🩇Dean's girl🩇
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lostgirl677 · 15 days ago
No matter how you're spending the day, I want you to know that you bring so much to this world. You are loved.
Happy Valentine's Day! 💘💖💗
Thank you so much! You just made my day so much better 😊. I hope you know you are loved too.
Happy Valentine's Day to you! đŸ’–đŸ’˜â€
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lostgirl677 · 21 days ago
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I kept searching for love until I realized:
I wave at babies and smile at strangers. I talk to animals and hold doors for elders. I hope for the person in the ambulance to be okay when it passes by. I tell people to put there seat belts on. I'll let you know if you have something on your face or in your hair. I'll offer my seat to someone. I give compliments to strangers. I'll leave a good tip just to see a smile. I am the love I keep looking for.
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lostgirl677 · 5 months ago
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Scud.. the best baby bad boy â€ïžâ€đŸ”„â€ïžâ€đŸ”„â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
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lostgirl677 · 6 months ago
i don't usually make posts like this, but this is a truly upsetting topic to me as a lifelong cat owner, so i feel i have a duty to share my knowledge with others.
there is a type of automatic litterbox for cats being sold that is EXTREMELY dangerous and has killed numerous cats through blunt force trauma, suffocation, etc. this litterbox is being sold under different brand names and logos, so i will include the picture of the model and two links to informational videos with more evidence and eloquence than i am able to provide.
please consider not having this type of litterbox in your home for your furry friends. me and my 16 year old tortie, puddy, want the best for all your kitty friends
image of litterbox below:
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here are my two video links that provide proof and testimonials of this harmful product:
This Scam is Killing Cats by penguinz0
The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market by One Man Five Cats
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lostgirl677 · 6 months ago
I think I have an existential crisis at the moment. I realize I'll probably never know what it feels like to be loved (romantically).
For years, many people often told me that I was too ugly, too unlovable to ever be loved by someone. I'd tried to ignore them. I naively told myself they were just bullies. That they were mean to me just to deflect their own insecurities.
But after all these years, I think they were right.
Even if I have amazing friends and a loving family, I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on one of the most natural things in the world. Something as old as time.
It hurts to know that I'll never experience love because of something I didn't chose.
How do I cope with the fact that I'll never experience this kind of love?
Sorry for ranting. But I needed to write it off my chest.
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lostgirl677 · 6 months ago
Hidden treasure
AU imagine where the outbreak never happened.
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Established relationship
Summary: Y/N found something for Daryl in a thrift store. A real priceless treasure.
A/N: I still struggle to write Daryl accurately. Don't hesitate to leave some feedback.
I came back from the thrift store. There, I found a treasure worthy of all the haggling and near fights in the world. All because it was a gift for Daryl. Yeah, I almost threw punches to get that treasure. But if it was for him, I’d snatch it from the Devil’s hands if needed. I knew that the package wrapped in brown paper was the perfect gift.
When I arrived, Daryl was in the garage, working on his bike as usual. Watching him was always a delight: the way his arms flexed, his hands covered in grease, the occasional swear word escaping his lips. I could watch him all day. He suddenly turned his head towards me, catching me staring like a creep. ”Like what ya seein’, darlin’?”, he asked, his southern accent more pronounced with the day's fatigue. I couldn’t help but grin. “Hell yes.”  I chuckled as I got closer to him. He snorted and smiled. His smile lit up the room. It was good to see him ditching his signature frown for once. He wiped his greasy hands on an old rag and stood up, towering over me like a mountain of muscles and sweat."Good thing ya ma girl. Else I'd be scared of this sexy stranger drooling and undressin' me with her eyes in my garage" he said, smirking as he snaked his arm around my waist. “Good thing indeed. It would be creepy otherwise.” Then, he pulled me closer and I could smell his scent: pine, leather, sweat and smoke. “How was yer day? Thrift store, right?” he asked me. “Yeah. And I have something for you”, I replied. He raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. “For me? Ya didn’t have to, honey”, he blushed a bit. I smiled again and said “Believe me, I had to. It’s in my car. I’ll be right back”. He reluctantly let me untangle myself from his embrace and I ran to my car with a bounce in my step.
I came back quickly, holding the package. “Here. I hope you’ll like it”. He took it in his hand, looking at me, a bit unsure. “Go on. It won’t bite you” I encouraged him softly.  He finally complied. As he unwrapped the package, I bit my lip in anticipation. Inside, he found a vintage leather jacket. “Well, ain’t that somethin’,” he murmured while his hand caressed the worn leather. Suddenly, his eyes widened and became shiny as if he could cry. It was a rare occurrence for a man like him. And I knew exactly why he was about to cry. His hand ran over the embroidered name William Dixon. He looked at me, shaking slightly. “H-how? Where?” he asked with a quiver in his voice, unable to find the right words. “I remember you told me that your grandfather died on D-Day in Normandy, and your grandmother was pregnant at that moment. And she had to sell some stuff to make ends meet. And somehow, it ended up in this thrift store. I found it hidden under a pile of old clothes in the stall. So, when I saw the name, I knew I had to get it for you. I think it wanted to return to its family" He looked like he was about to cry. I could see the tears welling up, and it took everything in him to hold them.
