#help i can't do backgrounds to save my life
beryllineart · 2 months
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A Terrible Fate-- Page 1
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Surprise! I do comics too! Though this page only features Sans, it's actually a crossover comic for one of my favorite games! See if you can guess before looking at the tags, and bonus points if you can guess who Sans is talking to.
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Best freans 5eva ‼️‼️✨\(^ヮ^)/✨
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
Hey you!
I have an Eddie fluff request - he's in love with his best friend and has no idea she secretly feels the same, too chicken to tell her, but one night when she sleeps over at his, in the same bed he whispers everything he can't say in words, no idea that she's actually awake, hearing everything. So she starts "falling asleep" everywhere to have him tell her more about how much he loves her and when he voices concern about her being so tired "perhaps you need some vitamins supplement?" she confess that she has only pretended to hear him tell her he loves her, because she was chicken too
Very cute fluff! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Bedtime whispers
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Eddie fell in love with his best friend over the years. They met in high school and connected instantly. Eddie felt safe around her and she was his protector. Whenever he got bullied, she saved the day. It was hard not to be smitten with her.
But he would never admit that to her. He finally had someone in his life that he refused to lose. She meant more than a friend to him. He valued their friendship and would hate himself if he ruined it. She was an amazing girl and he wanted to keep his claws in her.
Everyone else saw what he saw, which meant he had to bite his tongue whenever she dated someone or was interested in someone. It made his stomach drop and everything inside of him hurt. Luckily, the boys never lasted, he might have been the reason but she didn't need to know that.
With how close they were, they always had sleepovers. It was one of Eddie's favorite things they did together. They talked all night, watched movies, and ate everything Wayne bought that week. He loved laying next to her and feeling her warmth. He loved tangling their legs together underneath the covers and her head on his chest. He couldn't help but wish it lasted forever. As she dreamed, he daydreamed of marrying her and growing old.
Eddie turned off the lamp as they cuddled into bed. His back hit the mattress and she cuddled into him. Her head was on his chest as she sighed in delight. There was a comforting feeling Eddie provided and his smell was like a hug.
Eddie heard her breathing get softer and her body gets heavy. It was normal for her to fall asleep first. Eddie always struggled but he didn't mind laying still for her to cling on to. He looked down at her and softly ran his fingers through her hair.
"Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret from your other half?" Eddie whispered. She was asleep and he needed to say everything on his chest so he could sleep.
"It's hard. When I look at you, I wish I could say what's on my mind. I wish I could tell you how I fell in love with you and keep falling."
Y/N hoped he couldn't feel how fast her heart was racing. She didn't want him to know she was awake, so she stayed still. After a few seconds, he began to softly snore.
Y/N never stopped thinking about Eddie's confession. She felt the same as he did but was always too scared to say something. She thought it was funny that they both felt the same and were too chicken to say anything about it.
She wanted to hear more, she wanted to hear every thought Eddie had about her. So, she decided to "fall asleep" a few times to see what he had to say.
"Tired?" Eddie asked, Y/N faked a yawn and placed her head in Eddie's lap. The movie she already had seen a thousand times played in the background. She didn't mind to miss it as she closed her eyes.
"A bit," she lied, humming softly when Eddie began to play with her hair. Y/N tried to slow down her breathing to show that she was asleep.
She listened to the movie as time passed.
"You asleep?" Eddie whispered
Y/N stayed silent and tried not to smile as Eddie softly touched her face.
"You have the prettiest skin, I always think about caressing your cheek, and placing my lips on yours. It's hard not to stare and think about it when you apply lip gloss. Your lips memorize me." Eddie whispered as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
Y/N kept it going.
Week after week she "fell asleep" to listen to him.
"Your eyes are my favorite"
"I love how easy you fit in my arms"
"You have the sweetest perfume and I love that it lingers on my sheets"
"I get jealous when guys ask you out"
"I'm in love with you and I always will be"
"No one comes close to you"
"If I ever got the courage, I'd ask you to marry me"
"Tired again? Do you need to see a doctor or take something?" Eddie asked, he was concerned by how much she seemed to need to sleep.
"What?" Y/N laughed as she looked up from Eddie's lap.
"You've been tired lately. I'm concerned somethings off with your health." Eddie explained, his hands working through her hair.
"Oh, I don't think it's anything to stress about," Y/N tried to brush him off but he looked worried.
"Is there something going on at home?"
Y/N sighed and sat up.
"Eddie, look," she said, "I've been pretending to sleep because I like hearing things you say about me."
Eddie looked like a deer in headlights. The terror was clear to see on his face.
"I love you too, and I've been too scared to say it. And hearing you confess everything to me, even if you thought I was sleeping, I want you to know what I love about you." She said as she placed herself in Eddie's lap.
He swallowed and nervously wrapped his arms around her.
"I love your hair, your soft eyes, I've dreamed of kissing your lips," her thumb traced his bottom lip, "I love your jokes, your dirty mind, and how creative you are. An-"
But Eddie heard enough, she confessed she felt the same and he didn't want to wait another second. He placed his hand on the back of her head and brought her lips to his. He moaned as she finally felt the feeling of her lips against his. She tasted like a dream.
Y/N whimpered as she lost her hands in his hair, the kiss deepening as Eddie took control of the kiss. He picked her up and moved her on her back. Their lips connected as he settled on top of her and slipped his tongue into her mouth.
"Fuck," Y/N moaned as Eddie pulled away, their lust-filled eyes staring at each other.
"Agreed," Eddie panted out
"Do it again," Y/N demanded as she pushed Eddie's head back down. He gladly listened, his tongue working inside of her mouth as his hands moved up her thighs and landed underneath her shirt. His fingers caused goosebumps to rise on her skin.
Eddie tested the waters as he rocked his hips into her, his cock twitched as she whimpered and moved her hips back. They were so lost in each other, their bodies hungrily moving against each other. Their tongues battled and Eddie grabbed her free hand to bring it down to his pants. She got the hint and rubbed him over his sweatpants.
The couple jumped apart, Eddie gulped as Wayne stood over the couch with his hands over his eyes. Y/N refused to look at him, staring at Eddie.
"I'm glad you two figured this out finally, but please Eddie keep it behind your bedroom door." Wayne declared before he walked off into his room.
Eddie looked down at Y/N with a nod, "So bedroom?"
Y/N scoffed as she reached and smacked Eddie with a pillow. "You are an idiot."
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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burntoutdaydreamer · 6 months
3 Steps to Improve Your Characters and Make Them Three-Dimensional
So I don’t have a process for creating/developing characters (to me the process is intuitive to the point where I wouldn’t even know how to explain it), but I do have a process for revising characters that just… fall flat, for whatever reason. 
I like to get to know my characters by throwing them into a bunch of different situations and seeing how they react, but sometimes that’s not enough. In these cases I need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to make them not feel like a cardboard caricature of the role I need them to fill. Here’s the process I use, and it involves three key questions to understand what makes your character tick.
1) What is this character’s fundamental belief- either about the world or themself?
2) Where does this belief come from?
3) How does this belief hinder them, and are they capable of growing past it?
Alright, here’s what the process looks like in action. 
Let’s say I have a character I need to flesh out for my story.
Character A is a middle aged coffee shop owner and the protagonist of her story. The central conflict of the story revolves around trying to save the family run coffee shop she inherited from her father when he passed away, which has recently fallen on hard times.
What is this character's fundamental belief?
Character A believes that the world is an inherently good and fair place. She believes that good is always rewarded and bad is always punished, even if the timing isn't always perfect. As such, she strives to live a virtuous life, putting as much good into the world as she possibly can. While she understands that even good people can face hard times, she believes that in the long term, if things don't work out, it'll be because she didn't put in the work needed to turn things around.
Where does this belief come from?
Character A grew up in a solidly middle class household with good parents that treated her well- rewarding her for good work, and fairly punishing her for misdeeds. Her parents gave her everything she needed, but also expected her to work hard for the things she wanted. She also had the experience of watching her father build a successful business through hard work and by building strong connections with the people in town. If we want to push this further, we could also say that this belief was reaffirmed by watching her brother ruin his own life, squandering all his money and goodwill with those around him on failed get-rich-quick-schemes and outright scams that landed him in jail.
How does this belief hinder them, and are they capable of growing past it?
Let's say that Character A recently hired a barista who seems perfect for the job. Strapped for help, she gets him started right away before getting the results of his background check. When the results come in, she finds out that he is on probation and was recently released from jail for a violent crime. Shocked, she fires him. Believing that people who end up in jail always deserve it, she can't see past her initial prejudices. As a result, her coffee shop suffers from the loss of her new star barista.
Some time goes on, and Character A encounters the barista again, and learns more about the circumstances that landed him in jail (maybe he was falsely convicted, maybe he was battling psychosis, maybe the violent act was done to prevent a loved one- anything that makes her question her initial assumptions). He then confesses that he is struggling to provide for himself and his family because no one will hire him because of his criminal record. Character A comes to realize that her belief isn't completely true, and that the world isn't entirely fair. Though it takes a lot of inner work to do so, including coming to terms with her privilege, she eventually accepts this, and revises her beliefs. She decides that even though the world isn't fair, people have the responsibility to make it fair.
