#hence why I was hoping to do this instead of write :D
lostgirl677 · 9 months
Negan's wife
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Established relationship
TW: language, sexual comments, near assault, violence, blood
A/N: this is the first time I write for Daryl Dixon and I'm a bit nervous. I hope I did okay
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Since that fateful night, I’ve been locked up here, sitting alone on the bed, the only furniture of this weird room. I didn't even know how much time had passed. And no matter how many times I tried to force that damn door open, it wouldn’t move. I just let out an exasperated sigh as I sat on the floor. I didn’t know what Negan had in mind when he took both Daryl and I with him, but it sure meant trouble. But the worst part was that I didn't know where Daryl was and if he was okay. I haven't seen him since they unloaded us from that truck. So here I was, alone and scared. Not scared for myself but for Daryl, for our people. I still had the images of the bloodied corpses of our friends, laying there. But instead of letting myself go insane, I tried to focus on what I could do to get Daryl back and to run away from this place. And I would have to be creative since they took all my weapons.
As I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly perceived the noise of footsteps coming near my cell. My heartbeat quickens, ready for a fight if needed. I promptly jumped on the bed to get as far as I could from whoever entered the room. I heard a key unlocking the door and as the handle turned, I could feel my heart beating in my throat. When the door opened, The first people I saw were some of his goons. After each four of them entered and placed themselves on each side of the door, Negan entered. How I wish I could erase the smirk on his face with my crowbar. He snapped his gloved fingers and one of his goons, Dwight,came next to me and put a black dress next to me. I threw a look at the dress and then at Negan. His smile grew bigger. 
Anger filled my veins when I noticed that Dwight wore Daryl’s clothes. I jumped on my feet and asked “What do you want? Where’s Daryl? Why does this fucker wear his clothes?” “Damn! This guy may never shower but he sure as hell has a fine taste in women.”Negan said, practically undressing me with his eyes as I stood up. He smiled at me and said “Calm down sweetheart. No need to get your panties in a twist. We are civilized people, we can talk calmly.” I scoffed at ‘civilized’, which made him smile even more. He then said “To answer your first question, I’m here to make you one of my wives, hence the black dress.” I grabbed the dress and threw it at him “You can shove it in your ass!” I screamed as he caught the dress mid-air. “Language, sweetheart. Damn! I like you.” I just gave the middle finger with a forced smile. He smiled and then continued “To answer your second question, Daryl is taken care of and..” “If you lay as much of a hand on him, I'll kill you all.”, I said, getting dangerously close to him. “Eh! Don't worry sweetie, I never do the dirty job. But you might like to talk to Dwighty-boy here. He's the one in charge of your lover’s captivity.” I turned my head to my left to throw the blond guy the dirtiest look I could. Dwight seemed to gulp as I kept looking at him.
It seemed to amuse Negan as he looked at the both of us. “Oh, I see you already met. Good, then you’re already familiar with some people here.To answer your last question, D. got promoted. He was allowed to take your dirty biker’s stuff.” My blood was boiling at this point. I was already preparing my fist to punch Negan square in the face when he suddenly closed the distance between us and whispered in ear “You don’t want Daryl to become chow for the dead, right? Believe me, you want to be a good wife.” He was too close for my comfort. But I stayed stone faced, not dismissing the threat underlying his sweet talk. He then looked at me and added “I’ll come back to see you tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll look sexy as hell in the black dress.” He approached his hand to caress my hair but I smacked it as I kept looking at him straight in the eyes.”Don’t touch me!” I hissed through my gritted teeth. He laughed loudly, earning the laughs of the guys behind him “And she's feisty too. I made the right choice choosing you, sweetheart.” We kept eye contact until he broke it to call his goons. “See you tomorrow, darling.” He said one last time, winking at me as he closed the door and locked it.
Instead of sleeping, I spent the night trying to find a way to negotiate with him. Or even a plan to find Daryl and escape with him. But the only way was to bluff or just blatantly lie to get what I want. And after hours of racking my brain for a solution, I decided something.I just hoped it worked the way I wanted to. All I could do was to hope that Daryl was still alive.
In the morning, I heard someone unlocking my door. I readied myself to attack just in case, my breathing getting louder as my heartbeat was going crazy. Then Dwight appeared, with a huge grin on his half-burned face and a tray of food in  hands. “Hello, Y/N. You slept well?” I threw him a look and replied “Go to Hell.” He chuckled and said “Guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” I didn’t reply, just threw him a dirty look. Then I noticed. All I could see was fresh blood on Daryl’s clothes. Seeing red suddenly, I jumped on him, grabbing Daryl’s shirt and screamed “What did you do to him?! What did you do?!” He had let go of the tray in a noise of broken dishes and seemed panicked. He tried to get free from my grip but I was too angry to let go that easily. “Answer me! What did you do to Daryl?!” 
“Y/N, calm down!” It made me even more angry, so angry that I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor with a less than virile scream. As he clutched his privates with one hand, he used the other to reach a pocket in Daryl’s shirt and got a small box out of it that he threw at my feet. He then said through laboured breathes ”The fucker apparently wanted to pop the question. Too bad he’ll never get to.” I grabbed the box and kicked him harder in the ribcage. And I kept hitting him, adding blood on Daryl’s clothes. I would have killed him if some other guys hadn’t heard his screams. I was blinded by a devastating anger, I couldn’t stop myself. Until one of these guys grabbed me by the shoulders to get me away from Dwight. The goons threw me violently on the bed and helped Dwight up. With that, they locked the door again.
As the anger slowly passed, I suddenly realized how reckless I’ve been. I was sure that Dwight would torture Daryl even more. I curled on the bed, clutching the tiny box in my hand. Daryl wanted to propose to me. He really loved me this much. This statement was a shock to me. In another world, we would have a real wedding with all our friends alive and well. This brought tears in my eyes that I quickly wiped as I heard the door opening again. I didn’t know how much time had passed, again. But it sounded like trouble. Just like the last time, Negan appeared with his goons, including a bloodied Dwight. It was the moment to take action.
“Well, well, well. Hello Y/N. Heard you had one hell of a morning.” he said in his insufferable sing-along tone. Instead of replying, I got closer to him, stood straight and looked him in the eyes when I said “If i become one of your wives, you let Daryl go” His smile didn’t falter but grew bigger. “Very straightforward I see. I like that. But, well sweetheart, it’s not a question to ask.” I stayed with an emotionless face when I declared with determination “I wasn't asking. I'm telling you  how it's gonna be.” Much to my irritation, Negan laughed loudly.”Aren’t you a confident one, darling?” He said as he booped my nose. I immediately slapped his hand out of my face.He wasn’t even upset by my gesture and said “Bold of you sweetheart. I don’t know how it works with Rick. But I’m afraid that it's not how it works here.”
Instead of getting angry, I tried to hold my wrath inside and said “If you don't want me to raise hell, you better accept”. He giggled and leaned his hands to his knees to look at me. “.What are you gonna do, huh? You are alone here sweetie. And loverboy won’t help you.” he cooed as if he was talking to a pretty stupid little girl. How much I wanted to punch him. But I had to remain calm, somehow. Dwight suddenly said “Uh, Negan? She’s really violent”. He was instinctively protecting his junk just in case. It made me smirk “See ? Listen to Freddy Krueger over here. He knows what I'm talking about” I said, pointing at him. Negan threw Dwight a condescending glance before turning his attention back at me, smiling brightly.``Well, you really have fire inside. I’m definitely keeping you”. He said with a laugh.”Well, it was good to have a laugh. Now, put your dress on and get ready. Someone will come to get you in ten minutes.” He said as he got out of the room rapidly.
As I zipped the dress, I tried to ponder whether I should put Daryl’s ring on my finger or not. I didn’t want Negan to take it from me. But I decided to keep it hidden on my necklace.He already took the man I love away from me. I had to act carefully, now. I didn’t know what they were doing to Daryl, but it sure fueled my nightmares. We’ve been through everything since Atlanta and it took one asshole with a barbeled bat to separate us. When I’d get the opportunity, I’d definitely gut Negan. I swore it to myself and to Daryl. I heard the door getting unlocked again and a giant guy came to get me.
The walk to my mysterious destination was quite chilling. The corridors had a cold atmosphere to them. It wasn’t welcoming. Hell, even the prison seemed more cozy than this. As we walked in the maze-like building, something suddenly caught my attention out of the corner of my eyes. Brown long hair and blue eyes. I swiftly snapped my head to see Dwight pushing  someone violently in a small room. It was Daryl, I knew it. Thus, I tried to sneak away from the giant guy to run in the direction of the room but he caught me by the arm. “Where do you think you’re going, doll?” he said as he dragged me away. I could hear an irritating song blasting from here. That’s where they were keeping him. I then swore to myself to note the path we took to find his cell next time.
