#heehoo angst
bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
readerbot au au where they get virus'd and fear turns into hate but its the best they've ever felt and they use a screwdriver and a hammer to break their face apart and create a smile of their own
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im having many thoughts today apparently
Anyway, Sandy is made of sand, so of course his wound from Pitch involved a spreading corruption.
But what if Pitch gets a cutting or piercing blow on someone with normal skin? Like, say, the other Guardians?
I think that it doesn't have a corrupting effect. Instead, I think the wounds are clean, and heal very quickly (supernaturally, spirit-quickly), only for nightmare sand to be trapped under the skin and constantly fight to get out- especially if someone touches the scars.
Or in other words: why corrupt someone until they're not even recognizable, when you can trap the character with constant pain as they are now?
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cat-penguin-anon · 2 years
Oh also!!
If Roy is resurrected pre-Tender Treats (which is what I've been assuming lol), Jaune gets him a Halloween costume. She's seen he hasn't gotten one yet and she's not about to let him go out on the spookiest day of the spookiest month without proper attire
Bonus: it's a vampire costume :>
I haven't quite worked out the timeline yet but I think he would actually resurrected shortly after tender treats - after streber is resurrected. his parents heard the news of what happened to velseb, which is why they came back angry and very, very drunk.
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angst warning! minor blood as well
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artidoesthings · 2 years
Cringe ass au writing under the cut
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 months
Soooo a reply in the most recent Oil Is Thicker Than Blood release (by @dronebiscuitbat ) gave me an idea! And threw my impulse control out of my window!
BE WARNED: this contains a more than implied spicy Nuzi scene, which is canon in the universe of Oil Is Thicker Than Blood. I also tried my best to finish this so be also warned for potentially sucky writing lmao
That red eyed freak... She's gonna pay.
Crawling in the vents. She always loved crawling around, whether it's the roof, the walls, or the ventilation systems, it always felt so good and satisfying.
This time didn't feel good the usual way now. It felt good like a revenge. Fitting.
While she's doing that, she found a few trinkets along the way! Neat! Things to look at instead of her glasses! She always disliked looking at her own glasses out of boredom, it brings memories she doesn't have consent for... Y'know what else she didn't consent to?
Let's not joke about that time, V...
Anyway! Back to searching through the vents! And sending those updates on the red thing stuff too!
"robo-god i fucking love crawling it's satisfying like-..." She stops for a moment... Then sighs... "Let's not ramble about these things alone V, you'll seem crazier than you already are..."
After long minutes of crawling around in the vents and sending updates on the search, she started to hear something...
There's people talking...
There's people talking.
"Look, i'm just sayin', we can't have these Murder Drones in 'ere at all, ya know their body count? As someone who like- counts the deaths and missing drone cases, i say they're up to like- the THOUSANDS!"
"You know Khan's orders and announcement, they're living with us now, end of. We cannot keep having this conversation, Sean..."
"Susan please just- just understand what i'm trying to say here!"
"We can't keep up a relationship if all you're gonna ramble about is the Murder Drones wanting to make amends."
A Worker with an irish accent... Rambling to another, 50% masculine 50% feminine and 100% tired sounding, about the fact that she and N are living in the bunker with them and how he's against it. Of course. If she could drop down right then and there... She would. But she can't, she made a promise... Stupid promise but hey, she cares about that idiot.
Stupid feelings, stupid concept of caring, stupid core, now she feels all mushy and gross...
Ughh, get back to work you trauma bag!
Beep. Update sent. And as she crawls around the vents, a message for Lizzy. Heehee Lizzy she cute- SHUT UP BRAIN.
SD-V: yo liz i caught two people talking while i crawled in the vents, wanna hear?
A few seconds later...
Lizthequeen: OMG yes!!! drop the gossip gurl!!!
SD-V: so theres these two workers talkin shit about me and n for obvious reasons and apparantly these two workers are also a dumb lovey dovey couple
Lizthequeen: oh shiz you talking about sean and susan??? oh theyre having constant problems with their relationship i heard!!
SD-V: thats what im saying. theyre in constant problems with their relationship yeah
Lizthequeen: they are fr?? daaayyuummm gurl...... are they breaking up now???
