53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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Nicole McLaughlin: ‘Teacup Headphones’
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La Belle Assemblée
Fashions for September, 1806
Explanation of the Prints of Fashion
General Observations on the Fashions
Our fair correspondents will be aware that at this season of the year, there is little necessity, or opportunity for a lengthened description of full dress. The retirement of many of our fashionable women to their country seats, where an elegant simplicity of attire takes place of splendour, orto watering-places, where a sort of equilibrium between the former and the latter, is considered as the criterion of a good taste, will confine us more immediately to that style of costume which by many is considered as the most becoming garb in which our fair countrywomen can be exhibited.
There is a sort of interesting negligence in a well-chosen half-dress, which attracts more than the eye. The brilliancy of full dress, with all its splendid decorations, will dazzle by its lustre; it is the studied ornament which has custom and rule for its guide; and is often necessarily adopted in conformity to some established law, and to keep up that nice distinction of order in a community which is the regular and separating quality in politics and morals.
But in the half dress, which is only methodized by the taste and elegance of the wearer, you read something of the real character, and a penetrating observer will trace many of the properties of the mind and of the heart. "Show me a lady's dressing-room," says an author well acquainted with human nature, "and I will tell you what manner of person she is;" surely then a more decisive opinion may be formed from the general attire of a female*.
After these remarks, it is but justice to observe, that the majority of our present race of females need not shrink from the scrutinizing eye of enquiry on this head; for in looking back to the various habits of their predecessors, we cannot but acknowledge their improvement in simplicity and elegance.
Never was there a period which exhibited a greater variety of female decoration; and it is almost as difficult to find a costume to condemn, as to describe that to which we give a decided preference. Our general observation of style and effect differs little from the communications of last month. Short dresses continue as a morning habiliment. They are either made high in the neck with collars or ruffs; or cut low, and worn with an embroidered shirt of the same. The shirt handkerchief is now invariably worn without a collar, by those females whose throats will bear exposition; the shirt, however, sets close round the throat, and is finished either with a border of needle-work, or a plaiting of net. Dress gowns are made with long trains, and generally high in the bosom, so as to preclude the necessity of a handkerchief. The perfectly square fronts prevail over every other; and are particularly becoming to a round well-made bust. The backs are still very low, and the shoulders quite exposed, except where the ever graceful veil falls tastefully from the head which it ornaments, and, kindly considerate, casts over them the shade of modesty. The long sleeve of worked muslin, or spider net, is sometimes worn in an evening, but the short sleeve is more general, as well as more consistent; they are worn rather more full on the top than formerly, and are sometimes looped up almost behind with broaches of various descriptions, at other times so short as to admit a falling of lace. We have observed the sash adopted lately by many élégantes, some flowing from the edge of the waist behind, others tied with a small bow in front, and the ends of the ribband put into a sort of tassel of floss silk, formed like a tube, and finished with a cone, or round button, of the same, which passes through, and is suspended from it. The Gipsy cloak still retains its place in the estimation of our fashionable females, but the ribband is not, as formerly, passed through the hem, but is now laid flat all round; and is generally of the changeable, or mistake ribband. The spenser à la Turk as described in our last Number, is much worn in a morning. The coloured silk bonnet, formed of handkerchiefs, are very general, as are those of sarsnet, covered with leno, or muslin; these are mostly of the turban, or Minerva shape. Caps of lace, muslin, or spider net, are much in vogue; they are worn either with a plaiting of net round, which is often continued under the chin, a flower is sometimes introduced in front, or on the side; the mob cap is on the decline.
The coloured tambour, or shawl bordering, is making rapid advances in the sphere of fashion; when attached to a printed dress, the latter ornament must ever be considered as a redundant and vulgar addition, but a border of tambour or embroidery in well-chosen and well-arranged colours, on cambric muslin, or even a delicate printed border on plain jaconet, or mull muslin, has an animated and pleasing effect. We are led to believe that this last mentioned decoration will be generally adopted in the winter, as also white and coloured bugle trimmings.
