#jason dean x sister!reader
kining-the-evil · 1 year
Hi omg I love your writing so much!!!!!!
I was wondering if you could please write a Jason Dean x little sister where she gets sick and he is the only one there to help her (cuz their dad is crazy).
Thank you and it is 200% your choice
Cough Syrup
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/Summary/: you get sick at school, and Jd is the only one who can come an pick you up
/An/: thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing! This is more of a Drabble but I hope you like!
/warnings/: vomiting, fever, fem!sister!reader, mentions of a shity dad, mentions of Jd and Veronica’s toxic relationship, soft!jd that may seem slightly out of character but i dong care, I like him being soft for reader
/heathers taglist/: Let me know if you want added!
Heathers masterlist All masterlists
Jason Dean really was having a shity day. For starters, you had been late waking up, throwing off his whole schedule and making you both late to school. And now Veronica was ignoring him. Again. Some bullshit he couldn’t even remember had made her mad, so now he had to think of a way to apologize without really apologizing.
He was staring off into space during 4th period when the school intercom called him to the office. While Jason was always happy to miss his language arts class, he worried slightly about what they wanted. As far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything recently that would warnt being called to the office.
“Jason Dean?” The main secretary questioned when he walked in. Jason had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes and nodded. “Phone call for you.” She held out the phone for him to take.
“Is This Jason Dean?” A shrill voice asked.
“Yes, who is this?”
“I’m Mss. Daniels, I’m the nurse at Sherwood elementary. I have y/n here in the office, she threw up in class. I wasn’t able to get a hold of your father-“
“Does she needs picked up?” Jd was leaning against the wall in the office, glancing at the few people coming in and out of the office.
“She does. We were hoping you could get a hold of-“
“I’ll be there soon.” And he hung up the phone before passing it to the secretary. He quickly went to his locker before leaving the building to get to your school. Mentally, he wondered if you were actually sick, it wouldn’t be the first time you faked to get out of class. If you had he may tell you off for a bit, but ultimately he didn’t care much. School was a waist of time at your age anyways now that you could do math, read, and write.
All thoughts of you faking, however, were quickly gone when he got to the school and saw you. You were curled up on one of the chairs in the office, shivering slightly. You looked pale, and had a good layer of sweat covering you. He immediately felt like shit for yelling at you this morning. You must of felt like shit, and him yelling couldn’t have helped.
“I’m head to pick y/n up.”
“Are you her father?”
“Yep.” Jd easily lied to the women, knowing it would be easier if she thought that. He just prayed she thought he’d had you when he was really young. He had to sign a few papers before getting the ok to take you, in which he took your backpack and led you outside. Jd froze however when he realized he only had his bike.
“Do- do you think you can handle riding?” You were already leaning your body on his, eyes half closed, but you nodded.
Your brother sighed loudly, he probably shouldn’t let you ride with him but your house was to far away to walk and he sure as hell didn’t want to leave his bike here. Maybe, if he’d thought ahead he could have asked Veronica…
“Can we Go?” You whined slightly, pulling Jd back to the present.
“Ya, Just keep a tight hold, ok?” When you nodded he climbed on, helping you on as well before taking off. Luckily, the ride seemed to go quickly and before you knew it he was pulling up to the large house you called home.
“Ok, why don’t-“ Jd was cut off when you practically jumped off of the bike and threw up in the flower bed. He cringed slightly at the idea of what the flowers would look- and smell, like after words, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he rubbed up and down your back, trying to comfort you until you were done.
“Finished?” He asked, earning him a nod. “Ok, let’s get you inside then. Go change and then come back down to the living room.”
“Ok.” And you disappeared upstairs while jd went on a hunt for everything he’d need. Some cough syrup, which would hopefully help since it was the only medication they had in the house, some extra blankets, a cool compression, and he even started some tea to bring out to you.
This wasn’t the first time Jd had to take care of you while you were sick. Hell, he’d practically been raising you since your mom died. He wasn’t even surprised that your dad hadn’t answered when the school called, he probably wouldn’t even notice you were sick. Asshole.
“Ok, I know it’s going to taste like shit but you’ve got it take it-“ Jd stoped when he didn’t see you laying on the couch like he’d expected. It had been a good 20 minutes, you should already be down here, maybe playing a tape you liked or listening to the radio.
“Y/n?” He called out, carrying the stuff up the stairs and checking your room. Nothing. Bathroom? Nope. Guest room? No. Finally he checked his own bedroom, which is where he found you.
You were curled up in his bed, eyes shut as you slept. His blanket was pulled tightly to your body, and when he got closer he recognized one of his shirts on you. He sighed slightly before shaking you gently. He didn’t want to wake you up, but he needed to see if this medicine would help or if he’s have to go to the story later.
“Come on, wake up.” He tried to be gentle, watching your eyes flutter open.
“Sorry kid, but you need to take this.” He held up the small cup of cough syrup. You reached for it, sleep making your brain foggy as you swallowed it. It wasn’t until after that you reacted to the taste.
“Gross.” You mumbled, handing the cup to him and hearing him chuckle.
“I know. But you can go back to sleep now-“ you grabbed his arm when he tried to stand up.
“Stay, please,” you whined.
“You’re going to make me lay in bed with you?” Jd tried to joke, but your eyes quickly filled with tears. “Hey! No, I was just joking. If you want me to lay with you I will.”
He quickly pulled back the covers to slid into bed with you. “See?” You seemed to calm down, cuddling into your brothers body with your arms wrapped around him as you drifted back to sleep.
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m3ntally-unstable · 2 months
Why is it that everytime I search for a certain thing I GET THE OPPOSITE. I SEARCHED FOR ANGST NOT SMUT, I WANT ANGST. I AKSED FOR SMUT NOT FUCKING FLUFF AND SHIT 😡😡😡😡 please update your system tumblr I beg of you
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xan-izme · 2 months
Dubble Life 12 (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
A/n: Just a chapter full of fluff for now(Or is it 🤡)
Part 11
You stared at the therapist with a blank expression. Irritation was clear in your eyes. Your defining silence and small glare did not affect the therapist.
"I was told by your father, that this isn't your first session with a therapist." The therapist, Mrs. Dean spoke with a firm yet soft tone. She very beautiful. Maybe in her early to mid 30's. Her hair up in a neat bun, but some curls managed to poke out in a graceful way.
". . . yeah." You gave a short response.
"Well, you already know the drill. So, I'll dive right in. You originally lived in New York. How are you adjusting to Gotham." Mrs. Dean crossed one leg over the other while waiting for your response.
"It's okay." Your eyes seemed to be more interested in looking around the office.
Mrs. Dean nods and intertwined her fingers while letting her hands lay on her lap. "And school? I've heard your practically a genius."
"I guess." You spot a hand drawn picture on Mrs. Deans desk along with a little teddy bear. There was a small corner that looked like it was for kids. It had dolls. Other types of toys. A small table for kids.
Mrs. Dean noticed you looking at her little kid corner. "I work with a lot of kids that your age and younger. It helps the younger kids feel more comfortable."
You nod and let out a small thoughtful hum and focused your eyes back on Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Dean gives you a small smile. "Back to you."
Bruce had put you into therapy. Which you were not happy about of course. You didn't need therapy. It made you feel weak, and it's not like you can tell your therapist everything. Most of your trauma was due to your life as Spiderwoman.
You got back from your session. Walking into the manor your hit with the smell of fresh baked sweets. You get curious and walked into the kitchen where you see Alfred baking and Damian doing his homework on the counter.
"Hmm. Smells good." You spoke as you walked into the kitchen.
"Sister!" Damian spoke up. His tone with slight excitement. You walked over and ruffled Damians head. "Hey cupcake." You mumbled with a small soft smile. Damian turned his head up to you as you wrapped your arm around the youngers shoulder.
"Ah, Ms. Y/n. How was your therapy session?" Alfred spoke as he pulled out the first batch of cookies from the oven.
"Oh, it was great. Had a wonderful time." Your tone was clear with sarcasm.
"Seriously?" Damian piped up, seemingly not taking your sarcasm into note. You chuckled as you smiled down at Damian. "Your funny cupcake." You ruffled his head once more and smuggled him with a hug and kisses.
"Ugh- stop!" Damian struggled to push you away. You were surprisingly strong. (He wasn't actually even trying)
Alfred watched the sweet scene in front of him with s fond smile upon his face.
Jason walked in. Looking like he just woke up with messy hair while wearing boxers.
"Where's my kisses?" Jason spoke up while staring at you and Damian. You and Damian frown at the sight of Jason.
"I can punch you." You gave the older man a "sweet" smile as you held Damian close to you.
Jason flipped you off while Alfred had his backed turned. Which you and Damian returned by flipping him off together.
You and Damian were watching a drama show while eating popcorn. It was fairly silent. Damian had his head on your shoulder while you had your head on his.
". . .Sister." Damian spoke up in a quite tone while you two kept your eyes on the tv. You let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"Do you hate it here?"
Damians question made you pause. You lean your head away from his to look at him. Your brows furrowed. "Why would you think that cupcake?''
Damian stared up at you, his expression a little sad but mainly conflicted. Wondering if he should tell you what was on his mind. Worried if he does say what was on his mind, whatever you respond with might confirm with what he asked. "Well. . . I overheard the argument you and father had."
You let out a sigh while turning your head away, clenching your jaw. "Right. That."
Damian frowns and held his head down. You turn your head back to stare down at Damian with small frown. ". . . Hey. Look at me."
Damian slowly looks up at you. Expecting some sort of deep frown or a sad look on your face. But he's greeted with your usual soft smile.
"What I said to Bruce was. . . wrong. I didn't mean it. But most importantly. I don't want you thinking I hate being here. I got you here with me, what's to hate?" You pinched his nose and hugged him. Damian hugs back while letting out a small sigh of relief.
While hugging Damian, you glanced down and see a bruise underneath back of his shirt. You frown and lean away from the hug to tug on the shirt and get a better look at the bruise.
"What is this?" Your tone turned protective. Damian was quick to pull away.
"Nothing! . . . I bumped into a bookshelf pretty hard in the library yesterday."
"Oh. . . Okay." You still had a small doubtful look on your face. A still a little worried.
A week goes by and your back in Ms. Deans office.
"So, do you have any friends?" Mrs. Deans asked with a small smile.
You were seated across from Mrs. Dean. "Yeah."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You don't talk much about them."
"They don't live here in Gotham. But we keep in contact." You were referring to your friends in the Society. It was a lie about keeping in contact part. Of course, you knew you were the problem for that.
"I see. Have you tried to make friends here in Gotham? In school or outside of school?"
You shook your head with a small bitter smile. "A lot of people already know I'm Bruce's daughter. Hard to make friends who, actually want to be friends. You know?"
Mrs. Dean nods in understanding before asking another question. "I'm sure there are a lot of pros to being Bruce Wayne's daughter."
You let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I got a little brother. A dad. Money. I was broke as hell."
Mrs. Dean chuckled at the last part.
"Anything I want I could ask for. I can get it. . . But sometimes I want go to the past."
Mrs. Dean's brow raised at your words. "Now why is that."
You paused for a moment. You had a faraway look on your face as you spoke. "Everything before. . ." You sighed as your mind wondered back to her.
"Never mind." You mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Mrs. Dean seems to already know what you were about to say. But she doesn't press you about it. Not yet at least.
"You mentioned your brother?" Mrs. Dean thankfully changed the subject. She watches your uneasy expression turn into a fond smile. "Damian. Yeah. He's a tough one. He acts so tough and mature, but in truth he's just a little baby. We weren't close at first. . . he actually hated me."
You chuckled to yourself as you thought back to your first encounter with Damian.
"What changed?" Mrs. Dean tilted her head.
You seem to think deeply about her question. ". . . I guess I kind of saw myself in him."
Mrs. Dean became more interested by your words.
"I used to do that too when I was younger. I acted like an adult. Thought if I did that people on the streets would take me more seriously. No one would mess with me if I acted tough." You had that faraway look on your face again. Thinking back to the past.
"I never really got to act like a kid. Felt like that was the only way to be taken seriously by others. To be trusted to do things on your own. I saw that In Damian. But that's not how a kid should act or worry about." You held your head high and gave Mrs. Dean a confident look.
"I don't want him to worry about stuff a 12 your old shouldn't even worry about. I know I probably can't give him what he already has. But I got my love. And that should be enough. . . right?"
Mrs. Dean smiled. "Yes. I'm sure your love is enough."
"Ugh, why the hell is this level so hard." You grumbled as you set down the controller. Getting frustrated over a game and a certain level you couldn't pass.
Tim chucked as he watched you stress over it. Jason right behind him reading a book. "How long have you been stuck on this level?"
"A week." You mumbled as you turn to look at Tim. Catching Jason make an amused face at your frustration.
"Shut up Jason." You glared at the older.
"Wha- I didn't even say anything!" Jason looked offended.
"Your stupid face did." You huffed in annoyance. Tim laughed and hopped over the couch and sat next to you. "Can I help?"
Your eyes lit up with hope. "Oh my gosh really?" Tim gave you a smile and nods. "Yes! please help."
Since Tim already played this game and finished it. He showed you multiple ways to beat this level. You had fun with Tim. You and Jason would argue here and there. But overall, it was fun.
As it got dark. Tim and Jason suddenly got an Alert on their phones. "Sorry Y/n. Me and Jason have to go. But I'll play with you next week."
You were a little sad. And confused at the sudden rush, but you understood. "Oh, okay. Bye."
Jason ruffled your head as he followed behind Tim. "Hey!"
Jason quickly ran out the room as you threw a pillow towards him.
"Do you ever feel left out?" Mrs. Dean asked as she watched you play with a small ball you picked out from the kids corner.
"Left out? No not really." You tossed the ball up in the air and caught it.
"How about I sum out the question. Do you feel left out in your family? With the Waynes I mean."
You hum as you thought about it. "Sometimes, I guess. Everyone treats me good. But I kind of feel like, an outsider sometimes."
"Do you think it's because of the way you were raised that you assume that. Suddenly living one life then now to this." Mrs. Dean watched as you let her words sink in.
"Yeah. I guess so. They knew each other longer and stuff. So that's probably why I feel that way. . . but. It kind of feels like something more."
Mrs. Dean's Brow raised "Why do you think that?"
You shrugged as you fumbled with the small ball in your hands. "It's like they all have this, thing. Like a bond with each other that I probably won't understand. . ." You seemed to think about it before shrugging "Maybe because they are all guys? I heard fathers have deeper connections with their sons."
Mrs. Dean hums and leans back into her chair. "Well, that can be some cases. Do you think Mr. Wayne doesn't pay much attention to you than your brothers?"
You shook your head. "No, he gives me attention. He's. . . a good man. He wouldn't neglect any of his kids. He's also a busy guy. So, if he's not around much I don't hold it against him."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You seem to be a very open-minded person."
It was late in the night when you had awoken from a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep. But your mind betrayed you. Keeping you up and refusing you sleep for what felt like hours.
So, you wondered downstairs. In hopes of getting something that could make you fall asleep. You slowly enter the kitchen that was engulfed in darkness. Before you could reach for the light switch. The light was turned on by another.
"Ms. Y/n."
It was Alfred.
"Hey Alfred. Sorry I just came for something to drink." You mumbled as you approached the fridge.
"A nightmare?" Alfreds question caused you to pause. "How did you-"
"I know the look of a child who has come out from a bad dream Ms. Y/n." Alfred shooed you to sit at the counter as he made you a warm drink.
You just sat in silence as Alfred spoke.
"Do you usually get nightmares?" Alfred still has his back turned to you as he made your drink. ". . . Sometimes. Nothing too bad. Just need to lay off the horror films I guess." You let out a small chuckle.
"I see. Your father had a lot of nightmares as well when he was around master Dameon's age." Alfred slides the cup to you. You take the warm cup into your cold hands. The warmth sending a sort of satiation through you.
"Bruce?" You took a sip from the warm drink as you eyed the Butler. Alfred nods as he turns to clean up. "Especially after Master Bruce's parents passed."
Your expression dropped slightly. Both parents at such a young age.
"Must have been hard." You mumbled as you thought to yourself.
Alfred glanced to your slight glum expression.
"Yes. Same for Master Dick, and Master Tim. Along with Master Jason. All boys lost their parents at young ages. Master Damians mother left him with Bruce after the death of his grandfather. It took him awhile to move on after that."
You stayed silent as Alfred spoke.
". . . Why are you telling me this." You were lean back against your chair as you stared up at Alfred with slight confusion.
Alfred turned back around and handed you a treat.
"Everyone here has lost someone. Your brothers and Master Bruce will understand your pain. You don't need to hide it."
And with that the butler walked off back to where he had come from. Leaving you to let his words sink in.
"You have trust issues."
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Mrs. Dean's words. "Whoa, I just got here. And I'm very trusting. I'm here talking to you. I tell you my feelings and thoughts."
