#Duc Henri Valery
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theroyalthornoliachronicles · 6 months ago
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 Palais de Thornolie: 28 Mai 1850, 20:45
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: What a relief for you the wedding was a success.
La Reine Arabella: En effet. In all honesty I'm more relieved word of their indiscretions never got out. We were quite lucky.
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: When will they return?
La Reine Arabella: Friday.
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Just in time for la mascarade.
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La Reine Arabella: Oui. Oliver was rather insistent upon it, though, I'm certain Gaston is just as favorable.
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Madame Adelaide: [Whispers to Eleanor] Are you alright? You've not said a single word all evening.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: ...
Madame Adelaide: Eleanor? I-
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Adelaide, have you enjoyed watching the festivities of la saison?
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Madame Adelaide: Oh, well, it's certainly has been...an education, Madame.
Monseigneur Oliver: [Mutters] This is absurd.
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La Reine Arabella: Oliver?
Monseigneur Oliver: Are we really going to sit here and ignore the elephant in the room?
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Le Roi Gaspard: Watch your tone.
Monseigneur Oliver: Why should I?
Le Roi Gaspard: We are in the presence of guests, and you will show some respect.
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Monseigner Oliver: That may be, but with each passing day, you are making it more and more abundantly clear they are aware of everything you're trying to keep hidden.
Le Roi Gaspard: This is neither the time or the place to-
Monseigneur Oliver: Then when is the time? Honestly, what could possibly have been in that letter and has you all walking on eggshells? What secrets does it possess that have you making decisions with regard to the people it may affect?
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Le Roi Gaspard: [Stands] Do you honestly think I would allow a letter to force my hand? No letter holds that much power over-
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Duc de Clèrisseau: [Whispers] Careful, Gaspard.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Je vous prie de m'excuser.
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: Eleanor?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Pardonnez-moi....I need some...
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Monseigneur Oliver: Are you alright?
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Stands] I...I need some air. [Leaves]
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methoxetaminenoire · 7 years ago
Bohemian Club : Weaving spiders come not here.
David Rockefeller, grand banquier, et membre du Groupe de Bilderberg, du CFR, de la Commission Trilatérale.
Nelson Rockefeller, petit-fils de John Davison Rockfeller.
Henry Kissinger, ancien Secrétaire d'État de Richard Nixon, et membre du Groupe de Bilderberg, du CFR, de la Commission Trilatérale, et de MAJI - ou MJ12.
Theodore Roosevelt, président des Etats-Unis de 1901 à 1909.
William Howard Taft, président des Etats-Unis de 1909 à 1913.
Calvin Coolidge, président des Etats-Unis de 1923 à 1929.
Herbert Hoover, président des Etats-Unis de 1929 à 1933.
Harry Truman, président des Etats-Unis de 1945 à 1952.
Dwight Einsenhower, président des Etats-Unis de 1953 à 1961.
John Edgar Hoover, directeur du FBI de 1924 jusqu'à sa mort en 1972.
Richard Nixon, président des Etats-Unis de 1969 à 1974.
Gerald Ford, président des Etats-Unis de 1974 à 1976.
Ronald Reagan, président des Etats-Unis de 1981 à 1988.
George H.W. Bush, président des Etats-Unis de 1989 à 1992, père de George W. Bush, ex-directeur de la CIA, membre des Skull and Bones, du CFR et de MAJI.
George W. Bush, fils de George H.W. Bush. Président des Etats-Unis de 2001 à 2008, membre des Skull and Bones.
Jeb Bush, frère de George W. Bush, et ancien gouverneur de Floride.
Dick Cheney, vice-président des Etats-Unis de 2001 à 2008, secrétaire à la Défense de Bush père de 1989 à 1992.
Karl Rove, principal conseiller de George W. Bush.
Colin Powell, chef d'état major des armées sous Bush père et Secrétaire d'État de George W. Bush de 2001 à 2004.
James Baker III, Secrétaire d'État de George H.W. Bush.
Caspar Weinberger, secrétaire à la Défense de Ronald Reagan, de 1981 à 1987.
William Casey, directeur de la CIA sous Reagan, de 1981 à 1987.
William Webster, directeur du FBI de 1978 à 1987.
George Schultz, ancien Secrétaire d'État de Reagan, ancien secrétaire à la Défense de Bush-père, membre du CFR.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, acteur et ancien gouverneur de Californie.
Vernon Walters, ancien chef d'état major des armées.
Eliott Richardson, ancien secrétaire à la Défense.
Paul Volcker, président de la FED, la Banque centrale américaine, de 1979 à 1987.
Alan Greenspan, président de la FED de 1987 à 2005.
Malcolm Forbes, milliardaire américain.
Charles Schwab, président de Charles Schwab & Co, l'une des plus grosses sociétés de gestion financière et d'investissements boursiers.
Riley P.Bechtel, PDG de Bechtel Corporation, l'un des leaders mondiaux dans le secteur du bâtiment et travaux publics, et à qui le gouvernement américain accorde de très gros contrats, aux États-Unis ou à l'étranger.
David Packard, co-fondateur de la société Hewlett-Packard.
Lou Gerstner, ancien président d'IBM.
Alex Mandl, vice-président d'AT&T.
Henry Ford II, PDG de Ford Motor Company de 1945 à 1960, petit-fils de Henry Ford.
Jack Welch, PDG de General Electric.
Antonin Scalia, juge à la Cour suprême des États-Unis.
Joseph Califano, ancien secrétaire à la Santé de Nixon et Reagan.
Newt Gingrich, président de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis de 1995 à 2009.
Pete Wilson, ancien gouverneur de Californie.
Helmut Schmidt, ancien chancelier allemand.
Valery Giscard d'Estaing, ancien président français, membre du Groupe de Bilderberg, initiateur de la Constitution européenne.
Michel Rocard, ancien Premier ministre français, membre du Groupe de Bilderberg.
Tony Blair, Premier ministre britannique de 1997 à 2007, également membre du Groupe de Bilderberg.
John Major, Premier ministre britannique de 1990 à 1997.
Prince Philip Mountbatten, duc d'Edimbourg, époux de la reine Elisabeth II.
James Wolfensohn, président de la Banque mondiale de 1995 �� 2005.
Ferdinando Salleo, dernier gouverneur de Hong Kong.
Lee Kuan Yew, Premier ministre de Singapour de 1959 à 1990.
Miguel de la Madrid, ancien président du Mexique.
Edward Teller, père de la bombe H américaine.
Walter Cronkite, journaliste vedette de la chaine CBS.
Francis Ford Coppola, cinéaste.
Neil Armstrong, astronaute.
Alexander Shulgin, chimiste moléculaire, inventeur de l'extasy et de plus de 200 autres substances « psychédéliques » (génératrices d'états modifiés de la conscience).