When giant guy pushed the door in front of us, I caught a glimpse of the room. There were sofas everywhere as well as bottles of alcohol. And there were at least ten very attractive women dressed in the same kind of dress as me. He left me here and got back to whatever was his job. I quickly felt uneasy when all the women snapped their heads to look at me. I felt really awkward to be the center of attention so I tried to find a quiet place in the room. They didn’t even try to come to talk to me, which was fine by me. All I had in mind was the glimpse of Daryl I had in the corridor. His back was almost arched. I never saw him like that, even at his worst. They were breaking him, destroying him completely. I couldn’t stand it. Tears were brought to my eyes again as the images kept replaying in my mind. I just closed them to keep me from crying. “Hey! You okay?” asked a woman’s voice next to me. 
Surprised, I opened my eyes and wiped them with the back of my hand. And I looked at the mysterious woman. She was a brunette with brown eyes. “Uh, yeah, yeah. It’s okay. I’m okay.” She looked at me emphatically and said “I’m Sherry. Aren’t you Daryl’s girlfriend?” I almost gasped. “What? You know him?” She looked at me a bit embarrassed. “Well, let’s say we met in the woods.” “You’re the one who stole his crossbow and his bike!” I exclaimed, suddenly understanding. She seemed even more embarrassed. “Well, you mugged my husband earlier today. Let’s say we’re even.” I almost choked. “You’re married to that scumbag?! The very one torturing Daryl, right now?!” I said angrily even though it wasn’t her fault. “Yeah, I was. Now I’m Negan’s wife. Just like you.” I felt like I could trust her, somehow. But I couldn’t risk anything here.I was sure there were snitches waiting for some intel to give to Negan. So I just nodded my head and kept to myself.
I spent some time in silence, lost in my mind when I noticed that the sofa I was on dipped under someone's weight. “Hey! New girl.” I tried to focus again on the real world to see a beautiful woman next to me. “Yeah?” She smiled at me and said “Tonight’s your special night. You should get ready.” “What do you mean?” Confusion was probably written all over my face because she added “ Negan’s gonna mark you as officially his. We’re here to prepare you, he’s quite rough the first time. He gotta show you who’s in charge I guess” I felt the blood draining from my face. “You mean, he’s gonna…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. “ Yeah. But don’t worry. It’ll hurt for a few days then you’ll get used to it. Just be prepared psychologically.” I wanted to run away, as far as I could. But I had to pull through. For Daryl. He must never know about it.
The fateful moment was here. I was escorted to Negan’s room and was waiting for him to come. It was the moment to find a weapon quickly. I ran to his drawers and tried to rummage through his stuff. After fruitless effort, I finally pricked my finger to some kind of tiny knife.Relief washed over me as my fingers curled around it. It was tiny enough to hide it. But I didn’t have much time to think about it when I heard the doors. “Eager I see.” He said in a smug tone as he saw me next to his bed. I turned to face him. His smile was the most horrendous thing I saw in my life. This predatory look in his eyes, full of lust, disgusted me. He swiftly approached me and began to unzip my dress. I couldn’t help but try to get out of his reach. He paused and asked, surprised “What ? Don’t tell me Tough guy never touched you?” I turned my head to not see him. “ It's a sin, really.” And as he kept unzipping my dress he added “Well his loss.” And he let his hands wander on my body. I had to hold down my urge to throw up. Daryl would never do something like this without my consent. He would never treat me like this. But I had to play the game to get where I wanted. 
Negan made me face him. I was just waiting for him to get closer. My heartbeat quickened, it would be my moment soon. He was so focused on my breast that he didn’t see anything else. I wanted to punch him so hard but what was waiting for him was better. Swiftly, before he could react I got the knife out of the pocket of my dress to press it on his neck, next to the carotid. His eyes widened and he took his hands off me. But instead of panic, he seemed amused. What the hell was wrong with him? A trickle of blood was running down his neck.'' Why do you have to kill the vibe, uh missy? I thought we were getting cozy, here.” he said casually, as if I wasn’t threatening him at all.” As I was stucking the knife deeper in his skin, he swifty grabbed my hand to get the knife and added “Unless it’s some kind of kink?” He slowly  licked  the knife. HIs eyes were full of lust. Out of anger, I spat in his face. He wiped his face with an even bigger smile but there wasn’t any joy in it. “Well, you can’t tell I didn’t warn you last night.” 
The next thing I knew, he was dragging me half undressed and my hair in a mess through the cold corridors. He then stopped. “You only want the dirty redneck? Well, knock yourself out! I’ll come back later and I'll be less charming, believe me.” I locked eyes with him one last time and spat in his face again. WIthout any other word, he threw me in a cell. The first thing I noticed was the terrible smell. But the worst was him. Daryl was here. My heart broke when I saw him all curled up in a ball on the floor. “Daryl.” I called softly. But he didn’t react nor acknowledged my presence. “Daryl. Hey! It’s me, Y/N”. Carefully, I got closer to him and caressed his hair.I felt him stiffen at my contact.That’s when the tears finally escaped from my eyes.”What did they do to you?” I asked as I kept crying. Then I heard his broken voice ask quietly“Y/N? Ya real?”. I saw him slowly getting in a sitting position. “Yeah, it’s me.” Relief seemed to wash over him until he noticed my poor state. He tried to wipe my tears away. His rough hand never felt so soft on my skin. “What happened? What did he do to you?!” he asked anxiously, probably expecting the worst. “He didn’t…? Please tell me he didn’t. They kept tellin’ me horrendous things he did to ya. I’m gonna kill him.” I put my hand soothingly on his when I assured him. “No, he didn’t. Didn’t have the time.” Daryl sighed in relief.
He then approached his hand to my shoulder to get the fabric of the dress to hide my bra.Clumsily, his hand got untangled in my necklace and found the ring. His head dropped and he said “Was supposed to pop the question. But I don’t think..” “Yes, Daryl. I want to marry you.” I slowly got closer to him and kissed him as I was supposed to after all this time. “I don’t know how or when. But I’ll get us out of here. I promise."
A/N : feedback is welcome. I think I need advices to write Daryl correctly 😅
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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uriwoos2 · 2 months
bnd as my favorite insects ! .⊹˚ ꒰͡ ͜ ི༏ ͜ ྀ͡꒱ˎˊ˗
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does this count as headcanons? idk. anyway this is something I decided to do cuz I'm quite literally obsessed w insects of any kind (esp these ones) and also bcuz I currently lack any motivation to write :'( so here it is! <3 warnings: pictures and descriptions of insects. word count: 1.4k
disclaimer! … these insects are mostly uncommon and usually not perceived as cute bugs, unlike ladybugs and bumblebees and such. so note that they might not appeal to everyone, but I love and find them beautiful and adorable, hence why I decided to match them w bnd ! <3 also pls do let me know how u feel about these kinds of "headcanons" ^^ <3 hope you enjoy ! ♡ . . . @onedoornet
sungho ʚïɞ archispirostreptus gigas
— giant african millipede !
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𐚁๋࣭⭑ the gentle giant! <3 these long boys have up to 300–400 little feet! the slow moving cuties are nocturnal and can be found minding their own business on the damp floor of the african rainforests. they love warm, dark places where they can curl up and hide easily. when it comes to defense, they aren't venomous and don't bite, instead they use their strong exoskeleton, that kind of acts like a body armor, to coil up into a ball and protect their softer belly. if this method doesn't work they might secrete a chemical concoction that deters all their predators. the coolest thing to me, is how each time they shed they add a single body segment, and four extra legs! ✩
𐚁๋࣭⭑ I think they remind me of sungho because of their overall vibe and temperament. millipedes have a strong, non-threatening exterior, just like sungho hehe. and they're just adorable little big boys <3 they mind their own business and do their job quietly and diligently! also the name gentle giant is so closely related to sungho that I can't help but match him with these guys! <3 I don't think there's anything else.. but thinking abt the resemblance between sungho and african millipedes makes me wanna cry... ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ )♡ it's just so very cute please :((( <3
riwoo ʚïɞ phidippus regius
— regal jumping spider !
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𐚁๋࣭⭑ the most prominent features of these spiders are their small bodies and sets of large black eyes that give them the cutest appearance <3 they have blueish–green jaws and three spots on their abdomen which resembles a smiling face! ^^ these little guys favour tropical regions and are mostly found in southeastern united states. jumping spiders do make nets but don't actually use them to hunt! they won't wait around for the prey to land on their webbing, but instead they will go seek them out themselves !! they are also venomous, and use it to hunt, or when they're feeling threatened. and of course, they love to jump! this useful skill comes in handy when hunting as well! they use a line of their silk as a tether, as it stabilizes their jumps and gives them direction. they have amazing eyesight and hearing! and the cutest thing of all, is that they dance to attract mates, the way that they sway their tiny bodies and wriggle their legs is the most adorable thing :( <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now why do these spideys remind me of sanghyeok? just like him, they're kinda small (hehe) but make up for it by being very flexible and active! ◟꒰◍ ´꒳` ◍꒱◞ they're super daring and very very courageous! they're both dancers and just silly little cuties, with beautiful eyes and I just can't help but melt at the sight of them :( their tiny jumps and cute dances remind me of riwoo especially when he's being silly >< it's the cutest thing <//3 and I can most definitely hold both riwoo and jumping spideys in the palm of my hand ^^ my tiny babies <3
jaehyun ʚïɞ allomyrina dichotoma
— kabutomushi or japanese rhinoceros beetle !
