#uhhhh ha. i should probably tag this uhm.
quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
Very interested to see what you do with this w the Amy/Rory/Doctor/River polycule
see this has so much potential now right? the angst alone.
because imagine you fall in love with this woman, this incredible woman who drops in at her own whim to cause chaos and save your life and flirt with your doctor. who has all of his future tucked away in a little blue book, and — you hope — all of yours, too. imagine you fall in love with her when she knows everything about you and you can’t know anything about her — spoilers, after all.
imagine you kiss her for the first time (seems only fair, if the doctor gets to, if you get to kiss the doctor, if the doctor gets to kiss your wife) and she lets you. just lets you. which isn’t like river song at all, to just let anything happen to her. but when you stop, she’s looking at you as sad as you’ve ever seen her. you don’t know what that means, but you do remember one of the few things she’s told you, that all the doctor’s firsts, and it must stand to reason, your firsts, are her lasts. you tell yourself you will kiss her again and kiss her often, as if that can make up for the fact that to her, she’ll never have it again. (and, obviously, your wife agrees, because what she wants, she’ll have, her boys and her river song.)
there was never any way not to fall in love with her, really. that’s simply what you do when someone falls out of the sky, or, better put, out of one spaceship and into the one you call home. how do you nearly die together, save the universe, bond over the doctor’s terrible fashion choices, without loving her? the doctor falls slowest, falls hardest, with a crash that rings through the whole universe, and the next time he sees her, he’s got his own book to match hers. and when the four of you are together, there’s nothing that can hurt you.
except that the doctor dies. and then there’s three months running from monsters you can’t remember. and there’s a body that isn’t yours that melts away (you feel that. don’t tell the doctor, but you feel it, every last second, until there’s nothing left of you and all you can ask is ‘why?’) and then there’s a daughter you get to hold for two minutes. tell her fairy tales come true, about the Last Centurion and the Doctor and your River Song, because they’re going to come for you.
well. two of them do. and river song arrives too late and right on time.
and you fell in love with her. you all fell in love with her. what else could you do?
there’s melted flesh on your dress. will she remember any of that? will your daughter remember that you tried to hold onto her, you fought so hard, you held on so tight, and it doesn’t matter unless she remembers. but if she remembers that, she’ll remember being taken from you as well, and that’s almost too much to bear, the thought of her falling from your arms into nothing and asking you ‘why? why couldn’t you have saved me?’
river song takes your hand, and you kiss her, and she still lets it happen. or lets it happen for the first time.
and then she tells you that she’s your daughter.
hell of a spoiler, right?
So, you know, something like that, I imagine. Plus, if we wanted to get real funky-fucky with it, we’d have an excuse to toss out the stupid ‘get pregnant on a tardis and have a time lord baby’ thing and just make the doctor the one who knocked amy up. (or who knocked her up with rory with weird time lord sex that allows there to be multiple fathers, who knows.) not that he would know until the bombs all drop, because he’d insist it was only rory’s and rory would agree. and then, seeing river’s dna would be the world’s worst paternity test, you know?
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your-local-vamp · 3 years
I disappeared off of the face of the earth for a while, but I’m back ya’ll!! I need to get used to the whole writing and then posting it thing haha. Anyway! I’ve had this idea for a really long time, but was very much procrastinating on writing it. Whoops. But here it is! It’s honestly mostly focused on the whole conflict within the vampire’s mind. I like to show different sides of them. My last one was straight up a stalker, but this one is a liiiiiiitle different, you’ll see :)! I need to shut up before I spoil the entire thing out of excitement lol. Oh and also! I finally took it upon myself to research how I can write better, make it easier to read and stuff. So if there are some errors or if anyone has advice for me, please do leave a comment! Also also, I have a habit to listen to badass vibe songs while writing/reading, so if you’re interested in some recommendations, hit me up! Okay that’s really it. Have fun reading!
Again, this story contains some explicit themes (blood, character death, overall just being angsty af) so make sure to check the tags before reading!
Running From Death
I once again find myself drinking in the bar located a few blocks from my apartment. That intoxicated feeling I get after a few glasses is amazing to me. It’s pleasant to feel good for a change.
Being here also allows me to converse with the humans. Which is… Interesting to say the least. Their different personalities, lifestyles, stories. I happen to eavesdrop into conversations from time to time, which results in me hearing the most outrageous stories sometimes. May they be true or not, they interest me.
I try not to attract too much attention to myself, but I fail in doing so most of the time. Blame it on my charismatic vampire looks, I guess. Humans often strike conversations with me, but I’m not one to complain. I like talking to them when I get the opportunity.
The bell attached to the front door rings. A woman enters the bar. “Oh god, it’s her again,” someone in one of the booths behind me sighs. Hmm, must be a regular. I come here embarrassingly often, enough to call myself a regular as well, but I haven’t seen her before. She’s very handsome looking.
My hand covered with a leather glove tightens around the whiskey glass.
“Control yourself, please. You’ve practiced this many times before.”
It repeats in my head over and over again. Unfortunate things usually happen when I’m drunk. It saddens me, because I wish to not hurt anyone. I was a human once too. And I want to remember the memories from back then. Try to do ‘human’ things. But it’s hard, especially with-
“Hey, how are ya doing?” A voice interrupts my intrusive thoughts.
I look up and see the handsome woman sitting on a stool next to me. Her voice is lively and confident. But it’s probably just the liquor talking.
“Just thinking.”
Oh god. She’s totally wasted. I now notice that she can barely even sit up straight without falling over. I can’t help but smile at her actions though, it’s almost endearing in a way.
“Just contemplating life, really.”
“I came here to do the exact same thing!” the woman says.
“How so?” I ask, now completely interested in her story.
“Ugh, where do I even start? My shitty boss fired me today. And you know what the most fucked up part about it all is? The fact that I’ve been working there for years! I did so much for his company, but he decides to just fire me, because ‘he’s gotta cut some people down’. So, I came here to drink my sorrows away. Well, I may have already visited two other bars, so I’m kinda far gone already haha.” The woman keeps on rambling, without actually making eye contact with whom she’s talking to. But I happen to listen to every single word.
“Why did he have to cut people off?” I question the woman.
“Pfshh, I don’t even know. Not enough money, I guess. He could’ve fired literally anyone else, but-“ she interrupts her own sentence, while her eyes make contact with the bartender, “-Hey! Can I have uhhhh. Whatever he has?” she finishes, while she absentmindedly points at my own drink.
She seems to have forgotten what she was talking about before, she’s just staring at the bartender until her drink is ready.
“And what’s your excuse for being here?” she asks, while taking a sip of her whiskey.
“Just taking a break from drinking blood and killing people.”
Well, that’s what I should’ve said if I really wanted to be honest. But being honest isn’t my reality. Lying has become my forte over the many years I have been a vampire. I don’t exist in the eyes of humans. And it should stay that way.
“Just taking a break from life.”
Yeah, that should do it.
“I come over here to share my entire life story, and all you’ve got for me is that? Damn.”
Or not.
“My life is really not that interesting,” I quickly add, trying not to blow my cover.
She takes an observing look at me. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my entire existence. She gives me the feeling like she can look right through my lies. “Hahaha, I’m just messin’ with ya. I don’t like to pry into people’s lives like that anyway,” the woman smiles.
Phew, I barely got away with that one. I return a signature smile to her. The one that makes everyone all the more invested in me, it seems.