Charlton Heston, acteur, et président de la NRA (National Rifle Association), le lobby américain des propriétaires d'armes à feu.
Clint Eastwood, acteur et réalisateur.
Bono, chanteur du groupe U2.
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theroyalthornoliachronicles · 6 months ago
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Le Cabinet du Roi, Palais de Thornolie: 28 Mai 1850, 12:15
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Monseigneur Oliver: You summoned me, Père?
Le Roi Gaspard: Ah, oui. Come in, Oliver. I'd like to discuss something with you.
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Monseigneur Oliver: I do hope you're finally going to inform me about this letter that has you all in a fluster.
Le Roi Gaspard: The matter has been dealt with.
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Monseigneur Oliver: I see...and you're not intending to tell me anything else?
Le Roi Gaspard: You are correct.
Monseigneur Olive: Père-
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Le Roi Gaspard: Stop making a fuss. I summoned you here to discuss your decision. You have not forgotten you will be declaring your proposal at la mascarade?
Monseigneur Oliver: Did you honestly bring me in here to discuss my proposal when this letter, a letter which has tied you and Maman all up in knots, has been the sole reason for your avoiding me until this very moment? You waste no time spending months preparing me to take your place, whenever that day may be, yet at the first real test you cast me aside! I have a right to know!
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Le Roi Gaspard: Ça suffit! I will decide what is best, and if my decisions conclude you are to be kept from the conversation then you must trust there is a reason!
Monseigneur Oliver: Do you even hear yourself? You are always the one who says I must take a more active role in this family for the sake of the country, yet how is keeping me from the-
Steward: Le Duc de Clèrisseau et le Comte de Connier, Majesté.
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Le Roi Gaspard: Quoi?! Can you not see I am in the middle of something?
Comte de Connier: I'm afraid this cannot wait, Monsieur.
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Le Roi Gaspard: Oliver, leave us.
Monseigneur Oliver: I will not-
Le Roi Gaspard: Aller!
[Oliver Storms Off]
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Le Roi Gaspard: What is it, Francois?
Comte de Connier: The messenger returned to Thornolia the evening of le Prix de Thornolie.
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Le Roi Gaspard: Was the man arrested on return?
Duc de Clèrisseau: I'm afraid not...
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Le Roi Gaspard: You let the man get away? Why was he not been arrested?
Comte de Connier: The messenger is dead, Monsieur. And the letter he carried...is gone.
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theroyalthornoliachronicles · 5 months ago
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Salon d’Épitoise, Palais de Thornolie: 28 Mai 1850, 21:15
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Duc de Clèrisseau: I think we haven't a choice, Gaspard. We must start making preparations for your safety, before the CDS realise we know of their correspondence.
La Reine Arabella: Henri is right. We must act.
Le Roi Gaspard: And what is it you suggest we do?
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Duc de Clèrisseau: I believe the first step is to have you all return to Manoir de Thornolie. Le Palais is too public of a spot now that it's finished, and could easily be a target.
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: With la Masquerade only a few days away though, they cannot stay away from le Palais forever.
La Reine Arabella: We'll make it work.
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Le Roi Gaspard: [Sighs] Very well. I'll make the arrangements to leave first thing tomorrow morning. Arabella can stay behind to finish her preparations for la Masquerade and then arrive after.
La Reine Arabella: I suggest you take Oliver and Adelaide with you. We cannot risk their safety.
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Le Roi Gaspard: En effet. Perhaps it'll be wise to keep them from leaving the Manoir as well.
Duc de Clèrisseau: Quite right.
La Reine Arabella: Did Connier have anything else to report while he was here?
Duc de Clèrisseau: Unfortunately not. His man is still on the lookout to unearth more information on the death of the messenger.
Le Roi Gaspard: I really hoped we were passed this.
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La Reine Arabella: Once la Masquerade is over and Oliver is engaged, we must pull all our focus toward the matter. We simply cannot relive the terror inflicted upon us by the CDS all those years ago.
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Arabella is right. If Connier is correct in assuming this letter is indeed correspondence between members of the CDS we must do all we can to extinguish their efforts...especially when we have no idea what they are planning.
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Le Roi Gaspard: One can only imagine...
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Madame Adelaide: Those two really are perfect for each other...
Marquis de Clèrisseau: ...
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Madame Adelaide: [Sighs] I don't see why you are so adamant to deny it.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: They'll never survive it. They'll grow to hate each other-
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Madame Adelaide: I see...so you have no faith in either of them.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Don't be absurd, Addy. You know as well as I-
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Madame Adelaide: What I know is you are a man scared of commitment . You shun others who search for it because the very idea of pairing yourself with another is somehow abhorrent to you. But just because you shun the idea, does not give you the right to deprive others of it. Especially your own sister.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Madame Adelaide: Is that so? Then tell me this, Ernest. How many times are you going to call on Mademoiselle Fleury and not offer her a proposal? How many times must she endure such indecisive behaviour? It's cruel, Ernest.
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: ...
Madame Adelaide: I thought so. Leave them alone, Ernest.
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theroyalthornoliachronicles · 8 months ago
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Château de Clèrisseau: 24 Mai 1850, 13:00
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Duc de Clèrisseau: Has he come to call?
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Oui...
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Duc de Clèrisseau: I must confess, he was not who I expected to ask for her hand first...
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Non...what did you tell him?
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Duc de Clèrisseau: I gave my blessing, but only if this was what she wanted...and even now I'm not so sure it is. I cannot help but feel-
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: En effet. I feel it too. Nothing feels as it should be...
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Duc de Clèrisseau: [Sighs] I must be off. Will you send word as soon as you know?
Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Oui...
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Vicomte de Vignieu: You've been particularly quiet this afternoon.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oh....pardonnez-moi. I was simply enjoying the sunshine. It's so lovely to come out here for a spot of fresh air.
Vicomte de Vignieu: It certainly is an oasis...Do you spend a lot of your time here?
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oui. I find it to be one of the most tranquil places. So many wonderful blooms, especially around this time of year.
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Vicomte de Vignieu: Do you think you’ll find it hard to leave when you marry?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oh…I’ve not given it much-
Vicomte de Vignieu: Or rather, do you think you’d be able to find a new oasis? Thrive, even?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I-
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Vicomte de Vignieu: I could make you happy, Eleanor. If you’d allow me.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oh, Albert, I-
Vicomte de Vignieu: I could offer you the very pinnacle of Elysium. The paradise of perfection outside of the city. Away from the eyes and ears always waiting for gossip. A quiet life full of affection, companionship, and security.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Security...You certainly paint an appealing narrative...
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Vicomte de Vignieu: It could be more than just narrative.
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Vicomte de Vignieu: You've always been the beautifully tranquil wallflower, made stagnant by the city around you. Allow me to whisk you away to greener pastures, replant you in the most glorious of Edens.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Quoi...what are you saying?
