#her name was jessica
hislittleraincloud · 2 days
I know that look. I've seen that look.
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gjdraws · 1 year
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found a new brush, saw some tkk3 gifs fell down a hole you know the drill
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bolly--quinn · 29 days
You ever draw Time God Jessica?
sure why not
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tremorsmackenzie · 4 days
a major problem that im having is that there is no quake spinoff. like, daisys story is insane in agents of shield, they did so much with her and everyone elses character. but she deserves to get a really character focused show of her own like agent carter and jessica jones were for those characters.
give me the daisy johnson story dammit.
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dxnyarya · 5 months
sammy having a dragon tattoo was genius foreshadowing for her turning into a vampire
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loumandivorce · 9 months
trans malcolm is so. imagine if the person the most accepting of you was your serial killer dad
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hugeegosorry · 1 year
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incognito-duo · 6 months
(I was talking about Miguel to a insta oomf and I'm back to yammering.) 
Miguel O'Hara has an ofrenda. Not probably, but he just does. He remembers how he would sit Gabriella in his lap and explain the importance of the ofrenda, naming each and every family member by their belongings or photos. He never thought that he'd see Gabi’s photo up there too. 
It wasn't right. It wasn't right at all - what father wants to see his lil girl's photo smiling back at him on a ofrenda? With shaky hands he places her hair ties and soccer jersey alongside her photo. He places her baby clothes next to her photo too, her favorite stuffed animal as a toddler, her soccer ball - he places even more photos up, he can't help himself. 
He rubs her old soccer jersey between his fingers trying to find some resemblance to his daughter’s skin, trying to see that maybe if he blinks it'd be her instead in his arms. He lets his eyes water in the solace of his house, his lights off with only the candle light illuminating his face as he holds onto Gabi’s fuzzy baby clothes. They were so small, she was so small.
“I thought it was harmless.” He thinks. “I thought it was harmless, I thought it was harmless.” He repeats to himself as he walks to her grave with aching feet. This Gabriella has a grave, he couldn't even give the other one that luxury. 
He feels himself go mental as he can't help but make another ofrenda for his other Gabi, right next to the one from his universe. He doesn't have anything of this Gabriella, just printed out photos of the videos he has. Videos where she's not even with him, just the man he wanted to be. 
He never wanted to be Spiderman. He wasn't like Peter, Jess, Ben, Gwen, or Miles chasing after a normal life and the grandeur of Spiderman at the same time. He just wanted his Gabriella, su corazon. 
“I thought it was harmless.” He repeats as he curls his hands into fists, his claws digging into his skin, not caring if he draws blood. Today, Gabriella would be fifteen - she'd have her quinceañera. He places her last doll and last shoes, his arms shaking as he wishes he could give her a last dance. 
It was November 1st and Miguel wished his photo was up on the ofrenda instead.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
Vriska: Dog girl this dog girl that. 8ut what of the hum8le spider girl?
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dragoninahumancostume · 9 months
My favorite comedians currently are:
John Mulaney
A gay Italian with a very gay voice
A straight jew Italian who was a theater kid. Can easily make people think he's queer. Has a bunch of problems with his parents
A straight jew who was also a theater kid. Good at impressions of John Mulaney. Had problems with father
A lesbian jew. Is depressed. Seems to be on meds whenever she does stand up.
A white lady named Taylor who is also a swift. Probably on meds. Bipolar
They're all either gay, flamboyant and/or with something going on in their minds
And that's honestly the best type of humor for me
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theladyofrosewater · 6 months
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I will always be mad that Leona ended up as a glorified babysitter, she deserved better solely because of her kinda fucked up origin
Some notes below
Regardless of who her father is I imagine that she is TALL, like mid 7 foot range which is a little funny when she stands next to her mother because I headcanon Kiki to be like 5 foot 6 max
Because Kiki and Brendan have no given last name I'm giving Leona the last name Dubois, which I know is french (the horror) but I think the meaning would make sense for her family
She is very well mannered which is funny since I think she was literally raised in a barn and that includes taking care of her hair and her fur, she had to find a lot of old books on Werewolf physiology to help her though plus whatever Kiki could tell her because of where Kiki was raised.
I imagine Leona has a massive sweet tooth and the fact that she can't have chocolate like EVER makes her so sad
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starbornsoulrider · 3 months
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me when i'm joking
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
Hear me out
Crazy girl who's obsessed with Shawn
She's so obsessed that she follows him between states and he's freaking out
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sniff-sniff-sniff · 1 year
I literally think Sam is polyamorous most of the time cuz I just can’t imagine only giving him ONE partner lol. he needs lots and lots me thinks 😊
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dawnssummers · 1 year
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Jessica forces me to watch every sunset even when I am full. She puts her fingers in my mouth and says open your eyes. Open them. You see the small-town girls on big billboards? One day that's us.
buffy the vampire slayer, 3.17 + 3.21 + 3.22 / angie sijun lou, jessica gives me a chill pill
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based-bobcat · 6 months
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Jessica Cruz being written by the writer who understood her the most; Sam Humphries. And look how much our girl has grown! She already was worthy of the ring, but now she believes it herself
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