#heisenberg headcannons
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just-another-author-i-guess · 4 months ago
a/n: I literally made this like a year ago and just procrastinated to post it... so sorry babes :D
Heisenberg x nb!reader boyfriend hcs:
He’s trying to focus more on just being a reliable partner, WHICH HE IS NOT
He’s the type to leave you alone for like d a y s without telling you cause he has an errand from Miranda and then be confused when you’re really worried about him
Before you, he was used to just coming and going as he pleases, he doesn’t really see why that has to change now, I think
But omg,,, he’d bring back like little trinkets or like scrap metal for you or something
Like, don’t be surprised if he straight up brings part of a human back to you cause he thought it was cool
I feel like, he’d be kinda a bad boyfriend though, ngl
Like, he’s really grumpy, and if he’s mad at Miranda he’s just gonna be mad at you too because big boy does not know how to deal his emotions
He’d probably just expect you to stay in the factory at all times too? And if you complain about it, too bad
He’ll be more than willing to entertain you of course *wink wink*
But only AFTER he’s done working
I’m sorry but he’s putting his plans before you always
He’s so emotionally constipated as well? He cares about you of course
He cares a lot about you, but he literally does not know how to say that besides like random comments every now and again
“Hey. You know, I don’t hate having you ‘round here.” And that’s probably the most poetic Karl Heisenberg is able to be
His affection lies in quality time and sharing his plans with you
Every once in a while, small acts of service (Like I said, the trinkets.)
He’s a rough man, yk, he’s definitely the type to annoy and bully you all the time
(Out of love of course)
He’d blow the smoke from one of those cigars he smokes directly into your face just for fun
If you’re shorter than him your head is an armrest
If you’re taller he’ll never stop complaining about it
“Hey sunshine. How’s the weather up there?” And so on
And he’ll always have that smug little grin
He’ll introduce you to the lycans and then get pissed off when they like you more than him
And you tell him it’s because you’re actually nice to them
He’ll get jealous and complain that you’re not as nice to him as you are to them lmfao
I hope for your sake that you can cook,,, cus Karl is definitely not cooking
Even if he tried, I wouldn’t advise you to try eating it
I don’t care, he does NOT wash his hands
He’s kinda stinky and always smells of motor oil and smoke, sometimes a bit like beef jerky strangely enough
If neither of you can cook, you’ll probably just have to go to the duke and get some microwaveable meals if he has any
Does Karl even have a microwave? I’m not sure actually
Anyways I hope you learn to cook then
Okay but I’ve spend so much time just bashing him,, so here’s some nice things about him
He’s oddly cute when he sleeps, yk? 
For such a big, grumpy man, he looks so relaxed and soft
He’ll even let you fall asleep on top of him, he’s very soft idc
And he likes the bit of pressure on top of him I think
He snores, tho ):
He also always wakes up super early to work, and he’s annoyingly chirpy in the morning
It’s all “Rise and shine, sweetheart!” and “Get the hell up, we have work to do!” 
I don’t know, I think he likes being annoying on purpose
But he’s kinda a sweetheart, so it’s okay lol
I mean, he’s definitely very protective
No way he’s going to let you go to Dimitrescu’s house
Even you just going to the market would freak him out honestly
He kinda doubts that you can handle yourself, ngl
No matter how big and strong you are
That’ll never change, he is obsessed with the idea that he’s your protector and he thinks it’s always on him to keep you safe.
He’ll get legitimately really mad if you get hurt, not only at whoever or whatever hurt you, but also at you
Because it stresses him out and you know he feels bad for you
Would probably also feel personally offended if you got sick lol
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edit: pookie bear :D
a/n: sry its only a headcannon, but I really like doing them bc they're not so serious yk??? ok anyways, I actually got a whole ass story for him on ao3 if you're interested but I wrote it like 2 years ago when i was 17-18 so its kindaaaaaa.... anyways im gonna edit it before i post it on here as well ):
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mechanikall · 1 year ago
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inspired in a fic that i just recently read :3
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thatone-artsykid · 5 months ago
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This is your sign to draw yourself taking a nap with your fav comfort character NOW!🫵
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snake-b1te · 7 months ago
I was just minding my business when I got reminded that the Character Headcanon Generator exists and of course I had to insert Karl. The results are… more than fitting ngl
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(He has another secret room with a replica of his pinboard solely for his secret passion.)