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𐚁๋࣭⭑ "mushi" is japanese for insect, and "kabuto" - for helmet. the name directly refers to the samurai helmet, which just makes them super badass in my opinion! :D I love adore all stag beetles but these ones are super special to me, because of their unique Y shaped horns! it looks so so cool :( fun fact, this horn is used by males to lift other males off the ground and throw them into the air 😭😭 they're nocturnal and can be found in subtropical and tropical regions in eastern asia. kabutomushi are super popular in japanese culture, and have been a source of inspiration for lots and lots of things, like characters in media, advertisements and so on. they are not venomous and don't bite, but they will often engage in fights with e/o, as they are fierce and unbelievably strong!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now why does jaehyun get the beetles. hmm.. I think he just gives me this vibe of being super tough and resilient and that's how these guys also tend to be! they're really firm and feisty, just like him! hehe. ૮ • ﻌ - ა myungjae definitely is the type to be super competitive and courageous! I admire these qualities in him, as they make him shine even brighter >< additionally, he is a very reliable leader, who I'm sure, is quite the inspiration for the rest of the members, someone who they look to for strength and encouragement! so yeah! myungjae kabutomushi confirmed !! <33
taesan ʚïɞ poecilotheria metallica
— gooty sapphire tarantula !
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𐚁๋࣭⭑ my most beloved emo spideys are sadly critically endangered :( they're native to a small area in southeast india and are tree-dwelling in nature. their bright blue color helps with camouflaging among the leaves. these tarantulas require specific conditions in which they thrive and feel comfortable, as they're highly light-sensitive and prefer to live in humid places. they're not very territorial, and tend to be semisocial or solitary! they're super skittish and tend to get aggressive when they feel threatened. fun fact! they don't have the typical defense mechanism that other tarantulas possess, which is the urticating hairs, which makes them the most vulnerable tarantula species. however, they make up for this shortcoming by being super super fast!! and prefer to flee rather than bite, even though they're venomous.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ the reason I matched this spidey with dongmin is bcuz they're both emo in appearance (lol) and they love doing their thing in their own little space. they're both super quiet, peaceful and like to keep to themselves. and another reason, is that they're both just so unique! ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა♡ and true to themselves! these tarantulas are unlike any other spider and I feel like that's how taesan also is, a super special and authentic person <3 I love these spiders and giant mountain with my whole entire heart !! <3
leehan ʚïɞ hymenopus coronatus
— orchid mantis !
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𐚁๋࣭⭑ this beautiful dainty insect is also known as a living flower. their beautiful appearance doesn't only serve the purpose of being pretty, but it actually is a hunting strategy! this is called aggressive mimicry, when the insects blend in with the food they consume or their habitat, as they wait for prey. these mantises pretend to be flowers, their primary food source, which also successfully camouflages them from predators! they're quite rare and can only be found in southeast asian tropical forests. fun fact! hehe. their flower "cosplays" are so convincing that they tend to attract lots of bees ^^ despite their small size, they're one of the best predators, able to hunt prey that's much larger than them (including frogs and birds!!) they also bite, although they're not venomous.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ they are calm, patient insects that use their assets to their full potential in order to achieve their goals. very much like ihan if you ask me!! hehe >< I think the dainty, and delicate appearance of the mantis matches him so so well. and pairing that with their calm temperament and behaviour, it just fits perfectly! leehan isn't one to be startled easily or to overreact, he's pretty chill for the most part and is one of the most charming people I've ever seen! (୨୧ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) I think that sums it up quite well ! (although the fact that these insects are known as living flowers was reason enough for me to match them w ihan ^^)
woonhak ʚïɞ Phyllium siccifolium
— leaf insect !
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𐚁๋࣭⭑ masters of camouflage! its appearance is honestly impeccable in replicating a leaf. they can be found in the tropical and subtropical climates, in several countries of asia. fun adorable fact! the newly hatched nymphs are reddish–brown and only become green after feeding on some leaves! how cute >< their leaf mimicry is so intricate, that sometimes they can have dark spots that resemble disease or damage! and the cutest thing is that they sway from side to side, to copy a leaf's movement in the wind. they're the biggest form of walking leaf and most of all, they're able to regenerate!! they are quite calm and docile, and move sluggishly, not to attract any predators. they remain still for the most part and tend to be solitary.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ I matched this cute insect to woonhak bcuz... idk I think it's just very adorable–looking overall and just gives me unagi vibes hehe^^ he's a cutie and the leaf bugs are also cuties, that's quite reasonable imo!! their bright appearance is super nice to look at and resembles how bright and lovely this baby is! (˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ ) ˎˊ˗ but also, my thought while matching him to these bugs was that he's very versatile and just easily adopts any and every concept, almost entirely flawlessly! he's just such a talented lil guy! leaf insects and woonhak are real good at flawlessly immersing themselves in a theme! and they're both just such cutie pies, ok? <3
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All the fling posse song snippets are out !!!
👀 The Fling Posse snippets are all out now!! :D Ramuda sounds so happy I cry TwT
Hey! Any thoughts on the Fling Posse solo previews? Love hearing your opinions on the trailers and getting some neat tidbits of insight into the lyrics/motifs.
Thanks for the messages! Let's go check 'em out.
One and Only
(8 seconds in) Ramuda's saying "Let's go" too
(41 seconds in) Ahh!
(48 seconds in) Jesus, Shirai is really pushing his range in this one
(50 seconds in) Self love for Ramuda, hell yeah. Good on him
(End of video) Not a lot to say; I feel like this one was pretty straight-forward. It's Ramuda embracing his personal identity as a unique human being-- LOVE to see it-- which is the culmination of his arc through the series so far. The music itself didn't capture me. I might warm up to it later like I usually do, but Shirai's singing on its own isn't usually my cup of tea. Which is chill; I hope other people like it. The wordplay on "clap your hands (te wo tataite); I want to celebrate [being alive] (tataeteitai)" was neat.
(Title note) I'm intrigued that the title is in kana instead of kanji, giving it a simple and almost "honest" feel in its simplicity. It's been a hot sec since I've seen Gentarou use that word in writing but iirc he usually uses kanji for it.
(5 seconds in) Loving this piano.
(15 seconds in) A boku-using Gentarou? Bruh.
(35 seconds in) Ohhh I see the point of the kana. The title is the same as a famous Shuntarou Tanikawa poem narrated by a little boy (hence the lack of kanji). Since the song lyrics reference it, here's a quick 'n dirty TL of the poem: Lies I think I'll always tell lies. My mother doesn't, but she's done so before. I think that because I know lying is painful. Even if the things I say are lies, the lying feeling is the truth. There are some truths that can only be told in lies. Even dogs--if they could talk, I think they'd tell lies as well. Even when I tell lies, even when my lies get caught, I don't apologize. I never tell lies just to get out of trouble. (*) Even if no one knows that, I know that, and so here I am, living with my lies. Until I just can't bear to lie any longer, I know I'll lie again and again and all the while long for the truth. (*) Literally, "resolve [the trouble] with apologies" which is why the narrator says he doesn't apologize Anyway, the "Even when I tell lies..." verse sans "and so..." is the opening of this song. Gentarou stops at "Even if no one knows that" and sighs in his second repetition of the verse.
(end of song) Wait, the whole thing is just verses of this poem? This is really cool and artistic (I dig it) but wow, what a choice! Saitou Souma's performance is incredible, and the background music is cool. I don't know how well this would go on a playlist, but I am here for it! ...I'm also wondering what the rights acquisition must have been like. This poem isn't in the JPN public domain yet, right? Hahaha.
God in the Dice
(title note) Fwiw I usually say Dice has "spirits" in his dice; calling them gods is just as valid. That seems to be what this is referring to.
(15 seconds in) Man I love Nozuyama's rapping chops. He delivers every time
(23 seconds in) Going to take this "I don't care" and make it a reaction image. Can't adequately express how much the phrase "Thog don't care" gets me through the day; this is right up there with that
(29 seconds in) It's very, very funny that Gentarou always teases Dice about his lack of vocab when you compare these two songs back to back. Hahaha.
(50 seconds in) Call back to Scramble Gamble with a more positive outlook. I can fuck with that.
