#henry is not royalty
Might post this on AO3 at some point. Maybe. I feel like I need to. Lol.
Anyway, enjoy another Firstprince fic. :*
Let yourself smile more. When you do, the world becomes brighter. At least mine does.
Henry bites his lower lip, trying to contain his smile despite what the note said. He can feel his cheeks warming up as he rereads the words.
He's been receiving these random notes for the past three months and the giddy feeling in his belly hasn't disappeared. Pez has been teasing him that this secret admirer may help him get over his little crush on Alex. It seemed unlikely at first but the more he receives these notes, the more hopeful he gets.
"Hey, Mr. Darcy!" Speak of the devil, Henry rolls his eyes, shoving the note into his pocket in the process. When he turns, he's bombarded with Alex's smile. His heart stutters at the sight, then mentally curses the stupid organ. How the fuck does the other teen still have this effect on him? "We're still on for Friday, right?"
"Yes, Alex. Our standing study session will still happen." He replies drily, his lips lifting on one side. In his periphery, he sees some of Alex's usual entourage frown in confusion.
"Cool. See you, Friday, Wilde." The asshole winks as he walks backward, likely on his way to lacrosse practice. Henry shakes his head in exasperation, watching as Alex and his clique turn the corner.
He pulls out the note from his pocket, smoothing out the paper. As he rereads the words, he can't help but smile at the short note.
Sometimes I dream about kissing that mole on your upper lip. Is that creepy? Whatever. I love looking at those beauty marks. I want to trace them with my mouth and find out how you would react to my kisses.
Henry lays his palm on his chest, right over his widely beating heart. He's not sure if his secret admirer meant it to sound as sensual as it did but Henry's brain blue-screened. He has a lot of moles scattered all over his body and the idea of this person's mouth exploring his body is... doing things to his randy teenage brain.
He hears someone laugh and his eyes immediately find Alex, head thrown back with pure joy. The image of a faceless boy in his head turns into Alex's mischievous smirk as he explores Henry's body.
He doesn't know how he's still torn between painfully straight Alex and the secret admirer who clearly wants him.
The way you tilt your chin up when you're trying to look tough makes me feel brave, too. I don't think you know just how inspiring you can be, sweetheart.
Henry can feel a sting in his eyes and he's not even sure why. His secret admirer didn't really say something that profound but at the same time, he did. Like any teen, Henry has a habit of comparing himself to his peers. Pez, his own best mate, has a way of lifting people up when they're down. Bea, when she was still attending the high school, formed a support group for teens turning to substance to cope. Alex got the lacrosse team to help prevent bullying by standing up for other people.
Henry does what he can, but he feels like he'll never leave a positive impact in the world. Knowing at least one person finds him inspiring is quite humbling.
I love watching your face when you read Austen. You have the most beautiful expressions when you read about two people falling in love. Sometimes I wonder what your face will look like when you realize just how in love I am with you. PS. Meet me at the music room after class?
Henry swallows thickly, hands shaking as he rereads the note a few more times. The postscript is still the same. His secret admirer wants to meet him and Henry's not sure what he should do.
Part of him wants to meet this secret admirer after months of receiving these sweet notes. But another part of him is scared. What if he's wrong and the secret admirer is actually a girl? He knows most of the school is aware he's gay but some think they can turn him straight, while others are just painfully unaware.
But what if it's a boy and not he imagined him? What if he's disappointed his secret admirer isn't how he pictured? Does that make him shallow? He hates to admit it but even without trying, he's imagining Alex leaving him these little notes. It's a daft fantasy but he can't really help who he falls for.
The day crawls and Henry's patience is running thin. There's at least fifteen more minutes until the school day is over. It's the longest fifteen minutes of his life.
When the bell finally rings, Henry rushes out of his seat he's practically leaving dust in his wake. He knows the music room will be empty today. Clearly, his admirer knows it, too.
When he gets to the music room, the door is closed but he can hear someone strumming the guitar. He wonders if it's his secret admirer or someone else.
He takes a deep, fortifying breath and slowly releases it. When he enters, he doesn't immediately see who's occupying the room. The click of the door shutting behind him sounds loud in the sudden silence.
Henry doesn't move, just leans down against the closed door in case the other room occupant is not his secret admirer. He can hear the clock ticking, counting along with it; eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. When he reaches thirteen, Alex's timid voice makes him flinch, "Hi."
"I'm supposed to meet someone here," Henry doesn't dare hope that Alex is the someone he's supposed to meet. It's simply not possible that the boy he's been halfway in love with may feel the same. But then Alex stands and makes his way to him, his brows raised in surprise. Henry can feel his heart pounding in his chest and he wonders if Alex can hear his heartbeat.
