#heartless hatta
therealkaidertrash21 · 5 months
*talking about the main tlc girls with my mum*
my mum: oh, and which one was the one that bled rubies?
me: what...? *realization moment* mum, you are talking about Ruby from Renegades.
*we continue talking about tlc*
my mum: and who was the one that went crazy? the one with the hat?
me: what? *does she mean Erland* *another realization moment* MUM THAT'S HATTA FROM HEARTLESS
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mydarlingdearestdead · 11 months
Heartless, Cath and Alice, post-book by however long until Alice is in Wonderland. She's acting as a maid for some reason... Idk either. It's Cath reminiscing about Jest.
"It is impossible." Alice whispered, the delicate flower crumpled in her palm and she reeled back as the heavy stench of blood hit her... Right into the Queen's skirt.
"Your-" Alice tried for a curtsy. "Your Majesty, I'm afraid-"
The Queen waved her hand impatiently. "I am in no mood to hear your pitiful try of an excuse just..." She trailed off, deflating. The Queen gazed at the flowers with an expression Alice may have mistaken for mourning if she hadn't known the woman in question. "Just... Bring the tea, dear." She said at last.
Alice nodded and hurried off, far too quick to be proper but the thought scarcely crossed the young girl's mind. "And-" The Queen's voice hasn't regained it's regal quality just yet. "I once knew a man who spoke of impossibility as a challenge to be conquered." She laughed, a brittle sound. Such was unknown to Alice. Something in the Queen's voice changed when she spoke again. There was, if Alice wasn't mistaken, hope laced in with the stubborn bitterness years on the throne had left her with. "Impossibility was his speciality."
Alice froze in the doorway. "He sounds spectacular."
The Queen briefly touched her fingers to her lips, smiling fondly. Alice caught the moment in the vanity's reflection, but suspected it was not for her eyes to witness.
"He was." The Queen whispered. "Dear Hearts, he was."
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randomlyblues · 11 months
"You can't destroy a fandom by saying a riddle"
Me: When pleased I beat like a drum, when sad I break like glass, once stolen I can never be taken back. What am I?
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dumbfxck00 · 21 days
hey guys, i just made a wattpad story for my little oneshots and fandom stuff, it's called "dummy's little multi-fandom oneshots 🤷🤷", and it's brand new so there's nothing on it yet, but feel free to check it out if you want to! there's plenty of fandoms and characters that i'm gonna write for, and i'm totally chill with recommendations and suggestions! enjoy your day!
https://www.wattpad.com/user/dumbfxxk00 ⬅️ link ^^
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arcanumofthestars · 6 months
I just finished heartless by Marissa Meyer.
I just wanna say that I rooted for Hatta and Raven instead of Cath and Jest.
That's all.
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twitter tweety twats #37 - Shatter Me / Heartless
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monarchv0id · 2 years
“One to be a murderer, the other one to be martyred, one to be a monarch, the other to go mad”
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lasfrases-de-tessa · 1 year
"Why is a raven like a writings desk?"
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cristalbeesnow · 4 months
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cinnamonthearsonist · 6 months
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mythos05reviews · 2 years
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3/5 stars I was expecting this book to be shorter. Although I will say that this is by far one of my favorite retellings of the Queen of Heart's origin story. We get a more in-depth picture as to why the Queen of Hearts came to be.
Summary: Cath is being courted by the King, which he had to reluctantly accept due to the pressure of her parents. Meanwhile, she is dealing with the growing tension she has had since meeting Jest, as well as dealing with the number of Jabberwock attacks. She tries to try and escape marrying the King by entering a baking contest in order to win enough money to open her own bakery. This results in a disaster and the contest is canceled. She finds out that she's in love with Jest at the same time she finds out that he is a high-ranking military official for the White Queen. 
[ His mission is to steal Cath's heart (the passionate heart of the Queen of Hearts) to end the war. Cath crosses the land of Chess to be queen without marrying the King. To enter, they have to pay a price, which is to see prophecies that reveal their futures. When Jest dies, Raven becomes a murderer, Cath becomes a pitiless Queen of Hearts, and Hatta goes mad. They try to escape it but ultimately fail. They kill the Jabberwocky, who turns out to be Lady Peter. Jest is decapitated by Peter as an act of revenge. Cath makes a pact with the Three Sisters: they will bring Peter to Cath in exchange for the heart of a queen. She marries the King to obtain the heart and pay the price. They take her heart, and she immediately orders Peter to be decapitated. This is carried out by Raven, bringing all the prophecies to completion. 