"Yes. But you don't tell me the full truth. Which I don't expect you to. But having trust issues doesn't mean you don't trust someone when it comes to talking about your feelings and thoughts. Trusting someone with yourself is different with trusting yourself with another. You, Y/n don't trust yourself."
"What are you going on about." You lean back into the chair as you gave Mrs. Dean a look of confusion.
"You don't trust that you would do the right thing. You don't trust yourself when it comes to situations that involve you being needed. You make yourself look bad, but not too bad to the point where others don't trust you." Mrs. Dean flips a page from her clip bored.
"You always talked about others in a good honest light. I ask a question about you, and you would either answer in short answers or divert the conversation about another."
"Come on now. It's not like that." You chuckled a little with a lazy smile. Mrs. Dean narrows at how nonchalant you're acting. You're acting. You're a good actor. And she sees it.
And you know she knows.
You are acting smug about it. But why. Why are you playing around like this-
Mrs. Dean catches you glancing to the teddy bear on her desk with a knowing look.
You smirked as you see realization creep upon Mrs. Dean.
There was a nanny-cam in that toy bear. You spotted it on day one. Yet you didn't say anything. You spoke about your thoughts and feelings to her. Most of it was true as well. You were yourself in the sessions you had with her.
You did all that while knowing of the nanny-cam.
"How did you. . ." Mrs. Dean spoke in a low tone. Almost like a whisper as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You simply smiled. "Like you said. I'm practically a genius."
@huening-ly, @mariadvorak @superherosdystopiafreak @chelluv, @houseissofine, @esposadomd, @greyeyedmockingbird, @1-800-daisy, @c0c0-puffsxxx @arthurswife @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @josiepapen @natashanice165 @amber-content @mahbeanz @azurewisteria @seraph101 @skepvids @lara20aral @iwasveronica @jackrabbitem @nickey-diano @idonthaveanameforthisacc @sekidekiboombeki @masters-blog
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thirstydemisexual · 1 month
Blood Path || Jason Todd x Vampire!reader
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Jason finally gets to have an education after his legally dead status gets revoked. Something in his life is finally going how he wants it. He even meets a girl in his course that seems to make everyone of his problems fade away. But she deserves better, better than a broken person like him. A monster. She could never think the same of herself right? Right?
You are finally free from the man that turned into your monster, you are free, but alone... apart from that incredible hunger that keeps you constant company. Satiating it by taking out human traffickers and rapists seems like a good solution right? After all, who is going to miss them?
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warnings: 18+ content, p3do and r4pe mention(slight, just in the discussion of killing child rapists), blood, gore, dead dove do not eat, abuse, a lot of trauma discussions, sex, alcohol
Part I: coming soon
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divider by: @sister-lucifer
TAG LIST: @deimks, @amber-content , @deans-spinster-witch , @that-one-goblin , @snowy-violet , @thenightwingnerd , @zffhahaa, @v1naco, @fictionalwhor3, @heyitsaloy, @vinxernica
comment to be added to the tag list
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oh-goddess-of-chaos · 2 years
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⁰⁰¹ (masterlist.)
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## JD
leave me with watercolor eyes – j. d. x fem!reader // breaking up with jd proves to be more than difficult when he's not willing to let you go that easy. @iovesia
yandere j.d. & veronica x reader // jd and veronica both decide they want you, and then decide to take action. @chezzywezzy
smoker – j. d. x fem!reader // the new kid on the block pulls a stunt in the cafeteria and makes a name for himself. you never thought he'd have you screaming that name later that day. @sxtvrns
desperation – j. d. x reader // the reader gets into a relationship with jd to help her friend out, but finds he's a lot more enthralled with her than she'd like him to be. @famwhy
boyfriend – yandere!j. d. x reader // avoiding your boyfriend jd is hard, especially when he shows up at your house one morning to talk. @froggywritesstuff
dom!j. d. x fem!reader // the reader tries to go to the police but j. d. kidnaps her. @tellingyouastory
neck kisses – j. d. x reader // neck kisses with j. d. @darling-i-read-it
yandere!j. d. x reader // after being ignored for too long, one night j. d. takes things into his own hands. @anxiousnerdwritings
haunted – j. d. x reader // you thought you knew your boyfriend, but when he kills kurt and ram and tries to rope you into blowing up the school, you realize you didn't. @carlisles-girl
tick tick tick – j. d. x reader // after killing your perverted ex boyfriend, you finally learn to accept the dark feelings inside you. j.d. copes with real feelings as you pull him out of the numbnesses of his life. @fandom-imagines-stories
boom – j. d. x reader // preparing to run away together, j.d. and the reader hit a problem in their plan. j.d.’s father. things take a turn and j.d. has to decide if this new feeling of love are real enough to die for. @/fandom-imagines-stories
an afternoon well spent – j. d. x reader // although you're not quite a 'people person', j. d. seems to take a liking to you. @ofnifflersandkings
sweet talk – j. d. x reader // j. d. now spends every waking hour with you, and is surprised when you're the one to make the first move. @/ofnifflersandkings
yandere!j. d. x reader // j. d. kills your best friend but forces you to stay with him. @ongaku-ato-kakikomi
yandere!j. d. x reader // j. d.'s been lying to you, but once you find out, he doesn't let you break things off and takes desperate measures to ensure you can't move on to anyone else. @/ongaku-ato-kakikomi
life could be a dream – j. d. x reader // when jason "j.d." dean approaches you on a whim, you assume he's better than others make him out to be. it never crossed your mind that he was actually worse.
toxic love – j. d. x reader // in which j. d. 'loves' the you, so much so that he decides to blow up the school.
the other side of paradise – j. d. x reader // the adopted sibling of the school's newest asshole catches the eye of a psychopath. after he catches the eye of their sister, and ropes her into murder.
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andvys · 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part seven 
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Warnings: angst, violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, alcohol consumption, mentions of drugs and addictions, reader gets hit.., sexual harassment, Jason and his friends are dicks...
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // slight Steve Harrington x fem!reader
series masterlist 
“What the hell is going on?” 
Your heart drops to your stomach, all the warmth, all the butterflies in your stomach fade to nothing as your eyes move past your uncle who looks anything but fazed by the position he found you and Eddie in- your brother, though, stares at you and Eddie with an angry look in his eyes. His eyes colder than usual. Fear rushes through you as you stare at him with parted lips.
You don’t even hear your uncle as he speaks to you and Eddie, his voice sounds far away as you keep staring at your brother in fear who hasn't said or done anything, yet. 
You don't even hear Eddie’s voice, speaking your name softly as he places his palm on the small of your back. 
You don't even feel him pull you up either, only as you stand on your shaky legs do you feel the ground beneath your feet. Eddie removes his hand from your waist but before he can step away from you, you slip your into his, holding it in a tight grip- surprising Eddie by doing so. 
“Kiddo, I told you the door is broken.” Dean says, no hint of anger or frustration in his voice, just worry as he eyes you slowly “she okay?” he asks, looking towards Eddie.
Eddie furrows his brows as he looks away from your uncle, ignoring your brother completely. Even with the tight grip you have on his hand, he can feel your hand shaking, your body is almost trembling, you are afraid. He knows for a fact that you aren't afraid of your uncle, your eyes are locked on the person behind him. 
He tugs on your hand slightly “y/n.” he whispers, eyeing the side of your face in worry. You turn towards him, eyes meeting his and he knows. He knows exactly what's going on, he recognizes that look of terror, the panic and the fear in your eyes. 
Suddenly your brother lungs forward and you stumble back into Eddie, standing in front of him, in a protective manner. 
“Get the fuck away from my sister, Munson.” he spat, reaching his hand out to grab your wrist but he misses you by an inch as you stumble further into Eddie’s chest, who immediately moves his arm around protectively. 
“Calm down, Seth!” your uncle grumbled as he pushed him back, holding out his hand as a warning. 
“You left her with this freak?” he exclaims, looking at Eddie with nothing but anger and disgust in his eyes. 
His words don't reach Eddie’s feelings anymore, he’s been called worse, he isn't scared of him or the anger in his eyes but Eddie is scared for you. He has never seen you so scared before, so vulnerable- not even during your panic attack, did you look so vulnerable and small. You can't hide it, even if you tried.
Eddie just wants to pull you into his chest, hug you and tell you that everything will be okay. 
He slips his fingers through yours, intertwining them, he squeezes your hand softly. You squeeze his hand in response, his touch providing you the comfort that you need right now.
“Calm down, boy, or so help me-” 
“Get the fuck off of me, Dean.” your brother almost yells as he pushes your uncles hands off “and  you get your hands off my sister!” he points at Eddie, who pulls you back in response. 
To your uncle, Seth may look like a protective older brother who isn't fond of the person she surrounds herself with but to Eddie, your brother just looks like a controlling and abusive asshole. 
Eddie isn't scared of him or anyone else who behaves this way. He is not afraid, not anymore but he is angry because he knows that you are scared of someone who uses your fear to make himself feel strong.
For someone who usually bites back in any situation, you are awfully quiet and Eddie knows exactly why but he wishes he wouldn't. 
Last week, when Eddie had dropped you off at your house, he has seen your interaction with your brother, the way you cowered away from him, when he got all close and talked to you in a way a brother shouldn't talk to his sister- after he had grabbed you. Eddie hoped that it was just a stupid fight between two siblings but seeing you now, seeing the state you were in, the fear in your eyes, your trembling body- he knew, that was anything but a normal banter or a normal relationship between a brother and a sister, he was abusing you, that was clear. 
“Why? So you can get your hands on her and hurt her some more?” Eddie accused him, dark eyes flashing with anger as he looks at his former bully. 
You jerked your head towards him, looking at him with shock in your eyes. For a moment, Eddie regrets his words, there is this voice lingering in the back of his head, that is telling him that he is making it worse right now, worse for you. 
“What did you say?” your uncle asks, turning around slowly to look at you and Eddie. 
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.” Seth grumbles at Eddie, clenching his jaw, he lifts his hand, pointing his finger at you “you, come here right now, we are going home.” he says through gritted teeth. 
You obey almost immediately, stepping forward only to be pulled back by Eddie “you are not going anywhere right now, sweetheart.” he whispers, holding your hand even tighter than before, afraid that you might slip through his fingers. 
“What did he say? You are hurting her?” your uncle asks.
“He’s full of shit.” Seth scoffs, glaring at you and Eddie. 
Eddie scoffs as well, shaking his head “you are full of shit.” Eddie bites back “I've seen the way you grabbed her before.” 
You gulp as you look away, the angry gaze in your brother’s eyes was enough to make you cower back in fear. You felt ridiculous, being afraid of a simple person after everything else you have been through. 
“Is that true, y/n?” your uncle asks, as he turns back to look at you with concern in his eyes. 
You don't look at him, instead you you keep your eyes trained on the ground, not knowing what to say. All eyes are on you as they wait for an answer.
“He-” you start but before you can even finish what you were going to say, your brother beats you to it “you shut your lying mouth, y/n!” he grumbles in anger “get your fucking hands off of me.” your brother repeats, pushing Dean away with force causing him to stumble back slightly. 
“Okay, that’s enough!” your uncle yells at him.
Seth tries to push past him again so he can get to you or Eddie but your uncle pushes him back once again, placing his hand on his shoulder, he huffs in anger “what’s gotten into you, kid?” he asks, pushing him further away from you and Eddie “we are going for a walk, you gotta calm down, acting like a goddamn maniac, Seth.” 
In all your eighteen years, you have never heard your uncle this angry before. The tone in his voice send shivers down your spine. Dean was always nice and kind to you, even after he had a fallout with his brother- your father, he took more care of you than your father ever did, he and your mother were never around in the first place, maybe this is what pushed your brother to become the monster that he is or maybe he was just born one. He was just like those monsters that you so desperately tried to escape but it seemed as though there was no way to outrun them, they followed you everywhere. Whether, you were stuck in another dimension or stuck in this one, you could never run from them. 
They even sneaked their way inside your head. 
“Hey.” Eddie whispers, letting go of your hand, he cups your face gently “you okay, y/n?” 
You just nod, not looking up just yet. You close your eyes for just a moment, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of his hands on your skin, the warmth that his touch and his comfort are providing right this second may be the last time- if there is one thing that you learned in the past two years, then it was, to enjoy every second of a good moment like this, because it could be over in the blink of an eye. 
“Y-You don't have to go home with him, you know?” Eddie whispers, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. 
“Uh- I have to.” you say as you open your eyes, you try to keep your voice steady, not wanting him to hear how afraid you are. 
“It's okay, he’s just- angry.” you mumble as you step away from Eddie. You won't tell him the truth, you won’t tell him how your brother uses every opportunity to make you feel worthless and weak. 
You rush out of the room quickly without giving him the chance to say or ask anything else. By the look on his face, you know, that Eddie knows everything without even having to hear the full story but there's a part of you that hopes that he is just as clueless as everyone else around you.
You grab your jacket, quickly putting it on, you just want to escape this situation right now. You don't want him or anyone else for that matter to see you so weak and vulnerable. 
“Y/n.” Eddie starts as he follows you out, he eyes you in worry as he grabs his own jacket, putting it on as well “do you really think I’ll let you go home right now?” 
“I’ll be fine, Eddie! Seth and I got into a fight before I left, he’s just, pissed, nothing bad is gonna happen.” lies “besides, where else am I supposed to go?” you mumble. 
‘To me, come home to me.’ Eddie thinks to himself. 
You still don't look up at him, your heart is beating so loudly in your chest, you wouldn't be surprised if he heard it as well. You turn off the lights and grab your keys before you walk towards the entrance, trying to move past Eddie who stops you by gently grabbing your arm, he steps in front of you so you can't walk off again, he speaks your name softly. 
You exhale, still looking at the ground, the room is dark now but you can still see enough as you raise your head, your eyes meet his. The worry is visible in his eyes. 
“Let me go, Eddie.” you whisper “please, I-I just want to go home.” 
Eddie sighs, he looks conflicted. He doesn't want to take you to a place where where you’ll get hurt even more, this isn't a home. A home is supposed to be a safe place but yours isn't, it never was and he knows it. 
“I’m okay, I promise.” you whisper, looking deeply into his eyes. 
“Your brother-”
“He won't hurt me, I got it, I promise.” more lies. 
“Let me take you home at least.” Eddie says, moving his hand down your arm until he’s holding your hand once again, surprising you with his gentleness. 
“You don't have to, I can-”
“I want to, y/n.” he whispers, squeezing your hand. 
He smiles softly, intertwining his fingers with yours “okay, let’s go.” he whispers. There’s more he wants to say, there’s more he wants to ask but for now, he keeps quiet, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or even more nervous, you look anxious enough. 
You hear the faint voices from your brother and your uncle talking outside the bar. A heavy feeling settles in your chest at the thought of going out there and having to face both your brother.
You open the door, hand tightening around Eddie’s as you step outside. Both men go quiet as they turn towards you and Eddie. 
Fearing that your brother will lung at Eddie again, you keep your body in front of his but Eddie has the same idea, wanting to pull you behind him to protect you from your brother but to your surprise, Seth steps back with a clenched jaw. 
“You ready to go?” he asks through gritted teeth. 
Eddie scoffs, tugging you closer to him. He doesn't want to let you go, with him. 
Your heartbeat picks up as you stare at him. 
“Are you okay, y/n?” your uncle asks, looking at you in worry, a guilty look lingering in his eyes. You don't have to ask to know that your uncle ringed the landline to make sure you had gotten home safe, he always does when you stay late at the bar. Your brother was only here because he called him. 
Seth glares at you with a warning look in his eyes before he looks at Eddie, rage and hatred blazing in his eyes and for the first time, you are not scared of what he will do to you, you are scared of what he will do to Eddie the next time he sees him. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.” you say, not wanting argue with your brother right now. You don’t want to pull anyone into this situation either. As stupid as it is, you turn towards your brother “can we go home now?” you ask him, maybe if you play nice, he will leave Eddie alone. 
“Y/n.” Eddie starts with disbelief in his voice, glancing at your uncle for help who looks a little conflicted. Whatever your brother told him, must've been convincing enough for him to believe that he is not the bad guy as Eddie painted him to be. 
Seth raises his brows in surprise, a smirk tugging at his lips as he looks at Eddie “sure let’s go, sis.” 
You step towards him but Eddie pulls you back, you turn to look at him, his eyes are pleading, begging you not to go “you don't have to go with him.” he whispers. 
“Seth.” your uncle speaks up with a warning “we’ll talk more tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be okay, Eddie.” you whisper, you don't want to go, you don't want to let go of his hand, step out of the comfort of his presence but you give him a small smile and step away from him “I'll see you around.” you say as you let go of his hand.
He let’s go of you with hesitance, wanting to take a step forward and pull you back into his arms but instead he watches you walk away with your brother after saying your goodbyes. 
Seth looks back at Eddie one more time, waving mockingly before he gets in his car. 
