#headmate: merlin
interstellarchaosss · 3 months
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I was feeling pretty species dysphoric, so this is more of a personal-ish comig thing about it and phantom limbs. Regarldess of being personal to me you're free to share, it wouldn't be here otherwise.
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 3h Original Date: 16.06.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of: Merlin [Headmate] (System Member Artist: Merlin)
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interstellarsystem · 2 months
Disorder Differences in Systemmates
Systemmates share the same brain, which often leads to the assumption that they're all affected the same by the brain itself. Its wiring, its abilities, and its disabilities. But symptom holders or those with intra-disorders are fairly common--at least in circles we run in--and they're not often talked about for fear of fakeclaiming or appearing ableist. We have headmates who are affected in all sorts of different ways by our disabilities. Some find things harder than others, while others actually find some tasks or symptoms easier to manage. It absolutely varies from headmate to headmate, which makes certain headmates better suited for fronting during certain times than others.
Merlin is more affected by our psychosis, particularly hallucinations, and xe tends to be more susceptible to paranoia. Mystery is a psychosis holder too, and has more positive symptoms like hallucinations than the rest of us, but is less affected negatively by it. It often hallucinates and falls into delusional thinking, but it's not really too bothered by it. So Mystery is a good choice for someone to front when we're having a psychotic episode. Sometimes, having Merlin cofront with Mystery makes it easier for Merlin to not be so susceptible to xyr symptoms.
I (Martin) have more obvious anxiety than the rest of us, and struggle much more in social situations. I'm much better at hyperfocusing on tasks, though. So I'm better suited for staying home and working on whatever the current project we have at the time, or keeping our to-do lists in check. Vince on the other hand is calm in most social situations that are more professional--so he's good for business meetings and such. In more casual conversation though, Vena and Merlin are much better at it and better suited to non-professional social groups.
Vince is an intra-NPD holder and also holds stronger symptoms of our BPD. He struggles immensely with percieved rejection, much more than the rest of us. But he also almost completely lacks empathy, which makes it much easier for him to be calm and logical in stressful situations. He finds it easier to help friends and those he cares about during stressful times because he's not weighed down by feeling their emotions--whereas the rest of us might break down from stress.
We talk a bit about mental disability differences in headmates more than those who differ physically. Somehow it seems more controvertial to mention that we have headmates that differ with physical symptoms while even in safe system spaces. It seems like most people (us somewhat included) mainly think of symptom holders as a mental disorder thing--a line of thinking we're trying to dispel. Headmates can have different disabilities and symptoms of all kinds, and it's not ableist or "harmful" to know that and speak about it. Headmates with different conditions to the body need to be recognised more.
Mike needed a cane in his memories and he absolutely needs our cane when he fronts more than the rest of us. He feels more at home and like himself having a cane by his side here, though, so it's good we already had one. I (Martin) need it more too--my joints are just more prone to pain. But our cane folds up nicely into our bag, so if we switch out in public, it's always with us just in case. Even if it's silly, we feel safer having a cane too--I mean, it's a metal pole. We're out as trans and clearly not your Regular Society Member, so it provides some feeling of safety to have.
Jayfeather was blind before, and since coming here he sure can see now, but he's much more light sensitive than the rest of us. The feeling of being able to see was nice at first, even if it was foreign, but sometimes he feels it's not worth the hassle. He needs to wear sunglasses when fronting because his eyes just end up hurting from even small amounts of light. Crowley is the same, except he wasn't blind in his memories--he just got used to always wearing sunglasses in his life to hide how his eyes looked, and needs them here now. They're both more prone to migraines due to this.
Merlin is more shaky on his feet than others who front often. His legs are digitigrade and in headspace he has his wings and tail to balance him there--but in the body, he doesn't have any of that. His legs are the wrong shape and he has no counterweight to his posture. Even with our cane, he's more prone to tripping than most.
Mystery was a godlike being that didn't need to eat human food, or any physical food at all. It often forgets that eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom are things the body needs to do, because it doesn't often feel the need to do them. That can be good if we're running low on food, or if we can't eat for a while such as before a medical procedure though, so it's useful in its own way. Mystery is also not used to using its hands for intricate things like tying shoelaces, as it's hands before we're longer, bigger, and mainly nonphysical. It didn't need to be intricate, so it's hard for it to do things others in here can.
There's so many more examples in our system. The thing is, there can be positives and negatives to any disorder, really--and headmates are no different with that. We don't necessarily assign headmates "roles" or "jobs" based on their symptoms or lack thereof, but for us to function better as a collective, people tend to gravitate toward doing certain things they know others can't. It's important for us to know how we differ with our disabilities, and work around them together as best we can.
Systemmates with different symptoms aren't uncommon, and they're not mocking disabled people, or lying for some benefit. I'd argue that for some systems with symptom holders or intra-disorder holders, it's increcibly important to know about how you differ and how to work together to be functional--whatever functional means for you.
