#here is zeke trying to be social
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total-drama-brainrot · 9 months ago
Assistant Noah AU, since Noah isn't a contestant, Ezekiel takes Noah's place as a member of Team Chris...
Ezekiel doesn't lose the stick, so there's no eliminations in the Egyptian Episode...
Ezekiel had become Lindsay's and Beth's platonic BFF, and now has a new better respect for women...
Ezekiel is also a bit smarter, and somehow sees through Alejandro's tricks...
How would Alejandro honestly feel about Ezekiel? 😉
I'll take any oppertunity to "save" Ezekiel from his canon treatment, and having him substitute onto Team Chris in Noah's place is a great idea.
But I don't think Alejandro would like him at all.
You've got to understand; Ezekiel is the equivalent of a very misguided, very lost puppy. He's not exactly sure what's going on at the best of times, and after Island his response to the culture shock between his homelife and his life on reality TV is to adopt a fake "cool" personality from whatever pop culture he's managed to consume... which only serves to make him more insufferable to the people around him than his clueless farmboy demeanour ever did.
Had he retained his pre-Total Drama personality and naivety, then Alejandro would tolerate him, if only as an exploitable pawn (much like Tyler). But it's repeatedly shown in canon that Ezekiel is unpleasent to be around by design. He's talkative and outspoken at the worst times, oftentimes with opinions that aren't exactly palatable, he doesn't understand the concept of personal space and acceptable social behaviour, he smells bad, ect ect. Pair this with him mimicking the stereotypical "rapper" demeanour, and you have the perfect foil for Alejandro's nice guy act.
Because Alejandro is very many things, but patient isn't one of them. At least, not in the context of being around people who annoy him. Just look at his canon relationship with Owen; if he couldn't stand to be around Owen of all people, then he'd really hate Ezekiel.
That's not to say that I think Ezekiel is a hateable character. Quite the opposite, really. He's so interesting to think about from a writer's standpoint, since he has a surprising amount of characterisation for a character who spends the majority of his screentime feral and non-verbal. Just enough to base characterisation on, and just little enough to expand upon in whatever way you'd like and not have it feel out of character.
In the given scenario, I'd have him form a friendship with Owen and and Izzy (by this point in the series he's been educated on how his father's mindset is very outdated and toxic, so he's more than happy to befriend a girl). The two of them aren't concerned with things like "coolness" and social acceptability, which would be a huge part of Zeke's character arc in this season - learning how to accept himself for himself, instead of trying to conform to his skewered perspective of what the media deems "hip".
Pairing this with the somewhat limited but amicable relationship he shares with Lindsay on Team Victory, and the intangiable but nonetheless just as impactful influence of Beth who's stuck on the Aftermath, and suddenly Ezekiel has a whole support system of genuinely kind people who can and will help him learn the ropes of modern society. (Give Ezekiel Friends 2k24‼️)
A direct contrast to Alejandro, who's whole deal is presenting himself as a perfect, infalliable person who doesn't really form any friendships. (Unless you count Heather and maybe Courtney?)
See here's where the two of them play the role of "contrasting narritive foil" for each other. Alejandro and Ezekiel are both fueled by their need to prove themselves by winning, but their methodology is entirely different; Alejandro's game plan is to be as fake and perfect as possible whilst sabotaging the competition and inadvertantly isolating himself, and Ezekiel is just doing his best to play fair whilst learning how to be the most authentic version of himself in the proccess with the help of his friends. (Something something the power of friendship...)
Something to note here: Both of them are trying to prove themselves to their families. Alejandro's trying to prove he can be more than second place (to José, or just in general), and Ezekiel is trying to prove that he can withstand the challenges of the world outside of his family's farm (which he never got the chance to, given he was the first boot of the previous two seasons).
As for Ezekiel being "smarter" and seeing through Alejandro's tricks; I'd like to veto that idea and offer you this instead.
Ezekiel has gullibility and naivety practically woven into the threads of his character, so of course he'd be in the same boat as Owen and Tyler. That is to say, he'd initially be one of Alejandro's most staunch defenders, since he doesn't have the intelligence or the instincts to see past his fake exterior, as Ezekiel isn't worldly enough to know how to spot a fake.
And that's exactly what causes Alejandro's downfall.
As stated before, Ezekiel is annoying by design. Pair his enthusiasm with an idolisation towards Alejandro (for being an objectively strong competitor, or whatever reason you want) and you've got the perfect recipe for Alejandro to blow up at Ezekiel once his already negligable patience snaps. Probably in a scene similar to the confrontation he has with Owen in the Amazon.
All of a sudden, Ezekiel has seen Alejandro's true colours and the rose-tinted glasses he's been blinded by come shattering to the ground - and the knowledge that's been painstakingly imparted onto him by Lindsay and Beth comes into play. Alejandro is a bad guy, just like Zeke's dad.
From then on, Ezekiel is hesitant around Alejandro. Quiet, uncharacteristically so. The sight of unapologetically loud and obtuse Ezekiel being subdued (scared?) of Alejandro has the other contestants beginning to question his performative geniality. If Zeke of all people doesn't trust him, it must be a bad sign.
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titanslayyyer · 9 months ago
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WARNING: Slight NSFW ahead. CNC drinking games with 18+ themes.
chapter one: https://www.tumblr.com/titanslayyyer/754646739748896768/nights-like-this-jean-kirstein?source=share
The next couple of days went by smoothly, consisting of beach picnics, blunt rotations on your deck and target runs to spend money on essentials for your house and of course the little things that are 100% unnecessary. It’s now Wednesday, and you found yourself fiddling with the strings of your acoustic guitar to escape. 
Your hands are relatively soft, but the pads of your fingers on your left hand are hardened and calloused from hours of playing through sleepless nights.
Heavy strings vibrate under your digits as you pluck and handle the strings, humming incoherent and  improvised lyrics under your breath. 
You’ve been writing music nonstop, trying to perfect one little song that you wrote whilst crying your eyes out in the middle of your childhood bedroom. 
The loss of your sister is worn on the wrist that forms chords on each fret—-  sunken, familiar. . they don’t hurt as much as they used to. Your wrist that tells your fingers to finger the strings ache, wearing your latest heartbreak up your wrist and into your blood, most painful when touched. 
You rest your chin on the upper body of your guitar and bite the interior of your cheek, tapping your foot against the hardwood floor. 
There were still a couple of hours before you would leave for Zeke’s, so you drag yourself across the room and set your six string on it’s folding stand and move to search through your heaps of clothes for something more socially acceptable regarding Isla Vista’s standards.
You leave your room and announce your departure, saying your quick goodbye to Mikasa who was sat at the kitchen counter having a snack. Historia was probably with Ymir. 
Passing the living room, you spot Sasha asleep on the couch bundled up in a thick knit blanket with the walking dead playing at a low volume from the tv.
You laugh at her on your way out the door and step off the front stoop, sticking your airpods into your ears and opening up spotify. You press shuffle on Feeble Little Horses’ profile, and begin to make your 20 minute walk to the campus store where your textbooks and other supplies should have been delivered. 
Once you arrive, you’re thankful to be out of the heat and enter into a cool, air conditioned building that smelled of new carpeting.
The campus store is huge, and pretty busy at this time of day with a handful of students grabbing their last minute supplies before their first day of classes in two days.
You find yourself wandering the different sections of the store, eyes taking in all of the college apparel, rows of stickers and graduation cards, and tapestries of your mascot. 
Walking up to the front cash register, a girl around your age works intensely on her laptop. She has short, wavy blonde hair that would stick out in any crowd. Her head bobs up at the immediate sight of you, and she pushed her device to the side. “Hi! How can I help you?” 
“I’m here to pick up my textbooks and labcoat. I got a text yesterday that they were here.” You say, pressing your thumbs together, and giving her  your name. 
She had a familiar look to you, but you figured that you’ve just seen her some random day while riding your bike to and from classes. Could someone even remember somebody like that?
“Okay! Let me go grab them! I remember seeing your name.” She says, bouncing away. In a moment she returns, placing your textbooks down on the counter with a ‘thump’ and putting your neatly folded labcoat on top of it. “Is that it?” 
“It should be. Thank you so much.” You smile, pulling your backpack off of your shoulder and lifting your supplies into it neatly. The weight might kill you on your walk back home. 
“No problem, really.” She chirps happily, squinting at you a bit. “Y’know, I recognize you from somewhere I just can’t put my finger on it.” 
You laugh softly. “God, that’s exactly what I was gonna say!” 
“Hmm.” She ponders for a moment. “Whats your Instagram?” 
You voice over your handle, pulling your phone out of the back pocket of your shorts and opening up the app to see your newest follow request: bitchyhitchy. “Are you Cassies sister?” 
“Oh, yeah.” Your stomach sank a bit, even though you knew it was coming. 
‘Sorry I didn’t mean to. . rehash. Lilley is my older sister, they were like, best friends.” She says. “I’m Hitch, by the way. It’s great to finally meet you!” 
A smile formed on your face. You can briefly remember their relationship, seeing photos of Cassie and Lilley on nearly every post and every snap she sent you. “I’m y/n It’s really nice to meet you too. Oh- and do you know Annie Leonhart by chance?”
“Mhm! I don’t always see a smile on that girl but she’s great. We aren’t all that close but it’s whatevs.” Hitch laughs, leaning onto the counter. “I recognize you from her instagram, too.” 
“I do too.” You chortle, putting your phone away while thinking back to any of Annie’s stories since she doesn’t post. “She really is nice, just quiet but we don’t mind.”
“You’re a marine biology major, right? I noticed your textbook.” She says, pointing down to your backpack next to you on the floor. “I was going to do that but I switched to chemical biology.” She’s definitely a conversationist, finding something new to latch onto whenever she could. . . but it didn’t matter to you because you quite literally had nowhere to go and nothing to do until later.
“Thats awesome! And yeah. I’m super excited– I’ve been wanting to do this for almost my entire life.” You say, and she smiles. “I’m nervous for some of the biology stuff, though.” 
“Oh, don’t be! Professor Hange is the best here. She’s really cool, too and she does lots of extra credit assignments.” Hitch tells you. 
“Lord knows I’ll need that.” You say with a small sigh, looking back to the person behind you in line and bending down to pick up your backpack and lug it onto your shoulders. “I should get goin’. It was nice to meet you!” 
“Absolutely! You have my instagram, I’ll see you around.” She waves you goodbye, watching as you walk out of the campus store and begin your walk back home to drop off your newly acquired items. 
A vibration in your back pocket calls for your attention, and you pull your phone out to two new messages; one from Sasha in your house groupchat and another from Connie in your direct messages.
You select the notification and open it.
Sashaa <33 
chinese food for early dinner?? mama hungry
milkasa liked this message.
You giggle to yourself, typing back quickly.
sounds dope but u cant get drunk on a full stomach :(
Sashaa <33
ujhjj thats what i said early dinner 
Historia Luv! 
sounds good to me ill be back from hanging with Ymir soon
Sashaa <33
i love when we can all agree on something
ill order and we can ride to pick it up since mikasa
is at the gymmmmmm
you liked this message.
You exit out of the groupchat and save reading Connie’s message for later, shoving your phone back in its place and continuing your walk– making sure to put your airpods in so you don’t think too much about the heat and whatever bullshit your friend was usually spitting in a slew of back-to-back texts. 
Out of nowhere, a bicycle and a frame of long brunette hair rushes past you at an alarming speed, causing you to jump back and nearly stumble over yourself. 
“What the fuck, dude?!” You shout angrily as it comes back from down the road, and you notice the face thats sat on the bike. It’s Eren. 
“My bad, ma’am.” He grins, riding circles around you as you try to follow. “Did I scare you?” 
“Shut up.” You hiss, watching closely as his circle tightens so that you don’t actually get run over.
Eren kicks his foot out to stop his bike, gripping onto the handlebars. “Well that’s not very nice.”
“What’s not very nice is you almost killing me.” You tell him.
“You were in my way.” He says with a simple shrug, going back to pedaling rings around you. His speaker dangled from the stem, playing music by Frank Ocean just loud enough for you to hear. 
“Oh, was I?” You raise an eyebrow. “How did you know it was me, anyways?” 
“I didn’t. I just hoped it was.” He tells you.
You stifle a laugh. “That sounds about right. You seem to rely on hope a lot.” 
“I’m a hopeful man with a hopeful plan, Y/n.” Eren rhymes, and you cant help but to cringe. “I was hoping that you would be on your way home so I can offer you a ride.” 
“So, you followed me like a creep is what you’re saying.” You claim.
He shoots you an offended look, using the hair tie on his wrist to tie a section of his hair back into a loose bun.. “How could you speak so ill of me? I’m literally here so you can get home quicker.” 
“That’s still a little weird.” You snicker, putting your hands on your hips. “I’m not so sure if I want a ride now that you’re making yourself seem like a serial killer.” 
“Do you want to continue to walk and risk sunstroke, or what?” He says, cocking his head and standing on the pedals so that you could hop onto the seat of his bike.
“Shut up.” You say, throwing your leg over the seat and wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“That’s what I thought.” He hums, pedaling down the street. This easily turned your normally 20 minute walk into a quick 7 minute bike ride. The tank top he wears flutters a bit with the breeze, wisps of his hair escaping the bun.
As you passed one of your neighbors houses, you spotted Jean– completely shirtless and mowing a lawn while two girls watched him in complete and utter awe. 
The sun beats down onto him– his back, covered in a tattoo of two falcons, soaking in the rays and turning a noticeable tan. Beads of sweat dribble down his forehead and drip onto his chest.
If you weren’t already hot, you’d say you’d felt a heat wave the minute you laid eyes on him. 
You knew he was showing off, he always did. . . but when he looked like that you couldn’t complain. Eren simply scoffs under his breath, knowing damn well that he would do the same thing just for a little bit of pussy. 