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Let’s be honest; he’s giving feral possum vibes.
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We can all agree on that one.
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oakshotrow · 2 months ago
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The new wallpaper I made instead of studying
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kittypup12 · 2 years ago
Incredibly stupid headcannon dump of things I think Heisenberg would be OBSESSED with in the modern world
• Bobble heads?? He'd have really tacky ones on his dashboard. Def one of those hula skirt ladies
• Those electric globe things. He'd try to make a gigantic one in your living room
• Thinks they're stupid at first but after getting his hands on one, an air fryer. Nothing is safe from his sick 'can you fry it?' fantasies
• Any theme park, fair, ect. I think his favorite would be the bumper cars and takes it way too seriously of course
• Legos ohmygodholyshit LEGOS. He would create his own little God forsaken builds and probably collect HUNDREDS of sets
• If he ever figures out how tf to use any type of console or PC, you know he'll get into minecraft. I'm stuck between him being a master builder and making some of the most elaborate shit you've ever seen, or can't do fuck all besides wanting to mine infinitely and kill everything lol
Home Depot is his safe space. Is there so often, they probably give him some little "customer of the year" reward or some shit
• Feel like he'd LOVE taking pictures tbh?? He obviously had a knack for... documenting this, so I think give him an old Polaroid and he'd have a BLAST taking pictures of everything. His phone is full of video and pictures. ((He is a total Pintrest girlie, but will deny it))
• He'd be embarrassed about it but loves playgrounds and parks. The closest thing he probably ever had to a playground is a tetnus ridden junkyard, so imagine going for a walk in the park together and coming across one. Maybe it's late, so you decide to hop on the swings together and talk until the street lamps come on 🥺
Okay, but here's modern shit that would just.. blow his mind and not always in a good way, lol
• Modern dogs. Saw this video that showed the difference between common dog breeds from 100 years ago and holy shit.. I love the idea of him seeing, like, a chihuahua or some kind of terrier for the first time and thinking, "What in the fresh hell is THAT???" Terrifying
• That being said, he would be *obsessed* with dogs with prosthetics or wheelchairs. "ITS A DOG ON WHEELS, WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE??"
• Feel like he'd LOVE taking pictures tbh?? He obviously had a knack for... documenting this, so I think give him an old Polaroid and he'd have a BLAST taking pictures of everything. His phone is full of video and pictures. ((He is a total Pintrest girlie, but will deny it))
• Fuckin LOVES zoos and aquariums. Unfortunately, it's probably been a century since he's last gone to one
• "Oh man I am so excited to go to the zoo! I haven't been since I was a kid. Boy, I sure do hope they have my favorite, the Tasmania Tiger. Sure am glad they're still alive. :)" 😬😬😬
• I think he'd be low key terrified of birds?? Obviously paranoid due to them being a source of surveillance in his life.. but the thought of him being afraid of seagulls or pigeons is very funny. Saw the movie 'The Birds'and has never been the same since. Don't get him started on barn owls
• Him finding the internet is worth an entire post of its own, but very first thought is just.. he would ABSOLUTELY need to be supervised for a whiiiiile lol. Man is already unstable enough as it is. Please do not let him find out how to make at home uranium on reddit or something. I'm talking about a thorough conversation on internet safety and AT LEAST parental locks for social media. Baby steps. He is going to be an absolute ipad baby
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charlessmiths-wife · 7 months ago
having donna brain rot so like…. have some headcannons if you want x these are mostly hcs of what I think a relationship would be like with her but there’s also some general ones in there!
CW!! brief mentions of PTSD/discussions of poor mental health
-> i think my personal take on Donna is that she’s very quiet/introverted at first, but the more comfortable she becomes around you the more she opens up. i see her as the silent but thoughtful type. she’s got a lot of care for those who mean a lot to her (so you!) but around those who she doesn’t like or isn’t as comfortable around this angel is absolutely silent. plenty of thoughts about how annoying they are, but they’re very rarely vocalised.