He was still looking at the jacket with reverence due to a relic. Which it was - a precious relic of his family. I gently took his hand to guide him back inside the house, in front of a mirror. “Try it. It looks like it’s your size”. I said softly. He slowly nodded, and I helped him put it on. Indeed, it fitted him like a glove. He looked dashing in it. “Daryl, you’re really handsome in this jacket. I’m sure your grandfather would be happy that his jacket is now yours. He would be proud of you”, I told him softly as I gently put my hand on his arm. He lowered his gaze to look at me in the mirror’s reflection and grunted softly. Even if he didn’t say anything back, I knew he was touched by my words. He just didn’t trust himself with words right now. When he tried to arrange the jacket on his body, something fell from the inside pocket—an old picture. I went to pick it up and showed it to Daryl. It was a slightly damaged black-and-white picture of a beautiful pregnant young woman. She was smiling, a hand on her swollen belly. “Grandma,” he whispered, his voice shattered a bit. “She was beautiful”, I whispered. He simply nodded, his hand running over the picture. “How about we buy a frame and place it somewhere nice?” I asked softly. His blue eyes twinkled, still wet from unshed tears and he said “Yeah. Sounds good.” Then he turned to face me. “I don’t know how to thank ya, Y/N”. I simply smiled. “You don’t have to. I just brought back home something that’s rightfully yours. I love you, Daryl. That’s all that counts for me.” He finally let his tears fall and said in a strangled voice “I love ya too, Y/N”. He then embraced me in his strong arms, his grandmother’s picture still clutched in his hands. I wiped his tears with my thumbs and arranged his hair gently. 
Later, I decided to place his grandma’s picture on the small desk in our room. And we hammered a coat hook next to it for the jacket. “Lookin’ good”, he simply told me while placing a kiss on my forehead. “Yeah. Now, your grandma and your grandpa are no longer apart”. He simply smiled. And his smile was worth a thousand words.
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lostgirl677 · 6 months ago
Adorable | Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
A/N: Happy Scud Saturday!
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Scud knew he should probably have been listening. The topic at hand was one of extreme importance. He needed to be focused. He needed to pay attention. Scud knew that. He really did.
However, how could anyone expect him to have been paying attention when you looked so goddamn adorable while rambling on about the discovery you made?
“So if we mix this with this, and Blade somehow manages to inject the vamps with it, it would enter their bloodstream and slowly poison them. So even if Blade doesn’t manage to kill them with his sword or something, they’ll be dying either way,” you explained enthusiastically. “Now all we need is a device to put this in, and boom.” You smiled brightly, looking at him for his opinion. “So, what do you think?”
What did he think? Oh, he was thinking a lot of things at that moment. However, only one specific thing stood out in his mind, and before he could even process it, he was blurting it out. “I think you’re so adorable right now and I really wanna kiss you.”
You scoffed and looked down shyly, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Bet you say that to all the girls that get all nerdy in your presence.”
“Nah,” Scud denied, shaking his head as a small smirk spread across his face. “Just you.”
Your eyes locked with Scud’s blue ones for a few, long moments, before you looked away and tried to distract yourself with the chemicals and serums you were concocting. “You’re a real flirt sometimes, Josh.”
Scud chuckled and shrugged, moving closer to you. “Only with someone as cute as you.” He leaned forward and placed a quick kiss to your cheek, before turning around to move back to his workbench to get started on that device you had mentioned. “I’ll have that device ready faster than you can say ‘chocolate doughnuts with sprinkles on top’.”
You let out a light laugh, your fingers moving up to touch the spot where Scud’s lips had been a few moments prior. A big part of you was disappointed that he hadn’t kissed your lips, but you’d take what you could get. And you made a mental note to yourself to improve your nerdy talk for next time, to further increase your chances of getting an actual kiss from him.
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lostgirl677 · 6 months ago
Drawing Me | Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
A/N: Requested by @caseylicious. I’m so sorry it took me years to get to this request of yours. I hope I did your idea some justice!
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“Just taking notes, huh?”
At the sound of Scud’s voice, you looked up from the notebook in your hands and locked eyes with his cerulean-coloured ones. The man in question was hiding something behind his back, his lips tugged up in a slight smirk.
“Yeah?” you agreed in confusion, holding up the notebook in your hands for added emphasis, showing him the notes you had been taking regarding his weapons. “What else would I be doing?”
Scud shrugged and moved to sit down next to you on the table, his legs dangling off the surface. “Oh, I don’t know,” he began, bringing a book into view—more specifically, your sketchbook. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him open it up, not needing to go any further than the first page, a page which held a detailed sketch of the man himself. “Could you maybe be drawing me?”