*a few hours later*
The handsome stranger and I have been talking for hours. I lost track of time a while ago. Talking, or rather listening to her, reminds me of my human days. I used to help my elder neighbors with chores around the house, but ended up listening to them for hours and hours. I knew that when I had finished the chores, there would be a nice hot cup of tea and cookies waiting for me. The elder couple loved to share their stories with me. I know now that most of them were of pure fantasy, but at that time they were something I would so eagerly wait for to hear.
This woman gives me that feeling of nostalgia. The excitement of finally hearing the story I have longed for. It’s odd, since I have only met her a few hours ago. But somehow I feel like I’ve known her for a really long time.
“Nghn, my head hurts…” She snaps me out of my thoughts. “Woah there, don’t fall off that stool now,” I say, while carefully taking a step towards her. “C-Can you take me home?”
I look at her with disbelief.
Did she really just ask me to walk her home?
“U-Uh, I can call a cab for you? Or ask one of your friends to come pick you up maybe? I’m sure that-“
She looks at me with eager eyes. Her intention is really for me to take her home. If only she knew what I really am. I sigh. “Let me go to the toilet first, then I’ll walk you home.” I finally surrender to the human.
The entire way to the toilet I ask myself what I’m getting myself into. I shouldn’t be doing this, I know that all too well. But I can’t just keep hiding my true feelings all the time. I want to live amongst humans. I know that we can coexist. As long as I control myself, everything will be fine.
I sigh, take my gloves off and use the toilet. My head is suddenly throbbing like hell. I can feel that my body is trying to fight the urge to kill every single soul in this bar. Everything spins.
“Hey, you ready or not? I feel like puking!” I hear the woman urgently knocking on the door. “Y-Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec!” I shout back.
I quickly finish and go back to the bar. “Let’s go,” we hurriedly exit the bar. She does so, because she needs to get home asap. And I do so, because of obvious reasons.
I can feel that I’m starting to lose control. It was a mistake drinking this much. I’m usually okay with drinking a few glasses, but this woman has a certain effect on me. And it’s not a positive one. Not while I’m drunk, at least.
The woman is currently walking behind me, laughing at her own jokes. All I want right now is to drop her off as fast as I can.
“Ah, shit!” I hear a loud thud.
I look back and see that she is now sitting on the cold concrete.
“What happened?” I ask, clearly concerned.
The woman shakes her head. “I’m so clumsy, I literally just stumbled over my own feet haha.”
God, we’re never going to get anywhere like this. “Oh nooo! My new pants! Ugh, this stuff always happens to me.”
I take a quick look at her leg and notice that the fabric is ripped open. She took a great fall apparently, otherwise that wouldn’t have happened.
“Damn, I’m bleeding too.”
That’s all she had to say to make my eyes turn red and making my fangs expose themselves. I quickly turn around, hoping that she didn’t notice my weird behavior already.
“Are you okay…?” she asks, proving my thoughts wrong. I disregard her question and return it with my own.
“Is it bad?”
I don’t know why I’m asking her that. No matter of how bad it is, the mere smell of her blood is driving me insane. All I can think about is that right at this moment.
“Uhm, no I think that I’m okay.” I can hear that she’s getting up and has started to walk towards me.
“Please, don’t come any closer.” I say this with a serious tone, hoping that she’d cease to move instantly.
“What’s wrong? It’s not even that bad.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
I can’t hold the urge back anymore. I never want to hurt humans, but I also can’t forget of who I have become. I’m a vampire. To stay alive, I need blood. Alcohol has terrible effects on me.
It’s like drinking water with salt in it. You’re drinking, but it worsens your thirst because of the salt. Alcohol only enhances my thirst for blood. I’m learning the consequences of that now.
The woman has come even closer to me. I turn around, only to see a reached out hand with blood on it. I try to fight the dark side of me with everything I have. That side of me gives in, eventually. I resist the urge and grab her wrist, only to warn her to stop.
However, this action suffers a great consequence. The woman looks at me. The white of her eyes turn dark red.
Wait… I look at my hand, having a firm hold on her wrist.
“My gloves!” is all I can utter at this moment.
I have forgotten my gloves in the toilet area. How can I be so stupid… I’m unable to touch any living being with my bare hands. If I do so, it dies. Everything I touch turns into dust. It’s a curse I have carried with me ever since I turned. It has barely posed as a problem the last few years. But I… I touched her without gloves on.
“W-Wait. No. I’m sorry, please!” I beg for my actions to reverse themselves. But what happened cannot be undone.
The woman’s eyebrows furrow and her eyes look back into mine, filled with betrayal. “H-How cou-ld y-ou,” she chokes on her own blood. She is in immense pain, I can tell. I let go of her hand, terrible guilt now washing over me.
She takes a look at her shaking hand, which gets covered with popping veins inch by inch. The sounds coming from her are agonizing. She stumbles backwards, now nearing her end. Tears roll down my cheek, as I carry her.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know my gloves were…” I’m unable to finish my sentence, as my non beating heart breaks seeing her mouth all covered in blood clots.
It’s ironic, really. I was barely able to resist the smell of her blood before, but now even though I’m covered with it, I don’t seem to mind.
Her body shivers uncontrollably, until it stops moving at all. I hold her limp body, watching my tears fall on her veiny cheek.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I keep repeating it, somewhere having a wishful thought that I could go back before all of this happened.
But her body stays unmoving. I scream and I scream, all of my human feelings washing over me now. This shouldn’t have happened. My ignorance allowed this to take place. And I will never forgive myself for it.
I hear sounds of a crowd nearing by. In total panic, I let go of her body and hide in a nearby alleyway. I crouch and hold my hands over my own ears, trying to ignore the screams that are coming from the spot where I just killed a human. The tears are now streaming down, my thoughts racing. What have I done? I should’ve never went to that bar in the first place.
Fuck, I need to get out of here before they find me. I try to leave the guilt there and run from myself as fast as I can. I am a monster. And no matter how hard I cling on to the little humanity I’ve got left, I will always remain one.
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got-svt · 4 years
get to know me tag
tagged by: @lovingyu04 <33 (tysm for tagging me 🥺💘) tagging: @happyvitamin @seokcalibur @dvoz-writes @pilliepollie @acatnamedpusheen @eversoeric @starlightlillies @jenosteponme @cheolright @daisyhwa and anyone else who feels like doing it ( + I'm sorry if you've already been tagged) ! <3
rules: answer the questions and tag ten blogs you’d like to get to know better
name: you can call me ren, it’s just a nickname but I don’t really feel like using my full name yet,, idk why I'm just not comfortable enough ig??
pronouns: she/her
star sign: sun in Virgo, moon in Libra, Sagittarius rising (someone more knowledgeable in astrology pls educate me on this idk what it means but it seems v interesting ;-;)
height: around 5′1 (which is I think 155 cm) yes im smol, im baby, i have long accepted that i will never feel the air up there:(
time currently: 9 pm,, I’m supposed to be enrolling for classes but here I am
sexuality: straight, unfortunately
nationality: i’m a filipina !! (where are my filos at,, entering our ???th lockdown kshsdj)
favorite animal: hamsters!! they are just vv adorable,, I used to have one when I was a lot younger so maybe I’m a little biased haha she never really had a name apparently,, I just called her hamster (-1 for creativity)
favorite ice cream flavor: coffee! I will take coffee in any form tbh,, though I do love cookie dough and strawberry as well !!