She decides to re-hire the barista she fired. After doing everything she can to make things right with him, she proposes an idea she wants his help with. Together, they transform her family business into a joint coffee shop and community rehabilitation center. In addition to selling coffee, they also launch a program to provide resources to recently incarcerated individuals looking to reenter society. They'll host weekly events on job interview coaching, alcoholics anonymous, motivational speeches, group therapy, opportunities to connect with open-minded employers, and more. Their promotion of this new program enables them to secure funding from local patrons and public grants, and customers are willing to pay for more expensive coffee with the knowledge that that money will be put to good use.
Additionally, if we want to go with the brother in jail backstory, we could have this ending be an opportunity for her to reconnect with him and maybe even repair their relationship as she gets to see him in a new light.
Main Takeaways
And there you have it!
You can use this process on any character- protagonist, antagonist, side character, etc. By grounding your character's motivations and development in their beliefs, you can easily introduce depth and internal conflict while keeping everything connected to the themes and plot driving your story.
Depending on your character's role or your story's plot, the belief can be wide reaching and complex (such as a philosophy or ideology), or specific and personal (such as having to do with their self-esteem). Either way, it should always be tied to their personal experiences or observations. This doesn't necessarily mean a tragic backstory. It could be, but I encourage you not to make this your default way of creating character depth. A mundane but grounded and sincere motivation will always be more compelling than cheap, dark shock factor.
Generally, protagonists with happy endings and villains with successful redemption arcs are capable of moving past their beliefs, while tragic heroes and antagonists aren't, and this failure is usually the source of their downfall. Keep in mind that even if characters do move past their old beliefs, it will always be a difficult thing to do. It will require them to confront their own mistakes, biases, and emotional wounds, and require both internal and external work in order to fix whatever their old beliefs have damaged.
Hopefully this guide will help you approach your characters from a different perspective. Feel free to share any insights.
Happy writing y'all!
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
separate lines
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words: 600 (+ three images)
warnings: entire fic is through phone calls/text messages, parental death (ward), established relationship, kinda protective rafe but its cute he just misses his girl, includes pictures of "readers" face/body, kind of illusions to sex (like barely!), overall pretty fluffy
“rafey!” you squeal as you answer your phone seconds after it rings. “how's it going?”
“well, everything is still standing.” rafe huffs out. you can practically hear the stress in his voice.
“that's good, baby. i miss you a lot.” sure, he just left this morning to drive back to the outer banks, but that doesn't change the fact that you miss him anytime he's away from you.
“god, i miss you too. if rose didn't need me here id still be-
“i know.” you cut rafe off. “you're back for three days with your family. it'll be fine and then we will be back together.”
you know being back in the outer banks is stressful for rafe after everything that happened. the mess with barry, the pogues, and then all culminating in his dad dying. when you decided to go a couple hours away to college, you still thought you'd have to persuade your boyfriend to come with you, to leave the only life he's ever known, but he jumped at the chance.
you live in a luxury townhouse right near downtown. you're even able to walk to most of your classes, of course with rafe by your side.
“you're right.” rafe hums. “we are figuring out the will stuff tomorrow morning.”
“i wish i could be there for you. text or call if you need anything.” you have classes tomorrow, but you'd drop anything if rafe really needed you.
“yeah just… text me updates, please? even if you just do the laundry or something. it helps to know.”
“of course i will.” you smile, hearing some commotion in the background. “and rafey? give wheezie a hug for me.”
“is that y/n?” you hear her voice in the background, then the fumbling of the phone being handed off.
“y/n!” wheezie squeals.
“wheezie, my girl!”
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“how are you getting to class?” rafe asks, looking into the room where proceedings are about to start, going over his fathers will and who gets what. he knows most of it will go to rose, most likely the house and the real estate company. he doesn't really care. he has a new life now, one with you.
“amber is gonna drive me and pick me up. and no, her boyfriend will not be there.” you giggle, knowing even though amber and her boyfriend steven have been together since third grade, rafe would still worry with him around.
“and you're going to poli sci and then your geology lab, right?” rafe has your schedule memorized, but he likes to hear your confirmation anyways.
“yup!” you nod, even though rafe can't see you. “im excited for todays lab, actually. it's not rock identification, which you know i suck at.”
rafe let's out a soft laugh, having sat and listened to your complaining about rocks for hours already this semester.
“rafe, it's starting soon.” rose says, her words being picked up by you, otherwise rafe probably would have just ignored her in favor of keeping talking.
“alright, baby. hope it all goes well and doesn't take too long. i love you.” you coo into the phone.
“love you more.”
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“home tomorrow.” rafe whispers softly, not wanting to wake up anyone else in the house. he's exhausted, so they must be too. it was a long day with lots of legal jargon, but everything got divided up about how he expected it to. 
most to rose, then the additional savings divided up evenly between him, sarah, and wheezie.
“im glad.” you whisper back, matching his tone even though you're home alone. “i ordered a cute pair of pajamas to wear to help me sleep. you know how much i struggle without you.”
“your insomnia cure.” rafe smiles, remembering what you called him after you first started sharing a bed, able to easily relax into him and fall into a true deep sleep.
“mhm.” you hum out, letting out a yawn. “do you mind staying on the call until i fall asleep?”
“baby, ill stay on all night.”
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sfw tags: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie
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jyoongim · 6 months
This isn't exactly a request but a thought that had been so heavy on my brain. Hellborn royalty reader x Alastor who's stronger than he is. I just can't stop thinking about it. Maybe even Goetia reader whew they are stronger and protect him from something and I just go FERAL at the thought.
Some background context:
The Ars Goetia are a royal dynasty of noble hellborn demons who serve as prophets, messengers, and observers of the mortal plane for the King of Hell. They are responsible for maintaining stability within the seven rings. They are highly knowledgeable in the heavens, society, and prophecies of all domains.
The hotel was a wreck.
The Angels had made it their personal mission to eliminate those who resided in the hotel.
The Princess of Hell had acquired your assistance if things got shaky for them.
And OH things were shaking.
Alastor had took it upon himself to fight Adam, when you suggested you could of great help he turned you down. Stating that he would be able to handle the Angel himself.
But things were not looking good for the Radio Demon.
You admired the confidence he had, but the demon was in a sticky situation and you would be damned if anyone hurt YOUR demon.
You were fuming and it was showing.
You calmly walked through the fighting, every attack thrown your way didn’t even touch you as you quickly dispatched your attackers. 
You appeared in front of the injured deer in a cloud of smoke. 
“Hehe who the fuck are you?” Adam asked, but you ignored him as you checked on Alastor.
He was bleeding and weak, you placed your hands on his face, scowling softly “Oh Alastor my sweet. You did good my love but Ill take over from here” he tried to object, but with a wave of your hand, you dissolved him in mist to keep him safe.
You turned to Adam, who was smirking “Tch! You think you can take me? Ha! If your best couldn’t scratch me what thinks you can?”
You smiled, your body morphed into mist “who said he was our best?”
He attacked, swinging his axe and trying to bring it down on you. Your eyes glowed white and with a flick of the wrist he was frozen to the spot. You curled your fingers and watched as the Angel contorted in pain. You hissed “I am the judge and executioner and you, you arrogant pig have no authority here. Divine violence is my right for power belongs to those who take it.” At your words, the sky formed dark clouds and the realm shook.
Adam let out a scream as your magic crackled along his skin, searing pain riddling his body as you burned his wings and corrupted his every soul.
“YOU CANT DO THIS! I AM ADAM! THE FIRST MAN! YOU BITCH! NO NO NO NO!” Your mist enveloped his body and he slowly morphed to black as you took his life. You watched as his soul screeched and struggle. 
You pulled him towards him and smirked, sneering at him with sharp teeth
“Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord” 
And with a soft blow from your lips, he dispersed. His soul crying as you sent him to Limbo.
Hell shook as your magic rocked the cosmos.
The remaining Angels let out a cry as they were struck with pain, felt in their soul.
You were sucking their power and in an attempt to save themselves they retreated back to Heaven.
You morphed back to normal and your misty shadows revealed Alastor to you.
You picked up the red demon and nudged him with your nose, he grumbled ”Y-You didn’t have to intervene. I had it under control”
You hummed, a soft smile on your face a his stubbornness “completely but I wasn’t going to stand around when you clearly needed my help.”
Your face dropped to a pout “don’t tell me that me being stronger hurts your pride? You should be honored. A woman willing to protect her love is a powerful thing to behold”
Alastor sighed, relaxing against you, feeling the exhaustion of the battle overtake him.
You cooed at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Don’t worry I don’t think anything less of you. I think you’re the strongest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting”
The Radio Demon might have been a prideful soul, but it was you who was the strongest.
And really…he was ok with that fact.