Review: One of my favorite aspects of this book is how the characters were depicted. Some of the best examples were from Cath and Jest. Jest was charming, intriguing, and bold. His character alongside Hatta provided a lot of serious and jarring scenes, as well as hilarious ones. At times, it's hard to do both, especially when you see them initially introduced as comic relief. Cath, on the other hand, was sweet and full of dreams. As the lies start to build up, we see the shift begin to happen, especially as she is fooling the King. By the end, it isn't as surprising to see how she became the unforgiving Queen of Hearts. I didn't necessarily hate any of the characters, as they all had their own intentions behind their actions.
Some of the things I didn't like about this book were the instant love between Jest and Cath. as well as how convoluted and twisted it got towards the middle. I felt that there really wasn't that much development in terms of how Jest and Cath fell in love (this may be more of a me thing since I was focused on understanding the worldbuilding). Also, the introduction of the Land of Chess and the Three Sisters threw me off and left me with a lot to process alongside what I already understood about the worldbuilding.
I would recommend this book but only if I was aware that the person liked villain origin stories or fairytale retellings. It's not a bad book, but it's also not the best book Marissa Meyer has ever written.
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mydarlingdearestdead · 11 months
Happy Ending?
Cath, post-ending, fluff
Catherine called for a carriage immediately.
Two months had passed since Peter Peter's execution. Two months, slow as syrup making it's way down a mountain.
"My darling!" The king squealed, for a moment Cath feared he meant to grab hold of her skirt. Afterall, his small size gave him every opportunity to do so. He didn't, for that would be improper. Instead he simply stood, red-faced and looked up at her. "Where are you off to?" He asked, forcing a jovial tone to go along with his beetroot face.
Cath met his gaze. Surprisingly, the king didn't flinch away. "Home." She said.
Catherine called for a carriage immediately.
A carriage that would take her to Rock Turtle Manor.
A carriage that would take her to the closest thing she had left to home. The bedroom where he'd whisked her away, the tree he climbed, the sea cave where he'd told her such wonderful things...
I can't stop thinking about you either, Lady Pinkerton.
Catherine felt herself smile for the first time in months.
She stopped short, mere steps from the carriage.
A smile wasn't possible. She was without a heart. Without emotion, or feeling.
The sister's had taken her heart in exchange for Peter's head. All Cath could possibly feel was rage.
She pondered this for a moment, her minding wandering back to Jest and their final moments together... And then it was clear.
The sisters had her heart.
But she had Jest's.
Jest had offered her his heart, and she accepted.
In the same way Cath had given her own to him. But now he was gone and her heart belonged to the sisters.
Perhaps she had given away something that wasn't hers to give.
Cath closed her eyes as tears welled up behind them.
Catherine fisted her skirt and climbed, unladylike, into the carriage. Jest gave her this chance, and she wasn't going to let it slip away.
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randomlyblues · 1 year
Heartless The Musical is like fine wine. Cannot convince me otherwise.
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Heartless Broke Me
I just finished reading Heartless by Marissa Meyer and I sobbed! It was so sad. Such a good book but it's so upsetting in the end and you get so attached to all of them! Has anyone else read it?
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brainrotlesbian · 1 year
I was thinking about Heartless yesterday, and about the “get Cath to Chess so she can lead the white queendom to victory” plot line that’s later in the book. Obviously this never happened and the sister’s prophecy of the monarch, the martyr, the murderer, and the mad came to pass. However I was wondering what would’ve happened if they had been successful in getting to Chess.
The audience knows that the land of Chess is locked in an eternal game of chess (or at least, they should, after consideration), but the citizens don’t. They don’t understand why after any sort of checkmate, the game resets, cause they don’t understand that they’re just pieces on a chess board. Jest himself even says that he and Raven are rooks—chess pieces.
Now, knowing that, why would bringing Cath into this change anything? Even if she were able to achieve the rank of queen, there’s no guarantee that the game wouldn’t reset upon a checkmate. Even her being from Hearts doesn’t save her from that fate; we know Hatta was originally from Hearts and he became a pawn (literally) in the White Queendom.
It seems like Cath was doomed no matter which kingdom she stayed in. Staying in Hearts leads to the sisters’ prophecy, and going to Chess means a never-ending fight until they die.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
"If you think you had a monopoly on loving [Jest], then you should be the King's new fool, not his wife."
"Did he know?"
"Does it matter?"
(Heartless, pg 434, UK edition, by Marissa Meyer)
Unrequited love hurts so much.
Cath did have some sort of monopoly. Only not on loving Jest, rather being loved by Jest.
(I had too. Okay? I had too. If I don't joke about it the pain doubles)
My sanity is dwindling away to nothingness here
(like Hatta's)
oh :(
unrequited love is painful, but there’s something so addictive about it for some reason
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