunt. 
“Ugh, fine. Then I’ll find a new best friend that’ll let me smoke — hell, one that might even smoke with me!” you  replied, getting ready to leave. 
“Make good choices!” she poked at you, and you playfully brushed her off. 
“I won’t!”
You walked away — not before hearing Yuuji and Gojo cheering right after Yuuji managed to score ten peanuts in a row — and gave your cup of vodka another sip, having the burning tingle dripping down your throat, warming you up against the cold wind.
After about two minutes or so of walking, sure your smoke wouldn’t blow on anyone’s faces, you put a cigarette into your mouth and pulled the lighter Professor Higuruma had given you, trying to light the cig up.
However, the wind wouldn’t let you, no matter how much you tried to tent your hand around it.
God, why? you thought to yourself, fidgeting with your bangs in annoyance.
While darting your eyes around, looking for any sort of shelter from the wind, you found a beat up, dark navy-blue car that surely had seen better days parked just behind the brick building. In your drunken haze, you figured that squatting between both would be the best idea.
Stumbling your way towards the gap, you quickly went down on the ground in a crouched position, holding your cup in one hand and the lighter on the other, cig strongly held in between your lips.
Flick, flick, flick.
God fucking damnit. 
“Hey!” a male voice exclaimed from behind you, scaring the shit out of your soul. 
Your body moved on instinct. You instantly jumped up, startled and screaming, and tossed the entire vodka contents from the cup towards whoever had nearly given you a heart attack.
Higuruma stood there, completely stunned and incredulous, as the beverage hit his shirt, vest, tie, face and coat. 
“… I didn’t mean to scare you,” he offered, taking his glasses off to shake the liquid from them before putting them back, “but why?”
For a split second, he was just glad this wasn’t coffee or wine, the staining demons of liquids. It could’ve been worse.
Oh my God. I can’t believe I assaulted this man with my drink again. This has to be a prank.
This time, already impaired from two full glasses of vodka in your system, and increasingly nervous at that situation, you couldn’t hold it in. 
You began cackling, directly to his face, as his expression became profoundly confused. He lifted an eyebrow, not knowing if he should feel scared, amused or offended.
"I-I just… Just laugh in i-inappropriate… moments- I’m sorry!" you tried explaining, in between laughs and huffs, drying a tear that bubbled up at the edge of your eye with the tip of your fingers.
You both stood there for a few seconds until your laughter died down, and he was then sure you definitely had a few screws loose.
It amused him.
“Here, let me use this to dry your shirt," you told Higuruma, approaching him with your red scarf, pressing it against his chest. He put his free hand over it and haphazardly rubbed it over the damp patches of his clothes alongside you.
This up close, he couldn’t help but notice once again that tiny hair lock which swirled away from your bangs.
Realizing he was staring at your hair, Higuruma diverted his eyes elsewhere, having them landing over the ugly red scarf. 
"Ah, that hideous thing." 
Shit, I said that out loud, he thought to himself, facepalming internally. 
To that, you looked at him, wide eyed, and laughed wholeheartedly, having Higuruma blushing embarrassment at his own incapacity to control his words. 
"It is hideous, isn't it?" you noted, surprising him.
For the second time in that interaction, he was nothing short of perplexed. The Professor was more than accustomed to having people get deeply offended at his talking mishaps from time to time.
"I thought you might be laughing because what I said was terribly inappropriate," Higuruma admitted, somewhat relieved.
"Oh, no. It was funny. I also laugh at funny things," you jested with a mindless smile pulling on your cheeks.
It was his time to chuckle, and you didn’t fail to notice, even in your tipsy fog, how a tiny crease would form on the edges of his hangdog eyes when he was laughing. And how his voice reverberated. And how his disheveled hair framed around his face beautifully, highlighting his beautiful hooked nose. And-
Shit. I have the hots for the Professor.
"... Is there still anything on my face?"
That snapped you out of it, but not entirely.
"Uh? Why?"
"Because you're staring at it."
Yeah. That checks out. 
“I just… never mind,” you told him while blushing discreetly, scrambling around to give him some space. It was only then that Higuruma noticed he had his hand resting over yours for a while after you stopped trying to pat him dry with the ugliest scarf known to mankind. 
Clearing his throat, he asked, “why were you slouching by my car?” 
“I was trying to light a cigarette,” you replied, pointing at the cig on the ground after the debacle, “the wind is pretty unforgiving today.”
“I see. I’m sorry about the fallen soldier,” he stated. 
“No worries, I’ve got more,” you replied, pulling your pack from your pocket, “do you want one?” 
I shouldn’t, smoking is bad, I’m doing cardio three times a we-
You pulled two cigarettes from the pack, put them both in your mouth, cupped your hand around the cigs to light them up, and it actually worked.
Well, that’s convenient.
You inhaled the smoke for a second, feeling it waving into your mouth. It immediately soothed your crave.
Taking one of them in between two fingers, you extended your hand towards Higuruma, who grabbed the smoke. 
“Thanks,” he offered in a calm tone.
“No worries, it’s the least I could do after assaulting you with vodka,” you shrugged with some embarrassment.
“It’s oka… pure vodka?” 
That’s… a lot.
He was a little taken aback, but decided not to ask anything. 
“Well, at least it won’t leave a stain, unlike coffee,” Higuruma remarked. 
“Yeah, it won’t,” you replied while mindlessly giggling.
Higuruma finally bowed his head towards you and you retributed the gesture, bidding him goodbye before leaving on your way to your dorm room. 
Once you were gone, he went inside his car, cracking the window open. As he was finally alone pulling the cigarette towards his lips, Higuruma noticed something around the edge of the cig. A soft pinkish-red ring that went all around it.
Is this… her lipstick?
It was.
Against his better judgment, Higuruma blushed softly, instantly shaking his head to weave off the heat that had pooled around in his cheeks before flipping the engine on.
Get a hold of yourself.
He did, however, hold the cig in his mouth, smudging the faint lipstick tint it had on his lips until the smoke was all spent up.
Tag list:
@arusearu @yammy-yammy-yama @markleeisdabestdrug @redlikerozez @delirious-donna
@alwaysfreakingout @murderofravens @senseifupa @higurumapet @cindyneko-strider 
@ohhheymessa @bigbaddulce @actuallysaiyan @s-witch-bitch @pseudowho
@soft--cherry @bsaeshell @quinnyundertow @traffi
218 notes · View notes
steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
oh, that's why
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is showing up when someone doesn't ask'
rated t | 1,533 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: friends to lovers, getting together, realizing feelings, love confessions, fade to black
Eddie was nervous.
He hadn't bothered mentioning Corroded Coffin's first show back to anyone except Wayne, didn't want anyone he knew to see him stumble over chords and lyrics with nerves he'd never had before Vecna. The guys didn't really say anything, but they'd casually suggested some slower songs mixed in to give him a break during the set. They just seemed to know that he didn't have the stamina anymore.
It's not like the Hideout was Madison Square Garden, but news had spread amongst the locals about Eddie's return to the stage and people must have gotten curious. The bar was busier than Eddie'd ever seen it, people lined up against the tiny stage and filling the tables spread out around the room. Every stool at the bar was filled, the door constantly opening to welcome someone new with a chilly breeze from the fall air.
"Hey, man. You ready?" Gareth's hand on his shoulder was meant to be comforting, but all it did was remind him of how much everyone in the crowd probably wanted to watch him fail.
"Yep," Eddie breathed out.
It was fine. This would just be another show, maybe not the best they've ever had, but they did fine during practice. He was fine.
There was no announcement for them, there never was. The bar owner and the main bartender pretty much only invited them back because the regulars would order double the amount of drinks when they performed.
The lights were already dimmed in the bar, and the spotlight stayed on on the stage all night.
It wasn't anything special, but it still felt like a step towards more.
The crowd was loud, and barely paid them any attention during Jeff's introduction.
They started playing Master of Puppets, a shorter version without the solo since Eddie still struggled getting through it without having a panic attack. It was part of "reclaiming his trauma" or whatever the government appointed therapist told him on his second and final visit.
