#alex is not the first son
Might post this on AO3 at some point. Maybe. I feel like I need to. Lol.
Anyway, enjoy another Firstprince fic. :*
Let yourself smile more. When you do, the world becomes brighter. At least mine does.
Henry bites his lower lip, trying to contain his smile despite what the note said. He can feel his cheeks warming up as he rereads the words.
He's been receiving these random notes for the past three months and the giddy feeling in his belly hasn't disappeared. Pez has been teasing him that this secret admirer may help him get over his little crush on Alex. It seemed unlikely at first but the more he receives these notes, the more hopeful he gets.
"Hey, Mr. Darcy!" Speak of the devil, Henry rolls his eyes, shoving the note into his pocket in the process. When he turns, he's bombarded with Alex's smile. His heart stutters at the sight, then mentally curses the stupid organ. How the fuck does the other teen still have this effect on him? "We're still on for Friday, right?"
"Yes, Alex. Our standing study session will still happen." He replies drily, his lips lifting on one side. In his periphery, he sees some of Alex's usual entourage frown in confusion.
"Cool. See you, Friday, Wilde." The asshole winks as he walks backward, likely on his way to lacrosse practice. Henry shakes his head in exasperation, watching as Alex and his clique turn the corner.
He pulls out the note from his pocket, smoothing out the paper. As he rereads the words, he can't help but smile at the short note.
Sometimes I dream about kissing that mole on your upper lip. Is that creepy? Whatever. I love looking at those beauty marks. I want to trace them with my mouth and find out how you would react to my kisses.
Henry lays his palm on his chest, right over his widely beating heart. He's not sure if his secret admirer meant it to sound as sensual as it did but Henry's brain blue-screened. He has a lot of moles scattered all over his body and the idea of this person's mouth exploring his body is... doing things to his randy teenage brain.
He hears someone laugh and his eyes immediately find Alex, head thrown back with pure joy. The image of a faceless boy in his head turns into Alex's mischievous smirk as he explores Henry's body.
He doesn't know how he's still torn between painfully straight Alex and the secret admirer who clearly wants him.
The way you tilt your chin up when you're trying to look tough makes me feel brave, too. I don't think you know just how inspiring you can be, sweetheart.
Henry can feel a sting in his eyes and he's not even sure why. His secret admirer didn't really say something that profound but at the same time, he did. Like any teen, Henry has a habit of comparing himself to his peers. Pez, his own best mate, has a way of lifting people up when they're down. Bea, when she was still attending the high school, formed a support group for teens turning to substance to cope. Alex got the lacrosse team to help prevent bullying by standing up for other people.
Henry does what he can, but he feels like he'll never leave a positive impact in the world. Knowing at least one person finds him inspiring is quite humbling.
I love watching your face when you read Austen. You have the most beautiful expressions when you read about two people falling in love. Sometimes I wonder what your face will look like when you realize just how in love I am with you. PS. Meet me at the music room after class?
Henry swallows thickly, hands shaking as he rereads the note a few more times. The postscript is still the same. His secret admirer wants to meet him and Henry's not sure what he should do.
Part of him wants to meet this secret admirer after months of receiving these sweet notes. But another part of him is scared. What if he's wrong and the secret admirer is actually a girl? He knows most of the school is aware he's gay but some think they can turn him straight, while others are just painfully unaware.
But what if it's a boy and not he imagined him? What if he's disappointed his secret admirer isn't how he pictured? Does that make him shallow? He hates to admit it but even without trying, he's imagining Alex leaving him these little notes. It's a daft fantasy but he can't really help who he falls for.
The day crawls and Henry's patience is running thin. There's at least fifteen more minutes until the school day is over. It's the longest fifteen minutes of his life.
When the bell finally rings, Henry rushes out of his seat he's practically leaving dust in his wake. He knows the music room will be empty today. Clearly, his admirer knows it, too.
When he gets to the music room, the door is closed but he can hear someone strumming the guitar. He wonders if it's his secret admirer or someone else.
He takes a deep, fortifying breath and slowly releases it. When he enters, he doesn't immediately see who's occupying the room. The click of the door shutting behind him sounds loud in the sudden silence.
Henry doesn't move, just leans down against the closed door in case the other room occupant is not his secret admirer. He can hear the clock ticking, counting along with it; eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. When he reaches thirteen, Alex's timid voice makes him flinch, "Hi."
"I'm supposed to meet someone here," Henry doesn't dare hope that Alex is the someone he's supposed to meet. It's simply not possible that the boy he's been halfway in love with may feel the same. But then Alex stands and makes his way to him, his brows raised in surprise. Henry can feel his heart pounding in his chest and he wonders if Alex can hear his heartbeat.