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planetsnakes · 2 months
convos with ly, a compalation
This is really funny, just mostly to me
Me texting: or else i go off the rails and write dragons
Lysander the king of being sensible: why
me: cuz
ly: why
me: FLYING FURNACE CATS... also a deep inability to take myself seriously
Me: *crying abt merlin*
Kilgarrah (on tv he's not in my brain): A half cannot truely hate what makes it whole
Me: you see deep down we all love each other, the dragon said so
Ly: so Arthur and Merlin are Kilhgarrah's headmates
Me: 0:
Me: *panic*
Lysander the aroace king: *smack on da lips* you can do this cutie
Me: you're a waste of good looks
Ly: I'm eyecandy
Cat: ...
Ly: ...
Cat: It's my turn to draw
Ly: but I havent finished
Cat: it's been a week :(
Ly: *does not fkin draw again for MONTHS*
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feeshybeach · 7 months
trannytek -> feeshybeach
collective names : Tango, Jimmy, Scott
collective pronouns : he/sea/ice/cold/snow/fire/flames
other info ? : 21 years old. polyfrag DID sys w/ OCD, BPD, AUDHD, and other disabilities. certified tranny fag. gay lover. a bear in both the gay term and because I will eat so many blueberries and then sleep for days on end... we're actively delusional at times and can truly believe we are c!tango, c!jimmy, and c!scott. do not reality check us. Doing so will result in an instant block <3
tldr : collectively disabled and mentally ill bitch whos insane about flower ranchers o7
* not completely finished but good enough!!
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I love writing gay shit between minecraft characters. You should give me prompts and ideas for general mcyt fanfic ideas. Blinks at you. My art and writing blog is @transmodifiedtek. I don't often use it and may phase it out. who knows? I sure as heck don't! :3
I will likely be phasing out the art blog and just post here, I am unsure!!
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We are fluid with the language we use on ourselves, including but not limited to; parts, alters, headmates, and sometimes, the bitches who eats my cheese at 3 am!!
we don't expect much from our followers but to simply be kind. That's literally it. dms, asks, etc, are always open! interact with us!! we don't bite unless you ask!!
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main fandoms;
Hermitcraft, empires s2, life series, dsmp, team crafted / old mcyt, yogscast, my little pony, HOMESTUCK, TOME (terrain of magical expertise), BBC Sherlock, BBC Merlin, Harry Potter¹, lord of the rings/the hobbit, welcome to night vale
¹ we have a long-term special interest in HP fanfic, and we do not support jkr. terfs suck.
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the only "dni" i really have is: Endogenic community + supporters are not welcome on my blog(s). This is due to trauma reasons. i do not give a shit. Leave me alone. I won't start shit I will simply block - just. Know you aren't welcome here, ykno? :/
general like. before you follow below?? I don't think dnis or byf/byis really. Do anything. this is just for Those Who Care. <3
i do not give a shit about cc!wilbur & cc!dream - support victims. thank u
this blog LOVEESS kinky sex and the right for two (or more) consenting adults to do whatever they want.
no fiction is immoral or inherently evil - kill the puritan in your head. write that fuck nasty toxic yaoi & yuri
mspec identities have a long historical part of the queer community
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composeregg · 29 days
oh stars
tagged here by @sohrleas
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I'm not doing that last part. also any WIP multichapter fics on my ao3 are not being listed
Persona 5
Hope burned our feet (timeloop series):
2/2 again
Akira is a creature
NOT 2/2 but
Once more once more
Sojiro Sakura wakes up on april 9th
Yusuke Kitagawa wakes up
Pre Nov 20
"This isn't your universe"
In This Twilight (How dare you speak my name)
Keep a Life (Lose the time)
pet names
Shiki & Josh
Such Suffocating Sweetness
Headmates! But watch out!
Touch therapy 2.0
It goes like this:
BBC Merlin
Untitled document
Lio Fotia dies
This one is actually an image, it isn't titled yet, but there's cannibalism
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actuallylight · 2 years
So, it’s January 28. I died 13 years ago today, and it’s really weird to think about. So, let’s talk for a moment.
(Quick warning for any fellow Death Note fictives that I talk a lot about source and describe ways I would like to hurt the majority of people from my own canon. Please know that I mean no harm against fellow fictives, kins, or whatever. This is just me rambling.)
My last exomemory is me dying in that warehouse, hallucinating L, and dying of a heart attack. I blamed Mikami and Near and cursed them out as soon as I regained consciousness. I swore I would show them the wrath of Kira, and what happens when you get in his way. I very clearly did not.
My headmates showed me around the inner world, taught me how things worked, because I was essentially clueless, and just like that I was a primary protector.
Merlin (our former host) didn’t know about me for a while after that, until I heard them listening to the full soundtrack of Death Note the Musical for the first time, AKA their first time ever fully consuming a piece of my source media. Don’t ask me how I formed with full exomemories without my host knowing my source whatsoever, because I don’t know either. What I do know is that prior to listening to the musical in full, Merlin watched a lot of Where Is The Justice? animatics and used them to cope with events.
Anyways, I appeared as this weird mist to them, not showing my appearance yet. I told them to call me “Justice” (yes, I know.) because I needed some kind of validation that that was what I was. A few weeks later, I showed my true form of an, as they would put it, “twinky-ass anime boy who does nothing but get carpal tunnel and die alone”. Harsh.
