#healing effects of sun
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months ago
Thane has seen that power before in a fellow assassin. He is terrified of what this could mean for Tsuna.
Meanwhile Shepard learns about magic fire in the earth version and is unstoppable
“So it’s like… natural biotics?” The words are nearly mumbled around her lip, already bitten raw and once again pinned between her teeth.
Thane doesn’t even think as he reaches out for her, carefully freeing that lip with a gentle press of his fingers. She’s thinner, he realizes all at once. Run ragged in her attempts to save all of them.
He wishes he could be at her side. Wishes his body wouldn’t fail him if he tried.
But someone has to be there for Tsuna and Kolyat. Someone has to watch over them while she watches over the galaxy.
“Not exactly, but it’s a fair comparison. Flames Users are more secretive, so I only know the information relevant to my work.”
(It was an odd thing, how she would hear him talk of death and still smile at him. How she would press into his hands as if they weren’t a tool to be used to end lives. How she never pulled away from the dark parts of his life or treated them with disgust.
His warrior angel. His Siha.)
Akira would have once leaned her full weight into his side and grinned up at him. Now she pressed her cheek into his palm and gave him an exhausted little smile that made him ache that he could not take this burden from her. That he was adding another with every strained breath he drew.
“We make a pretty persuasive team, Sere Krios. I’m sure we can find someone to tell us more.”
What could he do but bow his head to her in a nod? There was so little of him left but every part of what remained was hers.
(Then, days later, Kolyat called him in a panic to tell him Tsuna was missing only for the boy himself to show up in his hospital room with strangers in tow. “They’re like me,” He said with a bright grin, leaning against the shoulder of the girl with an eye patch with a bright smile. “They know a bit about organ replacement, and the others here can make sure it sticks.”
Thane had resigned himself to death, but for his sons? For Shepard? He would be willing to give life another chance.)
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woovalin · 6 months ago
i’m in such disbelief right now and beyond disgusted.
i really hope y’all are choosing your morals over kpop; because we do not know these men at all. i will never side with or defend a predator and a criminal, even with little to no proof. even if there is the smallest chance he may be innocent, i will always believe the victim first.
some of you, as fans of the boys for years and him in general, i know you must be feeling disappointed and betrayed. you’re not dumb for previously supporting him, as we couldn’t have possibly known. but now is the time for a reality check and it’s time to wake up and take a step back. this just goes to show that we know absolutely nothing about them.
for sm to just outright put out a statement on their own before any rumors even surfaced and immediately kick him out? this has to be insanely serious and i’m terrified of what he could’ve done. the crazy thing is with everything currently happening in korea with the telegram situation, and korean women constantly being in danger in general because of the men there, i’m not at all surprised that celebrities are being exposed. sm has protected criminals before, and held onto lucas when his scandal came out as well as other artists who have been exposed for similar crimes. i can’t even imagine the severity of the current situation. we’ve seen what happened with the burning sun, and these men are not immune to being misogynistic, vile human beings.
members have already unfollowed him and deleted posts with him in them; his best friend of 17yrs has unfollowed him. the company taking the initiative and him getting kicked out of the group in less than a second before anything even came out, no denying the claims or even trying to defend him. that should be enough to tell you and understand how serious this actually is. i am beyond disgusted with him and this whole situation.
i sincerely hope the victim is doing okay and praying for them to heal and get the justice they deserve. and remember that your love for these celebrities should always be conditional, because we do not know them. it’s their job to put on a show and show you their public persona, but behind closed doors? we don’t know what they’re actually like. we put them on a pedestal and yet we don’t know what they’re really capable of. they are still men after all. i hope the police are taking this seriously. there needs to be consequences and these women need to be protected.
let this be a lesson to all of us. they don’t know us, and we don’t know them, not really, not at all.
ALWAYS choose morals over these strangers you idolize. and as women, we should be standing with the victims.
maybe not all men, but enough of them. and maybe not all men, but somehow always a man. and going forward, i will continue to support nct as a whole with the remaining members. however, keeping the situation in mind, i will be supporting from afar for a little while. if the situation escalates and other members are investigated and new information comes to light about the rest of them either knowing or possibly being involved, it would be best to step away for good. i will do my best to stay updated. but i do hope the rest of the members are doing okay, and hopefully no other members were involved; but this, just shows that they can always surprise us. you never think it’ll be your fave, until it is.
let’s hope this causes a domino effect and more of these people are exposed and charged for the crimes they’re committing.
sending love to anyone who has ever experienced sexual violence or has been targeted and been in a similar situation. it is not your fault and it never was!
love you all and my dms are always open if you need to vent. <3
❗️EDIT: also i wanna add that we need to not praise the rest of the members or any other celebrity for simply unfollowing him on social media. that is the least of anyone’s worries.
we don’t know if they were aware, we don’t know if they knew and were protecting him or turning a blind eye. it could be them trying to save themselves and clear their guilty conscience. maybe they didn’t know and are just as shocked as we are, we don’t know that either.
we blindly trust these people and believe they have good intentions but look at where that can lead to. fans being upset is valid, yes; but remember people with money and power will do whatever it takes to sweep things under the rug and make it go away in order to save face and keep their image and reputation.
follow-up post here.
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wriokitty · 1 month ago
in every life, it’s you — ft. sylus
before you read: gender neutral reader ; established relationship ; reader lays on him/sits on his lap ; very cringe and corny fluff and banter but i had to heal myself from the pure trauma that was his myth that i watched last night ; not proof read
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“Sylus,” you whisper, “are you sleeping?”
Sylus does not ever sleep when he should—it’s a miracle that he even sleeps at all. Your question is a pointless one in hindsight, but you ask more for the purpose of getting his attention than anything. You realize a little too late, however, that stupid questions will always get you stupid answers with him. It’s an opportunity he never misses.
He gives you a dramatic, loud snore that instantly makes you roll your eyes, lips twitching into a small grin at his antics.
“Don’t be annoying,” you huff playfully.
“You should be prepared for nonsense if you ask me nonsense,” he says smoothly, voice a low, deep rumble through his chest beneath your cheek.
Sylus doesn’t sleep at night. More often than not, he sleeps after the sun rises and not a moment sooner—but he lays with you every night, anyway. Just because it helps you sleep. Just because you need him there and he likes being needed. (Sometimes, he lays with you more for himself. More for the feeling of your body curled against his while you’re most vulnerable, while your guard is down completely and you trust him. He likes your trust—craves it.)
“Nevermind. Goodnight,” you pout, turning your body to face your back to him. It’s useless—as is any form of petulance with him. Sylus is infuriatingly capable of always keeping an upper hand. You body gets flipped effortlessly with a thick, strong wave of red before you’re back to laying against his chest.
“Now, now,” he teases, “no need to hiss like a stray kitten. Your fangs aren’t sharp enough for that yet.”
You melt instantly despite his (lighthearted) mockery. It’s that type of effect he has on you. That feeling you get from the soft, easy way he smiles and that delicate, fragile look in his eyes. You don’t even think Sylus realizes it. How gentle he is by nature. How vulnerable he always looks. How easy he is to love and be loved by. Sometimes, you don’t think he realizes how easily love fits itself between the crinkles of his eyes and seeps into the smile lines by his lips.
You lean up, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw, making his smug, teasing grin falter into something a little more vulnerable.
“I was thinking…”
“That’s never a good sign,” he sighs in mock wariness, catching your wrist when you move to slap his chest and giving you a wide, devastatingly handsome grin.
“Shush,” you roll your eyes, fighting back your own grin before continuing, “I was thinking and I need to know: do you think we’re together in every life? We have to be, right?”
He’s quiet for a second, doesn’t answer right away as though he’s really pondering the answer. (Half of you expected him to scoff at the question and call it silly. The other half expected him to laugh in amusement. Humoring your deep, late night question was not on your list of possibilities for the night.)
“You’re working that poor brain of yours overtime with such thoughts,” he murmurs, raising a brow as he pokes your forehead. You scrunch your brows, and he grins friendly. “But I suppose it’s possible. Unless you’re smarter in the next life and stay away from me.”
You pout deeper, rolling to lay your body over his before your hands cup his cheeks, squeezing them together while you force his eyes to stare into yours. (He lets you get away with it. He lets you get away with a lot.)
“I don’t want to stay away in the next life,” you say in concern, like you’re really at threat of living through the nightmare of not having him by your side. He fights back a small, amused snort for the sake of your feelings. “I’d love you in every life.”
“Is that so?” He drawls.
You nod firmly, squeezing his cheeks together a bit more before a small giggle escapes your lips at the view. You press a peck to his mouth, and he cups a hand to the back of your head, keeping you right there where he can kiss you properly.
“Yes,” you breathe as you pull away, voice just a touch breathless. “I’ll be miserable if I don’t.”
“You’re oddly sentimental tonight,” he murmurs, running a thumb along your bottom lip as he inspects your face closely, admiring the delicate curves of your features and the light reflecting in your eyes. “Should I be concerned?”
“No. At least not for now,” you wink, “I can’t make any promises for the future.”
He laughs at that—it’s a low, rich, smooth sound that sends something shooting straight to your heart and makes it race. Makes the blood pump faster in your veins and your head spin at the feeling. Makes you think the sound of his laughter is the only thing you want to remember even when your bones bury into soil and your body returns to the earth where it came from. Just the echo of his voice, filled with joy and nothing else.
“Any particular reason you’re being so sweet?” He tilts your chin up. You turn your head, leaning to press a soft kiss to his palm as it cups your cheek.
“What? I can’t just love you?”
“Well, I’m not saying that. How can I complain about something like that?”
You sit up, suddenly. He lets you, taking the weight of you as you straddle his hips and sit up and cup his cheeks, gently grazing your thumb and studying his features like you need to commit him to memory. Like you might forget him in the next life and you can’t bear to lose the vision of him in the back of your mind.
You love him. It’s the simplest thing you’ve ever done. It comes as easily as breathing through your lungs and pumping blood through your veins.
“I’ll love you in every life,” you say resolutely, voice barely a whisper. “Promise.”
Something flickers in his gaze. Something hopeful with maybe just an echo pain before it’s gone. Before you can think too long about it, he pulls you closer, kissing you hard and firm and desperate like he needs to feel you now to know you’re real.
“I’ll hold you to that promise, sweetheart,” he whispers back, “so I hope you make good on it.”
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Things that destroyed me and made me want to quit life as whole: sylus dragon myth.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year ago
" the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much. " from kaveh !!
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Neither did I...
In a sense, Zarina thanks her past self for taking the time to study him and not jump forward, springing in action through seduction and flirtation. There is a sudden sense of dread that washes over her for a moment when she thinks about how he, too, was just one of the masses, a respected scholar who caught her attention through his earnest nature and his strong views. It made her fear for a moment a possibility that she didn't take the time to learn more about him, spend more time with him, and understand him. If she didn't, he'd be another empty face that she'd abandon after getting bored.
How glad she is that it never came to that, the architect making himself a new house in her heart and refusing to leave. The brightest star and the prettiest of Suns, the very person who made her dreams a reality with a bright smile and a call of her name. She's forever his servant now, poetically speaking, of course. His word is her word of God and she'll forever be his listener, and forever will she want to make his dreams become a reality too, because he made everything possible for her.
Kaveh smiles, never hesitating to cup her cheeks and caress the skin with his thumbs. Such an adoring gesture she always accepts, basks in his warmth and smiles with such love it's obvious there is no one else who'll ever capture her heart. Now he has it, her heart and her soul. And he can be both her life and her death, all depending on his choices, but Sokolova knows his kind heart will never wish death 'pon her. He's kind, he's selfless, he's intelligent, and maybe sometimes foolish in a sense of always giving others a second or third chances, but she loves him no matter the virtues or vices.
Gloved hands reach up to cover his as eyes of ichor stare back into maroon ones. His eyes have always been the most prominent feature in her mind, so bright and so beautiful. She always finds herself lost in them, especially when he talks about... anything, really. The corners of Zarina's lips curl upwards, showing a tender smile. Her eyes shine with adoration, enjoying the warmth of his palms against her cheeks.
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"I'm glad," she begins. "I'm so glad that after that evening we spent time together." The tavern, the drinks, the laughter that evolved into fun friends with benefits act that then would lead to where they are now, in comfort and safety of each other. No need to pretend, no need to fear, no need to run away or hide. "Thank you for staying, Kaveh, and thank you for allowing me to learn more about you."
Thank you for making my dream come true, thank you for making me human, thank you for not looking away, thank you for seeing me, thank you for loving me, thank you for being here, thank you for existing, thank you for living, thank you for being yourself.
