#hetalia fic idea maybe
Because I'm such a huge music nerd, I've contemplated some kind of indoor percussion au for the Hetalia characters several times, and even though I'll probably never go through with actually making something for it, I NEED to share my vision with yall.
I've been going in circles about who I'd assign to what instrument. Thankfully most of them seem pretty obvious, and if not then it's at least narrowed down to two options. But I know one for certain. One I CANNOT and WILL NOT negotiate. And that is America being snare one. He is center snare no matter what. I've considered other characters for sure, but no one else exudes center snare energy like he does. Some other considerations I've had:
Germany on drumset
Japan on either vibraphone or snare
Russia on marimba one
China on tenors
France on tenors
Italy on cymbals or glockenspiel/bells
Canada on marimba two
England on snare or a base guitar
I also think I'd have Austria as the director of the group. Just cause he's the canon music-nerd-guy. But really I'd like it to be a collaborative, team working kinda thing. But Austria can be the one with the final word, is what I wanna say. He can compose and arrange their music. (Oh and BTW, yes I'd like to include all characters in this, at the very least all canon characters, I mean I want the whole group but it can only be so big.)
If this were an actual full-fledged au, I do have some background... lore? I guess? to consider. I'd like this to be a nationverse au (as in not a human au). For one, there's the comedic factor.... actually that's it. That's the only reason. Cause it's funny. Like imagine one day the nations just randomly decide "hey, what's a better way to kill time than participate in WGI competitions?" Where do they get all the instruments and equipment from? Who knows! Even better. Imagine being in another group, walking into world championships or whatever, and seeing that your competition is literally the personifications of the nations of the world. I'd be very intimidated, personally. And like, to me it makes sense they're at that level (as in, international level). Maybe they don't start there, but I feel like they'd be able to work their way up there, yknow? After all, it'd be stupid if they lived that long and didn't at least pick up on an instrument here and there. Hell, some of them were probably there when they invented the fucking church modes and shit. But I digress, I'm just saying the immortal being had time to practice and learn how to play, read, and understand music.
I think the Hetalia characters forming an indoor percussion group would be sick af. For a variety of reasons really. Though it really boils down to what I really love about music; that it's something everyone, no matter what culture you come from, has in common. Music is such an integral part of every culture, of everyone's lives. So imagine how cool and fun it would be to see the nations of the world playing music together and having fun. Oh and, I just wanna add, I mainly aimed for percussion specifically because yes I am a biased percussionist, and also I made a poll recently about what instrument family the nations remind yall of and the majority voted percussion (spontaneous, wild, the impactful, and most importantly, the heartbeat). And I have to say, I do agree. The nations really are, in a nutshell, the heartbeat, the culture itself, the core identity. What better way to show that than through music? The universal language.
Anyway, I've been talking for way too long. If you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about when I say "WGI" or "indoor percussion", look it up on Google or YouTube, there are some pretty cool videos or performances, I highly recommend looking more into it. And there's many different levels to look at too.
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helianskies · 8 months
dialogue prompts 8 [ ☔️ ]
it's that time again! send me a prompt, send me a pairing (romantic or platonic, i don't mind!) and let's get going! i have an itch to write!
[ 1 ] - “you’ll be the death of me.”
[ 2 ] - “will you marry me?”
[ 3 ] - “you really are pathetic.”
[ 4 ] - “i don’t care.”
[ 5 ] - “what have you done to me…?”
[ 6 ] - “you aren’t capable of love.”
[ 7 ] - “how are you so perfect?”
[ 8 ] - “i forgive you.”
[ 9 ] - “put me out of my misery.”
[ 10 ] - “please… stay…”
[ 11 ] - “you’re going to regret that.”
[ 12 ] - “can you do me a favour?”
[ 13 ] - “don’t give up.”
[ 14 ] - “let me go.”
[ 15 ] - “you are the worst!”
[ 16 ] - “consider that a promise.”
[ 17 ] - “this is your last chance.”
[ 18 ] - “tell me what you’re scared of.”
[ 19 ] - “i felt nothing.”
[ 20 ] - “this is ridiculous!”
[ 21 ] - “you aren’t allowed to die.”
[ 22 ] - “flattery will get you everywhere.”
[ 23 ] - “just go to sleep.”
[ 24 ] - “come with me.”
[ 25 ] - “you thought you could fix me?”
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sand-rose · 18 days
Another old fic uploaded to ao3!
Once Upon A Magic Frying Pan - Hungary encounters a strange man named Rumplestiltskin during the War of Austrian Succession and makes a deal with him. With her magic frying pan, she quickly discovers how powerful magic can be. It's just what she needs to put Prussia in his place! But as years pass and new wars threaten her country, what price will she pay for her magic? Her heart…? Or maybe even two…
(PruHun, minor AusHun, Hetalia/Once Upon A Time crossover, Rumplestiltskin, Mad Hatter, rated M, chose not to use archive warnings, angst and hurt/comfort, depictions of depression and ptsd, trauma and trauma healing, spans from war of austrian succession to just past wwii, heavy (nongraphic) wwii content warning, 8 chapters)
This fic was one of my earliest and for the longest time I had mixed feelings about it. I was a little hesitant to get too into the historical aspects but mainly wanted to explore the more human side of the nations. But also wanted to throw Once Upon A Time in the mix which sounded kind of weird but somehow worked in the end?? But looking back on it now, there's a certain catharsis to it that I just kind of needed at the time. I feel a lot better about it now and am glad I wrote it. It might not be for everyone but if you do check it out I hope you enjoy it!