(end of song) This one seems very similar to Ramuda's in terms of message (once again, I'm inappropriately amused at the notion of Ramuda and Dice living it up in the booth like "Love yourself...! Respect yourself! Love yourse--" and then it cuts to Gentarou who's got a piano and a Dramatic Poetry Reading and Angst. Well, that's Gentarou's way of loving himself, I suppose) and on the one hand, I am very happy for Dice deciding to live his life his own way, even if it goes against societal values... but I don't know how I feel about indulging in a gambling addiction as a way to explore that. You know? Maybe I'm just going "You don't have to follow societal expectations, but you should follow MY expectations, dammit!" Hahaha. Well....... Do what you gotta do, homie.... I'm reminded of how very 20 Dice is. Very, very 20 y.o. leaving a bad home life. Do what you gotta do....
Well, that's Fling Posse! Very much their usual Fling Posse selves.
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rogue205 · 11 months
Does anyone else ever notice how Gale is sometimes depicted in Hunger Games stories as an abusive jerk to Katniss or a controlling manipulative bastard(get real people, like she would let him) OR a jealous prick who sets out intentionally to sabotage her relationship with Peeta? Just to name a few.
Why? To justify Everlark. (Luckily lots of Everlark stories don’t actually do this but I still see it and it’s irritating hence this rant)
Gale is actually written OOC a lot just so people can claim that Katniss belongs with Peeta who is apparently so perfect. And I hate it. That’s right up there with (likely) these same people who completely ignore the fact that Peeta manipulated Katniss into a relationship with him prior to the 74th Games during the interviews. (As I said in an earlier post too, the fact that Peeta kept pressuring her after the rebellion to have kids until she gave in just… that bothers me. But I digress.)
Yes, his feelings were probably genuine and yes, Haymitch also played a role in this but it was honestly a d*ck move for him to pull especially since neither of them told her this is what was gonna happen. So she faked it through the 74th Games. And Snow made her continue after while forcing Gale into the role of her cousin instead, something that neither Gale or Katniss liked, as it made them uncomfortable.
I feel that she was with Peeta at the end because she needed hope and he was almost like another Prim for her. Someone she needed to protect. But what happens once she feels like she can stand on her own again? And don’t even get me started on how wildly Gale’s characterization veers into left field upon arrival at District 13. That whole bit made little to no sense to me. Then there’s the end where Collins writes him off by “he goes to District 2 and no one sees him again”. Really.
Everyone in Twelve also probably believed that Everthorne was endgame as the two were seen constantly together and obviously cared about the other and their families very much. Until the reaping happened. As I said before, Katniss’s true love is her sister Prim but Peeta ultimately was Snow’s choice for her. Katniss’s choice was Gale and she even said so in Catching Fire. “Gale is mine and I am his. Anything else is unthinkable”.
So I hate that Suzanne Collins ultimately didn’t have the guts to follow through with that.
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Hi. :D
Regarding the ending, it seems like the fandom divided about Marinette's decision to hide the truth from Adrien. I've seen group of people believing the lie is the result of her being manipulated by Gabriel, there's other who said that it's in character for Marinette to control information and compare it to what she did in Bubbler episode and there's also people who believe that the lie is a result of the wish that make Marinette's memory become blurry hence why she believed that Gabriel and Monarque are two different people.
What about you? What do you think about Marinette decision? What could be reasoning?
Thank you and I'm sorry for grammar error. ;;
My personal opinion is that it's all the result of bad writing, making it impossible to guess Marinette's motivation. If/when her motivation is revealed, I'm guessing it's going to make about as much sense as Alya knowing who Ladybug is and still believing Lila. To show you what I mean, I'll just go through the arguments you bring up one-by-one and explain why they don't hold much water.
Gabriel Manipulating Marinette
For this point to make sense, Gabriel needed to actually manipulate Marinette, but that's not what we see. He makes a dying request of her, but nothing in the fight or the season backs up her caring about that request. The lead up to the wish is largely Bugnoir and Monarch in a verbal sparing match that looks something like this:
Bug Noire: You'd know this if you ever took an interest in him. But in reality, Adrien means NOTHING to you anymore! You've locked him in your house — LOCKED him in your Alliance rings! Locked him into a life that allows you to hide behind him in order to justify YOUR madness! Lucky Charm!! (summons a tube of glue) Monarch: All I want is for him to be happy
Oh yeah, she's being so manipulated here! Gabriel is totally changing her mind about everything! That's why the fight literally ends with Gabriel changing his mind and making a different wish than originally intended! That's how manipulation works, right?
If the message of this fight was supposed to be that Gabriel manipulated Marinette and not the other way around, then it would need to look something like this comic where he guilts her into keeping his secrets. It would need look like this because Gabriel and Marinette have nothing close to a positive relationship. They hate each other. They also know next to nothing about each other, which is why the fight's dialogue is nothing but exposition and squabbling over who knows Adrien better as Adrien is literally their only connection.
This is why the only manipulation that would work on Marinette is guilt tripping her about the reveal hurting Adrien because Marinette doesn't give two shits about Gabriel. But Gabriel doesn't do that. He just politely asks her to not tell Adrien:
Gabriel: (turns around to Marinette) Marinette, make sure that Adrien never knows about the villain that I was, (puts down the twin rings on the ground) but instead, that he remembers the times I tried to be a good father. (turns back to Gimmi)
This is not manipulation. He's not messing with her emotions. He doesn't say anything like, "telling Adrien will hurt him immensely Marinette. If you love him, you'll let him remember me as a loving father." He just makes a request of a young woman who hates him and hopes for the best.
If Marinette loved Gabriel and was heartbroken that he was her enemy, then his dying wish could be argued to be a form of manipulation because he knows how much she cares for him and how much his actions hurt her and how much she doesn't want to remember him as a villain, but that's not what the writers wrote. Instead, they gave us things like the pancake scenes and Gabriel trying to break Adrienette up with magic.
Marinette likes Controlling Information
I've talked about the scarf thing and Marinette's general tendency toward secret keeping before. My general thoughts are that there is no point in the show where Marinette is shown to like keeping secrets or controlling information. She only ever keeps secrets that arguably should be kept. The show has also never put her in a situation where she has an ongoing lie that actively hurts someone.
You may be thinking about the scarf thing as a counter argument, but for that to be an indication of how she handles ongoing lies, it would need to be an ongoing lie in the actual narrative and not just the fandom. As is, the scarf appeared in one episode and was then forgotten by the show. The scarf lie was also a split-second decision made without any knowledge of why the lie even happened.
If Adrien wore the scarf all the time and talked about how much it meant to him that his father had gotten him such a wonderful gift, then I'd agree with you that the scarf sets Marinette up as the type of person who might keep the senti thing a secret. But that's not what the show actually does. She's never confronted with this lie again. At this point, it would honestly be weird for her to bring it up.
I'm sure someone is reading this and thinking about the Chat Blanc thing, but the narrative treats that episode in such a confusing way that I don't even know how to approach it. A lot of people thought that it was the thing driving the season four conflict, but that doesn't actually seem to be the case because revealing it wasn't part of resolving the season four conflict. Marinette also doesn't seem to have any trauma around Chat Blanc. Instead - somehow - Adrien does even though he doesn't know it happened and I just... what?
At the very least, I think that we can all acknowledge that telling your partner that he ended the world in an alternate timeline that will now never exist and whose cause you do not know has, at best, questionable benefits. The only reason I wanted Marinette to tell him was because I thought that it was affecting her and because, in certain circumstances, telling him could have lead to Gabriel's defeat and I like poetic justice.
But if Chat Blanc isn't affecting Marinette, then telling Chat Noir is kinda pointless since there's nothing that he can do about it as far as she knows. It could even be arguably seen as cruel. I don't think that Marinette needs to tell her partner every awful thing that he does when the akuma of the day controls him because none of it is his fault and he can't change the past. Telling him just feels like guilt tripping. Given canon's wacky writing, a Chat Blanc reveal is just that on a larger scale.
I honestly can't think of anything else we could call an ongoing lie outside of the secret identities and general miraculous stuff. The senti thing is Marinette's first real harmful ongoing lie and it's one that she actively planned, too, since she would have had time to gather her thoughts before she sees Adrien. I truly don't think that it fits her character, especially since Adrien isn't shown to be in mourning.
I'm not saying that this would be an easy thing to tell him, I'm just saying that it really doesn't fit her character to choose to lie. Even if you disagree with my above arguments and say that the scarf and Chat Blanc were setups for this, canon itself has given Marinette an arc about being less controlling.