He took the first minute to really look out at the crowd, passed the obnoxious spotlight.
Most of the people were unrecognizable, dressed a lot like Wayne, but lacked the friendly smile he gave him when he managed to make it to his shows. He saw a few people he knew from his first two senior years hanging by the back, probably trying not to be noticed by him.
And then he saw him.
His fingers skipped over the strings, missing a note and then two, though only his band and maybe the bartender would notice.
Steve smiled back at him, mouthed 'lookin' good', and gave him a thumbs up.
How did Steve even know about this? None of the other guys had told him, he begged them not to, made them pinky swear that they wouldn't invite anyone they knew for the first show.
Eddie smiled back at him still, happy that Steve was here, realizing now that a friendly face was the only way he would get through this set. He should have told them all.
Most of the set went surprisingly well, and most of the crowd seemed content to watch and sing along. Only a few people walked out when they realized it was mostly metal music, but he figured they weren't really there for any music at all. Watching the freak was the only entertainment a lot of people had in this town.
Steve was nodding his head, nursing the same beer for the entire hour they were on stage, smiling every time Eddie made eye contact with him. He seemed to be enjoying it, despite his usual refusal to listen to any of Eddie's music.
When they got off the stage, Eddie rushed to Steve, not even bothering to put his guitar back in its case first. Most of the crowd had gone outside or settled around the bar anyway, so his sweetheart would be safe.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie bounced on his toes, adrenaline pumping after a successful show. "I didn't tell anyone about this."
"Wayne mentioned it by accident. He assumed you'd asked me to come," Steve shrugged. He didn't seem hurt about not being invited, thankfully, but Eddie still felt guilt bully its way into his chest.
"Sorry. I just wanted to get the first one done before I had anyone here," Eddie nudged his hand. "But thanks for coming. I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad I did too. I'll always be here if you need me, Eds."
It sounded serious, less like what friends do and more like what love does.
"How do you always know what I need?" Eddie couldn't help asking. "It's like I think I'm fine, but then you're there with a glass of water because I haven't remembered to drink all day. Or like tonight, when I thought I could do it on my own, but played much better because you were here."
"I just know you," Steve smiled.
"Wait," Eddie started thinking back to all the times Steve was there. All the times he would show up at the trailer after work to make dinner, not knowing that Eddie had been feeling lonely. All the times he sat next to him on the couch while he planned out Hellfire campaigns because he needed someone to bounce ideas off of who wouldn't be involved. All the times he had to brave the general public and Steve always managed to find a reason to be right by his side, silently protective. "Wait."
"I'm waiting," Steve said. And was he sounding smug? What was that smile on his face? "How long am I supposed to wait?"
"I didn't ask you to be here."
"That's true. You didn't even tell me you'd be here."
"I never ask you to come over. Or go places with me. Or anything."
"You do sometimes," Steve argued.
Steve's lips pinched together, but a smirk was starting to tease its way onto his face.
"You're here because you want to be. Because you knew I'd be a mess and would actually want someone here even though I didn't tell anyone. Because you're always there when I need someone even when I don't admit I do. Because you care about me."
"Love, actually."
Eddie stopped in his tracks. "What?"
"You said I care about you. Duh, of course I do. But I actually love you."
"Like...the way you love Robin?"
"No. Like the way I thought I loved Nancy. But with you it's more. It's way more, Eds."
Eddie was grateful for the dim lighting and Jeff's sudden appearance by his shoulder.
"Eddie! We fuckin' nailed it! I signed an autograph for a girl who knows my name!" He yelled before he noticed Steve. "Oh, hey Steve. Enjoy the show?"
"You all did great, man. Glad you're back out there," Steve reached out to grab his shoulder, a friendly gesture that Jeff wasn't expecting judging by his face. "Need any help loading up?"
"Uh. No. I was actually gonna let Eddie know Gareth's dad came by to help bring all our stuff home so we don't need his van." Jeff gave them both a knowing look, then smacked Eddie's shoulder and smiled. "See you tomorrow!"
Eddie waved at him, still in shock from everything Steve had said before Jeff interrupted.
"You should probably put her in her case, Eds," Steve gestured to the guitar still slung across his back. "People aren't that careful in a bar."
"You've said that a lot tonight."
"Because I'm having a stroke or something. I'm having a very lucid dream. Or maybe I got too high." Eddie shook his head and pinched his own arm. "You love me."
"That's what I said, yeah."
"And you meant it?"
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."
Eddie still felt like he might be dreaming, but he decided to lean into it. If Steve loved him, then that meant-
"Oh my God," Steve groaned, but he was smiling. "What now?"
"I love you, too."
"Yeah? You just figure that out?" Steve definitely sounded smug now.
"Yes! I thought I just had this stupid crush on my straight friend. Sorry I didn't realize the way my stomach does cartwheels when you're next to me meant I loved you!"
They both started laughing.
"So, that's why you were staring at me like that at the pool," Steve finally said through his laughter.
"And that's why you asked me to read to you when you had a migraine," Eddie crossed his arms across his chest to avoid doing what he really wanted to do: pull Steve into the most John Hughes-esque first kiss ever.
"We should probably get out of here," Steve said when he recognized Eddie's twitching fingers fighting to not reach out. "Don't think anyone here would like it too much if I made out with you next to the bar."
"Give me two minutes. I'll meet you outside."
Their actual first kiss was just as John Hughes-esque, but it was in the privacy of Eddie's bedroom, and immediately followed by Steve pushing him against his own door and dropping to his knees.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Do I have a chance?
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 600 Summary: Ace is just trying to get you to like him. Tags: he's so. ace. / Marco just sits back and eats popcorn while watching it happen
Requested by anon [Hi! Could I request male reader X Ace where Ace is nice and adorable with everyone except reader? Ace is not toxic or mean to Reader, he just acts more serious and tough around him (...)]
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          Your eyes observed Ace in the distance as he talked with the others. He would often giggle, showing that wide smile that made your heart flutter as he opened that wide smile. Sometimes he would joke about something, playing offended and being way too dramatic, and it was also way too cute when he randomly fell asleep. Only you knew how hard it was not to just reach out and ruffle his hair, play with his messy black strands, maybe squish his cheeks together, and kiss all over his freckles…
All of it was to be appreciated just by far, though. Marco and the others were so lucky.
“Ah, hey, (y/n),” Ace mumbled with a light wave as he approached when you sat at one of the tables on Moby Dick’s with a book in hand. “I was wondering, could you help me with some bandages? It’s kinda tricky to clean the wounds.” He pointed to the bandage on his shoulder. He didn’t smile. Okay. It was so awkward when Ace did that. It felt like he was annoyed by you.
“Sure.” You grabbed the marker and slipped it into the book before closing it. His eyes glanced down at it.
“What book is that?” Ace blinked as he observed you set it aside.
You raised an eyebrow, looking at it for a moment, and hummed. “Ah, it’s just something I grabbed from Marco.” You took the book while standing up, observing the cover for a moment. Ace always asked you about the stuff you read or watched, so you just told him about it before he asked. “It’s about a king who searches for the fragments of his dead wife’s soul. He’s the main character, along with a guy and a girl. This other guy is so cool. He’s stoic, y’know, all serious and tough. Very cool character. The king is way too dramatic.”
Despite your grin, Ace only raised an eyebrow in brief interest and nodded with a hum. “Oh, great. Sounds cool.”
Why did he always make things awkward?
You nodded with a hum. “Either way, I’m going to put it away. Where do you want to change your bandages—”
“Your cabin?” Ace said almost instantly. You blinked a couple of times before slowly nodding, and he exhaled softly. “Then let’s go.”
Ace was terribly quiet during all of that. He was serious, not reacting so much to your jokes and barely keeping the subjects going, so you just opted for silence. If he really disliked you, you didn’t want to keep bothering him. Even so; if he disliked you, why did he insist on always trying to be around you? You’d questioned Marco about that a couple of times, but all he did was scoff and chuckle in response.
You did favors to Ace once in a while, yeah—you two were close crewmates at the beginning—, and that was never the issue, just that he didn’t even thank you this time. Ace just walked out of the cabin before you could finish speaking, leaving his button-up on your bed.