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Vicomte de Vignieu: Is it not obvious? Marry me, Eleanor.
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theroyalthornoliachronicles · 9 months ago
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Château de Clèrisseau: 23 Mai 1850, 14:15
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: I'll be back in time to change for dinner, Auclair. I'll need to be if not to receive another lecture from-Roquefort?
Vicomte de Vignieu: Bonne journée, Valery.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Bonne journée....that'll be all, Auclair.
Valet: Monsieur. [Leaves]
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: Well this is certainly a surprise. What possibly brings you by? Surely it's too early to call on-
Vicomte de Vignieu: Oh, non...I actually came to speak with le Duc.
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: [Sighs Dramatically] I suppose it was inevitable...
Vicomte de Vignieu: Pardon?
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just off in my own thoughts I suppose....lots to do, people to see...I'm sure you of all people can understand.
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Vicomte de Vignieu: Has anyone bothered to mention how tiresome you can be?
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Perhaps...though I suppose hearing it once more from you couldn't hurt.
Vicomte de Vignieu: [Scoffs] I do not have time to verbally spar with you this afternoon, Valery. I was told le Duc would be in this afternoon?
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: You were misinformed.
Vicomte de Vignieu: I sincerely doubt that.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: And just what, might I ask, has you so insistent to see him at this hour? He is a very busy man, after all.
Vicomte de Vignieu: If you must know, I've called on him to ask for Eleanor's hand.
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: ...
Vicomte de Vignieu: I don't think I've ever seen you without words, Ernest. Cat got your tongue, perhaps?
Marquis de��Clèrisseau: Have you truly thought this through, Albert?
Vicomte de Vignieu: I don't know what you're insin-
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: Don't lie to me, Roquefort. It's clear as day to anyone with eyes. My sister is not a pawn for your jealous squabbles with-
Vicomte de Vignieu: I never said she was-
Marquis de Clèrisseau: And yet you stand here waiting to ask for her hand.
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Vicomte de Vignieu: I do not need to explain myself to you.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Non....because the answer is obvious. You need to-
Duc de Clèrisseau: Ah, Vicomte.
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Duc de Clèrisseau: I do hope not to have kept you waiting.
Vicomte de Vignieu: Of course not, Monsieur. Bonne journée. Your delay allowed me the opportunity to catch up with Ernest, here. It has been quite a while since we've had the chance to connect.
Duc de Clèrisseau: Ah, oui, oui. All of you used to be so close back in the day...but I suppose I have kept you waiting long enough. Shall we?
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Chateau de Clèrisseau: 15 May 1850, 18:15
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Duc de Clèrisseau: If you stand out here any longer you’ll catch a chill, Mignonne. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I promise to come inside shortly, Papa. 
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Duc de Clèrisseau: Is...are you alright, chérie?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: So many have asked me the very same question...and yet I have no answer. 
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Duc de Clèrisseau: I do hope matters between you and Oliver are-
Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Sighs] Oliver is perfectly wonderful, Papa. A true mondamoiseau. It’s only...
Duc de Clèrisseau: Oui?
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Do you believe I am the right choice for him? 
Duc de Clèrisseau: Mignonne, why do you ask such a question? 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oliver...he has such responsibilities waiting for him, Papa. And I am not so oblivious to not see what the Chronicle write about me or what others whisper behind my back. I know there are those who find me ineligible...weak...it is hard not to agree with them when those voices speak louder with each passing day. What if Oliver were to propose? What if I were to accept? What if those people who say such things about me-
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Duc de Clèrisseau: Eleanor, écoute-moi. Forget what others say or may say. You must never allow gossips to sway your judgement. And if you are still not swayed by these words, take it from someone who has watched the two of you your entire lives. From someone who truly knows you both so well. You are his right choice. Just as he is yours. A love like yours...well, I have not witnessed one like it in all my years, chérie. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: But...what if there are people out there who would wish to actively separate us? Those who despise us? 
Duc de Clèrisseau: Mignonne...is someone threatening you? 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Quoi? Oh...non, Papa...of course not. I...you know my mind wanders when I worry.
Duc de Clèrisseau: If someone is threatening you, you must tell me. I will not have someone threatening the life of my daughter. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I...I promise, Papa. 
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Duc de Clèrisseau: [Sighs] In the end, Mignonne, the decision is yours. Oliver loves you. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Do you really believe so? 
Duc de Clèrisseau: One does not spend the last two decades watching the two of you and be oblivious to what is right in front of them. Even now when I pass him in the halls of le palais he makes a point to stop me and ask after you. You are the one he loves, Eleanor. His eyes are for you and you alone. 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Cries] Oh, Papa...I don’t know what to do. 
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Duc de Clèrisseau: Shhh...shhh, Mignonne. I’ve got you. 
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Chateau de Clèrisseau: 15 May 1850, 18:00
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Duc de Clèrisseau: Ma chère? What are you looking at?
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: [Sighs] Eleanor.
Duc de Clèrisseau: Hmm...Is she still acting peculiar? 
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: [Turns to Henri] Oui...Henri, I simply cannot fathom it. All seemed back to normal at the opera. One would think she’d be in a much better mood, and yet...
Duc de Clèrisseau: En effet...her demeanour has been rather forlorn since. Oliver writes often enough, almost a letter a day. Some days I hear she’s even received letters twice in the day. Even given Oliver’s standards he appears to be writing more and more these days. 
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: Perhaps you could speak to her? Every time I even attempt to say two words to her she either changes the conversation or leaves the room.
Duc de Clèrisseau: [Sighs] Very well, I shall try. But if she’s not speaking with you...well, wish me luck. [Henri Walks Away] 
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Duchesse de Clèrisseau: [Whispers] You’ll need it.
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État D’Ouverture Street Procession: 24 April 1850, 12:00
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La Chambre du Roi, Palais de Thornolie: 24 April 1850, 11:00
Le Roi Gaspard: Everything is prepared?
Duc de Clèrisseau: Oui, Monsieur. The bill for the impôt foncier has been included in your speech, just as you requested.
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Le Roi Gaspard: Merci, Henri. Let us pray parliament will be agreeable.
Duc de Clèrisseau: We can only hope, Monsieur. 
Le Roi Gaspard: I’m thinking of growing out my mustache once more. This...constant need for shaving is growing quite tiresome. What say you?
Duc de Clèrisseau: Oui... 
Le Roi Gaspard: Henri...what is it? You are not usually so formal and distant. 
Duc de Clèrisseau: Is it not obvious? Your...stubborness is all which troubles me of late. 
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Le Roi Gaspard: [Sighs] Merci, Pelletier. You may leave us. 
Valet: Monsieur. [Leaves] 
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Le Roi Gaspard: Really, Henri, we cannot continue to endure this same conversation day after day. 