Eddie feels sick as he stares at your brothers car, he let you go, he let you walk right into the lions den and there is nothing he can do but watch. 
You stare at Eddie through the rearview mirror, dread fills your chest the longer you look at him, even as his silhouette becomes smaller and smaller, you want nothing more than to jump out of the car and run back to him. 
“What did I tell you?” your brother starts. 
You clench your hands into fists as you turn to look at him. 
“What did I tell you, y/n?” he repeats, voice getting angrier. 
You shrug, as terrifying as he was, you were also pissed off.
“I told you to stay away from that freak, didn't I? But you don't listen, you never fucking do, always hanging around with some fucking lowlifes, first Byers and now him, what's it with you and freaks huh?” he rants, gripping the steering wheel tighter “are you whoring yourself out to them?” 
Anger sparks in you, it always does when he talks to you this way but usually your fear is bigger than your anger and you cower back before you let yourself say something you will regret later on. 
“What do you get in return? Can’t be money.” he snorts.
You scoff “I’m working for my money, if you can't tell.”  
While Seth has always relied on your parents money and bathed in the luxuries they were providing. You have always tried to make some money on your own, you didn't want to rely on your parents, least of all on your dad, he wasn't a good man. You have learned that very early on. 
Not only, did he abandon you and your brother all the time, he also never loved or cared for you the way a dad should, you could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at either of you. Conversations with him were never about your interests about your personal life, or hobbies. 
He also never taught you one useful thing in life, he had the worst morals and values. To you, your dad was an unpleasant person. 
There was one thing he always told you, something that stuck with you; If you see someone drowning, let them, it’s not worth the risk and the effort. 
Your father has taught you that you never want to end up like him. 
You would rather drown trying to save someone.
“What was that?” 
“I said; I’m working for my money, I don’t need dad’s money the way you do, Seth.” you mumble, heartbeat picking up in your chest. You rarely talk back to him but you are sick of him and his cruel words. 
He laughs loudly “right, right, cause working at our uncle’s shitty bar, will get you somewhere in life. Remember when you ran away from home for two fucking weeks? That’s how long you could make it without dad’s money.” he snorts. 
You say nothing, you lean back in your seat and turn away from him. He stays quiet for a while, focusing on the road, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. You know his silence is not a good sign, given how angry he is but for most of the drive back to your house, he doesn't speaks up once until he’s pulling up into the driveway. 
“You know- Eddie could get arrested for the shit he does, selling drugs, corrupting teenagers into all that satanic bullshit.”
You tense up at his words as you slowly turn to look at him with disbelief in your eyes. He turns towards you for a moment, chuckling “don’t look at me like that, sis. You know who he is, I mean, given his dad’s history you must know that it’s just a matter of time before Eddie ends up in jail just like him.” 
This time anger overpowered your fear. 
Talking shit about you was one thing but talking shit about Eddie was another. 
“You’re a piece of shit, Seth. The only one who will end up like his loser of a father, is you, you are just as pathetic as he is, flaunting with his fucking money because he knows it’s the only thing that keeps him relevant.” you speak angrily before jumping out of the car once it’s parked, you slam the door shut.
You have never been this angry before, all this rage has quickened your blood. 
“What did you just say to me?” he asks as he stomps after you, gripping your arm tightly, he pulls you back. Pain shoots through you as his grip tightens.
“Let me go.” 
“Repeat what you just said to me.” he mutters in anger, staring down at you with rage in his eyes. 
As scared as you are, you are also angry “I said you’re a piece of shit, loser.” you spit “a-and if anything happens to Eddie, if you even try to hurt him and do him harm in some way, then I will tell dad everything, everything you do when him and mom are gone- along with your fucking drug addiction, he won't support you any longer after he finds out about it.” 
You should have seen it coming, you knew it was coming and yet it still didn't stop you. Seth chuckles coldly, letting go of your arm, he draws his arm back and before you can step back or do anything to protect yourself, he slaps you across your face with the back of his hand, something sharp piercing through your skin. 
You winced at the pain, stumbling back slightly, you almost fall to the ground, barely able to catch yourself. You raise your hand, cupping your cheek, you stand there, frozen in place. Warm blood trickles down your cheek, you furrow your brows as you touch the injured spot on your face, feeling a little cut in your skin. You raise your head and look at your brother’s hand. The ring he wears- a stupid family ring managed to cut your cheek.
“Stupid bitch.” he grumbles. 
Your heart is racing, your breathing gets heavier as you raise your head to look at him. Tears prickle in your eyes from the pain. 
No ounce of regret is in his eyes as he steps closer to you “you speak like that to me again, I will do worse.” he threatens before walking past you “you better behave when you walk inside right now.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, just now registering the loud music coming from the inside of your house. 
Wiping away a fallen tear, you huff angrily, you wish you hadn't gone back home with him but where else where you supposed to go? You know you could've gone home with your uncle but you didn't want to be a burden and you also didn't want him to find out about your situation at home. 
A raindrop falls on you, running down your face along with the blood that is dripping out of the new wound on your cheek. Wind whistles through the trees, the rustling in the forest close to your house makes the night feel more eery. 
You stand there for a moment just staring blankly into nothingness, you dread going inside. You are aware that your brother is throwing some shitty party with his friends. Your uncle must've disturbed him when he called asking for you, perhaps this is why he was even angrier than usual. 
Suddenly you hear your name through the wind blows, barely above a whisper. For a moment, you think it’s just a part of your imagination but then you hear it again and again until it’s accompanied by another sound. A clock. You hear the ticking of a clock, again. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you step closer to where it’s coming from, the forest. 
This time it’s not just the ticking of a clock, this time there’s also a chime, one chime. Almost as though you are hypnotized by the sound, you step closer and closer, the sound lulls you in and you can do nothing but follow it, until, a voice snaps you out of it. 
You turn around with a frown on your face only to find Jason standing in front of you. Great. Of course he was here too, your brother had the worst friends. 
“I called you like five times.” 
“What do you want.” you mumble as you go to walk past him after looking back at the forest one more time. The ticking, the chime, all gone, again. 
Jason steps in front of you “whoa, what happened?” he asks, pointing to the blood on your cheek. 
You push past him, not wanting to talk to another asshole this night. But he stays persistent, following you into the kitchen as you walk past your brother and his friends in the living room, who glance at you in interest. 
Your brothers loud music is blaring through the house, the smell of weed and alcohol makes you sick to your stomach right now. 
You open the fridge and grab yourself a bottle of water before closing it. Leaning against the counter, you ignore Jason’s presence as you open the bottle, taking a sip. 
“What happened to you, y/n?” he asks, fake concern in his voice. By the look in his eyes, you already know that he is up to no good. 
Rolling your eyes, you turn towards him “I fell.” you mumble, ignoring the way he sizes you up with hunger in his eyes. 
“Heard she’s been hanging out with the freak.” another voice speaks. 
You turn around, finding one of Jason’s stupid followers standing in the doorway. 
“What?” Jason asks, eying you suspiciously. 
“Yeah, Seth said he caught them.” Andy chuckles as he steps closer to you. You never felt comfortable around your brother’s friends, Jason and Andy especially. You had never interacted with them in school but they did everything to make you feel uncomfortable whenever they came around to hang out with your loser of a brother. 
“Caught them? Did he do this to you?” he asks, touching your cheek. 
You slap his hand away and take a step back, you were angry already, now you had to deal with both Jason and Andy “don’t fucking touch me and stop calling him freak.” you mutter angrily.
Jason raises his brows at you, glancing at his friend, he chuckles “aw, so protective over a freak, how cute.” he laughs “did he caught them fucking or something? Is the freak into some kinky shit?” he taunts you, pointing to the cut on your cheek “did he cut you up while he fucked you? Or was it some ritual shit?” Jason taunts you, taking a step forward. 
“Shut the fuck up, Jason.” 
Andy laughs at your words as he walks around the kitchen island, you eye him slowly. Heart pounding in your chest, your chest rises up and down heavily. 
You clench your jaw in anger, balling your hands into fists, you exhale sharply before going to walk past him but he steps in front of you, pushing you back, into his Andy’s chest who immediately grabs your arms. 
“Don’t touch me!” you exclaim angrily, pushing yourself away from him as panic settles in your chest. You should have stayed with Eddie, you shouldn't have come home. 
“Calm down, no one’s touching you.” Jason laughs raising his hands in surrender, his blue eyes glaring at you. His friend steps closer to you, “but,” he pauses, “since you care about Munson so much- maybe, we’ll leave him and his friends alone if you let us, have a little fun with you.” Andy says, stepping closer to you, he touches the hem of your skirt, pupils dilation with lust and hunger. 
Jason chuckles at his friend’s words. 
You feel sick the longer you stare at him, the longer you are in his presence.
There was one thing that you had learned after surviving hell in the upside down. You didn't get scared easily and you were never as weak as you always thought you were. Your brother, had abused you mentally and physically for years, he left you feeling weak and fragile but you were nothing of those things. 
You fought a monster twice his size and you did so without hesitation when it came to protecting yourself and the people that you love and while there is a part of you that will always fear your brother- you are certain, that you are not afraid of Jason or his friends. 
You blink, tilting your head to the side, you stare at him with disgust in your eyes. You have had enough. 
“Does your girlfriend know what a disgusting piece of shit you are, Carver?” you ask, which only makes him chuckle in amusement, you turn to face Andy, “get your hands off of me, asshole, before I cut them off and shove them up your ass.” 
His eyes widen before he bursts out laughing, fueling your anger even more. You push him away and this time they let you walk away. You rush out of the kitchen and out into the hallway, instead of walking upstairs into your room, you make the decision to leave the house altogether, walking past the living room again, you storm out of the house, despite your brothers loud protests. There is no way that you will spend another second longer in this house tonight. 
You hear your brother storming out of the house as well as you run down the driveway, he calls out to you, yelling at you to get back in the house. Without looking back, you raise your hand and flip him off. 
There’s just one place that you’d love to go to, there's just one person you'd love to be with right now but the uncertainty and the insecurities that he might turn you away were gnawing at you. 
After everything that happened tonight, you weren't ready to face reality again and have him turn you away after sobering up. Whilst you wanted to believe that he was genuine about his apology and about wanting to make things right, there was still a part of you that was hurt and unsure of his actions and his words. 
What if he changed his mind again? What if he will make a sudden turn again and take everything back that he said? What if he will hurt you some more? 
You gulp, you don't even realize that there's tears streaming down your face. Dried blood painting your skin. You don't feel anything at the moment, you just feel numb after the anger has rushed out of your system. 
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment, the walk to his house was way too short and you know he is going to ask questions after seeing the state you are in but you had already come up with a lie, another lie. You were an awful liar unless it came to the bruises and wounds on your body. 
You knock on the door and wait for a moment. You look through the little window in the front door, looking for a light but it’s all dark. You knock again and wait for a moment. 
Closing your eyes, you lean against the door frame. You are tired, exhausted and the throbbing headache has returned once again, you raise your hand towards your face, wiping away all tears so he doesn't have to see you this way. 
You sigh, just as you’re about to turn around and leave, he opens the door, looking annoyed and grumpy for the rude interruption, about to tell you off- but the expression on his face softens when he sees you standing on his porch. 
Warm brown eyes meet your glassy ones, he scans your face worriedly, eyes settling on the blood and the cut on your cheek “y/n.” he whispers “what the hell happened to you?”
You bite back your tears and muster up a small smile “I..I- can I stay with you tonight?” you whisper, blinking to keep yourself from crying. 
“Of course, come here.” he whispers, he grabs your hand and gently pulls you into his house. He grabs your face gently after closing the door. 
“Jesus, what happened?” he asks, eying the wound in your cheek “a-are you drunk? I can smell the whiskey from a mile away.”
You shake your head as you stare at him, his hair was a mess and he looked sleepy “did I wake you? I’m sorry-”
“No, hey, don't apologize, now tell me what happened.” 
You hesitate as you look into his eyes “I-I fell.” 
He raises his brows at you, clearly not believing your story “I was drunk, I was at the hideout a-and me and Eddie got locked up in the storage room so we drank.” 
“E-Eddie?” Steve asks “wait did he do this-”
“What? No! Steve, he- Eddie would never do this.” you say with wide eyes, shaking your head “I walked home and I kinda tripped and fell and I-I didn't want to go home cause Seth is throwing a party. Jason Carver is there- I just don't want to be at home right now.” you rant. 
“Okay..” he mumbles. 
You can tell that he is not very fond of you hanging out with Eddie, for some reason he has never liked him but lately it’s been worse. After Eddie had walked into Family Video a few days ago, he went on a rant about how much he dislikes the metalhead- which you clearly don't understand given how little he knows about him. 
“Come on.” he grabs your hand and guides you upstairs into his bathroom. 
“Wait- are your parents home?” you whisper. 
“No, you know they never are.” Steve chuckles. 
One of the things you and Steve could relate on was the fact that your parents were never there, you had no one but yourselves in those stupid big houses. At least Steve didn't have an abusive brother. 
Only as you walk into the bathroom and turn on the lights, do you finally see the state you are in. You hair disheveled, mascara smudged and the very obvious cut on your face, along with all the dried blood on your face leave you looking like a mess. 
Suddenly you feel dirty, Jason and his friends didn't get the chance to touch the way they wanted to but their small touches were still enough to leave you feeling uncomfortable and dirty in your own skin. 
You wish you could go to sleep with the memory of Eddie’s touch but instead you were forced to think of them and your brothers hands on you. 
You turn around and pull yourself up on the counter as Steve grabs a small towel, he holds it under cold water for a moment before stepping closer to you. He gently grabs your face and begins to wipe the blood off, eying the wound in suspicion. 
You stare at him, trying to read his eyes, you know he doesn't believe your story about falling down. 
You wince as he touches the cut “I'm sorry, I’m sorry babe.” he whispers as he steps closer to you. 
You ignore the pet name, feeling guilty all of the sudden. Robin was subtle about it but she did tell you that Steve likes you, in some way. 
Steve is nice, he is sweet to you, he is good to you, he never mistreated you, he has never said anything mean to you. Steve has never hurt you and a part of you has always been fond of him. But, Steve is not Eddie.
“So, how come you and Munson got locked in a storage room?” he asks, biting back his distaste as he mentions Eddie. 
“Uh- well, he offered to help me clean up and I forgot that the door was broken so..” you trail off.
“D-Did something happen?” he asks. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, wincing again as he cleans around your wound.
“Sorry.” he whispers “I mean with you and him.”
Your eyes widen and you start blushing. Something definitely happened. You felt a part of Eddie you never thought you would feel, he was on top of you, his lips just inches away from you, you heard him moan. Yeah, something happened. 
You shake your head “n-no.” you lie. 
“So, you just sat there in silence?” he scoffs, rolling his eyes. The look on your face tells him everything, he knows, something happened. 
“Uh- well, we played never have I ever.” you shrug. 
“Never have I ever.” he nods with a clenched jaw. His eyes return to yours and he holds your gaze for a moment and by the look in his eyes, you know he wants to ask you something. 
He let’s go of your face, lowering his hand, he places it next to your thigh on the counter. 
He sighs, running his finger through his hair “d-do you like him- wait no, don't answer, I don't want to know.” he mumbles, stepping away from you “the wound doesn't need stitches but I'll look for a bandaid.” 
He is about to walk away but you grab his hand, keeping him from doing so “w-what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” he sighs, meeting your eyes, you can see the annoyance, the pain and the sadness in his eyes but you know he won't talk about it “j-just take a shower, you smell like alcohol and like him.” he grumbles before turning away “I'll give you some of my stuff to wear.” 
You watch him leave, his shoulder slumped as he walks away from you. Sighing, you close the door before looking at your reflection in the mirror. Putting your hands on the counter, you lean against it for a moment, and close your eyes for a second.
This day was too much, too long, too irritating. 
Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes again, not looking into the mirror just yet. You feel it before you see it, the presence behind you, it’s tall, towering over you. For a moment you think, it’s the monster that dragged you into another world years ago but as you raise your head slowly, and look into the mirror with a racing heart, you realize that it’s not that monster, it’s another one. His pale eyes are staring right at you as he tilts his head. 
He isn't real. This isn't real. 
“Why are you resisting, y/n? Let me in.” he speaks “it’s time.” reaching out his hand to touch you but you turn around abruptly. 
And he is gone. 
You look around the bathroom. Pressing your palm against your chest, you can feel your heart pounding against your hand as fear settles back inside you. 
A knock on the bathroom door, startles you again and you jump back slightly.
“Y/n, I got you some of my clothes to wear, I'll leave them outside.” 
“O-Okay, thank you.” 
Eddie couldn’t fall asleep that night, his mind kept replaying all the events from that night. 
He wished that he could fall asleep with just the memory of your skin against his, your eyes staring back at him clouded with longing and lust, the way his name fell from your lips in a needy tone- but the bad things that happened after this moment, overshadowed the little moment the two of you shared. 