You could feel Jeans eyes on you through the darkness of his aviators as you ride past, bending forward to pull the starter cord and get back to work. 
Tearing your eyes away from him once you get too far away to see, you turn your head back to the road ahead. 
After a little bit longer of listening to Erens music, he made a small circle in front of your home before extending the kickstand with his ankle and coming to a halt. 
“See, we made it.” He says.
“I’m surprised you didn’t crash out.” You tease him, dismounting the bike. 
You could no longer feel the warmth of his back, once radiating onto the front of your face since you were so close to him– tits pressed up against his back. 
“So am I, honestly. I need training wheels on this thang.” Eren says, pulling his phone out and pointing the front camera towards you. “Smile.” 
You flip the camera off, and he quickly sends the snap to Connie. “Get the fuck outta here, man. I’ll see you later.” You say, walking towards the front door.
He shouts after you, and you turn back. “Bring lots of alcohol!” 
“Tell that to Zeke!” You reply, watching as he laughs and pedals off towards his own place. 
Eren could be annoying sometimes, but you were glad that you had him in your life. If Sasha hadn’t known him and brought you to his party last year, you wouldn’t have made these years count.
Pushing open the door, you made a bee-line straight to your room. 
The house is completely silent now, and your open window allows in the sounds of seagulls and crashing waves. The built in air conditioning waves against your cheeks while you take your books out and put them on your desk– and your labcoat into your closet.
Walking over to your dresser, you pick out a cd and pop it into the player. . . pressing the play button and then throwing yourself onto your bed.
You hadn’t done that much walking since last year, and your legs were not used to it whatsoever. Hitting the gym was a great idea, but you already got your workout in. 
While laying in your bed, your mind wanders to the upcoming party. 
You hadn’t put yourself out there much since your freshman year, keeping yourself busy by spending time with your friends, working, and taking part in your own hobbies. The last time you did, over the summer, you ended up with the worst heartbreak you’ve experienced. 
There’s still a part of you that almost cries when the subject is touched, but you know you can’t help how head over heels you were for a stupid boy. 
You couldn’t even unsave the Spotify playlist he made you, despite the cover being replaced with a blank wall instead of you in his hat. 
Your eyes flicker to the picture of you and your sister on your nightstand, and a sigh falls from your lips.
Wherever Cassie was, she was probably shouting at you calling you a ‘dumbass bitch!’ hoping you would hear her and come to your senses. 
She would always make fun of your choice of men, and the last one was probably no different. She’d probably be even more upset if she saw the way you looked at Jean earlier today, when she’d be right next to you on the same boat.
Countless of times she told you– “dont fall for a man who doesn’t give a shit about you.” and countless of times you didn’t listen. 
This wasn’t one of those times, because you could care less about Jean and who he takes to bed with him every night.
7:30 came, and you and Historia are getting ready in your shared bathroom. “Summer Love” by Justin Timberlake plays on the speaker, Sasha and Mikasa sneaking in to steal products every now and then.
You’re dressed in light grey sweatpants, a tiny black top that could be classified as a bra and your tennis shoes. You didn’t want to be uncomfortable, but of course you needed to look good. 
“Where the fuuuck are my SHOES?” Sasha yells, speed-walking around the entire house and passing by your door around 50 times, all while you’re trying your best to stay focused. You’re drawing Historia’s eyeliner on as she had done for you, long and sharp. 
She knew it would be gone by the end of the night, but she still wanted to look good for Ymir who would also be attending the party, so you don’t blame her. 
“You guys ready?” Mikasa asks, popping her head into the bathroom and snapping her small blush container shut. 
“Yes ma’am.” You reply, shutting your eyeliner up and moving away from Historia to allow her to jump down from the counter.
Quickly, you run to your room and grab your purse you bring with you whenever you go out, especially to a party—- small enough to fit your phone, keys, and your thin wallet with your debit card and a little bit of cash. 
When everyone is situated, you shut off the lights to the house and the four of you women walk out to your jeep and get in. In the front seat, you throw one of your hoodies from the passenger seat all the way to the trunk without fail and start up the engine with a sputter then a pretty purr. 
You turn on the radio and roll all the windows down, pulling out of your driveway and riding down the street.
The house is an unfortunate 20 minutes away from campus, but with the amount of bodies that are there on your snapmap, you knew nobody minded.
This was thanks to the sophisticated DD role someone in a friend group took on (for the most part.)
Zeke’s street is dimly lit by scattered lamp posts and his home is quite luxurious, hidden in the forest-y hills of Santa Barbara. 
Cars are parked all around his governors driveway, Zeke’s white porsche among them with a group of kids sitting on the hood– one of two of his vehicles. 
College students of all ages file in and out of the house, chatting near the door sipping liquid from red solo cups. 
You let the girls get out of the car while you found a place to park a little bit down the road, since there was little to no room anywhere near everybody else. 
You can hear the loud music playing from inside the house as you walk back, passing by a group of senior basketball boys who look you up and down. 
The minute you stepped foot through the front door, strong smells of marijuana and alcohol fill your nose and overstimulate your senses. There are people all over the house as per usual, a significant amount packed into the living room and kitchen.
Handfuls of familiar faces are among you as well as the ones you’ve never seen in your life as you walked through the house to locate your friends, mind swimming through thick waves on anticipation.
“Yo, Y/n! Over here.” You hear somebody call your name, and see Reiner, a couple of feet away with Armin and Bertholdt. Annie sits below them, sat on the hearth of the fireplace and taking a long hit of her elfbar without another care in the world. 
You walk over, receiving your fair share of dap-ups, while Bert gives you a friendly hello. “Whats up, Rei. I haven’t seen you around much.” 
He laughs. “Work ‘nd gym.” He says simply, taking a sip of his Smirnoff– poured into a cup rather than drinking straight from the bottle, which he’s done shamelessly. 
“It’s like he doesn’t know anything else.” Annie smirks.
“Can a man not enjoy the grind?” He asks, and Armin looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
Bert chimes in. “We aren’t saying that, we’re just saying that you’re gonna be real upset when you injure your tendon.” 
“I’m not gonna fuck up a tendon.” Reiner scoffs, opening up his phone.
“Go ahead and keep believin’ that, bud.” Armin sneers.
“Do you think he even knows what that is?” Annie whispers with a small laugh, nudging you with the side of her elbow. . . a valid question. 
“Absolutely not.” You chuckle, shaking your head and motioning for her to pass the vape to you– which she hands you nonchalantly.
You hum, taking a hit of the strawberry-banana disposable and turning your head to exhale the smoke before handing it back to Annie below you. 
“Where’s Zeke tonight, ay?” You ask, looking around the crowded house with zero view of the bearded man anywhere. 
“You know him– always on the move.” Bertholdt says, rolling his eyes. He towers over all of you guys quite scarily– wearing a size 14 shoe, the largest on the basketball team and probably one of the most skilled.
Zeke, on the other hand, was truly a character. He has a life that even Eren knows little about, but chooses not to question him. 
Needless to say, he’s a very private man.
When he’s not in Santa Barbara and giving up his house to rowdy teenagers, he’s cruising down the coast on the way to another business trip. 
“As always.” Armin hums, arms in their usual crossed position. 
There was a bit of senseless chatting between the five of you before your name is yelled by Sasha from across the room. She’s racing towards you, giving you no time to react when she clashes into your side and pulls you away from your conversation without saying a single word. 
Sasha speaks sincerely, putting both of her hands onto your shoulders and holding them firmly. “Y/n, I just met the most amazing guy. I think he’s my soulmate. You HAVE to meet him.” 
“Oh, yeah, y/n, where have you been? Would you like a drink?” You tease, and she shakes her head.
“Sorry, I love you! I’m a lil’ bit excited.” She says, pulling you to her side as she begins walking out of the living room.
You smile, throwing your arm around her shoulder and looking to her. “I can tell. So, whose this soulmate?” 
“His name is Niccolo and he’s a fuckin’ Greek God, bro.” She says a bit quietly as you went through the open glass doors and into the large backyard. 
“Okay, then.” You reply a bit curiously. 
There’s a small patio with a seating area and a grill, decorated with an array of native plants. 
A large pool with a built in hottub sits right in the center, the back wall overlooking the brief wilderness surrounding his house and almost all of Santa Barbara from Goleta down to the Mesa. 
A blanket of the deepest blue covers the sky now, scattered stars twinkling when you look up. 
When you turn the corner, there’s a group of guys and girls sat in wicker chairs around a firepit and you know almost immediately which one is him.
“Niccolo! This is my best friend, Y/n.” Sasha says happily, and he stands up so she can speak into his ear. “She’s the one who makes killer margaritas.” 
“Better than me?” He chuckles, extending a hand for you to take– which you do. “I’m not sure about that.”
“Better than you, at least.” You wink, looking over to Sasha who beams besides him. 
He has wavy blonde hair that falls a bit messily onto his forehead, and a light sunburn that brushes the tips of his cheeks from being in the sun too long. 
Niccolos’ arms are tanned and toned, he sports a UCSB Gauchos swim team shirt and a dogtag hanging round his neck.
You could see why Sasha had fallen head-over-heels so quickly, though she seemed to be crushing on a new guy nearly everyday– whether he’s located right here in Santa Barbara and she spotted him riding his bike down the street, or a man she found from Europe on Tinder. 
Despite this, Sasha wouldn’t dare be caught dead as a hopeless romantic. You’ll find her chasing a party bus, but never a man who isn’t worth her time. 
In this case? You weren’t sure what to expect. 
Sometimes she’s too friendly.
“Can i get you two drinks?” Niccoloo asks, clasping his hands together behind his back. 
“God, yes.” Sasha groans, hooking onto his arm. “You comin’, Y/n?” 
“Absolutely.” You say, following the two of them as they walk. 
He escorts her as if she were a princess, and she can’t help but look back at you and mouth ‘oh my god!’ You laugh under your breath, sneaking through packed-together bodies on your way back to the kitchen where less people are all mashed together. 
There are bottles of all sorts spread across the kitchen counter, as well as stacks of multicolored solo cups and a bowl of spiked punch in the corner. 
Boxes of different canned liquors are shoved into the trashcan, and party shooters lined up neatly.
If you were being honest, the Jaegers’ have really outdone themselves this time. 
You pour yourself a cup of Malibu Rum Pink Lemonade while Sasha and Niccolo talk away besides you, somehow finding something to yap about every four and a half minutes with you chiming in whenever you could. 
Your phone suddenly vibrated in your pocket, and you lower your cup from your lips to see who it was from. 
1 new message from Eren
You tap on the notification and type in your passcode, looking at the quickly sent message.
beer pong ur on my team hurry 
sent with echo
You tap Sasha on the shoulder, and she turns to look at you– staring at the text as you show her. She smirks. “Oh, fuck yeah.”
“Lets go, then.” You say, pressing and hold the text to like it before shoving the phone back into your pocket and dragging Sasha with you– Niccolo close behind. 
You and Sasha quickly squeeze through people at a small jog to get outside where a small crowd has gathered to watch beer pong, set up on the lawn on top of an old surfboard of Zeke’s. Connie is sat a little further back between the two of them to spectate the match on a barstool to play the role of a referee with Armin at his side. 
Eren stands at one end dripping wet, pouring bud light into each of the 16 cups on his side. He spots you, and motions you over. “There you are.”
“You think I’m gonna miss this?” You raise an eyebrow and he laughs.
“I know you too well.” He says with a grin. 
You had played with and against each other at about 20 different beer pong matches last year, not once passing up on the opportunity you favored over any other. 
“Sasha, you wanna be on our team?” You ask, and she nods excitedly.
“Uhm, duh.” She says, walking over to you two. “Niccolo, what about you?” 
“I’ll just watch.” He says, putting his hand on her shoulder as he passes by to go stand near Connie.. 
Armin quickly jumps in, shouting to be heard and fist-bumping Eren. “I’m playing!” 
The pair of them were school-wide beer pong champions, and were currently on the longest winning streak that anyone at UCSB had ever seen. This has gone so far that they were even gifted 3d printed medals for the “tournament” last May. 
Across the surfboard, Jean Kirstein of all people stands with a sneer on his face, tossing a ping pong ball from one hand to another. He keeps his eyes on you just like he did earlier today while mowing the lawn. 
You hadn’t even seen him around the house, and you know damn well you would’ve noticed that face. 
“Let’s get this shit started, shall we?” Connie announces loudly, gaining everybodys attention from your teams to the small crowd of spectators. “Ahem. Team one lead by Eren is Armin, Y/n and Sasha. . . Team two, lead by Jean, is Historia, Reiner, and Mikasa.” 
He then goes on to explain the rules; each player on their team must take a shot until all cups are gone, ball goes in? cup is removed. If you miss you get a redemption throw and so on. 
“Can we get a move on?!” a voice yells, and Connie stands up to shout back profanities before sitting back down on his stool.
“Fuck you all. Here’s a quarter.” Connie says, digging through his back pocket and tossing the coin to Jean. 
“Remember! If you make a shot, you have to pick a truth or dare card for your opponent! They are not for the faint of heart! If you bitch, you have to suffer my choice of punishment.” Connie announces.
He holds up a stack of cards, a variety of truths and dares shuffled into the mix as Eren and Jean close in on each other and shake hands. 
“Where’ve you been, man? Dipping on your friends for some pussy?” Eren says harshly, playfully referencing to his absence at your recent get-togethers for a local hookup. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Jean says with a look of contempt, claiming heads.
“I just think there are some more important things.” Eren says with a shrug of his shoulders and claiming tails. In a moment, they flip. 
The quarter seems to turn in the air for hours, all eyes on the little piece of silver copper. 
The tension in the backyard is high, and all hearts seem to stop thumping as it falls in the palm of Eren’s hand. 
He slowly uncups his hand and reveals the quarter: tails facing the sky. 