Duc de Clèrisseau: Until you finally listen to reason we must! How can you not comprehend how vital it is for you to cease with this ridiculous notion? Hiding a truth as grand as this will only complicate matters in future, I can assure you. 
Le Roi Gaspard: And how do you suppose-
Duc de Clèrisseau: Do you truly believe that by not telling Oliver, the Monseigneur L'Épin and your very own successor, you are protecting this country? If he is not made aware of the possible dangers lying just beyond our shores, before we all leave this earth, you-
Monseigneur Oliver: Am I interrupting something? 
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Le Roi Gaspard: Ah, Oliver. Henri and I were merely discussing the events of the day.
Monseigneur Oliver: I see...
Le Roi Gaspard: You look well, mon fils. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Merci, mon père.
Duc de Clèrisseau: I suppose I should go and make sure the carriages are ready. Monsieur. [Bows and Leaves] 
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Le Roi Gaspard: I do hope you are prepared for the days ahead. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Bien sûr. After all, it is my duty, is it not? 
Le Roi Gaspard: En effet, but are you ready to do everything necessary for it? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Oui, Monsieur. 
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[Long Silence]
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Le Roi Gaspard: [Sighs] Oliver...perhaps you and I should-
Duc de Clèrisseau: The carriages are prepared, Monsieur. 
Le Roi Gaspard: Merci, Henri. Well...let us not waste any more time and be on our way. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I...Mon père? 
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dannyreviews · 5 years ago
Cinema Legends Between 95-105 + Years Old Still Alive (as of 1/1/2020)
Here are the old timers that have made it to the new decade.
Ruthie Tompson - animator (b. 1910)
Renée Simonot - dubbing actress (b. 1911)
Katzumi Tezuka - actor (b. 1912)?
Viola Smith - musician, actress (b. 1912)
Pappukutty Bhagavathar - actor, singer (b. 1913) † 6/22/2020
Aldo Rossi - screenwriter, director (b. 1913) † 4/9/2020
Norman Lloyd - actor, producer, director (b. 1914)
Alfredo Varelli - actor (b. 1914)
Norman Spencer - producer (b. 1914)
Mary Ward - actress (b. 1915)
Giuseppe La Torre - cinematographer (b. 1915)
Rita Livesi - actress (b. 1915)
Olivia De Havilland - actress (b. 1916)
Kirk Douglas - actor (b. 1916) † 2/5/2020
Eric Bentley - screenwriter, playwright (b. 1916)
Beverly Cleary - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1916)
Jean Erdman - choreographer (b. 1916) † 5/4/2020
Ivy Baker - costume designer (b. 1916)
Anna Maria Bottini - actress (b. 1916)
Roberto Bruni - actor (b. 1916)
Lily Vincenti - actress (b. 1916)
Harriet Frank Jr. - screenwriter (b. 1917) † 1/28/2020
Vera Lynn - singer, actress (b. 1917) † 6/18/2020
Earl Cameron - actor (b. 1917)
Marsha Hunt - actress (b. 1917)
Suzy Delair - actress (b. 1917) † 3/15/2020
A. E. Hotchner - novelist, screenwriter, playwright (b. 1917) † 2/15/2020
Lise Nørgaard - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1917)
Anne Hegira - actress (b. 1917)
Don Marion Davis - actor (b. 1917)
Fabien Collin - director (b. 1917)
Bob Cunningham - actor (b. 1917)
Antonio Gradoli - actor (b. 1917)
Lucy Jarvis - producer (b. 1917) † 1/30/2020
Baby Peggy - actress (b. 1918) † 2/24/2020
Dusty Anderson - actress (b. 1918)
Doreen Turner - actress (b. 1918)
Jeanne Manet - actress (b. 1918)
Nino Borghi - production designer (b. 1918)
Jean Moussette - director, editor, cameraman (b. 1918)
Adriana Sivieri - actress (b. 1918)
René de Obaldia - playwright, screenwriter (b. 1918)
Tao Porchon-Lynch - actress (b. 1918) † 2/21/2020
Ida Schuster - actress (b. 1918) † 4/9/2020
Branka Veselinovic - actress (b. 1918)
Nehemiah Persoff - actor (b. 1919)
Walter Bernstein - screenwriter (b. 1919)
Marge Champion - actress, dancer (b. 1919)
Caren Marsh - dancer, actress (b. 1919)
Grace Albertson - actress (b. 1919)
Betty Brodel - singer, actress (b. 1919)
Alfie Scopp - actor (b. 1919)
Armin Dahlen - actor, director (b. 1919)
Jean Barker - editor (b. 1919)
Helge Robbert - cinematographer, director (b. 1919)
June Spencer - actress (b. 1919)
Helmuth Ashley - director, cinematographer (b. 1919)
Orlando Drummond - actor, voice actor (b. 1919)
Guido Gorgatti - actor (b. 1919)
Don Kennedy - actor (b. 1920)
Franca Valeri - actress (b. 1920)
Jack Edwards - actor (b. 1920)
Norma Barzman - screenwriter (b. 1920)
Sergio Mendizábal - actor (b. 1920)
Gudrun Parker - producer, director (b. 1920)
Doudou Babet - actress (b. 1920)
Susan Miller - actress (b. 1920)
Nicolette Bernard - actress (b. 1920)
Francis Rigaud - director, screenwriter (b. 1920)
Ann Triola - actress, singer (b. 1920)
Agnès Delahaie - producer (b. 1920)
Hilda Bernard - actress (b. 1920)
Gianrico Tedeschi - actor (b. 1920)
Arnold Yarrow - actor (b. 1920)
Diana Maggi - actress (b. 1920)
Jack Rader - actor (b. 1921)
Geoffrey Chater - actor (b. 1921)
Bill Butler - cinematographer (b. 1921)
Walter Mirisch - producer (b. 1921)
Tom Felleghy - actor (b. 1921)
Patricia Marmont - actress (b. 1921)
Carlo Lastricati - assistant director (b. 1921)
Grisha Dabat - screenwriter (b. 1921)
Herbert Kofer - actor (b. 1921)
Dobroslav Srámek - sound editor (b. 1921)
Yu Lan - actress (b. 1921) † 6/27/2020
Zygmunt Nowak - sound editor (b. 1921)
Miriam Nevo - actress (b. 1921)
John Aldred - sound mixer (b. 1921)
George Lefferts - producer, screenwriter (b. 1921)