          Ace had sort of told Marco his plans. Marco didn’t agree at all, but he also knew he wouldn’t be able to convince someone with a thick head like Ace, so he didn’t even try too much. Honestly, Marco couldn’t even wonder how you were feeling with all this mess because he would often catch you gazing at Ace with those dreamy eyes.
One of the things that went through Marco’s head was certainly about the amount of functioning brain cells inside Ace’s head. If Ace was too shy to confess to you, maybe he should try some tactic that didn’t involve making you fall for him and confessing to him instead. Or just anything that involved Ace being Ace instead of someone who clearly didn’t please you.
As far as Marco could remember, it started when Ace wanted to find things to talk about with you, and the fact you were around reading a few books made it easy for Ace to figure out two things to chat about: what kind of stuff you liked, and also what your type was, hopefully. Marco could remember Ace ranting to him about how you loved all the serious and Stoic characters from those books, admiring their coolness. It was a matter of time until Ace was changing into that said demeanor whenever around you, but his attempts at being serious honestly just made Marco want to hide due to the second-hand shame. Ace was so stupid. He was like a weird kid.
On the other hand, Marco also wanted to strangle Ace to make him confess to you already. He noticed that most of the crew was dispersed now that you stopped by an island. You were sitting alone at one of the tables on the main deck, reading your book.
“Oi, Ace-yoi,” Marco caught Ace’s attention. “I’m going ahead to the shop, so can you tell (y/n) I’ll already be there?” He didn’t actually wait for Ace to answer before he left, waving back at Ace with his other hand stuck in his pocket.
Damn, Marco. He could’ve at least told Ace something about that before. At the moment, he wasn’t fucking prepared to talk with you. Ace’s mind was racing as he looked back and saw you there, nose buried in that same book from the other day. You were the only one there aside from an occasional pirate that would walk by, which wasn’t even relevant. Marco really hated him, didn’t he?
Ace cleaned his throat and tried to seem cool as he walked over to the area where you were, hands in his pockets. He could do it. He was going to do it so well that maybe you’d confess to him today. The same things went over and over in his mind as he leaned back against the wall, letting his hat cover his face lightly. You probably were sleeping hugging the shirt that he left in your room. He probably looked so cool. He was so cool.
… Well, why didn’t you approach him, then? What was taking you so long?
          You had noticed Ace’s presence there, of course—how could you not? It wasn’t even the first time he saw you after the day you fixed his bandages, but you still wished that Ace would finally come to thank you or ask for his shirt back. Despite having your eyes glued to the page, you weren’t reading a thing. You couldn’t read a thing.
This was already getting on your nerves. Did Ace think he was better than anyone? Did Ace hate you?
Ace jumped when the book was suddenly tossed at him. He gasped as he caught it before it fell to the ground, holding it tightly in his hands.
“What’s wrong with you?” You stood there, pointing at Ace accusingly. He had wide eyes, mouth opening and closing as he tried to say something, but it never came. You groaned, clenching your hands into fists and stepping towards him. “I get it that you don’t like me, but I don’t see the reason you keep hanging around! If I annoy you so much, then just avoid me, and I’ll return the favor!” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you took a moment; the dumbass just stood there tensely, face red. “Look, you could’ve at least acknowledged that I cleaned your wounds and taken your shirt back!”
Ace finally managed to choke something out. “But I don’t hate you!” His voice sounded weaker than he planned. Shit, he was making a fool of himself in front of you again. He groaned, looking at the book and slipping it in his pocket, not knowing what to do with it.
“You don’t have to lie, Ace!”
“I’m not lying!” Ace groaned as he pulled his hat over his face to hide it. “Ahh, I fucked it all up… I’m so sorry, (y/n)!”
A sigh escaped your lips. “Ace, it’s okay, really. You’re not obligated to like me or anything.”
Ace lowered his hat enough to look at you over the brim of it. He stuttered a couple of times but decided to take a pause—he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “Look, I’m so sorry. I actually like you a lot.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, eyeing Ace up and down. “What do you even mean by that? Like me? Ace—”
“I was trying to be like those characters you talk about! From the books, I mean.” Ace sighed in frustration. He adjusted his hat, letting it hang over his back. “I thought you’d like me more if I did it.”
“Ace…” You sighed, burying your face in your hands and then rubbing your temples. Now all the hints that Marco dropped were starting to make sense. “Okay. Terrible choice, actually, because I like it when you’re being yourself.” Ace furrowed his eyebrows, so you nodded more. “I’m always hoping you’ll be silly and playful when you’re around me because it’s so cute.” Your cheeks reddened as you confessed it, but there was no other way to fix things without talking it out, even more after a misunderstanding going on for so long. “Just be yourself, Ace. I actually like you a lot, as well.”
Ace was pouting a little, his cheeks all red. “Can I hug you, (y/n)? Pretty please?”
A chuckle escaped your lips as you felt your face heating up as well. “Yeah, yeah, I—”
He was in your arms before you could finish saying it, hugging you tightly. “I’m sorry, okay? I won’t do it again.”
“Yeah, you better.” You patted his back lightly with a sigh.
“You know,” Ace chuckled a little bit as he pulled back; his cheeks were redder as he looked away. “Do I, y’know, do I have a chance with you now that I’m being the way you like me?”
You raised an eyebrow and slowly grinned wide. “Hmm, I’ll think about it,” you teased a little, kissing his cheek.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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dizscreams · 1 year
— Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Spider-Man!Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
SUMMARY: Spider-Man helps you out of party cuz ur WASTED and then Spider-Man is actually Ethan what?! OMGG!! Then it’s a cute moment but no confessing 😰 maybe it needs a part two? Who knows.
A/N: sorry for all the Spider-Man!Ethan content lately, he’s just living in my brain rent free rn 🫣
TAGS: @ourloveisgod23 @xyzstar @wenvierismycomfort @wekiamo @beary-rambles @aesthetixhoe @c8rdigan @aqellano @teyamsgirll @mbankfav @gabbylovesreading @brakke-dino @astermath
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Ethan entered the frat party with one goal and one goal only, to make sure his friends were okay. He only knew this party was happening because he was patrolling tonight and saw it and plus Chad had texted him to join you guys. You guys being Chad, Mindy, Anika, Tara, and you.
Ethan said he had Econ and couldn’t make it, which was a lie he constantly told. He really needed to come up with a new one.
Ethan was worried for his friends safety because the infamous Ghostface killer was back. I mean who would throw a party in a time like this? Let alone actually go to one. But he didn’t blame you guys, you were all stressed and scared. He was just glad it was a Halloween party so he could blend in easier since he still had his suit on.
He pushed past sweaty drunk teenagers and found his way to the living room where he found Mindy and Anika on the couch. Two down three more to go, Tara, Chad, and you. He wondered toward the kitchen and found Tara drinking, he’d definitely need to check in on her later. And he found Chad near the stairs, but the only person he couldn’t find was you.
Where were you? Ethans searched the party like twelve times and he couldn’t see you. It would probably help if he knew what you were dressed as. Just as he turned around to start at the front of the house again he bumped into somebody, “Oh, I’m so sorry-” he paused when he saw you. You were wearing a Spider-Man costume without the mask and your hair was slightly messy. You looked like you’d been drinking.
“Heyyy, we’re matching!” You stumbled forward and Ethan quickly caught you. “Yeah, I guess we are,” he chuckled. You were matching and it was quite adorable to Ethan but his main concern was getting you home safely. “Yours looks a lot better than- than mine though. Where’d you get yours? I just got mine off of Amazon,” you rambled as you played with the hem of Ethan’s mask. He gulped and gently took your hand away, now holding it.
“I just got it from.. from a friend. I’m borrowing it,” he lied. “Oh, cool. Do you want a drink? I can get you a drink?” Ethan quickly shook his head at your ask, “I’m alright, thank you though. I think you should find your friends and go home.” Someone bumped into you so the arm that Ethan had wrapped around your waist pulled you closer to him while his other hand was still holding yours. You kinda looked like a couple.