Endless words of gratitude could fall off her tongue if she lets herself, but the words are stuck in her throat and she once again thanks her past self for staying and letting herself be true by his side.
"When I first approached you in that tavern, I never expected you'd be the one I searched for... my whole life," and she means it, every single word. Her dream, her yearning, her humanity.
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littleogreboii · 1 year ago
i see a lot of people talk about edward being disabled in fma, but it's less often talked about how alphonse is also disabled. i think it's partially because alphonse doesn't experience physical pain like edward so for a majority of the series, he's not having any of those kind of symptoms, but he is still disabled. also because alphonse's experiences are unique. like you don't see ant walking, talking suits of armour in real life (unless they're piloted by a human being physically inside them) and in world, there are about 3 others like alphonse).
alphonse is dependent on edward's survival to function. after fighting scar for the first time, alphonse is literally in pieces. he can't walk or anything until edward is in a position to fix him. similarly his body is dependent on nutrients from edward's body. like there's the point towards the end where edward gets impaled and alphonse collapses. furthermore, these periods where alphonse collapses start to become debilitating towards the end of the series and massively alter his daily living.
also, alphonse constantly talks about how upsetting it is for him to not feel any physical sensations. yeah, he's not feeling physical pain, but he's also not feeling the warmth of a fire, the sun on his face, or the fluffiness of the cats he keeps petting. he talks a lot about not being able to eat or sleep, and how there's a lot of foods he wants to try.
there's another thing that highlighted by edward at one point. alphonse's body doesn't regenerate at all. the parts scar destroys are gone forever; edward stretches out the metal that alphonse has left to repair his body. and obviously human beings don't regrow limbs, but imagine if your skin didn't ever heal over a cut. how long would your body last?
also alphonse gets told several times that his body is great throughout the series, and he literally argues against it every time, because to him it is shit. like he is missing some of his senses just for some supposedly immortal body that isn't even immortal.
even once alphonse gets his own body back, the amount of physical therapy the boy has to go through. his body has essentially been doing nothing and only receiving what nutrients it can get from edward for years. by the end of the series, he's still using a cane as a walking aid. it's unknown whether he requires that cane for the years to come, but for at least a period of time he requires a mobility aid. I don't know enough to say what effect muscle decay from inactivity and severe malnourishment during a major portion of his teenage years would have long term.
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cherryozyi · 2 years ago
I goofed in the Tower of Dread yet managed to pass it some how
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millysastroblog · 19 days ago
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🎋People with Mars conjunct/Square or opposite Jupiter can have a inflated sense of ego and pride just like Sun/Jupiter aspects (especially men since mars has a stronger and dominant energy in their charts)
🎋Tell me why every Aries Sun be waking faster than then wind ?😂 # you are to fast
🎋People with Taurus and Virgo mixed Placements are the most humble grounded individuals to exist they just exude „ZEN“🍃
🎋People with 1st house placement can sometimes feel left out or stand out from the crowd due to the focus being directed on their individuality and presence
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🎋Venus square/ opposite Neptune ( lacking boundaries)
🎋Neptune in the 7th ( unreliable partners )
🎋Venus in the 12th (secret affair and relationships)
🎋Mars in the 12th (hidden sexual relationships)
🎋Venus / Chiron (low self worth)
🎋Venus Square /opposite/ conjunct Lilith ( lustful attraction to unconventional, shocking secret things like a married person )
🎋Mars conjunct Lilith (secrecy and power dynamics turn them on )
🎋 Venus conjunct /Square Uranus (unpredictable love life’s and entanglements )
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🎋Lilith/ Pluto in the 9th house ppl can be scared of taking flights, traveling to foreign countries
🎋Sun/ Pluto aspects might be scared of their fathers or have huge respect for them 🫡
🎋Venus conjunct Chiron synastry: trauma bonding relationship vs. healing relationship
🎋Capricorn MC have a reputation of being the GOAT after their hard work has paid off
🎋Venus conjunct Jupiter is usually seen in charts of woman who marry wealthy partners
🎋Mars square asc look fierce
🎋Pluto Square asc look alluring, mysterious and dangerous
🎋 Moon in Scorpio/Moon conjunct Pluto stare intensely on pictures and camera angels
🎋While moon in Pisces/Moon/ Neptune placement look away or their eyes wonder to the the ceiling, they look sleepy, sweet and in another world
🎋Moon in cancer have doll eyes with little sparkles, round like the moon and comforting to look at
🎋A lot of child actress have Neptune influence on their Moon or IC
🎋Saturn in the 1st house have visible oval nostril where their nose kind of looks pointed and straight
🎋Mercury square Jupiter makes somone who doesn’t have a filter or lacks in reading the room they probably over share and reveal to much information
🎋Mercury/ Neptune aspects can misconstrued, antagonize, change information or get very confused, they also posses very imaginative creative mind that could inspires other people
🎋Moon/ Mercury have an internal need to express their feelings through their voice they are very emotionally intelligent and speak with their heart. They have a hard time taking critique and will voice their opinions whenever they feel like it
🎋Lilith /Mars in Pisces woman can be a unknown sugar baby or trad wife placement since they use illusion, charm and fantasy to get what they want (if they play smart and don’t get carried away)
🎋7th house in the 4th can show an family arrangement marrige or both peoples family being heavily involved in their marriage/ engagement
🎋Pluto/8th house synastry/Composite makes for an unforgettable relationship especially if both people have it. The separation is very painful and takes time to heal
🎋Saturn/ Pluto in the 6th house need to take care of their health, body, routine more than the average person, if not they will have to face harsh consequences
🎋Cancer mixed Leo Placements gives either a neutral balanced personality or drama queen they embody the most authentic expression off themselves and won’t hide for anything and anybody #period
🎋Venus in the 10th has a similar effect as Venus in the 1st house
🎋Venus/ Chiron hard aspects can usually show cheating and betrayal in a chart
Venus conjunct Chiron = being cheated on
Venus square Chiron = being the cheater
Venus opposite Chiron = vise versa
(Pls take it with a grain of salt, it doesn’t have to apply to you)
🎋People with harmonious aspected moons are emotionally stable and regulated, empathetic and understand people needs and emotionall nature
🎋People with Harmonious aspected Jupiter carry a sunshine energy everywhere they go and attract plenty people and opportunities towards them -> positive optimistic mindset -> Luck 🍀
🎋Aries mixed Cancer Placements = unhinged crash- out, impatient, anger issues, very loyal and protective, uncontrollable emotions, lovely and nice to the people that are close to them
🎋Libra mixed Virgo Placements = fashionista, life style influencers, perfectionist, good cooks, enjoy finer things with an hint of detail and excellent observation skills, a bit judgmental, very very very helpful people
🎋Scorpio mixed Virgo Placements = psychotic (just joking 😂), natural detectives and truth seekers, extremely intelligent people, literally know everything, extreme control issues and can be obsessive and a bit creepy when they like somebody, once trust is gained they are number one supporters for life
🎋Gemini mixed Capricorn Placements = Aloof (weirdly give Aquarius or Virgo vibes?) , Logical thinkers, like to think outside the box , can also be very responsible, less inclined to open up about emotions and would rather joke about them. Less lighthearted but also less serious, truthful and honest people
Thx for reading 🫶🏽
©2025 millysastroblog All Rights Reserved
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blacknailsandheartbreak · 1 year ago
Imagine the group cannot understand how you and Zuko are so close with you being a literal saint and Zuko being... well Zuko
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AN: I am back! Man, it's been a hot minute since my last post! ...Lets not think about that because I am back! :) woo hoo
~1400 word count
Part 2 once your done reading :)
SO, lets jump in and see what this Zuko fic about??? Well, imagine this...
The whole group is together and you are the newest member joining from an encounter at a local market. You'd travel alone from town to town, trying to help in any way you can to help fix the wounds the war had created. You fit in well, very polite and nice, never showing any anger, but very capable of defending your own with a bow. You became close with Katara, almost like sisters. Though, unknown to the group that you were a fire bender, you wished to keep that a secret. Your nation had done too much damage and could not bear to be tied to such a name. You hadn't practiced in a long time and were contempt on keeping it that way. You were good enough with your bow, you could protect yourself without the aid of bending. But one person saw through your mask, the only other fire bender in the group. You had a feeling he knew, as he was finding ways to spend more time with you, offering to walk with you to the market, to fetch water or wood, and he seemed to only ask you questions while it was just the two of you. If he did know you were a fire bender, then let it be so.
You volunteered one night to gather firewood, and Zuko promptly offered his assistance, in your nature you gladly accepted, you did like the company. While you two walked, you held a wicker basket against your hip and did most of the talking. Zuko hummed in response, keeping note of their far distance from the camp. As the conversation seemed to die out, Zuko stopped walking and you walked a couple more steps before realizing his halt. You turn around and lock eyes, both of you stand straight and still like statues. You knew what was coming next, your hair swayed slightly in the wind, the setting sun leaving amber shadows across you both.
"You're a bender, a fire bender." Zuko states, no question to his voice. You couldn't deny it, there was no point, he knew. You looked at him and smiled. You confirmed his suspicions, and explained to him that you have been building a new reputation for yourself outside of a fire bender label, trying to heal the brand the fire nation left on your skin as well as all its people and the ones it had affected. Zuko seemed sad, he apologized for his nation, our nation. He had promised things would change after Sozin's comet, once he overtook his father. You smile and agree that Zuko would make a fine Fire Lord, you talk to him about how much you believe can change. Ever since that night You two became close, very close. Close in ways the group could only suspect, but no proof.
On the last night of the Gaangs regrouping, before they had to pack up camp and keep moving, everyone had gone to bed, except for Zuko. He had a hard time trying to get to sleep that night, so he went out for a walk to try and clear his head. He sat by the nearby river and thought about what you had said, to rebuild a new reputation as to not be associated with the fire nation, start anew. Zuko balled his fists in anger at his country, the horrible things, unspeakable notions they had unleashed. Zuko scrunched his nose in disgust and felt the pull of his scar, a sensation that he was use to, one that would usually bring more frustration but only brought him sorrow tonight, as your words passed though his mind, 'trying to heal the brand the fire nation left on your skin as well as all its people and the ones it had effected'. Zuko felt the shame of his land pile on his shoulders, but he decided to head back to camp before he got too far into his head.
Back at camp, everyone was in bed, Toph slept alone in her stone tent, the boys had their own tent, while You and Katara shared a tent. Katara took a leap on that last night and decided to ask you about you and Zuko. She thought now would be the best time over any. Katara looked at you laying with your back to her, she gently poked your shoulder and you turned over.
"Sorry for waking you, but I had a question and I hope you take no offence, but you and Zuko... you guys have seemed to be getting very close... so um... are you guys... you know... together...?" Katara asked you in a quiet whisper with wide curious eyes.
While Katara spoke, Zuko had made his way back into camp and heard the faint whispers. It was unlike him to listen in on others' conversations but they had obviously not heard him return, and he seemed to be the topic of their subject so he decided it was fair game to listen. He caught on quickly as it was something about you and him.
You smiled and replied in a steady whisper, "Zuko and I have become good friends, nothing more." You and Zuko knew there was a bond beyond your secrets you shared, but you two were not together, just close.
Zuko had his arms crossed across his chest, he felt no offence towards the statement you shared, it was true, it was a neutral answer he could respect.
Katara responds "Oh okay... um if you don't mind me asking another question," You nodded her on, Katara continued, "Zuko and you seem to be very different, as in you are so... vibrant and kind, I don't think I have ever seen you mad." She said giggling quietly, and you smiled. "But Zuko... well you know Zuko, he only ever... scowls. Spirits, I think a smile might split his face in half..."
Zuko furrows his brows at the comment, and grabs across his mouth, 'I can smile', he thinks to himself, lowering his hand.
Katara continues, "and... and it's like pulling teeth trying to get him to talk..." Katara looks at you, "How do you- being your bubbly self, connect with someone like him? How can you talk with him for as long as you do when he seems to barely listens half the time?"
'Barely listen??' Zuko thought as his eyebrows shot up at the comment, 'Is she serious? How could she possibly think that!'
You smile at her observation, "Zuko is very kind to me," you say sweetly.
Zuko's face relaxes to your answer, and he uncrosses his arms.
You continue, "But you're right, he never says much, and yes, he is indeed quiet, but when one has gone through so much, it is understandable. We all know that feeling to some extent and we all have our ways of dealing with it. I have accepted how Zuko conveys himself as he had accepted me for how I present myself. But over all, yes, he does listen, even if it seems he is not, he always does." You conclude with a sweet smile.
