#heather is probably yelling at him :(
toyybox · 4 months
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catoslvt · 1 year
Duncan Tarun (tdi) x Reader
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You replace courtney in this sorry ☹️
Challenges are weekly, so I don't need to watch the show 24/7, to figure out who's out first, etc, soz zxx
I stand at the edge of the boat, my heart racing.
I'm only here for one reason, to win, and maybe to make some friends, but mainly to win.
As it begins to pull up to the island, I notice a big crowd of people there already, probably more than half of the contestants, if not all of them, I'm not close enough to see yet.
As the boat stops at the dock, I grab my bags and climb out, where Chris greets me.
"This is y/n!" He exclaims as he motions to all of the other contestants, and a few of them wave whilst some roll their eyes, but I approach the group anyway with a smile, before fitting myself in a gap next to a really pretty girl with green / midnight blue hair and a short boy.
"Nice hair." I tell her, and she smiles widely at me, before an extremely attractive boy arrives on the dock, and I notice almost everyone swooning for him, but my attention is grabbed when a ginger girl begins to arrive, screaming her head off, she must've been excited because she jumps out of the boat before its even docked, whacking her head and chin full force off of the dock, which causes me to let out a small laugh.
Once Chris has helped the girl, he clears his throat.
"First things first, we need a group photo for the promos, everyone to the end of the dock." He announces as I walk with the girl and the short boy.
"I'm gwen." She tells me with a smile.
"I'm y/n." I introduce, and the short boy next to me smiles at me.
"I'm Cody." He says, and I just nod at him before I stand at the edge of the dock, staring down at the water.
As we all pose, gwen and I wrapping our arms around each other, Chris holds up his camera.
"Okay.. three..two..one." He begins, but he quickly lets out a large 'oops!'
"Okay, forgot the lens cap. Okay, hold that pose.." He yells again.
"One.. tw- no wait, cards full. Hang on." He says and I let out a small groan.
"Jesus, do you want me to do it for you?" I call to him earning a small laugh from the group, but Chris just shakes his head, but I did earn a small smile from him.
"Come on man, my face is starting to freeze." A girl I haven't been introduced to yet groans.
"Got it! Okay, everyone, say Wawanakwa!" He yells to us, and we all begin to say it, but the dock breaks beneath us, sending us all plummeting into the water.
"Okay, guys, dry off and meet at the camp fire pit in ten." Chris announces, and as Gwen and I climb out of the water, I stare at her.
"He totally planned that, right?" I ask, and she lets out a small laugh as she nods her head at me.
As we all sit around the fire pit, Chris begins to talk.
"This is Camp Wawanaka, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates,your competition and maybe even your friends." He says as we all look around each other, smiling at each other whilst a fairly attractive boy up the back just glares at each other, earning a slight eye roll from me.
"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Chris exclaims before the same boy from earlier storms to the front, a slight grin on his face.
"Excuse me, what will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her." He coos as he points a finger at Heather, I think that's her name anyway Gwen told me it is.
"They're not Co-ed, are they?" She asks, and Chris stares at all of us.
"No, girls, get one side of each cabin. Boys get the other side." He explains and Linday puts up her hand.
"Excuse me, Kyle, can I have a cabin with a lake view since I'm the prettiest?" She asks, her voice deafingly squeaky.
"Okay, you are, but that's not really how it works here. And it's Chris." He states, and Gwen looks at me with a shocked look on her face.
"That sounded really creepy." She mouths and I nod in agreement.
Suddenly, the two girls Sadie and Kadie who would look like fraternal twins from afar begin to cry in case they're not in the same cabin and Gwen scoffs.
"This cannot be happening." She mumbles, and Owen pulls her and Tyler into a hug by the neck earning an eruption of laughter from me.
"Here's the deal, we're going to split you into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there." Chris instructs as he points a finger to the back corner of the fire pit.
"Gwen, trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, kadie, Owen, leshawna, Justin, and noah! From this moment on, you are officially known as the screaming gophers!" He exclaims, and I stare at gwen as she walks away, feeling slightly lonely at the fact the only person I've spoken to so far is in the opposite team.
"The rest of you over here, Geoff, Bridgette, dj, Tyler, Sadie, izzy, y/n, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold, move move move!" He exclaims, and I stand up and force myself to walk over to the other side of the fire pit.
"But Kadies a gopher! I have to be a gopher!" Sadie screams, and i walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.
"Sadie, is it? Come on, it'll be okay." I say as I lead her over to our team, trying to drown out her and Kadies screaming on how this isn't fair.
I let out a large laugh when I heard our team name.
"Oh, come on? The killer bass? Who came up with that." I mutter under my breath, and Bridgette laughs before Chris begins speaking again.
"Alright, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition. You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest." He says with a smile, and I nod my head, I'll probably be in there a lot.
"Alright, any questions? Cool. Let's find your cabins." He says, not really giving us time to ask any questions though.
As he leads us to the cabins, I audibly gasp at how small they are.
"Gophers, you're in the east cabin, bass. You're in the west!" He exclaims before ushering us into the cabins, where I slap my hand over my mouth when I see its bunk beds.
"Y/n, do you want to share one with me?" Bridgette asks and I nod at her.
"You can take the top if you want, I don't mind." She offers as I set my bags down on the floor at the bed she's standing at.
"Thanks." I say with a small smile.
As Bridgette and I walk outside, the same dude that was glaring at everyone at the campfire approaches us, his names Duncan I'm pretty sure.
"Nice piercings." I say, raising my eyebrows at him, and he smiles slightly and goes to say something until blood curdling screams come from the other teams cabins, and we all run over.
"Man, that white girl can scream." Leshawna says and we all let out small chuckles before we look in the cabin to see Lindsay ontop of a chair pointing at something crawling around the floor.
"What is it!? Kill it!" She screams, and Dj looks at the floor and lets out an even higher pitched scream as he throws himself at a bed, breaking it instantly.
"That was my bed." Gwen states as she stares at her now broken bed, and I let out a laugh from beside her.
"Just come sneak into our cabin." I say with a joking nudge to her side and she smiles.
As everyone tries to kill the cochroach, making us all scream, Duncan just storms in with an axe and slams it into the floor, cutting the cockroach in half, atleast it did the job I suppose.
"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach." Gwen says with a small chuckle, and I nod in agreement.
"Hey, now you've got a dead cockroack and a dent on your floor." I say to her, and she just laughs.
As I stand behind gwen in the line for food, Duncan stands behind me, and I can turn to him.
"Not got your axe now, hm?" I ask with a laugh, and he just rolls his eyes before I turn away again.
"Listen up, I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day. Grab a tray. Get your food and sit your butts down now!" The chef yells, and I raise my eyebrows slightly, taken back by his attitude and sterness.
As he piles food onto our plates, I stare at the food, unsure if it's actually even food, as I walk over and take a seat next to Bridgette, and Duncan raises his eyebrows as he walks over and sits down directly infront of me.
"Yo, my man. Can we order a pizza?" Geoff asks Chris and chef quickly throws a knife at him, missing him by inches, which makes my eyes widen in shock.
Surely this isn't safe.
"Your first challenge begins in one hour." Chris exclaims before he walks out, and we all let out little 'oooo's of excitement.
As we all stand at the edge of the cliff, I regret getting excited.
"Okay, your first challenge is simple. Your first task is to jump off this 1000ft high cliff into the lake." Chris begins, and we all just shrug.
"Sounds easy enough." I whisper to Gwen.
"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, man-eating sharks. Inside, that is the safe zone, which is your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free." He tells us and leshawna shakes her head in total disbelief.
"Excuse me?" She quizzes.
"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge, building a hot tub!" He exclaims.
"The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, killer bass. You're up first." He then finishes and as Bridgette and I move closer to the edge, our faces both change in fear.
"Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?" She quizzes, and our whole team stays silent, Duncan even turning his back to us, and a million thoughts race through my head.
I mean, if I go first I get it over and done with, meaning over peoples screaming won't put me off.
"So, who's up first?" Eva asks and Duncan stares over at me.
"Ladies first." He coos and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Fine, I'll go." I say with a shrug as I approach the edge of the cliff, staring down at the water below me.
As I jump, I actually begin enjoying it, not letting out a single scream as I land in the smaller target, a boat coming to whisk me out of the water almost instantly as I happily climb on, looking back up at the top of the cliff to see Bridgette leaning over and shooting me a thumbs up.
Then Tyler goes, landing on the buoy, letting out a painful groan as he slides off it, causing me to slap a hand over my mouth.
Then Geoff goes, letting out excited screams without a care in the world, Eva following straight behind, Duncan falling close behind too as I stare at him with a small smile on my face as I watch how unfazed he is by this, almost as if he goes cliff diving every other weekend.
Ezekiel comes close behind, too, still wearing his shoes and hat for some reason, but I decide not to quiz against it, and we all clap and cheer from the small sandy area not too far away, even Duncan smiling slightly.
Then Harold comes down, landing on the water in the splits.
"Good luck trying to conceive with him." I mumble to Eva, who smiles slightly, but Duncan is the one who laughs.
"I didn't know you could laugh." I tease with a sarcastic smile.
"I didn't know you could he funny." He teases back, giving me the same smile.
I then realise bridgette, Dj, and Sadie haven't come down yet, which confuses me slightly, why aren't they coming?
But then my jaw drops when both Sadie and kadie jump down from the cliff.
"No fucking way did he let Kadie move into our team." I gasp to myself, which means either Bridgette, Izzy or Dj swapped into the Gophers, and I wouldn't care who did along as it wasn't Bridgette.
But I realise the rest of our team chickened out, as the other team begins to jump.
The screaming Gophers won the challenge they actually won, which means we have to drag our crates back to the camp, and we've got a decent amount away from where the crates were first placed, when Sadie, Kadie and Tyler all decide they need to pee, making me groan in annoyance.
"We're never winning this." I grumble to Eva and bridgette, who both nod in agreement.
Once they all eventually come back, we begin pushing our crates again, my arms beginning to ache from the weight of mine, but yet again Sadie and Kadie slow us down by itching themselves.
"You guys are way behind the other team. Like way behind, what's the problem?" Chris asks and I roll my eyes and point at them.
"Their butts are itchy." I groan in annoyance.
"Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" Bridgette asks, and I try not to laugh at her chicken hat, but it's almost impossible.
"Yeah?" Kadie says.
"Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting down on?" Bridgette continues to ask.
"They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place." Sadie answers, put I zone out of their conversation as I continue to push my crate back to camp.
"Need help?" Duncan asks as he casually strolls over to me.
"Where's your crate?" I gasp and he points smugly over to Dj as he pushes a crate.
"Had to let the chicken do something." He says with a small laugh, and I move over slightly so there's enough space for Duncan to help push my crate.
"I didn't actually expect you to jump off of the cliff first." He admits, and I turn to him and smile, secretly being grateful for his help, as my arms don't ache as much from pushing and we're definitely getting closer to camp.
"Neither did I if I'm gonna be honest." I tell him with an awkward laugh.
"I'm Duncan, by the way incase you didn't already know that." He says and I feel his eyes on me.
"I'm y/n." I introduce with a smile.
Duncan and I are the first to make it back to camp, I collapse to my knees in exhaustion and decide to wait until the rest of my team are back to start doing stuff, and when we start building our hot tub, it's obvious what team wins.
"Congratulations screaming Gophers, you guys have won the challenge!" Chris exclaims, and I let out a small sigh.
"Gophers, you're safe from elimination, and you get to use this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer, killer bass. What can I say? You lost, and I'll see your sorry butts tonight at the campfire for elimination." Chris says before walking off.
"So uh, what do we do now?" Kadie asks as our team all sits around the dinner table, eating whatever concoction chef has made for us.
"We have to think of someone to eliminate?" I say as if it wasn't obvious, and I can see Duncans' growing smile from beside me.
"Well, I think it should be either Bridgette or Dj." He says, and I shake my head.
"Not bridgette, she's my only good friend on this team, gwen is on the other team." I beg, and Duncan just smiles at me.
When Ezekiel says something really sexist, it's a bit obvious who we're gonna vote.
When he said that boys were better at sports and stronger than girls, I wanted to twist his stupid little head off of his shoulders, I mean, he's annoyed me ever since he got on this team, and he creeps me out. Especially when he was picking his nose and staring at me.
"Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." Duncan says to Ezekiel after I told him why we all voted for him.
"Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire, but at this camp, marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers, which means you're out of the contest, and you can't come back Ever." Chris states, and we all just stare at him.
"The first marshmallow of the night goes to Geoff." He says, and Geoff runs to Chris and grabs his marshmallow.
"Tyler." Chris then says and Chris lets out a victory cheer as he collects his marshmallow.
"Kadie, bridgette, Dj, Harold, Sadie, Duncan." Chris continues and I suddenly stare up at the group.
Why is it now between Ezekiel and I, when there's one marshmallow left.
Suddenly, my heart begins to race, and I think I feel myself sweating.
"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.. y/n!" He bursts, and i stand up extremely happy as I collect my marshmallow from him, stabbing my marshmallow with my stick as I begin roasting it over the fire.
I wake up and rub my eyes, letting out a small groan as I roll over, falling off of the top bunk with a large thud, waking up basically all the girls who weren't already awake from the foghorn.
"Are you alright!?" Bridgette yells, and I sit up and shoot her a thumbs up.
"I forgot I wasn't at home. My beds a lot bigger than that, and it's closer to the floor." I tell her as we both let out small laughs, before Eva clears her throat.
"Are you sure you're okay? You bumped your head pretty hard." She states and I turn to her with a large smile.
"I'm sure I'm fine, I fall so much I'm really Clumsy." I say before Chris screams for everyone to hurry up and get out, so I quickly scramble to get changed before we all line up outside, and I speed walk to Gwen were I stand next to her.
"I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris yells, a little too enthusiastically, and Owen quickly panics.
"Oh, excuse me, I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast." He says as she shakes his head, and chris sort of nods as if it was the whole point of this.
"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometre, run around the lake!" He yells, and Eva's eyebrows furrow as she lunges at Chris trying to hit him, but Duncan holds her back.
"Oh, so you're funny now!? You know what i think would be funny?" She exclaims.
"Eva, calm down it won't be that bad." I call to her.
Don't get me wrong, I like Eva, but her temper scares me so badly, and I've only known her for a week, but she is nice when she wants to be.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Eva quizzes Chris, and he looks at us all with a smug expression as he points to his watch.
"A little.. you have about thirty seconds." He then says, and Eva's brows furrow as she tries to lunge at him again, but duncans grip on her is too strong.
When the run begins, I suddenly realise how warm it is, and I'm really not in the mood to run, like don't get me wrong, I enjoy running and I'm good at it, but not when it's extremely warm and I'm just up but I walk beside Gwen to begin with, and we both laugh at how other people are running as if they're being chased by a mad psycho serial killer and I tell her about my fall earlier.
"Pick up the pace people, if you're not back for dinner tonight, you don't get to eat!" Chris exclaims as he drives past us on a scooter, and gwen and I both look at each other before we take off in a sprint.
I'm really happy I signed up for Total Drama Island because i met gwen, and I've not had a friend like her ever, I hope we'll still stay in touch once the shows ended.
Gwen and i make it back to the cabin shortly after, and burst in the door panting and almost falling too our knees out of exhaustion.
