#hello thirties
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
June 17th marks a new milestone for me!
Goodbye twenties, hello thirties!
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dinosaurchurch · 1 year
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This was my twenties, an entire decade gone just like that.
For some funny reason when I started, I didn't think I'd get this far. Thirty definitely seemed like a lifetime away but here I am. After going through some of the toughest and sweetest times in my life I'm closing this chapter for good.
Sometimes I'd wonder what past me would think about the person I am today, would she be okay with the outcome or would she wish for something different? Would I have changed anything if I knew what was going to happen? The past decade has definitely been a learning curve, I think it was mainly discovering myself and knowing that other people too are on this journey is very humbling. Albeit not everyone goes at the same pace and some never do find themselves.
If I can say anything is my fiery side doesn't crop up nearly as often as it used to but that doesn't mean the flame has died. I've come to be a little more wise when choosing my battles because time isn't infinite or at least it isn't in this life. I'm only here for a small while so I might as well get the best out of it. Learning to channel my energy where it really counts is something I've gotten comfortable with.
Over the course of my twenties I've battled obesity, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self doubt, and moments of weakness. I've also achieved some great things for myself. I've gotten DIVE just about finished (it's currently sitting at almost 650 pages), I've improved greatly as an artist, got better at cooking/baking, picked up powerlifting and have gotten decently strong, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Progress is not always linear but the main thing is to keep pushing, even in my lows there was still something to cherish and appreciate.
My twenties have been about pushing my comfort zone and learning to swim with the tide rather than feeling like I'm drowning. It's been tough but without hardship I wouldn't be me. Spite the hell I went through I don't think I'd change how everything happened. Every one and everything had something to provide with the time and the place that they were for me regardless of if the experience was positive or negative.
There's been a lot that's come and gone in my journey - people, places. Having found a life long romance deepen to saying my final goodbye to a handful of people that have passed away, it's been very bittersweet. My twenties certainly has been riding the hurricane through to the other side, even passing through the eye not knowing what else is to come other than I have to weather the storm. I've burned more bridges than I can count but the one thing that hasn't wavered is my moral integrity.
That's probably the biggest thing I've achieved over the past decade. I know who I am and where I'm going with myself. I may not know entirely what the future holds but I've got a guideline written up for myself on the goals I want to accomplish over the next decade. I may never be perfect but it doesn't mean that I can't try to be the best version of me that I can.
It's a good feeling knowing that I've crossed off some major things on my goal list. I've completely mellowed over the course of the past few years especially, my twenties definitely have held some of the hardest mental battles I'm sure I'll ever face. The inner turmoil of leaving things unsaid, having to walk away when necessary is something that's an underrated skill but it's something I've had to learn.
All in all I’m happy to move forward with the next chapter of my life, although I’ll never forget the memories I made over the past ten years. There were absolutely some great highlights that I’m sure I’ll probably mention at some point.
Onward and upward.
Cheers to thirty.
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kyluvsyi3w2 · 3 months
After turning 30 last week I just thought I’d impart some wisdom on those still going through their 20s. Here’s 10 things I’ve learned in the last 10 years:
1. Don’t have sex with a co-worker. Just don’t do it. It quite literally fucks everything up.
2. You’re allowed to take up space. So take it.
3. Don’t apologize for who you are, because who you are doesn’t need an apology.
4. Actions speak louder than words. Anyone who comes around again and again saying sorry but not changing their habits isn’t worth your time.
5. Sometimes love isn’t enough.
6. Spend time alone. Do things by yourself like going to the movies, traveling, concerts, etc. When you’re alone not only do you get to know yourself, but you become stronger. And you don’t have to consult with anyone but yourself on what you want to do. There’s a lot of power in that.
7. You’ll change your mind. You’ll change your mind so many times (maybe not as many as me, but still) and that’s okay. You’re growing, changing, and truly figuring out who you are so be kind to yourself.
8. Advocate for yourself. Ain’t no one else gonna do it. Cry in that doctor’s office if that’s what you have to do to get someone to listen to you.
9. No it’s a perfectly complete and valid sentence. Sure you can explain your no if you want to, but you don’t have to. Nor should you ever have to. No means no. In every way, shape, and form that exists.
10. Be true to yourself. Do the things you like. Dress how you want to dress. Life’s too fucking short to worry about what other people think of you. I promise you that people are more concerned about themselves and aren’t paying attention to you as much as you think they are.
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katesattic · 4 months
Taking a page from my grandpa’s book, I’m not 30 today. I’m just 29 again.