He knows, you tried to act brave and tough in front of him but he knows that you were terrified. The look in your eyes and your trembling body as you gripped his hand so tightly, was enough for him to know what was going on. 
Letting you go with your brother felt like the worst thing he could do. He just let you walk back right into the trap and now he felt guilty and horrible for not pulling you back, for letting you go. 
He considered, getting up and driving over to your house but decided against it. 
He sat up in his bed and looked around his room, eyes settling on your notebook that he hasn't touched ever since that day he read a small bit- he has read some of it already, so he could read the rest too, right? 
Eddie huffs, as he keep staring at it. Bouncing his leg up and down, he finally decides to grab it. Reaching for the scrunchie- your scrunchie, he pulls his hair up in a bun before opening your notebook, this time he doesn't open a random page, he opens the first one and takes a deep breath before reading the first sentence. 
I never thought that the reason to write down my feelings would be, you. I always thought that if I ever were to write into this notebook that I have kept around for ages, then it would be about something like; the upside down and all the monsters and trauma that come with it but no, after all the horrible things that I have gone through, after all the trauma and the pain, you are still the one thing that controls all my emotions, my thoughts, my feelings. 
I always thought that falling in love would be beautiful, light and just perfect. I thought that I would feel butterflies in my stomach, I thought that I would feel my heart fluttering in my chest every time I’d see that person, I thought that my eyes would light up, the moment he’d step into the room but instead it felt like I was breaking, more and more, every time. 
I fell in love with you and I ask myself why, you keep breaking my heart a little every time you look at me with those hateful eyes of yours. 
You keep breaking my heart every time you say the cruelest most vile things to me. 
My eyes never light up when you step into a room and my heart never flutters in my chest- instead I feel all this sadness consuming me because I know, I’ll never have you and you'll never love me because you can't even seem to look at me without this burning hatred in your eyes. 
I can go through all this pain in the world and beyond. I’ll fight monsters and things that shouldn’t even be real, I’ll endure all this pain my brother puts me through every single day and yet, none of it hurts as much as a single glance filled with hatred and disgust from you. 
You will always hate me and I will always love you. 
Maybe, falling in love with you was beautiful. 
After all, you were the one that kept me going when I needed saving the most. Your voice, your faint voice that I could hear on the other side gave me hope and strength. The song you always played on your guitar, has probably saved my life and even if it breaks my heart to this day, I still listen to it daily and imagine that it was you singing and playing it, instead. 
A new day dawned and the forest was truly filled with laughter because we did stand long enough and we made it out alive, even without a stairway. 
So yeah, falling in love with you was beautiful and...unfortunately you will never know how much I really love you. You will never know that you have saved me. You will never know how much you mean to me, how I would give my life to save yours if needed. 
We can never be, because you hate me. 
And yet, I’d still choose you over and over again. 
Eddie kept pacing around on the school parking lot as he waited for you to show up. He wanted to see, he needed to see you. Reading your notebook last night, was perhaps the worst idea that Eddie had ever gotten. 
He thought that he might find some closure, some answers about what happened to you, about what’s going on with your brother but instead he felt even more confused than before. 
You wrote about another world, about monsters, powers, another dimension. For a second, he felt as though he was reading a little book about dungeons and dragons. After all, you did use some terms that were only used in DnD and as far as he knows, you are anything but a DnD nerd. 
You talked about the upside down, a place like Hawkins but, different. The picture you drew in your notebook now made sense to him. 
Another thing that kept him up all night was the person you have wrote about, the person you fell in love with. 
Deep down he knew who you were writing about, you were writing about him. Eddie isn't stupid but he also doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
Maybe, maybe, Steve Harrington learned how to play guitar and sing. No, that’s ridiculous. Steve wants you but you don't want Steve... right?
So, why are you getting out of Steve’s car, wearing his clothes..
1K notes · View notes
sawyerconfort · 1 year
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What If...
What If Veronica, JD and Heather McNamara Were a Trio...
Young! Dean Reader x JD x Veronica x Heather Mac
The One With The Little Sister 
One More Trip 
Slipping Through My Fingers 
Veronica Sawyer
Dating Veronica Sawyer Would Include
Confessions with the Heathers Would Include
Enchanted | Veronica Sawyer X Fem!Reader 
Jason “JD” Dean
Say Cheese | JD x Fem! Reader 
Jason + Veronica
If I Am What You Choose | Veronica Sawyer x JD x Fem!Reader 
Heather Chandler
The Other Side | Heather Chandler x Fem!Reader 
Introvert | Heather Chandler x Neutral!Reader
107 notes · View notes
thebiggerbear · 9 months
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Anael Prompt Response
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Summary: Anael is not happy that you've agreed to help the Winchesters with their far-fetched plan to destroy Chuck via Jack. She reluctantly accompanies you to the Bunker and this sets events in motion that prompt a conversation between you and Dean on just why the angel is so important to you.
Pairing: Anael x Female!Reader; Anael x Huntress!Female!Reader; past-ish Dean Winchester x Female!Reader; Dean Winchester x Huntress!Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @thelonelyempath. I really wanted to play with this sort of triangle dynamic that popped up while I was writing. This is still an Anael x Reader one shot/prompt response but Dean's my boy and I really loved the backstory that developed between him and the reader which then led to Anael. Hope it all came together okay.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
There will be a note at the end.
Warnings: guns; implied threats of violence/killing; mentions of sex; torture; death; angst
Word Count: 10k+
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Anael Taglist: @nancymcl; @brightlilith
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Tom version ✨ Jason version ✨ SDV Alex version
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You glanced to your right and rolled your eyes when you saw the angel who was currently sitting in your passenger seat, still fuming. You turned back to the road and gently tapped the steering wheel, wondering what you could say to get her to let this go. In the end, you decided to just be direct.
“Are you still upset about this?”
“Are you still going through with this ridiculous plan?” She snapped.
You bit your lip to keep from sighing in aggravation like you wanted to. You knew if she heard you do that, she’d never let up. “It’s not a bad plan…”
“Oh, yeah. Not a bad plan. Just have God’s sister trap him in the Winchesters’ basement. I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to wait for the weapon that will kill him to arrive.”
You nearly winced at her biting sarcasm. She had a point; this wasn’t the best plan and it was definitely a long shot but it was all any of you had. Sam and Dean had asked for your help and you were determined to give it to them, no matter what might happen. They always had your back when you needed it. You were going to return the favor — pissed off angel alongside you or not. Not to mention if this didn’t succeed then the world was literally going to be over. You all had to try.
“Look, it’s not exactly the most…sound plan but it’s the best we’ve got. We have to do something, Ana. If we don’t, then it’s lights out. That’s it.”
“We,” she scoffed, turning to glare out the window with her arms crossed. 
You tightened your grip on the steering wheel at the same time your jaw clenched. “Don’t do that.”
She turned back to you. “Are you really going to pretend that he doesn’t have something to do with this suicidal decision you’ve made?”
You kept your eyes focused on the road. “He does.” After her huff, you added unapologetically, “He will always matter to me. Even if the world wasn’t on the line, I would still be there if he asked me. He would do the same for me. That’s how it’s always going to be between us.”
A moment of tense silence passed before she spit at you, “Then you’re dumber than I gave you credit for.” She looked out the window again and you turned up the music, pressing your foot further down on the gas. The sooner you got to your destination the better.
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You opened up the bunker door, allowing Ana to walk inside first. She hadn’t said another word to you for the rest of the car ride (something unusual for her), and barely even looked at you. You knew she was furious, at everything from this plan to what you’d said earlier, but it couldn’t be helped. 
When you followed her, shutting the door behind you, and both of you came to a stop at the railing, glancing down, you didn’t know what you had expected to see. It certainly hadn’t been Jack Kline standing in the map room, staring up at you, with a hand raised. “Hello.”
You and Ana briefly glanced at each other and you gave the boy a nod. “Uh, hey Jack. Sam and Dean here?”
He shook his head. “They had a last minute case come up. Something about an old friend asking for help, I think.”
“Ironic,” Ana quipped.
Jack furrowed his brows at her, not understanding her meaning, while you shot her a look. Of course, she just smirked at you in response and you could feel your body tensing in the same aggravation you’d felt in the car. “Is Cas here?” You asked instead.
Jack went to speak when you heard, “I’m here,” before a familiar dark-haired man walked into the room. It had been a while since you’d seen him but he still looked the same. He was still wearing the trenchcoat and the suit, no matter how many times Dean tried to get him to change up his wardrobe.
“Hey, Cas.”
He gave you a nod of greeting before turning a small relieved smile on Ana. “Anael, you’ve decided to help us in this fight after all.”
“Don’t get too excited, Castiel. I’m only here because it turns out she’s just as smart as the Winchesters.” She gestured towards you.
You gritted your teeth. “Ana…”
She gave you that smile she always gave you when she knew she was getting on your last nerve.
Cas glanced back and forth between you, a sudden realization of something beginning to dawn on his features. Jack still looked somewhat confused but also curious. 
You cleared your throat. “So, any idea when the boys will be back?”
“Soon. I believe they just wrapped up their case and they’re headed back. They should be here by nightfall,” Cas supplied.
You gave him a wan smile as he appeared to study you intently. “Well, I’m starved. Got any food in that big kitchen of yours?”
“We have a lot of food,” Jack offered, trying to be helpful. “Sam went shopping the other day.”
“Great,” you responded with a little too much enthusiasm. “Let’s see what we’ve got.” You ignored Ana watching you in disapproval and Cas’ penetrative gaze as you descended the steps and followed Jack to said kitchen. Let Ana deal with whatever thoughts Cas might put voice to — you’d had enough angel judgment for one day.
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You and Jack were just putting the finishing touches on shepherd’s pie (the only thing you knew how to make outside of eggs and grilled cheese if you were being honest) when Sam and Dean returned home. 
You had spent most of the day avoiding Cas and thankfully, when Ana joined you in the kitchen, she chose to relegate any commentary she made to your cooking skills (or lack thereof) alone. There was tension thick in the air but whether it had to do with what was going on in the background, Ana’s animosity towards you, or a mixture of both, you had no idea. Cas had eventually strode into the room, curious and happy to watch you teach Jack how to make the one dish your Grams had taught you to make. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smile when Jack asked you why it was called shepherd’s pie if the recipe didn’t come from any shepherds. Despite his questions, Jack seemed to be enjoying himself, learning something new and taking his mind off of what was coming. You felt badly for the kid; he was going to sacrifice himself to save the world. You couldn’t even imagine the weight of that burden on his young shoulders, Nephilim or not. So you were happy to provide a little distraction for him as well as yourself.
“Cas? Jack?” You heard Sam call.
“We’re back,” Dean added.
Cas was immediately on his feet, looking towards Ana and then you, before hurrying out of the room. You had to wonder what that was all about. It wasn’t as if the brothers weren’t expecting you. Plus, you were pretty sure Cas must have texted or called them to give them a heads up that you were here.
Ana turned back to you, her jaw tight and giving you a look. You rolled your eyes and helped Jack get out a stack of plates to set the table with. When you were done, you noticed Ana had stood up and moved away from the two of you, creating distance. Your own jaw clenched when you saw it. Why did she have to be so difficult sometimes?
“No plate for you?” You threw at her, knowing very well she wasn’t going to eat since she didn’t need to.
“Not just yet.”
Your brow creased in confusion. What was that response?
You didn’t have much time to think about it, though, because Dean and Sam rushed into the room, with Cas right behind them. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Jo?” Dean boomed, heading right for Ana and carrying an angel blade. 
“Dean,” Cas called, trying to get in front of him.
You watched as Ana raised her hand and sent both Winchesters flying backward, knocking them on their asses, and more importantly, the blade out of Dean’s hand.
“Anael,” Cas warned.
“I’m just supposed to allow them to kill me, Castiel? I don’t think so.”
You were torn. You wanted to rush over to the boys, make sure they were alright, but another part of you was telling you that you needed to get closer to Ana. What if she was right and Dean had really meant to kill her just then?
Both Winchesters were already up, Dean glaring at Ana. “You almost got us killed! Sending us to Hell on that wild goose chase! Hell, you almost got Cas killed!”
“He had to go to The Empty to ask Ruby where the Occultem was!” Sam added, thrusting a finger at her. “He almost didn’t make it back!”
“You’re Jo?” Jack asked, his expression hardening. “I thought your name was Anael.”
Ana didn’t spare him a glance. “That’s my angel name. Sister Jo is my brand, you could say.”
“Occultem?” You whispered, not ever having heard of it before though you tried racking your brains. 
Ana flashed you a look, silently telling you she would fill you in later, before resting her eyes on the two men again. “That was a priceless item. You didn’t really expect me to give it up so easily for your little war with God, did you?” Her brown eyes narrowed. “No matter how much better looking than him you might be.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head and turned onto Dean who still hadn’t noticed your presence yet. He was glaring straight at Ana and you noticed the blade was back in his hand. When had you missed him picking it back up? 
“You shouldn’t have come here,” he said in an all-too familiar menacing tone, before he began moving forward again, Sam right behind him with his own angel blade. Cas tried to put up a placating hand but he was ignored. Jack watched as it all happened, glowering in Ana’s direction now, not making a move to stop his dads. Your brain shut off and before you knew it, you were in front of Ana, gun raised.
Dean stopped short, his eyes slightly widening as he finally saw you. Sam’s did, too. You were sure they highly doubted you would be on opposite sides over an angel, with a gun pointed at them no less. 
“Put the blades down,” you ordered.
You watched as Dean’s green eyes briefly softened upon hearing you speak but then hardened again when he realized you meant business. Something was now layering his expression that looked an awful lot like betrayal. “You’re protecting her?” He asked in disbelief. “What the hell, Y/N?”
You could feel Ana right behind you, her energy filling the air. She was charged up and you felt a familiar static electricity feeling at your back. You wouldn’t be surprised if her eyes were doing their usual glowing trick right about now. 
“This is what I was trying to tell you before you two charged in here.” Cas stood next to Dean, looking at him and Sam.
“Tell us what?” Dean demanded.
“She’s with me.” All three glanced over at you, Cas giving a subtle nod as he dropped his gaze. Sam wasn’t sure what to make of it but you noticed him starting to lower the blade in his hand. Dean kept glaring between you and Ana over your shoulder. Only when Cas urged him with a quiet “Dean”, nodding towards the blade in his hand, did he finally put it down. “You’ve gotta be freaking’ kidding me,” he growled before storming out of the room. Cas briefly glanced over at you before following him. Jack, who now scowled in your direction as well as Ana’s, slowly left the room. You lowered your gun, disappointment starting to swell in your chest. So much for a nice, quiet family dinner then.
Only Sam was left and he looked torn between wanting to follow his family and coming over to give you a hug like he normally would. You made it easy for him. “It’s okay, Sam. I understand. Go.”
He pressed his lips together, giving you a sad look, before he nodded and left the room as well.
You let out a heavy breath and hung your head. The Winchesters were the only family you had left and now…it looked like they were gone, too.
You felt a hand gently lay on your shoulder, the electric charge from before gone, and you slowly lifted your head. “We should go,” you whispered after a minute. Ana let you go and you turned to throw on your jacket, sling your bag over your shoulder, and then you led her out of the room. You kept your gun handy in case it wasn’t just a straight pass to the stairs. Thankfully, it was and a piece of your heart broke that Dean hadn’t even given you a chance to explain before he’d written you off for good.
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You kept your eyes on the road as headlights repeatedly washed over you from passing cars in the opposite lane. It was deathly quiet, you having chosen not to turn on the radio. Your thoughts kept going back to the betrayal you’d seen in Dean’s face when he realized you weren’t going to let him get to the angel standing behind you. While Ana wasn’t Cas, didn’t he understand how things like this worked by now? Even when you’d been together for a period of time, you’d bore witness to his profound bond with Cas playing out repeatedly. You’d seen Cas’ effect on Dean and vice versa, today even. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
You heard Ana’s quiet words that seemed to be laced with a shocking mix of surprise and what sounded like awe. You didn’t know why; it wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before when you two fought side by side. “Do what?” You decided you’d rather play dumb than talk about the elephant sitting between you. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the red-headed angel giving you a look. “Don’t. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You shouldn’t have put yourself at risk for me.” She knew what it cost you and how badly it was tearing you up inside. And to think she had been worried about Chuck, the plan, Jack, and even Dean, though for a whole other reason on that last one. 
You shrugged. “That’s what we do. It’s what you’ve done for me. Why wouldn’t I?”
You turned in time to see the surprise you’d heard earlier now taking up residence in her expression. It was a fleeting glimpse you caught right before she schooled her features and focused on the highway instead.
You did the same and you finally spoke the question that had been burning your tongue for the last hour into existence. “So, are you going to tell me about the Occultem and why they’re pissed at you enough to want to kill you? I sort of got an idea from earlier but I want to hear it from you.”