“Thats too bad.” Eren pouts mockingly to Jean, flipping the coin on his thumb and catching it only to toss it to one of his friends standing nearby. 
Eren steps up to the board across from Mikasa who watches intensely.
He picks up a ping pong ball and eyes the cups in font of him, situating the tiny object between his ringed fingers. It takes him a moment, but soon enough the ball is tossed in an arc.
Mikasa’s grey eyes watch as it falls into one of her cups and spins around the sides. 
Shes quick to bend down and try to blow it out of the cup, but fails with a groan. 
Your team cheers, and he quickly makes his second throw which goes into one of the cups with ease.
Eren receiving a round of high fives as he steps over to Connie to pick out a card. He chooses one from the stack and reads it aloud. “Truth. What is the weirdest sexual request you’ve received?” 
Mikasa can’t help but giggle as she downs the first her drinks. “Any footjob request. Fuckin’ freaks.” She shares with you all, the sound of laughter slicing through the thick air. 
She moves to pick up her own ping pong ball, steadies her elbow and makes a quick and easy toss into your teams first cup, missing.
Her second turn was a success, bouncing off of the surfboard and into one of the cups closest to her.  Mikasa hits a quick victory pose and walks over to pick a shuffled card. 
“Truth. What is the most desperate thing you’ve done in order to get laid?” She reads, throwing her palm over her mouth, and Eren’s face goes blank. 
“Yo who chose this fuckin’ game.” Eren says as he drinks the contents of the cup. “I’m not answering that shit. Hell no.” 
“Are you bitching out, Jaeger?” Jean says with a smug look on his face.
“Fuck off.” Eren growls back. In his mind, the alcohol is worth bitching for a time like this.
“Are you gonna take a shot or have a random dare picked by me?” Connie asks him, shuffling through a couple of dare cards. 
“Get me another one.” He replies, watching the boy with the buzz-cut carefully. 
“‘Kay, then. Go ahead and unzip the pants of your co-player using your teeth for us, Eren.” He says, showing Eren the very real card.
“Oh, easy.” Eren says, walking over to Mikasa who can’t look at him without beginning to laugh, even as he gets down on his knees in front of her. 
“This is fuckin’ wild dude.” Mikasa laughs, holding her drink in the air as he hooks his teeth onto the zipper of her dark black cargo shorts and lowers himself to the grass.
Once Mikasa’s shorts are completely unzipped, Eren jumps up and receives a fist-bump from the woman. “I’ll give it to you because I could never.” 
“Thanks.” Eren says with a thumbs up. 
“Get it, I guess.” Historia says with a look of confusion, looking to Mikasa who walks back to her. 
Next up at the surfboard is Sasha versus Reiner.
“Ladies first.” Reiner says, allowing Sasha to make the first shot. She picks up the ping pong ball and checks her form before bouncing the ball off of the board and into a cup with a splash. 
“Fuck yeah!” You shout, and she turns to you to give you a harsh two-handed high-five. 
Reiner has a scowl on his face across the board as he drinks his first cup.
Sasha picks up her second ball and backs up a couple steps before easily throwing her arm forward and landing her ball in one of the cups as if it were nothing.
“Light work.” She says proudly, closing her eyes and tracing her hands over the cards before picking one– Dare. “Reiner, Finish your drink without using your hands.” 
“Shit.” Reiner says with a shrug, moving to pick his drink up using his teeth. He slowly tilts his head back, letting the beer throw down his throat with ease. He swallows hard and fast, hands firm on his hips. 
A couple people wolf whistle at him and cheer, and his drink is finished when he spits the cup out onto the ground and flexes his large biceps. 
“Damn, Reiner. What that mouth do?” Connie teases, plastic whistle inbetween his lips. “That’s 4 for Erens’ team, 1 for Jeans’ team. A little embarrassing if you ask me.” 
Reiner steps up to the board and scoops up the ball in his large hands. 
Behind him, Jean is eyeing down some girls who are dancing inside and paying little to no attention to what was happening in the game at the current moment. He’s practically eyefucking them. 
You roll your eyes and focus in on Reiner, who shoots a laser-shot. 
The ball bounces off of a couple of cup rims and Sasha is quick to finger it out of the cup and toss it back into the air and into yet another one of your opponents cups. Reiner exclaims. “The fuck?!” 
“Game is game, Reiner. Drink that hoe!” You shout to him. 
“She can’t do that!” He argues, looking to Connie. 
“Well, the rules don’t exactly say you can’t.” Connie says with furrowed brows, already looking up Sasha’s sneak attack on r/beerpong.  “Uhm. You get to go again regardless.” 
“Fuck you, that was fair.” Sasha huffs under her breath, moving back to watch Reiner re-take his shot. 
His arc is more smooth than the last, but bounces off a rim and onto the ground. “Hah!” Sasha exclaims, pointing fingers at him. 
Reiner shakes his head and moves back, look of defeat on his face. 
“I’m still gonna drink, though.” Sasha says happily, taking a long drink from her cup and handing it to Niccolo who holds it as if it were precious gold. 
“My turn.” You hum, sipping some of your rum and using your free hand to pick up the ball and adjust your elbow just behind the edge of the surface for a clean toss. 
Jean was now out of his trance, tongue in cheek while he watches you slowly lean your arm back and then flick it forward to make your shot. 
You had hit it with a fastball shot, but it hit the rim and bounced back onto the surface. You curse yourself. 
“Yikes.” Jean smirks, watching as you collect your next ball and prepare yourself– shooting him a glare in the meantime. You quickly take your chance to toss the ball into once of the center cups, beer splashing into other cups. 
“There we go!” Armin cheers, him and Sasha going in for high-fives. 
Across the surfboard, Jean picks up the full cup and drinks without saying another word. 
You bounce over to Connie to pick your card. “Dare. Take a body shot from your co-player, who will return the action. Others decide from where.” Reading this out loud physically hurt you, and you couldn’t help but cringe. 
With the help of spinthewheel.io on Connie’s phone and an array of body parts, the chest is chosen and you walk over to the bar to grap the salt, lime, bottle of tequila and shotglass.
“Fuck it.” Jean says simply, picking up the lime and squeezing the sticky juice down your sternum– efficiently shaking the salt onto the same spot before looking into your eyes. “Ready?” 
“Mhm.” You say sweetly, putting the thick lime inbetween your teeth ‘nd granting him access to your neck. 
He lowers his head below yours, pressing his tongue onto the soft skin and licking a slow strip upwards to taste all that he can. 
Jean doesn’t dare tear his eyes away from yours as he takes his shot of Tequila.
His eyes are soon to flutter shut as he leans into your lips to take suck and bite on the lime. . his own lips touch yours, the whole half of the lime in his mouth while he makes out with you for a brief moment before pulling away and spitting the lime onto the ground. He bites his lower lip and looks at you. “Your turn.” 
You hum in response, sticking the lime halfway out of your lips. You fill up your shotglass and glance up at Jean who watches you intently.
You take the lime and squeeze it upove his chest, watching the juice slide down his skin. You then pick up the salt and shake it onto the juice, diving in to lick a devious stripe up his upper body. 
The shot you take is bitter and leaves a taste in your mouth, but you still go ahead and take a bite of the lime– sucking on it for a moment before taking it and spitting it into the grass as he did. 
You look back to the surfboard and then to Jean, mocking him innocently. “Your turn.” 
“That was fuckin’ hot.” Sasha says to you quietly as you walk back to your side, and you chuckle. “Jean knows it.”
“He’s a manwhore.” You shrug, watching as Jean effortlessly makes a perfect first shot into one of your cups– his form is perfect and his back stays straight, not blinking once until his shot is overwith. 
His next is just as good, resulting in the removal of two cups of beer that you drink one after the other. 
“Too tipsy yet?” Jean teases you, picking out a card. 
You scoff. “Not enough to bitch out against you.” 
“I didn’t say you would.” He says, looking down at the text. “Stand against a wall and let a female co-player frisk you thoroughly.” 
The game went on for another 45 minutes, and your team was successful in the end, winning without a struggle. . . and shit had really gone down with the truth or dare cards. For now, you can say that Sasha and Reiner were the luckiest of the bunch
Once the game was over, another group of guys had taken over the surfboard and your group of friends scattered elsewhere, the lot of you filing into and filling the kitchen. 
As Jean implied earlier you’re now feeling the tipsiness. 
You currently found yourself listening to Sasha talk loudly to be heard against the counter where you only drank more with her, surrounded by friends and strangers.
Jean and Eren stand nearby snapping quick pictures and laughing with one another while cracking open two beers with an opener on Jean’s keychain. 
You had initially thought that he was goodlooking, but once you were up close and tasting him you knew that you thought correctly. 
Disregarding his attitude, he’s incredibly worth looking at and even better when he’s acknowledging youre there.
You had barely seen him around since saturday night when you first met him. When you friend group was altogether he would either stay and leave early or not show up at all, blaming it on work.
Connie had snitched to you that it was because some of the girls whose lawns he would mow would often invite him in to fuck around some, especially when their boyfriends weren’t around. 
There were little things you learned about him by talking to him yourself, and a few of the deeper things you knew of from talk through your group despite the fact it’s none of your business. 
Drinking your rum, you can’t help but watch Jean and Eren from afar as you’re supposed to be listening to Sasha– Erens eyes darting between you and Jean as he talks.
He says something to Jean that makes him turn his whole head towards you, and you quickly look away. 
Was he seriously just gonna namedrop like that? He couldn’t be. 
“Ever since Crow you’ve been like, boring.” Sasha says, and the use of that name alone brings you back to the present in an instant. 
“Huh?” You ask, grip on your cup tightening slightly at the mention of the ex. 
“Not boring, sorry. I’m just saying you’ve gotta push some personal boundaries if you wanna fall in love again.” She corrects herself, cocking her head to the side. 
“I’m not really looking for anything serious, and definitely not to fall in love.” You laugh softly. “Since when are you all about falling in love?” 
“I’m not. You just had it pretty rough and I don’t think you’ve been the same since.” She tells you.
“I guess.” You say. You definitely don’t feel the same since the breakup, but you were still confused on Sasha’s point. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” She yawns. “We need to get you on some dick, that’s what i say.” 
“Shut the fuck up!” You laugh and so does she, leaning into you to rest her head on your shoulder. 
“What?! It’s nature’s medicine!” She giggles, and you raise an eyebrow at her.
“Don’t ever say that again.” You snicker, putting your hand over your mouth. 
“A one night stand is nature’s medicine, I’m tellin’ you babe.” Sasha stands her ground, bringing her cup to her lips and drinking. 
“I’ll think about it.” You shrug.
“Boooo.” Sasha groans. “Let’s go dance.” 
“That’s fine by me.” You say, allowing sasha to take your hand and guide you to the crowd. 
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humanitys-strongest-bamf · 2 years ago
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 1: June I
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{{ Chapter 2: July I }} Chapter Directory
I'm so excited to finally publish this jdkflsjd. I'll get this chapter up on AO3 later this weekend or on Monday since my parents are in town, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be on! If you're interested in getting tagged for updates, fill out this new form here: x :3
EDIT: this is now up on AO3 as well!
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackermann x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, enemies to lovers (sorta), strangers to lovers, fem!reader, eventual smut, ex was originally porco but i accidentally made him too much of a dick so i replaced his name with zack, no it is not a reference to zeke i'd rather puke, only adding tags/content warnings that are applicable to each chapter so people can skip around if need be!, will continue to add as more stuff comes up ✧ word count ➼ ~3.9k
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College was difficult enough without having to worry about money, housing, and relationship issues. Unfortunately, you were not one of the few lucky students that could just get through those four years in isolation. In addition to worrying about school, you also had to deal with a last minute housing change after some recent bullshit regarding your now ex-boyfriend. Your dynamic had gotten to the point that you couldn’t afford to wait for another two months as leases began expiring and apartments would open up for prospective renters again. You’d rather live on the streets when compared to having to live with him for another day. 
Given the fact that it was June and your only remaining family was out of the country, you were left with no choice but to desperately try to find a sublease that wasn’t ridiculously expensive. That, plus the fact that you didn’t have a car and would be forced to live near campus, meant that you were ready to rip your hair out by the time that you finally found a sublease.
You knew it was due to nothing other than pure luck when you found an apartment complex that was a ten-minute walk to campus, close to a bus stop, relatively cheap, and had a tenant that moved out the week prior.
Unfortunately, your luck ran out when you found that you'd have to take a 2-hour bus ride from your ex-boyfriend's house to your new apartment. It wasn't that far from the two destinations, but the bus routes looped around the town multiple times, making your commute much longer than if you had gone by car.
As a result, you found yourself leaning your head back against the glass window at the rear end of the bus.
This really is Zack's last "fuck you" to me, isn't it?
You anxiously tapped your foot against the floor as you pulled out your phone for the millionth time. The previous tenant that set up the sublease had given you the contact information for your new roommate to set up the exchange of keys along with getting everything set up regarding who's paying for what utilities and how rent would be split. You already knew this was going to be a pain in the ass to handle. What you weren't prepared for was the lack of a hasty response when you sent a text to the number that Miche had given you.
> [you (12:35pm)]: hey, miche said you'd be free this afternoon so i can get your keys? does 3:00 work
You had sent that text message to your mysterious roommate roughly an hour ago when you had boarded your first bus back towards campus. You were now about half-way through your trip and had boarded your third bus, which was finally your last one before getting dropped off roughly a block away from your new apartment. 
You shot a frown towards your phone. Your roommate had still not answered. Frustrated, you began typing again, in case the urgency in your first text was missed.
> [you (1:45pm)]: im on the bus ride over. i don't have a car, so would we be able to handle this so i'm not stranded outside?
By the time you arrived, your roommate had still not answered. You had spent the entire two-hour ride anxiously bouncing your leg up and down, checking your phone every 5-10 minutes to see if you would ever get an answer. 
You didn't.