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thegreatdeprussian · 11 months
i got a fic idea where francis and matthew try to fix their strained relationship with matthew as an artist (can't decide how since i view matt as a doctor first) while francis is already a well-known art dealer but i know nothing about the industry
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bitchapalooza · 10 months
Thinking about the story behind the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree and how this would define hetalia Norway and England’s relationship because 🥺
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lordsardine · 2 months
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bottlehawk · 11 months
i just saw your responses to anon. so wait are you like saying you're into problematic stuff or not. sorry i can't read tone very well...
okay so if you look through my blog you can see that i am like the biggest teenage girl-man blogger faggot in the world. the general cadence and word-choices of every single sentence on this account painfully recalls the image of a butch tumblrina teeheeing kicking its feet back and forth going slay-queen while sipping a nonbinary soy milk frappuccino in an eco-friendly tumbler with a "BELIEVE WOMEN" etsy sticker on the base. i literally say shit like "autism girl-queen winz" unironically and trigger-tag scopophobia and blood and weed and make trans swag headcanons for almost every homestuck character that would probably make 2017 r/homestuck explode. what i'm saying is that when you see like my fifth post in a row about rose lalonde steven universe style autism moment i want to ask what particularly compels you to think that the persona occupying this blog is into like. incest or something lol
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folightening · 8 months
Bul necromancing Ro (knowing Ro would want him to let him go) and Ro comes back as a vampire. Ro is not happy with Bul but loves him too much to properly scold him; he can't even bring himself to be disappointed in him.
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trashlama · 1 year
Heyyyy-oooo it's me your guys favorite friendly pervy neighborhood consumer! Back with some more fics!
Oh yeah I can totally sense your guys' excitement.
So this idea wasn't mine. I was lurking through the ROTTMNT fandom since recently I was too busy being dragged down the Record of Ragnarok fandom pit. It's like Hetalia all over again.
Anyways— I was lurking and came across one of my favorite creators ( @yanteetle ) that got a request for a fic. And like the idea was too good not to write a one-shot for it.
Like there was already a fic for it out there but, I thought I'd try my hand.
I really enjoyed writing this, I'll probably do another part except with the second idea with young Leo being little brother blocked by Casey Jr. cause Casey knows how Leo is with his future relationship with (y/n).
And maybe another one that has a different take on the first idea. But with a ✨ Age Gap✨. Cause man do I love myself a DILF.
Like brah there is no way you can't tell me future Leo isn't a DILF.
Enjoy the fic!
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Rushing water flooded the ancient channels that you were trudging through. The bottoms of your cargo pants were drenched despite being tucked into the openings of your pleather boots. Frigid rosey digits clung to the insides of the pockets to your cobalt colored coat. A shiver shot down your spine. Not from the chill of the down pour above you but rather, the ghost that didn't seem to want to leave you alone. Even now you were quite sure. Somewhere amongst the ruins of New York's sewer system, he was lurking. Never too far behind but, still too close for comfort.
You've been here for two years and five months in a few days according to the calendar that hung in your shared quarters. However you weren't planning on staying for the anniversary.
A brown satchel that hung from your shoulders carried all that you had for the perceived future until you could wrangle up some more scraps of rations from orphaned establishments on the road.
You weren't going back to the base. You refuse.
Onwards you marched. According to the directions Casey had given you it was just a little further until you reached a small opening that you would need to crawl through to get to the connecting manhole that would lead you straight out of the safe haven of the sewers and into the fry-pan of NYC city boundries. The teen even went as far as described an outpost just a couple miles Northwest towards New Jersey. Having scrambliled together a poorly drawn map of the terrain to gift you on your journey.
You and Casey both knew of the dangers there were trying to escape this place. Mutant or not. Though it didn't mean it was going to stop them from at least trying to free you from your gilded cage.
You had thanked the boy who had felt like a kid brother during your encampment at the base. Both shedding a tear for one another as you departed ways. Wishing the other luck as the world slowly continues to crumble around them. Unsure of the others fate.
The flashback helped to revitalize your will, spurring the need to flee as your pace began to pick up. Heart beat and foot falls mirroring another.
You didn't know how much longer you had before he caught up with you....
Speaking of the Devil.
A random splash not too far off sent you rocketing forward. Feet pounded through the stream of water lapping at your ankles. Unrelenting like the hunter that was behind you.
You didn't even want to look back. You feared if you did your knees would buckle at the very sight of his domineering form lunging for you.
Tokyo Drifting the corner, you spun to the left, a skirt of water splashing your legs once again, in further indirect efforts of creating a swimming pool in your boots.
He was fucking with you. You could tell.
If Leo was really being serious he would've captured you in his hold the moment he originally found you. Most likely had woken up due to the lack of your warm presence next to him in the cot you shared.
If you knew the red eared slider, which you felt at this point you did.
You knew he had been on your tail since the minute you left. Stepping foot outside the main body of the base.
"(Y/n)....? Honey...." Leo groaned half awake. It was the middle of the night and his body had suddenly woken him from the bliss of his dreams.
Tired olive hands searched the sheets for your figure...only to find the lack of it.
Dark eyes flew open.
You. Weren't. Here.
Out of the bed he sprung, eyes stabbed through the dark. Only to find the lack of you and your belongings that had been here when the two of you had gone to bed.