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jenomi · 3 months
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i miss you, i'm sorry
pairing: idol!jeno x idol!reader
you weren't anticipating seeing jeno at your gig today. you were at a live lounge to perform your new song and a cover of "I miss you, I'm sorry" by Gracie Abrams. you'd be lying if you said you weren't thinking of jeno when you picked that song.
jeno was here to promote his new song with his group, but you didn't bother to check who the other feature would be when you signed up for the show. nobody knew about your relationship except close friends, not even your manager so they couldn't warn you of this. both of you had to keep it a secret due to the nature of your careers.
but it was 5 years. 5 years with jeno, the love of your life. or was it now the former love of your life? it hurt your heart to think about it.
when you bumped into him and the rest of nct dream, you said your hellos politely. you used to be friends with the rest of the dreamies, but the relationship faded as you stopped dating jeno. every time you would look at jeno, it's like he had a radar for you so he would look back at you immediately. it hurt to look at him in the eyes, so you looked away quickly.
you went on stage first, performing the title song to your new mini album. it was an upbeat song, describing the freedom you feel when not bound by ropes holding you back. but for your real fans, they would study the undertones of your new song and know that it's actually a sad song about the longing for those boundaries you once had.
jeno listened to your song, because of course no matter what, he still supports you. he was by your side as you rose to fame.
looking back, you realized your relationship with jeno was a little suffocating. having to keep it a secret, not being able to eat out at your favorite restaurants, or even walk on the street together. it was fun at first and you believed you loved each other enough to make it work. but jeno started to get more and more nervous about your secret relationship, especially seeing how other male idols caught in dating scandals were treated. you tried to ease his mind on the topic, but as time went on, it was beyond saving.
you just didn't think jeno would be able to leave so easily.
"The next song I'll sing is a cover by one of my favorite artists. Um..." you weren't sure if you should give any background information, knowing jeno was backstage and might be watching, "I hope you enjoy."
"Do you remember happy together? I do, don't you?"
although the end was messy, you still cling on to the better moments in your relationship. when you went to the beach together, covered by hats, sunglasses, and a big umbrella, backs more tan than your chest from lying on your fronts to hide from the public. it was ridiculous and excessive, but you would always laugh at each other's uneven tan. when he would come home after being away for months on tour, locking himself in your house to catch up on lost time.
"You said, 'forever,' in the end I fought it. Please be honest, are we better for it?"
being together for 5 years, naturally you talked about marriage. it was forever for the both of you, you especially couldn't imagine yourself with anyone else. but now, you watch jeno from afar and online and see that he's happy. you also got some freedom back after breaking up. you can't help but wonder if maybe you outgrew each other? are you better off without each other?
a piece of your heart broke off every time you would answer 'yes'.
"You said, "forever," and I almost bought it. I miss fighting in your old apartment"
you begin tearing up as you reach the latter half of the song. you always found sanctuary at jeno's apartment. there were memories all over it.
jeno was watching from side stage. he could hear the slight quiver in your voice. he couldn't miss it, he could always tell your mood from your voice. he loved you for 5 years. how could he forget? he could also hear how much of your heart you were pouring into this song. he couldn't help but reminisce about your relationship. he felt a lump forming in his throat as he became overcome with nostalgia from your relationship.
"And I know you said that we're not talking. But I miss you, I'm sorry"
jeno told you to stop messaging him. it came out harsh, but it was too hard to stay in contact with you and not want to get back together. in the moment, he thought he was doing the right thing, but now looking back he doesn't quite remember the reason for breaking up in the first place. he kept up with your activities, he would watch your performance videos to see how you were doing and add up the streaming numbers for your success.
as he watched your videos and you performing live, he realized he messed up. how could he live without you? the time after your breakup were a blur, jeno kept busy to prevent himself from thinking about you in his free time. watching you now, crying as you sang a song about a messy breakup, much similar to the one between the two of you, his heart broke. he missed you, too. he'd like to think this song is dedicated to him - but he'll confront you after your set to talk.
as you sing the outro, you're trying your best to keep it together. too many memories were flooding back. you knew what you were getting into when choosing this song, but seeing jeno in person for the first time after he walked out on you opened the gates to all the memories you shoved in the back of your mind trying to forget.
when you finish, a tear slips down your cheek before you're able to swipe it away. the crowd cheers and coos as you bow and say your thank yous before rushing off stage.
you stop in your tracks when you see jeno standing side stage with sad, tear-rimmed eyes.
the tears are about to burst just hearing your name on his lips. you hold up your hand and walk quickly towards your waiting room. you pass the other dreamies on your way as they call your name, their voices laced with concern.
you hear the producer call them on stage. good, jeno won't be chasing after you. after all, he put his job above you in the end. by the time they were done, you'd be long gone.
part 2 here!
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aphroditelovesu · 26 days
Can I request general headcanons for yandere Jacaerys Velaryon? ❤️
''You are my whole world.'' — Jacaerys Velaryon.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: I had this saved in my drafts for a while and only remembered after I got into it lol, it was practically finished. But anyway, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! I'm not going to lie, Jace was my favorite character in this second season.🥺
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotectiveness, mention of kidnapping and imprisonment, toxic relationships and perhaps a bit soft yandere.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!jacaerys velaryon x gender neutral!reader.
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Jacaerys Velaryon is a born worshiper, deeply in love and devoted to his beloved. His feelings are pure and healthy at first; he desires only good, happiness and your security. However, the losses that occurred from the beginning of the Dance of Dragons affected him deeply. Over time, Jace becomes increasingly smothering and overprotective, reaching the point where your needs no longer matter, only your safety.
Jace just wants your good, your safety and your love. He's not sure when his feelings became so strong, he just knows he has to keep you protected at all costs. You have become the center of his world and he will be damned if he lets you be taken away from him. Not that he's going to let that happen.
He is so devoted and loyal, you will always be put first, your needs will be met beforehand and anything you want, he will do. He is yours to command, just as you are his to love and protect.
Jacaerys devotion transcends the limits of ordinary love. From the beginning, his affection is genuine and deep, a burning flame that illuminates every aspect of his life. He dedicates himself entirely to his darling, placing you at the center of his universe and shaping his actions and decisions around your well-being.
Jacaerys, if given the opportunity, will keep you trapped somewhere. He knows it's not ideal, but he's willing to do anything to not lose you, including locking you up somewhere safe that only he and people he trusts can access. He will deal with all your anger as long as you are unharmed.
Over time, Jace begins to show obsessive worry. He starts to watch your every step, always present and attentive as if any distraction could result in a tragedy. His intensity is palpable, and he becomes a constant presence, like a dragon that never rests and is always alert.
At first, it may seem like an expression of his deep love, but it quickly becomes apparent that his behavior is more than simple protection. He begins to isolate you from friends and family, believing that anyone could pose a threat. He argues that the world is too dangerous and that only he can guarantee your safety.
He will isolate you from everything and everyone so that you, in the end, trust and become completely dependent on him. Jace will feel guilty about this, especially when he looks into your eyes, but he can't help it. Just the thought of losing you is too much for him to handle.
Jace continues to treat you with extreme affection. He does everything to meet your needs, anticipating your desires and trying to compensate for your loss of freedom with displays of affection and dedication. He sincerely believes he is acting out of love, even though he realizes his behavior is suffocating you.
In addition to his overwhelming overprotectiveness, Jace is extremely possessive of you. Although he tries not to show off too much, he feels jealous very often and may become more harsh and controlling when this happens. He will never hurt you but he doesn't want to and won't accept being replaced or left in the background. You belong to him and only him.
Despite his growing possessiveness, Jace maintains an unwavering loyalty. He is willing to sacrifice anything, including his own happiness, to ensure the well-being of his beloved. His devotion manifests itself in an absolute commitment, where he puts your needs and desires in the background, always prioritizing your safety.
Jacaerys Velaryon has your desires in his heart and he wants your good and your happiness, but he is willing to sacrifice them for your safety. He knows it's not right, he's not that delusional, but the fear of losing you makes him make unconventional decisions. Jace will deal with whatever comes of these actions, as long as you are safe and alive. It will all be worth it as long as he sees you breathe.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Ok while reading ur teenagers series I kept imagining the reader as the little girl from the univers that got destroyed but in ur fics she happened to make it out. But I also can't stop imagining what would happen if reader found out that her Miguel isn't her actual dad. Cuz let's be honest that's totally somthing he would keep from her. So if ur up to it could u pretty please write something like that 🙏. Maybe include hobie's reaction to??
stop this is so sad
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬… 𝐩𝐭 𝟕
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“You and your dad look nothing alike.”
You always got that, all the time. You questioned if you were even his sometimes.
“No, Lyla. I’m not gonna tell her-“
“She’s old enough. She deserves to know-“
Lyla was about to say something else when you walked into the room. You overheard it.
She’s been pushing Miguel since you turned 12 to tell you. He was always too scared to do so.
“Hey-“ Miguel turned to you quickly.
“What’s up?”
“I was just wondering if Hobie could come over?”
“Sure, yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later, there’s something wrong with Lyla or something and Margo needs me to come check it out or something.”
He was lying.
“Okay. Yeah. See you.” You said as he practically ran out the door.
You looked around his room, realizing you’ve never really snooped around in here.
He was up to something, so you decided to look around.
Hobie decided to help you, he had nothing better to do with his time.
“What do you think he’s hiding exactly..?” He asked, going through some files.
“Something. I just…. Don’t know what.”
He stopped when he saw a folder with your name. He handed you the folder.
Lord of scribbled notes, pictures of you when you were a child, but none when you were a baby. Probably about 4 or 5 in the pictures.
You held them up, and looked at them.
Hobie pulled out a document in the folder, that was hidden.
“DO NOT OPEN.” It said, so he opened it.
He skimmed through it, but stopped for a second.
“Y/n L/n, taken in by Miguel O’Hara when earth-712 was about to collapse, he arrived in time and couldn’t save anyone but the child. He now has legal guardianship of the child. This child may be considered dangerous, and must be under watch AT ALL TIMES.”