Your heart started pounding in your chest. What could you possibly say to diffuse the situation? ‘Oh, sorry. I just find you incredibly adorable and cute and also very attractive so I had to draw you, multiple times’? There was absolutely nothing your mind could come up with at that moment that could make the situation better.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve asked you before I did that,” you began to frantically apologize, your eyes looking anywhere but at Scud. “I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll get rid of them. They’re not even that good. I’m so—”
“What the hell are you goin’ on about?” Scud interrupted you, a light laugh escaping from his chest. “These are great! I love them.” He began flipping through the pages, nearly each one of them containing a different drawing of him doing various activities: building gadgets, lounging on the couch, smoking a joint, playing video games. There was even one of them depicting him eating his beloved doughnuts. There was no denying, at least in Scud’s mind, that you were immensely talented. “I’m amazed that you managed to make me look even hotter than I already am. Hell, can I have these? I wanna show them off.”
You were at a loss for words. He... liked them? He wasn’t freaked out by you seemingly obsessively drawing him? What? “You like them?” you inquired in a quiet tone of voice, wiping the sweat that had formed on your hands away on your jeans.
Scud nodded with a huge smile. “Fuck yeah, I do.” Scud’s smile turned more genuine when you let out a light, surprised laugh, the sound warming his heart. He scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him, unknowingly making your heart speed up at the action. “You’re an amazing artist. I don’t know why you were so worried.”
“I thought you’d be freaked out by how many times I’ve drawn you,” you voiced, laying your head down on his shoulder. This was a normal occurrence for you. Scud was physical in your friendship. Hugs, cheek kisses, moments like these. It didn’t mean anything, did it?
Scud scoffed and rolled his eyes affectionately, squeezing your shoulder once. “Please. I don’t get scared off easily. Besides, I think it’s cute that you have a little crush on me.”
It was your turn to scoff, but in an attempt to hide your embarrassment at the fact that he was right about that. However, you wouldn’t tell him that. “In your dreams, Scuddy boy.” Scud chuckled. It fell silent for a few moments after that. However, when Scud spoke up again, you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you.
“Think you could draw me naked?”
“Now you’re just taking chances.”
“Can’t blame a man for tryin’.”
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lostgirl677 · 7 months ago
Revenge part.6
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
part 5
Summary: Y/N and the Winchester brothers are on the trail of a mysterious werewolf, but who knows where this may lead them? Another successfull hunt or a more serious mess?
“Y/N?” I heard someone calling my name from a distance. “Y/N? C’mon, wake up, please.” I felt the ghost of a touch on my face. Slowly, I regained my senses. A dull pain on the side of my head manifested itself and suddenly became violent. I heard a sound of something metallic jingling. And the pressure I felt on my wrists was released. I raised my hand to touch the painful part of my head. But a calloused hand gently stopped me. “Hey, don’t touch it.” I heard him say softly. It was a male voice for sure.  When I finally opened my eyes, I saw a blurry face blocking the light from my vision. I heard him again “That’s it! C’mon, Y/N please. Try to focus your eyes on me. Show me you’re okay.” I recognized this voice.
“Dean?” I asked as I blinked more my eyes to get past the blur. Then I finally saw his face correctly. “Y/N, what happened to you? Where’s Sam?” I tried to sit up but Dean stopped me. ”Easy, Y/N. Just tell me.” I saw the concerned look in his eyes.  I tried to gather my memories as best as I could. Everything came back all at once. “The Sam who was with us today was a shapeshifter and he followed us since Lebanon's events. He works with Joe. He kidnapped Sam this morning. And he knocked me out before running away.” I said as I rubbed the side of my head. Dean’ eyes widened as he seemed to take all the information in. “Son of a bitch” he simply muttered while yanking the chains away.
He seemed to regain a bit of his cool when he glanced at me and asked “Okay. We’ll get Sam back quickly. But first, I have to take care of you. Do you feel well enough to walk?” I slowly nodded my head. But then I got scared and asked suspiciously “Wait. How do I know you’re not a shifter?” He looked at me incredulously, sighed and grabbed my silver dagger to hand it to me. I studied his face to try to detect any sign of pain. Thankfully, he didn’t flinch. “See? Didn’t burn myself. But now, I have to make sure you’re not a shifter either. Your turn, sweetheart.” I took the dagger from his hand. He looked at me intently and studied my face too. When he saw my lack of reaction at the silver touch, he sighed in relief. “Okay, so no one here is a shifter. Now it’s time to go find Sammy. I’m going to lift you carefully and I’ll help you out of here. Sounds good?” “Yeah, thank you.” 
Once we were out of the basement, Dean guided me on the stairs while holding me. He broke the silence by saying “We have no time to waste. We have to find Sam. I can drop you at a hospital, if you want.” He paused for a second to glance at me. I just shook my head. Then I asked him “How did you find me?” He sighed and said “I waited for you in front of Baby for around ten minutes. But I didn’t see you coming back. So I thought that maybe something bad happened to you. That maybe Joe was waiting for you. I sneaked into the flat but you weren’t there. So I rushed to the basement. I found the door open and the trap door. I called for you but nobody answered. And when I landed, I found you chained and unconscious on the floor and Sam was nowhere to be seen.”