You heard a familiar scoff and if you weren’t so torn up inside, you might have smiled. It was nice to hear her annoyance not aimed at you for once this entire day. “They ambushed me at my place of business, threatened me, and then expected me to hand them the Occultem on a silver platter. Just like that. That’s what happened.”
“I think there’s a little more to it than that, Ana.” You glanced over at her. “Start from the beginning.” When she narrowed her eyes in your direction, you spoke before she could. “You owe me that at the very least,” you muttered.
You turned back to the road and you weren’t sure if she saw the pain you were feeling (most likely since she always seemed to be able to see right through you; it was annoying most of the time), but she agreed. “Fine.”
You swallowed down the lump that had formed in your throat at the thought track repeating in your head of “You’re protecting her? What the hell, Y/N?” and the images of Dean’s back as he walked away from you. You were happy to focus on something else and Ana’s voice actually began to soothe you as it filled the car. 
You didn’t know how but somehow you knew everything was going to work out, Chuck ending the world or not.
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You heard a familiar rumbling outside your motel room door and you quickly glanced in Ana’s direction. She looked up at you from her chair, money in her hands that she had been counting from her last service, and you gave her a nod. You threw your jacket on, keeping the gun in your pocket and easy to reach just in case. “Be careful,” you murmured.
“You first.”
You pressed your lips together and turned back to the door. You took a deep breath before you opened it and stepped out, seeing Dean shutting the car door and meeting your eyes. He didn’t appear to be armed and he was alone as he’d claimed he would be when he called you earlier, asking where you were so you two could talk. You weren’t one hundred percent sure it wasn’t a trap, which you absolutely hated thinking, but after Ana told you what she’d done to them and their reaction to her earlier…well, you could see why they weren’t exactly thrilled with her. And if they didn’t try to hurt her, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t do a blood sigil and banish her to someplace far away from you. You were on high alert for any possibility. 
“Hey,” he gruffed out.
“Hey.” You shut the door behind you and stuffed your hands in your pockets.
You didn’t see any traces of the betrayal or hurt or anger that you’d seen earlier so that was a good sign. His green eyes were no longer hard when they focused on you. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”
“I can’t. Have to stay close.” You gestured back to the room. It was something Ana had asked you to do when you went over possible contingencies after Dean’s call but she hadn’t needed to; you already planned to stay within running distance if you needed to get back right away.  
Dean’s jaw clenched when he looked towards the room. “So, she’s got you on a short leash, huh?”
You huffed a snort, shaking your head. “Goodbye, Dean.” You began to turn back to the room, thinking this had been a colossal waste of time which just broke your heart further.
“Y/N, wait! I— I’m sorry.” 
You spun back around to face him, glaring.
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” you bit out.
Dean licked his lips and momentarily moved his gaze around until he settled on something to his left. “What about over there? Is that close enough?”
You glanced where he was inclining his head towards. Across the parking lot sat what looked to be a makeshift pergola gazebo or something they’d tried to make into one anyway. A wooden picnic table sat under it and there were some lights haphazardly hung on the edges up top, snaking around the thin posts. You gave him a nod of agreement, it was private enough but still kept you close. 
You waited for him to start walking and as you followed, you glanced around, making sure no one was trying to sneak their way up to your door or that there were any warning signs of an impending ambush. “Looks clear,” you mentally prayed to Ana. “But keep your guard up.” For a moment, you wished you also had the angelic super hearing she had or the ability to tune into Angel Radio to be able to hear her back.
Dean took a seat on the table and you did the same, keeping some distance between you. He noticed it and his jaw clenched again. “Really? You’re that pissed at me?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line as you thought it over, and then you moved slightly closer. 
He let out a snort. “Didn’t realize that much had changed between us.”
You stared out over the highway. “It did.”
Dean studied you for a moment and then followed suit. “Yeah, well, probably for the best.” 
You could feel a familiar stinging in the corner of your eyes. Dean always had the ability of using words to hit you where it hurt the most. “Probably.”
There was a moment of tense silence between you before he spoke again. “Cas mentioned things might be different now…for you.”
You shrugged but didn’t respond. At this point, you just wanted him to spit out what he came to say and leave. Which was indeed different from how you usually felt about getting alone time with him, but he was being a dick.
Almost as if he heard your thoughts, he turned to look at you. “I’m not trying to be a dick, Y/N. I’m really not. But all this time and you never told me once that you had an angel riding shotgun with you? The same angel who tricked us and took Lucifer’s side, and then tricked us again and almost got us all killed?”
You looked over at him with a scoff. “When was I supposed to tell you, Dean? In between Chuck trying to end the world and you helping with Jack’s powering up regimen so he can take him down? Or during Michael’s mindwalk inside your head? When was I supposed to tell you? We never talk anymore.”
“That’s not true,” he argued.
You got to your feet, glaring at him. “Yes, it is! The only time I hear from you is when you need something.” You ignored Dean’s angry expression and continued. “When you need help for a case, information, whatever it is. That is the only time I hear from you!”
“Yeah, well, it’s a two-way street. When was the last time you called just to check in? Tell us how you’re doing? When?”
You let out a laugh of disbelief. “You told me we were done, Dean! Right after Michael possessed you the first time. You remember that?”
Now he was on his feet, too, scowling at you. “Me saying we were done didn’t mean we were out of each other’s lives forever! If I didn’t call you about hunts or Sam didn’t call you to ask you to keep an eye out for something wherever you were, we wouldn’t even know you were still alive!” 
That last word made you wince. You tried to hide it but Dean saw it. He let out a breath and the next time he spoke, he was no longer yelling. “You can blame me all you want, Y/N, but you didn’t tell Sam, either.”
“There was nothing to tell,” you mumbled, sitting back down on the table, refusing to look at him.
He gave you a look before sitting back down next to you, closer than before. “Look, I didn’t come here to fight. I want to clear the air. You’ve never pulled a gun on me before.”
You arched your brows over at him. You had done it quite a few times over the years, when he was a demon being the most recent.
“Not on me,” he clarified. 
You turned back to the road but didn’t say a word.
He laid a gentle hand on your knee. “I want us to be good, Y/N. You’re family…and you’re still important to me.”
You briefly closed your eyes in pain. It had always been a tough balancing act, straddling the line of family and you and Dean being something more to one another. Even before you got together and made it official. Even back when you were teenagers. But ever since he put an end to your relationship, it had become almost impossible for you to continue doing. But he was right…you both were still family, and you didn’t want him shut out of your life. You had been broken-hearted at the thought of it not a mere hour ago before he’d called.
You covered his hand with yours. “I know. You’re still important to me, too, and you’re right, we’re family.”  
Dean's eyes were transfixed on your hands until he glanced up at you, his eyes softer than before.
You squeezed his hand. “We’re good.” You gave him a nod and let him go, waiting a moment before you added, “As long as you leave Ana alone.”
He shot you a look but you never glanced away. He needed to know you meant it.
Dean sighed, studying you. “For now,” he agreed. 
“Dean, that’s—”
“That’s all you’re getting out of me.” He rubbed his thumb over your knee. “Unless you tell me what happened.”
You dropped your gaze to your lap. “Why do you want to know about that? I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Because,” Your eyes lifted to his, hearing the breaks in his voice. “I need to know why Cas sees the claim she has on your soul.”
Crap. You should have known from how Cas was studying you since you’d set foot in the Bunker. “It’s not what you think,” you started.
“Then what is it? Because it looks to me like she tricked you into selling your soul to her.”
You moved your knee from under his hand and pulled away. “That’s not what happened. She didn’t trick me.”
“Then what did happen?” He cupped your cheeks and forced you to look at him. “Y/N, talk to me,” he implored. “I need to know what’s going on.”
You thought it over for a moment, realizing you really didn’t have a way around this, now that Dean knew. And truthfully, you didn’t really want one, though you still felt the heavy weight of shame wrapped around you, something you knew would be even heavier by the time you finished explaining. 
You grabbed his hand and turned to kiss his wrist before getting to your feet. Dean let you go and you took a few steps away, your arms crossed and your back to him, taking a deep breath. “Do you remember the witch who killed my family?”
“Yeah, back in Phoenix. Dad tried to track her down after but couldn’t. Why?”
You pressed your lips together. “I found her.” You didn’t need to turn around to know Dean was frozen in shock. “I came across her during another case.”
Dean was in front of you before you could blink. “Please tell me you didn’t take her on alone.”
You stared at him, saying nothing.
“Dammit, Y/N! You should have called us! What the hell were you thinking?”
 “I was thinking the bitch had killed my family and I wanted her dead.”
He shook his head, angry at you as you knew he would be. “But you don’t go it alone! We’ve talked about this. Never alone!”
“Yeah, I know and you’re right, alright? But I’m standing here in front of you now so do you want me to finish the story or not?” You snapped.
His jaw clenched and he glared at you but remained quiet.
You let out an aggravated breath. “I didn’t have time to call anyone else. I didn’t want her to escape and be in the wind again so the hunter I was with at the time, Carrie, she and I went after her.” Dean briefly closed his eyes but kept his gaze on you. “She had a pack of werewolves she was working with and she set them on me. I killed a few but there were too many. They ripped me apart. Carrie, too.” You felt a lump begin to form in your throat at the thought of the hunter you’d gotten killed but you swallowed it back down. “They were about to finish me off when two other hunters showed up. Carrie thought we might be going into a trap so she called them while I was gearing up. There were still too many werewolves but they managed to get us out of there. They drove us straight to this church in the next town where a faith healer had set up shop. The rumor going around the hunter community at that time was that this healer might actually be an angel, one of the fallen.” Your eyes began to well up. “Carrie didn’t make it.”
Dean briefly dropped his gaze down to the ground.
“I almost didn’t and honestly, I wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for Ana. She healed me.” You nearly winced thinking about the next part you would have to tell him. “Once I was up and moving around again, I didn’t want the witch to disappear and she already had a hell of a head start so I asked Rick, one of the hunters that helped us, if he knew of a crossroads in town.”
You saw Dean’s lips part in shock and then his eyes hardened. “Are you kidding me? After everything Sam and I told you, after everything you saw happen with my deal, you still—”
“You didn’t hear the screams my sister made when she was dying, Dean!” He pressed his lips into a thin line but didn’t say anything to that. How could he? Sure, he’d seen people die in some of the worst ways imaginable since becoming a hunter, but he also saw the nightmares you had for years afterwards. They all had.
Dean had held you as you shook in terror, crying into his neck as he tried to assure you that you were safe. There were many nights your cries had woken Sam up as well and he’d slip into Dean’s bed, laying his head on your back and hugging you from behind while you sobbed and his brother whispered reassurances to you. If John was around when the nightmares happened, he’d keep quiet while his sons comforted you but the next morning, he’d let you pick the music you wanted to hear and would offer you to ride shotgun if you wanted. You would choose Dean’s favorite Led Zeppelin tape every time and sit in the back, opting to let Sam take the front. Dean would hold your hand and rub tender circles into your skin while you stared out the back window of the Impala until you would get sleepy and rest your head on his shoulder. Dean, Sam, John — none of them could keep the nightmares away, but they made you feel safe again after you’d lost your family. They became your family and John trained you to become a hunter just like his boys.
Tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. “She was only six years old!” You had to watch as the witch had liquefied her insides, causing as much pain and torment as possible. You’d not only heard her painful screams but the terrified yells of your mother as she also witnessed your sister’s death before the witch moved onto your older brother. John got there in time to save you, the last one left; you’d had to watch and hear them all die — your parents, your siblings — helpless to do anything since you were magically bound. “I would have done anything to get that bitch and make sure she never hurt anyone else ever again.”
Dean’s fist clenched at his side but he nodded. He understood; you knew he did.
“As it turns out, I didn’t get that far. Ana overheard our conversation. Rick was trying to talk me out of it but I was insistent. She pulled me to the side and told me that if I was going to throw my life away to go after the hag, then she had a one-time offer for me. She offered me the same deal a crossroads demon would have: my soul for the witch. But instead of ten years, there would be no ticking clock over my head, no monsters from Hell would come to drag me down to the pit, and once I died, whenever that would be, my soul would belong to her and her alone. No Heaven, no Hell, just hers, to do with as she wished.”
“Y/N,” Dean let out in a broken whisper. You could see this was killing him but you had to finish explaining, make him understand. As ashamed as you were, you still wanted him to know the truth.
“I took it, Dean.”
A tear dropped down his cheek and you fought every impulse you had to reach over and wipe it away.
“And she kept her part of the bargain. She packed up and traveled with us to where the witch was hiding out. We caught them off guard. Rick and Layla finished off the rest of the werewolf pack and Ana stayed with me. The witch used some sort of spell to banish Ana and then it was just me and her.” You knew this next part was going to hurt him but you had to say it. “She killed me, Dean.”
He stared at you in horror.
“The same way she killed my family. I felt everything they did.” You were looking through Dean now, awash in memories. “You see, she recognized me and she decided to finish me off the same way she did them. I heard her laughing in the background while she... The pain alone…” You came back to yourself with a jolt, realizing you were no longer in that place, writhing in agony on the floor as your insides burned and turned to liquid, blood pouring from your eyes, nose, and mouth as you screamed and screamed. “The next thing I remember, Ana was crouching over me. She had healed my body and put my soul back inside.” You whispered the last part in awe. That part of the story still inspired wonder for you, even now. 
“She had overpowered the witch somehow when she was able to get back to us. Ana left her for me to deal with and deal with her, I did.” You clenched and unclenched your jaw at the memory of the bitch’s screams of agony before you finished her off. You made sure she felt everything your family did, everything you had, and Ana had been more than willing to help you.
“You died?” Dean choked out.
You glanced up at him and noticed the devastation in his expression, his eyes still wet. “For only a few minutes,” you tried to reassure him. He didn’t need to know that it had been a little longer than that. You could see how torn up he was already now that he knew what happened to you. “The witch’s spell wasn’t as effective as an angel banishing sigil so Ana was able to come back pretty quickly.”
You watched as he reached for you, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into him. His lips were on yours before you could react and you let him kiss you, feeling his desperation, knowing he was reassuring himself that you were okay, here in his arms, alive. When he finally broke away from you, he gently grasped your arms and laid his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes. “I should’ve never let you go,” he whispered. “I was only trying to keep you safe, I’m sorry.”
Your brows furrowed slightly. “Dean, what are you talking about?”
He sighed and pressed a tender kiss to your nose before lifting his head. “When Michael let me go the first time, I was scared he was going to come after everybody I cared about so I…” You saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “I ended it between us.”
Your jaw dropped. “Why would you do that? I could have helped you track him down!”
“Because I wanted you safe!” He yelled in exasperation. “I didn’t know what Michael was gonna do, okay? I didn’t want you getting caught in the crossfire!”
“You don’t get to make that decision for me!” You argued.
“Yeah, I do, because I love you, goddammit!” He looked just as surprised as you felt by his accidental admission.
His words hit you like a semi on a slippery freeway. A part of you wanted to respond and the other part…the other part wanted to skip right past it as if it had never been said. Especially when you thought back to the heartbreak you’d felt when he coldly told you that you were done and he needed some space, implying you needed to leave the Bunker asap. No explanation, no goodbye, just…done.
The lump was back in your throat again, forcing you to swallow it back down. “Yeah, well, that still doesn’t give you the right to do what you did.” You crossed your arms and looked away from him, back towards the motel, so he wouldn’t see the tears building in your eyes at his declaration that you would have given anything to hear more than a year ago. You saw the Impala still parked where Dean had left it and you remembered it was facing your room and who was in that room. Too little, too late now.    
You felt Dean’s fingers gently grip your chin and turn your head back towards him. His green eyes were glistening, full of a deep sadness you’d only seen before when he talked about his mom and their family back in the day or when he’d finally managed to tell you about his time with Lisa and Ben. “And it didn’t keep you all that safe, did it?” The corners of his lips tipped up in a remorseful smile.
You watched him for a moment and then lifted up on your toes, gripping his face to kiss him. You put everything you felt for him into it, not wanting him to ever doubt just how much of a hold he still had on your heart. When you pulled back, you looked into his eyes and spoke truly. “I love you, Dean. I’m always going to love you. You’re the love of my life.” His eyes softened at your words. “But things are different now. I’m different. And things will never be as they were before.” You ran your thumb tenderly over his lips before stepping back, putting more distance between you. 
You saw as he tried to recover from what you’d said, nodding and turning from you to run a hand down his face, effectively wiping away the wetness from his stubbled cheeks. You heard a quiet sniffle and gave him a moment. 
“And, uh,” You glanced up at him. “What about your soul? Cas said you still have her mark. Are you still stuck in some deal?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “Not technically. It’s there as more of a failsafe.”
“In case something happens to me, then my soul goes to her. Just like it did the last time.”
“And what if something happens to her?”
You frowned, not liking that possibility being voiced, especially given the current circumstances. Plus, you wouldn’t put it past Dean to be thinking over options to free you. “Then the mark disappears. But then it’s anybody’s game.”
���But you’d be free,” he insisted.