Zuko is almost taken back from your answer in a way he cannot explain, but it feels as if an unknown weight has lifted off his shoulders from your response. He decided to leave the conversation there as he had heard all he needed to, and turned to walk away. But the next thing you said had caught his attention.
"Who knows," You add, "his ears are probably burning right now with the mere conversation of us talking about him...". You both giggle and say your goodnights. Zuko smirked and rolled his eyes and walked back to his tent. Although, as he replays the conversation over in his mind, something sits like a small rock in his stomach. 'Zuko and I have become good friends, nothing more.' Nothing more, he thought over and over in his head, maybe with time that could change. Once Zuko becomes Fire Lord and is able to start the change that the world needed to heal, you would embrace your bending and be proud of your nation. But that would come in time, so for right now, he could work with good friends.
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harmoonix · 29 days ago
Astrology Observations
♡ - Cozy - ♡
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you'll always find your way back home♡
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♡ 4th house placements, especially Moon/Venus or Sun, know how to make someone feel comforted/safe/protected/loved. These planets can often share a common love language with the people they love
♡ 7° or 19° degrees on Chiron talks about a person who has a hard time when it comes to letting people out of their lives
♡ 4° 16° 28° on Moon or Chiron can indicate a nostalgic person. They are often lost with their memories in their past and attach too hard on them
♡ Sun in the 1st house can easily receive admiration, they can inspire people to do things, and people often look after them
♡ Moon in the 6th house attaches mentally to a person, and they hardly leave their mind. This person might worry or think too much about their lovers
♡ Mercury in the 9th house is good at changing accents or faking them. They can be really good at jobs which involve traveling, translator, eduction, blogger or architect
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♡ Aries Placements won't tolerate random flirts from people they barely know. Most Aries that I know don't like when random ppl flirt with them
♡ 29° degrees on the Sun can indicate a lifetime lesson involving yourself. Can be a lesson about discovering something within yourself, loving yourself, everything is possible
♡ Moon at 9° or 21° love to share things with the people they love. These natives are not afraid to open to love. Their open-minded personality helps a lot
♡ 5° 17° or 29° degrees indicate big/large family members. Especially if these degrees are on Venus or Moon or in the 5th house
♡ Cancer Jupiter is also one of the placements that also indicates having a large family. Also siblings or a step - family
♡ Pluto or Uranus in the 2nd house can struggle with money or to keep them. You might spend them too fast and ending up regretting later
♡ your 2nd house can also tell you how much you value yourself. If water is present, you can be more chill. If it is earth, you can feel more grounded
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♡ 6° or 18° degrees on ascendant/sun/MC can indicate others tend to perceive as a perfectionist, while in real life, you struggle to fit in the norm
♡ 12th house Sun can indicate a person who needs to find spirituality as a healing key, same for those with the sun at 12° 24°. There are many ways to heal/feel better with usiny spirituality
♡ Venus in the 12th house can have the same effect in relationships like Saturn in the 7th house = Less partners and more relationships in your adult/mature years
♡ Your 5th house sign and its ruler can indicate your hobbies. Nothing is randomly here, and these hobbies can help you to reach a purpose
♡ Aries and Taurus Placements are being tested on their patience. You play with their nerves, and they explode. They hateee waiting and like to do things fast
♡ You might feel like things are falling apart when you're having Saturn or Pluto transit your 1st house, struggle timeeeee
♡ Moon transit your 3rd house can be a time where you'll find yourself talking and socializing more
♡ Mars transit the 11th house can be time where you can fight more often with your friends and relatives
♡ Saturn transit your 6th house is a good time to reflect and heal mentally. You can be exhausted, so take a break!
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♡ Saturn in the 1st house can struggle with their appearance. Sometimes they don't like themselves which is perfectly normal, but never hate yourself!
♡ Lowkey Saturn or Pluto, same with Capricorn/Aquarius/Scorpio in the 12th house, can be depressive af. Especially mentally depressive
♡ Taurus tends to be lazy, especially if Venus/Moon are involved. 'I will do that later' and will end up never doing it or forgetting about it
♡ Virgo Moons are getting overwhelmed in crowded areas,they may avoid large groups or people. Usually, they have few special people close to them
♡ 0° degrees on Saturn can indicate being born without a karmic lesson, and you'll create one in this lifetime.
♡ Sun aspecting Mars natives likes to create tension between people, sometimes they will make people fight due to Mars being a planet of war and interacting with Sun
♡ 2nd or 4th house placements can be goof st gifting/generous people, sometimes they may like to spoil people with gifts or simply spoiling themselves
♡ Sagittarius/Scorpio/Leo and Aries placements can like salty foods more than sweets. This is something I observed in a lot of people with these placements
♡ Sun in the 7th house can attract selfish people in their lives. Especially enemies with a narcissistic energy
♡ Mars in the 5th house can get obsessed with a certain hobby/activity and then being competitive with others about it
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Hope you have it good!! 🧡🧡🧡 Take care of yourself and stay healthy 🧡
Harmoonix 🧡
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dollvls3 · 3 months ago
synastry observations
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ venus conjunct/trine neptune synastry, makes the relationship feel euphoric when together. Ultimate rose-colored glasses aspect. (be careful not to over- idealize them since neptune can blur reality)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ venus conjunct/trine uranus synastry, creates a ‘love at first sight’ effect and creates instant chemistry. But if the relationship is not grounded it may feel thrilling but fleeting, the spark tends to go out fast.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ moon square pluto synastry, the intensity is raw and challenging, a lot of power struggles within the relationship. aspect can also lead to obsession, jealousy and possessiveness.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ mercury aspects (conjunction, trines), the relationship thrives on communication. partnerships with this aspect, honestly can talk to each other for hours without losing interest. If mercury is harshly aspected (squares, opposition) this can cause miscommunication and misunderstandings, but can cause opportunities for growth in listening.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ saturn square or opposition any planet in synastry, can often indicate karmic lessons and responsibilities tied to the relationship.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ sun positively aspecting jupiter partnerships can make good money together 💵. this aspect fosters mutual enthusiasm and growth in finances.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ mercury-uranus couples are lowkey corny(but a cute corny 🥰). they have really quirky humor and goofy antics. (such a underrated aspect tbhh.)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ mars and pluto(conjunction, square and opposition) in synastry, love-hate aspect, intense attraction paired with an equally intense tendency for power struggles and aggression. But can also be a deeply passionate relationship.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ a lot of 6th house influence in synastry can be a red flag, especially for friendships. it causes jealousy and a lot of secret animosity.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ mars in 1st house synastry, there’s often a strong physical attraction. But the mars person may come off as pushy or overly assertive.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ venus in 5th house synastry, such a cute placement! very romantic and creative attraction. a lot of playfulnesses and fun vibes.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ uranus in 11th house synastry, usually they probably started off as friends or you probably met through a friend. It can also cause the connection to feel more like a friendship than a romantic one.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ chiron in 8th house synastry, the chiron person brings healing to houses person’s deepest wounds and insecurities. esp around intimacy or shared resources. deeply transformative, this placement brings painful emotions to the surface before healing occurs.
reminder!! accuracy also depends on the entire chart!!
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uyuforu · 1 month ago
❀。 • *₊°。 ❀° 。 • *₊°。 ❀°。 ༻ Astro Observations XI ༺ ❀。 • *₊°。 ❀° 。 • *₊°。 ❀°。
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All pictures were found on Pinterest
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ Natal Chart
❀ I read somewhere that Aries Rising often ignore people, even the closest people. My sister does that often, and she is also Aries Rising. ❀
❀ Also, the Rising sign and degree can say often how you look, your appearance but don't forget planets and other placements in your 1H! ❀
❀ Moreover, the Ruler of your Rising can also tell a lot about your appearance, meaning the sign and house placements of your Ruler. ❀
❀ I also noticed that whenever the Sun or Venus was transiting my 1H I was changing something on my appearance. It can also just be me adopting a new way to do my hair or my make up, etc. ❀
❀ Having Aries Descendant is a sign you'll have a spouse who will make you realize you are too nice, you are too generous with others, and they will teach you it's okay to tell people to go f*ck themselves. ❀
❀ Men who have Virgo Rising are the finest in my opinion, perhaps because I'm Virgo Venus but girl they are just so neat and take care of themselves so much, it's so refreshing. ❀
❀ Moreover, Virgo Rising men often age like fine wine. Their hot era is never ending. Just take Benjamin Bratt as an example. ❀
❀ If Pluto transiting your Natal Chart will give you clarity over which house it transits, and it will also be a huge transformation in it. I have it in my 4H, and I can tell you I see my family differently and learn a lot of hidden things. It hits like a b*tch. ❀
❀ Can we stop generalizing MC signs ? Cancer MC doesn't mean necessarily the person will do a job related to taking care of others. The sign over your MC is often a way to describe your needs in a career, but the planets in the 10h and the sign it is in matters, AND the ruler of the 10H as well. ❀
❀ Saturn conjunct Juno often means you'll marry your destined person later in life, and you could also meet later in life as well. ❀
❀ Juno conjunct Chiron is a sign your FS is wounded, in depression, or that they will need to heal to be with you. Being with your Future Spouse could also require a lot of sacrifices. ❀
❀ 4H Ruler in 7H people could often depend on their partner emotionally. They can also be the kind of person to want to only settle down with a partner. ❀
❀ Saturn 7H can have the same effect as Venus conjunct Saturn , you could have a delay in your love life, or find yourself having many lessons about it. You could have to live some failed relationships or romantic interactions in your early life, yet perhaps around your Saturn Return, you could have a better and long lasting love life. ❀
❀ Jupiter conjunct Saturn 7H could mean a delay in your marriage, perhaps marrying close to your 30's, but it could also mean after being married, your life will be very good, and you'll gain a lot because of marriage, and perhaps a lot of knowledge and wisdom as well. ❀
❀ I feel like even if you try hard, you'll never really know someone with Sun 8H/12H. They are quite good at showing exactly what they want you to see. ❀
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ Synastry
❀ Rising conjunct Venus often means Venus person will think Rising person is their ideal type. ❀
❀ I often found that when it's not a romantic connection, Sun in 7H Synastry is not a good relationship, yet often a toxic one. Sun person can tend to hate 7H person. ❀
❀ I feel like 2H, 6H & 10H are really underrated houses in Synastry. I think it's really good to have those houses, mostly if big 3 are there. ❀
❀ Sun conjunct Venus often makes the Sun person think Venus person is very attractive. They could also find Venus very charming and their type. ❀
❀ I often saw Juno 1H Synastry when there was love at first sight between two people. Often Juno person having love at first sight for 1H person. ❀
❀ Venus/ Juno/ Jupiter is very beneficial for "finding the house person good looking", and often if you have those planets in someone's 1H or conjunct their Rising, they will be your type. ❀
❀ Every time I had a friend who wanted to befriend me and who was also someone I got along with so much, they have a Stellium in my 11H. ❀
❀ Sun 12H Synastry can possibly make the 12H person forget about you often. ❀
❀ In some relationships, Venus in the 12H can say that 12H person doesn't feel the love Venus person try to give them, and could also feel unloved. ❀
❀ Moon conjunct Saturn can also be that Moon person feel totally misunderstood by Saturn person, or they could feel judged often by Saturn person. ❀
❀ Mars 3H can mean Mars person can often know the right words to hurt 3H person, they can speak to them in a harsh way as well. ❀
❀ Sometimes 12H placements aren't that bad, so take it with a grain of salt. For example, my mother has a Stellium in my 12H, and we are very connected. ❀
❀ Sun conjunct Jupiter often makes the two natives adore each other, they often get along very well, laugh together but also they often share the same opinion. Jupiter person often teach a lot of valuable lessons to Sun person. ❀
❀ Chiron conjunct Moon often means Chiron person will hurt Moon's feelings. I have this aspect with my uncle, he often is harsh with his words. I was scared of him when I was little. ❀
❀ Sun 8H can mean 8H person can feel like Sun person doesn't like them. ❀
❀ Moon 12H in Synastry can often tell us that Moon person will struggle to say to 12H person how they feel, or often share personal things about them. Though, it can also be a sign of deep spiritual connection. ❀
Thank you for reading!
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esotericalchemist · 2 months ago
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𝟏𝟐𝐓𝐇 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 - 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞: 𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 & 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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This is the twelfth and final post in our 12-part series dedicated to helping you glow up using the wisdom of astrology. Each post has explored a different astrological house, uncovering its unique themes and offering insights to help you transform and thrive in every area of your life.