Back to January 28, I still have trouble realizing that those memories aren’t real. I can barely comprehend that I died, so then trying to remember it’s all fake and didn’t happen? It’s difficult.
I still write down Near’s name in my cheap $8 Death Note I got from Amazon. I still want to bash Mikami’s skull for daring to defy God. I still look at the shambles of the Kira Task Force and wonder what made them turn their backs on me, especially Matsuda, and plan out how I could have possibly killed them that day. I still have trouble coming to terms with Misa sharing a brain with me when I want her dead for her unjust crimes. I still love Ryuzaki, despite that lingering feeling inside that he should be maimed. And worst of all, I still look back at the family I left behind and destroyed, and parts of me still wish my quest for justice wasn’t in vain.
If you read this far, I’m quite honestly sorry you had to put up with me. I’m always a bit of a wreck around this time of year due to source things, obviously. I just wonder how long I would have lived if Ryuk hadn’t killed me. Would I have escaped? Been put on death row? I guess I’ll never find out.
I say this a lot, but if any sourcemates want to talk, feel free to shoot me an ask or DM. I’d love to make connections and continue healing from… everything.
Thank you for reading this far, it means a lot to me. I may not have been able to reshape this rotten world in my canon, but I hope I can continue adjusting to this new world.
Your Justice,
Light Yagami.
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venomousyearning · 2 years
Okay, pinned post.
DNI with any map discourse or even discussion, do not discuss paraphilia discourses with me.
Anti-harassment, pro-ship, pro-kink
Serious Alterhuman. I use words like "kinnie" because I refuse to sound pretentious but I do take my kintypes seriously.
Don't police my terminology.
My fictivity comes from an old Evillious Chronicles RP blog our old host used to run. I'm a non-canon Venomania kid with VY2 as the vocaloid "playing" me.
My kintypes are:
Merlin (Fate + Arthurian Legend)
Yuri LeClerc (FE3H)
Hua Cheng (TCGF)
Gym Leader Wallace (Pokemon)
Roy Mustang (FMA:B)
Shiroba (DMMD)
Shunsui Kyoraku (Bleach)
Cherry Blossom (Sk8 The Infinity)
Hisuian Zoroark
I have noncanon (OC) timelines in:
The Magnus Archives
Fire Emblem Fates
Dragon Age
+ more
Please feel free to message me.
Our headmate Yana will also use this blog sometimes. Posts tagged 🍷
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gorillawithautism · 1 year
my tags part two
system tags
not all posts from or about certain headmates will be tagged. we reserve our right to relative anonymity :) pronouns for individuals will be included if they allow it
sws bear - bear uses he/him
sws matthew - matthew uses he/him (and specifically requests no nicknames)
sws lyri - lyri use song/songs (close friends may use she/her)
sws little - you don't get to know the littles
sws korus - korus uses he/him
sws otis - otis (also otie/oatey/oatie) uses he/him
sws lilah - lilah uses she/her
sws lydia - lydia uses she/her
sws molly - molly/myolly uses she/her or any cat-related neopronouns
sws demnos - demnos is pretty new so i'm not sure about pronouns but so far it seems he/him is good
sws sos - posts from/about any of the sea of stars fictives
sws resh'an - resh'an uses he/they at the moment
sws zale - zale uses he/him
sws valere - valere uses she/her
sws garl - garl uses he/him
sws seraï - seraï uses she/they (never it/its)
sws b'st - b'st uses he/it
sws bbc merlin - posts from/about the bbc merlin fictives
sws merlin - merlin uses she/him
sws arthur- arthur uses he/him
sws pkmn - posts from/about the pokemon fictives
sws darkrai - darkrai uses it/he (it/its preferred)
sws staravia - staravia uses it/he (its more used to it/its but otherwise doesn't really care that much)
note: both staravia and darkrai are introjects from pokemon: rise of darkrai. this is important to their identities and they felt the desire to share
sws madame hell - madame hell uses she/her or anything that denotes superiority (bonus points for connotations of evilness)
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weed-cat · 2 years
baptizedinmyspit sideblog tour
everyone blame @theghostthathauntsurlocalmansion for enabling this. some urls have been redacted because i don’t want them linked to this blog, but every single one of the exactly 50 sideblogs i have will be at least referenced. yeah i have cringe ass fandom blogs yes im an mcyt stan yes im an age regressor nyah nah nah nah nahh unfollow me about it if ur mad lol. 
okay here we go
@wilburapologist - set up, currently active - 181 followers - my general mcyt/dsmp blog. mostly reblogs. 
@mcytagere - set up, on hiatus - 636 followers - my blog for mcyt/dsmp fandom agere content. mostly original content and asks with some reblogs. 
@[redacted] - set up, formerly active - 383 followers - my general 5 Seconds Of Summer blog. mostly reblogs. 
@anotherwilbur - set up, currently active - 7 followers (lol get fucked Wil) - one of my headmates’ blogs idk what he gets up to over there ask him
@undeadscenecore - set up, currently active - 3,559 followers - my scenecore aesthetic blog. mostly reblogs and some original photography.