Wally Campo - actor (b. 1921)
Derek Granger - producer (b. 1921)
Simone Berthier - actress (b. 1921)
Beulah Garrick - actress (b. 1921)
Betty White - actress (b. 1922)
Ray Anthony - musician, actor (b. 1922)
Carl Reiner - actor, director, screenwriter (b. 1922) † 6/29/2020
Margia Dea - actress (b. 1922)
Helen Mowery - actress (b. 1922)
Joan Copeland - actress (b. 1922)
Tony Charmoli - dancer, choreographer, director (b. 1922)
Charles Csuri - animator (b. 1922)
Norman Lear - producer (b. 1922)
Micheline Presle - actress (b. 1922)
Ivry Gitlis - violinist, actor (b. 1922)
Janis Paige - actress (b. 1922)
Bert I. Gordon - director (b. 1922)
Françoise Javet - editor (b. 1922)
Ebrahim Golestan - director (b. 1922)
Angel Wagenstein - screenwriter (b. 1922)
Jacqueline White - actress (b. 1922)
Paula Valenska - actress (b. 1922)
Ivan King - art director (b. 1922)
Maurice Delbez - director (b. 1922)
Christian Alers - actor (b. 1922)
Chandrashekhar - actor (b. 1922)
John Shirley - editor (b. 1922)
Dilip Kumar - actor (b. 1922)
Alan Scott - actor (b. 1922)
Qin Yi - actress (b. 1922)
Doreen Brownstone - actress (b. 1922)
Mariya Portnaya - animator (b. 1922)
Enrico Bomba - producer, director (b. 1922)
Rudolf Kovac - production designer (b. 1922)
Peter Berkos - sound editor (b. 1922)
Marcel Berbert - producer (b. 1922)
Raffaele La Capria - screenwriter (b. 1922)
Robert Fletcher - costume designer (b. 1922)
Jacqueline Duc - actress (b. 1922)
Martha Stewart - actress (b. 1922)
Eleonora Morana - actress (b. 1922)
Cate Bauer - voice actress (b. 1922)
Sydney Bettex - production designer (b. 1923)
Larry Storch - actor (b. 1923)
Rosita Fornes - actress (b. 1923) † 6/10/2020
Gloria Henry - actress (b. 1923)
Gene Reynolds - actor, screenwriter, producer, director (b. 1923) † 2/3/2020
Stan Waterman - producer, cinematographer (b. 1923)
Donald Elson - actor (b. 1923)
Paul Muller - actor (b. 1923)
Jaromír Janácek - editor (b. 1923)
Jimmy Lydon - child actor, producer (b. 1923)
Michael Medwin - actor, producer (b. 1923) † 2/26/2020
Val Bettin - actor (b. 1923)
Ralph Senensky - director (b. 1923)
Edward Ryan - actor (b. 1923)
Rhonda Fleming - actress (b. 1923)
Werner Lenz - cinematographer (b. 1923)
Glynis Johns - actress (b. 1923)
Nicholas Parsons - actor (b. 1923) † 1/28/2020
Józef Hen - screenwriter, novelist (b. 1923)
Bob Barker - game show host (b. 1923)
Mike Nussbaum - actor (b. 1923)
Vatroslav Mimica - director (b. 1923) † 2/15/2020
Kim Yaroshevskaya - actress (b. 1923)
Barbara Chilcott - actress (b. 1923)
Ruth Geller - actress (b. 1923)
Billy Watson - child actor (b. 1923)
Sam Gray - actor (b. 1923)
Patrick Gordon - actor (b. 1923)
Bernard Gersten - producer (b. 1923) † 4/27/2020
William Kraft - film composer (b. 1923)
Jo-Carroll Dennison - actress (b. 1923)
Norman Klenman - screenwriter (b. 1923)
Paul Harding - actor (b. 1923)
Brian Taylor - producer (b. 1923)
Bob Young - film composer (b. 1923)
Marie Harmon - actress (b. 1923)
Lynne Murphy - actress (b. 1923)
Alain Adair - actor (b. 1923)
Jean Gillespie - actress (b. 1923)
Eva Marie Saint - actress (b. 1924)
Cicely Tyson - actress (b. 1924)
Gene Deitch - animator, director, producer (b. 1924) † 4/17/2020
Robert M. Young - director (b. 1924)
Anne Vernon - actress (b. 1924)
Carole Cook - actress (b. 1924)
Noreen Nash - actress (b. 1924)
Leslie Phillips - actor (b. 1924)
Zizi Jeanmarie - dancer, actress (b. 1924)
Sheldon Harnick - lyricist (b. 1924)
Jane Morgan - actress, singer (b. 1924)
Priscilla Pointer - actress (b. 1924)
Andro Lustic - actor, screenwriter (b. 1924)
Leza Holland - director, screenwriter (b. 1924)
Espen Skjønberg - actor (b. 1924)
Gerard Schurmann - film composer (b. 1924) † 3/24/2020
Jutta Hering - editor (b. 1924)
Jan Chaloupek - editor (b. 1924)
Peg Murray - actress (b. 1924)
Bob Markell - producer, art director (b. 1924) † 1/25/2020
Lucine Amara - opera singer, actress (b. 1924)
Johnny Gilbert - announcer (b. 1924)
Lee Adams - lyricist (b. 1924)
Joyce Randolph - actress (b. 1924)
William Russell - actor (b. 1924)
Maria Riva - actress (b. 1924)
Marge Redmond - actress (b. 1924) † 2/10/2020
Jack Couffer - cinematographer (b. 1924)
Gerry O’Hara - director (b. 1924)
Mark Miller - actor (b. 1924)
Kenneth V. Jones - film composer (b. 1924)
Donnie Smith - child actor (b. 1924)
Barbara Collentine - actress (b. 1924)
Árni Tryggvason - actor (b. 1924)
6 notes · View notes
dannyreviews · 6 years ago
Cinema Legends Between 95-105 + Years Old Still Alive (as of 6/1/2019)
An overdue update:
Mario Sequi - director, screenwriter (b. 1910 or 1913)?
Ruthie Tompson - animator (b. 1910)
Renée Simonot - dubbing actress (b. 1911)
Urho Harkola - actor (b. 1911)
Katsumi Tezuka - actor (b. 1912)
Viola Smith - musician, actress (b. 1912)
Milton Quon - animator (b. 1913) † 6/22/2019
Julie Gibson - actress (b. 1913) † 10/2/2019
Pappukutty Bhagavathar - actor, singer (b. 1913)
Aldo Rossi - screenwriter, director (b. 1913)
Norman Lloyd - actor, producer, director (b. 1914)
Alfredo Varelli - actor (b. 1914)
Norman Spencer - producer (b. 1914)
Mary Ward - actress (b. 1915)
Giuseppe La Torre - cinematographer (b. 1915)
Rita Livesi - actress (b. 1915)
Olivia De Havilland - actress (b. 1916)
Kirk Douglas - actor (b. 1916)
Eric Bentley - screenwriter, playwright (b. 1916)
Elisa Stella - actress (b. 1916)
Beverly Cleary - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1916)
Jean Erdman - choreographer (b. 1916)
Ivy Baker - costume designer (b. 1916)
Anna Maria Bottini - actress (b. 1916)
Roberto Bruni - actor (b. 1916)
Lily Vincenti - actress (b. 1916)
Sumiko Mizukubo - actress (b. 1916)?