"Sorry Chris, I think you've mistaken yourself for my P.E. teacher." I growl as I go and sit at the table with people from my team, and Chris lets out a small laugh.
"I could have more than one career." He jokes and I let out a small laugh.
"Is one of them being a major pain?" I quiz and his laughing stops as he just shakes his head at me, but he smiles anyways.
"Clear a table now!" Owen screams as he barges into the cabin and drops noah on it, quickly giving him cpr as gwen stares. I'm shocked, leshawna walking in close behind.
"Where were you, Harold!? We lost!" I scream, and he just shakes me away before gwen lets out a squeal.
"Wait a minute if they lost.. that means we won the challenge!" She yells happily and her full team begins celebrating but Chris quickly shuts them down.
"Woah there, hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris denies and I stare at him with pure anger, are you seriously telling me I just sprinted for nothing?
"What did you just say?" Gwen gasps, taking the words right out my mouth as I slam my head down on the table extremely outraged.
"Who's hungry!?" Chris yells and as I sit up I see a large table full of all sorts of foods, and usually I'm a picky eater but after I've ate the shit that chefs been making, I'm not so picky anymore.
I stand up and happily run to the table, staring down at all the food, and instantly we all begin eating, nobody caring about the usual table manners we'd normally have, and once we've ate the full table, I can practically feel a full food baby growing inside of me.
"Okay, campers, time for part two of your challenge." Chris yells through a megaphone.
"I thought eating was the second part." Owen gasps.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen also gasps and Heather nods in agreement.
"Weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?" Heather exclaims and I glare at her for insulting gwen.
"Uhm, let me think about that. No!" Chris screams through the megaphone.
"It's time for the awake-a-thon!" He yells, and I stare at him and gasp. He's just made us run and then eat ourselves to the brink of explosion, and now he's going to make us stay awake.
"The what-a-thon?" Owen asks confused and I turn my head to him, how stupid can one person be.
"Don't worry, this is an easy one. The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." He announces, and I groan, I am not surviving this one.
"So, what you're saying was the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to stop us from staying awake?" Gwen asks and chris nods.
"That's right gwen!" He exclaims with an evil smile.
"Move move move!" He then yells, and we all leave the cabin, gwen grabbing me as trent approaches her.
"So, how long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?" He asks, but he's mainly asking gwen.
"About an hour give or take." She answers but as Owen walks past us I shake my head.
"Probably less." I say as we walk out the door.
It's been eleven hours, and everyone's still up, but it's clear we're all tired due to the dark eyebags we've all grown to get, but the thing is I'm not even that tired to be honest, but the tiredness kicks in once Owen passes out from lack of sleep, and I instantly realise I am extremely tired.
"This is so boring." I sigh to Duncan who is now somehow sitting beside me, although minutes ago he was nowhere to he seen.
"Atleast the fun people are still awake." He says with a slight nudge to my shoulder earning a small smile from me.
"This has to be some sort of illegal." I then say to Duncan and he just shrugs.
"I mean, we did agree to doing weird stuff like this, plus I've done worse and gotten away with it, so im sure they can too." He tells me, and I cross my arms.
"I wish I could go back in time to tell myself not to do it." I groan, and Duncan nods in agreement as I turn to look at him, and he lets out a small chuckle.
"Heard you fall earlier." He coos and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, from the top bunk while I was still half asleep." I add, and he raises an eyebrow.
I'm assuming we've almost been up for 24 hours now, and I've came to the conclusion that if I walk around then I can't fall asleep, I mean I'm keeping my brain occupied aren't I?
"Y/n, you have to sit down. You're going to end up killing yourself." Duncan calls and I shrug him off.
"At least i'll die active." I argue, and he just rolls his eyes as he continues to watch me walk around.
Looking back, I totally regret walking around. It made me so much more exhausted, but I didn't want to fall asleep, not yet atleast I don't want to be one of the first people out.
Bridgette, izzy, noah, Sadie, Harold, and kadie are all all sleeping now, and honestly, I'm extremely jealous, but no way am I falling asleep on national TV.
"Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the twenty four hour mark, time to take things up a notch, fairytales." Chris yells as chef walks in wearing a lamb costume whilst carrying a harp, and i know this won't be good, so I begin jogging on the spot, trying to do anything that'll help me stay awake because at this point I'm desperate.
As Chris begins to read the fairy tales in his monotone voice, chef starts playing the harp, and I can't help but let out a small laugh to myself at how insane he looks.
Tyler and Geoff almost instantly fall asleep, and I panic, i have to stay awake otherwise my team will lose, and I do not want to vote another player out.
We very slowly hit the forty hour mark and I find myself back next to Duncan, and we both try to spark up a little conversation.
"The first day when you said 'nice piercings' to me, were you saying it to be mean? Not that I care or anything, I just want to know." Duncan asks as we move to sit on the floor facing each other.
"No, I meant it. They're cool. I wish I was brave enough to pull something like that off." I tell him with a genuine smile, and he shrugs.
"I mean, you never know unless you try, right?" He asks, and I shrug, I suppose he's right.
"My parents would never, they'd kill me." I gasp and he laughs.
"That's one of the reasons why I did it." Duncan tells me, and I laugh and stare at him.
"Oh, big Mr. criminal rebels against his parents." I joke as I rub my eyes, trying my hardest to stay awake now that I'm talking to Duncan.
"Give me a break." He groans, but I can't help but see the smile he's trying his hardest to conceal.
"So, how's life for you outside the island?" Duncan then asks desperately, trying to keep the conversation going as it's keeping us both up.
"Well, I go to school during the day and at weekends I work at a small coffee shop near my house." I answer and he scoffs.
"God. Do you actually care about your education?" He asks, as if it was even a question, and I let out a small laugh.
"I mean, it probably sounds boring or whatever, but I want to be a history teacher when I leave school, I love history." I tell him and he rolls his eyes so I gasp.
"Oh come on, then Mr Big hard criminal, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask, and he raises his eyebrows.
"A professional criminal." He answers, and I can't really tell if he's joking or not.
"Nope. Now you can't be one because you've just ruined your plans on national TV, I wouldn't be surprised if you're whisked away back to juvy after saying that." I tell him with a joking laugh which he returns.
"Wouldn't be the first time." He tells me and I stare at him confused, suddenly now extremely intrigued.
"What've you gone to Juvie for?" I question, and he smiles at the fact I'm actually interested.
"Fights, vandalism, petty theft, just the boring stuff, you know?" He asks with a small chuckle.
"You act as if going to Juvie is an everyday thing." I say with a horrified look before he starts a different conversation.
"Why did you sign up for Total Drama?" He asks me and I think for a second.
"I mean, for the experience, I suppose, I don't really do stuff like this and to make friends on the show, I guess. I don't have many friends back at home. What about you?" I respond and he nods.
"To get out of juvie, also for the money, but then again I'm not guaranteed to win anyway am I?" He answers, and I nod. He has a fair point. Whoever wins is completely luck based, apart from challenges anyway.
But my attention is grabbed when Owen walks past us butt naked, and we both let out large laughs, and I'm surprised it didn't wake the other already sleeping contestants up.
"Even when you're dying of exhaustion, you're still pretty." Duncan says to me and I look at him as I begin blushing with a small smile on my face, but I say nothing and look away trying to hide my blush.
"You've got a boyfriend back at home, don't you? Sorry." Duncan quickly says, and i shake my head as I turn to him.
"No, I don't, I just don't handle compliments well, plus you're not too bad yourself." I reassure you, and he nods as he begins smiling again.
We eventually hit the fifty-one hour mark when everyone looks at Justin, who's just been staring out into the forest, unmoving for the past probably, fifty hours, I'd say.
But when gwen pokes his face and his actual eyes open, revealling that he painted his eyes on I let out a horrific gasp.
"Holy shit." I gasp to myself.
"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva screams, and everyone turns to Justin as chris begins to walk over to investigate, but he's still out although it was impressive.
We finally hit the eighty five hour mark, and honestly, i know duncan inside out, i could answer any question about him. it's insane, and that's when Duncan leans close to my ear as he points to Harold.
"Do you want to see something funny?" He whispers and I nod and Duncan quickly slips away before he comes back with a cup of water and places Harold's hand in it, instantly making him pee himself I snort with laughter as I slap a hand over my mouth trying to quiet myself.
"You're so sad!" I whisper yell to Duncan through my laughter.
Heather, gwen, Trent, Duncan Eva, and I are the only ones left, and I hope they all fall asleep soon so I can finally shut my eyes.
"Alright, you six stay with me. The rest of you go get a shower for heavens sake you stinK!" Chris yells to everyone who's now eliminated.
"I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said 'chef, I don't want it to come to this!' But darn it, these campers are tough, so I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I can find." Chris yells and I furrow my eyebrows.
Honestly. What can be more boring than sitting awake for eighty five hours straight with hardly anything to do apart from talk to Duncan and gwen, and as much as I wasn't complaining, I was going to kill the other contestants just so I could sleep, I mean seriously how is it possible we all stayed up for that long? But I don't mind staying up with Duncan. He's really nice once you get to know him. I think I like him a little.
"The history of Canada, a pop-up book. Chapter one, the beaver and a real fine hat." Chris says putting on the same monotone voice from earlier as he pulls out the book, opening it up and I let out a massive sigh as I go to throw my hands up outraged, I realise Duncan and I are sitting as if we're glued shoulder to shoulder together and I find myself blushing.
Eighty six hours in now, Chris is still reading, Eva and Heather are asleep now so it's just two remaining from each team.
As chris continued to groan on with that silly monotone voice, I was due standing up and ripping that silly book from his hands and beating him to death with it.
Gwens pov 😜
As trent falls asleep, I look towards y/n and Duncan to see how my competition is holding up, and that's when I watch y/n fall asleep, her head landing on duncans shoulder as he turns bright red clearly oblivious on what to do, and he stays like that for a solid ten minutes until Chris closes the book.
"Bathroom break, any takers?" He asks and I watch as duncans leg bounces up and down as he clearly needs the toilet.
"I've held it this long, sweetheart, I could go all day." He scoffs to me and I raise my eyebrows as I stand up.
"Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?" I coo, and his face goes ghostly white, and he goes to jump up, but y/n let's out a small tired groan, and he looks at me.
"Gwen, swap places with me, we can switch back once I'm done." He begs and I nod my head as we carefully switch places, me being careful not to wakeup y/n, but chef comes quickly to pick her up and take her to her cabin so she can sleep on her bed for a little while.
Back to ur pov
When I wake up, i only hear Eva screaming and throwing things around in our cabin, but I'm too tired to care so I instantly fall back asleep, being awake for eightysix hours changes you I swear.
As I sit next to Duncan at the bonfire falling in and out of sleep, he has to shake me to make sure I stay awake from time to time, and each time I open my eyes to his extremely tired smile, but I think its cute that he's still trying for me, could Duncan like me back?
I know it's insane that I've now got a crush on Duncan when I've only known him for a week, but after spending eighty six hours talking to him straight, it changed my perspective on him, he's sweet.
I'm not even listening to what Chris has to say, really. I'm too tired, I'm only listening for my name, which is said third, so I happily stand up and grab my marshmallow, sticking it on my stick as I hold it over the fire till its a perfect golden shade, and I blow on it for a few seconds and begin eating it, letting out a small gasp when I realised I did it perfectly, and as much as I'm sad that Eva was voted out anyway, I'm kinda glad. Her temper was too much for me.
"I definitely do like Duncan, I think he's really nice to me anyway, and that's all that matters, right? But he can't like me. He's probably just acting like this with me, so I fall into a fake alliance like what Heather is doing with Lindsay and Beth. It's cruel but smart." I say to the camera in the confession booth toilet thing, I'm still not too sure what it even is at this point, before I rake my mind trying to think of what else to say, but there's nothing really, so I open the door and climb out, walking straight Into Duncan.
"Woah there, princess, watch your step." He coos as he places his hand on my shoulders.
"Watch where you're standing." I coo back as I motion to how he's right infront of the door.
"Maybe I wanted to hear what you were saying." He says, and I feel my face drop. He's joking, right? He has to be joking.
"It's meant to be confidential!" I gasp as I stare at him.
"Confidential, but you're saying it to a camera which broadcasts it to live TV? Cmon y/n I thought you were smarter than this, you want to be a history teacher!" Duncan argues and I roll my eyes but I can't help but smile at him.
"It's not an act, by the way." He says as he grabs my chin with two fingers and forces it up to look at him, and I turn bright red before he lets go and begins climbing in our make do confession booth.
"I'll see you at dinner, princess." He then coos as he slams the door, and I stand and stare at the door for a minute. Surely this isn't happening.
As I walk back to the cabins, I see gwen walking over to me with a large smile on her face as I approach her and I quickly grab her wrist and drag her into a area only slightly into the forest, but its far away from everyone so nobody can hear, and I let it all spill, everything.
"Wait, so Duncan heard you confessing you like him, and now he's flirting with you?" She asks with a small laugh and I shrug.
"I don't know if I could say it was flirting.. more like teasing?" I answer and she shakes her head.
"Y/n, come on, how blind are you? He's so into you." She says as she grabs my shoulders and shakes them violently, shaking up my brains, but we both laugh anyway.
"So what should I do about it?" I then ask, and she smirks.
"At dinner, ignore him. Come sit with trent, and I, make him talk to you." She states and I nod slowly taking all this in.
And at dinner I do exactly that, I sit next to gwen, trent sitting directly infront of us as we eat chefs food, and honestly I've grown to like it and I'll definitely miss it when I have to go home, but I think I'm going to miss everything about the camp, even maybe Chris and Heather. Maybe.
All throughout dinner, I can feel duncans eyes on me, and gwen confirms it when she nudges me.
"God y/n, I'm surprised your head hasn't exploded with the way he's staring at you." She whispers and I smile and look up at Duncan, who continues to stare at me even now that I've noticed his staring, and he doesn't even look embarrassed that he's been caught and instead he just waves and I wave back, and gwen motions for him to come sit with us and honestly he flies off of the table he's sitting at and practically runs towards our table taking the seat infront of me.
"I couldn't handle another minute of Sadie and kadie talking." He groans, and I smile.
"Yeah? Try sharing a bedroom with them all night they sit and giggle about best friend stuff." I say, furrowing my eyebrows, and gwen nudges me.
"If we're ever invited back once this season is over, we should beg Chris to let us on the same team so we can do that." She gasps and I widen my eyes at her as I nod.
"Yeah, smart idea." I agree and Duncan and trent both shake their heads.
"Please don't." They both beg in usion and gwen, and I let out small laughs.
Once dinners over, we all decide to walk to the firepit, seeing as we don't see anyone walking in that direction, and once we get there, Duncan grabs my hand.
"You guys wouldn't mind if I borrowed y/n for a moment?" Duncan asks, but he doesn't even wait for an answer as he drags me down to the bottom of the dock of shame where he stands infront of me, and I can't help but imagine how many people are watching this right now, but I mean it's not really my main concern at this exact moment of time.
"I do actually like you, and I know it's hard to believe seeing the sort of situation we're in right now, but I really do." Duncan quietly tells me, his big Mr criminal ego suddenly dissapeared.
"Well, you listened to my time with the camera so you know I like you too." I tell him as i shake my head.
"No, but y/n, I mean I like you, like no matter what happens on this island, I want to leave it being in a relationship with you." He continues and I just laugh.
"Duncan?" I ask.
"What?" He replies.
"Shut up." I say with a small laugh before I lean up and kiss him.