His mind flew into chaos at the realization however, unlike his adolescent self he was able to control his panic. He calmed his ragging breath remembering his father's sage advice to not let his feelings get the better of him. That it was unbecoming for a ninja and a leader.
Honestly Leo should've seen it coming.
He wasn't any genuis-boy Donnie by any means but, didn't mean Leo was a fool.
He had saw the signs for a while now.
Eagerly you'd volunteer for any job if it meant being at odd schedules with him. It didn't matter if it was patrol or scavenging, if it got you away from him, even for a little while, you did it.
When approached about it, you simply claimed that you wanted to be useful for The Resistance. Reassuring Leo that your desire for work came from your feelings of being needed rather than the lumbering turtle's overbearing presence being the cause behind your disappearing acts.
Leo being ever so observant would notice how your close comrades and Casey Jr. would also actively participate in these same runs with you.
Tigers gnawed at his stomach lining and baboons pounded in his chest when he thought about what they could be discussing. What they could be doing.
In the beginning you and Leo had been soooo close.
Since teenagers. He had known you even before you knew him.
He had saved you.
He was seventeen and feeling free. The Krrang hadn't attacked yet, he still had his arm, and Ralph wasn't dead.
You had been just another girl he came upon on a nightly patrol.
Beforehand he and Raph had gotten into another disagreement. Something stupid about him not being a team player and not listening to his comrades.
Whatever. Leo didn't care.
Leo was his own one-man show— he liked to believe. Although when the going got tough, he knew he had his brothers to fall back on. They relied on one another even if they didn't like to admit it all the time. They were children after all.
Squeaky sneakers and labored breaths filled the illuminated basketball court. Within the fenced primiters was a single girl shooting hoops. And not too badly for the self-proclaimed professional's standards if he did say so himself.
She kept herself grounded but, still agile. Launching the basketball from all the points lines, even the ones that have long since been faded by eroding weather and age. (h/l) (h/c) hair pulled back into a high poney tail that whipped around with her movements.
She was like a basketball ballerina dancing a Lebron James Swan Lake. It was ethereal.
Time passed like rain droplets down car windows. Before he knew it the similarly aged female was packing up getting ready to go. Obvious signs being the (2f/c)towel around her neck and the (f/c) sports jacket she threw on over her fitted tank top.
Alas Leo didn't have the right mojo to go pursue her. Nor the right disguise.
For the next few weeks(at least how long he felt it had been emotionally. He wasn't keeping track.) Leo would return to that same basketball court, eager to see the basketball ballerina again.
Sometimes she was there, sometimes not. When she was it typically was late, at least for human standards. And always alone. Leo felt for her but, didn't particularly mind since that meant there was no one to disturb the skilled performance.
The (y/c) haired girl would show up. Shoot some hoops for a while before walking away into the night.
Her (e/c) eyes always looked absent when she shot her baskets. Emotions didn't voice themselves on her neutral complexion. The only real thing that was direct about her was that she was focused with the task at hand. Which was shooting hoops.
Leo wasn't a hundred percent sure what led her to the rundown court almost every night but, he was grateful for the occurrence.
Until one night he wasn't.
Like the last few nights, the red eared slider teen came to the court to spectate his favorite four pointer dancer. Only to find a lack of her usual performance. Instead sat the empty eroding court.
It was two in the morning and his brothers would start wondering where he is soon.(Not that they weren't already curious where their blue bandana brother was going.) A light sprinkle had started to pick up overhead that pushed the olive turtle to call it night.
Standing up from the ledge the turtle was about to leap from his position but, only froze upon hearing laughter. Down below underneath the iridescent fluorescent lamps was you.
The obvious lack of your usual athletic attire suggested you weren't here to play basketball. Instead of a tank top with a pair of shorts; dark jeans hugged your hips complimented by a (2f/c) Lou Jitsu t-shirt and (f/c) sport jacket.
With said jacket you shielded yourself from the drizzle. The lighting made you look like you were glowing, the uncharacteristic smile on your face added to the image.
What broke the breath-taking view was by whom he assumed were your friends. The two of them ran after you into the court with their own grins plastered on their complexions.
The scene of the trio caused the red eared slider's stomach to bumble with jealousy. He wanted to be down there with you. The sound of your guys' conjoined laughter would make together would simply be the best. Leo didn't have a doubt about it.
If only.
For the next two hours the three humans ran through the city streets. Asphalt turned into water slides as they slid and skid. None of them aware of the mutant turtle following them from the rooftops.
By four, the other two humans who he learned names were Jonathan and Melissa(I know so unique) departed for the night.
(Y/n), as he overheard from your comrades, left to go your own way home.
Leo knew he shouldn't continue being out this late by himself. Especially without telling his brothers where. But, Leo couldn't pass up the chance to see where you lived.
By the time you got back to your apartment complex it was pushing five in the morning. Leo could make out from his spot hidden in the fire escape that you were an only child.
Apparent by the lack of anything in the unit. The only things that pointed towards any form of life were the pictures that hung on the plain beige walls.
Inside the cramped dingy apartment you procured yourself some top ramen before sitting on the old futon in the main room to watch some TV. Switching to a channel that played older movies.
Zapped onto the screen was an old Lou Jitsu film. The sight of the movie excited the red eared slider, hopeful thoughts of having similar interests made the monkey in his rib cage pound harder.
Before Leo knew it you were passed out with the remote in hand with the sun peeking out over the Manhattan bay.
Giving one last look towards you before retreating back into the sewers.
