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If there are any linguistics professionals reading this, I could use some help.
I'm doing research into Proto-Indo-European, the mother tongue of much of Europe and South Asia, and I recently discovered Schleicher's Fable, a short story about sheep and horses which has been translated into a dozen proto-languages to show how different branches envolved over the millennia.
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My problem is that I don't know the word order or declensions (suffixes for different conjugations) of any of these languages, so I have no idea which words mean what throughout the text.
I know owis/hovis/avis means sheep (same etymology as modern English "ewe")
Ekwos means horse (equus, equestrian, etc.)
Wlna/wlana/vilno means wool
Oinom/aikam/enem means one
Krd/kart/sird means heart (cardio)
Widntei/widntbhos means see/seeing/sight (video/visual)
I think agnutai/egnutoi means hurt or pain (agony) but I don't know for sure
Same with megehm/megam for big (presumably like mega/magnum)
I can recognize a handful of other words from context, but some sentences completely confuse me. The phrase "heavy wagon" appears to be "woghom wegontm," both words of which look like they possibly share the same root, but I don't know which means heavy and which means wagon. All the variations of "dgmonm oku bherontm" mean "carry a man quickly," but I don't know which words corresponds to carry, man, or quickly. I think bherontm means carry because it has the -ontm suffix which I think marks a verb, but again, I just don't know.
I don't know the words for "the master makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself" or "the sheep fled into the plain." It's helpful that the story is broken down into lines, but it doesn't explain what each individual word means in order, so I don't know the proper translation.
Does anyone know where I can find an in depth breakdown of Schleicher's Fable with every word and declension annotated? I've tried looking up Proto-Indo-European glossaries/dictionaries online, but every corpus spells the words differently (lots of subscript letters and numbers and asterisks), some words have multiple PIE translations and no two sites agree on which to use when. It's not helpful at all.
I need a word-by-word translation, something like:
PIE: owis kwesjo wlna na est ekwoms speket
Literal: sheep which wool no have horses saw
English: a sheep which had no wool saw horses
Does anyone know where I can find the proper resources for this project?
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felixjoyful · 7 days ago
Hey all, I'm compiling a playlist for a "Guess that tune" night for pride.
I need 60 songs and I've got 31 (including 7 that make a rainbow).
I need some help for the last 29 🥴
Songs should preferably be well known, but it's okay if some are a bit complicated. Preferably one per artist, but if needed I can double em 🤷🏻‍♂️
The songs don't need to be in English.
Hoping Tumble will show up for this one, then I can share the finished playlist with all y'all!
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xiaokuer-schmetterling · 18 days ago
okay so...idk who any of these ppl are??? but the song slaps. so catchy. and the choreography is so! like. smooth???
and the costumes look so comfy & cute??? [i am craving one of each outfit for myself. I AM EATING UP THEIR INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE AESTHETIC]
and the pink-haired one looks so happy to be there??? i feel uplifted ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬
EDIT! i know their names now lol. the happy one with pink hair is bambam btw
oOoOO found the whole song at their most recent concert!!!
just right+lullaby
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bjorkhorseman · 4 months ago
what singers/bands would Hamlet listen to in a modern AU asking for a friend
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HELP i’m making an au with Scarabella and Kitty Noire but idk what Alya’s cat form should be called. I gave Zoe with the ladybug the name Lady Beetle but I can’t come how the anything for Alya 😭 PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS
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fangirl-nadir · 1 year ago
Maybe Tumblr can help me find that one painting from Dinotopia with the dinos playing dreidel?
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capn-twitchery · 1 month ago
feast question: how the hell do i get captain amelia as a spouse?????
i know she's a regular companion on the silver fotr card but that's not the spouse option...do i buy the regular companion then have to do something else? or do i go somewhere else to pay fate for the spouse version
i am very confused. help
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doodleace7 · 1 month ago
Can someone explain what the heck animorphs is??? I think I got a rough idea but can someone give me the general rundown please?
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bakedbakermom · 3 months ago
help me norwegians of tumblr
my neighbor gave me a box of these cookies for christmas that she got from (weird rambling story i only half remember) and we were so overwhelmed with baked goods that i threw most of them out and i am regretting it because yum. what are they called and where can i get more?
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finnsworldz · 3 months ago
I'm already planning on cosplayibg sonic the hedgehog, but after cosplaying sonic, who should I cosplay as?? (I wanna get back into it and I want to be able to have a ready cosplay for this year's local comic con in my area early) :3
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strangenewwords · 5 months ago
I’m writing the sequel to go and get your hands dirty
Can’t decide a POV. I have the first part written in BOTH (in my head).
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bisexualchaosdemon · 1 year ago
I've seen a lot of love for hard or hearing Andrew but I have a question for you guys!
What do you think their sign names would be? In sign language people sometimes use a characteristic as a name instead of finger spelling. I feel like Neil (Junkie) and Kevin (Queen) would be easy but I cannot think of a sign name for Andrew
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bibliosauruswrecks · 4 months ago
I have a question for anyone who’s already seen Wicked:
How obvious is the Subtext (TM)?
Can I get away with allowing my very conservative parents to come with me, or will I have some ‘splainin’ to do after the credits roll?
Keep in mind, one of them saw the stage production with me 18 years ago, so theoretically knows what to expect. This is the same person who did not clock anything, either real or imagined, between Sam and Frodo, but was also reluctant to watch LOTR in the first place because they’d heard a rumor that the filmmakers “made Gandalf gay.”
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lettherebetboys · 17 days ago
i tried to do my T shot on the right side of my stomach last night, and i literally could not!!! it wouldn’t go in!!! had to start over on the left, which had no issues as usual. whenever i try to do my shot on the right i ALWAYSS have problems!!!
can anyone else only do their shot on one side??? why is this a thing?????
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badaxefamily · 9 months ago
Tumblr I need you
Y'all know that post showing a video of a mechanical, hand-cranked fan from about 100 years ago? My dad and I were complaining to each other about things having computers when they really shouldn't (like our refrigerator) which causes weird and stupid malfunctions (like our refrigerator). I mentioned how cool the fan was, that once it was wound it would run for 30 minutes. And it's 100 years old and still works! I think it was Swedish?
I tried all my search tricks and couldn't find it, and I'd really like to show it to my dad.
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orangelasagnaart · 11 months ago
I was talking to my therapist and for some reason the conversion shifted to me talking about how I think more people should get divorced and break up or saying “why would anyone want to live in the same house and bed and see someone every single day, that sounds like shit.” than half way through my rant she was like
“Well people who love each other find it difficult to break away from each other”
Than I said “why cant they just be friends or something?”
Tha n she started to explain to me that people get obsessed with other people in the same way i get obsessed with things like Sherlock Holmes or Good Omens
That is fucking wild.
Allosexuals, help me out, what?? Why the fuck wouldn’t you just stop being with someone if you aren’t happy??
Im so confused
Im either very Aromantic or just not yet at that stage in my life
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