 We were finally out of the building when I decided to ask him “Did you look at that room?” “No. I mostly focused on you, to be honest.” He said in a soft tone. He threw me a concerned look and he moved his hand to caress my back. He was back to the gentle Dean I always knew. Though his gesture was comforting, Dean’s ‘mood swings’ were really disconcerting. But if he wasn’t a shapeshifter, what else could explain his behavioral change, then? Was he a crocotta? I saw him on the phone last night and he wasn’t there when I woke up this morning. No, it wouldn’t make sense. He couldn’t be possessed either. As much as it intrigued me, I had to leave this question aside, as we had more important things to do.
To get back to the important subject, I said, “Well, apparently someone knew that Glen was a werewolf judging by the chains and the claw marks.” Dean seemed to think for a bit while opening Baby’s door for me, then said “But no one was with him when he went all Cujo.” As we both got seated, I replied “There must be an explanation. But first, we have to find Sam.” Dean threw me a panicked glance as he seemed to realize something and replied “He could be anywhere at the moment.” So I tried to reassure him, “The shifter told me that he kidnaped him this morning. So it was more than probably during his jogging. Anyone could have noticed some guy dragging another one in the streets. I’m sure his hiding place is close to the park where he went running.” I barely finished my sentence that Dean immediately started the engine and simply said “The Golden Gate Park”. I looked at him as he maneuvered Baby out of the parking place. All his muscles seemed to be tense and determination was painted on his face. “We don’t have any more time to waste.”
It was a miracle that we didn’t get arrested or into an accident. Dean was driving like a mad man, completely off the speed limit throughout our  journey to the park. And to make things worse, the traffic was terribly busy at this hour. I was used to Dean being reckless, but this was getting out of hand.”Get off my way, damn cable car!” was all he screamed as he barely avoided it. Right after this close call, I decided to intervene. “Dean! Please, slow down a bit! We won’t be of any help if we end up in an accident!” With his eyes still on the road and his hands gripping the wheel harder, he yelled at me “I know! Okay?! I know! But that son of a bitch could be harming Sam at the moment!” Though I felt the anguish in his voice, I rolled my eyes and replied “And you think that us possibly getting into a car wreck will stop him?! Dean, please, calm down. Slow down a bit. We’re close to the park.” I said, almost pleading with him  as I gently put my hand on his arm and the other on the dashboard to steady  myself. Dean was incredibly stubborn but my gesture and the desperation in my tone seemed to calm him a bit. He sighed and slowed down Baby’s pace. “Okay. But I swear that if he touched as much of a single hair on Sam’s head, he’s dead!” 
After a few minutes, many honking, near accidents and various insults and threats directed at pedestrians and other drivers, we finally arrived. Dean parked Baby in a haste and practically jumped out. I barely had the time to unbuckle my seatbelt that he was already away from the car. “Dean! Please wait, we don’t even know where they are!” I screamed as I attempted to follow him. I knew it was nonsense to run like that and I was sure that deep down, Dean knew it, too. But I could never reason with him when it came to Sam. So I didn’t argue and tried to run after him. We both rushed like idjits, trying to get through the crowd. With some luck, we could maybe spot something useful. But the crowd was getting thicker and only got in our way. I was sure we could have enjoyed this beautiful park in another circumstance. All around us, people were enjoying themselves in the heat of this late afternoon, strolling peacefully or maybe laughing at a very funny story. It was a huge contrast to our panicked state. Fear was rising in my blood with each passing second and seeing Dean in such distress worsened the situation. It felt surreal. Almost like being stuck in a loop: pushing people out of our way, trying to catch our breath, turning our heads to look in every direction and then realizing that we had no idea of the direction we should go and back to running again. Plus, time was running fast against us. We were progressively losing daylight and who knew what could be lurking here once the night had fallen.
We ran around for what felt like hours. Although we didn’t know where we headed, we still made it quite far from where we parked the car. Well, at least judging by the almost complete absence of people around and the growing presence of trees. Though my lungs burned from the running session, I was glad to be away from the suffocating crowd. While running, I sometimes checked the sky, trying to know what time it was. The sky took beautiful colors, indicating that the sun had set for quite some time. After a time of running, Dean abruptly stopped and almost made me fall. He brought his hands in his hair, and he turned on himself to face me. Dean was out of breath, just like me. His eyes were gleaming with tears, and he seemed about to break down. “Dammit! This park is too big. This asshole could be anywhere. Even outside of the park for that matter. A stupid joke to lead us here!” Dean was frantic, restless. It seemed that nothing could calm him.
