aloysiavirgata · 1 year
Just read all the Henry stuff you wrote! It’s so good! Can we please have some more?)) pretty please?)))
Oh, bless. Henry is my albatross. As a woman who was a teen girl in the 90’s and a secret romantic I want Mulder and Scully together 4 EVRRR!!!!
But as a woman who has watched so goddamn many of her friends in toxic relationships I’m also like DANA KATHERINE SCULLY GTFO THIS ABSOLUTELY SHIT RELATIONSHIP.
I struggle, man. People want Henry and Scully shmoopy fic. They want Scully leaving him for Mulder. And I also want both.
What have I done? Sigh.
She loves him, her gentle, straightforward husband. She loves his children, who love her back but revere their mother, the dead and saintly Joan.
The dogs, at least, are reliably fickle. They revere anyone with snacks.
Henry in a tuxedo, handsome in the way of freshman biology professors and the bachelor uncles of high school best friends. Henry would buy you a malted, would walk you home, would defend your honor. Would love you until your splintered heart knit back together like a comminuted fracture.
She adores him in a way that is unfair to him.
Scully - no. Dana. But old habits haunt hard.
Dana is in a strapless silk dress the color of an August thunderstorm, the color of an angry sea. A dress cut like a first kiss, a last kiss. Like a long goodbye.
Viv helped her pick it, Viv with the endless ripened-peach beauty of eighteen.
“Gorgeous,” the other guests tell her, and she tosses her russet head as Henry’s wife must. As Dr. Scully must. She bares her pretty white arms, her pretty white throat. The ropes of freshwater pearls click softly.
Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Waltz begins and Henry beams down at her with his hand at her back. They are beautiful in the mirrors and she knows it and she likes it. She likes her long red hair and her handspan waist and Henry like Cary Grant.
Henry dips her and she laughs, happy. She likes that too, being happy. She was sad for a long time.
In the mirror is Mulder at the corners; she sees him hold out his hand to her for the shadowed dance they did for so long. It was a tango more than a waltz, it was a minor key more than it was ever a major. It was painful and sweet and lonesome and violent.
Henry kisses her beneath the chandelier, cups her face in his big hand. “I love you,” he mouths.
She smiles up at him. “I love you too.” And she does, oh, she does. She rests her head against his chest, against his solid, endless heart.
Dana - Scully - closes her eyes until Mulder slips away, William slips away. The shadows gather in the mirrors, in the corners, and they are alone together in the crowded room.
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rustycottoncandy · 2 years
TW for self-harm scars
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halfusek · 10 months
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Hey there Bendy fans!
Wanna join an animatic collab?
My dear friend @insane-control-room (who drew the art above!) is organizing (with a teeny tiny bit of my help) an animatic collab!
If you are interested, come join the Discord server with this invite link:
The first project we are planning on making is creating an animatic for Bendy and the Ink Machine’s 7th anniversary with using the song “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” by The Clash.
The animatic will be a silly, Henry (and Henryverse, ooh la la) centric project. Each artist will be assigned at least two panels. Slots are limited, and role call closes on December 1st. The final deadline will be February 1st, with check-ins every two weeks or so! Editing skills are welcome! :)
A more detailed roadmap looks like this: December 1: End Role Call December 7: Finalize Verse Claims. All Henry References Submitted December 31: Submit Sketch January 14: Submit Progress January 31: All Panels Submitted February 7: Preview/Final Edits February 11: Showtime!
Generation X’s “Dancing With Myself” and Imagine Dragons’ “Sharks” are also on the roster for future animatics, so if you want first dibs on those roles, come on and join now. Note: Sharks will require that you have worked on at least one animatic with our team previously due to an ambitious workload.
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browa123 · 2 years
Funny idea. The toppat clan tries to work together to bake a cake but its all just vanilla extract and a pathetically small amount of other ingredients tossed in. idk i saw the memes going around and that popped up. sorry.
One of my discord servers is talking about a Henryverse version of that, actually.
Oh, what's a Henryverse?
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insane-control-room · 2 years
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(shaking and crying)
im totally normal
(ft @ichaisme's wolf <3)
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inked-spirit · 4 years
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Here is what I drew as my first new book sketch (that went well).
I drew something like this awhile ago but looking back at was horrible so technically this is major redraw.
Henry's list:
Spider toon- @hntrgurl13
Wolf toon- @doberart
Angel toon- @inkspottie
Demon toon- @trashboatprince
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burnt-toast-life · 5 years
Everyone give me the name of your Henry and an image of them now please it’s urgent
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henryverse · 4 years
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“How much?!” “HOW MUCH?”