The following weeks passed by and Leo grew to like you more. Even if it's from a distance. Always excited when you appear whether it's on the court or in his dreams.
His heart was always so elated when he watched you perform. And the one time he's late of course some dumb delinquents want to mess up his usual date.
Upon arrival he could tell something was wrong right away. Your (f/c) bag sat on alone on the bench left halfway unzipped and abandoned. The ball you brought with you every time you came to the court was flattened and punctured.
Something was very wrong.
"Back off Creeps!"
It was your voice.
Leo not giving a moment's thought to the possibility of being seen by the public eye. Leapt from his perch down to the court.
Hidden off in the alleyway was you and a pair of petty thieves. One a mutant rooster the other just a normal ass-hat both dressed in stereotypical black attire.
"Shadap! If you'd just given us yer stupid wallet and phone from the start then we would've been gone already!" The rooster barked. His beak set in a displeased frown that matched his human accomplice's equally displeased sner.
Both were armed.
The human with a baseball bat, and the rooster with a small pocket knife.
Observing the scene, Leo quickly determined this would be a rather easy take down as long as he did it right.
"Stop the stallin' and give us yer cash!"
The rooster's feathers acting like fingers reached out for you. Instantly the rooster's right wing received a sudden shave.
"WTF!?" The avian mutant screeched using his left wing to clutch his clipped one to his chest.
Quick to defend from the unforeseen attack the human whipped around to swing his bat; .... only to find an empty space.
"What in the name of..."
"Aaghkk!" Straight in the face you had punched the rooster.
Leo swore his chest grew warmer at the action.
While Leo was temporarily distracted by your fists of fury, the ass-hat had swung at the olive-green turtle. Quickly the red eared slider dodged the attack to only return with his own. Easily slicing the bat into small unusable chunks.
Whilst Leo dealt with the ass-hat you fought the retaliating mutant chicken.
It was a somewhat fair fight considering the difference in DNA and physical capabilities.
You would've won too, had you not underestimated how strong a mutant chicken's punches were.
Next thing you knew you were K.O.ed. Your (H/c) head in a tizzy from bouncing your brain around in your cranium.
The blue bandana wearing turtle was not pleased by this.
The rooster gulped at the obvious displeasure emanating off the red eared slider. Not even having a chance to escape Leo swiftly knocked the chicken out before tying him up with his accomplice.
"Oh (Y/n).... I'm sorry I was late for the performance.." Leo apologized under his tired breath. Adoration gleamed in dark pools as he stared down at the object that plauged his dreams for last month.
Even with three digits per hand the sturdy turtle held you against his plastron securely as he returned you to your apartment.
The cold air whipped around the two of you as he sprinted across rooftops of Manhattan.
He was the happiest turtle alive having you in his arms. He never wanted to let you go.
But he did.
And how Leo missed you so dearly for the years that followed.
Not until he was pushing forty did he find you again.
New recruits weren't too much of an uncommon occurrence. However as leader it was his job to familiarize himself with his team to the best of his ability.
And when it came time to welcome in the greenhorns, there you were.
Despite the years that have added on your complexion you were still that beautiful basketball ballerina he found all those years ago.
His heart swelled.
Leo did his best to protect you better this time.
Even if, it meant keeping you here with him against your wishes.
Very quickly it was known amongst The Resistance how much you meant to the Commander.
Within six months he had you transferred under his supervision despite your skills aligning with General April's or even General Donnie's precincts.
It didn't matter.
Leo wanted you. And that was that.
There was no room to argue when it came to the leader's order.
Within the year, you were sharing quarters with the adult red eared slider and in the following months, his cot.
The few freedoms you found away from Leo were doing patrols or hanging with deceased General Cassandra's son.
Even then the interactions were limited.
It's hard to say no when the world around you is dying and you have no other choice in survival.
Which brings us back to the current present.
Racing like a bat out of hell you fleed your pursuer who was hot on your trail.
The basketball bunny runing from the hunter with a shell.
Oh God please! Please let me make this!
It was right in front of you.
Approximately two turns up ahead laid a small tunnel. It was a tight squeeze even for your stature but, if you could crawl far enough into there before Leo reached you. You'd make it.
You threw yourself into the stone wall. The rough texture scraped your palms but you didn't care. You kept running.
"(Y/n) please come back!" Leo hollered.
His voice was not far behind. He had to be literally on your tail.
This would be a miracle if you made this.
"(Y/n) wait! You can't leave!" Anger could be heard in his deep voice. The same tone he used when displeased with your behavior when socializing amongst your fellow comrades.
There it was!
Right there!
Not even thinking about it—
You dove for the small tunnel. Knees instantly bowed to the floor as you began crawling into the opening. The hole was disgusting but, you didn't mind that as you shuffled your body forwards.
" NO! " Leo growled.
A yelp escaped your throat. Clawing hands clasping around your ankle before attempting pull you back. Despite scraping at the edges of the rusted entrance. All it took was a single tug from the adult red eared slider to dragged you out of the small hideaway. Sadness and anger quick to take over his desperate senses.
"Why!? Why did you try to leave me!?" The mutant demanded.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen. He caught you. You didn't plan for this. You hadn't really thought—
You really had hoped—
"(Y/n)! Answer me!"
"Is everything I do for you and your kind not enough? Why can't I have you?" Leo cried.
His aged but charming features stared you down with so much hurt. He loves you so much. Too much. So why would you go?