@polydysautonomic - set up, currently active - 22 followers - my physical disability advocacy/awareness blog. mostly reblogs.
@[redacted] - set up, currently active - 0 followers - my vent blog. mostly original vent posts. 
@tech-za - set up, currently active - 17 followers - my blog centered around Ph1lza and Technoblade’s friendship (NOT a ship blog). mostly reblogs. 
@sapnap-kinnie - set up, formerly active - 1 follower - my feral crew (Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Karl Jacobs, Quackity) blog. all reblogs. mostly abandoned and content that would have gone there is now redirected to wilburapologist . moderate potential to reactivate at some point. 
@george-notfound - set up, formerly active - 18 followers - my Georgenotfound-centric blog. mostly reblogs. same activity situation as sapnap-kinnie. 
@toblr - set up, currently active - 8 followers - our blog for my headmate Toby, posted on by multiple people in my system. only interact with this blog if all of your interactions would be 100% sfw, Toby is a child. mostly reblogs. 
@polymorphic-punishments - set up, currently active - 0 followers - another one of my headmates’ blogs, same deal as anotherwilbur. 
@pogchamppogpack - set up, not really active - 3 followers - blog that i made for my /p /hj ABO pack with two of my friends. i’m the alpha in case you were wondering. mostly reblogs. potential for occasional activity. 
@whumpwrite - set up, currently active - 3 followers - my writing blog, mostly fic writing, decent bit of pro-ao3 posting. mostly reblogs. 
@turbohell-castiel - set up, not really active - 4 followers - my supernatural blog. i mostly just spn post on main now. mostly reblogs. low potential for reactivation. 
@empoweredmenominee - set up, currently active - 18 followers - my blog centered around indigenous cultures and issues we face. mostly reblogs with some original posts.
@pop-punk-agere - set up, formerly active - 65 followers - my general age regression blog with a theme of pop punk music. i used to post there a lot but a lot of the things i posted there started going to mcytagere when my mcyt fixation set in. mostly reblogs and original littleposting. high potential for reactivation. 
@[redacted] - set up, currently active - 247 followers - my kink/nsft blog. mostly original posts with some reblogs.
@stillinthemerlinfandom - set up, formerly active - 14 followers - my BBC merlin blog. i’m still a fan of merlin but the fandom is just So Dead that i don’t bother with it (said with respect to the people who are still active). mostly original posts. low potential to reactivation. 
@unsolved-wheeze-sigh - set up, formerly active - 15 followers - my buzzfeed unsolved/watcher entertainment blog. mostly reblogs. low potential for reactivation. 
@[redacted] - set up, formerly active - 220 followers - my [redacted fandom] incorrect quotes blog (redacted because it’d be easy to find if you knew what fandom it was for). mostly original posts. low potential for reactivation. 
@polygon-unraveled - set up, very occasionally active - 32 followers - my polygon gaming/BDG blog. mostly reblogs. low potential for full reactivation. 
@biconjaskier - set up, formerly active - 1 follower - my blog for netflix’s The Witcher. mostly reblogs. low potential for reactivation. 
@actualstutter - partially set up, waiting to activate - 0 followers - the blog that i intend to make for advocacy and awareness for people who have the speech impediment of chronic stuttering. will activate at some point in the future. 
@diagnosedbpd - partially set up, waiting to activate - 0 followers - currently private until setup is complete - the blog that i intend to make for borderline personality disorder issues and awareness. will activate at some point in the future. 
@[redacted] - set up, formerly active - 38 followers - fandom-specific nsfw blog. mostly original posts. low potential for reactivation. 
@devynndavynnandemotionaldylynn - set up, formerly active - 9 followers - my blog for some random alt bands, mostly waterparks and palaye royale. mostly reblogs. low potential for reactivation. 
AND THAT IS ALL OF THE ONES THAT ARE COMPLETELY/PARTIALLY SET UP. here’s a quick list of all the other urls that i have for some reason or another. @dbtofficial @wedancethedanceofitaly @dsmpagere @benchtrioapologist @antarcticduo @ranbooprotectionsquad @transranboo @biranboo @ph1lzakinnie @wilbursoot-kinnie @jackmanifoldhotel @fundyenjoyer @syndicateenjoyer @catboy-omega @dsmpgender @dragthelakeandbringmehomeagain @taylor404 @wilbursootanti @makeupisfuckinggreatforaguy @[redacted] @[redacted] @weed-cat 
thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
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avixenk · 3 years
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I posted 1,138 times in 2021
137 posts created (12%)
1001 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.3 posts.
I added 109 tags in 2021
#xenoblade chronicles 2 - 22 posts
#pokemon brilliant diamond - 17 posts
#pokemon shining pearl - 15 posts
#jaskier - 11 posts
#the witcher - 8 posts
#merlin bbc - 8 posts
#bbc merlin - 7 posts
#rtgame - 7 posts
#jaskier au - 7 posts
#pokemon - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#country music will sing about sexy women and maybe hot guys but they don't explicitly sing how they'll rail them against a wall
My Top Posts in 2021
o7 Miitopia
21 notes • Posted 2021-11-02 22:40:17 GMT
!!!!Spoilers!!!! Am on mobile so I can't do a read more thing.