“One two three four...”
“Hold up, if you’re here, who’s piloting the-”
[Never ask yourself what’s the answer to something.]
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jeweledstone · 4 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 31: Free Day
Drew a thing with @halfusek ‘s Henry (Marshmallow) and my Henry (Lycan) trapped in the studio
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ab-arts · 4 years
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So it’s not buried in a reblog chain, here’s a separate post with my Henry as Sans
I managed this in like, two-three hours? How do I get such determination for random stuff and not stuff I actually wanna work on lol
Also, separate-post-exclusive alt version:
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Ending the Side Characters is now Into the Henryverse Fanfictions! From now on I'll be expanding my fics to all of the Henry Stickmin fandom!
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into-the-henryverse · 3 years
Blog under construction, Please forgive the dust.
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gwaciechang · 4 years
Bobby Hayes/Clark Kent
Thank you @harperhug for the beautiful birthday fic! And thanks for letting me post it here and take all your credit, lol.
The spot smelled like old plastic, rotting food, and all the other cast-offs people tended to leave in their wake. And as long as Clark didn’t think too hard about which of those were seeping into his shirt, it was pretty soothing. The place where he had been buried smelled like the wood of his coffin, the formaldehyde his suit had been soaked in, and faintly of flowers that his mother had brought day after day. Next to the dumpster smelled like none of those. The closest thing to home that he had was a packet of hot chocolate powder he had taken from the hotel, simply because it was the same brand his mother had always used, just different packaging. Smoother, or maybe his fingers were just less sensitive than they had been before.
He had forgotten, in the time since he had come back, just how strong his senses could be. At first he had been sheltered, ironically, by the grave he escaped, and when he got out, that he was out at all meant no one minded when he needed to crawl into a dark space and just breathe. And when that had passed, he was at home the home he’d grown up in with the woman who raised him. He’d foolishly assumed, when he could look at the ring Lois returned without feeling like he was being stabbed in the chest all over again, that he was ready to return to, if not being a superhero, then at least to helping people through his journalism. The invitation from an English journalist who had been caught by the drug smuggler she had investigated, asking for help, seemed like exactly what he needed.
And now he was hiding behind a dumpster, where he couldn’t help anyone, not even himself. He rubbed his thumb on the packet of cocoa powder, feeling it soften minutely with every stroke.
Someone kicked down a door, one block down. He raised his head and listened carefully. A man begged someone to take off his shoes, another man was demanding information on someone named Harry Clayton, and there was a person of indeterminate gender who was breathing heavily and not moving.
Clark was in front of them before he was aware he had moved. “Come on,” he hunched his shoulders to make himself seem smaller before he motioned for the figure, frozen in fear, to approach him. They ran toward him, flashing him a grateful smile, and made it to the stop just before the bus arrived.
A shout from the mysterious apartment made them pause before boarding, and they looked at Clark with a plea written plainly on their face.
“I’ll take care of it,” he promised, waving them off.
They smiled and turned around. Clark waited until he heard the bus carrying them away before he super-sped into the apartment, pausing only for a second to take off his shoes, and managing to arrive just in time to place his hand over the barrel of a gun.
“Now, I’m sure you’re not threatening this good citizen,” he let the familiar voice slip smoothly through his lips.
“You think you’re Superman or something?” the gunman snorted before turning back to the young man behind Clark. “Did you hear-”
The man rattled off a phone number.
With a glare, the gunman hid said gun somewhere Clark couldn’t see, and walked out. The young man slid down the wall, trembling and muttering...something in rhythm with his rapidly tapping fingers. Clark let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, and winced at the painful amount of disinfectant that seemed to permeate every inch of the room, which still somehow didn’t get rid of the strange chemical bitterness he could also smell.
“Is there somewhere else you can stay?” Clark asked. He received no response, except more counting, so he knelt until he was about eye-level with him. “My name’s Clark, Clark Kent. What’s your name?”
The man swallowed six times before saying “Bobby Hayes” so quietly that Clark could barely hear it, even with his advanced ears. He said it five more times, each quieter than the last.
“Hello, Bobby,” he held his hands up so they were clearly visible. “Can I help you in some way?”
Bobby shook his head, still shaking like a leaf, but he didn’t look like he was about to wither underneath Clark’s height anymore.
Clark swallowed back his helplessness. He knew he had once stood in a room with the last of his planet and an innocent family, and what his hands had done, but.... “I’m going to touch your back, OK?” he asked as steadily as he could.
Bobby flinched and his shaking grew more intense, but it almost immediately petered out until his spine relaxed into Clark’s hands. Clark, however, was tensing at the feeling of every single knob on Bobby’s spine through a worn, over-starched shirt.