In this post, we’re focusing on the twelfth house—the house of the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and release. The twelfth house invites us to journey inward, confront hidden fears, and embrace the art of surrender. It is a place of quiet reflection, where old patterns are released, and profound transformation takes root. Glowing up your twelfth house means reconnecting with your intuition, healing deeply held wounds, and creating space for spiritual renewal. Let’s explore how the sign ruling your twelfth house can guide you toward lasting inner peace and self-discovery.
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The twelfth house governs the hidden realms of the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and releasing old patterns. With Aries ruling this house, your approach to these themes is bold, dynamic, and action-oriented. Ruled by Mars, Aries in the twelfth house brings a courageous and fiery energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of confronting fears, initiating healing, and embracing spiritual growth with determination. Your glow-up involves taking charge of your healing journey, channeling your inner fire into creative solitude, and fearlessly letting go of what no longer serves you.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Courageous Release
Aries in the twelfth house empowers you to confront old habits, limiting beliefs, or emotional baggage with bravery. You have the ability to face even the most challenging aspects of your subconscious and release them through action.
To glow up in this area, focus on practices that allow you to express your inner struggles physically, such as journaling, intense workouts, or dynamic breathwork. Aries thrives on movement, so engaging in cathartic activities helps you shed old patterns and reclaim your inner power.
Embrace Aries’ boldness by setting clear intentions for what you want to release and taking decisive steps to do so. Your courage in facing the unknown paves the way for profound transformation.
Deep Healing: Active and Empowering Practices
Aries in the twelfth house approaches healing as an empowering journey of self-discovery. You thrive on techniques that encourage independence and self-reliance, such as martial arts, assertiveness training, or solo retreats that help you reconnect with your strength.
To glow up your healing process, focus on active methods that engage your body and mind. Energy work, yoga, or therapies that combine movement with introspection are particularly effective for you.
Embrace Aries’ dynamic energy by taking ownership of your healing journey. Your ability to take initiative ensures that you find solutions that truly resonate with your unique path.
Spiritual Practices: Dynamic and Grounding Rituals
Aries in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through action and embodiment. You find meaning in practices that ignite your inner fire and help you align with your personal power, such as moving meditations, chanting, or rituals involving fire or light.
To glow up spiritually, focus on rituals that balance your fiery nature with inner peace. Morning sun salutations, lighting candles during meditation, or creating affirmations that inspire courage and self-belief can deepen your connection to the divine.
Embrace Aries’ pioneering spirit by exploring new spiritual practices and tailoring them to your needs. Your willingness to experiment ensures a vibrant and personal connection to your spiritual journey.
Creative Isolation: Channeling Passion into Solitude
Aries in the twelfth house thrives in creative isolation where you can channel your passion into meaningful projects. Whether it’s writing, painting, or designing, your creativity flourishes when you’re free to explore your ideas without external distractions.
To glow up creatively, dedicate time to solo pursuits that allow you to express your innermost thoughts and emotions. Aries energy loves challenges, so tackling ambitious projects during periods of solitude can be incredibly fulfilling.
Embrace Aries’ proactive energy by setting goals for your creative endeavors and celebrating your progress. Your ability to channel your intensity into artistic expression leads to both healing and inspiration.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Taurus ruling this house, your approach to these themes is grounded, sensual, and focused on finding peace through stability and beauty. Ruled by Venus, Taurus in the twelfth house brings a nurturing and calming energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of healing through connection to nature, creativity, and self-worth. Your glow-up involves letting go of outdated attachments, embracing healing through sensory experiences, and finding solace in spiritual practices that ground and restore you.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Attachment
Taurus in the twelfth house encourages you to release attachment to material possessions, outdated habits, or relationships that no longer bring value to your life. Your healing process involves recognizing where you’ve held on too tightly and allowing space for renewal.
To glow up in this area, focus on practicing non-attachment and trust in the abundance of the universe. Decluttering your physical and emotional life can create a sense of liberation. Consider grounding exercises, such as barefoot walks in nature, to reconnect with simplicity.
Embrace Taurus’ steady energy by letting go at your own pace. Your ability to move through change calmly ensures that the process feels safe and empowering.
Deep Healing: Sensory and Grounding Practices
Taurus in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that engage the senses and promote relaxation. Your path to healing involves nurturing your body and mind through touch, sound, taste, and other sensory experiences that bring peace.
To glow up your healing journey, explore practices like aromatherapy, massage, or sound baths. Cooking nourishing meals, tending to plants, or practicing mindfulness through crafting are also deeply restorative.
Embrace Taurus’ love for beauty and comfort by creating a healing environment that feels serene and inviting. Surrounding yourself with natural elements like flowers, soft textures, or soothing colors enhances your ability to heal and restore balance.
Spiritual Practices: Grounded and Sensual Rituals
Taurus in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through rituals that incorporate the physical world. You find meaning in practices that ground your energy and help you feel deeply connected to your body and the earth.
To glow up spiritually, focus on grounding rituals such as yoga, gardening, or meditation with natural elements like crystals or essential oils. Expressing gratitude for life’s simple pleasures strengthens your spiritual connection.
Embrace Taurus’ sensual energy by creating rituals that celebrate beauty and abundance. Lighting candles, preparing herbal teas, or meditating in a peaceful outdoor setting enhances your spiritual experience and grounds your energy.
Creative Isolation: Finding Beauty in Solitude
Taurus in the twelfth house thrives in solitude where you can channel your creativity into projects that bring beauty and joy. Your creative glow-up involves immersing yourself in art, music, or crafts that allow you to express your inner world.
To glow up creatively, set aside time for activities like painting, sculpting, or writing poetry. Taurus energy appreciates slow and steady progress, so approach your creative work with patience and mindfulness.
Embrace Taurus’ grounded energy by celebrating the process as much as the outcome. Your ability to find joy in creating enhances your sense of fulfillment and peace.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Gemini ruling this house, your approach to these themes is intellectual, curious, and adaptable. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini in the twelfth house brings a dynamic and mentally active energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of understanding your subconscious patterns, exploring spiritual knowledge, and using communication and creative expression for healing. Your glow-up involves releasing mental clutter, engaging in reflective practices that stimulate clarity, and channeling your creativity into solitary exploration.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Mental Overload
Gemini in the twelfth house highlights the need to release old mental patterns, overthinking, or scattered focus. You may hold on to outdated beliefs, worries, or thought processes that keep you from accessing inner peace.
To glow up in this area, focus on practices that declutter your mind, such as journaling, meditative writing, or conscious breathwork. Consider digital detoxes or reducing distractions to create mental space for clarity.
Embrace Gemini’s adaptable nature by reframing unhelpful thoughts into empowering ones. Your ability to pivot mentally allows you to shift perspectives and free yourself from limiting beliefs.
Deep Healing: Intellectual and Expressive Practices
Gemini in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that engage the mind and encourage communication. You’re drawn to exploring your inner world through reflective practices like therapy, storytelling, or dialogue with trusted individuals.
To glow up your healing process, engage in activities like journaling, blogging, or even recording your thoughts to explore your subconscious mind. Reading self-help or philosophical books can also offer insights and expand your understanding.
Embrace Gemini’s communicative energy by sharing your experiences in ways that feel safe and creative. Talking about your feelings or turning them into art or stories is profoundly healing for you.
Spiritual Practices: Mentally Stimulating and Reflective Rituals
Gemini in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through learning and exploration. You find meaning in practices that engage your curiosity, such as studying spiritual texts, exploring different belief systems, or engaging in intellectual debates about the nature of existence.
To glow up spiritually, focus on creating rituals that stimulate your mind and calm your thoughts. Guided meditations, affirmations, or reading spiritual philosophies are excellent ways to align with your higher self.
Embrace Gemini’s love for variety by exploring different spiritual practices and finding what resonates. Your path to spiritual growth is flexible and ever-evolving, allowing you to integrate new insights as you go.
Creative Isolation: Mental Stimulation in Solitude
Gemini in the twelfth house thrives in solitude where you can channel your creativity into intellectually stimulating projects. Your glow-up involves using your time alone to write, brainstorm, or engage in research that brings your inner world to life.
To glow up creatively, dedicate time to projects like writing a novel, creating a blog, or even experimenting with poetry or screenplays. Gemini energy flourishes when it’s mentally engaged, so pursue endeavors that keep your mind active.
Embrace Gemini’s dynamic energy by allowing yourself the freedom to explore multiple creative outlets. Your adaptability and curiosity make solitude a rich source of inspiration.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Cancer ruling this house, your approach to these themes is emotional, nurturing, and deeply intuitive. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer in the twelfth house brings a compassionate and reflective energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of emotional healing, reconnecting with your inner child, and finding spiritual solace in self-care and nurturing practices. Your glow-up involves letting go of emotional baggage, healing through self-compassion, and cultivating spiritual practices that honor your sensitivity and inner depth.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Emotional Baggage
Cancer in the twelfth house urges you to let go of unresolved emotional wounds, past disappointments, or lingering fears that weigh on your heart. Your path to healing involves acknowledging your feelings and creating a safe space to process them.
To glow up in this area, focus on nurturing yourself through practices like journaling your emotions, engaging in inner child healing, or creating rituals to honor and release your past. Water-based rituals, like bathing with intention or visiting the ocean, can be especially powerful for you.
Embrace Cancer’s intuitive energy by trusting your emotional instincts and honoring the cycles of release and renewal. Your willingness to feel deeply is your greatest strength in letting go.
Deep Healing: Nurturing and Emotional Practices
Cancer in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that focus on emotional support, nurturing, and connection to your inner self. You are drawn to practices that allow you to feel safe and comforted, such as therapy, creative expression, or spending time in nature.
To glow up your healing journey, prioritize practices that soothe your emotional body, such as mindfulness, working with comforting scents (like lavender or chamomile), or creating a sacred space at home for reflection.
Embrace Cancer’s nurturing nature by being gentle with yourself as you heal. Surround yourself with people, environments, and activities that provide warmth and a sense of belonging.
Spiritual Practices: Intuitive and Reflective Rituals
Cancer in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through emotional and intuitive exploration. You find meaning in practices that foster deep emotional connection, such as meditation, prayer, or exploring dreams.
To glow up spiritually, focus on rituals that center on your emotional well-being. Moon rituals, reflective journaling, or working with your dreams can help you tune into your subconscious and align with your spiritual energy.
Embrace Cancer’s connection to the Moon by syncing your spiritual practices with lunar cycles. Setting intentions during the New Moon or releasing during the Full Moon can amplify your healing and spiritual growth.
Creative Isolation: Emotional Expression in Solitude
Cancer in the twelfth house thrives in solitude where you can express your emotions through creativity. Whether it’s writing, painting, or music, your creative glow-up involves channeling your feelings into artistic outlets that bring healing and catharsis.
To glow up creatively, dedicate time to projects that allow you to explore and process your emotions. Your sensitivity and intuition make you a natural storyteller or artist, so embrace these gifts in your solitude.
Embrace Cancer’s reflective energy by allowing yourself to work at your own pace. Your creativity flourishes when you honor your emotional rhythms and create from a place of authenticity.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Leo ruling this house, your approach to these themes is bold, creative, and heart-centered. Ruled by the Sun, Leo in the twelfth house brings a radiant and transformative energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of self-expression, uncovering your hidden gifts, and healing through reconnecting with your inner light. Your glow-up involves releasing insecurities, finding creative and spiritual outlets for self-discovery, and embracing solitude as a space to reignite your inner spark.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Fear of Judgment
Leo in the twelfth house asks you to release self-doubt, fear of judgment, or a tendency to hide your brilliance. You may subconsciously hold yourself back from shining due to past criticism or unresolved feelings of inadequacy.
To glow up in this area, focus on practices that build your self-confidence in private. Affirmations, shadow work, or writing letters to your past self can help you reclaim your self-worth. Use solitude to reconnect with your inner child and remember the joy of unfiltered self-expression.
Embrace Leo’s courage by facing your fears with love and strength. Your willingness to heal old wounds and let go of insecurities unlocks your fullest potential.
Deep Healing: Creative and Heart-Centered Practices
Leo in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that reignite your sense of purpose and creativity. You heal deeply through activities that allow you to express your emotions and connect with your authentic self.
To glow up your healing process, explore creative outlets like journaling, painting, or performing arts. Use these practices to express emotions you may have kept hidden and to celebrate your unique gifts.