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Two days after they nearly lose their daughter to a fire the Buckley’s open the door to find a woman with curly red hair on their porch step. Claudia Henderson. They’ve heard the rumors, Hawkins does so dearly love them, about why she moved to Hawkins when her child was six. They’ve heard the rumors about rumors. About how her boy is friends with the boy who did but didn’t. They’ve seen her out and about. Mousy. Timid. Flinching when yelling gets too loud and over protective of her boy. For a moment, just a brief one, they think she’s here to blame their hatchling. Their fledgling. Backs straighten, mouths flatten.
“I do hope I didn’t wake Robin, knocking on your door,” is what they get instead. The mousy, timid woman not as noisy and timid as they thought as she manages to smile and talk her way into their home. Robin is still asleep.
“Now I’m sure we’ve heard the fire story.”
They nod. It felt wrong, smelled fishy. Dottie has never been a fan of the government and River saw the damage to the Harrington boy. No falling debris could cause that.
“I don’t know much. Dusty won’t say much and always looks so scared when I ask. But it’s a load of cow manure. Something happened though.”
Claudia talks in a soft low voice, even when agitated and upset. Her hands moving in eclectic patterns. She tells them what she’s seen, what she’s guessed, put together with the Sinclair’s and oddly enough Ted Wheeler.
“Karen is of the opinion we should wait for the children to tell us. She listens in but doesn’t offer anything. It’s sweet really,” she says and they both notice that her cheeks get the same pink tint that Robin’s does when she talks about Tammy or Heather or Vickie or even Chrissy. Dottie raises an eyebrow, River tucks his chin.
They’re interrupted by noises coming from upstairs. A thump like a body hitting the floor. Followed by two sets of running feet. A door opens, closes, a few minutes later the toilet flushes. They wait and listen as two try to become one on the walk back to Robin’s room.
“Steve likes to think he’s sneaky, but his nightmares give him away. He’ll… he’ll probably cycle through houses. Will try not to be seen. Especially now.”
“Now?” River asks because he’s always been nosier than Dottie.
“Him and Hopper.”
There were rumors, some nastier than others.
“Hopper had practically adopted him.”
Dottie makes a pain filled noise. She’d had a different upbringing than River. His grandmother joining the little commune of hippies and nature lovers, those who wanted peace and a greater feeling of unity, than her parents. And the parents that had basically adopted her.
“We shared custody, Hopper and I. So he comes through my front door. He’ll collapse on me and cry. He probably won’t with you. I know he doesn’t with the others.”
It’s not quite what they left behind, what grief caused them to flee. But it’s still a village and Claudia is there to welcome them in.
Later. Not even a year later. They, and the others, stand up in town hall. Call Jason Carver a fear mongering asshole and condemn anyone who believes him. Jason calls them satanist sympathizers. They aren’t quite run out of town but people side eye them. Some of the more religious threaten them.
They’re there when Claudia get the call Dustin and Steve are in the hospital. There to take Steve’s place protecting the Munson boy. Worry deep set on their faces when he faints the moment Dottie takes the nail studded bat from his hands.
They’re there when Steve flatlines twice and Eddie does thrice. They’re there when Wayne Munson gets the Claudia treatment. They’re there because that’s what family, what a village does.
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lomlkenji · 1 year
༊*·˚ second | riven
★ summary : riven went to your room and found some pretty interesting things about you, oh! also about your little crush on him. 
★ warnings : reader is stella’s sister, angst, slight suicidal thoughts, jealous!reader, slight miscommunication, based on the song heather by conan gray
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You have been the second choice for as ling as you can remember. Being the little sister of Stella, you couldn't actually get away from that. 
Always being left by friends because the other one got more popular. Always having last to be picked in a group assignment. 
Until one day you didn't feel like that anymore. Until one day you met him. 
It's weird honestly, having feelings for your sister's boyfriend's best friend. 
That was confusing. 
With Riven you always felt like the first choice. The top priority, and not the backup plan. 
But all of that went down the drain when he suddenly had this thing with Beatrix. 
At first you thought it was just a fling. Although that still hurt you, you thought it was anything but having emotions. 
But they got closer, and to anyone, in one glance they could probably say that they're a couple. 
You were fiddling with your pen in one hand, the bottom of it hitting softly at your forehead while the other holding your journal, you jotting down your latest feels and adventures. With the soft voice of Conan Gray filled the calm atmosphere. 
Everyone was out partying and you chose to stay in your bedroom. It was totally not because you were avoiding someone. 
Okay fine you were. You didn't want to see the guy you're into sucking faces with another person. 
"I still remember," the first verse of the song already made you let out a grunt, the song literally sounded what you felt currently. 
But as much as you wanted to turn it off, it was such a heartfelt song that you just couldn't. So you joined in singing it. 
"Third of December," you softly sang as you continued to write about what interesting thing has happened in the past week. 
"me in your sweater," the lyric made you think about a memory of you and Riven. You just have gotten into a fight with your mother, all the yelling sent your mind into a spiral, you felt like honestly drowning yourself. 
It was just too much. 
You didn't know why but your legs carried you to Riven and Sky's room. Your nose twitches every so often as the cold air hits you. 
You knocked on the door and Riven woke up from his sleep, opening it. It left him slightly baffled to see you with red puffy eyes with tear stains on your cheeks. 
The door creaked open and your heart skipped a beat looking at his shirtless figure, with bed hair. 
God he looked so good. 
He moved to the side to let you in the room, and as you were in, you immediately tackled the boy into a hug. 
You're on your tippy toes, arms wrapped around his neck, your nose inhaling his scent. 
The scent alone made you calmer but when he securely wrapped his hands around your waist, you felt home. 
"You're okay. You're okay." he soothed out as his fingers gently played with your hair. 
Sky was out so it's only you two in their room. 
Your shaking figure calmed down as he moved you guys to the bed. Softly laying you down. 
He noticed how you ran your hands to your arms, trying to get a sense of heat in the chilly atmosphere. So he went to grab his sweater from the closet and hand it to you. 
You look up at him confused, "What's this for?" you asked. 
"You looked like you were cold." he said, shrugging his shoulders and nudging his sweater closer to you. 
"Thanks." you smiled and didn't take down the offer as you quickly wore it. The familiar scent of him filled your nostrils as you sighed in relief, feeling the warmth enveloping you. 
"You wanna talk about it?" he asked softly, sitting down beside you on his bed — not wanting to break you more in your already fragile state. 
You were too tired to think as you shook your head. "No." 
"Alright, you can stay here tonight if you'd like." he nervously offered. As close as you guys are, you didn't actually go past the 'cuddling' stage. 
You felt your heartbeat picked up, as you said, "Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother-" 
"Yeah I'm sure." he answered quickly, ending your rambling. 
You let out a soft 'okay' as you laid back onto his bed. The softness of the mattress invites your sleepiness. 
Your body curled up in a ball as you rested on your left side. The bed dipped down indicating Riven moved to lay beside you.
It was awkward for a minute, Riven wanting nothing more than to just hold you close to him, but he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So he just laid there staring up at the ceiling.
You were already half asleep as you moved to your other side and curled up with him. 
He froze for a second, a lot of thoughts cursing through his head. It was almost like you could feel his stiff figure as you snuggled more into him, arms went to his stomach, your head on his chest.
A loop-sided grin made its way to Riven's face as he relaxed his body, his hand moved to your back drawing circles and having the best sleep in his life.
As the memory faded away, the song already is at it's chorus, "but I watch your eyes as she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes,"
You were so into the song you didn't even realise your bedroom door was open, there stood Riven staring at you in awe.
The boy has never heard you sing before and it blew him away.
"brighter than the blue sky, she's got you mesmerised, while I die," you softly continued as little pricks of tears came on the edge of your eyes.
While you were at your table, Riven moved from his spot and moved to your bed as it creaked, immediately stopping you from singing more.
You jumped up from your spot and was met with Riven staring adoringly at you. 
"Do you not know what knocking is?!" you shrieked at him. Mad that he scared you like that and because he caught you singing a song when you were thinking of him.
Riven ignored your little outburst as he said, "Why didn't you tell me you can sing?" with a small smirk on his face.
You sighed, as you answered his question with a question. "What are you doing here?" the edge to your voice was almost unrecognisable but Riven picked that up first thing.
His smile faltered, but he shrugged his shoulders acting like he didn't care. "The party got boring." in all honesty he just missed you, but he wouldn't tell you that. 
You clenched your jaw, the second result. Again. "Well, where's Beatrix? Thought she was keeping you company." the tone of your voice dipped with such venom. 
From snapping more, you moved around your room picking up clothes that were on the floor to distract yourself.
Riv looked at you, distraught. What did he do? He thought. 
He too moved from his spot and went to the table, noticing the book you once held. 
You were too angry and pissed to notice him flicking some of the pages. 
First it was all about the classes, the colour of the sky, the teacher being annoying. 
But one sentence got his eye, it was his name. 
okay maybe i do have a teeny weensy crush on riven but that's just it. 
it's how it's always been, and nothing is going to change that. 
oh my god why am i writing like i'm a̶c̶u̶a̶t̶l̶y actually talking to you. 
shit i'm late for class, bye love u. 
Riven's eyes widened as his mouth gaped wide open. 
The silence disturbed you as you looked back at him, noticing his shocked face, looking into your journal. 
The clothes you once held all fell to the floor as you rushed to your table snatching the book away. 
"What is wrong with you?!" you finally snapped. The rage and embarrassment bubbling inside you. 
"Is it true?" he softly asked, meeting your eyes. You looked away immediately to be ashamed that he found out this way. 
"It doesn't matter. You should go." you bitterly spat out, shoving your journal into the edge of the table where no one would think to look for it. 
Riven scoffed, "Yeah, it does." he said, moving to stand in front of you. 
You hesitantly met his eyes, "No it doesn't." you said to him firmly, almost threatening him to not talk about it any further. 
But we all know how stubborn Riven is, he's not going to back down for his life. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked harshly. 
"And what? For you to just leave me? What would happen? What would happen differently, Riv? Tell me." your voice went louder as the sentence went, your head held highly in front of him. 
The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, you didn't even realise you took a step forward. Your chests are almost touching each other. 
Your breathing was heavy because all the pent up feelings you have for the boy in front of you coming out like a tidal wave. 
The tension was too much for Riven as cupped your face in his hands and connected his lips with yours. 
You sharply took an intake of breath, the kiss sent you speechless. But he pulled away before you could even respond. 
"That would happen." he breathed out, head fuzzy from the kiss. You don't know how much he has dreamt about kissing you. 
"Oh." you stupidly let out, not comprehending the situation at hand. 
Riven chuckled as his hands went down wrapping them around your waist. 
"Wait, wait what about Beatrix?" you asked, not wanting to be solved as the second choice, again. 
"Nothing." he said, staring at you with that look. 
"Nothing?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows. 
He nodded, "Yeah, nothing. You're my first choice, always." a smile made its way to his lips, loving the feeling of you in his hands. 
You grinned and your lips sealed once again. Your hands rest on his chest, him bringing you closer by your waist. 
I wish I were heather.
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reblog for a kiss <3
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
This is based off something that happens nearly every day in my place of work.
“Steve!” Heather hissed from her corner desk. “H.D. is out there!”
Steve stood up from his stool quickly, nearly sending it toppling to the ground. He raced around the tables in the room, settling near Heather’s desk and looking out the window. Robin had followed his steps, looking out from behind him.
“What in hell are you two on about?” She asked.
“Hot Dad.” Steve pointed out the window, at the man he and Heather has christened Hot Dad last year.
The preschool parents always grouped up outside the secondary entrance near the end of the day, waiting from their little ones to come out from the lower level preschool classrooms. And there, every single day, was Hot Dad, picking up his littlest girl, waiting for the older two from the main elementary.
Robin sighed, slinking back to her desk. The Special Ed classroom had an excellent view of the parking lot, and meant Heather and Steve had ample opportunity to stare at Hot Dad.
Today, was an especially good day. He was wearing shorts.
As in, short short
The gray athletic material was riding up on his thick thighs, a pink sparkly backpack slung over one shoulder, his hand in his daughter’s.
His three girls were nearly the spitting image of him, long, curly blond hair. Giant blue eyes that always crinkled up with chubby-cheeked smiles.
Steve had only interacted with him a handful of times, when he had opened up the car door to let the kids out of the back during the morning drop-off rush. He always said hello to Hot Dad, wishing him a good day as Hot Dad called to his girls, telling them he loves them.
“Why is it kinda extra hot that he’s a girl dad?” Steve said to a Heather, staring intently at H.D.
“I don’t know, but I get what you mean. And I mean, three girls is a lot for one man.” She sighed. “Do you think he reads them bedtime stories?”
“Oh, definitely. And I bet he does voices for all the little characters.”
“And he probably plays whatever they want.”
“Yeah, and I bet he’s all about making sure they’re tough. I’ll bet he wrestles around with them and wants to teach them how to fix cars and shit.”
Steve and Heather sighed, embarrassingly, at the same moment.
“Jesus, you two,” Robin chimed in. “Can you two go somewhere else to be this gross about a father at our school?”
“Nope! Not when it’s Hot Dad. Listen, you know I don’t want kids of my own, but a for Hot Dad, I’ll be a step mom. For sure.” Heather grinned at Robins wrenching sound. “I mean, they won’t have to call me Mom, but the youngest is only four, so it may be natural to her!”
Steve cackled, gently pushing Heather.
Steve returned to his desk, trying to ge Hot Dad out of his mind. He really needed to focus, and finish these accommodation letters to send out to the teachers, and he needed to-
“What?” Steve turned to Robin. She turned her laptop around, one of Hot Dad’s precious daughters on the screen.
“His name is Hargrove. Billy, I’m assuming.” She turned the screen back towards herself. “And, he’s the only person listed as a parent for all three girls. They’re emergency contacts are listed as Father, Aunt, and Grandmother. Nothing maternal to speak of.”
Steve’s eyes lit up.
“What do you think are the chances he’s in to men? Because like, I’m not a classroom teacher. I don’t even have any of his kids in the program, so it wouldn’t be weird.”
Robin rolled her eyes at him, returning to whatever she was typing on her computer before the HD distraction.
“Yeah, because that would be weird. Yelling about how hot he is in front of an open window, that’s normal. But teaching his kids? Too far.”
Steve stuck his tongue out at her.
And then her words settled in.
“The window’s open?”
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robocoplesb · 1 year
hope you don't get mad, nikki sixx. [2/2]
[★] part one
warnings: mention of labor, your daughter's name is ethel, fatherhood insecurities, anxiety, heather serving.
author's note: sorry for the delay🥹 hope you like it, work on it during class lol. good read<3
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chapter two
vince ran to every corner of the hotel, cursing nikki every minute he went by without finding him. he didn't understand what was going on, but by the desperate way heather told him to get nikki and take him to the hospital, he assumed it was something urgent. he found the bassist at the back of the hotel, sitting on the hood of a car that definitely wasn't his and smoking.
“— nikki!” — he yelled as he got closer. when he got in front of nikki, he was panting and sweaty, which made the dark haired man laugh.
“— man, you look like shit.” — he said and then offered the cigarette to vince, who just took it and threw on the floor. “— what is your prob-” — vince interrupted him.