"Yeah," the other boy enunciates slowly, "me. You were meeting me."
"But..." Henry tries to grasp at words that would make a coherent sentence. "You're straight?"
"Henry," Alex says with exasperation. The smile on his face softens the blow, though. "I dated Liam for like, a month, maybe a bit longer." He's sure the younger boy is laughing at him.
"Oh." He certainly never knew that. "When?" His voice is hesitant, uncertain. He truly does not remember Alex and Liam ever dating. It had always been Liam and Spencer.
Alex's lips twitch, as if he's fighting a smile, "Fall of freshman year. We broke up because we both realized we wanted someone else."
Alex is now standing in front of him, just a foot or so of distance between them. If he raises his arm, he can take hold of the shorter man's waist. If wants, he can pull Alex into his arms and give in to the desire to kiss the other boy.
Then again, Alex is Alex and beats him to the punch.
Alex cups Henry's face, his touch is so gentle yet firm. He nuzzles the other boy's palm, swaying forward. It's hard not to get pulled in by Alex's gravity.
Henry sees the question in those brown orbs. He looks down at Alex's lips, then back to his eyes. A silent request.
When their lips finally meet, Henry finally understands what people mean when their world narrows down to a single person.
Got my acceptance letter from NYU. We're moving to New York, baby! -XOXO Alex
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repmet · 25 days
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@rwrbsource & @rwrbmovie’s rwrb appreciation month bingo: alex
[insp] [Henry]
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theclassymike · 28 days
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Lucas Till in the movie Crush (2013)
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evmrellie · 2 months
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mother and son fr
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"So, not that it matters, but remember when you asked me what I thought about Prince Henry and Alex Claremont Diaz?" Y/N looked at his brother, who had his feet propped up on their father's desk in his office.
He gave Y/N a calculated gaze and nods. "Yeah, why?"
"Well, what if I told you that the Prince of Wales was gay as a rainbow and Alex likes dicks and chicks."
His brother blinked and stared at him for a moment before he started to laugh. "I'd say that you were full of shit."
"Well, I'm not. It's true. Henry kissed Alex underneath a linden tree in moonlight and snow. And I got hot watching them kiss, so, I kissed them both too." He blushed and looked at his shoes.
Did this violate his NDA? Was he going to be taken away for spilling the secret sexualities of the first Son and the first Prince? Y/N took a glance at his brother, who, was so shocked. "Y/N, you didn't!"
"I'm sorry. It's not like I meant for it to happen. It just did. Like getting someone pregnant."
"That's not the same thing. "You're so fucked."
"I know. I'm going to crawl in a hole and die."
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jenna-louise-jamie · 7 months
i cannot stop thinking about ian rider. more specifically, how alex had so many unprocessed feelings about him after his death. imagine being an orphan, getting adopted by your uncle as a baby, having him raise you for 14 years then discovering he lied to you your entire life. that he [unintentionally or not] trained you to be something you never wanted to be under the guise of bonding with you. never being able to ask him what his actual intentions were because he's dead. never getting closure for it. im going to throw up.
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achillesuwu · 2 years
AU where Alex save Dream of the fishbowl & Dream get his revenge on his father (+Jessamyis alive ) BUT but
Since he is still a kid well 😕 Alex is in a problematic situation. He needs a tutor but doesn't really trust anyone (and most of the people in the house are forever asleep now) . He is going to need someone to "" "look after him" "" (officially) + he doesn't really want to talk about his current father to anyone for any reason
So, when Dream (pov alex : really scary tall powerful dude) said "I will offer you a boon"
Alex basically thinks "I'm already in deep shit right now. I have nothing to lose" and say : can you be my father?
What Dream understood : "I chose YOU" and for him Alex looks like this :
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Dream hesitate a bit but finally agrees and Alex is like "cool 👍 can you sign some paper, put me in school, assure you that I'm feed and see you in 10 years/for my school graduation/my wedding"
Little did he know that when Dream dads he DADS 😤
Why did I thought about this?
1930!Hob Gadling that is a bit suspicious about Alex of the "Endless"' dad. He never sees the guy but he must be a prick because everytime that there should be a parent's meeting with the teacher Alex avoid his gaze and find some excuse on why his father can't go. Of course Hob never pushed. He gets it 😔 poor boy, to have a rich snob for a father 😔😔
Meanwhile, alex : oh lord, oh god, I can't sit in a parent's meeting with dad again. Too much praise, he is too proud of me, I'm going to die. Please, makes it that Teacher Godlen will drop it. Oh god. please please-
Sadly Alex can't make Dream miss the school graduation
Just the thought of 1930 Hob Gadling face when he sees his stranger walking like he own the place with expensive clothes with Alex trailing behind him.