"I've always been there for you (Y/n)... my basketball ballerina...don't I...deserve you?" Leo reasoned. His voice displayed the hurt he felt as he reasoned with you.
Well more like manipulated.
"I love you so much.... I just can't lose you again."
Muscular arms pressed you against his plastron. Underneath it you could hear the bird fluttering in his ribs.
Your mind was running a mile a minute, terrified, flustered, unsure what comes next.
" I love you (y/n)...". Was the last thing your brain registered before feeling a pinch to the bundle of nerves in your neck. Falling limp like a ragdoll in the Commander's arms.
Releasing a sigh the tired adult red eared slider held you in the one-sided embrace for just a little longer. Relishing in the warmth from your body that wasn't accompanied by the small trembles from you.
The hug didn't last long before the mutant readjusted his hold on you so that you laid in his arms. Leo didn't mind doing this every once in awhile when the anniversary of your arrival came up. As long as you don't do it again for another year.
He would have to disperse that support group of yours....
Once back in the safe confinements of Resistance HQ; Leo made a B-line to your guys shared room. There he stripped you of your drenched coat and boots before tucking you back into the shared bed. In your spot next to him.
The blue bandana wearing turtle let out a tired yawn as he closed the door before crawling inside the sheets to lay besides you.
Leo was aware he was being selfish but, he just couldn't live without you. Not again. And certainly not in this cruel world that just wants to take away everything he holds dear.
Dark pools stared down at your resting face. His prosthetic hand lovingly caressed the soft skin of your face. Soothing both you and himself in the process.
Slipping away into the land of rest. Even while dreaming the Resistance Commander held on dearly to you.
Not allowing you the same chance to escape his embrace twice.
¶¶ Creator's Notes¶¶
Thank you for reading!
If you liked this part please enjoy part 2!
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hetalia-club · 3 months
How do you deal with the toxicity in the fandom? It's getting hard to be here.
Yeah a lot of people suck. I just don't visit tags at all anymore. I'm going to be honest I haven't since some time last year. I follow people that I like and I know are not drama whores and I get my reblog content from them ethically. I block anyone I see making call out posts or stupid call to actions against people. Or shoving current SERIOUS real life politics into Hetalia (a major peeve of mine. and emphasis on serious because of course jokes on funny current events are fine but it's the serious stuff that really sets a fire in me. Like the current wars for example.) You just gotta do what you gotta do to keep your mental health good tbh. I've noticed some people leaving lately due to people not minding their own business and harassing others, people that I actually liked and that's really annoying. I just don't understand why some people in this fandom have to be so vindictive and insufferable it's sad honestly. Do they not get tired? They have to because listening to some of these people is EXAUSTING! So many people on the outside hate the Hetalia fandom for what some weirdos did 10ish years ago. I don't know why some people feel the need to start drama and fights for NOTHING. That being said if you're a Hetalia blog that is chill and does not start drama reblog this post and I'll consider following you because I need more content to reblog. & or if you are a chill person and like other chill people who enjoy Hetalia & music join my discord maybe? I share my AI covers there and people talk when a conversation comes up but it's not just non stop text walls like some other servers where it's hard to get a word in edge wise. It's pretty small and relaxed. You can share your art, or own AI covers & or au's or fic ideas. No drama is allowed. My discord if anyone is interested in it:
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goldenstarprincesses · 5 months
Henlo! You rebloged my post about France in fanfiction and I wanted to reply to it because I found what you said interesting, but because you used just tags would be goofy to reblog it again so I am sending an ask!
I agree about the cannon not helping, the thing is France got better in the cannon, he is more interesting now. I am not very into Prussia so I don't remember if he got better in later parts. But this thing about him being the worst in PruCan fanfic isn't something I noticed in Brazilian Fanfics or maybe I just don't remember lol
I wrote my post at 1 AM and now I stopped to think about what annoys me about how simple and awful Francis' characterization is and I noticed that it simply doesn't have a reason. When I was writing my fic, I wanted to make him bad in a European kind of way, he is France, France really did a lot of shit, he is kind of goofy and useless now? Yes, but that wasn't the case in the Early Modern era.
I also never saw no one exploring his sexuality. Why is Francis overly sexual? Why is he so dramatic? Why is he always trying to get in someone's pants? Real people have reasons to act overly sexual, they aren't just born this way, but WHY I NEVER SEE NO ONE ASKING THOSE QUESTIONS??
Thank you for rebloguing my post and confirming I wasn't just seeing things lol
Hiii! First, I adore your blog. Thank you for introducing me to the world of TurkFra. My eyes have been opened and my mind widened.
I almost think the fandom needed to go through the "dark times" or "dark age" of character interpretation to get where we are now. I know there was for sure a shift happing when I dipped out of the fandom in 2016ish. And when I started occasionally reading fanfics again during lockdown I was blown away with the shifts regarding the characterization of nearly all the characters.
Totally agree with you 100% about interpreting a character like France in a way where he is bad shit person, because of the actual actions of France. Imo its really important to include things like that into every nations characterizing when engaging in more "real life inspired" characterization. Almost have to wonder if the rise in popularity of historical hetalia has had anything to do with this change. While it was sorta a thing in the early years of the fandom, it didn't really seem to have much of a collective following and community. And now it seems that characters of empires/colonists like France/England/America/Russia etc. have shifted away from being written to have very goofy and comically negative traits more in-line with the 2008-2012ish canon to having their negative traits rooted more in the real-life negative habits or traits of the real world nations. I'd also wonder if the average age in the fandom has gone up which has helped characters simply be better developed.