“— heather wants you at the hospital. now. i don't know, i think it's something with y/n. i saw her sleeping in tommy's car before they left.”
nikki felt all of his resentment go away in the same second, replaced by pure euphoria, even without having taken anything in the day. he saw vince's confusion grow even more as he started to run out of there, grabbing the blonde's jacket sleeve.
well, at that moment nikki didn't remember that he and vince had their own cars, and that they could have gotten to the hospital much faster. he didn't remember many things actually, causing him and vince to almost get run over several times.
“— IF YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON, I’M GETTING THE FUCK OFF THIS TOUR.” — vince said (screamed) to nikki. he felt a little left out, as if everyone knew something that for some reason he didn't. he had information that you were sleeping and were probably already in the hospital, but he still didn't understand why.
nikki thought he was the dumbest human in the world. he thought that was obvious enough. he didn't want to answer, being too busy thinking about the way he treated you moments before you went into labor and hating himself for it, but he knew that if nothing were cleared up, vince really was going to “get the fuck out”.
“— YOUR NIECE IS BORN, ETHEL IS FUCKING COMING” — it was enough to make vince shut up. a rumbling silence full of concern for you, that was the only thing that existed for them at that time.
it wasn't like heather had said which hospital they were going to, but on that tour all members and assistants were notified of how they should if you go into labor. that is, everyone received the address of the nearest hospital and tips on how to deal with you in this situation.
the aforementioned hospital was twenty minutes away, if you were driving. tommy got there in ten, but only because he went over the speed limit more than you can imagine. then, vince and nikki arrived within thirty minutes, both out of breath and vince thought he had stopped feeling his legs. they were greeted by a very suspicious receptionist, presumably thinking they were a couple of drunken freaks from the street.
“— my...my wife is...here” — nikki took a deep breath before continuing talking. “— y/n sixx, she's having a baby, our friends brought her here.”
“— sixx? hm, your friends tommy and heather, right?” — she asked
"- YES! Yes, Tommy and Heather, now please let me in. you need to let me in. my wife is having my fucking daughter, can you understand?” — and he would have continued to make a fuss in front of all the other patients if vince hadn't pulled him away from the woman, squeezing his arm.
“— sorry for my friend, but we need to see her now.”
they were shown into a waiting room, occupied only by a tommy who was nearly pulling his hair out and a heather who was just trying to calm him down. before they realize nikki and vince were there, a doctor appears in the doorway. tommy was quick to run up to nikki and hug him, who didn't know how to react. he didn't knew what to do or say, it was like for all that time there wasn't a single thing in the world that mattered more than you. and for him, it really didn't have.
“— this is nikki?” — the doctor asks, turning to heather.
“— yes, it's her husband, he's the father. our friend picked him up while we brought her here. how is she?”
“— she's taking it well. will you go see?” — he asked for nikki.
he didn't know how to respond. yes? no? usually the father was together at the birth of the child, right? but did you wanted to see him? was he even prepared? he knew this was not the time to think about it. damn, the child was already being born, but he still didn't know how to deal.
“— well, i don't know what that means, but the room is over here, if you want to go...” — the doctor said after some long ten seconds of silence.tommy pushed him towards the door, and then he just followed the man to the door of the room you were.
he heard a few squeals and muffled voices from nurses uttering encouragements for you to push harder. and that's when the desperation really hit him. that's when all the scenes of that night flashed through his head, in a cruel combination of several memories from his own childhood. he felt terrible for implying that you would not be a good mother when he couldn't even walk into that room. how could he? how could he get into that child's life, when he just didn't knew how?
he didn't feel the tears, but they were there. he didn't realize he was crying until he heard heather's voice from beside him.
"- so? what are you waiting for?” — she said with a clear tone of irritation.
he thought a little about what to say “— i can't, heather.” he murmured to her.
heather let out a wry laugh and pulled nikki into an empty corner of the hall, pushing him against the wall. “— what the fuck is your problem, sixx? did you freaked out? i heard what you said to her. practically the entire hotel, so, if you feel guilty or something like that, why don't you take the fucking responsibility for putting that kid inside of her? or do you want to end up like your father? you love that woman and that child, and they love you more than anyone in your life. if you don't do this shit, fuck it, but then you can bet i'll make sure you never hear about them again. never.”
it was like that, with those words, and with that woman's finger pointed in his face, that nikki realized that any insecurity would be useless. that he couldn't just give up.
heather pulled away from him slowly, and stared as if she could kill him. “— go." — it was harsh. nothing else needed to be said.
you don't remember nikki talking to you during labor. you remember he held your hand until the end, and whenever his screams got worse, he started kissing your face, as if he could help in something. he asked you once if you got mad when you saw him in the room, and you laughed your ass off before saying that your biggest fear that day was that he wouldn't show up.
ethel was named by you shortly after you found out you were pregnant. he didn't know exactly what the meaning was, but he agreed as soon as you suggested it because he thought it was so sweet. you said it meant "noble" or "honorable". that's how you felt. at every moment next to your daughter, you could only feel things as simple as these. nikki understood after a while, because that's how he felt too.
that night, you lay on his chest, and ethel in your midst. you clasp your hands over the girl's, and you remember falling asleep while listening to nikki humming something.
then a few months later that melody finally goes to the studio.
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
Helloo I was wondering if I could make a request
Since it's prom season here where I'm at I was wondering if you could do a highschool au prom with Jason Grace (or any other of the PJO boys) where reader(male or gn) Is waiting for someone to ask them out because they don't think anyone will accept their invitation to prom if they ask so they wait patiently for someone to ask them to prom. Days go by still no one has asked the reader out to prom and reader is like sulking in their home sad cause no one asked them out until reader heard a noise coming from outside they check it out and they see Jason outside waiting to ask reader out
Angst to fluff type stuff It would be so nice if you were to fill this request but it's you're choice if you do tyy
wait forever —⁠☆
| highschool au | — jason grace x gn!reader
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warnings; language, a bit of angst but turns into fluff. tags; the reader has a crush on jason, jason being oblivious about the reader feelings. a/n; hello! I hope you are very well. This is the first Jason fic omg . I will do it in gn because I usually use the feminine or neutral, I hope you enjoy it and I send you a big greeting from mhmm mars!
Jason was the king of the class. Everyone wanted to talk to him, ask him out, kiss him, or even kill him though those were the jealous few.
Guys like him got tons of invitations to be prom dates, just for the chance to be by his side for one night. But every time, he politely declined – which somehow made it even more painful– I mean, he was handsome, kind, and smart. Whoever ended up with him would be lucky.
And there you were, leaning on your elbows, watching as he gently turned down another girl. This was becoming routine since the prom date had been announced and plastered all over the school. You noticed the girl apologized, and he tried to avoid a hostile rejection. You could almost read his lips saying, “On the contrary, it’s an honor, I’m sorry, blah, blah, blah.” Same words, just another person hearing them from Jason. You laughed to yourself, unsure if it was in humor or despair.
Then you cleared your throat as you saw Jason return to his seat, conveniently in front of you. You guessed that you and Jason weren’t that close because talking excessively during school but rarely outside of it didn’t make you friends.
— If you keep this up, you'll never get a date, Jason — yelled his dark-haired friend, tossing a paper ball at him. Jason examined it with a raised eyebrow.
— Shut up, will you? And really, Leo? Heather B.?— His friend grinned and raised his hands. If you remembered correctly, Heather often teased Leo, and they apparently couldn’t stand each other. But it seemed that was just her way of getting his attention, and it worked. Great, Leo Valdez had a date, and you didn’t.
When Jason finally sat down, he turned to you with a smile that gave you butterflies.
— Do you have a date?
Oh god.
— No — you said, whining with pleading eyes. It would’ve been just as obvious if you got on your knees and started praying out loud that you were the one he wanted to go with. Instead, your classmate pressed his lips together and rested his head on his crossed arms.
— You’ll find someone.
Uh, that was the problem. You looked around, and no one seemed particularly interested in asking you. Your friends had found their dates before you could even suggest going as a group. But honestly, even if that had happened, it wouldn’t have been what you wanted. You wanted to go with someone special, but you were too shy to ask anyone, so you just waited.
—I suppose,— you responded, trying not to sound disappointed, though you knew you couldn’t expect anything from him because he probably had much better and more attractive options than you… oh. Despite your mind’s attempts to calm you down, you found yourself wondering… What if you asked Jason? Would he say no? Of all the people, you’d be the first somewhat close person to ask him.
— Jason — you called out suddenly, a burst of courage surprising you. His bright blue eyes glanced over his shoulder, leaving you speechless. How many had the privilege of his attention? You didn’t know, but you wanted to be the only one. You stumbled over your words, cheeks flushing, but he turned slightly, attentive, until the words left your mouth. Not a hint of mockery on his face. — Never mind.
You mentally slapped yourself, and Jason smiled kindly.
— If you remember what you wanted to say, tell me.
Yeah, asking wasn’t your thing. It was better to wait for someone to ask you. Maybe that Nakamura guy from the other class with whom you had a great conversation about the weather would come to mind. You thought, with a bit of luck, he wouldn’t have a date, and he’d think of you.
So, that’s what you did. But the torment was watching others ask each other in creative ways, flirting to see if there was mutual interest. You witnessed the air fill with the joy and misery of securing a date. Obviously, the proposals for Jason didn’t stop; they increased, making it more painful because he was the guy you wanted to hold your hand at the stupid dance.
As the days passed, your mood worsened, and that Wednesday, you opened your locker with hope and found absolutely nothing. Frustrated, you stuffed your books inside and slammed the door shut with a curse. You might have looked intimidating if Jason hadn’t appeared behind it, making you scream and him laugh. You didn’t understand how some people thought he was stuck-up and serious when the guy was the complete package (you cried internally again).
— What are you doing later? — he asked, twirling the rose in his hand with a raised eyebrow.
— Why? Are you going to tell me all the ways people have asked you to the dance, starting with that rose that some girl must have given you — Jason laughed again and pointed the rose at you so close you could smell its sweet fragrance.
— Boy — he corrected, and you rolled your eyes, but curiosity and anxiety overwhelmed you.
— And you said…?
— No.
You nodded and headed to the cafeteria with him following behind, which you found odd since he was about two heads taller than you.
— Don’t get me wrong. It’s for the same reason I turned down everyone else.
You smiled to show you were listening and stopped abruptly when the dance committee blocked the way with their huge decorations. Totally distracted, Jason bumped into you. If it had been the other way around, it wouldn’t have happened, but he was much heavier, so you ended up wobbling, at risk of falling flat on your face if his large hands hadn’t caught you at the exact moment.
— Sorry, I didn’t see — he swore, holding you tightly by the waist with his chin brushing your ear. His breath against your skin gave you a shiver; you had never been so close to him.
You slowly turned your body while still on tiptoes, and to your surprise, he never let go. Probably, your eyes had stars, and you wore the stupidest smile ever, but Jason didn’t notice because he was focused on not letting you fall on the freshly waxed floor in front of everyone. Because contrary to what you thought, to Jason, you were a dear friend. Now that his eyes met yours, the frustration of not knowing why he felt so different with you compared to his friendships with Leo, Piper, or Annabeth became even more apparent. He could never achieve the same level of closeness with them that he had with you.
— Th-thanks — Nervously, you began to remove his hands from your body, and Jason let go with an apology, noting that maybe you didn’t like physical contact too much while ignoring the fact that some people were watching and whispering, and you were almost melting in his arms.
You gave him an embarrassed smile and watched as the last decorations paraded down the hall. Only two days left, and you still didn’t have a date. Apparently, Jason didn’t see your frown or the pout starting to form on your lips because he carelessly began to pat you on the shoulder with a friendly laugh. But that wasn’t as bad as what he said next.
— Well, if I pushed you against the balloons and streamers again, at least you’d be part of the decorations and prettier than being a wallflower.
And honestly, what the fuck?
You didn’t know if it was the stress of not having a date, the desperation for Jason to notice you, or everything combined with the bad weather outside, but you didn’t have the guts to handle the joke. Because yeah, that’s what it was, and there was no malice in his tone. But you couldn’t do anything more than hum while grimacing. The hallway seemed to transform into the coldest place in the universe and Jason looked at you with slightly wider eyes than usual, noticing your mood change immediately.
— Sorry–
— It’s fine, Jason. I wish I were you to get thousands of proposals. See you later. — You rushed ahead, leaving Jason with his mouth open and a guilty feeling in his chest. He had never seen that side of you.
—Come on, dude! — Leo yelled, slapping the blonde’s back, who was miserably hugging his left sneaker while sitting on the locker room bench. He had worn that long face and slumped shoulders for the next hour. How could he have dared to make you angry before building a better friendship with you?
— I swear, Leo. Their eyes were full of…
— Not that, Jason — interrupted the dark-haired boy with a grimace. Jason raised an eyebrow, expecting something better than a nonsensical scolding, or so he thought. — Seriously, you haven’t realized they’re in love with you?
Jason nearly fell off the bench and bit his tongue. Leo rolled his eyes, exasperated by his friend’s dramatics. If being blind was a definition, Jason embodied it in many ways. Leo took off his glasses.
— Hey!
He cleaned them with the edge of his sports shirt and put them back on Jason.
— Can you see now? Or do I have to tell you that you’re terribly attracted to them, which is why you keep rejecting everyone?
Jason opened his mouth, his cheeks starting to burn, his stomach twisting, and his heart feeling close to a panic attack. Leo nodded wisely.
— My friend, you have the emotional maturity of a toddler.
Jason felt like a creep lurking around your house from the bushes after not seeing you anywhere for the rest of the day. Your sudden announcement of being sick didn’t sit well with him, so he ended up finding out where you lived.
In reality, you were grumbling and pacing around your living room while watching another episode of your favorite show. You reached the part where the main couple finally realized they were in love, and the episodes were filled with romance, so In bad humor, you threw a chip at the TV. The protagonist reminded you of Jason… Jason. UGH.
You smashed a pillow against your face and groaned in embarrassment. You had acted so weird with him that you thought you’d never be able to face him again, and that moment came too soon when his face appeared squished against your living room window, accompanied by a familiar metallic clang. Jason had tripped over the trash, leaving his face imprint on your window.
You wished you could’ve said something better than:
And Jason wished he could’ve responded with something better than:
But honestly, neither of you was good at expressing your feelings in front of each other.
You quickly got up to open the door and found the blonde with his hands in his jacket, his breath visible in the cold. It took you several seconds to formulate the first of many questions racing through your mind.
— What are you doing here? — was the first of them, but you hadn’t expected the tone to be so guarded. You still seemed to hold a grudge from the morning, but in reality, you felt worse with yourself.
— I came… I…. — Jason took a breath and walked towards you, illuminated by the porch light with each step until his hair looked like golden thread. — Sorry for what I said. It was really stupid.
— It’s okay, Jason. I wasn’t in a good mood…
— No, please. I should’ve been more considerate…— You frowned, and he took another step, pulling his hands out of his jacket to try and reach yours. The gesture seemed unexpected, but you didn’t do anything to avoid physical contact because, honestly, you’d never do anything to avoid being close to him.
— Jason…
— Please, let me speak. — He held your hands, and for the first time, he was aware of how it felt physically to be with you. He almost felt his body vibrate, his heart leap with excitement, but he still had the hardest part to say. — I don’t have many explanations right now, but I’d like to be your prom date.
The words didn’t have the expected effect because you stepped back.
— If this is just out of pity…
Jason shook his head and reached for you again, this time hugging you. Maybe if he didn’t look directly at you, it would be easier. He hadn’t realized you could make him so nervous.
