#heartbreaking im aware
strangertheories · 1 year
No thoughts, just Will Byers leaving room for Jesus
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seventeendeer · 1 month
this isn't at all meant to be condescending or finger-waggy because 100% we all have blind spots like this, but I'm really, really hoping that the people who never found Gaiman's approach to his own fandom concerning in any way will take this all as a learning moment.
he was an older, hyper-famous author engaging directly and frequently with an online audience of largely vulnerable young marginalized people. he presented himself as cultured and worldly, and made himself approachable as someone to go to for advice, encouragement and "wisdom." his manner of speech was extremely pathos-heavy and clearly intended to be comforting and encouraging in exactly the way his target demographic needed it to be to swallow every word. the way he spoke about stories and creativity was designed to make young creative hopefuls feel special and important, while sweeping real analytical techniques under the rug - in hindsight, likely so no one would think too critically about the disturbing amount of patriarchal abuse played for cheap shock value and voyerism in his own body of works.
Gaiman saw a target demographic that was desperate for an older creative role model to tell them they were worth something, and he exploited that pain to twist a narrative around himself where he was king and any critique leveled at him or his works were the enemy.
to be clear, he could have been innocent. he could totally have been just an out-of-touch old man saying nice things to people because he wanted to be kind and he thought he was a lot smarter than he really was. red flags are warning signs, not a surefire way to tell if someone is actually "secretly shitty."
but if you used to look up to him, PLEASE take this moment to revisit the ideas you absorbed from him. did you take his words to heart because they seemed to have objective merit? or did you take them to heart because it felt good to believe what he said? do you still hold these values? does knowing he was intentionally manipulating his online audience make you less certain? do you need more information from a different source before deciding one way or another?
again, I'm just really, really hoping people on here will take a moment to reevaluate the ideas and opinions he's injected into tumblr fandom culture, because his reach is immense and he has absolutely been manipulating popular perception of relevant topics to gain further influence and control the narrative around both his own and Pratchett's legacy. please, please take this moment to notice what he's been doing - and next time someone tries to pull the same shit, hopefully we'll be able to apply what we've learned from experience.
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pickled-flowers · 11 months
Some of you have never been the friend that No-one listens to and it shows
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kaleidoskuls · 6 months
if season 2 doesnt have cash and darren walking around holding hands and being all adorable and in love and shit at hartley in front of everyone (and just like in general obviously) then i dont want it
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charmac · 10 months
#gonna go on a parasocial rant for a man i barely care about bc thats where i am#but honestly its actually a little heartbreaking#when you think about the fact that rob#who we know struggled in school and with behavioural issues#was a neurodivergent kid who had no idea what that even was#no resources or labels to help him#is now an adult figuring this all out#and seeing#holy shit this sports team i grew up with and love knows about this too#and theyre doing all of this#like do you realise he was a kid in the 80s with no knowledge of any of this#used sports as an outlet and to bond with his dad#probably imagining if this foundation had existed when he was a kid what that could have done for him#and i now have the money and ability to support this all#so hes donating and posting to raise awareness and encourage support#and he's spending time and money with his soccer team in wales to do this same thing#so neurodivergent kids who love sports are growing up with what he didnt have#and their parents are able to recognise and understand what his couldn't (no fault of their own)#im sorry but youre a very blindly heartless person to think that doesnt matter because rob is NOW rich#why are we acting like hes elon fucking musk#he came from nothing you ALL KNOW HOW SUNNY STARTED!?#yes hes stupid spending his money on nfts and the metaverse#can you not see hes fucking growing... and learning. like. probably through his own kids....#i dont even care if you dont care#i dont think it matters at all but adamantly shitting on him to his (social media) face is so beyond loser behaviour#holy fucking christ most of twitter now has clearly been educated in the tiktok school of anti capitalism#that they think the moment someone breaks 1mm they lose their history and soul#rob is a centrist he posts copganda he owns a gun and is proud of it but youre biggest issue with him is he won at capitalism?#via doing something not only he loves but YOU love? and have a whole account dedicated to??????#everyone in his quotes is britta perry from community
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ruminate88 · 3 months
Disconnected and Self Worth😭
The people in my circle keep showing me all this love and are there for me. Doing things for me and expressing their dearest feelings and intentions for me …. However, inside all I feel is “just let me go please” I just wanna fall into an abyss and drown. I HATE this awful feeling. I believe these people care because I don’t have a choice. They’re all I have and yet I get so caught up in the past, ruminating when these men lied to me, decieved me, rejected me and treated me like I’m not worthy to exist. 😓 Not just one of them but 3 of them made me feel like a complete loser. ❤️‍🩹 I know it’s not true!!
Men that I loved. I didn’t want to love the 1st one, Jake. I wasn’t attracted to him at all but some conversations we shared were really good and comforting but all the rest was of him attacking me at every corner. Calling me a racist and a bigot. Treating me like I’m only good enough for sex. Exploiting my nudes on his social media to “get back at me” for not wanting to be his whatever he wanted to be. He made creepy comments to me like, “If I ever got you pregnant, I would marry you…” 🥴🥴 uh… yuck. Never. I would NEVER let you touch me but he was always there in my face for YEARS. I blocked his number more than once but some how I always found myself talking to him again. There was just so much mystery that turned into history.