He stopped reading and looked at you, you gave him a confused look. He just handed you it to you.
You read through it, tears starting to form.
You looked back at Hobie, who gave you a sympathetic look. He went next to you, rubbing your shoulder as you started to cry into your knees. He held you while you did so.
“I just can’t fucking believe it- I’ve been lied to my whole life.” You sobbed.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m gonna go beat his ass.” He mumbled the last part under his breath.
You laughed at that for a second and went back to crying. It was quiet for a moment, he looked at you.
“C’mon, let’s get up.” He said, grabbing your hand and going to your room. You both sat on your bed for a while in silence.
“Thank you.” You sniffled, wiping your nose with your sweater. You laid down and he still sat down on your bed.
“It’s what I’m here for.”
You smiled slightly at him.
“I love you.”
“I love you more. Do you need anything..?”
“No. Don’t leave. Please.”
“I won’t” he laid down next to you, and held you. You turned on the tv.
“New season?” He asked, he didn’t know there would be one.
“Yeah.” You laughed.
“Alright then.” He got more comfortable, and so did you.
After an hour or two after that, you both fell asleep, the tv going on in the background.
It was late, About 10 pm. Miguel opened the front door. He sighed and took off his shoes, his mask was already gone, and he went into his bedroom.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as he opened the door to his room. It was a mess, and the one file he hoped you never saw was open, dark spots covering it which he guessed was tears.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He repeated it, cleaning up the files and mess, then looking into your room.
He only opened it a little, he knew you knew. He knew that Hobie would question him about it in the morning. He knew that you would hate him if you didn’t already.
He left and plopped down into his bed, suit still on. He looked at the pictures you had pulled out. Pictures of you when you were younger.
All of it would be gone all because he couldn’t tell you.
Miguel did not sleep that day, he changed and stared at the ceiling the whole night. And even when the light shined through his window, he didn’t get up.
He only got up when he heard you both shuffling around.
“You got your stuff?” Hobie asked you. You were gonna stay at his for a while, just until you felt ready.
“Where are you going?” Miguel asked, both of you turning to him.
“Away from you.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I was gonna tell you but I couldn’t-“
“You couldn’t? You lied to me my whole fucking life!”
“You have to understand, ever since Gabriella I haven’t known what love was, that was until I found you, okay? I love you. And you can hate me, you can go away, but I will always love you, because even if you’re not my biological daughter, you’re still my daughter. I raised you. And no matter what you do, you can’t run away from that.”
You stayed silent for a moment. Not knowing what to say.
“He’s not wrong, love. He’s your dad.” Hobie said, grabbing your shoulder.
You started to cry again, and went up to Miguel and hugged him. Tightly. He hugged you like he never wanted to let go.
Hobie smiled and Miguel looked at him then back to you.
“I love you.” You mumbled to him.
“I know.”
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mjtheartist04 · 2 months
✧Rika Hinata✧
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❀Info Below Cut❀
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Name: Rika Hinata.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female - She/Her.
Race: Asian + Hispanic.
Height: 5’7” (171 cm).
Affiliation: Demon Slayer/ Demon Slayer Corps.
Rank: Hinoe.
Breathing Style: Sapphire Blaze - Derived From Flame Breathing.
Personality: ISFJ, Caring, hardworking, independent, perceptive, Understanding, protective. Rika is a kind girl by heart, who looks for peace within herself and wishes to be strong enough to protect others and is always there looking out for them, worrying about their well beings. She greatly admires and looks up to the hashiras and her close comrades, very respectful towards them. However, Despite her kindhearted nature, she is a tough girl and she likes to keep most things to herself, putting up walls whenever she’s feeling down or upset, very private about her personal life and her trauma and how it impacted her. can be a bit intimidating when angry, just as long as you don’t say anything bad to those she is close with, she is quick to defend them. she can be quite protective, and can sometimes be a bit patronising at times.
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At the age of 10, Rika had been taken under the care of Sakonji Urokodaki, after Giyuu Tomioka found her in the woods, unconscious and bleeding.
She had been attacked by a demon in her home, where her parents were both killed, fighting for their lives and trying to get their daughter to safety. The demon had tried to get to her, but with her quick speed, she out ran him and ran out into the woods, running into the late night until dawn, Having her to pass out due to exhaustion.
After being saved, it was from there she learned about the demon slayer corps. Right then and there, she wanted to be trained and to become a demon slayer. she was willing to become strong, So that she can protect and save other people…So, She trained for two years under urokodakis guidance. within those two years, she looked up to both urokodaki and Giyuu, forming a close bond with the two.
At the age of 13, she went into final selection and officially became a demon slayer. Promising herself and the others that she would become stronger than ever, to fight and protect to those in need.
Rika has regret of not being able to save her parents, which gives her the desire to become strong enough to protect her loved ones (or anyone in general) no matter what. She can't let the same thing happen again and know its all her fault. She blames herself for not being able to save her parents and would push herself intensely to become a demon slayer so no one could experience the pain she felt.
When she’s out and fighting demons, one specifically targeting a family, she is attacking the demon every second she could lay a finger on them and she'd do it all by herself. Even when she's hurt, she'd be too focused on that one demon, blinded by anger, not at the demon but at herself. If she can't save this family or save anyone else, she probably doesn't deserve to be a demon slayer or even be alive…
"If I can't be strong, if I can't protect those in need, if I can't fix my mistake, what good am I?…"
(Credits and thanks to @tinyevelyn for helping me a bit about her background💕)
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𑁍Some Fun Facts!𑁍
-She was trained on using water breathing and that was originally gonna be her combat style. but when she met Rengoku and saw him practicing flame breathing, it piqued her interest, and asked him if he could train her, and he agreed. quickly the two formed a strong sibling bond overtime. During those training times, is when she creates Sapphire Blaze Breathing, to suit her more with her slight flexibility and spear combat skills.
- Rika is a fast runner and a bit flexible, she can fight easily and swiftly with her spear.
- She’s actually a very good cook! Happily helps aoi at the butterfly estate with cooking meals.
- She has cold hands and her body temperature is mostly on the slightly cooler side.
- Tends to get bashful when praised or complimented.
- korokke is her favorite food. She’s also loves to eat dango!
- She smells like lavender and freesias, with a hint of sweetness.
- On her free time she likes to Draw/Paint!
─ ⊹ ⊱☆extra☆⊰⊹ ─
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Dividers by: @/cafekitsune
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liesmyth · 5 months
I'm always thinking about how G— was an engineer. A damn good one: the sole engineer of the cryo project, good enough that of all the ten billion, the FTL project chose him to inspect their work, back when the project was still a pipe dream. He was a man from an immigrant family in an underprivileged area who became arguably the world's best engineer, which is impressive in its own right, but it gets me thinking... Pre-Resurrection, John says they can't grow food on Mars (and for all John's unreliability, that's pretty believable, given that the high perchlorate concentration in Martian soil is one of the big obstacles to carrying out a sustained Mars mission), and as silly as this might sound, the engineer and scientist divide is real, and of all the nerds that John resurrected, I can't imagine it was the artist or the contract lawyer or the medical and chemistry experts that made the Mars installation viable. Gideon made a House out of it, and one that accepts recruits from across the Dominican system! "Saint of Duty" is said to fit him, evident in his loyalty and commitment to the Cohort and fighting the Resurrection Beasts, but I have to wonder, how much of that was his commitment to making shit work? I can't shake the image of a couple million people awaking to a ruined world, and someone had to get the other Houses settled, figure out spacecraft and space habitats using what little supplies they have left, and what better candidate for that than the man who canonically engineered spacecraft twice?
ANON I love this so much. You're SO right, and you put into words something about G1deon and John's shared background that I've tried to articulate for a while. In the very first chapter, John says, "It wasn’t that they didn’t have the money for a bigger team; we were simply the only ones capable of what they were asking."
This was an incredibly elite team. They were a brilliant bunch of hyperspecialised nerds. And, like, among John's squad, A- and M- and everyone else started out as colleagues — very smart people he probably met in academic circles, where being smart was kind of a prerequisite. It was their research that brought them together to begin with.
G1deon, though! He was John's friend growing up. John knew his grandparents. They spotted each other spare changes for snacks!! Then John went on to Dilworth, then to university and then overseas, and G1deon had his own (probably different) academic path, and maybe they only stayed vaguely in touch, but when it was time to look for an engineer that could help them build spaceships constructed to provide life support to the whole of humanity for centuries — and G1deon was the guy for that.
The fact that two boys from similar underprivileged backgrounds individually made huge breakthroughs in their chosen fields, and got to work together on a project that was meant to save the world... I bet at the time it felt like a miraculous coincidence. I think they thought, if they'd made it that far, that they could do anything.
(yet another layer to the tragedy of what happened etc etc. G1deon torn between John and P—. John stopping G1deon's heart)
Thank you so much for all your thoughts about the Mars space installation, also — I wonder how long there was between Mars becoming the Second House (founded by G1deon! he and Pyrrha did the bulk of the work!) and the institution of the Third House, which doesn't have a named founder and might very well have been a shared project built on the blueprint of what G1deon set up. "the man who canonically engineered spacecraft twice" — my god I love this so much. It's G1deon emo hours today
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adamsrcnan · 5 months
OKAY OKAY here we goooo an annoyingly long-ish post about all my thoughts on The Sunshine Court
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilersss you've been warned
First things first it is so interesting to see Nora writing from not one but TWO new people's perspective. Jean's perspective is just devastating being inside his head is heartbreaking the constant fear and panic and how much of his energy is used on just pushing down every memory of what was done to him. His coping mechanisms are terrifying and i truly do hope by the end of book 2 he has a healthier way of dealing with it bc baby boy stop hurting yourself :( Every sentence was so painful to read. But also his resilience the entire time to get through it no matter what, god i fucking love him!!! He is a fighter.