favorite fictional universe: this is a tough one bec so many come in mind,, the hp universe is obvs a classic and extra not so fun fact: the first fanfic I ever wrote was set in the hp universe (I was 15 and it kinda sucked,, it was 5 years ago so I like to think that I improved). I also really like the percy jackson universe and the atla universe
average hours of sleep: hmmm maybe around 6-8 ishh? I sleep at around 2 am and wake up at 8 or 10 so probably that?? I do take a lot of afternoon naps soooo--- 
last song you listened to: mitski’s two slow dancers!!  such a good song to get u in the feels,, and very good for some angst insp !! but if we’re talking groups,, it would have to be wayv’s (kings of the hoe anthem) love talk bec for some reason I can’t get the chorus out of my head (tOuCh mE tEAse mE fEel mE uP) >:(((
last movie you watched: 5 cm per second !! I’ve been trying to watch every single makoto shinkai film <//33 I’ve seen most of them but my fave so far is the garden of words (wc is where I get the photos for the headers of my fics/masterlist) 
last show you binged: the last show I finished was the entirety of the Reply series (if you’ve seen this,, esp 88, pls talk to me about it I have so many thoughts ugh) but rn I’m in the process of watching haikyuu after my friends bullied me into watching,, I love it so far I’m an oikawa stan <33
last thing you searched up: how many cups of coffee is considered dangerous,, bec I just had about four cups today and I was getting v nervous for no reason,, turns out it was just the caffeine;(
cats or dogs: cats! but my fam has dogs (don’t get me wrong I love them with my whole heart) bec my sister is allergic to cats:((
dream job: uhhhh would you look at that...it’s the pressure....uHM honestly idkk,, and I really should bec I’m in my third year of uni adhlksd but maybe something in publishing or advertising???
when you made this blog: this sideblog (got-svt) was made 01 Jan 2021, so three (??) weeks ago !! it hasn’t been long hahaha but my main blog (multivibin) has been around for about a year now
why you made this blog: I've had so many ideas for fics swimming in my head for quite a while now so I figured I’d make use of it and let them see the light of day hahaha 
reason for url: it’s just for my two ults, seventeen and got7,, though I’ll be writing for other groups too,, I also just thought got-seventeen rolled off the tongue really nicely:)
that’s it, I hope this helps everyone get to know me a little better,, my dms are always open or send an ask if u want to talk ! <33
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 53)
"Chats, Flights & Late Night Delights"
I still can't tag:
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Colson is immovable in the back of the uber. The driver waits patiently while Luna calls Benny. She can't lift Colson sober, let alone walk them while they're both drunk.
Benny comes to save the day, helping Luna and Colson inside and the upstairs. He drops a drunken Colson on the bed to Luna's grateful, slurred Thank Yous.
Colson knocks out again once he hits the bed. She pulls both their clothes off before falling hard next to him. Drunk and tired, she passes out quickly.
They sleep late. Colson waking before Luna. He slips out of bed and into the bathroom for a morning piss. Walking out of the bathroom, Luna's naked body in bed catches his eye.
She's so fucking beautiful...." He thinks to himself. "Fuck, I don't remember coming home last night..." Knowing he has to fly out today... "I'll book a later flight and let her sleep for a bit..." He decides. Not knowing of she's coming to Cleveland with him or not.
He pulls on black joggers and a black T. He heads downstairs for coffee. Leaving Luna to snooze away.
Benny and Slim are in the kitchen.
"Yo." Colson greets them tiredly while grabbing coffee.
"Yo." They both reply.
"Luna got me FUCKED UP yesterday." He says into his cup after sitting down with his friends at the table. He sparks a joint.
Benny laughs. "I know, Dawg. You couldn't even stand. She had to call me to get you into the house."
"Fuck." Colson rubs his face, trying to circulate blood through it. He passes it to Slim.
"Where'd y'all go?" Slim asks, hitting the joint. He's seen Kells hungover before but this is Top 10.
"Everywhere." A smile plays on Colson's lips as he remembers yesterday. "We walked around Downtown, sharing a bottle, hitting different famous spots." He yawns. "It was REALLY fucking cool. SHIT!!!" He pulls his pant leg up. Grinning, he shows them his new ink. "And got we tattooed!!" He laughs.
Looking up from the blonde haired woman in the moon Kells now has tattooed on is calf, Slim asks as he hands of the joint to Benny. "What she get?"
Taking a second to remember, he grins. "A machine gun."
Slim shakes his head and laughs. "Y'all motherfuckers might as well just get each other's names tattooed on you."
"Nah... There's no originality in that." Luna startles them as she comes into the kitchen for coffee. She doesn't sleep well without Colson.
Wearing one of his long T shirts and her sunglasses, she slides in next to Colson at the table.
"Morning, Bunny." She kisses him on the cheek. "How are you guys?" She asks, sipping her coffee before she lays her head down on the table.
She's met with a "Good." from Slim and a "You aight, Brooklyn?" from Benny.
"Mhm. Just slowly dying." She says lifting her head off the table. "Thanks for your help last night." She answers Benny, taking her glasses off to rub her eyes for a minute before she puts them back on. Benny passes her the joint
"No problem." He laughs.
"Was I really that bad?" Colson asks.
"Yes." Benny and Luna state automatically making Slim and Colson laugh. The joint continues making it's rounds.
"I don't know, Man. I didn't see you." Slim continues to laugh, putting his hands up.
Luna lays her head against Colson's arm. "What's the last thing you remember?" She asks him.
"Tattoos. No. The graveyard. No. Dinner. I remember eating. I had a steak and mashed potatoes, right?" He looks down, asking her.
She closes her eyes behind her glasses trying to remember what she ate herself. "I don't know. I forget what I ate myself. Do you remember giving your number out to the fan?" She lifts her head.
"What!?" He asks confused.
"Yeah, some kid asked us for a picture and you gave him your number, telling him to text it to you. Check your phone." She tells him. The joint's made its way back to her. It's small. She hits it once before putting it out.
He does and sure a shit there's a crazy picture of Luna laughing with Colson's head cut off from a random number.
"You almost shook the uber driver to death when Bad Things came on too." She laughs. "You were so fucked uuuup."
"How were you not as fucked up as I was??" He asks her, puzzled.
"Because I banged that Add earlier..." She tells him.
"So did I?" He argues.
"You do them almost everyday, I don't." She shrugs.
"Whatever." He yawns again, kissing the side of her head. "You got plans?" He asks her.
"Me?" She looks around, confused.
"Yeah, Asshole." He laughs at her.
Her glasses are back off, rubbing her face now. "Uhhhh... I have to be in Minneapolis by Monday morning. Me and Ash have a radio interview and then she's got that free show at The Armory. We've gonna perform Nightmare for the first time." She tells him while yawning herself.
"You don't need to rehearse?" He asks her.
"Enh. It's one song. We'll run through it Monday beforehand." Luna tells Colson.
"Wanna come to Cleveland with me? I'm gonna have dinner with Case and Em tonight then take Case to see Captain Marvel tomorrow."
"Uhm. Fuck yes. She's only the greatest super hero in the MCU."
"I don't know about all that..." Colson dismisses her.
THIS leads to a 10 minute argument over who's better in the MCU between Luna, Colson and Slim.
"She has all the power of Tony's suit in her BO-DY." Luna argues, rolling her eyes.
"Y'all are some fucking nerds." Benny laughs at them.
Luna sucks her teeth. "I'm done arguing. You all are dumb and should know by now." She quotes Beyoncé. "Who run the world? Girls." She tells Colson and Slim flatly as she gets up for more coffee to their laughter.