V stopped to look back and crawl a little backwards to hear...
"... Susan- Susan please don't do this to me-"
"No no no no you know what? You know what? We're done here, all you ramble about is your racism, fuck you and fuck off"
"Susan please!"
Then a slam... Then a sigh...
She began crawling forward again... God damn.
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: RN????? HOLY SHIT?????
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: they finally broke up........ thank you for sharing the info bestie i owe u so much
SD-V: yeah you owe me a good hanging out
V immediately stopped messaging in flustered frustration, yellow filling her visor and embarrassment filling her... Everything. Fuck's sake.
Lizthequeen: what do u mean by that ;3c
SD-V: nothing shut up buzz off im busy anyway BYE
Then to the right goes the program...
That was stupid.
Okay that's processed.
As she crawled by, she began to hear more chatter... Right, people exist.
"Guy imma need to talk to ya"
"Oh no. My name in b flat. I'm in trouble"
"More like i wanna discuss something with you regarding the whole Khan's daughter and N thing..."
"... Am i in trouble?"
"Stop saying you're in trouble, i just wanna talk"
"“Stop saying you're in trouble” yeah shut up before you get in trouble hehehehehe-"
"What the HELL was that?!"
V squeaked in surprise, then yelled back, attempting to threaten the two into submission.
"Okay, no need to yell lass, we would've listened anyway"
"Yeah what Han said"
V sighed in relief and kept crawling and sending updates. Situation avoided.
Crawling by crawling by, crawling by for the sake of your life~
This is getting really boring, i fucking hate this now i wanna go home~
She sang as she crawled in the vents, sending updates every few as she found new things and new gossip, making herself laugh a little as she crawled... She needed those laughs and those moments. She needed a break from the tension and the fear. The dread. That red eyed freak...
That red eyed freak.
"You want me to lead?" She heard, faintly, as she crawled about...
What in the god damn?? Uzi??
"Lay down then"
She crawled forward and stopped to hear the possible new gossip...
What the fuck are they doing down there.
"Relax, okay?"
Uzi?? N?? What are they...
Oh they can't be.
"I-i'm not t-that insteresting"
"You're gorgeous, actually"
"Shouldn't i be saying that to y-you?"
Nuh uh they're not i don't believe... N would be a bottom though.
A little more of hearing from inside the vents, it becomes clearer as every second passes. She can't move.
She jerks a leg forward, yet it's stiff. She can't move.
She tries the same with one arm, it's stiff too. She can't move.
She tries to at least launch herself forward, but her whole body is stiff. She can't move.
She sighs... I can't move... I can't stop hearing...
"Ngh... Uzi..."
She jerks an arm, trying to continue crawling.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
She manages to continue crawling by...
After ceaseless crawling, ending up finding nothing, and having heard quite the event... You think she'll have a word or two for them about it?
She's laid down across the ground, alone in her nest in the spire, seemingly dissociating after the events that transpired...
"Well... Damn." Her last words said in surprise.
We never got to go far in our relationship.
She swapped her hand up with the submachine gun and aimlessly let loose a barrage of bullets, drowning her thoughts in noise. Drowning her sorrows in noise.
Heavy breathing, panting.
"Let's not think of that, V..."
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spiderin-space · 1 month
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Next chapter up!! And sketches down below!!
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revrads · 1 year
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"Raise your hands now to testify Your confession will be crucified You're a sacrificial suicide"
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puddleslimewrites · 2 years
"Quit looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like you're never going to see me again."
The frown on Villain's face deepened. "You're resigning."
Hero smiled sadly. "Not for another month. This isn't the last time." An unspoken 'not yet' hung in the air.
"Who am I going to terrorize when you're gone?" Villain asked. Their throat was dry, eyes desperate as they searched the hero's expression. "Who's going to tear down my schemes? Trade threats with me?"
"They'll assign you someone new."
"I don't want someone new."
Hero swallowed. For the first time they felt close to regretting their decision. They almost wished they could take it back, but...
But they just couldn't do this any more. As much as they enjoyed their time as a hero, they knew they had reached their limit.
"...I'll miss you." It was an offering - the only one they could give.