In season five we have the stuff with Lila where the whole "high road" thing was proven to be a bad call. And, Chat Blanc or not, season four ended with her saying this:
Ladybug: Why don't you just give up on me? I've lost ALL the Miraculous! I'm the worst Guardian EVER! I wanted to control everything, I didn't listen to you, I lied to you, I kept you at a distance! Every time you offered me a helping hand, I never took it! I really made a mess of EVERYTHING! (continues sobbing)
So what was the point of that if she still "tries to control everything"? (Even though I'd argue that she didn't. A lot of this rant isn't actually backed up by what we see happening in season four, but it's still the lesson that the writers chose to have her openly state she learned.)
In summary, Marinette has never been big on lying unless she has to and she's supposedly had an arc about not being controlling, so either this isn't it or she's learned nothing and season four was an even bigger waste of time than I already thought it was.
The Wish Did It
This is arguably the most plausible scenario, but if we go this route, then it's still bad writing because the wish rewrites the universe so there's no way to discover "the truth" because it isn't the truth anymore. Whatever Gabriel changed is now reality and the only way to make that not so is to retcon how the wish works. And if they're reconning that, well, how can you trust anything the show tells you about the lore?
The reason why consistent world building and characterization are so important is because it's the foundation on which stories are built. The puzzle pieces that fit together to create the cohesive whole. If your puzzle pieces don't fit together, then you are telling a story that the audience cannot logically follow and that is generally considered to be objectively bad storytelling unless you're writing literary nonsense like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (Yes that's an actual genre.)
In Summary
Like I said at the top, this all just feels like bad writing to me. It's not the natural next chapter in the story. It actively goes against past characterization and supposed character arcs, but that's hardly shocking. Throughout the show, we've seen the writers do whatever the hell they want to make a plot work, ignoring their own lore in the process. I don't expect that to change and neither should you.
The Alya and Lila thing is my go-to example because it's the most glaring indication of what you should expect to see in this show. If a reporter who actively reported that Lila is Ladybug's best friend will not be swayed by learning that Ladybug is someone who actively hates Lila, then it is pointless to try to make sense of the writing. Trying to logically guess where it's going next or what a character is going to do is an exercise in madness because that's not how Miraculous works.
It's why I haven't weighed in on what the wish will mean for season six. The wish will mean whatever the hell the writers decide it means no matter what the previous five seasons contained. It's also why this blog largely focuses on discussing canon's existing flaws and ways that you could potentially fix them. That's the stuff I really enjoy and find value in. Theory crafting only works for media that is logically solid and consistent. Asks like yours are still welcome! Just know that they're going to bring out my most cynical, judgemental side.
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sevendeadlyheadcanons · 5 months
So this is completely outta no where and feel free to ignore this but- In the scenario that Nadja didnt pass away from her disease and her and Gowthers relationship was able to grow from that passionate night- where do you think things would've gone from that point?
HELLO!!! JSJXJSJDN I love Gowther and Nadja sm!!!
-I fear he wouldn’t have an actual sin to have joined the seven deadly sins with due to her not dying but he knew Merlin and Meliodas so maybe they would’ve just had him on the team!
-Gowther wouldn’t have lost his emotions and he would be a ball of energy in the team!!! always happy to help and fight for them!!! Always willing to listen to anyone who needs help
-He had the time to properly emotionally mature and understand humans
-He always invites Nadja to their pub sessions after battle and he’s like “Hey guys this is my partner :D” and they’re like ‘how did he bag a fucking princess?’
-They get married!!!
-She’s always super worried about him when he goes off to battle and if he’s away for a long time she’ll send him letters in the post and they’ll write to each other
-She was 16 when she passed away and that was like 45 years before the main plot. She would be an old lady bless her. I like to imagine she would make things for the sins when they visit the castle
-Perhaps she is still too weak to run the country hence why Bartra took over instead
-During the point where they were traitors she had no contact with Gowther since she didn’t know where he was to send him post. He was able to disguise himself and sneak into Liones a few times to visit her but this would only be at least once a year. She would be taking care of the ill Bartra at this point too.
-She helps her niece Elizabeth escape the castle and go get help from the sins!!!
-She would be an amazing auntie!!! Due to the princess’s mother passing away she would be a de facto mother figure to them, having girl talks and ensuring they’re ok!!!
-Gowther is also an amazing uncle to the princesses before he gets exiled. He was always reading to them.
-When the sins manage to clear their name they spend so much time together to make up for the time they lost!!!
-Gowther adores how she is aging and thinks she is aging beautifully, however he fears the day she passes because he doesn’t want to live without her
-They dance a lot!!! She taught him many different dance styles
I hope after all this time you see this and are having a wonderful day 💙💙💙
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writingmochi · 1 year
! "untitled #3: writer's edition" tag game !
credits to that anon who gave an ask on @/fairyofshampgyu's blog + idk what to name it so i just do that instead lmao
rules: write your favorite thing you’ve written, the least favorite, and one you think deserved more hype! then also post a screenshot of your recently saved on pinterest (just so it looks pretty)
tagged by: smiles @boba-beom! you've been posting so much more fics i haven't keep up yet :") but thanks for tagging me! this is fun!
another episode of lissie, the breaker of the chain. also warning: profanity, i will fucking curse + don't mind me expanding it. still creds to that anon though. i freaking adore you for asking that
part 1. favorite work(s) i've written (aka @/writingmochi staple and a must-read for people who finds my blog for the first time [welcome, new followers! hope you enjoy them!]):
crossroads, a enhypen jay one-shot
still is the proudest fic i've ever written. very studio ghibli (according to @/jeongwins) and also very movie-like. @/orochxi melodramas got me in the feels to write this but this is more wholesome that viv's memento mori-coded fics lmao... fun fact: this is almost a nct chenle fic inspired by parasite (2019) hence the fish-out-of-water scenario
troubled pixies, a txt taehyun one-shot two-shot
definitely my favorite character-building-wise. the fact that i have to figure out not only mc + taehyun but also the sisters, their partners, and the sisters' parents' characteristics here is so complicated yet fun, especially how intricate it is. also currently my longest one-shot i've written (52k) that tumblr hates it so much, it has to be divided into two :") (also, this is one of @/boba-beom's fav fics. i've successfully infected her with 80s/90s songs hehehe) + istg mc here is a definite lux lisbon if she live in 90s instead of the 70s, complete with the chainsmoking and her taste in 90s alt songs
time wave, a txt yeonjun series
now, this is my favorite world-building-wise. i made haeyang this intricate place and setting with its supernatural aspect only some people get (you will know when you read). before writing this, i know i had to make a life is strange (2013) inspired au because it is one of my favorite story-based games of all time. and i’m proud that it kinda becomes its own self especially with my own twists on it. hope you are ready because the [redacted] spin-off will be posted around october! fun fact: this was supposed to be written for stray kids han
part 2. least favorite work i've written:
a story of two broken hearts, a enhypen jake series
i am still proud of this even though it is my least favorite!!!! why, you ask? because this is the first building block of my blog as a whole which is then continue with time wave's chapters as i honed my writing skill. it is the shortest one-shot currently (at 9k though which is still considered long-fic) but you could definitely sense my style even with that. and i don't wanna change it any other way... :]
part 3. work(s) that deserve more hype:
smirch, a txt and enhypen series
I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD! THIS IS ALSO ONE OF MY FAV FIC TO WORLD-BUILD AND I'M SO SAD THIS DOESN'T DESERVE MORE HYPE ABOUT IT! i made a social media au style of the characters' intro/profile and i also allow you guys to talk to them if you want and help with the world-building. please make their world grow so it can also motivate me to write this series! + this is a naughty teen series but not euphoria-esque, if you like skins uk especially gen 1 with tony, cassie, and a little bit of effy, please consider reading this :")
isobel, a txt soobin one-shot
this deserves more hype because tumblr let me down by not putting it in the tags aaaaaaaaaaaaa i re-post this 10 fucking times istg and ughhhh D: D: if you like magical realism or any of the genres written at the top, please consider reading it too
pizzeria run, a enhypen sunoo one-shot
the more time this fic is available on my blog, i have accumulated a few thoughts: (1) enhablr peeps are horny and like smut more than any other creative writing genre; (2) enhablr peeps don't read sunoo fics like they read heeseung/sunghoon/jungwon/niki's; and (3) enhablr peeps don't like anything except for romance. and that is sad to me because there are so many writers who write any topic other than romance or smut that is as great. so, if you want something different or if you like horror, do consider reading this one :D
part 4. recently saved pins on pinterest:
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all of them are smirch post-episode updates! since the last entry is jay's, most of them are what happened to jay and mc after jay's episode (and one for heeseung's post-episode update). more pins will come soon as i make my moodboard for a few of my fics public!
tagging: my fellow writer mutuals @orochxi @impuritywritings @tyunlatte @heart2beom, my favorite seonghwa ateez writer @tenelkadjowrites and any other writers who want to join!
p.s. if someone tags me this tag game again when i've posted ateez fics, I'll definitely include one of them in here!