Sitting back down, she lights another joint. "You book a flight yet?" She asks Colson.
"Nah, I'm a do it right now." He tells her as she passes the joint.
They chat more, passing the joint around. Everyone else is flying back to Cleveland this coming week too. The tour kicks off in less than 15 days. They'll run for a month, take a break and then hop back on. It's gonna be a long, exciting summer they all agree.
Standing at the sink together, Colson tells Luna "Stark would kick Danvers ass." With a smirk.
"I'll kick your fucking ass." She replies, cocking her head back and biting his arm.
"AHHHH!!" He laughs and goes to grab her but she's taken off.
He catches her in the living room. Throwing her over his shoulder.
Giggling she's tries to get out of his grasp. "Get off meeeee!!" She cries pulling her shirt over her ass as he carries her upstairs.
"No!" He smacks her hands away, then slaps her ass. "It's shower time." He tells her to her sighing submission.
In the shower Colson washes Luna's new tattoo. "I fucking love it." He tells her, kissing the middle of her back after rinsing her off. "Your shoulder's looking good too."
This catches her off gaurd. They don't really talk about her shoulder. The night it happened being a sore subject for them both.
"Yeah? What makes you say that?" She asks.
"I'm just looking at it. You're supposed to see the Doc again on the 15th but we'll be on tour. I'm gonna have Ash figure out where we'll be so I can have him meet us." He tells her.
His concern melts her heart. Turning around she kisses him passionately. After breaking away, she runs both thumbs alongside his jawline. Staring into his eyes, she tells him she loves him before kissing him deeply again.
Their kisses make his dick grow. He moves his mouth to her neck. Gripping her body tight under the warm water, he kisses her all over as she moans and pulls at his hair.
"God, I want you off your fucking period." He says, sucking on her wet body.
"I know. We should be good by Monday." She breathes heavily.
"I want you NOW." He says firmly as he spins her around carefully. Leaning into the wall, she bends over for him. He runs his finger down the middle of her back, giving her goosebumps before he slides his dick inside of her.
Luna moans at the size of Colson's cock. Her nails scratch the shower wall as he thrusts himself into her. She's always been greedy with his dick, pushing him deeper into her with her hips. Fucking him backwards.
"Kiittenn..." He moans, pulling her hair back with one hand as the other rests on her hip. Pushing off the wall she slams her ass harder into him. Feeling her walls clench around him and body flush, she bucks harder.
"I'm gonna FUCKING cum, Colson!" She pants as her legs start to shake before her body explodes and her mind goes blank.
As she cums, she hears Colson in the background cum with her. Head spinning, she rests it on the shower wall. Colson lays his warm face on her bare back.
Both breathing heavy, trying to catch their breathes. They stay there for a moment as usual, exchanging I love yous and a kiss to her back as always.
"My fucking vagina is gonna fall off one of these days." Luna thinks as her head still dances from her latest orgasm.
Out of the shower Colson dresses Luna's shoulder and puts Eucerin on her tattoo.
She catches him smiling in the mirror.
"What?" She asks, amused.
"Nothing..." He meets her eye through the mirror making him grin "You got me tattooed on you."
Luna raises her eyebrows and puts up 2 fingers. Chuckling, she says "Twice."
"Twice." He nods, still grinning.
She leans her neck back as he bends down from behind to kiss her before both smiling as the continue on.
Having checked her phone before leaving, there was a group text from Pete with Ashley. Details on locking them into next Saturday. As Colson and Luna chat on their flight to Cleveland, she remembers text.
"FUCK, I haven't mentioned shit to him yet." She thinks, irritated by her forgetfulness.
"Hey!" She interrupts whatever he's saying. "I'm sorry, that was rude but I need to tell you before I forget again."
"Hunh?" He asks her.
"Uhm. Nightmare got booked for SNL next Saturday. I requested you and the guys over the house band and got it.... I probably should've asked you first but will you do it?" She asks him, giving him a beaming 'please bunny' smile.
Colson laughs. "How do you forget SNL?" He asks her "No, like seriously?"
"I don't know? It was more Ash and Petey pulling it together. Like, she's co-hosting and shit. I'm just popping in for Alabama." She explains.
"Why aren't you hosting?" He asks her, not thinking.
Luna recoils from Colson. "Doooo you know who I am? I am NOT trying to be all up in that shit. That's totally Ash, Man." Luna inhales with eyes wide looking at him like he's crazy.
"Yeaaah, I guess that was a dumb question." He laughs at himself.
"Yeah." She confirms, nodding while laughing with him. "Sooooooo... SNL next Saturday?" She asks again.
"Oh... Fuck yeah!" He exclaims, remembering their initial conversation.
Shooting finger guns at him, she teases while smiling "Ha! Ha! You forgot too!!"
"Fuck you." He laughs. Then is back with "SNL. Cool... Yeah." Nodding at her with an amused smile. "Why'd you ask for us?"
He's always inquisitive of why she does shit.
"Cuz you cut the record with me. Duh." She laughs, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. He side eyes her. "..... And you're my boyfriend. Youuu dealt with the craziness that came along with all of that. Helping get mine and Ash's vision out there to help people, so of course" she reaches for his hand "I'm always gonna ask to have you with me for something big, when it comes to Nightmare. To me, that's as much you guy's record as ours. We all created it together and considering the context of it, I think that's important as hell. Plus, you're who I feel comfortable playing it with." She tells him with a shrug and a honest expression. Sweetness twinkling in her blue eyes.
Colson smiles and leans in to kiss her.
"I love your logic." He tells her.
They're due to land soon and are headed directly to Casie and Emma's for dinner. Anticipating the quick switch over, Luna's dressed casually in black skinnies and an oversized sweater.
There's never any shortage of conversation between Luna and Colson.
She goes on to ask about Casie coming to participate in the SNL gig too. She was in the video after all...
Colson telling her they should ask Emma first. Luna thanking him with excited kisses before they prepare to land.
Arriving for dinner, Casie answers the door excitedly. Happy to see them both.
"DADDY!! LUNA!!" She shouts, throwing her arms around both of their legs.
Laughing, Colson scoops her up to kiss her Hello to her delighted squeals. "DAAADDYYY!!!" She laughs out with him.
Luna's stuck in the door frame, enjoying watching them.
"Hey!!!" Emma calls out, coming in from the kitchen. "I'm sorry it's a mess, you guys, let her in the door.." She laughs coming to help Luna.
It is not a mess.
Everyone's giggling as they finally come inside the house.
"How are you?" Luna and Emma greet each other warmly, both asking about the other.
Colson and Casie are rambunctious. Wrestling all over the floor.
"Wanna go into the kitchen with me? Away from these crazies." Emma laughs to Luna, pointing at the handsome man playing with his child on the floor.
Luna could watch Casie and Colson together all day. Before Emma asks, she had grabbed a shot of them that makes her heart skip a beat.
"Sure!" Luna agrees, popping her camera away before following Emma into the kitchen. Leaving her heart with them.
Emma offers Luna wine, which she happily accepts. Asking if she can help, Emma says yes, please, with the salad. Looking at Emma, Luna gets a little nervous as she peels and cuts up vegetable.
"We haven't spoken since brunch." Luna starts off. "I never got to ask your opinion of Nightmare...."
Emma's fussing with pasta water. "Oh! I'm sorry!!! Congratulations! I know it's doing really well!!" Emma turns to hug Luna.
While hugging Emma back, Luna starts to say "No.. No.. No.. How did you feel seeing Casie in it? As she pulls out of the hug to look a the little girl's mother.