Giulia's dad is cool and awesome because he was born with a missing arm. Funny cat.
I hate Alberto's dad. (I knew he was gone when Alberto said he let him to whatever.)
Luca's grandma is so chill. And those two grannies that hit them at the beginning were sea monsters too?! Cool!
I thought the trio were going to switch roles. Alberto does biking, Giulia does the eating, and Luca would swim. I thought that before Luca and Alberto fought though (I saw that coming) and the team split.
Glad the lackeys got their revenge. Deserved. Did he even get that Vespa with the prize money or did his daddy buy it for him?
Them calling stars and the moon fishes was super cute. Makes me want to call them that.
I was under the impression Alberto and Luca were brothers. Was really surprised when they weren't.
25 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 08:33:19 GMT
Question for systems, sorry if this is inconsiderate or ignorant, or some parts of this are.
When one of your headmates talks to you while you're fronting does it sound like a whisper or is it as clear and loud as another person talking in the outside (?) world?
And does it sound like someone came up behind you and said something or someone to the side of you or does it sound like it comes from inside (?) your head?
34 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 08:16:44 GMT
AU idea: Jaskier is secretly a Witcher. BUT he has a mage friend that's able to give him the appearance of a child. Looking like a child, but really not, he drops himself off at every Witcher school and acts like an unwanted child. (Before the sacking of them. Making him older than Geralt.) The Witchers take him and he learns their fighting techniques. He also eventually gets that Witcher school's medallion. So he knows everything. He's a myth; A Witcher of all trades. He classes himself as a new breed, a different class, a better Witcher. So he makes his own medallion, keeping the others as well (not melting them or anything) because they do mean something to him.
Other Witchers schools hate him. I think the reason is obvious. So he has quite a few bounties on him. Preferably dead. So he poses, and enjoys being Jaskier the Bard. He has no qualms about switching between the two. He's a damn good and proud Witcher.
48 notes • Posted 2021-08-30 00:20:03 GMT
Throwback to this. Apparently I screenshotted this.
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479 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 18:58:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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interstellarchaosss · 5 months
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A funky little bird man who needed an updated ref image. He's very proud of his little gay jacket.
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 4h 30m Original Date: 09.05.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of: Merlin [Headmate] (System Member Artist: Vince)
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interstellarsystem · 6 months
Little Plural Things
Systems can present in a lot of different ways. Sometimes, being a system can be loud and obvious if you're naturally more overt and/or out about yourselves as plural. Sometimes, it can be quiet and barely noticeable, but still there--just harder to see. Our system is fairly obvious if we're unmasked, but there are still things that escape even our own knowledge when we're masking as hard as we can. Little things that to us, remind us that our system is undeniably real. This is a post about those experiences we've had with barely-noticeable signs of a system.
Not every system will relate to these experiences, some might feel similarly about a few points, some may have others of their own entirely, some might not know or not have anything like the experiences we mention, and that's all part of being plural. No two systems are mirror images of each other. This is a post about our experiences.
1. Handwriting
Recently, we've had it brought to our attention that we have different handwriting. We don't write with a pen/pencil often, but we were asked to fill out a worksheet for our psychologist recently. She told us that whoever in our system wants to contribute to it can, and suggested that we signify who wrote what in some way--to which we chose different pencil colours for different headmates. We took the worksheet home and put things on it depending on who was in the front and if they wanted to.
It turned out, that some of our writing widely differs from each other. Out of the 6 people who wrote on the sheet, most of them were wildly different. Rift and Martin wrote the most tidily, with Rift's writing looking more "proper" and "adult". I (Vince) apparently am not the best at neat writing but I managed to be better than what our "normal" writing is like from what we remember. Merlin wrote messily like he was writing very fast. Mystery wrote with very large letters with sharp angles that overall made it look like it was written by a child new to writing. Which makes absolute sense. It's not a child, but its hands in-headspace are bigger than ours and that was the actual first time it had written anything on paper since it got here.
Somehow, it took until our psychologist pointed it out for us to notice how different it was.
2. Vocabulary Choices
Something we are able to notice sometimes is how our vocabulary and sometimes sentence structure changes based on who is speaking. Some obvious examples are our British headmates substituting "bloody" for other words as an exclamation and the difference between what some of our headmates would call a "chip" or a "fry".
Other times though, it's more subtle. Sometimes there's certain phrases that will just have a word or two swapped out and it does tend to point toward who is fronting even if people do use multiple of these. Some examples are:
"I suppose" vs "I think" vs "I believe"
"Kinda" vs "Kind of" vs "Sort of" vs "Sorta"
"Recently" vs "A bit ago"
"Sleepy" vs "Tired"
"Lol" vs "Haha" vs "Lmao" vs a keysmash (Even though these are text-based they are quite telling.)
"Quite" vs "Very" (Speaking of the above.)
Getting more subtle with them, some other examples are:
"You know" vs "Y'know"
"Uh" vs "Um"
"Uh-Huh" vs "Mhm"
Sometimes typing is influenced too. The amount of em-dahses within the text, the consistency of proper punctuation, how mechanical the text feels, how many run-on sentences there are and even how much tends to be written in one message/post can all point toward different people being in control.