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meimi-haneoka · 9 months
Hello! I want to ask about something I still don't quite grasp in chapter 79. With Blank, Sakura wanted to make the Squids & the Association forgot about Akiho and Kaito, so that the activation of D seal would be undone and the magic arrows would stop too. However, I think even if Sakura erase the memories of the Squids & the Association, it would not undo the D seal and magic arrows because she would only alter people's memories instead of rewriting the actual reality. I'm trying to apply the same logic here with how Momo's book worked. Even though the english translation kept giving impression that Momo's book rewrote history / actual reality, I still stick to the understanding that this book only rewrote people's memories because the artifact still existed. This was why Kaito needed the Exchange card too, because Momo's book would not be enough to remove the artifact from Akiho or prevent it to be created in the first place. What is your take on this? Thank you in advance! ❤
Hi dear!! Let me answer to this ask of yours first, I have others to answer too but since I've read the ask and my brain formed automatically an answer, I want to write it down before I forget and fail to explain it properly like I'm trying to do now!
As Kaito explained, making the casters of the arrow attack forget about the existence of the bearer of the Seal of D would also stop the attack itself.
This is because when they casted that particular automatic spell, the way they've set it was "attack anyone who dispels the Seal of D over Yuna D. Kaito". And it seems it's very important that, when a magician casts a spell, they KNOW and are aware of the target of their spell. This is also the reason why Sakura NEEDED something that would know of Kaito's existence, like the pocket watch when she returned Kaito to his original aspect ("I don't know you, but this pocket watch does"), and also when she used the artifact to make the Squids/Clan forget about Kaito and Akiho ("this Book knows the both of you"). She didn't only need to borrow their powers, she literally needed those two tools because they've been in contact with Kaito, whom she still couldn't remember about.
The thing is, if you make the magician who casted a spell forget about the target, it's like the spell is missing a part of the "instructions". For how I understand it, this is because spells are highly dependent on a magician's conscience. You can't cast a spell if you don't know/don't remember about your target. Hence why the attack could be stopped by making the Squids/Association forget about those two. Because their spell would automatically miss a part of the "instructions".
For the Forbidden Spell of the Book of Time, things are different: we're indeed talking about a tremendous spell that does not change the fabric of reality to a deep level, but still messes with everyone's memories and even produces limited physical discrepancies. The issue here is different, indeed Kaito needed Exchange because the Forbidden Spell would only satisfy the "make Akiho live a happy life with Sakura's family" part of his wish, but could not remove the artifact from Akiho because it couldn't actually change reality to such a deep level. As I always say to make people understand better, the Forbidden Spell places everyone under a giant hallucination, but the facts are still as they were before.
So I think we're talking about two different issues, here: the issue with the attack from the Squids originates in how the spell was casted in the first place, while for the Book of Time we're talking about the final purpose of the spell itself.
I hope it's clear where I see the difference between the two?? 😕😅
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spiritsncrystals · 5 months
since my ass was bad at properly compiling this stuff and I'm interested in doing something with this au again sooo this post just serves as a reintroduction to the concept and with a list of the assigned Magic, there are a few characters i never really settled on their magic even now so if there are any exclusions that'll be why some also have a combination which I'd chalk up to it's an au I can mess around if I want. Anyways! THE CONCEPT/GENERAL OUTLINE: While i call it a fairy tail au it doesn't really follow the plot of fairy tail mostly just borrowing it's magic systems and world-building (not to bash on the plot it's more just a personal decision) hence the alternative name for this au just being the guild au instead of a school Duel Academia is a guild, instead of duellists they're magic wizards and so on and so forth the plot's similarities lean toward certain important gx events but play out a little differently. like you'd still have stuff like SOL and Haou but the way they happen changes. if anyone wants further clarification feel free to ask and i'll go in-depth in a separate post. with that ot of the way let's get to the magic assignments and with a small explanation to why if applicable
REQUIP MAGIC - JUDAI (and Haou too) - I Figured this was the best parallel for the Elemental HEROs what with the many combinations and whatnot considering there are SEVERAL different requip armours it felt right. I say Haou too for the obvious reasons as there's not really much reason to change it other than the sorts of armour used. DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC - MANJOUME (Lightning) RYO (METAL) FUBUKI (FIRE) - Manjoume might seem like a little bit of a weird decision but cmon he's Manjoume Thunder it'd be fun (also in the time between this new post and the old post we now have armoured thunder dragon lvl 10 so that's pretty cool incentive) Ryo seems the most self-explanatory what with the cybers. and foobs getting fire bc of red eyes ICE MAKER MAGIC - ASUKA - This takes more from her manga deck n all but there's also just the fun dynamic of Fubuki being fire and her being ice MEMORY MAKER MAGIC - MISAWA - you could argue about something else being more fitting but idk i kinda enjoy this for him SATAN SOUL - EDO - mostly because some of the Destiny HEROs have that demonic kind of appearance (Dogma, Bloo D, ect) and idk there's something fun to it as a ploy to E HEROs being the requips CELESTIAL GATE MAGIC - JOHAN - this just makes sense. 7 keys for each of the CB an extra special one for RD and you can even throw in Crystal Protector and Vanguard too for some fun dynamics
YUBEL: i had a lot of different ones down for yubel due to plot reasons for the original but mostly crash and black magic i'm still hoping for it to be an amalgamation of stuff but what hasn't been really landed on yet just like the kind of magic where they're powerful enough to decimate someone but yet still have some sort of believable innocence (since part of their plans in the au does involve them infiltrating the guild at some point) PEOPLE I HAVE IDEAS FOR BUT NOTHING SOLID YET: SAIOU - I would imagine it to be something similar to Kana's cards but with Tarot cards instead not exactly sure of the ins and outs yet KENZAN - something of a mix between beast soul and animal soul take overs?? just with a more reptilian focus bc gotta keep the Dino DNA in tact O'BRIEN - gun requip might be an option but just a hard maybe atm I'll write more on bits later down in separate posts but that's basically it for now again feel free to ask for more if there is anything od interest
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iznsfw · 2 years
This is the announcement I was talking about. Hope you find this as exciting as I do, although there are more fics I have yet to produce for this.
Since it's the end of November and hence Christmas is almost near, I will be giving a gift to you all: IZ Days of Christmas! This is a series and a challenge to myself also which features a story for each IZ*ONE member. That means I will be releasing a smut for an IZ*ONE member from December 1st to 12th, except for Jang Wonyoung and An Yujin, who will have fluffs written about them instead.
"IZ, that's still Advent season!" you might say. "Why not just follow the traditional 12 days of Christmas, the 25th to January 6th?"
Here's why: I feel like the Christmas spirit breaks by the time the twenty-fifth ends, so it wouldn't be as exciting. Besides the concern about originality, I also wanted the days I post the fics to match the numbers the members have by their age order. So you can say Christmas came early ;)
So far, I have completed 6/12 members. The fics are already queued and will be released based on their age order. So that means the IZ Days of Christmas Eunbi fic will be released tomorrow! :D
Right now, feel free to send in prompts and pics of Hitomi and Nako to get the writing juice flowing.
Hope you guys enjoy the fics! I'll try to work on the other members now. Have a happy day and a merry Christmas!
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Follower for a while, don’t know anything about warrior cats.
So instead of me asking what it is or is about how about instead:
Why do you love warrior cats? :)
OMG, this is such a fantastic question! You'll forgive me taking forever and a day to answer it, I hope, because while honestly Warriors is terribly written and objectively despicable... I still can't help but love a lot of aspects of it, so I had a lot to say :3
I LOVE melodrama, I love tragedy, I love super high-stakes family drama, I love stories that deal with prophecy and fate, and Warriors has all of these things in droves. At some point, the drama is honestly a little addictive - like a soap opera! Because, ultimately, that's what Warriors is. And I mean that in a complimentary way - I love soaps, people trash on them far too much.
Plus the character concepts in Warriors are great, even if the character writing is generally abysmal. There's a blorbo for everyone in those books. And if you don't like any of the mainstream blorbos, don't worry, there are over 2000 named characters most of whom have little to no personality or screentime, making them perfect to flesh out into a custom blorbo ;D
Which is another fun thing about Warriors: the truly massive quantity of characters and lore really activates the Autism Collection Brain. I can name several hundred of those 2000+ off the top of my head, which is... something to be proud of, I suppose? XD
But most of all, it's honestly just really fun to play with. Like, as a world and a setting, it has some really good bones that make it easy to mix in your own ideas and create something entirely new (hence the relative popularity of OC stories in this fandom as opposed to many others). Or if you don't want to come up with OCs, the story has a fuckton of holes and blank spaces that make it perfect for writing fic. On the other hand, there's also plenty of material to sift through and analyze if that's your preference. And I've spent hours and hours of my life trying to meticulously sew up the timeline and patch over continuity errors, mostly just... cause it's fun. From a fandom perspective, Warriors is like a really big and interesting puzzle. And since it's such a huge, sprawling story, if you get bored with one thing you can always move over to focus on something else. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.
