#hes my fav!! i love them big ol eyes!!
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almondpiglet · 11 months ago
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kabru wips as i figure out how i wanna draw him...
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garagepaperback · 10 months ago
What are your favorite drarry fics?
oh. ooooooooooooh oh oh.
here are my staples:
draco, the magic dragon - libbydrew a fic i first read on livejournal (showing off the varnish of my casket here) that i thought about regularly for the almost two decades i fell out of fandom. canon to me tbh. libby invented my draco rubric: proud lil showboat even when everything around him has gone to rancid shit, sarcastic and aloof personality as a poor facade to distract from the big ol' gaping well of hurt.
Potter took a great breath, then let it out slowly – a low whistle between his teeth. "Malfoy, I had no idea. I thought—" "Why are you here?" Draco cut him off before the idiot embarrassed them both. Their shared past was water under the bridge – even if Draco had drowned in it.
nightingale - michi_the_killer
another back-in-my-day fav, even though i can only stand to read half of it. actually even thinking about it is making me stare off in a distance for upwards of three minutes. this one i would hand off wrapped in about a million miles of caution tape. + also a huge fan of michi's gory veela fic.
It was better than fighting, Harry thought, although sometimes he still wanted to rip into Malfoy, to hurt him. Other days, he thought, it was better than anything.
rookie moves - peu_a_peu
what can i say that hasn't already been said - peu is a MASTER. if you somehow know who i am but haven't read this, reassess your life choices through professional means but not until after you dive in.
“Feels kinda big,” Malfoy said, smirking. “For a guy your height.” “My height is average,” Harry said, although he was undeniably glaring upward at Malfoy’s face when they stood so close together. “And it is kinda big.”
stately homes of wiltshire - waspabi another one that crept into my heart and made a home. hard to choose between this and waspabi's other drarry fic, but there's something about the decrepit manor that just does it for me. a perfect harry and draco, perfect soft reaching towards each other.
Draco smiled and dragged Potter from the shop before he could charm any more elderly ladies with his unkept, take-care-of-me-I’m-confused-and-have-nice-shoulders aesthetic. Once outside in the drizzle, he realised he still had his hand around Potter’s forearm. He yanked his hand back immediately.
i wake up falling - warmfoothills
warmfoothills :,) just reading this moniker makes me vision go soft around the edges. their writing has made me out loud, quietly say "oh," multiple times. the prose is darling, this story is such a brief, aching glance. it was also really hard to pick just one (flashback, warm nights i also go in for).
“I love you,” he says, unable to stop himself. Draco blinks, a barely-there flinch, like Harry’s taken a swing at him. “I know,” he says, still oblivious to the reference, oblivious to the way his words scoop right into the meat of Harry’s stupid, hopeful heart. “It’s not enough, is it?” Draco shakes his head. Above, the stars watch unfeelingly on.
the pure and simple truth - lettered no one does dialogue with the mastery lettered does. my GOD. my god. i feel like this fic is drarry perfectly distilled.
“What’s he going to be?” Blaise raised a brow. “Pardon?” “You said he says Hermione should be Minister, and all those other things. What does Malfoy think he should be?” There was something much like pity in Blaise’s eyes. “He thinks he should never, ever be forgiven for the things he’s done.” Harry felt ill. “That’s not fair.” “When has Draco ever been fair?” “I meant―” Harry swallowed hard. “That’s not right.” Blaise looked more pitying still. “When has Draco ever been right?”
far from the tree - aideomai
the writer i avoid talking about the most bc once i start i cannot physically restrain myself from going on about their beauty forever. i sat for forty-five solid minutes frowning, trying to choose between this one and in the hand. and dwelling. okay anyway. i keep a doc of quotes from fics that resonate and it's 50% aideomai.
Draco wondered what Potter thought of this day, in the future the twins came from. If he had told Ginny about it. If he had forgotten it. He couldn’t forget it, could he? It felt burned into Draco’s body already, a final point that he had been moving toward for years without knowing.
i could go on but i think seven is a nice solid number tyvm for this ask!
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jaysscar · 1 month ago
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heart eyes
summary: some valentine's day headcannons for barry, hal, ollie, and jason !! (pure fluff) (688 wrds) (m.list here !!)
notes: so sorry that my ollie fic is coming out late but i PROMISE it's almost done i swear 😭 also tysm for 30 followers !! i wasn't expecting that many people to like the content i post so tysm !! and happy valentine's day to anyone that celebrates <3 also reader's pronouns or specific attributes aren't mentioned, i tried to make this as inclusive as possible <3
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likes valentines day but definitely won’t go ALL OUT like hal or ollie 😭
keeps it simple with a box of chocolates and flowers <3
also makes you breakfast before he leaves for work (I’M GONNA COMBUST STOP HE’S TOO CUTE)
you got him a new tie for work, it’s his fav colour AND fabric (i’ve seen panels of barry wearing ties at work so i THINK this is canon, if not then whtvr :p)
also got him a new pair of running shoes because he goes through them like CRAZY
barry also decided to make a cute homemade card, he’s not the best artist in the world but it’s the thought that counts !!
either takes you out to a restaurant or orders in takeout and watches silly romcoms with you depending on what the both of you agree on <3
you guys watched the notebook and WEPT like AGHH 🥹
y’all fell asleep on the couch watching the proposal (off topic but i HAVE to write a fake dating fic !!)
really enjoys valentines day because it is one of the ONLY times of the year where he can be extra affectionate in public without getting weird stares (LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME THIS MAN ISN’T INTO PDA)
wakes you up with a big ol SMOOCH 😜
jkjk but he actually just covers your face in kisses to wake you up :p 
takes you out on a space date, like seriously he will find a planet that’s just insanely pretty (and not deadly), FLY THE TWO OF YOU THERE and have a PICNIC with you
you get him a new pilot jacket, he literally tweaks when he opens it like i’m being so serious like he’s SO HAPPY
he buys you a new toaster, after 2 years THE TOASTER HAS RETURNED (read green beans and bubbles for context <3)
overall this man went above and beyond for you, like seriously this man loves you SO MUCH like it’s not even funny anymore 💀
was BORN to celebrate valentine's day, like it’s INGRAINED into his dna atp 😭
i mean come ON he’s literally a superhero who shoots ARROWS, is that not your own modern cupid right there??
when i tell you that ollie goes all out, I MEAN IT
he has a whole DAY planned out for the two of you from start to finish
you guys start with making breakfast together :p
then he takes you to a SPA for most of the day and then takes you out for dinner at your fav restaurant 
and when i tell you the spa experience was an 11 outta 10, TRUST ME it was an 11 OUTTA 10 !!
you get him a new bow and arrow set, his heart literally MELTS when he opens it like GAH 😭
solid 12/10 day, NO COMPLAINTS from either of you hehe
so nervous that he’ll mess up valentines day even though you guys have been dating for over 2 years and know about his secret identity 💀
for the day you guys go to a book store and buy a book for each other that the other has been wanting to read (jason i’m gonna need the bell jar, NOW)
will literally be nervous book swapping with you even though he knows he got you the EXACT book that you want, right down to the type of cover art like he just KNOWS
you guys make dinner together and then eat it by candlelight, a classic <3
when dinner is finished jason reads you a poem he wrote about YOU (AHHHH)
when i tell you this man takes poetry to the next level, I MEAN IT
john keats has NOTHING on jason todd thank you very much !!
by the end of it the BOTH of you are crying
you’re crying because the poem is so heartfelt and jason’s crying because he just loves you so much and the poem is just his heart on paper 😭
y’all end the night with dessert and trashy reality tv (no day of the year will stop me from watching my strange addiction idc !!)
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tysm for reading everyone !! also my ollie fic will be posted at 3pm est on the 15th !! hope you guys enjoyed this <33
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antlerchxrms · 4 months ago
haiiii !!!! ur blog seems lovely and i js wanted to share some headcanons!!!
i do think that little glinda would be very clingy, but her favorite things to do are hold pinkys !!! (fav one eekkk!!!!) and lean her head on her mamas shoulder. but i also think she would enjoy gift giving ALOTTT, especially homemade things like making little cards, drawings, or crafts that she definitelyyy made after she finished all her other work. (i hc she likes giving expensive stuff when shes big, js another thing to share.)
if u don’t mind, do you think you could share one???? i wanna know what u think that little glindas nighttime routine would be!!! thank uuuu
YOU THINK MY BLOG IS LOVELY IM SWOONING :DD I am always down to sharing hcs!!
But!! I hope u don’t mind me turning this into hcs cuz I’m in a writing mood :))
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Bedtime headcanons!
- Babygirl is UNBELIEVABLYYY fussy when it comes to bedtime sometimes,, whining and practically throwing a small tantrum if she’s too wound up to go to bed. Elphaba could practically get a headache from it sometimes (she tries not to!! Elphie needs quiet time,,)
- Glinda loves loves loves trying to be independent during bedtime, picking out her whole pajamas and trying to brush her teeth/hair but it takes maybe a couple minutes before she’s calling out for help. “Mamaaaa, need help!” And she just offers Elphaba the toothbrush/hairbrush with big ol’ puppy dog eyes,,,
- has a very specific routine, no matter what, even if in Fiyero’s dorm for a sleepover. It goes; snack, pajamas, teeth then hair and Glinda will have a meltdown if off by even a moment. (She can’t help it :(( trust)
- Fiyero and Elphaba try to help along with her routine as best as they can, even if Glinda is too energetic to slow down, ushering her around gently with small words of encouragement. “Come on, princess, teeth then we can focus on getting a stuffie, hm?”
- insists on sleeping almost on top of one of her caregivers, even if it’s way too hot she needs the contact to feel comfy enough to even doze off a tiiiny bit. Fiyero is not a big cuddler but he tries, he practically like starfishes around the bed and Glinda almost follows him to do so, Elphaba insists on sleeping by the wall because of it. (She has gotten kicked off once, nd it was funny but very annoying to the green witch at 4 in the morning.)
- has practically a whole mountain of stuffies and she needs to give them all goodnight kisses or else she believes they’ll all be veryvery angry at her. Glinda makes Elphaba do it as well, but only to a couple of them, she doesn’t insist on it as heavy as sleeping next to her, they all go by the foot of her bed then!!
- Glinda owns the fancy kind of defusers? Like with the essential oils n everything! Her favorite scents r citrusy, Elphaba’s are lavender, and Fiyero’s is kind of piney! It’s a turn system to who gets to put their little thing in the machine,, or Glinda n Fiyero play rock paper scissors until someone wins to put their preferred scent in!!
- Glinda can sometimes struggle with insomnia? Even being the sleepiest girl ever sometimes it just never comes very easy and it frustrates her to no end,,, Elphaba tried to ease this by bringing her into her lap and reading her stories with the little pop up book of Oz until she feels tired enough to doze off. (It works on both Glinda and Fiyero but he would neverrrrr admit it)
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bunnihxney · 3 months ago
could you pls do some puppy regressed jayce hcs? solo or with any other characters I don’t mind!! 🐶
Puppy!Jayce Hcs!!!
(i may of projected my regression a teeeensy bit :3)
thanks for requesting :D I hope you like it!
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- This big ole baby is just all over, he definitely aims to be regressed as a golden retriever, german shepherd or labrador.
- You sometimes get Viktor or Mel to help you or pupsit. A puppy this big sometimes needs two owners to make sure he’s occupied! :) Especially since sometimes he def is a chewer, certain days his oral fixation just goes off n next thing you know he’s just gnawing at a pillow slowly causing it to break. poor pup want his toys.
- when he pet regresses he love to snack on things that are close to dog food for humans; dry cereal, cookies baked into the shape of dog bones, scooby snacks, beef jerky, etc :3 His collar is nice and simple, having his name engraved with ‘Good pup’ on the back. (I know in the photos they’re like blue, but imagine it’s brown with red accents :P). Sometimes if he wants to be more subtle he can stick to dogtags or necklaces dog bone tags with his name.
- oh he is 100x more clingy with his carer now he follows em even closer, nudges his head against their shoulders when they’re sitting down, and WHINES. he will make the saddest look on his face with his big eyes to get what he wants.