Emma smiles at Luna's thoughtfulness. "I LOVED it!" She tells her with a squeeze before both turning back to their food duties.
Emma continuing.
"I think it was a really great experience for her to meet all those women and to know she's apart of such a powerful song. Because GIRL, we bang it when we rage!!!" Emma's laughter and candour reassures a now laughing Luna.
"That's really great." Luna beams. "I have another question... We got booked for SNL next Saturday and I was hoping you'd let her be onstage with us. Colson and the boys are our band so she should feel totally comfortable... If she wants to do it....." Luna's talking quickly as she does when she has ideas buzzing.
Emma can feel Luna's nervousness as she slices through a cucumber. She finds it endearing.
"What would she do?" Emma asks.
"I figure, draw her own picture or sign and at the end hold it up between Ash and I. Her own thoughts, her own ideas about the song. Unfiltered." Luna explains her vision, tossing the cucumbers in the the salad
Emma gets it, nodding. She really likes that Luna is interested and mindful of Casie. How she thinks to include her in important, appropriate ways.
"We'll ask her at dinner." Emma tells Luna to her giddiness.
Cheesing, Luna kisses Emma on the cheek to her surprise. "THANKS!!" She exclaims to Emma's chuckle.
Setting the table together, they touch base on more details. Casie fly out with Colson and Luna Friday after school. They'll all stay with Luna's grandmother and be back Sunday. In time for Casie to be settled and prepared for school on Monday. Emma's content with the plan.
"I'll be watching in support!" She beams at Luna.
Dinner is delicious.
Emma made a Ricotta & Spinach stuffed Chicken Parmesan with pasta.
They enjoy wine bread and salad with it.
Emma and Luna mention SNL to an imprssed Colson and confused Casie. Once explaining it to Casie, she's over the moon. Colson still impressed that Luna talked to Emma herself. He appreciates Luna's independency and the women's growing friendship.
They finish up dinner, Colson helping Emma clean up as Luna helps Casie pack.
Hugs, kisses and Thank Yous are given before Colson, Casie and Luna head to his house.
Back at Colson's, they change, get comfortable, find a movie to watch but have no snacks. Changing again, off to the super market they go.
The three of them are silly in the store. Playing White Tiles are Lava. Each hopping from square to square, Luna and Colson catch eyes. Smiling  at Casie's happiness.
Luna hides behind as display case. Scaring both Casie and Colsin to their delight as they run away. Luna catching and tickling the giddy little girl.
They grab ice cream, cones, toppings and head to the bakery for chocolate chip cookies. Luna jump teasing a shrieking Casie along the way.
At the bakery, Luna stands very still with her hot chocolate.
To Casie's leeriness, the little girl creeps closer and closer as Luna pretends to stare off. Once within in reach, she bops Casie's arm.
"YOU'RE IT!!" Luna declares to the little girl's squeals and giggles as they play tag. Luna letting her catch her easily but always acting shocked when she does.
"They're too fucking cute!!" Colson grins to himself. Love washing over him as he watches his girls play around and enjoy each other.
Back at house, ice cream-cookie concoctions in hand, the three of them curl up in the couch. Casie in the middle.
They pop in The Emoji Movie. Colson and Luna laugh their asses off along with Casie. It's not long before she falls asleep between them. Resting comfortably against her dad. Colson reaches his arm across the top of the couch, touching Luna. She looks up to his smile and an I love you. She returns both.
They finish the movie together. Colson carrying Casie to her bed.
Coming back to find Luna, he guides her to his bedroom. This is her first time being here.
They cuddle together getting high, talking about Casie, SNL and other things.
They finish the joint and he cradles her face. Kissing her sweetly, thanking her for coming, telling her how much he loves her and is so grateful for how she loves Casie and gets along with Emma.
Heart and body flushed from his words. She kisses him deep into his soul. Exchanging her love and gratitude as well. Telling him there's no place she'd rather be with sweet kisses.
They light another joint. Cuddling, burning and watching Big Mouths before falling asleep together contently in each other's arms.
To be continued......
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robogenko · 5 years
OC Interview
Nobody Asked me, but I’m going to do this anyway.   If you want to do it, you should do it too.  You can tell everyone I tagged you. Do it.
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1. What is your name?
“Uhm, like my... real name? It’s Ken Gorski, I guess... But uh, I go by ‘Genko’ these days, so.... ”
2. How old are you?
“That is a bit of a difficult question... Easiest answer, chronologically, you could say I am  242 years old... sorta.... I feel like I’m still in my 30s though....  ”
3. What do you look like?
*Smiles and winks while framing his face with his hands* “yo”
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
“huh, another weird question for me. I was born in California though, spent most of my life before the war there, in fact.  Me and the wife moved to Boston for her job...  She, and the job, are long gone now, but uh, I’m still here.”
5. What was your childhood like?
“Well, you know... Some good. Some bad.... But it was a long time ago, you don’t want to hear about all that. ” *he shrugs, but gets a far away look in his eyes that says to leave it at that*
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
“Do you have a Geiger counter??  Anyway, the Minutemen seem like an okay group of folks, trying to do some good out here. I can respect that.  I think Preston would make a better General than he thinks he would. A damn shame, that. ”
7. Tell me about your best friend.
“Hmm.. living, or dead?  It’s hard to pick just one good friend, but Nicky’s been a big help in coming to terms with being a synth, you know? Having someone to talk to about it has really helped us both I think, at least I hope. I mean, we were even involved in the same damn experiment back before the war.  And, even though he’s a former cop, I don’t hold that against him too much.  He’s a kind dude, with a noble sense of justice. A rarity for any time period. “
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
“Almost all of my family members are deceased, I’m pretty sure.  Shaun is out there somewhere... but I couldn’t tell you what he’s like if I tried... Maybe some of my family out west did survive. Maybe I have distant descendants, or maybe they became ghouls. I don’t know. Maybe I never will.  But uh, you know, Zeke and the Atom Cats took me in when I first came to out here.  They didn’t shoot me on sight, even with my damn eyes giving me away.  They taught me how to get along out here, and I paid them back in custom paint jobs for their power armor, and more than a few odd jobs around the junkyard. They’re kinda like a  family, in a way.”
9. What about a partner or partners?
“Hah, what could I tell you about John Hancock that he wouldn’t tell you himself??  Perhaps what a softy he really is.  I’ll admit, my first impressions of him were mixed... I think 'Scareroused’ is a nice way to put it??? But getting to know him better... I couldn’t imagine wanting to spend my time with anyone else.  His cunning, his ideals of freedom and justice, his strength, his sense of humor... No one can make me laugh quite like he can.  Hah, plus like... have you seen him? have you heard his voice? Hmmmm.... “
10. Who are your enemies, and why?
“oh boy...  I would say the Institute and The Brotherhood of Steel pose the largest threat to me and the people I love. But, on a more personal level?  I try to make more friends than enemies, but uh, there’s this raider guy who I am very sure would like to put my head on a pike in a very personal way.... ”
11. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
"Uhhhh yeah. Honestly, they seem like a militarized death cult to me.  I do NOT trust them.”
12. What about The Enclave?
“Eh? Never heard of ‘em.”
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants?
“Poor bastards.”
14. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
“Hah who knows??? Probably that time Hancock and I got jumped by raiders shortly after picking off some of those damn mirelurks that like to jump outta the mud.  Ended up killing one of ‘em with a claw arm I shot off onea ‘them ‘lurks. That was pretty funny actually... ”
15. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
“For sure!”