— Never. You’re the one I’ve been hoping to go with… just forgive me, I have the emotional maturity of a five-year-old, and... I thought you hated me.
You smiled, and Jason took that as a good sign. He pulled back a bit to look at you face-to-face and, with a nervous smile, whispered, “Please.” You had Jason Grace begging you to be his prom date.
— I don’t hate you — you whispered and blushed. — I, uh, like you.
— Thank all the gods that exist! Because I hope you forgive me for what I’m about to say…
Jason smiled widely, cheeks pink, nervously pinching the fabric of your clothes. You raised an eyebrow. Did that mean he liked you too?
— Actually, I kinda forgot to give you a message from one person and maybe it was to ask you out...
You opened your mouth in disbelief.
— Nakamura — you guessed, and Jason nodded, embarrassed, but then he started waving his hands and stuttering.
— But, Please, be my date. I like you too, okay? Who’s Nakamura, anyways? — He almost said it so fast it made you dizzy, but you laughed, the sweetest sound he could’ve heard.
— I thought it would take forever.
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maysrinn · 8 months
How many times was Billy Taupe close to death because he couldn't shut up and leave Lucy Gray alone? Does he interact with the snowlings? He has his own kid, what's that like?
Way too many times, infact so many times that CC started to make a list of when, where, how and why not.
Also surprisingly yes he does interact with the fledglings, mostly during his weekly walk of shame. Rosie probably gives him eager little waves of “see ya next week!”
Billy Taupe: where’s your mother?
Janus: now wouldn’t you like to know
Billy Taupe: yeah, thats why I’m asking-
Rosie: she’s not here, but daddy is! you can play wedding with him if you like!
Billy Taupe: thanks little bird but I don’t think he wants…
Coriolanus: *distant yelling* OH NO DADDY DOES-! come on clade, lets play-
Rosie: YAY!!
Billy taupe has a little daughter called Heather who is a 6 months younger than then Rosalyn and just like her presumably shy when it comes to strangers. A odd little one, from the looks she comes more after her father yet her temper is definitely Mayfair. A little doll that gets dressed up in the finest dresses 12 has to offer while being pampered by her grandparents. She aint aware of her father’s chasing after someone who ain’t her mother.
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Lucy Gray feels genuinely sorry for the little girl
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hereticdrws · 7 months
it's a little specific, but was thinking about loser!mizu going with reader to a karaoke as official girlfriends (yay!) and discovering that reader was a massive theater kid in high school or something, seems in character to me lol
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a/n: I loved this sm I rlly hope u like it 😭 I'm a sucker for loser mizu I need to write headcannons for her 😭
For texting akemi is pink you are purple
Word count:997
Warnings: swearing, alcohol mentioned, I think that's it? Lmk if I missed one
Mizu x reader enjoy ☺️
The lights beamed across the floor of the karaoke bar, a small disco ball decorating the ceiling of the room, drenching the room in small flickering lights, the floor and the small platform was covered in confetti, probably from a previous party.
I looked around for my girlfriend who thankfully was right behind me, following me like a lost puppy.
"You good hon?" I yelled over the beating music of the speakers and whoever was singing
"Yeah I'm fine" She smiled, still a nervous blush adorned her cheeks and tip of her nose at the closeness of the crowd
We had been invited to a karaoke bar by taigen, akemi, and mizus best friend ringo after we had officially become girlfriends after months of dating and even more pining and flirting (though the flirting was more you while mizu did the blushing ;])
I grabbed her hand as we made our way to the bar, sending akemi a quick text that we had arrived and were grabbing drinks
Hey!! We're here js grabbing drinks what room r yall
We're in room 4 ☺️
Great well be there soon!
"Mizu! Their in room 4!" I yelled over to my girlfriend as she grabbed our drinks, I leaned over grabbing mine from her hand
"Great, are you ready?" She inquired
"Yeah! Cmon let's go!" I said radiating excitement.
We made our way through the crowd mizu grabbed my hand squeezing it, obviously uncomfortable with the overwhelming amount of people, I gently pulled her arm towards me, her front pressed against my back.
"You good baby?" I whisper yelled into her ear to ensure she could hear me
"Yeah, crowds just a little much" She sputtered, flashing me a small smile "let's just get to the room, I think it's upstairs
"Ok" I nodded at her, changing directions and heading towards the stairs, not letting go of her hand
Once we finally made it to the room I knocked to let akemi know we were there
"Y/n! Hey omg it's been to long" She squealed as she hugged me
"Its been 2 days" I laughed
"I know! Way to long" She said back with a giggle at the end as she moved over to hug mizu
"Oh mizu! Youre gonna love this! Don't worry" akemi said since mizu had always been the shyest of the group so obviously karaoke would send mizu into a spiral, I mean cmon, singing infront of people? Are you crazy? But she had been convinced somehow
As mizu and I followed akemi into the room, taigen was already belting his heart out to an katy perry song, clearly already very tipsy
"HI mizu" ringo smiled brightly at his bsf
"Hey" She smiled back, moving to sit next to him, dragging you lightly behind her by your intertwined hands
"Mizu! Cmon sing with me!!" Taigen yelled drunkenly at her
"No I'm good" She chuckled nervously, obviously very uncomfortable with the idea of singing katy perry I front of her brand new girlfriend
However that attitude changed the second te alcohol hit her system
2 hours later, 5 drinks in, and at least 17 songs later, mizu had been convinced to start singing, as I was laughing at taigens idiocy with akemi and ringo, mizu and taigen were searching for more songs to do
"The Heather's? Tf is that" taigen slurred, the alcohol had already hit his system awhile ago
"They have heathers?!?!" I practically jumped from my seat, rushing over to where my girl friend and taigen were sitting, pushing taigen away
"Oh my God no way I fucking love them!!" I said towards mizu
"You watched the heathers?" Mizu said, kind of thunderstruck
"Yes!! I used to be the biggest theater kid" I said vibrating with excitement as I looked ta the songs
Mizu just sat there with the biggest doe eyes looking up at me"What?" I laughed as I looked at her adorable shocked expression
"I didn't know you liked them" She mumbled looking away shyly her blush turning a bright red making her palms sweat
"Cmon! Sing with me!" I said as I turned on dead girl walking
We spent the rest of the time belting out lyrics and arguing about the best song/musical, and ofc my favorite was ride the cyclone while mizus was phantom of the opera
Once everyone was all tired out mizu and I headed toward my car
"So.." mizu started, something obviously on her mind
"So..." I said with a giggle bumping her
She let out a small laugh, her blush from earlier returning once more
"I didn't take you as a theater kid" She stumbled out
"No?" I laughed
"No definitely not" She laughed back
"Well aren't I just full of suprises" her blush deepening as I winked at her, throwing my arm around her neck, forcing her down a bit since she was very tall, leaving a few pecks on her cheek, finding it oh so amusing as to watch her blush become deeper and deeper turning her into a tomato
"Alright alright cmon we gotta get home" She stuttered out
"Whatever you say Rudolph" I winked and laughed at her annoyed expression, opening the passenger door for her
We rode home with the ride the cyclone soundtrack on low as I told her all about the plays I did in middle school and high school
"No way you were in a Beetlejuice play you're fucking with me" She said with a laugh
"I'm not!" I giggled at her punching her lightly
"What part?" She said through her laughter
"Lydia deetz!!" I said still laughing along with her
"No way you got a lead part”
“I did!!”
Once we got home and changed into pajamas, I put on beetle juice and we spent the rest of our night cuddled up watching our favs
"Goodnight Rudolph" I mumbled sleepily with a subtle smirk adorning my face
"Goodnight my little theater kid" She said right back
Thank you for reading I hope yall liked this ☺️
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Hi omg I love your writing so much!!!!!!
I was wondering if you could please write a Jason Dean x little sister where she gets sick and he is the only one there to help her (cuz their dad is crazy).
Thank you and it is 200% your choice
Cough Syrup
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/Summary/: you get sick at school, and Jd is the only one who can come an pick you up
/An/: thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing! This is more of a Drabble but I hope you like!
/warnings/: vomiting, fever, fem!sister!reader, mentions of a shity dad, mentions of Jd and Veronica’s toxic relationship, soft!jd that may seem slightly out of character but i dong care, I like him being soft for reader
/heathers taglist/: Let me know if you want added!
Heathers masterlist All masterlists
Jason Dean really was having a shity day. For starters, you had been late waking up, throwing off his whole schedule and making you both late to school. And now Veronica was ignoring him. Again. Some bullshit he couldn’t even remember had made her mad, so now he had to think of a way to apologize without really apologizing.
He was staring off into space during 4th period when the school intercom called him to the office. While Jason was always happy to miss his language arts class, he worried slightly about what they wanted. As far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything recently that would warnt being called to the office.
“Jason Dean?” The main secretary questioned when he walked in. Jason had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes and nodded. “Phone call for you.” She held out the phone for him to take.
“Is This Jason Dean?” A shrill voice asked.
“Yes, who is this?”
“I’m Mss. Daniels, I’m the nurse at Sherwood elementary. I have y/n here in the office, she threw up in class. I wasn’t able to get a hold of your father-“
“Does she needs picked up?” Jd was leaning against the wall in the office, glancing at the few people coming in and out of the office.
“She does. We were hoping you could get a hold of-“
“I’ll be there soon.” And he hung up the phone before passing it to the secretary. He quickly went to his locker before leaving the building to get to your school. Mentally, he wondered if you were actually sick, it wouldn’t be the first time you faked to get out of class. If you had he may tell you off for a bit, but ultimately he didn’t care much. School was a waist of time at your age anyways now that you could do math, read, and write.
All thoughts of you faking, however, were quickly gone when he got to the school and saw you. You were curled up on one of the chairs in the office, shivering slightly. You looked pale, and had a good layer of sweat covering you. He immediately felt like shit for yelling at you this morning. You must of felt like shit, and him yelling couldn’t have helped.
“I’m head to pick y/n up.”
“Are you her father?”
“Yep.” Jd easily lied to the women, knowing it would be easier if she thought that. He just prayed she thought he’d had you when he was really young. He had to sign a few papers before getting the ok to take you, in which he took your backpack and led you outside. Jd froze however when he realized he only had his bike.
“Do- do you think you can handle riding?” You were already leaning your body on his, eyes half closed, but you nodded.
Your brother sighed loudly, he probably shouldn’t let you ride with him but your house was to far away to walk and he sure as hell didn’t want to leave his bike here. Maybe, if he’d thought ahead he could have asked Veronica…
“Can we Go?” You whined slightly, pulling Jd back to the present.
“Ya, Just keep a tight hold, ok?” When you nodded he climbed on, helping you on as well before taking off. Luckily, the ride seemed to go quickly and before you knew it he was pulling up to the large house you called home.
“Ok, why don’t-“ Jd was cut off when you practically jumped off of the bike and threw up in the flower bed. He cringed slightly at the idea of what the flowers would look- and smell, like after words, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he rubbed up and down your back, trying to comfort you until you were done.
“Finished?” He asked, earning him a nod. “Ok, let’s get you inside then. Go change and then come back down to the living room.”
“Ok.” And you disappeared upstairs while jd went on a hunt for everything he’d need. Some cough syrup, which would hopefully help since it was the only medication they had in the house, some extra blankets, a cool compression, and he even started some tea to bring out to you.
This wasn’t the first time Jd had to take care of you while you were sick. Hell, he’d practically been raising you since your mom died. He wasn’t even surprised that your dad hadn’t answered when the school called, he probably wouldn’t even notice you were sick. Asshole.
“Ok, I know it’s going to taste like shit but you’ve got it take it-“ Jd stoped when he didn’t see you laying on the couch like he’d expected. It had been a good 20 minutes, you should already be down here, maybe playing a tape you liked or listening to the radio.
“Y/n?” He called out, carrying the stuff up the stairs and checking your room. Nothing. Bathroom? Nope. Guest room? No. Finally he checked his own bedroom, which is where he found you.
You were curled up in his bed, eyes shut as you slept. His blanket was pulled tightly to your body, and when he got closer he recognized one of his shirts on you. He sighed slightly before shaking you gently. He didn’t want to wake you up, but he needed to see if this medicine would help or if he’s have to go to the story later.
“Come on, wake up.” He tried to be gentle, watching your eyes flutter open.
“Sorry kid, but you need to take this.” He held up the small cup of cough syrup. You reached for it, sleep making your brain foggy as you swallowed it. It wasn’t until after that you reacted to the taste.
“Gross.” You mumbled, handing the cup to him and hearing him chuckle.
“I know. But you can go back to sleep now-“ you grabbed his arm when he tried to stand up.
“Stay, please,” you whined.
“You’re going to make me lay in bed with you?” Jd tried to joke, but your eyes quickly filled with tears. “Hey! No, I was just joking. If you want me to lay with you I will.”
He quickly pulled back the covers to slid into bed with you. “See?” You seemed to calm down, cuddling into your brothers body with your arms wrapped around him as you drifted back to sleep.
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kittykatkatelol · 4 months
Seventeen ~ Oneshot ~ Rosekiller
"Evan, please- we don't have to do this, not yet." Barty looked up at Evan with pleading eyes.
"B, listen to me, it's not going to get any better, so why not make sure we are the ones still standing."
"Evan.. As much as I want to, this isn't the way. Ev, can't we just be seventeen? It's our final year, I want to be with you and enjoy it. Next year-"
"We won't have a fucking next year if this all keeps up!" Evan yelled, instant regret filling him as he sees Barty flinch. "B, you have to listen to me. This is the only way. We'll join with Reggie. We don't have to die like cowards, we could actually fight. We still have a chance to live." Evan tries again, more calmly this time, holding out his hand to Barty.
"We can still be together, B. Please."
It felt like an hour of silence when it was probably just a minute or two before Barty took Evan's hand. "Your love's too good to lose. Let's go find Reg, get this shitshow started." Barty sounded resigned, but smiled regardless as Evan pulled him close into his arms.
"Maybe we can be seventeen again after this war is over.. have the childhood we both should have had."
"I'd like that." Barty replied as they slowly pulled away from each other and started to head towards the Slytherin Common Room to find Regulus.
[Word count: 242]
[A/N: yes this was inspired by Seventeen from Heathers :3 ]
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jqmalikhsgib · 2 months
too sweet
when yn and eddie made it to texas yn didn’t waste time heading to her grandmothers house. she needed to know that she was okay.
yn didn’t know what she would do if something happened to her grandma. this woman went out of her way to raise her when no one else would.
yn loved her grandma more than anything. when she arrived she sees her uncles car outside. she excitedly rushes to the front door to greet her family.
eddie stayed close to her. he was a little nervous meeting her family. but he was also really excited. he was prepared for anything that’s thrown his way.
“granny!” yn yelled as she walked into her childhood home.
“darling?! what are you doing here?”
yn grandmother hugs her tightly.
“i was worried. you said you couldn’t make it and didn’t tell me why. i wanted to see what was going on? if you were ok.”
yn grandmother chuckles. “baby, we wanted to come but the kids got sick. nothing to worry your pretty little head over. im glad you came though. i miss my grand baby.” yn grandmother kissed her on the cheek.
eddie stands there holding yn hand gently before she turns around. she grabs eddies hand tightly. “granny, this is eddie, my boyfriend. eddie, this is lauretta, my granny.”
eddie shyly puts his hand in front of her. lauretta shakes her head before grabbing him and hugging him tightly.