Harriet Frank Jr. - screenwriter (b. 1917)
Vera Lynn - singer, actress (b. 1917)
Earl Cameron - actor (b. 1917)
Marsha Hunt - actress (b. 1917)
Suzy Delair - actress (b. 1917)
Lise Nørgaard - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1917)
Anne Hegira - actress (b. 1917)
Don Marion Davis - actor (b. 1917)
Fabien Collin - director (b. 1917)
Bob Cunningham - actor (b. 1917)
Antonio Gradoli - actor (b. 1917)
Lucy Jarvis - producer (b. 1917)
Artur Brauner - producer (b. 1918) † 7/7/2019
Baby Peggy - actress (b. 1918)
Ivy Bethune - actress (b. 1918)
Dusty Anderson - actress (b. 1918)
Doreen Turner - actress (b. 1918)
Jeanne Manet - actress (b. 1918)
Nino Borghi - production designer (b. 1918)
Jean Moussette - director, editor, cameraman (b. 1918)
Adriana Sivieri - actress (b. 1918)
René de Obaldia - playwright, screenwriter (b. 1918)
Tao Porchon-Lynch - actress (b. 1918)
Ida Schuster - actress (b. 1918)
Branka Veselinovic - actress (b. 1918)
Maurice Marks - actor, stuntman (b. 1918)
Dave Bartholomew - musician, lyricist (b. 1918) † 6/23/2019
Sid Ramin - composer (b. 1919) † 7/1/2019
Nehemiah Persoff - actor (b. 1919)
Walter Bernstein - screenwriter (b. 1919)
Marge Champion - actress, dancer (b. 1919)
Joachim Tomaschewsky - actor (b. 1919)
Caren Marsh - dancer, actress (b. 1919)
Grace Albertson - actress (b. 1919)
Betty Brodel - singer, actress (b. 1919)
Sheila Mercier - actress (b. 1919) † 12/13/2019
Alfie Scopp - actor (b. 1919)
Helen Shingler - actress (b. 1919) † 10/8/2019
Doris Merrick - actress (b. 1919)
Armin Dahlen - actor, director (b. 1919)
Jean Barker - editor (b. 1919)
Helge Robbert - cinematographer, director (b. 1919)
June Spencer - actress (b. 1919)
Max Berliner - actor (b. 1919) † 8/26/2019
Helmuth Ashley - director, cinematographer (b. 1919)
Orlando Drummond - actor, voice actor (b. 1919)
Guido Gorgatti - actor (b. 1919)
Doris Merrick - actress (b. 1920)
Don Kennedy - actor (b. 1920)
Franca Valeri - actress (b. 1920)
Jack Edwards - actor (b. 1920)
Norma Barzman - screenwriter (b. 1920)
Sergio Mendizábal - actor (b. 1920)
A. E. Hotchner - novelist, screenwriter, playwright (b. 1920)
Gudrun Parker - producer, director (b. 1920)
Doudou Babet - actress (b. 1920)
Joan Ellacott - costume designer (b. 1920)
Vera Bergman - actress (b. 1920)
Susan Miller - actress (b. 1920)
Nicolette Bernard - actress (b. 1920)
Claude Accursi - screenwriter (b. 1920)
Francis Rigaud - director, screenwriter (b. 1920)
Ann Triola - actress, singer (b. 1920)
Agnès Delahaie - producer (b. 1920)
Edward Lewis - producer, screenwriter (b. 1920) † 7/27/2019
Hilda Bernard - actress (b. 1920)
Josip Elic - actor (b. 1921) † 10/21/2019
Ruth de Souza - actress (b. 1921) † 7/27/2019
Jack Rader - actor (b. 1921)
Geoffrey Chater - actor (b. 1921)
Bill Butler - cinematographer (b. 1921)
Walter Mirisch - producer (b. 1921)
Tom Felleghy - actor (b. 1921)
Patricia Marmont - actress (b. 1921)
Carlo Lastricati - assistant director (b. 1921)
Grisha Dabat - screenwriter (b. 1921)
Herbert Kofer - actor (b. 1921)
Dobroslav Srámek - sound editor (b. 1921)
Yu Lan - actress (b. 1921)
Zygmunt Nowak - sound editor (b. 1921)
Miriam Nevo - actress (b. 1921)
John Aldred - sound mixer (b. 1921)
George Lefferts - producer, screenwriter (b. 1921)
Wally Campo - actor (b. 1921)
Derek Granger - producer (b. 1921)
Herbert Westbrook - art director, production designer (b. 1921)
Simone Berthier - actress (b. 1921)
Betty White - actress (b. 1922)
Ray Anthony - musician, actor (b. 1922)
Carl Reiner - actor, director, screenwriter (b. 1922)
Margia Dea - actress (b. 1922)
Helen Mowery - actress (b. 1922)
Bill Macy - actor (b. 1922) † 10/17/2019
Joan Copeland - actress (b. 1922)
Tony Charmoli - dancer, choreographer, director (b. 1922)
Charles Csuri - animator (b. 1922)
Norman Lear - producer (b. 1922)
Micheline Presle - actress (b. 1922)
Ivry Gitlis - violinist, actor (b. 1922)
Janis Paige - actress (b. 1922)
Bert I. Gordon - director (b. 1922)
Françoise Javet - editor (b. 1922)
Ebrahim Golestan - director (b. 1922)
Ethmer Roten - film score musician (b. 1922)
Angel Wagenstein - screenwriter (b. 1922)
Gershon Kingsley - film composer (b. 1922) † 12/10/2019
Jacqueline White - actress (b. 1922)
Paula Valenska - actress (b. 1922)
Ivan King - art director (b. 1922)
Maurice Delbez - director (b. 1922)