Then Cody was there when I posted a suicide note and that’s a HUGE DEAL!! He talked me off the ledge, got my trust but then shattered my trust… I knew Jake was creepy but somehow thought Cody was special and not a creep. I believed Cody was just having a hard time and the way he showed up for me originally, I thought Cody had my back… however, there were times in conversation I could sorta sense cody had a little jealousy for me and low-key he was putting me down but it was a grey line. However Cody ghosted me and I lost all heart. I was a dead woman walking for months. I saw no light or hope and some days even questioned if I was breathing.
5/6 months later, I meet Andrew… Andrew appeared so young and innocent. Often treating me like his caretaker. Making me feel constantly needed and wanted. Coming to me with his cries and using me for comfort. He played upon my ability to be nurturing and caring. I became crazy over the idea of me being his source of care and love. I wanted to spoil him and give him all of me. He wasn’t so “innocent” though. He was just sly and cunning with me. Getting me to constantly praise him and be at his beck and call. I believe now he had a hidden agenda the whole time. He was never going to support me or marry me. His whole intentions seemed to be based off of superficial gratification and to tare me down. I had so much to offer and he wanted to take it all and shred it. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s how he made me feel. After we break up, he’s still finding excuses to talk to me and just like Jake, makes me feel like I’m only good for sex but nothing else. Then he wanted to put me away quietly because he had a new girlfriend and I felt he was adding me to his trophy case of “prizes” and acting like, “Oh this is my prize I won and she can sit nicely on my shelf but I’ll only acknowledge her when I feel like it.” Nooooo 😣😭😠 I’m not going to sit on your shelf and wait for you. I broke up with him when I realized probably I was just a fun game for him. 💔💔💔
After these men, I still believe in love. I still got married to someone else and I’ve been forcing and pushing myself to believe in it all and to give it my best shot. Trying to convince myself I can trust people still and that I’m safe. I know I blocked Jake and Andrew’s number and if either of them tried to bother me through another way, my new man would probably threaten them. (He’s threatened Andrew once before) ugh I’m trying so hard to be ok. I’m NOT giving up!!! I’m trying ONE DAY AT A TIME ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
I am Mahmoud Helles, the owner of the donation campaign. The campaign aims to get my family out of Gaza and take my wife out, due to his serious condition, with a kidney injury, to Egypt. Please share 🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🌹😭😭https://gofund.me/53fa2830
i cant donate at the moment, but posting to boost :(
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the-paris-of-people · 2 years
Okay but thought: it's so interesting that Ben is closed off externally but so open with his feelings internally. He knows he has feelings for Devi and he lets them run amok in his mind but he is cannot express them unless he's multiple drinks in and puking at a party. Meanwhile, Devi is the opposite. She's so emotionally open, a firecracker, she wears her heart on her sleeve with all the emotions, but she keeps that part of her brain that has feelings for Ben locked away because she knows she hurt him, she knows she screwed up by cheating and thinks he moved on after. Once they become unhinged, she immediately expresses herself, she can't contain it any longer. Devi has a fortress in her mind, but Ben has a fortress in his world.
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combeauferre · 8 months
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tibli · 1 year
honestly, that whole submarine situation is awful. like, yeah, they were stupid and shouldnt have gone, but i dont think that necessarily means they deserve to die a slow and agonizing death by asphyxiation at the bottom of the ocean, either.
and the whole idea of being stuck in a cramped metal tube essentially waiting for your oxygen to run out sounds like the plot to a particularly cruel episode of the twilight zone. like that's gotta be up there as one of the worst ways to die
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marshmurmurs · 11 months
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what not having access to old twitch vods to vault god favor hunt does to a person
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ekkoh · 1 year
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i haven’t thought about the loki show in like… 2 years?? anyway, visual representation of me being dragged back in kicking and screaming
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waywardgothauthor · 2 years
thinking about how King Alistair leaves a non human warden 
like. just imagine being the warden in that scenario. This dude you’re in love with and who seems to be madly in love with you and has never really cared you’re not human is just like “uhhhh so this is awkward”
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ruminate88 · 5 months
Re-broke My Heart 🥺
When I broke up with my ex Andrew, I was sooo confused. He wouldn’t break up with me at all, tried to talk circles around me and even asked for a whole weekend to “think it all over”. Of course, I was hurting so bad that just made me angry at him! I quickly dumped him right after that but then he had NO EMOTIONS 😞 Was as if he turned into a robot… I felt he didn’t care about me AT ALL and was relieved to “lose me” but afterwards, continued to mess with me.