And this fertile ground means that the fandom itself is incredibly creative. Like, I complain about it a lot - and there's a lot to be complained about - but the reason I keep coming back is that Warriors fans are truly some of the most dedicated people on the planet. There's the Youtube MAP community, which is kind of famous at this point for its skill and ambition, but also a lot of truly phenomenal fiction, art, games, and music out there being actively created by fans - and 20 years' worth or fanworks before that. It's a pretty extraordinary community.
Plus? Kitties!
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tinygumdrops · 1 year
hello, I’m a really big fan of your fics haikyuu fics!!! your writing is one of the best i’ve ever read and I absolutely adore how you characterize kageyama and hinata 🥹 I’d love to read more of your writing for them if you ever plan on it ❤️
and out of curiosity’s sake, do you have any haikyuu fics that you’d recommend or like? id love to know!!
Thank you so much, you're so sweet! ;-; I really had such a blast writing those stories and it's so great to hear you enjoyed them!!!
Oh gosh, erm... it's a silly personal rule, but I don't usually read fics from fandoms I write for. IT'S REALLY RIDICULOUS (AND IT SOUNDS AWFULLY SNOBBISH, I KNOW T_T) but when I first started out, I subconsciously based my characterization off of fanfiction I really liked instead of the source material. And that's not bad, obviously, fanfiction is transformative work... but then I started noticing I was incorporating headcanons that were so far removed from the source material... . ..... .. my MCs became barely recognizable from how I came to know them.... .... ......... .. . *sobs* it was a disgrace.
I have to stress that there's nothing bad about that. But to me, it just didn't feel right anymore ;-; Lessening my exposure to fandom work is my own way of preserving the source material in my mind, hence why I haven't read much fanfiction from hq!!. I know I'm missing out, it's my fault I'm a very impressionable loser, I deserve this misery *slams my head against the wall*
BUT I have read those that were heavily recommended to me, or found the summary super intriguing enough to bypass my personal rule.
while it was raining by emleewrites - I love magical realism!AUs, I adore cats, I love the MCs. I just had to read this, and it's so good! I remember crying at some point, and it was a good, cathartic kind of cry. Made me feel warm after I finished.
Vren by Icandigelvis - gosh I had to dig this one up from my history---I read this a long time ago. But this story had always been at the back of my mind when I think about epic adventure stories, and it made me go, woah. I want to write a great adventure story like this one too!!!
At the End of the Sun by pearlsephoni - I haven't caught up with this one yet, but the plot was so intriguing I just had to read it! It's a They-Were-Roommates mashup with Japanese folklore and samurai politics, all set in the Edo period *chef's kiss* It's a work that's scarily tailormade for me. I feel targeted by this story. It's fucking glorious.
So sorry if I don't have much to recommend you ;-; Hq!! is such a huge fandom tho and has attracted a ton of amazing writers, I'm sure there's a lot that's super duper good!!! And sorry for the long answer, I always tend to ramble whenever I get asks. Thank you so much, anonie! Hope you're having a great day! :D
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hhhemberhhh · 1 year
Book stuff
Well, we’ve come a long way, have we not? Those who have been with me through a lot— which may not be many— I hope you are not disappointed… this is really big for me, as I’ve put my heart and soul and so many goddamn hours into this, so, I sure hope that it’s worth your time. Below, you can find all the details about this creation of mine.
Fair warning: I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL WRITER. So, I apologize if my writing is not like George RR Martin (I did take inspo from A Song of Ice and Fire to write this) or something. I am an amateur writer, just beginning my own works and such. Now, you are free to continue.
Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone else out there, I now present to you: The Whispers in the Wind (Book One of the Ancient Kingdoms series)
Plot: The Ancient Isle is a continent that has inhabited millions of people over the course of many centuries, kings, lords, and peasants alike. Three kingdoms, split by the differences of their descendants long ago, each of those who have their own ways and traditions of thriving and growing within their respective territories. The kingdom who claims the southern throne of the continent is known to many as Avlyrra, a place with the clearest skies, sunniest weathers, and wealthiest citizens. Amiyugia bears many differences to its southern counterpart, as it is cold, dull, and ruled by a king with an iron fist. Leovia, the kingdom between the friendly and the cruel, is known to be filled with a large population of the poor and the sick, and nothing can be done to fix it, or so many say, much to their dismay. Four people from the three different kingdoms struggle to deal with the difficulties of their own lives, trying to survive and maintain their duties in a world that seems to do nothing but fight against every move that they make. Will they succeed in proving those, who seem to live and breathe to defy them, wrong? Or will they fail, and let down those who have made the risky decision of putting their belief, faith, and trust into them? A tale of scandalous behaviors, unexpected love, and malicious foes are many of the elements that unfold in The Whispers in the Wind. 
Chapter Schedule: Four parts released every weekend (two on Saturday and two on Sunday, starting June 10th)
NOTE: Some chapters will be split into multiple parts depending on how many words are in each one, hence why I said “parts” instead of “chapters.”
Genre: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Romance (partially)
Rating: Mature (depictions of gore and other triggering subjects will be mentioned. I will give a warning at the start of every chapter to those who may be uncomfortable with certain elements.)
The Whispers in the Wind will be available on AO3, (possibly) Wattpad, and Tumblr (I will be posting the first four chapters— plus the prologue— on my blog this weekend.) Everything is under my username (@hhhemberhhh) on all platforms.
Thank you for reading! I look forward to posting this book and hearing your feedback about it :D
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devintrinidad · 1 year
AQjjzjwjsjz ALL of these ships are SO CUTE. I agree with almost all of them. I haven't considered cancer/3803 before tbh. I can only imagine the drama. I can see 3803 trying to have good faith in him at first then it all going down hill from there.
I was about to say 3803/4948 would be SO adorable and then you hit me with a WAR FIC??? OH MY GOD??? LEAVE THEM ALONE?? (Jk don't)
And YES!! I LOVE ALL POLY SHIPS TBH!!! Sometimes it's too hard to pick just one pair bc they are all good and you just GOTTA smash them all together. The more the merrier.
Reverse harem >>>>>>>>>>>>
Speaking of poly ships u mentioned 5100 with 2048 and 2626 and I was just about to say why not all 3 of them together. I adore both dynamics they sre SOO fun, and I think 5100 could definitely pull two (or more) guys at the same time. I think i like 5100/2626 a tiny bit more but I love both equally as well.
I havent thought enough yet about all the possibilities so I dont have strong opinions, but I am honestly up for anything. If the dynamic is fun then I'm all in. I think Eosinophil and NK would be really adorable. NK would throw hands with anyone who talks about her gf. Eosinophil would get both of them matching phone chains. NK broke her phone(s) so she puts the chain in her sword instead. NK and Killer T are super fun as well!!
Basophil is funny as hell i enjoy that motherfucker I think he should be friends with 2001 (Or boyfriend. Idc I just want them hanging out together). I think he is cute with macrophage as well. She is everything he is just ken.
Honestly there are a lot of characters that I adore but I havent come up with anything for them!! I love Mast cell a lot cuz she is messy and moody and I ADORE her energy lmao
I enjoyed chatting with you!! have a wonderful day as well ᕕ ( ᐛ ) ᕗ
Hi! Here's the Cancer/AE-3803 series that I made just to explore their dynamics! Beware the tags, though, it can be quite visceral at times. :D
And yes! I've always loved AE-3803 and U-1146 ever since their first canon interaction in the manga! When I watched their little scene together for the first time in the anime, I was absolutely floored! They are so cute and I love them so much! (Hence, the reason why I had to torture them with a war au).
Poly! You like poly! That's amazing!
Here's a treat from lunch that inspired me to write a harem (ish) fic back in the day. :D
Oh my gosh??? You're so right! 5100 would definitely wrangle 2048 and 2626. 2626 immediately loves her while 2048 is more of a tsundere and wants to be all macho for her, but they all know better. I can imagine that during a regular day, they try to save 5100, but she's trying to shield her juniors away from bacteria. They scold her for putting herself in harm's way, but she tells them that she trusts them to save her when the time comes :D
Eosinophil and NK??? That's so adorable! I think it's canon that NK secretly likes wearing cute, feminine things once in a while, so on dates Eo likes to dress up NK in cute stuff, doing their nails, makeup, etc. NK basks in the pampering and she teaches Eo how to be more confident in herself. And the phone chains??? That's so cute???
Basophil/U-2001???? YES THAT IS AMAZING WONDERFUL SPLENDERIFIC Totally ship this.