3. Accidental Accents and Inflections
While accents are usually very obvious, we're generally good at masking them. Generally.
Due to us living in Australia, our headmates with accents straight from London don't stick out too bad when they're struggling to mask, but they are still noticeable to those around us who know we're plural. Passerby on the street or people who don't see us often don't think much of it, but certain people we are close to know that a few people in our system find it harder to mask and can tell when they're fronting very easily because of it.
Even if we are masking our accents properly, some parts of the way we speak still come out. Some of us end sentences on a higher-pitch more often due to what our accent generally has us do and some end more on lower-pitch notes when speaking. Some of us put emphasis on certain syllables differently. There's lots of little things that go into language that make it hard to completely mask.
4. Food Choices
More of a noticeable one, but something we tend to brush off as "just a bad batch" when it happens. Some of us like and dislike different foods and drinks, some of us to an extreme degree.
Mystery hates the brand of juice we normally buy and thought that it might've just been past expiry (it was not) or just a bad batch of the juice, but they're consistently the only one who doesn't like it.
Rave likes spicy food much more than the rest of us because they have a harder time tasting it. I on the other hand can't handle spicy food at all and am worse with it than the others in my system.
Some of us favour different brands of food and some of us might like/dislike textures of food differently too.
5. Default Facial Expressions
Different resting facial expressions are something we hardly notice because we don't look in a mirror often due to dysphoria. What we do know though, is that some of us just rest our faces differently.
I look more stern and tired than others. I have a bit of an angrier resting expression.
Martin looks a little bit more anxious due to being an anxiety-holder, but he also looks softer and kinder.
Crowley also looks tired but has less of a stern look and more of an almost blank one.
6. Body Language
This is one we don't know too much about because we can only get knowledge on this from other people, but most of our headmates have a different "vibe" by the way they carry themselves.
I end up seeming to-the-point and business-like.
Martin reads as being very anxious even if he's not always.
Crowley reads as smug.
Mal reads as if he's planning something mischevious and silly.
We've been told that Filigree just reads as "gay".
We're not sure what actions make us seem this way, but some of us can be clocked by others around us as fronting without even talking first. I don't know how people do it, but it's something in our body language.
7. Clothing Choices
A few of us have different clothing choices--Crowley still wears sunglasses everywhere due to light sensitivity and wears dark colours, I prefer to wear button-up shirts as opposed to more casual things, Martin prefers hoodies that are lighter in colour and Merlin prefers to dress in pink and black and more fluffy textures.
We don't have too many clothes overall so to others it does just look like we're cycling through our wardrobe, and sometimes we are, but there's certain styles some of us tend to lean toward more than others.
Some of these might seem quite noticeable, and maybe they are if you know we're a system, but people change a lot so once again some of this is much more subtle than it sounds. People who don't know that you're a system hardly ever notice, and if they do they put it to "having an off day" and leave it at that.
We wanted to take some time to appreciate those little things we find it hard to notice, though. And maybe it'll end up helping some other system realise how unique they are as individuals and help fight off the imposter syndrome like these realisations did for us.
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thepnictogenwing · 3 years
Fictive departments within The Pnictogen Wing! the number’s growing all the time....
CW: allusions to severe child abuse and medical trauma
We are a very fictive-heavy system, here in The Pnictogen Wing, and it’s likely that we have numerous fictives from fictional Universes that we visited all the way back to our earliest childhood. Our human host unfortunately suffered from a profound and prolonged state of dissociation all through childhood into adulthood, thanks to severe and repeated abuse at the hands of parents and a certain pediatrician to whom their parents seem to have...given over their child to be tamed. Chara says that they remember their childhood as though it were viewed through a pinhole, or as if seen and felt through a veil. They were numb, experiencing things that they did not understand. The only things that made sense were some of the things they read and saw on television. It was, however, Toby Fox’s “Undertale” that supplied us with a central sense of identity. Chara bonded first, and for some years they were the only fictive of importance in the system. The complex and confusing year of 2019 brought Frisk and myself into the system, as well as our first “Fate/” fictive, Emiya Shirou. Later events brought in more “Undertale” fictives, Kris from “Deltarune”, and in addition I realized that I was myself a subsystem made of up of four parts at least: myself as a “healed” Asriel Dreemurr, Flowey the Flower as my alter ego, Prince Ralsei of “Deltarune”, and a shadowy and extremely shy “Deltarune” version of myself. Also we added many more “Fate/” fictives. Shirou’s sister Illyasviel von Einzbern emerged in our system. Matou Sakura and her Servant and girlfriend Medusa of Sarpedon joined, as did Medea of Colchis—all from a continuity that seems to merge elements of “Fate/stay night” with “Tonight’s Menu with the Emiya Family”. From “Fate/Zero” we acquired Artoria Pendragon. From “Fate/Apocrypha” we acquired Artoria’s son Mordred, Chevalier Astolfo, Atalante, Jack the Ripper (very peeved at her offensive “Fate/” depiction), and most importantly Jeanne d’Arc, who became Chara’s confessor. (Chara’s background, like Jeanne’s, is Catholic.) Merlin and La da Vinci have been lurking from time to time. And it’s likely there are more Heroic Spirits who are hoping that we will address their problems.