- Head pats, cuddle time and playtime are his favs, loves to have his carer on his tummy too :D. rub his tummy. HE LOVES ITS especially if you’re already on his tummy too, he’ll cuddle you close and inhale the scent of your hair.
- lil mini drabble:
Jayce whimpering on the bed while you work at the desk, he’s so needy for attention as he slides from the bed to come to you. The jingle of his collar alerting you he was coming as you smile looking over, not even a second before getting overtaken by his arms squeezing you. “Jayce…Puppy, I have to finish my work” grumble “But I wanna cuddle..” You couldn’t help but giggle at his clingy behavior, finding it adorable. You move a hand up to pet his head , caressing his jaw as you get him to look you in the eye “Go sit boy, I’ll be in bed soon, okay?” With a big ole pout he obeyed and went to the bed, seeing you half ass your work to get to your boy. Sliding into bed with him as he perks up and shakes his tail in excitement “Cuddle??!” “Cuddle.” Opening your arms to him as he wrapped his arms around your waist and squeezed you against his body, his dopey smile evident as he closed his eyes in content. :D
- If you’re making something for him or just yourself he’ll paw at you and whimper wanting to try a piece of your food. (give him it, he’s a good boy!!)
- Speaking of ‘Good boys’. he LOVES the praise and head pats for being good for you, his hips will sway making the tail he wore wag to show his excitement!!
- Now in the rare occasion he messes up or does something ‘bad’ he does get some cage time BUT his cage is huge and padded :3, his favorite blankies and stuffies are in there with fairy lights. So it’s not the worse punishment but to him it’s the worse because he has to be away from you :(
- Overall this big ole baby is the cutest lil pup (i’d have a playdate wif him!! :D)
these pics I feel give off a good vibe I see him with :3
His tail and ears are nice and fluffy and you help him with maintaining and keeping them nice and fluffy for him :3
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fivestaralien · 9 months ago
my moon and star - fluffy alphabet
jeno x jaemin x fem!chubby reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings+": none!
a.n.// ugh I've had the biggest writers block recently and no motivation so I did this as a way to not pressure myself with writing an it actually kind of helped. I have a few ideas of thing I want to write for this relationship. anyway here is the original post if you want to read the questions and thank you @scealaiscoite for the prompts:) please lmk what y'all think it would mean the world! stay safe everyone<3
-> part one
  a - affection; this one is hard bc they are all vv affectionate with each other but!! jaemin slightly tops over the other two. jaemin and yn are more physical whereas jeno is a little more verbal and he likes receiving physical affection more than giving. 
  b - bed; yn and jaemin share a bed and jeno sleeps in his own room. but if yn asks, jeno will spend the night with them or if yn is away jaemin will ask jeno to sleep in your guy's bed bc he doesn’t like sleeping alone :( yn also does this if jaemin is away.
  c - comfort; when yn is feeling down the boys are immeadietly there to try and make her feel better. jaemin will cuddle with her and let you cry on his shoulder while jeno is getting her fav drink and snacks for them to have a movie night and just be together. when jeno is feeling down he usually keeps to himself, either going to the gym or just hibernating in his room but not for long bc yn and jaemin come in to lend him an ear and hold him tight as he lets out everything he has been holding in. with jaemin he is very open with his emotions so yn and jeno were informed the second he needed some comfort. a night walk to the convenience store is usually the trick to cheer him up and you guys love to mess around on a random playground you see along the way home. 
 d - dates; idk if this comes as a surprise but jeno is definitely the one to plan the most dates. quality time is so important to him and i feel like he is one of those people that doesn’t stop dating his partners even though they are already together(if that makes sense?) dates can vary from going out to dinner, to spending a whole day at the amusement park or just staying at home making a meal and a show they are watching together. 
 e - events; jaemin drags them to every single family event. his parents are the ones yn and jeno are closest to, especially yn and jaemins mom, those two are practically inseparable when they visit each other. yn invites the boys out all the time when she goes out with her friends but they usually decline bc they don’t want to impose, unless her friends bring their partners then they will go. 
 f - fights; in the beginning there were definitely a few fights. mostly about how people would look at their relationship and not being comfortable with being seen as a three yet. but!! as they all got closer and figured out how to overcome this they don’t really fight that much unless its dumb little things that just end with a sorry and a big ol smooch. 
 g - getting together; jeno and jaemin were already kind of together? they just felt like something was missing and then one day yn walks into a party that the boys happen to be at and it was genuinely love at first sight for jeno, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you all night. jaemin did think you were vv cute but it took him a little bit longer to see you as a romantic partner bc he is so protective of jeno. as the three of them got closer they brought up the idea to yn to be together and she was hesitant at first. but yn realizes that the only thing that matters is that they all care and love each other so much. 
 h - hobbies; yn and jaemin loooove photography. the amount of times they go out just to take numerous pictures of everything and anything is… ridiculous. they even drag jeno with them sometimes and he just stands there and lets them pose him how they want. jeno at the start would go out on bike rides, hikes, runs, etc. alone but since jaemin has been bulking up he's been joining him a lot more, yn hates it but if one of them is gone she’ll go with the other if they ask. yn collects trinkets and whenever the boys see something that she might like they don’t hesitate to get it. or! if they are out and she sees one and is hesitant to get it they encourage her to buy it and when yn puts it with her other ones she’s glad that they pushed her to buy it. 
 i - in sickness and in health; all of them are pretty okay with being around each other when sick. yn usually keeps to herself but likes when the boys come in and check up on her every now and then. jeno on the other hand is BABY, yn and jaemin have to prepare for days worth of cuddles, hot foods and cold showers when jeno is ill. jaemin is pretty neutral, sometimes they don’t even know he’s sick bc he just goes about his day like normal but if he’s like death bed sick, he is vv clingy and never lets yn or jeno out of arms reach. 
 j - joker; yn is the easiest to joke around with and will always go along with a bit until they run it to the ground. jaemin is more of a tease with them both but still jokes around and jeno is the unintentionally funny guy that has no clue why yn and jaemin are laughing at what he did or said. 
 k - knowing; jaemin can read them both very easily and catches on pretty quick if something is off. jeno is a bit more reserved with certain things and yn is still learning how to notice when either of the boys are feeling off or holding in emotions. 
 l - lavish; jeno and jaemin love to show yn off. it makes her so shy and still isn’t used to it even after so long. tho yn does like to post a lot about her boys on social media. 
 m - memories; it's a mix between jeno and yn with being the most sentimental. jeno is always saving little notes and gifts that are given to him. he even has a little box under his bed with all the trinkets you have given him bc they reminded her of him and pictures jaemin printed out from past dates and hang outs. yn is more on the feelings side of it. when she is in her feelings and thinking about her boys she does get teary eyed and could talk for hours about how much she loves them and reminisces on past experiences with them. 
 n - nights; the nighttime routine usually isn’t that crazy. after eating they will go into the bathroom and wash their faces and brush their teeth and then depending on whether yn wants to sleep with jeno or not she will kiss them both and they will go to sleep. or if it’s a movie date night they will make a makeshift bed in the living room and all sleep together. 
 o - open; jeno is really the only one that is a little reserved, yn and jaemin are very open with everyone. but! jeno is slowly learning to open up more to the other two when he needs to. 
 p - pda; jaemin can't keep his lips and hands to himself whether that be inside or outside. mans is always kissing your cheeks, lips, shoulders, etc or has his arm around you. jeno loves getting the attention more than giving it so when you're out and about he gets so giddy if you or jaemin initiate anything!!(hes so baby and i love him) yn does get a little shy when receiving but has no problem with holding hands or giving a cheek kiss here and there. 
 q - quiet; yn likes to spend time with them alone at the house usually but if she goes out with friends she does invite them(like i said in E earlier) jeno spends most time outside so he loves being out with his partners more than inside and jaemin is definitely the middle man that goes with whatever but he does sway more to the indoor side of being together. 
 r - romantic; yn is so in love with these two it’s not even funny. she is the biggest sap of them all but the others aren’t that far behind. 
 s - sharing; jaemin is so protective of them both he is so hyper aware of every person that tries to talk either of you up and jaemin is always there to shut it down asap.
 t - terms of endearment; all of them are big on nicknames. yn calls them both honey or baby, jaemin calls yn princess or love. he calls jeno baby or just his name. jeno calls yn pretty, pretty girl and he calls jaemin, jaem and sometimes honey. 
 u - urge; yn is definitely the most impulsive and is pulling both boys into her shenanigans. jeno is the one usually entertaining her bc he just goes along with everything yn does, he can’t help it. 
 v - vacations; they don’t usually take many vacations but when they do it’s a staycation. not really that crazy about traveling out to expensive exotic places. or they will take a trip to jenos parents lake house. 
 w - worthy; jaemin is a bit more insecure at times only because he feels like he doesn’t do enough to satisfy both yn and jeno in the relationship but they often remind him that he does the most in it and needs to take care of himself instead of constantly worrying about everyone else. other than that if anyone has any small insecurities that they voice it is met with immediate care and love. 
 x - xoxo; yn is clingyyy. she will be the one to text and call the most when any of them are away. don’t even get me started on when both jeno and jaemin are away. it’s a crisis for everyone and she makes it known to anyone around her.
 y - yearn; jeno by far misses them the most. ik i just said how clingy yn is but jeno passes her a smidge when he really needs his partners (which is more often than he’d ever admit) just hearing their voices puts his mind at ease. 
z - zealous; jeno was the most excited to add you into the relationship. the second he saw you he knew that you were the missing piece to their hearts. jaemin was a little more hesitant but the look on jenos face sold him bc he knew that he didn’t have to feel guilty about his feelings when jeno clearly felt the same.
my master lists , nct master list
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saltedriceball · 9 months ago
How I imagine the Mystreet characters
Because they’re block-shaped in the show, but my 12 yr old ass imagined them as real people. 🕺
* I mainly kept up with Aphmau when I was 10-12 years old, I fully stopped watching after Mystreet 5 *
* I didn’t watch MCD 🙊 *
*this is mostly PDH (my fav, I was 12)*
It’s just Jess.
Kawaii Chan
Like average height
5’4” ish
Thick thighs save lives
Whole wardrobe is baby pink and white
Idk grown me thinks she was a cam girl (in Mystreet, not Phoenix Drop ✋)
And she made bank too
She’s not very athletic, but she’s just like blessed proportion-wise
Pale, but not as much as portrayed
Idk I always thought she’d actually be Japanese since she uses Japanese terms
Pin straight hair she curls only at the bottom
Like ribbon
Quite tall
Muscular but in like a
~she’s a runner she’s a track star~
Type of way
She just looks athletic
Flat though
Paler than KC
Her hair is wavy-curly naturally
She kinda lets it just flow or it’s in a ponytail
Quite chubby
Idk how anyone watched that show and thought
*man who despises the outdoors, hates exercise, and enjoys sweet things*
“Must be tall and skinny”
The fan art I viewed in middle school legit surprised me.