And well, looks. Hob WAS going to scold Alex's dad but
This is the stranger
Instead of a :( face Alex has a "why is my father embarrassing 😩 yeah yeah see you later I'm going to see my friend yes yes I love you too nooo don't hug me 😩 DAD MY HAIR😩😩" face which put every interaction he had with him in a new light
Hob is half trying to hide himself because what the fuck and half looking because what the fuck HE IS HOT. (Some of his braincells are also running in panic because : wait, WAIT, ENDLESS. OF THE ENDLESS. IT'S HIS FAMILY NAME!? IS IT A FAKE NAME. would it be awkward if I said something like "hey, Mr Endless, about your son" or "Mister Endless, you couldn't wait to see me ~?" ... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT ROBERT GADLING YOU CAN'T SIMPLY GO AND—.... He. He has. HE HAS A SON!?!? )
Little did he know that yes, Dream saw him and once he finally talked to every other teachers about how proud he is of his boy he is very much going to talk about that friendship thing
Meanwhile, alex : .... My dad is seducing my teacher. in my school graduation. Great. Wonderful. Can aunt Death comes pick me up 😩
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svnflowermoon · 1 year
i will not apologize for the person i will become when red white and royal blue comes out. i will be unapologetically obsessed with them for at least 5 and a half months.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 4 months
It's Sunday ... ya know what that means
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ok .. so sentences cuz it's already sunday - Let's do this!
so my sentences this week are actually one of the ficlets I wrote over the weekend cuz the only other thing I've written recently is not ready for public viewing
so i wrote 8 ficlets this weekend and they're all on ao3 if ya want to peruse - to pick which to post I used an 8-sided die to determine which we'd post here - I rolled a 1 so it's a good thing I wasn't actually playing a game lolz
ficlet and tags behind the post (cuz ooops it might be a bit long for a ficlet)
Henry sinks into the chair on the dock. His friend June invited him along to her family’s lake house in Texas for a long weekend, and as Pez wasn’t in town and had nothing holding him and Will, his toddler son, at home, he decided to tag along. Now, sitting here watching her younger brother, Alex, swim across the lake, hoist himself up on the dock, and slowly walk over to plop in the chair next to him, he wonders why he thought his dog wouldn’t be enough company for them over the long weekend. He’s so lost in thought he misses what Alex is saying to him. He attempts to recover but is so entranced by the drops of water trailing across Alex’s chest he’s surprised he doesn’t offer to lick them off.
Instead, he gets out, “Um … I’m sorry, what was that? I was a bit lost in thought.” It’s not a lie; he was lost in thought. He’s just not sure he should admit those thoughts were all the things he wanted to do to his friend's brother. Alex is ten years younger than him and just graduated from college; he doesn’t need pervy older men lusting after him. Henry is certain he has plenty of people his age lusting after him. Honestly, he thinks there’s probably a new circle in hell being created for him as they speak after some of the thoughts he’s had this weekend. It doesn’t help that Alex is legitimately perfect; he seems to love David, who loves him back in a way he hasn’t loved anyone since Pez. And Will—Will is utterly smitten with Alex, much like his father, only, of course, with less pervy thoughts.
“I was just wondering if Will was still napping. I promised him I’d take him into the lake today.” The blush that rises in Alex’s cheeks as his eyes seem to roam Henry’s body makes Henry wonder if at least some of his feelings aren’t returned. Of course, that is most likely just his overactive imagination at work. “That is if you’re still all right with that.” The way Alex nibbles at his lip gives Henry thoughts he really shouldn’t be having when talking about his son.
“Of course, Will would be distraught with me if I denied him that. I trust you to care for him in the water, Alex.” He attempts to smile in a non-predatory way, but all of the very horny thoughts running through his head make him wonder if he was successful.
“Besides, you’ll be right there with us, right?”
The thought of standing in the water with Alex, as Will no doubt clamors all over him, is doing things to Henry. He knows he has a bit of a competency kink, and Alex has shown just how competent he can be with Henry’s son all weekend. It makes Henry wonder how competent he could be with Will’s father, and he really needs to stop thinking that way.
“Of course –“ Luckily, before he can embarrass himself further, June walks over and plonks Will into his lap.
“Someone woke up from his nap and wanted his dad.” She says as she walks past and plops herself onto the edge of the dock.