“Could I use your kitchen?” he asked suddenly.
Bobby nodded wordlessly, eyes closed.
“Where do you keep your mugs, Bobby Hayes? Here?” Clark asked, one hand already on the smooth handle of the wooden cabinet in anticipation of acquiescence.
“NO!” Bobby shouted as he dove for the handle. “Don’t touch my things, please go,” he pointed to the door.
“Alright,” Clark raised his hands up again. “But I’d like to make sure you have something warm to hold first, alright?” slowly and telegraphing every move, Clark moved one of his hands into his jacket pocket to pull out the packet of cocoa powder. “My mom used to make this for me when I was scared of storms, and I was scared of them a lot.” Of course, he had heard more storms than most children, but there was no need for Bobby to know that. “I hope it makes you feel as safe as I did,” he said as he handed it over.
Bobby stared at the packet like it was a bomb, a comparison Clark didn’t stop making when he took the packet between his thumb and index finger gingerly. With his bare arms extended, Clark could see the open sores in the crook of his arm. So that was the strange chemical bitterness he had smelled.
“Whatever you’re mixed up with, it’s not too late to get out,” Clark implored.
“You should go,” Bobby said tonelessly without looking at him. They stood there at an impasse, until Clark finally realized Bobby wasn’t going to move until he left. He gave himself a second to put his shoes on at the top of the stairs to the door, as well as to familiarize himself with the sound of Bobby’s rapid heartbeat.
When he finally got back to his apartment (walking, not flying, he wasn’t sure he could still fly) he heard the heartbeat slow, smelled the warm sugar of familiar hot chocolate, and didn’t smell the chemical bitterness of cooked heroin. His heart lifted. For the first time since he had died, he thought he may be able to fly again.
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lilydalexf · 3 years
1/3: Hi there! A few days late but a tip regarding AloysiaVirgata's amazingly written Henry stories: That compilation you linked to actually doesn't have all of them (I don’t think Perplexistan is aware). Which was a very nice surprise to me when I randomly was on Kateyes224's account looking for something and was like, "Waittttt." There’s actually quite a few missing, so some squealing was involved on my end. While Aloysia had erased (I guess?) so many of them, reblogs, and/or with their
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Hi anon, it took me a little while to figure out what post of mine you're talking about. I think you're referring to a reply to my post looking for a fic series where Scully had remarried. The guess someone made for that fic series was the Henryverse by @aloysiavirgata, which is compiled here. However, you are right that not all the fics are there.
If anyone wants to find more Henryverse fics, try the searches anon suggests: 1, 2, 3. From looking at my own copies of the stories and trying to find them, this is what I found that's missing from the compilation above. There were about a dozen backstory posts I couldn’t find online. If you have a link to anything I've missed, please share!
Additional Henryverse fics: "It's Christmas Eve." "Skinner had gotten him into this room." "Your son."
Henryverse backstory posts: Does Scully think about what might have been? S10/AU blend. Some facts about Henry. What does Vivian think of Scully? Who is being eaten up by the repercussions? Will Henry lose patience with Scully?
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thequibblah · 2 years
oo o is asking u for ur bingo on emily henryverse characters too many characters.. idk hm i’ll narrow it down to charlie & nora
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the fact that they are almost identical… no more opposites attract EVER
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kellystar321 · 3 years
little a kiss? as a treat?
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Ellie: Bluebird, can you pour me a cup of coffee? I’ve got a lapful of Charles. Henry: [OK, one sec]
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Ellie: Love you, Henry. Henry: <3
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Charles: Aw, Acey~! Henry: <3
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Henry: [three cream, two sugar?] Ellie: You know me so well. Henry: [be back soon :)] Charles: Got it!
                               ((Mod here! Hi, I’m Jace! Thank you for reading through my little Triple Threat Trade-Off askblog for April Fool’s Day! If you’re a regular Henry Stickmin fan just lookin for a little fun, that’s it for the askblog! Thank you all who read and/or participated, I hope it was fun!))
((And an extra special thank you to the EtC Discord, who are very dear to my heart, sent me a majority of the asks, and were generally super supportive while I made this! I appreciate you more than words can say.
((That being said: for those who know Henryverse, askblog continues below the cut, but be warned for angst. i love you <3))
(Warning for the regular Ace angst <3)
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Henry: What does that mean?
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Henry(?): [I... know you, My... timeline...? Henries? I don’t...]
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Henry(?): [Wait, I-]
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Ace: ...
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Ace: [oh.]
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Ace: [...Just a dream.]
Happy April Fool’s <3 [End]
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