He was definitely super duper skinny in high school
Adolescent metabolism and all
He is definitely like 5’8”
He is very pale
Does indeed burn almost immediately in the sun
Has an emo boy hair cut
Like Anthony from Smosh way back in the day
He also has piercings: lip, ears (multiple), septum, eyebrow)
Also has tattoos
Freckled, especially on his body
He has random scars from injuries growing up
Inflicted by his brothers
Mostly Garroth
But also quite chubby
Just kinda in the middle
Like 6’
Overall just a big guy
Just looks like he gives good hugs
He also has a beard
Not a big floofy one
But it’s there
He looks very Northern European idk
Has a lot of arm hair, and it’s very blond
So you don’t see it until up close
Also pale
And very freckled
Also wears a watch
And his outfit is the most average outfit for a man
Khaki shorts, a white tee, a plaid button up unbuttoned, a watch, and sneakers
This outfit could be spotted on an elementary schooler’s spring picture day
Or on my literal father 👨🏻
His hair is quite curly
Not in a spiral curl, but more of a wavy-curly way
This man is brown imo
Very tall
Like 6’3”
Super skinny
To where he looks even taller than he is
Just built like that ya know
His hair is a pony tail as an adult
But it was in a Superman sort of curly situation in high achool
I get the vibe he likes being outside
Doesn’t work out, but loves a good hotgirlwalk
A little more like the common fan art of 2016
Tall, but only like 5’10”
Absolute beefcake of a guy
But also like has some body fat
He is not rock hard, but you can see his muscles
I imagine he has thick thighs
Fat ass too
But that’s just how his body fat distributes, so like yeah he has visible abs
Idk that’s all I’ve got
There was enough consistent fanart in my atmosphere at the time that that’s how I imagine him
Never thought too hard about him
His hair is definitely curly
More than Garroths
He has especially big eyes
He’s like lean muscular
Just very average white guy
Like 5’11”
Looks young for his age
Absolute 2014 tumblr girly
Owns something with galaxy print
Very thin
With tig ole bitties
Wears thigh high socks, mini skirts, and tank tops with sweaters
Has the swoopy bangs of the era
Poses in up angle selfies like 🙂
So her head looks like a raindrop in the photo
Edits her ig photos to look more aesthetic
Girl next door
Well done, natural make up
Straightened hair
Smiling a lot
Even if it’s fake
Idk her character that well
Never thought too hard about it
But she’s like supermodel pretty
I only remember high school him
But he was like
Young guy skinny
Like you could see he had arm muscles in a tank top
In an old 5SOS type of way
His head is actually boxy shaped
Like 5’11”
Never thought too hard about adult Ein
Her hair is dyed with spells
It’s styled well, in a Jessica rabbit hairstyle
It’s curled
Body shaped like a coke bottle
Hourglass for days
She’s just hot
Hi why was this cast so white washed
His hair is not naturally black
It’s like medium brown
It’s also straight but he gets it permed
Wears eyeliner
Lots of bracelets and piercings
Tall guy like 6’1”
She spends a lot of money dying her hair that color
Tall like 5’10”
Her dress is floor length
And loose
Could command a room
Barbie doll
Hi Ken
Built like an upside down isosceles triangle
Back muscles for days
Looks like he could do triathlons in Ancient Greece
Like 6’5”
This man is good to look at
Michi but pink
The most golden retriever man you could imagine
Like 6’3”
Athletic muscular
The most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen
Tall like 5’11”
Long legs
Don’t know don’t care
Miscellaneous really
Wasn’t in the show enough
Nick Bean dyed pink
Drake Bell in his Drake and Josh era precisely
No more no less
Except he always has a scarf even if it’s hot out
Aphmau, tall
Button nose
A really petite lady
Her hair is black but with gray sprinkled in
The most smiley lady you ever did see
Mother gothel if you breathed life back into her
Forgot about him for a sec
Ok gears turning
Very calm energy
Idk he wasn’t that relevant for me
Also in the 2014 tumblr girly category
But a little more Bethany Mota with it
A little less galaxy print
A little more Jennxpenn vibes
Wears hella eyeliner
Her outfit is black cutoff jean shorts, an oversized shirt so you can see her white tank top underneath
Her hair is naturally that light
Wears converse only
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goodgirlofglory · 2 years ago
Hey bestie, Happy Fourth of July! ❤️🤍💙🦅
Aka, happy birthday Steven Grant Rogers. 🪖💪
Usually, my go to reads consist of Bucky, but today I am feeling patriotic. So my ask includes reader giving steve a sloppy toppy 😏 💦 under the fireworks after an eventful birthday
But not just any blowjob, this is the first one that steve has gotten in 70+ yrs because he’s a grandpa that didn’t venture out into the modern world until he met reader. So now, he really understands why Bucky enjoyed his time with the ladies back in the 40’s 🇺🇸
And this blowjob in particular has him gripping whatever he can in his fists, has him moaning like a little boy, his mouth drooling, his eyes rolling, his soul leaving his body. 🙉 and reader is just talking him through it like the good girl she is 😊
Anyways, thank you for listening to my slutty asks. I hope you have a good day/evening where you are!! 🌸❤️
Happy birthday to both Steve Rogers and the US of A🎉🎉✨️✨️✨️🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
I'm definitely in my Bucky corner nowadays too, but there's no hardship revisiting dear Stevie boy, so in the name of patriotism, here's a little somethin somethin😉😌
Absolutely LOVE the prompt (and your slutty asks are always a fav)!!! Things got a little out of hand, so Steve ended up reeeallyyy subby in this, but I kinda like it, don't you?
Enjoy, sweetie, have a good day/night wherever you are🫶🫶🦋
In the name of patriotism / One-shot
Pairing: Inexperienced!Sub!Steve Rogers x Experienced!Soft!Domme!reader
Word count: 2,5k
Warnings: SMUUUUTT, oral (m receiving), soft domme reader, semi-public sex (oral behind the trees while there’s a party in the garden, ball-sucking, deepthroating, messy head, cum swallowing woop woop, dirty talk. Steve is very subby in this.
Summary: See delicious prompt above
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“A-are you sure you’re okay w-with missing the f-f-fire-w-works?” he asks again, breath significantly more labored than just a minute ago - when you’d pinned him to the tree and gotten on your bare knees in the grass. 
As you look up at his face, an explosion of glittering gold and red fireworks fills the sky above him, illuminating his strong nose, high cheekbones and blond hair tousled by his own hands raking through it. You consider his words, feeling his bulge throb under your hands - where you have them paused at his zipper. The belt you just undid hangs limp on each side of your hands, signaling how fucking close you are to the one thing you’ve been thinking about for the last hour. 
Another glittering explosion in the sky, this one gold and silver, and his chest is heaving. 
“View’s pretty great from here,” you say, preening as you see his furrowed expression break up in helpless laughter. He shaks his head a little, but his cock throbs again, betraying how he really feels about that comment. 
It was by pure chance you walked by as Steve said it. You’d been on your way back from the bathroom when you’d halted outside the living room in Sam’s house and heard the boy’s talk through the crack in the door.
“Wait, nothing?” Sam asked incredulously. 
Steve’s voice came a moment later, sounding sheepish and maybe a bit abashed. 
“No. Not since the war. Sure, a kiss here and there, but you know me. I don’t get out much,” Steve’d said apologetically, and the resigned way he said it had set something off inside you. 
If there were three thing Steve Rogers was not to feel, it was inadequate, undeserving and unsatisfied. It was the whole reason you’d planned this combined birthday and 4th of July-celebration, goddamn it. For Steve to feel celebrated and loved, surrounded by loved ones, doing things he enjoyed. It had been an absolute banger of an evening, and you just got the idea of how to make the night even better for him. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t completely selfless. You did have a big ol’ crush on the man. Who didn’t? And if he hadn’t had a single sexual encounter in 70+ years, you were the perfet candidate to change that. 
So here you are, knees soaking in the dirt, hands dragging the zipper of his faded, blue jeans all the way down, your own breath growing choppy as you stare at the gray boxers hiding the thing you want most. There is already a wet patch in the fabric, right where the tip of his cock is outlined. Your mouth fucking salivates at the sight. 
He shifts where he stands, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides, and you bask in how impatient he is, how much you can sense he wants it, even if he’s giving you every chance of an out. Polite, chivalrous man - how can he not see you’re dying to gag on his cock behind a tree in Sam’s garden - while the rest of the party’s conveniently occupied watching the fireworks? 
“I just - um - you just have to know I-I-I’m not pressuring you or -” he starts, stuttering so adorably, and his words dies on a gasp of breath as you reach up and lay your hand atop his boxer-clad cock, feeling it jump at the contact. He is so sensitive.
“Don’t you want it?” you ask. It’ll be agony having to tear yourself away at this point, but you’ll do it if he says no of course. You can tell he won’t though. 
“No! I mean yes! I do, I fucking do - God, so much - just-”
“Then be quiet,” you say softly. It’s honestly astounding seeing him so flustered, stumbling over his words like his mind is already going under. Big, strong man, Captain America himself, putty in your hands, fumbling and blushing, and his cock isn’t even out yet. It’s making you fucking soak your panties. 
His head thumps back against the tree and he exhales like he’s relieved. Relieved it’s actually happening despite him doing his part and checking your consent. Like you weren’t the one dragging him into the bushes and telling him to stay still, winking at him while you kneeled before him. 
A small sound escapes him as you pull his boxers down, letting his cock spring free before tucking the band of his boxers all the way under his balls - so you have proper access to him. You’ll accept no less, even given you have little space and even less time to do this before someone’s gonna come looking for you - it’s Steve’s party after all - and you’re the host. 
He’s fucking huge, intimidatingly so, even for you. He’s pale, bright pink on the tip, hair neatly trimmed by the base. He’s long and thick, prominent veins on the underside leading up to a pronounced head with a tight frenulum you can’t wait to tease with the tip of your tongue. You hold him gently by the base as you examine him, and a clear drop of precome trickle out the slit at the tip and down his shaft as you watch. It’s unreal how gorgeous he is. 
“Perfect,” you mutter, mostly to yourself, and meet his eyes as his head whips down to see you. A groan seems to tear itself from him as he lays eyes on you gazing at his cock from eye level. He ducks his head a little, almost like he’s trying to hide from the praise, and you see in the flashing light of the next firework that there’s a tell-tale blush high on his cheekbones. 
Oh, he liked that. 
You take him into your mouth as you hold his gaze, making him pay attention to every inch of himself disappearing slowly in between your lips. His mouth falls open as you work him deeper, tongue working to coat him in spit, cheeks hollowing in to add suction everytime you pull him out. You command he watches it all, and lets you see exactly what it does to him. 
His brows crunch together and rise on his forehead, his mouth gasping wider open, his face contorts almost to a grimace and you eagerly eat it all up as you work your mouth over him again and again. You gasp off him, and he gasps with you, sounding almost pained as you tease him with your tongue, running it from root to tip and back.
He throws his head back only to whip it down seconds later, unable to keep his eyes away from it, body shuddering each time you swipe the tip of your tongue from his frenulum to his tip, swiping at the spittle of precome that it coaxes out each time. 
You’re going pretty slow for someone who has such little time as you do, but you can tell it does it for him. He’s sensitive beyond all reason, and you know just a little more of this and some naughty words will get him right off that edge. 
“You like it?” you ask, moving your mouth down to take his balls into your mouth. 
He chokes on a groan as you latch on to one testicle, rolling it into your mouth and releasing it with a suctioning pop. His hands fists at his side before unclenching and reaching behind him, grabbing at the tree like it can save him. 
“Yes,” he gasps, desperately. 
You take his spit covered cock in your hand and jerk him off, fast and hard right off the bat, watching with preening satisfaction as his eyes clamp shut and his jaw drops, hips shifting restlessly, itching to thrust into your hand like he just can’t help but chase the pleasure. 
“Good. I want you to come for me. Don’t hold back when you reach that edge, give it all to me,” you say, voice deliciously raspy from taking him so deep, and he’s already nodding before you’re halfway through the sentence, putty in your hands. 
The fireworks above are going off full force now, painting the Captain in flashing colours of gold, red, silver, blue, green and purple, illuminating him like a fucking work of art as he gasps and groans, bites his lips red, saliva coating them and running out the side of his mouth to trickle down to his jaw. He’s such an open book, honest, body shameless in its pleasure even as he blushes bright red as he meets your eyes, seeing you staring unabashedly as you keep jerking him, suckling the other testicle. 
You take him back into your mouth, pressing him all the way back and into your throat. He sounds almost alarmed as you take him down your throat again and again, pushing your limits to give him that ultimate pleasure, working what you can’t get into your mouth with a spit covered hand. 
To his credit, he stays almost perfectly still like you told him to, only moving his hips whatever inches he can’t seem to control - and also trembling more and more as he nears his peak, moaning almost continually. 
“Fuck,” he swears at one point, and his hand flies out to tangle in your hair, holding on with a grip that alludes to unmatched violence but keeps to a desperate cling instead, a simple gesture to keep himself grounded. You groan around his cock, encouraging and maybe a bit patronizing, even as you gag around him before pulling off with a gasp. 
“Come on, baby, I’m right here. I want it all,” you say in between suckling and messily kissing the tip of his cock, jerking him for real now, hauling him to the edge. 
He whimpers at your words, and you relish the vulnerability of it, how he gives himself to you so entirely.
“I want your come, sweet thing, I can feel you want to give it to me,” you say, earning another desperate whimper. 