The Turkish robe of lavender coloured sarsent, is a very new and elegant habit; it is lined with white, and has a plaiting of net round a falling collar, continued down the sides of the robe, which flows open, and discovers a chemisette of the same material as that of which the robe is formed. Straw hats are not so distinguishing an ornament as formerly; those of the gipsy and double turban form are the only ones admitted by females of the haut ton. Bouquets are but partially adopted, and are never seen but on women of taste; we could wish to observe this simple and native ornament more prevalent; a rose, a sprig of geranium, myrtle, or jessamine, either separate, or blended, has a most lively effect, and attracts by its simplicity. Large silk shawls have been seen on many of our women of fashion; they were lately the distinguishing ornament of two young brides, celebrated for their rank and beauty; who wore them thrown over one shoulder, and the contrary end brought under the opposite arm, and flowing in a kind of Grecian fold over a dress of white muslin. These elegant and interesting females wore their hair in simple curls on the forehead; the one had a diamond broach in front, and a comb to correspond; the other wore the comb only. The pea blossom of foil is a new and attractive ornament, it is generally worn in front of the hair, or on the side of the temple over the left eye. We observe very few females with plain bands of hair, they are now relieved with a few curls; the common mode of wearing the hair is by parting it near the forehead; and that which ornaments the back of the head is twisted in the form of a cable, or formed into a small bow, and fastened with a diamond, pearl, or gold comb; the velvet band is often seen, and ornaments of various kinds. Shoes and gloves of Melbourn brown, dove-colour, or straw. The prevailing colours are lavender blossom, pink, yellow, and lemon. The mistake ribband is much used in trimmings on the gipsy cloak, or at the bottom of a plain muslin dress it has a particularly striking and pleasing effect. Work and lace is introduced in all parts of the dress; and the feathered border of tufted cotton, or lamb’s wool, in colours, is quite a new invention, and is likely to become very prevalent.
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fatpunkstudio · 1 year
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Adorned with a statement “King Lion” snapback crown, this tattoo portrait evokes the bold allure of our luxury embroidered headwear. Discover the look via the link below or Etsy shop.
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plasticsweets · 9 months
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The Messianic Prophecies veil, Krad Lanrete
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cloth-fabric · 15 days
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yueqi qi - ss25
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lucky-fydraws · 2 months
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ArtFight attack on @frogcroaks :D
I told you I wanted to draw them on Twitter, and here they are indeed!
These designs were immediate favorites when you posted them. When  you mentioned Nekomata liked soft drinks, my immediate thoughts went to the numerous vending machines in the streets of many Japanese cities and towns... So this little scene, with Bakeneko holding such a drink and Nekomata wanting a sip, quickly manifested itself in my mind.
It was the occasion to practice perspective and urban backgrounds. I also tested out my new grey fineliners, but unfortunately, the scanner doesn't really like them much (the black ones are processed just fine), so I had to overlay the sketch I had scanned earlier.
I messed up the character perspective, though. I know Nekomata looks smaller here, even though they're taller than Bakeneko :(
I hope you'll like this!
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celifin · 5 months
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had a revelation about alhaitham's colors you see
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cuties-in-codices · 16 days
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noblewomen's headwear
in 15th c. manuscript illustrations, mostly french and dutch
sources: Paris, BnF, Français 2693, fol. 64v // Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 53, fol. 3r // Paris, BnF, Ms-5070 réserve, fol. 120r, 260v, and 387r // Basel, Universitätsbibl., O I 18, fol. 50v // Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1857, fol. 51r // Paris, BnF, Français 77, fol. 242v // Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 49, fol. 91r
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crystallizsch · 1 month
ehehe reposting these from this old ask bc glorious masquerade is coming :D (also hi hamilton musical lyric reference)
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bebemoon · 19 days
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look for the name ROSEMMA (requested by anonymous) | simone rocha for jean paul gaultier laced-up lingerie patchwork dress w/ trailing ribbons and tulle crinoline (couture s/s 2o24), junko shimada "floating" high-heeled satin pointe shoes (s/s 2oo9), shushu/tong fluttering ribbon silver metal and rhinestone headband, byredo "la tulipe" eau de parfum (cyclamen, freesia, rhubarb, tulip, blond woods, vetiver), christian dior pink satin lace-up corset handbag w/ metal "dior" logo on strap (c. 2oo4)
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daguerreotyping · 2 months
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Tintype of best buds in bowler hats enjoying a joke for two, c. 1880s
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53v3nfrn5 · 10 months
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Giorgio Armani Privé: Fall/Winter (2012)
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gabriel-kilpatrick · 4 months
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brimmed headwear piece i made in 2021
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
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flower crown Scar for a friend because im a weak weak man and cannot refuse drawing polish folk costumes on my favourite guy + nocnica Pearl (amazing design by @akuroshi1) and południca Scar for anon
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sesamenom · 5 months
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downsides of treelight hair: must either wear a veil at night or deal with treelight in your face
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cloth-fabric · 3 months
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kidsuper - ss25
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