“don’t insult me, boy!”
eddie laughs as he hugs her back.
“how long are you two staying?”
yn looks at eddie. they never really discussed anything. they cut their trip to indiana short. they didn’t expect to be here. yn knew her schedule was free for a little while. she didn’t know if eddie had an event coming up or not.
“im free for the next two weeks, baby. anything you want.”
yn smiles hugely.
“i guess we’ll stay however long you want us!”
“don’t be silly, baby. you know id keep you here forever if i could. have you two eaten? your uncle made some soup earlier for the kids.”
“that sounds good!” eddie states.
yn goes to help her grandmother with everything before she shakes her head and points to the table. yn hesitates before sitting down next to her boyfriend.
her grandmother makes two bowls for yn and eddie before microwaving them and handing them both a bowl.
eddie and yn thank her as they start to eat.
“where is uncle pete?”
“he’s next door. talking to westly. you know how those two get. probably talking about football. your aunt sara is at work currently. you know she’s really loving the new nursing home she’s working at.”
“she goes on and on about one patient. i think her name is heather. very nice lady! sad story though. her daughter passed away a few months back. her sons the one who put her in the nursing home. apparently his wife asked him to so they can sell the house.” yn grandmother shakes her head.
“that’s awful. i couldn’t ever do that to my uncle wayne. i don’t care who im married to. that man raised me!” eddie shakes his head at the thought. yn smiles as she grabs his hand.
“that’s right!” yn grandmother nods her head.
the three of them chat more before they all hear the front door open.
“in here, baby.”
they hear footsteps as yn uncle comes into view with a smile.
“is that my niece!”
yn gets up and hugs her uncle tightly. “hi, uncle pete.”
“hi, baby! what are you doing here?!”
“came to visit. my boyfriend and i are staying for a little while.”
“boyfriend?! oh, god! please tell me he’s not one of the little boys you use to bring over?!”
yn giggles as she shakes her head. “no! not this time uncle pete. got myself a man! eddie, baby.”
eddie stands up as he walks over to his girlfriend. yn holds his hand gently, caressing it to keep him calm. she knows how nervous he get around new people.
“hi, im eddie, sir.”
yn uncle gives him a blank stare. eddie gets more nervous before pete laughs and hugs eddie.
“im just messing with you! listen, if you treat my niece right you’re good with this family. but trust, if you hurt her we will hunt you down. tell him about the boy who made you cry after prom?” pete asked as he looks at his niece.
“oh, god no! i try to forget that day.” yn shakes her head as she thinks about the night her high school boyfriend broke up with her at prom. it was one of the worst nights of her life.
“you never told me you went to prom?”
yn hums “all four years!”
“quite popular!”
yn shakes her head. “not really. i got to go because i helped set up the prom my freshman and sophomore year. i was a bit of a nerd. the first two years i just sat back and watched. i only went the last two because my boyfriends at the time. my junior year i was dating this cute guy,”
eddie cleans his throat.
yn shakes her head and giggles “not as cute as you. but he was a bit of a geek. he was a senior and asked me to the prom. we broke up before he moved away to college. i think he’s married with like two kids now!” yn turns to her grandmother. she knew if anyone knew it would be her.
“kevin?! oh yeah! he’s got a steady job up in seattle somewhere. his husband works in law.”
yn nods. “he came out like right after he moved. too afraid of what people would think of him here and what his parents would say. i had no clue either. my grandma was the one to tell me after i introduced them. i told her it’s no way.”
“oh, honey! everyone saw it.”
“to be fair i was oblivious and i really liked him. it wasn’t like he was like offensively stereotypical. he was just a guy, you know?”
“it’s okay. i get it! i didn’t know mike was gay either. in fact no one saw it coming. he loved el like no other. i think it’s a repression thing. trying to fight so hard because you’re afraid of what others may think.”
“i say be who you are! who cares what others might think! people are gonna judge you no matter what.” yn uncle comes into view as he hands eddie a beer.
“thank you.”
“i agree! look at your grandfather and i! no one thought we’d end up together because he came from money. he left his entire life behind to be with me. he couldn’t have cared any less about the money or what his family wanted. that’s real love.” yn grandmother hums.
once yn aunt sara comes home she greets yn and eddie before going to check on the kids. yn grandmother goes to the kitchen to start dinner.
eddie excused himself as he got a phone call. he heads outside and talks to whoever was on the phone.
yn aunt sits besides her right after.
“so, eddie huh? that’s different.”
yn blushes.
“yeah. figured it was time for me to switch things up. date a man this time.” yn shrugs.
“does he treat you right?” yn uncle asked.
“he does! he’s the type of guy to buy flowers instead of showering me in jewelry. i like that! he’s such a gentleman! i don’t understand how lucky i got with him.” yn shakes her head in disbelief.
“im glad. i can tell he makes you happy. you’re glowing! do you think he’s the one?”
yn turns to see eddie still chatting on the phone. he smiles at her from the window.
“i don’t wanna jinx anything. but i do, yeah! i really don’t see myself with anyone else.”
“im just concerned, baby. i mean he’s a rockstar, right?! they’re the type to have groupies. i don’t want you getting hurt.” pete explained.
yn uncle pete was more like her father if anything. he helped her grandmother raise her. even before her mother died and father was sent to prison, he was there. with her mom being sick and her father committing atrocious crimes, he was the the one to take care of her as much as he could. pete was just being a concerned parent. she loved that her family were involved in her life.
“i understand your concern. eddie has grown and matured over the last few months. he’s committed to this relationship. if i suspect even an ounce of something i wouldn’t give it a single thought. i would leave and hopefully never see him again. but he’s been the perfect boyfriend, uncle pete. so much better than any man ive ever dated before. he listens, he showers me in compliments, he talks about the future, he does the smallest gestures most men today don’t do. he still opens the car door for me! he’s the perfect man.” yn finished.
“as long as you’re happy, baby! he seems like an amazing guy. should i start planning the wedding?” yn aunt smirks.
eddie walks back in with a sigh. yn aunt scoots so he could sit next to her.
“what’s wrong?”
“that was my uncle. apparently my dads trying to get sympathy points from us. he got ‘injured’ in prison. now he wants us to visit him whenever he gets out of the hospital. this isn’t the first time this happened. he plays victim, ask my uncle to come by, and begs for a load some of money. he’s got himself in trouble again im sure and owes someone there some money.”
yn sighs as she rubs her boyfriends back.
“we know what that’s like!” pete scoffs as he thinks of his own brother that’s in prison.
“im sorry you have to go through that eddie. no one should have to deal with a family member who only cares about themselves.” sara shakes her head.
eddie shrugs his shoulders. “it is what it is. hopefully my uncle won’t go. knowing him though, he’d still try to help him. it’s his brother so i get it. i just wish he knew the man couldn’t give a single fuck about any of us.”
“dinners ready!”
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the next two days yn and eddie spent with her family had been amazing. eddie noticed his girlfriend had been more cheerful around her loved ones.
he loved seeing her smile and laugh more. it’s been an amazing sight. eddie also enjoyed getting to know yn family more and more. the more he talked to them, the more he thought of his own family back in hawkins.
currently the family was outside for the cookout yn grandmother planned the night they arrived. yn grandmother invited everyone, including the entire neighborhood.
everyone gathered around, chatting, drinking, playing cards, dancing, you name it. yn was currently standing next to a group of women and laughing. eddie smiles as he watches his girlfriend catch up. he takes a sip of his beer before walking over to her.
eddie wraps his arms around yn and kisses her right below her ear. she shivers before she smiles, turns, and kisses him passionately.
“hey, beautiful. missed you.” he whispers.
yn kisses him once more before they hear someone clear their throat. yn turns back around with a blush on her face. “sorry.”
“don’t be sorry! you gonna introduce us?”
“right! eddie, these are my best friends. tina, penny, and quinn. guys, this is my boyfriend, eddie!”
“hi, eddie.” quinn waves
“he’s hotter in person, yn!” tina smirks.
“don’t mind her. tina’s a bit flirt! it’s nice to meet you, eddie.” penny states.
“you too. yn talks about you all the time.”
“same here!”
“eddie! come meet your uncle andy.” yn grandmother grabs eddie. yn turns and smiles as he shrugs and waves his hand.
“he really is cuter in person, yn. never thought you’d date someone like him.”
yn knew what everyone meant when they said that. she wasn’t the type to date guys like eddie. eddie was the complete opposite of everyone yn dated in the past. she grew up in a black neighborhood. most of the guys she’s dated were people of color. she has dated guys outside her race, don’t be confused, but she’s never dated a white man who’s into heavy metal, a rockstar, and very nerdy all in one. in fact, if she was seen with someone like eddie back in high school, they’d make fun of her for dating the ‘cultist freak.’
people would still be cruel to eddie even in her neighborhood. but yn wouldn’t have cared. if he treats her right, why should she give a single fuck what others might think? she’s happy. that’s the most important thing that matters.
“he’s really great! the perfect gentleman.”
“hopefully not too perfect.” tina smirks.
yn blushes.
“come on! you use to give us deets all the time. at least tell us, is he good?” quinn asked,
yn turns to look at her boyfriend as her uncle andy talks his ear off. she turns back to her friends with a huge smile.
“best ive ever had!”
“better thank dre?” tina asked.
“god, so much better! he’s actually a very good lover. he’s such a giver! fuck, i hit the jackpot with eddie.”
“holy, shit! where can we find someone like eddie?” penny asked.
yn bites her bottom lip. “he’s also such a romantic! he buys me flowers every single date we have. even if it’s just us watching movies at home. ive never been pampered in my life.”
“okay, million dollar question,” tina starts.
“don’t even ask!” quinn looks at her with an eyeroll.
“come on, you guys aren’t dying to know!”
“leave it alone, tee.”
“does dre know?”
“i told you to leave it.”
yn sighs at the question. dre was the man she left when she decided to take her music career seriously. he was her best friend before they started dating. yn begged him to come with her. she loved him with her whole entire chest. he was really the first person she’d ever truly loved.
but dre couldn’t leave. he had responsibilities here. if he left he would be leaving his mom to take care of his little siblings. she’d already been through so much, he couldn’t leave her.
yn knew that would be the end of them. and every guy after dre wasn’t serious. she was just trying to mend her broken heart. that is until she met eddie.
yn couldn’t even compare dre to eddie. dre was her first love but eddie would be her last. she never felt this way before. eddie had her whole entire heart and soul. if her and eddie ever broke up, she knew she’d never recover.
“if he’s been on social media, keeping up with what ive been doing, i don’t see how he doesn’t.” yn shrugs.
“may i asked the hard questions then? since tee already brought it up.” quinn started.
yn nods. “if dre wanted to get back together? if he decided to pack his things and be with you? follow you everywhere. would you get back with him?”
“no.” yn didn’t need to think about it. dre was her past and she’d hope that maybe in the future they could remain friends.
“damn. don’t get me wrong girl, i love that you’re happy! i just thought you and dre were like, endgame. i never thought you’d love anyone ever again. the way you were with him was undeniable. it was always you and him. feels weird that it’s not like that anymore.” tina states.
yn turns to look at eddie once more as he excuses himself and walks over to her.
“your uncle andy is one character!”
“sorry. he just loves telling long stories about nothing. he’s hilarious though.” yn states.
“that he is! i see where you get your humor from, baby.” eddie smiles as he kisses her gently.
“so, eddie, where are you from?” tina asked.
“hawkins, indiana.”
“never heard of it.”
“it’s a small town. nothing but nosey people getting into your business.”
“we know what that’s like!”
“amen to that!” quinn states with an eyeroll.
“you got any siblings?” penny asked.
“kinda! biologically im the only child. but i got a few kids i consider being my siblings.”
“how many?”
“that’s a lot! sure you wanna claim that many?” quinn jokes
“meh. they’re quite annoying sometimes. i love ‘em though.”
yn friends continue to ask eddie questions. trying to get to know him a bit better. they all see why she’s attracted to him. he had a wicked personality and he was funny. he was also a little nerdy which they knew was something yn likes. he was perfect for her.
yn turns around. she gives the person a half smile. her friends all go silent.
“dre, hi.”
dre goes to hug her. yn gives him a small hug as he squeezes her.
“i heard you were back in town. didn’t know how true it was.”
“yeah. im here visiting my family for a few more days.”
“it’s so good to see you! how have you been? i heard you were nominated for a grammy.”
“yeah! pretty fucking amazing, actually! im excited to see what happens.” she states.
“congratulations! i knew you’d make it big.”
yn smiles.
it was silent for a few minutes before yn clears her throat with a smile. “dre, id like you to meet my boyfriend, eddie!”
dre heart sinks at the word ‘boyfriend’
“hi, man.” eddie shakes his hand.
dre clears his throat. “we should catch up before you go.” dre states.
“of course, yeah.”
“i should head back. i just got off work. need a bit of a shower.” dre states before he nods and walks away. eddie runs his hands up and down yn back. he knew who dre was already. the two of them talked about past relationships. he knew how hard it was for her to leave him behind.
eddie saw the hurt look on the guys face. he wouldn’t know what he would do if he was in dre’s position. his own heart broke for the guy.
“you okay?”
yn turns and wraps her arms behind her boyfriends neck. “perfect.” yn kisses him passionately.
“love you, sunshine.”
“and i love you, rockstar!”
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the next morning yn hears eddie laughing in the kitchen. she gets out of bed and wraps her rope around her waist before heading to the familiar sound.
yn sees eddie sipping a cup of coffee while her family laughs along with eddie.
eddie smiles as he sees his girl. he gets up and pulls out a chair for her. yn smiles and kisses him gently. she sits down as her grandmother serves her a plate.
“what are you all laughing about?” yn asked as she takes a bite of her toast.
“just telling eddie about the time you use to run around the house with nothing but a diaper and that red cape you use to love.”
yn shakes her head. “i was saving the world uncle pete.”
“oh, yeah! you were definitely our little hero.”
“it’s okay, babe. im sure i was the same way as a kid.” eddie shrugs.
yn hums. truth be told she loved how her family was getting along with eddie. he was definitely making a huge impression on them. it made her heart swoon seeing it.
after yn finished up her breakfast, her and her aunt got ready to do a little bit of shopping. she made sure eddie would be alright with being alone with her uncle, cousins, and grandmother. when he assured her he would be fine, she kissed him goodbye and left with her aunt.
yn and her aunt sara are super close. she considered her more of a friend than anything. she shared things with her aunt sara that she couldn’t share with her grandmother. or well, at least things she felt more comfortable sharing with her aunt. when she first got her period she told her aunt, her first kiss, her first time, her first heartbreak. it was all shared with her aunt.
it’s why it wasn’t much of a surprise she asked the quiet question in private.
“so, how does eddie treat you? i want all the details!”
“i told you already! he’s the perfect gentleman.”
sara rolls her eyes. “that’s not what i mean and you know it? give me the raw details. are you two living together? talking about marriage? kids?”
“we do talk about the future, yeah! i think he’s gonna ask me to move in when we get back home.” yn giggles.
“yeah?! how do you know?”
“because he wanted us to meet each others family all of a sudden. it was random when he brought it up. i mean, he’s even made room in his closet for me and moved things around the house, he got me a key so i can come over any time i want even when he’s not home, he’s asked me about my lease to my apartment a million times, it’s just tiny clues.”