-> on that note, Donna hates meetings of the lords.
-> it’s not that Donna has awful relationships with the other lords of the village, I actually do believe they are relatively close in spite of the fact she prefers her isolation
-> it’s more so… meetings often showcase a lot of strong personalities… which lead to arguments (particularly Heisenberg and Alcina based arguments - this is affectionate bc I love them both x) that just stress Donna out.
-> i think (given how long Donna lived on her on with just Angie and the dolls for company) Donna didn’t really have anyone to open up to regarding past traumas or any issues that troubled her.
-> so when she first met you, and saw how much you cared about her… and how much you listened… she couldn’t believe it
-> literally.
-> I have a hc that shortly after coming clean to you about her feelings for you and beginning to grow closer to you, Donna… had something of an argument with you
-> she legitimately believed you were too good to be true. and you were some sort of cruel manipulation tactic sent by like Miranda or something to butter her up for some kind of scheme.
-> once you reassured her your feelings for her were genuine and you truly cared for her simply because you loved her… she broke down sobbing.
-> it broke your heart to see her believe so genuinely she didn’t deserve you. but that day did prove to be crucial in not only you guys’ relationship, but also Donna’s life.
-> not only did you manage to encourage Donna to seek help for her mental health struggles- but you also encouraged her to open up more to you.
-> and she does! she does both! and babygirl comes on leaps and bounds!
-> Donna’s past experiences will always be with her, but you managed to show her she’s deserving and worthy of a brighter future.
-> I like to imagine you guys love baking together, particularly Donna. She finds it relaxing.
-> and she’s AMAZING at it. and cooking.
-> omfg Donna is incredible at cooking.
-> she loves to make Italian dishes for you. and she gets Angie to help.
-> Just imagine walking into the kitchen to find Donna absolutely MASTERING the art of hand making your favourite meal… meanwhile Angies running around the kitchen wearing a small chefs hat and apron (that Donna made) waving a wooden spoon around as if it’s a weapon.
-> You and Donna do have to wrestle the spoon off of her later that night.
-> I also think Donna really likes music!
-> she owns an old record player, sometimes she’ll play a record for the pair of you and ask you to dance. you always say yes, how could you say no to someone so cute?
-> she’s actually a very talented person. you’re always reminding her of this, because sometimes she forgets.
-> the woman literally has an ear for good music, can bake, cook, CRAFT, sew, garden, write….
-> I also (for some reason) think she has some secret talent at chess. Like, she’s untouchable when it comes to that game. You don’t know how, but she wins every time, it’s entertaining to watch but it does mean board game nights aren’t really overly competitive x
-> her love language is absolutely words of affirmation.
-> please tell her how much you care about her, and how good you think she is. she will melt.
-> i actually think her default form of giving love language is a mixture of physical touch and gift giving.
-> she mightn’t always know how to tell you how much she loves you verbally, but she’ll write it in a poem and gift it to you or she’ll make you a gift or maybe even softly stroke your back in the mornings and it’ll all be clear
-> you never have to doubt how much she cares about you.
-> loves cutesy nicknames. call her ‘my love’ or ‘darling’ and watch her MELT.
-> (has a soft spot for the nickname ‘princess’.)
-> you and her are just so sickeningly sweet when you’re together.
-> you can spend entire days with each other in peaceful silence. just lying in each others arms and occasionally whispering how much you love each other, softly pressing kisses to each others lips cheeks and forehead. really anywhere you can.
-> Angie will roll her eyes and pretend to be ‘sick’ but she’s secretly over the moon. she’s never seen Donna so happy and confident in herself than when she found you.
-> it makes her happy to see. it’s what Donna deserves <3
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ilywrites · 1 year ago
A/N - Finally got enough energy to actually finish something! I keep writing then disliking it and starting over again. I’ll eventually be posting more Heisenberg content along with Astarion or Gale. 👀 Enjoy!!
Warnings: None!
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- He cant sleep with a blanket on, like it literally would make him sweat to no end.
- You both would wake up to a pool of sweat if he did.
- Even if it’s cold outside, he stays warm. He’s like your own personal heater.