Also, Macrophage/Basophil/U-2001??? Just the whole dynamic of the more parental/cryptid cells being put together. Their dynamic would be so weird, but the most amzing power throuple.
Mast Cell is so cute, too! No one gives her the recognition that she deserves -_- That's okay, we love her all the same! :D
Thanks again and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
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Hello all you happy autobots and welcome back to My issue by issue look at Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, one of my faviorite comics ever.
And with this one we finally have done it and finished covering the material I covered previously in my pride schedule. I didn't recycle any jokes or material from those for these reviews mind you, but it's nice to be able to start covering the rest of the series and the next arc is perfectly if accidently timed for winter.
That said we still have one issue left of Liars A to D before we leave the starting line, another death, and some light gunplay. So join me under the cut for all that.
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So we open with a flashback to how Shock died. Turns out they got who died wrong. He does find it a tad ridculous that after surviving a whole ass war his brother died being melted into an engine, but does give him a sendoff with his innermost energon.
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Innermost Ennergon is another bit of world building from James. It's one of the best things about the comic: that instead of just using what was there he also adds in bits about transformers biology, customs, terminology, the sort of stuff that most transformers properties don't dig into, but they should more often. As for what it means, I thankfully have the TFWiki to remind me: it's the energon nearest to the spark, energy that remains no matter what else changes abotu the transformer, i.e. alt mode, body that sort of thing. One of the core parts of them.
As for the ritual itself, that's something I did remember: it's a due to the dead using something that's a part of one's essence to send off someone you deeply care about. It's a great idea and one I hope the shows pick up eventually.
Not so great are the Duobots themselves. Turns out they were spies for Prowl and Shock was down there trying to attach a tracer to the engines only to die.. and Shock deletes ore's cal lhistory then dies by sparkeater himself. The sparkeater.. is a floating aobomination that sucks out the brain module to easily take out the spark. Why it does that.. we'll get ot in am oment. For now we're back where we left off and Rodimus' reaction is
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He quickly urges everyone but who he needs to get a hab suite and don't ask questions and don't leave.. then plans to lock them down as disobeying a direct order.. is exactly what he'd do. Because apparently when Captain Kirk died he reinccarnated as a transformer.
Meanwhile Tailgate, whose still trapped with his legs in alt mode from the last issue because he was transforming, a gag I completely forgot to mention, sees Cyclonus and is happy he recognizes somebody. A meet cute for the ages.
At the autopsy, which is something I don't say often but will say at least a few times during this retrospective, everyone else is chittering about it being a sparkeater while Ratchet is mad their all upset about some sort of bogeyman. They just need to follow proper Boogeyman procedure ratchet
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Chromedome DOES point out WHY the brain was removed though: it's rossum's trinity, or the three most vital parts of a transformer: The Transformation Cog, the Brain Module and the Spark. Essentially a transformers brain, heart and soul. Take out one the rest shut down. Hence why it was quickly cut instead: it paralized the victim without actually killing him. Ratchet concedes the sparkeater is real or at least something like it is. Needing more info then "Well the cruel horrifying beast stalking us .. exists", Rodimus engages in one of his first shady actions of the work and asks Chromedome to brainhack the corpse. I do love Roddy but one draw of the comic is that he's not a perfect hero: he sometimes fucks up or makes decisions that aren't terrible, but are sketchy as all hell without any thought as to the consequences.
It's great morally grey writing: asking Chromedome to hack the corpses brain IS a necessary act, they need to know more about this thing.. but it's still iffy to ask someone trying not to be secret brain police anymore to do this again and essentially back them into a corner to hwere they can't say no. It does what Robots In Disguise was TRYING to do at the same time btu repeatedly failed at: have the characters make sketchy questionable decisions. But here instead of making Rodimus look llike a moron it simply makes you question him as a leader, and if thi sis just a slip up.. or a sign he's willing to make more compromises that may not be the best for the crew. The results area bitch sketchy (I love tha tpun) but at least show us what the monster is.
We then get this gutbuster of a scene I can't beleiive I didn't notice that closely the first dozen or so times i've read this issue:
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We also get that green guy whose design I like. While his bio says he's hoist (he's the guy who fished out Cyclonus last issue), i'm going with Steve. I dunno he just looks more like a Steve. Steve Hoist. Yeah that sounds better. Cyclonus promptly just dumps his new friend/love intrest into the hab suite.
We next get back to Skids and Swerve who instead find a bar. Yes folks this is the secret origin of Swerves, and since it has energex distilleries (i.e. fuel what also is booze), it means the dream can become a reality. Allgedlys, Swerve was friends with Blur, a similarly chatty bot and the two were going to start a bar together and since Blur is busy in "Robots Yelling at Each Other while Starscream Easily Flies Circles Around Their Dumb Asses.. in Disguise", Swerve's gotta do this alone. Drift decides to go do some exploring, admitting he sees his amensia as a fresh start to figure out who he is and be whoever he wants to be.. though he does admit Skids and Swerve DOES sound pretty cool.
Back to the lab again and things.. arne't great> Chromedome isn't doing well since as he once told tailgate "The worse the death, the worse the memory" but they have a positve id.. problem is the sparkeater is now more active now it's gotten some food in it's belly well, so our heroes are up shits creek. Rodimus plans to stay with drift, figuring he'll be the brightest spark, while the rest go to go search for him, as shooting the creature may kill them all
Naturally of course, the person who finds them.. is Whirl
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Who locked Atomizer out of their shared hab suite. As for who Atomizer is.. he's a read guy with a bow. I only mention him because, as I didn't know this first readthrough, he WILL be important later, it just wont' be for several years real time. Whirl saves his life but before he can kill them all Trailbreaker shows up and throws up a force field. That's his thing. We'll see more of him later as while he's not MAIN cast he does get a spotlight issue and is prominent in the first arc of season 2.
Turns out though the Sparkeater is actually going for Rung.. and it brings up somethign I love: this comic REALLY sets shit up well: While we won't know WHY his spark is brightest till the very last arc, it begins setting up an air of mystery around rung, while obfusticating it with Drift's theory that it goes after the person with the most trauma… so you don't question WHy a therapist has a brighter spark than several trained warriors.
Swerve's venting around in the vents saves him, and we cut to Tailgate and Cyclonus who gives a TECHNICALLY true version of history that paints the Decpticons in a good light: they rose up against a corrupt system while the Autobots wanted a more oderly transition of power that still ended with them in charge. It's not ENTIRELY wrong but it misses the nuance, i.e. the deciptcons soon sinking to being as bad as the people they replaced just in a diffrent way. It is nice though as it both sets Tailgate down a path for one heck of a cliffhanger at the end of the issue.. and sets us up as how cybertron used to work.. is a HEAVY part of this comic and the centerpiece of three diffrent arcs and a good chunk of the characters backstories.
Back with Team Rodimus, Rodimus has a plan…. have Swerve bring rung there and then grab him and use him as live bait
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TBF he does take most of the risk himself, quickly dropping Rung and then slamming the monster into the engines, and thent urning them on… merging it with the engines in a nice payoff to the quantum engines things.
Magnus finds the action reckless and distateful. Granted he finds not answering coms right away reckless and distasteful but he has a point: he dosen't care if Rodimus puts himself at risk, it's what a captain does and frankly he knew who he was shiping with. But putting his own man on the line was distasteful. Rodimus cuts him off as he's captain and should be respected
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Yeah I like Rodders.. but like I said.. sometimes the guy makes entirely stupid selfihs deicsions and tries to act like no one has the right to cal lhim out on it. THe diffrence, once again, between him and say other characters doing this in RID.. is that Rodiums is SUPPOSED to be wrong, gets called out on it and eventually grows out of it. It's part of his character growth that he stops being THIS reckless and stupid. As we'll hopefully see.
Finally Ratchet cleans out Tailgate's T-Cog, as it turns out some scrap around it is why he got mode locked.. but Tailgate makes an announcemnt.. he wants to be a decipticon. Dun dun to be continued. And with that.. we enter a whole new world baby. But first…
The Soundtrack
Love Love Love (The Mountain Goats)
For the first time we encounter a song I know well and have heard many times ever since Morel Orel. This song is a masterpiece, sad, beautiful, and well done. It's only real flaw is I don't get where it really fits in this issue. Like at all. It's a good song but it dosen't qutie synch up with the issue. It does fit the comic as a whole really well though. Tonight We Fly (The Divine Comedy)
Another one that dosen't QUITE fit the issue as a whole, but does fit as end credits music, as it fits the comic well. It's also just.. beautiful. I can see why Roberts likes the divine comedy. This is some top shelf stuff with the melancholy vochals, nice backing sound.. thing, and bittersweet tone that just… fits Lost Light like a glove
Next Time: We begin a new arc at long last as Ratchet goes to a wintery research outpost where a mysterious virus has broken out.
Until then thanks for reading and consider joining my patreon, till all are one.
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