Villain clenched their fists, jaw locked tight. Hero waited for the protests to start again. Instead, they were forced to take a step back as they suddenly found themself with an armful of their nemesis. It took them a moment to register the hold for what it was. Hero wrapped their arms around Villain, cheek pressed to their shoulder.
They didn't have the heart to let go.
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rockintapper · 2 months
HAAAIII IM BACK!!!! heres an animatic based off of rocket's AU!!! YAHOOOO YIPPEEE I LOVE ANGST
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typingfool · 2 years
𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍, ;; spider-man
Pairing ;; post-nwh!Spider-Man x gn!Reader
Summary: Spider-Man wanted to go for a swing, he didn't expect his hero to ask him for one though.
Warnings: established relationship lol. memory loss (bcuz of dr. strange), angst w/ fluff probs? i want my fics to be surprising so... nothing too nsfw or explicit though !!
Word Count: 3k
A/N: my first ever fic on this app. the title has nothing to do with the story. english isn't my first language so i BEG of you to show some sympathy for me. they're an avatar for the goddess Till (basically a goddess OC), inspired by Moon-Knight. throwback to my august 2022 author self who was going through it -- this sparked my idea for this fic, otherwise, i was just bored (yes, i do have homework, what's it to you?)
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The old smell of rotten rust hit your nose as you sat on a hard edge of a New York building, one leg swinging mindlessly. You stretched before you yawned, dawning over the fact that there might not actually be a gang of bandits in this part of Manhattan – post-bright winter, the holiday spirits dissipating. 
These nights, you would wait with your suit, in the cold, possibly walking around or stretching, or jumping from building to building for an adrenaline rush, as well as in need of warm air. Preferring solitude over crimes, you don’t know the exact reason you’re out almost every night. But you do know that air outside, crisp and on-going, is much better than air inside of cranky apartments. 
As your chest falls, a sound from behind jolts your back forward, your mask covering your face. Before you turned around with a weapon in hand. 
“Hi,” You heard the Spider say. “You can’t sleep too?” He said from underneath his mask, moving forward as he reached the edge of the building carefully, inching beside your alert figure. He sighed, the sound of his harsh breathing under his mask and the rise of his chest as it struggled to reach for air. 
This could be another reason that you were up every night. Expecting someone to accompany you. Though, you were growing a certain feeling that this isn’t just the case.
Under your very own mask, you breathed deeply, thankful it wasn’t another landlord. “I prefer solitude over… honeymoon noises,” You stated hesitantly, though your voice was uninterested in the business that the Spider had to say. 
“That too,” He says, still struggling to breath, but managing to calm himself. “But mostly, you can’t sleep too right?” He asked again. 
You gave in, allowing your body to relax under the new presence. “Something isn’t right.” You say, clutching your hands together, an attempt to halt your fidgeting with whatever was around. “I don’t know what it is, but something is bothering me.” 
A few months ago, you were saving the world, not knowing the exact reason who you were saving it from. But you did anyway, miraculously, with Spider-Man. From his perspective, he appeared as if he didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t want to pry or nag, so you didn’t. 
In return to that very same conversation, you referred to it as something. 
Spider-Man shifted from his seat, sighing. Pulling his mask above his nose so he can breathe properly, he clicked his tongue, looking down at the streets. He didn’t respond immediately, still in thought of a response, he stifled. “Do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?” He didn’t look at you, quite frankly, he didn’t know how. It would’ve been awkward enough, sitting on top of a building at one in the morning. 
“I don’t know... I mean,” You groaned loudly, unsure of how to word your sentences. The offer he gave is still hanging in the air, unanswered. By your curiosity and the presence of the Spider, you tried to speak. “I want to know.” 
He nodded, scoffing in awareness of how you word your sentences, though he took a mental note of your social skills, smiling softly at his familiar obtained knowledge. “You want to talk about it, then?” From beneath his mask, he eyed you curtly, seeing you nod slowly. “What’s something you want to know?” 