16. Do you like fighting?
“Mehhh.” *non-committal wavey hand gesture* “You gotta do whatcha gotta do, tho, right? ”
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
“That’d be my rifle. Oh! And this rad knife I found that is DEFINITELY haunted!” *This is followed by impish manic laughter as he pulls out Kremvh’s tooth and starts waving it around.*
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
“I mostly get by on my wits and my charm. I mean, they don’t call me “Charmer” for nothing, ya know?  Buuut, if that fails, I can always fall back on my keen perception.  Don’t think you’re safe just ‘cause you can’t see me.”
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
*his nose wrinkles as if he just smelled something unpleasant* “Eugh, they remind me of the old world, and not in a good way.  Plus, most of them are full of dicks anyway.”
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
“being a synth I didn’t think it’d be a big deal, but I guess I’m more organic than I thought.  I’ve had to stock up on rad-x and radaway since I got here. And uh, don’t tell anyone this, but I have, more than once, strongly considered if it’s possible for a synth to go ghoul; but I’m KIND of inclined to doubt it... ”
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
“Boy! It sure is great that dogs are still a thing. Am I right???”
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
23. How do you feel about robots?
“They’re pretty neat! I’ve actually learned a lot more about robotics since I’ve come to the commonwealth than I knew before the war.  Plus, ya just can’t replace ol' ‘Codsy’ over there.”
24. How many caps do you have on you right now?
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
“Nuka Cola I guess.  Man, I miss Nuka Cola Quartz though, I think I’ve just about exhausted what I found at Nuka world... ”
26. Do you do chems?
*he just laughs for a full minute* “oh man... yeah.”
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
“It’s hard not to.  I’m surrounded by reminders.”
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
“I wish I had been true to myself before the war, instead of living in a safe lie.”
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
“Someday, I’m going to put a stop to the institute’s shady meddling, and free as many synths as I can in the process.”
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“I think I’ve already answered that. ”
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yzzy-gggg · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag
tagged by @active-mind-15
Nickname: Ysa (pronounced Isa)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: small (as in 5′0″... 160 cm...)
Time: 10:53 PM
Birthday: December 11, 1998
Fave Band(s): uhm... I'll go with BTS and VIXX
Fave Solo Artist(s): LiSA cuz she bomb af, Bruno Mars and John Legend
Song Stuck in my head: “Despacito” cuz it plays every single fucking time I turn on the radio.
Last Movie watched: uhhhh... A Dog’s Purpose
Last Show watched: Boku no Hero Academia SO SO GOOD AH
When did I create my blog: probably like 3 years ago but I wasn't active until like March
What do I post: KnB, Akashi (a lot lot lot), Boku no Hero, Izaya lolol and shit about my life ye
Last thing I googled: Eclipse Chicago time (so I knew when it was safe to buy sugar lol)
Do you have other blogs: yep one other called @akashi-seijuroooo (except I like never use it oops)
Do you get asks: yes, but I've only answered like one cuz I suck I’m so sorry :(
Why did you choose this name: cuz my username for everything was yzzy-gggg which is a spin off of my actual name and that was my Instagram name at the time
Following: a whole fucking lot of blogs
Followers: 31
Favorite colors: currently pastels (pink, blue, purple) and white since they’re so cute and dainty and ever since my trip to Japan I’ve been trying to go for the cute dainty look
Average hours of sleep: solid 6-7 but now that I’m bout to go to college (pls pray for me) it’s gonna drop to like 5 LOL
Lucky number: 4, always has and always will be (also it’s Akashi’s jersey number unf babe)
Instruments: BACK IN THE DAY I played piano (quit in like preschool lolol), guitar, and clarinet. But quit everything to focus on tennis
What am I wearing: a gray nike tank and black shorts with some pink spandex underneath. also a neon green bra. I just had tennis practice lol
How many blankets do I sleep with: one in the summer and two in the winter and with a shit ton of stuffed animals (and always always with my baby Bokushi plushie he’s my child so)
Dream job: a YouTuber or Instagrammer since some Instgrammers get paid thousands of dollars just to post pictures like my god
Dream trip: a countrywide trip to Japan where I explore every single place in Japan (I love Japan so much someone take me back PLEASE especially so I can see Okinawa)
Fave food: OH BOY this is hard. but I’m gonna have to go with authentic, real Japanese ramen cuz that shit is SO SO good especially the one I had in Japan
Nationality: Filipino, but born and raised in America (Japanese at heart tho lol ;) but also everyone thinks I’m Chinese or Korean the first time they see me)
Favorite song now: “Sayonara Moon Town” (the second ending song of Boruto you must listen to it cuz it is v nice)
 This was fun! I low-key really enjoy these things ^^
So I’m supposed to tag 30 people but I’m not particularly friends with 30 people sooo... I’ll only tag like 3 lol
I tag: @thekuroiookami @boku-no-knb and @utsukushiishoujomangas
ya’ll don’t have to do this but if you’re bored or want to, then you should go for it~
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toricrypticice · 7 years
Lets get personal
No one tagged me but why not?
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (Lmao, no)
1. drink: Iced Tea 2. phone call: My mom 3. text message: “?” 4. song you listened to: Pretty Girl -Cheat Codes X CADE remix 5. time you cried: 7:35 pm today  6. dated someone twice: yes 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yep 8. been cheated on: sort of 9. lost someone special: yes, I lost an important friend as of kind of recently. :( 10. been depressed: yep right now but I’m getting help  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope
12-14. - Maroon, seafoam green, and Teal.
15. made new friends: Yeah and they all are pretty great (≧▽≦) 16. fallen out of love: kind of  they broke my heart once and I was stupid enough to get back with them only to realize I had gotten over them between the time we were apart. 17. laughed until you cried: Yes XD 18. found out someone was talking about you: not really no one does. 19. met someone who changed you: Mmm, yes. in real life and online. 20 found out who your friends are: yeah, a lot some people don’t stay I guess and some are closer than others.  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yep 
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them except two actually  23. do you have any pets: Not myself but my family has four cats who I love but I want a dog 24. do you want to change your name: Ehh unsure yet I like Tori but I also like Marsh. A lot of my friends call me Marsh.  25. what did you do for your last birthday: Well the day of my birthday not much I mean we had something I picked out for dinner. But two days before my B-day I hung out with my other family and they got me a cake, brought me out to eat, and walked on the beach with me. I missed them a lot.  26. what time did you wake up: Today around 3 but went back to sleep until 9 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Chilling on my phone, mostly instagram and Snapchat 28. name something you can’t wait for: FOR ME TO GRADUATE  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: today at 3 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Money issues. I wish we didn’t have to constantly worry that we might lose the house and the roof we live under. 31. what are you listening to right now: A fucking Spotify Ad (ಠ ∩ಠ) oh wait well now Broken Strings by James Morrison 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yep,  33. something that is getting on your nerves: A lot and really there is no reason. Acne, my body, my anxiety, my depression, summer school (눈_눈), and of course my family. 34. most visited website: Youtube 35-37. lost questions?? ?Wat 38. hair colour: Naturally brown but dyed partially blonde 39. long or short hair: Short but growing it out  40. do you have a crush on someone: Right now no but I kinda wish I did. 41. what do you like about yourself: Creativity 42. piercings: None (my ears closed on me) 43. blood type: Fuck I don’t know lmao 44. nickname: Tori/Marsh (Tori short for Victoria, Marsh short for Marshall) 45. relationship status: Single 46. zodiac: Taurus 47. pronouns: Any 48. favourite tv show: hmmmmm idk I don’t watch much but I like the classic teen titans not the sucktacular new one, oh and Steven Universe is super good. 49. tattoos: Nope    ....But doesn’t mean I won’t be getting some ฅ•ω•ฅ 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: nah 52. piercing: wat....this was already a....aw whatever 53. sport: Sports don't agree with me. I mean I’m good at frisbee and badminton, other sports are fun but I’m not the best. I do like watching Hockey and Ice Skating though. 55. vacation: Nah my family doesn’t have the money. We never go on vacation. 56. pair of trainers: .....oh this is talking about shoes XD.... I was like trainers who gets two and why is this a common thing. lmao welp guess I answered that with a big fat nope!