"Yeah," the other boy enunciates slowly, "me. You were meeting me."
"But..." Henry tries to grasp at words that would make a coherent sentence. "You're straight?"
"Henry," Alex says with exasperation. The smile on his face softens the blow, though. "I dated Liam for like, a month, maybe a bit longer." He's sure the younger boy is laughing at him.
"Oh." He certainly never knew that. "When?" His voice is hesitant, uncertain. He truly does not remember Alex and Liam ever dating. It had always been Liam and Spencer.
Alex's lips twitch, as if he's fighting a smile, "Fall of freshman year. We broke up because we both realized we wanted someone else."
Alex is now standing in front of him, just a foot or so of distance between them. If he raises his arm, he can take hold of the shorter man's waist. If wants, he can pull Alex into his arms and give in to the desire to kiss the other boy.
Then again, Alex is Alex and beats him to the punch.
Alex cups Henry's face, his touch is so gentle yet firm. He nuzzles the other boy's palm, swaying forward. It's hard not to get pulled in by Alex's gravity.
Henry sees the question in those brown orbs. He looks down at Alex's lips, then back to his eyes. A silent request.
When their lips finally meet, Henry finally understands what people mean when their world narrows down to a single person.
Got my acceptance letter from NYU. We're moving to New York, baby! -XOXO Alex
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thedemonofcat · 2 months
The last thing Jaskier remembered before being knocked unconscious was the chaos of the raid at Bleobheris—the clash of swords, the whistling of arrows. Amidst the turmoil, someone addressed him as "Your Highness" and dragged him to safety, but not before a poisoned arrow found its mark in his chest.
The arrow didn’t kill him, but it plunged Jaskier into a coma that lasted several months. When he finally awoke, he learned that his survival was thanks to the elven blood running through his veins.
Jaskier discovered that he was the last living descendant of an ancient elven royal line, a bloodline that remained purely elven regardless of human intermingling.
For his protection, the world was led to believe that Jaskier had died during his coma—a loss that Geralt had been silently mourning.
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annabolinas · 4 months
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May 19, 1536 - Anne Boleyn is Beheaded
"Good Christian people, I have come here to die. For according to the law, and by the law, I am judged to die and therefore, I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak of that whereof I am accused and condemned to die. But I pray God save the King and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never. And to me he was ever a good, a gentle, and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord, have mercy on me. To God, I commend my soul.' And then she knelt down, saying, 'To Christ I commend my soul, Jesu receive my soul', divers times, till that her head was stricken off with the sword.” - Anne's execution, as reported in Hall's Chronicle (1548)
""On a scaffold made there for the said execution, the said Queen Anne said thus: 'Masters, I here humbly submit me to the law, as the law hath judged me. And as for mine offenses, I here accuse no man; God knoweth them. I remit them to God, beseeching him to have mercy on my soul. And I beseech Jesu, save my sovereign and master, the King - the most godly, noble, and gentle prince that is, and long to reign over you.' Which words were spoken with a goodly smiling countenance. And this done, she knelt down on her knees and said: "To Jesu Christ, I commend my soul'. And suddenly, the hangman smote off her head at a stroke with a sword." - Anne's execution, as reported in Wriothesley's Chronicle (1559)
"And so she went to the place of her ordeal
To obey the will of justice,
Still showing a serene countenance,
As if she did not grieve for this world in any way;
For her coloring and face were such
That never before did she seem so beautiful ...
There was no one who does not have firm hope
That her spirit will not be in agony,
Given her great faith and wise patience,
Which rose above womanly courage.
Everyone, on the basis of her mightily steady end,
Judges her life to have been prudent
And believes they have committed a great offense
In having thought so ill of her." - Lancelot de Carle's The Story of the Fall of Anne Boleyn (1536, trans. Joann Dellaneva)
"Anne, the late Queen, suffered with sword this day within the Tower upon a new scaffold and died boldly. Jesu take them [i.e. Anne and the five men] to His mercy if it be His will." - John Husee to Lord Lisle, May 19, 1536
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empress-alexandra · 4 months
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Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse with his surviving children: Princess Victoria of Battenberg, Marchioness of Milford-Haven, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, Princess Irene of Prussia, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia and Grand Duke Ernest Louis of Hesse, 1884.
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empiredesimparte · 1 month
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°21 | Francesim, Paris, 29 Thermidor An 230
The Council of State finally approved the regency calendar, with the Empress's agreement. Napoleon V was to be more present than expected, particularly at weekends when he was not at sea with the crew. Charlotte remained bitter, but could no longer prevent the regency from taking place, given her husband's enthusiasm and the fact that the machine was already well under way.