The "bad touch trio" was super common back in the day. It was France/Prussia/Spain. Pretty much the entire characterization for them all ended up being sex addicts who went around well, SA or SH other nations. That mixed with the very silly "everything is based on basic national stereotypes" vibe of early canon I think just made i so a character like France ("nation of love"/the idea that the French are much more sexually liberated then the English or Americans) was very one-sided even when other charters were getting a little bit better of treatment. I also always felt like France was never as popular in the American/English fandom as American and England. So he (and often Canada) would sorta just thrown into things without much development character-wise.
You bring up so many good points!!! legit I have always thought about things like this.
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merakiui · 1 year
Omg!! I'm so late! work kept me busy 😭 but I wanted to reply to your last message! regarding hetalia and such!
Going back to the hetalia fandom it's like coming home after a while <33 and Personally my favourite female characters are Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Belarus (Belarus is low-key yandere for her brother and Unhinged omg),
Did you have or should I say do have any ships you like ? maybe with England since he is your favourite? I'm much more into rare pairs/ships which means there isn't much content of them 😭 like : England x Seychelles (because their interaction in Gakuen Hetalia was cute and funny ♡) or Iceland x Seychelles (I adore opposite-attract 🥺 💛 Iceland is more reserved while Seychelles is more outgoing and now imagine Seychelles helping Iceland coming out of his shell or Iceland cooling down Seychelles! ♡) lol can you tell I like Seychelles??
Nyo France is a charming lady ❤ I like your taste 🤌Personally I also like Nyo America (I love my tomboy princess) and nyo Italy/Romano such babes, Nyo Finland looks cute but will kick your Ass 💪❤
Also, Pirate England and Pirate Spain are Hot af 👌That's all I want to say haha (or even viking nordics 👀)
And Omg I'm actually currently obsessed with Danganronpa! 😭 In fact my profile picture is sonia nevermind bc she's one of my favourites! Which characters do you like the most?? 👀 are there any moments in the game you liked/saddened you the most ? (like favourite character dying 😭)
As for mystic messenger! did you ever notice how similar looking Saeran/Ray and Rollo look like? maybe it's the eyebags but seriously the first time I saw Rollo in twst I thought "Ray what are you doing in twst?? leave me alone, I'm not into you anymore 😭" but not only the physical Apperance both of their characters are kind of similar? I mean Ray is literally in a cult and Rollo is well you know based of an Disney villian who's religious corrupted sooooo yeah! but Saeran/ray/unknown has such yandere tendencies! and yes that one jumin ending omg! 😭 Yoosung is a cutie 💓 and well jaehee keeps us in the friendzone 💀
And Obey me! Asdfghjklöä! while writing this Obey me nightbringer came out! 🎉 I see you like Mammon 😂 seems like you like Greedy Demon and Octopus 🤌 only difference the Octopus is successful business owner and well..... the demon is constantly broke, so broke in fact the steals from his brothers 💀 I can also totally see Idia and Leviathan (maybe yoosung too??) bounding over videogames or hating the normies together 💀 (and maybe talking about having a certain crush on a certain MC 👀👀) they sure would make great frenemies 😂😂 Also Satan reminds me of APH England 💀💀 maybe its the hair colour?? the colour green?? or maybe the small same similarities personality wise?? but omg I can't unsee it now 💀 And AHEM Jade and barbatos, I don’t think I need to say anything else but yeah they also have the almost same hairstyle!!
Ooooh but can you imagine the Twst Characters as Sins?? Like Riddle = Wrath, Leona = Sloth, Azul = Greed, Jamil = Envy, Vil = lust, Idia = ??? Gluttony??, Malleus = Pride!
Oooh yes Omori is such an interesting and Deep game I would recommend you to play it 🌟
Anyway, take good care of you and drink a lot of water! I've seen that you have lots of unfinished Luna love hotel requests and different ideas/fics you want to write! take your time and don't stress yourself or burn yourself out! writing is suppose to be fun, I hope your not overdoing it 🙏
Take Care 🤟 Anon 🌸
Hello again, 🌸 anon!!! I'm also quite late to respond, but omg you have good taste in female characters! Seychelles was a sweetheart and I liked her character a lot, too!! As for ships, I didn't really have any, but I did enjoy the interactions between Germany and Italy! It's very funny and cute. <3 and aaaaaa nyo!America is also a very nice design!!! Wonderful taste once again hehe. I love her tomboy look!!! >0< and nyo!Italy and nyo!Finland are also both so pretty!!!
Pirate England and pirate Spain..... AAAAAA orz and the viking nordics omg omg!!!! The amount of fanfics I used to read with them... too many to count. I remember there was a time I read too many pirate England fics that I ended up dreaming about him LOL. I think I was a stowaway on his ship, but the entirety of that dream was essentially England and Spain fighting over who got the rights to own me????? ^^;;;; I couldn't begin to explain it if I wanted to.