You shook your head, “I don’t know where the-they are. They’re probably partyinngg!” You exclaimed with a laugh. “Hey, who are you by the way?” Ethan was taken back by your question but he realized that you thought he was a complete stranger. You didn’t know he was Ethan Landry, you didn’t even know he was the real Spider-Man. You just thought it was a costume.
You removed the hand that was holding Ethan’s, much to his dismay, and you put it to his face. You examined him through the mask he was wearing and turned his head to the left and then to the right. “What are you doing?” Ethan asked confused. “You’re the real Spider-Man aren’t you? That’s why your costume looks so good! You’re him-!” Ethan quickly put a hand over your mouth and took your hand, “Lets go outside.”
You followed him outside the house party and stumbled down the steps. “So are you the real one? Or not?” He helped you down the last step so you wouldn’t eat shit on the concrete and led you to the side of the house. “This is getting creepy man-” Ethan interrupted you by ripping the mask off of his face. Your mouth dropped open, “Ethan? When did you get here?” He looked around to make sure nobody was near and got closer to you. He held your shoulders and got close to your face. “Ethan? What’s-”
“Okay, I need you to listen to me and you cannot tell anyone, okay?” You nodded at him and he continued, “Okay, I’m Spider-Man,” he said slowly hoping you could comprehend what he was telling you. Ethan could practically see the gears in your head turning and he saw your confused expression turn into a smile, then a laugh. “You-you’re Spider-Man? How much did you drink Ethan?” You asked through laughs as you poked his cheek.
“I didn’t drink anything-” he said swatting your hand away, “I’m telling the truth and I’m serious you can’t tell anyone.” You laughed again, “Okay, whatever Ethan. You have my word,” you said humorously. It was clear you didn’t believe him and he didn’t blame you. This was probably the worst possible time to tell you. He’s not even sure why he was telling you. Ethan sighed as he put his arm around you again to hold you up, “Okay, lets get you home.”
You nodded and let him walk you back to your dorm. It was chilly and your thin costume didn’t help. Ethan noticed your shiver and held you closer to him, “We’re almost there, don’t worry.” You responded with an inaudible noise and put your head against his shoulder.
When you guys made it there he grabbed the key from your shaky hands and went inside. He walked you to your bedroom and you flopped on the bed. Ethan put his mask on your dresser and went over to you. “Tired?” He asked and you nodded. He smiled softly and took off your shoes before pulling the covers over you and tucking you in. He took a moment to look at you, your hair was still slightly in your face but you looked peaceful.
“Hey Ethan?”
“I believe you, about you being Spider-Man.”
He chuckled, “You wont remember this tomorrow.”
You ignored him and kept talking, “It makes sense because you’re always disappearing. And it makes sense because one time I saw the Spider-Man suit in your closet but I assumed it was for Halloween even though it was like April,” you giggled and he smiled at you.
“Hey Ethan?”
“Why’d you tell me you were Spider-Man?”
He thought about it for a moment, “I don’t know I guess I didn’t want you to think you were being kidnapped by a Spider-Man wannabe.” You giggled and shook your head, “Is that the only reason?” He stayed silent and you nodded in understanding. You wouldn’t tell him but you were hoping he told you because he trusted you and because he wanted to be more than friends but maybe that was a lot to ask.
“Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?” He looked at you hesitantly and you scooted away from the edge of the bed. “Please, Eth?” You patted the spot next to you and he sat down. You two stayed silent for a moment before you put your hand on his cheek, “You’re really pretty, you know th-that?” You hiccuped and he smiled bashfully. “You’re drunk.”
You smiled and closed your eyes, “Ya know, I’ll sleep a lot better knowing New Yorks friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is Ethan Landry.” He laughed and watched as your smile faded to a relaxed expression. And soon after he heard your small snores. He moved the hair from your face and stood up. He wasn’t sure what you meant by that exactly and he knew you probably wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, but he was grateful for the moment anyway.
He wouldn’t let it get to his head though. He’s liked you for a long time now but he wasn’t ready to confess yet. Ethan looked at you one more time before grabbing his mask and putting it on. He climbed out your window and swung away.
Who was he kidding, if you actually remembered this tomorrow he would definitely confess his love to you.
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phxntomsdusk · 9 months
you should write something about studentbur.. if ur comfy.. hes really underrated imo.. im currently hyperfixated on him
Science fair - Studentbur x GN!reader
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summary: being paired up with the “weird” kid for the science fair ends up taking an unexpected turn
(anon, i love this!! since i’m a student myself this is definitely one of the easiest things for me to write !! if you want you can become a regular anon and share your studentbur thoughts, i’ll gladly answer each and every one <3)
warnings: kids are mean abt will
tags: @ax-y10 , @joviepog (ask to be added!)
word count: 1120
Science fair was one of the most dreadful things to have to do. Your teacher had picked partners for everyone, but allowed creative liberty for what you wanted to do. And the person you got paired with? William Gold.
He didn’t talk much in your class, unless it was one of his friends, but even then they barely say near him. He was known as the “weird” kid. From what everyone said he smelled, he was annoying, and had the worst sense of humor.
You didn’t know him personally so you couldn’t judge him just yet, you’d have to save it for when you finally got to work with him.
You approached him during lunch, sitting across from him and clearly surprising him. He didn’t say anything to you and simply continued to eat.
“Hey, I’m your partner for the science fair. I’m Y/N.” You stuck a hand out as a greeting, watching him timidly put his sandwich down and grab your hand back. “I’m William.. Well, Will or Wilbur. Call me whatever.” He shrugged at his own words, before letting go of your hand and continuing to eat.
It was obvious he wasn’t used to people talking to him, but you had to bear with it for now.
“I was thinking that for the science fair we could do something simple? And we could meet up at the park to work on it, if that’s okay with you.” You made sure to keep your gaze on him as you spoke, a welcoming smile on your lips as you watched him carefully. “Yeah, sure. Simple as in what soil helps plants grow? Or if maybe colors affect a dog’s enjoyment with a toy? We could do an actual experiment in my mum’s garden or with my dog.”
You could only smile as he slowly came out of his shell, you now knew his mum had a garden you guys could use, and a dog! “Those are perfect! I think the dog one would be easiest to do. I could use my allowance to buy some different colored toys from the shop and then we can see which ones your dog likes more.”
He quickly nodded at your suggestion, before shuffling through his bag and grabbing a paper and pen, scribbling down his number and address. “So, instead of the park we can do everything at my house. For the poster board what do we do? Dog house theme? We could cut up some construction paper and make it all pretty.”
Over the course of your conversation he only became more smiley and talked about his interests. You could put he enjoyed gaming, wanted to get into music, and even had a vinyl collection he wanted to show you when you were to go over.
You of course had to talk to your parents about it, which they gladly allowed you to go over that weekend.
You made sure to text the number he had given you, which ended up thankfully being his and not a house phone.
The two of you only made further plans throughout the day, more ideas being thrown back and forth for what types of toys you should do, what the poster board should look like, and what to call the experiment.
You both decided to not come up with a fancy title or pun for the experiment, simply calling it the question you wanted to answer. The poster board was going to look like a dog house, and he agreed that you were going to make it, while he did the main experiments.
The weekend came around faster than expected, but it was 100% worth it. You made sure to buy at least 8 cheap toys of rainbow colors, including white and black. They were all squeaky rubber toys.
When you finally showed up it was more peaceful than expected, and he was waiting patiently on the porch for you, bouncing a tennis ball against the ground.
Before you guys did anything he introduced you to his mum and his dog, offering you a drink and snack, and finally took you to his room to show off his vinyls.
While he rambled on about his love for bands, you couldn’t help but think about all the things kids would say about him. He was almost polar opposite to what they described, he wasn’t weird, it seemed like he just didn’t have anyone who listened to all of his interests.
You probably spent way too long in his room before the actual experiment, which was much more fun than either of you expected.
His dog adored you, mostly ignoring the toys and giving l the attention to you. Will was smiling like an absolute idiot the entire time, and laughing like a maniac. He kept having to pull the pup off of you, squeaky toys so many times until it felt like your ears would bleed.