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⚜ Traduction française
Le conseil d'État approuve définitivement le calendrier de la régence, avec l'accord de l'impératrice. Napoléon V sera plus présent que prévu, notamment en fin de semaine, lorsqu'il ne sera pas en mer avec l'équipage. Charlotte reste amère, mais ne peut plus empêcher la régence de prendre place devant l'enthousiasme de son époux et la machine administrative échauffée.
(Napoléon) Messieurs, nous allons devoir revoir le calendrier de la régence.
(Napoléon) Il se trouve que l’Impératrice attend notre premier enfant.
(Philippe) Félicitations, Vos Majestés ! Une bonne nouvelle (Charlotte) Oui. Louis et moi sommes ravis
(Charlemagne) Mes félicitations Sire, Madame. Les Français se réjouiront de l’apprendre eux aussi (Henri) Avez-vous une idée de quand le bébé arrivera ?
(Casimir) Le docteur estime que ce sera pendant le mois de Ventôse
(Napoléon) Oui, nous aimerions l’annoncer aux Français d’ici une semaine
(Philippe) Entre la régence et le bébé, le peuple va être surpris (Charlotte) Effectivement mon cousin
(Charlotte) C’est pourquoi mon époux et moi-même pensons qu’il faut reconsidérer la régence
(Charlemagne) Je pense que nous pouvons réaménager quelque peu les études de Sa Majesté en conséquence
(Casimir) Oui, l’Empereur ne partira réellement que 6 mois en mer. Cela laisse 9 mois sur le sol français
(Casimir) Ainsi sa Majesté ne sera pas trop absente pour le bébé (Philippe) Il faudra médiatiser votre formation mon cousin, pour rassurer les Français
(Napoléon) Un reporter de la marine se chargera de cela
(Henri) Nous discuterons avec le contre-amiral pour aménager le temps libre de l’Empereur
(Henri) Il pourra assurer des devoirs et être de temps en temps à vos côtés, Charlotte
(Henri) Avec ce calcul, l’Empereur ne sera absent que pour les six premiers mois de l’enfant
(Napoléon) Est-ce que cela vous convient, ma chère ?
(Charlotte) Je n’ai d’autres choix que d’y consentir, il semblerait (Napoléon) Très bien messieurs, jetons un œil au calendrier en détail
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
Talking to a friend today about how long polygamy lasted in China and I thought, "Huh, that seems like a really long time" (not officially ended until 1940s) but then I had a second thought, "Marriage was really locked in for a long time in England/most of Europe" and maybe that is the stranger thing. Divorce was nearly impossible and polygamy was illegal for a very long time, meaning that death was the only release from marriage. And I guess a lot of people died early, but that still seems wild. Make one decision in your early twenties and then you have to live with it essentially forever.
Then I started thinking to myself, alternative history where polygamy was normal and Henry VIII married all his wives at once. Would that make things better or worse?
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heatherfield · 2 years
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You will always be by my side? Always.
Elizabeth of York and Henry VII, The White Princess (2017)
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warwickroyals · 5 months
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You have no fucking idea the amount of work that went into this one. Y'all better give this five million notes.
@thegrimalldis for Mina mention <3
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illustratus · 6 months
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Henri IV with his Mistress by Louis-Nicolas Lemasle
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larkral · 2 months
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Blargh! I need a new header, except that my most recent OS update on my computer has end-of-life'd my long-term relationship with a once-purchased full Adobe suite, so I both have to find a new photo editing program AND learn to use it? Travail upon travail.
ANYWAY thanks for the tags today to @kiwiana-writes @run-for-chamo-miles @monbons @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @shrekgogurt (squeaking just at the arbitrary tumbr per-paragraph tag limit. PHEW) I am continually delighted by all the snippets people are sharing. Why oh why are there things I have to do with my time that aren't "write and read fanfiction"?
Anyway! One of those things this week was to trace a mural on my daughter's wall. I was...perhaps too ambitious with the design, but we'll get there eventually. This is the traced mural!
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I've also been writing a bit!
Eight (sorry not sorry) sentences from Finally (already, always):
"It's fine," he says, "I get it." Then he sits on my bed next to me and tugs my wand from my hand to set it on the nightstand. He presses his thigh to mine to nudge me over. "You know I don't think I've ever heard my dad say the word vampire? Before this summer, I mean. I don't know why. It's not like we haven't always known. Even Mordelia knows, and she's four."
And Six sentences of FirstPrince Soulmate BS, because if you read my last line this week you deserve to know a bit more context. :D
"Oh," Beatrice says on seeing Alex. "My apologies. We were planning on joining you for supper." She turns to Henry, "Did you not tell him?"  "No," Henry says with a quizzical expression, "I did." "Thought you were just being polite," Alex responds as he closes his laptop and stands.