- So because of that he usually winds up being your blanket instead of using the actual one.
- Whether he is laying on you or you’re curled up in his arms. He is always whats keeping you warm.
- I also think he would like it whenever you sit in his lap.
- It makes him feel loved, plus he likes holding you.
- Speaking of which, he would totally carry you around the factory if you were too tired to walk.
- It’s time to go to bed? Say you’re too tired to go upstairs and boom he’s already carrying you.
- It’s no problem to him at all, i mean he carries a big ass hammer around he can carry you too.
- If you ever say something about being too heavy he’d reassure you that you aren’t.
- Though i don’t think he’d be amazing at reassuring, or words in general.
- He could show you he loves you through actions any day. But words? Probably not as much.
- He just doesn’t know how to, he barely knows how to love someone more or less tell them how much he does.
- If you really needed it though, he would try his hardest to tell you.
- I also believe he would bring little trinkets to you, maybe something he made or something he found lying around.
- He would brush it off as nothing but always stare and make sure you liked it.
- “If you don’t like it then too bad”
- This man would be the most stubborn person to deal with honestly.
- If you tried to tear him away from work to sleep or rest, he would either leave then go back after 5 minutes.
- Or he would just say no and ignore your persistence.
- All in all he is trying to be the best person he can be for you, he just needs time to do so.
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judasbreed · 7 months ago
Hiii :) If you are in the mood, can you please write headcannons about Heisenberg who is trying to live a normal life after defeating Miranda. I would like to see him gradually making up for everything that was taken away from him over the years of serving Miranda. Thank you! (sorry for my English)
sure thing! thank you for requesting!
Karl Heisenberg After Defeating Miranda
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headcanons below the cut!
- Heisenberg was so focused on his offense he hadn't even noticed he won. Mirandas body lie still on the ground, her limbs slowly crystalizing over which would soon be swept away as ash into the cold air. He was hesitant, but once he was sure of his victory, Heisenberg would waste no time humiliating Miranda. - At first, Heisenberg wouldn't know what to do with himself. Defeating Miranda consumed his life, and all of his "I defeated that evil nasty witch, now what?" planning seemed to fall at his feet. It didn't feel real! So Heisenberg would... spend even more time in his factory. He had to think about what he wanted to do now that he was free! - Heisenberg would take things a lot slower now. Years of evil plotting can get pretty exhausting, after all, and self care wasn't really his priority. So he would take it easy (at least, as much as an evil genius could). Now, he could spend days wandering his factory without worrying about Miranda or those other freaks, it was great! - He would continue to build, but his creations would be more trivial. Instead of weapons to defeat Miranda, he'd make things that HE wanted to make, no matter how lethal they may be (Though, he still preferred that they be lethal) - As the last remaining lord, Heisenberg still technically "ruled" over the village, but he'd soon learn that ruling wasn't really his forte. His personality and ego really damaged any chance of him forming a relationship with the townsfolk. According to him, they were all "spineless morons" anyway, so he didn't waste much time in town. The Soldats and Lycans were already more than enough to order around, and they listened much better than the townsfolk. - Ultimately, Heisenberg would decide to stay in his factory. It was all he knew anymore, but as long as he was free from Miranda, he didn't really care. He was content now.
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Hey, I love your Miss D and her Manthing series! However, I do have a question about it.
How come we never see Ethan talk? In some of these situations, like the most recent one with the blood bathtub, he could’ve communicated that he’s uncomfortable. I understand that the entire joke is that the Dimitrescus treat him like a pet, but the rest of the world is very aware that he’s a guy just as sentient/ sapient as them. Does your Ethan just not talk?
No hate, btw! Your comics are great and really funny, but the poor dude looks so uncomfortable in some situations and I feel like if he could’ve talked, he would’ve sat down at least Alcina and explain the situation.
i get this question a lot! and the most simple straight forawrd answer (it is not a very good one) is not to look into it too much! i know its a bad answer but thats how i went into the comic while i was making it! just: ok lets just make really funny scenarios to make people laugh!
they dont nesscarily make sense, ans they could technically be avoided but, they arent for the sake of the silly comic to happen in the first place! ethan HAS tried to speak before but is repeatedly intteruptted at least where we have seen him try (heisenberg)
u could headcannon whatever reason! ive seen people say that they headcannon him to be mute bcs of PTSD, or maybe they speak romanian and he doesnt understand them and they dont understand him in the end, he just doesnt talk for the sake of comedy in the comic! but u can decide whatever reason u want!