Jeremy's perspective is sooooo refreshing. He is such a little sweetheart i could cry. The fact that he sends hand written letters and he's so caring and genuine but he can also be so stern. When he dropped that "i asked you a question" to Lucas fkehdjdfjdh OK SIR. I'M SAT. His relationship with the family butler is so endearing as well i need more background on that for sure! My only one criticism is that he didn't have enough pov chapters and i'm hoping we'll learn more in the second book of course because there's still so much about him and his (dysfunctional? toxic?) family dynamic that we don't know yet but also i'm greedy and i wanna know EVEYTHING about him !!!
Kevin and Jean are so just tragic it actually breaks my fucking heart like "you didn't have to slit my throat on the way out" JEAN??? and "promise me you won't try again. I can't lose you." KEVIN??? And the fact that Jean to this day is still keeping that promise. Also Jean's obvious but secret long term crush on Kevin the way it's subtly dropped every time Jean has to stamp down on his desire's and "temptations" GOD PLEASE I CAN'T STAND IT
Neil and Jean oh my God like where do i even start?? The guilt Jean feels at what happened to Neil in the Nest and him finally calling him by his name after Riko's death and telling him his game was good. And Neil seriously needs to give himself more credit for how much of a caring person he is because the way he indirectly told Jean that he thinks he is worth saving and didn't even hesitate before asking Stuart to send someone after That Guy after what Jean told him. Neil Josten the man that you are!!!
Jean's little sister Elodie what a beautiful name. Them being so close and him reading to her. The way he found out about her death jolted me differently. It was so awful and i'm so sorry Jean didn't get to see her grow up and meet her again.
Renee and Jean oh my god. Jean thinking she's beautiful (bitch me toooo) And the whole right person wrong time ugh i can't stand it. Him wearing her necklace all the time, enough that Jeremy always notices it. And unabashedly stealing her picture from the foxes lounge. Like he did not give a fuck. He said this one is mine. One good reason to stay alive being rainbows i'm gonna FKSJSKDHDH. Theirs would be such a soft love.
Speaking of soft loves Laila and Cat are EVERYTHINGGGG. God they are so cute with their little domestic life and their rich gay boy son who crashes on their couch with his cardboard cut out dog. That whole friendship dynamic is beautiful. Their fierce protectiveness and care over Jean as well and the patience they have with him even after the little kitchen incident. When Cat took Jean out for a drive on her motorcycle god that was such a heart warming moment and Jean helping them cook as well and becoming the girls' little sous chef it's so cute so endearing !!!
Jeremy being the one who told Jean that Riko was dead i don't even know what to begin with THAT like hhhhhhh. The way they're both stupidly attracted to each other but won't/can't do anything about it. THE WHOLE "say yes Jeremy" SCENE WTF WAS THATTT I WAS GOING INSANEEEE. Both of them having to stop mid sentence when they catch the other looking FINE as hell. Jean being so obvious that even Lucas picks up on the way he looks at Jeremy. Jeremy being there to ground Jean in a Moment and helping him come down from it. Grabbing his face and telling him he's okay. Moving into the room with him to make him feel more comfortable !! The way Jean grabs Jeremy's chin (boiiiii). Jeremy constantly reminding Jean that he is NOT A RAVEN ANYMORE no matter how many times he has to say it. Jeremy saying he'll wait as long as it takes until Jean speaks to him. JEREMY GIVING HIM A HUG AND JEAN CLUTCHING DESPERATELY TO HIS SHIRT FUUCUFHDHSJHSSUHDH and then the "will you help me?" And the "Anything you need" AND THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE A CERAMICS CLASS TOGETHER?!?!?!!!! i can't i can't i can't i caaan'ttt
There's so much more to say but i'm gonna leave it at this for now because i need to go re-read it again and take my time with it this time round but i really could not have asked for anything better Nora truly outdid herself here !!! I'm forever grateful she blessed us with this after so long.
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shyvien · 11 months
Here are 100 random quotes from Lucifer!
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Sourced from the OM! Wiki, chats, devilgram, screenshots I found, etc. I made this list to help with studying to write the characters in character. (Not really proofread, sorry if there are mistakes. Also, there may be spoilers. If so, they’re minor spoilers)
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​​“Do you want my attention? Why don't we talk for a little then? I have enough energy for that. As your presence is so very soothing to me.“
​​“Heh, not afraid to get sassy with me anymore, are you?”
​​“Let's celebrate until you cannot stand anymore.“
​​“No need to rush. I won't be able to help you if you fall down in the middle of the street. Rather, I would probably enjoy the sight.”
​​“...Well? How do you like Demonus-flavored kisses?���
​​“I believe it's long been established that if anyone's going to be eating them, it will be me.“
​​“If you want me to keep you from running that mouth of yours, you need only ask.“
​​“Are you poking fun at me right now? I see you like to play with fire. Well, there's a punishment for getting cheeky with me like that. Come here, MC”
​​“I am exceedingly concerned…”
​​“Now Listen, and listen well. I will not be your possession. I won’t belong to you. You will belong to me.”
​​“You seem repentant, so I shall forgive you.”
​​“Are you still tired from last night? After all, I didn’t let you get much sleep.”
​​“I will watch over you. Until the day comes where we must part. And I promise... to love you until the end of your days and beyond.”
​​“You... Release me! Don't you dare try to put me to sleep like I'm not ten million years older than you!”
​​“All of you, out of the way...! I'm going to tear that human limb from limb…!”
​​"Are you trying to please me?"
​​"Do you need a goodnight kiss?"
​​"You are a strange human being."
​​"You want me to praise you for that? Very well… Good iob."
​​"Fine, I'll forgive you just this once."
​​"Do you need something?"
​​“It's as if you're saying that you need me in your life, and that's a wonderful feeling. Is it conceited of me to say that? Well, I am the Avatar of Pride, after all."
​​“Stab it with a fork or something. Anything sharp should do the trick.“
​​"I can't say I mind spending my time with you while Mammon's shrieks echo in the background either. Heh! And Diavolo's laughter is even louder than that."
​​“Well, there are worse demons it could have happened to... Probably.”
​​“Asmo, you stay right there. I'll go get my whip.“
​​“Hush now. Daddy's here to give you a hug.“
​​“NONONONONONO! I'm saying I DON'T want them to see that picture. So, if they ask you for it, I'd like you to tell them that no such photo exists. OK?”
​​“That won't be necessary. I went ahead and blew it up. The entire room.“
​​"If you want to get the better of me, that toy of yours isn't going to cut it. Perhaps try lethal poison from some horrific insect, aged a thousand years for maximum potency."
​​“I know, I know... But why don't we save the killing until after you've eaten your breakfast, hm?“
​​“Mmm, nothing's sweeter than listening to their screams of agony. Heheheh...”
​​“Bring him down to the living room. Use whatever means necessary…though I do want him alive.“
​​”I would never have imagined I would be kissed on the cheek by you. I don't dislike it when you take the initiative. But why on the cheek? You don't need to hesitate with me. Next time, do it on the lips. Understand?”
​​“Hell coffee becomes bitter when you prepare it for someone that you're fond of. It's a special property of the coffee beans. Naturally, I drank every last drop of your feelings.”
​​“Only those that haven't been involved in that dolt's childish antics are the truly happy ones.”
​​“When I get my hands on him, I'll have to be thorough with my discipline.”
​​“Tomorrow I will be handing Diavolo a report detailing how all of the exchange students are faring. I'll be sure to stress how excited you are to continue your education here at our prestigious academy.”
​​“How's the Celestial Realm? Unlike the Devildom, you don't have to worry about anyone grabbing you and eating you for lunch there, do you?”
​​“You've got Solomon with you as well, so you should relax and enjoy your time there.“
​​“If only my brothers were as obedient as you are. It is not every day that you get the chance to have me indebted to you. You can expect a one-hundred times return on the investment of your time, that I promise. In return, I expect that you won't let me down.”
​​“How naive. If you don't want me to have wasted my time by informing you, be sat in your seat at the table within the next sixty seconds. It will be just you and me. Let us enjoy the rare breakfast together before my brothers ruin the atmosphere.”
​​“Don't get cocky, MC.”
​​“One spoke at length about the clothing on the Diavolo sticker. It waxed lyrical about how exquisite the design choices were.”
​​“However, I discovered a slew of insults written in invisible ink on the page.“
​​“How could you tell? You really know me well, MC! Hehehe. I was drinking Demonus with Diavolo earlier. And you know, he kept saying all these nice things about you... Let me tell you, I'm also really happy you're down here with us.”
​​“…Who even came up with the idea that whoever empties their bottle first, wins...? Oh, right. I did... My bad. Ah, my head is spinning. Good night MC. Love you.”
​​“Ugh, you thickheaded fool of a demon! What's your skull made of? Granite?”