Henry’s never been so happy to have his son wake. He has something to focus on other than the devastating man across from him. Well, at least until Will sees Alex and practically throws himself from Henry’s lap to get to him, his loud “Alex” echoing through the silence. Apparently, his thoughts are not the only thing focused on Alex.
so ya made it through the ficlet - it's time for some tags
(no-pressure) tag you're it! to @adreamareads @agame-writes @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites
@dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @jmagnabo92
@junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites
@msmarvleouswinchester @nocoastposts @piratefalls @priincebutt @softboynick
@sophie1973 @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow @suseagull04 @tailsbeth-writes
@taste-thewaste @thedramasummer @theprinceandagcd @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england
@tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox
@indestructibleheart @everwitch-magicks @cricketnationrise @orchidscript @cha-melodius
@captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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rwrb au edit for @ironpe: ghost? au
"I don't know what to tell you, Alex. Prince Henry hasn't been in the public eye for nearly a year now. The official statement is that he had taken ill."
"I'm telling you, Nora, he's dead! That's why his ghost is here haunting me."
"Ugh, rude! I'm not a ghost!"
Alex chooses to ignore his uninvited spectral companion. It's only been occasionally effective in the past few weeks of their co-existence, but now appears to not be one of those times. He sighs at Nora through the phone and bids her a quick goodbye because Henry looks like he's gearing up for a rant.
"Alright, Your Majesty," says Alex in a placating tone. "I retract my previous statement. You're not a ghost, what you are is annoying!"
A translucent glare is thrown his way which gives Alex some satisfaction.
"If you're not dead, then why don't you just go back to your body? Why are you all the way here bothering me?"
"I told you! I'm waiting for someone."
It had only been a few months since the whirlwind of his mom's election, inauguration and their subsequent moving-in to the White House when Alex Claremont-Diaz got the fright of his life. He had been in his bedroom, slogging through Bleak House for an assignment, loudly complaining to no one that British authors are soooo boring when an offended voice huffs in his ear. "I beg your pardon??!!"
A totally masculine shriek and a thorough sweep from the Secret Service later and he was face to face with what looked to be a haughty blond man at 50% opacity that only he could see.
This event kicked off what is at best a surreal experience and at worst a literal nightmare.
Since then, Alex has spent a considerable amount of time alternating between adjusting to his new roommate and figuring out how the Prince of England could be haunting him and why he couldn't remember much of who he is, only that he's waiting for someone.
But as Alex gets to know Henry more and more, he's surprised he likes what he sees. Henry's sharp wit, affectionate sarcasm and deep passion have charmed him despite his initial resistance. And now, he's more determined than ever to find the truth and help Henry get back to his body, with the hope that maybe when he wakes, something more awaits them both on the other side.
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psdliterario · 3 months
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"History, huh? bet we could make some."
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sabrinaa2122 · 2 years
Alex: what do you think is the most attractive thing about a girl
Henry: usually her boyfriend
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theclassymike · 5 months
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Lucas Till and wife Skyler Samuels welcome their first child.
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rockingtheorange · 1 year
Recreating the book version of Alex and Henry
(With the help of Nicholas reading it for us)
In the book, Henry arrives riding a horse right after playing polo. I thought it would make someone happy seeing this version of their encounter.
(I had to arrange it with the little scenes we have, sorry if something is a little off)
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rwrb-stuff · 7 months
Henry: Holding up a pack of rainbow pencils These are kinda cute. Alex: Hen, that’s gay. Henry: We’ve been dating for 2 years—
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supercap2319 · 8 months
"You do realize that the only reason why I'm traveling with you jerkoffs is because Professor Oak hurt himself, right?" Y/N faked smiled as he waved to all the people wishing him and his traveling companions. He was broadening a ship to the Paldea region to explore the Area Zero with the President's son, Alexander Claremont Diaz. And Prince Henry of Wales.
"Yes, well, this isn't my idea of a proper time. I was under the impression that I would be traveling alone." Henry said.
"Too bad you're not, your majesty." Alex said.
"Actually, it's "Your Royal Highness. "Your Majesty" is reserved for the king." Henry said.
"Oh, thank you for the etiquette lesson." Y/N said.
"You both are in desperate need of one." Henry pokes them both in the chest.
"You know what? You smug and entitled little rich—"
"Everything alright here, boys." Zahra asked.
"Just fine, Zahra. Just talking about all the incredible things we'll see in the Area Zero." Alex lied.
"I see. I hope you three behave better than your Pokémon. There's a fight in the training area between Sprigatito, Quaxly, and Fuecoco."
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