Christian Alers - actor (b. 1922)
Mona Lisa - actress (b. 1922) † 8/25/2019
Chandrashekhar - actor (b. 1922)
John Shirley - editor (b. 1922)
Dilip Kumar - actor (b. 1922)
Alan Scott - actor (b. 1922)
Qin Yi - actress (b. 1922)
Doreen Brownstone - actress (b. 1922)
Mariya Portnaya - animator (b. 1922)
Enrico Bomba - producer, director (b. 1922)
Agustina Bessa-Luís - playwright, screenwriter (b. 1922) † 6/3/2019
Terence Kelly - actor (b. 1922)
Vladimir Etush - actor (b. 1922)
Rudolf Kovac - production designer (b. 1922)
Peter Berkos - sound editor (b. 1922)
Marcel Berbert - producer (b. 1922)
Raffaele La Capria - screenwriter (b. 1922)
Robert Fletcher - costume designer (b. 1922)
Jacqueline Duc - actress (b. 1922)
Martha Stewart - actress (b. 1922)
Eleonora Morana - actress (b. 1922)
Sydney Bettex - production designer (b. 1923)
Larry Storch - actor (b. 1923)
Valentina Cortese - actress (b. 1923) † 7/10/2019
Rosita Fornes - actress (b. 1923)
Franco Zeffirelli - director (b. 1923) † 6/15/2019
Gloria Henry - actress (b. 1923)
Gene Reynolds - actor, screenwriter, producer, director (b. 1923)
Stan Waterman - producer, cinematographer (b. 1923)
Donald Elson - actor (b. 1923)
Paul Muller - actor (b. 1923)
Jaromír Janácek - editor (b. 1923)
Elizabeth Sellars - actress (b. 1923) † 12/28/2019
Jimmy Lydon - child actor, producer (b. 1923)
Michael Medwin - actor, producer (b. 1923)
Val Bettin - actor (b. 1923)
Ralph Senensky - director (b. 1923)
Edward Ryan - actor (b. 1923)
Rhonda Fleming - actress (b. 1923)
Werner Lenz - cinematographer (b. 1923)
Glynis Johns - actress (b. 1923)
Nicholas Parsons - actor (b. 1923)
Józef Hen - screenwriter, novelist (b. 1923)
Bob Barker - game show host (b. 1923)
Mike Nussbaum - actor (b. 1923)
Vatroslav Mimica - director (b. 1923)
Kim Yaroshevskaya - actress (b. 1923)
Barbara Chilcott - actress (b. 1923)
Ruth Geller - actress (b. 1923)
Billy Watson - child actor (b. 1923)
Sam Gray - actor (b. 1923)
Patrick Gordon - actor (b. 1923)
Bernard Gersten - producer (b. 1923)
William Kraft - film composer (b. 1923)
Jo-Carroll Dennison - actress (b. 1923)
Norman Klenman - screenwriter (b. 1923)
Anne Vernon - actress (b. 1924)
Carole Cook - actress (b. 1924)
Noreen Nash - actress (b. 1924)
Leslie Phillips - actor (b. 1924)
Eric Pleskow - producer (b. 1924) † 10/1/2019
Zizi Jeanmarie - dancer, actress (b. 1924)
Sheldon Harnick - lyricist (b. 1924)
Jane Morgan - actress, singer (b. 1924)
Priscilla Pointer - actress (b. 1924)
Andro Lustic - actor, screenwriter (b. 1924)
Leza Holland - director, screenwriter (b. 1924)
Espen Skjønberg - actor (b. 1924)
Gerard Schurmann - film composer (b. 1924)
Jutta Hering - editor (b. 1924)
Jan Chaloupek - editor (b. 1924)
Peg Murray - actress (b. 1924)
Bob Markell - producer, art director (b. 1924)
Lucine Amara - opera singer, actress (b. 1924)
12 notes · View notes
dannyreviews · 6 years ago
Cinema Legends Between 95-105 + Years Old Still Alive (as of 1/1/2019)
Here are the following old timers that made it into the new year.
Mario Sequi - director, screenwriter (b. 1910 or 1913)?
Ruthie Tompson - animator (b. 1910)
Yuaka Sada - actor (b. 1911)
Renée Simonot - dubbing actress (b. 1911)
Urho Harkola - actor (b. 1911)
Katsumi Tezuka - actor (b. 1912)
Viola Smith - musician, actress (b. 1912)
Milton Quon - animator (b. 1913)
Julie Gibson - actress (b. 1913)
Pappukutty Bhagavathar - actor, singer (b. 1913)
Aldo Rossi - screenwriter, director (b. 1913)?
Norman Lloyd - actor, producer, director (b. 1914)
Fred Fox - soundtrack musician (b. 1914) † 5/21/2019
Alfredo Varelli - actor (b. 1914)
Norman Spencer - producer (b. 1914)
Mary Ward - actress (b. 1915)
Herman Wouk - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1915) † 5/17/2019
Giuseppe La Torre - cinematographer (b. 1915)
Rita Livesi - actress (b. 1915)
Mag Bodard - producer (b. 1916) † 2/28/2019
Olivia De Havilland - actress (b. 1916)
Kirk Douglas - actor (b. 1916)
Eric Bentley - screenwriter, playwright (b. 1916)
Elisa Stella - actress (b. 1916)
Beverly Cleary - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1916)
Jean Erdman - choreographer (b. 1916)
Ivy Baker - costume designer (b. 1916)
Anna Maria Bottini - actress (b. 1916)
Roberto Bruni - actor (b. 1916)
Lily Vincenti - actress (b. 1916)
Sumiko Mizukubo - actress (b. 1916)?