“Be good and come for me. That’s it, I’m right here, give it to me,” you babble, and his hips are thrusting into your wet fist now, mindlessly chasing that edge as his eyes lock with yours, pupils blown wide, mind empty but for your words and his need to come. It’s an absolutely gorgeous fucking sight and you don’t want to go a single day without it from now on. 
You take him back down your throat and he comes fast. How can he not, it’s his first blowie in 70+ years, maybe ever - you haven’t asked him yet. Also, you’d be insulted if he didn’t come fast, given how much work you’re putting in, taking him all the way into your throat and drenching both his cock, balls and your own chin in your saliva. 
You feel the way his muscles tense up long before it happens, like his whole body is going to combust on the spot, and then this tiniest, most vulnerable sound leaves him, like a choked whimper mixed with an almost woeful sigh. And then his cock is pulsing deliciously in your mouth, throbbing as he explodes, and you hum low and long in encouragement as he gives you everything he’s got, shaking and trembling through it all. Bark splinters off the tree he’s pinned against as his fists clench through it, and his cum is thick and salty and perfect on your tongue, coming out in such intense, forceful spurts you nearly choke on it. 
The fireworks are dwindling a bit in the sky, but you can still enjoy the sight of Steve going limp, head thumping back against the tree as he puts a hand through his hair, the other coming forth to cradle your jaw as you keep his throbbing cock in your mouth long after you’ve swallowed all the cum.
You gently release him, coo at him when he hisses from the sensitivity, and tuck him gently back into his pants, doing up the fly and belt before kissing his bulge lovingly, hoping for a swift reunion. 
Ever the gentleman, he helps you with gentle hands as you get up on your feet and before you can really think on what comes next, he’s kissing you. He cradles you close with one arm around your shoulder while the other cups your jaw and his embrace is warm and tender and needy and perfect. You put your arms around his torso, holding him tight and kissing him back, letting his tongue snake into your mouth, loving that he isn’t averse to his own taste. 
You kiss long and sweetly, unrushed, and you think maybe this should’ve come before the blowjob but Steve doesn’t seem too unhappy about the turn of events, turning you around to pin you against the tree as he plasters himself against you.  Are you tripping, or is he hard again? 
The chatter of the party comes back to life, and you break the kiss to murmur against Steve’s lips. 
“We should get back to the rest before they get suspicious.”
“Why?” Steve asks casually, and it’s your time to blush from the blatant lack of care he has for the possibility of people finding you like this. You giggle and slap his chest playfully. 
“Because, it’s your party and I’m the host,” you say, but it’s a nonsense reason. You could just stay like this until everyone’s left and it’d be okay with you. Maybe you could suck him some more. 
“Would you like to stay after? I’d like…um…” he seems to struggle to put to words what he wants, kissing you hard before just saying “more”. 
You giggle again and he smiles against your lips. 
“You’re so good with your words, Captain” you tease. 
He groans and his arms pull at your hips to grind his bulge into your stomach. 
“Nothin' like you. Fuck, that fucking mouth of yours drove me crazy,” he groans, never pulling back more than just enough to get his words out between your mingling breaths. “I’d like to return the favor.”
And a thrill goes up your spine and shivers down it at the promise in his voice, the breathless desire that manifests there, and you nod eagerly just as Sam’s voice cuts through the chatter out in the yard, calling for both you and Steve.
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irisintheafterglow · 2 years ago
End Game #5 (volleyball captain!gojo x you)
summary: your school holds a practice match with kyoto, and two second-years give your team a little trouble.
word count: 3k
cw/tags: language, jjk volleyball au, mentions of food and eating, eventual best friends to lovers (not this chapter BUT WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS I SWEAR), satoru pulls another your mom joke
note: HERE IT IS the long awaited part 5 :D introducing hitter!todo and setter!kamo to rival your fav hitter/setter duos on the tokyo team. long chapter, sorry in advance but i hope you enjoy!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated !! thank you for all of the support you've given this series :)
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“We haven’t held a practice match with Kyoto in years, right?”
“That is correct.”
“And, in that time, have they ever had a different coach?”
“Not that I know of, no.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Nothing, I was just–”
“They’re wondering why ol’ Yoshinobu looks like he was present for the Big Bang.” Your team’s captain finishes your explanation from behind you, much to the amusement of Yaga. You meet his gaze incredulously, silently asking why he wasn’t with the rest of the team warming up. He shrugs and gives you a signature lopsided grin that makes your heart do a somersault. “You’re not wrong, though. That man has more wrinkles than a wet paper towel.” 
Your coach draws his mouth into a tight line to suppress a chuckle. “I cannot disagree.”
“Yaga!” A surprised laugh finally slips past your lips while Satoru settles into his place at your side, casually stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket. His electric-blue eyes survey the players running serve drills, cool and calculated. “Yuta’s floats have improved tremendously,” you comment, and Satoru hums in agreement. His eyes narrow on a ball striking the top edge of the net and barely falling over to the other side. You feel Yaga intake a deep breath in preparation to yell directions, but Satoru beats him to it, airily reminding Yuuji to take a running start before jumping. Your eyebrows subtly raise in surprise seeing him take initiative and you can’t help smiling at him out of the corner of your eye. 
“Shouldn’t you be on the court, capt–” His head snaps in your direction, laser focused on the last word that you cut off just in time. His eyes twinkle with arrogant satisfaction and you stick your tongue out defiantly.
“What was that, my lovely manager?” He cups his hand to his ear and leans in closer, movements animated like a cartoon character. 
You push his body away but he doesn’t budge. “I was asking why you’re not on the court warming up with the rest of the team, stupid.”
He hums skeptically. “Sure.” You roll your eyes and shake your head slightly in exasperation, wishing again for that I am done with Gojo Satoru bumper sticker. Yaga shoots Satoru a look over your head that makes him recoil a little bit, running a hand through his hair. “If you’re really wondering, I’m reading Kyoto’s players.” 
“The third years?” You nod toward the tall players slamming powerful serve after powerful serve toward your team’s side. 
“No, they haven’t been a threat since I was a first-year. Their serves are intimidation tactics.” Your eyebrows furrow confusedly and you track Satoru’s dark eyes. “I’m reading them.” His fingers rest on your head and gently rotate your gaze to two players leisurely prepping serves. In any other situation, you’d swat his hand away, but he was surprisingly correct. It hadn’t occurred to you to analyze the other team; your focus was preoccupied on the improvements of your own players. But, now that they were directly in your line of sight, you were able to properly deduce why Satoru had taken interest in them. “See ‘em now?”
“Yeah, I do.” The one closer to you was an average height but built. Thick, corded muscle ran over his biceps and calves, flexing as he stretched his neck and legs. He bounces the ball he holds on the ground a few times, clapping to himself routinely. Then, when a scan reveals none of your players are watching him, he fires off a serve neatly landing on the backline of the court. Your players don’t blink an eye as they’re still focused on warming up, but you finally understand why Satoru was watching him. His serves were like a bullet, precise and gone in a blink as if he teleported the ball wherever he wanted. 
“Who is he?”
“His name’s Todo. One of two second-year prodigies that’ll carry Kyoto to Nationals if we don’t stop them first.”  
“He’s that good?”
“Him and that one, over there.” He points to a player tucked into the back corner of the gym, spinning the ball on a delicate finger. He was one of the tallest on the team but you didn’t notice him because of his place in the shadows. Cloudy gray eyes shined as his captain announced the start of spiking drills and you gasped when he set the ball with accuracy nearly on-par with Satoru. The ball moved in a straight, unwavering line, like an arrow that halted just in time for a hitter to punch it over the net. “That’s Kamo. Megs and I have known him since middle school. He’s talented, though his family is a little wacky.” 
“Satoru, you can’t just say things like that,” you whisper, begging him to drop the volume of his voice a little.
He doesn’t. “It’s true. Some relatives kicked him and his mom out when he was little.”
“What does that have to do with volleyball?” 
“Nothing. It’s just trivia. We’ll be fine, either way.” He smirks down at you and you understand. Even if he was reading the Kyoto team, he wasn’t worried. He was confident and self-assured as always, but had a certain determination in his eye that told you he wasn’t going to hold back despite it being a practice match. His lean bicep bumps your shoulder reassuringly. “Hey, if you’re nervous, I’ll just piss off Suguru again. Get him fired up, you know?”
You shake your head adamantly, one hand coming up to cover your face as you squeeze your eyes shut at the memory of running practice in Yaga’s absence. “Please do not. I don’t want to have to drag you out by your earlobes again.” 
“You had to do what?” You and Satoru both stiffen, completely forgetting that Yaga was listening to your conversation the entire time. You attempt to stutter out an explanation while your captain makes a quick escape, bowing unceremoniously in salute and running to join the rest of his players. Soon after, Satoru is pulling the team into a huddle, murmuring warnings about Todo and Kamo and reminding everyone that they’re paying for dinner if they lose. However, instead of groans and protests, you watch Satoru light a decisive fire in his players’ eyes by encouraging them to try the new techniques they’ve been working on.
“If you fail,” he said, “that’s okay.” A lanky arm slapped Suguru on the back and another pulled a tense Nanami closer to his side. “We’ll be here to support you. So, don’t lose.” The team’s fists punch up into the air and you beam at their earnestness. Yaga seemed pleased as well, muttering something under his breath about someone finally getting through his stubbornness. 
Kyoto wins the first set, but Tokyo pulls back ahead to snag the second, leaving the third set as a tiebreaker. Between scribbling point counts and player stats in your notebook, you keep a keen eye on the two players Satoru was talking about earlier. Todo was a talented player, though he had an odd habit of clapping for himself before every serve. You also caught Megumi scowling as Todo talked up Yuuji between plays, catching parts of their conversation revolving around tastes in women and TV shows. Kamo, on the other hand, was relatively quiet. He didn’t speak unless it was a recommendation on strategy or directing the ball to a hitter. Megumi was competing head-to-head with Kamo often, despite Satoru’s attempts to draw attention away from his underclassman. He had a weird fascination with Megumi, you could tell, as he targeted him for 90% of his spikes. Todo and Kamo proved to be a threatening duo in the same way Satoru and Suguru or Megumi and Yuuji were; to your amusement, they also bickered just as much. 
During the last break before the third set while you hand out water and towels, Suguru follows behind you like a duckling, waiting for you to have a moment to talk. 
You catch his eye over your shoulder as you drop towels into the laundry basket. “Did I forget that special flavor thing for yours again? I swear I remembered to put it in because of the one that goes in Satoru’s.” 
“What? Oh, no, that’s not what I’m here to talk about.” He crosses his arms and his sharp eyebrows pull together in deep thought, taking a deep breath. 
You tilt your head to the side curiously, concerned about what was irking him so much in the middle of a match. “Is everything okay, Su?”
“Yeah, yeah. Nothing is wrong, I promise.” You raise your eyebrows in anticipation of his explanation. “I was just wondering what you said to Satoru that made him like…that.” 
“Like what?”
“Like acting as a serious captain.” 
“Oh.” You’re speechless for a moment, unable to string together a satisfactory answer. “I just told him that he needed to try a little harder.” It was the truth but for some reason, you still felt you were holding something back. 
“For your sake?”
“No, for the team’s sake. Why would it be for my sake?” Suguru is silent, eyes widening ever so slightly like he’d accidentally revealed a secret, glancing behind you at the open air. You feel confident enough to press further. “Suguru, why would he try more for my sake?” 
In a blink, he schools his face into careful blankness, shrugging nonchalantly. “Don’t know. It was a weird question, sorry.”
“What was a weird question?” Satoru’s voice pipes up from over your shoulder and you jump. “You can’t be asking people weird questions, Suguru. It’s impolite.” 
“You don’t even know the question, idiot.” Indignancy washes over Suguru’s blank features. “What would you know about manners?”
“Ask your mother what she thinks of my manners–”
“Can we please not do this again?” Your hands press against their chests and you laugh nervously. “It’s a miracle all three of us survived last time.”
“Fine. After all…” Satoru’s voice drops to a menacing volume. 
“Kyoto has a set to lose.” 