57. eating: thirty minutes ago 58. drinking: Been drinking a lot of over sugared ice tea, monsters, and water lately. 59. i’m about to: Push all my clothes onto the floor so I can chill on my bed instead of chilling on the floor.  61. waiting for: this shouldn’t be a hard question but somehow it is, uhhhh oh for all my friend to be free so we can get together I wanna go to Quassy for $0.50 cent night 62. want: To get to my goal weight :P 63. get married: I do XD   I hope to meet someone that I can hangout with to recharge There’s a Youtuber I watch who has a great relationship with his wife. I want that. 64. career: I’m so unsure. Being a YouTuber has been a huge interest but everyone shits on that along with my acting dream so I guess anything to do with art  65. hugs or kisses: I love both but I do like hugs a lot even though I act rather stand offish I appreciate hugs
66. lips or eyes: i think it depends on the person honestly, but probably eyes 67. shorter or taller: Hmmm I don’t know   it doesn’t matter to me I don’t get why people say they NEED someone who is taller. If the person is sweet, acts like a child, enjoys games, and loves movies they are my kinda person.  68. older or younger: I don’t know I like people who are rather mature but can also horse around 70. nice arms or nice stomach: Eh Don’t care much for either. 71. sensitive or loud: Both, and they need to know when loud is appropriate and when it isn’t, because I have no patience for immaturity in that way. Idk maybe that’s just me 72. hook up or relationship: Relationship. I don’t think I can hook-up because I’ve been realizing I’m pretty sure I’m on the demi-sexual side of things. Plus i don’t know a hook up just seems terrible. You hook up and give someone a part of you and then you never see them again I don’t know maybe its just not for me. 73. troublemaker or hesitant: i prefer someone who is hesitant, but with a slight troublemaker streak because I am very hesitant myself. Yeah as long as we don’t get arrested/expelled/fired I’m up for it. 
74. kissed a stranger: nope. 75. drank hard liquor: Yep but just a sip  shhhh 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: Yep and then you can’t find them because you need glasses to see but thats what you lost. 77. turned someone down: Yeah, but it never gets any easier I just feel so bad cause I know what its like to be on both sides. Both sides are horrible. 78. sex on the first date: NOPE!!!! 79. broken someone’s heart: Yeah God I felt so bad :(    But I think they are over me, we are still friends.... but I still feel bad.  80. had your heart broken: Yeah twice and both times were horrible 81. been arrested: No and I hope it stays that way 82. cried when someone died: Yeah but not usually when I first get the news it takes awhile before it sinks in. I’m bad with emotions. 83. fallen for a friend: Yeah all of them. They all didn’t work though :P
84. yourself: Not really, I rather mean to myself but kinder to others. but I’m also a jerk at times to people I care about.  85. miracles: Uhm. Only because I’ve seen some, tbh.  86. love at first sight: Kind of.  87. santa claus: Nah man its not possible.....wait unless he’s a wizard OH SHIT___!!!!! 88. kiss on the first date: Maybe, idk, probs not, but there’s a chance. 89. angels: not really I don’t believe in god sooooo 
90. current best friend’s name: Mikayla and Michelle   They are the closest people in my life.  91. eye colour: blue/green with a brown ring around my pupil 92. favourite movie: UGh I can’t really choose, I love movies so its super hard. like there are musicals, dramas, romance, thriller, animation, comedy- I could go on forever. My favorite movie changes. Right now its Winnie The Pooh Piglet’s Big Adventure but tomorrow it will most likely change. Dude I should watch that. 
Who’s Tagged? (I chose most of them randomly)
@seashell-calling @theauthorolive1215 @i-ship-septicplier @i-did-it-because-i-can @elentori-art @konoira @queer-coffee @planet-pastels @peachymints @ethan-works @lemememeringue
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starsburnouttoo · 8 years
boring tag
because of @kitkatdana​
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? I close them, i’m OCD about all the doors in my room.
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? I probably have, honestly don’t remember.
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? I have a sheet too big for my bed so its wrapped around kinda weirdly and never comes undone. (life hack?)
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? No because what would I do with it? I mean, I’d hang up a stop sign on my bedroom door maybe but that might be too cliche?
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? I like to make small notes and I like to write things out in my notebook but post-it notes specifically? nah, not really.
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? I take the whole page and just rip out the coupon I end up using.
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? Big bear because it’s only one and I feel like they’d be easier to out run than a whole swarm of bees. Also at least with a bear it’s a quicker death, with a swarm of bees I’m not even sure i’d day. 
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? Nope, I have a lot of moles/beauty marks though.
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? I do because I don’t want to look back at a photo and regret the facial expression I made -- it happens a lot surprisingly.
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? I... don’t know? I don’t like when I get blamed for stuff that isn’t my fault? 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? I don’t actually count but I think about how, like, “this room is only about 20 steps from mine.” and that sort of stuff.
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? No... I don’t go into the woods?
13. HAVE YOU EVER POOPED IN THE WOODS? I literally do not go in the woods and the few times I have gone camping their were restrooms for this stuff.
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? All the timeeeee I can’t seem to be still, I’ll move from side to side a lot or bob my head or do that shoulder beat thing, ya feel? 
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? So, I chew on those pen caps from those pens that are clear and only have a blue cap? they’re like hard plastic? I feel like they’re in the top 3 most used pens... but I like to chew on those caps specifically, other than that no.
16. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU SLEPT WITH THIS WEEK? Okay so literally slept with only one but like sex? hehe ;) I’m a virgin.
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? twin but that was because I have a bunk bed. i’m buying a queen soon :D
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? Song of the week... uhm... okay so “Trapdoor” by Twenty One Pilots is really good but also “I Hate U I Love U” by Gnash because mood.
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? Yes, honey do what makes you happy. You like the color? wear it. You want to make a point that men can wear pink? do it. You want to support breast cancer? love it. you just couldn’t find another shirt to go with your new jeans? you look so good! I love it, wear the hell out of pink.
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? Actively? No... I watch a lot of anime from time to time, though... which, ya know, animated cartoons are still animated cartoons. Toe-may-toe toe-mah-toe.
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? Least favorite? err I hate every scary movie to have ever existed but I also can’t find it in me to like anything from harry potter, star trek, star wars, lord of the rings.... those series.
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? my grandpa owns two mountains... I won’t say where... you never know if I’ll get treasure worth hiding, my guy.
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? tea, literally any kind of tea.
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? Ketchup, ranch, chick-fil-a sauce... yes.
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Alright so I’m weird and I really love potato salad, like, no joke, but there was potato salad in my dream last night? I like cereal a lot, its so good, but I would die for oatmeal creme pies... devilled eggs...
