#hes an asshole but tbf
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samualcheese · 5 months ago
Hey you!!!! Can you draw five :^ 💐☺️ also kool artz
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thank you! Deploy the five bomb. Barnacles
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farshootergotme · 8 months ago
Occasionally I picture Nightwing calling Red Hood "little wing" in front of others and people looking between this huge, 6'0 feet tall man with growing white hair, and then Nightwing, a shorter man who has flawless skin, probably around his 20's, and a fit but not too buff build and they just- don't know what's happening. Is it some kind of inside joke they aren't aware of? Why is Nightwing acting as if he's years older than Red-fucking jacked-Hood?
Nightwing: Little wing, you actually were decent in that fight! I'm impressed.
Hero, who was helping during this fight as well, listening in to the conversation: little...?
Red Hood: Wow, feeling very appreciated right now. Got any other backhanded compliments in there?
Hero: Wait, excuse me-
Nightwing: As a matter of fact-
Red Hood: Nope! I'm outta here. Screw you!
Nightwing: You know you love me!
Red Hood: In your dreams, dickhead!
Nightwing: Hey! We don't use that-
Red Hood: Not listening!
Nightwing: Jeez, kids these days...
Red Hood: I'm an adult and fuck you too!
Nightwing: What? Thought you weren't-
Red Hood: See you never, I'm out.
Hero: ...
Hero: what the actual fuck?
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pooks · 7 months ago
i just had a very hilarious idea
at the end of the WCI arc, when the Retrieval Squad are safe and heading towards Wano, Nami laments that she had somewhat hoped to get the chance to steal some money from Big Mom
and then Ichiji, the madlad, just untucks his shirt and lifts it up. what happens? sacks with Berry and jewelry falls down on the lawn deck
Ichiji casually reveals that that he, just hours before the Whole Cake Wedding Assasination, decided to sneak and raid so much treasure from his and Sanji's sire.
"child support." he simply says. "with interest, of course."
Nami, of course, get Berry sign in her eyes and just says "Ichiji...you know that you're my best friend, right?" and Ichiji just smiles, a real genuine smile for the first time since Dressrosa, and says "of course, Nami dearest. would you have the honor to keep these safely?"
but it's on one condition; Ichiji wants to keep a specific jewelry box that belonged to his and Sanji's mother Sora.
while Nami is busy counting the money, Sanji and Ichiji sits together and looks in their mother's jewelry box, remembering and admiring the beautiful necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets she used to own. there is also old photographs, hand-written notes and small bottles with perfume from the North Blue.
Sanji wanted Nami to have some, but she declined and said she didn't need it. Nami understood perfectly well that it was Ichiji and Sanji's late mother's things
none of them are sure what to do with the jewelry box and its' contents, but Ichiji simply stole it back because he didn't had the heart to leave it behind
also later
Sanji: *cooking lunch* WAIT you stole all that from the treasury and then fought with sacks of gold and jewels in your clothes?! Ichiji: what, like it's hard? *sips wine like an absolute icon*
also bonus
post-Wano, Zoro absolutely threw himself in the ocean for a swim when he saw Sanji wearing his mother's sapphire and gold earrings. the marimo claimed the weather was hot when they were actually closer to a spring island.
Nami called bullshit on that lol
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the---hermit · 4 months ago
oral exam tips
I have at least one other post on exam tips, but they were mainly focused on giving tips on history exams. To me oral exams in academia have been the norm since high school, but I know that in other countries that might no be the case, so I decided to write down a list of advices coming from someone who is quite used to this kind of tests.
If you aren't used to having oral exams, you might need to change your study method, or at least add a few steps. I recently made a post entirely dedicated to my study method, which might be useful for this, but what I suggest is to add a step in which you review things out loud. What I would do is to just sit down with your notes or your materials and pretend to give a lecture on everything. Even better if you have a friend or family member to listen to you, because by having an active listener you will be forced to not skip stuff and have clear explainations, and they might ask you questions or clarifications. Those are always good because that might happen during the exam as well, but also it will help you memorizing those things. I recommend reviewing out loud multiple times. This way you will get more comfortable with the exposition of the topics you will be tested on, and you'll have a chance to find your own "voice".
by finding your own voice I mean finding a good compromise between using your own words to explain things, while still using the correct specific vocabulary of whatever topic you'll be tested on. This is fundamental. You are not there to recite a poem by heart, you are there to show you have understood the topic, that you sat with it and made it yours. You have to show you know how to clearly explain things but also reflect on it, making links with other things, and so on. At the same time there's some academic and specific vocabulary you want to include, because you are not in fact discussing the topic with a friend. So practicing out loud before the exam is good to find a good compromise between these two things.