The third set made you slightly dizzy as both teams were losing stamina. You didn’t know much about Kyoto when it was exhausted, but you knew your team when it was down. Yuuji’s serves started getting closer to the top edge of the net again, Megumi’s sets were messier, and Panda’s blocks were increasingly hole-filled. Suguru glared across the court at the other team, moisture glistening on his forehead from effort. Even Nanami was winded, wiping sweat from the lenses of his glasses and shaking his head furiously to force his mind back into the game. Your team played their hardest, as did their opponents, but a glance at the score showed 12-10 in favor of Kyoto. With only a handful of points left to win, it looked like Tokyo would be paying for dinner. 
Still, as much as they tried, Kyoto was no match for Satoru’s sheer will. 
Where the rest of his team was panting and on the brink of collapsing, Satoru was just getting warmed up. His serves were at their most powerful and his sets stayed accurate as Kamo’s declined in quality. His fists opened and closed as the score tied up at 13-13, a habit he only did when he was ready for a fight. Megumi pulls a ridiculously successful dump that has you cheering from Yaga’s side, pulling Tokyo ahead 14-13. With the last point on the line, you caught Satoru muttering something in Suguru’s ear, to which Suguru’s jaw dropped in disbelief. He shook his head no, continuing to protest at Satoru’s back as his captain broadcasted a hand signal you’d never seen before and prepared possibly the last serve of the match. 
“It’ll be fine, Suguru! We’re the strongest!” He reassures his nauseous-faced hitter as his opponents snicker, and gives you a quick wink before serving the ball at 45% of his power. Your eyebrows skyrocket in shock as Kyoto receives it easily and makes to tie the score again. What the hell was he doing? Was he purposefully trying to tie up the score? Kamo smirks as he gives a practically perfect set to Todo, who blasts it straight down. You flinch and wait for the gut-churning sound of the ball hitting the floor, but it doesn’t come. Yuuji’s forearm slides under the ball just in time, and he rolls to the side. The receive isn’t the cleanest, dropping toward the middle of the court. 
“You better know what you’re doing!” Suguru calls after his captain, who sprints from the back left corner diagonally toward the net. Suguru mirrors this action from the right corner and like a machine, they screech to a stop in the middle and use that momentum to throw themselves up toward the net. With a mischievous grin, Satoru calls out Inumaki’s name, who’s already in the air from the backline as the ball carefully falls into the libero’s outstretched fingers. 
Your body finds itself standing on its own as Inumaki sets it right to Satoru’s open palm where your captain pulls the nastiest cross shot you’d ever witnessed. Your throat rips a shocked scream that blends seamlessly with the rest of the players’ exclamations of awe. Yaga’s mouth hangs open like a fish, as does Yoshinobu’s while your team swarms around their captain. Suguru, from the other end of the net, appears on the verge of passing out but still finds his hand proudly clapped with Inumaki’s. When Satoru’s eyes find yours, you can’t remember the last time he smiled at you so blindingly, nor can you remember a time beaming just as happily.
He skips the joint dinner between Tokyo and Kyoto, humbly excusing himself when you leave and announcing something about walking you home safely. He falls into step next to you, shoes tapping on the sidewalk in sync with yours. 
“You’re not gonna get dinner with the team?” You ask, well aware that he wouldn’t have attended unless you were there too. 
“Meh,” he drawls. “Yuuji can fend for himself for a night against Todo, and Megumi needs to learn to play nice with Kamo.” 
The corner of your mouth turns up and you find yourself admiring the way the moonlight glittered in Satoru’s eyes. “You say as if they’re your children.”
“Are they not? I am a single father.” 
You giggle. “Yeah, you definitely are. I just didn’t think that, with your extroverted ass, you’d skip an outing with such a large group.”
His mouth quirks carefreely, beautiful eyes tracing constellations in the night. “We have a tradition, don’t we?”
“Oh, you’re not going to ask that one person I got mad about the other night?” The words slip from your lips before you can stop them, and Satoru points at you accusingly. 
“So you were mad! I knew it!” 
“You brought up replacing me with some random stranger; of course I was mad!” You point back at him, poking his chest. He cries out in fake pain, flailing his limbs like an octopus. “I like spending time with you, you know. Even when I don’t tell you.” Your voice trails off and you look anywhere but his face, embarrassed. 
You can hear the smirk in his voice. “Yeah, I know. For the record, I like spending time with you too.” He exhales tiredly. “Why’d you think you’re the only one I wanted to get dinner with tonight?”
“Because you like me better than everybody else,” you croon, fluttering your eyelashes dramatically. You expect him to recoil in faux-fear; however, your heart skips as he steps closer and peers down at you. 
“Exactly. Now you’re starting to get it.” His voice is soft with something like exasperation, but the tenderness is gone in a snap. “However, I’d like to do something different tonight, if that’s alright with you.”
Your eyes narrow suspiciously. “Depends on what it is. Are you going to make me eat something I don’t like?”
“No,” he replies, drawing out the last vowel for emphasis. “I’d never.” You look at him skeptically, remembering the time he made you eat a barbecue-flavored cricket. The memory must have occurred to him at the same time and he matches your skeptical expression. “Don’t look at me like that; you said you liked it.” Your mouth opens in retaliation, but he isn’t finished. 
“Let’s go somewhere nicer tonight, not just shitty fast food.”
“I thought you loved shitty fast food.”
“I do, but today is a day of celebration! It demands a different meal than burgers.” He cringes and sticks his tongue out in mock disgust. 
“So, what? You want slightly more expensive burgers?”
“If that’s what you want, sure.” He runs an elegant hand through his hair and you fight the sudden urge to weave your fingers in his. “Let’s go somewhere nice. I’ll even pay.” 
You scoff. “With what money?” He’s quiet again, tilting his head back and forth like a kid caught with too much candy. You understand without a word, mainly because this situation occurred once before. “Satoru!” 
His arms gesture to open air defensively. “It was right there!”
“You don’t remember the last time you stole it?”
“If I recall correctly, he wasn’t that mad that I borrowed it.”
“Yeah, that’s because I was there with you, and don’t try to say it was borrowing! If you weren’t related to him, it would be considered theft.” 
“What dear old dad doesn’t know won’t hurt him, babe.” Your face heats at how easily the pet name slips from his pretty mouth and you pray he doesn’t notice. “So? What do you say? I promise to take full responsibility and also eat anything you don’t like.” His finger crosses an “X” over his heart and you can’t resist the genuine excitement on his face. 
“Fine. But I’m paying for dessert.”
He stamps his foot in childish protest. “That’s not how this–”
“I don’t care if it’s not how it works, Satoru. Consider it payback for not asking that rando to dinner.” 
Even after he walks you home and leaves you a smiling, feeling-filled mess at your windowsill, you’re left wondering who that mystery person is.
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joelmillersdumbslut · 2 years ago
I think it's time you had a pink cloud summer (part one) (joel miller x f!reader) 18+
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summary: After losing your job and moving back to your hometown, you begin a fast-paced and steamy summer romance with your parents' friend, Joel Miller. (no outbreak AU, no use of y/n)
rating: 18+ explicit (minors do NOT interact)
warnings (for this chapter): age gap (reader is in late 20's, joel is in his 50's), dirty talk, pet names, hand kink (if you squint), mutual masturbation, fingering, hand job, soft!joel, dbf!joel, just a mix of smut and fluff
word count: 5.2k
a/n: this is my self-indulgent attempt at a smut and fluff series featuring my fav, joel miller. hope you enjoy it! ♡
ao3 link
You’re a loser. You’ve resigned to that fact. Your career has abruptly ended at the ripe age of twenty-eight. Over a fucking Zoom meeting, of all the ways to be laid off.
We appreciate all the hard work you’ve done for us.
You’re just not the right fit for this company.
We wish you luck with your future endeavors.
The job you fought so hard for. The one you studied and practiced hours for the interviews alone. The late nights spent at the office, weekends of writing emails and checking for messages from your coworkers. All gone in an instant.
After a few days of crying and wallowing in your misery, you call your parents. They drop everything to help you move back to your childhood home in Austin.
Your room is untouched. Pink bedding, unicorn decals on the walls, plastic glow-in-the-dark stars clinging to the ceiling. You cringe and beg your mom to let you paint over it. But, she loves reminiscing about the good ol’ days of your youth, and asks you to think about it before making any “irrational” decisions. You leave it as is. For now.
While you’re hauling the last box from your car to the house, a hand touches your shoulder. You spin around to see a man. Graying hair, scruffy beard, dressed in dirty jeans and a black t-shirt. His biceps protruding through the cloth. Your first thought is how attractive he is. And how he looks so familiar.
“Hey there, remember me?”
You squint at first before it hits you.
“Mr. Miller? I haven’t seen you since… Since I don’t know when,” you set the box down and he embraces you. His cologne fills your nostrils and you take a deep breath, hoping to remember the smell.
“You call me Joel now, we’re both adults, right?” he chuckles.
Joel lets go, his eyes trained on you. “Thought you were livin’ in Dallas. Had you a big girl job.”
Your face falls, you play with your hair nervously, “Well, I did. Guess they had enough of me.”
“Sorry, babygirl,” he mutters, the word knocking the wind out of you. “Sure you’ll find somethin’.”
“Yeah, if you have any leads, let me know,” you laugh awkwardly.
Since when did Joel get so handsome? Was he always this way, but you were too young to notice? Or care? His long, thick fingers comb out the curls in his hair and your heart skips a beat. Salacious thoughts about those fingers run through your mind before Joel’s gravelly voice brings you back down to Earth.
“Your mama invited me over for dinner. Lemme carry that for you.” Joel picks up the box and heads for the door.
“I know it’s weird. Please don’t judge me,” you feel embarrassed at the fact that the hot, older friend of your parents is standing in your childhood bedroom. You feel the urge to rip the decals off the walls, throw the girly bedding out the window. Anything to prove to him you’re not a kid anymore. Your anxiety doesn’t seem to faze him though. He sets the box down on the desk next to your computer, taking in the scenery around him.
“I like the stars,” he says, nodding at the ceiling.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen a night full of real stars,” you admit. “It’s hard to see them in the city.”
A prolonged pause fills the air. Joel raises his eyebrows, looking to test the waters.
“Maybe I could take you,” he murmurs.
“Like, the two of us?” you ask, stepping closer to him.
“Yeah, just like that,” he affirms. He closes the distance between the two of you. You’re standing face to face. Joel reaches out to caress your cheek. Your body is on fire.
“I’d like that,” you hum.
Joel seems to be thinking. Weighing the options of his situation. You bite your lower lip in anticipation.
And before you know it, Joel’s hand is reaching for yours. It happens so suddenly. His lips crash into you. His beard tickling your skin. You reciprocate, kissing him back, your hand clutching his fingers for dear life. You don’t dare pull away. Not yet. His tongue enters your mouth and collides with yours. Instinctively, you moan, and Joel drops your hand to wrap his arms around your body, pulling you even closer to him. You can feel something poking you through his pants. Your hand moves lower and lower and—
“Honey, dinner’s ready! Have you seen Mr. Miller?” your mom’s voice calls from the hallway.
The two of you separate. Quickly. Joel stands beside the desk, the box blocking his lower half from view. You sit on the bed, ignoring the wetness growing between your thighs.
Your mom is now in the doorway, apron tied around her waist. A delighted expression shines on her face. She has no idea what events just transpired in her daughter’s childhood bedroom. And you are going to make sure she never finds out.
“Joel was just helping me with my moving boxes,” your smile is as sweet as saccharine.
The older man gruffs and moves to tousle your hair, “It’s good to have her back.”
You think about his tongue, what it would be like between your thighs. You think about his fingers, wondering what it would feel like if they were to hold your breasts. You think about his cock straining against the denim of his jeans, desperate and hungry. Just for you.
You masturbate all night long.
Thinking of him.
In the morning, you decide to go for a walk. You can’t job hunt. Not yet. Not with your mind clouded like this.
You need to figure out where this is going first.
You head down the street and round the corner. Joel’s house is on the left. It’s Monday, but you hope he’s there. Maybe he took the day off from work. How could anyone be expected to focus after that moment in your bedroom?
He’s waiting for you on the front porch. His hands are occupied with his guitar, morning sunlight gleaming against the wood of the instrument. It reminds you of the way he’d play songs for you when you were a teenager. You would sit on the floor of his living room, watching in awe as his fingers danced across the neck of the guitar. You’re trying to recall what exactly he played for you, maybe it was Bob Dylan or Pink Floyd, but that memory soon escapes your brain when Joel glances up at you. He smiles as you carefully take the steps, each foot landing on the wood with a heavy thud. You cross the porch and sit down on the swing next to him.