You clicked your tongue, finally looking at the Spider. Trying to look for the something that bothered you so much, trying to remember that something. You scanned his side-view, blurring and bright alongside with the filter of your mask. Goddammit, your suit was such a bother. “I don’t remember what happened a few months ago,” You shook your head as you looked away. “I remember this boy, Peter Parker, he was… smart, awkward, nice, mostly awkward though.” You shook your head, attempting to pinpoint the topic you were giving out. 
Meanwhile, Spider-Man froze at the mere mention of his name, his true name. He did a good job in hiding it apparently, giving you a careful look as you tried to come up with another sentence. Oh boy. 
He could take off his mask and mutter a big ‘surprise!’ before standing up and swinging away. He could say ‘oh well, you were the love of my life, or you weren’t because that’s how unclear we were back then.’ but he held back, sticking to the topic of the mention of his name. 
“This Peter boy,” He cringed, biting the insides of his cheeks to bite back a scowl to himself. “Was… was he important to you?” He said hesitantly, watching as you searched for another sentence. 
Spider-Man was never hesitant, he would be confident in how he forms his fists to throw a punch, confident in the way he would choose his words. He’s passive, sympathetic, and friendly. Peter is silent… smart, awkward, nice, as you described him. 
With four words, you crushed his soul, not only Peter's, but his; The Neighborhood Friendly Spider-Man. “I don’t think so.” Everything stilled, like his heart stopped beating, like his breath hitched in shock. In reality, behind that mask, your brows furrowed in concentration, trying to remember the way Peter’s hands would graze yours when the two of you were paired together in the Science labs. Although, that was the end of it. Nothing crossed the feeling of warmth and connection of high-school in those days. 
You shook your head lightly, away from the thoughts, gazing back at Spider-Man. “What about you? Are you scared?” You asked, unaware of the heavyweight building up in his chest every time you spoke. 
“So scared,” Spider-Man admitted, still trying to comprehend what you just said. You seemed so nonchalant about your answer that he wanted to ask again, so he would, another time maybe. For now, he wanted to accept this, he wanted to accept that you could possibly remember him. Not Spider-Man, him; Peter Parker. He meant to say ‘I’m scared for you’. 
He meant to say that you mattered to him. That you weren’t a partner in his heroistic acts, or some ‘random hero’ (as Jonah Jameson calls you). You were you. Peter loves you underneath the mask and above it. In and out. Peter loves you and your insanely high morality. 
He expected you not pry further but you spoke with a voice that reminded him he existed. “Do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?” You quoted him, doing your best to be comforting as the superhero just admitted that he was so scared. 
Spider-Man scoffed, standing up and pulling down his mask, he stood cautiously at the edge of the building. Thor, why does everything have to be so difficult? “I want to be distracted from it,” And with that, he jumped down. Swinging to the next building in a second, he landed on his foot, looking back at you as he signalled you to come along. 
You smiled, standing up before you heard a voice. He’s very pushy, y’know. The Goddess, Till, appeared beside you, eyeing Spider-Man incredulously. Her long, braided hair trailed behind her back as loud footsteps thud, unheard by normal humans, but seen by you, were walking back towards the door of the rooftop. You need rest, child. She declared. 
You look back, following your Goddess with your eyes. “Oh Till, you can’t blame the poor hero, he’s been through shit,” You felt chills go down your spine as she looked back one last time. You look back at the Spider, he was ready to swing to another building, you gave him a thumbs up before looking back lazily, your mask forging down on its own. “Please? I’ll get some rest when I’m done distracting him, I promise.” You confirmed with a sure nod, though Till was not convinced. 
Your job as my avatar is to protect people from harm, not help them from their wrecked mental state. She raised her head high. You will not see him tomorrow unless you rest later, understood? She disappeared before your answer was decided. You were grateful anyway. 
Your mask forged back on its own, as you felt your body swiftly transport to the building that Spider-Man was standing on. A blur of your own body as you recognized the bright blue and red suit. Although, he wasn’t here. 
Another blur from your vision, a sudden disconnection from your body, as you teleported to another building, a tense sense of fragileness building up in the pit of your abdomen. “There we go!” Spider-Man’s voice trailed with excitement. But all you could focus on was the dizziness and spinning of the room. 
“Wait, hold on—!” You turned around before your mask could forge down on its own as you breathed in and coughed out immediately. A huge lump in your throat built up. “Don’t look,” You pleaded. “Please.” 