I kind of mentioned it already, but it is absolutely fundamental to show that you understood the topic and not just memorized it. Whatever you do do not learn things by heart. It's better to be slightly insicure about a specific date, than to repeat your book word by word. And if you practice enough, and are comfortable enough with the informations in general believe me you can work around those things you can't remember perfectly well as you are being tested. Moreover your mark on the exam will be much higher than if you just learn things by heart.
on the very delicate topic of not remembering something specific you have been asked. Don't panic, you can still kind of save it. Whatever happens do not stay silent. There are several things you can do depending on whatever the question is, and I will later tell you a very specific example of something that happened to me. As I said do not panic, surely you will remember about some context on the topic so start by talking about that. As you are giving the context you might start to remember additionals informations, or you might build up enough informations to be able to logically guess whatever you are not remembering correctly. If you are half sure about something go for it, even if it's the wrong info if you contextualise it well enough you'll show you knew about that and it might just be read as a slip of you confusing two things. Now there might be situations in which the question is so direct that you can't do much, it happened to me once during my Greek history exam. I was asked the specific date of an event, and I could not for the love of the gods remember it. You know what I did? I told the professor, I cann't rememebr the exact date, but giving certain informations (that I then explained) I can tell you it was more or less in this half of this century. What I did was admit a fault, but while doing that I showed her that I knew what we were talking about it, I had enough informations on the matter to logically place it on the chronological line and contextualize it, and showed her that I can in fact work with the informations I studied. And at the end of my exam the professor complimented me on those exact things, saying she appreciated seeing me use my brain instead of midlessly memorizing informations I didn't understand.
So whatever happens do not stay silent. Anything is better than that.
Another potentially bad thing that might happen, and believe me it happened to me multiple times, is panicking so bad that you cannot get the words out, or confuse things. You know what happened everytime I found myself in that situation? The professor clearly saw me panicking, and told me to calm down, wait a couple of minutes, get my ideas in order and try again. And I got good grrades despite that in the end. You are under a lot of pressure, because you are giving an exam, and you have to be quick and ready instead of being able to reflect like with a written exam. Professors know that, and they keep it in mind, and they can tell when you are mixing things up because you are nervous, and not because you don't know things. I once had a professor look at me in the eye after i mixed up numbers on two dates twice in a row, and told me I know you know them take two deep breaths and try again. And I did. I have so many personal stories from my previous degree in which professors saw I was nervous and told me that it was okay I just needed to take a minute and breathe, and honestly that was exactly it. It was okay and I really needed to breathe, and then the exam when well.
The best tip I can give on answering questions is to balance the actual answer of the question with additional informations. You want to give context and add more infos to whatever has been asked to you, but you should also try not to lose focus on what was being asked. My personal way of doing this is to structure the answer in three parts: 1. general context that works as an introduction to the actual direct answer 2. the actual answer 3. further additions like more context, comparaisons and links with other topics or informations you had to study. This way you show off you know things, you make sure to show the professor you are not just rambling because you don't know the answer, and finally show you are comfortable enough with the informations to reflect on them and link them to other things. Ideally the professor will stop you while you are speaking, that in my experience is the best possible sign, because they are satisfied with your exposition and want to move onto other things.
So always build up on the answer to the question you have been asked. Never stop at just the information that serves as an aswer. You studied, it's your time to shine and make yourself proud.
Contextualizing your informations is absolutely fundamental no matter what, again because it shows you have a clear idea about what you are talking about. This can mean making a small introduction on the time and place, if you are an historian like me, or maybe give an introduction on the person you are talking about (whether they are an historical figure or a scholar you are talking about). Adding the little informations you weren't asked about is great. You are briefly mentioning an even and know the date? Add it in. Everything is a good addition.
Again I have definitely already mentioned in previous points but showing you are capable of reflect on the topics you are talking about is always a bonus. Make sure that when you are giving personal options or personal reflections you are stating this is your thought, but that is usually appreciated. After a good exposition of a topic you might even get the professor asking you your opinion on certain things. It happened to me multiple times, often I was asked to give an opinion of books I had to study for the exam, and that always prooved as an oportunity to add more informations and as I said show that I could make reflections of my own.