Your jaw clenched and you lifted your chin defiantly. You knew it; you knew Dean and the way he thought way too well. You’d been trained together and hunted together for years, after all. “I don’t want to be free. Not the way you’re implying.”
His brows drew together in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you want to be free?”
“You have Cas. You should understand.”
“Cas doesn’t own my soul, Y/N. That’s completely different.”
“Is it?”
“Uh, yeah, I’d say it is.”
He obviously didn’t get your meaning, or he was trying hard not to. You decided to let it go. “We may not have the profound bond that you and Cas do, but what we have works for us. Let’s just leave it at that.”
He scrubbed at his jaw, staring at you, before closing the distance between you again. This time you expected it when he kissed you and you held onto his jacket, kissing him back. You hadn’t lied before; he was the love of your life, deep within your heart, and he always would be. “If you ever want out of this, you call me,” he whispered. 
You nodded, closing your eyes when he leaned in to kiss you again. You knew you wouldn’t be making that call but you knew he would refuse to let you go unless you gave him that reassurance. He rubbed his nose along yours and you nearly smiled at the memory it produced from when you two used to make out as teenagers.
“What about the plan for Chuck? And Amara? Do you still want my help with that?”
“No, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I want you as far from here as you can get. Just in case things go South.”
You stared up at him sadly. “Dean, I know you and Ana have history but she’s only there to protect me. We could help.”
“That’s not it. If this plan doesn’t work, with Jack, then we’re all screwed.”
You tugged at his jacket with your hands. “Which is why you can use all the help you can get.”
“Y/N, you can’t help on this one.” You were about to protest when he spoke again. “Not this time.”
“Then why did you call me?”
He gave you a sad smile and you felt his arms tighten around you. ‘Why do you think?”
Memories flashed through the forefront of your mind: 
…“Blaze of Glory” by Bon Jovi playing in the background of the Impala and Dean singing it into your ear as you fell asleep on his shoulder in the backseat,
…Conversations with him and Sam about how you all would like to go out fighting if you had a choice on how you’d die as a hunter,
…Dean holding your bare body to his in the bed of a motel room that he’d been able to secure after a few successful games of Pool while John was on a hunt, with Sam in the next room and you two having just lost your virginities to each other, murmuring how he wanted to keep you with him always, believing that you’d fallen asleep,
…Him cuddling up to you in the Dean Cave during a western you’d seen a thousand times (because it was one of his favorites) and him telling you that he and Sam would be Butch and Sundance but you would be Etta Place which would cause you to frown and him to then grumble that you could be his Sundance which would earn him a kiss on the cheek while Sam rolled his eyes.
You knew right then that he didn’t fully believe Billie’s plan would work, though he hoped it would. Which meant you might never see him again. Because there was no way Chuck wouldn’t be pissed at the attempt and come right after him and Sam.
Your vision began to blur with the building tears and you gave him your own sad smile. “And now you’re sending me away? Again? That’s not how it’s supposed to go. Remember?”
He wiped your cheeks with both thumbs. “You said it yourself, sweetheart, things are different now. Besides, Sam and I talked it over before I came out here. He agrees. We both want you somewhere safe.”
“So you’re making me Etta Place again?” You choked out.
 “Baby,” A tear made its way down his cheek. “You were never supposed to be anyone else.”
You sobbed out a laugh and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go. “You could come with us. You and Sam and Cas and Jack. You could leave this all behind and come with us. Just as long as you don’t pick Bolivia.”
He chuckled into your ear. “I wish I could, sweetheart. Chuck would find us wherever we tried to go. Billie’s plan is the best we’ve got. We’re going to see it through. And the only way I can do that,” He pulled back from you and held onto your arms, rubbing soothing circles into them with his thumbs. “Is if I know you’re far away from here. She’s another dick angel in my book and I don’t trust her, but if she’ll keep you safe, then that’s all I care about right now.”
You nodded and sniffled. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?”
He framed your face with his hands and shook his head. 
More tears spilled down your cheeks. “I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you, too, sweetheart. Always have,” He pulled you into an embrace and kissed the side of your head. “Always will.”
You didn’t know how long you stayed like that for but he held you until the tears finally stopped flowing. You were ashamed at how easily you had been willing to dismiss him from your life after he had broken your heart, after he’d threatened Ana, and now you might never see him again. Your heart literally felt torn in two. A part of you wanted to go with him, no matter how he or Ana might protest, no matter if you ended up dying, but the other part wanted to give him what he asked for. So he could have peace of mind and be able to focus on the plan if for nothing else.   
You had loved Dean Winchester since you were ten years old. You knew in that moment, just as you did back then and all of the time between, that you would love him for the rest of your life, however long that might be. He would always have a piece of your heart, even if your soul belonged to somebody else.  
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You watched as Dean backed Baby out of her spot in front of your room and you gave him a wave. He’d wiped away your tears, kissed you goodbye one last time, and told you to haul ass out of Kansas by morning. He’d promised to call you the following evening with an update. 
Once he was speeding down the road out of sight, you opened the door, letting out a breath of relief to see Ana still sitting where you’d left her. You knew Dean didn’t mean her any harm at the moment, but you weren’t sure just how much of your goodbye with Dean she’d actually heard. Probably everything, if her stare was anything to go by. 
“I take it you heard everything?”
“I did.” She got to her feet, making her way over to you. “So you still love him, just as I said earlier which you completely denied.”
You gave her a look. “Ana, if you heard everything then you know—”   
“I do.” Her eyes studied your face, most likely seeing the puffiness underneath your bloodshot eyes from crying so much. She reached out a hand and cupped your cheek, tenderly stroking it with her thumb. “I’ll give Castiel one thing, human love is beyond puzzling. I certainly didn’t need a magic 8 ball to know how that little convo was going to go. Despite how much Dean Winchester has hurt you, I was pretty sure for a moment there you were going to get another room and I was going to have to listen to the sounds of two primates mating in the wild.”
You yanked your face away and glared at her. “Stop it, Ana.” You made your way to the bed, roughly unzipping your bag and tossing everything of yours inside. “Dean said we should get out of Kansas as soon as possible. He doesn’t know when the next part of Billie’s plan is kicking off or when Amara is going to show up with Chuck, so it might not be safe to spend the night. We should keep moving.” You felt her hand on your shoulder and you let out an irritated sigh before turning to scowl at her. “What?”
She stared at you for a moment before leaning down to brush her lips over yours. You froze, unsure of what to do. Ana had never done something like this before and even stranger, you could feel yourself responding to it. Just like you had with Dean, though it was different, softer, and lit up a separate part of you inside. You felt yourself attempting to deepen the kiss but she pulled away, leaving you feeling dazed, yearning, guilty, and frustrated — a confusing swirl of emotions.
She smirked down at you, pleased with your reaction and trailed a gentle finger over your lips. “We should be fine here for the night. We can leave in the morning when you’ve gotten some sleep so you can drive. I’ll keep watch.” She turned and walked away, still smirking, and left you watching after her in complete shock.
You shook it off the best you could and went about getting the things you would need for the night out of your bag. Ana was kissing you now? That was new. Could today get any more complicated?
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You were submerged in darkness, nothing but pure black everywhere you looked. The last thing you knew you were screaming out in agony, feeling infinite pain, mentally begging for death. Then, nothing. You were just floating along in…nothing.
“Come to me.”
You heard the sweetest voice you had ever heard, calling out to you, and you wanted to go to it but you weren’t sure how. When you attempted to move, you couldn’t. You were frozen in a sea of nothing. 
“Y/N,” the voice called. “Come to me now.” As soothing as that voice had been, you could hear the clear command at the end. You wanted to go but how? 
Suddenly, a shaft of bright blue-white light appeared right in front of you. “Let’s go,” the voice called, sounding much closer and it vibrated off of the blackness surrounding you. The light reached out to you and you somehow reached back. You liked the light, trusted it, and it felt warm when it touched you. Warmth that reminded you of your grandmother’s homemade apple pie fresh out of the oven, Dean and Sam snuggled up against you in the motel rooms you’d stayed in often as children, your mother’s smile as you and your siblings played on the swingset in the backyard, the blanket your father wrapped around you when you were home sick from school, the feeling of Dean’s hand in yours — pure warmth. You felt completely safe and whole, as if nothing bad or painful could get at you here, not while the light was touching you.
“There.” The light pulled you further into it and it was so blindingly beautiful that you felt the urge to cry at the same time that you wanted to smile. “Come to me.” At this final command, you pushed into the light at the same time it pulled you forward and everything went white.
The next second, you were back in your body, staring up at a familiar red-headed woman though her eyes were glowing the same color light you had been moving towards a mere moment ago. Two little dots of the blue-white light focused on you as the angel’s hands rested on your chest, a golden glow emanating from them. 
You blinked and coughed and the lights faded from her eyes as did the glow from her hands. Now very worried looking brown eyes were gazing down at you. “Took you long enough,” she muttered. “How do you feel?”
You coughed again and tried to sit up with her helping you. You suddenly took notice of a familiar face, a face that haunted your dreams every single night, sneering at you, her hands bound by an invisible force, hanging from something unseen. Her lips also appeared to be sealed by that same force. “What…happened?” You rasped out.
“There’s no easy way to say this. You died.”
You turned wide eyes on her. “What? H-How?”
Ana glared over at the witch. “Her.”
You met the witch with your own glare and it all came back to you in a flash: the pain, the torture, the screaming, your family. At that last thought, you slowly got to your feet, Ana helping to steady you. “What’s holding her?”
She smirked over at the old hag. “Me.”
Something occurred to you just then. “Why did you bring me back? You had my soul. You could’ve just walked away with it. No one would’ve been the wiser. So why bring me back?” You were very well aware of how this angel operated. You had been brought to the forefront of her business after all, bleeding and torn up on death’s door. Granted, she hadn’t charged you for saving your life but you weren’t ignorant to the donations she usually collected for her services. 
Her jaw tightened and you could tell she was thinking it over before she turned to answer you. “I’m nothing if not an excellent businesswoman. A deal’s a deal. The witch was alive and you weren’t. That wasn’t the terms of our agreement so I brought you back. I can’t have word getting around that I don’t hold up my end of the deal. It’s not good for business.”
You weren’t quite sure you believed her. Not only because she was an angel (and an angel that charged people money to heal them) but because somehow you just knew that hadn’t been the reason she’d done it. But that was a problem for later. Now, your focus was on the witch. “So, are you going to let her go so I can finally finish her off?”
“Hmm, I don’t really think that’s a good idea, do you? Last time you went toe to toe with her, you died.”
“You weren’t here then as my backup generator. Now, you are.”
“Oh, really, Rocky? That’s what you think I am? A defibrillator? Maybe I should let her go and let you die again. And this time, I won’t bring you back. You would make a nice addition to my collection of beautiful things stored in my Louis Vuitton. You know, they say diamonds are forever but it’s really all about souls this year.”
You both heard the witch trying to yell something but unable due to her invisible gag. “Okay, seriously, we can argue later. Let her go, Ana, I’ve got this.” You picked up the blade that had been thrust out of your hand before the pain and screaming started, and tensed in preparation.
The angel turned to you with brows drawn together. “Ana?”
“Jo then. Now, come on, let’s do this.” You were more than ready to take this bitch down.
“No. I like the sound of Ana. It’s better.”
You glanced at her in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“Oh. Right.” She went to wave her hand in the witch’s direction when she stopped. “Actually, may I make a suggestion for this little revenge fantasy of yours?” 
You shot her a look. 
“I think you’ll like it.” She gave you a wicked smirk and then leaned in to whisper in your ear. A smirk started to appear on your own face the more she talked. She had been right. You liked her suggestion. It was going to take you hours to finish the witch and since you had just been brought back to life, fully healed, you had more than enough energy to pull it off. 
Bright flashes happened and you could hear the witch’s muffled screams as you carved into her and Ana then healed her. More bright flashes and you could see Ana’s devious smirk as she began to neutralize her angel-style but stopped right before it took. Another bright flash and you glared into the witch’s eyes as you stabbed her, gritting out, “That was for my sister.” As you’d anticipated after agreeing to Ana’s suggestion, it took both of you hours to torture and kill the witch. Ana had liquified her insides multiple times throughout before bringing her back from the brink. Rick and Layla had left long ago, satisfied that they had gotten payback for Carrie with the werewolves they took out and not wanting to be a part of what you and Ana were doing to the witch. Another bright flash and the witch’s lips unsealed with a scream that sounded an awful lot like your sister’s that then turned into booming thunder.
You woke with a gasp and grabbed your gun that always had a few rounds of witch-killing bullets loaded, sitting straight up and glancing around the dark room, aiming for anything that might move. Your eyes came to a stop on Ana, sitting in the same chair as before, her eyes glowing that familiar bluish-white light. You lowered your gun in relief. To anyone else, this very picture might scare them but to you it was soothing and made you feel safe; it reminded you of when she’d brought you back and how it felt before you were back in your body completely. 
The glowing light suddenly disappeared and the dark reigned once more. “It’s okay,” she reassured. “It’s just a thunderstorm.” Almost as if to solidify her explanation, a loud clap of thunder sounded overhead. “No one’s here but me.”
You nodded and when the room lit up with a lightning flash, you could see she was right. You placed your gun back underneath your pillow and hugged your knees to your chest. “I had that dream again.”
Ana stopped counting her money and glanced up at you. You always marveled at her ability to see in complete darkness, to the point that she could do things like that without any light whatsoever. “The witch one?”
“Yeah,” you whispered. 
“From when you were younger or from when she killed you?”
“When I died. I think telling Dean maybe got me thinking about it again so that’s why…” You gestured towards your head. “I was remembering the pain and the screaming…” 
You heard the chair lightly scrape across the floor and in the next flash of lightning, you saw her coming over to you. She gently sat on the bed next to you and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close until your head was on her shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t get there fast enough.” 
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. You saved me and then helped me finish her.”
“True.” She ran a tender hand over your hair. “But I wish you didn’t have those memories.” After a moment, she added, “I could take them away if you wanted.” She’d made you this offer before but you had refused it then and you were going to refuse it now.
“No, thanks though. I need those memories to keep me sharp, help keep me alive.”
“I thought that’s what you had me for,” she teased.
You smiled. “My defibrillator?”
Ana scoffed. “I still can’t believe you called me that.”
“You called yourself that. I said you were my backup generator.”
“Same thing.”
You lifted your head and shot her a look. “Hardly.”
She smiled and you couldn’t help but study her. Remembering the kiss earlier, you knew she cared for you more than the average human (any other human really) but you never thought in a million years that she could possibly have feelings…like that. She was an angel and you were only human after all. Didn’t Cas say once that his true form was the size of a Chrysler building and that humans were mere ants to angels? How did the Chrysler building feel anything for an ant?
You remembered seeing Ana’s face for the first time through a haze of pain. She had stared down at you as she started to heal you, her lips parted in shock before they pressed together in determination. You thought back to her insistence that you take her up on her offer of a soul deal to get what you wanted, assuring you that demon deals were a nasty, messy business that you definitely had to read the fine print on before you signed. And the one thing you hadn’t told Dean is that when Ana brought you back after the witch killed you, her mark was no longer on your soul. When you died, your soul had gone to her as per the deal you’d made, but once you were back inside your body, breathing again, your soul was your own. So her whole line of wanting to make sure you both got what you wanted out of the deal had been complete bullshit. Something you didn’t find out until later on, when she reamed you out for almost dying again on another hunt: a dark entity in an abandoned asylum outside of Chicago. By that time, you trusted Ana enough to make another deal with her. If something happened to you, you trusted that she would keep your soul safe until she revived you or otherwise. What that otherwise was you couldn’t be sure, but you trusted her implicitly to look out for you. Something she had been doing ever since you crossed each other’s paths.
Things suddenly became so clear to you, almost as if you had been trying to see out of a foggy window but no matter how much you rubbed at it or turned the defroster on, it never cleared…until now. 
Her smile faded slightly when you leaned in and gently brushed your lips against hers, pulling back to see what she would do. Another lightning flash lit up the room and you could see her glancing back and forth between you and your mouth, leaning in slowly. You met her halfway and a light fluttery feeling bloomed in your chest when you connected and this time it was more than just a brush of lips. You turned your body slightly towards her and cupped her cheek, taking control of the kiss. It surprised you a little but it felt like you were kissing someone who was inexperienced. You couldn’t tell if it had to do with you being a woman or a human, and she was holding back either way, or if she had never truly done this before. Regardless, you looked forward to finding out.
She began to mimic your movements and the kiss grew more passionate. You realized that you wanted more of the kiss, more of her. You reached up and began to slowly unbutton her Mulberry silk blouse (as she’d told you so many times before when warning you not to get it dirty if you opened something near her) but her hand covered yours, stopping you. 
You broke away from her, your brows drawn together. “What?”
She trailed fingertips from your cheek down to your lips, intently studying you.