My own heart seemed about to explode, but that was my shot to try to reason with him. I carefully closed the distance between us to get him to look at me.“Dean” was all I said to attempt to gain his attention. His eyes were roaming all over the landscape before finally landing on me. Even with his eyes on me, I could feel he wasn’t fully paying attention to me. And who could blame him? So, I took another step closer to him and said softly “Dean, listen to me.” But, he stepped back as if he was afraid of me. His expression seemed to shift from complete distress to an unreadable one. It wasn’t like him at all. Though my heart sank, I deeply breathed and tried again “I know you don’t want to hear that but we have to calm down a bit and to think. Running around leads to nothing. Now, breathe a little and try to focus.” Judging by the look in his eyes, Dean seemed to finally have a moment of clarity in the hell he had in his mind. He seemed to think, a focused expression on his face. Then he turned his gaze toward me again. “You think they’re here? In the park?” He asked, stepping in my direction. But before I could reply, he turned his back and began to pace around.  “But where?” And he went to an alt and finally said, “My baby brother is somewhere and I can’t find him. Lately, I was too caught up with
the case. So caught up that I can’t even protect him from an asshole shifter.” His voice broke a little and his shoulders slouched in defeat.
I swiftly approached him in an attempt of a hug. I was sure that he would push me away. But to my surprise, he didn’t slip away from my touch and gladly accepted it. I then lifted his chin to make him look at me. “Hey, you didn’t fail Sam. They know the books. They basically know everything about us. It’s not your fault. He told me that he wanted to kidnap you at first but the diner was too crowded. If they are in the park, there aren't many places where he could hide him without getting noticed. I’m going to find a map of the park. But keep in mind that it's more than probably another trap. Plus, the night is falling. We’ll have to be extra careful, okay?” He wiped a stray tear with the back of his hand and nodded his head. 
We then looked thoroughly at the map. After a moment, I sighed “There’s so many places” as I rubbed my forehead. Dean threw me a desperate look at those words but he redirected his eyes on the map and kept looking nonetheless. The more I looked at the map, the less hopeful I felt. I couldn’t tell Dean such a thing, I didn’t want to crush his hopes. But if it was a useless lead, we’d have to face it. Looking at this damn map was giving me a migraine. Then, Dean pointed his finger at an area and his face lit up. “Look, Y/N! There’s a lake named Elk Glen Lake. Do you think there’s a correlation?” He said as hope seemed to fill his eyes. Thoughts were running fast in my mind. After all, this wasn’t completely irrelevant to think about it, considering the weird game we were thrown into. “Well, it could seem far-fetched but with such a crazy mind as Joe’s, anything is possible. We have to check it.” “This whacko really loves to play with us.” I then tried to look closer in the area. “Look! There’s two separate sets of buildings around this area.  One around Overlook Drive and the other next to Middle Drive W. Should we look in both?” Dean approached his head and took a good look. “We should go check both of them. We’re too far from this place. Let’s go fetch Baby. And there’s no way I can leave you alone here.” He said as he gently took my hand and we left.
We took a quick ride to get near Overlook Dr. As we couldn’t drive on this road, we finished our journey by foot. Soon enough, we would be in the complete dark without any source of light as the new moon was tonight. And I could tell by the way he breathed that Dean was frustrated as hell. Well, it was more groans than breaths honestly. Our rapid footsteps made a terrible noise in the night, as did our irregular breathing. After a long walk in a wooded area with no one around, we finally arrived in a restricted area. At the moment we set foot in this place, we both grabbed our guns. It was a kind of construction site with various machines around. With poor lighting to top it all, it seemed straight out of an 80's horror movie. The air around us was perfectly still. I could almost expect a monster jumping out at us. I then realized that it was totally  possible when you lived a hunter's life.As my body temperature slowly got back to normal, I realized how chilly the air was. I couldn’t help but have slight shivers down my spine.
As I looked around us, I noticed that there was only one building. Dean got closer to me and finally said “I think we’ll have to check this building. This asshole could be here. Ready, Y/N?” I looked around while getting a better hold on my gun. Then I replied, “As I’ll ever be.” Dean threw me a serious look and declared “Okay. Follow me.” And we were finally moving toward the building. As we approached, I couldn’t help but sometimes throw a look or two behind our backs. I definitely watched too many horror movies with Dean. When we arrived next to the door, I slowly put my hand on the handle and tried to open it. But I noticed that it was locked. “It’s locked?”,asked Dean, visibly surprised. He then gently pushed me to the side. “What are you doing? You don’t think of breaking it, right?” I questioned him. He gave me a look and said “What? You have a better idea?”I got my picks out of my pocket and said “Yeah. The James Bond’s way.” He almost laughed when he asked “The James Bond’s way?” I just rolled my eyes and picked the lock. 