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just-another-author-i-guess · 4 months ago
NEW!!!!! Masterlist Nov. 2024
A/N: I'm not really sure if this counts as a return lol, but I've grown a lot as a person and I think my writing-style and interest are v different now,,, so here's a new and updated (I'm not 14 anymore and I don't really like the same things I did when I started) masterlist (:
Important info (read pls before requesting): Since I'm over 18 y/o (I just turned 20, yay) I no longer accept any requests for minor characters or aged up versions of minors or anything like that. I'd feel really uncomfortable writing for them now, compared to when I started this blog at 14 lol. I also don't write mlm smut, not bc I want to be mean or less inclusive or anything, but bc I'm literally a bisexual woman and I feel like it's not really my place to write that kind of stuff (bro idk how to, I also fear I wouldn't portray it well at all bc obviously I haven't been in any situations like that),,, tho that does not mean I won't write mlm sfw!!! I'd be more than happy to (:
When I write I can only really do so with my own experiences in mind, so my nsfw stuff will mainly be fem!POV or gn, bc that's what I'm comfortable with... tho with that said, feel free to msg me or ask a question in the 'requests' if any of this seems confusing or unclear!
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Judd Birch (big mouth) - judd birch x gn!reader - reader’s first time w/ judd - judd birch relationshp hc’s - judd birch x alt! reader - the one where Judd gives dating advice - four (4) reason’s judd has ‘keep out’ signs on his door (mr. birch is a menace) - just judd things (headcannons pt.2) - judd smut drabble - a heart to heart about Jessi’s sister’s boyfriend - going to school with Judd - judd smut in Y/n’s car - high judd headcannons
✰ ✰ ✰⛱⛈
- vincenzo ‘vinny’ santorini (atlantis)
vinny relationship headcannons
... more coming soon!
╰ ----------- ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
NEW ADDS! Spooky Diaz (on my block) a/n: I just finished watching it pls I'm so in love w Oscar.
(RE) Karl Heisenberg
Heisenberg x gn!reader hcs :D
Heisenberg x fem!reader, posted on ao3 but I need to edit a few things 'fore posting it here,,,
(RDR2, the gang, Flaco?) Flaco x pregnant!fem!reader... bc I'm down bad ): (coming soon, finished I just need to post it lol) Teaching reader poker x the guys: Arthur, John, Javier, Charles... (coming soon)
MORE COMING AT SOME POINT! But I have a looottt of requests to finish, I've been afk for like almost 3 years or something but I really appreciate the nice msgs I got (:
*here's a link to my ao3, since I've posted some les mis stuff and other things on there that I'm not sure you ppl on here would like... but lemme know if u want me to crosspost it on here <3 justanotherauthorig
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icycoldninja · 8 months ago
Ahhh love the dmc x dimitrescu! Reader! (As I also love all of your writing)
But it did getting me thinking about a heisenberg reader
Basically, instead of an elegant tall vampire lady, you get a scruffy hobo engineer who has a factory of Undead cyborgs
If you have any thoughts? If you're not that into resident evil 8 feel free to ignore
Wishing you perfect ac with your cool pillow -gus <3
Thank you!!! Please enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Heisenberg-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante didn't really know what to think when he saw you.
-He knows he shouldn't judge you for your scruffiness when he looks like a hobo himself, but man, you're a hot mess.
-He likes your hammer, though, and wishes he had one to add to his arsenal.
-Your ability to control metal is fun to watch, and also extremely useful, especially when either of you loses your keys.
-Dante really doesn't like your cyborg minions, finding them to be weird creatures that he doesn't and never will trust.
-But he knows you'll never use them against him, so he can relax a little bit.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil finds your disorganized appearance a little bit startling.
-You're so much of a slob it reminds him of Dante, therefore he does his best to get you to be clean.