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queerly-autistic · 9 months
So, I just called my mum because I was finally, finally, at a point with the OFMD news where I started to cry (it was Rhys' fault), and calling my mum is what I do when I'm falling apart, and I kept apologising to her for full blown ugly sobbing in her ear about this fictional show because 'it's silly' and 'it's not important', and she very firmly told me to shut up and said 'but it's not silly because it's important to you, and you're allowed to be sad'. So I just wanted to share that, in case anyone needed to hear it.
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he's in my home he's in my Heart
#translation: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#hello hello hello hellOOOOOOOOO#hes so cute!!!! and the material is So Soft!!!#the urge to fling him as hard as i can at a wall is There!#i wont though. i wouldnt dare#but ohhhh its him <3 the chew toy <3<3 in the. uh. fabric#i didnt expect him to be so firmly stuffed its a Delightful surprise#his little outfit his stupid fuckin cinnamon bun hair AGH i love him#thirty bucks well spent!!!#i cant wait to crochet him a little sweater <3#and a little Home to keep him company <3#oh man oh man Where am i gonna put him...#in the basket??? on my bed?? on a shelf - no! i dont have the room!#maybe he'll bounce around from spot to spot!#photos from the bog#welcome home#gotta say i really do love how it kinda looks like his ascot is strangling him#i looked to see if i could loosen it lmao is he breathing alright!!!!#cant wait to have extensive staring contests with him <3#finally... someone who wont look away or find eye contact Uncomfortable...#i will admit im already obsessed with holding his tiny soft hand#AGH he's so <3<3<3 he's soooooo <3<3<3<3#thank you makeship for the opportunity to have him physically in my life#thank you clown for creating him & letting makeship turn him into a marketable plushie he's Everything. 100000/10 absolutely phenomenal#MAN i cant believe he's here!!!!#it feels kinda unreal! like! Wally Darling! in my house! My House!! holy shit!!!#hearts on his soles and everything!#oh and as a bonus he arrived in a wonderful little canvas Bag#i do love me a bag... extra thank you to makeship for the bag. new bag <3 i'll put things in it <3
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legobiwan · 18 days
Post-Weirdmageddon Stan & Ford
Trying to sort out their characters to get a better grasp of what I'm doing for some writing projects and, yes, I'm subjecting you all to it.
Ford makes a big, showy deal about burning his Bill paraphernalia, to the point he comes across as a bit manic the day of the bonfire, engaging in loud, rapid-fire conversation with Mabel and Dipper. Stan has a sneaking suspicion his brother may have palmed one or two items before he and the kids carted the frankly disturbing number of triangle artifacts up from the basement. Later on, Ford makes a production out of both throwing his journals in the Bottomless Pit and shooting Bill’s psycho diary into an interdimensional rift. His brother is every bit as dramatic as Stan is, which is why Stan can’t help but think Ford is using these events to “prove” he’s past the thirty-year obsession he had with a malevolent piece of geometry homework. This instinct is only strengthened by the times Stan caught Ford creeping out from his lab the nights following these events, trailed by the odor of cheap gin. (Stan very much tries not to think about the fact their father drank gin, too).
Stan and Ford approach genuine emotional conversation like two skittish alley cats. Half the time Ford’s emotional response is caught up in cerebral traffic and what he does feel he can’t put a proper label on until days, sometimes weeks (sometimes years) later. Stan has difficulty shedding the Mr. Mystery mask, thirty years of shoving every hurt feeling behind the flick of a cane and a colorful tall tale now so instinctual Stan sometimes feels he can’t separate the two, like he’s lost track of the narrative of his own life. They’ve been able to power through one excruciating session (with the help of an ample amount of bourbon) in regards to the night Stan was kicked out, their watery apologies heartfelt, if a bit slurred. But Stan’s afraid to push his brother too far, still feeling as if he has the Sword of Damocles swaying above him, and that at any point Ford’s going to snap out of his self-imposed sentence of contrition and bring down the blade on Stan’s neck himself.
Because of this, Stan gives himself little landmarks, little goals and dates to hang on to, to convince himself this is all real and that the rug won’t be pulled out from under him. Two weeks without the kids and Ford not kicking him out of the Shack. One month before they’re supposed to leave for the Arctic with them surviving their first real argument. He figures if they can get through three months at sea without Ford kicking him off the boat and leaving for good, there’s a chance Ford’s change of heart might be permanent. He has the date circled in a calendar they have hanging in their shared quarters. Ford’s asked about the importance of it, if there was a birthday or anniversary he was ignorant of, or if perhaps it was one of those new superfluous holidays Mabel has told him about, like National Waffle Day. Stan pretends he can’t remember why he circled the date at all, which, of course, prompts all kinds of intensive questioning from his brother regarding his mental acuity and the memory gun. Stan laughs it off - probably something to do with the taxes I’ve never paid, he says with a long, Cheshire grin. 