Sonia!!!! I like her a lot!!!! Additionally, I also like Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, and Hagakure! I thought Aoi and Sakura's friendship was very endearing, so Sakura's death crushed me the most in the first game. It's always painful being a Danganronpa fan because your favorite character has the possibility of getting killed and that's the worst feeling. </3
AAAAAAA Mystic Messenger....... every summer, I play it just so I can get more hourglasses to finally unlock Saeran's route. I'm vaguely familiar with what happens, but even so I need to play it. T_T the same goes for Jumin's route. I want that bad ending!!!! OTL I have played Zen's route so many times in the past because he gives the most hourglasses. He's so engraved in my brain hehe. <3 I love him. And Jaehee!!!! When I played her route, I kept thinking, "Why does she keep friend-zoning us? We're so obviously in love." >:( let Jaehee love the player!!! It's what she deserves. <3 aaaa and Yoosung!! He's the cutest. :D
Mammon is my number one!!!! Something about greedy and pathetic men is just so *chef's kiss,* so it makes sense I'd inevitably simp for Mammon and Azul lol. But then Satan and Belphegor are so !!!!!! When the latter was manipulating us and planning to trick us all along when we found him in the attic. :) oooooo he's the worst. I need him. I should play Obey Me again just to see Mammon and Belphegor hehe. I have no idea what is happening in the story now, but I heard there were new characters added and I also saw a few things regarding Nightbringer! Omg but your comments on Jade and Barbatos... I need them to sit down and have tea together to see who can out-babygirl the other. >:) and if memory serves, Barbatos can see into the future or foretell all possible timelines? If that's the case, WOOOOOOO the yandere potential!!!! orz
Also, the twst characters as the seven deadly sins is such a fun thought to entertain. <3 you're giving me so much brain rot... orz
Thank you for your kind words!!! I will make sure to take care of myself and drink water! Please do the same as well! :D though there are many things I want to write, I am pacing myself and focusing on one fic at a time. ^0^
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floralcrematorium · 9 months
Your idea about this new hetalia week sounds great! Can you tell us more?
Sure! Thanks for the ask! Prepare for rambling
For people seeing this without context, here's a link to my poll with the interest check: hyperlink
I'm thinking about calling it Hetalia Jukebox Week or something. That's my working title for now until/unless I think of something better.
I came up with the idea last night when I realized just how much music makes me Think. I have a WIP NA Bros fic about an event from my personal life I remembered after listening to Mitski's "Brand New City." In a way my Migraines in Margaritaville AU is inspired by "Margaritaville" (though it's more like a pipeline. Margaritaville song -> Margaritaville restaurants -> Ted & Eddy Margaritaville videos -> my NA Bros Margaritaville fic). Hell, just last night I was thinking about how a lyric from a Fall Out Boy song makes me want to write about a messy divorce/infidelity using the line "Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?"
I'm thinking of hosting it in January. I don't want to overlap with anyone else's event so right now I'm thinking of hosting it January 21st-27th or February 18-24th (the latter date isn't ideal though because there are events during the two prior weeks and I don't want anyone to become stressed with all of the events they want to partake in).
Giving us until the end of January also gives time for us to vote on the prompts.
The timeline I'm thinking about is the following:
• I pull together all of the details by the end of this week (10/14) • I set up the event account @hws-jukebox-week with all of the information, rules, and we start doing polls • Poll #1: Lyric submissions (~10/28-11/10) • Poll #2: Prompt voting (~11/12-11/26) • Prompt list is posted ideally on December 1st • Event starts January 21, ends January 28 • I will be reblogging work as I see it during the week and up to two weeks after the end!
I'm thinking that with the prompts, there's 3 options per day. There'll be a general theme connecting them so if people want to use more than one prompt to inspire their work, they can! There's also hyperlinks to the song for each lyric. Here's two examples I've just slapped together:
Day 1 | January 21 (Attraction)
• "Does your husband know the way the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?"
• "I'm gonna show you how this Italian amor"
• "Say my name and his in the same breath, I dare you to say they taste the same"
Day 2 | January 22 (Empowerment)
• "I was born into this, Won't hesitate to use my fists"
• "I made my goddamn self, a product of my own design"
• "Trying to recognize myself when I feel I've been replaced"
I'll make google forms as appropriate, but the initial one will be a form for people to submit the specific lyric they want chosen, give me the song, artist, and a link to a youtube video for the song. Might also be a good idea for what theme you consider the song to be. Maybe when it comes to lyrics submissions, I'll have some themes that you need to provide songs for? Not sure about that yet.
People can use the lyrics as lines in their work, as the title, or just an outline for what happens! It'd also be really cool to see how people transform music into a visual work
What do we think? Some community feedback would be great!
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hetakinkmemeblog · 1 year
it’s a little disheartening to see so many requests but so little fills. i know the original kink meme had a lot of unfulfilled requests, but i feel like the ratio of requests to fills this time around is just completely off. i’m hoping it’s only because this blog is very new.
the idea of the kink meme is that we keep it going ourselves. i’m sure some people in the past JUST requested or JUST filled, but for the most part i think most participants did both. is nobody willing to do that anymore?
from polls, likes on posts, requests on this blog, etc, we can clearly see that the problem isn’t just that hetalia is a small fandom. the problem is maybe, at least half of the people on here are way too embarrassed to create any art (including writing, obviously. i refuse to call it content) whether it’s just self indulgent pieces for themselves, or requests for their fellow hetalians. it makes me so sad.
also the fact that i actually fulfilled a request and yet it has gotten very little engagement is also really discouraging me from wanting to fulfill another haha just joking. sort of
I think it's a lot of things
I think some are sending a large amount of requests. This can make it difficult to see these requests. I noticed that there's a lot of similarly worded requests for the same ships. Not much variety as well.
I do think there's a lot of of embarrassment whene it comes to writing these things.