When the bus driver finally announced your stop, you found yourself more anxious than you were relieved at finishing your annoyingly long bus ride. You stepped off the bus in a dejected manner, with your right hand holding onto your phone and your left hand holding onto your backpack strap that was a bit too tight on your shoulders. Your back ached from lugging it around all day. It was packed with the basic necessities that you would need to survive the week, with your ex-boyfriend, Zack, promising to drop off the rest of your stuff next week—although you knew that translated to "shit he didn't want". That's just how your dynamic was. 
You unlocked your phone and typed in the address for your new apartment complex again, navigating your way through the fairly empty streets. It was a residential area and given the fact that it was near a college campus—and therefore primarily made up of university students—and it was in the middle of June, most of the tenants had gone home for the summer.
The new apartment complex wasn't bad. It certainly couldn't compare to a house, but it had an indoor lobby with mailboxes on one side and a recreation room on the other with some vending machines, and even a small kitchenette. 
No wonder the rent was so expensive.
You stepped inside, a relieved exhale escaping your lips as you felt the cool air from the air conditioning unit wash over you. Although you were definitely still irritated, seeing the lobby and escaping the heat brought up your mood slightly.
Your resolve renewed, you began to climb up the stairs, trying to figure out the best way to greet your new roommate without being overly frustrated. 
Maybe their phone was off. Maybe they took a nap and couldn't see the texts. Maybe you got the wrong number from Miche. 
You thought of all the reasons as to why they wouldn't respond. You shook your head, knowing that you should just brush it under the rug. As long as your roommate was home to let you in and give you your keys, there shouldn't be any more issues—for now. 
"Unit 217," you mumbled to yourself as you walked down the hallway, looking up at the door numbers.
Once you appeared in front of Unit 217, you frowned, noticing that the lights inside were off. That wasn't good news.
Maybe there's enough lighting from the windows that they don't need lights.
You gently knocked on the door.
There wasn't a sound—no movement, no noise, no talking, nothing.
You knocked again a bit harder. 
You knocked again.
They're not home. Of course they're not home. What a wonderful start to this already shitty situation.
You rested your forehead against the door, tempted to smash your head against it out of frustration. Your eyes finally shot open when you heard a door open. You glanced over to the side and saw a tall blonde man with a beard and glasses walk out.
"Locked out?" he asked as you made eye contact.
"You could say that," you mumbled with a frown. "You wouldn't happen to know of anywhere within walking distance that has wi-fi?"
If you couldn't get ahold of your roommate, you might as well get some writing done until you can return later in the evening when your roommate has to be home. 
"There's a café roughly a block down, if you were wanting to hang out there, although I'm not sure when Ackermann will be home. His schedule's been all over the place recently."
"Hmm," you muttered, indicating the lack of interest in learning about your roommate's backstory, although you now at least had a name.
Ackermann, huh? What a pretentious sounding last name.
These damn undergrads...
Levi Ackermann currently stood behind the doorway that led from the breakroom and into the main seating area of the small, local café that he currently held a part-time position as a barista at. 
He wasn't supposed to be here. He had purposefully given himself the week off so he could catch up on some lab work, yet he still found himself here. One of the new hires—a sophomore named Marlo—called out roughly 20 minutes ago when Levi was headed home from his immunology lab after spending the entire morning chatting with his mentor about whether he'd be able to graduate with his PhD on time.
To make things worse, since he was new, Marlo's shift meant that Levi was stuck working at the registers to take orders, which he easily considered the worst part of the job. If his shift just consisted of making the specialty brews that came his way, he'd be significantly less grumpy. That way, he could just tuck away in his corner and do the one aspect of the job that he enjoyed—making tea—instead of having to deal with the irritation that came with dealing with the undergrads that frequently visited.
"For fuck's sake," he whispered underneath his breath as he shut the door to his locker, ignoring his phone that kept on lighting up. He had it on silent for everyone except for the two people that mattered in his life—Farlan and Isabel—and they wouldn't contact him unless it was an emergency. 
The fact that coming into this shift was one of the smaller annoyances in Levi's life simply poured more salt onto his wound. He wasn't even supposed to be working this much since it took away from his school time to do his research, but the graduate program's financial aid office fucked up his stipend and he was left to fend for himself. It was only for this month, so it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but then his housing situation got all fucked up.
He had been living with Miche for roughly a year and they had a decent partnership as roommates, until Miche left to live closer to the city after freshly finishing a Master's program. Miche had moved out about two weeks ago, telling him that his new roommate would be reaching out soon. Levi's stipend situation couldn't come at a worse time, as Miche moving out meant he had to cover this month's rent on his own unless his new roommate magically showed up within the next day and was willing to cover rent when they hadn't even really started living there yet. 
After shooting a death glare at the front register for a few more minutes, he finally decided to step up to the counter, hoping that it was at least a slow day so he could get home and pretend the grievances in his life weren't as bothersome for a few hours.
His shift had just started, so he was more than a little annoyed when he already heard the door open. The semester had just ended, which roughly translated to all the undergrads leaving for summer break. Other than the few stragglers and the unfortunate PhD students that were forced to work through the summer, everyone should have gone home. He glanced up as he saw someone walk inside. 
An immediate frown appeared on his face. He could immediately tell that they were an undergraduate student, and likely an oblivious one at that.
Levi watched as you stumbled in through the door, dragging in a backpack that was slightly too large and overpacked. You looked like you had been running around with no sense of direction or purpose. You were all disheveled, as shown by how chaotic your hair looked and through how much you struggled stepping away from the door frame and towards the coffee bar.
He felt his eyes begin to roll before seeing you approach him.
Taking over Marlo's shift means I'm working the registers and have to talk with the undergrads. What a pain in the ass.
He stared at you with a neutral expression on his face as you plopped down at the coffee bar in front of him.
"Can I get you something?" he finally said, in a tone that indicated that customer service was not one of his skills in this profession.
You looked past him at the menu that was hung up behind him. Although you had passed this café a bunch whenever you found the time to travel off-campus and explore the town that surrounded the outskirts of Paradis University, this was the first time you actually found yourself in Chosahei Café. You squinted at the menu, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion at some of the options.
"Why are the specialty coffee drinks unavailable?"
"Ah?" mumbled Levi before turning around to glance at where you were looking. "The barista that specializes in those stepped out. I can get you one of the standard ones or I can get you one of the specialty teas."
You blinked at him for a few seconds as if you were struggling to process what he was saying.
"You're a barista and you can't make coffee?"
"Tch," he muttered, already beyond irritated as he frowned at you. He knew that he was likely biased against your presence and simply lumped you in with the rest of the undergrads that constantly drove him up the wall with their obsession with cheap iced lattes that he couldn't be bothered to care about making. "Did you not hear what I just said? I can get you a standard one or—if you were really wanting one of the house specialty drinks—one of the teas."
"You must get top remarks for your customer service skills," you said with a monotonous tone.
Levi placed his hands on the counter, leaning against it as he stared at you.
"This isn't some retail café like Starbucks—which is down the street, by the way," he said, pointing towards the door as a gesture to indicate that you could leave if you weren't satisfied. "The house drinks were all created by the employees and the barista that made the specialty coffees stepped out. Now are you going to order or not? I have other customers to attend to."
His eyes raised off of you and towards the back of the café, where a line of about 3-4 people gathered as they impatiently waited for you to order.
"Hmph," you said, letting out an irritated exhale. "Get me a matcha."
Levi raised an eyebrow at you.
"Out of all the specialty ones here, you go with something as basic as that?"
You were beyond confused over why this random barista in a small, local café was giving you this much grief.
"Oh what the hell? Just get me the damned matcha, you asshole," you snapped at him as you tossed your card towards him.
He quickly grabbed your card and put in the order with an unamused look on his face.
You kept your gaze on him as he begrudgingly prepared your drink. After about a minute, you glanced towards the door that opened as a tall gentleman that also wore the barista apron stepped inside. He was average height, but seemed much taller, likely due to the fact that the barista in front of you that decided to chastise you for ordering a matcha barely rose above you in terms of height—and you were not a tall person.
The new barista went behind the counter and started taking the other customers that had gathered behind you, removing the "unavailable" sign that covered up the specialty coffees. You frowned as he smoothly chatted with the customers, with your expression quickly turning into a scowl as you saw him remove the sign.
"I'm guessing he's the barista that actually knows how to make coffee?" you said, shooting another unamused look towards Levi as he walked back with your cup of matcha. 
You heard a quiet grunt from the grumpy barista you had the misfortune of being served by and you sighed as you picked up the cup and took a sip of the matcha that he reluctantly made you.
You paused, a little taken aback by the taste.
It was pretty damn good—much better than any you've ever gotten at Starbucks, anyhow. 
"Onyankopon brought over some specialty recipes that he apparently grew up making over at Marley," Levi grumbled to you. "That is why I couldn't make the specialty coffees."
After he said that, he subtly scowled at himself. Why he was even explaining himself to you was beyond him. You were just some random undergrad that stopped by and said annoying undergrad things. He had literally no reason to explain himself or justify his actions.
"So what brought you in? You're undergrad, right?" Levi asked, prompting you to look up at him. "Didn't classes just end? Most of you are back at your parents by now."
You sighed and pursed your lips, with a dark look entering your eyes. Levi was able to tell that you were biting your tongue on some information that was relevant, but that you didn't feel like divulging.
"Yes," you finally said. "I had some shit come up and had to move last minute, so I'm stuck on campus for now."
You took another sip of your matcha as a frown grew on your face.
"But at this point, I'm pretty sure it was a fucking mistake."
"Oh?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
"I had to take a two-hour bus ride here since my asshole of an ex just happened to be busy on the day I need his car, but as luck would have it, my roommate also happens to be out, so I can't even get my damn keys from them, hence why I'm here getting chastised by you because I ordered a damned matcha instead of being in my new apartment and getting settled in."
You looked up at Levi upon hearing his silence.
"How unfortunate," he finally responded in an uninterested tone.
You rolled your eyes at his response.
"God, talking to you is a pain in the ass," you spat before quickly finishing the rest of the matcha and throwing a spare dollar onto the counter as a tip before getting up.
You paused before walking away, turning slightly towards the grumpy barista.
"You should probably consider the fact that people don't order your teas because they don't want to order from you."
"Ah?" Levi muttered as he took the dollar off the counter.
"People generally don't like interacting with someone that acts like a dick right off the bat."
Levi frowned to himself as he kicked off his shoes upon walking in the front door, placing them neatly upside down on the shoe rack next to the door. He sighed as he flipped on the light switch to his empty apartment. He didn't particularly mind living on his own, but Miche was a good roommate and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little on edge over who his new roommate was going to be.
He walked over to his bedroom, pushing the door open as he lifted his barista apron over his head to put away for the night. Seeing the apron reminded him of the café, and in particular, the conversation he had with a certain undergraduate student that he was forced to serve and insulted him right before they left.
Tch, he thought as he recalled the comment you made.
I'm not a dick. What the fuck.
He shut his closet after he put the apron away, his mood soured by the recollection of your conversation, although he wasn't in a great mood to begin with in the first place. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and saw that he had a few hours before he was supposed to "go to bed". Being a notorious insomniac, "going to bed" basically meant laying down and staring at the ceiling for a few hours. He rarely ever got to actually sleep, but the few minutes he can occasionally catch were enough to keep him going.
He walked over to his desk, turning the switch on his small desk lamp and pulling out a folder from his backpack that was hung up against the side of his desk. He pulled out a stack of paper and neatly placed them at the center of his desk. He took a seat in his chair and flipped through the packets, frowning at the sheer number he had yet to go through. His original plan for the day was to get home and read through some of these papers that Erwin had assigned him to read before he went back to lab on Monday—it was currently a Friday. He knew Erwin had high expectations for him. Erwin would even occasionally say that Levi was the best student he's ever had, which made Levi immediately want to shrivel up in discomfort.
He glanced up from the papers in his hand. His room was "empty". Miche had commonly made fun of him and said that Levi always made his space look like no one actually lived there. The top of his desk was always empty, his bed was always made, and not a single article of clothing was in plain sight. Levi Ackermann was just that type of person. It heavily contributed to why he was so on edge over who his new roommate would be and if they would even be compatible in terms of living style.
He turned on his phone to check the time, having ignored it for the entire latter half of the day.
7:30pm. That meant he had time to get at least a few papers reviewed. 
He frowned as he looked through his notifications and saw an unknown number appear. The texts were from this afternoon, so he knew it was long past an appropriate time to respond.
> [unknown number (12:35pm)]: hey, miche said you'd be free this afternoon so i can get your keys? does 3:00 work > [unknown number (1:45pm)]: im on the bus ride over. i don't have a car, so would we be able to handle this so i'm not stranded outside?
He sighed as he locked his phone and placed it onto his desk. It was just his luck that he went into a last-minute shift right as his new roommate contacted him. He knew that this new roommate was going to be irate with him since it's been around 6 hours since they sent that text. This just added more things onto Levi's plate that he really didn't need right now.
Before he could move to pick up his phone to shoot a reply at this unknown number, he heard not-so-gentle knocking on the door. Knowing that this was likely his new roommate that he had unintentionally ignored all day, he internally groaned to himself before forcing himself out of his chair.
He heard another knock as he made his way from his bedroom to the front door, bracing himself as he unlocked the door and pulled it open.
A frown appeared on his face as he looked at the person in front of him in confusion. 
"What the hell?" he muttered as he saw an equally confused expression appear on your face. 
That annoying undergrad from this afternoon?
"Did you follow me home?" 
You raised an eyebrow at him. The last person you had expected to be greeted with was the grumpy barista that you had the misfortune of interacting with earlier in the day.
"Did you?" you retorted.
Levi scoffed.
"How the hell would I have followed you home if I was here first?"
He cursed to himself as he recalled the monologue you gave him earlier on in the day.