As we stepped in, I was shocked by the complete silence and darkness reigning here. It wasn’t as big as it looked from the outside. Dean and I went immediately shoulder to shoulder, raising our guns and trying to be as silent as possible. After a quick look around in the dark, there weren't many places where the shifter could hide. It was just a big room with three doors leading to supposedly other smaller rooms. The building was mostly empty, if it wasn’t for some tables here and there. As I kept looking around, Dean suddenly made a few gestures to tell me to take the door on my left. As he slowly walked away from me, I just glanced at him to see him preparing himself to open the other door. I, too, got closer to my door. Slowly grabbed the handle while preparing my gun with my other hand. My heartbeat was going crazy and a goosebump was forming on my arms. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever could be behind it and pulled the handle down. As I finally opened it, a scream suddenly interrupted me. It was Dean. I quickly turned, raised my gun and ran toward him. He seemed to be fighting someone.
I was ready to aim at the enemy. Dean was kicking and screaming, wrestling with
.a broom? “Dean, stop.” I say, trying to pry the broom away from him. The look on his face was priceless. The adrenaline was visibly still coursing in his veins. “Something fell on me when I opened the door.” He said, still panting from the surprise. I stifled a laugh and said while holding his attacker. “Of all the monsters that ever attacked you, the worst one appears to be a broom. It’s a broom closet, Dean.” he grimaced at my jibe. “Yeah. Ha ha, real funny” he scoffed as i helped him up. “You okay, though? No dust bunny on you?” I ask, not resisting to poke a bit of fun at him despite the current situation.”You done?” he asked me with a bitch face that would make Sam proud. “Yeah, let’s go”. With that, we finished inspecting the other rooms.
As expected, it was a wild goose chase. So we moved to the next building on the map. It was now completely dark. The absence of light only thickenned the tension of the situation. Thankfully, the road to the old McQueen Plant wasn’t long. The first thing I noticed when we set foot in the driveway was that the fences around the restricted place were left open. The path was finally lit by a few lamp poles here and there. As we walked in, we were greeted by a deafening silence. Indeed, this part of the park was eerily calm, too calm for my liking. There was barely a noise except for the few twigs we stepped on. We both acted cautious, looking around every bush and tree. If the shifter was there, he could have been with Joe. After a few more steps in deafening silence, I whispered “I think I see light by the window of the building on our right.” Dean snapped his head to look in the direction of the square building with a greenish roof. ”Someone’s working the graveyard shift, huh?” He said as he readied his gun. As we were getting closer, Dean and I both spotted something weird on the ground. A shoe. I soon realized it was Sam’s left shoe. We exchanged a concerned look.
There we were, in front of the old building. I noticed that, unlike the other building from earlier, the door was slightly ajar. This made me throw a nervous look at Dean. We got ready, guns in hands. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as the pressure increased and my hands shook a little. Before we could enter, Dean put his free hand in front of me to stop me from stepping forward. I curiously looked at him. While placing one hand on the door handle, Dean whispered, “Behind this door, anything could wait for us. There’s probably two Sam inside. And worse, a wolfy bonus. But, at this point, we could only expect another stupid trap. The top priority is to get the real Sam and us out of this alive. So, be careful, okay?” I nodded my head. He breathed deeply and looked me in the eyes. “On the count of three.” he whispered. My blood was almost boiling with anguish. Dean’s countdown was over and we pushed the door. 
When we stepped foot inside, I realized it looked like an old laboratory.  The building seemed empty despite being fully lit. The greenish light of the neon made the lab seem darker.It almost looked like a morgue. Dean made a few gestures to tell me we had to inspect. Even though it was a fair size, the building was too small for us to feel the need to split up. Oddly enough, it was way more stressful to check a building with the light on. Indeed, it could only mean that the monster was waiting for us and it was clearly prepared. It seemed like a game and not just a monster trying to hide from us. It wanted us to find them. Another trap. By the way Dean’s jaw tensed at every step, I could tell that he felt the same. The constant flickering of the neons and the water dripping from a faucet nearby only made the situation worse. 
As I looked at the various glassware and samples miscellaneously placed here and there, I heard a deafening crash and various screams and groans. It sounded like someone throwing around someone else. Dean and I raised our heads, exchanged a look and began to try to locate the origin of the commotion. We then tried to  follow the noise. Judging by the way we heard it It seemed to come from a door in the back of the building. But which one, exactly? The ‘fight’ seemed to keep going as we were getting closer . But, after another violent crash that made the walls vibrate, a complete silence fell again. What if it was Sam? Dean seemed to perceive my anxiety as much as I could feel his. We raised our guns again. It was the red door right in front of us. We didn’t have a minute to waste.So, we swiftly ran to the door without making any noise. I was breathing deeply, getting ready for the possible fight that was awaiting us. But before I could do or say anything, Dean kicked the door open.
Part 7 soon
@hobby27 @vikingqueen28 @mikromoon @multifandomnerd4532 @deans-spinster-witch
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lostgirl677 · 9 months ago
how to grow the fuck up
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lostgirl677 · 10 months ago
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And here’s some Murphy as requested too to beautifully finish MCM â€ïžâ€đŸ”„đŸ˜â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
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lostgirl677 · 10 months ago
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As requested 
 always time for Scud on MCM đŸ˜â€ïžâ€đŸ”„đŸ˜
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lostgirl677 · 11 months ago
i requested for scud but you never replied so im gonna req gf finding out scud works for a blade again
Apologies, Baby | Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Long ago, back when you were only ten years old, vampires murdered your parents and left you an orphan, forcing you into foster care. You hated the species with a passion, and wanted nothing to do with them. So when your boyfriend revealed that he was working for a half-breed, you didn't know how to feel.