I've noticed that writing doesn't get much engagement at all except if you are lucky no matter what it is. It can be a bit disheartening but I wouldn't let that stop you from writing
One thing that was disheartening for me to see was someone fill a request and then tell me to delete it because there was a person leaving mean comments because the person wrote rusame instead of amerus. I think that's disheartening because there was always room for slight changes and adjustments in the original kink meme and to get mad at someone who took the time to fill a request is a little disappointing
There just isn't a lot of participation anymore and I don't know if it was a bigger fandom I think there would be. I see art of other fandoms get thousands of notes or kudos but in the Hetalia fandom that just isn't really likely. If I can hit 100 hits on my fics I consider myself lucky.
I do want to see if there's a way to do this better on AO3 because I saw something recently where it was like a thing of prompts for people ( in a way that does not violate AO3 TOS)
Also really depends on what ship you are writing or characters. A USUK fic or event will get way more interaction just because it's USUK if you write for a smaller ship it's more difficult.
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ghosti02art · 6 months
Okay I haven’t written fanfiction in a LONG time but I’m about to jump back in. Purely because I’ve read all I can of my faves, and/or there’s a specific type of pairing I wanna see that doesn’t exist???? Anyways. I’ll make a true Fic Request thing to pin, but for now here’s the gist. And this INCLIDES HEADCANNONS AND BLURBS!
Fandoms I’ll write for:
Bullet Train
Harry Potter (Main Series)
Hogwarts (Marauders Era)
Hogwarts Legacy
Criminal Minds
Markiplier Cinematic Universe
Jacksepticeye Egos
Sherlock (BBC and RDJ Movies)
Fairy Tail
Anyways. The idea I have for now is a Tangerine x Agent! Reader where the reader is some sort of undercover agent? Or maybe was on vacation when the events of Bullet Train took place. Regardless, a Cop reader.
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vampirenaomi · 6 months
Fic author interview! Tagged by @lynne-monstr
Tagging @pengychan @geminiartemis @dandunn @bookshop-cryptid @flo-nelja and honestly whoever sees this and wants to do it. I just tagged the first few people who came to mind when I tried to remember who writes fic.
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
96, but there's a lot on Fanfiction.Net that I haven't double posted, so the number could be a lot bigger.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,513,727, which is honestly more than I expected.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Universal Measure (Lupin polygang)
Fates Entwined (Lupin/Zenigata)
Adjusting Our Course (Lupin/Zenigata)
Nobody Fulfils a Fantasy Like Prussia (Prussia/Romano)
Mortal Sin (Prussia/Romano)
Here you can see the power of writing popular ships because while Lupin fandom is so much smaller than Hetalia, Prussia/Romano was always kind of a niche ship. I think Adjusting Our Course probably got a boost from being a Yuletide exchange fic. I was going to say I'm glad Mortal Sin made it since it's one of my favourites, but it turns out I got it mixed with another porn comedy about this ship. I wrote too many of those, I guess.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try, even if I don't always have more to say than thanks. But sometimes I forget and then feel awkward replying months later.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I almost never write stories where there's an unexpected angsty ending. If the ending is angsty, the whole story is. So maybe I Count the Hours Without You in which Prussia jerks off while thinking about Romano, who's dead.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
There are a lot of happy endings in my stories because my favourite kind of fic is one where there's lots of angst and suffering first, and then a happy ending. I don't know if I can pick one that somehow stands out.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not usually, but there's Hsi Wu Visits the Land of the Dead, which is a Jackie Chan Adventures/Grim Fandango crossover written because I was madly in love with both canons back then. This is over 20 years old (holy shit...) so I honestly don't remember what even happens in it. Reading it would be like reading a stranger's fic.
I'm not much of a crossover fan, but if I had to write one today, it'd be with Jackie Chan Adventures and Kim Possible because I'd love to explore the idea of Jackie and Monkey Fist knowing each other as archeological colleagues.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don't think so.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes, but it's not really something I set out to do. I like using smut as a plot device, like having sex as a way for the characters to express what is going on with them. But I also like funny sex where lots of things go wrong and the characters talk shit to each other the whole way through.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few have been translated. One of my longest friendships actually started when @geminiartemis wanted to translate a long fic of mine into Portuguese.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, @geminiartemis and I wrote some fics together here and I also wrote a fic with Snakelady Frohike1 here. I don't normally like to write with other people because I'm too much of a control freak, but these stories were mostly just fooling around with friends.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
It keeps changing. I can really, truly love only a few things at a time and when I move on, my feelings about previous ships fade, though never fully disappear. But I think nothing has inspired me as much as Prumano did.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The Right Turn of the Road which is a massive Kaiketsu Zorro AU. I got 2/3 of it done, but then I got into Hetalia and it consumed my fannish life for years.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at dialogue and banter. Also set-up. The start is usually the best part in anything I write, especially multi-chapter fics.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I overwrite, especially when it comes to characters' feelings. My editing process is usually deleting multiple paragraphs where I say the same thing over and over, and my fics still feel a little bloated sometimes. Also endings because I can rarely wrap up all the loose ends.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
A few phrases here and there, sure, but if it gets to a point where I have to open a translator in another tab to understand what's going on in the story, I'm out. Uncharitable, perhaps, but I usually end up feeling like the author wants to show off that they know the language.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pokémon. This was before we had good Internet at home, so I wrote stories for myself and saved them on floppy disks.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I have an outline for a Pycal/Kyosuke Mamo fic that I think would be really cool, funny, and emotional, but who knows if I ever get it off the ground.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I've been at this for so long that you can't make me choose.
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