You had said that you had to suffer on a bus ride and couldn't get in contact with your new roommate to get keys to the unit. Now that you were standing in front of the door to his apartment, his frown only grew.
Your eyes widened as you finally put together the pieces.
"Wait," you asked, shaking your head slightly. "Are you-?"
"I guess so," Levi responded with an unamused sigh.
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17
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dorizardthewizard · 10 months ago
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 11
11. When there was me and you
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Time for the first of the sad Gabriella ballads!
This part with her dramatically swaying on the barrier is so iconic. She’s just as dramatic as Troy they’re perfect for each other, in fact I wish they cranked it up a bit because she really is just walking through the corridors - they could have at least had her go on the rooftop for a brood or something. That backlit shot is beautiful though!
Anyway A tier? But could drop to B just because the staging isn't that inspired, I like the song though damn can she belt those notes! Actually is this the only song where they sing straight at the camera?
Ok so as much as I wish the communication was better (I mean she could have at least said “hey I heard what you said to your team and that you’re done with the callbacks”), she does handle it pretty maturely. Although she’s clearly upset with that “Go Wildcats” comment, she’s understanding of the pressures on him and how hard it is to stray away from the social hierarchy. She doesn’t just immediately give him the silent treatment, she tries to make it sound like there are no hard feelings.
I just imagined Kelsi's reaction if Gabriella went to tell her they're not doing the auditions 😭😭😭
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Hey Captain! :D Here’s your basketball captain! :D We’re gonna be BFFs again! :D Everything will be just like before :D
No but the way he's soooo excited to see Troy and bounds over to him just to get rejected sdfhkjdsfkj "don't worry about it" you sure Chad?
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Troy mucking up all his basketball shots as he angsts away is so funny to me. Zac Efron was born to play this kid
And what do you know! If you force your friend to give up something that’s important to him he will be upset and his head won’t be in the game! Shocker!
Taylor and Chad realise they’ve fucked up – what did you think would happen? Okay to be fair, and I just want to put some perspective on this, the whole story takes place over like... 2 weeks? Chad would have had exactly no idea that Troy enjoyed singing, from his POV Troy really was all about basketball and the team, but suddenly a new girl turns up and he auditions for the musical out of the blue? Even Ms Darbus found it hard to believe he was being genuine, from his friends' perspective it looks like he was only doing this because he had a crush on a girl he met like 2 days ago. I can see how they'd think this was unserious behaviour given their tournament coming up.
I mean sure Troy does try to broach the subject with Chad before Getcha Head in the Game, but very tentatively. I'm not saying things would have gone fine if he'd just come out with it earlier like Zeke did with his baking hobby (judging by everyone's reaction to Zeke anyway), but here Taylor and Chad regret their actions as soon as they realise how upset Troy and Gabriella are. It seems like they genuinely did not expect that this would mean so much to them.
I'm actually gonna plug a fic here that explores this part of the movie from Chad's perspective and has a really good interaction between him and Gabriella. It's called Explanation, Elaboration on AO3 go read it it's really good and a nice little character study
I love how Troy’s friends find him on the rooftop so easily, he really thought this place was secret. Two options: They apologised to Gabriella first and she told them where Troy could be, or they just knew this whole time that he likes to go there to brood and they just let him
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Troy eats a sandwich with nothing in it
Chad: We just want you to know that we're gonna be there. Okay? Cheering for you. Zeke: Yeah, if singing is something you wanna do, we should be boosting you up, not tearing you down. Chad: Yeah. I mean, win or lose, we're teammates.
This is so sweet it’s sad we have to follow it up with them admitting their part in all this :(((
Troy: And you're not gonna hear me sing, guys. Troy: Because Gabriella won't even talk to me. And I don't know why.
Stoooop why is this actually sad, the people who can hurt you the most really are those closest to you huh
Oh Luke Skywalker! That’s who he reminds me of in this movie. Sorry just hit me
Chad’s tee says laughing on the……. inside? Sir you don't strike me as someone who would hide their laughter
The orange-pink combo for Jason's outfit is... interesting
Zeke’s cookies fskjsjfdssmf did they actually sit there awkwardly as Troy ate them before the big reveal? This does show they’re cool with his baking thing now at least
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Gabriella's fit is really cute but omg Taylor’s scarf is not it…. this just made me remember when skinny scarves were like A Thing, I had one just like hers but black and navy
Love how Taylor has the only speaking role in this geek group. It’s kind of funny that in the next movies, they’re just no longer part of this friendship group because they’re a bunch of extras LOL. She makes a really good speech though, even if Gabriella doesn't listen :(
Gabriella is lowkey right about no one forcing Troy to say anything, he didn’t have to go that far to get them off his back
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godlygivenanxiety · 1 year ago
Okay, listen. Just gimme a second here on the whys of William Schenk's introduced persona(enormous case building for a headcanon incoming, be warned!).
We could go on and on about the reason of why William decided to present himself as a married man; in the context of evoking a sense of companionship, there's something to be said about the social pressures and the status of being married. Zeke's quick to talk about what being married means to a cop after all— although it's also curious that he presents himself as happily married, a dedicated father while Zeke himself's going through custody fights and a divorce.
It does make me think of what William wants Zeke to understand about him, ready for serious commitment and sharing responsabilities, he's willing to put in the work so to speak. There's a softer, loving and protective side of him — one he hasn't shared with many ever since his father's death, I bet — that he'll gladly show Zeke(and we only see him talk about his fake family with him).
But that's not enough of a motive, so let's go for the angle of what marriage represents.
Marriage's not just a symbolic, romantic act but the union of two citizens, both Zeke and William giving the impression during Spiral that they do perceive it as something that's supposed to be a conscious choice you make that has value, it's worth it; William could've presented himself as married then not just to show that he's 100% for loyalty and commitment but also that he's not that kid Zeke backstabbed Dunleavy for anymore.
He's not William Emmerson and he doesn't need Zeke to protect him or confuse the child he was to the man he is now(which adds another layer to his relishing of Zeke's anger and acceptance of each blow, the rawness of the moment leaves nothing to interpretation, they are in EQUAL standing—); he's evolved since their last time together. Zeke, none the wiser, eases his worries slightly when dismissing William's comment:
"Hey, man, I get it. I wouldn't want to be stuck with a kid either."
[Zeke stops to really look at him.]
"You don't want to be my partner."
Which he says after probably hearing Zeke's commentary(they weren't really trying to be quiet in there) on showing the ropes to a rookie, saying he doesn't want to be a 'nanny'. A subtle poke to Zeke's apparent expectations of him— testing the waters as if to see how much of a problem this will be. It's not about age though, or really about William in itself(as I've theorized in another post) and William proves himself valuable in the little time they have, as evidenced by Zeke's own words.
"Hey, William. Good work today."
There's the 'easiest assumption' that William really just used it as a disguise for the tattoo of his father's name but there's no logical need for a loving wife there. Or a son for that matter— he could've tattooed the name of a sibling Zeke would vaguely hear about or a nephew; it would still hold the weight of someone that William supposedly goes back to when leaving the job, give Zeke a burden to carry in terms of thinking of a young detective with a family that he couldn't save.
So. It makes me think, that perhaps William just holds in himself so much hope for what they can be. So much faith in their connection, there's no one else for him but Zeke and he has known this for years. William's cunning and confident, he doesn't lie to himself about what he knows to be true but there lies an issue— well, isn't it him insisting Zeke's unfortunate predicament isn't an universal truth of life?
[Chuckles] "Just because you’re getting a divorce, it doesn’t mean that everyone else’s marriages have to end, too."
Which roughly matches their earlier talk, when he interjects Zeke's bitter perspective on it:
"'While it lasts'?"
"Nothing happier than the wife of a new detective, nothing more angry than that same bitch ten years later."
"Maybe it’s ’cause you call them bitches."
The same way William's invested in taking Zeke by his shoulders and shoving him out of his defeated attitude towards the corruption in the system and guiding him to action, he's also prodding at Zeke's waning faith in partnership. It's not because his marriage didn't last that Zeke's never going to find the one person capable of staying loyal to him to the end... that he won't realize what he needs is right in front of him.
William's hopeful, obsessively devoted and has specifically planned his killing spree with luring Zeke, having him by his side, in mind… so, if he presents himself as a married man? If his and Zeke's hands rest close together on the table in whatever place they'd stopped for lunch or at Zeke's desk, when they squeeze next to each other to watch the spiral killer's tape, and their golden bands look just about similar enough to be a pair… it's just bound to be.
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anarchic-miscellany · 10 months ago
Terrible Screenplay Ideas: "Vexing: A Benoit Blanc Mystery" Debonair detective Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) finds himself in Salem on a "Witch Tour". He and his fellow tourists shall experience the dark, spooky corners of the most haunted city in America under their guide "Virginia" (Ayo Edibiri) - a college student just trying to make money during the dry months. But Benoit doesn't believe in all of that hokum mumbo jumbo: he's here to try and find a particular cafe where, many years ago, he enjoyed a rather delectible hoagie. One tourist (James Marsden) gets everybody's backs up: he's rude, arrogant, vulgar, interrupts a lot, and (to Blanc's horror) seems to know more about this place and the trivia than him at every turn. So when he turns up dead, seemingly of a heart attack, it is no great loss and Benoit can go and find his sandwich. But he cannot let this be, something nags at him, and he must solve the case. Not only is his suspect list the entirety of the tour, but many of them believe this murder to be that of a long deceased witch, not least of all the Detective on scene (Jeffrey Combs) And his suspects include: Horror maestro Simeon Kincaid (Brad Dourif), hoping that inspiration will strike him here after his last book received mixed reviews. He is accompanied by his daughter Kitty (Fiona Dourif), an academic and scholar on a leave of absence after an embarrassing meltdown went viral... Goth trio, occult fanatics and theatre kids Kyle (Skyler Gisondo) and Belladonna (Molly Gordon) and Belladonna's new girlfriend Mavis (Kathryn Newton), who relish the spooky and occult, have dressed up and everything. Kyle is horrified that it's the ghost of a witch whose grave he disturbed, whilst Belladonna is convinced the result of a curse they placed on the man in a moment of anger, and Mavis is thrilled to claim that the deceased is now talking to her... Widow, social butterfly, lady of town and definite woman of culture and the arts Charity Le Mort (Christine Baranski) - who has rather taken a liking to Mr Blanc and finds herself stricken not just with he, but the city too... Retired Salem Police Detective Wolfgang Pecker (John Goodman), who is also on this tour to enjoy the culinary delights and expand his palette - he and Blanc get along swimmingly, although this murder puts a damper on things but his brain is still razor sharp! Zeke Underwood (Sterling K Brown) - a scorned tour guide (infiltrating as a customer in a terrible disguise) whose route was usurped by Virginia after a few too many bad calls, and now a loud contrarian and thorn in her side. Killing a man to haunt her tour is EXACTLY the sort of thing he would do... Can Blanc solve the murder, or is his skepticism blinding him to powers beyond this mortal coil?
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littlesapphicraccoonguy · 3 hours ago
You know what time it is, time to yap about my stupid spiral furry au. My victim today is Angie Garza, the captain of the metropolitan police department. I’ve figured out what animal I think she would be
Insane amount of talking below the cut
So in this au, Angie will be a meerkat. I KNOW IT SEEMS VERY RANDOM BUT STAY WITH ME HERE OKAY
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Meerkats are small animals that live in matriarchal groups, which means that their groups are led by a female meerkat. The matriarchs tend to be strict and aggressive with their leading, they are the only female in the group that is allowed to have kits and if another female has kits, she will get exiled and the matriarch will eat them…so you can say that meerkat groups are very very corrupt. Meerkats are also extremely social animals, they rely on cooperation to survive and achieve their goals, and when they aren’t working together or are alone, they are extremely vulnerable
Obviously Angie doesn’t eat babies or anything, I was bringing that up to show how meerkat societies are generally very corrupt, like the metro police department
Angie is shown as being very strong willed and strict, she also yells and swears a lot which can qualify as aggression. She is also very corrupt, she covered up murder and corruption that occurred with other cops so she could make sure they didn’t get into any trouble. Even though she was very corrupt, she was also just trying to make sure everyone was doing their jobs correctly and she was determined to figure out who the Spiral Killer was. And when she was further investigating to try and find the Spiral Killer(William), she didn’t request for backup, she was alone, and that is what led to her getting kidnapped and put in the trap by William, and she died in that trap.
Another point I have is something that I want to apply to many of the officers at the metro police department in my au, meerkats are indeed predators but they are still preyed on by larger predators like cheetahs(which is what William is in this au) most of the officers at metro will be an animal that may be hunted by cheetahs, they don’t have to be prey animals exactly though. Zeke and his dad, Marcus, for example are zebras, they’re both an animal that is preyed on by cheetahs but a zebra can very well severely injure or kill a cheetah, Marcus got killed by William and Zeke managed to beat the shit out of him.
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If you finished reading this, thank you! Heres the mandatory visualization of meerkat Angie with cheetah William while he was working at metro
Fun fact, I hate drawing long hair, that’s why I mostly draw male characters 😭
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loderlied · 1 year ago
got tagged by @the-raging-tempest to do this!! i'll do it for zeke. thank you <3
- NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> only common. speaking is already hard enough for him. can write and understand tons of other languages though.
- TONE OF VOICE >> high / average / deep
- ACCENT >> yes / no (not of any language but it's very much audible that he started speaking very late. off enunciation etc etc)
- DEMEANOR >> confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other (creepy as hell)
- POSTURE >> slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
COMPLEXITY (Fill in the circle’s as you wish)
- VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫⚫⚫⚫
- EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫⚫⚪️⚪️
- FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫⚫⚫⚫
- CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫⚫⚫⚪
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or cryptic? / finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or flattery / excessive or minimal hand gestures / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt
- DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? almost always / frequently / rarely / never (with the exception of gortash)
 almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
yes / no / only ironically
but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
upper / middle / lower
accent  / vocabulary / tone / level / politenes / brusqueness / it doesn’t
Anything that wasn’t touched on?
zeke is a man of very few words. most of what comes out of his mouth besides blood and excessive amounts of saliva is hostility and occasionally attempts at trying to explain his cases/obsessions. most of his speaking only consist of singular keywords without any sentence structure. gortash is really the only one who can completely and effortlessly understand him, he would be able to do that even if zeke was still totally non-verbal like he has been the first 10 years of his life. he is also extremely uncharismatic and disgusts and hurts people even in the rare cases he doesn't intend to.