​​“That's a curse meant to make you stub your toe on the leg of a table… But if you actually do stub your toe, it hurts quite a bit.”
​​“MC. It has come to my attention that Mammon and Asmo took you out for a drive recently. Well, how was it? Enjoyable? …I'm glad to hear it. We all need breaks from the daily grind from time to time. l'd like you to join me for a drive next time. I'll give you a taste of euphoric freedom that those two could never dream of. Prepare for the time of your life.”
​​“If you'd like, we could take a shower together.”
​​“After all, I haven't managed to seduce you yet. I'm going to need more time.”
​​“The three highest-ranked demons in the realm, frolicking about in a frivolous pajama party? How absurd.”
​​“I didn't hear a word you just said. I know nothing about it, and I'm going to keep it that way.”
​​“I see. Then I should be allowed to take a similar photo of you, no? Come stay over in my room again tonight.”
​​“Don't be stupid. I will not allow myself to be clad in demon garb. I'm going to strip off every last piece of it this very instant and fling it as far away from me as I can.”
​​“You're a demon. I'm surprised someone like you is able to feed me lines like that with a straight face. You've got some nerve.”
​​ “Heheheh. Well, he is my brother, after all, so I thought I'd go easy on him. So, should I make this quick, or go slowly, bit by bit? Your choice.”
​​ “So, tell me. what's with the Little D.? The one looking at me with that moronic expression...”
​​“You think you stand a chance against me?! You think you could defeat Lucifer, Avatar of Pride?“
​​ “Well, aren't you persistent. I suppose you won't be happy until you've pummeled the door senseless?”
​​“...Just what were you hoping to accomplish by knocking me down like this, hm? Because doing something like that to me, right now… is making it much harder for me to control myself...!”
​​“Given that you were the one who pounced first, you can't complain when the tables are turned, can you? …I'm so thirsty, I can hardly think straight. I trust you understand what that means.”
​​ “To show my thanks, I suppose I'm not against giving you some special treatment. You'll have to come closer. I'll give you my lap until you're satisfied. ...You'll keep me company until then, won't you?”
​​"You deserve a thank you."
​​ "Sorry, this isn't exactly my cup of tea. I was hoping you'd know me better."
​​"It appears to me you know what pleases me."
​​"Are you really trying to tickle me? Heheheh, you'll have to do much better than that."
​​"Pff...if you think that tickles, you're wrong."
​​"Well, if you insist on touching me, then be my guest.”
​​"Well, hello. How are things?"
​​"You've got some nerve keeping me waiting. Well now, what are you going to do about it?"
​​"I'm back. Hm? ...Did you miss me?"
​​"*sigh* I've had a long day. But seeing you has a way of making me feel better."
​​"Sorry, I had some business to take care of. Well, well, you certainly seem happy to see me."
​​"Done? Let's continue this in my room."
​​"Good night... We'll meet again in our dreams."
​​ "I feel like we both have a nice day ahead of us."
​​ "I enjoyed our time together. Perhaps we should do this again."
​​“You do know what I'm capable of... don't you?"
​​ "Happy Easter. Will you accept it, my little bunny?"
​​"Once you're officially a sorcerer, I'd like you to become powerful enough to shut up Solomon for me."
“Very well. Here I go. Lucifer Kick!”
“Why should I be subjected to the indignation of a pat on the head from you?”
​​“After all, it's a bit like tossing a helpless lamb into the middle of a pack of hungry wolves, isn't it? But it's also important to understand just who it is you're eating, wouldn't you say?“
​​ “It means that I see you as prey, too. Just like the others. It goes without saying that I'm far stronger than you. If I were to pin you down right here and now, you wouldn't be able to do anything about it, now would you? How about we give it a try...?“
​​“You will soon enough.”
​​ “When a vampire feeds, it's not like his human prey feels only pain. Quite the opposite, actually. They're overcome with a feeling of unimaginable ecstasy. The truth is that you want this as well, don't you? You want to feel my arms around you, to give yourself up to me and offer up your blood... You're special. I won't drink you dry...no. I'm going to kiss you again and again, all over your body. Indulging in you just a bit each and every night. And I do mean every night. No other vampire will ever know the taste of your blood…”
​​“Do you have any idea how hard I had to struggle not to do this earlier...? It was all I could do to resist throwing my arms around you right in front of everyone at the party.”
​​ “MC… I missed you. I can tell just from the way you feel against me. I can sense what you're feeling.I'm sorry, MC. ...Sorry it took me so long to get to you. You should really stay with me tonight. We need to make up for all the time lost.“
​​ “You're drunk, you idiot. Oh well, I'll go along with you just for today. Bottoms up.”
​​“Me? Intoxicated? Preposterous. I'm my usual old self.”
​​“You are also fond of me, no?“
​​ “Then come over here. Are you holding back? Come closer. Prepare yourself. If I win, I get to do with you as I please.”
​​“You know there is no turning back after the first pillow is thrown, right?”
“As a demon, I've never cared when humans bred…”
​​“Stop unnecessarily stressing me out. You're shaving years off my life here.”
​​ “I don't mind. If I am not allowed to nag, then I can simply beat these rules into you.”
​​“Is this how you all amuse yourselves? By sending photos of your exposed body parts?”
​​ “Good grief. I need eyes everywhere to keep track of everyone.”
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Extras! (It's hard to pick just 100 y'know?)
1. ​​“Leading unhealthy lifestyles, frittering away your time and money… The extent to which you all squander your lives away is quite intolerable to watch.”
2.​​ “Put two or more of you together, and you start getting ideas in your head. Bad ideas.”
3. “The next time one of you puts so much as a toe out of line… I'lI march you all up your beloved Mt. Imminent Death, and ensure that you NEVER return.”
4. “So as an extra bonus, I'll tickle you...”
5. “How nice that you're not letting our large underground gambling problem spoil your fun...”
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𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
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thelargefrye · 11 months
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THE WATERFALL … mature one - shot
pairing : dragon!seonghwa x witch!f!reader (background poly dragon ateez)
genre : dragon au, fantasy, smut
word count : 1.9k
warnings : language, mating / concept of mating, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, pet names (love, little witch, princess), marking
note : just something short while i write a longer piece lol also i miss this au and needed to do something with dragon!hwa. suffer with @sanjoongie everyone
seonghwa takes you to a secret place within the land of the clan and you experience something different with the eldest prince.
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"watch your step," seonghwa says as he leads you through the dense forest. you note how warm his hand is around yours and you've come to the conclusion that all dragons are made to feel warm.
"will you tell me where we're going?" you ask softly, once you step over a large tree root and down some rocky sides. you note the sound of water and wonder if there is a river nearby.
"its a surprise," he says turning to look at you with a wide grin, and you hold back wanting to roll your eyes at him.
ever since you had saved seonghwa from the dragon hunters and came back to clan, you and him have grown significantly closer. you notice that this is much to the dismay of some of the other princes; however, to yeosang and mingi they were to delighted to see the two of you together.
"if we take too long, wooyoung might come look for us," you tease and seonghwa hums in reply before speaking.
"then let him come find us. i'm sure he'll enjoy what i have planned," he says, a smirk overtaking his features. you felt your heart skip a beat at his words as you felt a chill run down your spine. "we are close, close your eyes for me."
"how do i know you won't leave me here?" you question and originally it was meant to be a joke; however, you are quick to dismiss it once you notice seonghwa's face fall. "i-i was just–
"i won't leave you, ever. i promise on my life, y/n," he says as he stands facing you as he takes both of your hands in his own. "do you trust me?"
that's the big question. if he had asked you that when you first arrived at the clan, you would have said no, but now? did you trust him?
"i do trust you," you answer, licking your lips as you look him in the eyes.
"then close your eyes, my little witch," he says and you nod before doing as he says as you allow him to guide you through more of the forest. the sounds of water getting louder and louder.
you fell seonghwa move around to behind you, his body pressing flush against your backside and you can't help but a blush run over you due to the closeness. his breath is hot against your ear as his hands settle on your waist.
"okay, open them," he says and you are immediately greeted by the sight of a beautiful waterfall in front of you.
"wow," you say, taking in the sight before you.
"this waterfall is a secret place within the clan. only the head of the clan and his mates know about it," seonghwa explains and you suddenly can't help the cold rush roll over you at his words.
but you and hongjoong aren't mates. the prince still refuses to acknowledge you as his mate's mate and here seonghwa is showing you something that only hongjoong and his mates know of?
"p-prince seonghwa," you say turning around, eyes wide. "are you... are you sure we should be here? what if prince hongjoong–
"don't be scared of hongjoong," he says and you feel flabbergasted by his words. don't be scared of hongjoong? impossible.
seonghwa seems to notice the fear in your eyes, "whether he wants to admit it or not, you are our mate. his mate and he will eventually accept it. if it makes you feel better then just know that i asked if i could bring you here."
"and he said yes?"
"well... not originally, but i can be persuasive when i need to be," he says giving you week and you feel a blush rush to your face again when you realize what he means.
"i still feel like i'm invading in his space," you confess and seonghwa let out a hum at your words before he taking a few steps away from you and towards the water.
"well it can't be helped if you feel that, but since we are here... why don't you help me bath?" he says turning to look at you as he slowly begins to undress himself. "what do you say, princess, come help me?"
the water is cold when you first step into it. you let out a gasp at the coldness before you will yourself to take more steps into it. seonghwa's bare back is facing you after having asked him to turn around until you were in the water. you noticed how hard he was trying to remain still, his fist clenched tightly by his sides.