“what about an engagement? i know you two have only been dating for, what?”
“seven amazing months!”
“do you see yourself married any time soon?”
“id marry eddie tomorrow if he asked.”
yn nods.
her aunt squeals.
“stop!” yn blushes.
“im just so happy for you! i love to see you smile. and you got this beautiful glow. it’s about time you found someone who treats you right. besides dre, i don’t think your uncle and i have liked the men in your life.”
“eddie and i are still very young though. he’s only twenty-eight. i don’t know exactly how he’d feel about marriage right now. i do know that he loves me though. every time he says im his forever, i feel it aunt sara. i know he means it with his whole entire existence.”
“im glad, honey. i know we don’t talk much about it, but your mom would be proud of the woman you are today. she’d also really love eddie. he’s funny, caring, charismatic, charming, and he’s beautiful might i add.”
“he really is!”
“come on, let’s get some food for the house and some snacks before your cousins lose their ever loving minds.”
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when they get back to the house, yn sees her grandfathers truck. she knew he was out of town on business but she didn’t know if he’d be back in time to see her.
she runs to hug her grandfather and he kisses her cheek. “hey, baby! your granny told me you were in town. had to hurry up and finish my business trip to come see you.” he states.
“so glad you’re here, pops! have you met eddie.”
“i have! he’s a nice young man. a keeper if you ask me.” yn smiles.
she goes over to help get the groceries before eddie stops her.
“nuh uh! i get the groceries. you go relax, yeah?”
“exactly! in fact, all you ladies in the house! we got this.” yn uncle gently turns his wife around.”
“that’s right son! never let the lady carry the groceries.” yn grandfather states.
the men continue to get the groceries out of the car as yn, her grandmother, her aunt, and cousins sit in the living room.
“how was the store?”
“yn ran into a few fans actually.” sara smirks.
“it was just a few teenagers.”
“they told her that her music inspires them. how empowering and women are.”
“that’s a mouthful.” eddie made himself known as he sits beside his girlfriend. he kisses her gently.
“women are the strongest creatures.” pete states.
the talk a little about women empowerment before eddie clears his throat.
“i was thinking i could take you guys out tomorrow night. since yn and i only got two more nights left. i wanna treat her friends and family.”
“oh eddie, you don’t have to do that. you don’t need anymore points from us! we love you like family.” pete half jokes.
“yeah, baby. it’s okay.”
“well, as family i wanna treat you all out! any place you want! im paying.”
“in that case, im all for it.” yn uncle andy finally makes himself known. he’d been watching some old football game. not paying too much attention to what’s going on.
“oh, stop it!” yn grandmother hits andy with a towel gently.
“okay, great!
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later that night yn hears eddie chuckling on the phone before spotting his girlfriend and hanging up.
“who was that?”
“just dustin. hey, have you invited your friends for tomorrow?”
yn wraps her arms behind eddies neck. “no. we really don’t have to invite everyone eds. my family is already pretty large. you know not everyone was able to come to our cookout right? most of the people there were just neighbors.”
eddie shakes his head. “i already booked the whole restaurant, baby. i want everyone there. i just wanna treat the family. they’ve done so much.”
yn hums. “okay, fine! but on our last night i want a hotel. missed you.” she whispers as she kisses him passionately.
“yeah?” eddie smirks.
“mhm. haven’t had you in forever. it’s been torture eds. and you won’t fuck me here. no matter how many times i beg.” she rolls her eyes.
eddie chuckles as he shakes his head. “baby, you don’t know how bad i want to fuck you until you’re begging me for mercy,”
“then why won’t you?” yn interrupted.
“because this is your families house. i won’t disrespect them in their home. plus what i plan to do to you, i know you won’t be able to keep quiet.” eddie smirks.
yn body shivers.
the couple heads back inside before heading to yn bedroom and falling asleep in one another’s arms.
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the next night yn spots all her friends and family. she smiles as she greets everyone. when she turns she spots dre. she smiles and gives him a wave.
it didn’t feel right not inviting him. he was her friend before they dated and she hoped to get that back.
once yn sees everyone is here she ask for menus. that is until eddie stops her.
“wait, we’re missing some people.” yn frowns before she sees eddie’s friends and family. eddie waves for them to join them at the main table.
“yn, it’s good to see you again.” wayne hugs yn tightly.
“you too! when did you guys get here?”
“last night. eddie had got us a last minute flight. you know how he is.” steve shakes his head.
“alright, now that’s everyone! we’re ready for our menus.”
once the menus were past around and everyone got their food and drinks, they all chatted amongst one another. yn enjoyed having both hers and eddie’s family together. it was a beautiful sight.
with yn family being as large as they are and eddie having a big family of his own, the place was definitely packed. she was very glad eddie booked the whole restaurant. otherwise the whole restaurant would be filled with too many people or they’d have to dine somewhere else.
“this place is fancy! where did eddie find this place?” quinn asked.
“yeah! and the lobster, it hit every single time.” tina states.
yn was going to answer until she heard someone ring their champagne glass.
“sorry, sorry, sorry! im just—i wanna say how happy i am to finally meet the boy, or should i say man, my granddaughter has told us about. he’s such a gentleman and im glad you found someone who treats you like a queen. you deserve all the love he gives you and more. it’s why i was very honored when he came to me and my son to ask us for something so beautiful and special. as you know, i have this ring that was passed down to me from my mother, her mother before that, her mother before that, and so on. and because i didn’t have a daughter of my own, i never got to pass it to my own daughter. but i now can pass it onto my granddaughter.”
yn was confused until she turned and sees eddie down on one knee. he was holding her grandmothers engagement ring. yn mentioned to eddie before that she’d want to be proposed to with her grandmother engagement ring. she said it was passed down from generation to generation. it meant a lot to her and a lot to her family. as she sees him down on one knee, the ring in his hand, and the sparkling look in his eyes, she started to cry.
“yn, i know we’ve only been together for seven months. but it’s been the best seven months of my life. i swear baby, none of this was planned. but when i saw how you were with your family and thought about how you were with mine, i just knew i didn’t wanna waste a single moment. i want to be with you for the rest of my life. it’s why i got your grandfather to come home early, why i got your aunt to ask you questions about marriage, why ive been sneaking on the phone with dustin, why i would do absolutely anything for you. you’re my forever, baby. ill say it to you for as long as i should live. i love you and that’s why im asking you to be my wife. will you marry me, yn?”
yn wipes the tears out of her eyes before nodding her head. eddie grins hugely as he puts the ring on her finger and everyone claps. eddie kisses his now fiancé on the lips.
everyone begins hugging one another as they celebrate yn and eddies engagement.
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once everyone gets home yn and eddie begin to pack their bags. yn looks down at her ring and smiles. she couldn’t believe she was actually engaged to eddie. yn was super excited.
eddie kisses her gently. “why don’t you get in the car. i got the rest, baby.”
“you sure?”
eddie hums. yn kisses him once more. she says good night to her granny and promises to come by tomorrow morning for breakfast.
when she gets outside she sees dre. he was leaning against her car smoking a cigarette. yn slowly walks over.
“hey. congratulations.”
“thanks, dre.”
dre laughs. “i always thought that would be you and me, you know?”
yn hums in agreement.
awkward silence took over for a few. dre sighs before he steps closer and grabs her hand.
“i—what if i decided to go with you?”
“leave this behind. you and i can go off and elope like we said we would. you can live your dream of being a rapper, i find a job or just go on the road with you. i just—what if we just took off now?” dre asked hopeful.
“come on, yn! you can’t say you still don’t love me. don’t you?”
“not like that, dre. i will always have love for you. before you were my boyfriend you were my best friend. you’ll always be the first guy i truly loved. but eddie, he’s my last and my only.”
dre lets go of yn hand.
eddie walks over to them as he unlocks the trunk. “everything okay, baby?”
yn smiles and nods. “i was just saying bye to dre.”
eddie looks between the two before nodding. he puts their suitcases in the trunk.
yn gives dre a sad smile. “ready.” she states before getting into the car.
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i tried to finish this up and rushed the ending. but i hope you all still like it. i promise more drama will come in this story. but i just got an idea for another story writing this!
22 notes · View notes
avenging-fandoms · 9 months
**i forgot who this was originally requested for so i’m gonna pick pedrito<3
Idk i kinda hate this
**fem pronouns
“I can’t believe you’re getting married.” Yn sighed with her arms crossed, admiring Pedro as he adjusts his tie with a bright smile. “I always thought we would have to use our pact.” Yn half jokes. Pedro turns aroud with knitted eyebrows.
“What pact?” He questions and Yn’s heart breaks a little.
“The pack we made when we were 16, if we didn’t getting married by 50 we’d marry each other.” She reminds him and he snaps, nodding.
“I totally forgot about that. Well we probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway.” Pedro chuckles and sits to re-tie his shoes, Yn fidgeting with her bridesmaid dress nervously.
“How would we know if we never tried?”
She tried to be quiet but saw Pedro stop tying his shoes in her peripheral as she looks at her hands.
“Dove..” Pedro sighs and she sits next to him, holding his arm and looking at him through tears while he rubbed his eyebrows with his eye closed.
“Pedro, I fell in love with you years ago, and when I went to tell you you told me about Heather, so I didn’t tell you. But now I’m telling you right before you marry her.” Yn realizes what she’s doing.
“Right before I marry her!” Pedro exclaims, standing up quickly and Yn jumps. “Why not telling me in the beginning when it’s easier to end and I loved you back?” Pedro yelled.
Yn inhaled sharply and stared Pedro down, tears falling. “You loved me?” Yn couldn’t raise her voice higher than a soft whisper, and Pedro laughed in her face.
“Yes, Yn, I did. Before I fell in love with my soon-to-be-wife.” Pedro sighed and groaned loudly as he ran his hands down his face, looking at Yn who stood slowly, unable to make eye contact.
“Good luck with your marriage, Pedro. I wish you nothing but the best.” Yn nods and opens the door. Pedro’s eyes soften and widen, quickly heading to the door and trying to get her to stay. Yn didn’t respond to anything he said and quietly took herself away from his grip and racing to her car.
As she quickly drove away Yn couldn’t helped but sob. She couldn’t blame Pedro for how he felt but she was still upset, her heart was tightening with every breath and it was getting harder to breathe.
Yn couldn’t have stayed - she was a bridesmaid. To stand next to the woman the man you love is marrying sounds like an absolute nightmare, so she finds a few hours away where no one could find her. With the alcohol for the after party and her night bag, Yn bought a room for the weekend.
She turns off her phone and turns on the TV to find something random and cracking open the bottle of Tito’s.
Every sip she thought of Pedro and Heather. How they were exchanging vows, their first kiss. Once Yn turned her back on she was going to delete every app of social media she had so she sees nothing from the wedding.
Yn locks the door all the ways she can and grabs her laptop, her vodka and her pajamas as she heads to the bathroom. Yn closes the door and starts the bath, getting it hot before taking off her makeup and dress.
She angrily threw the dress in the trash with a sob, taking a drink of her vodka and submerging herself in the hot water, putting music on her computer. Her hand draped over the edge of the bathtub with the vodka bottle loose in her grip, eyes closed and lip syncing to the music before it stops.
She was getting a FaceTime call. From Pedro.
Yn took a big sip and answers, groaning as it burns going down.
“Dove, what the hell?!” Pedro was in a quiet room and Yn took a breath.
“What’s up, how’s the wedding?” Yn slurred terribly. She didn’t realize how drunk she was and Pedro was worried as Yn barely drinks.
“Yn, where are you?” Pedro asking angrily to which Yn shrugged.
“A guy’s house, Jackson. I called him sad and now I’m naked in his tub.” Yn giggles as she lies but Pedro just thinks she’s drunk giggling.
“He didn’t try anything did he?” Pedro’s tone of voice was low and his eyes were dark, and it sobered Yn up a bit.
“What do you care, married boy? You don’t love me anymore. Bye.” Yn hung up and put her laptop on Do Not Disturb so no more calls came through and she could enjoy her back.
She set her alcohol down, dunking herself under the water for a few minutes before coming back up, gasping as she wipes her face and runs her hands over her hair. Yn brings her knees to her chest, resting her cheek on her knee bone, staring at the drain as she thought.
She thought of Pedro, of Heather, of Jackson, of everything she could think of. Eventually the water got cold and Yn sobered up a bit. Yn stood up slowly and wobbled a bit while wrapping the towel around herself. She brushed her teeth and changed into her pajamas before climbing into bed.
Yn finally turns on her phone and sees a few texts from Pedro, friends, and a bunch from Jackson talking about how Pedro showed up looking for her and threatened him. Yn sighed and texted him back, telling him she was very sorry and she’ll take him to dinner to explain; he agreed.
Yn took a few deep breaths before calling Pedro who answers in 3 rings.
“Where the hell are you?!” He scolds.
“You showed up to Jackson’s house? Pedro, I’m sorry if what I said messed with you, but you got married. Stop worrying who or where I am. Worry about you wife.”
“You did mess with me!” Pedro’s throat burns as he tries not to shout too loud for others to hear, his eyes glossy as he swallows. “Why did you do that?” Pedro asks as his lip softly trembles and Yn sighs, running her tongue over her bottom lip as she looks at the ceiling while tears well.
“I.. I don’t know, Pedro. It was selfish. I’m sorry. You’re a good man, a married man now. Please.. worry about your wife.” Yn’s voice broke.
“It should’ve been you, huh?” Pedro asks, sniffling.
“It’s too late to try.” Yn answers.
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pinkkinoko · 2 years
That one time Billy told Max he, too, had a nerd boyfriend
The sound of the front door opening and closing let Billy know that Max was back from Lucas’s house, she was holding a milkshake in one hand and had her skateboard tucked up under her other arm. She propped the skateboard up against the wall and made her way to the kitchen, flinging her backpack onto the sofa as she went.
Billy was leaning against the counter, eating a sandwich and flipping through a magazine. He was wearing his reading glasses, something nobody believed he even owned. One time, when she was late getting to the movies, Max had offhandedly explained that it was because Billy was giving her shit since he was convinced she’d touched his glasses. The truth was he just couldn’t find them because he’d left them at Eddie Munson’s house. Lucas just looked weirded out, and Mike had yelled “He reads?”
To which Dustin had replied: “It’s probably just playboy magazines…”
Billy didn’t really wear his glasses around anyone—though it looks like now he wore them around Eddie—and he was actually a pretty big reader. To be fair, she never thought Billy read anything other than the road signs—and that was just so he could do the opposite of what they said. But Billy read a lot; she noticed it a few weeks after Neil had moved in, though he didn’t read out in the open. She’d caught the scene by chance as she was skating back from the boardwalk, Billy’s car was parked in a relatively empty space, his eyes fixed on a heavy book about what she later found out was marine biology.
It was the first time she’d seen him look quiet.
Not bored, or angry, or lazy; not wound up like when he was with his friends, or dangerous like when he was at the dinner table. For once, he just looked quiet, and she thought that maybe, just for that moment, he seemed like every other dumb high school sophomore she’d ever seen.
She was surprised by the glasses, he’d always been pretty, but now he even looked somewhat boyish—if she imagined him with a different hairstyle, one less ambitious and more subtle, she could even see him as a nerdish bookworm.
Still, as she had passed quietly by his car, she could hear the faint sound of his favorite metal tracks playing from the speaker. It was like a reminder, at that time, that he was still Billy, all hard-edged and dangerous.