Embrace Leo’s warmth by surrounding yourself with uplifting environments, even in solitude. Soft lighting, inspiring music, or vibrant colors can enhance your healing space and remind you of your inherent radiance.
Spiritual Practices: Radiant and Empowering Rituals
Leo in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through self-empowerment and creative exploration. You find meaning in practices that help you embrace your inner light, such as visualization, solar meditations, or rituals that focus on self-love and inner strength.
To glow up spiritually, focus on building a spiritual practice that centers on self-affirmation and reconnecting with your purpose. Sun meditations, gratitude journaling, or working with gold or yellow crystals (like citrine or sunstone) can help you channel Leo’s radiant energy.
Embrace Leo’s regal energy by celebrating your spiritual victories. Acknowledge your progress, honor your resilience, and take pride in your personal growth journey.
Creative Isolation: Rediscovering Your Inner Artist
Leo in the twelfth house thrives in creative solitude, where you can channel your artistic vision into meaningful projects. Your glow-up involves using your alone time to rediscover the joy of creating for yourself, free from external validation.
To glow up creatively, dedicate time to projects that allow you to explore your imagination and passion. Write a story, compose music, or design something that reflects your inner world. Let your creativity be a source of healing and self-discovery.
Embrace Leo’s dramatic energy by fully immersing yourself in your creative process. Treat your solitude as a sacred time to express your inner brilliance.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Virgo ruling this house, your approach to these themes is thoughtful, analytical, and service-oriented. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo in the twelfth house brings a grounded and introspective energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of organizing your thoughts, healing through intentional practices, and letting go of perfectionism. Your glow-up involves releasing self-critical tendencies, embracing spiritual rituals that foster clarity, and channeling your healing journey into creating systems that support inner peace.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Perfectionism
Virgo in the twelfth house often manifests as a subconscious tendency toward self-criticism or striving for unattainable standards. Letting go of these patterns requires recognizing where perfectionism is hindering your growth and embracing imperfection as part of the human experience.
To glow up in this area, focus on cultivating self-compassion. Journaling about your successes, practicing affirmations, or writing down moments of gratitude can shift your focus from what you lack to what you’ve achieved.
Embrace Virgo’s practicality by creating small, manageable goals for personal growth rather than overwhelming yourself with lofty expectations. This gradual approach ensures sustainable healing.
Deep Healing: Structured and Reflective Practices
Virgo in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that involve structure, analysis, and self-awareness. You excel in creating rituals or routines that bring order to your inner world and allow you to process emotions methodically.
To glow up your healing process, explore activities like guided journaling, creating detailed wellness plans, or analyzing your thought patterns with the help of therapy or mindfulness exercises. Organizing your space or decluttering can also be deeply therapeutic.
Embrace Virgo’s grounded energy by balancing reflection with action. Use your natural problem-solving skills to address emotional or mental blocks with practical solutions.
Spiritual Practices: Grounded and Mindful Rituals
Virgo in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through mindfulness, routine, and intentionality. You find meaning in practices that merge introspection with tangible action, such as daily meditation, nature walks, or integrating spiritual habits into your day-to-day life.
To glow up spiritually, focus on creating rituals that bring clarity and peace. This could include morning gratitude lists, lighting a candle to signify the start of quiet reflection, or engaging in simple yoga sequences that connect mind and body.
Embrace Virgo’s detail-oriented nature by crafting a spiritual practice that feels personal and intentional. Small, consistent efforts lead to profound inner peace over time.
Creative Isolation: Intentional and Purposeful Solitude
Virgo in the twelfth house thrives in solitude where you can channel your creativity into meaningful and purposeful work. Your glow-up involves using your alone time to create something tangible that reflects your inner healing and clarity.
To glow up creatively, dedicate time to projects that combine artistry with precision, such as crafting, writing, or designing. Virgo’s attention to detail ensures that your creative work becomes a source of fulfillment and pride.
Embrace Virgo’s love for purpose by setting intentions for your creative endeavors. Treat your solitude as a sacred space to bring your visions to life with care and focus.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Libra ruling this house, your approach to these themes is harmonious, balanced, and relationship-focused. Ruled by Venus, Libra in the twelfth house brings a gentle and aesthetic energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of finding balance in solitude, healing through harmonious relationships, and connecting spiritually through beauty and inner peace. Your glow-up involves releasing codependent patterns, cultivating inner harmony, and embracing creative and spiritual practices that foster balance and emotional well-being.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Codependency
Libra in the twelfth house often points to subconscious patterns of seeking external validation or relying heavily on others for emotional balance. Letting go involves recognizing where you may overextend yourself in relationships and reclaiming your sense of inner equilibrium.
To glow up in this area, focus on practices that encourage self-reliance and self-love. Journaling affirmations about your worth, meditating on the concept of balance, or setting boundaries in relationships can help you let go of old habits.
Embrace Libra’s desire for harmony by consciously seeking balance in your emotional landscape. Your ability to restore equilibrium in yourself creates a stronger foundation for healthier relationships.
Deep Healing: Harmonizing Through Beauty and Connection
Libra in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that promote harmony and beauty. Surrounding yourself with soothing environments, engaging in creative pursuits, or nurturing relationships that bring peace are essential to your healing journey.
To glow up your healing process, focus on practices like decorating a serene space for reflection, creating art or music that expresses your emotions, or exploring guided meditations that center on balance and inner beauty.
Embrace Libra’s Venusian energy by treating yourself to acts of self-care, like a spa day, a nature retreat, or engaging in mindful rituals. These small acts of care bring a sense of balance and nurture your inner well-being.
Spiritual Practices: Aesthetic and Harmonious Rituals
Libra in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through beauty, balance, and peace. You find meaning in practices that align with your love for harmony, such as practicing gratitude, engaging in mindful movement, or participating in ceremonies that emphasize unity and aesthetic appreciation.
To glow up spiritually, focus on rituals that create a sense of calm and symmetry, like arranging an altar with candles, flowers, or crystals. Meditating on themes of love, forgiveness, and harmony can also deepen your spiritual connection.
Embrace Libra’s artistic and relational energy by involving others in your spiritual journey. Sharing a meditation practice or attending a sound bath with a friend or group can enhance your experience and strengthen bonds.
Creative Isolation: Artistic Expression in Solitude
Libra in the twelfth house thrives in creative solitude, where you can channel your appreciation for beauty into meaningful projects. Your glow-up involves using your alone time to express yourself artistically and restore balance to your inner world.
To glow up creatively, engage in activities like painting, designing, or writing poetry. Libra’s love for symmetry and elegance makes you naturally talented in creating works that inspire harmony and joy.
Embrace Libra’s flair for beauty by treating your creative time as a sacred practice. Surround yourself with colors, textures, and sounds that spark your imagination and enhance your sense of peace.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Scorpio ruling this house, your approach to these themes is intense, transformative, and deeply emotional. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, Scorpio in the twelfth house brings a profound energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of shadow work, embracing spiritual rebirth, and delving into the depths of your psyche to release fears and emotional wounds. Your glow-up involves confronting your deepest truths, healing through transformation, and connecting with spirituality in ways that empower and renew you.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Fear and Control
Scorpio in the twelfth house encourages you to confront and release subconscious fears, unresolved traumas, or tendencies to hold onto control. You may unconsciously resist letting go due to fear of vulnerability or transformation.
To glow up in this area, focus on shadow work and practices that allow you to explore your emotional depths safely. Journaling about your fears, exploring therapeutic techniques like EMDR, or engaging in rituals for release during a New Moon can help you surrender old patterns.
Embrace Scorpio’s fearless nature by facing your shadows with courage. By allowing yourself to feel and process your deepest emotions, you create space for powerful inner transformation.
Deep Healing: Transformative and Empowering Practices
Scorpio in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that delve deep into the subconscious. You are drawn to practices that uncover hidden truths and offer profound emotional release, such as psychotherapy, energy healing, or breathwork.
To glow up your healing journey, explore transformative techniques like hypnotherapy, past-life regression, or shamanic journeys. These practices align with Scorpio’s love for uncovering the unseen and tapping into the mysteries of existence.
Embrace Scorpio’s regenerative energy by seeing healing as a process of rebirth. Each step you take toward understanding and releasing old wounds strengthens your sense of empowerment and resilience.
Spiritual Practices: Mystical and Transformative Rituals
Scorpio in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through mystery, intuition, and transformation. You find meaning in practices that explore the unseen and allow you to connect with your higher self on a profound level, such as meditation, divination, or working with the cycles of the Moon.
To glow up spiritually, focus on rituals that honor your inner depth. Practices like candle magic, tarot, or connecting with water (Scorpio’s element) can help you access the transformative energy of your spiritual path.
Embrace Scorpio’s passion for intensity by diving deep into mystical studies or exploring esoteric philosophies. Your spiritual growth is most fulfilling when it engages both your intellect and intuition.
Creative Isolation: Transforming Pain into Power
Scorpio in the twelfth house thrives in solitude, where you can channel your intense emotions into creative and transformative projects. Your glow-up involves using your alone time to turn pain into power, expressing yourself through art, writing, or other creative outlets.
To glow up creatively, engage in projects that allow you to explore themes of transformation, rebirth, or emotional depth. Writing a memoir, creating dark and evocative art, or composing emotionally powerful music can help you process your inner world.
Embrace Scorpio’s transformative energy by treating your creative process as a form of alchemy. Your ability to turn raw emotion into beauty and meaning is a profound source of healing and empowerment.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Sagittarius ruling this house, your approach to these themes is expansive, optimistic, and deeply philosophical. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius in the twelfth house brings an adventurous and questing energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of finding spiritual freedom, exploring hidden truths, and releasing limiting beliefs. Your glow-up involves embracing spiritual exploration, letting go of mental restrictions, and using solitude to connect with higher wisdom and visionary creativity.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Limiting Beliefs
Sagittarius in the twelfth house highlights the need to free yourself from outdated belief systems or subconscious fears that hold you back from fully expanding into your potential. Letting go involves questioning assumptions and embracing a broader perspective.
To glow up in this area, focus on practices that challenge your inner narrative, such as journaling, studying different philosophies, or engaging in guided meditation. Releasing old fears about the unknown allows you to step into your spiritual power.
Embrace Sagittarius’ adventurous energy by reframing challenges as opportunities for growth. Your ability to find meaning in life’s complexities makes letting go an empowering process.
Deep Healing: Expansive and Philosophical Practices
Sagittarius in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that expand the mind and nurture the soul. You are drawn to practices that involve learning, travel, or connecting with global spiritual traditions to heal on a deep level.
To glow up your healing journey, explore transformative practices like spiritual retreats, breathwork, or studying sacred texts. Traveling to sacred sites or engaging with cultures different from your own can also provide profound healing experiences.
Embrace Sagittarius’ questing spirit by remaining open to the idea that healing is an ongoing journey. The insights you gain along the way help you grow into your highest self.
Spiritual Practices: Expansive and Visionary Rituals
Sagittarius in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through exploration, faith, and a connection to universal truths. You find meaning in practices that align with your thirst for knowledge and freedom, such as studying astrology, exploring world religions, or practicing gratitude.
To glow up spiritually, focus on creating rituals that inspire hope and connect you to the bigger picture. Practices like sun-gazing, creating a vision board, or affirming your belief in abundance can align you with Sagittarius’ expansive energy.
Embrace Sagittarius’ love for exploration by experimenting with spiritual techniques from around the world. Your open-mindedness allows you to incorporate wisdom from many traditions into your personal practice.
Creative Isolation: Visionary Exploration in Solitude
Sagittarius in the twelfth house thrives in solitude where you can channel your inner philosopher or visionary. Your glow-up involves using alone time to expand your creative horizons and dream big, whether through writing, teaching, or creating art inspired by your spiritual insights.
To glow up creatively, work on projects that connect your inner world with universal themes, such as writing a book, creating inspiring art, or designing workshops. Sagittarius energy loves expansive ideas, so don’t shy away from ambitious projects.
Embrace Sagittarius’ optimism by treating your creative process as a joyful exploration. Your ability to weave wisdom and inspiration into your creations makes your work uplifting and transformative.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Capricorn ruling this house, your approach to these themes is disciplined, grounded, and deeply purposeful. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn in the twelfth house brings a structured and transformative energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of releasing control, finding wisdom in solitude, and using introspection to build a foundation for lasting growth. Your glow-up involves confronting and releasing internal blocks, embracing spiritual practices that focus on resilience, and pursuing healing with patience and determination.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Control and Rigidity
Capricorn in the twelfth house highlights the need to let go of rigid expectations, fears of failure, or subconscious patterns of self-doubt tied to a need for control. Your glow-up begins when you release the weight of perfectionism and learn to trust the process of transformation.