Spider-Man didn’t know how to respond other than to nod hesitantly and turn around, respecting your privacy as much as he really wanted to see you. He pulled up his mask too, above his nose, exposing his nose to the fresh air. He breathed in deeply, chest heaving up and down. 
Behind him, the coughing ceased and footsteps approached him.
“I thought teleportation was easy,” Spider-Man wondered aloud, looking back at you, licking his chapped lips. Though the tension and uneasiness was brought up in the air, a price of most superheroes. He knew their night would come to an end any time soon. Peter had a speech he needed to finish by Sunday, though he wasn’t quite sure of you. Were you majoring in psychology or in arts? 
A sudden exchange of your reply came to a halt, realisation struck that he wasn’t really paying attention, but instead staring at you. As if looking through your bright, white eyes from his mask. “I’m going to puke all over you if you don’t stop that,” You blurted out, annoyance present and on-going by the sound of your voice and the look of your stance; arms crossed together. 
“There they are,” Spider-Man scoffed, a half-toothy grin slowly appearing on his face. “What were you saying again, partner?” He teased lightly. You brought your head up high, pointing to the massive crane. He slowly followed your gaze, as he locked eyes with the familiar, abandoned crane carving a shadow in the distance. 
You gulped, as Spider-Man brought his mask down again, ready to swing from the next building. Grabbing his wrist, a familiar warmth started centering your heart, making your eyes glow – if not, much brighter than it was before. Fuck this mask, you thought. “Could you swing us there?” You inquired, bringing your head down. “It’s alright if you can’t… since, y’know, I might be a bit heavy—” 
Your sentence was cut short with a sudden hand on your waist and a sure nod. There. Bringing your skin a double sense of awareness from underneath your suit, though it disappeared as Spider-Man brought it down again. Somehow, it made you frown. “Agh— I’m sorry! I mean, yes! Of course, I’d swing you there, I just— Can I hold you? I’m sorry for not asking earlier and— and—” 
You shook your head in amusement, watching as he struggled to put his thoughts into words now. “You dumbass, just do it, I don’t want to puke again.” You said, though you added; “It’s alright, really.” You nodded in reassurance, as he held you around the waist, again, this time he brought you closer to his chest. 
“No, no,” His hands slid down the back of your thigh, bringing it up his waist. “Here,” Spider-Man corrected, as he held your wrist in his hands, bringing it up to his shoulders. “There,” He said proudly, you could feel a small tug from behind his mask. You didn’t know what he looked like beneath it, though curious, you noticed the tension hanging in the air, diminishing as soon as the hero looked away. “Hold on tight, alright?” He stated cockily, quirking his hand away from you, expecting you to hold on. 
With that, the mix of a falling sensation and adrenaline rush washed over you. Mostly in the fear of falling off, you held unto the Spider for dear life. Behind your mask, you bit back a scream. You wanted to look back, though unable to, you were unable to do so due to the speed that Spider-Man was swinging. 
The wind forced your eyes shut, creasing your eyebrows together. There isn’t a word that described the constant falling and rising of excitement and fear that reappeared and disappeared while swinging. But the harsh wind that stayed present outlined the experience enough as it is. 
Then it ceased, your whole world was spinning now that both of your legs were on firm metal ground. Spider pushed your back against the tower peak, to keep you steady. He laughed scruffily. “You liked that?” He says, positioning his mask above his nose. 
You couldn’t respond due to the heightened feeling of warmth against your chest and his. You could hear him breathing, feel him. You huffed, feeling ants rise above your cheeks, tackling the cold. 
He realised the scene, pushing himself from you but never leaving his warm hands from your shoulders, keeping you steady. “Oh- oh, I’m sorry.” A light form of blush appeared on his cheeks, thankfully, a smile from you broke the tension. 
“I liked it,” You said, looking down. Shaking your head, your bright, white eyes from your mask. “I loved it.” You beamed, a wide smile forming. It’s been a while since you’ve felt pushed over the edge in exciting adventures, just as the type of adventure you were pushed into when Iron Man was still around. 