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? Okay any disney movie ever, but to specify I love Beauty and the beast, Mulan, Aladdin, Tangled, Frozen (I only saw it twice so it wasn’t killed for me, I genuinely like the characters), Anastasia.... yeah I like them all.
27. LAST PERSON YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? Ugh okay so my last kiss was in 8th grade and yall know how those middle school relationships are all mistakes right? So yeah, it was this guy who was the pastors son at my church... his name is josh... he’s in college now... yeah. ew.
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? I went to the first meeting because my brother was going to the boy scouts meeting (he wanted to learn to use a pocket knife and tie cool knots) but the girls just sold cookies and i thought that was lame so... no.
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? I would strip but completely naked? Nah... do I get like a sheet to cover with or something? 
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? Last week... I write thank you cards a lot (not that I give them out a lot because I feel like people would think I’m weird for thanking them for... like... i dunno... loving a similar band to me and having a nice conversation or something.)
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? No but all my brothers can so I don’t need to know... hopefully...
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? nope... because I’m learning to drive still.
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? uh... no. I haven’t learned how to drive in the time span between this question and the last one.
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? I really like subway because of their samiches. i couldn’t say any specifics because I like.... like, all sandwiches.
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? okay so breakfast tacos from Dans... oooooor cereal.... ooooooor breakfast tacos in general. oooooor Waffles from Jim’s because they put whipped cream, chocolate chips, chocolate drizzle, etc.
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? my bedtime is 9 but anytime after 6 pm works too... if its later than 10 I’m suicidal.
37. ARE YOU LAZY? If I’m determined to get something done I will do it, just leave me alone and I’ll do it. but if I really just don’t want to do something or don’t care... yes. i’m so so so so lazy.
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? Okay so one year, and keep in mind this is the most embarrassing costume i remember, I dressed up as a party rocker based on the song party rock anthem... because I was extremely crazy about that song when I was like.... 11.
39. WHAT IS YOUR CHINESE ASTROLOGICAL SIGN? I’m a dragon my guy. but like...  hopefully a water dragon or ice dragon or earth dragon.. i don’t wanna be hot headed.
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? English.... and I passed Spanish....
41. DO YOU HAVE ANY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS? I mean... I have none but my household has a ton and I like to take the Mens Health ones because none of my brothers want them and the cover guys are sooooo hot.
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? Legos by a long shot.
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? Nah.. I mean if its a morals thing fuck yeah but if its like... “should we go to chick-fil-a” I’d be like “I kinda want chinese” and the someone would say “but I want chicken” so I’d be like “okay”
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? Uh... you see.... I like the name Leno better than letterman but i dunno these people?
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? No dude... like... if I did it would be more ironically... 
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? funny story but one time I thought I would die if I jumped off of the air vent that was outside my house... it’s like 3 feet tall... so yeah... anything above 3 feet scares me I guess. xD
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? does satan’s name resemble santa’s? 
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? almost alwayyyyyys... if I don;t i’m thinking hard or just in general talking to myself.
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? Yes. Especially to the good songs. so... a lot.
50. EVER USED A GUN? Yes and i like pistols but the.... whats it called.... the force after you shoot a big gun that makes you jump back... yeah I don’t like that.
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? I think that certain musicals are borderline obsessive with songs that just don’t go well for a serious mood... like, they’re too cheesy and annoying to be a good romantic song... but a lot of musicals are really well put together too.
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? Ugh, yes. I have 3 separate families to visit okay? Literally there is over 50 people to shop for and that’s not including friends and I’m unemployed so yes. yes it is. 
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? no.. I dunno what that is.
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? pie is so gross but I like the topping of pecan pie.
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? uhhhh I gotta list. here we go: chef, baker, singer, actress, model, pilot, therapist, vet, successful, talk show host, americas got talent judge (like... i reallllllllllly wanted to be a judge--- still do a looooooot but I have no fame so...)
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? nah but I make jokes about them being around a lot.
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? ALL THE TIME except its not exactly like a full on minute of deja vu its like a hand motion or a sign I saw on the wall or someone saying something that I swear I’ve heard before.
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? no but I did as a kid, especially when my mom bought the sour gummy ones.
60. DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS? no but I wear sandals and socks around the house a lot.
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? no but I own, like, 2.
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? a t-shirts with literally anything ranging from jeans to leggings to yoga pants... etc.
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? One Direction on September 21st, 2014 in Houston.... the arena was huge... a million girls and I got sick during the last song... whoops.
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? target....? 
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? I wear so much nike stuff because its so comfortable but adidas shirts and jackets look hella comfortable.
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? cheetos my main dude. I had an on going joke with my little brother once when we were at a concession stand and I couldn’t see what was there and he was tall so he read to me, “cheetos... fritos... doritos... and sunchips” and we died laughing because of all the rhyming. 
67. PEANUTS OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS? I like the taste of sunflower seeds better but they’re so time consuming to open with so little food as a result that peanuts are just easier.
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Nah my guy. How about Three Days Grace? xD
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? No but my spanish teacher had us learn a hispanic culture dance for one of our final projects. I had the cumbia.
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? I don’t care as long as they’re enjoying what they do. 
71. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? like... taco? cause yeah?
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? Okay so uhhh no but I went to this education festival thing and they had a spelling bee booth and I spelled the word they gave me wrong but I still won a reallllly nice notebook (as a writer I really do mean that) and it was the first notebook I ever filled up. (it lasted from march 8th, 2016 to November 11th, 2016.)
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? No but they sound cool.
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? I have literally no idea whats in my garage. I doubt it.
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? Yes... I have like 20 in my room and I burn one every few days... or a candle...
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Yeah.... yea...... uhhhh.... yeah. 
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? Twenty One Pilots, again, tbh, gnash, NF, and i’m sure there will be more in the future.
79. WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW? Troye Sivan on October 24th, 2016. 
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? uhhhhh all tea, don’t discriminate. 
81. TEA OR COFFEE? both... but like tea.... is more appealing. 
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? sugar cookies all the way.
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i know how to swim.
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? sometimes. if its something I wanna do then nah... but if its like... waiting for a friend to do something yeah.
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? DJ... (I forgot to add this to the job list but I wanted to be a DJ once... and a break dancer once.)
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? I got 2nd place in an 80′s themed costume dance contest...??? I dunno.
88. HAVE YOU EVER HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? yeah but it was to smooth out a few scars.
89. WHICH ARE BETTER: BLACK OR GREEN OLIVES? olives can burn in hell.
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? ahhhhhh I wish no.
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? any room that gets cold??? 
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? only if my partner does but me??? yes.... yeah I’d loooooove to be able to call someone my partner for life and just have that assurance that they actually want to be with me...
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? she actually might see this somehow so i won’t say the current one but I liked this girl name Olivia all through middle school until 9th grade... so you know? 
95. DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? Playfully? dramatically? but never seriously.
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? so I have 2, one is named Pikachu and one is named Bruce Banner... or Willis... or Wayne.. whatever you want for Bruce.... they’re small.... and precious... and chihuahuas.
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? I don’t want to give birth, I want a ton of kids though so... well see?
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? I like maroon... and purple... and blue... and black.... silver... white.... yeah.
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? nah.... not really.
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS VIDEO NEXT? its not even a video but uhhh @sweatersnshades @depressedtopramen @guacnroll @ashlapash579 @sleeping--light @beverlynotcleary @pups-art @stark-nakedness because all of yall are my fave accounts and some of the coolest people I’ve got to see.... yeah :D
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