To glow up in this area, focus on practices that encourage surrender and acceptance, such as meditation, journaling about your fears, or breathwork. Letting go of the need to micromanage every detail of your life opens you to new possibilities.
Embrace Capricorn’s determination by setting intentions for gradual change. Your ability to take measured steps toward freedom ensures lasting growth.
Deep Healing: Structured and Empowering Practices
Capricorn in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that involve structure and long-term commitment. You excel when you incorporate discipline and consistency into your healing journey, making even the most profound transformations feel achievable.
To glow up your healing process, engage in practices like therapy, creating a step-by-step wellness plan, or establishing routines that prioritize self-care. Rituals that incorporate goal-setting or journaling your progress can provide clarity and a sense of accomplishment.
Embrace Capricorn’s grounded energy by viewing healing as a process of rebuilding. Your steady approach ensures you emerge from challenges stronger and more resilient.
Spiritual Practices: Grounded and Practical Rituals
Capricorn in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through grounding and purposeful practices. You find meaning in rituals that emphasize stability, structure, and connection to the natural world, such as mindfulness, working with Earth elements, or meditating on long-term intentions.
To glow up spiritually, focus on creating a disciplined spiritual practice. Setting aside time for daily meditation, gratitude journaling, or working with crystals like black tourmaline or smoky quartz can help anchor your energy.
Embrace Capricorn’s love for tradition by incorporating rituals that honor ancestral wisdom or cultural practices. Your spirituality flourishes when it’s both meaningful and rooted in action.
Creative Isolation: Building Foundations in Solitude
Capricorn in the twelfth house thrives in solitude, where you can channel your creativity into building something lasting and meaningful. Your glow-up involves using alone time to work on projects that align with your vision for growth and impact.
To glow up creatively, focus on long-term goals like writing a book, starting a personal blog, or crafting something tangible that reflects your inner journey. Capricorn energy excels when paired with patience and persistence, so embrace ambitious projects that challenge and inspire you.
Embrace Capricorn’s focus on mastery by treating your creative endeavors as a legacy. Your dedication and hard work turn your dreams into enduring achievements.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Aquarius ruling this house, your approach to these themes is innovative, visionary, and deeply intuitive. Ruled by Saturn and Uranus, Aquarius in the twelfth house brings a revolutionary energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of freeing yourself from outdated beliefs, embracing spiritual evolution, and exploring unconventional pathways to healing. Your glow-up involves breaking free from subconscious limitations, connecting to a higher vision of collective growth, and using solitude to innovate and inspire.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Mental Constraints
Aquarius in the twelfth house asks you to release rigid or outdated thought patterns that prevent you from embracing your uniqueness. You may unconsciously hold onto societal expectations or fear being misunderstood, limiting your ability to fully express your individuality.
To glow up in this area, focus on liberating practices like journaling to reframe limiting beliefs, exploring radical ideas, or using affirmations to affirm your unique brilliance. Releasing the need for conformity allows you to align with your authentic self.
Embrace Aquarius’ inventive nature by daring to question the status quo of your inner world. Your willingness to think differently ensures profound emotional and spiritual breakthroughs.
Deep Healing: Progressive and Transformative Practices
Aquarius in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that are unconventional, forward-thinking, and aligned with collective growth. You heal deeply when you embrace practices that connect your inner transformation to the larger world, such as group meditations, humanitarian projects, or technology-assisted wellness tools.
To glow up your healing journey, explore innovative therapies like sound healing, energy work, or biofeedback. Joining communities that focus on mental health or spiritual awakening can also provide support and insight.
Embrace Aquarius’ visionary energy by viewing your healing process as a pathway to inspiring others. Your ability to blend personal growth with collective evolution empowers you to create meaningful change.
Spiritual Practices: Visionary and Evolving Rituals
Aquarius in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through innovation, universal love, and a desire to understand the greater cosmic design. You find meaning in practices that merge intellect with intuition, such as astrology, astronomy, or studying metaphysics.
To glow up spiritually, focus on rituals that expand your understanding of the universe. Stargazing, meditating on the concept of interconnectedness, or exploring sacred geometry can align you with Aquarius’ higher frequencies.
Embrace Aquarius’ progressive nature by staying open to exploring new spiritual practices and technologies. Your path to spiritual growth is about constantly evolving and adapting to align with higher truths.
Creative Isolation: Innovating in Solitude
Aquarius in the twelfth house thrives in solitude where you can dream up revolutionary ideas and creative solutions. Your glow-up involves using your alone time to explore futuristic projects or artistic visions that push boundaries and inspire progress.
To glow up creatively, engage in projects like writing about futuristic themes, designing innovative art, or brainstorming solutions to global issues. Aquarius energy excels in spaces where creativity meets purpose, so pursue work that resonates with your desire to make a difference.
Embrace Aquarius’ originality by giving yourself the freedom to experiment and explore unconventional approaches. Your ability to innovate during moments of solitude is a gift to both yourself and the world.
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The twelfth house governs the subconscious, spiritual practices, deep healing, and the release of old patterns. With Pisces ruling this house, your approach to these themes is intuitive, empathetic, and deeply spiritual. Ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces in the twelfth house brings a mystical and imaginative energy to your inner world, emphasizing the importance of surrender, divine connection, and healing through compassion and creativity. Your glow-up involves releasing illusions and fears, embracing spiritual practices that align with your intuition, and allowing solitude to fuel your imagination and soul growth.
Letting Go of Old Patterns: Releasing Illusions and Fears
Pisces in the twelfth house invites you to release subconscious fears, escapist tendencies, or illusions that cloud your path. You may unconsciously hold onto fantasies or fears that prevent you from fully accessing your spiritual and emotional potential.
To glow up in this area, focus on gentle practices that help you surrender and trust the flow of life. Guided meditations, visualization exercises, or writing down fears and releasing them in rituals can help you let go of what no longer serves you.
Embrace Pisces’ compassionate energy by forgiving yourself for past mistakes and embracing the beauty of imperfection. Letting go of fear clears space for divine clarity and peace.
Deep Healing: Gentle and Intuitive Practices
Pisces in the twelfth house thrives on healing methods that nurture your emotional and spiritual core. You are drawn to practices that encourage introspection, connection with higher realms, and the release of emotional burdens.
To glow up your healing journey, engage in activities like dream analysis, energy healing, or working with water as a healing element. Spending time near the ocean, taking healing baths, or simply sitting by a river can be profoundly restorative.
Embrace Pisces’ empathetic nature by allowing yourself to feel your emotions fully and process them in a safe, loving space. Your intuitive connection to your inner world leads to deep and lasting healing.
Spiritual Practices: Mystical and Creative Rituals
Pisces in the twelfth house connects to spirituality through creativity, intuition, and transcendence. You find meaning in practices that help you merge with the divine and explore the infinite, such as meditation, prayer, or artistic expression.
To glow up spiritually, focus on rituals that enhance your connection to the divine. Try practices like automatic writing, painting as a form of meditation, or exploring music that resonates with your soul. Connecting with your dreams or exploring the Akashic Records can also deepen your spiritual practice.
Embrace Pisces’ mystical energy by approaching spirituality with open-hearted wonder. Your ability to merge intuition and creativity into your spiritual path allows you to transcend the ordinary and access divine wisdom.
Creative Isolation: Dreamlike Expression in Solitude
Pisces in the twelfth house thrives in creative solitude, where your imagination can flow freely and connect you to higher realms of inspiration. Your glow-up involves using this alone time to create art, music, or poetry that reflects your inner vision.
To glow up creatively, immerse yourself in projects that allow you to channel your emotions and spiritual insights. Pisces energy excels in creating ethereal and dreamlike works, so let your imagination guide you without judgment or limitation.
Embrace Pisces’ dreamy energy by allowing yourself to lose track of time in your creative process. Your solitude becomes a sacred space where magic and healing intertwine.
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Masterlist this series - TikTok (Matrix of Destiny) - Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
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rahuratna · 1 month ago
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Synopsis: Love brings its fair share of sweetness and desire. Headcanons for the companions, on the occasions that Tav charms them quite thoroughly.
Featuring: Headcanons for Tav/Reader x Halsin, Tav x Gale, Tav x Karlach and Tav x Astarion.
Contents: Romance, humour, suggestive language.
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
(Here I am readers, with more companion romance headcanons. They just keep coming. I am cringey. I embrace it.)
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"There, more to your left. Yes, that. Careful now. The footing's slippery, this hour of morning."
Elated, you placed your prize in your small satchel. The medicinal moss Halsin had taught you to identify and harvest would work wonders in creating more potent healing draughts.
Yes, they were found in the rather treacherous upper branches of the trees in this particular forest, but the hazard was well worth the -
Your triumph morphed within seconds to a sickening lurch in the stomach region, your foot sliding precariously along the branch you were perched on. You let out a decidedly undignified yelp as you struggled to find purchase and failed.
Halsin was shouting something up at you from where he stood at the base of the tree. Fingers scrabbling for a crevice, you managed, somehow, to cast an almost bungled spell of feather fall before you tumbled down through the foliage.
The effects of the spell took hold, not quite as effective as you'd hoped, somewhat slowing your descent. You braced yourself for the inevitable hard stop, only to find your shoulders and knees caught by a pair of the sturdiest arms you'd ever had the delight of reclining in.
Halsin offered you a reprimanding look.
"Didnt you hear me? I said I'd catch you."
"Ah ... well. Panic had me for a moment there."
The breadth of his chest against your side was warm, heavenly, on the verge of overwhelming. He shifted slightly, his expression turning amused when you showed no signs of wanting to get down.
"Am I to carry you back to camp then? While your delicate nerves recover?"
Amusement now foremost, you pressed a spontaneous kiss to his cheek, inhaling the scent of sunlight on grass, the fresh earthiness of meadowsweet in his hair.
Pulling away, you saw how the light dappled his skin in motley splendor, the faint lines at the corners of his eyes when he smiled, the slightly rougher patches of skin from long exposure to sun and wind.
Tracing a finger over the line of his jaw, you wondered at how the weathering of time and the elements could carve, with such grace, the story of a life well-lived.
"Carry me? Why, yes, that would be most welcome. Of course, you could change to a ... larger form if you wanted to make things easier."
You could feel the quiver of laughter, and the suppression of it as he pretended to consider your proposal.
"Hmm. I take it you refer to the boar? I'm not so sure that you'd find a comfortable seat on my back."
"I clearly wasn't referring to the boar."
He nodded sagely.
"The bear, eh?"
"Nothing else but the bear."
"You're rather ... enamoured of the bear, I take it?"
"I could be persuaded to admit it."
"Well, today won't be the day I persuade you with any other form. Rather ... "
Before you had a chance to protest, he'd tossed you gently over his shoulder, one large hand coming to rest your behind. He patted you firmly.
"Now this is fairly easy."
"Halsin, please - "
"You don't want to be carried? You were quite eager a minute ago."
"Well, yes, in a position that leaves my dignity intact."
He turned slightly, allowing you to see his mischievous smile.
"Ah. Dignity. Quite like clothes. We can do without them at times, don't you think?"
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"Is there something on my face?"
You glanced up teasingly, taking in his slightly flustered expression. Gale lowered the tome he had been 'absorbed' in, clearing his throat. Gods, you loved when he was visibly collecting himself. He didn't quite meet your gaze.
"No, not at all. But sometimes ... reading the countenance of someone dear to you is ... slightly more fascinating than academic pursuits."
Leaning back in your seat, you folded your arms.
"Gale. I never thought the day would come when you - "
"Please don't."
Mouth twitching in silent mirth, you take mercy on him.
"Fine. But you know, if you do want to perform a more ... thorough reading of my countenance, you're most welcome."
He set down his book with an audible thump.
"Ah. Hmm. That's very - "
"Oh, Gods below."
Standing abruptly, you leaned across the table and hoisted him toward you by the collar. The surprised huff that escaped him blew warm across your face, before you tugged him against you, lips moving firmly over his.
It doesn't take him long to find his confidence. It never does, once things have been initiated. Soon, you're the one being pulled forward across the wooden surface, sliding slightly awkwardly into his embrace.
Breaking away long enough to register that you are now practically on top of him, you glance down at the book, teetering precariously on the edge. 
"Gale, it's going to fall off the - "
The breath is abruptly knocked from your lungs as he draws you even closer, disregarding your warning entirely. The scrape of his beard against your lips, your chin, your neck, is intoxicating.