“God, you shouldn’t have stayed. We can’t do anything, he likes you too much!” His voice thankfully dripped with sarcasm, before he helped you to your feet after his dog practically tackled you to the ground.
“Oh, shut up. We may just have to do this another day.” You sighed and wiped your pants free of any dirt that got on you. “Alright, alright. I’ll put the toys somewhere in my room. Wanna listen to more of my vinyls until your parents come to get you? We have, like, an hour.” He smiled as he spoke, making his way back inside the house and up to his room.
You quickly followed after him, shooting him a thumbs up as you found yourself sitting on his bed. He shuffled through his collection, before pulling out an Arctic Monkeys vinyl and displayed it to you.
“Please say you’re a fan. I don’t think we can be friends if you aren’t.” He pouted dramatically as he placed it on the player, allowing it to spin almost as soon as he put it on. “I am a fan. You played them for me the second I entered the front door.”
He laughed lightly at your words, shrugging before he flopped down onto the bed right next to you. “Think we’ll get a good grade?” He looked at you with raised brows, lifting a hand up in the shape of a fist.
You made a fist and bumped it with his, smiling and nodding. “Yeah, I think so. It’s definitely not the most impressive, but it’s unique.” You laid back next to him, enjoying the music and the moment as you stared up at the ceiling.
Maybe getting paired with the “weird” kid would end up being a good thing.
A really good thing.
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dreamchasernina · 3 months
"I don't want to engage in ship wars"
"I can't defend my ship without being ATTACKED"
I wonder why you keep getting grief🤔
I'm sorry I don't want to be rude, but what the hell did you think would happen? You're clearly responding to criticism of your ship, and there's nothing wrong with that. But everyone else also has the right to a) respond to your arguments and b) call your points stupid. You're literally engaging with the ship war by arguing against criticism of your ship. You have to be able to see that
How is me responding to criticism of my ship - engaging in ship wars? I don’t mention another ship anywhere in my post. ANYWHERE. So like…anytime I talk about Kataang where I disagree with a popular opinion against my ship, it means I’m engaging in ship wars? Am I like…not allowed to address the common hate? After seeing 10 posts saying “Aang is an abuser” am I not allow to post to my own blog and say “actually, I don’t think Aang’s an abuser” and then not expect to be attacked for it?
I go into Kataang tag and see 10 anti Kataang posts a day. So if I want to share 2 pro Kataangs a day, without hating anyone else, that means I’m engaging in ship wars? I’m not addressing anyone in particular, just addressing the main points brought up against Kataang.
Seriously, genuinely, anon. Put another ask in my inbox and tell me where am I engaging in ship wars when ALL IM DOING is talking about MY SHIP and not even mentioning another ship, not in the posts and not in the tags. Those posts are meant for the people who are actively seeking content on that particular ship.
You’re saying the fact that I defend my ship against terrible takes without involving anyone directly, means I should expect to get hate? Does that sound okay to you?
If I see points defending another ship, I would NEVER go into their post to say, hey, actually that’s dumb. Why on earth would anyone do that? And you’re defending it for what??
Why am I, as an active atla fan and shipper, not allowed to share my thoughts on my ship without getting attacked?? Like seriously. Answer that question. All of my posts are positive. Nothing negative.
And I agree, anyone has a right to respond and disagree, but that’s not what’s happening. 2 of ZK shippers attacked, literally attacked my points, made fun of them, called me a “pest” and automatically blocked me without giving me a chance to respond. If you’re gonna block me, why respond in the first place? And I’m the bad guy in all of this? Because I dared to talk about my ship?
Like I truly don’t know how you guys don’t see how delusional you sound! I’m not the one going into ZK shippers blogs, looking for a post I disagree with and then shame them for having those opinions. I beg you to look inside your shippers behavior for once and ask yourselves, why are ZK shippers being labeled the worst part of ATLA fandom. By everyone. Maybe because of behavior like this?
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.11
A/N: Hey guys just letting you know what the situation in terms of updates going forwards. I am making no guarantees as to updates from now until June because I am at the end of my final year of uni and gonna be v busy with assignments. This won't be going anywhere though and I will have plenty time in the summer to work on it.
As always feel free to send in any requests for this pairing, I likely won't get round to them for a few months but know that I see them and I love you all for engaging with this story which is now nearly 15,000 words! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
Previous part - Next part
Once all the morning jobs had been seen to, everyone had congregated in the corral for some fun roping the dummy on the back of the quad.  They’d invited hands from a neighbouring ranch for a bit of friendly competition, although it stopped being friendly the moment bets had started flying.  Most of the hands were betting on themselves, obviously confident in their own abilities, but a few from the Yellowstone had put money on y/n who had partnered with the other ranch’s female hand, despite the shouts of ‘traitor’ coming from her co-workers.  The only response she’d dignified them with was a middle finger and a guarantee to wipe the floor with them all.  Ryan and Lloyd had just had their turn when she lined up to take their shot.
Y/n exchanged a look with the other hand, getting a determined nod in return before she looked at Ethan on the quad and gave him the signal.  The quad didn’t go as fast as a steer so the horses could comfortably lope after it as opposed to going flat out like they normally would.  Their horses followed it easily and she held steady as the other hand swung her rope over the horns quickly off the mark.  Once the horns were done, y/n took her turn swinging the loose rope over head before aiming it at the back legs and hitting her mark.  As soon as the loop had tightened, she shifted her weight in the saddle back to which Comanche responded instantly by sliding to a halt in the sand.
Cheers came up from the onlookers at their speed, Rip turning to rib those who’d just gone, “y’all just got beat by some women.”
Lloyd turned to Ryan, “you rope like shit.”
“You’re the one that missed!” He defended
Rip rode up to them, “y’all rope like shit.  I’m gonna take those women with me today and y’all can just go fucking pack it in.”
Y/n loped down the arena to stop in front of them, “you should really learn to never bet against me.  Jake and Colby made smart choices, I expect my share of your winnings boys!”
“Ladies think you can go two for two?” Rip asked to which they both nodded, “get your ass in there let’s go.”
They watched as the girls reset and ran behind the quad to catch the plastic steer again with practised ease.  Lloyd rolled his eyes at the ever present fond look Ryan had in his eyes whenever he watched his girlfriend.  At this point everyone in the bunkhouse had figured out they were together, it was just a matter of time until Rip worked it out and he did not envy Ryan when that happened.  The foreman’s approval likely meant more to her than any of her family’s did (except maybe what Lee had given her with his gentle teasing in the trailer).  Next to him said foreman was looking at the girl with a similarly affectionate smile.
“You’re a soft touch when it comes to her aren’t you,” Lloyd said to him.
He kept his eyes trained ahead, “I don’t know what you’re suggestin’ Lloyd.”
“Bulllshit.  I know you put this together today so her mind wasn’t stuck on her mom all day,” he pointed out.
Rip chuckled, “don’t act like you ain’t the softest on her.”
For the first time in a while, y/n had denied joining the hands in the bunkhouse and instead chose to have dinner in the main house.  Part of her had hoped that her family might be able to have one normal dinner on the anniversary of their mother’s death but she should have remembered that the Dutton’s were never capable of normal, especially when it came to the dinner table.  When she’d reached the house, the living room was full of men in suits surrounding Beth and her father, clearly some political play that she’d made clear not to involve her in.  Jamie was sulking on the porch listening to the chatter so she decided to ignore him, in no mood to deal with her older brother acting like a child.
Instead she sought out Gator for dinner, which he was happy to accommodate considering she’d brushed off pancakes that morning, before having a shower and settling on the opposite side of the porch to Jamie where the talking didn’t reach her ears.  As she listened to the noises of the mountains surrounding her and the comforting whickers from the horses, she indulged in the only alcohol she ever did.  One beer, on the evening of the anniversary of her mother’s death.  Evelyn’s favourite beer.  It wasn’t even something she particularly liked the taste of but it made her feel a little bit connected to her mom as she imagined all the gossip they might have been exchanging if the horse never crushed her.  Y/n refused to believe John would have done what he did to Kayce if their mom had been around to talk sense into him.