Tagging everyone below the cut even though it's late, because I want to start your Mondays off right, and I'm claiming the ability to brighten your day. Humor me. :D
@stitchyqueer @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @whogaveyoupermission
@cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @wellbelesbian @basiltonbutliketheherb
@ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias
@petedavidsonscock @artsyunderstudy @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars
@nausikaaa @nightimedreamersghost @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @that-disabled-princess
@palimpsessed @fatalfangirl​ @blackberrysummerblog​ @valeffelees @mooncello
@j-nipper-95 @youarenevertooold @emeryhall @talentpiper11 @roomwithanopenfire
@imagineacoolusername @orange-peony @thewholelemon
<3 <3 <3
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 Palais de Thornolie: 28 Mai 1850, 20:45
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: What a relief for you the wedding was a success.
La Reine Arabella: En effet. In all honesty I'm more relieved word of their indiscretions never got out. We were quite lucky.
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: When will they return?
La Reine Arabella: Friday.
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Just in time for la mascarade.
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La Reine Arabella: Oui. Oliver was rather insistent upon it, though, I'm certain Gaston is just as favorable.
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Madame Adelaide: [Whispers to Eleanor] Are you alright? You've not said a single word all evening.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: ...
Madame Adelaide: Eleanor? I-
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Adelaide, have you enjoyed watching the festivities of la saison?
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Madame Adelaide: Oh, well, it's certainly has been...an education, Madame.
Monseigneur Oliver: [Mutters] This is absurd.
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La Reine Arabella: Oliver?
Monseigneur Oliver: Are we really going to sit here and ignore the elephant in the room?
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Le Roi Gaspard: Watch your tone.
Monseigneur Oliver: Why should I?
Le Roi Gaspard: We are in the presence of guests, and you will show some respect.
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Monseigner Oliver: That may be, but with each passing day, you are making it more and more abundantly clear they are aware of everything you're trying to keep hidden.
Le Roi Gaspard: This is neither the time or the place to-
Monseigneur Oliver: Then when is the time? Honestly, what could possibly have been in that letter and has you all walking on eggshells? What secrets does it possess that have you making decisions with regard to the people it may affect?
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Le Roi Gaspard: [Stands] Do you honestly think I would allow a letter to force my hand? No letter holds that much power over-
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Duc de Clèrisseau: [Whispers] Careful, Gaspard.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Je vous prie de m'excuser.
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: Eleanor?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Pardonnez-moi....I need some...
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Monseigneur Oliver: Are you alright?
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Stands] I...I need some air. [Leaves]
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trentonsimblr · 7 months
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pro-royalty · 10 months
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Sabrina Carpenter w. Henry Eikenberry
santa doesn’t know you like i do music video (bts)
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empiredesimparte · 2 months
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°18 | Francesim, Paris, 29 Thermidor An 230
The front page of French newspapers devoted to the coronation of Their Imperial Majesties, Emperor Napoleon V and Empress Charlotte of the French. Most of the media agree that it was a triumphant coronation. Everyone is now waiting to see what the young emperor's reign will be like. Napoleon V had not yet announced any concrete political measures.
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⚜ Traduction française
La Une des journaux français consacrés au couronnement de Leurs Majestés Impériales, l'Empereur Napoléon V et l'Impératrice Charlotte des Français. La plupart des médias s'accordent à dire que c'était un couronnement triomphal. Tous attendent maintenant de voir ce que donnera le règne du jeune empereur. Napoléon V n'a pas encore annoncé de mesure politique concrète.
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bloodtiesstilllives · 3 months
Let's Talk A Little About Henry And Lestat Pt.2: The Tale Of Two Princes
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Henry Fitzroy is the son of a King, but he was a bastard and so would not be in line for the throne. He was well favored by his father and so he was given the title of Duke of Richmond and Somerset.
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Lestat was technically an aristocrat even though he was the seventh son of a marquis and more than likely wasn't going to inherit anything anyway. But boy still had that dignified air about him.
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Despite age and experience, both of these guys have managed to retain that joie de vivre. I'm guessing that being turned at an age when they were at the peak of youthful exploration helped a lot.
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But they do have their serious, sad, lonely moments.
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AND...they are both artists.
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Henry is a painter and a story teller. He writes and draws horror graphic novels and has made quite the name for himself among the fans of that genre. Lestat is an actor and a musician.
I can only imagine how they could inspire each other.
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empress-alexandra · 5 months
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Daughters of Grand Duke Louis IV and Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse - Princess Alix of Hesse (later Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia), Princess Victoria, Marchioness of Milford Haven, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia and Princess Irene, Princess Henry of Prussia on the occasion of Princess Alix' engagement to Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, 1894.
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