“Good morning,” you finally say. Your hands are already shaking. Afraid you read the signals wrong. Terrified he may turn you down.
“What do I owe this pleasure?” he asks, setting the guitar down against the porch railing. His arm envelops your frame, pulling you a little closer. Your heart is nearly beating out of your chest.
Your answer is honest. Straight-forward. Simple.
“I came back for more.”
You find yourself standing in Joel’s living room. It’s been so many years, but it’s just like how you remember it. Knick knacks, magazines, and books spread out across shelves. A record player with a stack of vinyl in the corner. You thumb through the collection, settling on a Soundgarden album. You vaguely remember Joel telling you about them when you were going through your “emo phase.” You had preferred Nirvana instead. Once you slide the record onto the slipmat of the player and drop the needle, the heavy, sludgy rock music fills the air. You turn back to face him.
He’s been watching you intently, a small grin on his face. “Just makin’ yourself at home, huh, babygirl?”
You blush at that word again. It fills you with a warm, fuzzy feeling. One that feels so wrong that it’s got to be right.
“What, you like when I call you that?” he teases, his hand brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What are we doing?” you ask quietly, your skin burning against his slightest touch. You know exactly what you’re doing. You know what’s about to happen in this house. You just want to hear him say it. Make it come to life. Make your fantasy a reality.
“Whatever you want, pretty girl,” he kisses your forehead, moving down to your neck. The small nips and bites he leaves have you aching for more, but you silently pray he doesn’t create any marks for your parents to see. How would you even begin to explain that?
“Is what we’re doing okay?” you mumble between his kisses, fighting off all the moans trying to escape your lips. “What if my parents find out?”
Joel pulls away, holding your hands. His soft brown eyes stare into yours.
“We don’t gotta do anything you don’t wanna do. We’ll go at your pace,” he whispers. “And if they find out, I’ll take care of it. How’s that sound?”
It’s an offer you can’t refuse.
“Ri-right here?” your voice trembles as Joel leads you to the couch. He had suggested you start there before making your way to his bedroom. On one hand, it feels rather adolescent. But on the other hand, there’s something about sneaking around like a couple of teenagers that excites you.
“Remember what I told you,” Joel plants kisses along your hairline as he helps you sit down on the couch. “Whatever you wanna do. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
He heads into the dining room, returning with a chair. He sits across from you, waiting for you to make the first move.
Moments pass. Joel’s hand reaches out, caressing your cheek. You can feel yourself melt as his calloused fingertips brush against your skin.
“It’s—It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything, with anybody,” you say suddenly, mindlessly picking at your fingernails. “Work kept me busy. I guess I don’t… I don’t even know where to start.”
Joel stares at you, deep in thought. Finally, he asks, “You wanna watch me?”
You glance up at him, amused. You’ve never done this with a partner before. Especially not with an older man like Joel. But, you aren’t going to let your lack of experience stop you.
“Okay,” you grin.
At your command, Joel unbuttons his jeans. He slowly pulls the zipper down. You observe his fluid movements as his cock springs from his boxers, and he begins to stroke himself. Soft moans slip away from his lips. He occasionally looks at you to smile.
After a few minutes of watching Joel touch himself, you begin to feel your insides throb. Thinking about how badly you want him. Your nerves dissipate as you remember what he told you. Whatever you want. At your pace. 
“I can’t let you have all the fun,” you giggle as you slip out of your shorts. Joel groans at the sight of you in your underwear.
“Such a pretty thing,” he murmurs, pumping into his hand at a quicker pace. “You gonna play with yourself for me?”
Your hand slips into your panties and you start rubbing your clit. Your fingers moving in slow circles against your already sensitive bud. You whine from your own touch, which causes Joel to crack a smile as he further examines you.
The two of you watch each other. The only sounds in the room consist of your simultaneous labored breathing and the record player needle reaching the end of the vinyl, a dull scratching noise on repeat.
“Can I see you, babygirl?” a whimper breaks away from Joel’s throat. You can see the head of his cock is now glistening in precum. You wonder how close he is.
With a smirk, you kick off your underwear, spreading your legs for him. You swear the old man’s heart stops for just a moment as he stares straight into your dripping pussy. Absolutely hypnotized.
“So pretty,” he exhales, his hand quickening its strokes, “That all for me?”
“It is,” you reply in a hush, “Is that cock all for me?”
“Just for you, babygirl, just for you,” Joel sighs.
You buck your hips as you keep touching yourself. You can feel your orgasm building quickly as you watch Joel. Imagining his cock inside you is pushing you over the edge.
“I think I might cum soon,” you whisper, your fingers moving faster against your clit, fire growing deep inside your belly.
“Can I help you, babygirl?” Joel asks, removing his hand from his cock. You nod frantically, needing something, anything to help you release the tension building inside your body.
The long and thick middle finger of Joel’s hand is suddenly curling up inside you, hitting places you forgot had existed. Places your own fingers can’t even reach. He moves in and out gently. Your body stiffens right as you’re about to let go. You hear Joel mumbling words of encouragement, plenty of them including “babygirl,” as you cum all over his couch, your arousal trickling down the back of your thighs and sticking to the fabric.
Joel follows you soon after. He takes your slick from his finger, using it as lube for his cock. He mutters obscenities as you watch him orgasm, long liquid ropes splattering in the palms of his hands. He breathes heavily in the afterglow, looking up at you to grin. 
“How was that, babygirl?”
You nod, your brain still thinking of his fingers, his cock, his mouth, his everything, unable to find the words you’re looking for. Joel stands up and walks to the kitchen.
You begin looking around for your clothing, not remembering where you had tossed it during all of the commotion. You hear the kitchen sink running as you pull on your underwear, reaching for your shorts next. Once you’re fully dressed again, you make your way to the record player on the other side of the living room and flip the vinyl to the next side. Trying to find excuses to stay a little longer in case he wants you to leave. Your heart sinks, hoping that’s not the case. Hoping you’re more than just material to jack off to.
To your surprise, Joel’s arms wrap around you from behind, and he leans down to kiss you.
“You don’t have anywhere to be, right?” his voice is a little wobbly. You wonder what he’s got to be nervous about. If anything, you feel like you should be the anxious one.
“I was hoping to stay for a while. If that’s okay,” you answer, turning around to face him.
“Good,” his smile is genuine, warm. “I was plannin’ on takin’ you to see the stars.”
When dusk rolls around, Joel leads you to his truck. He holds the door open for you as you settle into the passenger seat with plastic bags filled to the brim with snacks and drinks. You set them on the floorboard and put on your seatbelt as Joel sits down next to you in the driver’s seat. You’re looking through your phone for songs to play on your mini-road trip when you receive a call.
“Shit, it’s my dad,” you mutter, eyes darting between the “Answer” and “Decline” icons on your screen. You never told your parents where you were headed when you left this morning.
“You should tell ‘em where you are,” Joel suggests, turning the key in the ignition to start the vehicle.
“You gotta help me then,” you respond, your eyes full of fear. You aren’t sure how your parents would react if they were to find out you spent the day messing around with their longtime friend. And even though you’re an adult who is capable of making her own decisions, even if that includes developing a relationship with an older man, you're still afraid of their reactions.
“‘Course I will, babygirl,” Joel grips your thigh as you tap on the “Answer” icon.
“Hello?” you try to remain cool and collected when you pick up the phone.
“Honey, where have you been? Your mom and I have been worried sick,” your dad’s voice echoes through the speaker.
“I know, I’m sorry. I lost track of time,” you explain. Not totally a lie. You just won’t tell him what you spent your time doing.
“Where are you?” your dad asks.
You glance at Joel, your eyes pleading for help.
“Don’t worry, she’s with me,” Joel answers. “Found her a temporary job while she’s lookin’.”
“Joel, is that you?” your dad’s voice is drenched in confusion, “What did you find for her to do?”
“Figured she could organize my paperwork and my blueprints,” Joel says calmly. Your eyes light up as you remember Joel’s carpentry business. It’s a good cover.
“Yeah, he needs all the help he can get,” you add with a grin. Joel smiles back at you.
Your dad lets out a sigh of relief, “That’s mighty kind of you, Joel. Just make sure she’s not out too late.”
“Dad, I’m twenty-eight years old. I’m in good hands with… Mr. Miller,” you remark.
“I know, I know. We’ll see you when you get home,” your dad says and the call ends.
You stare at your phone, wondering how the hell you just pulled that off.
“You know, you’re gonna have to actually work for me now,” Joel teases you as he backs the truck out of the driveway, turning onto the street.
“I don’t know, seems like a lot of effort. What exactly do I get out of it?” you joke back at him.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Joel chuckles, his hand reaching for yours as he drives toward the highway.
An hour later, you’re fifty miles outside of Austin. On the way to your destination, Joel tells you about this river with beachside parking that’s great for stargazing. It’s hard to focus on the conversation when his fingers are interlaced with yours. Those same fingers that were touching you just hours earlier. You snap back to reality when Joel squeezes your hand.
It’s pitch black when you pull into the parking lot at the river. The sky is littered with stars and planets and the blinking lights of airplanes flying overhead. Just begging for you to see what wonders it holds.
You climb into the bed of Joel’s truck, laying on your back. You forget about how uncomfortable it is when Joel joins you, his arm wrapping around you.
“See that one right there? That’s Jupiter,” he whispers, his scruff grazing your ear.
“How do you know?” you squint your eyes, trying to see it a little better. A bright blue glowing dot in the nighttime sky. Millions of miles away from you.
“Looked it up before we came here. Wanted to impress you,” Joel sheepishly admits.
Your heart skips a beat as the two of you continue to look up into the atmosphere.
“You know,” Joel breaks the silence, “It’s been about ten years since I last saw you. We got a lot to catch up on.”
“Well, we’ve got all the time in the world now,” you lean over and kiss his nose. It’s hard to see in the dark, but you swear his face briefly turned red.
You nod at one of the clusters of stars in the sky and ask, “Which one is that?”
“Which one? Hard to see with all of ‘em so close together.”
“That one riiiight there,” you smirk, your finger pointing at a star at the very edge of the cluster. All by its lonesome.
“Don’t know,” Joel laughs, “Maybe that could be our star.”
“I like the sound of that,” you murmur, cuddling closer to him.
You spend your days at Joel’s house. He actually puts you to work organizing his carpentry blueprints and filing business paperwork. But, it’s easy and you’re grateful for something to keep you busy. Spending time in Joel’s presence is an added bonus.
It’s been a few weeks since you watched each other. Glimpses of that moment keep swirling around in your mind. You try to focus on alphabetizing Joel’s client list, but all you can think about is the way his hand wrapped around his cock. Sliding up and down his length. You think about how you wish that was your hand instead. You wonder what his skin feels like, you wonder what it tastes like, you wonder what it would feel like inside of you—
“You workin’ hard or hardly workin’?” Joel’s voice disrupts your impure daydreams and you nearly jump out of your seat.
“I’m almost done,” you stammer, spinning around in your chair to face Joel. He’s standing just inside the doorframe of the home office. He’s covered in dirt and sawdust and sweat.
“Gonna take a shower. You wanna hang out when you’re done?” he looks at you expectantly.
You’ve been skipping dinner with your parents a few nights a week to “hang out” with Joel. Which entails making out on his couch, your hands traveling across each other’s clothed bodies, kisses on cheeks and necks and shoulders. Every night, you pray that it leads to something more.
“If you wanna hang out, I’ll be free,” you can feel your face burn, wondering if he has anything special in mind for the two of you tonight. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
“Good. Got a surprise for you.”
Or maybe it’s not.
“We’re here,” Joel puts the truck in park, glancing over at you with an enthusiastic expression.
“A record store?” your face is planted against the glass window of the truck as you marvel at the flashing neon “open” sign hanging on the shop door.
“Thought maybe we could pick out some new albums together,” Joel runs his fingers through his hair, “Since you like my record player so much.”
You beam at him and lean across the console of the truck to hug him. He seems surprised, but returns your embrace, his hand rubbing your back.