Genre: Angst, some fluff towards the end.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and blood.
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: For some reason your first request never popped up in my inbox, so I'm sorry I didn't see it back then. I hope this is somewhat decent enough to make up for it (I don't really like this). Also, I feel like Scud is a little ooc in this, but I wanted to write a tender moment for our favourite stoner.
“Baby, could you please just listen to me? It's not like you think, okay?”
You shook your head and let out a bitter laugh, clutching your side tightly as you limped away from your boyfriend. Bruises littered your skin, the recent vampire attack you had found yourself in taking its painful toll on you.
Everything was a blur. One minute, you were walking back to your apartment after a long shift at work. The next, some creep in a mask—later revealed to be a bloodsucking monster—grabbed you and forced you into his car. And a few hours, maybe even days, later, a mysterious man with freakish abilities came to your rescue. Thankfully, the vampire hadn't bit you, but he did take great pleasure in hearing your screams, so he tortured you. Hence the injured side you were currently clutching to.
You had always known of vampires' existence. They were the reason you became an orphan at the mere age of ten years old. And to top it off, nobody believed you when you told them the real story. They were the reason why you were sent to a facility to treat your "absurd beliefs".
You hated vampires and anything to do with them. So it came as a great shock to you that when the mysterious man, who had introduced himself as Blade, took you back to his workshop to tend to your wounds and you found your boyfriend there. The same boyfriend who told you that he was too sick to hang out after your shift. The same boyfriend who lied to you about his job. The same boyfriend who revealed that he was working for a guy who was half vampire.
To say you were pissed would be an understatement.
Scud hurried to you, gently but firmly grabbing your wrist in his hand. He spun you around, forcing you to look at him. His blue eyes gazed down at you, begging, pleading for understanding. For you to listen to him.
“Babe, please. Just... let me clean you up while I explain everything. You deserve that much,” Scud begged, frowning deeply as guilt swarmed around in his beautiful blue eyes.
You shook your head. “Josh, I—”
“Please,” he pleaded. “Just... Please.”
You sighed, giving him a reluctant nod. “Alright,” you agreed, pulling your hand from his grip. “You have until I'm bandaged up.”
In no time at all, you were seated on top of what you assumed was Scud's workbench while your boyfriend carefully helped you out of your shirt, leaving you clad in only your bra. The wound on your side was deep, but it luckily didn't look like it needed stitches.
“You probably want that explanation now, huh?” he asked, breaking the silence well he brought a washcloth with lukewarm water closer to clean your wound.
You hissed in pain when the cloth made contact with your side. “Yeah,” you said through gritted teeth. “I was promised an explanation.”
A few beats of silence passed. Scud sighed and shut his eyes momentarily, as if gathering his thoughts. “You remember that week before we got together, when I came home from my hiking trip and I was all messed up?” When you nodded, he continued. “I was attacked by two bloodsuckers. They tore into me and wanted to drain me of my blood. The only reason I came out of that situation alive was because B saved me. He brought me back here and patched me back together. I owe him a debt because of that.”
You frowned and brought a hand to rest on Scud's cheek. He instantly nuzzled against your hand, sighing in content at the warm feeling. You didn't know this, but when Blade had relayed your full name to him over the radio, he was out of his mind with worry. He nearly abandoned everything just to go after Blade and make sure that he brought you back in one piece. You were important to him. You were the only girl who would put up with him and his habits with a smile on your face. You were the only girl that actually ever meant anything to him.
“B saw what I could do, what gadgets I could make, and he decided that I would make a great addition to his team, so to speak,” Scud continued, withdrawing from your touch and switching over to clean the wounds on your hands. “It was a great opportunity for me. This gig meant that I could make things, and not just those shitty fucking mini flamethrowers I made back in college. I mean actually make things. I felt wanted, needed, like I could actually be a part of something bigger for once. That I wouldn't be such a big fucking letdown. I wanted to tell you, especially since I know how you feel about vampires, but B swore me to secrecy. He said that working for him came with risks, and if the bloodsuckers were to find out about you, they would use you to get to me. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't.”
“So you had to lie to me to keep me safe,” you concluded, realisation dawning on you.
“Please believe me when I say that I didn't want to,” he said hurriedly, halting his movements with the bandage and looking deeply into your eyes. “I never wanted to lie to you. Hurting you was something I didn't want to do, ever. I love you so much.”
A minute of silence passed between you. Scud was anxious, his hands nervously fidgeting with the bandage that was now wrapped securely around your hand. The last thing he wanted was for you to hate him. He wouldn't be able to live with himself.
“So this Blade guy... He hunts vampires?” you finally asked, taking him by surprise.