Last thing, that again kind of came out from other points, is that you want to show you are comfortable enough with the topic to be able to jump from one point to the other while reflecting on things or making comparaisons.
I am pretty sure I have forgotten something, but once again if you have specific questions I am happy to help, my inbox is always open. I know people who aren't used to oral exams are very scared of them, but as long as you try to approach it like a normal conversation on the topics you had to study, and you have practiced, things will be fine. To be quite honest with you after years of experience I'd say I very much prefer oral exams to written ones, because you can in a way shape the conversation and bring it to the topics you liked the most, know best. I hope this post was somewhat helpful to someone out there, and good luck if you are about to take an exam!
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sinnbaddie · 6 months ago
Jaykyle relationship in a nutshell really
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muninnhuginn · 23 days ago
One of the things really striking me thus far on my s1 rewatch is how much it's implied that Mark and Petey actively tested their boundaries at Lumon.
We have Mark listing off all the ways Helly could try to get out a message to explain why they wouldn't work along with the accompanying punishments (the "bad soap" and some horrific implications around laxatives if they try to swallow a message). His remark about how Milchick can't always be "nice".
Petey mentions that they'd tried resignation requests and had them rejected as part of his explanation that they'd tried all they could on the inside before trying something else. But it does carry the implication that they'd been discussing this stuff together. Especially given how they were "one of the best office friendships" according to Milchick and the whole peteymark -> markhelly parallels that the show itself asks us to consider.
Mark's reaction to Graner, diving in to take the punishment on Helly's behalf because he knew he could handle it. The fact Petey had a recording of Mark in the Breakroom and the mention that Mark had had the most Wellness sessions. Of course, the Wellness sessions likely have other factors behind them (hi Ms Casey) but the first time we see them used is because Lumon is "worried about Irving". Wellness sessions are used as a pre-punishment as a default, which again, implies some level of "acting out" to get there.
Innie Mark is often portrayed as more naïve than his outie. And, sure, he hasn't got the same grief, but he's still jaded in his own way. He comes off as a yes man in early season one, but a lot of that is because he's tried all the options available to him. And losing his main companion in these endeavours was the final straw. He's gone from having someone alongside him to having no one at all. Irving is a rules stickler and Dylan cares more for the perks than trying to escape. Not just that, but Mark now has someone to take under his own wing in the form of Helly.
So, he buckles down, tries to guide her and protect her from the worst of it all, and lets go of his own attempts to escape. Avoids even thinking too hard about them, because he's Mark and that's what he does. But he still lets it slip in his advice to Helly and his later actions in season one show that he hasn't forgotten. He's just buried his head in the sand until someone is there to tell him to stop being an asshole.
It's not that he discovered how to rebel during season one. It's that he learnt to have hope.
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nessbunnie · 5 months ago
am i the only person who feels like they're missing out on everything
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year ago
also i have a joke in cccr where they’re not understanding how alpha and epsilon are different and doc chimes in to help explain plurality and reminds them all of the pamphlet he made for them and someone (grif) is like oh god do we actually have to learn this shit now and doc is like. well. you could have learned it. for me 🥺
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3-aem · 1 year ago
wild rascal has appeared where he shouldn’t
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corvidcantina · 6 months ago
RIP Nicky Hemmick you would have loved HOT TO GO!
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popponn · 1 year ago
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i am in a really really funny point of my life
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radiaking · 4 months ago
I actually think it’s a crime that no one has hit coop yet……..
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cncity · 4 months ago
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mail dominance is the funniest camp lazlo short you cannot prove me otherwise. love that Lazlo canonly is signed up for billions of junk mail
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terrorbitch · 4 months ago
closed starter for @remaineds
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"careful, babe. if you keep tossing around words like 'asshole' and 'dickhead' when yalking about me, i might fall in love with you."
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getosugurusbangs · 1 year ago
tbh i didn’t really like either of the itoshi brothers much at first, but since then rin has grown on me a lot. he’s still kind of a dickhead to everyone, but i have a lot more appreciation for him than i thought i would. it’s not too too surprising though, considering how weak i am for tragic siblings… (still don’t fuck with sae though. he’s just a complete asshole to me, with no genuinely redeeming qualities)
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brookbee · 1 year ago
it finally happened. some random old dude tried to quiz me about bowie. the moment I’ve been training for.
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