-Your hammer is an interesting weapon, but nothing will ever replace the Yamato in Vergil's mind.
-Watching you manipulate metal is truly intriguing; Vergil wishes he could do the same.
-Your cyborg army is a means to POWER, which Vergil will not hesitate to use to its full potential, with or without your permission.
-He might even lead an evil uprising against Miranda, who knows?
□ Nero □
-Nero was mostly indifferent to how you looked.
-He doesn't really care about your messy appearance because he's used to being around Dante and Nico.
-While your hammer is interesting, Nero's seen better and favors his prosthetic arm over any other weapon.
-Whenever he loses anything metal or with metal in it, Nero knows to call you to summon it with your ability.
-Is super uncomfortable around your cyborg army, because come on, who wouldn't be?
-He's not going to interfere with your plans or whatever you do with them, but don't ask him to help you.
● V ●
-V was intrigued by how uniquely messy you are.
-He's never really seen a woman dress the way you do, and thinks it's interesting. Yes, you might be scruffy, but you're also pretty in your own way.
-Loves your hammer, though he doesn't have the strength to lift it.
-You can use your metal manipulation abilities to lift him by his cane as a way to quickly yank him out of danger.
-Your cyborg army intrigues him; he wants to know all about them, why they exist, what their purpose is, etc.
-They don't seem to feel the same way, for whatever reason, and avoid him like the plague. Poor guy.
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xanderthelostboy · 1 year ago
No female reader
No female characters
This is all gay shit
Seriously, I won’t be answering shit like ‘x fem!reader’ or anything
Might do FTM reader
I do poly!couples (from the same fandom)
I do angst, fluff, suggestive, headcannons, imagines, fics and such
Metal Family (Dee, Glam)
Tokyo Ghoul (Uta, Nishio, Juuzou, Shuu, Ayato)
Twilight (Carlisle, Jasper, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Emmett, Alec)
Vampire Diaries (Damon, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Finn)
Horror (Predator, Michael, Ghostface (Billy and Stu), Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Deacon Frost, Eric Draven, Leatherface, Pyramid Head, Hannibal, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out.
The Boys (Homelander, Black Noir, Lamplighter, The Deep)
Kingsman (Agent Whiskey)
Creepypasta (Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, EJ, LJ, Jason the Toymaker, Bloody Painter, Ticci Toby, Candy Pop, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out
Resident Evil (Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy)
Spider-Man (Hobie, Pavitr, Miguel)
Call of Duty (Ghost, König)
American Horror Story (James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Dandy Mott)
Obey Me (Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos)
Helluva Boss (Moxxie, Blitzø, Stolas, Striker, Fizzaroli, Asmodeus)
Other: Le Chiffre, Howl Pendragon, Jonathan Crane, SCPs, Billy Hargrove, Sally Face…
If a specific character isn’t here, please feel free to ask but be aware that I may either not know the character or dislike writing for them!
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labrxnth · 2 years ago
REverse Headcannons- Sick Partner (Carlos Oliviera)
How Chris, Leon, Jill, Claire, Wesker, Ethan, Carlos and Heisenberg react to (y/n) being home sick. (Gender Neutral Reader)
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Carlos Oliviera (Pre RE3Reamke):
"Carlos," Your hoarse voice voice woke him up, your gentle touch on his shoulder.
He turned over to you, arms reaching out to wrap around you, but was met with you scooting away from him on the mattress.
"What's up, babe?" He asked, eyes and voice now full of concern.
"I think I'm sick," You coughed and sneezed to prove your point.
"We can stay home today then," He replied, reaching out to you.
"No, I'm staying home and away from you. I don't want you to get sick," You replied, getting off of the mattress to move to the couch.
"Hey, come here," Carlos said, gesturing for you to come over to him. You walked over and looked down at him, asking him what? with your eyes. He grabbed your hand and pulled you into a kiss.
"Oh fuck, looks like I'm infected now. What a shame," He said sarcastically, flashing you a shit eating grin.
"Why are you like this?" You asked.
"Because I want to take care of you, now get back in this bed and let me," He replied.
"Okaaaayyy," You said and flopped down on your side. He pulled you closer to him and rested his head in the curve of your neck.