"i guess i should have warned you about the water, but dragon's don't necessarily feel the cold like humans do," he says as he roles his shoulders.
"its okay, i'm use to it with wooyoung," you tell him before your submerging your whole body and swimming further into the lake. "you can turn around now," you say and seonghwa waste no time in doing so and he spins so fast that you're worried he might give himself whiplash from it.
seonghwa waste no time in undressing and stepping into the water and you have to look away because of how carefree he is in the moment. as much as you would like to have looked at him in his full glory, you weren't mated yet and you couldn't help but feel like a perv if you did look at him.
seonghwa swims over to you and you allow him to pull you in close to him. your bodies flushed against each other and you have to suppress the moan that threatens to escape when your nipples rub against his chest. his other hand runs down your spine before tracing over the curve of your ass before he's lifting your leg to hook around his waist.
"prince seonghwa..." you say trailing off as you two make eye contact.
"call me seonghwa," he says as he rests his forehead against your own and when he moves, his lips just very so slightly brush over yours. "will you let me love you, princess? let me mate with you and fill you up?"
you felt your heart skip a beat at his words, like it was back when you and wooyoung had mated for the first time all over again.
"yes, please," you say and the dragon smiles before he's pressing his lips to yours in a heated kiss. you're quick to wrap your arms around his neck as your other leg came up to rest around his waist as well.
you felt your body stick his own thanks to the water. you couldn't help but moan when seonghwa begins to roll his hips, his cock rubbing between your folds and just barely missing your entrance. seonghwa pulls away from your lips in order his trail his own down your jaw and neck. his tongue pressing against wooyoung's and yeosang's marks before he's trailing down your chest.
"ah, seonghwa!" you cry out as you feel him sheath himself inside of you, filling you up like how wooyoung and yeosang have done so many times before the eldest dragon.
"f-fuck," he moans as you clench around him before he begins to move his hips. the water around the two of you moves in small waves and it reminds you of when wooyoung and you would take baths together back at your cottage. the way too small bathtub just barely being able to fit the two of you as wooyoung's wandering hands make you sit on his cock and by the end of the bath, the water would be cold and half of it would be out of the tub and in the floor.
however, this is different. seonghwa holds you close to him as he rocks his hips and the tip of his cock repeatedly hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
"h-hwa," you moan as you feel your head fall backwards, but seonghwa stops you from fulling submerging your head under the water. he presses his lips to your left shoulder and presses a strong kiss to it before you him nibble at your skin. you run your hands down his back, your nail probably leaving a trail of red lines. you can't help but hope that one of the others will notice and know what you and seonghwa did together.
"can i mark you, princess? make you my mate like yeosangie and wooyoung have?"
"yes, yes, yes! please!" you say when he picks up the speed of his thrust and even the water doesn't seem to pose an issue to his ministrations. you let out a loud cry when you felt seonghwa bite down on your shoulder, his teeth sinking into your skin and marking you as one of his mates.
you feel seonghwa moan into your skin before he's pulling away slightly in order to lick at the wound. you feel a mixture of pleasure and pain coursing through your body. pain from your left shoulder and pleasure from seonghwa continuing to abuse your pussy.
you can't help but feel a mixture of emotions crash over you in waves. not only the pleasure and pain, but over just an overwhelming sense of joy and comfort. joy because of how happy you are to be with seonghwa in this moment, to know that you're relationship has changed and grew so much, but the comfort.
the comfort was what made tears well up in your eyes. knowing that seonghwa finally accepted you as a mate, accepted you as a part of the clan and a part of himself. you couldn't help but let out a small sob rip through you.
"y/n?" seonghwa's voice crashes through your thoughts and he's looking at you with wide, concern eyes. "what's wrong, love? did i hurt you?"
"no," you say with a smile, tears running down your face as you, "i'm just happy," you add on as the eldest dragon prince leans his forehead against your own. "thank you, seonghwa."
"don't thank me. if anything i should be the one thanking you for giving me a chance," he says with a soft smile, you note how his thrust have slowed down a little bit, but not completely stoped. the two of you share another kiss before seonghwa is doing one last thrust into you before you're clenching around him and cumming.
he groans into your lips before he doing several more thrust and then stilling inside of you. his cum painting the inside of your walls white and you can't help but clench even more in an attempt to keep all of him inside of you.
"if you keep clenching around me, princess, i might not be able to pull out," he teases as he trails his lips down your body. he begins to slowly move backwards in the water and the air around you sending goosebumps over your body.
seonghwa grins when he notices and pulls you close to him once you both are out of the water. he sets you done on the ground, back against a large rock that was near the edge of the water before he's hovering over you.
"want to go another round?" he asks, smirk gracing his lips and you can't help but laugh at him. you open your mouth to answer but the sound of someone else stops you.
"hey! what are you two doing? seonghwa, you bastard, you better not be hurting my mate!" wooyoung's voice is loud as he comes crashing through the tree line. seonghwa seems surprised by how wooyoung was able to find you both, but you don't seem phased by it.
"i told you, he would come look for us if we were gone for too long."
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh (i still don't know why i can't tag you) @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23
network : @cultofdionysusnet
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
Yandere ╾ L Lawliet
Because apparently I fell into a yandere stage and this is my tunnel out.
CW typical yandere stuff (stalking, obsession, overprotection, manipulative, worship, dependence, monopoly, killer)
Yandere L is interesting because I think yes, he could absolutely be a yandere
canonically too
BUT only if you defined a yandere by "do they have the traits?" as opposed to "what do they do?"
so first: what KIND of yandere is the detective? top five traits incoming.
Let's just get this one out of the way
He obviously to some degree "stalks" people just for his work, through cameras and policemen if not in person
he's a stalker guys. that's it.
so he wouldn't have a problem just turning up wherever someone who interested him was
and again
and again...
He's pretty hard not to notice because of his peculiar mannerisms, but he's also literally black and white enough to blend into the background.
So if he was careful (he is) it would take a while before you noticed you were seeing him everywhere you went. And by then you wouldn't be able to think of a time where he wasn't sitting quietly somewhere in the background.
L knows this.
he knows you're going to assume he just happens to live in the same area as you, or something like that.
I don't think he'd actually follow you into your home but he would go when you were out someday to set up cameras
and I think L would genuinely believe himself to be a good person
what if he goes away and you get in trouble? you don't always have a roommate, who would notice? well, now L will, and he is quite able to get you back to safety. but back to the stalkery.
oh man he's gone through your stuff. your closets your phone whatever. he wants to know about you
one day he might just arrange for a little... near accident somewhere you both frequent
and oh my oh gosh oh diddly darn
guess who just happens to be there to save the day
(L. it's L. notice him please?)
There are two things that L is canonically obsessed with: work and desserts
but if he found a romantic interest that list suddenly has a third item: YOU.
especially if you bake him cakes or help him in cases. because then he ties those things he loves to you.
and I'll just quickly mention these traits are always a little bit in his personality but the order I'm writing in is the order they come out more strongly around you.
Obsession is also tied with stalking.
Some days he watches you and dreams about you smiling at him the way you smile at the rain and the sun and the world.
he imagines how everything will work out. you're a distraction to his work: he would have to find a way to integrate you into his life in a way that allows him to be close to you and not distracted. he imagines he imagines
you'd find a way to fit into him while he was sitting, your body pressed up against his torso, legs pulled up, head on his shoulder.
he could play with your hair with one hand. you could feed him sweets.
L is for the first time not in control of his own thoughts. it's new and unpredictable so it's completely terrifying to him, and for a while he'll slink away into the darkest recesses of society and draw away from you.
but it doesn't stop. it gets worse.
he can't look outside without wondering if you're looking at the same skies. can't eat strawberries without wondering if you like them.
so then he does a full 180 and will devote all of his available attention (some must be spared for work) to you. if you don't already work together or if he hasn't made contact during the stalking at all, this is when he does it.
he reaches out to see if you'll take him.
and when you do (it's not a question of if, see manipulative) he will calm down a fair bit.
but he is still, quietly, obsessed
what can I say?
gosh he just wants to keep you safe.
He's seen every bad thing about the world through his work, he knows bad things constantly happen to good people.
but. not. to. you.
L just won't let it happen. he can and will secret you away in a hotel room. never enough for you to become suspicious, to rattle at doors and windows. And you move with him, every couple of weeks, so it's just an adventure, dear.
also I think he'd use darling in a sweeter sense. dear or maybe doll is his yandere pet name for you.
He probably has several trackers somewhere on you. probably not IN you... probably...
also you know that nail polish they developed that changes colour when it comes into contact with common poisons in drinks? he makes you use stuff like that. for your safety.
hate hate hates that he can't be with you all the time. you tend to find yourself with reasons to stay at home when L's not around. once again see manipulative.
he does trust you, he really does. but he doesn't trust the world. men in particular are often disgusting. it's just true. he's seen it time and time again as a detective. who knows what scary things could be out in the world? and if they knew you were dating, that you had ANY relationship with the world's greatest detective? L's afraid he's putting you in danger. please just humour him and stay home for a week, dear. you can work on your baking.
if you started getting really rebellious, thought you were being chained up, whatever, L would let you go and do whatever you wish. He doesn't want you to feel like that! He loves you! he may or may not have organised for a brush with death for you so that you realise how right he is about the horrors of the world and want to stay home like he asks you so nicely to.
you're just so pure. so innocent.
there, there. he won't let them hurt you.
he'll even close all the blinds so the darkness of the world can't reach in to taint your beauty. isn't he the best?