“Yeah,” Scud confirmed, nodding his head.
“Why? Isn't he like them?”
“Yes, in a sense. He has all of their abilities, but only the good ones. The only bad thing of his is that he inherited their thirst. Thankfully we have a serum that helps him with that. B's cool, I swear.”
You pondered over his words for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “I don't like it,” you began, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer, much to Scud's suprise and great delight. “You know how I feel about vampires, but that Blade guy did save my life, so I guess he's okay.”
Scud gave you a smile. “He is, I promise you.”
“So as long as you promise me that you'll stay safe, and promise to keep me in the loop with what happens around here, I guess I can learn to live with it. You look like you're enjoying yourself.”
Scud smiled brightly and brought you into a hug, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too. You're my little stoner baby. Nothing's gonna change that.”
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lostgirl677 · 1 year ago
Break Apart, Leave a Scar
Pairing: Scud & Fem!Reader (pre-relationship)
Warnings: Brief description of injuries; stitches
Summary: Blade brings home an injured human and tells you to fix him up. The beginning of a beautiful friendship. Sorta.
A/N: First attempt with our dear stoner. Be gentle. Thanks, @catswonderland, for the song. đŸ©”
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“Picking up strays now?” You pushed the needle through the mangled flesh and pulled the suture tight. Your comrade said nothing and continued to wipe down the blade of his katana. “It’ll be a miracle if he survives this anyway. Waste of my time.” There came a groan from above where you worked, but you didn’t allow yourself to look toward the source. You might actually feel sorry for him otherwise. 
Blade had walked away, his absence a noticeable shift in the room. What the hell had he been thinking, bringing a human to the warehouse? What if you hadn’t had your serum? All the blood. You would have finished what had already been started. 
From what you could see, there were no bites. The vamps had been fucking with him, prolonging his suffering for some twisted satisfaction it would bring once they had finally decided to drain him. Still, Blade should have left him. It would have been ruled an animal attack, accidental death. 
You tied off the last suture, distantly grateful the stranger had remained, for the most part, blissfully unaware. He likely would have died from traumatic shock and pain. Standing back, you placed your hands on your hips with a huff. You had to clean him up or all your hard work would be for naught. You needed to start an IV for fluids and antibiotics, hoping to hell that the medical stocks contained what you needed. Blade had been busier than usual, which led to a great deal of wound care and no time to replenish your inventory. 
You were wiping down the stranger’s neck, blood having splattered all the way to his lower face, when he stirred. You retracted your hand swiftly, watching impassively as his face twisted into a pained grimace before his eyes fluttered open. You weren’t really expecting such a vivid shade of blue. 
the fuck?” Bleary eyes studied the areas he could see without turning his head. “That was
some strong shit.” He likely meant whatever it was he had been smoking before the attack. You could smell it on him easily, lingering just below the blood and the stench of the vamps that had attacked him. 
“You’re safe here.” You stated flatly, holding his gaze when his eyes found yours. “When you’ve healed, we’ll drop you off and you can continue your life.” He didn’t reply. Blinking slowly, his eyes were wide and anything but fearful. More curious. “Stop staring.”
fucking hot.” He slurred, strong enough to offer you a lopsided grin. 
“I’m going to blame the blood loss.”
“Don’t be
like that, baby. You’re
smokin’.” His eyelids were already drooping. 
“You should rest. I’ll start an IV.” You turned to walk away, sighing deeply when you heard the weak ‘hey’ from behind you. “Yeah?”
your name?” His eyes were closed and his head was slowly lolling to the side, but he continuously fought to move it back. 
“Doesn’t matter.” You dismissed the question without remorse. 
Joshua. Josh. But most
 call me Scud.” And he was out, deep breaths through slightly parted lips. Tilting your head, you eased closer but still maintained a respectable distance. Scud? What the hell kinda nickname was that? He was handsome, you couldn’t deny that. Dark, shaggy hair. Lean muscle and strong shoulders. And those blue eyes. Some instinct, though, told you he was a live wire, a brain that never stopped and lacked a filter. Judging by the scent of weed that clung to his very skin, he had found a buffer for that. 
“Y/N.” You told his unconscious form after another heavy sigh. “My name is Y/N.” He likely didn’t hear you, but at least you could affirm that you did indeed tell him your name. 
And with that, you retreated to the stock room to gather what was needed to keep that inevitable pain in your ass alive. 
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lostgirl677 · 1 year ago
Thx for following me..
I just realized that I’ve met your account before on the only Daryl Dixon story wrote..
Hope that my account is to your liking with my writing or in my lil offered help as a writing partner 😊
Hey! I love your account 😊
Have a wonderful day. Send you love 💖
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lostgirl677 · 1 year ago
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NORMAN REEDUS as SCUD BLADE II 2002 | dir. Guillermo del Toro
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lostgirl677 · 1 year ago
Revenge masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N and the Winchester brothers are on the trail of a mysterious werewolf, but who knows where this may lead them? Another successfull hunt or a more serious mess?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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