“Come on, let’s go!” you break away from him and push open the truck door. Joel scurries after you.
The inside of the store is filled with racks and shelves. The vinyl records are organized by genre, mostly in alphabetical order. A little anarchy seems to exist in certain sections, but what you’re focused on is rock. The bridge that connects you and Joel.
You thumb through the albums whose artists start with the letter “N,” already knowing exactly what you’re looking for. Joel joins you, amusement dancing across his face as he watches you.
“Oh my god, they have it!” you exclaim, carefully sliding a record out from the batch before you.
“What’s that?” Joel scrunches his eyes as you show him the cover.
“Only one of the most monumental albums in history! It’s from when Nirvana played acoustic versions of their songs live on MTV,” you explain quickly, your excitement growing.
“Were you even alive back then?” Joel teases, scanning a stack of records in front of him.
“Can we get it, Joel? Please?” you bat your eyelashes, fully prepared to go all doe-eyed in the case that he tells you to put it back.
“Only if we can get this,” he says, holding up a dark pink album cover with hands and arms reaching up to the text of the band’s name.
“Pearl Jam? You still listen to them?” you smile, remembering that Joel had given you a burned copy of one of their albums when you were in high school. You don’t remember ever listening to it, but now you hope you have it packed away somewhere in one of the moving boxes in your bedroom.
“‘Course I do. You think I’m old or somethin’?”
“You’re not that old,” you playfully punch his arm.
You feel the urge to say something. You’re not sure if the two of you are there yet, but you want to see how he reacts. See if this is going where you think it might be. Better to figure it out now than get your heart broken later on down the line.
“This is probably the best second date ever,” you confess hesitantly.
Joel looks surprised, but not startled. He takes your hand, leading you to the cash register.
“‘Probably?’ Anything I can do to make it the best second date ever?” he asks, a small grin appearing on his face.
“I’m sure you can think of something,” you smirk, relief washing over you.
Once you get back to Joel’s house, you kick off your shoes in front of the door, making your way to the living room. It’s late and you should be home by now. Your parents are probably worried. You know you should hurry home. But, you have to arrange the albums perfectly. You decide to organize Joel’s existing pile into alphabetical order after he admitted to you that he normally leaves the records lying around when he’s not listening to them.
After spending a few minutes getting everything systematized, you finally place Nirvana and Pearl Jam next to each other in the stack, standing back to admire your handiwork. Ever since you lost your job, you’ve been feeling like you don’t have control over anything. But, at least Joel lets you have this with his albums and his paperwork. A little bit of calm amidst turbulence. 
“It’s gettin’ late,” Joel is standing behind you now, “You should probably head home.”
“Yeah,” you respond somewhat sullenly. Spending time with Joel has recently become the highlight of your days. You always manage to find reasons to stay. Because leaving is the hardest part.
“Unless…” Joel begins.
You turn around, your eyes darting between his face and his hands.
“Unless what?” you ask.
Joel’s hand reaches up. He tips your chin as he leans in to kiss you. The press of his lips is soft, doting, sweet. You ache for more. You always do. With him, it’s never enough.
“Can I touch you, babygirl?” he asks between bated breaths. Pulling away, he looks into your eyes. Waiting for your confirmation.
“Please,” you whimper, “Please touch me.”
Joel guides you to the couch, gesturing for you to lay down. You shimmy out of your pants and underwear, letting them pool onto the floor. As soon as you’re on your back against the cushions, Joel climbs on top of you. His kisses are ravenous as he nibbles your collar bones, leaving his mark for you to see, to admire later on when you’re alone.
“You ready?” his hand moves from playing with your breast to just below your belly. He hovers over your sex, waiting for you to give him the word.
“I’m ready.”
“If you don’t wanna do this anymore, you tell me to stop. Okay?” Joel refuses to break eye contact with you until you nod. 
His middle finger easily penetrates you and slips inside your body. A gasp evades your throat and you arch your back. Joel begins to move slowly, his calloused fingertip hitting your sweet spot just right.
“How’s that feel, babygirl?” he asks, kissing your jaw.
“So fucking good,” you murmur, focusing on the pleasure being transmitted from your core to your limbs to your brain to your teeth to your toes.
“Want another one?”
He certainly doesn’t have to ask twice because you’re wildly nodding, silently begging and pleading for more.
“You let me know if it hurts,” Joel adds another finger, sliding deep inside you, pumping in and out a little bit faster now.
“So, so good,” you can already feel your orgasm building, climbing up from deep down inside your depths.
“I know, babygirl, you’re so fucking wet. Just imagine how wet and tight you’ll be when I finally fuck you,” he cooes.
“I want you so bad, Joel,” you whine, panting faster as your body exudes your satisfaction.
“Soon, babygirl, soon. Just focus right here, right here on my fingers. Cum for me.”
And you do. You cum all over the couch, liquid dripping from between your legs. Joel fucks you through it, slowing down once you’ve reached the end. He gently removes his fingers from your pussy, holding them up to his mouth. He sucks on them and you feel desire rise up inside you again. You want him so bad. You feel insatiable.
“You taste so good, babygirl,” he leans down and kisses you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
“Can… Can I touch you?” The words barrel past your lips.
Joel sits up, leaning back against the couch. He unzips his jeans, reaching into his boxers. He eases his cock out. It’s already hard, waiting just for you.
“Come here,” he smiles.
You suddenly sit up, leaning against him. Your hand makes contact with him. The skin is soft and smooth. Just like you had imagined it.
It’s been a long time since you’ve touched another person. So, you mimic what he had done a few weeks earlier. You start out slow, your hand gliding up and down his shaft. You glance up at him to gauge his reaction. Joel is breathing deeply, his eyes closed. Focusing all on you.
“How does it feel?” you question him, your hand moving a little faster now.
“Feels good, babygirl,” he murmurs. His head tilts toward you, his kisses along your neck are driven by desire and lust.
“Bet it would feel better if my pussy was wrapped around you,” you purr mischievously.
That gets a groan out of Joel. His sighs are getting shorter, raspier. He must be reaching the edge.
“You got a mouth on you, you know that?” he teases.
You hurry your hand’s pace, hoping to help Joel arrive at his climax. Your thumb grazes the head of his cock, you can feel arousal dribbling out.
“Doin’ such a good job for me,” Joel moans, “You’re gonna make me cum, babygirl.”
You stroke faster as he releases into your hand, covering your palm in a sticky, ropy substance. You slow down, kissing him on the cheek.
Then you climb into Joel’s lap, holding him close to you. Your chests rising and falling as one. You spend several moments like this. Just existing. Together. Joel’s fingers interlace with yours, combining each other’s fluids.
“I don’t wanna go,” you whisper.
“You don’t have to,” his lips brush against you, “Stay here with me for a little while.”
A little while turns into several hours. Time spent kissing and listening to music and dancing in the living room. You sneak back into your bedroom after 4 a.m. You’re careful not to wake your parents. You wouldn’t even know how to begin to explain the bruises on your skin, the pounding in your chest, the yearning in your heart.
You fall asleep thinking about how losing your job and moving back home originally felt like a death sentence. But, now with Joel, it feels like the beginning of a new life.
And there’s so much yet to experience.
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illegal-spiegel · 1 year ago
Omg can you please do a A-Z nsfw of Jet Black from Cowboy bebop?
ABSOLUETLY BESTIE sorry this took me so long-
genre: smut
warnings: none?
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A is for...
Aftercare - no matter how hard or gentle he goes, this man will always, ALWAYS give godly aftercare. He knows just what you need, even if you didn't know yourself that you needed it. Cuddling, massage, kisses, hot bath/shower, you name it, it's yours.
B is for...
Body Part - his fav body part of yours...hm...probs your ass. I dunno man, he gives me ass man vibes. If not that, maybe your brain? He likes intelligent people, I think. (Don't get me wrong, he could also love himself a himbo/bimbo too).
C is for...
Cum - I think he probably cums a little more than most. Something in my bones is telling me that he's got big ol balls ready for breedin'. That being said, despite the fact that he and Spike don't exactly get to eat the best, I think his cum tastes pretty much like nothing. He probs drinks more water than is recommended, so he's got a pretty healthy taste, color, and consistency.
D is for...
Dick - I just know this man is packing PLEASE GOD PL EA and he's gotta at least be working with seven inches. I envision his dick to be pretty pale like he is, but the tip is probably more of a reddish, purple kinda color. Very veiny and probs also has a bit of girth to him.
E is for...
Experience - at the ripe ol age of thirty-six, my boy has gotten around, lemme tell ya. Yes, he had some long last relationships (like with Alisa), but he still got around. He probably hasn't done some of the more crazier, kinkier stuff, but he's definitely done all of the basics, and then some.
F is for...
Fav position - despite being an ass man, I think he'd like missionary the best. Yes, doggy and all these other positions are great, but I think that at the heart of it all, he's a hopeless romantic who wants to hold your hand, look deeply into your eyes, and whisper sweet nothings to you as he thrusts slowly and deeply inside of you.
G is for...
Goofy - I think he's usually pretty serious when in the sheets with a lover. That's not to say he doesn't have his moments of messing up and being able to laugh at himself, or if you start laughing he'll keep a straight face. He wants you relaxed and to enjoy yourself, so if making small talk/jokes and laughter is the way to do it, so be it :)
H is for...
Hair - similar to his face, I think Jet lets his hair grow out but keeps it maintained. So, it's not a crazy bush down there, but it's also not a clean shave.
I is for...
Intimacy - going back to F, I think Jet prefers to have a connection with someone before taking them to the bedroom. He can have one night stands if he wants, but as a hopeless romantic, I think he'd rather have feelings for the person rather than just attraction.
J is for...
Jerking off - I think his libido is pretty low (at least compared to someone like Spike), so he probably doesn't feel the need to be jacking off all the time. If he doesn't have a partner at the time, he'll probably being doing it a little more than if he had one (especially since I don't think he's too big on random hookups). If he's with someone, I don't think he'd ever jerk off unless you weren't available (as in you're gone, sick, not in the mood, etc). 9/10 though he'll just hold off and wait for whenever you're ready for him (maybe that's why he always cums so much smh).
K is for...
Kink(s) - as I said in E, I can't imagine he's super duper kinky, but I do think that this cool cat has some tricks up his sleeves. As a former cop, definitely has a thing for being restrained (bonus points if it's with handcuffs). He probably also loves being praised and giving praised.
L is for...
Location - Jet's a basic bitch and loves making love in bed. He'll definitely do it in other places (the bathroom is a close second), but he prefers being in a cozy bed with his cutie patootie.
M is for...
Motivation - As cheesy as it sounds, love is what motivates him (and not just in the bedroom). He wants to please you, make you feel good, do whatever it takes to watch your body shake as you cum and scream his name. Whatever he's gotta do to achieve that is just what he's gotta do, no question.
N is for...
NO's - I like to think that Jet is very openminded and willing to try just about anything once (other than the very obvious no's that people usually have). If he can help it though, he'd prefer not to degrade his lover. He's much rather praise you, darling <3
O is for...
Oral - I'm sure I've said it once, and I'll say it again, man's is a god at giving head. There, I said it! With having so much experience, it only makes sense that he'd be good at it. He's gotten all the tricks, tips, comments, and feedback that someone could ever need. He's definitely the type to receive pleasure by giving you pleasure, so he'd much rather go down on you than vice versa.
P is for...
Pace - going back to F yet again, I think he's more of the type to go slow and steady. He'll give you strong thrusts that you'll feel in places deep inside of you that you didn't even know existed. More towards the end when he's getting close, he'll probably start to lose his cool and will start thrusting faster and faster.
Q is for...
Quickie - doesn't really like quickies, but sometimes you just gotta do whatcha gotta do, yanno? Again, he prefers to take his sweet, sweet time, but when living in space as a bounty hunter with three other people and a dog, time isn't always on your side. So, he'll do it if you really need to get off right then and there, but he's usually patient enough to wait until there's more time.
R is for...
Risk - this one is 50/50. Taking risks when it comes to experimenting? Absolutely. As I said, he'll try just about anything once. As for taking risks like doing things out in public, probably not. Again, if you really wanted to, he'd try under the right circumstances for you. As for what he wants, he'd rather be in the safety of his home with no worries or concerns.
S is for...