Her eyes met yours. “You need sleep so you can drive in the morning. I said we would be okay staying here tonight, but once morning hits, we need to leave.” You went to protest when she shook her head. “Once we’re far enough away, we’ll have plenty of time for this. But for now, sleep.”
You wanted to argue that Chuck could soon end all life as you knew it so there was no time like the present but this was also new to you. You’d never been with a woman before, never mind an angel. What were the rules? How did it go? Being with Dean, you’d seen some porn in your time so you vaguely had an idea how it went with women, but nothing concrete. You’d only ever been with Dean and a few other guys after all. But an angel inside a female human vessel…and a female human…put point blank, how the hell did that work?     
So, you didn’t push and instead, nodded your agreement. Ana got off the bed and you laid back down, settling the sheets over you once more. She took a seat next to you, sitting against the headboard, and began to gently brush your hair back with her hand. You had always wondered why she always seemed to be touching you or caressing you when you two were alone (and she wasn’t miffed at you); now you knew why. It wasn’t long before your eyes started to close and you began to drift off, hoping you wouldn’t go straight back into a nightmare. Thankfully, the thunder seemed to be moving away from your location.
Almost as if she heard your thoughts, Ana murmured, “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe.”
You nearly smiled at her words. You never told her this because not only would she have gotten offended but she would’ve denied it to the ground, but most times, you almost felt like you had a guardian angel watching over you. A guardian angel that dressed better than most humans and would kill for a top of the line Hermes handbag (and you meant that literally). Who gave you dirty looks and a hard time most days, but a guardian nonetheless. Now, you weren’t quite sure what she would be to you. You were now glad she had stopped you before. You both had some things to figure out and a discussion should be had whenever you got to where you were going next, but regardless, one thing was for sure: you knew she would keep you safe.
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A/N: I know Cas had to stick his hand inside a human's chest to be able to read the marks of an angel on the bones of that human, but I decided to adjust it for fic purposes. I initially was going to do something similar to the handprint but I liked this idea better.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
banner by @cafekitsune
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Happy Friday the 13th! Hope you all are having a better day than Jason!
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I'm not much of one for horror but Friday the 13th is probably my favorite horror movie there is! SO much so I've written a few fics inspired by the movies!
Friday the 13th - Dean x Sam x sister!reader (platonic)
Camper's Lake - Dean x reader
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Autumn Falls: Monday (Epilogue)
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Summary: Y/N’s had a run of bad luck that’s left her miserable, so her sister and best friend surprise her with a trip to Autumn Falls, the exclusive Californian resort where your every dream comes true. Seven days of relaxation and luxury await her, but will her vacation lift her spirits or leave her longing?
Pairings (reader is female): Negan x reader, Bucky Barnes x reader, Thor Odinson x reader, Sam Winchester x reader, Negan x reader x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester x reader, Geralt of Rivia x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 37041
Warnings (expect any combination): slight angst and commiseration, non-disclosure agreements, flirting, conversations about relationships, oral sex, vaginal sex, public nudity and skinny dipping, size kink, sex in a hot tub, suspension (sort of), intense sex, breeding kink, yoga, my obsession with Sam’s hands, massages, dirty talk, slight praise kink, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, and squirting, threesome, double penetration (vaginal/anal), handjobs, shower smut, sex in a kitchen, horse riding, wild nature sex, over-stimulation, excessive orgasms,  comfort, companionship, aromatherapy and hot stone massages, anal sex, light BDSM, restraints, spanking/paddling, anal play, double penetration with toys, gagging, cuddling, post-vacation blues
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She wasn’t sure why she’d ever packed so much, and every item in the suitcase was another nail in the coffin of her fantasy-fulfilling vacation. Negan watched her from the door as she picked up the dress from her first night, rubbing the fabric between her fingers. It would at least be a reminder, even if she had no photos to immortalize the evening.
Shoving it into the bag, she went for the safe, tapping in the code to retrieve her phone. She didn’t turn it on, tossing it with her carry-on bag, before digging her wallet and keys out next. “Remember to keep that off until you’re at the airport,” he murmured, still watching her from the door.
She sighed, nodding as she picked up the last of her belongings.
“What’s wrong, princess?” Negan asked, drifting a little closer as she fixed him with a forlorn look.
“I feel like I don’t know how to go on with my life after this. What if I never find this sort of peace again?”
He chuckled, but it wasn’t a mocking sound. “Doesn’t everyone feel like that after a vacation? Doesn’t matter if it’s a week of sandy beaches and crystal waters, or mountain hikes and day spas, everyone feels like shit when their vacation ends. The difference is whether you go back to your nine-to-five and keep being miserable 50 weeks a fucking year or whether you make a change. You’ve found things here that gave you peace, made you happy, right?” Her eyes were watery as she looked up at him with a light nod. “Then keep doing those things. Go hiking at the weekend. Start cooking again. Find a guy that’ll make you cum six times a night and put a smile on your pretty face.” She giggled, sniffing as he reached up to wipe away her tears with his thumb. “You deserve the world, Y/N. And I’m pretty sure you’re gonna get what you deserve.”
She didn’t feel like she had anything to say to that, nodding in agreement as she zipped up her suitcase and lowered it to the floor, where Negan took hold of the handle. “Let me just do one more check so I haven’t forgotten anything,” she whispered, stepping away.
“Well, if you do, I can get it to you.”
There wasn’t anything obvious, so she secured her small carry-on, hooking it over her shoulder as she gave Negan the keycard for the suite. He smiled reassuringly, leading her out of the room and down to the lobby. Jason was already outside by the same car she’d come here in, and she felt her heart race as she followed Negan towards the driver, coming to a stop and handing her luggage over.
He turned to her as Jason took the bag and put it in the back of the car. “I guess this is goodbye,” Negan murmured, turning to face her.
“I just wish I could see you again,” she confessed quietly, giving him a shy smile.
Negan grinned, shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe one day, we’ll have that opportunity,” he said softly, reaching to take her hand. “At least I know you won’t forget me.” He bent, kissing her knuckles delicately. “Safe journey, princess.”
She nodded, stepping back towards the open door, the lump in her throat preventing her from saying goodbye, tears threatening her composure again. Negan’s smile didn’t fade when she closed the door, and as Jason pulled the car away, he waved. Her fingers curled against the window, and then he was gone, obscured by the trees.
The trip back didn’t seem to take as long as it did to get there, and she didn’t even think of turning her phone on until Jason had left her at the departure gate. It took a few seconds to load, and as soon as it had a signal, notifications started buzzing through, too many for her ringtone to keep up with. She gave it a few minutes as she navigated her way to check-in, and by the time she had done that, all of her messages had loaded.
Most of them were from Sarah and Kelly, a couple from Kath, and several from work. She scrolled through them, firing off a quick message to let everyone know she was heading back from vacation. As she waited at the security point, another notification beeped through, and she opened it, seeing an email in her inbox that had only just been sent. The subject line was blank, so she opened it, frowning as she waited for the content to load.
It was one picture, taken at some point when she hadn’t been paying attention, just her and Negan at dinner. Both of them were smiling, and she smiled as she looked at it, ghosting her thumb over his face. The screen scrolled, revealing text below.
You won’t forget me x N.
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Lemme know what your favorite parts were, I wanna hear your thoughts!! Thanks for reading!! 🎃
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kining-the-evil · 2 years
A Little Bit Crazy
(Jason Dean x Sawyer!reader)
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Summary: Y/n finally gets the chance to speak to the infamous Jason Dean, and finds they have quite a bit in common.
Warnings: the use of a gun, lack of guilt, cursing, smoking, no active killing but you see the aftermath of a kill.
‘Fuck my life,’ you thought to yourself while standing in the empty diner. It was almost 1 in the morning, and you couldn’t close until 3. One fuck up and your parents had you working at a local diner for the foreseeable future, which was bullshit. Veronica was lucky you hadn’t snitched on every mistake she made to make her suffer along with you.
“Get off your ass Sawyer!” The cook in the back yelled at you. He was an old man who always worked these shifts, and he seemed to go out of his way to make you uncomfortable.
“Fuck off Mike!” You yelled back while flipping him off. You continued to mess with your nails until the familiar sound of the doors bell rang out.
When you glanced up you saw the new kid from school, James Dean. You had never spoken to him, but your sister and her friends had talked to him. Veronica had even gone on a date with him, but according to her diary, he was a phyco.
You were intrigued to say the least.
Once he sat down at the counter you got up and walked over to him.
“Well, nice to meet the famous Jason Dean,” you spoke while pulling out the note book and pen.
“Famous? Never heard that one before.” He flashed you a smile, an eyebrow raised at your words.
“Famous enough to get multiple pages in my sisters diary,” you informed him with your own smirk.
He stared at you for a moment before seeming to place who you are. “You’re the other Sawyer.”
“Story of my life,” you chuckled. “Anyways, what can I get you?”
“What are you working here for?” He ignored your question for his own, which you didn’t judge him for. You’re parents were struggling, and you didn’t have the responsibility of others. You were a stoner who hated everyone, not a kind waitress.
“This is my parents attempt to teach me ‘responsibility.’” You put air quotes around the word responsibility, earning you a small chuckle. “Coffee?” You held up the pot, grabbing a cup when he nodded.
He never bought anything else that night, but he sat there for two hours until the diner closed and you closed up. Mike never stayed to help.
Once outside he offered you a cigarette, which you took. Once between your lips, he lit it before lightning his own.
“How do you get home?” He questioned, but once he did a car pulled up.
“Your lookin at it,” you mumbled. The car was being driven by Veronica, and had all three Heathers were in there.
“Well, I suppose I’ll leave you to it,” he gave an exaggerated bow as well as a wave to the car before he went to get on his bike.
You watched him while taking a drag from your cigarette.
“Y/n! Come on!” Veronica yelled. You rolled your eyes and walked over to pull the car door open, sitting next to Duke.
During the next few days you and Jd never approached each other at school, but every night he would show up at the diner, order a coffee, and talk to you. You found yourself waiting until 1, excited to speak to him. You both found that you agreed on a lot of things. Society, others at school, and all of the bullshit with it.
“They are, exactly the same,” you spoke while whipping down a table. They in question were the Heathers. “And Veronica is on her way to being just like that.”
“I thought she was the good one?” He was sprawled out on one of the booths. His feet were propped up, cup of untouched coffee next to him, and that damn trench coat still on despite the high temperature.
You snorted at his comment, shaking your head. “She’s Just another bitchy, popular girl. She can pretend to be as nice as she wants, but I know her.” You vented, scrubbing harder at the table. You couldn’t help the hate for your sister, she was smart enough to see through the bullshit and yet she became a part of it.
Jd just watched you as you continued to wipe the same spot over and over. You both got so caught up in your heads that you didn’t realize people were here until the small bell rang.
You glanced up and openly cringed at the group. All three Heathers, Kurt Kelly, and Ram came in, and you were surprised by the lack of Veronica.
You made a face at Jd before walking over to them. You simply stared at them, note pad out.
“You know, a waitress is meant to be helpful,” Chandler commented. You forced a smile at the five of them.
“How can I help you all?” You spat at them. You could smell the alcohol on their breath, and they had obviously came from a party.
“A plate of fries,” Ram finally told you, and you wrote it down.
“Anything else?”
“Cofffee,” Duke added. You nodded and walked away. You hand the order to Mike before grabbing a cup and the pot of coffee. You quickly sat the cup down and filled it for her, and luckily they didn’t say anything else to you.
You held the pot up when walking past jd, but he waved you off. Once the pot was back in its spot and you checked on Mike you went back to where jd was. You didn’t talk nearly as much but you both gave each other little looks, causing small chuckles.
“…ya, he went on one date with Veronica. It was a mess.” The two of you tensed a bit, hearing the slightly louder conversation. “I guess he went crawling to the easy Sawyer.”
“Can you blame him? I’d hit that too,” Kurt commented.
“Order!” Mike called, and you were thankful to go grab it.
Once at the groups table you practically threw it down. “Enjoy.” You put on a exaggerated smile before turning away. “Bitch.”
“What did you say?”
You turned back around, leaning down to get in Chandler face.
“I. Said. Bitch,” you said each word slowly. You stood back up, and finally walked away. But once again, you stoped when you felt something hit the back of your head. You glanced down, seeing a fry that had been thrown at you.
You spun around, ready to beat the shit out of someone, but you felt an arm grab your waist.
“Ladies, ladies. Let’s all calm down here.” Jd spoke over your shoulder, looking at the people in front of you.
“Look at you two, the bitch and her freak,” Chandler joked.
With jd so close to you, you could feel his arm slid into his trench coat. He seemed to find something, and you felt something metal against your back. A gun.
Chandler noticed what he pulled out, glaring at him. “Are you going to try and scare us with a couple of blanks?”
“Maybe,” he pointed the gun at the ground by their feet and pulled the trigger. You jumped lightly, your eyes wide at the spot where a bullet had ricocheted off of the floor. It had been loaded.
He The pointed the gun towards them. “Did that scare you?”
“You’re a fucking psychopath,” one of them snapped while getting up. They were quick to leave, and once the door closed Mike came out from the back.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Go home Mike, I’ll close up.” You didn’t Look back at him, still stuck at the spot on the floor.
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” And with that the man was gone.
You turned to look at jd, seeing him scratching his head with the gun.
“Holy shit,” You mumbled, running a hand through your hair. “Holy shit!” You had a smile on your face, and you couldn’t help but laugh. The adrenaline felt addictive, like you would do anything to feel like that.
“That was fun,” He smiled himself while running his tongue over his bottom lip.
You figured it was the adrenaline, but you thought ‘what the hell’ and grabbed his jacket to pull him into a kiss. Without missing a beat, he returned the gesture. His own hand, without the gun, went to your hip as he kissed you.
Eventually you pulled away, the need to breath to strong. “This,” your hand ran up to grip his with the gun. “Is too fucking hot.” You didn’t think he could smile any larger at your words. “Should have shot this bitch in the head.” You chuckled.
“I agree.” He stated, completely serious.
“You sound a Little to serious,” You glanced questioningly at him.
“I’ve got a question.” He didn’t seem to react to your words. “How are you at copping people’s handwriting like your sister?”
You couldn’t believe it, Heather Chandler lay at your feet. Dead. The note sat on her nightstand you had spent the night working on.
“How do you feel?” Jd looked over your shoulder at the body, his hands on your hips.
“I feel fucking great.”
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ayoitspatricia · 3 years
His Sister
(Veronica Sawyer x Dean!reader)
Synopsis : Veronica seeks comfort in JD’s younger sister who is growing tired of her psychotic family.
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As you walked down the stairs of your house you saw a girl who looked around your age leaning against the wall. She was wearing blue and had a distressed look on her face.
She didn't seem to have noticed that you were there so you cleared your throat, making her turn her head.
"Greetings," you started casually, "You must be Veronica Sawyer, pleasure."
She looked at you confused and then behind you to see where you came from.
"Who are you?" She immediately asked.
"Oh, of course he hasn't mentioned me." You chuckled slightly, referring to your annoying brother JD.
"No. No he hasn't." Veronica confirms.
"The names (Y/n) Dean. Im JD's younger sister."
Her eyes widened slightly, as if in shock.
"I can't believe he never told me he has a sister!" She exclaims, covering her face with her hands.
"Well ya see hunny, we don't get along all that well." You reply.
"I guess that's another thing I'll have to bring up when i see him." She mumbles, a scowl evident on her face.
"Why the mad face?" You ask.
"It's a long story," her eyes go to the floor before going back to you, "Do you know where he is?"
"Fortunately not, but i can already tell he won't be back until later tonight."
"How can you tell?" Veronica asks curiously.
"It's a simple pattern. I am his sister after all."
It goes silent between you two for a minute until you decide to say something.
"So about that long story you mentioned, how about you summarise it down for me?"
Veronica was about to protest but you interrupted, "I've got time, you may as well."
"I just don't know how he sleeps at night knowing all the things he has done, it makes me feel all sick." Veronica spills her thoughts and feelings to you.
You didn’t even have to ask Veronica about the things JD had supposedly done. You already knew how much of a largely power obsessed dick he was and that he most likely went too far again.
"-And he just makes me feel so pissed off sometimes, you know?" Veronica finishes.
"I do know Veronica. But i gotta say, you do have some bravery complaining about your boyfriend to his sister."
"He won't be my boyfriend for long, as soon as he gets back I'm breaking up with him."
You thought to yourself about how she was ever going to do that. You knew how stubborn JD was and he wouldn’t just let Veronica go like that.
And he would most certainly not like it if he ever saw you and Ronnie together.
But.. something else inside you was saying that JD was slightly intimidated by you in general.
And it was true.
So you decided to be bold.
"Well Ronnie once you're free from the oh so evil grasp of JD, you know where to find me."
You had taken an immediate liking to the girl, so perhaps a little suggestion like that wouldn’t hurt.
She smiles slightly, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that we should meet up and get a drink or something."
"Wow (Y/n), i never thought you'd be the type to hit on your brother's girlfriend." She teases, a blush clear on her face.