Things had gotten better, between them, after Neil left. So many things had happened over the summer in Hawkins, especially after Billy got fed-up with lifeguard duty—and Neil—and took a road trip back home to Cali. She’s kind of glad that Billy hadn’t been there, not just because shit had hit the fan with the whole upside-down shit-show, but because of what had happened to Heather, too.
Things between her and Billy weren’t kittens and rainbows, even if they’d gotten better, but the thought of what happened to Heather possibly happening to Billy too—
It made her feel like razors were scraping all down her back.
“Oh no way—what are you wearing?”
Max stood on the threshold, between the carpeted living room of the trailer and the tiled kitchen area, noticing for the first time the dumb shirt she’d had the bad luck of seeing everywhere lately; the glaring words “hellfire club” written in bold across the front.
“Shut up Max, it’s a lame fucking shirt, I can wear lame shit too, alright.”
Billy didn’t bother to look up from the magazine, Max had a feeling it was mostly because he knew she would give him the biggest shit-eating grin in all of Hawkins—and he wouldn’t be able to say anything back. Max thought the shirt was the stupidest thing, and so she knew Billy had to think the same. They disagreed on way too many things to keep track of, but call it a sibling-sense, she just knew he agreed with her on this.
“My boyfriend is in that dumb club and he couldn’t pay me to wear that thing, what bet did you lose?”
The magazine slapped against Billy’s thigh as he let his arm fall forward, an annoyed sigh leaving his mouth.
“Yeah, well mine’s the fucking president, Max. Don’t get used to it, same thing I told Eddie, it’s a one time thing.”
Max had seen Billy kissing Eddie once, it was late and she’d gone out to feed the dog. She saw Billy getting out of Eddie’s van and following him up the steps into his trailer. Before they’d gone inside, Eddie had turned to say something that they’d both laughed at before Billy pulled him down into a kiss.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t caught off guard—it made her rethink a whole feature-film’s worth of stuff in her memory—but after the initial shock wore off, she was left with mixed feelings.
She didn’t really like Munson. Sure, Lucas seemed to think he was alright, and Dustin had pretty much found a new older brother in the guy, but she still wasn’t really convinced.
Not to mention Mike liked him, which was not good advertising; the only good choice Mike had ever made was El, and he still managed to royally fuck that up.
Maybe she was worried whatever issues Billy had, they’d only get worse with Munson around. Saying Munson was a “bad influence” felt like she was pushing Billy around in a stroller; that kind of sentiment was reserved for sweet, over-protective moms who kept track of curfews and supper-times, women like Mrs. Byers.
Still, maybe because it looked like things could actually start to work between her and Billy, Max felt nervous.
Turns out she didn’t really have anything to be nervous about. If anything, Billy mellowed out after meeting Munson, she can’t say it’s not 80% weed, but even 20% feels like miles compared to before. Apparently, the guy can even get Billy to wear the dumbest shirt on the planet, so maybe he’s not that bad after all.
He can even get Billy to date.
Max didn’t even know Billy knew what that word meant, she’d only seen him switching through girls faster than he drove, but maybe she was just looking at it wrong from the start.
Either way, she was happy for him. There was still a ton of shit to work through before she could really feel herself around Billy, she’s sure it was the same for him, but the point was that they had time now.
That’s more than could be said for a lot of people after Starcourt; people like Jim Hopper.
“Well, I guess it looks alright on you.”
He raised an eyebrow at her, and there was a tiny millisecond in which Max was scared again, that maybe he’d snap at her—that maybe Neil was going to walk in the room with her mother on his arm, looking small and timid all over again. But it didn’t happen, Billy’s lips gave a little pull to the right, a smirk, and he bit back;
“Everything looks good on me, Max, even this nerd shit.”
He then went back to reading his magazine, and as she opened the fridge to grab something to snack on, she found a sandwich saran-wrapped and sitting on a plate. She knew it wasn’t her mom, not just because she wasn’t even home since this morning, but because the sticky note on top of it that read “Max” was in Billy’s handwriting.
She smiled, they’d be alright, somehow; if it was the three of them, they could do it.
Billy did, by the way, keep wearing that shirt. It was only around the house, or when he knew nobody but Max would see him in it, but she could tell he liked it.
God, her brother had horrible taste.
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
Hi I was wondering if you could write Alejandro, Tyler, and Brick x masc reader who flinches at sudden movements and noises.
☣︎ Hey hey, welcome first non-anon user!! Ty for your ask! Also sorry for possible OOC and if that's not what you meant with the prompt, I had some troubles lol
also sorry for it not being as long as I'd like to 😔
Summary: (Based on the "Hook, Line, and Screamer" episode) After watching a scary movie you try not to get captured by a killer and one of the boys startles you.
☢︎ | masculine reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Alejandro | Tyler | Brick
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【 Intro 】
⚠︎ | setting: Total Drama: Island (AU)
You were a bit suspicious when Chris told you to watch a horror movie.
You knew it would be a hard to get through challenge, and you were not looking up to the potential anxiety factors that were to arrive.
Once the movie was over and Chris mysteriously disappeared, leaving faint clues about a psycho killer, all of the contestants were either worried or skeptical.
Whatever your opinion on the topic was, you had to use the bathroom after the movie.
The toilet was not too far off, so you decided that it wouldn't bother other contestants and you went off to do your business.
After some time however Gwen noticed you weren't there and asked if anyone knew saw you walking away.
Duncan shrugged and responded you probably "went to take a piss, or something."
Gwen sighed as she just explained the number one horror rule - to not go alone.
He commented that someone should go get you
Suddenly one of the boys chimed in.
【 Alejandro 】
"I'll check up on him." He gentlemanly said, not afraid of the so called "psycho killer".
Just like Heather, he predicted it's just one of Chris's stunts, so he wasn't afraid of anyone catching him while he went to get you.
There was some walking through the forest before he noticed you from afar.
He was too sophisticated to yell, so he didn't say anything until he approached you closer.
You were heading back to the group meeting place as you heard some twig-cracking sound.
You flinched, quickly looking towards the source of the noise.
Your sight didn't meet a killer though, instead it was Alejandro.
He raised his hand in a calming manner, as if to show he's not a threat.
"Relax, it's just me." He said softly, smiling calmly as he approached you.
"Oh- Alejandro." You sighed relieved.
"No psycho killer. Just killer looks." He joked lightheartedly, although a bit of his narcissism shined through.
You rolled your eyes slightly with a faint amused smile.
You knew Alejandro wasn't exactly modest.
"Whatcha doing here?" You asked, now realizing he came here for a reason.
"Oh, was just worried about your whereabouts..." He responded in a slightly flirty manner, waiting for a reaction out of you.
"How caring..." You remarked, looking at him, making him wonder how much of your words were sarcasm or not.
He chuckled. "Of course I care about my fellow teammate."
"We shall go back now, though." He pointed out, knowing that others were waiting for them.
He didn't buy the whole killer situation, but he tried to keep up an appearance, not wanting to be seen as so grumpy as Heather.
You two started walking, until you heard and saw a rabbit running by, startling you.
Alejandro didn't really have a reaction to it, but he noticed you flinching.
"I reassure you if the killer comes here, I will personally protect you." His words came out sweeter than honey, although his sincerity was debatable.
"I just don't like sudden things moving." You elaborated, not wanting Alejandro to get a wrong idea about you.
"Of course." Alejandro nodded, acknowledging your words. "Who likes unpredicted situations happening?"
You finally go back to meet with the rest of the group, noticing some of them have gone missing, but you don't comment on that.
You take a seat on your previously owned tree stump, Alejandro joining you nearby.
Extra: If you're already dating
At first Alejandro will check up on you whenever he sees your reaction to a loud noise (or sudden movement) to ask if you're okay, but if you tell him it's not a big deal he will respect your words.
If others make fun of you for being a "scaredy cat" he won't be afraid to protect your honor, starting a quarrel with whoever disrespects you.
【 Tyler 】
"I'll go!" Tyler said, getting up from his sitting position.
He seemed to be brave and confident as he left his safe spot near the group, but in reality, the movie gave him some scares.
These thoughts about a killer chasing him in the middle of the forest haunted his mind, just like in the film!
He calmed himself down though, as he had go go get you.
He couldn't let you get murdered, could he?
Soon enough, he arrived near the communal bathrooms, expecting you to be close.
Tyler didn't wanna disturb you, so he waited a bit, expecting you to come out soon.
What he didn't know, was that you were already on your way back, noticing him from afar.
You decided to approach him, seeing as he's waiting by the door, probably for you.
You stepped on a twig while your focus while on Tyler, scaring yourself a little by not being aware of your surroundings, but the scream you heard from Tyler was more surprising than the wooden stick.
"AAH!" He yelped in an octave you weren't aware he could do. "Not the killer!!"
You noticed the fear in his eyes as he quickly turned over to see you, smiling at him.
"...Sorry dude, it's just me-" You explained, approaching closer.
"Oh- Y/N!" He finally recognized you after a moment.
"You weren't killed by the killer??" He asked the obvious.
You smiled, appreciating Tyler's silliness.
It made you chuckle. "No. Were you?" You reciprocated the silly question.
He looked around himself, as if he wasn't sure himself at first, but he finally struck a proud pose as he responded. "Nope."
You smiled. "Well- Let's go back then, shall we?"
Tyler nodded, waiting for you to take the lead.
【 Brick 】
Ever since you were nice to Brick that one time, he seemed to take a liking in you.
Of course he never outwardly flirted with you, due to his respect towards you, and some bashfulness on his side.
He wasn't afraid of the horror Chris had left for the campers, nor the psycho killer, but he was afraid of the dark.
Perhaps it was the unnerving lack of knowledge about what could be hiding in there was getting to him.
He couldn't even sleep without his nightlight on.
Nonetheless, he couldn't leave his teammate to fend for themselves when there could be a potential killer on the loose!
"Never leave a cadet behind!" He chanted as he got up from the trunk he was sitting on, with his hand doing a brief salute, as he took this rule very seriously.
His movements were firm and confident as he made his way near the communal bathrooms, but they quickly turned meek as he realized how dark it was.
He tried to keep calm, not only for himself, but for you.
He was going out there with a purpose!
He stayed near the faint, available source of light there was and finally arrived, seeing you leave thru the doors.
Excitement got to him as he realized he had successfully completed his mission, stepping forward to join you in going back together.
As he took a step though, his black boots kicked a big pebble, making a rather loud noise that made you look towards the source of the sound in an alarmed manner.
"Hey, hey- It's Brick." He quickly reassured you with a half awkward smile.
"Oh. Hey- You startled me." You explained, reciprocating the smile with friendliness.
"Sorry, sorry." He quickly apologized, scratching the base of his neck to release some tension.
You noticed his expression was always so- different around you than with other campers.
He usually had a friendly, calm and confident smile, but every time you looked at his face, it showed a more unsure and, dare to say, meek look.
The sound of him clearing his throat pulled you away from your thoughts.
"Ekhm, so, ready to go back to the group?" He asked, looking around, anywhere but your face.
You swear you could sense some hesitation in him, but you weren't sure why.
Perhaps it was the fear of the dark that you knew about?
"Yeah, yeah." You took a step forward, looking back to see if he's coming.
Brick followed you, keeping close and on the look out for potential killer.
"You don't think the killer is out there, do you?" You asked curiously, glancing at him.
"Oh. Well-" He trailed off slightly, unsure what to say.
"Maybe he's there, maybe not. But, our senses gotta stay sharp in any case." He spoke in an almost determined tone.
"If anyone comes, I'm ready to protect the group." He made a little salute to emphasize his point, gaining a soft chuckle from you.
"...And- you, of course." He added after a moment of hesitation, and with the help of dim lighting you could discern a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Well in that case, I'll make sure to look out for you." You said with a warm smile.
You could see his ears turning red and hear a bashful chuckle come out of his lips.
"I- I appreciate that." He finally mustered to say after a moment.
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smad-lesbian · 1 year
Imagine: Heathers are SO JEALOUS of JD flirting with Veronica, so they decided to make a party where the only person invited was Veronica. (It means that they all ditched the Remington's party, so no Veronica puking on Chandler's shoes, no Chandler saying that she will destroy Veronica's social life, no Veronica going to JD and no Chandler drinking drano)
Hell yeah, really love this prompt, I am a sucker for jealous Heathers and extremely oblivious Veronica.
Also this is how it should have gone-
"Don't forget to buy corn nuts!" Chandler yelled out from her car, leaning over it to scream at Veronica, who was heading inside the 7/11, said girl nodded at Chandler's demand, only slightly rolling her eyes before turning back, looking at the other two Heathers standing in the back seat.
"Do you guys want anything?" She called back at Duke and McNamara, both who were having small talk at the back of the red porsche.
They both turned to face the taller girl, Mac shrugged while Duke pondered for a second before looking up, "A big gulp, please." Veronica nodded, before turning back, entering the cold 7/11.
Duke and McNamara turned right back to their conversation about whatever latest gossip was going on in the halls of Westerburg.
It was only after a good 15 minutes that Duke began to shift in her seat, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her skirt in a nervous manner.
"Veronica has been gone for a long time now." Duke whispered, looking out the window at 7/11.
"Shut up, Heather!" Chandler snapped at her, but she furrowed her eyebrows at the words, her lips pursed as she internally (she would rather die than say it out loud) that Duke had a point, it had been a suspicious amount of time since Veronica got out.
Chandler sighed in annoyance, before digging her palm into the car keys, pulling them out with a tad too much force as she quickly opened the door.
"Come on." She said vaguely, not bothering to look behind her as she strolled into the 7/11, knowing that the other two Heathers were right behind her.
The semi-cold breeze of a barely functional air conditioner hit her as she scanned for the familiar tuffs of brown hair.
It wasn't long before she locked eyes with Veronica, she was facing away from them, looking engrossed into something.
Chandler noticed the familiar trench coat.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
She heard quite whispering behind her, probably McNamara, who also noticed the Bo Diddley rip off was talking to Veronica, leaning on the counter with a wolfish grin.
She was going to bury him alive.
Chandler walked (Stomped) over to the pair, putting a firm hand on Veronica's waist as she came within arms reach of the girl.
"Ronnie! Mind telling me what the fuck is taking so long?" Chandler asked Veronica, her voice sickenly sweet as she dug her nails into Veronica's arm.
Veronica didn't seem to mind brushing off the clear annoyance with an eye roll, "Sorry Heather, I was talking to JD, must have lost track of time." She said, her gaze flicking back to JD for a second, before she was distracted by another presence behind her.
"Well, sorry to interrupt, but we have to get going." Heather Duke said with gritted teeth as she sent JD a glare before giving Veronica a small, yet sweet smile.
Veronica gave a small smile back, before feeling a hand snake up around her waist, whom she already concluded was probably McNamara.
"We are so sorry to interrupt your eye fucking, but we have to get going." Mac glared at JD, who shrugged it off.
"Well, I'll see you later." He winked as he disappeared, probably to spike his slushie with steroids, Chandler thought, before tugging Veronica's arm outside.
Veronica grumbled in partial annoyance before she went along, mostly unfazed by the unusual amount of physical contact.
They soon got back in the car, (Veronica, Duke, and McNamara in the back, Chandler driving).
Chandler looked back at Veronica who seemed more interested in glancing outside the window, Chandler growled as she dug her nails into the steering wheel.
"Change of plans, party at my house tonight."
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