"Gale, wait - "
He hums, voice suddenly pitched lower, and you're reminded immediately of rainy days, closeted in his tower, your body arched beneath the lowering curve of his.
In spite of this highly distracting thought, the fate of the book nags at your mind. If anything, Gale was certainly rubbing off on you.
"The book - "
"I've got it."
Pressing lightly on his shoulders you glance around. The book had indeed fallen ... into the grasp of a ghostly hand, its outline barely visible, shimmering faintly.
The corner of Gale's mouth curved.
"Right there. Just so you know, I've written a dissertation on all the potential uses of the mage hand. Would you like me to demonstrate the parts that didn't make it to publication?"
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For a woman who embodied all that was vibrant and good-natured in the world, Karlach was certainly skilled at playing you like the proverbial fiddle when she put her mind to it.
Sometimes, you wondered whether she'd been taking tips from Astarion, but the manner by which she applied her charm was far too spontaneous to have originated from any advice he could have provided.
After it had been established that you were together, she'd made a habit of turning your cheeks a decidedly duskier shade whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Just yesterday, you'd gone out to collect firewood and she'd insisted on accompanying you. She'd selected suitable trees, lopping off branches with practiced strokes, muscles bunching and coiling as she swung the huge weapon with breathtakingly effortless ease. It didn't help that you'd been caught staring and she'd shot you a cheery wink.
This woman would be the death of you.
Today, it was the wagon.
Halsin had roped in some of his contacts in the locality to trade with you on occasion. These were trusted allies of his, and could be given the location of your camp without much worry.
The road getting here was rough going, though, and by the time the wagon of goods had trundled in, the wheels were decidedly worse for wear. As a gesture of goodwill, your companions had volunteered to replace them, Karlach eagerly taking the lead.
At first, you'd put it down to her ever-present desire to be of as much use to others as she could. When, however, she'd shrugged off her tunic, limbered up as if about to jump into battle and shot you a tell-tale glance before she lifted the cart right off the ground so that Wyll could slip the wheel off and replace it, you knew you were done for.
Feet braced, the tendons of neck and arms standing out, Karlach lifted her lambent eyes to yours and shot you that easy, charming grin, the one that had all too often haunted your more ... impure thoughts.
Oh, she was in for it. Two could play at that game.
Approaching the cart, you casually made your rounds, before sauntering over to her. Karlach's grin had grown noticeably wider with your proximity.
Stopping right beside her, you kept your gaze on the wheel change while your fingers danced lightly up the inside of her elbow. The wagon lurched a little and Wyll cleared his throat in warning.
Appearing the very vision of innocence, you smiled up at her, your touch inching further in, curling around her bicep. Heat flared to life beneath your delicate exploration.
"You really are something, Karlach. No wonder lifting me is such a breeze for you."
The comment was fully loaded with intent. The last time Karlach had lifted you had been  against the door of a room in an inn, and the circumstances had been ... less than chaste.
Glancing up, you saw that she was no longer smiling. She was now giving you that look, the soft, kindling, fire-bright sweetness that told you all too well that you'd better seek out some private nook, and soon.
Wyll cleared his throat.
"Karlach? The wagons tilting again."
"Eh? Oh, sorry."
Her head snapped forward and you took the opportunity to raise yourself slightly higher on your toes, pressing your lips, swift and intimate, to the corner of hers.
"See you later, soldier."
And by the Gods, did you feel her gaze scorch along your back as you strode away.
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You still had no idea why you'd agreed to this. You knew how it played out, every time, and yet, here you were, being positively demolished at game night with Astarion.
Since committing himself to you fully after Cazador's defeat, the proverbial floodgates of Astarion's long-suppressed nature had been dashed open.
He hid notes containing badly composed romantic poetry all over the camp for you to find, flung himself dramatically into your lap after a hard days grind, conspired with Scratch to hide your boots, sang loud, bawdy love songs with your name inserted when he helped with the washing up and forced you to wear matching colours when you went out into the city together.
He was lovely, your rogue who'd worn a thousand faces, but now he had regained so much more of himself. And as much as you appreciated every inch of him, he was a handful.
Especially on occasions like tonight.
You scrubbed a hand through your hair in frustration, shooting him an accusatory glance over the game board where your pieces told the sad, sad story of repeated defeat.
He examined his fingernails.
You growled.
"I told you that you weren't allowed to cheat."
"Cheating? Me?"
His artfully startled expression quickly morphed to one of mischievous glee.
"All right. Maybe I am. A little."
"My dove, consider it training, of a kind."
"I'm exceptionally skilled at sleight of hand. If you can learn to keep up with me, then it'll take a fantastic rogue to pull one over you."
He spread his hands and leaned back in his chair, infuriatingly handsome (and smug) as ever.  
"Besides, you're so pretty when you're ... frustrated. Reminds me of how you mewl when I - "
"I have never mewled. Or made any sound close to that."
"I beg to differ."
Your eyes dropped to the board, considering your next move, when something occurred to you.
Astarion had always been the one to fluster and flatter with his honeyed words in the past, none of which had been truly sincere.
Now though ...
If the kindling of his heart had showed you anything, it was that even he could be susceptible to the charms of someone he truly cared for.
You decided to put it to the test.
Drumming your fingers on the table top, you nodded slowly.
"I agree with you on one thing, at least. You are very skilled at sleight of hand."
He opened his mouth to reply, confidence in the set of his smirk, but you interrupted him.
"Similarly, I am skilled at certain things. Maybe even more so than you."
Oh, now you did have his attention. He paused and arched an eyebrow.
"Well, I won't argue with that. But ... what skills are you speaking of, exactly?"
You briefly lifted your eyes from the game board, fixing him with a penetrating stare.
"I'm a ranger by profession, a hunter through and through. Once I set my sights on a target, there's no getting away."
He was leaning forward now, intrigued.
"Hmm. I've seen that, yes."
"And even though I knew you were not all you appeared to be when we first met, I did set my sights on you."
Nonchalantly, you threw the thought out before returning to the game, offering no further elaboration. Astarion shifted in his seat slightly. You held in your smile.
Eventually, he cleared his throat.
"What do you mean by ... set your sights on me?"
You glanced up, earnestly taking him in.
"I knew you were special, I suppose. My instinct told me so. I learned your scent, as well as you knew mine. I learned your gait so that I always knew where you were, even in the dark. I noticed how you styled your hair, because it told me the kind of mood you were in that day. I studied your drinking patterns, so that I could offer you my blood before you grew truly hungry."
Astarion's eyes were widening slowly. You pretended not to notice as you continued.
"Oh yes. There were many things. Most of all, though ... "
And here you placed a hand gently under his chin, tilting his head to admire him better in the dim light of the camp lantern.
"I learned that you like your name on my tongue, in all its variations."
His voice was positively faint now.
You offered him a radiant smile, one that drew on every ounce of affection you had for him.
"My sweet star. My unruly nightingale. My beautiful shadow. My bewitching blade dancer. I'll praise you in every form."
And there it was.
Maybe it was only possible due to the fact that he had fed on you a short while before, but the faintest of russet hues, delicate and fleeting, had appeared on the elegant bridge of his nose. You smiled, pressing your lips gently to the tip of it.
"Shall we say I win tonight?"
He let out a shaky breath.
"The victory is yours, my darling."
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fancyperfectionsweets · 2 months ago
Astrology Observations 🖤🔪
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Starting my own personal astrology observation series because I just have something's to say. Do not come for me. I'm not an astrologer. I'm just super interested in vedic astrology:
🥀 I'm starting right hot with a vedic one. Your planets aren't debilitated in a zodiac sign. They are debilitated in a particular sign in particular degrees. You know why? Because debilitation is based on nakshatras which are based on degrees in zodiac sign. For example, moon is only debilitated till 3° in Vishakha nakshatra, not in Anuradha or Jyestha nakshatra. So if you have a higher degree scorpio moon, it's not debilitated.
🥀 Neptune first house is said to attract a lot of copycats. However, most astrologers forget that they themselves could be copycats. Neptune in 1st house especially doesn't understand its own potential so they are prone to copying other people's styles when it comes to fashion, speaking etc.
🥀 I know that ketu's synastry (south node) synastry is karmic. However, nothing is as soul wrenching than that. Ketu conjunct venus in a synastry is "you stir up my soul kinda love" where Venus feels this way. While ketu doesn't feel to this degree. This is exactly why it can be so painful if the ketu person does not reciprocate. They have the potential to really hurt venus.
🥀 Having your atmakaraka (highest degree planet) and darkaraka (lowest degree planet) in the same house indicates somewhere that your spouse will help you achieve your soul's purpose.
🥀 Chiron is not considered a part of vedic astrology. However, it still does stand very true when it comes to lifelong lessons and wounds. I have a 10th house Chiron and I have struggled professionally because of perceived being a certain way. I have venus there which kind of softens it's effects but I'm viewed as airheaded by people in the workplace or my fashion is always a topic with my managers 🥲
🥀 In my personal experience, having way too many planets in one house makes your personality very one sided. Your life focus becomes that house's theme and depending on the house, it can be good or bad. I know someone who has a second house stellium of 5 personal planets. Sun, jupiter, saturn, mercury and , venus and he's very money + luxury driven (2nd house is the house of Taurus).
🥀 A man loves a woman who represents Venus, lusts over lilith, thinks the perfect wifey material is his moon sign but is destined to marry his darkaraka (lowest degree) planet. This is why when moon or venus is darkaraka, it's considered lucky because by default, he'd be more inclined to be happy with her because he'd be easily attracted to her.
🥀 Having moon in the first house and sun in the 10th house means you don't feel confident in yourself but other people do since they view you as your sun and not your inner self (moon), especially in the workplace. If vice versa, sun in 1st and moon in 10th, you'd be confident in yourself but people will view you as unstable and emotional (especially if the moon is in Pisces or cancer).
🥀 Ketu in 9th house culture is not believing or depending on luck. They feel like everything needs to be earned.
🥀 An exalted Pisces venus in the 12th house is super lucky but somehow delulu? They give and give and if not careful, people will literally rip your heart apart. Please safeguard yourself 🥺
🥀 Having an unstable home is having chiron, pluto, scorpio, ketu or saturn in the 4th house. If you have any of these placements, I'm sorry for you. I hope you can heal that inner child.
🥀 In my personal opinion, venus in first house isn't a pretty person placement. It's a charming person placement. You're likable and easily form connections and grow.
That's a wrap 🖤
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misserabella · 3 months ago
thristy for you
vamp! spencer x fem! reader
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summary; after being experimented on, spencer starts to feel really strange, what happens when myth becomes reality for him?
cw; +18 content! minors dni!, hospitals, mentions of needles and experiments, blood tests, blood (duh), a smidge of angst, blood drinking, aphrodisiac effects, reader and spencer basically being in heat, hair pulling, lots of biting, tit and nipple play, dry humping, fingering, oral sex (r! receiving), piv sex, unprotected sex, creamp¡e,…
a/n; i’m a little sad with the result but i thought i should post it
the hospital lights are burning him, his skin feels like it’s on fire, and he’s in so much pain spencer thinks he might die.
his team had finally found him, after three horrid days of the experiments carl peters had put him through. he had been prodded with so many needles, inyected with a handful of different substances… he had lost count of the times the unsub had woken him up for another new round of tests, putting burning lights to his pupils, taking his dna, taking blood samples, opening his mouth in search of something spencer had no idea of…
and now, he was being treated at a hospital that had no idea what was wrong with him. they’d tried everything, had gone through every single test and still… nothing. everything came back clear. so why? why was he feeling this way?
at least you were there for him, holding his hand. his beautiful girlfriend, who was now crying because of him, because of his unexplained suffering.
“don’t cry…” he shivered, squeezing your hand.
“how can’t i? you’re in pain.”
“i’m okay. i’ll be okay.” he promised.
more like… he lied.
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things only got worse after that.
spencer was weak, and dizzy all the time. his skin would burn easily under the sun, for which he had to wear lots of sun screen, and if he stood too much time under the heat, he would get this awful migraines that would leave him bed-bound for the rest of the day.
he couldn’t understand. couldn’t understand how he’d gained strength, his body winning muscle he had never had, or speed, catching unsubs in just two strides of his legs, or how his sight had healed, his glasses now making him see blurry.
he could hear things clearer, see things better… he could see better in the night even, when he felt more active, reading and reading in search of answers. nothing. absolutely and utterly nothing.
he thought he was going crazy, even more when he started to smell you everywhere. you could be meters away from him at the bullpen and he could smell your perfume, the natural scent of your soft and warm skin, hear your heartbeat, hear the way your heart pumped blood through your veins.
he couldn’t eat. he couldn’t sleep. he was scared. scared for himself and for you.
what if he had turned in some kind of monster? what if he would hurt you without meaning to?
he took the couch endless nights to keep you at an arm’s length. to keep you safe. but he too was weak, and missed you.
so here you were, late at night sharing your bed.