Ford refuses to talk about Bill. He doesn’t even attempt plausible deniability when he grabs the steering wheel of the conversation and makes a squealing U-turn worthy of a bank heist escape if they stray too near Bill’s name. The times Stan has tried to initiate conversation, has waded near that radioactive topic, his brother has either outright ignored him or given Stan a look so cold it would probably register as a climate anomaly. It’s easier…and safer for both of them to avoid it. (This won't end well).
This isn’t to say they’re having a bad time prepping for their journey or on the boat. Overall, it’s the most relaxed Stan has felt in years (and best of all, the likelihood of the IRS having a maritime patrol is vanishingly small. Stan can’t help but think - with no small amount of smug satisfaction - that if Capone had taken to the sea, he might not have ended up in the federal clink). And despite the fact his brother can be a pretentious, argumentative, know-it-all pain in the ass, they’re getting along. Having fun. Even if Ford is an absolute cheater when it comes to card games.
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
You guys have no idea how badly I need Aguefort x Lapin to be canon. Not only do we need more Lapin content, not only is it incredibly funny for Arthur Aguefort to have multiple magical animal paramours across time and space, I need Fig and Ayda to bond over their parent's utterly insane polycules. I need Ayda to stiffly introduce Lapin as her step-father. I need him hanging out at the Compass Points and awkwardly trying to bond with his boyfriend's daughter because Aguefort may be barred from having any contact with Ayda but his hookup from another timeline isn't. I need Lapin to transfer all of his honed sinister advisor skills and experience as a babysitter of willfull princesses to being a Weird Uncle. I need Fig and Aydas' "Yeah my estranged dad showed up again in my life and now I have a weird stepdad as well" emotional bonding and discussion. I need for at their wedding the first row of seats is entirely taken up by all five Fathers Of The Bride.
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androgynousblackbox · 4 months
So I saw the audition sheets and I need to freak out for a second because this shit
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is saying that VAL is one of the most powerful beings in Hell and I don't see anyone talking about this??? Like what the fuck does it mean? Do they mean like because everyone consumes porn in hell his influence is even bigger than Vox?? Do they mean in term in raw power? Strenght? In the number of soul contracts that he has? So, on the sheet of Vox he is described as the almost quasi leader of the group while Vel is described as the glue that keeps the group together. Does that make Val the brawn of the group?
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awriternamedart · 9 days
sampo who started greying in his teens due to poliosis (a lack of melanin in hair folicoles) and hes always been kinda salty about it until he figured out how to style it properly and use it for his image .
i say this becausw rhe style of his hairs two tone is much more different then the other old men in hsr (welt, argenti) where the color clearly fades into whitish grey - compared to sampos sharp like and distinct shape of the white/grey area it being a genetic thing makes more sense in his case
also why does no one talk about argenti being old
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blujayonthewing · 5 months
pitched battle inside my brain between the part of me that's desperately shaking myself by the shoulders going "YOU HAVE GOT TO ACTUALLY LIVE THE KIND OF LIFE YOU IMAGINE INSTEAD OF JUST SITTING AROUND IMAGINING IT UNTIL YOU DIE!!" and the part of me that's clutching my face going "is this allowed? is this allowed?? is this allowed???"
#trying to plan a solo cicada pilgrimage and getting brainworms about it yeehaw#'making a lot of plans and never actually doing things in real life' has been a problem for literally as long as I can remember#but I also feel like I've developed a learned helplessness over the last several years that's gotten worse as I've gotten older??#me age twenty: I think I'm gonna take myself to chicago next week because I feel like going to the zoo#me age thirty: am I allowed to go camping alone. am I allowed to do a solo road trip. I need a grownup#to be extremely clear I am very much allowed and this is not justin's fault and I don't know where it comes from#like I'll run things by him lowkey seeking 'permission' that I don't even need and he'll be like 'yeah that sounds good to me'#and then I STILL won't do the thing because like. my brain keeps insisting there needs to be a grownup in charge?? HELLO I'M GROWNUP#anyway I'm doing cicada trip solo BECAUSE-- the drive is so long I want to do five days because two of them will just be driving#and he can't get that much time off work right now#AND because I literally only want to Be Camping and Looking At Bugs but he'd get bored of a week of that he likes Activities#me this morning getting insecure and weird: what are your thoughts... on cicada voyage....#him after at first not even understanding the question: I'm SO excited for you?? you deserve to get to go absolutely feral???#I do.... ;n; 💕 why am I so scared to be a person.......#about me#cicada quest
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bestworstcase · 6 months
looks up. i regret to inform you all that i’ve seen another post today. the faunus woman who led vacuo during the great war was not a queen and almost certainly not of royal descent as the asturias family claims to be: it is stated repeatedly in the CFVY novels that the last time vacuo had any kings or queens was centuries ago and that very little of the historical record has been preserved (with 9.11 reiterating the novels’ point that this is a consequence of colonial occupation in the intervening centuries).