I cried a whole summer over Andrew but then in the fall I met “my husband”!!! That was scary, new, change and unknown for me. My husband was sooooo different from Andrew!!! New territory but yet I felt respected for the first time ever!!! I knew my husband was a good and descent person!! (That’s why I pursued him) Andrew tried to FaceTime me twice after I started dating my husband and that was confusing and so hurtful because I didn’t know who Andrew was or what he wanted!! I had to block his number and that sucked for me cuz I believed I loved Andrew but what did he want from me? 😔🥺😭
Years later I STILL can’t make sense of Andrew or how he’s made me feel. I feel super disconnected from my spouse. I can’t be excited or enjoy my marriage. I’m defensive and almost pushing my spouse away. I’m angry and don’t know why!!! FINALLY I learn what emotional abuse is and start to get answers for the past. I realize Andrew was a manipulator and wore a “mask” to trick me and make me attached to him so he can “abuse me”. Hearing that was SO HARD!!!
it’s like my heart breaks all over again and I realize just how much Andrew has affected me even all these years later!! 🥺❤️‍🩹 I’ve been on this healing journey and everywhere I watch or read about emotional abuse, it says to “be gentle with yourself”, “have compassion for yourself” AND to “Let yourself feel all the emotions and process them.” BUT IT ALL SUCKS!!!!!!!
It just feels like this creepy attachment to this cold and distant robot I don’t know who he really is. Of course I’m attracted to him and always have been sense the day we FaceTimed each other and his eyes sparkled but I realize now it was on purpose to trick me and make me want him. Ugh! I was so genuine and honest with Andrew!!! I just wanted him to be so happy with me and I wanted to take care of his heart and soul 🥺😔😔 he would NEVER want that for me!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew isn’t even half of the man that my spouse is… so why am I grappling onto him all these years later!!!!?????? Why am I still connected to him mentally and I just keep finding reasons to want him yet I don’t know him.
😭😭😭 Andrew basically has tried to ruin my life. I’m still ok, I’ve come so far and I’m not depressed anymore which is GREAT! I’m not suicidal or anxious anymore but I am so sad for Andrew. Ugh 😣 I know I have to “kill the dream” the image he wore with me. The future faking he did with me!!! Uggggggh.
I’m scared to embrace my spouse and let go of Andrew. He’s been woven into a part of me so long! I’ve learned so many lessons from Andrew but I just want “love”. I just want to hold someone and kiss them. I wanted it to be Andrew so bad but I don’t want to settle. I hope my spouse is everything I want. My husband makes me feel safe and some peace but I feel stuck. I’m trying to feel my husband and not feel so disconnected. 🥺❤️‍🩹😭
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nomairuins · 28 days
Everyday i live in jealousy of the fact that in hs my dad had a chainmail shirt.and he had it when i was little and i have memories of touching it and it being the ebst feeling ever but then it got fucking lost and now i have no chain mail shirt WHICH IS SUCH BULLSHITA i deserve a chainmail shirt it shouldve been me
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
okaaaayyy finally watched I saw the tv glow :^)
#liked it a lot on a lot of levels. visuals n soundtrack n acting was great. rly subtle n cohesive n effective#i wanna sit with it a little to digest it and maybe rewatch#but unfortunately i didnt get the same emotional resonance a lot of ppl did from it.. possibly bc i was watching w other ppl#but i dont think its that i think i just struggle to connect meaningfully w things that are like. what if the choices u didnt make#alienated u from the world and ur sense of self n what if the life u were living was a hollow bubble separate from the real world etcetc#bc like yeah man im very aware of how unreal my life n the world around me feels at times. and it isnt bc im holding myself within#tight limitations/constraints in order to hide parts of me from myself or forcing myself to be smth im not in order to engage w society#like im just mentally ill n the dissociation n derealisation are symptoms of that..#i can 100% understand why so many queer ppl feel so strongly abt it n the gender stuff implied in it#but thats just not my experience of queerness personally. its never been smth ive had to grapple with much#like yeah i havent fully figured out my gender shit. but im ok w that its not holding me back from living the life i want to be living#my sense of self is just so far divorced from my physical body and the physical world around me..... idk im too tired to articulate this#but that aside i did rly like it as a movie! and it was very heartbreaking.. just not in a way that struck me super personally#which i was rly hoping it would ahh sorry everyone 😔 but hey maybe thatll come after i think abt it some more#lots of cool effects too i liked the different ways they did the moon face thing. i liked how effective the whole distortion of memory#and nostalgia etc was done visually.. aesthetically very yummy. aw man..#i didnt even cry i was rly hoping it would make me cry...... :-(#makes me feel like im missing out on smth cuz everyone else ive seen talk abt it got hit so hard by it#just made my peace w being on the outside looking in i guess.. i shook out all my regrets and what-couldve-beens as a depressed teen#n now im just here to vibe forever..... 😌 i am toooooo tired to be typing i just keep saying the same thing over an dover probably#maybe a 7 or 8 out of 10 movie for me i think which is still pretty damn worth it#okayyy brushing my teeth and going to bed cuz i wanna go climbing tomorrow so need to rest up ‼️#sorry i dont want to rain on anyones parade genuinely did think it was a great movie im glad others are feeling it so intensely#ahhhh!!!!#.diaries
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