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jeanbie · 2 years ago
i loved ur modern porco teen hcs !! can you please do a part 2?
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⏤ some more pock headcanons for you ^^ think i'm running out of teenage headcanons, maybe next time i'll graduate him to uni level :P enjoy anyway! thank u for sending me this!! part one here!
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porco really likes junji ito artwork and for christmas, annie didn’t know what to get him so she got him an art collection book of his stuff which kinda set him off
he really likes sci-fi books
constantly changes his music taste but he never downloads any music nor does he have any playlists - he just listens to whatever the day gives him through pre-made playlists and radios
he started liking his lifeguard job significantly more when he got promoted from baby pool duty to adult free swim (hot chicks)
but i think porco actually really likes kids, he likes how honest they are and how much fun they have with anything they have
he’s quite easily led by what he hears and reads online so eventually he made the commitment to just erase majority of his social medias - all he uses now are instagram, snapchat, bereal and he cut down on his reddit usage (congrats pock)
he hates reading the news
he’s still kinda pursuing design engineering (uni is just around the corner) but he’s still got that interest in aviation - he thinks he might look into aviation engineering or aerospace engineering or something like that
he can still handle his drinking quite well - zeke is older and says that’ll come in handy when pock goes to uni
he always picks the skin around his fingers when he feels anxious, which seems to be a lot these days
and he gets nervous rashes over his chest sometimes
he likes rock climbing and bouldering in his spare time, and took it up with reiner when he confessed he didn’t really wanna do it alone
he’s more of a dog person than a cat person and is that guy who always wants to sit with the dog at the party or wants to stroke the dog that’s walking across the road
thinks that burger king is better than kfc and will die on that hill (and he’s dying there alone)
always wishes he had a younger brother like zeke and eren
he loves eren a lot and likes to indulge in eren’s interests sometimes to try and imagine what it could have been like if his mom had pushed out a third one after porco
really wants tattoos but he gets bored of things too quickly and he thinks he’ll end up hating all of them
only types with two fingers on a keyboard (he’s so me)
likes jazzy, soul ballads 
one time, he thought he had a crush on pieck, and they danced together at prom and they discovered that porco is a pretty good dancer
wants his hair to look like john wick some day
he’s afraid of mice and rodents
wants to travel outside of his hometown for uni but is always afraid that one day he might not be close with his friends back home anymore and that makes him really sad
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cosmicjoke · 1 year ago
Do you think Levi struggling with social niceties is more of a function of his upbringing or his natural temperament/personality? He seems naturally introverted to me, but I also think a lot of his stoic expressions are as a result of trauma or depression
That's an interesting question.
I think it's probably a combination of both. Like you, I think Levi is naturally introverted and just naturally a very reserved, quiet person. So regardless of his upbringing, I think he would have always been very quiet and not given to big, emotional displays or outbursts, or to things like chattiness or effusiveness. I also think he's very introspective, very self-reflective. And Levi is highly emotionally intelligent, and that's reflected, I think, in his reserved manner. You can tell he thinks a lot. That he's careful with his words, and doesn't simply jump to conclusions about others, but really contemplates things, and that manifests in him not talking very much, in only speaking when he has something important to say, etc...
But I think his difficulty with knowing how to navigate social interactions does come largely from his upbringing. I think his struggles in that regard are likely reflective of him simply not having much social interaction as a child. I've written about this at more length in my posts about Levi's early childhood, which you can read here if you're interested:
But basically, I think Levi was probably denied the sort of normal, social interactions most children his age would require in order to become socially adept, and we see that lack of social adeptness in his more abrupt manner. In the way he can sometimes come across as rude to others, in his general inability to soften his words or put things in a way which will be easier for others to digest or accept. I think Levi always would have been a pretty brutally honest person, regardless of how he was raised, because he just strikes me as the type of person not at all given to manipulation or duplicity. But he probably would have been better at couching that honesty in a way that didn't put other people off so much.
The thing is, when people call Levi rude, or unfriendly, I don't think they quite understand that he doesn't MEAN to be rude or unfriendly. He's not trying to offend anyone with the way he speaks to them. He comes across as rude sometimes because he's honest, and he doesn't himself quite know how to put that honesty into words which others find palatable. He just says what he's thinking and feeling. He just blurts it out. And sometimes it can seem harsh or unkind. But it's never Levi's intent to be so. Unless we're talking about instances where he's flat out insulting someone, like when he calls Zeke a bearded bastard, or Yelena a bitch, etc... But just his general "rudeness" is, I think, never a product of intent, but simply a product of his lack of social skill.
He was never taught how to talk to people, and so he simply doesn't know how.
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miniscule-meow · 1 year ago
Nobody asked for this, but here is a list of my OCs in order of how likely they would be to stab someone.
Zeke- absolutely harmless. Looks way scarier than he is. He's just committed to the aesthetic, and we love him for that. He's really just a socially awkward nerd, leave him alone.
Marcus- harmless. He is just chaotic enough that you'd never really know with him. But realistically, probably not gonna happen.
Charlie- actively carries a pocket knife with her all the time. You just never know when you'll need a knife. It isn't for stabbing, but it could be. Probably not though.
Isabell- she is mentally prepared to stab as a last ditch effort of self defence, but I don't know if she'd have the guts to actually do it.
Deckard- he's good with throwing knives. It's more of a circus trick kind of talent. He's never thrown at a living target before, and he really would rather avoid a fight at all costs. But if there were no other options, yes.
Lark- she has some experience with swords, in a, "the royal should have a hobby, try fencing" kind of way. She probably thinks she's better at it than she actually is. She also doesn't typically have a sword available to her, and it most likely wouldn't work all too well against a giant. She would have to be heavily provoked, but I think she's hot headed enough to lash out.
Felix- he is begging anyone to give him a reason to do violence.
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ja3gerb0mbb · 1 year ago
bloodsucker chapter 15: reconciliation
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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word count: 3.3k
content warnings: none
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“jean, i think i might actually die,” i threw my fists onto my eyes; applying pressure to them. as if i wasn’t drowning in schoolwork before; i was now with the extra four classes i took on. making up work for the content i missed meant that i barely had time for any form of social life. 
he looked up from his textbook, “well, this is what you get for trying to finish two years of college in one.” for the past few weeks, jean had become my rock. the confidant i could tell all my vampire problems to. he also made a good study partner because he didn’t bother me as i worked. “yeah, i know.”
the visit with grisha was still fresh in my mind. like it was just yesterday eren and i went to the mansion. my anxiety was topped with the end of the semester work. it was easy to run away to germany with eren; but the reality of getting there was back-breaking. eren only had to take a couple extra classes to finish by the end summer, but i had to double it. 
on the drive home that night, we figured we might as well get our degrees. even though we truly didn’t need them; it felt like the right way to tie up our lives here with. at least, at the time it seemed like a smart choice. “i can’t believe you guys are really doing this, though,” jean grabbed my attention back, closing his book as i shut off my laptop. a quick break won’t hurt anyone. 
“i can’t either. but we’ve got it all planned out.” a smile i couldn’t hide appeared on my face. thinking of the life i had ahead with eren made all the work worth it. i knew the fear of grisha would follow us; but we hoped he himself wouldn’t. “did you plan to leave all of us behind?” jean joked, but his face was concerned. 
i laughed at him, “no, we planned that too. as long as grisha is away from shiganshina, it’s easy enough to visit you guys. and my dad.” with zeke as our ‘mole’ everything worked out perfectly. too perfectly. eren kept telling me i was paranoid; maybe i should start listening to him. i hoped the nerves would start to settle after finalizing the move.
his mood perked up instantly, “wait really?” his voice had gone a bit higher. i nodded my head. “i’m just glad you’re happy. eren too. i watched as vampirism took over his life, i was worried it would happen with you,” his features dipped back into a twinge of sadness. memories haunted both of us. 
but jean was right. i was happy like this. it might’ve been eren, or the vampirism, but it didn’t matter. i adjusted well and quickly, the amplified changes made everything easier. it was comforting having eren go through it with me. he made the biggest difference. sometimes i felt like nothing was even real; like i was in a coma and this was all just a dream. 
the door to my room swung open with a loud thud, drawing me out of my thoughts, “hey slut!” connie squealed, pitching his voice to sound like a girl. he jumped from his spot in the doorframe, tackling my sitting body to the floor completely.
i was aware of the pressure his body weight put on me, but it didn’t register as being painful. “do you really have to tackle me every time you see me?” i complained. he lifted himself above me, extending his arms to read my face, “course i do!” he said it like it was obvious.
sasha stood a few paces behind us, “we’re going to the beach,” she interrupted, high pitch in her tone. in a swift movement connie jumped off of me, standing on his own feet again. going over to jean, he ruffled his hair, earning a hard slap to the arm from him, “cut it out,” jean bit. 
they didn’t distract me for long, “no way, we’re literally balls deep in finals.” the workload was so heavy, i don’t think i could even have fun without feeling guilty about it. i really am starting to regret this. connie started snickering,  “your boyfriend’s waiting in the car.” he continued to torment me with kissing noises; but the mention of eren was all i needed to ditch my studies. 
“kay, fine, but we can’t stay long,” i heaved a sigh, showing dramatics to guilt trip sash and connie. jean gave a light hearted scoff, “what were you saying about finals?” rolling my eyes, i hit his shoulder hard as i quickly leapt up from my spot on the hard floor. 
i didn’t wait for any of them to catch up as i made my way down the apartment complex; running towards eren’s car as soon as i spotted it. throwing the car door open, i all but jumped in, skipping over the center console to be closer to eren. 
eren’s face lit up, eyes glinting. he pushed my body back slightly with the force of his own, cupping my face as he pressed a kiss into my lips. i melted into him easily; the feeling of eren comfortably familiar now. he opened his mouth wide, trying to suck as much of me in as he could. a smile tugged on my lips at his desperation, causing him to pull back. 
he scanned my face, then trailed down my body. making sure i was still in tact, “i missed you so much, pretty.” he pulled my face to him again, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. i couldn’t hold back my giggle; just happy to see him, “stop with the pet names,” i complained but the butterflies were strongly present in my stomach. i couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, either. 
a shuffling in the back seat caused my head to turn. i faced armin, features slightly scrunched in awkwardness. i looked away, hiding my embarrassment, “sorry armin, didn’t even know you were here,”
eren laughed viciously, “armin don’t pull the uncomfortable act, you were doing the same with annie.” armin’s face lit up a bright red, his eyes going wide. “what? no- i wasn’t!” he tripped over his words; trying to profess an innocence i didn’t have to see to know was false. “okay, freak your shit armin,” i butted in, watching his face turn impossibly redder. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
jean waved a bucket of fries in my face, “you sure you don’t want any?” i pulled my body away from the stench, further into eren's body. his legs closed around my torso, holding me tighter at my movement. “it’s really not funny,” i pushed jean’s hand away. armin and mikasa were huddled on a different set of blankets, exchanging a look at my refusal. 
it was moments like this that proved to me it was a good idea to run away with eren. our closest friends were already getting suspicious of my behavior. eren stroked through my hair with his fingers; futile as the wind kept blowing it in every direction. 
mikasa shivered, “why the hell did we go to the beach, anyway?” her teeth jittered lightly. i was thankful my body kept me from feeling most of the chill. eren pointed to the shoreline; where sasha and connie splashed each other in the ocean, “it was connie’s idea.”
“we need to stop listening to him,” armin's head shook. mikasa raised the bottle of vodka in her hand and took another shot from it. she extended it to me after. i stared at it for a few seconds before looking over at eren. he had a small smirk on his face; knowing i would never get drunk again. despite that fact, i raised it to my lips and took a long swallow from the bottle. 
the liquid was warm going down my throat. but only for a second as my body seemed to neutralize the heat. the normally sour sting of vodka was amplified; almost unbearable. i brought the bottle back down and scrunched my features together. armin laughed, “i’m not the only lightweight anymore, huh.”
skipping over eren, i passed it to jean, “can it, i’ll catch back up soon.” i tried to keep the frown from showing, knowing that i would never catch up. the taste was subsiding, and there were no other signs that i had even consumed alcohol. mikasa stood from their towel, grabbing it up as armin followed, “we’re gonna warm up by the cars,” she wrapped it around her body, hiding the shiver. 
“‘kay, we’ll wrap up here soon,” eren responded before tying his hands to my body again. jean laid back on his towel as his shivers subsided with the alcohol, “so you really can’t get drunk?” 
“nope,” i sighed my answer, leaning into eren further. 
“damn, that must really suck,” he smirked, exchanging a glance at me, then eren. connie and sasha had emerged from the water, their screams becoming less muffled as they approached. connie broke into a sprint, heading towards jean. he was already laughing in preparation, before shaking his body violently; dripping all of the ocean water on jean.  
jean jumped up immediately, “fucking asshole!” he yelled, already beginning to chase a fleeing connie. sasha giggled as she ran after them; arms held out to jean. my chest heaved with a laugh, bumping up against eren’s, “dumbasses.” 
laying my head flat on his chest, my phone ringing caused me to retract it right back. 
could we meet at the cafe?
my eyebrows furrowed, and i could feel eren lurch in curiosity behind me. “the fuck?” i muttered lightly, more to myself. i knew who that number belonged to; even if i didn’t have it saved anymore. why would she be texting me? 