“I thought you didn’t drink sweetheart,” a familiar voice came out of the darkness to interrupt her ‘what ifs’.
Y/n opened her eyes to see her boyfriend in front of her, “just the one for mom each year.  Ain’t even that good but it's hers.”
She watched as he came across the grass in front of the porch to lean on the railing in front of her.  Ryan tipped his hat at her teasingly which made y/n giggle.
“What’s got you so close to the house cowboy?  Aren’t they missing you in poker,” she joked.
He stuck his tongue out at her, “you ain’t much better at it than me sweetheart.  Something told me I shouldn’t let you be alone tonight.”
“The house is full of fools tryna get into bed with my father and Jamie’s out here somewhere sulking like a child!” Y/n said the last bit louder in hopes that her brother would get the message and go inside.
Ryan laughed at her lack of subtlety, “Jamie can stay out here for all I care.  If everyone in the house is busy suckin’ dick I doubt they’ll notice us sneaking up to your room.”
“Ry are you suggesting I sneak my boyfriend up to my bedroom like a teenager,” she giggled.
He smirked, “well you did say you never got to sneak around when you were a teenager it seemed only fair that I give you the chance to do it now.  We’ll both be at the barn in the morning before anyone here is even considering waking up.  You know you want to say yes sweetheart.”
“You make a convincing argument.  Come on then cowboy.”
Ryan climbed over the porch railing to take the hand y/n was offering before letting her lead him into the house.  He made a joke about it being the first time he’d be going through the front door which prompted his girlfriend to elbow him in the ribs.  When they entered, she closed the door as quietly as the wood would allow before gesturing for Ryan to take his boots off.  Jamie must have heard his sister because he’d moved his sulking to the kitchen where he was sat at the counter burning a hole into his laptop screen.  Y/n turned, putting her finger to her lips, before darting past the kitchen entryway and to the stairs.  Both of them made it up to her bedroom, making sure the door was shut before bursting into laughter.  Y/n felt lighter than she had all day, the weight of the day finally off her shoulders.
She swiped the hat off of his head, putting it on her damp hair with a smirk.  Ryan watched her carefully as she moved around the room to put her boots away.  When she turned back around he was still by the door, leant against the wall with his arms crossed, eyes trained on his hat still on her head.
“You know what you’re doing there sweetheart?” He asked.
Y/n shrugged, “you askin’ if I know the cowboy hat rule, Ry?”
“Do you?” He pushed off the wall to stand in front of her and placed his hands on her hips gently.
She slid her hands up to rest on his shoulders, “I been around buckle bunnies since I was 15 Ry, course I know the cowboy hat rule.”
The next morning, y/n was awoken to the loud noise of her alarm blaring from her bedside table.  When she tried to turn it off she found herself too far away to reach her phone.  Pulling herself further into consciousness, y/n became aware of an arm around her waist and the feeling of Ryan’s lips against her shoulder.
“That’s so fuckin’ loud,” he complained.
She laughed as he let her go to turn the alarm off, “how else do you expect me to wake up before the sun rises?”
“Can’t remember the last time I used an alarm, normally just get woken up by the others getting up,” he explained.
They stayed wrapped up in the warmth of the bed for a few minutes before forcing themselves out of the comfort to get ready for work.  Ryan watched as his girlfriend got dressed before putting her hat on his head, not his this time, and followed her down the stairs.  Y/n slipped into the kitchen to get two apples, brushing off Gator’s questioning as to why she was taking more than one.  After grabbing her jacket from the peg, they walked down the drive to the barn in comfortable silence.
Y/n stopped part way there when she saw the cattle trucks and her dad stood outside, “shit he should still be asleep.”
“Don’t stress I’ll go round the corral and go in the back to the bunkhouse,” Ryan reassured her, dropping a kiss to her cheek, “in a bit sweetheart.”
She watched him go with a smile before taking a breath and steeling herself to speak to John without caffeine.
“Fell asleep in a stall?” She greeted him outside the barn, noting the shavings stuck to the back of his jacket.
John looked over at his daughter, “what you doing down here so early?  The hands won’t be out for a bit.”
“I’ll go get Comanche and ride up to meet these at the pasture,” Lucy tactfully ignored her dad’s question, “tell Rip to bring me coffee when they come up.”
Taglist: @child-of-of-the-sunshine @kendallroydefender @qardasngan @thecobraghost @little-diable
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mybelovedwoo · 1 year
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when we were younger
bff!san x f!reader
fluff, childhood best friends to lovers (slow burn) / wc: 2.5k
warnings: flashback secens, car ride, a very sleepy sannie
note: the second story of the san best friends to lovers drabbles. in this one, we can see a little more of their bond and how much they mean to each other. i hope you love the flashbacks too!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
san masterlist - main masterlist
Every year, you looked forward to one thing the most, and that was your annual vacation. Your whole family and your best friend San's, altogether far from the stressful days. It's been a tradition ever since you were a little kid, and it's still an ongoing thing, even now when you are all grown up. You never go to the same place twice, you are trying to travel through the whole country, that was the entire concept your guy's dads came up with.
You always go with two cars, one with San's family, his dad, mom, and his older sister, and one with your's dad, mom, you, and of course San. When you were little, San always wanted to go with you, because you were inseparable. You were an only child, you never had someone to play with at home, to be said you always were a little jealous of San and Haneul. They were there for each other always,  Haneul was the best big sister to San, you just wished you were their sibling too. But they took you in as their own.
In truth, they always thought of you as their own sibling, you all grew up together, and you and San being the same age made everything much easier. And there was Haneul, who always acted like a big sister to you, you looked up and learned a lot of things from her, she even helped you get ready for your first date. 
"Is it on? Let me see it already!" Haneul shouted from behind the closed door. You put on one of her dresses, which she gave you so that you can wear it tonight. This was your very first date, and the guy from your class that you liked asked you out to watch a movie with him. Sure you were nervous, but to be honest you were more excited. 
After school ended, you literally ran straight to Haneul's house, you asked her to help you get ready. You have never really done your make-up or hair like this before, so you couldn't be more thankful to have someone like her in your life, who can teach you things like this.
You opened the door and stepped out with that little flowery summer dress on you from her bathroom. You weren't much of a "dress" girl, you liked comfy pants much better, but you have to go all out on your first date, right?
"So, what do you think?" You asked of the girl in front of you. 
"I think it's perfect Y/n. If Daejung doesn't fall in love with you tonight, then he is dumb. Or blind." You both laughed at the last statement. But that soon stopped, when the door to Haneul's room suddenly opened, after two little knocks. You didn't even have time to answer it before San poked his head in.
"Hey, I just heard you two talking. Y/n, why didn't you wait for me? We could have come home together." He looked a little disappointed. You two always came home together from school every single day. You only live two streets away from each other, still, San always walks you home first, even though he lives closer to the school. "Wow, I've never seen you in a dress like this before." He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and got distracted.
"I know, but how do you like it?" You spun around, so he could see the whole dress. You waited for his answer with curiosity. You were interested in San's opinion, he was your best friend after all and he is a guy, he should know what other guys like.
"You look beautiful Y/n, as always, it doesn't matter what you wear. But why are you in one of Haneul's dresses?" Oh yes, in the big excitement, you forgot to tell San about the news. 
"She's going on a date with Lee Daejung!!" Haneul's told him excitedly, you couldn't even say anything. You wanted to say something, but nothing came to your mind. You don't know if San's disappointment is because you didn't tell him about it or that you left him there in school or something completely else.
"What?? So this is why you didn't wait for me after school, hm?"  You've never expected this reaction from San, he seems kinda upset about this date. He must have found something more interesting on the floor because he didn't look back up at you, he just turned around and walked out the door, but before he completely closed it behind him he said one last thing. "You deserve so much better than him!"
Thinking back San never liked any of the guys, you dated. But now you know he just wanted to protect you, because at the moment you didn't see how shitty those guys were, and you wish you would've just listened to him, then you would have saved yourself from a couple of heartbreaks. 