"Never thought you'd be the kind to not complain." You tease back, smirking.
You both hear noises coming from outside your house and realise that it is JD, meaning that you both have around 5 minutes before he comes in.
"Just a quick question before i deal with your brother," Veronica starts, "How come i have never seen you around school or anything before?"
You walk closer to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I've got places to be and things to see. Why waste your time on a place like Westerburg High when you could be out exploring the real world?"
"But, what about your education?" She asks, like the golden student she is.
"Who said that i weren't getting an education?" You say to that.
"Well, perhaps I'll soon join you on your travels." Veronica states.
"Perhaps you will."
You hear the footsteps getting closer and closer so you decide that it's time to go back to your room.
"I'll see you around Veronica Sawyer."
"Right back at you (Y/n) Dean."
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randomperson1me · 3 years
being jason dean's sister would include..
so this is random- if yall want more of anything please dont be shy to request- thank you all for the likes and reblogs :)
tw: mention of abuse, death, murder, bullying- gif not mine
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JD would definitely be over protective, even as a kid
" JD I'm going out" What?! where? with who? how long? what are you doing?"
he was only a few years older but still-
if you and his dad hurt you while he was out he wouldn't leave your side
he'd clean up any injuries and let you cry on his shoulder
he was also happy when your first words as a baby was his name
you both hated high school
mainly cause you were bullied
but JD sorted it out- with his own actions
You both missed your mom a lot- but JD wouldn't admit it out loud
Meeting veronica was awesome
" JD I'm home!" " Oh yeah Y/N, meet my girlfriend ver-" " Girlfriend?!" Hiii I'm Y/N!"
she loved you as if a you were her little sister
she helped you with makeup
and you both convinced JD to let you do his nails black.
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Fatality’s Fic Bakery Masterlist; Multifandomed & OC Menu Updated 12•30•23 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ A Multifandom blog, that caters to less represented. Mainly black women but other poc and minorities as well.
↳ CHECK THE RULE LIST. Highly important to check my rule post before requesting ANYTHING.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery navigation menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery rules + drabble menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery requests guidelines menu ❦.
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Welcome To The Bakery 𓆰♡︎𓆪
series (☀︎︎) oneshots (☦︎︎) smut (✞)
fluff (☻︎) angst (☹︎)
two parters (♫)
reactions (❥) headcanons (☠︎︎)
drabbles (☾)
𓆰♥︎𓆪 First Kill Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Talia Burns.
coming soon!!
↳ Calliope “Cal” Burns.
Runaways. (☦︎︎-☹︎-☻︎) x Black Fem!Reader
Warnings; Mentions of abuse, manipulation, favoritism, etc.
Synopsis; You and Cal have had enough.
↳ Next Ep; Not Giving In. (☀︎︎-☹︎-☻︎) (coming soon!!)
warnings: violence, blood, character death.
synopsis: talia and margot set out to find you and Cal.
↳ Elinor Fairmont.
coming soon!!
↳ Juliette Fairmont.
coming soon!!
↳ Margot Fairmont.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Euphoria Menu 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Rue Bennet/Zendaya Coleman.
The End Of An Era. (Ep. 1) (☀︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Reader
Warnings; Sapphic BS.
Synopsis; I could feel your love fading.
↳ Leslie Bennet/Nika King.
coming soon!!
↳ Maddy Perez.
coming soon!!
↳ Lexi Howard/Maude Apatow.
coming soon!!
↳ Jules Vaughn.
coming soon!!
↳ Gia Bennet.
coming soon!!
↳ Faye/Chloe Cherry.
coming soon!!
↳ Cassie Howard.
coming soon!!
↳ Fezco.
coming soon!!
𓆰♥︎𓆪 In The Heights Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Nina Rosario
coming soon!!
↳ Vanessa.
coming soon!!
↳ Usnavi De La Vega.
Ghosts Of A Lover Unknown (☦︎︎ - ☾ - ☹︎) x Latina Fem!Y/n
Warnings; very very sad usnavi, worried sonny, insomnia, hints of past life themes, if everything is in italics, it means it’s a flashback!, open ended (interpretation is up to you).
Synopsis; #3 “If our empty bedroom bothers you so much maybe try sleeping in it one day, Blank”.
Nina’s Little Sister (☦︎︎ - ☾ - ☻︎) x Afro-Latina Fem!Y/n
warnings: none. fluffy bullshit.
synopsis: 11. “d-did it hurt when heaven fell? I mean- when you…fuck. Anyway, i’m blank and that was humiliating. let’s start over”?
↳ Benny.
coming soon!!
↳ Sonny De La Vega.
Nose Goes. (☦︎︎ - ☾ - ☻︎) x Afro-Latina Fem!Y/n
Warnings: So sweet it gives cavities.
Synopsis; #13 “Baking Gone Wrong”.
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Supernatural Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Charlie Bradbury.
coming soon!!
↳ Sam Winchester.
Siri Play Hot N Cold By Katy Perry. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎-ish - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Siren!Reader. Murderous kids, demons n shit, hungry!cas, man starved!sam, woman dehydrated!reader, basically woman sam!reader, over it!dean, needy sex, straight to the point, soft love making.
Synopsis; You and the Winchester brothers have been friends and partners for years, especially you and Sam— You’ve been their hand to hold and guide through the supernatural world since you’re apart of it. You and Sam have loved each other since forever, in secret of course. After a big blowout between the two of you, Dean is fed up and sends you both on a mission…Alone. Will years of pent up frustration and hidden love finally be revealed?
↳ Dean Winchester.
coming soon!!
↳ Castiel “Cas”.
coming soon!!
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Girl From Nowhere Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Nanno.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Heathers Menu 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Jason “J.D” Dean.
coming soon!!
↳ Vanessa Sawyer.
coming soon!!
↳ Heather Chandler.
coming soon!!
↳ Heather Mcnamara.
coming soon!!
↳ Heather Duke.
coming soon!!
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Original Character/Side Fics Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Selina Di’ortéz
coming soon!!
↳ Azael Di’ortéz
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 DC 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
coming soon!!
↳ Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley).
coming soon!!
↳ Catwoman (Selina Kyle).
How Familiar A Face. Selina Kyle (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ✞ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n (Aka Dré’s Birthday Fic)
Warnings: childhood friends to lovers, pup!y/n, kitty!selina, sub!y/n, dom!selina, brat/brat tamer, sexual harassment, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, overstimulation, oral, degradation, praise, dumbification, size kink, yandere themes, slight noncon/dubcon, sadism/masochism, blood kink, knife kink, pain kink, tears of…well, you be the judge, oh and fingering :)
Synopsis: selina hates playing hero but she doesn’t mind it. what happens when she has to save a familiar face from a group of men?
Confessions Of Sin. Selina Kyle (☦︎︎ - ✞ - sprinkle of - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n (aka dre’s second annual birthday fic.)
warnings: vampire!selina, hybrid!y/n (wolf/witch), g!p (selina), degradation, stalking, slight dub-con, mating, sadism, masochism, mommy kink, slight!puppy play, intercourse, slight fingering.
synopsis: she’s been watching you.
Empty Planet. Selina Kyle (☦︎︎ - ✞ - (???) - ☻︎ - ☹︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
warnings: slight religious trauma, end of the world au, grief, death, apocalypse, oral (reader!receiving), tribbing, soft dom!selina, sub!y/n, depression mentions, sweet sapphic bs.
synopsis: opposite lifestyles lead two people together in a time of crisis.
↳ Starfire (Koriand’r).
coming soon!!
↳ Raven.
coming soon!!
will be making a part two to this list.
This List will be updated regularly as I go on. Enjoy the baked goods in Fatality’s Fic Bakery! 🥖🥐🥯🍞🥨🥮🧁🍧🍨🍯
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casualwriters · 3 years
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Request open/ send them please | Prompts !!
Peaky Blinders
Raising a little girl with John Shelby
Being Luca sugar baby 
Finn Shelby with a S/O who part of the Circus 
Beautiful in all shapes Bonnie 
Finn with a Naive S/o 
Boys dating someone who is Def 
Hogwarts Moodboard 
Protester John Shelby 
Jealousy Finn Shelby 
Telling Micheal your Pregnate 
JJ Catching you Dancing 
Them with a Shy Chubby S/O 
Topper dating there S/o who struggles with PTSD 
Outerbanks in Percy Jackson House Moodboard   
JJ being mad when he see you with Topper 
The Lost Boys 
Polly Lost Boys X Nonbinary reader who has piercings and tattoos 
Rainy day Polly Lost Boys X Female reader 
There S/o who lost someone close to them 
Full Moon Gone wrong Paul x Reader 
Eddie munson S/o being apart of The Lost boys 
The lost Boys with a werewolf partner 
Lost boys going to the murder house 
being the oldest Emerson sibling and sneaking out to see Paul.
Horror and More  
Polly  Lost boys with piercings and Tattoos 
Slasher with a tall S/o 
Billy Loomis liking Stu Older sister. 
slasher taking there s/o home when there drunk
Slasher characters s/o dealing with rascism
Slasher falling for there S/O who a mermaid 
Slasher character with a demon S/O
Jason Dean with a naive s/o
playing in the leafs with Walter De’ville 
Being the third De’ville bride 
Rise of the pink ladies  
‘‘ Best friends “ Richie x fem reader 
Sons of Anarchy 
S/o being Ima sister and dating Happy 
Video Games
Drawing a portrait of them ( Life is strange ) 
( Nathan Prescott ) S/o who has bad anxiety 
Josh Washington  prompt ( Until Dawn ) 
Reader helping Nathan with a break down
single mother | Fez x reader WARNING ABUSE   
Enemies  | Elliot x female reader 
Stranger things 
( Billy Hargrove | I Won’t go away 
Billy with a Witchy s/o 
Shoot to Thrill Billy x female reader 
Sleepy cuddles with there s/o
American Horror Story 
Ahs characters when someone flirt with there S/O
Austin Sommers  with a male musician mate 
Marvel & Dc Fandom
Dancing in the rain - Bucky Barnes 
Claimed as mine (mid smut )   - Bucky Barns  
Kara Danvers helping you out of a meltdown [ Autistic reader]
Dick Grayson stuck in the elevator with reader
Love on the Line of fire ~ Roy Harper
Dc boys giving readers hickeys when jealous
The witcher
Arrange marriage drabble / Cahir
Baulder Gates 3
Oh yeah, we're parents ( Gale X Teifling fem reader)
My favorite Tav's Moodboards
Suprise Vistor - Halsin
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peachyloveswriting · 3 years
𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 // ✦.•.°☽
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Long past dawn (Yancy x reader)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
DOMESTIC FLUFF (König, Ghost, & Soap): comforting a reader who's on their period.
JUMP BABY(Jason Todd) hardcore smut --- it a rather compromising position when you're tied to a chair and getting saved by your ex.
SPACE AWAY (Wilford) angst/fluff ---Wilford has been having flashbacks for a while now, they just don't seem to be letting up.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION (noir mark) fluff --- Some playful banter with noir
YOUSE IS LIKE FAMILY (Yancy) hurt/comfort? --- Yancy protects you from a prison riot
CLICHÉ(noir mark) angst --- Noir makes a mistake and instead of letting you go he manipulates you into staying with him
TIRED OF THE GAMES (dark) hurt/comfort --- Taking event during ISWM, you find yourself 'saved' by Damien, but after what he did to your and your resentment towards him, you find yourself angry.
STOMACH BUGS SUCK (Wilford) fluff --- The readers is sick but Wilford is there to take care of them
JUMP IN AGAIN? (actor mark) --- After watching Mark die repeatedly, you feel he's payed his dues and forgive him for his mistakes.
IPLIER HOUSE 1 --- Head cannons of our favorite Ego's in one big house.
YOU CAN'T JUST IGNORE IT (engineer mark) angst/comfort --- The reader is triggered by and argument between Mark and Celci, not to worry. Mark is to the rescue.
CLEAR (engineer mark) hurt/comfort --- Life and it's issues caught up to you sooner than you thought, at this point it really felt like you and mark again the world
IPLIER HOUSE 2 --- Head cannons of our favorite Ego's in one big house
CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? (Illinois) flirty --- llinois finds out the hard way that not everyone is willing to put up with him provoking feelings then leaving.
IPLIER HOUSE 3 --- Head cannons of our favorite Ego's in one big house
IPLIER HOUSE 4 (Markiplier) --- head cannons of our favorite Ego's in one big house
LET ME HAVE REDEMPTION (actor mark) angst --- What did you ever do to deserve this violent treatment from mark? His violent outbursts we're never so bad, what made this one so different? Why did he change his mind?
HE'S ALIVE (Illinois)hurt/comfort --- The reader has a nightmare about their partner, Illinois. They often find themselves facing danger but what he finds this time is a crying mess.
DANCE WITH ME (Yancy) angst --- A fight with Yancy turns into a strange drunken encounter.
OFFICE HOURS (Dark) fluff --- After living at the manor for so long, the Ego's are very fond of your presence, In fact, if you were to leave it probably would be a bad idea. Luckily, Dark has something in mind that might make you stay.
WHAT A SURPRISE (Illinois) angst/light smut --- you're an urban explorer much like Illinois. Funny as this is, you and him used to be colleagues. At least, until you split ways. Now you're stuck with him until you can escape.
ANNIVERSARY FOR DEATH (Host & Damien) hurt/comfort --- while visiting an old friend you realize that today is you sister's birthday, thing is, she passed away a few years ago and this year it hits you hard. But Damien is here to comfort you.
While at home cleaning the kitchen your phone buzzes with a reminder of your father's recent passing. Unexpected, you break down into tears. Host appears to help you.
INFECTIOUS (Head Engineer Mark) angst --- A mysterious sickness takes you in a hold with no way to cure it. Stubborn and determined, you push forward at your own peril.
A Tease (Sam Winchester)
The Clueless Angel (Castiel)
Tell me, What's on your mind? (Castiel)
In my dreams (Castiel)
There's a First For Everything (Castiel)
Human emotions are complicated (Castiel)
Pie lovin' Wednesdays (dean)
Headcanons of the gang helping an s/o with a crooked back.
The gang's S/o kissing then unexpectedly
The Gift of Giving - Goemon x reader
The Gang Reacting Too S/O's Toxic Family Member Coming Back
Under the mistletoe with the gang
Christmas headcanons with Jigen!
S/O Decorating cookies for the gang
Opening presents with their S/O and what they would get them
First kiss headcanons for the gang
Slow dancing || Lupin x reader
New years headcanons with the gang
S/O getting their nose pierced and it bleeding
4 year gap (Jigen x reader)
Toxic Family Member Coming Back Pt.2
Lupin gang with an s/o who's ace
Respectful space (jigen headcanons)
A dark academic fantasy (Jigen x reader)
Dates with the gang (Lupin the third headcanons)
Lupin gang reacting to their S/o being sick
Someone else flirting with their S/O (Lupin the third headcanons)
Jigen, Goemon, and Genos reacting to an s/o who randomly changes stuff about themselves
Genos, Jigen, & Goemon with an s/o w/ an protective cat
Jigen reacting to his s/o getting a non-fatal wound
S/O who makes strange noises (feat. Lupin, Goemon, & Jigen)
Everyone makes mistakes (Jigen)
Long time Blues (Jigen)
Heist gone wrong (Goemon)
Your emotions are vulnerable at night (lupin)
Deceived (lupin)
A Stubborn Samurai (Goemon)
Parents to be (Jigen)
Goemon w/Celtic S/O
A breather (Jigen)
A Train Wreck (Goemon)
The Oblivious Kind of Stupid (Goemon)
Short S/o getting angry over getting teased about their height
Late night dancing (Goemon)
Playful antics (Jigen)
Musical wonder (the whole gang)
How drunken nights end (Fujiko smut)
S/o kidnapped as bait
Reap what you sow (Jigen)
Lupin gang with an s/o who has vertigo
Lupin and Jigen reacting to smaller s/o tugging them down by their tie
Nsfw headcanons w/Lupin gang
Trusting a traitor (lupin)
Run your fingers through my hair (Goemon)
Baby's first kill (Goemon)
Sweet intoxication (Goemon)
Bebop crew x crush!reader that has a mysterious sickness
So Late - gearless Joe x reader
How Joe acts around a crush
Romantic headcanons (megalobox Joe)
Dating Genos Headcannons
S/O getting their nose pierced and it bleeding
Saitama with a doctor s/o
Jigen, Goemon, and Genos reacting to an s/o who randomly changes stuff about themselves
Genos, Jigen, & Goemon with an s/o w/ an protective cat
Saitama with a quiet but affectionate S/O
How genos flirts with his S/O
Dinner Date Night (Genos)
Technical difficulties with love (Genos)
Tiresome (Genos)
Sun & moon x male reader (FNAF)
Childish Funtime Freddy
Howl's moving castle
Rest (howl)
To play in a field of flowers (howl)
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