“who is it?” eren laid his hand over my shoulder; to offer comfort, or draw me out of my thoughts, i wasn’t sure. “it’s historia?” i mumbled again in confusion, but eren heard it. i held my phone screen so he could read the message; i felt him stiffen slightly. “you should go,” he was confident, barely had to think about it. 
his grip on my shoulder squeezed in reassurance. i knew he was right; and i would regret not meeting with her. but i couldn’t help but feel like i was fifteen again; insecure and cleaning to the comfort of historia. no, i thought, i’m not doing it for that. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i stood outside of the coffee shop an hour later, hesitating to go in. eren waited in the parking lot, it would be easy enough to go back. i wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity, though, and that thought is what let me open the doors and walk in. 
her blonde hair was easy to spot, she looked over to me almost immediately. a hesitant smile was on her face, unsure if she should even be smiling. it was weird to see that expression directed towards me; it had been so long since we had really looked at each other. she didn’t have any coffee in front of her, just her hands that were intertwined with each other. 
i sat down opposite her, mimicking her facial expressions. just as unsure as she was. we made awkward eye contact again, “hey,” my tone was quiet, not sure of what to say. her lip twitched, “i wanted to reach out, when hitch told me about the break in, but.. it just felt false.”
historia seemed somewhat nervous, spouting words without really thinking them through. i didn’t know what to say, so i nodded instead. we both looked at each other uncomfortably again. it was hard to believe we had once been inseparable; now we passed for two strangers. “i, um- i’m really sorry,” she began again, stuttering over her words with uncertainty. 
“for what?” i couldn’t help but probe. there was a lot for us to apologize for, but i wondered what part of the story historia was even sorry for. maybe this was a bad idea. “for sleeping with porco,” her tone was finally definitive. definitely a bad idea. hearing those words caused me to pick at my cuticles. it didn’t bring me any relief, as my skin stitched itself together quickly. 
i sighed, “that’s really not what i need an apology for,” i said it quietly. suddenly, i was submissive in her presence. like i still had something to show for. each of us stood still, breathing audibly, “why now? we’ve been going to sina together for two years?”
she shrugged, somehow still making the action look delicate, “i heard you might be transferring. didn’t want a stone to go unturned.” i couldn’t gauge how that made me feel. i guess i should be happy she didn’t want me to leave without a resolution? after we move, i likely won’t see historia again. how does that make me feel? i still couldn’t decipher it. “how do you know?”
“it’s obvious when you pick up extra classes at the end of the year,” she humorlessly laughed. if i didn’t know her any better, i’d say she was hurt. it made it even more apparent that i shouldn’t mend the friendship we once had. “guess so,” shrugging, i looked away from her gaze. 
historia sucked in a breath, “but i am sorry.. for everything that went down between us, it’s all my fault.” it was easy to believe her; but i wasn’t naive. does this mean she truly did love me all those years? i couldn’t bring myself to ask. “it isn’t all your fault, but i forgive you,” i tried to keep my voice steady. 
hearing that from historia finally felt like a book closing. i felt like i could finally move on from that chapter in my life. i got up from the booth, ready to return back to my present life. “hey, y/n?” historia pulled me back in, still seated, “are we ever going to talk again?”
my steps faltered, the words sounding weird coming from her, “i don’t think so, no.” maybe if my life was different, i would run back to historia. instead, i took my leave to the exit, making my way back to eren. 
the cold air was comforting; i hadn’t realized how stuffy i had gotten in that booth. there was a small pressure gone from my back. the little bit of historia i had always carried around with me. i was happy for the closure; it made the move a definite choice. nothing was really keeping me here any longer. 
opening the door to eren’s car, i sat down, somewhat shell shocked. i was still absorbing the conversation; still taking all of it in. i was sure myself a year ago would be jumping for joy, and running back into hisotira’s comforting arms. “how’d it go?” eren broke the silence, tone walking on eggshells around me. i shrugged, unsure of how to unravel it to him. “that bad, huh?” he laughed through his nose. 
“it wasn’t bad, i just don’t know how to feel,” it was the truth. i couldn’t make sense of the emotions stirring in my stomach. “are you glad you listened to me?” he mocked, a goofy smile spreading on his face. i pushed his shoulder; which he didn’t budge from. 
i rolled my eyes, moving my neck with them, “i hate that you’re phrasing it like that, but yeah.” eren pulled the gear shift down into drive, “i have something that’ll brighten your mood.” his hand found mine, interlocking our fingers, and giving my palm a squeeze. “what?” i tried to fight the smile on my face. 
“it’s a surprise,” he dragged the words out, taunting me. “come on, just tell me!” eren turned his focus on navigating the road, already starting to tune my pleas out, “it’s not a telling-thing… trust me you’ll want to see it.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the blindfold eren tied to me was beginning to irritate me. “is it ready yet?” i asked, although i could still hear his fingers clicking on the laptop. i heard him grunt, and i knew he was rolling his eyes, “i don’t understand how you have so little patience.” his hand pushed against my back, throwing me off-kilter. 
i groaned, “i don’t like being blindfolded.” eren’s breath grazed the side of my neck “really?” he whispered in my ear. a shiver went down my spine, and i clenched my legs together to hide the reaction before pushing him back with my elbow. “okay, fine. done,” he chuckled. 
eren pulled the blindfold off, tussling my hair in the process. i didn’t have time to fix it, eyes focusing on his laptop screen in front of me. “eren, what is that,” although, i already knew the answer. it was a cottage; similar to the cabin he took me to. it was quaint; but cozy. the exterior was covered in lush vines, and it was surrounded by what looked like acres of empty land. 
“it’s a house. our house actually,” i peeked over at him. he was already staring into my eyes, a satisfied smile on his face. “OUR house?” my tone was obnoxiously confused. it was obvious we would need a house.. but eren took the time to find one himself. a perfect one; and it would be ours. the feeling was so surreal i couldn’t begin to describe it. 
eren laughed at my reaction, wrapping his hands around my waist and fiddling with my skin underneath my clothes, “well, yeah as long as you like it.” i flipped through more of the pictures, looking at the interior. the rooms were old fashioned; down to the kitchen appliances. “i love it.” 
the photos showed a closer view of the land around it, “there’s enough room for farmland, so we can own animals.” the next was a picture of a small brown barn. i couldn’t keep the smile off my face imagining what life would be like there, “really?” i still couldn’t believe it. “mhm,” he mumbled, a goofy grin still glued to his face. 
“are there vampires in germany?” i hadn’t thought about it. i suddenly wondered if we were trading in grisha for a worse masochist. “i can only assume so. but grisha was too caught up with the vampires here that he never cared to venture out,” it didn’t bring me much comfort. 
i turned my body to face eren fully, “it’s perfect,” i whispered, bringing my face closer to his. our lips connected, and his grip on my waist tightened. he picked up my body to position myself on his lap; i opened my mouth allowing his tongue to enter mine.
my hands traced up his body, stopping to grip his moving jawline. his hands made their way up my shirt, two fingers squeezing my nipple. i pulled back from him, letting out a soft moan. the thought hit me then, “what if you get tired of me?” i couldn’t help but voice it. 
his features turned serious in an instant, “i won’t,” he answered immediately, and confidently. when i thought about it, i hadn’t known eren for that long. it doesn’t matter, my mind contradicted. “you can’t know that.”
“i can,” he pulled his hand from underneath my shirt, cupping my cheeks while squeezing them lightly. “you’ve been on my mind longer than you know.. i’m not going to get tired of you,” i wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but it warmed my heart anyway. like a natural reaction.
i nodded, “i’m more worried you’ll get tired of me,” eren laughed, squeezing my cheeks even harder, squishing my lips together. “impossible,” i giggled, shaking off his grip. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 years ago
My weekly roundup CW 17
I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking in relation to the previous week on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists!). These are just my personal opinions and preferences.
And yes, this may contain spoilers!
→ 1. The Eighth Sense (9+10/10 Final)
Phew. How should I sum up my feelings about it? Korea has a knack for good stories, for me, anyway. And this story is definitely one of my favorites and one of the best I've seen so far. And you can tell it's leaning more towards western television. You can notice the Skam notation and also a bit of the Young Royals setting. But what about the last episodes? I knew there was going to be a happy ending because I was spoilered thanks to MDL, since the movie has already aired in Korea. Nonetheless, for me the journey is the destination, I also like to spoil myself on purpose sometimes. Because while I knew it would end well, I didn't know what the journey would be like. And the way was so beautiful! JaeWon is slowly realizing that his life belongs to him and he won't be better off if he excludes JiHyun from it. He worries so much about not hurting others, about what he thinks is good for others, without looking at what the others might want. He hurts JiHyun much more by avoiding him and excluding him from his life, and he's starting to realize that. And yes, in the end they meet again and this reunion climaxes in such an unbelievably great kiss and a night where both of them can hardly sleep because they can't stop looking at each other and finally enjoying each other's closeness. And JaeWon is completely absorbed in the role of "it's now or never, you only live once and screw everyone else". He's with JiHyun and he doesn't give a shit who knows it all then. And the message of it all: they don't know if they'll make it and stay together, but that doesn't stop them from trying anyway, giving themselves a chance and believing in something positive. It's worth allowing some happiness and love in your life. I am thrilled by this series. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the "reconciliation" with EunJi and TaeHyung.
↑ 2. My Story (3/10)
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I was so looking forward to the next episode. Not necessarily because of the good acting of the main couple or their chemistry, but because of Zeke and Fifth! I got a really bad second-couple-syndrome! They're just so cute together, even though I really didn't need the close-ups of their feet! But Fifth was jealous! Ahhhh! And makes no bones about finding men attractive. What's going on with the main couple? I don't know. They briefly didn't interest me after the kissing-after-puking moment…that wasn't romantic that was gross!
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Yes, I might be lowkey obsessed with them...
☼ 3. Happy Merry Ending (1+2/8)
Korea is coming up big this year with plots that deal with social anxiety and depression. I'm curious to see how this will be implemented here. In the first episode, we definitely learned that SeungJun has trauma and is medicated in that regard. It seems to be an important, central theme. Especially as a wedding singer who only dares to perform wearing sunglasses because he's afraid of the looks of the audience. And in return, we have JaeHyun who can fit in well with groups and new environments. I love JaeHyun already! He's so obviously hit hard with SeungJun and I love it! He is so direct and wants to spend time with him. Oh love at first sight! Love it!
☼ 4. La Pluie (1/12)
La Pluie surprised me. I didn't think the story would pick me up like that in the first episode. Yes, the concept of going deaf when it rains and only being able to hear your soulmate's voice (even if he's not present but telepathic) takes some getting used to, but I honestly found it quite cute. And yes, love at first sight is also a little favorite of mine. So Tai goes deaf but can hear his soulmate's voice in his head when it rains. However, he has mostly refused to answer him so far because he doesn't believe in soulmates or love. After all, his parents, who were also supposed to be soulmates, divorced each other. That changed his view of love. But his first encounter with the person behind the voice in his head perhaps showed him, what he might miss, if he doesn't reach out already. And as a second couple, we have an enemies-to-lovers story! I am excited!
↓ 5. Our Dining Table (4/10)
Yutaka's brother is just an asshole. But he couldn't help it as a child/teenager, but the parents could have said something. It's so easy to say you're part of the family now and then just ignore when the son bullies the adopted son like that. I want to box him and the parents. And Minoru wants to know so much more about Yutaka. He's so on his way to totally falling in love with Yutaka and his sensitive nature. And he's so sweet and insecure about it. I'm happy if Yutaka can open up to him a little bit.
↓ 6. A Boss And A Babe (9/12)
Yeah, what can I say. Gun is an idiot if he really thinks Cher betrayed him like that. And then he doesn't talk to him right away but gives him the cold shoulder first. Uncool, boss! And the friends realize that Cher was apparently a bit more serious with the boss after all. Even though they're there for him, I'm still pissed about last week. The sleepover was really nice though. Even friendships are not without drama. But it all works out in the end. Gun breaks Cher's Gameboy, but repairs it right away because of his bad conscience. But that's it for the drama, at least between Cher and Gun, right?
↑ 7. The Promise (7/10)
Party, my man! He has really thought, if you can not, Phu, then I'll show you how it's done right! Well, the result was rather so devastating, but I love how Nan reacted! As a person who has witnessed both sides, I think Nan gave the best reaction possible. He showed Party and told him that he is important to him and is and will be his best friend. And Party can now so slowly detach himself from the feeling. It is indeed easier to do such a thing when it is spoken out. Well and Phu…I even understand him. He just has zero hopes, so why jeopardize the friendship? Even though Nan took every opportunity to touch Phu's face in the morning…You can apply sunscreen several times, come on I'll show you. Yeah, right! The two of them have to finally talk to each other. And of course Phu isn't Nan's best friend anymore, because Nan doesn't consider him a friend anyway, he just doesn't quite understand yet what Phu actually is to him. Good episode.
↓ 8. Naked Dining (3/10)
Ohhhh, Futa is jealous! You can tell already very much that the two like each other a bit much. And finally the naked dining was back! And also with the homemade food he made together with Mahori. Yes, this is a rather quiet series as well. I don't know how much drama we can expect, but so far it's a gentle sprinkling. And I'm permanently hungry by the time I'm done with the episodes…
↓ 9. Step By Step (2/12)
Hm. I don't know. I don't like Jeng? And all the colleagues just suck! And then Pat is supposed to leave the only one who is nice to him and who is on the same page with him alone, because there might be gossip? That's bullshit! So I found the second episode not quite as convincing. The friends, on the other hand, except for the slip of his friend, who met professionally with his ex, I still find great!