and from the world of remnant episodes pertaining to vacuo and the great war, we know that modern-day vacuo did not have a formal government until after the great war; it was not a state, it was an occupied territory under mistrali control. the faunus woman who led vacuo’s forces was the leader of the vacuan movement for independent statehood and likely became a member of the ruling council established after the war—which is now defunct and has been de facto replaced by shade academy.
please. BLEASE. the great war began about ninety years ago it has not even been a century. the vacuan monarchy is “ancient history.” finn talks about his mother—who would have been a contemporary of nicholas schnee, who was born right after the great war—and her mother, who would have lived through the great war, and his grandmother’s father, and his grandmother’s grandfather, and his grandmother’s grandfather’s mother. rumpole—who is an actual historian—flat out states that it was so long ago, and war and colonization so thoroughly degraded the historical record, that all that remains is legends and uncertain guesswork.
the asturiases having no blood relation to the faunus woman who led vacuo in the great war doesn’t prove or disprove anything because even if she did style herself a queen and claim royal descent the vacuan monarchy ended so long ago that her claim would have been unverifiable mythmaking too.
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paradoxolotl · 6 months
Andrew has reached a level of little shit-ery that I did not anticipate
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xxplastic-cubexx · 21 days
Understandably So no one mentions charles when talking about the Logan movie and again Understandably So This Aint Bout Him however i do confess that as someone who had never seen Logan until like. a month ago when i was binging all the movies and without knowing a single thing about it aside from laura i cant lie i was in fact jumpscared by him being there. especially for at least like 3/4s of the movie
#xmen#logan movie#snap chats#i be ramblin today hello ...#it was a pleasant jumpscare. yk until he died. after realizing he committed atrocities by accident 😭😭💀 OLD MAN NOOO#but no please LIKE I READ THE DESCRIPTION WHEN GOING TO WATCH RIGHT#AND I WAS JUST THINKING 'oh he'll probably be here for like twenty minutes. wdym he's here for way longer than that'#i THINK years ago i REMEMBER seeing a screenshot of the hotel bit with laura and charles but again that was years ago#and i might be tricking myself maybe its a false memory jealvvelka either way i just know they were cute :(#point is he was here for. i cant even say So Little cause again He Was Here For An Hour And Thirty Minutes Out Of Two Hours#and lets be clear 'snap has your brain molded that much you know exactly how much screen time charles gets in the movies'#girl no not yet i only know exactly when he punches his clock cause i had to keep restarting the movie cause it kept pausing vjAELKAJE#and it just so happened to struggle literally like. ten minutes after he dies- like when logan was dealing with x24 THAT part#so rude for that.. anyway I Repeat i miss charles and laura bein cute :(#it wasnt a lot but it was just sweet.. i always like how charles always got that Professor in his soul with these movies#like in dofp when logan's losing it after. getting future ptsd jvALKVLAJ??K charles is there to ground him#despite being. Like That vjeaLKj like sir please ily. i will accept the Youre On Acid answer youre trying your best#and then with THIS movie evidently charles is having. the worst time upstairs#but he's still super sweet with laura like oh stop you grandpa im gonna throw up#and to STRESS. they were EVIL about that wholesome dinner bit like :((( oh to see the fam happy and safe again :(((#like im throwing up frankly. people were right this movie IS sad i underestimated their assessment 😭#to lighten the mood in my heart. charles really do be an old man in this movie hes such a menace to logan JELKAK#god. Most Normal X-Men Movie Watcher Focuses On Professor X During The Movie About Logan VEJLKJA#ok im done. sorry i just keep replayin that bit in my head where theyre in the car and logans just 'Did You Take Your Meds SHOW'#like pelase. jaeRLKEaj ok im gonna try drawing i looked at my wall long enough and i think i can draw something
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syn4k · 1 year
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pov you are watching hermitcraft season nine in july of 2023
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