Stamina - he may not be in his prime anymore, but that doesn't mean the old goat can't get around. He can last for hours, and it's probably due to his police training, years of police work, and, of course, being a bounty hunter. Ever since he was young, he's needed to be ready to go go go, so yeah, he can go go go all night ;)
T is for...
Turn ons - As stated in K, he likes restraints and praise, but for more day to day stuff, I think he's a sucker for skirts, heels, the color red, and nurses. They're all so basic, but I think he's a simple man with simple needs.
U is for...
Unfair - I think Jet is usually pretty fair. He gives his pretty baby their orgasm when they want it, but I think you should be careful what you wish for. He's the type to hear you beg for it, so he'll make sure you get more than enough <3
V is for...
Volume - I think he's fairly quiet in the bedroom when it comes to moaning. Talking he can do the whole time, will be praising you left and right, but I think his noises are more reserved. When he really gets into things, he'll groan and grunt directly into your ear. If you really get him worked up, he let out a sound that's almost like a low growl as he cums. (If you're lucky, he might even let out a needy whine when he cums if it's been a hot minute).
W is for...
Wildcard - random headcanon, but I think if you ever want to make him go harder than usual, degrade you, do something risky in public, literally anything that's out of his usual, Alhaitham you gotta do is flirt with Spike. NOTHING makes his blood boil more than watching you entertain that idiot right in front of him. (Don't do it in a toxic way, of course. Like, don't do it super often or make him feel insecure/worried, and be sure to tell him you're just doing it to rile him up. But yeah...just trust...)
X is for...
X marks the spot - if you wanna make this man jizz in his pants on sight, pay special attention to his scars and whisper/moan how much you love them/him. Like, cradle his face and tell him how handsome he is. Trace the scar on his back and tell him how proud you are of him. Touch the scar he got from saving you and tell him how much you owe him, and how you'll do anything to repay him. Yeah...haha...yeah...that'll do the trick...
Y is for...
Yearning - despite his libido not being that high, this man craves you in every sense of the word. Every waking second, he wants to be with you. He just wants to hold you and kiss you and love you and tell you about his day and show you his bonsai trees and-
Z is for...
zzz... - he usually gets pretty tired post-orgasm, but aftercare is always #1 on his priority list. He's gotta make sure his baby is okay <3 that being said, once said baby is okay, homeboy is CONKING out for at least nine hours LMAO
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Jet
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Tag List: @nojamsss03, @katsuhera ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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darrellenjoyer · 6 months ago
duuude its crazy to think how long ive been following you tbh. you used to be snapcube right?? posting about that blue chalkzone guy?? I remember asking you on anon what being objectum meant and it being the first time I heard it explained, esp in a 'normal' way that wasnt just 'woman marries eiffel tower how crazy haha'
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heres the art in question!! it was a really shitty quick doodle with mspaint so i know i could've done better lol. he looks like a cheese :o) also featuring random squishy blue guy with big ol feets, and an AT-TE [my fav star wars vehicle hehehe] with paws >:3 the big ol squishy feets is how I KNOW it was inspired by you >:D
YES YES!!! and i wasn't snapcube, but i was snapzone and snapsicle for a while :)
i still love chalkzone, and ive been rewatching bits and pieces of it - im gonna do a full rewatch once i get ahold of some more drugs (lol). its crazy how much of it i remember so clearly... my autistic eye is always looking out for little details and chalkzone is absolutely packed full of them.
as a special interest it was a huge comfort during an otherwise completely shitty time of my life, so much so that i was afraid that the show itself would be tainted by memories of just how awful those years were, but i dont feel any of that at all. it was such an unspoilable ray of sunshine in my life im pretty sure nothing could have ruined my love for chalkzone (and especially a certain blue guy) in that moment
im glad i could teach you about objectophilia 🥲 ive been openly objectum since like, 2019? maybe? and its gotten me a fair amount of hate over the years, and for a long time it felt like i was mostly alone in that openness - before more people started coming out, more people started realizing they were objectum and learning what objectum actually means. i feel like there was a big "oohhhhh" moment for a lot of people when they first heard about it, because they finally had a word to describe what they were feeling, and that they arent alone nor are they broken
THIS IS SO CUTE. my objects with big feet era seems like it was just yesterday....... my interests have changed but i promise im still acting completely abnormal about big paws LOL
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saltyfinalboss · 1 year ago
I've never seen wander over yonder and I've never played patapon but I am absolutely in love with your obsession over characters that are just little guy with a big ole' eye. I am going to make it my mission to watch and play these I love the silly little eye guys
thank you that's so sweet!!! wander over yonder is really special to me, it's been forever since i originally watched it and commander peepers has always been my fav he's so funny and cute and insane in the head. if you do actually watch woy/play patapon i hope you have a lot of fun!! I'm very flattered you are considering it :]
also i am glad that i can signal to my followers that im insane abt a character by reblogging posts of them 400 times instead of drawing them cuz i don't have a lot of time to draw stuff lately.
it's not much but here are some peepers doodles/crumbs ! thank you very much for your message!
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im-no-jedi · 2 years ago
TBB headcanons: Love and Affection
hehe... now for the fun headcanons 😏 these are borderline M rated, as I do talk about things like virginity and turn-ons, so uhh look away young’ins!!
also, this is the last of what I had previously written down for fic purposes, so if anyone has a request for more headcanons, feel free to ask!✨
and now, for your amusement, here are my thoughts on the boys’ “preferences”:
Likes giving physical affection; he often shows that he cares through physical touch (placing a hand/hands on others, holding hands, etc), but he has a hard time receiving it (hugs are weird LOL) 
Really loves and enjoys kissing; his smooches range from gentle yet passionate to a starved beast depending on his mood 
Not a virgin; will sleep with someone for mission purposes (like to get info or whatever) or just because he needs to destress (he actually craves intimacy and gets quite horny, but doesn’t prioritize his physical desires most of the time)
Turn ons: playing with his hair, touching/massaging shoulders, neck/jaw kisses, anything with his hands, biting/clawing/scratching 
Things he finds physically attractive: large chest (boob go squish), nice hair (long enough to run his fingers through), hands (especially ones that fit perfectly into his), hips (bonus if ya got good rhythm and can shake ‘em) 
Love languages: acts of service, physical touch, quality time
Does NOT like physical affection, please look but don’t touch 
The very idea of kissing makes him nervous, but he would warm up to it and give the absolute sweetest kisses 💙
Very much a virgin; demiromantic; not opposed to sex but would be classified as asexual 
Turn ons: complimenting his intelligence, anything with his hands (especially massages) 
Things he finds physically attractive: being competent and intelligent (braincells are sexy) 
Love languages: quality time, gifts, words of affirmation
Extremely physically affectionate, loves to both give and receive it in any way, shape, and form
Absolutely LOVES kissing; he gives big, wet smooches and as many of them as he possibly can
Not a virgin; loves getting freaky at the club and needs some good lovin’ every once in a while, you know?
Turn ons: complimenting his appearance/strength, back touches/massages/kisses, body crushing hugs/squeezes (enough that he could feel it), grinding, lap straddling 
Things he finds physically attractive: being stronk (enough to impress him), big booty (he loooooves cake), thicc thighs (thigh go squish), nice smile (and big lips for smooching), cute tummy (any size, he don’t care, he just wanna smooch the tummy) 
Love languages: physical touch, quality time, gifts
Pretends like he hates physical affection but secretly craves it (he touch starved af) 
Enjoys kissing and always makes sure every single one counts; his smooches are precise and calculated, but never devoid of affection 
Not a virgin; is very particular about who he sleeps with (he has very specific needs and must have them met, otherwise hands off)
Turn ons: neck/ear touching/kissing/biting, tongue play, grinding, biting/clawing/scratching 
Things he finds physically attractive: nice legs (long like his are his fav), pretty eyes (he WILL compliment them constantly), hands (and what they’re capable of doing~) 
Love languages: quality time, acts of service, physical touch
Doesn’t mind physical affection, he just doesn’t believe he deserves it because of how he looks (“who could ever learn to love a beast?”) 
Gets flustered at the very thought of kissing, and blushes like crazy every time he gets a smooch; likes receiving them over giving them 
Big ol’ virgin; totally a “wait until marriage” guy (doesn’t judge other people for being frivolous tho, that’s your business not his) 
Turn ons: neck/shoulder massages, anything with his chest (especially kisses and massaging/rubbing), lap straddling 
Things he finds physically attractive: nice hair (mostly cause he misses his own), hips (that fit nicely against his own), nice smile (especially if he can get you to laugh), smaller build (he likes to be the big spoon) 
Love languages: acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time
other headcanons: Physical and Mental Traits | Sleep | Body Stuff
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eclipseberrycake · 2 months ago
Omg I’m giggling Winnie would sooo unironically devour soft tacos. Honestly she was so lonely in that closet that she’d love to befriend everyone (even Shrimpo but that’s currently a work in progress)
All I have of her right now is doodles in my multi subject note back that I do during my lectures LOL. There’s only one other person in my Brit lit 2 class, and it’s an hour 15 minutes. So there’s only so long I can spend actuvely staring at the prof as he goes over romanticism and egocentric bad boys… clearly I was not the audience for these romanticists from the old😭😭😭
Anyone boom take a doodle dump :3
She got big ole eyebrows and I just love them sm
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Also a silly little interaction comic(?) I like to think I’m funny at times </3
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One day she’ll get an actual ref…
ANYWAYS Winnie the werewolf is meant to be a distractor but with a twist, I like the idea of a brawler type toon who can stun twisteds, so like her skill (which mechanically speaking would either have a super duper long cool down or could only be activated once per floor) would give her a brief period of invincibility where she could stun a twisted. The amount of time a twisted is stunned depends on its rarity, with main characters having shorter stun periods and Dandy being an exception because uh… lethal status.
(Now from a story telling perspective this is solely for the purpose so I can imagine her just launching at t pebble during panic and going crazy LOL)
Realistically an ability like this probs wouldn’t even fit in the game but your honor… I love her and this is my whimsy and joy we’re talking about
Uhm onto t-Winnie. Contrary to her more brawny methods of her toon side, t. Winnie is completely harmless! In fact the danger comes not from her own actions per-say but the debuff she’ll apply to players :3
Silence. It’s hard to notice at first, over the chatter of the group and from the mechanical groans of Dandy’s store as he descends back to the depths of whence he came. A few seconds go by in a surprisingly comfortable lull; however it’s as the elevator opens, the fluorescent lightening pouring out from its maw, that the first signs of wrong, wrong, wrong settle.
There is no beeping, there is not the whir of gears, there won’t even be the annoyingly familiar plip plop of ichor machines dripping. Just pure uncomfortable silence.
The silence debuff basically masks all auditory cues and sfx, mechanically speaking this would mean no main character noises if one was spawned on the floor with her as well and no chase sound cue (which means you’d only be able to rely on the eye icon if you were spotted)
It’s supposed to mimic the isolated closet they spent most of their early creation within
It’s meant to be unnerving, and can easily make a simple floor seem all the more difficult because you’re on edge!
(Plus hear me out, blackout with t.pebble, if you didn’t have brightney or vee to scan for twisteds it would be prettttyyyy hard to complete)
T. Winnie’s pathing would also lock onto the closest player by themselves, she’s completely passive and will mainly just stare at you, while also following. So if the closest person was extracting they kinda just stand there like this: 🧍‍♀️LOL
Because winnies a passive toon they don’t have a panic speed/run speed. Plus due to their bigger size she can be quite the slow one so it would be better to just let her roam tbh…
Anywaus perhaps the reason she finds herself sticking to straggler toons is providing her own warped sense of comfort in their ichor twisted mind. That they never got to feel pre twisted!
Is she op… mayhaps but that is why she’s an oc tehe
Anyways I am so sorry for this yapfest oricjaiajsuxu
(Trust I’m drawing all the ocs I’ve got my grubby mittens on them— they are getting drawn…)
me and winnie are besties rn. bet. me and shrimpo fighting rn
thats my fav. part of writing is i can just bs everything including making interacting with the twisted possible. So >:D FLY AWAY WINNIE
embrace the OP. embrace it. We are FREE BESTIE
Alway yap at me trust <3
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darknoverse · 11 months ago
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
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ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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