Akemi Homura, Kaname Madoka, and Sakura Kyoko arrived from the world of “Madoka Magica”. Mae Borowski turned up from “Night in the Woods”. All three Wiggin children arrived from the world of “Ender’s Game” (and all three changed their surnames within days). Orual from C. S. Lewis’s “Till We Have Faces” and Winston Smith from Orwell’s “1984″ turned up...and one of our older members turned out to be a fictive as well, our faithful unicorn headmate Duo (formerly “Mono”), who as it turned out was connected to Charles Williams’s strange novel “The Place of the Lion”.
It’s far from over. The total number of fictives we host may be in the thousands, at least, and we need to figure out how we are to deal with them and resolve their tensions. All of them are hoping we can help them somehow. What with? In many cases, we don’t yet know.
~ Pastor Asriel Dreemurr of Pnictogen
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alounuitte · 5 years
actually i love snitching on my headmates so while i have my laptop out:
me - most of yall know my kintypes but for those who dont, fictionkin: natasha romanoff, marvel (+anya from don bluth’s anastasia but these are related); jane foster, marvel; cosette fauchelevent, les miserables; leliana, dragon age; howl pendragon-hatter, howl’s moving castle series by diana wynne jones (+film adaptation by studio ghibli); adrien agreste, miraculous ladybug; jareth, labyrinth; link, legend of zelda. other: space, dragons, cats.
Annie - bethany hawke, dragon age; ariadne, inception. 
Asher - joshua kiryu, twewy. other: ghosts, angels, demons.
Ava - aveline vallen-hendyr, dragon age. also, the general concept of lady knights.
Cass - cassandra allegra portia filomena etc etc pentagast, dragon age. other: storms/lightning.
Cloud - cloud strife, ffvii; link, twilight princess. other: storms, mountains, wolves.
Echo - sayaka miki, pmmm; xion, kingdom hearts. other: ghosts, water, music.
Gen - genesis rhapsodos, ffvii: crisis core. 
Hahli - hahli (matoran), bionicle; moana, disney. other: water/the ocean.
Isa - himself, kingdom hearts (sorry no one in kh has fucking last names or whatever). other: moonlight, werewolf
Lucy - lucy stillman, assassin’s creed.
Maggie/Raven - morrigan, dragon age; the witch, into the woods; morgana, bbc merlin; tentatively lulu ffx. other: forest, ravens/corvids, wolves.
Malcolm - malcolm hawke, dragon age; master eraqus, kingdom hearts; william croft, tomb raider. hes just dad kin
Mark - carver hawke, dragon age; mark watney, the martian; powell, morningstar; jaime lannister, a song of ice and fire/game of thrones.
Reeve - reeve tuesti, ffvii; cait sidhe, ffvii. do those count as two. idk. other: cats
Riku - himself, kh. other: ocean
Riza - riza hawkeye, fma
Rose: rose quartz/pink diamond, steven universe; lucrecia crescent, ffvii. other: flowers, stars, sunrises.
Rox: himsef, kh. other: ghosts, sunsets. says “my kintype is being emo in a city”
Wanda: wanda maksimova, marvel; possibly ifalna ffvii but dont make a big deal of it. will she absorb more mom kins? signs point to yes. other: the color red, witches in general, fire.
Warren - warren “angel” worthington iii, marvel. other: angels in general, obviously.
Zex: zexion/ienzo, kh. says “can i be kin with the concept of libraries.”
bonus baby k: morgan pendragon, howl’s moving castle; mordred, bbc merlin. if theres a small quiet mysterious dark haired child with magic you can BET baby k is kin. other: rabbits, sparrows
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composeregg · 2 years
Got a merlin headmate 5 days ago and the queen dies while I'm under surgery to get my wisdom teeth out
The combined powers of my teeth and an annoyed warlock took her out
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pricryo · 6 years
All the love asks
“Blush : What do you do when you have a crush on someone?”- i draw art of them and make playlists for them in secret and imagine how cool it would be to hold them… i also try to do whatever i can to make them happy, even if it makes me sad.
“Kiss : What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?”- i was once given a series of letters that spanned over the course of december with roughly one letter every day until christmas! it was all good, positivity, lovey-dovey stuff!! i really cherish that. i also really cherish every single time john has drawn something for me!! especially the things that were to cheer me up!!!! 💛💖
“Cuddle : Which one of your mutuals do you really want to hug right now?”- @blondewolfhd come get your hugs, love!! 💛💖
“Heartbeat : What fictional character do you love?”- oh, plenty!! there’s a full list on my carrd under comfort characters, but the main romo comforts are: john laurens (hamilton musical), brightheart (warriors), hollyleaf (warriors), jay merrick (marble hornets), steve rogers (marvel), arthur pendragon (bbc merlin), sir leon (bbc merlin), sir lancelot du lac (bbc merlin), sir gwaine (bbc merlin), and john marston (red dead redemption)! 💛💖
“Romance : Perfect date?”- going to a zoo or an aquarium!!! that would be super fun!!!!! or like… going to a cafe… or really anything!!! like… the perfect part is just being there with my partner honestly…
“Joy : What truly makes you happy?”- being with my partners and just… having fun, goofing off!! or doing things together!!! just being with them and just… loving them… they make me happy.