You've been in the car for the past 2 hours, and while you are all nostalgic, the boy next to you is deep in his sleep. You can't blame him for it, he had a schedule yesterday, from where he went home very late at night, but still proceeded to come early in the morning today. The moment the traffic jam cleared out and you left the city, he was fast asleep. 
And here you were bored as hell, without your best friend giving you any attention.
You couldn't be happier, when the car stopped, and your dad announced that you have finally arrived at your destination. San was still asleep, and you wondered how can someone sleep so much, not even speaking, from any place he slept in the car. The road to this campsite through the forest was very bumpy and he didn't even wake up once.
"San-a, wake up sleepy head. We're finally here." You shake his whole body to wake him up, and your mission seemed successful when you saw two drowsy eyes open up at your loud voice, (he probably didn't even notice that you shook him). 
"What? We're already here?" He stretched his whole body and you could only wonder how much it hurts right now, that he slept in a very uncomfortable position for hours. You two get out of the car, leaving a big slam behind you when you close the door. "Did I snore loudly? I'm sorry for that, I didn't know I was that tired." 
"No, it's okay. Everyone knows that you work too hard, so don't worry. This little trip is for you to finally rest." You bumped his shoulder for him to remember your words later. You don't want him to work here even more, he seriously needs some rest, and you are worried about him all the time anyways. But you know San is the type of person who is unable to rest for more than an hour, he just has too much stamina. He looked at you with such a loving way, that even his dimples showed up, it made your stomach flip and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
You two walk up to the place where your parents have already packed everything out of the cars, the only thing left is to set the tents up. You girls decided to give that work to the boys, and you will explore the area until then and bring back some wood for the fire. It was only the second time you come camping on vacation, usually, you rent out a house or go to a hotel, but since this one's purpose was to relax a little, where can you relax more than in the forest?
You were around 7 when you last came camping, but that whole experience was a disaster.
"What was that sound? You heard it too, right?" You asked San as you sat up in your shared tent. Your parents decided it would be convenient if all three of you kids would sleep together in one tent because your still small bodies would just fit in there all and in that case, they don't have to buy another one. 
"Yes, I heard it too." San sat up next to you too with so much concern. You moved closer to each other finding comfort in the other's presence. You both were just two scared little kids.
"Wait, where is Haneul?" You asked looking at the boy next to you, worried about the oldest one. As San was about to say something the whole tent started to shake as something was growling from outside. Only screams could be heard from the two of you as you hugged San closer to yourself, you don't want to die at such a young age.
"Don't worry Y/n, no matter what happens I will protect you!" San tried to calm you down a little, but he was just as scared as you if not more. But you knew you can count on him, he really did prove to you multiple times that he will be there for you always, and will protect you no matter what, even at this young age. His hug became tighter around you, and at that moment you indeed felt safer in his arms.
In the next moment, laughter came from the outside and the tent's entrance zipped out. Haneul came into the tent with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. "Omg, you should've heard yourselves, it was so funny!" While she couldn't stop laughing, you were so confused, but San didn't let go of you, you were still hugging each other.
Even now, San never stopped caring about you, even when his schedule was tight he always found time in between breaks to text you or send you a picture, and when he forgot about it you knew at the end of the day he will call you no matter what.
"Mom, I swear to god, you can go back with them. I can pee on my own!" You told your mother, she made you so annoyed sometimes. But she was just worried about you, wandering off alone in the woods, even tho you didn't plan to go that far away, you just wanted to pee in peace. You held it in all day in the car, you can't wait any longer.
"Okay, just be careful, honey!" She hesitantly turned around and went back to the camp with Haneul and her mom. Your mother tends to get a bit too protective from time to time, but you don't really get it, what could possibly happen in a few minutes?
You've found a perfect spot and quickly done what you had to. It literally took you like two minutes, nothing more. When you got out, back to the main trail that lead back to the campsite, you saw San just standing there on his own. "What are you doing?" You asked him.
"I saw you go in there, so I waited for you here." He tried to explain, a bit flustered. "The others came back and you weren't there, I got a little worried." He pointed behind him, where he came from.
"But how did you get here so fast?" And that's when you noticed the drops of sweat on his forehead. You couldn't help, you had to hold back your laughter. "I ran." He confessed, looking down not able to look you in the eyes. You busted out laughing at this, but honestly deep down his actions gave you little butterflies in your stomach.
"Don't laugh at me! You never know who walks around in the woods, even an animal could have attacked you." He said all pouty, turning around pretending as if he got mad at you, but you both knew he was unable to do that. You followed him all the way back, trying to catch up to him. He was just teasing you, he looked back every now and then to make sure you were following him, he would never leave you behind.
Arriving back, Haneul told you that you are going to sleep with her in one tent. San got all sulky from the info because he has to sleep alone, but he claimed it was not because he is scared or something, simply just because he doesn't like to sleep alone. You wondered how can someone be so adorable with such a big body, but that's just Choi San. He had to understand you are not that small anymore, you can't all three of you fit in one tent now.
It was getting kinda late now, so after the bonfire was put out you all went to your own tents to settle down for the night. It was around one in the morning and you still couldn't fall asleep, you hate these sleepless nights, especially since it had to happen now when you were supposed to be relaxing. The girl next to you was far fast asleep for hours now and you just kept tossing around, it felt like the tent was a sauna, and every time you closed your eyes it automatically opened again.
You had no other choice, you decided you needed some fresh air, so you opened up the zipper and climbed out of that hellhole, but careful not to wake Haneul up. You stretched out all your limbs, but what are you gonna do now, you can't just stand here like this until you will get tired, it's too dark and scary out here.
You looked at the tent, where your best friend is probably sleeping tight right now, but there must be some space for you left there still, right? He is sleeping there all alone, he even said he doesn't like sleeping alone, he wouldn't mind it, right? You hesitated a lot, but after a couple of minutes, you made up your mind and went up there. You slowly opened it up and to your own surprise, San was awake. "Y/n what are you doing here?" He sat up looking at you curiously. "Is everything okay?" He woke up when he heard someone walking around outside.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." You froze at your place, outside of his tent. What were you supposed to do now? "I just can't sleep, and thought- "
"It's okay, come here!" He lifted his blanket up and pointed to the empty space beside him. He didn't even let you finish your sentence, he knew exactly what you were thinking about, because he was thinking the same thing. You didn't expect anything else from the person who knows you the best.
You carefully climbed in next to the boy. He put his arms around your shoulders and laid you down with him, right at his chest, pulling you closer to his body. You could hear how fast his heart was beating like he ran a marathon. 
"You can sleep peacefully now Y/n. I got you." As if you came home to his arms, you felt so comfortable, you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, the slumber just hit you. And here you were, falling asleep in your best friend's arm once again, he was your own comfort blanket and you can't even imagine what would you do without him.
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bloodtiesstilllives · 3 months
Hey Fic Writers Out There, Let Me Tell You About An Underrated, Underused Character.
I have officially been in the Blood Ties (2007) fandom since March of 2024 and it's comatose, if not dead. I can admit that wholeheartedly. And the show is full of amazing characters. The main protagonist is a badass woman named Vicki, and if you have the time you should totally check the show and novels out.
Good I got that out of the way. That is not what this post is about. No, this post is about the character of the show that puts the "Blood" in Blood Ties.
Henry Fitzroy
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He is the fictionalized version of a real historical person. He happens to be the first born son of King Henry VIII.
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This guy is a full package. He's attractive, he's charming, he's smart, he's funny, and he is creative. Seriously this guy is an artist.
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He currently spends his time writing and drawing graphic novels.
Here is are samples of his work.
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I want to do anything I can to make sure that Henry doesn't just fall into the abyss of cancelled TV shows. And that is the purpose of this post. I want to introduce you all to a character that has been woefully underutilized.
He was born in 1519. Imagine what you could do with a character who was born in 1519. Want to do a time travel fic? Interested in Victorian Era? Steampunk? The 70s, 80s, 90s? One of the great wars? He has been around for it all. Oh and guess what?
When he bites, as long as the person is alive, the bites disappear! You want to take him to space? He can survive it undetected, because his thrall skills are amazing.