Looking back, you were much carefree, a lot more secretive, a lot simpler to hunt too, but you never took it as a problem. You were protected by yourself, by Spider-Man, somehow. 
You never forgot the measly science facts he threw at you. And the Peter Parker student that you shared Science classes with and table seats, along with his good friend, Ned Leeds. 
Now it was all a blip of time. Something that you’d joke about with someone like Spider-Man. Though, you couldn’t. Unbearably, the ‘situations’ you both went through, it was too severe to even heal. Who would heal them? A seed bearer couldn’t possibly heal their souls. Too fragile, even to a tangible sense. 
“Sit down, you’ll fall.” Spider-Man spoke, patting down a spot next to him. He was already sitting on the rail of the crane, legs swinging. When he didn’t hear your footsteps, he looked back, a silence of confusion and comfort fused together. 
It was until a burning question slipped from your tongue. “Did you get distracted?” With this you sat down, not next to him, but at your steady place, the crane’s tower peak, your head was thrown back in exhaustion, the dark hiding you. 
God dammit. Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Those two were never in the same room, or at least, you couldn’t recall it. His voice was nearly as identical as Spider’s, though nice and lifted, a pinch of neshness evident. Spider’s was… confident, matured and hoarse, sure and cocky. 
You wanted to know. 
“I just remembered everything now that you’ve mentioned that,” Spider-Man scoffed. “It’s like I’ve distracted you more than myself.” He teased, recalling the muffled ‘what the fuck’ as he swung from building to building. 
You gulped, bringing your legs to your chest, laying your chin on top of your knees. Mask and suit on, keep in mind. “I can distract you.” You said, burying your face in your knees. You heard the Spider approaching, he inched himself by your side. 
“You can’t just say that while you bury your face,” Spider said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. “You have to sound confident.” He said, though, his intention was to tease. He didn’t expect you to try again, this time, with your head high as you gazed towards him. Mask and suit on. 
“I can distract you…” You inched closer, keeping a gap between the two of you. “If you keep your eyes closed.” 
Spider-Man frowned, he wanted to see your face. But for the sake of whatever you were going to do, as if it wasn’t blatantly obvious enough for him, he would do it. He nodded sharply, a gulp in response, closing his eyes. “Are you okay with this?” He heard you say and he felt himself nod, as if in a dream. 
With that, the gap between the two heroes was closed. You brought your lips with his, syncing with the feeling of warmth of the physical contact; the way his hands slid down your waist, the small graze of contact you held with his jaw, the way your lips connected, moving in with each other. Accepting the intimate moments of heaved breaths. And somewhere in between, you could feel him smile into the kiss. 
You pulled apart, the both of you out of breath. You were thankful that your hair covered your face, for it was flushed. And you were thankful, it wasn’t as windy. 
Spider-Man was taken aback, he side-eyed you, though pulled his gaze away from you. Surprised and startled (and perhaps, you could describe his heart stopped beating for a moment) that you didn’t have your mask on. He wanted to brush your hair away, pushing them behind your ear, just so he could see your pretty face. Though his self-control was high. 
“So,” You started, the sound of your mask forged up. “Did that distract you?” 
Spider scoffed, breathing in deeply. He looked up at the spinning sky. “The sky or the kiss?” He questioned, unaware and unconcerned about your figure in alert mode. He looked back at you, expecting a teasing answer in response. Though instead, you stood up. A weapon in your hand this time. 
You rolled your eyes, gazing up at the sky. “What the fuck is Marc up to?” 
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wigglyscardigan · 1 year
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I am severely mentally ill when it comes to this season
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Was It Worth It?
Me??? Writing??? That's crazy man.
But seriously I'm writing a ROTTMNT AU that's like if Mikey couldn't bring Leo back from the prison dimension. It's angsty obviously but it'll have a happy ending 👍👍
So anyways go read it if you want to!! /nf
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kinaesthetiqueer · 3 months
someone else shake me by the shoulders and tell me that tomorrow is tuesday
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obsidian-art04 · 1 year
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Bro that's a weird way to flirt/j
Mmmm smp lore go brrrr
Full comic page:
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cat-penguin-anon · 2 years
HEAVY angst warning!! This one gets SAD
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