“i’ve missed you.” you muttered as you pulled him closer, feeling the tension in his body. he seemed to be containing his breath.
you were killing him.
“i’ve missed you too, angel.” and he had, he loved you with his whole heart, but this closeness would be the end of him.
your fingers raked through his hair. “you’re so tense, spence, relax…” you whispered. “it’s just me.”
yeah, that’s the problem.
he was surrounded by you, by your smell, your presence. he couldn’t scape.
did he wanted to?
he subconsciously sought more of you, pulling you closer, pressing you against his chest, and buried his face on the conjuncture of your neck and shoulder, humming when your smell heightened. you sighed when you felt his lips caress your skin. his hands tightened around you and he felt hunger. a hunger that he’d never felt before. the sound of your heartbeat reverberated through his head, through his entire body.
“baby…” he almost whimpered as his tongue licked a stripe up the vein on your neck. he could almost taste you. he felt a pain on his gums, and then there was relief.
and before he knew it, he was biting down, hard, on you. all breath left your lungs at the momentary pain before pleasure filled your veins. spencer moaned when it hit him. warm, sticky. gulp after gulp of your blood filled his mouth before he recognized what was happening, what made him scatter away from you in a hurry.
“oh my god. baby, i’m so sorry.” you looked at him with glassy eyes, mind fuzzy with the after effects of the bite. a pang of hunger hit spencer at the sight of droplets of blood falling down the mark on your neck. “what have i done?” he said, his voice full of panic.
his mind conjures all the proof: speed, sight, hearing, strength, weakness under the sun, unnatural hunger and now…
fangs. spencer had fucking fangs.
“it can’t be.” he muttered to himself. it was supposed to be mythology, not reality. vampires were not real. and yet…
“i’m a monster.” you stared at him, at the blood dripping down his chin and staining his lips. you should’ve felt embarrassed at the pang of desire that went in between your legs.
“spence.” you whined his name. he was too far away. and you were feeling fuzzy, too hot, too needy. too turned on. you should be scared. should be asking questions. but all you wanted in that instant is for him to bite you again, to continue making you feel this good.
he stared at you, at the way your nipples pushed against —his— your tee-shirt, how your pupils were blown, how your smell had changed, pheromones filling the air. he had read about this. had read about myths of the bite of a vampire having aphrodisiac effects on their pray so they wouldn’t escape. he went back to you, one of his cold hands cupping your cheek, the feeling of it cooling your own burning skin making you sigh.
“are you okay?” he inquired.
“i don’t know… feels… weird.” you muttered, trying to make him understand, he looked at you as if he were expecting more. “i want more.”
“you want more?” you nodded.
“i want you to bite me again.” his whole body turned cold before turning hot.
“no.” he shook his head. “i can’t.”
“you don’t understand, i will hurt you. i won’t be able to stop.”
“you already did it once.” “also, hasn’t it made you feel better? less dizzy? does your head still hurt?” you inquired and… indeed, he felt better. “you need this, spence. and i wanna give it to you… please?”
that broke him.
“promise me you’ll tell me to stop if you want to?”
“what if i don’t want to?”
“jesus, sweetheart.” he was quick to top you, his hips slotting in between your open thighs, his lips on yours. it was a messy kiss, wet, all tongue and teeth as you took from the other. “you don’t know how hard it’s been… with you smelling like this all the time… tasting like this.” his lips moved to the bite on your neck, licking the pouring blood from your skin. “so fucking sweet…” and then his fangs were back at breaking your skin again, making the two of you moan, you at the wave of pleasure that hit you, and him at the taste of your blood flooding his mouth once again.
your hips rutted upwards against him subconsciously, and spencer groaned, thrusting down against you in answer, what made you whimper. “god…” your fingers laced on his hair once again to pull him closer. “don’t stop, feels so good…”
“i’m sorry, fuck, i’m so sorry, i can’t stop…” he mumbled.
“don’t. just don’t.” you moaned as he whimpered, rutting against you. his hands went to your tee-shirt, his new awakening strength tearing it apart in one swift movement, exposing you to his hungry eyes. his tongue licked at the bite mark before his lips trailed down to your chest, fangs leaving new marks in your clavicles. you pulled at his shirt. “fuck. what have you done to me?” you inquired him in a whine, your back arching. spencer’s hands found your breasts, toying with your nipples before his mouth latched into one of them.
“i don’t know. i’m sorry.” but he was just as gone as you were, high on your blood. he was so hard. so needy. so turned on it physically hurt.
“need you.” you pleaded and he hummed around your nipple, flicking it with his tongue, sucking with his lips and letting it go with a pop before answering.
“tell me what you need.”
“your mouth. please.” he was quick to move downwards. pressing kisses down your stomach until he was finally face to face with your throbbing cunt.
he kissed at your inner thigh, sinking his teeth on your flesh once again, making your back arch as he drank. your hands found his hair to keep him there, writhing underneath him as he hummed. then, he licked the bite clean and moved towards your core.
“god. you smell so good…” he said as he pressed a kiss to your drenched panties, his tongue licking up the cotton and making you whimper. “just thinking about how good you’ll taste is gonna make me cum.” he groaned.
“spence… please…” you tugged at his hair, making him moan as he licked at you with your panties still on, drenching them even more with his spit. he humped the mattress, looking for relief before his fingers found the cotton and pushed it aside.
“so pretty…” he muttered at the sight of you, clit swollen, drenched folds and twitching entrance. and then he was diving in. a silent moan made your mouth fall open, your back arching as he licked a long stripe up your folds to your clit, groaning at your taste before sucking on the bud. he could cum like this, with his tongue fucking into you and his hips thrusting against the mattress.
“spencer…” you moaned when one of his fingers plunged inside, thrusting into you slowly, deeply as he circled your clit with his tongue. “god, fuck, don’t stop.” you were so sensitive due to the bite’s effect that just a few more flicks of his tongue will have you coming undone.
and so he didn’t stop, not until your moans got higher in volume, your grip on his hair tightened, your walls clamped around his now two fingers and you came with a scream, your hips fucking against his tongue as he fucked you through it.
when he pulled his fingers out of you, he brought them to his mouth to lick him clean, what made you absolutely feral and made you scram over to him, meeting him in a hungry and desperate kiss. you could taste yourself on his tongue, the juices of your blood and your cunt mixing heavenly, pulling from his shirt until he was rushing out of it. your mouth watered at the sight of his now more muscular body. you kissed at his jaw, at his neck, at his chest, as your hand came down to his throbbing cock, palming him though his boxers.
“fuck…” he cursed, his dick twitching at the contact, hips searching for more and thrusting against your hand.
“you’re so hard…” you sighed, and moved with him as you pushed at his chest, making him flop back onto the bed to get on top of him, not before getting rid of your soaked panties.
“only for you, angel. fuck.” he groaned as you sat yourself on him, rocking your hips against his, humping his clothed cock in heat.
“want it inside.” you muttered against his lips, and he groaned again, nodding. you helped him get rid of his remaining clothes, his throbbing dick resting against his stomach, head beaded in precum and rosy.
you didn’t waste any time in taking him in your hand and aligning him with your entrance, pumping him twice —even though he didn’t need it— before sinking down onto him. the two of you moaned at the feeling, him at your tightness and you at the fullness that he brought you.
“oh, fuck.” his grip on your hips subconsciously tightened, bruising your skin, but you didn’t care. you needed to move. and so you did.
the first jump on his cock was heavenly, it getting better as you found your rhythm, your tight cunt gripping him with every up and down.
“shit, baby. you feel so good. so good…” he moaned, kissing you, wet tongue pushing into your mouth. you corresponded, the kiss being so messy, spit dripped down your chin.
“spencer…” you moaned. “bite me.” you went harder down on him as his tip bumped against your g spot, your moans hiking on volume as his lips found your neck.
“you want me to bite you, baby?” you nodded.
“please…” you pleaded.
“whatever you want, angel.” he replied before giving you what you wanted, the wave of pleasure had you screaming.
“fuck. i’m gonna cum.” you cried out, continuing your movements with the help of spencer, since you had started to get sloppy. he groaned against your neck and rose his hips to find yours, fucking into you. with a couple more thrusts he was easily bringing you to your orgasm. you screamed, hot white pleasure hitting your body, vision blurry as wave after wave hit you.
spencer moaned when he felt you clench around him, walks pulsing around his cock. he moved away from your neck and continued to fuck into you, fucking you though it.
“i’m close.” he murmured, and you moaned. “where do you want it?”
“inside please, cum inside.” you begged, and that was it for him, with one, two, three more thrusts spilling into you with a moan.
his load was creamy, heavy and warm, filling you up to the brim.
“fuckfuckfuckfuck” he cursed over and over again as he rode it.
after the high went away, the two of you found yourselves panting to try and get your breaths even once again.
“are you okay?” his instincts kicked in, his hands cupping your cheeks.
you smiled, kissing his lips softly.
“never been better.”
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astrocafecoffee · 6 months ago
Born persona (13954) chart notes
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♡ sun in 23° or 11°/ in Aquarius can indicate you are born to be famous in social media at some point.
♡ Sun in 1st house can mean people literally admire you for your beauty. You can be a great "Beauty symbol".
♡ mars in Aquarius/ in Aquarius degree can mean people are obsessed with you in your social group, even in social media.
♡ if you have born asteroid in 27° / 3°/ 15° then people listens to you very carefully. Peoples comes to you for advice. You are born to be a great speaker / motivator.
♡singer asteroid ( 10698) in 10th house / in leo degree / in leo can mean you are born to be famous as a singer / musician.
♡ I have seen also people with gemini mc are also great singers. These peoples can sing really well even if they've never learned how to sing.
♡ Aphrodite ( 1388) asteroid in 10th house can indicate people sextualise you a lot in your work place . / People crushing on you like hell.
♡ Aphrodite in Aquarius/ Aquarius degree can mean people seeing you in internet and sextualising your every move.
♡ Aphrodite in 8th house/ in scorpio/ scorpio degree - bye! Be careful guys. 💀
♡ midheaven in Pisces/ or 12° and 24° can mean you can be like the "face of the office". People hiring you for your beauty in their office/ work.
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♡ Apollo asteroid in leo / in leo degrees/ in 5th house can indicate you are born to be famous through your artistic career/ or people admiring you in your social circle.
♡ part of fortune in 12th house can indicate being favourite child of divine or you are very spiritual. You are born to motivate people/ help people through your spiritual practices.
♡ Jupiter in Taurus degree / in Taurus can indicate you are born to be rich. But remember everything wants effort. So put your efforts, you will see great result in your financial area.
♡ Jupiter in cancer / Virgo can indicate you are born to heal people. It can be through anything.
♡north node in 2° / Taurus can indicate born to be rich.
♡ 1998 - BU48 ( 33128)at 29°/ in Taurus or in Taurus degree - people know that you are rich af.
♡ Venus in Sagittarius/ in Sagittarius degree could mean most of your partner is different than you in some way. ( Either different upbringing, different language, different morals, different cultures/ countries etc).
♡ Venus in 11th could mean most of your good in making friends online/ from different part of the world.
♡ Fama in 1st house is self explanatory, born to be famous for your looks in your circle / in media. If it's conjunct webb or europa asteroid then the effect is strong.
♡ Webb conjunct rising means you will blow up internet. There's no going back.
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♡ industria/ enterprise asteroid at Scorpio could mean you are born to be a great psychologist.
♡ Capricorn stellium/ leo stellium/ 5th house stellium/ 10th house stellium - you will be very well known / famous.
♡1999 CE119 ( 129746) in 1st house could mean attaining high status for your glamorous beauty.
♡ saturn conjunct fama - you will experience long term fame.
♡ born asteroid conjunct fama - ofcourse you will be famous. But 1st of all are you ready for hard work? ... You can achieve anything if you work hard for it.
♡ North node in 9th house - you will live abroad at some point of your life.
♡ talent asteroid will help you to find out your hidden talent or in which area you are best in.
♡in which ever sign groom / briede / juno asteroid is in , this sign can be significant in your fs chart.
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Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
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