He is not an indiscriminate killer. And he is old enough and disciplined enough not to just drain someone to death.
Oh and he has been through enough things to be patient and serious.
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He is a good listener and gives sage advice.
Oh and he is bisexual. And a tad possessive. Just laying that out there for anyone to take it.
If you get interested in using this amazing, underused character in your work, please do! And please tag it. And also notify me @bloodtiesstilllives so that I can reblog it!
Thanks for your time and your attention.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
hiiii hiiii!!! was curious :3 how's it gooinnnng?? uh, feeling booooooorooooooored got any fun headcanons you have floating around the space station?? :3
It's going well enough, Anon! I finally got around to this! Sorry it took me so long, I've been having a hard time doing things. But never mind that! Here's a mixed bag of headcanons!
Medic can make a killer hot chocolate. The only issue being, he will NOT elaborate on why he's so happy and eager to make you one.. He'll hand you the most beautifully decorated hot chocolate, but he stares at you with the most terrifying smile, staring through your soul. You should drink it, though, what's the worst that can happen.
Speaking of Medic. This man would be a menace at Diner Dash. I can not explain. He'd just be so good at it. Put him in endless mode, and he'd play it for hours, you could not get him to put it down.
Speaking of video games, Scout is insane at Mario Kart. He will kill you on Rainbow Road, you will not win against him, he's a maniac. He mains Peach. Also, funny enough, even though he has so many siblings, none of them would play Mario Kart with him. He may have teared up because Pyro asked to play with him.
You know what, I'll just drop everyone's Mario Kart mains and their second option with no explanations!
Demo would main Yoshi, Dry Bones being his second
Engie would pick Daisy, dying on this kill. Um, as a second pick I get Lakitu vibes.
Heavy would choose Bowser, Luigi being his second
Medic switches between the princesses, but mainly Rosalina, King Boo being his second.
Scout is a Peach main ONLY, if he is alone! (One time, he messed up and picked Peach before anyone else could and was very embarrassed.) If he's playing with others, he picks Mario, Larry being his second.
Sniper doesn't care. He'd probably let someone else pick for him. He normally gets a princess character, but he doesn't mind.
Spy is always picking rose gold Peach, regardless of Scout's mocking. He doesn't need a second pick because he'll get pissy about it.
Soldier doesn't have a set main, but I feel like he'd pick any of Bowser's kids.
Pyro is a Shy Guy main, and I am so normal about it, Bowser Jr. Is its second pick.
None of them really fight over mains though, the all normally get the character they want.
Totally away from all of that. I think Spy listens to classical music, and Scout also likes classical music so one time, Scout heard it from Spy's room and just came in, starting to make fun of him, but ended up just... sitting with Spy. I think a lot of their bonding is nonverbal.
Hey, I'm doing another speaking of bit, Spy has a habit of showing up at the exact moment someone needs something, with the item. Medic needs a coffee? Oh well, Spy just happened to be there with one. Scout's looking for something? Spy just found it! How strange. He always acts like its such an inconvenience, this is the only way he can show love.
Scout, Sniper, Medic, and Soldier all have sensory and texture issues.
Scout will gag at the thought of eating puddings and jellos and can't stand flashing lights. Sniper hates bright lights and hates the texture of anything slimy. Medic is overwhelmed by noises in crowds and can't stand sticky foods. Soldier has issues with fabrics and tags and can't stand soft/smooth.
Back to Spy again, I think he really likes the smell of lilacs and vanilla, I don't know why.
Scout once ran out of Bonk, Medic offered him a tea. Medic and Scout drink tea together when one of them has a bad day.
Engie collects rocks. He's just always been a fan. Sometimes, he'll sit outside the base, looking at the ground just searching for pretty rocks. He's given some to Pyro before, and now Pyro goes and sits with him sometimes.
Sniper's happiest moments in life are genuinely sitting in a dark room, not talking, just sitting with someone he cares about. He finds the presence of someone more comforting than words.
You know those gimmick blogs that can identify something from one picture? Heavy can tell you exactly what book any quote is from.
Pyro, Demo, and Soldier collect fireflies together sometimes.
Anyways! That's all I have for now. Sorry, they aren't anything major or great. But writing them made me smile, so thank you for that, anon!
I'm hoping I'm finally back to writing because this reminded me how fun it is.
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pyr0x10n · 1 year
vaquero kyle 😍 (the reader forced him to dress like that, bro was not having it)
The main 4 are at a qunice (do wtv you want with this bit)
After awhile reader gets horny and stupid and takes Kyle to the bathroom to do 'stuff' :3
bc he looks SOSO good in his outfit
I have a really bad thing for shit like this idk why
Nah because he’s be so done when you ask him to dress like that 💀
Mi Vaquero<3
Genre: Fluff + Smut
Synopsis: Vaquero Kyle‼️‼️ y horny reader obvi 😝
Kyle Broflovski x f!reader
“I cant believe i actually did this..” Kyle sighed, frustrated. “It’s fun! And plus, you get to see part of my culture!” You laughed. “Why did they have to tag along, AND WHY IS KENNY IN A DRESS!?” He pointed at Kenny, who was checking himself out in a dress. “ “Él solo es parte de las damas!” “Huh?” “Nothing.” You smiled innocently. “Damn I look hot.” Kenny grinned.
“Anyways, who’s this quinceañera for anyways?” Kyle asked, as the cumbia started playing. “Oh, just my cousin.” You said, looking for your phone in your purse.
“Oh, okay. Well, what’s going to happen?” Kyle asked. “You’ll see, just, follow my lead. The boys can find their way around.” You giggled, and Kyle started to get a little nervous.
“What if I ruin it all!? What if I accidentally spill something? What if I ruin the- I don’t know!” He was starting to panic, and you brought your lips to his. “You’ll be fine, hun. I promise.” You smiled at him.
“BUT IM JEWISH-!” “KYLE JUST TRUST ME.” “HOW!???” “JUST THIS ONCE BABY!?” “Fine.” “Yay.” “….” “…”
“Prima!” You heard a voice yell. “Ah, there’s the girl.” You smiled at the girl who was now fifteen. Kyle just watched behind as you two talked about things.
“Oh, my mom’s calling me.” She said, and then waved, walking away.
“That’s your cousin?” Kyle asked. “Yep, the one and only.” You sighed.
“Well, c’mon, we gotta go out! The boys already went out, so we should too!” You said and grabbed Kyle’s hand, running out of the dressing room and out into the area.
“Oh shit- (Y/n) calm down!!” He said, slightly panicked. “Shh, c’mon, dance with me, vaquero!” You said, now having both of his hands in yours. He was now calming down, as you two danced to the cumbia romántica.
(Murder me, but I have no idea what else to write, sooo…)
You guys have been here for only a few hours,
Yet you were so unbelievably horny.
Just because of Kyle rocking that outfit. He had you blushing without even knowing.
“Hey Kyle..” you mumbled, tugging on his belt.
“Hm? Yeah, baby? What’s up?”
“Can you bring me to the room really quick.. it’s really hot..” you asked.
“Uh, sure?” He knew what was going on, he’s just teasing.
You grabbed his hand and let him to the gust bedroom, when the door closed, he locked it and you immediately laid your head on his chest, sighing.
“Kyle I need you..”
Kyle laughed at your neediness, as you started taking his belt off. He pulled you into a kiss, and you felt yourself getting wetter and more pathetic by the second.
You need him.
You pulled away and took his pants down, slowly due to the lightheaded feeling you had. He connected his lips to your neck, kissing the exposed area. You lowly moaned but he covered your mouth.
“You don’t want your family hearing your sounds, right angel?” He asked as you got on top of him and shook your head. “No..” “then shut your pretty mouth, would you baby?” He commanded, and you nodded. You just needed him in you.
You put your panties to the side and aligned yourself with him, and slowly brought yourself down to his dick. He pulled you in a kiss to muffle out your moans.
It took some time, but you finally got used to his size and started riding him.
Man we’re you in for a looooong ride ;)
Necesito ayuda 😨
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