I can't think of any particularly specific examples but he lies about everything. Whenever he throws out a number (5%) it means he suspects someone over 90%
so he has no issues bending the truth
sigh if L's manipulative side is triggered it's triggered ALL the way. one one hand he hates doing this to you
but on the other it's for your own good and you're being stupid.
He will do ANYTHING to make you believe him. he will manipulate you into thinking he's being manipulative so he can get upset at your lack of trust in him so he's able to manipulate you
did that make sense...
can cry on demand.
but it's not all about making himself the victim, he will also just.. isolate you if you're starting to drift away from him. Suddenly your friends find other interests, your family are renovating the house or your parents won a radio prize for a vacation.
and L is the only one left. and he himself is distant until you cry and plead and apologise
the isolation thing is actually a yan trait itself and the scenarios above are also kind of training. but they're only a part of the bigger trait.
he will also manipulate situations and other people, not just you.
L just wants what's best for everyone
(coincidentally this always aligns with what is best for L.)
he's so smart though. it's really really difficult to realise he's manipulating you unless he wants you to.
you're so pretty, the most perfect thing he's ever seen
you're an angel, really.
and people who don't respect you as such are going to get a subtle but clear message from L to STEP AWAY.
cold glares.
he will literally turn his head 180° like an owl to stare at them while he walks you away
they might end up fired. I mean someone who can't see what's right in front of their eyes doesn't deserve whatever job they have...
he just wants to spoil you sometimes and he has the resources to do it and more.
sometimes this gets a little suffocating but it's sweet. mostly.
it's nice to have time with your boyfriend instead of big, grand, empty rooms. L just doesn't have a lot of time. He does his job to protect you, protect you from everything in this world because it is all inferior to you.
I do not like to think about how he would react if you happened to meet Light...
I wasn't sure about whether or not to put this in the top five because I don't think he'd see himself as inferior. his IQ is big. but you could still jump from his ego down to his IQ and fall for hours. he thinks you're more good than he is but he's under no delusions about your relative intelligence or anything.
but yeah, I think he's a worshipper.
Just... a quiet worshipper. all his yan traits are kinda quiet tho haha
L wants to give you the world. he would sacrifice anything for you.
he would take a bullet for you
his work makes this a good possibility. he'd prefer not to get shot but he'd still do it for you.
probably the most harmless of his yandere traits. this one comes out when he decides this is it, you are it, forever.
really quickly a couple of the other traits L might have and express are:
dependence (mostly for manipulative purposes. he will cry if you ever fight. L is honestly quite dependent on you, he might die without you-- or more likely just force you back into his arms-- but he puts on a lot of an act, a puppet master pulling strings behind the stage. he wants to be seen as vulnerable, not just a stoic and brilliant detective. because which one is it easier to lose your heart to? and you must lose your heart. you stole his first.)
monopoly (when he has time, he needs you to have time for him and only him. he doesn't have a lot of time. will manipulate you into spending time with him but it's more of an occasional pest thing than anything. quite harmless. especially because he works a lot. you have plenty of time without him, which makes him sad, but he can't help it. and you wouldn't love him if he stopped you from seeing your family and friends...)
killer (yeah... not in the top five by any means but if someone tries to hurt you? god forbid, if they SUCCEED? you'll be stuck at home for a couple of weeks while L frets over you. and sometime in that couple of weeks.. well.. maybe that someone who hurt you finds themself in trouble with a gang. L's not doing the dirty work himself but he's behind it and you will never find out. if they only TRIED to hurt you L won't be able to justify killing them to himself, but they'll quickly find themselves in jail.)
so back to what I mentioned in the first part: L is a yandere, IF you're only basing the classification on the fact that he has these traits and the ability to act on them
but as anyone who's watched police or court drama knows, you need more than means and opportunity:
you need MOTIVE.
this is where I can't base my thoughts on canon so much anymore. the only people who we really see L caring about the death of (spoilers‼️) are: the FBI agents (though not on a personal level); Ukita (pretty sure that's his name); and Watari (though L himself dies too soon after for this last one to be useful)
so. Ukita.
L probably wouldn't care enough for the guy to go yandere for him LMFAO but we do see him refusing to rush in and take action without thinking, something which a yandere might be more inclined to do if they cared about someone.
HOWEVER we also see he's trembling. like he's a little in shock about the death and what it means, but also he wants to do something about it.
a yandere urge, brought out by something bad happening to someone he cares about.
My point being?
L has the traits of a yandere, and has the ability to act on any of them any time. he's smart, he's rich, and he has the trust of the entire world (or respect at least)
but he doesn't act unless triggered.
and ofc because he doesn't have a canonical love interest, we can't prove either way what he would do for/to them.
but I think he is more deredere (love) than yanderu (sick).
anyway, L is smart enough to realise that the yandere doesn't usually win the game of love, and that the things are not things you should be doing for/to someone who trusts you. not things you should be doing to someone you love.
but sometimes, when his emotions are high and so is the danger to you or your relationship,
his control just slips
and you might just find yourself locked in a hotel room while he works on the Kira case.
no. I'd say that he's a kuudere.
cold, cynical, sarcastic sense of humour, views feelings as a weakness but DOES have them and will open up over time.
but oh...
according to the dere wiki...,
"Due to the way a kuudere acts, a yandere can easily pretend to be a kuudere when not acting insane."
so, what do we think?
but hey that's just a theory... a DERE theory! aaand cut.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
©lawlietscaramels. Do not repost on other sites, claim as your own work, edit, rewrite or “fix,” feed to AI or otherwise use unethically.
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theroundbartable · 6 months
Arthur is out with a couple coworkers whom he isn't out to. They keep encouraging him to flirt with random girls, so eventually he does due to peer pressure.
The moment he does, Merlin steps in and rants him into a pulp for harrassing those girls (who happens to be one of Merlin's friends.)
(It's the hackling from the background that ticked Merlin off, Arthur barely said anything.) Arthur's coworkers fight the fight for him but Arthur himself is more than intrigued by Merlin's courage.
After that, Arthur visits the bar more often. But he doesn't get to talk to him because Merlin doesn't like him and ignores him. At some point, Arthur becomes desperate and asks one of his girl friends to assist him to get Merlin to talk to him... By staging that he's harrassing them (they are in on it) and Merlin feels the need to step in... Time and time again until Arthur is kicked out from the bar for life.
When the bartender tells Arthur that he has to leave, Arthur's desperation grows even worse and he begs to be allowed to leave one last message. He writes it on a napkin and tells him to give it to Merlin.
"sorry for being a pratt. You're cute and I didn't know how else to talk to you!
Here is my number: xxxx-xxxx"
Naturally, Merlin thinks it's either a prank or that Arthur handed it to the wrong person, so he texts Arthur pretending to be Elena, the last girl arthur "harrassed". Btw, all Arthur's "victims" somehow ended up befriending Merlin and encouraging Arthur to keep trying because Merlin is single and his only flaw is that he doesn't listen when someone tries to explain to him that it was all a scheme.
Elena (Merlin): you gave me your number, are you serious?! You got kicked out for harrassing me!
Arthur: sorry, Who is this?
Elena (Merlin): this is Elena, the blond girl you attacked?!?! You do that often?!
Arthur: you have a new number? Jesus, Elena, I almost had a heart attack. Do you know if Merlin got my number yet?
Elena (Merlin): ???
Arthur: and why are you texting me like that?! Is he watching? Am I supposed to write something?
Elena (Merlin): I have this number from the napkin the barkeeper gave me
Arthur: That doesn't make sense, Elena. I have your number saved! I've known you since kindergarten! Why would you say that?!
Merlin: So... You MEANT to send it to me? This isn't Elena, btw, this is Merlin. What do you mean, you've known her since Kindergarten?!
Merlin: ...
Merlin: hey, why aren't you answering?!
Arthur: hey
Merlin: what?! The hell?! Why would you give the barkeeper your number to give to me? And why do you know Elena?!
Arthur (Morgana): Hello, this is Arthur's sister, my name is Morgana. My dear brother is currently panicking because he thinks you're cute and he would like to date you. But he chickened out because you actually texted him and that's why I had to take over.
Merlin: yeah... Right
Arthur (Morgana) it's true though. He asked some of his friends to help him get a rise out of you. He's truly pathetic, but he showed me a picture, so I get it. Elena and Mithian are just some of them. You can ask them, too.
Merlin: wait... What?!
Arthur (Arthur): I can't believe she told you that
Merlin: you
Merlin: what
Merlin: is this a prank
Arthur: can't you just reject me already, I'm dying over here.
Merlin: no fucking way.
Merlin: If you're actually some sort of decent person, no way I'm missing out. You're hot
Arthur (Morgana): this is Morgana again. Arthur is panicking again. Saturday 2pm?
Merlin: sounds good to me.
Merlin: I'm flattered... Haha
Arthur (Morgana): you should be. I've never seen him so excited. You're gonna have an easy game.
Arthur (Morgana): okay, I gotta go, he just passed out.
Merlin: oh... Okay. Thank you?!
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