#whereas devi cannot because pain is all encompassing for her and she self destructs externally
the-paris-of-people · 2 years
Okay but thought: it's so interesting that Ben is closed off externally but so open with his feelings internally. He knows he has feelings for Devi and he lets them run amok in his mind but he is cannot express them unless he's multiple drinks in and puking at a party. Meanwhile, Devi is the opposite. She's so emotionally open, a firecracker, she wears her heart on her sleeve with all the emotions, but she keeps that part of her brain that has feelings for Ben locked away because she knows she hurt him, she knows she screwed up by cheating and thinks he moved on after. Once they become unhinged, she immediately expresses herself, she can't contain it any longer. Devi has a fortress in her mind, but Ben has a fortress in his world.
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