Harriet Frank Jr. - screenwriter (b. 1917)
Vera Lynn - singer, actress (b. 1917)
Earl Cameron - actor (b. 1917)
Marsha Hunt - actress (b. 1917)
Suzy Delair - actress (b. 1917)
Lise Nørgaard - novelist, screenwriter (b. 1917)
Hilde Zadek - opera singer, actress (b. 1917) † 2/21/2019
Anne Hegira - actress (b. 1917)
Don Marion Davis - actor (b. 1917)
Fabien Collin - director (b. 1917)
Bob Cunningham - actor (b. 1917)
Antonio Gradoli - actor (b. 1917)
Lucy Jarvis - producer (b. 1917)
Fay McKenzie - actress (b. 1918) † 4/16/2019
Artur Brauner - producer (b. 1918)
Baby Peggy - actress (b. 1918)
Ivy Bethune - actress (b. 1918)
Dusty Anderson - actress (b. 1918)
Guje Lagerwall - actress (b. 1918) † 1/8/2019
Doreen Turner - actress (b. 1918)
Jeanne Manet - actress (b. 1918)
Nino Borghi - production designer (b. 1918)
Jean Moussette - director, editor, cameraman (b. 1918)
Adriana Sivieri - actress (b. 1918)
René de Obaldia - playwright, screenwriter (b. 1918)
Tao Porchon-Lynch - actress (b. 1918)
Ida Schuster - actress (b. 1918)
Branka Veselinovic - actress (b. 1918)
Maurice Marks - actor, stuntman (b. 1918)
Dave Bartholomew - musician, lyricist (b. 1918)
Sid Ramin - composer (b. 1919)
Nehemiah Persoff - actor (b. 1919)
Walter Bernstein - screenwriter (b. 1919)
Marge Champion - actress, dancer (b. 1919)
Joachim Tomaschewsky - actor (b. 1919)
Caren Marsh - dancer, actress (b. 1919)
Grace Albertson - actress (b. 1919)
Betty Brodel - singer, actress (b. 1919)
Sheila Mercier - actress (b. 1919)
Norma Miller - dancer, actress (b. 1919) † 5/6/2019
Alfie Scopp - actor (b. 1919)
Helen Shingler - actress (b. 1919)
Doris Merrick - actress (b. 1919)
Armin Dahlen - actor, director (b. 1919)
Jean Barker - editor (b. 1919)
Helge Robbert - cinematographer, director (b. 1919)
June Spencer - actress (b. 1919)
Max Berliner - actor (b. 1919)
Doris Merrick - actress (b. 1920)
Don Kennedy - actor (b. 1920)
Noah Keen - actor (b. 1920) † 3/24/2019
Victor Platt - actor (b. 1920)
Kate Murtagh - actress (b. 1920)
Franca Valeri - actress (b. 1920)
Jack Edwards - actor (b. 1920)
Norma Barzman - screenwriter (b. 1920)
Sergio Mendizábal - actor (b. 1920)
A. E. Hotchner - novelist, screenwriter, playwright (b. 1920)
Gudrun Parker - producer, director (b. 1920)
Doudou Babet - actress (b. 1920)
Joan Ellacott - costume designer (b. 1920)
Vera Bergman - actress (b. 1920)
Susan Miller - actress (b. 1920)
Nicolette Bernard - actress (b. 1920)
Claude Accursi - screenwriter (b. 1920)
Francis Rigaud - director, screenwriter (b. 1920)
Ann Triola - actress, singer (b. 1920)
Agnès Delahaie - producer (b. 1920)
Edward Lewis - producer, screenwriter (b. 1920)
Hilda Bernard - actress (b. 1920)
Carol Channing - actress (b. 1921) † 1/15/2019
Josip Elic - actor (b. 1921)
Ruth de Souza - actress (b. 1921)
Jack Rader - actor (b. 1921)
Geoffrey Chater - actor (b. 1921)
Bill Butler - cinematographer (b. 1921)
Muriel Pavlow - actress (b. 1921) † 1/19/2019
Walter Mirisch - producer (b. 1921)
Tom Felleghy - actor (b. 1921)
Teddi Sherman - screenwriter (b. 1921) † 1/16/2019
Patricia Marmont - actress (b. 1921)
Carlo Lastricati - assistant director (b. 1921)
Grisha Dabat - screenwriter (b. 1921)
Herbert Kofer - actor (b. 1921)
Dobroslav Srámek - sound editor (b. 1921)
Yu Lan - actress (b. 1921)
Zygmunt Nowak - sound editor (b. 1921)
Miriam Nevo - actress (b. 1921)
John Aldred - sound mixer (b. 1921)
George Lefferts - producer, screenwriter (b. 1921)
Wally Campo - actor (b. 1921)
Derek Granger - producer (b. 1921)
Herbert Westbrook - art director, production designer (b. 1921)
Betty White - actress (b. 1922)
Ray Anthony - musician, actor (b. 1922)
Carl Reiner - actor, director, screenwriter (b. 1922)
Doris Day - actress, singer (b. 1922) † 5/13/2019
Margia Dea - actress (b. 1922)
Helen Mowery - actress (b. 1922)
Bill Macy - actor (b. 1922)
Joan Copeland - actress (b. 1922)
Bibi Ferreira - actress (b. 1922) † 2/13/2019
Tony Charmoli - dancer, choreographer, director (b. 1922)
Charles Csuri - animator (b. 1922)
Norman Lear - producer (b. 1922)
Micheline Presle - actress (b. 1922)
Ivry Gitlis - violinist, actor (b. 1922)
Janis Paige - actress (b. 1922)
Bert I. Gordon - director (b. 1922)
Peter Hughes - actor (b. 1922) † 2/5/2019
Françoise Javet - editor (b. 1922)
Ebrahim Golestan - director (b. 1922)
Ethmer Roten - film score musician (b. 1922)
Angel Wagenstein - screenwriter (b. 1922)
Gershon Kingsley - film composer (b. 1922)
Jacqueline White - actress (b. 1922)
Jonas Mekas - director (b. 1922) † 1/23/2019
Paula Valenska - actress (b. 1922)
Ivan King - art director (b. 1922)
Maurice Delbez - director (b. 1922)
Christian Alers - actor (b. 1922)
Mona Lisa - actress (b. 1922)
Chandrashekhar - actor (b. 1922)
John Shirley - editor (b. 1922)
Dilip Kumar - actor (b. 1922)
Alan Scott - actor (b. 1922)
Qin Yi - actress (b. 1922)
Doreen Brownstone - actress (b. 1922)
Mariya Portnaya - animator (b. 1922)
Enrico Bomba - producer, director (b. 1922)
Agustina Bessa-Luís - playwright, screenwriter (b. 1922)
Terence Kelly - actor (b. 1922)
Vladimir Etush - actor (b. 1922)
Rudolf Kovac - production designer (b. 1922)
Peter Berkos - sound editor (b. 1922)
Marcel Berbert - producer (b. 1922)
Raffaele La Capria - screenwriter (b. 1922)
Robert Fletcher - costume designer (b. 1922)
Jacqueline Duc - actress (b. 1922)
Sydney Bettex - production designer (b. 1923)
Larry Storch - actor (b. 1923)
Valentina Cortese - actress (b. 1923)
Rosita Fornes - actress (b. 1923)
Franco Zeffirelli - director (b. 1923)
Gloria Henry - actress (b. 1923)
Gene Reynolds - actor, screenwriter, producer, director (b. 1923)
Stan Waterman - producer, cinematographer (b. 1923)
Donald Elson - actor (b. 1923)
Paul Muller - actor (b. 1923)
Jaromír Janácek - editor (b. 1923)
Elizabeth Sellars - actress (b. 1923)
Jimmy Lydon - child actor, producer (b. 1923)
Peggy Stewart - actress (b. 1923) † 5/29/2019
Michael Medwin - actor, producer (b. 1923)
Val Bettin - actor (b. 1923)
Ralph Senensky - director (b. 1923)
Edward Ryan - actor (b. 1923)
Rhonda Fleming - actress (b. 1923)
Werner Lenz - cinematographer (b. 1923)
Glynis Johns - actress (b. 1923)
Nicholas Parsons - actor (b. 1923)
Józef Hen - screenwriter, novelist (b. 1923)
Bob Barker - game show host (b. 1923)
Mike Nussbaum - actor (b. 1923)
Vatroslav Mimica - director (b. 1923)
Kim Yaroshevskaya - actress (b. 1923)
Barbara Chilcott - actress (b. 1923)
Ruth Geller - actress (b. 1923)
Billy Watson - child actor (b. 1923)
Sam Gray - actor (b. 1923)
Patrick Gordon - actor (b. 1923)
Bernard Gersten - producer (b. 1923)
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