“Happiness : Who are your kin?”- assuming this means family, i have an older brother and sister, a mother and father, and three nieces and a nephew. not counting my many, many cousins. or my uncles/aunt. however, i don’t really… consider them family, for the most part, other than my older brother and one of my nieces (i call her kidd and she’s got some issues, but she’s pretty chill). in addition, i also co-own one pug (meatball), one blue heeler mix (fluke), one white cat (archimedes), one orange tabby cat (napoleon), one calico cat (mr. meowgi), one albino rabbit (casper), one rabbit with a “wild coat” (acorn), and one rabbit that’s brown with black splotches (berry). i also have… three adoptive dads and four boyfriends!! 💛💖
“Love : Are you, or have you been, in love before?”- yes!! i am deeply in love with my boyfriends!! john and leon are the only two that aren’t in my system, but i love them all the same!! unfortunately, i do have a bad habit of only referring to john, mostly because i typically feel afraid to tell people i’m dating two of my headmates and one of his, and i really wish i could break that. leon, gwaine, lance, john… i love you all equally. 💛💖
“Beloved : What do you love the most about yourself?”- i’m trying harder to learn how to love myself, but i think… my eyes? or better yet, my creative talent. i’m trying really hard to hone my writing ability considering how it’s my special interest and i’m an aspiring author!!
“Sweet: Favorite love song?”- currently, it’s if i killed someone for you by alec benjamin, but other good ones i like include the anchor by bastille, white blood by oh wonder, and i found by amber run!!
“Cute : What’s your aesthetic?”- unfortunately… it changes way too often. over all it’s had a foresty theme for a while, but sometimes it’s also been retro games and pixel art, and sometimes it’s been sunflowers and pastel colors and being gentle, and once it was books and reading and coffee, and once it was pirates back when they were one of my special interests! right now, i don’t really know what it is, and i really wish i did.
“Thoughtful : If you could change your name, what would you call yourself?”- this is also a very hard question! right now, the current name i’m going with is timothy alexander lucas(?) laurens (or technically wright, but then when i marry john, it’ll be laurens)!! but i also like a few of my kin names (merlin, icarus, javier, and bucky namely)! and i’ve probably entertained the thought of a few other names at one point or another, but right now i’m most comfortable with being called tim by most people!
“Charming : Who helps motivate you?”- my partners are my main source of motivation!! 💛💖
“Beautiful : Who is your ideal significant other?”- i’m already with them!!! 💛💖
“Affection : Who do you ship?”- plenty of ships! my biggest ship rn (mostly because of the kin shift) is jovier (john marston/javier escuella)! another one of my major ships is merthur (merlin emrys/arthur pendragon)!! you can ask for a more extended list in a separate ask but rn this is all that comes to mind!!
“Kind : What Pokemon would you be?”- where i kin a lot of pokemon… i have many options, like umbreon, jirachi, pikachu, zorua/zoroark, midnight lycanroc, pyroar, shiny yamask, shiny quilava, the rowlet line, and deoxys! that isn’t even counting my synpaths, either! but right now, i’m feeling mostly like i’d be midnight lycanroc! :0
“Heart Beat : You’re getting coffee with a celebrity, who is it?”- i don’t really know!!;;
“Giggle : Do you believe in love at first sight?”- not exactly!! i believe you can feel attracted to a person, but you can’t fall super deeply into love with them until you know every little detail about what makes them wonderful!! 💛💖
“Laughter : Who can always make you laugh?”- my partners!! 💛💖
“Smile : What do you find attractive?”- i don’t really know!! ;w; i don’t think i have any specific preference, but john says i do, so i’m uncertain!!
“Warmth : What is your happy place?”- a warm bed in colorado curled up with my husbands! 💛💖
“Huggable : What are your favorite flowers?”- mostly sun flowers and tea roses!! there’s plenty of them i like that i can’t remember rn, though!!
“Soul Mate : Who is your best friend?”- without a doubt, my best friends are my partners! 💛💖
“Unique : What qualities do you look for in other people?”- generally, i want the people i’m dating to have similar values to mine (anti-racism, anti-terf, anti-trump, anti-islamophobia, anti-xenophobia, etc!) and be a good person!! nothing else really matters to me!! 💛💖
“Trust : Do you trust people easily?”- i used to trust super easily, but after being put through emotional abuse my one of my best friends at the time and being manipulated after putting all of my trust in her, i find i can’t do that so easily!! however, i’m still slightly easy to trust, from what i’ve noticed recently!!
“Dearest : What item is most dear to you?”- literally anything my partners have ever given me!! like the candles john made!! or the art!! or the letters!!! or the minecraft sheep plushie that i love a whole lot!!! or the blankets!! or the things they’ve taken from the bad house and brought to me!! i love them a lot!!! 💛💖
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