"You should go back to sleep, 6 am is way too fucking early to wake up, even when you're not sick," He chuckled. You nodded in reply, sinking into his embrace and falling back asleep.
The rest of the day was spent cuddling, Carlos making you food and tea, and drifting in and out of sleep. He was ready to take care of your every need.
Carlos did get sick the next day, but you took care of him, so he wasn't complaining.
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cillivnz · 2 years ago
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runaway bride
miss a spot, hit the spot
façade of seduction verse [directory]
sex chamber [HEADCANNONS]
cockuette masterlist [directory]
seek sex
abstinence worker [DRABBLE/HC’s]
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𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. blog directory.
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kittypup12 · 2 years ago
Hi, I know I've been dead, but I have been itching with some new fun AU material.. hear me out:
Post events of village, everything still unfolds the same, Heisenberg still dies.. but he isn't exactly *gone* per say.
Oh yeah, I'm talking spirit AU baby
The Duke even comments about how he can "feel Heisenberg's essence"
We (unfortunately) don't actually see any hints of the Lords' presence in the dlc. If course, you could look at it as a sign they've "moved on" considering they aren't seen in the megamycete
Or maybe they are trapped, not in the mold, but in their crystalized remains.. Remains that were purchased by the Duke
He could keep them for his own purposes, of course, or maybe they've been pawned off over the years for profit. (Except Lady D for... reasons 👀)
So say after some saving, you finally decide to treat yourself on a trip backpacking through Europe
One day, you decide to take a quick detour to a local oddities shop on the way to your next hostel
You see your typical fair of fake taxidermy, old medical instruments, ect. Until you head further back into the store
You find what seems to be a very unique.. sculpture? It looks like some kind of amalgamation of various scraps of metal and what almost looks like flesh
Of course, you know better than that, but God it looks so real
You assume it must be some kind of statement piece, and for some odd reason, are completely compelled by it
The shop owner claims it was purchased from an odd traveling salesman and just had to have it. He recalls how he felt an almost electric energy and drawing presence radiating from the object. Nearly possessing, he says
Shortly after bringing to the store, strange things began happening to the metal and technology
That's why he keeps the strange object hidden in the farthest corners of the store. Because of this, he's more than willing to sell it to you simply to get it off his hands
It's a bit heavy to tote around for the few days left on your trip, but other than that everything seems normal
Until you get home
At first it starts very small. The lights seem to begin flickering more often. Out of the corner of your eye, you swear you catch some of your metal silverware and items move.
The room you keep the "sculpture" seems to be the most affected. There seems to be a slight electricity in the air that only gets thicker the closer you get to it. Some days, you swear you can hear I near inaudible, low static hum coming from it. Almost like the slight static you'd hear turning on an old tv
Over time, the feeling of a presence can't be ignored anymore. No matter how many candles you light or what air freshener you use, the scent of oil and cigar smoke wafts from the room. Next is the heavy foots steps from boots can be heard walking through hallways, stairs, etc. If you have pets, they begin staring at something that isn't there slightly *too long* for your liking
Then, one night, you get your first look at your new occupant
It's about 3am when you wake up. You're in that odd in-between state of rest and wakefulness. Your movements feel limited, and you assume it's probably sleep paralysis.. then you see him
A dark, looming figure standing near the foot of your bed. Your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, and you can slowly make out more of its features. A tall, male like figure wearing a wide brimmed hat and what you figure to be a large coat. A classic description of your typical sleep paralysis "demon."
Surprisingly, he seems to not actually be looking at you but off in another direction. You watch as he pulls something from (what you believe) is his pocket and put it up to his mouth. You swear you see a small flicker, followed by the sound of an exhale and the smell of smoke. A cigar, you think to yourself. Looks like you've found the source of that pesky tobacco odor
Suddenly, he turns in your direction and finally looks to have noticed you staring at him
After a short stare down, he quickly walks off through your wall, leaving a visible trail of smoke in his wake
ANYWAYS THAT'S ALL I'VE GOT FOR NOW! (Sorry, this turned out way longer than I thought ����) I have a few more ideas in mind, so please let me know if you'd be interested in more or have some of your own! 😊
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