↓ 10. Our Skyy 2 (3+4/16)
I really wanted to like it. But shit, was it boring! It's a fireworks display of cheesy dialogue…And what kind of ring is that? Am I just too anti-romantic to find that beautiful? I mean, yes, cute, sunflower and star together, but that's too much for a ring…And I have an idea for a new drinking game: A shot every time one of the two says I love you! And finally the cringiest quotes...
"Dao, you're trusting the right person, because I no longe know how to love anyone else. You're the only one I love." "Will you eat breakfast first or eat me first?" "I am all yours, Kluen. Yours and yours only, Kluen." "Once our home is done, our parents will discuss our wedding plans." (Even though Kluen didn't ask and Dao couldn't say yes…)
→ 11. Tin Tem Jai
I took notes: Why did a series like Tin Tem Jai have to include a drug storyline? There was no resolution to the story whatsoever, except that Kana would hit Pao if he took drugs again. Problem solved…Wow! Screw Pao's problems, they'll take care of themselves! Next, I noted: Why does Tin continue to be portrayed as this little boy. That just feels wrong to me. And again, I ask myself the question, how old is Tin supposed to be? And further, you guys can just kiss like that. You don't have to wait until your birthday. The whole kissing contact just doesn't feel good. There's just too much riding on the fact that Park is so much older and more experienced than Tin. I am constantly confused and not feeling good. Luckily next epsiode will be the last one! Finally!
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solciego · 2 years ago
If you could write an historical AU (any era ) where they go on some sort of trip or travel that would be fun to read ! :)
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The tenderness with which I hold you Words: 1217 Regency au (highly based on Bridgerton xd)
Mikasa definitely needs some time alone.
She wasn't a big fan of balls, and being surrounded by men seeking her attention this season was torture enough. Moreover, considering her aunt was persistently pushing her to marry Viscount Zeke Jaeger, a man much older whom she despised for the disgusting way he looked at her, the situation became even more unbearable.
Ever since reaching the age to marry, her aunt, Kiyomi, had become her shadow, and every social event was an opportunity for her to push her towards an unpleasant marriage and secure an advantageous union. Following the path society expected of her each day was becoming increasingly suffocating. Each time the idea of a convenient marriage with a wealthy man was mentioned, Mikasa felt her freedom and authenticity slowly fading away.
She was ready to give up and remain single for the rest of her life.
Tired of the leering gazes and suggestive comments she had faced at the reception, Mikasa finally decides to find a place to escape from that social charade. She carefully opens the door to the first empty room she finds and unexpectedly encounters Jean on the balcony, finishing smoking a cigarette. Their gazes meet, and Mikasa can notice a hint of surprise in Jean's eyes as he extinguishes the cigarette under his foot.
"I see I'm not the only one seeking some peace," he says with a smile as he approaches her. A faint smile also forms on Mikasa's lips.
"My dance card is filled with dates that will hardly materialize," she replies with a sigh, reflecting her disinterest in social activities.
"It's been a busy season, hasn't it?" Jean asks, trying to keep the conversation light.
She shrugs. "With Historia Reiss as the diamond of the season, my aunt has been more insistent than ever on finding me a husband."
Jean can't help but chuckle; he knew her aunt well and knew how persistent she could be when she had something in mind. "And what's been stopping you so far?" he asks curiously.
"It's just that... All those men are so shallow. The only one who's even remotely interesting is Armin, but I see him more like a brother," Mikasa confesses, revealing her most sincere thoughts. At each ball, she was pushed towards high-status suitors, but none of them sparked even the slightest interest in her. They all seemed to be interested solely in her foreign beauty, and none took the time to get to know her as a person.
Jean ponders for a moment before responding. "You certainly deserve better than that."
Mikasa smiles gratefully at him. "And you?" she asks, recalling that Jean had not found a wife and didn't seem interested in the matter.
"I suppose it's the same for me. They're only interested in my dowry."
As Duke of Trost, Jean held a position and fortune that irresistibly attracted many women interested in securing their future, especially ambitious mothers who saw him as the perfect match for their daughters.
Both fell silent for a moment, sharing a complicity in their struggles against societal expectations.
"Mika... Come with me," Jean suddenly proposes, extending his hand to her. Mikasa looks at him curiously, intrigued by the proposition. "Let's get out of here."
She hesitates for a moment, aware of the social implications of retiring alone with a gentleman. "Jean..."
"Come on, it's not like you have anything better to do."
She shakes her head, concerned about her reputation and what high society would say if they saw her alone with him. "It's improper. If we're discovered, my reputation will be completely ruined."
"If that happens, I won't let it affect your reputation. Trust me," Jean says with a passionate glint in his eyes.
After a few seconds of contemplation, Mikasa finally nods, letting herself be guided by her deep trust in him. She allows Jean to take her hand, feeling the comforting warmth of his touch. He leads her carefully and decisively, ensuring they are not seen as they slip away from the bustling ballroom.
The carriage glides smoothly through the paved streets, choosing less-traveled routes and shaded alleys, creating an intimate atmosphere between the two of them. Mikasa observes Jean, whose eyes shine with an enigmatic glimmer under the soft light inside the carriage. He smiles occasionally, trying to dispel any tension she might be feeling.
Jean keeps his promise to take her to a special place, and when they arrive, the scenery is enchanting. It's a serene stream, surrounded by trees and lush vegetation. The moon shines over the tranquil waters, creating silver glimmers that unfold across the surface. Both sit by the shore, Mikasa hugging her legs, and Jean remaining silently by her side as the night breeze envelops them both.
"I just don't want to marry a stranger," she whispers sincerely.
"What?" The uncertainty in his voice is palpable as he watches her attentively.
Mikasa sighs and searches for the right words to express what she feels. "I think that's why I've taken so long to consider marriage. I don't want to settle for a forced or meaningless union. I want something authentic. I am more than just a mere title or someone to be joined with for convenience. I want someone to see me for who I am, not just as a wife or a decorative figure in their life."
Mikasa's confession flows with sincerity and passion, like a confident whisper that rises in the nocturnal air. She glances briefly at Jean from the corner of her eye, and under the silvery light of the moon, she can appreciate his face framed by his incipient beard.
However, he doesn't return her gaze, and in a desperate impulse, Jean rushes to her side and takes her hand firmly in his. The warmth of their skin blends together. "Marry me," he blurts out, his words echoing his own desires and dreams.
Mikasa opens her eyes, surprised by his unexpected declaration. "What?" she responds, trying to process what she has just heard.
Jean searches for the right words to explain what he feels deep within his being. "We've known each other since we were little. We've been there for each other in the toughest moments. I've seen every part of you, Mika, your strengths, and your insecurities. And you've seen mine too. We know the best and worst of each other, and yet, we're still here. Together."
Jean continues to gaze at her with his deep hazel eyes, a look full of hope and longing. For some reason, his expression is desperate, as if he were struggling to convey a million things at once.
Mikasa's heart quickens. He is right; she knows him better than anyone else, and he knows her in a way no one else does. They have shared laughter, tears, and secrets. There is a connection between them. Moreover, Jean holds a position of great influence and responsibility in high society. She knows her aunt would be thrilled with this union, making it convenient in more than one sense.
"Jean, I..." she stammers, her thoughts in conflict. But before she can finish her sentence, he looks at her with such intensity that her words fade into the air.
"Marry me, Mikasa," he insists. "Let me be the person who sees you for who you are."
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dorizardthewizard · 9 months ago
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 16 (final)
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Yaaay champions! I like how he actually fakes right and breaks left in the game haha
We don’t get to see Gabriella winning though, but I imagine a scholastic decathlon win wouldn’t look so interesting
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This will be more relevant in the second movie
And yes I'm going to read too much into Chad breaking them up
Chad: So, you're going with me to the after-party, right? Taylor: Like on a date? Chad: Must be your lucky day!
Smooth, Chad, real smooth. Although I wish we could have gotten some moments of them actually becoming more close because it’s kind of out of nowhere? It's like they said, here’s the black best friend characters. Obviously we should just pair them up, no need to actually develop that everyone should get it.
^ For reference, it took like a few minutes of screentime for us to buy into Troy and Gabriella being into each other, so they really could have squeezed something in like, maybe during their talk when they realised they fucked up? They could have a genuine moment there.
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Also quick fast forward but I read in an interview with Monique I think that she had the idea of giving Taylor a Britney-inspired outfit for the last scene, and yeah it's a pretty nice touch! A mix between preppy but also showing her letting loose.
I didn't clock that outfit at all at first though because I'm used to seeing school uniform in my country asdjhsf
Anyway yeah it’s too sudden for Sharpay to suddenly be cool with everyone now, but I don’t really care because they had no idea how big this movie would become and that they’d get sequels so I get why they wrapped that up quickly.
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Awww Zeke! You gotta let it go man, there’s plenty of girls out there who will appreciate your cookies. Why does Sharpay reply “ew” to cookies what 😭😭 adding this to my lesbian Sharpay agenda
But Ryan picks them up at least and congratulates Zeke, he’s also wearing red so… supportive? Ok I see you Lucas I see what you were trying to do and I’m sorry Disney wouldn’t let you do it, but I do still find it hilarious how these little moments just get completely overshadowed by THAT scene in HSM2 LMAO
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Aww Kelsi looking happy but awkward, same. Looks like everyone had an outfit change! She’s the playmaker! Troy’s like Kelsi fan number one and their friendship is so underrated honestly, he’s always lifting her up. Which must have been crazy for Kelsi, in the novelisation during their first interaction she’s like “THE Troy Bolton is being nice to me holy shit??”
Kelsi’s reaction is so funny though like, yeah I too would be like “Thanks!! Errr what do I do with this now I don’t know anything about basketball? Do I shoot it for fun? But I’ll probably flop and lose the ball, how long am I supposed to carry it for? Can I just… leave it to the side? Put it away I mean they’re gonna need it again? But I don’t want to look like I don’t appreciate it?????” This is what my brain is like during every single unscripted social interaction I engage in btw
Jason noticing her being a bit awkward and helping her shoot the ball is sweet, he’s just like that. Not a huge fan of taking her hat off though, I know it’s like this ooooh she’s letting loose moment but…. she had it on during Breaking Free when she’d just stood up to Sharpay and she was all energetic and confident during the performance, she’s all about her hats let her wear her hat! It comes off as the “oooooohhh this nerdy girl with questionable fashion sense is actually really beautiful if she just presents more conventionally!” trope
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And now the final song! I've given up on making passable screencaps
I love watching the extras in this one because they’re obviously professional dancers and they just show everyone up, especially in that bit once the end credits start rolling. Ryan slays in this too, and happy to see Martha freely dancing there! As for the song itself, it’s iconic of course. For my personal listening tastes though, it's just a liiiittle too cheesy and for the kids. That’s what they were going for, with a pretty learnable choreography and all. Which is fine! It’s just not something I’d listen to much in my free time. I’m also haunted by another vine where these guys do a handshake or something and then break into this choreography idk, I can’t find it. Anyway B tier
Hahahaha this post-credits scene, what was Zeke even doing just wandering around there aimlessly. Thinking about his rejection? : ( But no one can resist his baking for long!
His smile at the camera is so funny, yeah they never really went anywhere with this Sharpay-Zeke thing in the series so it’s kind of weird they keep throwing in little hints and Zeke still has a crush on her every movie
Aaaaand that’s the movie! This commentary has clocked in at over 9000 words, this is insane.
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year ago
Bob's Burgers: Bully-ieve It or Not (14x05)
Hey, I've been saying for the past four weeks that I wanted a school-centric episode and I got it. I'm happy!
This is just a personal thing but the gross-out humor that this show sometimes employs is not my favorite. The pee stuff, fine, but then licking the booger wall and the idea that Zeke might throw up? I did have to look away from the screen during that part. Not a fan.
I liked how both the subplot with the kids and the plot with Bob back at the diner had like, real life lessons to learn, but it never felt after school special-y. This show can sometimes decide to tackle a real issue in a way that still preserves the comedy and still remains broadly palatable and enjoyable.
In this episode, a new student at school forces Zeke to relive something from his past that he'd rather not. At first, the gang all believe that Zeke was bullied by this kid, and Louise and Gene concoct a revenge plan. But it's the revealed that Zeke was the bully, and he's avoiding the new kid out of shame for who he used to be!
I love that everyone agrees that Zeke's behavior is messed up, even before the truth comes out that Zeke had mocked this kid for his lisp. Jimmy Jr. is already pushing Zeke to apologize and make amends before it becomes personal. And Louise wants to cause chaos as usual, but she's doing so with a childlike sense of justice. This new kid hurt someone, so now he has to be humiliated in return.
One of the fun things about this plot was Tina. I loved how she actually played it really cool and didn't have an instant crush on the new kid. She uses her charmingly awkward demeanor to give him a tour of the school, and is able to come out of the whole situation seeming pretty normal for once. I wonder if this new guy will feature in more episodes moving forward!
In the subplot, Bob has an idea for a burger with little meatballs inside instead of one burger patty, and Jimmy Pesto steals it from him and uses a similar idea in his restaurant across the street. Bob gets up in arms as always, goes over there to make a fuss and tell the truth, but with the help of Linda and Teddy's sage advice, he decides to take the high road. He tells Jimmy the one thing it's actually hard for him to hear: that Bob would rather be himself, than be like Jimmy. That Jimmy may have found success by stealing Bob's idea, but Bob's the one capable of having other ideas. Better ones, in fact.
Just like the main plot, this subplot features Bob learning an important lesson. I love how Teddy orders a "normal" burger and pisses Bob off, and how Teddy then coaches Mort into ordering the burger of the day just to try and indulge Bob's whims. I love how Linda tries to encourage Bob to take a more healthy tack, but she also doesn't stop him from marching across the street to make a statement. She would have supported him even if he had made a scene and humiliated himself and won nothing. We've seen that scenario play out on this show before, and it would have made for some great comedy here too. But it's fun to give Bob the moral and social victory here, for once!
So that's that: a really fun episode, that took us into the school where I'd been wanting to visit for a while!
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